  • Report:  #269578

Complaint Review: Freelotto.com - New York Internet

Reported By:
- nuneaton, Other,

New York New York, Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
They say one born every min, and yes i was sucked in bigtime. Had been playing and paying to have numbers put on by freelotto for a while won a dollor here and there and i gave them to someone more in need than me! as asked by freelotto.

Then i got an email saying id won it big! I emailed them coz thay wanted another $7.99. told them no way i had stopped payment but was still covered till end of august! Afew hours later email saying that my money by check was on its way but i had to arrange payment to a delivery company.

I then got email from tnt saying that payment to bring my check would be wait for it. I could choose between paying over 500.00 or 379.00!! so now you can choose how much to be ripped off!(payment though westen union)

At this point i stopped runing round like a headless chicken coz i thought id won and used what god had gave me (my brain). I emailed back every email i had from freelotto and told them i wanted scanned copys of passports as i was finding it hard to get my head round what i had won and was this a scam?

I know i wasnt going to be told the truth but they know i know now. I also said that i would hunt them down like the dirty dogs they are and help in anyway i could to put the peices of s**t behind bars, I also asked why couldnt they just get a job like most of the normal people on this planet.

I still have had no answer so that tells me two things, 1. its a big fat scam 2.they have gone into hiding! ( they will wish they had if i ever get my hands on them)


I really hope for every1 elses sake the peices of scum that are behind this fall off the face of this earth. Hanging is to good for people like this. If it sounds to good to be true, use your pc and find out.



United Kingdom

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