  • Report:  #489634

Complaint Review: Gail Baer - Falls Church or Alexandria Virginia

Reported By:
Revealer - , , USA

Gail Baer
Not-sure Blvd. Falls Church or Alexandria, Virginia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Surely this will be of interest to any hardworking U.S. taxpaying citizens. This person, Gail Baer, is a disability income cheater. She openly admits this too on a website. She has harassed many people through this site as well. She even states (her words):

"I'm not retarded, am not a Savant, do not have Borderline Personality Disorder, do not have bi-polar, or Brain cancer. My GPA was 3.3 emphasis in conflict resolutions."

At the same time she claims she is such an abused woman that it makes it impossible for her to work (again, her words, as she admits to collecting disability checks), so this GPA college educated genius has decided to leech off of taxpayers instead.

If you've ever seen her YouTube video belting out a jazz tune you will realize she is about as disabled as I am Jesus Christ's illegitimate child. Whoever has vital info should report her to the Office of Inspector General at Social Security for disability fraud.


41 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
More Libel Found

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, October 27, 2012

I keep finding more libel about me, posted in hidden (?) comments, under profiles on datingpsychos.com, and I know I am bound to find more, but one I found recently was posted on 1/17/12 and the content was practically the same content as the other "aliases" MamaMoniQue and KittyKatKonvalesce posted, except this time, he or she used the alias Hyacinth-MsGoodbar and the libeler purposely spelled my name in capitals but with spaces between each letter, thereby it seems, by doing that, to make it impossible for me to google, to find the information, but found it I did. So, the LIBELER keeps using different aliases, over and over again, to post the same or similar libel about me, and I have notified the owner of the datingpsychos.com web site, each time I find one of the libelous comments, but I may have to hire a lawyer to put a stop to it.


United States of America
"Campaign" for libeling me on line has been ongoing..

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, October 24, 2012

It would seem that a "campaign" for libeling me online, was well in the works for at least four months, before the May 2012 libelous profile about me was posted on datingpsychos.com, since (and I saved this) I found one comment under the profile, on datingpsychos.com, for Koley or Cole Hearst (apparently, 3 profiles are/were posted for Hearst, but this one revealed something else, and the information was subsequently deleted, I suspect, by the web site owner, after he knew that I knew what was posted. The comment was posted on 1/16/2012 @ 10:03:39 PM, under the alias "Migrainia-dawson" who libeled me, but that content was soon removed after I informed the owner of the web site, datingpsychos.com (shall I hire a lawyer to trace Migrainia's IP address? I think this proves more motive for malice, this was where "Migrainia" labeled me as a "s**t-mucker")  That information was posted LONG BEFORE any projected/alleged "pirated" profiles were re-posted on datingpsychos.com, about anyone that "Lulz" (or possibly the web site owner of datingpsychos.com) apparently projected as stemming from the work of someone else, under another alias! Whoever posted the libel about me had better not underestimate the skills of someone who once worked in the IT field for more than a decade!


United States of America
Another possibility as to who could have been the libeler..

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, October 24, 2012

Since various libel was posted about me on datingpsychos.com, I have been extra vigilant about watching that site, to see who posts what and where on it. Another possibility of who might have posted the content/libel in May 2012, about me, regarding "lulz", might have been Brandon Hattaway (profiled on datingpsychos.com), because the word "LuLz" was used allegedly by Brandon Hattaway, and the profile about Hattaway seems to imply that he might be gay or on the down-low. BUT BRANDON HATTAWAY HAD NO WAY OF KNOWING THE NAMES OF MY RELATIVES (unless maybe Hattaway was a lover of my ex, who, I suspect, was on the down-low when he lived with me, but I think it is highly improbable that Brandon Hattaway is or was the lover of my ex, because the location given for Hattaway is/was Buffalo, NY, although, my ex once lived in NYC in his younger days.) What was written about Hattaway on datingpsychos.com will follow: "Age: 37" "Occupation: Graphic Design" "This guy is an internet troll. He has hacked into my e-mail & retrieved pics of me in bra & panties & made a fake twitter profile to send pics of me to the world. He has at least 15 twitter accounts & 5 Facebooks I know of. He is a really twisted individual. When I tried to stop talking to him, he blackmailed me & published the pics anyway.

 Oh, he is also MARRIED to some chick named Cheryl" ... Subsequently, another profile was posted on datingpsychos.com about Hattaway : "Age: 38" "Occupation: Graphic Design" "My name is Eve, I met Brandon on twitter, May 28, 2011. We became friends & began to engage on private chat on Yahoo. I told him all about myself, including the fact that I'm on disability for my Bipolar disorder. Brandon is an extremely sophisticated man, very educated & he knew exactly what he was doing when he began to take advantage of me.

Over the next six months Brandon would systematically break me down, take advantage of me emotionally, sexually & exploit me in every way he could online. In October his obsession with me came full circle when I had a brief separation from my husband, Howard. During this time he manipulated me into sending him a picture of myself that was somewhat explicit, me in panties, lying on my stomach in bed. Brandon wanted to meet me in person, but I had to say no. Brandon wanted me to send him more explicit pics & once again I had to say no. Unfortunately the culmination of all of this would be that he would make at least 20+ twitter profiles to tweet pictures & links to 2 websites he made. On these websites are pictures of me, addresses for me, my Grandparents & my Aunts. There are pictures of my children as well with foul commentary & threats to a*s rape them. He's made fake Facebook pages of me & my family as well. Sometimes I wish I'd just sent the pic he wanted, he destroyed my life, my blog & ruined me on the internet & he did it all, "for the LuLz" "


United States of America
It was another Group Think Situation, I think

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, October 15, 2012

I have been the brunt of "Group Think" situations in my past so I know what they are. It was in Sept. 2008, when Judy had planned, in detail with me, hosting my event at her home in Falls Church, VA. I had met with Judy at her house, with the other "helper planners" , Elaine M. (who had been my friend since high school), Colleen Merrigan, and Eugene Braganza. I distinctly recall, at one point, with all four women present, Colleen and Judy giving each other the "high five" , after they told those present at the meeting (except for Eugene, I don't think he had arrived yet) that they (Judy and Colleen) had been or were about to be, let go from their jobs, they slapped hands in the air, as if they were celebrating getting riffed, so they wouldn't have to work anymore.


United States of America
I Might Hire a Cyber Crimes Investigator

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, October 15, 2012

If I have to hire a cyber crimes investigator to find out who has posted the libel up here and on datingpsychos.com, I will do so. I have the funds to do so, now. It was Susanna Rosenbaum that I allege Judy Jensen "defamed"  in an e-mail she sent to me on Weds. Oct. 1, 2008, at 4:43:57 PM. Judy wrote, "This is the woman that booked all Andrew's Faifax Parks gigs. The slime ball used to piss me off by flirting withe everyone and acting as if it was not with me to get on their 'booking' side.!!!" That e-mail from Judy came after another one from her, sent Weds. 1 Oct 2008 at 3:03 PM, and the content in the e-mail included, "Gail, She books all the Fairfax concerts. ..at least she used to. Susanna Rosenbaum Arts Council of Fairfax County."


United States of America
The Connection Between Judy Jensen and my ex, who advertised himself, in 2000, as Bisexual, on a swingers site

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, October 15, 2012

Also, in May of 2012, someone (very possibly the same person who posted this libelous Rip-Off Report, or also possibly the same person/persons who posted libelous content about me on datingpsychos.com, in Feb. 2012, under two or more different aliases, also posted a WHOLE libelous profile about me on datingpsychos.com, that stayed up on that site for 9 days (thank God it wasn't longer) and comments under it, were posted by a "Lulz" in the second week of May 2012.

This basic libelous profile accused me of several things, and posted old/outdated e-mail addresses of mine and a phone number that did not belong to me, NEVER belonged to me, and the main profile libeled me as an "Internet troll" and my occupation as "No talent a** clown" .. The libeler wrote "tell your brother hello" and mentioned my brother's wife's name [no one would have known her name unless he was my ex with whom I lived for many years, who, I discovered, was on the down-low in my last year with him [I allege this, but I keep proof of his e-mails.] 

The libeler, in that post, wrote that a book that I had written "sucks a**" .. many misspellings were in those libelous comments, under the libelous profile about me, but one of them, was posted 5/14/2012, most of the libelous comments were written by someone with the alias "Lulz" .. That libeler got the title wrong for my book, he/she never read it because I never released it, unless I had sent a draft copy to Judy Jensen, for review, when once I thought she was my friend.

And when I sent things I had written, via e-mail, to Judy Jensen, when I thought she was my friend, she responded, in e-mail back to me, how she thought I was a good writer. Mind you, it was the father of Judy Jensen who taught my ex many, if not all, of his lapidary skills (or so Judy told me.) At one time, when I thought  that Judy Jensen was my friend, she admitted to me that her former husband, Skip Marut [who had rented a room in the 1970's, in a large old house in Falls Church, VA, close to the State Theatre (where I, simultaneously, had also rented a room, when I was age 18), was a heroin junkie.

Back then, Skip had "come on" to me as a female, but I rejected him..I decided to try to remain as his friend, nothing else. Shortly thereafter, I was introduced to Judy by Skip, who attended a party that I also attended in Falls Church. So, it might be that two of my enemies seek to destroy me psychologically, but I will not get all paranoid about it, like maybe my ex or Judy hope for me to do. My ex of many years [relationship ended in June 2000] admitted to me that he is dyslexic.

The content of the main libelous profile, formerly posted about  me on datingpsychos.com, and the comments that were under it, well.., the language had many misspellings in it, etc., that seemed to DENOTE/REVEAL the typical language of a dyslexic. The libeler in the main profile, posted about me in May 2012, this time, (possibly and very likely my ex, and I strongly suspect it was him) commented, projected me as having "proof of a life not fulfilled" .. The libeler wrote, "Do you think your brothers, wives, there kids would like to see what auntie Gail does with all her time?"  ... NO ONE WOULD KNOW THAT I AM AN AUNT UNLESS IT WAS MY EX!

Another comment was posted to the same libelous profile, on 5/14/2012, on the web site, datingpsychos.com. Again, misspellings were aplenty, as if from someone with dyslexia. AGAIN, this comment referred to the (employment discrimination) case I had filed, against a U.S. military employer, a case I lost. In the libelous comment about me, the libeler mentioned SPECIFICS of that case, including the name of the case, UNLIKE what the others, MamaMoniQue and KittyKatKonvalesce wrote, four months previous to the main libelous profile, posted about me on datingpsychos.com.

It was as if the main libeler was increasing, in his/her intensity, libel about me, by multiple degrees. Subsequently, when I tagged the FBI to that libelous content, the libelous information was removed, within three hours, from that web site, after I notified the FBI. This whole episode of my life reminds me of witch hunters or of the perps in the movie, Carey. So, all in all, whatever libel written about me by MamaMoniQue and KittyKatKonvalesce, about me having aired personal details about myself online.. BE DAMNED, particularly when I have had to explain to what all those details pertained, to maintain my good reputation, consequently.

I still keep as proof, the, I allege, damning/gossipy e-mail that I received from Judy Jensen, years ago, in which, I allege, she gossiped about a Fairfax County employee [I would have to go back to my saved e-mails; I saved them all, from Judy, but I believe the Fairfax County employee's last name was Rosenbaum, apparently that employee or former employee had once promoted artists and concerts in Fairfax, VA] .. the e-mail I saved that Judy sent to me basically accused the Fairfax County employee of being a "flirt" and, more or less, allegedly accused same County employee of discounting Judy's ability to promote artists (or so I gathered/interpreted from Judy's e-mail.)

Judy had sent that e-mail to me when she and I had agreed to her hosting an event for me, at her home in Falls Church, VA [Judy and several of who I considered to be mutual friends of hers and mine, all met at her home, to discuss the venture.] One person who attended was Gene Braganza. After things fell out between Judy and me, shockingly, Gene (apparently) took Judy's side, and was no longer my friend after this episode. Judy had reneged on the business arrangement she had made with me, in front of several others, as witnesses,

and reneged less than two weeks before the actual event, after I had sent out E-vites, and had gotten confirmations that the limit of guests I had invited (limit set by Judy) would attend the event at Judy's home. Consequently, at the last minute, I had to book my event at a church, in same city, scheduled only days before the event was to take place. I allege, I lost business and potential customers who would have otherwise attended the event initially planned to take place at the home of Judy Jensen. I did not try to sue Judy for what happened. Angry? Yes. I was. Anyone would have been, I think.


United States of America
Found More Libel About Me

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, October 14, 2012

Apparently, my last rebuttal entry didn't take, so I re-post it again. On 2/07/12, someone using the handle, MamaMoniQue, posted more libel about me, in a  comment, under a profile on datingpsychos.com, and wrote about me, among other things, "She pretends to be several different people, including a young male" and "She is a COWARD!" MamaMoniQue pointed out a video of me posted on line, wrote that I sang and gyrated "while 'claiming' to be disabled and receiving government money for her alleged disability."  This MamaMoniQue also wrote that I had "filed some lawsuit....and her father dying a year or so ago. Either she is awfully naive, or mentally ill to re-post things with so much of her OWN info ONLINE!" .......... First, MamaMoniQue is apparently too ignorant to not know the difference between an emotional disability and a physical disability. MamaMoniQue would probably put down all raped women who have PTSD or Battered Woman's Syndrome, or put down all war veterans who have PTSD, if anyone is to believe MamaMoniQue's thought patterns. Second, when I sang on stage, it was my way to heal from emotional abuse of years. That online video take of me singing is of me singing a 3-minute (approx.) song on stage, with an arthritic knee/joints. And yes, I did file a lawsuit (employment discrimination) and filed it pro se (fought it pro se, I was the CLAIMANT, not the DEFENDANT), and consequently found out that no one ever wins a pro se case, at least, not anyone who fights any military government employer on these kinds of issues. No one! Not ever! MamaMoniQue, it would seem, would want me to be ASHAMED of a case I fought pro se and lost, when I am NOT ashamed, nor ever will be, just as I will never be ashamed to standing up to online bullies. The facts were with me (heavily weighted in my favor) in that case and the only reason I lost it was because I was too poor to hire a lawyer. Later, when I informed the datingpsychos.com web site owner about the libel from MamaMoniQue, the web site owner removed the libel and told me he had blocked the user, MamaMoniQue. Around the same time that MamaMoniQue posted the libel, another piece of libel was posted about me, under another profile on datingpsychos.com, as another comment, only it was posted by a KittyKatConvelesce, and posted about two weeks after the libel was posted by MamaMoniQue. KittyKatConvelesce wrote, among other false things about me, "I posted it this way as she would only do a google search and deny everything written. She pretends to be several different people even" and "Her last address - according to a lawsuit she filed back in 2005 [[wrong, I filed the lawsuit in 2001!]] - was in Alexandria, VA" and "someone who knows her, thankfully, ratted her out" ..... Again, this KittyKatKonvelesce wrote about me having sung and gyrated on stage "while claiming to be disabled even. I'm not exactly sure what her 'disability' is supposed to be, but she seems to function and dance well enough for her to be living off of us taxpayers!"  .. and referred to an online video of me. First, I have never pretended to be anyone else other than who I am, on line, especially not a young male. I have occasionally posted anonymously to certain social networking web sites, where opinions about social issues can be aired, but many do that, for example, those who get stalked/harassed by spam e-mails or by stalker/harasser/breather phone calls, so they google the phone # to find out who owns those numbers, to find out if anyone else is getting stalked/harassed the same way. Most everyone who posts about phone harassers use aliases (not their real names.)...Again, I reported the libel from KittyKatKonvelesce to the owner of the datingpsychos.com web site and the owner subsequently removed the libelous comment/content about me. The thing is, I did not find those comments from MamaMoniQue and KittyKatKonvelesce until Oct. 2012, so those libelous comments were on datingpsychos.com, unknown to me for eight months. The libelers, MamaMoniQue and KittyKatKonvelesce--probably one and the same person, just  using different handles, the TONE and LIBELOUS CONTENT in each comment, that is what gives me the impression that is is the same person posting under different names, posting the libel--even the gall, nerve, shadiness, cowardice to post in the KittKatKonvelesce comment, that [he or she?] PURPOSELY posted the comment so that I would not be able to Google it and find it. KittyKatKonvelesce wrote, "I posted it this way as she would only do a google search and deny everything written" .. so it seems that MamaMoniQue and KittyKatKonvelesce are one and the same person, who accused me of being different people, when, meanwhile MamaMoniQue and KittyKatKonvelesce PROJECTED what is wrong with themselves/herself/himself onto me, which is the sign of a very sick (mentally ill) person. I also suspect that MamaMoniQue and KittyKatKonvelesce might also be the SAME person who posted this fraudulent Rip-Off Report about me, because it is the same sort of sick, shame-basing, online activity used, in all libel posted about me so far.


United States of America
To the bigot comments posted..

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 31, 2011

To whoever wrote "have you no pride?" .. Ever read Pride and Prejudice? Heard the song Love Has No Pride? Heard the Biblical expression, "Pride commeth before a fall"..well.., that last one..to me, often, if a person has fallen so hard by crime or onslaughted by other atrocities in life .. or by many, simultaneously and consecutively, then no wonder any person in those circumstances loses/lost pride or has shattered self-esteem issues where he/she tried to build back his/her confidence, to GAIN PRIDE again. Anyone who has not experienced "the bottom" knows not of what I speak. It is a thin line, sometimes, between a r r o g a n c e and p r i d e, and often those who think "pride" is the ultimate high, are prejudiced and arrogant. I hope to     n e v e r     become one of those. But what remains in me that was once Christian learnings, i.e., Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth, and the other addage, "turnabout is fair play", or "what comes around goes around" or "those who live in glass houses should not throw stones".. or "it's the pot calling the kettle black" .. each of those expressions seem fitting, right now..should be applied to whoever the bully is who first posted this profile, or the bully commentors who posted next. I merely rebutted with facts, then came the onslaught of more bullying.


United States of America
I didn't lie and still don't..

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 26, 2011

I told the truth up here, very explicitly as I did, in
detail because I thought then and still think it was Judy Jensen who filed this
fraudulent report.

Judy Jensen was the one who, in a phone convo to me (before
this report was filed) claimed she might have brain cancer. I guess that was
the excuse she gave me for behaving the way she did to me, to backstab me,
after love-bombing me before that, as did her friends.

But in that same phone convo it was Judy who threatened to make sure any disability moneys I
received would go away, or in so many words. It was also one of Judys friends,
Shannon, who I mentioned above, who used to invite me to her parties, but who,
in my opinion, cowardly sided with Judy over these issues, in group-think mode
is the way I see it.

It was also Shannon who, at one time told me that she had
been diagnosed as schizophrenic. That may be true or not but that is what
Shannon told me.

Then there is who I call Billy Goat Gruff  the self-proclaimed singer with, in my
opinion, a warbly voice like a goat, who regularly got invited to Shannons
parties. According to what I was told, Billy, who once dated a friend of mine,
a beautiful young woman whose friend told me she had had a head injury at one

Well, I also heard that Billy kept dumping that female, at least 5 or 6
times .. even after he had supposedly asked her hand in marriage at one point,
only to devastate the girl who he allegedly referred to, at one point, as like
a female Forrest Gump .. my friend, the beautiful woman..well, she and I share
a friend in common, an African American male who confided to me that Billys
son had once called him the N word, so apparently/allegedly, this Billy might
also be a racist, if his son is a racist or learned racial slurs from him.

I am so glad that these people are in my past, long gone.


United States of America
Commentor 26

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 26, 2011

It doesn't look like she knows how to spell, either. Wow.


United States of America
Commentors 25 and 26..

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 26, 2011

Seems like commentors 25 and 26 are the same person. Commentor #25 may have "moved on" but it surely didn't prevent her from becoming an online bully up here, did it?

I, for one, have never called anyone a "dork"  .. would never say that about myself or anyone else. Doing so shows a level of immaturity or dearth of intellect or vocabulary. That says it all.


United States of America
To Comment #25

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 26, 2011

"If wat ppl say in this article is false, contact a lawyer and sue for slander"

I am not a suit-happy person. Why, sure commentor #25. I suppose you think it right for senior citizens to spend their subsistence income (limited) on spending $ they don't have on expensive lawyers, or so that federal use of time that you and other Americans pay for..pay with your taxes for the salaries of those judges.. can be used for that purpose? I think you need to reach the age of 65 before you can show  any intelligence about these things. It sounds like you age still a teenager with limited developmental stage.

"You have made urself lower than them, but airing yours and their dirty laundry"

No. I merely r e b u t t ed to tell the truth. Stop projecting false characteristics to others .. characteristics that are probably your own issues, when you are ignorant of the facts and seem to have no clue.


United States of America
Maybe commentor #25...

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 26, 2011

Maybe commentor #25 needs to get raped again then end up homeless on the streets at age 50+ then see if she feels the same way.  Sounds like she's under 40 or 30, though, or maybe just a plain old sociopath who likes to heckle others..like she feels e n t i t l e d  to heckle others, projecting faults onto others to make herself feel more important because she still feels small inside, after all those years, after being raped. Who knows, but I'm not reading this link anymore. If commentors are stupid enough not to see the bgigger picture..that some heal from trauma differently and at different paces, I'm not going to be the one to teach her, life will do that, in time, when she "grows up"..


United States of America
Rebuttal to nasty comments

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 26, 2011

Rebutting Consumer Comments #25 and #26 .. Wow. It's been years since I even visited this report, since my last rebuttals but I couldn't help but notice how  i g n o r a n t  those last two consumers were, about disability. Emotional disability from multiple traumas does not equal mental illness or mental disease. For anyone to say "I was raped" etc. etc. and "moved on" so "why can't you" and "grow up" ..tells me that that commentor has not "grown up" ... it tells me that she just might be a sociopath so affected by her traumas that she has to project some "deficiency" ...very possibly her own deficiency, by deflecting her own flaws onto someone else she wants to make "feel less" than herself. That is what sociopaths do, also. And to p r o j e c t "MENTAL DISEASE" on someone merely because she told the truth..how things went down.. well, to me that smacks of smallmindedness or possibly sociopathy. If these two..#25 and #26 have nothing else to do with their time than to hassle a senior citizen, they maybe it is them who need to "grow up" and mind their own business.


United States of America
Rebuttal to nasty comments

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 26, 2011

Ya know..I have not visited this site or the idiot comments posted since my last rebuttal years ago, but whoever is the DUMMY who posted re "mental disease" is PURELY stupid. Just because a person has an emotional disability due to several episodes of trauma, does not mean he or she is "diseased" .. EDUCATE YOURSELVES!

And to whoever posted the comment about "grow up" .. about how SHE had all these traumas.. so why should anyone have "more problems" than SHE was raped, etc., and had "come out of it" to "move on" .......to me....she HASN'T moved on if she's PROJECTING ISSUES onto me or others, JUST LIKE SOCIOPATHS do.

If neither of those folks have nothing better to do with their time than HARASS a senior citizen, it is time for THEM to grow up!


New York,
United States of America
Gail Baer

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, May 30, 2011

Wow.  Lady, if you are receiving disability by reason of mental disease, you really ARE entitled.

Lyn Love

United States of America
Gail Baer

#18General Comment

Thu, May 05, 2011

Lady, u r either crazy or the most selfish person I have ever come across.

You play on the fact  you were involved in a bank robbery or wat ever ur problem is.

Grow up. Get a life. MOVE on. Stop being so selfish.  STOP talking about all these other
people.  I don't understand why someone has not taken you to court.  Don't you have any
self pride left?

I have been sexually abused at 5, 7, 9, 13, and date raped at 18. 
I lost my best child hood friend at age 11, as I watched her die from a brain tumor.
I lost my 2nd best friend to a heart attack at age 13.
I had a mother that was never around.  Never met my father.
I was a dork in school, so i had no friends.
The list goes on and on.. I have more reasons than you to feel sorry 
for myself. To become an alcoholic.  To play on the system. To let others take care
of me.  To lay around the house and feel sorry that so much bad stuff has happened 
to me that was NOT my fault.  BUT I DO NOT.. and neither should you.

I couldn't even continue to read thru ur garbage about other people.
If wat ppl say in this article is false, contact a lawyer and sue for slander.
You have made urself lower than them, but airing yours and their dirty laundry.

What a shame.  People like you give American's a bad rap.


United States of America
I think my last rebuttal paragraph

#19REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 05, 2010

Having a gun pointed at ones head is second degree assault and felony harassment. Actually assaulting another person is first degree assault and is a felony. BOTH things happened to me, at my place of work, in 2001, by a FELON. When a felon who assaults a woman is not captured, this can be worse for her, for she has no closure. I wouldnt even have been working where I was working had my ex of 8.5 years not done business with my former boss (at the place where I was assaulted), for my ex left me in the rental home where we had both signed the lease, and in my 9th year with him, and he broke the lease.

To my shock, in my last year with him, my ex had been advertising himself on a swingers site, for casual sex with men. Many who knew me in the 1990s know EXACTLY who he is. Yes! A fact! He advertised himself at BI! A FACT! Meanwhile, he also had an affair with a MARRIED woman, who had, for two years, pretended to be my friend. Hed been having an affair with her, for, I think, about one year, before leaving my home. He ended up living with her, and I think they possibly married last year (which would be his THIRD wife, with two failed marriages.  He also threw a set of keys at my face/head area, when he argued with me, when still living with me, and had to spackel over the hole, later, that hed made in the wall, when he missed hitting my face by only inches (I was sitting across from him, at the dining room table, when he did this. To me, he is a SOCIOPATH.)

Friends who do not help after a woman has been through multiple traumas like this, to deal her one more trauma, or traumatic experience, deserve to rot in hell.


United States of America
Exposing who "Shanz" is...

#20REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 23, 2010

o.k, now Im going to tell you who Shanz is (mentioned above)..only because I received an annoying e-mail from her today. In Shannons e-mail body was a link to http://www.deckersoft.com/lndex.html.


When I opened the link, it was from CANADIAN HEALTH CARE&MALL, which advertised (or seemed to) for Viagra and Cialis.


"Shanz" is Shannon Simms. She is the daughter of Fran Bell Simms, artist residing in Arlington, VA.  Shannon was once (dont know if she still is) a friend of a friend of mine, named Tallison Rausch. Tallison told me she was an RN for INOVA.


Tallison, in my opinion, is a beautiful woman, tall blonde, was interested in photography and other intellectual pursuits, and was complimentary to my music, at Bangkok Blues. Tallison had been snookered (or so Tallison confided to me), by a blues artist, who is rumored to have been a heroin junkie, named Robert Lighthouse, who had seduced Tallison, years ago (around the time I performed at B.B.)


Tallison told me about the Robert Lighthouse seduction, while I knew her, at Bangkok Blues. Around that time, and after the alleged seduction by Lighthouse, I noticed Tallison, at one point, at that club, leaning her back, into Shannons embrace. I found out that Tallison (or so one of the two told me as much) had spent the night at Shannons house, after the affair.

At one point, around this time..not sure if before or after this incident.., Shannon had, at Bangkok Blues, one time, touched my hand (as if being empathetic to me, for some reason.)

Thus, I am not at all sure that Shannon is not bisexual (or sexually confused), or possibly takes advantage of hurt women (women hurt by men), so I think (this is MY OPINION) Shannon TOOK ADVANTAGE of Tallisons vulnerability, after Robert Lighthouses seduction of Tallison, to possibly seduce Tallison into a brief, lesbian encounter. But thats just my take on things..my opinion.


Across the years,  I attended several of Shannons parties, I also noticed who attended those parties. Among Shannons guests were at least two males who I thought were transsexuals or trangendered or gender variant males.

I have nothing against "gender variant" peoples; but I DO have objection to people who take advantage of the vulnerabilities of others, to take sexual advantage of them.


o.k, now Im going to tell you who Shanz is (mentioned above)..only because I received an annoying e-mail from her today. In Shannons e-mail body was a link to http://www.deckersoft.com/lndex.html.


When I opened the link, it was from CANADIAN HEALTH CARE&MALL, which advertised (or seemed to) for Viagra and Cialis.


"Shanz" is Shannon Simms. She is the daughter of Fran Bell Simms, artist residing in Arlington, VA.  Shannon was once (dont know if she still is) a friend of a friend of mine, named Tallison Rausch. Tallison told me she was an RN for INOVA.


Tallison, in my opinion, is a beautiful woman, tall blonde, was interested in photography and other intellectual pursuits, and was complimentary to my music, at Bangkok Blues. Tallison had been snookered (or so Tallison confided to me), by a blues artist, who is rumored to have been a heroin junkie, named Robert Lighthouse, who had seduced Tallison, years ago (around the time I performed at B.B.)


Tallison told me about the Robert Lighthouse seduction, while I knew her, at Bangkok Blues. Around that time, and after the alleged seduction by Lighthouse, I noticed Tallison, at one point, at that club, leaning her back, into Shannons embrace. I found out that Tallison (or so one of the two told me as much) had spent the night at Shannons house, after the affair.

At one point, around this time..not sure if before or after this incident.., Shannon had, at Bangkok Blues, one time, touched my hand (as if being empathetic to me, for some reason.)

