  • Report:  #82060

Complaint Review: Fairbanks Capital - Salt Lake City Utah

Reported By:
- Eden, ID,

Fairbanks Capital
PO Box 65250 Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is a copy of my last letter to these crooks. I am beat and the lawsuit isn't going to stop them. Any ideas?

I have been trying to get this account straightened out since the day you took it over. It has been a nightmare from the very first day. In fact, in one of the first conversations I had with one of your representives I was told you were going to take my house. I was on a repayment contract with Olympus, the week before my loan was transferred they made a mistake on the balance of my forebearance agreement and said I would have to straighten it out with you.

I have fought this since Sept. 2002 and could get no where, I called several times. I was told you didn't have my file yet. I tried over and over but was ignored so I contacted Idaho State Department of Finance who agreed there is a problem and you refused to cooperate with them. They advised me to go to an attorney. I took this to lawyers in Boise, they also tried to get this worked out and got no where, so I took it to other lawyers in Twin Falls, he had me take all my reciepts and payment history to a CPA to check my figures. She proved your figures were wrong. Mr. Johnson sent in the information from the CPA and requested you correct the account and contact him to get things on the right track again, you ignored him.

I tried to refinance and get my house away from you, but you illegally incorrectly reported to the credit agencies that I haven't been making my payments, even though I could prove I had the refinance companies couldn't get a loan through, but of course you knew that. Smart move! Knowing I couldn't get a loan through in my name I had a friend try to finance it in his name, he had excellent credit and it should have been a done deal. But you managed to prevent it as well.

In August 2002 I made a $1000 payment but you refused to credit my account. I sent in proof of payment numerous times and was repeatedly told you had no record. Finally, in May 2003 when I told Keith I had an appointment with an attorney the next day, I was told, as a favor to me, my account would be credited the $1000 payment. It was not a favor! I made the payment and it should have been credited in August! In addition I was being charged late fees and interest on an amount that was paid and told nothing would be done aboput it.

In August 2003 I wanted to catch the loan up. I recieved a paper that said I owed $1,628.26 as of 5/1/2003 but dated 8/6/2003. As usual you worded it in such a way that it meant nothing, did that mean I would be caught up to 5/1/03 and that there would be additional charges dated after that date? I called for an explaination or an exact payoff but was told, by three different people, that they did not have that information and couldn't give it to me if they did have it. Funny, I would have thought you would want me to catch up. I called three times! I took it to my attorney and he advised me not to pay it because he couldn't make it out either.

In August I made two payments plus an additional $50, according to the CPA I would then be paid up through September. October I called, I was diagnosed with cancer and had to have surgery, I would be unable to work for 2 months. I called to make arrangements and was told you were no longer accepting any payments from me. Thanks, just what I needed as I was in a fight for my life, but then again, you are famous for going after people when they are down.

Next I recieved a letter from the Regional Trustee Services Corp. saying they are going to sell my house on April 5, 2003. Funny thing though, you lied to them and told them I hadn't made a payment since May 1, 2003, I sent them proof I have made payments and even your own records say I owe from July (still wrong but closer). I asked them to intervene, told them I had the money to catch up but I wanted the problems solved on my account once and for all. I recieved a letter in the mail, and 10 certified letters, two more letters hand delivered and two taped to my front door. All saying the same thing. Hope you don't plan on charging me for that, very stupid. Who needs that many letters saying the same thing! I then recieved a letter saying they were going to close my file and send in a recission of default to the county.

I was relieved because I thought at last this was getting straightened out. I showed the letter to my attorney, he advised me to wait and see, he thought they were just getting out trying to avoid any backlash or fault due to unethical business practices. So I called them and tried to get some answers, they told me you admitted the figures were wrong and told them to close the file. I asked them to put it in writing but she refused. I got the feeling they may be part of your company too. After I asked that she wouldn't answer any more questions, told me she's not a lawyer and couldn't say anything more.

I know one of the many class action lawsuits came to an end, to the relief of many, you lost. I thought perhaps you were going to clean up your act and were going to work this out. I have already gotten an offer of settlement because I am included in the class action, but it isn't enough. This week I recieved a statement saying I owe payments of $2963.52 plus another $2270.82 in charges, including new charges for attorney fees and foreclosure, etc of $1596.63. Obviously you are still up to your old tricks, and this is not going to end.

I ruined my credit trying to keep this house, you have forced me into bankruptcy. My health was seriously damaged from the stress, sorry guys, I'm not going to die and make it easy for you! You have turned my dream of owning my own home into a nightmare. I spent a lot of time cleaning and remodeling this house, it was supposed to have been demolished because it was in such bad shape, before an unscrupoulous realter sold it to me. I put everything I had into this house and because of the harrassment and on going battles to keep it, I don't even want it anymore!

I am very familiar with all the complaints on badbusinessbureau.com as well as other places. I am aware of all the lawsuits against you. I am also aware that you never give up your efforts to steal from your victims, even after they pay off your loan, pay off the extortion money, files bankruptcy or dies. I know trying to pay you off won't do any good because you just start all over again in a month or two. I know it is a no win situation and I know when I am beat.

Now I need to know what your next step is. I see you are charging me more attorney and forclosure fees and since the last attempt has been aborted by the trustees does that mean you are still selling my house on April 5th or are you going to start the whole thing over again? Do I have a month before you try to sell the house or seven? Also, it would be helpful to know exactly when I would have to vacate the house, you see, no one has bothered to tell me that.

I would appreciate a reply, in writing of course, I still have a Do Not Call order on my account, for two reasons, one :I recieved as many as 20 calls per day from Fairbanks (if thats not harrassment I don't know what is) and two: I don't trust a word I'm told by anyone connected to Fairbanks, at least if it is in writing I have some proof. Which is why me records concerning this loan is well over 100 pages!


