  • Report:  #1194254

Complaint Review: First Commerce Credit Union - Tallahassee Florida

Reported By:
Krista2653 - Crawfordville , Florida,

First Commerce Credit Union
1460 Capital Cir NW Tallahassee, 32303 Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I have been a member at First Commerce Credit Union for almost 13 years. My family was put in a situation where our lives crossed with a bank employee who ended up making threats of physical harm as well as threats to access and utilize our personal information for purposes other than intended or allowed by the financial institution.

I reported the incident to the institution and requested that I be notified if the employee had accessed/viewed my account after the altercation had taken place and therefore could potentially have all of my personal information. I explained that I wanted this information so that I could try and mitigate any potential threat to either my family physically or financially. The institution has refused to provide me with this information, stating that I do not have a right to know who has been accessing my account. They claim that any access of my account is "proprietary" and therefore none of my business.  

I didn't ask anything unreasonable. I didn't ask for them to admit she inappropriately accessed my account, nor tell me what "proprietary" top-secret reason she had to view it, just a simple yes or no. Now I am in the painstaking process of changing over 13 years of history at this institution and they have a "do what you have to do" attitude about losing my long-term membership.

I would think twice about joining this credit union who cares more about skirting around potential liability in admitting that their employees may be engaging in inappropriate behavior and hiding behind access being "proprietary" instead of answering a simple question that will allow you to take steps to protect yourself if necessary...they have an obligation to keep your information safe and when merchants' systems have been hacked, you are notified by them, prior to there even being an issue of a breach of proactive steps that can be taken to safeguard your informatio; however one of their own threatens to access all of your infomation and they shut down, telling you that you don't have a right to this information and that there is no proof of any information being utilized inappropriately (I had no proof that my specific account information was stolen in the merchant breach, but they were still willing to do whatever necessary). 

Now you can see how they handle their own, internal breaches...

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Crawfordville ,
RE: Actually

#2Author of original report

Sat, December 13, 2014

Actually, It's KRISTA, not Kristina. Do we have that straight?

As for your responses, sadly they are typical of a hypocrite.  Someone who initially responded to my OP with accusations and then when I respond in kind, I'M the one who looks silly?  Ha!  To who?  Someone who has a history and multiple complaints about them for being a bully and antagonistic?  Someone who hides behind their computer and cyber-bullies people who have real-life situations that are concerning?  Let's be clear, here...You did not simply "ask a question" - you were ugly and accusatory about my validity.  I would have been more than happy to answer any questions, just because I didn't bow down to your back-handed, snide remarks that you are now trying to pass as innocent questions, my report is devalued?  Who made you god?  I "attacked" no one - I simply said that I must have misunderstood what this site is all about and your cyber-buddy responded with the fact that he has worked for some bank at some point in time and has ultimate knowledge of how my situation has gone down because he has worked at a call center.

Just because you say that my report is not legit and not right, doesn't make it so, either.  Like I've said, I'm not stupid and I don't make it a habit of making claims that could get me in trouble legally.  You and your integrity have existing complaints, not mine. Apparently you still have not learned how to play well with others, or this is enjoyable for you.  Giving your intellegence the benefit of doubt, I'm guessing it is the latter, which only makes your attempts to devalue me look quite silly.  No reasonable person would put much stock in someone who has nothing better to do than hide behind a computer and team up with his other cyber buddies to pick fights over topics that have nothing to do with them personally.  (Geez - that sounded even more lame after I typed it!)  Congratulations on taking this forum to a place that I'm sure the owner had not intended seeing all of the support they offer!  This is about a credit union.  It is limited to a certain geographic area that likely doesn't encompass your geographic location, which means that you are unlikely to need a review on this particular institution and therefore are TROLLING.  If you (OR ANYONE ELSE WHO MAY BE READING THIS) are local to me and/or this institution and have a genuine desire to validate my report because you are considering joining as a member, then let me know how I can get in contact with you.