Thus, I am not at all sure that Shannon is not bisexual (or sexually confused), or possibly takes advantage of hurt women (women hurt by men), so I think (this is MY OPINION) Shannon TOOK ADVANTAGE of Tallisons vulnerability, after Robert Lighthouses seduction of Tallison, to possibly seduce Tallison into a brief, l*****n encounter. But thats just my take on things..my opinion.


Across the years,  I attended several of Shannons parties, I also noticed who attended those parties. Among Shannons guests were at least two males who I thought were transsexuals or trangendered or gender variant males.

I have nothing against "gender variant" peoples; but I DO have objection to people who take advantage of the vulnerabilities of others, to take sexual advantage of them.


United States of America
Rebuttal continued...

#21REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 02, 2010


I still save e-mails from my friends (female musicians) African American, male friend, who has also been my friend. The African American guy was a major confidante of my female musician friend, for years. For years, he consoled her, and over what the architect did to my female friend. He said that the male architect didnt like that he (African American guy) was the female musicians friend. The African American guy, my friend, who I will  only name by his first name, Jerry (formal name, Jerome), wrote, in one e-mail to me, that the son of the man (architect?) who hurt (emotionally) my female musician-friend, used the N word (racial insult) when (allegedly) describing or insulting that the African American man, who was my friend, too.


Thus said, if any man (architect or not) or his progeny hurts any friends of mine, with racial insults, he is no friend of mine, and those who invite him to their parties are NOT my friends, either!


That guy (architect? ..he is also a musician) also hosted the event venue where I performed, that was captured on that YouTube link, the link that The Revealer, I think, alludes to, about me belting out a tune. If you find the link, you can see his face.


Another section of my rebuttal That man I mentioned (above) who I allege is or was a womanizer .. who I was told was an architect..was the same guy invited to Shanzs and Cindy and Kevin Marchs parties, in the past. He is the one who I allege hurt the emotions of my female musician friend. This is about him


I still save e-mails from my friends (female musicians) African American, male friend, who has also been my friend. The African American guy was a major confidante of my female musician friend, for years. For years, he consoled her, and over what the architect did to my female friend. He said that the male architect didnt like that he (African American guy) was the female musicians friend. The African American guy, my friend, who I will  only name by his first name, Jerry (formal name, Jerome), wrote, in one e-mail to me, that the son of the man (architect?) who hurt (emotionally) my female musician-friend, used the N word (racial insult) when (allegedly) describing or insulting that the African American man, who was my friend, too.


Thus said, if any man (architect or not) or his progeny hurts any friends of mine, with racial insults, he is no friend of mine, and those who invite him to their parties are NOT my friends, either!


That guy (architect? ..he is also a musician) also hosted the event venue where I performed, that was captured on that YouTube link, the link that The Revealer, I think, alludes to, about me belting out a tune. If you find the link, you can see his face.


United States of America
Rebuttal Continues..

#22REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 24, 2010

In other words, "The Revealer" (who I'm fairly dead-on certain is Judy M. Jensen) calls me a "harasser", when I am only a "whistleblower" about her  (I TOLD THE TRUTH ONLINE! I DID NOT LIE!)


United States of America
Rebuttal continued...

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 23, 2010

I composed this section last night, but post it at this hour.

Those three women who sat in that meeting with me at Judys house, to help plan my event (even if only offering what they could bring to help, and stating they would attend), knew that I had my networks compromised by my former partner of 8.5 years, because I told them so at that meeting..told them that what my ex did to me destroyed about four or five networks with him, that I had carefully built, for years.


They also knew my trust levels were low for trusting females because my former partner had cheated on me with a married woman (he destroyed her marriage to her second husband, too, I allege), so they knew that I was vulnerable that way. So it was insult piled on insult (if not more injury) when they did what I have described up here. 


Its almost as if only they are/were deserved/deserve to be validated as humans, because they owned houses, when I didnt. (Well, E.M. may or may not own the house she lives in, which she told me shed moved to the home she grew up in with her parents, and had moved from an apartment complex, I guess, when things got rough for her, possibly to do with her employment situation; so she might co-own that home, with her brother. Still, her safety net was better than mine, to my estimation, at it seemed that E.M. also joined the ranks to shun me, with a we/them or, in my case, we/her mentality, instead of recognizing me as a human being who deserved the human right of the pursuit of happiness, at least when I gathered that she thought I was not worth responding to, three days, before Judy Jensen canceled my event at her home.)


I composed this section last night, but post it at this hour.

Those three women who sat in that meeting with me at Judys house, to help plan my event (even if only offering what they could bring to help, and stating they would attend), knew that I had my networks compromised by my former partner of 8.5 years, because I told them so at that meeting..told them that what my ex did to me destroyed about four or five networks with him, that I had carefully built, for years.


They also knew my trust levels were low for trusting females because my former partner had cheated on me with a married woman (he destroyed her marriage to her second husband, too, I allege), so they knew that I was vulnerable that way. So it was insult piled on insult (if not more injury) when they did what I have described up here. 


Its almost as if only they are/were deserved/deserve to be validated as humans, because they owned houses, when I didnt. (Well, E.M. may or may not own the house she lives in, which she told me shed moved to the home she grew up in with her parents, and had moved from an apartment complex, I guess, when things got rough for her, possibly to do with her employment situation; so she might co-own that home, with her brother. Still, her safety net was better than mine, to my estimation, at it seemed that E.M. also joined the ranks to shun me, with a we/them or, in my case, we/her mentality, instead of recognizing me as a human being who deserved the human right of the pursuit of happiness, at least when I gathered that she thought I was not worth responding to, three days, before Judy Jensen canceled my event at her home.)


United States of America
Rebuttal continued...

#24REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, February 22, 2010

What The Revealer, with (her, I allege it is a she) stated about my GPA, in the initial RipOff Report about me, is IRRELEVANT. My GPA wouldve been high enough (at near 3.3, when earned at age 40, paid for, in half by the Pell Grant, paid for, the other half, with my savings), to land a decent professional job, when I graduated.

I probably couldve had better than a 3.5 or even a 4.0, had I not been verbally abused, in my first (and only legal, aka legit marriage, or on paper marriage), with my spirits brought down low, and concentration levels lowered, from the abuse (I allege) I experienced, in my first marriage (my only marriage on paper.)

Without a 3.5 or better GPA, when an applicant is over age 40, and closer to age 50, it is difficult to gain professional federal positions, because (and I think, especially during the Bush Administration) those positions typically required having a 3.5 (to stay alive) GPA, and being in a minority category (non Caucasian, and usually the Luevano Consent Decree or Outstanding Scholarship program-qualifying persons being accepted to jobs over the others, even though those programs should have been extinct before year 2000), which makes it difficult if an applicant to be hired, who is NOT in those categories.


What The Revealer, with (her, I allege it is a she) stated about my GPA, in the initial RipOff Report about me, is IRRELEVANT. My GPA wouldve been high enough (at near 3.3, when earned at age 40, paid for, in half by the Pell Grant, paid for, the other half, with my savings), to land a decent professional job, when I graduated.

I probably couldve had better than a 3.5 or even a 4.0, had I not been verbally abused, in my first (and only legal, aka legit marriage, or on paper marriage), with my spirits brought down low, and concentration levels lowered, from the abuse (I allege) I experienced, in my first marriage (my only marriage on paper.)

Without a 3.5 or better GPA, when an applicant is over age 40, and closer to age 50, it is difficult to gain professional federal positions, because (and I think, especially during the Bush Administration) those positions typically required having a 3.5 (to stay alive) GPA, and being in a minority category (non Caucasian, and usually the Luevano Consent Decree or Outstanding Scholarship program-qualifying persons being accepted to jobs over the others, even though those programs should have been extinct before year 2000), which makes it difficult if an applicant to be hired, who is NOT in those categories.


United States of America
Rebuttal continued...

#25REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 21, 2010

To my knowledge or recollection, I never divulged any such thing to anyone, not on line or in any person-to-person conversations. That blog of The Revealers would have it seem, I think, as though I had tried to CONFLATE (official?) information, which I have never done, as far as I know. 

Dishonesty and manipulation do not pay off (cheaters never profit is what is in the Bible; while I may no longer believe in organized religion, I still believe in that tenet, as well as to others, like do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and the reverse: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth..those biblical tenets have stuck to me like glue, even when I have experienced, over and over again, hypocrisy from so-called Christians, for much of my life!), and I have held to that belief ALL MY LIFE. Fortunately for me, my Significant Other and Life Partner can see past and through things I cannot see. At one time, he was an acolyte in his Episcopal church, as a youth. He had noticed the hypocrisy of so-called Christians, for much of his life, so now adheres to the Tibetan Buddhist form of religion.

Then, if you look at the content of Judy Jensens e-mail to me, regarding Susanna Rosenbaum, Judy got P.O.ed at Rosenbaum, for which reasons? For flirting? For Rosenbaums stating to her, supposedly, that she, Judy, wasnt fit for representing an artist?

To repeat, Judy had written to me, in e-mail:  This is the woman that booked all Andrew's Faifax Parks gigs. The slime ball used to piss me off by flirting with everyone and acting as if was not with me to get on their "booking" side.!!!

So, those are the reasons Judy used for (warranting ? justifying?) getting pissed off at Rosenbaum, which, to me, was a hairtrigger or knee-jerk response, about yet another person.



I also felt provoked to respond to this Revealers Report about me, to defend myself with the truth. I felt provoked in the same manner I had felt provoked, when Judy Jensen accused me on the phone (in what I allege was her first abusive phone call to me, and still allege) of being demanding, i.e., provoked to just ask the others. Everyone thinks so about you, too, and just like I felt provoked when she threatened to sue me (in her THIRD, I allege, abusive phone call), when she said shed make sure I could no longer (in her words) survive on my disability (subsistence).

That said, what The Revealer (who I seriously believe is Judy Jensen, in disguise) posted, on October 28, 2009, with Granted she doesn't come out and say she is a disability cheater but inadvertently by her words .. is also bullpucky, hogwash, houieFALSE!

The Revealer also posted, on October 25, 2009, the blog, She states she is receiving disability insurance instead of disability checks.

To my knowledge or recollection, I never divulged any such thing to anyone, not on line or in any person-to-person conversations. That blog of The Revealers would have it seem, I think, as though I had tried to CONFLATE (official?) information, which I have never done, as far as I know. 

Dishonesty and manipulation do not pay off (cheaters never profit is what is in the Bible; while I may no longer believe in organized religion, I still believe in that tenet, as well as to others, like do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and the reverse: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth..those biblical tenets have stuck to me like glue, even when I have experienced, over and over again, hypocrisy from so-called Christians, for much of my life!), and I have held to that belief ALL MY LIFE. Fortunately for me, my Significant Other and Life Partner can see past and through things I cannot see. At one time, he was an acolyte in his Episcopal church, as a youth. He had noticed the hypocrisy of so-called Christians, for much of his life, so now adheres to the Tibetan Buddhist form of religion.

Then, if you look at the content of Judy Jensens e-mail to me, regarding Susanna Rosenbaum, Judy got P.O.ed at Rosenbaum, for which reasons? For flirting? For Rosenbaums stating to her, supposedly, that she, Judy, wasnt fit for representing an artist?

To repeat, Judy had written to me, in e-mail:  This is the woman that booked all Andrew's Faifax Parks gigs. The slime ball used to piss me off by flirting with everyone and acting as if was not with me to get on their "booking" side.!!!

So, those are the reasons Judy used for (warranting ? justifying?) getting pissed off at Rosenbaum, which, to me, was a hairtrigger or knee-jerk response, about yet another person.



United States of America
Rebuttal continued...

#26REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, February 20, 2010

This next rebuttal part I created last night, but I am posting it at this hour.

Now, I want to talk about C.M., again, who I mentioned above. At one time, when she was still at her (Project or Program Management) job, I think more than a year before she was at that meeting, as one of my helpers, I had helped her revise her resume. She had asked for that help, and I gave it to her (I still keep the proof in my e-mails to and from her, from way back then.)

But after my help, there was at least one more occasion where I felt that she had been catty to me. It was at one of  Shanzs parties, a Christmas party. Id been invited to Shanzs Christmas parties and other parties that Shanz and her mother hosted, for at least three years.

For Christmas with Shanz and her friends, there was this activity which Shanz had us participate. Everyone was invited to bring a gag gift, $5.00 or under. We would open our gifts in front of everyone. If anyone wanted the gag gift shown, he or she could ask for it, and if the asker had already had opened his or her gag gift, the asker could have that persons gift, that was requested.


Well, C.M. had opened her gag gift. It was a polyester, short skirt, red, with tropical designs on it. When I requested C.M.s gag gift, in exchange for my own gag gift, it was protocol for her to hand it over. When she did, she remarked to me, Its not as if you dont have enough clothing, [****]! 


just another example of what I thought was a little catty barb from C.M. to me, and I wondered, at the time, what was behind her  seeming cattiness or attitude toward me? What had I done to her? Nothing up to that point, that I could recall. Id helped C.M. with her resume, and before Id helped her with her resume, months before that, Id gifted her with several bisque, white angels, that I had inherited from my mother.


I could not understand C.M.s  (on more than one occasion, apparently catty or snide/snippy) behavior toward me. The only thing I could think of that might have set C.M. off was when we two had discussed endured abuse from former partners, at that blues club.


C.M. had admitted to me at the club that shed been prescribed meds for --I cant recall which meds, or which condition it was for--depression or anxiety. I asked her if not the meds prevented her from drinking alcohol. She said, No. Im on them now, in fact. I wasnt being nosey that night I asked her this; I was merely inquiring, in general, if those kinds of meds made people groggier, with drink. I wasnt being catty either, but perhaps she took my question the wrong way.


During that conversation, Id mentioned to C.M. that I did not believe in taking drugs for depression or anxiety, because Id known at least six people whod been described either Prozac or Paxil, and those friends of mine had either had suicidal thoughts when coming off the drugs, or, in one case, one of my friends was in the hospital with HEART FAILURE, after his first and only dose of Paxil.


I had also known one woman whod regularly taken Paxil for some disorder, who was a hairdresser. While on that prescription, she was let go from the job shed had (I wondered why she was let go. She was an EXCELLENT hair dresser, very friendly to her customers, had a very pleasant disposition, almost sisterly, and she had raised one boy, as a single parent, successfully.)


I did not divulge the name of my friend, that hairdresser, to C.M., either, but may have told her about some of my friends, never mentioning their names. (I wouldnt do that, because they had merited my loyalty and confidence!), I had told C.M. that Id had a couple of friends whose health conditions worsened (they became more depressed), after being prescribed Paxil or Prozac.


That was just one topic of discussion Id had with C.M., at length. We had many discussions, many pleasant ones, around that discussion, before and after that discussion, and about other things than that topic, and I had to wonder, at that one Christmas party at Shanzs home, why I sensed an attitude toward me, from C.M.


Now, more about E.B., otherwise described above as Gene. He was male in that helper group, whod also attended that meeting to plan my event with me,


I had confided to E.B., at one point, that I had fought an employment discrimination case against a federal agency, that I had fought for years, pro se, to no avail of getting access to the courts, to be heard in front of a jury of my peers. I had explained to him, I think, that unless one has MONEY and can afford to hire a lawyer, it is not likely that any disabled person stands a chance of getting his or her full claim heard before any jury of her peers.


I had explained to E.B., I think, the reasons I thought that I had not gotten my fair chance in federal court, regarding an EEO civil case Id filed. I explained to him that I had requested of the agency (I did not name the specific agency, for privacy reasons; suffice it to say, it was a defense and military agency; I had applied to that job holding TWO Schedule A certifications) accommodation to my disability, and requested to work locally (within a 21-mile radius of my residence, which, had they hired me, I felt I could have done, if the position was in Quantico, Ft Belvoir, or in D.C.), but explained that I needed to work locally, not be rotated all over the U.S. (and others hired DID work and train LOCALLY, so it was not, to me, an outlandish request, when I needed to keep with my same therapist, to continue treatment with the therapist, after being crime victimized!)


I had also explained to E.B. that one of the reasons that that federal employer did not hire me was because they trumped up a poor evaluation of me from a position I had been in for six months, to gain ILLEGAL, and off the cuff, false information about me, from a prior supervisor. Among other false things that that former supervisor had said off the cuff, was that Id only worked there two months, when I actually worked there six months.


So there you have another example of a person who had harmed me, telling tales out of school, and false tales, at that, and who had hurt my chances of working in a federal job.

That happened when Id NEVER given my permission for THAT defamer to be any reference of mine! I had not given my permission for any defense agency to call THAT former supervisor (who really, if you want to know was never an on site supervisor, but a proxy one, who did nothing to prevent ageist remarks about me from a couple of co-workers.


That supervisor had done nothing to stop two co-workers from harassing ME with ageist remarks, which I had reported to Personnel. Nor did I get proper training at that company, and the company was written about, on the Internet, as having discriminated against others, including for firing a pregnant woman (violating her Family Medical Leave rights.)


I also found articles about complaints files against that company for failing to train employees they had let go. I never filed any complaint against that company, with the EEOC. I just let it go.


But all that happened when I was being emotionally, psychologically, and sexually abused by that man Id lived with for almost 9 years. I had helped to raise that mans child, too. So it hurts when a woman tries to hold on to a job because she might NEED it for her security. Too often women cannot remove themselves from domestic abuse, especially if they are getting harassed on the job too (so are abused on two levels: at home and in a hostile work environment.)


This happens to many more individuals than you can imagine. Some have had to fight more than one employment discrimination case in their lives. Theyve experienced hostile work environments more than once in their lives. Those cases are worse when it happens to women who also face domestic abuse on the home front, and unable to extricate themselves from the abuse, when facing layoffs from employers.


So yes, I had reported that former Supervisor to Personnel, when she did little, if anything to stop hostility in that work place. That company is also on the internet, reported as having a history of providing inadequate training to staff.


Because Id reported that supervisor to personnel, she had a bone to pick with me, two years later. I never included her on my list of references, and the policy in that company for giving out info was that only Personnel (not former supervisors, unless the former employer gave the name of that supervisor as a reference) could confirm my title, length of time worked there, or any other information out, about former employees.


For own PERSONAL reasons, that former supervisor did not like me. Id experienced age discrimination in that place, too. Facts were, though, that..EVERYONE in my work group in that company, had been (prior to me being given 30-day notice of my job ending) given notice, at least 30 days before my own notice, that LAYOFFS would happen.


Consequently, 1400 people from that company (regionally and in other states) had been let go from their jobs (of course, the last hired were the first to be let go!) So, my claim with that agency involved, also, retaliation as part of my EEO claim.


I have another friend who worked for that same company, with his marketing team. He said that he would NEVER give that company as an employment reference, because they tried to get more work out of his team than was originally in his teams contract with that company. He said that that company had tried to blacktop him, had tried to discredit him and discredit his teams work, too. But he, fortunately, was able to progress professionally, and went on to gain better paying jobs, in better companies, and so were those in his marketing team able to find subsequent positions.


See how things work? When a claimant has EVIDENCE with his or her claim, and with more than one prong of complaint, it is not uncommon for federal agencies to cover up the evidence that would impute them, and PROVE the companys discrimination practices.


Factor in the too-often occurrence with MANY U.S. citizens, that, when claimants CANNOT AFFORD TO PAY A LAWYER, they WILL NOT get their court date in federal courts, so WILL NOT be heard before any jury of their peers. Often, the claimants merely seek to be hired when they should have been hired, for example, with Schedule A disabilities (as in the case of disabled persons.)


It took me long to learn those lessons in life, and I have tried to help others who have faced similar (or different, or multiple prongs of) discrimination, whether that be age discrimination, disability discrimination, gender discrimination, or racial discrimination, whenever anyone asks for help.


Advocacy cant but help others, and I had tried to help Gene with advice, because he ASKED it of me.


That said, just because I lost a case in court, one that involved age discrimination, disability discrimination, and retaliation, does NOT mean that I am not disabled; rather, it could very well have meant (and I fought, pro se, stating that it did), when my case was dismissed, that a certain employer was not willing to accommodate any of my requests for accommodation, because of Mobility Agreements in place (that seemed to be negotiable in other branches of that Agency, but curiously, not flexible or negotiable in the branch of the Agency to which I had applied.


Dismissal of any case like mine could also mean for any Complainant, especially if it requires mobility issues and accommodations to mobility, that the Commerce laws have not caught up with the needs of disabled persons, in general, and when mobility does not necessarily pertain to physical mobility, but the need for disabled persons to work locally, that seek work and seek accommodations to enable getting hired and trained locally.


With a paralegal by my side (from a Legal Aid office, because I could not afford any attorney), in front of a federal judge and an Independent Medical Examiner (IME) by his side, I also told that judge that I had applied for a fed position but had been turned down while holding a Schedule A certification, even though I felt I was more qualified than others who got hired (I had an active Secret clearance..something the other applicants did not have, and the position applied for required the ability to hold that clearance!)


You see, I was required to interview twice for the position to which I applied, and required to apply twice to same position. In between my two applications, I had complained (in house, to the Agency) that my 1st application had not arrived to the end hiring authority, even though, in my first interview, I had declared up front, that I held Schedule A certification, and wanted to go the non competitive route, using my Schedule A.


Consequent and subsequent to my in house complaint, the Agency brought me in for a second interview. Only, the hiring authorities, before Id arrived to the interview, had gotten some off the cuff (and FALSE) information on me, from that former (with a bone to pick) supervisor (the one Id NOT  given permission to use as a work reference.) I again, in that 2nd interview, requested accommodation to work locally. Without letting me know what false information they had gained on me, I was not given the chance to refute the (illegal and false) information they held on me.


What that Agency had done (I still insist) was to find another reason not to hire me. If the Agency could be proven to have discriminated against my disability, as one reason it failed to hire me, (I still allege this), they were going to find a poor reference on me, whether that was gained illegally, and whether that reason was based on false information, and (I still allege this), the agency did so.


I explained to the judge that decided in favor of awarding me SSDI, that I had to flee for shelter, from my long-time residence of 9 years, to my next home, in another town, and did so after being crime victimized, when the felon who assaulted me wore no mask, and saw my face, and when the felon knew I could identify him. He knew this and could have followed me home to finish the jobto kill me.


Meanwhile, there was no adequate Witness Protection Program in my state, as there was/is in other states of my Union, that sometimes help crime victims into jobs (when the crime victim is enrolled in the Witness Protection Programs in those states.)


The judge asked me if I had a husband or life partner. I told him I did, and told him that that is who I share my life with and with whom I live.


The judge then asked if my partner had his own business. I said yes. 


It was with all those facts in his hands, and all health care documentation on me, in his hands, that the Judge then made his decision.


Everything I have written here is documented. I have the proof. So, just in case someone sees, on-line, some federal case that was dismissed, concerning an EEO case Id lost, does not mean that I am not disabled. It just means, to me, that it is difficult for persons disenfranchised, who cannot afford to pay lawyers that would have more effectively fought in courts for them, when pro se claimants are at a disadvantage, because they do not have knowledge of every legal code that protects their human rights.



This next rebuttal part I created last night, but I am posting it at this hour.

Now, I want to talk about C.M., again, who I mentioned above. At one time, when she was still at her (Project or Program Management) job, I think more than a year before she was at that meeting, as one of my helpers, I had helped her revise her resume. She had asked for that help, and I gave it to her (I still keep the proof in my e-mails to and from her, from way back then.)

But after my help, there was at least one more occasion where I felt that she had been catty to me. It was at one of  Shanzs parties, a Christmas party. Id been invited to Shanzs Christmas parties and other parties that Shanz and her mother hosted, for at least three years.

For Christmas with Shanz and her friends, there was this activity which Shanz had us participate. Everyone was invited to bring a gag gift, $5.00 or under. We would open our gifts in front of everyone. If anyone wanted the gag gift shown, he or she could ask for it, and if the asker had already had opened his or her gag gift, the asker could have that persons gift, that was requested.


Well, C.M. had opened her gag gift. It was a polyester, short skirt, red, with tropical designs on it. When I requested C.M.s gag gift, in exchange for my own gag gift, it was protocol for her to hand it over. When she did, she remarked to me, Its not as if you dont have enough clothing, [****]! 


just another example of what I thought was a little catty barb from C.M. to me, and I wondered, at the time, what was behind her  seeming cattiness or attitude toward me? What had I done to her? Nothing up to that point, that I could recall. Id helped C.M. with her resume, and before Id helped her with her resume, months before that, Id gifted her with several bisque, white angels, that I had inherited from my mother.


I could not understand C.M.s  (on more than one occasion, apparently catty or snide/snippy) behavior toward me. The only thing I could think of that might have set C.M. off was when we two had discussed endured abuse from former partners, at that blues club.


C.M. had admitted to me at the club that shed been prescribed meds for --I cant recall which meds, or which condition it was for--depression or anxiety. I asked her if not the meds prevented her from drinking alcohol. She said, No. Im on them now, in fact. I wasnt being nosey that night I asked her this; I was merely inquiring, in general, if those kinds of meds made people groggier, with drink. I wasnt being catty either, but perhaps she took my question the wrong way.


During that conversation, Id mentioned to C.M. that I did not believe in taking drugs for depression or anxiety, because Id known at least six people whod been described either Prozac or Paxil, and those friends of mine had either had suicidal thoughts when coming off the drugs, or, in one case, one of my friends was in the hospital with HEART FAILURE, after his first and only dose of Paxil.


I had also known one woman whod regularly taken Paxil for some disorder, who was a hairdresser. While on that prescription, she was let go from the job shed had (I wondered why she was let go. She was an EXCELLENT hair dresser, very friendly to her customers, had a very pleasant disposition, almost sisterly, and she had raised one boy, as a single parent, successfully.)


I did not divulge the name of my friend, that hairdresser, to C.M., either, but may have told her about some of my friends, never mentioning their names. (I wouldnt do that, because they had merited my loyalty and confidence!), I had told C.M. that Id had a couple of friends whose health conditions worsened (they became more depressed), after being prescribed Paxil or Prozac.


That was just one topic of discussion Id had with C.M., at length. We had many discussions, many pleasant ones, around that discussion, before and after that discussion, and about other things than that topic, and I had to wonder, at that one Christmas party at Shanzs home, why I sensed an attitude toward me, from C.M.


Now, more about E.B., otherwise described above as Gene. He was male in that helper group, whod also attended that meeting to plan my event with me,


I had confided to E.B., at one point, that I had fought an employment discrimination case against a federal agency, that I had fought for years, pro se, to no avail of getting access to the courts, to be heard in front of a jury of my peers. I had explained to him, I think, that unless one has MONEY and can afford to hire a lawyer, it is not likely that any disabled person stands a chance of getting his or her full claim heard before any jury of her peers.


I had explained to E.B., I think, the reasons I thought that I had not gotten my fair chance in federal court, regarding an EEO civil case Id filed. I explained to him that I had requested of the agency (I did not name the specific agency, for privacy reasons; suffice it to say, it was a defense and military agency; I had applied to that job holding TWO Schedule A certifications) accommodation to my disability, and requested to work locally (within a 21-mile radius of my residence, which, had they hired me, I felt I could have done, if the position was in Quantico, Ft Belvoir, or in D.C.), but explained that I needed to work locally, not be rotated all over the U.S. (and others hired DID work and train LOCALLY, so it was not, to me, an outlandish request, when I needed to keep with my same therapist, to continue treatment with the therapist, after being crime victimized!)


I had also explained to E.B. that one of the reasons that that federal employer did not hire me was because they trumped up a poor evaluation of me from a position I had been in for six months, to gain ILLEGAL, and off the cuff, false information about me, from a prior supervisor. Among other false things that that former supervisor had said off the cuff, was that Id only worked there two months, when I actually worked there six months.


So there you have another example of a person who had harmed me, telling tales out of school, and false tales, at that, and who had hurt my chances of working in a federal job.

That happened when Id NEVER given my permission for THAT defamer to be any reference of mine! I had not given my permission for any defense agency to call THAT former supervisor (who really, if you want to know was never an on site supervisor, but a proxy one, who did nothing to prevent ageist remarks about me from a couple of co-workers.


That supervisor had done nothing to stop two co-workers from harassing ME with ageist remarks, which I had reported to Personnel. Nor did I get proper training at that company, and the company was written about, on the Internet, as having discriminated against others, including for firing a pregnant woman (violating her Family Medical Leave rights.)


I also found articles about complaints files against that company for failing to train employees they had let go. I never filed any complaint against that company, with the EEOC. I just let it go.


But all that happened when I was being emotionally, psychologically, and sexually abused by that man Id lived with for almost 9 years. I had helped to raise that mans child, too. So it hurts when a woman tries to hold on to a job because she might NEED it for her security. Too often women cannot remove themselves from domestic abuse, especially if they are getting harassed on the job too (so are abused on two levels: at home and in a hostile work environment.)


This happens to many more individuals than you can imagine. Some have had to fight more than one employment discrimination case in their lives. Theyve experienced hostile work environments more than once in their lives. Those cases are worse when it happens to women who also face domestic abuse on the home front, and unable to extricate themselves from the abuse, when facing layoffs from employers.


So yes, I had reported that former Supervisor to Personnel, when she did little, if anything to stop hostility in that work place. That company is also on the internet, reported as having a history of providing inadequate training to staff.


