  • Report:  #354394

Complaint Review: Fred Meyers Also Known As Krogers - Roseburg Oregon

Reported By:
- Sutherlin, Oregon,

Fred Meyers Also Known As Krogers
929 N Garden Valley Blvd. Roseburg, 97470 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a real estate broker with ReMax Professional Realty. As you know the real estate market is not at its best at the moment. I took a second job at Fred Meyer's so that my husband and I could get some medical benefits. When I interviewed for the job I was asked how the salary sounded and I let them know that I was only interested in the benefits, the $8.00 an hour, not the most important to me with having the second job. We desperately need some medical benefits. My husband and I are both self employed and the benefits for people at our age (50) are almost a thousand dollars a month.

I was hired at 20 hours a week with benefits at the end of 6 months. I have 3 other girls that were hired with me that will testify to the fact that is exactly what was told to us. The first week I was scheduled in their home department and was also scheduled for 40 hours that week. The third day into the job I went to the director of the store Julie Bell on my lunch half and was in tears. I had so many client calls on my cell phone which I could not have on the floor at Fred Meyer, which is totally understandable. I could not get to a computer to use for personal use to answer questions on my break and I just realized that it would not work at this many hours. So I told Julie that I so appreciated the opportunity but that I was going to have to quit. She said to me "I am glad to find out now than find out in three months".

The very next day I was called from Dianna (human resource director) or Shelly (Home manager at time, I can't remember which) from Fred Meyer and asked to come back that they had just the perfect job for me. They did not tell me what this job was at the time.

I was so grateful and went in the next day. I met Julie, Dianna, and Shelly in Julie's office. I was asked if I would like to move to the apparel department and keep it to the 20 hours a week so that I could get my benefits.

Then the rumors started that I couldn't handle the home department I was too much of a prissy. None of them knew that I would have worked them under the table to do a good job, and I liked the home department. I kept my mouth shut.

I worked mostly in the evenings doing what they call recovery. It was usually at least 4 or 5 of us girls (me 50, some older) that would do the evening shift that was from between 2 to 3 to at least 11:00 at night.

I worked through their sock sale in November (when I must have lifted 15-20 boxes filled with socks that didn't sell. Came home in tears my arms hurt so bad from trying to please them it was such a mess. I worked through the Christmas rush and the messes and always came in when asked .

I was sexually harassed. I was asked to come into the boss's office while she tells me that the women in my department said that I have been rubbing up against them while I was working my department. I asked Denise (my supervisor) just exactly what does that mean. She would not give me an answer. I asked again, and also asked her to promise me she would find out and tell me. One night Tiffany was working the shoe department and the person in charge who just happened to be the one that disliked me for some reason???? Was overheard telling Kathy to just let the little one with the fake b***s do the job.

One night during the remodel I was asked by Kathy to shrink wrap the stands that the purses were on (all this was during their remodel). Afterwards (next day) I found out that normally two people do this, since it is so difficult. There were six tables and I was told to do them all. I went home with my hands bleeding that night but no one seemed to care. I wanted to do a good job and didn't know better.

I was also accused of stealing. When I worked at Fred Meyer I would bring my cloths that had to be worn to work after real estate. I had bought a shirt from Fred Meyer and grabbed it out of my closet with the tag still on and my black pants. I did not realize the shirt was to low cut until I put it on at work. I tried so hard to keep it pulled up but I wasn't there 10 minutes when Lori (person in charge, and the only one I know of that does not care for me) tells me to go take a shirt off the shelf and put on under. So I did. I pulled the tag off the shirt and in red ink I put my name and that I would purchase on break and placed it right next to the computer. I purchased before I left the store and thought everything was ok.

The next morning Lori asked the acting head of apparel to go to Julie Bell that I had stole the shirt and he (Frank, trying to hire new apparel manager at time, or interviewing I guess) was more than willing to get involved. I don't know what happened in that meeting but not another thing was said about it until the day I quit and Julie tried to pretend that it didn't happen. Once I put her on the spot she all of a sudden remembered and said that it was all a misunderstanding.... but did I get an apology??? NO

The evening before I quit, which I will add I tried to do four times and they talked me out of it, I called Lori (person in charge that evening) due to the fact we had these crazy phones that every time you went to lunch you just had to let the person in charge know and then transfer to someone else. I called Lori and to let her know I was leaving and that I would be back a few minutes early due to the fact that I was a couple minutes late. She completely made a scene!! Told me I couldn't do that, I would be stealing (again????) then came up to the front of the store and proceeded to create a scene in front of me the customers and the customer service employee. (Who told me that evening that she was going to write a formal complaint on Lori)

The next morning when I put my keys on Julie Bell's desk and told her that they just don't pay enough for what we have to do and put up with. I also mentioned that everyone that I knew in that store knew I was only working there for medical benefits and what was said to me at orientation. Julie looked up at Dianne (human resource representative who gives the new hire classes) without a word and looked back down at me. Kori was also in the room but did not say anything that I can remember (second in charge of the apparel department, great girl).

I would like to add that Denise Abernathy was nothing but professional and kind to me. She tried her best to accommodate my schedules and I believe in her heart she knows that what was done to me was wrong. I am hurt because Denise is VERY good and I probably would still be there because of her. She works so darn hard to make sure the cut hours and the freight, cleaning, scheduling was easy on all of us. To the best, I think of any one person's ability. I truly have a new respect for ones who work for us in retail!!

I can't believe that of all things they have not as yet even given me my last check. I quit in January and I have spoken with Kori and Jamie acting bosses and an employee if they have it and was told no. Jamie even told me she would leave a note.????

Funny thing is, this Fred Meyer has some great people working for them, and I mean great, genuine nice people and it's too bad that big corporations and Julie Bells can't even see it. Julie knew about the Medical and if she denies it she is a liar, who obviously can sleep with the way she treats people. Although, could be just the big guys(save the money don't give the last check or the medical) above her mostly, I really don't know, but I do know she knew and they did me wrong.lDead wrong!!

Cc: Fred Meyer Corporation


Cc: Attorney General of Oregon

Cc: Labor board


Sutherlin, Oregon


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