Eden, Idaho

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4 Updates & Rebuttals


to joanna from eden idaho, you still have time to save your house and don,t move out because i did and i didn,t have to

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, February 29, 2004

to joanna i,m sorry for you cause your going to this crap i went to this with fairbanks and i had to get a lawyer to fight for me but you still have time to save your house and don,t move out because i did and i didn,t have to. you see it well take a long time to make you get out i did and my lawyer said who told you , that you had to move out and i said my other lawyer well cook is his name my new lawyer,he said that i didn,t have to move because it welltake a while and that the sheriff would have to serve me papers and then if i didn,t move then i would get serverd papers from the fairbanks attorney,but you see i haven,t at the time i was still at my home i never gotpapers from know one but my other attorney gave me bad advise that,s what cook said and this is my new attorney i didn,t have to move at all ,so now cook is trying to move me back to myhome and when i get in i won,t have to pay a dime until all of this is settled, so if i was you i would,nt move if i was you just get a good attorney that well fight for you one that is a big firm with four lawyers and that go after big lawsuits the money is worth it on the long run i did so i just thought i,d let you know and if you already moved you might have a good chance to get back in if the house has not been in sheriff sale yet but your lawyer can stop it through a lawsuit and if it did then you can sue fairbanks for all of what you lost and more. well good luck and don,t give up,im not remember they can,t make you get out unless you got serverd papers from court. so do something right now.befor it,s to late. well better close now good luck in the future.


to joanna from eden idaho, you still have time to save your house and don,t move out because i did and i didn,t have to

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, February 29, 2004

to joanna i,m sorry for you cause your going to this crap i went to this with fairbanks and i had to get a lawyer to fight for me but you still have time to save your house and don,t move out because i did and i didn,t have to. you see it well take a long time to make you get out i did and my lawyer said who told you , that you had to move out and i said my other lawyer well cook is his name my new lawyer,he said that i didn,t have to move because it welltake a while and that the sheriff would have to serve me papers and then if i didn,t move then i would get serverd papers from the fairbanks attorney,but you see i haven,t at the time i was still at my home i never gotpapers from know one but my other attorney gave me bad advise that,s what cook said and this is my new attorney i didn,t have to move at all ,so now cook is trying to move me back to myhome and when i get in i won,t have to pay a dime until all of this is settled, so if i was you i would,nt move if i was you just get a good attorney that well fight for you one that is a big firm with four lawyers and that go after big lawsuits the money is worth it on the long run i did so i just thought i,d let you know and if you already moved you might have a good chance to get back in if the house has not been in sheriff sale yet but your lawyer can stop it through a lawsuit and if it did then you can sue fairbanks for all of what you lost and more. well good luck and don,t give up,im not remember they can,t make you get out unless you got serverd papers from court. so do something right now.befor it,s to late. well better close now good luck in the future.


to joanna from eden idaho, you still have time to save your house and don,t move out because i did and i didn,t have to

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, February 29, 2004

to joanna i,m sorry for you cause your going to this crap i went to this with fairbanks and i had to get a lawyer to fight for me but you still have time to save your house and don,t move out because i did and i didn,t have to. you see it well take a long time to make you get out i did and my lawyer said who told you , that you had to move out and i said my other lawyer well cook is his name my new lawyer,he said that i didn,t have to move because it welltake a while and that the sheriff would have to serve me papers and then if i didn,t move then i would get serverd papers from the fairbanks attorney,but you see i haven,t at the time i was still at my home i never gotpapers from know one but my other attorney gave me bad advise that,s what cook said and this is my new attorney i didn,t have to move at all ,so now cook is trying to move me back to myhome and when i get in i won,t have to pay a dime until all of this is settled, so if i was you i would,nt move if i was you just get a good attorney that well fight for you one that is a big firm with four lawyers and that go after big lawsuits the money is worth it on the long run i did so i just thought i,d let you know and if you already moved you might have a good chance to get back in if the house has not been in sheriff sale yet but your lawyer can stop it through a lawsuit and if it did then you can sue fairbanks for all of what you lost and more. well good luck and don,t give up,im not remember they can,t make you get out unless you got serverd papers from court. so do something right now.befor it,s to late. well better close now good luck in the future.


to joanna from eden idaho, you still have time to save your house and don,t move out because i did and i didn,t have to

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, February 29, 2004

to joanna i,m sorry for you cause your going to this crap i went to this with fairbanks and i had to get a lawyer to fight for me but you still have time to save your house and don,t move out because i did and i didn,t have to. you see it well take a long time to make you get out i did and my lawyer said who told you , that you had to move out and i said my other lawyer well cook is his name my new lawyer,he said that i didn,t have to move because it welltake a while and that the sheriff would have to serve me papers and then if i didn,t move then i would get serverd papers from the fairbanks attorney,but you see i haven,t at the time i was still at my home i never gotpapers from know one but my other attorney gave me bad advise that,s what cook said and this is my new attorney i didn,t have to move at all ,so now cook is trying to move me back to myhome and when i get in i won,t have to pay a dime until all of this is settled, so if i was you i would,nt move if i was you just get a good attorney that well fight for you one that is a big firm with four lawyers and that go after big lawsuits the money is worth it on the long run i did so i just thought i,d let you know and if you already moved you might have a good chance to get back in if the house has not been in sheriff sale yet but your lawyer can stop it through a lawsuit and if it did then you can sue fairbanks for all of what you lost and more. well good luck and don,t give up,im not remember they can,t make you get out unless you got serverd papers from court. so do something right now.befor it,s to late. well better close now good luck in the future.

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