Because Id reported that supervisor to personnel, she had a bone to pick with me, two years later. I never included her on my list of references, and the policy in that company for giving out info was that only Personnel (not former supervisors, unless the former employer gave the name of that supervisor as a reference) could confirm my title, length of time worked there, or any other information out, about former employees.


For own PERSONAL reasons, that former supervisor did not like me. Id experienced age discrimination in that place, too. Facts were, though, that..EVERYONE in my work group in that company, had been (prior to me being given 30-day notice of my job ending) given notice, at least 30 days before my own notice, that LAYOFFS would happen.


Consequently, 1400 people from that company (regionally and in other states) had been let go from their jobs (of course, the last hired were the first to be let go!) So, my claim with that agency involved, also, retaliation as part of my EEO claim.


I have another friend who worked for that same company, with his marketing team. He said that he would NEVER give that company as an employment reference, because they tried to get more work out of his team than was originally in his teams contract with that company. He said that that company had tried to blacktop him, had tried to discredit him and discredit his teams work, too. But he, fortunately, was able to progress professionally, and went on to gain better paying jobs, in better companies, and so were those in his marketing team able to find subsequent positions.


See how things work? When a claimant has EVIDENCE with his or her claim, and with more than one prong of complaint, it is not uncommon for federal agencies to cover up the evidence that would impute them, and PROVE the companys discrimination practices.


Factor in the too-often occurrence with MANY U.S. citizens, that, when claimants CANNOT AFFORD TO PAY A LAWYER, they WILL NOT get their court date in federal courts, so WILL NOT be heard before any jury of their peers. Often, the claimants merely seek to be hired when they should have been hired, for example, with Schedule A disabilities (as in the case of disabled persons.)


It took me long to learn those lessons in life, and I have tried to help others who have faced similar (or different, or multiple prongs of) discrimination, whether that be age discrimination, disability discrimination, gender discrimination, or racial discrimination, whenever anyone asks for help.


Advocacy cant but help others, and I had tried to help Gene with advice, because he ASKED it of me.


That said, just because I lost a case in court, one that involved age discrimination, disability discrimination, and retaliation, does NOT mean that I am not disabled; rather, it could very well have meant (and I fought, pro se, stating that it did), when my case was dismissed, that a certain employer was not willing to accommodate any of my requests for accommodation, because of Mobility Agreements in place (that seemed to be negotiable in other branches of that Agency, but curiously, not flexible or negotiable in the branch of the Agency to which I had applied.


Dismissal of any case like mine could also mean for any Complainant, especially if it requires mobility issues and accommodations to mobility, that the Commerce laws have not caught up with the needs of disabled persons, in general, and when mobility does not necessarily pertain to physical mobility, but the need for disabled persons to work locally, that seek work and seek accommodations to enable getting hired and trained locally.


With a paralegal by my side (from a Legal Aid office, because I could not afford any attorney), in front of a federal judge and an Independent Medical Examiner (IME) by his side, I also told that judge that I had applied for a fed position but had been turned down while holding a Schedule A certification, even though I felt I was more qualified than others who got hired (I had an active Secret clearance..something the other applicants did not have, and the position applied for required the ability to hold that clearance!)


You see, I was required to interview twice for the position to which I applied, and required to apply twice to same position. In between my two applications, I had complained (in house, to the Agency) that my 1st application had not arrived to the end hiring authority, even though, in my first interview, I had declared up front, that I held Schedule A certification, and wanted to go the non competitive route, using my Schedule A.


Consequent and subsequent to my in house complaint, the Agency brought me in for a second interview. Only, the hiring authorities, before Id arrived to the interview, had gotten some off the cuff (and FALSE) information on me, from that former (with a bone to pick) supervisor (the one Id NOT  given permission to use as a work reference.) I again, in that 2nd interview, requested accommodation to work locally. Without letting me know what false information they had gained on me, I was not given the chance to refute the (illegal and false) information they held on me.


What that Agency had done (I still insist) was to find another reason not to hire me. If the Agency could be proven to have discriminated against my disability, as one reason it failed to hire me, (I still allege this), they were going to find a poor reference on me, whether that was gained illegally, and whether that reason was based on false information, and (I still allege this), the agency did so.


I explained to the judge that decided in favor of awarding me SSDI, that I had to flee for shelter, from my long-time residence of 9 years, to my next home, in another town, and did so after being crime victimized, when the felon who assaulted me wore no mask, and saw my face, and when the felon knew I could identify him. He knew this and could have followed me home to finish the jobto kill me.


Meanwhile, there was no adequate Witness Protection Program in my state, as there was/is in other states of my Union, that sometimes help crime victims into jobs (when the crime victim is enrolled in the Witness Protection Programs in those states.)


The judge asked me if I had a husband or life partner. I told him I did, and told him that that is who I share my life with and with whom I live.


The judge then asked if my partner had his own business. I said yes. 


It was with all those facts in his hands, and all health care documentation on me, in his hands, that the Judge then made his decision.


Everything I have written here is documented. I have the proof. So, just in case someone sees, on-line, some federal case that was dismissed, concerning an EEO case Id lost, does not mean that I am not disabled. It just means, to me, that it is difficult for persons disenfranchised, who cannot afford to pay lawyers that would have more effectively fought in courts for them, when pro se claimants are at a disadvantage, because they do not have knowledge of every legal code that protects their human rights.



United States of America
Rebuttal Continues..

#27REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 19, 2010

Judy endeavored, I think, to ruin the networks for me that contained people who were (once) friends to her and me.


One person in my former network, at one blues club that Judy and I both frequented, was a harmonica player (D.G., in his 50s, I think, a divorced guy whod told me, one time, that his ex wife abused him), whod professed to be a Christian, but who seemed to vacillate, off and on, before everything went down, between Judy and I, as to whether he was my friend or not. I had invited him to my event, too.


My S.O. and I also hired D.G.  to help me out at a concert venue, my first and only concert in June 2008, in Maryland, and soon before my product was about to be released. He had told me, once time, at the blues club we all frequented, that he had some kind of  antisocial or anxiety (to do with personality) disorder.


Though D.G. did not show up for my event, he did, afterward, on another evening, at the blues club wed each frequented, purchase one of my CDs, but seemed to flip again, that same night, not too many minutes after hed bought it, to say something like Im not your friend.


 D.G. is friendly with Cindy and Kevin, and with C.M. (the lady who affects an Irish brogue, from time to time.) Kevin had promoted D.G.s music (creating flyers and/or marketing tools, sending out e-mails when D.G. would be featured somewhere.


On November 29, 2008, D.G. had replied to a brief e-mail Id forwarded from a chain letter, that was sent to me first by a friend to Cindy and Kevin. She had wanted me to sign an e-mail Petition and pass it on to ten people in my group. This was the first paragraph, to the Petition e-mail letter and the subject matter of it, SOCIAL SECURITY CHANGES [ ] It does not matter if you personally like or dislike Bush. You need to sign this petition and flood his e-mail box with e-mails that tell him that, even if the House passes this bill, he needs to veto it. It is already impossible to live on Social Security alone. If the government gives benefits to 'illegal' aliens who have never contributed, where does that leave those of us who have paid into Social Security all our working lives?


I had forwarded the e-mailed Petition to D.G..


He replied with, Online petitions are not reliable petitions. The signers cant be verified without an email address. Its like vote fraud. Sorry, after your past emails ( long as novels) I cant even read your emails anymore, and after your Judy Jensen tirade, just take me off your mailing list.


Thered been no Judy Jensen tirade in his direction from me, that I can recall. I may have told him in the club, when he purchased my CD, Thank you. That helps. Especially since so few people Id invited to my release event didnt show, because I think they were confused, when Judy canceled as host for it, so her canceling with short notice, consequently had me change the venue, last minute.


But that is not what I think D.G. referred to, when he said long as novels. I think the rumor mill had reached him, from either the mouths of Kevin and Cindy (his friendswho Id once thought of as friends, too, or at least as very close acquaintances, for two years), or from the mouth of C.M., or from the mouth of Judy Jensen. To my knowledge, I had never tiraded him on Judy issue, with any long e-mail (he was not one of my so-called helpers to my event planned, anyway.)


The long email statement of D.G.s seemed to align with Genes casting me as a e-mail stress-causing person, and all these attributions of me seemed to be coming from the SAME  pool of folks whod hob-knobbed with Judy Jensen: C.M., Shanz, and Kevin and Cyndi March.


Those who had shunned me, are to me, like short-sighted fundamentalists, like those Bible thumpers shun people. I felt gobsmacked, yet again, so replied to D.G.:


That petition was sent to me by a couple who are friends to Kevin and Cyndi, Virginia blues recording artists, [[husband and wife blues combo; he could see by the e-mail signature who had sent the chain mail to me first. These friends of Kevin and Cyndi had been the last to sign the chain mail Petition. I said as much.]] Well, when you get noticed for your work, despite a handful of snotty, jealous, proven slanderers trying to slam you behind your back, then you will have earned some stripes.[[In this section of my email to D.G., I pasted the good review about my concert, the concert Id hired him to help me with, then finished my response to him with.]]  If you stood to lose $300 in CD sales and agents who'd planned to attend your debut event, but because a jealous/spiteful man fixed it to mess up the time/schedule, couldn't and because jealous men bailed on a business promise to you, and viciously gossiped about you, after promising to help--not hurt--your efforts, I think you'd feel their word was "squat", too, when figuring they were not men of their word, and left you in the lurch. [ ] But then, I do remember you telling me early on that you had some kind of anxiety disorder or anti-social disorder, so it's understandable. Judy's tirade came first. She has slandered/libeled two other persons besides myself (I have the proof) before bailing on me, and deserves what she gets, including her first husband exposed as the heroin junkie she told me he was. Remove you from my mailing list? Will do (I've done it before).... right after I tell you what a supercilious, short-sighted, pretend-Christian, group-thinking boor I think you are and what an obnoxious [[***]] you can be and have been on many an occasion. I guess you bought into the gossip mongering, too, per Christian shunning mode, without looking back. It seems you cannot go more than one or two months of seeing me or conversion/e-mail with me, without some double-binding remarks (like, at [[blues club we both attended]], buying my CD and within the same ten minutes telling me, I'm not your friend), snide remark, unless it was, of course, the night that Bill and I hired you to help with my last gig.  Of course, even that night [[at that concert he helped me with]], you were surprised that I (a woman) seemed to have had top billing (your words...you apprised me of it) over Steve Guyger, and said as much.  You're way off my list. And don't bother replying. I will have blocked your e-mail addy


So, basically, I allege that I was shunned by about eight people (most, if not all, to friendly to Cyndi and Kevin), for having whistle-blown on Judy Jensen. The Revealers form of whistle-blowing, however was WAY over the top, with FALSE information, and libel that IS harmful or potentially harmful, and I think, followed Judy Jensens and others in her social circles, ruthless slander/gossip about me, and was done to have herself feel better in wanting to pull threads out of my carpet of life because hers might not be all that swell right now.


Perhaps The Revealer wont be content until Im in Section 8 Housing or thrown into the streets; if the former, that would be worse, because then she could also accuse me of living off taxpayers moneys by using a government (more subsistence?) program, where I WOULD qualify, if that happened.


Judy endeavored, I think, to ruin the networks for me that contained people who were (once) friends to her and me.


One person in my former network, at one blues club that Judy and I both frequented, was a harmonica player (D.G., in his 50s, I think, a divorced guy whod told me, one time, that his ex wife abused him), whod professed to be a Christian, but who seemed to vacillate, off and on, before everything went down, between Judy and I, as to whether he was my friend or not. I had invited him to my event, too.


My S.O. and I also hired D.G.  to help me out at a concert venue, my first and only concert in June 2008, in Maryland, and soon before my product was about to be released. He had told me, once time, at the blues club we all frequented, that he had some kind of  antisocial or anxiety (to do with personality) disorder.


Though D.G. did not show up for my event, he did, afterward, on another evening, at the blues club wed each frequented, purchase one of my CDs, but seemed to flip again, that same night, not too many minutes after hed bought it, to say something like Im not your friend.


 D.G. is friendly with Cindy and Kevin, and with C.M. (the lady who affects an Irish brogue, from time to time.) Kevin had promoted D.G.s music (creating flyers and/or marketing tools, sending out e-mails when D.G. would be featured somewhere.


On November 29, 2008, D.G. had replied to a brief e-mail Id forwarded from a chain letter, that was sent to me first by a friend to Cindy and Kevin. She had wanted me to sign an e-mail Petition and pass it on to ten people in my group. This was the first paragraph, to the Petition e-mail letter and the subject matter of it, SOCIAL SECURITY CHANGES [ ] It does not matter if you personally like or dislike Bush. You need to sign this petition and flood his e-mail box with e-mails that tell him that, even if the House passes this bill, he needs to veto it. It is already impossible to live on Social Security alone. If the government gives benefits to 'illegal' aliens who have never contributed, where does that leave those of us who have paid into Social Security all our working lives?


I had forwarded the e-mailed Petition to D.G..


He replied with, Online petitions are not reliable petitions. The signers cant be verified without an email address. Its like vote fraud. Sorry, after your past emails ( long as novels) I cant even read your emails anymore, and after your Judy Jensen tirade, just take me off your mailing list.


Thered been no Judy Jensen tirade in his direction from me, that I can recall. I may have told him in the club, when he purchased my CD, Thank you. That helps. Especially since so few people Id invited to my release event didnt show, because I think they were confused, when Judy canceled as host for it, so her canceling with short notice, consequently had me change the venue, last minute.


But that is not what I think D.G. referred to, when he said long as novels. I think the rumor mill had reached him, from either the mouths of Kevin and Cindy (his friendswho Id once thought of as friends, too, or at least as very close acquaintances, for two years), or from the mouth of C.M., or from the mouth of Judy Jensen. To my knowledge, I had never tiraded him on Judy issue, with any long e-mail (he was not one of my so-called helpers to my event planned, anyway.)


The long email statement of D.G.s seemed to align with Genes casting me as a e-mail stress-causing person, and all these attributions of me seemed to be coming from the SAME  pool of folks whod hob-knobbed with Judy Jensen: C.M., Shanz, and Kevin and Cyndi March.


Those who had shunned me, are to me, like short-sighted fundamentalists, like those Bible thumpers shun people. I felt gobsmacked, yet again, so replied to D.G.:


That petition was sent to me by a couple who are friends to Kevin and Cyndi, Virginia blues recording artists, [[husband and wife blues combo; he could see by the e-mail signature who had sent the chain mail to me first. These friends of Kevin and Cyndi had been the last to sign the chain mail Petition. I said as much.]] Well, when you get noticed for your work, despite a handful of snotty, jealous, proven slanderers trying to slam you behind your back, then you will have earned some stripes.[[In this section of my email to D.G., I pasted the good review about my concert, the concert Id hired him to help me with, then finished my response to him with.]]  If you stood to lose $300 in CD sales and agents who'd planned to attend your debut event, but because a jealous/spiteful man fixed it to mess up the time/schedule, couldn't and because jealous men bailed on a business promise to you, and viciously gossiped about you, after promising to help--not hurt--your efforts, I think you'd feel their word was "squat", too, when figuring they were not men of their word, and left you in the lurch. [ ] But then, I do remember you telling me early on that you had some kind of anxiety disorder or anti-social disorder, so it's understandable. Judy's tirade came first. She has slandered/libeled two other persons besides myself (I have the proof) before bailing on me, and deserves what she gets, including her first husband exposed as the heroin junkie she told me he was. Remove you from my mailing list? Will do (I've done it before).... right after I tell you what a supercilious, short-sighted, pretend-Christian, group-thinking boor I think you are and what an obnoxious [[***]] you can be and have been on many an occasion. I guess you bought into the gossip mongering, too, per Christian shunning mode, without looking back. It seems you cannot go more than one or two months of seeing me or conversion/e-mail with me, without some double-binding remarks (like, at [[blues club we both attended]], buying my CD and within the same ten minutes telling me, I'm not your friend), snide remark, unless it was, of course, the night that Bill and I hired you to help with my last gig.  Of course, even that night [[at that concert he helped me with]], you were surprised that I (a woman) seemed to have had top billing (your words...you apprised me of it) over Steve Guyger, and said as much.  You're way off my list. And don't bother replying. I will have blocked your e-mail addy


So, basically, I allege that I was shunned by about eight people (most, if not all, to friendly to Cyndi and Kevin), for having whistle-blown on Judy Jensen. The Revealers form of whistle-blowing, however was WAY over the top, with FALSE information, and libel that IS harmful or potentially harmful, and I think, followed Judy Jensens and others in her social circles, ruthless slander/gossip about me, and was done to have herself feel better in wanting to pull threads out of my carpet of life because hers might not be all that swell right now.


Perhaps The Revealer wont be content until Im in Section 8 Housing or thrown into the streets; if the former, that would be worse, because then she could also accuse me of living off taxpayers moneys by using a government (more subsistence?) program, where I WOULD qualify, if that happened.


United States of America
more to the rebuttal...

#28REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, February 18, 2010


No. It was my story, told to all, about what had happened. I told the TRUTH. Cyndis subsequent e-mail, to me contained these (among other) words:


Kevin is most likely not responding or receiving your emails on purpose. I didnt know he put a block on your email, if he has, but Im not surprised. We saw what was written about Judy and others on that internet dating site. [ ]  We were both very disappointed and sad. Kevin is angry. It seems a purposely mean and hateful article and since it contains a lot of personal information about Judy it is also very dangerous.  [ ] Things didnt work out with you and Judy planning the event at her house I dont really have, need or want any of the particulars of that.  I believe what I see and hear with my own senses. I dont ignore what I hear from others but if it contradicts my experience of a person it just raises a caution flag for a while. I want to see the good in people and most often its really there. [ ] But I too saw the article. And it was mean, very mean. [ ] I dont know for sure if it was you who wrote it but it certainly sounded like your pen. If it was you, you should remove it as soon as possible and you owe Judy and the others mentioned in it an apology.  If it wasnt you, you need to find out who it was and get them to remove it and put up your own caution flag. And also apologize to Judy for what this person did in your stead. [ ] From what Ive gathered, your event is a networking event more than a party. The music business is a business and you need to keep that in mind as you plan this. Friends are great but many of us cant do a thing to help you further your music career beyond buying a CD or going to you performances. That helps but thats not the big picture. [ ] Having others welcome to bring their own food contribution is a good way to make sure you have enough food and not too much. It also allows those who what to a chance to participate in a personal way but it also makes it homier and less professional. [ ] people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music. [ ] Ive learned that friends can be great help but they dont plan the event. They can contribute ideas and a helping hand but its got to be your vision and your responsibility to get things done. When we plan a party, it starts months in advance. [ ] I suppose the main point of this is that Im grateful for the help we get but its our party, our responsibly to get it done, and our expense. We view our parties as our gift to friends, family & neighborhood and I think many of them feel that way too. [ ] We both hope your next event is a huge success! [ ] As far as the other issue goes, good is in you too. Ive seen it. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Some of them are big ones and hurt others. Sometimes you cant forgive and thats ok. Sometimes its even healthy.  But it doesnt help anything or anyone to dwell on it or be mean and ugly about it. That only reflects badly on us. Moving forward and doing the right thing is good.


Theres an assumption, attribution, or projection in that sentence of Cyndis, its got to be your vision and your responsibility to get things done.  The assumption was, I think, that I was making my event someone elses vision (I WASNT), and that I didnt take responsibility (I DID, but I was also on a TEAM of people who agreed to share some of the responsibility, when agreeing to help with my event. And Judy had seemed proud enough, to name herself as host or sponsor of that event, previously, and to others!)


When Judy and I had discussed, before that meeting, who all could be my helpers in the planning process, Judy told me that I probably shouldnt ask Cyndi as a helper to my meeting, and said that Cyndi would probably take over if that happened because she is good at that..taking charge of things, Judy said, and it wouldnt be good to have two persons to steer the group. Judy, who assumed the role of the steerer, I gathered, wanted to be in control, so didnt want me to ask Cyndi to join in the group, as a potential helper. I acquiesced to that request of Judys, and DID NOT ask Cyndi into the helper meeting.


First, I interpret from Cyndis e-mail, an assumption, with her language: Ive learned that friends can be great help but they dont plan the event., the assumption being that I expected Judy to plan the event. Well, Judy and I BOTH planned the event, and planned it with three others, in a meeting, but it WAS my vision, and I didnt expect it to be the vision of the others, as I think Cyndi assumed, in her e-mail. One of them from that meeting even confirmed/agreed, that it would be a good thing for those who helped plan, to get credit for events planning, that we could add another block to our resumes.


Cyndi explained, I suppose the main point of this is that Im grateful for the help we get but its our party, our responsibly to get it done, and our expense.  What was the assumption or attribution in that statement? Possibly that she was suggesting that I was expecting too much responsibility from others, which was NOT actually the case.


With Cyndis statement, Friends are great but many of us cant do a thing to help you further your music career beyond buying a CD or going to you performances. That helps but thats not the big picture. [ ] Having others welcome to bring their own food contribution is a good way to make sure you have enough food and not too much. It also allows those who what to a chance to participate in a personal way but it also makes it homier and less professional. [ ] people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music.


The last sentence in that statement of Cyndis, people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music. were the EXACT words that my helpers,  Judy, E.M. and C.M. used, in the meeting. EXACTLY the same words, WORD FOR WORD. So, I sensed, then, that my suspicions were correct, that Judy (and or C.M.) had spoken, at length, to Cindy and Kevin, about what they thought had gone down between Judy and I, and possibly even had pointed out to Kevin, Cindy, or both, that article about Judy.


To me, it was FURTHER gossip. Gossip to the extent that, as a result, I allege, this couple shunned me, BECAUSE of the gossip. THAT is called, I think, DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER.


I might have tagged Gene (male helper in that meeting) to the link to the article about Judy. The only way Judy could have known about the article was by being, in turn, tagged or notified of it, by Gene. Yep. I wanted to see how that (alleged) GOSSIPING GRAPEVINE was operating. The proof was, to me, clearly in the pudding of how fast one person in that group gossiped to another in the group.


And Cyndis statement in same e-mail, you owe Judy and the others mentioned in it an apology. Yet, she didnt think that Judy and the others owed ME any apology after they each, I allege, COWARDLY framed me as demanding, and after Judy, I allege, provoked me, told me everyone thinks youre demanding, and further provoked, with Just ask them..everyone thinks so!, and that happened three days before Judy canceled my event, after Id bought the food and sent out the invitations! And right after Judys first (I allege abusive, when she screamed at me) phone call, I had sent my e-mail to E.M. (o.kI admita long e-mail) inquiring where Judy had gotten the idea that I was demanding, because I wanted to get down to the bottom of things, to try to find out just who had spoken to who, and then, I felt a huge COWARDLY wall went up around each of those former helpers, as if they were all cowardly passive-aggressive types,

who would not discuss the issue, and who could not take being CIVILLY queried (even if confronted, but not in any particular accusatory manner..just expressing that Id felt that Judy seemed to have taken on an accusatory, overzealous, heavy handed attitude about me, attributing to me demanding traits that were NOT me, as if I was a puppet that she could dangle, at whim, to call off my event if I want to.


In that phone call, I had said to Judy, in no high or offensive tone, Isnt it a little late for that? My food is bought. The invitations are already sent out. She then told me that my Significant Other could drop by, on the day before the event, and at what hour, to set up the band equipment, so let me believe, for another two or three days, that the event would take place. She let me think it would still happen, for another two or three days.


Only, two or three days later, Judy canceled. My guess it that, after Id e-mailed E.M. (IN CONFIDENCE!), E.M. must have shared that e-mail with Judy, and as a result (along with what I think was Judys over-reaction to one e-mail from me to her, previous to our first phone conversation), where she, I allege (but this is in her e-mail to me!) that she accused me of telling her what to do with her tenant (which I did not do!) and telling me that she wasnt going to give me the key to her house (I never asked for her key.)


As I see it now, all of those people are two-faced gossips. And yes, I feel I had GOOD REASON to tell my full story (which was removed, months later), on datingpsychos.com, about three of them, on that site, to point to the contradictions, and what I felt, with good reason, was shunning, turn tailing, and major, mean Group Think, from each of them.


Kevin had, after all (or so Shanz told me), had helped Shanz with advice on her in-home business (shipping?), I think he also helped her set up her office in the shed behind Shanzs mothers home. I had NOT asked Kevin or Cyndi for major help on my event/release project.


I had asked Kevin and Cyndi, before the planning of my event, and before Judy had agreed to host it, if theyd be interested in hosting my event at their home, only because they had, it seemed to me, to promote other blues artists in our common community, at their parties. Kevin declined. I guess I assumed too much, in the asking, to think that I was as much of a friend, as any of those performing artists, who did not even have the good press (not that Id noticed anyway) about their own work, as I had accumulated. Was it favoritism that Kevin would help other artists out that way, but not me? Who knows. I didnt dwell on it, either.


Kevin, did, though, help me with compiling some CDs, of cuts (cover tunes) off the CDs of artists, that would become learning tapes for other musicians I hired, who would learn my repertoire, and expressed that he was happy to help. He also told me that it was good for him, too, to have done so for me, because he gleaned recordings and material that hed never heard about before, so he was glad to help out, because now he had more music for him and Cyndi to listen to.


Id suggested that, in return for that favor he did for me, he could, at any time he wanted, drop by my home to take back to Cyndi, for her garden, some beautiful, tall, deep purple-blue, sibericus irises, from my garden, that he could take a whole batch of plugs from the rhizomes, if he or she wanted them. He never took me up on the offer.


When Judy made her last phone call to me, (yes..I perceived it as a threat!) telling me she wanted to sue me, then said she would make sure I no longer had disability (yes..I perceived that as a threat, too), it was as if her underlying message was: how dare you claim disability when I might have brain cancer, and I have the REAL problem, not YOU! ..so had to somehow, I think, JUSTIFY, at minimizing my disability, and go so far as to Report me up here, is my take on things. Now do you get the picture?


I had, in that article about her, posted on line what I PERCEIVED as her threats to me. I had written that whether or not she has brain cancer does not give her the right to hurt others. I still hold to that. Id exposed what she had done, up until that last phone call. I EXPOSED her, so she had to retaliate, I allege.


Seems Judy gets to hide behind her friends (who were once my friends, too), with their support, while continuing to make me out to be the bad or shady one in all this. It is SHE (and those six others), I think, who owe an APOLOGY to ME, not the other way around. Im sticking to my guns.


Oh..and in case anyone is thinking, If she is disabled, how could she have recorded 19 tunes on a CD, and spent all that time in a recording studio, working? Well, theyd be wrong there, too, because my first (and only) CD, was a compilation of tunes that Id done live, and pre-recorded, prior to 1999. I spent no time in any studio, after 1994 (and at that, it was only in my home, in the 1990s, when my ex seemed to promise to make our album, but left the project undone..raised me to the heights of hope, only to let me fall way down into despair, so I gathered those recordings (most done when I performed live, in the 1990s, but also three tunes, from the late 70s, when I used to perform solo, in clubs.)


Those supposed long e-mails of mine (to my helpers, I presumed) that Gene wrote about in one e-mail to me, that were stressing people (as he attributed/projected)... well, those were several brief (I think) emails sent to the individual helpers, trying to tie up details. Had Gene not been talking behind my back (?) to one or any of those helpers, and collectively talking to others about what had supposedly  stressed several folks, I would not have had that lightbulb come on, telling me that others had gossiped even more about me.


Only one e-mail of mine, that I think was long, to any of those helpers was to E.M., trying to get to the bottom of things, to ask why I was sensing an attitude from Judy, asking E.M. (who Judy had previously asked me to ask, about one aspect of the planning, because E.M. knew more about that aspect) why she thought Judy said that Everyone thinks this of you.


And, in Judys first (obnoxious, projective, I think) phone call to me, that shattered me, she had practically screamed, Just ask them. Everyone thinks this of you!


Demanding was what she had attributed to me, said that everyone thought about me. If the shoe was on YOUR foot, would not you have wanted to confront the others, and inquire if or not youd stressed anyone with too many demands?


Then, it seemed I got punished by Judy, three days later, for asking E.M. ..just as Judy had suggested/provoked me to do: inquire), after Judys first upsetting phone call to me. The punishement I allege, was for her to cancel hosting my event, three days later. Perhaps that one e-mail to E.M., that I requested be kept confidential (I also asked E.M. to call me when she got the chance, instead of replying by e-mail), was not kept confidential, after all.


It was as if a few minds had found consensus to release a boiling pot of hot/vicious snake oil on me.


Now, Im not saying that Cyndi and Kevin are evil people, just that I think they are short-sided, fickle, two-faced, possibly sanctimonious, even though they HAVE done some good things to help their community out. And Cyndi, more than others, should know about disabilities. I thought, at one time, that she was a cut above the others, because I think she has a relative with a developmental disability. But there are ALL KINDS of disabilities, and each disabled person has a DIFFERENT set of accommodations needed, to help them find meaningful work.


