  • Report:  #24327

Complaint Review: First National Credit - Aliso Viejo California

Reported By:
- Berlin, WI,

First National Credit
135 Columbia, Unit 100 Aliso Viejo, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In the mail today, I recieved a notice saying I was *Guaranteed* for $15,000 line of credit. What a joke! I for one know that I wouldnt be allowed that much credit. And for two, why on earth would you have to pay $37.00 for processing. So like they say, if its too good to be true, it is! So here I am, reading the other posts on this company because the "little voice" told me to check them out first. And I'm glad that I did. Thank you for this service of listing all the RipOff Reports. I hope that nobody falls for this scam, its people like that, which ruin truely good things for the people who deserve them. Morgan Green Bay, Wisconsin

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