To clarify again, for those of you who are having a hard time understanding: My OP was to complain about a bank who refused to tell me if there was a potential breach of my account.  Even if I were to answer all of your questions, what do any of them have to do with my complaint, the fact that they refuse to tell me if an employee has accessed my account?  What if I tell you that I have filed a police report and that they are investigating?  Does that change the fact at all that the bank refused to answer me to the point where I had to get law enforcement involved?  What if I told you that I have (despite the seriousness of the situation), been extremely professional, never rude and never would I have brought this issue to a "CSR"....that I have been dealing with the branch manger and general counsel?  Does that change the fact that they refuse to answer my question?  Does it matter that most businesses would never respond to this?  That makes it right and I have no right to be upset/complain about it?  What if I told you that I have told the bank that I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THIS IS THEIR FAULT - that I don't expect them to be able to control every move their employee's make?  What if I said that I have never even asked for the employee to be fired because that is none of my buisness - my business is whether I continue to give them my business after whatever HR decision they make about the future/discipline of the employee? What if I said that this was a witnessed threat by an outside party?  What if I told you that the only thing I have asked of the bank is 1) inform me of a potential breach by the employee who threatened to access my account and utilize my information 2) to restrict the individual employee's future access of my information and 3) provide me with a credit monitoring protection (only IF they did access my information - because I don't want/need anything if there is no breach)?  Do any of those answers change the fact of my only point and complaint being that they refuse to disclose this information about MY personnal information? So what if I had been a screaming lunatic?  That would make it okay that they refuse to tell me if my information could have been compromised?

As for your claim that "there is still nothing in your report to this point that shows the bank did anything wrong"...the fact that there is a potential breach of my personal information and the bank refuses to tell me because they are worried about potential liability or for any other reason, that is doing something wrong.  US Code Title 15, Chapter 94, Subchapter 1, § 6801, requires a financial institution to 1) insure the security and confidentiality of customer records and information; 2) protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such records; and 3) to protect against unauthorized access to or use of such records or information which could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any customer.  I feel that there has been a violation of this legally by trying to hide information on who has accessed my information after a threat was made.  If it is not a legal violation, I still feel that morally wrong to hide this information and think that people looking for a financial institution will want to know that they will CYA rather than protect you.

I'm sorry that you have had to change your bank card information 9 times over the last year.  I'm sure that was quite inconvenient for you, but while you are trying to be condencending - think about the fact that you at least had knowledge of a possible breach and was that breach by an individual who has access to the sensitive information that is tied to your bank account?  It's a bit more than just an "inconvenience". 

My report was to complain about a bank mistreating a member.  Everything else is irrelevant.  I don't need advice, but if and when I need advice from someone who has infinite wisdon and is perfect in every way, I know where to find you trolling.  As for that, I have already entertained your dog and pony show for long enough and given into the fight that you have wanted for too long and have far more important people to tend to, so I'm done and you can go search through the most recent reports filed to find the next person to pick a fight with.




#3Consumer Comment

Sat, December 13, 2014

First off my name is not "Robert"..it is Robert...do we have that straight "Kristina2653"?

As for the rest of your reponses,  they are sadly typical of posters who don't like what was said and instead of actually engaging or explaining themselves more to clarify their report...you "attack" the posters asking the question.  Well sorry to say but all that does it bring additional doubt on your report and actually makes you look quite silly.    As the reality of this is that asking if you filed a Police Report is really a Yes or No question.  Which in comparison to your report is just like the Yes or No answer you are asking the bank to give.

Just because you say your report is LEGITIMATE or you are RIGHT doesn't make it so.

The fact is that no me and Strideq have never met, but we have both been on this site for quite a while.  So yes he can be fairly certain(and correct) that I do not know, nor have I ever worked for any bank or financial institution. 

I have also during my life worked with many..many companies.  Where one thing most companies have in common is in how they answer (or don't answer) questions such as yours.   It first usually comes down to attitude.  If you go in "looking for blood" at the first CSR you talk to, the chances of them doing anything for you is slim to none.  But even if you are the nicest person in the world they usually do not respond to these type of "security breach" inquiries like yours without some "muscle" to back it up.  The muscle in your case is you filing a police report and the police investigating.   