Also, contrary to what Cyndi had written, about my true story being (or that could possibly be) dangerous, I didnt see anything dangerous in what had been posted about Judy, in that online true story of mine, about what had actually gone down. Even if I wrote that Id received numerous humor emails from her, from work (as he other friends, had), when she was still working, and I did reveal who her FORMER employer was, in that story. It wasnt a tattle tale thing, to have her fired, because, at that point, shed not been working at that place for some time (at that meeting with the other helpers at her home, she had told all who attended that she would soon not be working for that employer, or and I cannot remember the exact details about when she would be let go, or stop working therebut it had been recent that she had found out she would no longer have her job, and that was basically, what she had conveyed to the others at that meeting, hence the high-fiving of she and others, at that meeting), when that online story about her was created. And what I wrote was NOT false! She was not let go from that former employer because of anything I said or did.


And why would Shanz have shunned me (by retracting that e-mail invitation to her Barbeque), if she hadnt got wind of some gossip about the Judy mess, from either Judy, Cindy, C.M., Gene, or someone else in those circles who had formerly been (supposed) friends of mine, too?


I had given Shanz no cause to personally shun me. But after that, yes, I did post something on that same web site (where I had profiled Judy), about what Shanz had done to me. Both of those profiles were removed, later. But this Report  #489634, I think was posted AFTER the profiles had been removed, and certainly, the blog, posted January 2010, about reporting me to SS (if not more vicious than the original Report), certainly was submitted long after those profiles had been removed.


Yes. So my thought remains that Judy Jensen is a vicious retaliator, bent on making my life (if not chances of me finding future work) difficult for me, and endeavored, I think, to ruin the networks for me that contained people who were (once) friends to her and me.


One person in my former network, at one blues club that Judy and I both frequented, was a harmonica player (D.G., in his 50s, I think, a divorced guy whod told me, one time, that his ex wife abused him), whod professed to be a Christian, but who seemed to vacillate, off and on, before everything went down, between Judy and I, as to whether he was my friend or not. I had invited him to my event, too.


My S.O. and I also hired D.G.  to help me out at a concert venue, my first and only concert in June 2008, in Maryland, and soon before my product was about to be released. He had told me, once time, at the blues club we all frequented, that he had some kind of  antisocial or anxiety (to do with personality) disorder.


Though D.G. did not show up for my event, he did, afterward, on another evening, at the blues club wed each frequented, purchase one of my CDs, but seemed to flip again, that same night, not too many minutes after hed bought it, to say something like Im not your friend.


 D.G. is friendly with Cindy and Kevin, and with C.M. (the lady who affects an Irish brogue, from time to time.) Kevin had promoted D.G.s music (creating flyers and/or marketing tools, sending out e-mails when D.G. would be featured somewhere.


On November 29, 2008, D.G. had replied to a brief e-mail Id forwarded from a chain letter, that was sent to me first by a friend to Cindy and Kevin. She had wanted me to sign an e-mail Petition and pass it on to ten people in my group. This was the first paragraph, to the Petition e-mail letter and the subject matter of it, SOCIAL SECURITY CHANGES [ ] It does not matter if you personally like or dislike Bush. You need to sign this petition and flood his e-mail box with e-mails that tell him that, even if the House passes this bill, he needs to veto it. It is already impossible to live on Social Security alone. If the government gives benefits to 'illegal' aliens who have never contributed, where does that leave those of us who have paid into Social Security all our working lives?


I had forwarded the e-mailed Petition to D.G..


He replied with, Online petitions are not reliable petitions. The signers cant be verified without an email address. Its like vote fraud. Sorry, after your past emails ( long as novels) I cant even read your emails anymore, and after your Judy Jensen tirade, just take me off your mailing list.


Thered been no Judy Jensen tirade in his direction from me, that I can recall. I may have told him in the club, when he purchased my CD, Thank you. That helps. Especially since so few people Id invited to my release event didnt show, because I think they were confused, when Judy canceled as host for it, so her canceling with short notice, consequently had me change the venue, last minute.


But that is not what I think D.G. referred to, when he said long as novels. I think the rumor mill had reached him, from either the mouths of Kevin and Cindy (his friendswho Id once thought of as friends, too, or at least as very close acquaintances, for two years), or from the mouth of C.M., or from the mouth of Judy Jensen. To my knowledge, I had never tiraded him on Judy issue, with any long e-mail (he was not one of my so-called helpers to my event planned, anyway.)


The long email statement of D.G.s seemed to align with Genes casting me as a e-mail stress-causing person, and all these attributions of me seemed to be coming from the SAME  pool of folks whod hob-knobbed with Judy Jensen: C.M., Shanz, and Kevin and Cyndi March.


Those who had shunned me, are to me, like short-sighted fundamentalists, like those Bible thumpers shun people. I felt gobsmacked, yet again, so replied to D.G.:


That petition was sent to me by a couple who are friends to Kevin and Cyndi, Virginia blues recording artists, [[husband and wife blues combo; he could see by the e-mail signature who had sent the chain mail to me first. These friends of Kevin and Cyndi had been the last to sign the chain mail Petition. I said as much.]] Well, when you get noticed for your work, despite a handful of snotty, jealous, proven slanderers trying to slam you behind your back, then you will have earned some stripes.[[In this section of my email to D.G., I pasted the good review about my concert, the concert Id hired him to help me with, then finished my response to him with.]]  If you stood to lose $300 in CD sales and agents who'd planned to attend your debut event, but because a jealous/spiteful man fixed it to mess up the time/schedule, couldn't and because jealous men bailed on a business promise to you, and viciously gossiped about you, after promising to help--not hurt--your efforts, I think you'd feel their word was "squat", too, when figuring they were not men of their word, and left you in the lurch. [ ] But then, I do remember you telling me early on that you had some kind of anxiety disorder or anti-social disorder, so it's understandable. Judy's tirade came first. She has slandered/libeled two other persons besides myself (I have the proof) before bailing on me, and deserves what she gets, including her first husband exposed as the heroin junkie she told me he was. Remove you from my mailing list? Will do (I've done it before).... right after I tell you what a supercilious, short-sighted, pretend-Christian, group-thinking boor I think you are and what an obnoxious [[***]] you can be and have been on many an occasion. I guess you bought into the gossip mongering, too, per Christian shunning mode, without looking back. It seems you cannot go more than one or two months of seeing me or conversion/e-mail with me, without some double-binding remarks (like, at [[blues club we both attended]], buying my CD and within the same ten minutes telling me, I'm not your friend), snide remark, unless it was, of course, the night that Bill and I hired you to help with my last gig.  Of course, even that night [[at that concert he helped me with]], you were surprised that I (a woman) seemed to have had top billing (your words...you apprised me of it) over Steve Guyger, and said as much.  You're way off my list. And don't bother replying. I will have blocked your e-mail addy


So, basically, I allege that I was shunned by about eight people (most, if not all, to friendly to Cyndi and Kevin), for having whistle-blown on Judy Jensen. The Revealers form of whistle-blowing, however was WAY over the top, with FALSE information, and libel that IS harmful or potentially harmful, and I think, followed Judy Jensens and others in her social circles, ruthless slander/gossip about me.



And why else did I think others had gossiped maliciously, about me, you might ask? Because, on November 7, 2008, Id received an e-mail from Cyndi March, with this message, after shed noticed information on the net, with my TRUE story, about Judy Jensen. SOMEONE had to have FLAGGED Cyndi to that story (I didnt), because it wouldve been impossible to find it, otherwise, and I suspect that it was either Judy or C.M. (mentioned above) who flagged Cyndi and Kevin, to it, because that article would not have stood out on Google, for example, had anyone Googled Judys name. One cannot access that story, unless one knows about that web site, then has to plug in a persons name, to see if he or she is profiled up there.


No. It was my story, told to all, about what had happened. I told the TRUTH. Cyndis subsequent e-mail, to me contained these (among other) words:


Kevin is most likely not responding or receiving your emails on purpose. I didnt know he put a block on your email, if he has, but Im not surprised. We saw what was written about Judy and others on that internet dating site. [ ]  We were both very disappointed and sad. Kevin is angry. It seems a purposely mean and hateful article and since it contains a lot of personal information about Judy it is also very dangerous.  [ ] Things didnt work out with you and Judy planning the event at her house I dont really have, need or want any of the particulars of that.  I believe what I see and hear with my own senses. I dont ignore what I hear from others but if it contradicts my experience of a person it just raises a caution flag for a while. I want to see the good in people and most often its really there. [ ] But I too saw the article. And it was mean, very mean. [ ] I dont know for sure if it was you who wrote it but it certainly sounded like your pen. If it was you, you should remove it as soon as possible and you owe Judy and the others mentioned in it an apology.  If it wasnt you, you need to find out who it was and get them to remove it and put up your own caution flag. And also apologize to Judy for what this person did in your stead. [ ] From what Ive gathered, your event is a networking event more than a party. The music business is a business and you need to keep that in mind as you plan this. Friends are great but many of us cant do a thing to help you further your music career beyond buying a CD or going to you performances. That helps but thats not the big picture. [ ] Having others welcome to bring their own food contribution is a good way to make sure you have enough food and not too much. It also allows those who what to a chance to participate in a personal way but it also makes it homier and less professional. [ ] people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music. [ ] Ive learned that friends can be great help but they dont plan the event. They can contribute ideas and a helping hand but its got to be your vision and your responsibility to get things done. When we plan a party, it starts months in advance. [ ] I suppose the main point of this is that Im grateful for the help we get but its our party, our responsibly to get it done, and our expense. We view our parties as our gift to friends, family & neighborhood and I think many of them feel that way too. [ ] We both hope your next event is a huge success! [ ] As far as the other issue goes, good is in you too. Ive seen it. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Some of them are big ones and hurt others. Sometimes you cant forgive and thats ok. Sometimes its even healthy.  But it doesnt help anything or anyone to dwell on it or be mean and ugly about it. That only reflects badly on us. Moving forward and doing the right thing is good.


Theres an assumption, attribution, or projection in that sentence of Cyndis, its got to be your vision and your responsibility to get things done.  The assumption was, I think, that I was making my event someone elses vision (I WASNT), and that I didnt take responsibility (I DID, but I was also on a TEAM of people who agreed to share some of the responsibility, when agreeing to help with my event. And Judy had seemed proud enough, to name herself as host or sponsor of that event, previously, and to others!)


When Judy and I had discussed, before that meeting, who all could be my helpers in the planning process, Judy told me that I probably shouldnt ask Cyndi as a helper to my meeting, and said that Cyndi would probably take over if that happened because she is good at that..taking charge of things, Judy said, and it wouldnt be good to have two persons to steer the group. Judy, who assumed the role of the steerer, I gathered, wanted to be in control, so didnt want me to ask Cyndi to join in the group, as a potential helper. I acquiesced to that request of Judys, and DID NOT ask Cyndi into the helper meeting.


First, I interpret from Cyndis e-mail, an assumption, with her language: Ive learned that friends can be great help but they dont plan the event., the assumption being that I expected Judy to plan the event. Well, Judy and I BOTH planned the event, and planned it with three others, in a meeting, but it WAS my vision, and I didnt expect it to be the vision of the others, as I think Cyndi assumed, in her e-mail. One of them from that meeting even confirmed/agreed, that it would be a good thing for those who helped plan, to get credit for events planning, that we could add another block to our resumes.


Cyndi explained, I suppose the main point of this is that Im grateful for the help we get but its our party, our responsibly to get it done, and our expense.  What was the assumption or attribution in that statement? Possibly that she was suggesting that I was expecting too much responsibility from others, which was NOT actually the case.


With Cyndis statement, Friends are great but many of us cant do a thing to help you further your music career beyond buying a CD or going to you performances. That helps but thats not the big picture. [ ] Having others welcome to bring their own food contribution is a good way to make sure you have enough food and not too much. It also allows those who what to a chance to participate in a personal way but it also makes it homier and less professional. [ ] people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music.


The last sentence in that statement of Cyndis, people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music. were the EXACT words that my helpers,  Judy, E.M. and C.M. used, in the meeting. EXACTLY the same words, WORD FOR WORD. So, I sensed, then, that my suspicions were correct, that Judy (and or C.M.) had spoken, at length, to Cindy and Kevin, about what they thought had gone down between Judy and I, and possibly even had pointed out to Kevin, Cindy, or both, that article about Judy.


To me, it was FURTHER gossip. Gossip to the extent that, as a result, I allege, this couple shunned me, BECAUSE of the gossip. THAT is called, I think, DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER.


I might have tagged Gene (male helper in that meeting) to the link to the article about Judy. The only way Judy could have known about the article was by being, in turn, tagged or notified of it, by Gene. Yep. I wanted to see how that (alleged) GOSSIPING GRAPEVINE was operating. The proof was, to me, clearly in the pudding of how fast one person in that group gossiped to another in the group.


And Cyndis statement in same e-mail, you owe Judy and the others mentioned in it an apology. Yet, she didnt think that Judy and the others owed ME any apology after they each, I allege, COWARDLY framed me as demanding, and after Judy, I allege, provoked me, told me everyone thinks youre demanding, and further provoked, with Just ask them..everyone thinks so!, and that happened three days before Judy canceled my event, after Id bought the food and sent out the invitations! And right after Judys first (I allege abusive, when she screamed at me) phone call, I had sent my e-mail to E.M. (o.kI admita long e-mail) inquiring where Judy had gotten the idea that I was demanding, because I wanted to get down to the bottom of things, to try to find out just who had spoken to who, and then, I felt a huge COWARDLY wall went up around each of those former helpers, as if they were all cowardly passive-aggressive types,

who would not discuss the issue, and who could not take being CIVILLY queried (even if confronted, but not in any particular accusatory manner..just expressing that Id felt that Judy seemed to have taken on an accusatory, overzealous, heavy handed attitude about me, attributing to me demanding traits that were NOT me, as if I was a puppet that she could dangle, at whim, to call off my event if I want to.


In that phone call, I had said to Judy, in no high or offensive tone, Isnt it a little late for that? My food is bought. The invitations are already sent out. She then told me that my Significant Other could drop by, on the day before the event, and at what hour, to set up the band equipment, so let me believe, for another two or three days, that the event would take place. She let me think it would still happen, for another two or three days.


Only, two or three days later, Judy canceled. My guess it that, after Id e-mailed E.M. (IN CONFIDENCE!), E.M. must have shared that e-mail with Judy, and as a result (along with what I think was Judys over-reaction to one e-mail from me to her, previous to our first phone conversation), where she, I allege (but this is in her e-mail to me!) that she accused me of telling her what to do with her tenant (which I did not do!) and telling me that she wasnt going to give me the key to her house (I never asked for her key.)


As I see it now, all of those people are two-faced gossips. And yes, I feel I had GOOD REASON to tell my full story (which was removed, months later), on datingpsychos.com, about three of them, on that site, to point to the contradictions, and what I felt, with good reason, was shunning, turn tailing, and major, mean Group Think, from each of them.


Kevin had, after all (or so Shanz told me), had helped Shanz with advice on her in-home business (shipping?), I think he also helped her set up her office in the shed behind Shanzs mothers home. I had NOT asked Kevin or Cyndi for major help on my event/release project.


I had asked Kevin and Cyndi, before the planning of my event, and before Judy had agreed to host it, if theyd be interested in hosting my event at their home, only because they had, it seemed to me, to promote other blues artists in our common community, at their parties. Kevin declined. I guess I assumed too much, in the asking, to think that I was as much of a friend, as any of those performing artists, who did not even have the good press (not that Id noticed anyway) about their own work, as I had accumulated. Was it favoritism that Kevin would help other artists out that way, but not me? Who knows. I didnt dwell on it, either.


Kevin, did, though, help me with compiling some CDs, of cuts (cover tunes) off the CDs of artists, that would become learning tapes for other musicians I hired, who would learn my repertoire, and expressed that he was happy to help. He also told me that it was good for him, too, to have done so for me, because he gleaned recordings and material that hed never heard about before, so he was glad to help out, because now he had more music for him and Cyndi to listen to.


Id suggested that, in return for that favor he did for me, he could, at any time he wanted, drop by my home to take back to Cyndi, for her garden, some beautiful, tall, deep purple-blue, sibericus irises, from my garden, that he could take a whole batch of plugs from the rhizomes, if he or she wanted them. He never took me up on the offer.


When Judy made her last phone call to me, (yes..I perceived it as a threat!) telling me she wanted to sue me, then said she would make sure I no longer had disability (yes..I perceived that as a threat, too), it was as if her underlying message was: how dare you claim disability when I might have brain cancer, and I have the REAL problem, not YOU! ..so had to somehow, I think, JUSTIFY, at minimizing my disability, and go so far as to Report me up here, is my take on things. Now do you get the picture?


I had, in that article about her, posted on line what I PERCEIVED as her threats to me. I had written that whether or not she has brain cancer does not give her the right to hurt others. I still hold to that. Id exposed what she had done, up until that last phone call. I EXPOSED her, so she had to retaliate, I allege.


Seems Judy gets to hide behind her friends (who were once my friends, too), with their support, while continuing to make me out to be the bad or shady one in all this. It is SHE (and those six others), I think, who owe an APOLOGY to ME, not the other way around. Im sticking to my guns.


Oh..and in case anyone is thinking, If she is disabled, how could she have recorded 19 tunes on a CD, and spent all that time in a recording studio, working? Well, theyd be wrong there, too, because my first (and only) CD, was a compilation of tunes that Id done live, and pre-recorded, prior to 1999. I spent no time in any studio, after 1994 (and at that, it was only in my home, in the 1990s, when my ex seemed to promise to make our album, but left the project undone..raised me to the heights of hope, only to let me fall way down into despair, so I gathered those recordings (most done when I performed live, in the 1990s, but also three tunes, from the late 70s, when I used to perform solo, in clubs.)


Those supposed long e-mails of mine (to my helpers, I presumed) that Gene wrote about in one e-mail to me, that were stressing people (as he attributed/projected)... well, those were several brief (I think) emails sent to the individual helpers, trying to tie up details. Had Gene not been talking behind my back (?) to one or any of those helpers, and collectively talking to others about what had supposedly  stressed several folks, I would not have had that lightbulb come on, telling me that others had gossiped even more about me.


Only one e-mail of mine, that I think was long, to any of those helpers was to E.M., trying to get to the bottom of things, to ask why I was sensing an attitude from Judy, asking E.M. (who Judy had previously asked me to ask, about one aspect of the planning, because E.M. knew more about that aspect) why she thought Judy said that Everyone thinks this of you.


And, in Judys first (obnoxious, projective, I think) phone call to me, that shattered me, she had practically screamed, Just ask them. Everyone thinks this of you!


Demanding was what she had attributed to me, said that everyone thought about me. If the shoe was on YOUR foot, would not you have wanted to confront the others, and inquire if or not youd stressed anyone with too many demands?


Then, it seemed I got punished by Judy, three days later, for asking E.M. ..just as Judy had suggested/provoked me to do: inquire), after Judys first upsetting phone call to me. The punishement I allege, was for her to cancel hosting my event, three days later. Perhaps that one e-mail to E.M., that I requested be kept confidential (I also asked E.M. to call me when she got the chance, instead of replying by e-mail), was not kept confidential, after all.


It was as if a few minds had found consensus to release a boiling pot of hot/vicious snake oil on me.


Now, Im not saying that Cyndi and Kevin are evil people, just that I think they are short-sided, fickle, two-faced, possibly sanctimonious, even though they HAVE done some good things to help their community out. And Cyndi, more than others, should know about disabilities. I thought, at one time, that she was a cut above the others, because I think she has a relative with a developmental disability. But there are ALL KINDS of disabilities, and each disabled person has a DIFFERENT set of accommodations needed, to help them find meaningful work.


Also, contrary to what Cyndi had written, about my true story being (or that could possibly be) dangerous, I didnt see anything dangerous in what had been posted about Judy, in that online true story of mine, about what had actually gone down. Even if I wrote that Id received numerous humor emails from her, from work (as he other friends, had), when she was still working, and I did reveal who her FORMER employer was, in that story. It wasnt a tattle tale thing, to have her fired, because, at that point, shed not been working at that place for some time (at that meeting with the other helpers at her home, she had told all who attended that she would soon not be working for that employer, or and I cannot remember the exact details about when she would be let go, or stop working therebut it had been recent that she had found out she would no longer have her job, and that was basically, what she had conveyed to the others at that meeting, hence the high-fiving of she and others, at that meeting), when that online story about her was created. And what I wrote was NOT false! She was not let go from that former employer because of anything I said or did.


And why would Shanz have shunned me (by retracting that e-mail invitation to her Barbeque), if she hadnt got wind of some gossip about the Judy mess, from either Judy, Cindy, C.M., Gene, or someone else in those circles who had formerly been (supposed) friends of mine, too?


I had given Shanz no cause to personally shun me. But after that, yes, I did post something on that same web site (where I had profiled Judy), about what Shanz had done to me. Both of those profiles were removed, later. But this Report  #489634, I think was posted AFTER the profiles had been removed, and certainly, the blog, posted January 2010, about reporting me to SS (if not more vicious than the original Report), certainly was submitted long after those profiles had been removed.


Yes. So my thought remains that Judy Jensen is a vicious retaliator, bent on making my life (if not chances of me finding future work) difficult for me, and endeavored, I think, to ruin the networks for me that contained people who were (once) friends to her and me.


One person in my former network, at one blues club that Judy and I both frequented, was a harmonica player (D.G., in his 50s, I think, a divorced guy whod told me, one time, that his ex wife abused him), whod professed to be a Christian, but who seemed to vacillate, off and on, before everything went down, between Judy and I, as to whether he was my friend or not. I had invited him to my event, too.


My S.O. and I also hired D.G.  to help me out at a concert venue, my first and only concert in June 2008, in Maryland, and soon before my product was about to be released. He had told me, once time, at the blues club we all frequented, that he had some kind of  antisocial or anxiety (to do with personality) disorder.


Though D.G. did not show up for my event, he did, afterward, on another evening, at the blues club wed each frequented, purchase one of my CDs, but seemed to flip again, that same night, not too many minutes after hed bought it, to say something like Im not your friend.


 D.G. is friendly with Cindy and Kevin, and with C.M. (the lady who affects an Irish brogue, from time to time.) Kevin had promoted D.G.s music (creating flyers and/or marketing tools, sending out e-mails when D.G. would be featured somewhere.


On November 29, 2008, D.G. had replied to a brief e-mail Id forwarded from a chain letter, that was sent to me first by a friend to Cindy and Kevin. She had wanted me to sign an e-mail Petition and pass it on to ten people in my group. This was the first paragraph, to the Petition e-mail letter and the subject matter of it, SOCIAL SECURITY CHANGES [ ] It does not matter if you personally like or dislike Bush. You need to sign this petition and flood his e-mail box with e-mails that tell him that, even if the House passes this bill, he needs to veto it. It is already impossible to live on Social Security alone. If the government gives benefits to 'illegal' aliens who have never contributed, where does that leave those of us who have paid into Social Security all our working lives?


I had forwarded the e-mailed Petition to D.G..


He replied with, Online petitions are not reliable petitions. The signers cant be verified without an email address. Its like vote fraud. Sorry, after your past emails ( long as novels) I cant even read your emails anymore, and after your Judy Jensen tirade, just take me off your mailing list.


Thered been no Judy Jensen tirade in his direction from me, that I can recall. I may have told him in the club, when he purchased my CD, Thank you. That helps. Especially since so few people Id invited to my release event didnt show, because I think they were confused, when Judy canceled as host for it, so her canceling with short notice, consequently had me change the venue, last minute.


But that is not what I think D.G. referred to, when he said long as novels. I think the rumor mill had reached him, from either the mouths of Kevin and Cindy (his friendswho Id once thought of as friends, too, or at least as very close acquaintances, for two years), or from the mouth of C.M., or from the mouth of Judy Jensen. To my knowledge, I had never tiraded him on Judy issue, with any long e-mail (he was not one of my so-called helpers to my event planned, anyway.)


The long email statement of D.G.s seemed to align with Genes casting me as a e-mail stress-causing person, and all these attributions of me seemed to be coming from the SAME  pool of folks whod hob-knobbed with Judy Jensen: C.M., Shanz, and Kevin and Cyndi March.


Those who had shunned me, are to me, like short-sighted fundamentalists, like those Bible thumpers shun people. I felt gobsmacked, yet again, so replied to D.G.:


That petition was sent to me by a couple who are friends to Kevin and Cyndi, Virginia blues recording artists, [[husband and wife blues combo; he could see by the e-mail signature who had sent the chain mail to me first. These friends of Kevin and Cyndi had been the last to sign the chain mail Petition. I said as much.]] Well, when you get noticed for your work, despite a handful of snotty, jealous, proven slanderers trying to slam you behind your back, then you will have earned some stripes.[[In this section of my email to D.G., I pasted the good review about my concert, the concert Id hired him to help me with, then finished my response to him with.]]  If you stood to lose $300 in CD sales and agents who'd planned to attend your debut event, but because a jealous/spiteful man fixed it to mess up the time/schedule, couldn't and because jealous men bailed on a business promise to you, and viciously gossiped about you, after promising to help--not hurt--your efforts, I think you'd feel their word was "squat", too, when figuring they were not men of their word, and left you in the lurch. [ ] But then, I do remember you telling me early on that you had some kind of anxiety disorder or anti-social disorder, so it's understandable. Judy's tirade came first. She has slandered/libeled two other persons besides myself (I have the proof) before bailing on me, and deserves what she gets, including her first husband exposed as the heroin junkie she told me he was. Remove you from my mailing list? Will do (I've done it before).... right after I tell you what a supercilious, short-sighted, pretend-Christian, group-thinking boor I think you are and what an obnoxious [[***]] you can be and have been on many an occasion. I guess you bought into the gossip mongering, too, per Christian shunning mode, without looking back. It seems you cannot go more than one or two months of seeing me or conversion/e-mail with me, without some double-binding remarks (like, at [[blues club we both attended]], buying my CD and within the same ten minutes telling me, I'm not your friend), snide remark, unless it was, of course, the night that Bill and I hired you to help with my last gig.  Of course, even that night [[at that concert he helped me with]], you were surprised that I (a woman) seemed to have had top billing (your words...you apprised me of it) over Steve Guyger, and said as much.  You're way off my list. And don't bother replying. I will have blocked your e-mail addy


So, basically, I allege that I was shunned by about eight people (most, if not all, to friendly to Cyndi and Kevin), for having whistle-blown on Judy Jensen. The Revealers form of whistle-blowing, however was WAY over the top, with FALSE information, and libel that IS harmful or potentially harmful, and I think, followed Judy Jensens and others in her social circles, ruthless slander/gossip about me.



United States of America
Rubuttal..another..posted more than 8 hours since my last

#29REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, February 18, 2010

And why else did I think others had gossiped maliciously, about me, you might ask? Because, on November 7, 2008, Id received an e-mail from Cyndi March, with this message, after shed noticed information on the net, with my TRUE story, about Judy Jensen. SOMEONE had to have FLAGGED Cyndi to that story (I didnt), because it wouldve been impossible to find it, otherwise, and I suspect that it was either Judy or C.M. (mentioned above) who flagged Cyndi and Kevin, to it, because that article would not have stood out on Google, for example, had anyone Googled Judys name. One cannot access that story, unless one knows about that web site, then has to plug in a persons name, to see if he or she is profiled up there.


No. It was my story, told to all, about what had happened. I told the TRUTH. These are excerpts, from Cyndis subsequent e-mail, to me:


[ ] Kevin is most likely not responding or receiving your emails on purpose. I didnt know he put a block on your email, if he has, but Im not surprised. We saw what was written about Judy and others on that internet dating site. [ ]  We were both very disappointed and sad. Kevin is angry. It seems a purposely mean and hateful article and since it contains a lot of personal information about Judy it is also very dangerous.  [ ] Things didnt work out with you and Judy planning the event at her house I dont really have, need or want any of the particulars of that.  I believe what I see and hear with my own senses. I dont ignore what I hear from others but if it contradicts my experience of a person it just raises a caution flag for a while. I want to see the good in people and most often its really there. [ ] But I too saw the article. And it was mean, very mean. [ ] I dont know for sure if it was you who wrote it but it certainly sounded like your pen. If it was you, you should remove it as soon as possible and you owe Judy and the others mentioned in it an apology.  If it wasnt you, you need to find out who it was and get them to remove it and put up your own caution flag. And also apologize to Judy for what this person did in your stead. [ ] From what Ive gathered, your event is a networking event more than a party. The music business is a business and you need to keep that in mind as you plan this. Friends are great but many of us cant do a thing to help you further your music career beyond buying a CD or going to you performances. That helps but thats not the big picture. [ ] Having others welcome to bring their own food contribution is a good way to make sure you have enough food and not too much. It also allows those who what to a chance to participate in a personal way but it also makes it homier and less professional. [ ] people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music. [ ] Ive learned that friends can be great help but they dont plan the event. They can contribute ideas and a helping hand but its got to be your vision and your responsibility to get things done. When we plan a party, it starts months in advance. [ ] I suppose the main point of this is that Im grateful for the help we get but its our party, our responsibly to get it done, and our expense. We view our parties as our gift to friends, family & neighborhood and I think many of them feel that way too. [ ] We both hope your next event is a huge success! [ ] As far as the other issue goes, good is in you too. Ive seen it. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Some of them are big ones and hurt others. Sometimes you cant forgive and thats ok. Sometimes its even healthy.  But it doesnt help anything or anyone to dwell on it or be mean and ugly about it. That only reflects badly on us. Moving forward and doing the right thing is good.


