  • Report:  #68627

Complaint Review: FCNB - Beaverton Oregon

Reported By:
- oxford, Alabama,

9310 Sw Gemini Drive Beaverton, 97078-0001 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
What gives. I just finished a letter to the Attorney General of New York and Oregon because who knows where FCNB is? When FCNB went bankrupt, I paid my account infull - almost $800.00 at one time. There was a $35.00 late fee in dispute. I was told it would be taken off. Ha!!!!!!!!!!!! My balance is now $200 all over a $35.00 late fee. Is this legal? Hopefully, I will find out. Please, everyone who has had any problems please write to the Attorney General's office of New York and Oregon.

Their addresses are: New York State Office of Attorney General, Eliot Spitzer, Consumer Protection Bureau, 120 Broadway, 3rd floor, NY,NY 10271

Oregon Departmnet of Justice, Finanical Fraud/Consumer Protection Section, 1162 Court Street, NE, Salem, OR 97301

If these offices get enough complaints they will definately do something. This is our only voice! Write today!


oxford, Alabama

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