  • Report:  #315308

Complaint Review: Fifth Third Bank - Cincinnati Ohio

Reported By:
- Grove City, Ohio,

Fifth Third Bank
Fifth Third Center 38 Fountain Square Plaza Cincinnati, 45263 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
At the end of January I purchased a used 2006 Volkswagon from a Volkswagon dealer. The dealer arranged financing for me and said he got a good rate with Fifth Third Bank. I hesitated before I signed and thought a moment.

Flash back eight years ago and I was a Fifth Third Bank customer with a Checking and Savings account. I also took advantage of their online bill pay which proved to be a mistake.

When I received a bill in the mail I would immediately (and I mean that very evening) log onto the Fifth Third Website and pay the bill. After I set the payment to go, I would dutifully record Fifth Third'ss confirmation of transaction number in my personal finance program (Microsoft Money). I was shocked to see during the next month's bills from some utilities that there was a non-payment fee attached to the bill along with the previous month's charges.

After several calls to Fifth Third Customer Service, I learned that for some vendors, the bank physically cuts a check and mails it (just as if I had done the same thing myself). I also learned that although the Bank immediately deducts the funds from my account the instant I send the payment, the Bank had no way to actually verify they really did print the check or even if they really did mail the check.

In other words, their confirmation number was on to confirm that money was deducted from my account, and not necessarily that the money was on its way as payment of a bill. As infuriated as I was, I quickly closed the account and swore never to be a Fifth Third Bank customer again.

Back in the present, I decided that maybe Fifth Third has changed and they might just be able to handle servicing a simple auto loan. Rather than tell the dealership that I didn't want Fifth Third to have the auto loan and have them re-run the paperwork, I signed the document and was soon on my way home with my newly acquired car.

Then I got my payment coupon book from Fifth Third. My name was not correctly spelled on all the payment coupons. I immediately called Fifth Third's customer service and after remaining on hold for about half an hour, explained there was a mistake and that I would like to have the bank correct the mistake and send me new payment coupon books.

The customer service representative explained that since the payment coupons had the bank account information correct, that my name misspelling wasn't important. My reaction: WHAT?! I explained that I couldn't accept that answer and requested again they reprint my coupon book to which they said they could do that for a $5 charge. My reaction: You've got to be kidding me! I explained that I was not going to pay $5, nor any other amount of money to fix a Fifth Third Bank error. The customer service representative once again said she could only send me new coupon books for a $5 fee. I then asked to speak to her supervisor. I was once again placed on hold for another 15 minutes waiting to speak to a supervisor.

Once the supervisor came on the phone, I once again explained the mistake on the payment coupon book and that I could not accept it with my name not printed correctly on it. The supervisor replied that my name was correctly spelled in her computer system and that the coupon books had the correct account numbers on them, so there was nothing wrong with them. I told her that the name did not match the promissory note I signed at the car dealership and it absolutely must match on the payment coupon books. She agreed with me, but said that she could not waive the $5 fee to fix their printing error.

My blood is really beginning to boil as I feel more and more like the Bank doesn't care a bit about making sure all their loan paperwork is correct and matching, nor do they care that whoever prints their coupon books has no quality control, or the mere fact that I the customer just want a simple fix of having them correct my name on the coupon book, send them to me, and not charge me to do it. I asked to speak to the supervisor's supervisor to which she said that her manager would tell me the same thing and she would not transfer me. At this point, I decided I'd have just as much luck talking to a brick wall and hung up.

I then contacted one of the local television station's consumer advocacy departments to see if maybe they could help. The person I spoke to through emails was very kind and helpful. She contacted Fifth Third and had them agree to reprint my coupon books with the corrected information. At last! Some satisfaction I thought. I couldn't believe it took a consumer unit with the local television station to actually get Fifth Third to realize I wasn't asking for the moon.

So I patiently waited until I got the new coupon book. In the meantime, I went to a local branch of Fifth Third to make my first payment. I gave them a check with my account information on it, but not the payment coupon as I wouldn't give credence and didn't consider them valid since my name was not correct.

When I got the new coupon books, I couldn't believe it. My name was misspelled exactly as it was on the original payment coupon books. All Fifth Third did was duplicate the exact same problem as before. This tells me that not only do they not have any quality control measures in place, but when they decide they actually want to act on a complaint, they have absolutely no follow up to ensure the same mistake doesn't happen again.