Theres an assumption, attribution, or projection in that sentence of Cyndis, its got to be your vision and your responsibility to get things done.  The assumption was, I think, that I was making my event someone elses vision (I WASNT), and that I didnt take responsibility (I DID, but I was also on a TEAM of people who agreed to share some of the responsibility, when agreeing to help with my event. And Judy had seemed proud enough, to name herself as host or sponsor of that event, previously, and to others!)


When Judy and I had discussed, before that meeting, who all could be my helpers in the planning process, Judy told me that I probably shouldnt ask Cyndi as a helper to my meeting, and said that Cyndi would probably take over if that happened because she is good at that..taking charge of things, Judy said, and it wouldnt be good to have two persons to steer the group. Judy, who assumed the role of the steerer, I gathered, wanted to be in control, so didnt want me to ask Cyndi to join in the group, as a potential helper. I acquiesced to that request of Judys, and DID NOT ask Cyndi into the helper meeting.


First, I interpret from Cyndis e-mail, an assumption, with her language: Ive learned that friends can be great help but they dont plan the event., the assumption being that I expected Judy to plan the event. Well, Judy and I BOTH planned the event, and planned it with three others, in a meeting, but it WAS my vision, and I didnt expect it to be the vision of the others, as I think Cyndi assumed, in her e-mail. One of them from that meeting even confirmed/agreed, that it would be a good thing for those who helped plan, to get credit for events planning, that we could add another block to our resumes.


Cyndi explained, I suppose the main point of this is that Im grateful for the help we get but its our party, our responsibly to get it done, and our expense.  What was the assumption or attribution in that statement? Possibly that she was suggesting that I was expecting too much responsibility from others, which was NOT actually the case.


With Cyndis statement, Friends are great but many of us cant do a thing to help you further your music career beyond buying a CD or going to you performances. That helps but thats not the big picture. [ ] Having others welcome to bring their own food contribution is a good way to make sure you have enough food and not too much. It also allows those who what to a chance to participate in a personal way but it also makes it homier and less professional. [ ] people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music.


The last sentence in that statement of Cyndis, people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music. were the EXACT words that my helpers,  Judy, E.M. and C.M. used, in the meeting. EXACTLY the same words, WORD FOR WORD. So, I sensed, then, that my suspicions were correct, that Judy (and or C.M.) had spoken, at length, to Cindy and Kevin, about what they thought had gone down between Judy and I, and possibly even had pointed out to Kevin, Cindy, or both, that article about Judy.


To me, it was FURTHER gossip. Gossip to the extent that, as a result, I allege, this couple shunned me, BECAUSE of the gossip. THAT is called, I think, DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER.


I might have tagged Gene (male helper in that meeting) to the link to the article about Judy. The only way Judy could have known about the article was by being, in turn, tagged or notified of it, by Gene. Yep. I wanted to see how that (alleged) GOSSIPING GRAPEVINE was operating. The proof was, to me, clearly in the pudding of how fast one person in that group gossiped to another in the group.


And Cyndis statement in same e-mail, you owe Judy and the others mentioned in it an apology. Yet, she didnt think that Judy and the others owed ME any apology after they each, I allege, COWARDLY framed me as demanding, and after Judy, I allege, provoked me, told me everyone thinks youre demanding, and further provoked, with Just ask them..everyone thinks so!, and that happened three days before Judy canceled my event, after Id bought the food and sent out the invitations! And right after Judys first (I allege abusive, when she screamed at me) phone call, I had sent my e-mail to E.M. (o.kI admita long e-mail) inquiring where Judy had gotten the idea that I was demanding, because I wanted to get down to the bottom of things, to try to find out just who had spoken to who, and then, I felt a huge COWARDLY wall went up around each of those former helpers, as if they were all cowardly passive-aggressive types,

who would not discuss the issue, and who could not take being CIVILLY queried (even if confronted, but not in any particular accusatory manner..just expressing that Id felt that Judy seemed to have taken on an accusatory, overzealous, heavy handed attitude about me, attributing to me demanding traits that were NOT me, as if I was a puppet that she could dangle, at whim, to call off my event if I want to.


In that phone call, I had said to Judy, in no high or offensive tone, Isnt it a little late for that? My food is bought. The invitations are already sent out. She then told me that my Significant Other could drop by, on the day before the event, and at what hour, to set up the band equipment, so let me believe, for another two or three days, that the event would take place. She let me think it would still happen, for another two or three days.


Only, two or three days later, Judy canceled. My guess it that, after Id e-mailed E.M. (IN CONFIDENCE!), E.M. must have shared that e-mail with Judy, and as a result (along with what I think was Judys over-reaction to one e-mail from me to her, previous to our first phone conversation), where she, I allege (but this is in her e-mail to me!) that she accused me of telling her what to do with her tenant (which I did not do!) and telling me that she wasnt going to give me the key to her house (I never asked for her key.)


As I see it now, all of those people are two-faced gossips. And yes, I feel I had GOOD REASON to tell my full story (which was removed, months later), on datingpsychos.com, about three of them, on that site, to point to the contradictions, and what I felt, with good reason, was shunning, turn tailing, and major, mean Group Think, from each of them.


Kevin had, after all (or so Shanz told me), had helped Shanz with advice on her in-home business (shipping?), I think he also helped her set up her office in the shed behind Shanzs mothers home. I had NOT asked Kevin or Cyndi for major help on my event/release project.


I had asked Kevin and Cyndi, before the planning of my event, and before Judy had agreed to host it, if theyd be interested in hosting my event at their home, only because they had, it seemed to me, to promote other blues artists in our common community, at their parties. Kevin declined. I guess I assumed too much, in the asking, to think that I was as much of a friend, as any of those performing artists, who did not even have the good press (not that Id noticed anyway) about their own work, as I had accumulated. Was it favoritism that Kevin would help other artists out that way, but not me? Who knows. I didnt dwell on it, either.


Kevin, did, though, help me with compiling some CDs, of cuts (cover tunes) off the CDs of artists, that would become learning tapes for other musicians I hired, who would learn my repertoire, and expressed that he was happy to help. He also told me that it was good for him, too, to have done so for me, because he gleaned recordings and material that hed never heard about before, so he was glad to help out, because now he had more music for him and Cyndi to listen to.


Id suggested that, in return for that favor he did for me, he could, at any time he wanted, drop by my home to take back to Cyndi, for her garden, some beautiful, tall, deep purple-blue, sibericus irises, from my garden, that he could take a whole batch of plugs from the rhizomes, if he or she wanted them. He never took me up on the offer.


When Judy made her last phone call to me, threatening (yes..I perceived it as a threat!) to sue me, then said she would make sure I no longer had disability (yes..I perceived that as a threat, too), it was as if her underlying message was: how dare you claim disability when I might have brain cancer, and I have the REAL problem, not YOU! ..so had to somehow, I think, JUSTIFY, at minimizing my disability, and go so far as to Report me up here, is my take on things. Now do you get the picture?


I had, in that article about her, posted on line what I PERCEIVED as her threats to me. I had written that whether or not she has brain cancer does not give her the right to hurt others. I still hold to that. Id exposed what she had done, up until that last phone call. I EXPOSED her, so she had to retaliate, I allege.


Seems Judy gets to hide behind her friends (who were once my friends, too), with their support, while continuing to make me out to be the bad or shady one in all this. It is SHE (and those six others), I think, who owe an APOLOGY to ME, not the other way around. Im sticking to my guns.


Oh..and in case anyone is thinking, If she is disabled, how could she have recorded 19 tunes on a CD, and spent all that time in a recording studio, working? Well, theyd be wrong there, too, because my first (and only) CD, was a compilation of tunes that Id done live, and pre-recorded, prior to 1999. I spent no time in any studio, after 1994 (and at that, it was only in my home, in the 1990s, when my ex seemed to promise to make our album, but left the project undone..raised me to the heights of hope, only to let me fall way down into despair, so I gathered those recordings (most done when I performed live, in the 1990s, but also three tunes, from the late 70s, when I used to perform solo, in clubs.)


Those supposed long e-mails of mine (to my helpers, I presume) that that Gene wrote about, that were stressing people (as he wrote)... well, those were several brief (I think) emails sent to the individual helpers, trying to tie up details. If he had not been talking (behind my back?) to those helpers, and collectively talking to others about what had supposedly  stressed several folks, I would not have had that lightbulb come on, telling me that others had gossiped even more about me.


Only one e-mail of mine, that I think was long, to any of those helpers was to E.M., trying to get to the bottoms of things, to ask why I was sensing an attitude from Judy, asking E.M. (who Judy had previously asked me to ask, about one aspect of the planning, because E.M. knew more about that aspect) why she thought Judy said that Everyone thinks this of you. And, in Judys first (obnoxious, projective, I think) phone call to me, that shattered me, she had practically screamed, Just ask them. Everyone thinks this of you!


Demanding was what she had attributed to me, said that everyone thought about me. If the shoe was on YOUR foot, would not you have wanted to confront the others, and inquire if or not youd stressed anyone with too many demands?


Then, it seemed I got PUNISHED by Judy, three days later, for asking one of the others (E.M.), JUST AS JUDY HAS SUGGESTED. Because Judy canceled hosting my event, three days later. Maybe that one e-mail to E.M., that I requested be kept confidential (I also asked E.M. to call me when she got the chance, instead of replying by e-mail), was not kept confidential, after all. It was as if a few minds had found consensus to release a boiling pot of hot/vicious snake oil on me.


Now, Im not saying that Cyndi and Kevin are evil people, just that I think they are short-sided, fickle, two-faced, possibly sanctimonious, even though they HAVE done some good things to help their community out. And Cyndi, more than others, should know about disabilities. I thought, at one time, that she was a cut above the others, because I think she has a relative with a developmental disability. But there are ALL KINDS of disabilities, and each disabled person has a DIFFERENT set of accommodations needed, to help them find meaningful work.


Also, contrary to what Cyndi had written, about my true story being (or that could possibly be) dangerous, I didnt see anything dangerous in what had been posted about Judy, in that online true story of mine, about what had actually gone down. Even if I wrote that Id received numerous humor emails from her, from work (as he other friends, had), when she was still working, and I did reveal who her FORMER employer was, in that story. It wasnt a tattle tale thing, to have her fired, because, at that point, shed not been working at that place for some time (at that meeting with the other helpers at her home, she had told all who attended that she would soon not be working for that employer, or and I cannot remember the exact details about when she would be let go, or stop working therebut it had been recent that she had found out she would no longer have her job, and that was basically, what she had conveyed to the others at that meeting, hence the high-fiving of she and others, at that meeting), when that online story about her was created. And what I wrote was NOT false! She was not let go from that former employer because of anything I said or did.


And why would Shanz have shunned me (by retracting that e-mail invitation to her Barbeque), if she hadnt got wind of some gossip about the Judy mess, from either Judy, Cindy, C.M., Gene, or someone else in those circles who had formerly been (supposed) friends of mine, too? I had given Shanz no cause to personally shun me. But after that, yes, I did post something on that same web site (where I had profiled Judy), about what Shanz had done to me. Both of those profiles were removed, later. But this Report  #489634, I think was posted AFTER the profiles had been removed, and certainly, the blog, posted January 2010, about reporting me to SS (if not more vicious than the original Report), certainly was submitted long after those profiles had been removed. Yes. So my opinion remains that Judy Jensen is a vicious retaliator, bent on making my life (if not chances of me finding future work) difficult for me.


And why else did I think others had gossiped maliciously, about me, you might ask? Because, on November 7, 2008, Id received an e-mail from Cyndi March, with this message, after shed noticed information on the net, with my TRUE story, about Judy Jensen. SOMEONE had to have FLAGGED Cyndi to that story (I didnt), because it wouldve been impossible to find it, otherwise, and I suspect that it was either Judy or C.M. (mentioned above) who flagged Cyndi and Kevin, to it, because that article would not have stood out on Google, for example, had anyone Googled Judys name. One cannot access that story, unless one knows about that web site, then has to plug in a persons name, to see if he or she is profiled up there.


No. It was my story, told to all, about what had happened. I told the TRUTH. These are excerpts, from Cyndis subsequent e-mail, to me:


[ ] Kevin is most likely not responding or receiving your emails on purpose. I didnt know he put a block on your email, if he has, but Im not surprised. We saw what was written about Judy and others on that internet dating site. [ ]  We were both very disappointed and sad. Kevin is angry. It seems a purposely mean and hateful article and since it contains a lot of personal information about Judy it is also very dangerous.  [ ] Things didnt work out with you and Judy planning the event at her house I dont really have, need or want any of the particulars of that.  I believe what I see and hear with my own senses. I dont ignore what I hear from others but if it contradicts my experience of a person it just raises a caution flag for a while. I want to see the good in people and most often its really there. [ ] But I too saw the article. And it was mean, very mean. [ ] I dont know for sure if it was you who wrote it but it certainly sounded like your pen. If it was you, you should remove it as soon as possible and you owe Judy and the others mentioned in it an apology.  If it wasnt you, you need to find out who it was and get them to remove it and put up your own caution flag. And also apologize to Judy for what this person did in your stead. [ ] From what Ive gathered, your event is a networking event more than a party. The music business is a business and you need to keep that in mind as you plan this. Friends are great but many of us cant do a thing to help you further your music career beyond buying a CD or going to you performances. That helps but thats not the big picture. [ ] Having others welcome to bring their own food contribution is a good way to make sure you have enough food and not too much. It also allows those who what to a chance to participate in a personal way but it also makes it homier and less professional. [ ] people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music. [ ] Ive learned that friends can be great help but they dont plan the event. They can contribute ideas and a helping hand but its got to be your vision and your responsibility to get things done. When we plan a party, it starts months in advance. [ ] I suppose the main point of this is that Im grateful for the help we get but its our party, our responsibly to get it done, and our expense. We view our parties as our gift to friends, family & neighborhood and I think many of them feel that way too. [ ] We both hope your next event is a huge success! [ ] As far as the other issue goes, good is in you too. Ive seen it. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Some of them are big ones and hurt others. Sometimes you cant forgive and thats ok. Sometimes its even healthy.  But it doesnt help anything or anyone to dwell on it or be mean and ugly about it. That only reflects badly on us. Moving forward and doing the right thing is good.


Theres an assumption, attribution, or projection in that sentence of Cyndis, its got to be your vision and your responsibility to get things done.  The assumption was, I think, that I was making my event someone elses vision (I WASNT), and that I didnt take responsibility (I DID, but I was also on a TEAM of people who agreed to share some of the responsibility, when agreeing to help with my event. And Judy had seemed proud enough, to name herself as host or sponsor of that event, previously, and to others!)


When Judy and I had discussed, before that meeting, who all could be my helpers in the planning process, Judy told me that I probably shouldnt ask Cyndi as a helper to my meeting, and said that Cyndi would probably take over if that happened because she is good at that..taking charge of things, Judy said, and it wouldnt be good to have two persons to steer the group. Judy, who assumed the role of the steerer, I gathered, wanted to be in control, so didnt want me to ask Cyndi to join in the group, as a potential helper. I acquiesced to that request of Judys, and DID NOT ask Cyndi into the helper meeting.


First, I interpret from Cyndis e-mail, an assumption, with her language: Ive learned that friends can be great help but they dont plan the event., the assumption being that I expected Judy to plan the event. Well, Judy and I BOTH planned the event, and planned it with three others, in a meeting, but it WAS my vision, and I didnt expect it to be the vision of the others, as I think Cyndi assumed, in her e-mail. One of them from that meeting even confirmed/agreed, that it would be a good thing for those who helped plan, to get credit for events planning, that we could add another block to our resumes.


Cyndi explained, I suppose the main point of this is that Im grateful for the help we get but its our party, our responsibly to get it done, and our expense.  What was the assumption or attribution in that statement? Possibly that she was suggesting that I was expecting too much responsibility from others, which was NOT actually the case.


With Cyndis statement, Friends are great but many of us cant do a thing to help you further your music career beyond buying a CD or going to you performances. That helps but thats not the big picture. [ ] Having others welcome to bring their own food contribution is a good way to make sure you have enough food and not too much. It also allows those who what to a chance to participate in a personal way but it also makes it homier and less professional. [ ] people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music.


The last sentence in that statement of Cyndis, people arent coming for the food & drink; they are coming to your event for the music. were the EXACT words that my helpers,  Judy, E.M. and C.M. used, in the meeting. EXACTLY the same words, WORD FOR WORD. So, I sensed, then, that my suspicions were correct, that Judy (and or C.M.) had spoken, at length, to Cindy and Kevin, about what they thought had gone down between Judy and I, and possibly even had pointed out to Kevin, Cindy, or both, that article about Judy.


To me, it was FURTHER gossip. Gossip to the extent that, as a result, I allege, this couple shunned me, BECAUSE of the gossip. THAT is called, I think, DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER.


I might have tagged Gene (male helper in that meeting) to the link to the article about Judy. The only way Judy could have known about the article was by being, in turn, tagged or notified of it, by Gene. Yep. I wanted to see how that (alleged) GOSSIPING GRAPEVINE was operating. The proof was, to me, clearly in the pudding of how fast one person in that group gossiped to another in the group.


And Cyndis statement in same e-mail, you owe Judy and the others mentioned in it an apology. Yet, she didnt think that Judy and the others owed ME any apology after they each, I allege, COWARDLY framed me as demanding, and after Judy, I allege, provoked me, told me everyone thinks youre demanding, and further provoked, with Just ask them..everyone thinks so!, and that happened three days before Judy canceled my event, after Id bought the food and sent out the invitations! And right after Judys first (I allege abusive, when she screamed at me) phone call, I had sent my e-mail to E.M. (o.kI admita long e-mail) inquiring where Judy had gotten the idea that I was demanding, because I wanted to get down to the bottom of things, to try to find out just who had spoken to who, and then, I felt a huge COWARDLY wall went up around each of those former helpers, as if they were all cowardly passive-aggressive types,

who would not discuss the issue, and who could not take being CIVILLY queried (even if confronted, but not in any particular accusatory manner..just expressing that Id felt that Judy seemed to have taken on an accusatory, overzealous, heavy handed attitude about me, attributing to me demanding traits that were NOT me, as if I was a puppet that she could dangle, at whim, to call off my event if I want to.


In that phone call, I had said to Judy, in no high or offensive tone, Isnt it a little late for that? My food is bought. The invitations are already sent out. She then told me that my Significant Other could drop by, on the day before the event, and at what hour, to set up the band equipment, so let me believe, for another two or three days, that the event would take place. She let me think it would still happen, for another two or three days.


Only, two or three days later, Judy canceled. My guess it that, after Id e-mailed E.M. (IN CONFIDENCE!), E.M. must have shared that e-mail with Judy, and as a result (along with what I think was Judys over-reaction to one e-mail from me to her, previous to our first phone conversation), where she, I allege (but this is in her e-mail to me!) that she accused me of telling her what to do with her tenant (which I did not do!) and telling me that she wasnt going to give me the key to her house (I never asked for her key.)


As I see it now, all of those people are two-faced gossips. And yes, I feel I had GOOD REASON to tell my full story (which was removed, months later), on datingpsychos.com, about three of them, on that site, to point to the contradictions, and what I felt, with good reason, was shunning, turn tailing, and major, mean Group Think, from each of them.


Kevin had, after all (or so Shanz told me), had helped Shanz with advice on her in-home business (shipping?), I think he also helped her set up her office in the shed behind Shanzs mothers home. I had NOT asked Kevin or Cyndi for major help on my event/release project.


I had asked Kevin and Cyndi, before the planning of my event, and before Judy had agreed to host it, if theyd be interested in hosting my event at their home, only because they had, it seemed to me, to promote other blues artists in our common community, at their parties. Kevin declined. I guess I assumed too much, in the asking, to think that I was as much of a friend, as any of those performing artists, who did not even have the good press (not that Id noticed anyway) about their own work, as I had accumulated. Was it favoritism that Kevin would help other artists out that way, but not me? Who knows. I didnt dwell on it, either.


Kevin, did, though, help me with compiling some CDs, of cuts (cover tunes) off the CDs of artists, that would become learning tapes for other musicians I hired, who would learn my repertoire, and expressed that he was happy to help. He also told me that it was good for him, too, to have done so for me, because he gleaned recordings and material that hed never heard about before, so he was glad to help out, because now he had more music for him and Cyndi to listen to.


Id suggested that, in return for that favor he did for me, he could, at any time he wanted, drop by my home to take back to Cyndi, for her garden, some beautiful, tall, deep purple-blue, sibericus irises, from my garden, that he could take a whole batch of plugs from the rhizomes, if he or she wanted them. He never took me up on the offer.


When Judy made her last phone call to me, threatening (yes..I perceived it as a threat!) to sue me, then said she would make sure I no longer had disability (yes..I perceived that as a threat, too), it was as if her underlying message was: how dare you claim disability when I might have brain cancer, and I have the REAL problem, not YOU! ..so had to somehow, I think, JUSTIFY, at minimizing my disability, and go so far as to Report me up here, is my take on things. Now do you get the picture?


I had, in that article about her, posted on line what I PERCEIVED as her threats to me. I had written that whether or not she has brain cancer does not give her the right to hurt others. I still hold to that. Id exposed what she had done, up until that last phone call. I EXPOSED her, so she had to retaliate, I allege.


Seems Judy gets to hide behind her friends (who were once my friends, too), with their support, while continuing to make me out to be the bad or shady one in all this. It is SHE (and those six others), I think, who owe an APOLOGY to ME, not the other way around. Im sticking to my guns.


Oh..and in case anyone is thinking, If she is disabled, how could she have recorded 19 tunes on a CD, and spent all that time in a recording studio, working? Well, theyd be wrong there, too, because my first (and only) CD, was a compilation of tunes that Id done live, and pre-recorded, prior to 1999. I spent no time in any studio, after 1994 (and at that, it was only in my home, in the 1990s, when my ex seemed to promise to make our album, but left the project undone..raised me to the heights of hope, only to let me fall way down into despair, so I gathered those recordings (most done when I performed live, in the 1990s, but also three tunes, from the late 70s, when I used to perform solo, in clubs.)


Those supposed long e-mails of mine (to my helpers, I presume) that that Gene wrote about, that were stressing people (as he wrote)... well, those were several brief (I think) emails sent to the individual helpers, trying to tie up details. If he had not been talking (behind my back?) to those helpers, and collectively talking to others about what had supposedly  stressed several folks, I would not have had that lightbulb come on, telling me that others had gossiped even more about me.


Only one e-mail of mine, that I think was long, to any of those helpers was to E.M., trying to get to the bottoms of things, to ask why I was sensing an attitude from Judy, asking E.M. (who Judy had previously asked me to ask, about one aspect of the planning, because E.M. knew more about that aspect) why she thought Judy said that Everyone thinks this of you. And, in Judys first (obnoxious, projective, I think) phone call to me, that shattered me, she had practically screamed, Just ask them. Everyone thinks this of you!


Demanding was what she had attributed to me, said that everyone thought about me. If the shoe was on YOUR foot, would not you have wanted to confront the others, and inquire if or not youd stressed anyone with too many demands?


Then, it seemed I got PUNISHED by Judy, three days later, for asking one of the others (E.M.), JUST AS JUDY HAS SUGGESTED. Because Judy canceled hosting my event, three days later. Maybe that one e-mail to E.M., that I requested be kept confidential (I also asked E.M. to call me when she got the chance, instead of replying by e-mail), was not kept confidential, after all. It was as if a few minds had found consensus to release a boiling pot of hot/vicious snake oil on me.


Now, Im not saying that Cyndi and Kevin are evil people, just that I think they are short-sided, fickle, two-faced, possibly sanctimonious, even though they HAVE done some good things to help their community out. And Cyndi, more than others, should know about disabilities. I thought, at one time, that she was a cut above the others, because I think she has a relative with a developmental disability. But there are ALL KINDS of disabilities, and each disabled person has a DIFFERENT set of accommodations needed, to help them find meaningful work.


Also, contrary to what Cyndi had written, about my true story being (or that could possibly be) dangerous, I didnt see anything dangerous in what had been posted about Judy, in that online true story of mine, about what had actually gone down. Even if I wrote that Id received numerous humor emails from her, from work (as he other friends, had), when she was still working, and I did reveal who her FORMER employer was, in that story. It wasnt a tattle tale thing, to have her fired, because, at that point, shed not been working at that place for some time (at that meeting with the other helpers at her home, she had told all who attended that she would soon not be working for that employer, or and I cannot remember the exact details about when she would be let go, or stop working therebut it had been recent that she had found out she would no longer have her job, and that was basically, what she had conveyed to the others at that meeting, hence the high-fiving of she and others, at that meeting), when that online story about her was created. And what I wrote was NOT false! She was not let go from that former employer because of anything I said or did.


And why would Shanz have shunned me (by retracting that e-mail invitation to her Barbeque), if she hadnt got wind of some gossip about the Judy mess, from either Judy, Cindy, C.M., Gene, or someone else in those circles who had formerly been (supposed) friends of mine, too? I had given Shanz no cause to personally shun me. But after that, yes, I did post something on that same web site (where I had profiled Judy), about what Shanz had done to me. Both of those profiles were removed, later. But this Report  #489634, I think was posted AFTER the profiles had been removed, and certainly, the blog, posted January 2010, about reporting me to SS (if not more vicious than the original Report), certainly was submitted long after those profiles had been removed. Yes. So my opinion remains that Judy Jensen is a vicious retaliator, bent on making my life (if not chances of me finding future work) difficult for me.


United States of America

#30REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 17, 2010

Lunch hour and time to post another rebuttal...

S.S. had retracted (I think) her invitation to me, on April 27, 2009, with this message:

I am afriad I emailed you thinking the email address was judy's...I am not sure if it is a good idea for you to come to the party lest you upset a number of folks...glad to hear things are moving along for you...I wish you all the best...sorry for the let-down....shanz

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Shanz, by the way, has lived with her mother, in Virginia, to my knowledge, for at least the last three years, if not more. She is young enough, I think, to be my daughter. I think she was let go from three separate jobs, each was for a different employer (I believe), within a one-year period; she told me each time her job ended.

I tried to mentor "Shanz", worried that shed had had to change jobs so often. At one point in what I thought had been our friendship, I had even referred her for a job opening, with a friend of mine, at a museum, in Washington, D.C., because my friend is/was in the jewelry business, so I thought Id try to help Shanz out. Id given her, I think, the phone number to my friends business in D.C., and suggested she inquire about potential work. That is what a good friend does, for a friend, if he or she is willing to help out.

I also told "Shanz" that if she was let go from her job, and she thought she'd worked to the best of her ability, then she could always try to collect Unemployment Insurance, as, she had worked for many months in a consignment shop, and it was her civil right to collect, if she could not find another job.

I had told "Shanz" that, when I was young woman in my twenties, and had lived in another state, far from my family, I had been so naive whenever I'd experienced companies folding, and, back then, I didn't even know about UI, nor that I had qualified, several times for it, but never collected. I didn't want that to happen to another unfortunate girl, so I merely educated her. I was NOT educating her on "how to work the system", either. It is simply a state right for every citizen in my country (the right to apply for UI.)

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Shanz and I, if we were not "friends", we were at least, close acquaintances, and shared "girl talk". At one point, we'd even reached a "consensus", when we noticed that one guy had been stringing this poor girl (another musician) along (for two years, he did this, broke up with her, supposedly got engaged to her, dumped her again), and Id noticed hed hit on two of my girlfriends, before hed even completely broken up with the other girl.

"Shanz", at a party wed both attended, told me she thought the guy was nasty, too. The girl that got dumped had a brain injury, too, and had been a foster child at one point. The alleged philanderer wasnt stupid either; he was supposedly an architect. Preying on the disabled is worse than a sin, to me, and that is what I thought he had done. I actually cried for the woman. But I also noticed that "Shanz" and Cyndi (mentioned above) invited this same guy to their parties.

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Often, I wondered to myself, "Why can't they see through him?" I avoided him whenever I could, generally have trouble trusting others, and try to avoid people I think have done sleazy things, to me or to my friends. I have good reason to. Id been abused, psychologically, sexually, emotionally, by one sleaze, for 8.5 years. That abuse had made me keener to notice when others had also experienced abuse. Call it hyper vigilance if you want; but when one has been assaulted by a felon, his or her hackles are up that much more, afterward, and for a long time.

