  • Report:  #258336

Complaint Review: F1 Hoverpod Racing - Internet

Reported By:
- Leatherhead, Other,

F1 Hoverpod Racing
www.fihoverpod.com Internet, United Kingdom
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
F1 Hoverpod Racing

F1 Hoverpod Racing http://f1hoverpod-con.spaces.live.com

22 February

F1 Hoverpod; CON - Run by the prominent Peter Hulbert Esq..

The F1 Hoverpod Racing and group of companies are nothing but a facade, with no substances or finance.

Check out www.f1hoverpod.com and www.f1hoverpodracing.com

You will find the following points of information

a) Governed by and registered with the "World Hoverpod Federation", Geneva, Switzerland - this is printed right across the bottom of the website. I understand that this federation does not exist; the intention was to create a myth to hide behind some sort of connection at Swiss Bank, and to create a wall to hide behind, from any litigations. (Clever Really).

b) Partner links:

- Southern BTF. The directors are alleged to have been involved in fraud, the company is not trading. try to communicate with them and you will not get far.

- www.Isle-of-Man.com & Government sitesI understand the sites are included into the F1 HP site, these are public sites and to get links is easy, the trade off for the links is, I believe, Peter made a promise to call the first craft Manx GT, a reference to Isle of man.

- Ginetta cars. In speaking with Ginetta cars, they have no involvement with the project. The company involved in contract work is a company called FibreForm, which build cars for Ginetta, and again it looks like the Great Peter Story, was holding them captivated, but has not been progressed.

- Discovery Beach Australia. The Chairman, Bernard OBrian, was recently asked why after two years of association with the project, there has been no investmenst or investors to bring this to life, He replied, that he could not trust "Peter Hulbert"and though the project is one of the best thing he has seen in twenty years, you would dare not invest or bring investors to the table, whilst Peter was running the program.

I understand the engine manufacturer refused to offer any exclusive deals and refused permission for the Company's name to be linked to their website. I believe the company is called Webber Motors, based in Germany.

c) Local Clubs. No clubs exists, although one has been formed in London, and they have resigned to the fact they have lost 20000 in license fees.

The program for F1 Hoverpod is based on buying a Hovpod, the current designers are based in Southampton, and a company called Reaction International, Pete Ward, the owner of Hovpod did not want to be involved with Peter Hulbert. I understand Peter Hulbert, finally purchased one on eBay, from the proceeds of the London license to be scanned in Essex, and than, sell the so called blue prints to manufacture (under license off-course), to any body that bought in to the program. The Hoverpod was to be distroyed once copied. Annual license of 100000 pa per country. Although there is genuine and legitimate business out there, people that did come forward, quickly retracted once they meet Mr. Hulbert. (I think its called sixth sense). Under such a license, you would than sublicense to other contractors. One group of licensee recently lost 20000 as the F1 Hoverpod are not in a position to honoring the agreement, and the company is not liquid to get any money refunded back, any chance of litigation would involve waste of further monies. Instead Peter Hulbert, when questioned resorted to threats of violence and intimidations. He is also accused, I understand of theft from a fellow director / partner, and is now being investigated by the Companies house, and the DTI for malpractice as a director. He is a real con artist, he is meticulous in his plots and mind games, and then attacks. I also understand that one of the investors has received violent threats and has been bullied; to the end I believe the police have now actually cautioned Peter Hulbert.

I also understand the bullying extended to friends and too their families. I have seen all correspondence and can verify of their existence. I created this Blog under anonymity, as I dont wish to be associated with the likes of Peter Hulberts of this world, or to expose my friends and families to the intimidation that his previous victims have suffered, but to expose this man for a CROOK, BULLY, and a LIAR, and too warn people if they wished to be associated with this man personally or in business, than they should be careful of this man. They should at the very least check to see if all their fingers are still there after shaking hands with the man. His intimidation and mind games extended to a such level that he recently reduced a bereaved mother of a young child aged 12, to near breakdown, with promises of building million dollar deals, and cutting her into it to help her and young son, than when his stories got too much for him, he changed numbers on his phones, he arranged to meet her at a station, and kept her waiting by not showing up on purpose to teach her a lesson and I am reliable told it was to get her out of his life. He actually lied and told her he was over in the US on business, and would not be back for a while. This poor lady was inconsolable from what I hear. I understand he is so financially secure that he has to live with his parents, his bullying even extended to the fact he reduced his parents in their late 70's to call the police, to have him removed from their home. I am also reliably informed that he is so flushed with success that only gets incoming calls on his top up mobile phones, his business runs on VoIP, so nobody really knows where he lives, and again the VoIP is used for incoming calls only. Looks like Mr. Hulbert is a real wheeler dealer in the finance world, doing his multi-squeelion $$$ deals. Nice one Peter, may be we could all set up a collection for you, what say you?

