  • Report:  #1168746

Complaint Review: fingerhut - st.cloud Minnesota

Reported By:
greg - orange city, Florida,

6250 ridgewood road st.cloud, 56395 Minnesota, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

To finger hut

from Greg Fedorowicz


I am providing the following information so it maybe removed from my credit report. I have made several attempts to have these corrections made but it seams to get worst every time I try. I am saying this again-I have not made any of these purchases being tracked by your company. I did apply for a credit account between the dates of November 2001 to July 2005 and my limit was only 100.00. Having bad credit at the time was a result of being unemployed. I have not been fully unemployed since July 2005 to today August 2014 which is over 9 years. I received treatment for pancreatitis, renal failed, slow heartbeat, sleep apnea, septic flora from taking an antibiotics with a serious side effects, there is much more including three times I had to be restored from a death like state or very much on my way.43 time in the hospital spaced between July 2005 and September 2013. And while all this was going on and when I was living in my home at 1995 brewster drive, Deltona florida I had drugs stolen from me and my identity stolen. During a recent conversation I had with my daughter it came to light one of the items on the purchased credit section from fingerthut was a purchase of curtains. A person named linda farkas purchased curtains but the mode of purchase is unknown. But this person is a known theif and I would not put it pass her to do something like this. open an account in my name and using it for her own gain. But that is no proof of wrong doing, or is it theft. I cannot prove it but all ties with that person had been cut in 2007. It is reported that purchases or account opened 2/2007 with two balances of 135.00 and 201.00 is some of the activity that took place without my knowledge. Fingerhut records can show purchases were made in my name but those records cannot be proof I made those purchases. Just because the purchases were made in my name, does not show proof I made those records intently. I want this wrongly reported credit issues removed from my credit report. To date this is being the items reported in error.

    Account: CIT/FHUT    Acct #: 62764520XXXX    Type: Revolving

    Bureau    Bureau

Code    Date

Open    High

Limit    Monthly

Payment    Account

Balance    Last

Reported    Account

Status    Amount

Past Due

    Equifax    I    02/2007    $135    -    $0    06/2014    Transferred    -

    Experian    I    02/2007    $201    -    $0    02/2010    Transferred    $0

    TransUnion    I    02/2007    $201    -    $0    03/2010    Transferred    $0


Comments: Experian  Equifax  TransUnion  Experian Account closed at consumers request Equifax ACCOUNT TRANSFERRED OR SOLD TransUnion Collateral: SLDTO WEBBANK

    Bureau        Days Past Due    History

Date    24 Month History

    30    60    90+



        1    1    2    06/2014    

C    –    –    –    –    –    –    –    –    –    –    –

–    –    –    –    –    –    –    –    –    –    –    –



        0    0    0    02/2010    





        -    -    -    03/2010    



    Account: CITFINGERHUT    Acct #: 62764520XXXX    Type: Revolving

    Bureau    Bureau

Code    Date

Open    High

Limit    Monthly

Payment    Account

Balance    Last

Reported    Account

Status    Amount

Past Due

    TransUnion    I    02/2007    $201    -    $0    02/2010    Transferred    $0


Comments: TransUnion  TransUnion Transfer

    Bureau        Days Past Due    History

Date    24 Month History

    30    60    90+



        1    1    2    06/2008    

120    90    60    30                                       


    Account: FHUT/METBK    Acct #: 627645200206XXXX    Type: Revolving

    Bureau    Bureau

Code    Date

Open    High

Limit    Monthly

Payment    Account

Balance    Last

Reported    Account

Status    Amount

Past Due

    Equifax    I    02/2007    $135    -    $0    06/2012    Transferred    $0


Comments: Equifax  Equifax ACCOUNT TRANSFERRED OR SOLD

    Bureau        Days Past Due    History

Date    24 Month History

    30    60    90+



        0    0    1    02/2008    



all the three reporting agencies must be notified by fingerhut and have these reports removed entirely because it is causing me injury for no good reason. Last month fingerhut customer service rep connected me to the fraud section and those folks said they will take all my information into account and fix these errors. All the fraud department did was take those credit errors off and than made and replaced it with new ones. All the current information is false. I was under doctors care most of 2005 ++++++,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13. With all the issues I had I am telling you there were no purchases made by me.my letters to the reporting agency say they cannot repair these issues without cooperation by fingerhut. again despite several contacts to have these reports corrected nothing but hardship was created. i am serious in contacting frca..

Please remove these errors since all they do is injure the wrong person, and for a multimillion dollar company coming after me with these balances is just pure hateful and not business. I will await your responce-please advise me of your actions by email

this will be forwarded to the customer service desk and the fraud department. If I can find the ceo he will get a copy as well. -greg fedorowicz

Did you use a Credit Card for this Transaction?

No, I did not (but thanks for asking!)-it is a matter of record someone used this account by means of credit to commit fraud and i am not getting anykind of consideration. just because the record claims i have debt does not make it so.

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