Now, you may or may not have filed a police report and to be totally frank with you I could care less which one it is.  However, there is still nothing in your report to this point that shows the bank did anything wrong. After all how do they know you are telling the truth?  Oh and NO I am not saying you are lying, I am just telling you that without you going the extra step of actually reporting this CRIME to the police..the bank isn't going to do **** for you.


But let me ask you this and have you think about the Next Steps..

What would you have done if they said yes this employee did access your records?

- You probably would have still done what you already did..right? 

- Would you go after the bank?  Why?  What did they do wrong?

But a more important question would be is what would you do if they said No?

- Would you have just let it go? 

- Would you have expected the bank to fire the employee on your word only so they can't get into your records in the future?


Oh and as for the inconvienience of having to change information.  In the last year with my banks I have had to replace my debit and credit cards a total of 9 times due to varioius "security breaches"



Crawfordville ,

#4Author of original report

Sat, December 13, 2014

After responding to your last "rebuttal", I did a little research on you and "Robert" and I was right....you are TROLLS who troll around looking to cause trouble on consumer's LEGITIMATE reports.

You may want to consider changing your name so your rebuttals don't continue to look ridiculous.  Just some advice.


Crawfordville ,
RE: Response

#5Author of original report

Sat, December 13, 2014

I am assuming that you know "Robert" to be able to say that he does not work at this bank?  I found "Robert's" rebuttal especially condensending.  This is a "forum" for people to report a ripoff and both you and "Robert" want to put ME on trial....insinuating off the bat that I'm a liar.  Yes, I just get my thrills making false statements that could get me sued for slander and put my entire family in jeopardy (rolling eyes)....do you sense the sarcasm? 

I find it interesting that there are people on here who troll just to rebut and fight a fight that one supposedly has no dog in?  And since you apparently know "Robert", you even gang-up in numbers!  Amazing.  I guess I just have way too much to do with my free time...

I COULD attach the multiple emails that I have with them going back and forth where I continue to try and get from them a "yes" or "no" answer on whether the employee accessed my account and the run-around and semantics that I keep getting.  I could have also added that I (also) have worked at a bank and know the VP of a different bank who I have spoken with.  I could tell you my entire life story story and what I have done step by step so far...but it isn't relevant to the fact that this bank REFUSED to give me information about who was accessing my account after a threat was made, which is why I wrote the report.  To report a ripoff.  That's it.  Period.  My report was factual and did not ask for assistance or advice.  You as the reader can either take it or leave it.  Go ahead, by all means....put your money in that bank.  They need a member to replace me.

Maybe you and "Robert" should reassess your tact in your responses if you want ANYONE reading this to believe that you, in any way, shape, or form were trying to be "supportive" and offer "advice" and not to immediately think that you are somehow associated with this bank with the attacking and accusatory rebuttals that you filed.


South Carolina,

#6General Comment

Sat, December 13, 2014

This is a website for consumers to post complaints about companies that have ripped them off. However, it is a public forum so that others can read and respond to your post.

Taking your complaint as the truth, the obvious question is "What did the police say when you filed a report?" and the "How did the bank react to the police investigation?" However, you've taken the tactic of not answering valid questions and also adding that there was further information you didn't post. The info you didn't post could cause your complaint to be viewed in a completely different way.

I worked for a different bank in the call center and I have a very difficult time believing that if the threat was made and reported to them, that the bank basically said we can't do anything about it, or as you believe we WON'T do anything about it.


And no, neither Robert or I work for this bank. we're just trying to help get the complete story.



Crawfordville ,
RE: A couple of things...

#7Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2014

Maybe I was not clear about the nature of my report. There is a lot of information that I did not include in my "story" because it is irrelevant to my complaint about the way this institution has handled themselves in this situation. Or maybe I have missed the point of this website as being one where you report the inappropriate behavior of a business as a consumer?



#8Consumer Comment

Thu, December 11, 2014

Since what this employee did is actually considered a crime, what did the police say when you went to file a report? You did file a police report..right?  I mean you didn't just come and post a anonymous report on the Internet against a company that may or may not have anything to do with this.


South Carolina,
A couple of things...

#9General Comment

Thu, December 11, 2014

The steps that it sounds like you are taking are steps that everyone should do anyway, especially with all the hacking going on.

What did the police say when you reported these threats to them???

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