If this is not enough proof take a look out how popular this guy really is, log in to http://www.hovercraft.org.uk/hcgb.htm follow the link to the Bulletin board, click on to General section scan pages 1,2,3 and look for anything with "Mental Health H" login sign. Even the call sign is a real give away.

I also believe he was also involved in trying to bully a Kip McCollam, a prominent figure as a designer, a man of immense integrity and reputation in the Hovercraft fraternity, and his son, who unfortunately lost his eye sight to an illness into working with him. When they refused, Mr."Hulbert" tried to destroy him with his threats, but not only him but his family. All that remains to be said, is buyer beware, PETER HULBERT is a really nice piece of work, to be in business with or associated with. Do not entertain him with privileged information as it only stays privileged till it suits him, this is some thing else that has been mentioned in confidence by another victim


Statement from Reaction International Ltd, manufacturer of the Hov Pod.

We wish it to be known that we have no connection with F1 Hoverpod Racing.

We consider the use of the Hov Pod videos and images on F1 Hoverpod Racing website as unlawful and misleading.

We understand that F1 Hoverpod Racing has tried to copy our product design.

If any individual wishes to contact us for further discussions regarding purchase of the Hov Pod, for leisure, commercial or rental use, please contact us through our website: www.hovpod.com


a) Governed by and registered with the "World Hoverpod Federation", Geneva, Switzerland - this is printed right across the bottom of the website. I understand that this federation does not exist;

The website for the "World Hoverpod Federation", Geneva, Switzerland is shown in the promotional company material as being: www.worldhoverpodfederation.com

This site is currently not active, but when it was a few weeks ago, it appeared to be a site with something to do with what appeared to be a multi-level marketing business.

The actual World Hovercraft website is: www.worldhovercraft.org

Others global sites include:

UK - www.hovercraft.org.uk

America - www.hoverclubofamerica.org

Denmark - www.hovercraftclub.dk

New Zealand - www.hovercraft.co.nz

And if you are interested in the Hovercraft World Championships that has been successfully running since the late 80's, check out the 2006 website:


Here is some footage from the event: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VFJ0L5OQ_s

The promotion of the World HOVERPOD Federation, is that the word Hoverpod is the trademark name of their Hovercraft Machines, as well as the Events they are running.

They effectivly have no association with World HOVERCRAFT, and if anything, are going to be in competition with existing events currently happening on most global continents.



United Kingdom

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United Kingdom
Complete Denial to the irresponsible allegation posted by Reaction International to which is Liable

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 13, 2008

Whilst this posting has caused some eyebrows to be raised, the people behind this "Very Liable" statement can assume that when appropriate to do so, Legal Action will be swift and precise, and in the case of Reaction International, very costly. A copy of the certified contract with the company posting this slander has been posted on the internet at www.freewebs.com/f1hoverpodracingltd for all to view. It's signed and witnessed by three signatures, one of which is Mr Ward. The suggestion of copying a product already on the market is something to wich is a complete fabrication. In any vehicle design, it is common to know what others do. As such we have inspected the product manufactured by Reaction International under very strict guidelines with supervised instruction from a major University and with there full aproval, after wich we completely redsigned a product with it's own safety features with major breakthroughs in both technology, safety and reliability. As such, the suggestion of copy is once again something totally denied and in no way truthfull. The final suggestion of "Companies of Facade" is the easiest to prove, all are trading and all have investment. Reaction Internation should now start to prepare a legal defence as when ready I will issue a law suit in response to your fabricated lies and slanderous comments to which are fully denied by all at our company. The final comment to which you verbally attack on a regular basis is one of "Trade Mark". I recommend anyone wishing to challenge this go check the Trade Mark Office and remind Mr Ward and Mike that liers are always full of gossip and slander to which is living proof of fear of the competition. We hold a contract with Reaction as exclusive agents, to which within 14 days was proven to be anything but exclusive as you had offered it to several others. The main difference being we had a signed copy wich can be found at www.freewebs.com/f1hoverpodracingltd for all to view. If anyone wishes to challenge the paperwork after seeing, it please feel free to do so. It was conducted professionally and supported with a confidentiality agareement to which we have maintained our side of the agreement, I now ask if you can safely say you also conducted your business in a honest and professional manner. F1 Hoverpod Ltd.