For me, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I'd had enough with them - again. I decided to refinance the loan with another bank so I don't have to put up with Fifth Third any more. My payoff check is in the mail and Fifth Third will once again be the bad memory it was eight years ago the only bank I'll NEVER need!

If you're considering doing business with Fifth Third I strongly urge you not to. Save yourself the trouble. If you're currently a Fifth Third bank customer, I strongly urge you to switch banks before they eventually screw you over.


Grove City, Ohio


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5 Updates & Rebuttals


Grove City,
Caveat Emptor, Billyjack

#2Author of original report

Sat, March 15, 2008

Everything is in a name in that it especially shows that this business doesn't care about all the details and correctness of it's information and therefore, sloppy and careless. Read the other reports here and you'll see that I'm not alone in being wary of this bank and their consistent lack of attention to detail and follow through. You can heed my advise or disregard. It's apparent you are not as careful with your financial life, so feel free to disregard. If names didn't matter, identity theft wouldn't be the problem that it is today. I for one, will not rely on ignorance or carelessness to protect my financial well being. Nor will I abdicate my responsibility to protect my financial well being. No one is looking out for your interests but you. If you don't agree, then you probably think the government should bail out all the people defaulting on their mortgages. After all, the details of interest rates resetting probably wasn't important to the borrower when they signed the promisory note. But I digress. Businesses that are careless with the protection of personal information, careless with record accuracy, and careless with their customer's (and public's) trust have no right to my business - nor any other informed person's business. As I stated previously, the problem has been resolved by me paying off the Fifth Third loan in entirety and refinancing with a reputable financial institution. I merely provide my opinion of this bank's business practices for the benefit of others who can decide that they could care less if a bank gets their records mostly correct. I aspire to have my bank get all their records correct - which is why I am no longer a Fifth Third customer.


Looking for a Reason..

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, March 15, 2008

It seems as if you were just looking for a reason to have an issue with this bank. 5/3 bank is NOT the only bank that will send a physical check to some companies through on-line bill pay. Every bank needs to do this if the company you are sending it to does not have the ability to receive electronic payments. They all deduct the money as soon as the check is "cut". 8 years ago mailing a check was more of the rule than the exception. Sometimes it would take a week or 10 days for the company to get it. Now for your current situation. In the long run it does not matter if your name matches exactly or not. Yes, it should match but as long as the account number is correct that is all that really matters. You don't even need the payment coupon from the book to make a payment. As long as you have the account number correct your account will be credited correctly. The one thing that I do agree with you is that if it is THEIR mistake they should not charge you the $5 for a replacement. But since it does not really matter if you even have a payment book is that enough to leave a bank over??? I just hope that your new bank at least matched(or better yet lowered) your interest rate or this little act of principal is going to cost you a lot more than the $5 in the long run due to the higher interest.


What's in a name change?

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, March 15, 2008

If that is all I had to worry about in life is that my name is right on a payment book, than life would be grand. I would think , as long as my payments to my loan was posted and correct than that is what I would care about, not if my name is misspelled on the book. That has nothing to do with the loan. I have a credit card that has my name wrong, but the payments I make get posted to the account, no harm done.What I go by is that my SS# on that account goes to the right credit bureau and gets posted with them correctly. not my loan book. or my statements. Life is too short to worry about the small stuff.


What's in a name change?

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, March 15, 2008

If that is all I had to worry about in life is that my name is right on a payment book, than life would be grand. I would think , as long as my payments to my loan was posted and correct than that is what I would care about, not if my name is misspelled on the book. That has nothing to do with the loan. I have a credit card that has my name wrong, but the payments I make get posted to the account, no harm done.What I go by is that my SS# on that account goes to the right credit bureau and gets posted with them correctly. not my loan book. or my statements. Life is too short to worry about the small stuff.


What's in a name change?

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, March 15, 2008

If that is all I had to worry about in life is that my name is right on a payment book, than life would be grand. I would think , as long as my payments to my loan was posted and correct than that is what I would care about, not if my name is misspelled on the book. That has nothing to do with the loan. I have a credit card that has my name wrong, but the payments I make get posted to the account, no harm done.What I go by is that my SS# on that account goes to the right credit bureau and gets posted with them correctly. not my loan book. or my statements. Life is too short to worry about the small stuff.

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