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Subsequent to Shanzs retracting an invitation she had sent me to her party, I replied, on April 28, 2009: Not a let down, but VERY presumptuous, and kind of shunning. No problem. I have many friends who are true, who don't stab me in the back [ ] It's too bad if/when you and/or one or two others in your circle project/attribute uncontrollable behavior onto me in advance, where it doesn't fit. I doubt if you would like it if someone projected to friends of yours, about you, attribute hair-trigger deficits that you just do not have or own (just because, for example, you may or may not have been wrongfully diagnosed with schizophrenia, which you CONFIDED to me was medical diagnoses for you in the past.) I have never been diagnosed with Schizophrenic, Biopolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, nor diagnosed with any psychotic disorder, nor diagnosed as an alcoholic. Your decision just proves me right. I have no idea why Judy was so (PURPOSEFULLY) hurtful to me, but others who know her and [[C.M.]]..other girlfriends of mine in F.C.really know what actually went down. Without an apology from four people (three of them regularly attend your parties) who were, apparently, in on the fiasco (and that apology wouldn't have had to occur anywhere near your party, and wasn't where I hoped it would occur, either), the profiles about Judy on datingpsychos.com [ ]  will remain. I spent $700 in food for my first release event, so my friends could eat well, and for false, projected reasons (I have good reasons to believefalse, projected, following Judys malicious gossip about me then, too) Judy last-minute canceled the event for meI will say alleged on these aspected, just to be legally safe, but I have plenty of proof. I could sue her for defamation of my character, BUT I AM NOT THAT KIND OF PERSON. Now I will never forgive Judy. She gossiped about Susanna Rosenbaum, too (I keep the proof.) I had the idea to avoid both Judy and [[C.M.]], both, had I attended your event, and talk, instead, to my friend and yours, the shell lady, Denise, who I love. But your decision nipped it in the budd. Its really o.k. [ ] I intuitively know when to avoid situations where a certain sextet of women and one man (that sextet, I allege, includes at least two alcoholics, one diagnosed schizophrenic--at least two probably take anti-depressant meds, several pot smokers) congregate, and when several of them, I allege, teamed up with a diagnosed PTSD patient (who doesnt attend [[your]] parties but who also takes some kind of antidepressant or psychotropic meds, and was supposedly a friend of mine, from my high school, who, now, as I see it clearly, always seemed jealous of my music, despite telling our mutual friends that I was the one who influenced her to play guitareven back then.) to shun me and undermine a business-related (at least on my side, it meant potential business) promise that, YES, hurt my first [[ ]] event, when 20 of the 40 who previously planned to attend (when it was scheduled at Judys home), probably got confused when the venue was, I allege, torqued and yanked on purpose, by Judy, with short notice, and which almost resulted in me not finding that church venue in F.C., last minute, that could accommodate all of my friends from [[the blues club we all frequented]], and, after the last-minute venue change, resulted in 20 of my 40 guests not showing. No. I dont need those kinds of people in my life. I wont write again.

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What I wrote to Shanz is TRUE. I have no psychotic disorder, rather, I am treated for an emotional disability (not a psychotic one). So if anyone is thinking that my statement, in that e-mail, to S.S. was any admission to not having a disability, he or she would be entirely wrong. The specific disability I have, is considered chronic if the symptoms of it persist over three months; the symptoms of it, I still endure, since crime victimized, in 2001.  It was not just one therapist who worked with the disability diagnoses of me; it has been several, and things get WORSE when ones therapist relocates his or her job, to another state, or retires, after the therapist has been there for the patient/client, for years, which happened to me twice.

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Shanz did tell me one time, in the blues club we both frequented, that she had been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. I told her that she didnt seem schizophrenic to me; Id also told her that night, what I had been diagnosed with. I had conversed with her, over a course of a year, socially, before divulging this information to her, because it took a long time for me to trust anyone. We agreed that night, in so many words, that it had made each feel icky to have been labeled with  a label right out of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). It was so long ago, that conversation, but I probably told her something like, Well, some say that that book is not based on science, so who knows if we got the right labels or not, but I guess well have to live with it. She also told me that her friend, Tallison, had been similarly diagnosed (not sure if she meant schizophrenic, though.)

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For those who do not understand what psychological, mental, or emotional disorders are, and the treatments for them. Heres a source, to start understanding: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_disorder (Psychotherapy and psychiatric medication are two major treatment options as are social interventions, peer support and self-help.) Notice it mentions PEER SUPPORT. Well, evidently, my own peer support fell flat, when seven people who I thought were my former friends, turned out to bein my opinionturn coat cowards, who partook in the shabbiest, lowest, nastiest form of Group Think and shunning. And that is why I had profiled about five of them, and the WHOLE TRUTH about what I thoughtstill thinkthey had done, on one web site, to have my side of the story told, so that others in my former social circles, that I shared with those seven people, could know the truth, instead of just wondering What happened to her? but being told lies about me.

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I felt that, since someone had the nerve to post about me, pointing out about me and disability, then he, she, or them, deserve to have THEIR disabilities exposed up here, too..at least those I heard about, from each of them, and out of their mouths! Turn about is fair play, especially when one is rebutting FALSE information that someone maliciously posted, with IGNORANCE!

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I am at a point and age in my life where I should not be run rough-shod over, with defaming words, but when push came to shove, I had to defend my reputation up here, because I believe that, yet another individual, has done that (or tried to do that) to me, up here. I have had enough of bullies in my life, and the Report up here cannot simply be ignored, because the Report that was filed about me up here could very well have already hurt or hindered, and still could--hurt or hinder-- my professional endeavors (to try to get back on my feet, brick by brick), and, I allege, has impugned my work ethic and my personal reputation, as well as violated my privacy.


Lunch hour and time to post another rebuttal...

S.S. had retracted (I think) her invitation to me, on April 27, 2009, with this message:

I am afriad I emailed you thinking the email address was judy's...I am not sure if it is a good idea for you to come to the party lest you upset a number of folks...glad to hear things are moving along for you...I wish you all the best...sorry for the let-down....shanz

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Shanz, by the way, has lived with her mother, in Virginia, to my knowledge, for at least the last three years, if not more. She is young enough, I think, to be my daughter. I think she was let go from three separate jobs, each was for a different employer (I believe), within a one-year period; she told me each time her job ended.

I tried to mentor "Shanz", worried that shed had had to change jobs so often. At one point in what I thought had been our friendship, I had even referred her for a job opening, with a friend of mine, at a museum, in Washington, D.C., because my friend is/was in the jewelry business, so I thought Id try to help Shanz out. Id given her, I think, the phone number to my friends business in D.C., and suggested she inquire about potential work. That is what a good friend does, for a friend, if he or she is willing to help out.

I also told "Shanz" that if she was let go from her job, and she thought she'd worked to the best of her ability, then she could always try to collect Unemployment Insurance, as, she had worked for many months in a consignment shop, and it was her civil right to collect, if she could not find another job.

I had told "Shanz" that, when I was young woman in my twenties, and had lived in another state, far from my family, I had been so naive whenever I'd experienced companies folding, and, back then, I didn't even know about UI, nor that I had qualified, several times for it, but never collected. I didn't want that to happen to another unfortunate girl, so I merely educated her. I was NOT educating her on "how to work the system", either. It is simply a state right for every citizen in my country (the right to apply for UI.)

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Shanz and I, if we were not "friends", we were at least, close acquaintances, and shared "girl talk". At one point, we'd even reached a "consensus", when we noticed that one guy had been stringing this poor girl (another musician) along (for two years, he did this, broke up with her, supposedly got engaged to her, dumped her again), and Id noticed hed hit on two of my girlfriends, before hed even completely broken up with the other girl.

"Shanz", at a party wed both attended, told me she thought the guy was nasty, too. The girl that got dumped had a brain injury, too, and had been a foster child at one point. The alleged philanderer wasnt stupid either; he was supposedly an architect. Preying on the disabled is worse than a sin, to me, and that is what I thought he had done. I actually cried for the woman. But I also noticed that "Shanz" and Cyndi (mentioned above) invited this same guy to their parties.

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Often, I wondered to myself, "Why can't they see through him?" I avoided him whenever I could, generally have trouble trusting others, and try to avoid people I think have done sleazy things, to me or to my friends. I have good reason to. Id been abused, psychologically, sexually, emotionally, by one sleaze, for 8.5 years. That abuse had made me keener to notice when others had also experienced abuse. Call it hyper vigilance if you want; but when one has been assaulted by a felon, his or her hackles are up that much more, afterward, and for a long time.

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Subsequent to Shanzs retracting an invitation she had sent me to her party, I replied, on April 28, 2009: Not a let down, but VERY presumptuous, and kind of shunning. No problem. I have many friends who are true, who don't stab me in the back [ ] It's too bad if/when you and/or one or two others in your circle project/attribute uncontrollable behavior onto me in advance, where it doesn't fit. I doubt if you would like it if someone projected to friends of yours, about you, attribute hair-trigger deficits that you just do not have or own (just because, for example, you may or may not have been wrongfully diagnosed with schizophrenia, which you CONFIDED to me was medical diagnoses for you in the past.) I have never been diagnosed with Schizophrenic, Biopolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, nor diagnosed with any psychotic disorder, nor diagnosed as an alcoholic. Your decision just proves me right. I have no idea why Judy was so (PURPOSEFULLY) hurtful to me, but others who know her and [[C.M.]]..other girlfriends of mine in F.C.really know what actually went down. Without an apology from four people (three of them regularly attend your parties) who were, apparently, in on the fiasco (and that apology wouldn't have had to occur anywhere near your party, and wasn't where I hoped it would occur, either), the profiles about Judy on datingpsychos.com [ ]  will remain. I spent $700 in food for my first release event, so my friends could eat well, and for false, projected reasons (I have good reasons to believefalse, projected, following Judys malicious gossip about me then, too) Judy last-minute canceled the event for meI will say alleged on these aspected, just to be legally safe, but I have plenty of proof. I could sue her for defamation of my character, BUT I AM NOT THAT KIND OF PERSON. Now I will never forgive Judy. She gossiped about Susanna Rosenbaum, too (I keep the proof.) I had the idea to avoid both Judy and [[C.M.]], both, had I attended your event, and talk, instead, to my friend and yours, the shell lady, Denise, who I love. But your decision nipped it in the budd. Its really o.k. [ ] I intuitively know when to avoid situations where a certain sextet of women and one man (that sextet, I allege, includes at least two alcoholics, one diagnosed schizophrenic--at least two probably take anti-depressant meds, several pot smokers) congregate, and when several of them, I allege, teamed up with a diagnosed PTSD patient (who doesnt attend [[your]] parties but who also takes some kind of antidepressant or psychotropic meds, and was supposedly a friend of mine, from my high school, who, now, as I see it clearly, always seemed jealous of my music, despite telling our mutual friends that I was the one who influenced her to play guitareven back then.) to shun me and undermine a business-related (at least on my side, it meant potential business) promise that, YES, hurt my first [[ ]] event, when 20 of the 40 who previously planned to attend (when it was scheduled at Judys home), probably got confused when the venue was, I allege, torqued and yanked on purpose, by Judy, with short notice, and which almost resulted in me not finding that church venue in F.C., last minute, that could accommodate all of my friends from [[the blues club we all frequented]], and, after the last-minute venue change, resulted in 20 of my 40 guests not showing. No. I dont need those kinds of people in my life. I wont write again.

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What I wrote to Shanz is TRUE. I have no psychotic disorder, rather, I am treated for an emotional disability (not a psychotic one). So if anyone is thinking that my statement, in that e-mail, to S.S. was any admission to not having a disability, he or she would be entirely wrong. The specific disability I have, is considered chronic if the symptoms of it persist over three months; the symptoms of it, I still endure, since crime victimized, in 2001.  It was not just one therapist who worked with the disability diagnoses of me; it has been several, and things get WORSE when ones therapist relocates his or her job, to another state, or retires, after the therapist has been there for the patient/client, for years, which happened to me twice.

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Shanz did tell me one time, in the blues club we both frequented, that she had been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. I told her that she didnt seem schizophrenic to me; Id also told her that night, what I had been diagnosed with. I had conversed with her, over a course of a year, socially, before divulging this information to her, because it took a long time for me to trust anyone. We agreed that night, in so many words, that it had made each feel icky to have been labeled with  a label right out of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). It was so long ago, that conversation, but I probably told her something like, Well, some say that that book is not based on science, so who knows if we got the right labels or not, but I guess well have to live with it. She also told me that her friend, Tallison, had been similarly diagnosed (not sure if she meant schizophrenic, though.)

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For those who do not understand what psychological, mental, or emotional disorders are, and the treatments for them. Heres a source, to start understanding: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_disorder (Psychotherapy and psychiatric medication are two major treatment options as are social interventions, peer support and self-help.) Notice it mentions PEER SUPPORT. Well, evidently, my own peer support fell flat, when seven people who I thought were my former friends, turned out to bein my opinionturn coat cowards, who partook in the shabbiest, lowest, nastiest form of Group Think and shunning. And that is why I had profiled about five of them, and the WHOLE TRUTH about what I thoughtstill thinkthey had done, on one web site, to have my side of the story told, so that others in my former social circles, that I shared with those seven people, could know the truth, instead of just wondering What happened to her? but being told lies about me.

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I felt that, since someone had the nerve to post about me, pointing out about me and disability, then he, she, or them, deserve to have THEIR disabilities exposed up here, too..at least those I heard about, from each of them, and out of their mouths! Turn about is fair play, especially when one is rebutting FALSE information that someone maliciously posted, with IGNORANCE!

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I am at a point and age in my life where I should not be run rough-shod over, with defaming words, but when push came to shove, I had to defend my reputation up here, because I believe that, yet another individual, has done that (or tried to do that) to me, up here. I have had enough of bullies in my life, and the Report up here cannot simply be ignored, because the Report that was filed about me up here could very well have already hurt or hindered, and still could--hurt or hinder-- my professional endeavors (to try to get back on my feet, brick by brick), and, I allege, has impugned my work ethic and my personal reputation, as well as violated my privacy.


United States of America
Another Rebuttal..

#31REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 16, 2010


Although the link to the Ripoff Report #489634, posted about me, on http://www.ripoffreport.com/Questionable-Activities/Gail-Baer/gail-baer-disability-cheater-F5242.htm, became, I allege, temporarily unavailable, for awhile, on February 16, 2010, the headline , Ripoff Report: Gail Baer Disability cheater, Poster, poser ...Gail Baer Disability cheater, Poster, poser, harasser Falls Church or Alexandria Virginia is STILL visible by googling, and if anyone wanted to see a cached version of the initial Report (without my rebuttals), it is STILL visible, on

www.ripoffreport.com/.../Gail-Baer/gail-baer-disability-cheater-f5242.htm, and that cached version does NOT show all five rebuttals to the initial Report, that I posted this week, so what is left on Google to find, about me, is STILL damaging to my reputation, I allege; the damaging information to me, I allege, still reveals (whether or not my rebuttals appear, on any given day, up there), the initial Report language.

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That Report language (that The Revealer posted) is still visible on the RipOff Report site, and is still accessible, if someone Googles my name. It is STILL visible, EVEN THOUGH The Revealer subsequent to submitting the Report, posted clearly, on October 28, 2009, what appeared to be a retraction, I meant to say that this website will not let me delete a post. To tell the truth I think I was only seeking 'payback' for some things written about me on another website, but this sort of 'payback' doesn't sit well with me. [ ] If I could delete this posting I would.

For a while, today, the Revealers apparent retraction, nor my rebuttals to any of it, were available for viewing, as of today. So, this information is STILL damaging to me!

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> REBUTTAL (that I was unable to post earlier today, Feb. 16, 2010, because of the link containing my rebuttals was no longer visible, for a while):

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> If I do hire a lawyer, it may just be to have him have this web site remove the initial Rip Off Report, or have The Revealer (who I think is Judy Jensen) remove it, and remove all of my rebuttals to the Report, and to also have removed (and have, who I think is also The Revealer, aka MOCO..who I think were both Judy Jensen) the other defaming post, on womansavers, about me.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> However, the initial Report about me up here was online for almost a year, defaming me for that long, and I knew nothing about this until around February 13, 2010. And the Report could have very well hindered my chances for getting hired to my musical profession, for that long, had anyone seen it up here. I mean, last summer, I sent out many e-mail inquiries, to venues that might hire me, including to vineyard venues and concert promoters. I only received one e-mail requesting my band to perform, and, I think, consequently.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> Before Judy had agreed on a date for the event (October 18, 2008), the male in that group meeting we had, Gene, had offered up his place for the event. I chose Judys home, instead, because it was not far from the club where Judys and my friends also socialized, in Falls Church. So many who had R.S.V.P.d were Falls Church people, and not residents of the other city, where the Gene lived.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> Genes home was two towns away from Falls Church..the city in which several committee people had also been invited, and I had received a positive, Ill try to make sure someone from our group is represented at your event  R.S.V.P. from at least one of those, from my initial Evite send-out list. That person never showed, after the final Evite invitations changed, to my final venue. I think he and his friend were confused, after my invitations changed the venue.

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I had invited several govt. officials, on arts councils and committees, all of which operated in Falls Church or Fairfax County, to my event. Many of them were on Arts councils, that sponsor concerts and hire musicians. None of them showed after the invitations changed, to reflect that my event would no longer be hosted at Judy Jensens home.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> After Judy canceled. I tried to get a hold of Gene, to see if his previous offer of his residence (the alternative) still stood. He did not return the two phone calls Id made to him. Instead, hed sent e-mail. Before that 5-person meeting to plan the event, Gene had always returned my calls. In fact, prior, Gene had invited my Significant Other and me, to his home. Judy was also invited that night, but didnt show up that night at Genes home, as I had anticipated she would.  But another woman, with initials S.S., whod once invited me and my partner to her annual parties, did show up at Genes dinner party.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> At Genes dinner party, I showed "S.S." a (signed by the artist) stoneware vase Id purchased at Salvation Army, that I intended to give to Judy as a Thank You gift, for hosting my event. I also brought a bottle of wine for Genes dinner party.  The bottle was my host gift to Gene. I had no idea that Judy would not show up at Genes home for the dinner, that night.

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 SS had invited me and my partner to her home, for years. She witnessed my gift for Judy. SS is the woman in the other household (mentioned above), who shunned me because I might upset others (read: others I allege, with whom Judy had gossiped about me, or where the topic of gossip was about Judys and my fall out over the event cancelled.)

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> I had also been a customer of S.S.s mother; I had bought three of her watercolors, across a one- or two-year period, because Id admired SSs mothers art. I would never be SSs mothers customer again, after the fallout with Judy Jensen. SSs mother was another one, in those networks that fell through for me. She, too had R.S.V.P.d that she would attend, or try to attend my event. She and S.S. never showed up, either, to my 2nd venue, even though, for one or two parties of S.S.s, for two or three years, S.S. had always invited me to her parties.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> Usually I never came empty handed to S.S.s parties, either. Typically, I brought food, or a gift for S.S. For that is the custom Id learned as a child of diplomatic parents, raised in Europe and the Middle East: one never arrives to anothers home, without a gift in hand.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> October 17, 2008, Genes email to me conveyed: Please dont get me wrong. I would like to help you as much as you would like. before, during and after the show. AIl I asked of you is not to send any negative emails to any and all of us as it only made everybody feel stressed and heavy headed. Especially Judy.  This is for everyones benefit, including yours. I want very much this [[event]] to be an eventful one and therefore, focusing on the positive is very necessary. let go of the past, dont let it dictate your future. Your Mothers spirit is guiding you and new doors have opened. Feel blessed that whatever happened, happened for the better. [ ] You may or may not want to know and i dont know if I should share but things are not alright with Judy nor with her family. IT INVOLVED

HOSPITALS IN BOTH CASES. I know that. Please dont say anything more even if you feel a certain way about her. This is my request. Compassion is necessary. This is all I ask of you. I would do the same for you as I would for Judy. if you can do this, I would be there to assist you in all your needs. I would love to see you through this with a smile. Stay positive, stay strong and give peace a chance!

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> So, it seemed that Judy had got Gene on her side, as if to back the health reason as to why she did not host that event as promised. She had been talking with Gene. She had known that Gene was the alternative person who had offered up his place, before Judy had offered me hers to host my event.

October 21, 2008, I replied to Genes e-mail to me, I didnt get you wrong at all, Gene [ ] You seem to have sided with a group of gossiping bitches (???), who cast me as demanding when all I did was try to get clarification to my event, as to schedule, etc.

Yes, you can cook. Yes, you offer your place up for yoga training, but what youve done, in my opinion, is nothing short of self-righteous, holier-than-thou groupthink mentality. You were NOT at my house, on October 7thnot there days before Judy pulled the plug (in her SECOND phone call to me), NOT THERE during Judys FIRST nasty phone call to me (when [[my Significant Other]] was in the next room, saw me visibly shaken from her verbal assaults to my character) when I received a phone call from Judy spewing vitriol at me, accusing me of telling [her] what to do telling [her] how to relate to [her] tenant, and DEMANDING that I apologize for something I just did not do.  You were NOT THERE on October 6th, when I was depressed all day after getting a vicious email from Judy*. In my strong opinion, Judy Jensen lied to you, about her family crises and some hospital reason for her stopping my event from happening at her house. You werent on the receiving end of HER e-mail to me, of October 6, 2008 , threatening me with, PLEASE DO NOT START TELLING ME WHAT I SHOULD DO REGuarding MY RENTER. I would ask the same if my landlord was allowing people to come in that neither of us knew also.. [[M.]] has been great ...this is a little different then the actual parties that we have done together or the two Memorials... ..and I have no issues with his requests. [ ] This is over the edge to me [ ]  I do not need to be THE BOSS and feel although I own it...it is [[M.s]] HOME as much as mine. If these things of My roommate and how I run my life are so much of an issue with you perhaps we need to move this to Gene's. [ ] That last sentence was very threatening to me, and threatened to unravel all I had done for my event, up to then. I DID NOT tell Judy what to do with her renter, and, again, I believe she jumped to conclusions to see me as having done something over the edge. I did not see issues with his request, as she attributed...none that I/we hadn't already promised would be resolved, with our promise to vacate all guests by 8:30, and everyone else (helpers, etc.) out before 9 P.M. I replied to Judy (before her October 7 phone call to me): Traditionally, European dinner hour doesn't start until 8 PM, and allowing four or five people (our helpers) to clean up after the event, after everyone's left by 8:30..to clean up from 8:30-9:00, only helps out you and [[M.]]. Had you asked me to set an ending parameter for the event as 7:30 PM, I would have done so. I've complied with your parameter, I think. [ ] My meaning in that was possibly unclear to her, and I think, certainly misinterpreted or misconstrued. What I meant was, We are setting out the food much earlier than the European dinner hour, so guests will eat and be finished eating by around 8 PM, by my estimations....and I did so to assure her that I and the rest of us would comply with Judys and [[M.s]] agreement. [ ] I just felt as if Judy had just shoved a dogs nose (my nose) in its crap, for pooping off the newspapers, when I had done nothing to warrant her attributions, nor any insults, and certainly didnt do anything to deserve feeling like I was being talked down to, like a child, nor feeling like a student whos been slapped down by an abusive,  authoritarian teacher, who singles out students he/she doesnt favor, for merely raising their hands in class, to ask questions. [ ] So, in retrospect, revisiting that e-mail from me to Judy, I did not even use the words doing you a favor (as Judy accused me of doing), nor mentioned the word favor in that e-mail message of mine...but Judy, in her phone call to me, suggested I had done so, suggesting I had been sarcastic, falsely accused me to writing to her that I was doing her a favor, when I did no such thing. She said (yelled at me, in her phone call to me, on October 7, 2008yeahyelled[[my Significant Other]] was standing in the room next to meheard what I was going through),  Youre not doing me any favors...you SHOULD clean up...etc., etc., ...but I didn't even use the words doing you a favor, nor even used the word favor in any emails of mine to her (I took a second look, to make sure I hadnt.) [ ] At that point, you couldve cut the tension on the phone lines with a knife, and, I did, silently for a few seconds, consider renting a room somewhere in Falls Church, to obtain an alternate venue, and my budget could scarcely accommodate that last-minute change. [ ] I just do not think it healthy to feel cast in a one-down position, especially when establishing or building new friendships, and I hope that Judy can look in the mirror to see the full picture, not to judge me as harshly as I think she has done. But I do not require any apology from her, as she DEMANDED of me, rather, merely that she reflect on things, and how she could have misinterpreted my intentions. [ ] I never told her what to do regarding her renter. My faux pas was in conveying to her that [[M.]], her renter, seemed (?) (and I did put a question mark after the word seemed) a little curmudgeonly, as if he had a stick up his butt (?) [ ] You WERE NOT on the receiving end of Judys first phone call to me, where, even after that, she let me continue to believe the event would still take place at her home (she had finally given me a schedule where [[my Significant Other]] could come over and set up my band equipment at her homesaid I could do it on the morning of October 19, at 10 A.M.) [ ] Oh, and as for the other two females (one or both of whom may have joined in the gossip to call me demanding) in a vitriolic phone call to me on October 7, 2008 Just ask your other helpers. Theyll tell you the same thingthat youre demanding. Just ask them, they all think the same thing! [[C.M., one of the four helpers]] said to me one time that shed never date a male musician because she thought they were too emotional. Perhaps she thinks/thought that female musicians are too emotional too? She conveyed to me one night, at [[a Falls Church blues club]] that she was prescribed anti-depressants. [ ] I expected more of [[E.M.]], as she knew me from high school, admired me (or so she said), enough to take up guitar-playing and singing because I did. [[E.M.]] told me that she was diagnosed with PTSD, after being beaten up by her live-in boyfriend, with whom she had lived for four years. She also told me that she saw a psychiatrist and was also prescribed some kind of anti-depressant. In fact, I found my own social worker (therapist) through a recommendation of [[E.M.s]] psychotherapist, who is a psychiatrist, I believe. The difference between [[E.M., C.M.]] and myself? Those two women apparently have been prescribed anti-depressants; I never have been prescribed with them, and never will, because coming off those drugs can cause psychotic reactions. Perhaps Judy was on them, too, or coming off them, when she spewed her vitriol at me. [ ] Judy had no right to judge my character the way she did. After all, she conveyed to me that her first husband, Skip [ ] (who was my house mate in 1972) was a heroin addict (yet, she couldnt tell ME any hospital details about her supposed family crises in her first nasty phone call to me on October 7th? Uh uh. It just doesnt square with the events that preceded this reason of hers. I expected more of you as a new friend, or at least I expected you to be neutral, as you claimed you wanted to be. What you did, to me, was not neutral. I even helped you when you wanted to talk about your pending law suit issues with the post office. Had I rented her home out for my event, I couldnt sued her for breach of contract. If I were really nasty, I probably have enough to sue her for defamation of my character, but Im not a suit happy person. And I wasnt the first person she gossiped about, either. She, I think, defamed two other people: Seems like Judy, in the message to me below, defamed Susanna Rosenbaum (see below), ...just like she seems (?) to have defamed my reputation lately (telling me I was demanding and feed-forwarding that others in my helper group, who were planning the event with me, also thought I was demanding..just like, in front of several other people on her back porch, (when we met and agreed what could be done with this event,) I think she also defamed Shaun VanSteynher neighbor across the streeta commercial/artistic photographer (when she said how Shaun had invited too many of his friends to one of her invitation only parties, and how he had a tendency to do that, as if it was a trait of his. I cut and pasted, for you below, one brief pre-planning email I got from Judy, on October 1, 2008, in which she, to me defamed someone elsea woman named Susanna Rosenbaum, who worked with the Arts Council of Fairfax County

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> Well, Gene never showed up as helper to my final venue, either.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> When Judy canceled, lo and behold, neither was Genes home available for my event, so I had to find a third venue, and time for the event was inching closer. I had to send out, online, after Id found that third venue, 40 correction on-line invitations to each of my guests, on E-vite, to those who had R.S.V.D.d that they would attend. Wouldnt you know that only 15 people attended, out of the 40 who indicated they would attend (several of them indicated that they would try to attend.) Id even invited several event planners (who hired musicians), from the local region (arts councils and the like), to attend. I think the change in venues, last minute, confused many of my guests. Having to change venues made me look the fool. <!--[endif]-->

I dont think Judy had known Gene very long, either. I think Id begun building a friendship with Judy at least a year or more, before she befriended Gene. And there she was telling him her supposed health reason for canceling as the host, yet, she could not tell me her reason when she canceled, even though she had confided to me that her husband Skip had been a heroin addict. It did not make sense. And why was Gene writing about negative emails I had sent, unless Judy had told him I had done so?

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Also, whether or not Judys supposed health reason was a true reason, to my knowledge, she was still working a day job. When health reasons are used to cancel  events, to me, if a host is honorable when canceling; he or she wouldve chosen an alternative date (before anyone sends out invitations!) for hosting, instead of canceling altogether, after many invitations have been send out and food had been purchased. When Judy and I had first planned the event, shed given me three different potential dates for the event, that would be convenient for Judy and her roommate, M. I was to select from those three, and I did. But if the date she finally agreed to for my event, was somehow suddenly inconvenient for my event, due to some family crisis, why then did she not select one of the other two dates shed given, as alternative options? It just did not make sense, to me, how she had behaved. Not at all.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> Judys harsh words still stuck in my mind, from that phone call shed made to me, the phone call that came three days before she called, again, to cancel as host. Her words were, You are too demanding. Everyone else thinks so. Just ask them! not mentioning, meanwhile, just WHO was included in that (projection) of Everyone. And that is why I inquired, in one e-mail, of each of my former helpers what she meant, by Everyone. I wanted answers, and suspected foul play (major gossip. My instincts are usually correct about these things.)