United Kingdom

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, March 31, 2008

This is all very interesting as the whole www.f1hoverpodracing.com business concept and idea was mine, though I called it FormulaHovpod, I formulated it in 2004. Interesting to know that Peter Hulbert Copyrighted the idea when he knows it was my idea as he suggested we do something together and I created it as a result. I have no licence agreement with Peter.


United Kingdom
Response to comments by Mr Chris Barrell

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 11, 2008

In order to provide some relevant information to which Mr Chris Barrell appears to suggest no progress at our Business, I simply say I should have listened to someone who warned me of your antics. It cost me a friendship with someone to whom I liked and was made so welcome I felt like a family member. The Discovery Beach failure to provide funds was indeed a hold up, and was at best a fraud to "Guarantee Funding" when in fact they have no funds. My response is simple, Mr Barrell was neither part of the progress with the manufacture or the suppliers for specification or design. There are several sites all providing access to view the testing of the product and showing the design of the first model. As is the normal, they are available to those with genuine interest and can be viewd through the following sites: www.hoverpod-news.com www.f1hoverpodracing.eu Mr Barrell has seen the product working for himself and knows that his embarressment and failure to deliver only goes to confirm that the advice from someone to whom I still miss and enjoyed being with was 100% correct. I was guilty of being advised by the wrong people and not discussing my dissatisafction with this person on a one to one basis. I hope one day we can repair the friendship we once had. In regards to the video footage and progress, it's all very possitive and racing will begin in Weston in the Autom for all who wish to come see us. The video footage is available through the sites above and photos are also on those sites.

Mark Evans

Chris Barrell

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, March 11, 2008

To whom it may concern. I wish it to be known that the so called comments Posted on this Report by myself Mr Chris Barrell are neither Posted by myself or the comments in the Report come from myself. I believe them to have originated from the person who originally posted the comments to which I for one can confirm not to be a true interpretation of events. Furthermore, I believe the person to whom Posted these comments did so in order to try and divert the attention from himself and as a matter of response to being found out as a working whilst claiming Government benefits and being interviewed whilst under caution. The person to whom I believe to have posted these lies and comments and using my name to do so can be found at the following sites and Reports in his name: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/276/RipOff0276547.htm http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/279/RipOff0279462.htm http://badbusinessbureau.com/searchresults.asp?q5=fraudster http://www.ecademy.com/account.php?op=favs_thumbs&uid=230650 Ecadamy is where he lures in most of his victims of which he sells them he is honest and trustworthy. He just needs a little finance to get him started and he will re-pay it back with interest and a share in his business. Check out those sites above, all were posted by victims of this person and all were impartial and indipendent and not knwon to myself. The said person whom I believe posted the original information is in fact bringing a bad name to a very good information provider The Rip Off Report. He is able to post whatever he wishes in order to bring others into disrepute, when in fact they acted in a totally justifiable manor to whom any Law Abiding person would have done the same. I am very happy to be contacted directly either through the editors of Rip Off Report or directly to confirm to whoever wishes to hear the story that I never Posted anything or have reason to do so. The Real Chris Barrell

