  • Report:  #682

Complaint Review: First USA Bank - Wilmington Delaware

Reported By:

First USA Bank
PO Box 8864 Wilmington, 19899 Delaware, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First USA VISA Credit Card Department PROVIDES Horrid Customer

Service and Fails to Rectify Their ERRORS!

3/17/99 - I filed a dispute with FIRST USA regarding a vendor's non-

shipment of merchandise charged to my card This dispute was FAXED

and SENT to avoid the old "we never rec'd your dispute" (which they

attempted during a prior dispute).

3/30/99 - I rec'd a letter from First USA indicating recipt of my


My monthly statements rec'd from this point were noted with a

statement advising me that the "amount of dispute was not required"

(as it should be noted while disputes are being investigated).

4/9/99 - I had not heard from FUSA for some time, I called

regarding the status of my dispute. Now, suddenly, they have NO

RECORD of my dispute!

This, along with their arrogant service, enticed me to close my

account, which I did, by letter on 4/9/99. This letter also

reiterated my dispute information, since they "didn't have it."

My statements continued to advise me that "no payment was required

for dispute" (my account was now cancelled anyway - per my


9/1/99 - Since I STILL hadn't heard from them regarding my dispute,

I called for an update. At this time their representative indicated

the dispute was RESOLVED, but had no details on the resolution. I

hadn't recieved a credit on my account and she didn't know why. She

told me to hang tight and I'd likely be recieving a correspondence.

9/7/99 - I receive a PAST DUE letter for the amount of the dispute

plus late fees and service charges. I called the dispute department

and they NOW said I didn't provide them with enough information,

and a letter was supposedly sent to me.

Now they're telling me to take it up with the vendor!

It's obvious First USA is totally disorganized and abhorranrt

customer service is common practice.

I'm filing a compliant with every entity I can.

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