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I felt at that point, Genes limited response (no reason for why he could no longer offer up his home, as the alternative venue), seemed like hed been brainwashed by Judy. He also seemed somewhat of a control freak, and had seemingly bought into what I thought was Judys diatribe about me being negative or too demanding.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> After Judy canceled, Id asked Gene if his initial offer of his place, for my event, was still open. I never got a call back from him about that, and the days before the scheduled event were getting fewer. Invitations had already been sent out indicating Judys home as the venue. Last minute, I had to scramble around seeking a third venue (one paid for, at that), and, under stress, had, at one point, in between venues, indicated the host venue as TBA, before I found the church that would host my event, finally. I couldnt cancel altogether, because Id already bought $700 worth of food that was in my freezer.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> On October 21, 2008 9:03 PM, my e-mail response to Gene was: Gene, YES. I can appear (to those who do not know me well, yet) strident sometimes. YES. I am an assertive person (but no more aggressive than others.) YES.  I am direct", but that is what Judy said she liked about me, because I was direct, she said, weeks ago, like I am...that's what I like about you, she said (so..naturally, I felt DOUBLE-BINDED, when I am a NATURALLY EXPRESSIVE PERSONALITY TYPE and was, subsequently, lambasted by Judy, contradicting her former commendation of me as a person who is direct with my communication and in personality.) YES.  I confront/query folks when they find things wrong in my character, but I do so to clarify situations, not to invoke conflict. Anyone human would do the same. I am no more argumentative than the average Joe/Jane. And if I must censor my every word around new friends or those who might be new-found friends, then...what kind of friends are they? I just do not like being put on the defensive for unfounded reasons given by others. No one does. Wasn't it ME who suggested you invite Judy to your dinner occasion the other week (when I felt inclusive of her...felt to include her)? Wasn't it ME who showed up, with a host gift (bottle of wine)? Was I not civil at your occasion? I think you cannot, if you are honest, respond other than with yes to those questions. My e-mails to Judy, when initially planning my event, were no longer--in fact, they were shorter, by average--than many many humorous emails she had sent to me and her other friends, from work, for months. And to be accused of sending long e-mails that offended others, to me, is just absurd. I am a free-spirit and heart-to-heart communicator, to the bottom of my soul, and it HURTS me when others think otherwise of me.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> So what was the supposed too long or offensive e-mail Id sent to someone in my helper circle, and had done so, after Judys (alleged) vitriolic phone call to me, three days before she canceled as host?

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> Id sent it to E.M. after that call from Judy, telling me to Just ask. Everyone thinks the same of you, I wanted to get to the bottom of things. On October 8, 2008, I sent an e-mail to E.M., the Jewish woman who I thought had been my friend since high school, and had sent it in confidence:

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> You are the only person getting this message today. And I don't think I'm over-reacting with this message, in fact, I suspect that someone else has over-reacted. And since Judy was quick to say, last night, Just ask the others. I'm not the only one who feels this way..I AM asking others, starting with you, [[E.M.]]. You will only get this one email from me today. I do not want to borage you with them. I guess Im just a bit taken aback that Judy would even think I would/could (read: have the power'or gall' or 'insensitivity' to) ...as if outright accusing me to be lacking in that much in diplomacy--to demand anything of anyone.  (???) Yes..she attributed/projected that word/attitude to meabout twice, and I didn't then and still dont know what page she was on. Why? Because I asked one or two of my helpers who live nearby Judy's place--ones who are attending and whom I'll be feeding--if they had spare refrigerator room to loan? (???) Judy let me know, after that particular email of mine, that she wouldn't feel comfortable asking her neighbors to loan out refrigerator space. I didn't ask her to ask her neighbors, but I responded to her that I (me, myself, and I) didn't feel uncomfortable with asking not her neighbors--except for Shaun maybe--, but one or two of my [[blues club]] friends, who also happen to be her friends, too), since I'd be the one feeding them. Well, I nipped that one in the bud, as I'm bringing coolers (several). And I wasn't trying to one up her with that statement, either. Because I wrote, in an e-mail addressed to all of my helpers, explaining I had a batch of paper bowls, just in case someone wanted to bring macaroni salad or fruit salad ? ...which wasn't  a request or demand of mine...someone had mentioned those two dishes in passing, at the end of our pow wow. (???) Finger food was just fine and still is. I demanded nothing of anyone. Nor did I ask or demand her to ask her roommate [[M.]] to move his food in or remove his food from her refrigerator, in preparation for letting my own goodies thaw. (???) I merely wanted to clarify that she had no spare (minimal) room on loan in her fridge, aside from her what her own food and [[M.s]] food took up. And I do not think it's a sin to clarify with co-workers on a project. To punish someone for asking clarification questions like that is like a teacher who has a student feeling guilty for raising his/her hand, to ask a question, in class. In her emails, Judy wrote: Im not going to lose a tenant because of you. (???) Well I dont know what the heck I did to have her think that of me, and did so, I think, only because I wanted to clarify a few things, that had not been clarified (about when it was convenient for [[my Significant Other]] to set up my sound system at her place), until her phone conversation with me last night, clarified, 10 A.M. on Oct. 18th was o.k. with her, but meanwhile, simultaneously, I picked up mixed signals from her, seemingly (it seemed so so me) contradictory in nature, as if she really didn't want to be the hostess anymore, and when she (wouldn't it seem this way to you, if the shoe was on the other foot?) said, You can always choose to have it at [[Genes]] instead. I won't lose a good tenant over this!  (it more than seemed, at that point, that she was threatening to pull the rug out from under me, after all the efforts, time, money I've so far put into this, and felt like--at that point--that she had set me up only to have me fail.) I did not ask her for a key (???...that was another thing she projected Id doneas if I had asked her for her key in my email, which I did not do.) It did concern me about Judy's heightened worry about everyone--including those who would help clean up at the end of the event--, absolutely be out of the house by 8:30 or 9:00, and I was left contemplating/imagining that if we--the clean up crew--did not rush fast enough cleaning up, and ended up, without intending it, leaving Judy's home at 9:05, there would be hell  for her to face from [[M.]], and then Id be the scapegoat for causing any delay, and blame would be laid on me. That is what concerned me. At one point, it just did not seem that she had much leeway in arranging to have guests at her own home, because of the contract she and [[M.]] shared. So I was trying to respect her boundaries, where he was concerned. Plus, for the last several days, I was sensing from her a 180-degree change in attitude, one quite different than I got from the Judy of many months ago, when she was enthused in making a new friend of me and about us possibly starting up a foreign film sharing video club, where we could each bring our videos to share with friends and watch them at her home, possibly one evening a month, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy back then, thinking she had no barriers on entertaining several friends at her place any evening she wanted to (or else she wouldn't have offered up her place to watch  and share videos, videos from friends like me and with friends like me), and thinking she is the hostess with the mostess, and had me thinking, Boy, now that would be a true friend...I'm even willing to loan her  videos that I have. And then, when she, as a hostess, offered up her place for my event and said she'd ask [[M.]] and get back to me (and did so), I believed that her offer was genuine, otherwise, I would not have taken her up on it and foregone Gene's offer of same. It was important that I held the event in a Falls Church venue, because that was where I had my first in-home concert in 1995, and when it was favorably reviewed, in 1995, by the same folks [[a society in Falls Church]] who will be sending someone to represent their society to this event. I also thought that holding it in Falls Church would easier enable our (Judy's and mine) [[blues club]] friends in common, to attend. Plus Judy had told me, when giving me the go ahead that she had been hostess, in her home, in the past, to two in home concerts, one being for an artist friend/guitarist, named Andrew. But I certainly did not expect her to write in her last email to me, in capital caseas if she was screaming at meIM NOT GOING TO LOSE A TENANT BECAUSE OF YOUas if I was threatening her livelihood or something, and as if she'd just made an 180-degree turn, to double-bind me. And I had to wonder, was it because I asked if I could shower and change at her place, to get ready (???), when I arrived from COSTCO on Sunday, Oct 19th. I even rescinded that request, before her phone call to me last night, letting her know I could just swab my pits in her 1st level bathroom and change in there, insteadtold her that I could manage (no sarcasm intended from me there, either; I was just genuinely wanting not to inconvenience her.) I'm still in shock. It was like a night and day change. But then, she is a new friend, so possibly the familiarity breeds contempt mode probably suddenly kicked in with her...or else she is on edge, afraid like [[C.M.]]...with good reason to be afraid...anyone would if they stood to be in job search mode for several months...been there and done that..., possibly afraid, too, that her own job, may soon be on the chopping block...as if I was being too comfortable in trying to get her approval so things went smoothly, in her home, and suddenly (accused?) of boraging her with emails at work. And she took my one email to her (when I suggested that she also invite [[M.]], her roommate to my event..suggested that I would feed him, too, so he could be a part of the celebration if he so chose), where I told her that [[M.]] (seemed?) curmudgeonly and (seemed?) as if he had a stick up his butt...she took what I wrote way way too seriously. She lambasted me last night and in her email prior, for even suggesting that [[M.]] seemed (seemed with a question [[M.]] after it) to be that way. Of course, I haven't met [[M.]], so I do not know him. I only know that when Judy first described him to me as someone she had to ask if Oct 19th was a good day/time for the event, she described him as kinda touchy and I have to be real careful with him..and when she said that, I knew I didn't want to push the envelope where he was concerned, so said, well, O.K., I understand. Ask [[M.]] and get back to me with your answer, then I'll go from there. She called back and gave me the go ahead from [[M.]] and herself, specifying that we all had to be out of the house by 9:00, so I promised her that we would be, said Thank you, and that's how this thing got started. So, I really thought she took me took my email message too seriously when I wrote that [[M.]] seemed  (from what she had described, so far, to me, about him--and I inserted a questionmark in parenthesis, next to the word seemed, in my email to her--) to be curmudgeonly. [ ] And frankly, if I have to censor every word or thought that comes out of my thoughts, to a new friend, I've gotta ask myself, What kind of friend is she/he going to be(???) OR Am I always going to have to play the one down to her for our entire relationship, when at this fledgling point in its foundation, I'm getting eaten up alive? [ ] I even bought her a beautiful stoneware  artisan-signed pot,  that looks like a tulip, that I'd brought to [[Genes]] house for his dinner party the other night. [[S.S.]], one of Gene's guests that night, even liked the tulip pot), thinking that Judy would be there that night at Gene's, and to give it to her as my hostess gift to her. She'll still get it from me (if she doesn't call this whole thing off and pull the rug out from under my feet), but right now I feel as though I've been slapped in the face and kicked in the gut, left to wonder...Who were the "others" who (she told me) feel the same way about me and Just ask them! (as she conveyed/suggested I do), and wondering, Has this been just one big bag stab from one or more catty females, in group-think mode, who may not actually be my friends, or who may not want to actually become better friends? Sorry if this e-mail is too long. My Bachelor's Degree is in Speech Communication, with emphasis in Small Group Communication and Conflict Resolution, I was educated to analyze conflict and punctuate (read: separate into separate statements,  interpersonal comments, in order to analyze each) conflictual patterns in communication..that was my major in school. Your input/response is encouraged and welcome, in fact, your feedback on these matters is encouraged (I am not trying to be catty here...just trying to get to the bottom of this, to find out about the others who Judy mentioned who (apparently) feel the same way,  but this email was intended for the recipient's eyes only...YOUR EYES ONLY, and I do not want it forwarded to anyone else, so ask for you to respect my confidence, and request CONFIDENTIALITY.

I never got a response from E.M. Had Judy egged me on, to ask my other helpers if they feel the same way? Had she baited me to do so? I would wonder about that, MUCH later on, after all was said and done, between us. Whether or not that was the case, I was determined to get to the bottom of things. Three days later, Judy canceled as hostess. Now I suspect that my e-mail to E.M. was shared, despite my request for her to keep things confidential. So, perhaps E.M.s not showing up to help at my final event was more than just one offense, after all.

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United States of America
5th Rebuttal Section, more than 8 hours later, since last one posted

#32REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, February 15, 2010

On October 28, 2009, The Revealer posted, I meant to say that this website will not let me delete a post.  On January 13, 2010 (only one week after Id attended my own fathers funeral at Arlington National Cemetery!), The Revealer posted, I've learned enough info about this person that I did report her to social security for disability fraud.  Hopefully something will be done for abuse of the system.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

I have NOT abused the system as The Revealer has accused. I am weighing, now, if or not I will contact a lawyer, to inquire if I have grounds to sue for Defamation of  Character. I have only told the truth about Judy Jensen. Whereas, I think she has given plenty of grounds to prove she had lied about me, to slander and libel me, not only to our former mutual friends, but up here on line, for the world to see.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

It was bad enough, that Judy Jensen (I allege) badmouthed me to my former friends, and one result of that badmouthing (slander? Gossip?) was that my Significant Others and I were no longer invited to the parties of two different households (former friends of mine, and friends in common to Judy Jensen), where we had, for years, been invited, (I allege) consequently.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

I know this because one female who I thought had been my friend sent a seasonal holiday invitation to me, because I was still on her mailing list. When I R.S.V.P.d that I would attend, she then sent me an e-mail retracting her invitation (I saved all of her e-mails), and her reason? She worried about how Judy would feel, if I attended.


On October 28, 2009, The Revealer posted, I meant to say that this website will not let me delete a post.  On January 13, 2010 (only one week after Id attended my own fathers funeral at Arlington National Cemetery!), The Revealer posted, I've learned enough info about this person that I did report her to social security for disability fraud.  Hopefully something will be done for abuse of the system.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

I have NOT abused the system as The Revealer has accused. I am weighing, now, if or not I will contact a lawyer, to inquire if I have grounds to sue for Defamation of  Character. I have only told the truth about Judy Jensen. Whereas, I think she has given plenty of grounds to prove she had lied about me, to slander and libel me, not only to our former mutual friends, but up here on line, for the world to see.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

It was bad enough, that Judy Jensen (I allege) badmouthed me to my former friends, and one result of that badmouthing (slander? Gossip?) was that my Significant Others and I were no longer invited to the parties of two different households (former friends of mine, and friends in common to Judy Jensen), where we had, for years, been invited, (I allege) consequently.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

I know this because one female who I thought had been my friend sent a seasonal holiday invitation to me, because I was still on her mailing list. When I R.S.V.P.d that I would attend, she then sent me an e-mail retracting her invitation (I saved all of her e-mails), and her reason? She worried about how Judy would feel, if I attended.


United States of America
Possibly my Last Rebuttal, filed more than 8 hours since the last

#33REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 14, 2010

I believe that the person who posted the (hoax, I say) Rip Off Report about me is JUDY JENSEN (thus J.J. is JUDY JENSEN.) She also told me that her father, when alive, taught my ex (man I lived with for 8.5 years, who advertised himself as BISEXUAL on a swingers site, seeking MAN SEX, in my 9th year living with him) some lapidary skills. You can find her address by looking up the address for Shaun VanSteyn, because Judy lives across the street (or did) from Shaun, in Falls Church, Virginia.


Ive only told the TRUTH about Judy Jensen, on line (alright..yes..I wanted to air the truth about what she had done, and what I thought and still think were cowardly and spiteful actions), and when explaining to the former mutual friends we had in common, as to what I felt, and still think, she did to me. Whereas, I think that she has posted FALSE information about me, with vengeance, on line, is how I see it (in my opinion.)


I also think Judy libeled me elsewhere on line, in a blog on a womansavers site somewhere, stating approximately the same thing, meanwhile pasting that YouTube link in her blog, about an old performance I did of one song, which, I think, the site administrator removed, as well as removing any specific city as to where I might live; and that was a good thing, because, as a crime victim, after the crime committed to me, I did not want the felon who assaulted me, to connect the face to my name and address, to know where I lived and to where I had moved. Id moved after 9 years in the same residence.


Doesnt that say something positive about me? That Id live in the same residence for 9 years? When any company does a background check on an employment applicant, especially in positions that require a government clearance (which I had held a SECRET clearance in my past, and one cannot gain that, if he or she does not pass the background or FBI check!), if the applicant is too peripatetic with his or her residences, like moves every year or two, or often changes residences, he or she might not pass the background check.


Judy, I think, did a pretty good job of exposing those things (my face, my name, my city or potential cities of residence), to cause further fear in me, thus, violating my PRIVACY! Only a person who DOES NOT THINK STRAIGHT..who is not in her right mind, is my opinion, could do such a thing to a crime victim who is trying to get her life back together, brick by brick. When one person does that to another, its as if the offender is kicking the knees out from under a person who has fallen through the cracks in the sidewalk. And I also know how a wounded animal, if cornered, can be vicious!


Even Judys friend, Cyndi March, knows how afraid I was of being crime victimized again, because Cyndi once rescued me. I had parked, one night, behind a club in Falls Church, parallel to the back of the building, right next to the rear door to the club, unknowing that it was probably the club owners parking spot, and I saw no No Parking signs to prevent that. Id parked there because I did not STILL DO NOT -- want to walk very far in the dark, from my car to any place at night, fearing further crime. I told Cyndi that very thing, that night. Cyndi knows this.


Oh yes! Having been assaulted by a felon turned me SUPER HYPER VIGILANT. That feeling is NOT unusual or abnormal for most crime victims whove been assaulted. I still am, to this day, hyper vigilant. When, before the crime, I walked and stood, with ease, and no worry, inside my bank the bank Ive had for years --, since the crime, typically, I use the faster process, instead. I typically use the drive-up window, instead, in that bank. (I also heard that one of my bank branches was robbed THREE TIMES!)


Neither do I typically window shop, in places like jewelry stores or pawn shops (places where robberies happen frequently!); Instead, I might window shop in a huge mall, with many people, and security, around me! I also make it a point not to park in underground parking lots, if I can help it, as crime has been prevalent in several such parking lots, in my region, not far from my neighborhood.


Consequent to parking in the wrong spot behind the club, my car was towed that night, and Cyndi lent me the cash to get my car out of the towing place that night, and went with me .. drove me to the towing place, and back to the club. I repaid Cyndi promptly, within the week.


I certainly believe, though, that JUDY JENSEN  posted the first Rip Off Report about me up here, because the date of the Rip Off Report posting (September 03, 2009) seemed to coincide with the month/year that Judy and I were still involved in our stand off (she seemed bent on no compromise, on being right. My therapist would hear how Judy had cast me as demanding, and said, Sounds like it was Judy who was demanding. Doesnt seem like she handled things well.)


Judys first (I allege ..abusive) phone call to me, occurred on the evening of October 7, 2008. That was the night she accused me of being demanding. Stunned, astounded and shattered, I had sent two e-mails to the Jewish woman (who attended the event meeting at Judys home, with me), after Judys phone call, inquiring if the Jewish woman knew why Judy was behaving so, to me. I got no response.


On December 17, 2008, Judy Jensen made another phone call to my residence, after 10 P.M. At first, she was in tears, seemingly blubbering about how she was really supportive of my music (blah blah)..had wanted to help me. Next, she proceeded to tell me that the health reason she could not disclose to me, when she cancelled my event, was because she thought she might have brain cancer, and told me that shed had an MRI done, that might indicate as much. Then, she threatened to sue me, and threatened further, to make sure (in so many words) that I [[could not survive]] on disability  again!


Ive kept a journal since the crime incident, as part of my healing process, so have record of those phone calls; plus, my Significant Other was in the room, and overheard me speaking to Judy on the phone, both times, and knew how upset I was, and why.


Judy, in my opinion, impugned my work ethic up here and elsewhere on line, possibly because shed thought Id impugned hers, when Id written, more or less, that Id received various of what I think are annoying humorous e-mails, with canned jokes or humor (usually forwarded from other sources) in them, and those arrived to me, during hours I assumed she was at work (at her former job.) I kept a few of those, and I know I wasnt the only one she sent them to, because my e-mail addy wasnt the only one on her send to list.


Well, when I used to work for contractors, we were not allowed to send humorous e-mails to our friends, not even on our lunch hours, because the companies I worked for considered that kind of thing stealing company time. I wonder if she got let go from her job for doing that (in addition to other things.)


As if this situation was not ugly enough, whoever posted the Rip off Report on me, posted, I think, another blog (additional blows, I think)  in January of this year, when I had grief piled upon grief, when my father passed in October, and his funeral was in January, so I was grieving..I still am. These days, no one ever gives anyone enough time to grieve (Does anyone know, that it is a custom, in Greece, that all females wear black, for one year, whenever any of her male relatives die? I think that our fast-paced, Delphi Technique laden society is so insensitive to human beings; it dehumanizes people!)


He was my last parent to pass over. I did not disrespect Judy that way. No. She invited me to the service, in her home, before all this mess went down, before the on-line postings of hers and mine, to a service to honor a deceased relative of hers. Did I interrupt or make worse HER grief? No. I was considerate and understanding, brought food to that event. Though she probably did not know that my father had passed, still, it was, I think in EXTREMELY POOR JUDGEMENT to post that additional blog, in January of this year, a blog consisting of FALSE information, I allege, that impugns my work ethic, my character, and with false information impugning me as a "disability cheat", "poser", etc.



I believe that the person who posted the (hoax, I say) Rip Off Report about me is JUDY JENSEN (thus J.J. is JUDY JENSEN.) She also told me that her father, when alive, taught my ex (man I lived with for 8.5 years, who advertised himself as BISEXUAL on a swingers site, seeking MAN SEX, in my 9th year living with him) some lapidary skills. You can find her address by looking up the address for Shaun VanSteyn, because Judy lives across the street (or did) from Shaun, in Falls Church, Virginia.


Ive only told the TRUTH about Judy Jensen, on line (alright..yes..I wanted to air the truth about what she had done, and what I thought and still think were cowardly and spiteful actions), and when explaining to the former mutual friends we had in common, as to what I felt, and still think, she did to me. Whereas, I think that she has posted FALSE information about me, with vengeance, on line, is how I see it (in my opinion.)


I also think Judy libeled me elsewhere on line, in a blog on a womansavers site somewhere, stating approximately the same thing, meanwhile pasting that YouTube link in her blog, about an old performance I did of one song, which, I think, the site administrator removed, as well as removing any specific city as to where I might live; and that was a good thing, because, as a crime victim, after the crime committed to me, I did not want the felon who assaulted me, to connect the face to my name and address, to know where I lived and to where I had moved. Id moved after 9 years in the same residence.


Doesnt that say something positive about me? That Id live in the same residence for 9 years? When any company does a background check on an employment applicant, especially in positions that require a government clearance (which I had held a SECRET clearance in my past, and one cannot gain that, if he or she does not pass the background or FBI check!), if the applicant is too peripatetic with his or her residences, like moves every year or two, or often changes residences, he or she might not pass the background check.


Judy, I think, did a pretty good job of exposing those things (my face, my name, my city or potential cities of residence), to cause further fear in me, thus, violating my PRIVACY! Only a person who DOES NOT THINK STRAIGHT..who is not in her right mind, is my opinion, could do such a thing to a crime victim who is trying to get her life back together, brick by brick. When one person does that to another, its as if the offender is kicking the knees out from under a person who has fallen through the cracks in the sidewalk. And I also know how a wounded animal, if cornered, can be vicious!


Even Judys friend, Cyndi March, knows how afraid I was of being crime victimized again, because Cyndi once rescued me. I had parked, one night, behind a club in Falls Church, parallel to the back of the building, right next to the rear door to the club, unknowing that it was probably the club owners parking spot, and I saw no No Parking signs to prevent that. Id parked there because I did not STILL DO NOT -- want to walk very far in the dark, from my car to any place at night, fearing further crime. I told Cyndi that very thing, that night. Cyndi knows this.


Oh yes! Having been assaulted by a felon turned me SUPER HYPER VIGILANT. That feeling is NOT unusual or abnormal for most crime victims whove been assaulted. I still am, to this day, hyper vigilant. When, before the crime, I walked and stood, with ease, and no worry, inside my bank the bank Ive had for years --, since the crime, typically, I use the faster process, instead. I typically use the drive-up window, instead, in that bank. (I also heard that one of my bank branches was robbed THREE TIMES!)


Neither do I typically window shop, in places like jewelry stores or pawn shops (places where robberies happen frequently!); Instead, I might window shop in a huge mall, with many people, and security, around me! I also make it a point not to park in underground parking lots, if I can help it, as crime has been prevalent in several such parking lots, in my region, not far from my neighborhood.


Consequent to parking in the wrong spot behind the club, my car was towed that night, and Cyndi lent me the cash to get my car out of the towing place that night, and went with me .. drove me to the towing place, and back to the club. I repaid Cyndi promptly, within the week.


I certainly believe, though, that JUDY JENSEN  posted the first Rip Off Report about me up here, because the date of the Rip Off Report posting (September 03, 2009) seemed to coincide with the month/year that Judy and I were still involved in our stand off (she seemed bent on no compromise, on being right. My therapist would hear how Judy had cast me as demanding, and said, Sounds like it was Judy who was demanding. Doesnt seem like she handled things well.)


Judys first (I allege ..abusive) phone call to me, occurred on the evening of October 7, 2008. That was the night she accused me of being demanding. Stunned, astounded and shattered, I had sent two e-mails to the Jewish woman (who attended the event meeting at Judys home, with me), after Judys phone call, inquiring if the Jewish woman knew why Judy was behaving so, to me. I got no response.


On December 17, 2008, Judy Jensen made another phone call to my residence, after 10 P.M. At first, she was in tears, seemingly blubbering about how she was really supportive of my music (blah blah)..had wanted to help me. Next, she proceeded to tell me that the health reason she could not disclose to me, when she cancelled my event, was because she thought she might have brain cancer, and told me that shed had an MRI done, that might indicate as much. Then, she threatened to sue me, and threatened further, to make sure (in so many words) that I [[could not survive]] on disability  again!


Ive kept a journal since the crime incident, as part of my healing process, so have record of those phone calls; plus, my Significant Other was in the room, and overheard me speaking to Judy on the phone, both times, and knew how upset I was, and why.


Judy, in my opinion, impugned my work ethic up here and elsewhere on line, possibly because shed thought Id impugned hers, when Id written, more or less, that Id received various of what I think are annoying humorous e-mails, with canned jokes or humor (usually forwarded from other sources) in them, and those arrived to me, during hours I assumed she was at work (at her former job.) I kept a few of those, and I know I wasnt the only one she sent them to, because my e-mail addy wasnt the only one on her send to list.


Well, when I used to work for contractors, we were not allowed to send humorous e-mails to our friends, not even on our lunch hours, because the companies I worked for considered that kind of thing stealing company time. I wonder if she got let go from her job for doing that (in addition to other things.)


As if this situation was not ugly enough, whoever posted the Rip off Report on me, posted, I think, another blog (additional blows, I think)  in January of this year, when I had grief piled upon grief, when my father passed in October, and his funeral was in January, so I was grieving..I still am. These days, no one ever gives anyone enough time to grieve (Does anyone know, that it is a custom, in Greece, that all females wear black, for one year, whenever any of her male relatives die? I think that our fast-paced, Delphi Technique laden society is so insensitive to human beings; it dehumanizes people!)


He was my last parent to pass over. I did not disrespect Judy that way. No. She invited me to the service, in her home, before all this mess went down, before the on-line postings of hers and mine, to a service to honor a deceased relative of hers. Did I interrupt or make worse HER grief? No. I was considerate and understanding, brought food to that event. Though she probably did not know that my father had passed, still, it was, I think in EXTREMELY POOR JUDGEMENT to post that additional blog, in January of this year, a blog consisting of FALSE information, I allege, that impugns my work ethic, my character, and with false information impugning me as a "disability cheat", "poser", etc.



United States of America
Additional Rebuttal, more than 8 hours since the last one posted

#34REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 14, 2010


Notice, please, that on this blog, after  the Report filer (J.J., I allege) seemed to try to rescind/retract, on October 28, 2009, what she had reported about me up here, she (I allege) waffled again, with her reasoning, seemingly trying to retract her rescinding of it, on January 13, 2010, with: I've learned enough info about this person that I did report her to social security for disability fraud.  Hopefully something will be done for abuse of the system.

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Apparently, the woman could not even make up her own mind! This from a woman who threatened on the phone, to sue me! Seems like a Nazi, to me. I mean, for Gods sake, this woman could not leave well enough alone. Because I had told the TRUTH about her to the world, she had to ESCALATE and revisit the conflict. Months before her January 13, 2010 posting on this blog, that true, on-line story that Id posted about her, had been removed. But that wasnt enough for her. No. She just kept at it, months later, like a vicious dog that could not let go of a bone, a bone that she was trying to pry from another dogs mouth (metaphor for the bone being the truth I had exposed), still seeming to JUSTIFY her bad behavior, AGAIN!

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Clearly, J.J. has LIBELED me up here, by accusing me (crime victim..the crime and assault -- I was held hostage, bound like a hog, left bleeding -- crime, committed against me by a FELON), falsely, of committing a FEDERAL CRIME! I have no record of ever having committed any crime, either. Never in my life. The only crime Ive ever committed, was perhaps ONE speeding ticket, with a perfect driving record, around that, otherwise, for years and years.

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She is lucky that I have not sued HER!

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Evening CBS news, not long ago, aired a program about how employers had used peoples bad credit references to disqualify them from jobs, when the applicants were in debt. The news anchor said that federal laws were changing so that employers could not do that to people who were financially in the hole anymore, because, not giving them jobs, due to their credit records, meant that those applicants would NEVER get out of the hole, if employers kept in place, those discriminatory policies. Nor would disqualifying them that way shore up our sagging economy.