Chris Barrell

United Kingdom
F1 Hoverpod & Discovery Beach Australia

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, February 28, 2008

Why is it, that so many projects associated with Discovery Beach Australia are prone to failure? I am not sure if F1 Hoverpod is a Scam, or if they have been caught like Rock Star Lottery, and have lost their money as a result of being involved with Discovery Beach Australia? There appear to be hundreds of cases around the world, of companies and individuals that have lost money because of Discovery Beach, and the Barrister 'Executive Chairman' Bernard O'Brien. It appears as though the rebuttal that has been filed by 'Hoverpod' is blaming the whole story on a Mr D---- (though it is shown towards the bottom as Mr Daudia). This may well explain some elements of the Rip Off Report, but it does not explain many other issues such as: Where are the craft? etc. There is also this report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/276/RipOff0276547.htm That appears to be written by about Mr Daudia, though it appears to have been written by the same person who has filed the rebuttal here (Mr Peter Hulbert?) And there are these two reports: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/275/RipOff0275795.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/266/RipOff0266623.htm Which appear to be regarding a person who was to do some "Reverse Engineering" of a product, which is what is alleged in the above story here. (perhaps written by a disgruntled Mr Peter Hulbert?) And finally we have this one: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/267/RipOff0267890.htm Which also ties in with Discovery Beach. If you go to www.terraflying.com you will find that he is another that has been scammed of money as a result of being involved with Discovery Beach. I believe it would be good if some of these links could be connected, to allow the private researcher some help on determining whether Discovery Beach, F1 Hoverpod, Bernard O'Brien and Peter Hulbert are legitamite companies / persons to become involved with.


United Kingdom
Response & Reaction

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, February 25, 2008

The Report to which I am the named person involved, I believe to have been posted by Mr Jay who was a valued member of our team when we started the business. Unusually he was considered to be a valued friend also and perhaps if I were guilty of anything, it was for offering help to a friend. Mr D--- had several debtors pursuing him for bad debts, in particular for non payment of his motor vehicle (mercedes van). Mr D---- asked me for help in paying off the finance of his vehicle on the agreement he would re-finance and pay the company back within 2-3weeks max. I duly agreed on the proviso that the vehicle was formally and legally owned by the company until paid in full. Some 5 months latter on, the company was being pursued by the Police for speeding fines and parking offenses, along with the Unemployment Office in the UK as evidence to support the claim that Mr D---- was working whilst claiming state benefit. Many supporting digital photos were accompanying the Police paperwork, all showed Mr D--- at various Airports around London collecting passengers. As 5 months had passed by and no effort to re-pay the money loaned, the vehicle was taken away and sold by it's legal owner the company being slandered in this report. Mr D--- was arrested by the Unemployment Service in the UK and questioned under caution for what was quite a substantial amount of evidence mounting against him. As his baby (merceds van) was his illegal income tool had been taken away, his reaction was at best vindictive. Any person wishing to question or take reference from the person suggested as a single mother being bullied by myself is welcome to contact her for her version of event's. You will be surprised to find Mr D--- also owes her over a 1000 for loans lent to him for his children's Christmas presents some 3 years ago and still not paid back. Ms D has always offered to provide her version of events which clearly conflict with Mr D----'s version. Mr D---- has a long standing record of both failure and bad debt, I offered him a clean start and the opportunity to build a new reputation, the problem is you can't change what you fundamentally are deep down. Mr D---- is a broken Man and probably is remorsefully for his repeated action, the problem is it's he and not others who needs to change there ways. The evidence relating to working whilst Claiming Unemployment Benefit's for some 5 years can be found through the appropriate office in the Woolwich Office in London, the photo evidence and reports from the Police we still have for anyone who shows interest. Mr D---- has slandered our business although it has had a minimalistic effect, it does go without saying that it personally hurts to be accused without trial and almost be sentenced to suffer the effect. I fully understand why the report was posted, but there is always two sides to every story. After the removal of Mr D----, it emerged that he had also taken money from 3 people who bought into a scheme for one of our clubs. Mr D---- has always refused to supply us with the contact details of these people in order to try and offer some kind of comfort that we would honor any agreement we had with them, even though we would have ultimately lost money on this, we were willing to swallow or pride and honor any license agreement with them. I do feel we have gone the extra mile on this issue and in many ways parties on either side of Mr Daudia lost out, additionally both have suffered because of the person in the middle. Mr D---- should be ashamed of his behavior, retract his slander and sort his own attitude out with a change in habit. Not expect to simply take from others or blame all for his mistakes. All evidence to support the above is readily available and if anyone wishes to contact any person mentioned in the report for their version of the story are welcome to contact us for their details and we will happily supply them with contacts etc to take there own reference etc. Thank you.

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