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The same, I think, goes for employers who discriminate against disabled applicants in the work force. But a WORSE form of disability discrimination, I think, is when others FALSELY ACCUSE the disabled of not really being disabled. To me, that is a FEDERAL crime.

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That said, my credit reports and history are EXCELLENT, so whoever wants to check on those, as further references, can do so, if so inclined, to see that I have good records there, too.

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What makes things even worse is that J.J.s (alleged) LIBEL of me, continues, and I did not even discover that this Rip Off Report about me, based on contrived and false information, about me, was up on this site, until yesterday.

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Surely, a lawyer I could hire, could subpoena the name of the person who posted the false report, if push came to shove. But then, I am not a suit happy person, and I have learned, in my past, that people do not necessarily win, not even when the evidence is stacked, in favor, on the plaintiffsside, because, these days, if a disenfranchised person has not the funds to pay a lawyer, she cannot have equal access to the courts (often, he or she, will never get the chance to be heard, by a jury of her peers, for example, if he or she files an EEO/Disability Discrimination claim.)

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I learned this from observing the cases of others, not necessarily from my own experience, nor from filing any cases of my own (like Workers Comp, where I had to go at it pro se, after I was crime victimized, or when, in my far past, I had to file one EEO complaint, against a state employer, against a supervisor who, because of his abuse of authority, within six months of his being hired, he was fired for that abuse, and for abuse of others, not just me!)

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And yes, I won a settlement, about 16 years ago, because he had wrongfully put me on Administrative Leave, and did so out of RETALIATION, because I had filed a grievance, after I had passed, successfully, my six-months probationary period at that job, with EXCELLENT written references from my previous supervisor, before the DESPOT supervisor took over, to cause the first major trauma in my life that Id ever experienced, in my more-than-30 year, work history!)

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 I was forced, to achieve that settlement, to resign my state position, of which I was proud, and had worked hard to achieve my good references there. I cannot disclose who the offending former supervisor is, nor can I disclose who the FEMALE offending co-worker was, who worked with that despot supervisor was, when that female tried to have me fired illegally (consequently, she was let go I assume, fired -- from her position, for, among other things, tampering with my time sheets), because I signed a Non Disclosure Agreement, when the Settlement included (while I was still under duress) that I resign my position. Worse, when it happened in my Alma Mater (yes! I was proud to have earned my college degree at that place, but subsequently was made ashamed to have ever had anything to do with it, despite giving my best work to that position!)

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I have made sure to save my life battles for only the important ones, and seldom have I had to do battle, but this is one of those times.

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J.J.  might also be liable for committing another federal crime. By disclosing about my disability status on-line, even after BAITING me to disclose that status, on line, she may have violated my medical privacy, violating the The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules, meanwhile.

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I allege that this wasnt the ONLY thing that J.J. did to retaliate. I think she also notified our other mutual (so-called, former) friends, a couple who had, for years, invited me and my Significant Other, to their parties, parties that J.J. also attended. I think she notified them to the on-line, true story that I had posted a bout her (J.J.), so that, consequently, that couple, who had seemed to be good friends, for years, to myself and my Significant Others, no longer invited us (as a couple) to their parties, after the couple saw my true story on-line, about J.J., they took her side, without even considering if what J.J. had done to me, was immoral, egregious or injurious to me.

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Can you imagine? Suddenly, after years of my Significant Other and I, being invited to that couples parties, we were no longer welcome, when we received no further invitations, after the J.J. mess went down, so again, my long-acquired, carefully acquired networks, including many Id hoped would be friends, suddenly dwindled down to next to nothing!

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Thus, I think J.J.  destroyed yet ANOTHER social network for me, one that took me slowly to develop, across a four- or five-year period. That couple typically hosted parties where their guests were typically friends of theirs and mine, at a local club in Falls Church, where my Significant Other used to host his own blues jams, where Id go and listen, and sometimes I would sing. I had invited MANY of their guests to that event..to the event that J.J. reneged on hosting.

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At least 10 people who were regulars, who were guests at that couples parties in the past, had been people who I was slowly developing friendships with, too, across a period of five years; those ten had agreed to attend my event, when they thought it would be held at J.J.s home. But, shifting the venue, last minute seemed to change their minds, and they did not show, as they promised or R.S.V.P.d.

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First, my abusive ex (the one on the down-low), I allege, had destroyed several networks for me, that I had built with him. Then J.J., I allege, turned around, and in a SIMILAR BULLYING FASHION, I allege, did a similar, if not the EXACT thing, to me. My networks, I allege, undermined or subterfuged, yet again!

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Singing is my spiritual, healing gift. A God-given gift. It is the gift I use to heal, when I could not afford to tithe any percent of my income, for any church membership. It took me more than two years, after my abusive ex left me, to gain back some semblance of self esteem, to try to sing again.

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Perhaps J.J. was just baiting me by posting this fake Rip Off Report in January 2010, so that she knew I would see it, call her up to give her a piece of my mind. Perhaps she was baiting me so that should could later accuse me of phone harassment, when it was SHE, I allege, who had called me those two times, in the past, to verbally abuse ME on the phone (consequently, I blocked any future phone calls from her, from that point on. I had to do that, as well, to my ex, the down low guy, too. And I would do it again, if any other person harassed me again. Phone harassment is also a federal crime!)

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Another thing, J.J. knows who my ex (male abuser, I allege) of many years was. She knows because when I thought we were friends, I confided to her that Id profiled him on a web site. Someone in her family also knew my ex (the guy on the down low .. would not you do the same? Expose him on the World Wide Web, if a guys lifestyle could mean the potential for comprising your physical health with AIDS or HIV, or your mental health?), so it would not surprise me at all, if, in future, she tries to contact him, to see if she and he can put their heads together, to further harass me, for I think that this fake Report she posted IS, indeed, also harassment, and, I allege, she has, in the past, enjoined or collaborated with others, to have them snub me or disregard my true story, if not to muddy my name and reputation, by justifying her nasty behavior to me as right to them.. to come off as the good girl while having me appear to be the bad girl, to appear to my former friends (?) as though she had done nothing wrong at all.

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In my 2nd rebuttal, I mentioned a third woman, one of the two other women, besides J.J., who had attended that meeting at J.J.s home, claiming to want to help me with my event. I mentioned that she had confided to me, at one point, that she was treated for PTSD. She had, for years, told me how she admired my music, and had tried to become a performing artist because of what I had accomplished in my lifetime.

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Naturally, I thought that this third woman was my friend, for many years. Apparently, I was wrong, or so I think so now. I will not mention her name in this rebuttal, nor her initials, because she, a former Jewish friend, I think is the lesser of offenders (her only offense, as far as I can tell, was not showing up to my event, at the subsequent venue, to help, as she had promised), and she, had confided to me, at one time, that a man with whom she had lived for four years had beat her, so I thought she understood about domestic violence and what it does to women.

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I can say, though, that Id sent an e-mail to her, inquiring, before J.J. cancelled my event, What is up with [[J.J.]] I probably had expressed, to that third woman, how Id felt verbally abused by J.J. I did not get any response from that third woman, whatsoever. It was as if all of those helpers had just pulled down their shutters, to ignore everything, not wanting to admit any part they may have had in what I now call was the ultimate shunning by who Id once thought were my friends.

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The double trauma of me having endured, for years (mostly psychological but also sexual) domestic abuse, from a former partner, combined, not too many months after he left me, with being crime victimized, assaulted at my place of work, left me numb, dead inside, as if I had been raped!

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Yes. And I still work through those issues with a therapist, to this day. Still, I have difficulty finding the will to participate in activities I once enjoyed (including the performing arts), because of what happened to me. And I no longer go to clubs that I once attended, with my Significant Other. Anyone wanting to challenge that, go right ahead, but you might also notice, if you research it, that Ive had few paid gigs since Judy cancelled that event of mine, and I think my mailing list, for notifying people to my performances, also got thinner, almost by half, after J.J. cancelled as host to my event.

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I have only had less than 10 paid performances, since 2001, and since being crime victimized, in comparison to the years, 1994 through 2000, when I performed almost every weekend, for about a year, from 1999-2000. That is a VAST difference. And I have only had two paid performances since Judy cancelled that event; from what I was paid, I earned, for those two evenings-- and those two gigs were months and months apart from each other -- less than $200, because I also had to pay my soundman and my other performers, and even though I now have product to sell, I cannot sell the product unless I am able to book venues, which I have so far, without an agent, been able to do, and when, to do that, I must continue to be my own agent, not allowed to focus just on improving my repertoire or my vocal stylings (two things that an artist much continue to perfect!)

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Id like to see how others fare in the job market, after similar, back-to-back traumas happen to them..would like to see and hear if they do any better than I did. Hope they fare better than I did, seeking work for years, application after application, but never getting hired to a long-term position, with age discrimination on top of disability discrimination, to boot.

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Another thing, that web site mentioned, with me performing on it, that the person who posted the fake Report up here, mentioned, is an old URL. It does not represent my work or capabilities. I think that URL was either a benefit or an open mic, where I performed in one club. And I assure you, I probably sang no more than one song that night. That web site, if pointed out, does not show me at my best performance level, by any means. I dont even look like that anymore.

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I am much thinner now, and if some fat people biased club manager were to use that web site, to decide if or not to hire me, I surely wouldnt want him or her to make the mistake of thinking that that single performance represents either my talent or my chosen format (it is jazz, not blues, but with a little blues sprinkled in!), nor how I could present myself, professionally, if hired. I was not even asked before someone posted that URL (of a single performance of mine, and outdated, at that) of me performing, on the intranet. So I also think that the person who posted the fake Report up here, attempted to hurt my sought-after professional development.

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Figured into any judges (along with the Independent Medical Examiners..not an examiner of the Plaintiffs choice, either) decision if or not any U.S. citizen is awarded SSI or SSDI, are many factors, not just one or two. These factors include, I think, how tenable or realistic it is, that a disabled person will be able to find meaningful employment, especially if that disabled person, in shock, has been unable to find work, albeit the male or female has searched for a couple of years, to no avail of work, and his or her chances get even slimmer if his or her resume has a huge gap in it of more than two years, because employers in the private sector are too often reluctant to hire disabled workers, but also only want to hire people whove worked full-time, and with no more than a few months gap since his or her last full-time job.

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They also base their decision based on the persons age, I think. The judge and IME then decide this axis and that axis and make their unbiased determination, based on FACTS, whether or not to award any citizen disability benefits. Believe me, the process is not only exhausting, but it is also humiliating, not one that anyone would venture into frivolously, or without legal assistance, and gets worse if the impoverished, disenfranchised citizen has no income to pay a decent lawyer.

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Women who have been battered also know how difficult it is to put on the happy interview face, to interview for jobs, as happened, I think, to that third woman I mentioned (the former friend of mine). She told me that, after she lost a job she loved, working for a local theatre, that shed managed to keep for one year, after shed been battered, she got depressed, as year after year, after that, she could not obtain full-time work with one employer; instead, she took piecemeal assignments, she told me, and resigned herself to a frustrating, peripatetic, underemployed, work life, without the chance to get ahead professionally, and had many months, in between assignments, where she sought work, but could not find work.

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I think she even mentioned having to take anti-anxiety drugs or drugs for depression. I sensed she was prescribed for them, anyway, as, whenever I saw her, I noticed her hands shaking, whenever I saw her, as if she had a nerve disorder, and the drugs had taken over her body! Can you imagine what an employer or recruiter would think, seeing a womans hands shake that way, when the woman was trying to interview for the job? I can.

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Now I advocate for alternative therapies for battered women, .. therapies that do not involve drugging patients. If you doubt what the dangers of prescription drugs, like psychotropic drugs can do, just order the video documentary, Making A Killing; The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging, produced by cchr.org!

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When J.J. first began waffling, trying to get out of her verbal agreement to host my event, she did so AFTER the invitations went out. In my opinion, she smarmily spat out her justifications in that first abusive phone call to me, three days before she cancelled the event, she accused me with, Dont tell me what to do with MY tenant! Everyone thinks youre demanding. Just ask them! Why? Because Id suggested she invite M to MY event, after shed made it seem like M  was an anal retentive type, who would decide to stop renting a room, if my event went 5 minutes over the ending hour planned? Or because I asked if I could store a few blocks of cheese in her refrigerator, the day before the event, to be served at the event?

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It was in that first abusive phone call from J.J. that the threatened to cancel my event. She said, Maybe you should just get Eugene or someone else to host your event! I can cancel right now! (threat) That phone call to me was AFTER Id bought food for the event, stored it, and AFTER Id sent out invitations, with less than three weeks to go, before event. It was THREE days later that she cancelled with the health reasons I cant disclose reason (I think not a reason, but an excuse to justify her cowardly actions and  behavior.)

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So, it would seem that Susanna Rosenbaum was correct about J.J., if Rosenbaum acted the way J.J. described. If Rosenbaum acted  to snub J.J., not wanting to associate with J.J. on a professional level, it was probably because it was NOT with J.J. to get on any legitimate associations side, that booked events for artists. (I think Rosenbaum had conveyed to J.J. that J.J. was not qualified to book musicians or sponsor events for musicians..is what I gather. Otherwise, why would J.J. have written what she did, about Rosenbaum, to me?)

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I think J.J. over-reacted to the extreme ..was or is terrified of losing her tenant, M, because she knew that M had a girlfriend, and if  Ms relationship got any more serious with the girlfriend (as most serious relationships do, eventually, if the guys not  commitment phobic), then M would move out to live with or marry his girlfriend, leaving Judy to find another tenant, possibly after J.J. lost that professional position she had. So, I think, because J.J. was financially insecure, she had to have ME feel even more financially insecure, to feel better herself.

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J.J. went from one extreme to the other. Prior to our altercation, shed invited me to a service for one of her deceased relatives. We had talked about possibly having a weekly or monthly night where she, I, and friends of ours could trade, share and view videos. She told me about having been married twice, that she was divorced from one husband, but that Skip (heroin addict) died (I assumed hed committed suicide or O.D.d, but didnt pry into that.) It is really a shame that this woman, J.J. turned out to be so vindictive, destructive, and cowardly.


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 <!--[endif]-->Lucy, as J.J. is sometimes called, is a resident of Falls Church, Virginia. She could not stand being confronted and called into account for her cowardly actions, so she had to retaliate, to badmouth the woman on Rip Off Report, and badmouthed me so much that her badmouthing resulted in dismantling my networks, I allege. She even gossiped to me, before this all went down, about her former boyfriend, Don (last name, Finelli, if I recall)..said that Don was sarcastic, bragging that she was independent so didnt have to put up with any mans B.S., but I think this is also a cover for J.J.s insecurity at not having a loving mate to have and hold each night. She gossiped, in the company of others in that event-planning meeting, at her home, about her neighbor, artist-photographer Shaun VanSteyn.

Maybe Don found out that J.J. was a gossip. Maybe J.J.s former husband, Skip (heroin junkie) committed suicide because he ALSO discovered J.J. was a gossip, .. possibly found it unbearable to live with J.J.

J.J., I believe, had to justify her excuses for breaking a verbal (business-related) promise to the artist, threatening the artist by at least two abusive phone calls shed made to the artist. In J.J.s second abusive phone call to the artist, which came months after Judy cancelled the event, she threatened to make sure the artist could no longer got disability benefits, after the artist told J.J. that there was no use in J.J. threatening to sue her, when she had no money, as she survived on disability benefits. Thats when J.J. went, in my opinion, ballistic even more..to falsely report the artist (or wrote that she did, up here, is my take on things) as a disability fraud which was not only cowardly and despicable, but posted ANONYMOUSLY, I believe, on line, a hoax Rip Off Report, about the artist, with false information about the artist, to hide behind an ANONYMOUS screen name, The Revealer.

Accusing me of (the inference behind J.J.s attack suggests, I think, that I am lazy, too, impugning a poor work ethic to me) being a disability fraud? Well, I doubt that J.J. would have had the constitution or selflessness to help rear another mans child for the years that I did (before being labeled and diagnosed as disabled by a professional (paid for by the state that J.J. and I both live in, by the way; Ill assure you, I did not contrive for him to label me that way. (Think its fun to have that label, J.J.?), only to have that new family ripped out from under her.

The only true mother I noticed, that J.J. regularly hung with, as a peer, was that C.M. woman with the affected Irish brogue. And, while theres no reason to think that C.M. wasnt a good mother, she seemed often drunk to both me and my Significant Other. C.M. occasionally smoked pot, too, and so did that guy who volunteered for Wolf Trapp summer events. That guy from India, male participant in my event planning meeting with J.J., who I also thought was a coward for deserting the project as a helper to me, when J.J. seemed to convince him that she was in the right and I was in the wrong.

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Poor work ethic? Absolutely not! Did J.J., as I did for my first job, work as a bus girl, getting her hands dirty in a girls college, mopping dirty floors in the kitchen, removing nasty food dishes off tables that spoiled Catholic girls left for the peasants to clean up, as I did for many months? I doubt it. Did J.J. work as a nurses aide, in a hospital, emptying bed pans, catheter foleys, emesis basins, as I did, for 1.5 years? Doubt it. Did J.J. volunteer, for two seasons, overseas, in a program that helped immigrants, as a Peace Corp worker would do, for no pay, in her youth? Doubt it. Did J.J. spend many years in Human Services occupations, like HUD programs and Child Support Enforcement, to help the unfortunate? Doubt it.

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I worked for 35 years in full time jobs, since I was 17 years old, with a few breaks in between jobs, when companies folded on me a few times, or when companies merged, so they used the greater companies employees (most recently hired were the first to go).

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For six years working in another state, several times that happened. I NEVER ONCE COLLECTED UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WHEN THAT HAPPENED, THOUGH I COULD HAVE DONE. AND I paid taxes. Always. So I also paid into the SSI or SSDI pots, for anyone who was unfortunate enough to need to survive on those pots, as disabled citizens. Never was I the overzealous, spy or  Nosey Watchman or fink, waiting to see who was or was not worthy of the federal judges decisions to award disabled persons those benefits. Never!

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J.J. impugned my work ethic. I think that while J.J. professes to be financially independent, not needing any man (especially not an abusive one), because she can support herself (thats called a one-up message .. can be construed as arrogance), her underlying message, I think, is that she disrespects other women in traditional roles, who are not in professional roles like she had the good fortune to enjoy.

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It was difficult for me as it was, to not gain my college degree until I was age 40; then I experienced age discrimination on top of that..a thing I had never had to face for 35 years! Before turning 40 and disabled, I landed every single job for which I interviewed. Yes, I did.

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Why her other husband and she divorced, I do not know, but I think its been years since shes had the comfort of a husband, so is jealous of women who have what she does not have, and what I try to be: a loyal mate. In other words, I think she resents females who are in roles that she does not share or appreciate (artist in career transition comes to mind), and seems to think womens support and time in the home is not as valuable as her time or her work (if she still can work.)

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Just because I havent been a property owner for decades, so need not worry about if or not a tenant vacates my real estate or home, as J.J. has to worry about, it doesnt mean that I havent a care in the world, or that my life has been easy, or that I live off others. It hasnt been easy, and I DONT live off taxpayers or others, as J.J. has accused and impugned.

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In fact, I probably spent and put a substantial percentage of my federal disability income, other than what I spend to survive on, for food and essentials, back into the system when I had to fight, pro se, a federal disability discrimination case, for years, and ended up only supporting the U.S. Postal Service salaries, with years of needing to send off various and sundry certified mailings, paying for them, to prove my case (often very heavy packages of documents), meanwhile being Schedule A Certified -- a thing that J.J. probably has no idea what that means. But she can rest assured that any tax payers monies went right back into the federal system that supports ALL tax payers, even if it went to one branch of the government, and not another.

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Furthermore, the initial eligibility and cliency processes for status in disability rehab programs in VA, as their initial requirements, that clients search and apply, each week, to TEN jobs per week. That is TWICE as many than are required to receive Unemployment Insurance! Bet J.J. didnt  know that. And this went on for SIX months, for me, to no avail of full-time work, despite applying that long. She has no clue!

Accusing someone falsely of a federal crime, is a federal crime, too. Enough is enough!

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Notice, please, that on this blog, after  the Report filer (J.J., I allege) seemed to try to rescind/retract, on October 28, 2009, what she had reported about me up here, she (I allege) waffled again, with her reasoning, seemingly trying to retract her rescinding of it, on January 13, 2010, with: I've learned enough info about this person that I did report her to social security for disability fraud.  Hopefully something will be done for abuse of the system.

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Apparently, the woman could not even make up her own mind! This from a woman who threatened on the phone, to sue me! Seems like a n**i, to me. I mean, for Gods sake, this woman could not leave well enough alone. Because I had told the TRUTH about her to the world, she had to ESCALATE and revisit the conflict. Months before her January 13, 2010 posting on this blog, that true, on-line story that Id posted about her, had been removed. But that wasnt enough for her. No. She just kept at it, months later, like a vicious dog that could not let go of a bone, a bone that she was trying to pry from another dogs mouth (metaphor for the bone being the truth I had exposed), still seeming to JUSTIFY her bad behavior, AGAIN!

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Clearly, J.J. has LIBELED me up here, by accusing me (crime victim..the crime and assault -- I was held hostage, bound like a hog, left bleeding -- crime, committed against me by a FELON), falsely, of committing a FEDERAL CRIME! I have no record of ever having committed any crime, either. Never in my life. The only crime Ive ever committed, was perhaps ONE speeding ticket, with a perfect driving record, around that, otherwise, for years and years.

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She is lucky that I have not sued HER!

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Evening CBS news, not long ago, aired a program about how employers had used peoples bad credit references to disqualify them from jobs, when the applicants were in debt. The news anchor said that federal laws were changing so that employers could not do that to people who were financially in the hole anymore, because, not giving them jobs, due to their credit records, meant that those applicants would NEVER get out of the hole, if employers kept in place, those discriminatory policies. Nor would disqualifying them that way shore up our sagging economy.

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The same, I think, goes for employers who discriminate against disabled applicants in the work force. But a WORSE form of disability discrimination, I think, is when others FALSELY ACCUSE the disabled of not really being disabled. To me, that is a FEDERAL crime.

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That said, my credit reports and history are EXCELLENT, so whoever wants to check on those, as further references, can do so, if so inclined, to see that I have good records there, too.

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What makes things even worse is that J.J.s (alleged) LIBEL of me, continues, and I did not even discover that this Rip Off Report about me, based on contrived and false information, about me, was up on this site, until yesterday.

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Surely, a lawyer I could hire, could subpoena the name of the person who posted the false report, if push came to shove. But then, I am not a suit happy person, and I have learned, in my past, that people do not necessarily win, not even when the evidence is stacked, in favor, on the plaintiffsside, because, these days, if a disenfranchised person has not the funds to pay a lawyer, she cannot have equal access to the courts (often, he or she, will never get the chance to be heard, by a jury of her peers, for example, if he or she files an EEO/Disability Discrimination claim.)

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I learned this from observing the cases of others, not necessarily from my own experience, nor from filing any cases of my own (like Workers Comp, where I had to go at it pro se, after I was crime victimized, or when, in my far past, I had to file one EEO complaint, against a state employer, against a supervisor who, because of his abuse of authority, within six months of his being hired, he was fired for that abuse, and for abuse of others, not just me!)

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And yes, I won a settlement, about 16 years ago, because he had wrongfully put me on Administrative Leave, and did so out of RETALIATION, because I had filed a grievance, after I had passed, successfully, my six-months probationary period at that job, with EXCELLENT written references from my previous supervisor, before the DESPOT supervisor took over, to cause the first major trauma in my life that Id ever experienced, in my more-than-30 year, work history!)

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 I was forced, to achieve that settlement, to resign my state position, of which I was proud, and had worked hard to achieve my good references there. I cannot disclose who the offending former supervisor is, nor can I disclose who the FEMALE offending co-worker was, who worked with that despot supervisor was, when that female tried to have me fired illegally (consequently, she was let go I assume, fired -- from her position, for, among other things, tampering with my time sheets), because I signed a Non Disclosure Agreement, when the Settlement included (while I was still under duress) that I resign my position. Worse, when it happened in my Alma Mater (yes! I was proud to have earned my college degree at that place, but subsequently was made ashamed to have ever had anything to do with it, despite giving my best work to that position!)

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I have made sure to save my life battles for only the important ones, and seldom have I had to do battle, but this is one of those times.

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J.J.  might also be liable for committing another federal crime. By disclosing about my disability status on-line, even after BAITING me to disclose that status, on line, she may have violated my medical privacy, violating the The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules, meanwhile.

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I allege that this wasnt the ONLY thing that J.J. did to retaliate. I think she also notified our other mutual (so-called, former) friends, a couple who had, for years, invited me and my Significant Other, to their parties, parties that J.J. also attended. I think she notified them to the on-line, true story that I had posted a bout her (J.J.), so that, consequently, that couple, who had seemed to be good friends, for years, to myself and my Significant Others, no longer invited us (as a couple) to their parties, after the couple saw my true story on-line, about J.J., they took her side, without even considering if what J.J. had done to me, was immoral, egregious or injurious to me.

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Can you imagine? Suddenly, after years of my Significant Other and I, being invited to that couples parties, we were no longer welcome, when we received no further invitations, after the J.J. mess went down, so again, my long-acquired, carefully acquired networks, including many Id hoped would be friends, suddenly dwindled down to next to nothing!

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Thus, I think J.J.  destroyed yet ANOTHER social network for me, one that took me slowly to develop, across a four- or five-year period. That couple typically hosted parties where their guests were typically friends of theirs and mine, at a local club in Falls Church, where my Significant Other used to host his own blues jams, where Id go and listen, and sometimes I would sing. I had invited MANY of their guests to that event..to the event that J.J. reneged on hosting.

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At least 10 people who were regulars, who were guests at that couples parties in the past, had been people who I was slowly developing friendships with, too, across a period of five years; those ten had agreed to attend my event, when they thought it would be held at J.J.s home. But, shifting the venue, last minute seemed to change their minds, and they did not show, as they promised or R.S.V.P.d.

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First, my abusive ex (the one on the down-low), I allege, had destroyed several networks for me, that I had built with him. Then J.J., I allege, turned around, and in a SIMILAR BULLYING FASHION, I allege, did a similar, if not the EXACT thing, to me. My networks, I allege, undermined or subterfuged, yet again!

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Singing is my spiritual, healing gift. A God-given gift. It is the gift I use to heal, when I could not afford to tithe any percent of my income, for any church membership. It took me more than two years, after my abusive ex left me, to gain back some semblance of self esteem, to try to sing again.

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Perhaps J.J. was just baiting me by posting this fake Rip Off Report in January 2010, so that she knew I would see it, call her up to give her a piece of my mind. Perhaps she was baiting me so that should could later accuse me of phone harassment, when it was SHE, I allege, who had called me those two times, in the past, to verbally abuse ME on the phone (consequently, I blocked any future phone calls from her, from that point on. I had to do that, as well, to my ex, the down low guy, too. And I would do it again, if any other person harassed me again. Phone harassment is also a federal crime!)

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Another thing, J.J. knows who my ex (male abuser, I allege) of many years was. She knows because when I thought we were friends, I confided to her that Id profiled him on a web site. Someone in her family also knew my ex (the guy on the down low .. would not you do the same? Expose him on the World Wide Web, if a guys lifestyle could mean the potential for comprising your physical health with AIDS or HIV, or your mental health?), so it would not surprise me at all, if, in future, she tries to contact him, to see if she and he can put their heads together, to further harass me, for I think that this fake Report she posted IS, indeed, also harassment, and, I allege, she has, in the past, enjoined or collaborated with others, to have them snub me or disregard my true story, if not to muddy my name and reputation, by justifying her nasty behavior to me as right to them.. to come off as the good girl while having me appear to be the bad girl, to appear to my former friends (?) as though she had done nothing wrong at all.

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In my 2nd rebuttal, I mentioned a third woman, one of the two other women, besides J.J., who had attended that meeting at J.J.s home, claiming to want to help me with my event. I mentioned that she had confided to me, at one point, that she was treated for PTSD. She had, for years, told me how she admired my music, and had tried to become a performing artist because of what I had accomplished in my lifetime.

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Naturally, I thought that this third woman was my friend, for many years. Apparently, I was wrong, or so I think so now. I will not mention her name in this rebuttal, nor her initials, because she, a former Jewish friend, I think is the lesser of offenders (her only offense, as far as I can tell, was not showing up to my event, at the subsequent venue, to help, as she had promised), and she, had confided to me, at one time, that a man with whom she had lived for four years had beat her, so I thought she understood about domestic violence and what it does to women.

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I can say, though, that Id sent an e-mail to her, inquiring, before J.J. cancelled my event, What is up with [[J.J.]] I probably had expressed, to that third woman, how Id felt verbally abused by J.J. I did not get any response from that third woman, whatsoever. It was as if all of those helpers had just pulled down their shutters, to ignore everything, not wanting to admit any part they may have had in what I now call was the ultimate shunning by who Id once thought were my friends.

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The double trauma of me having endured, for years (mostly psychological but also sexual) domestic abuse, from a former partner, combined, not too many months after he left me, with being crime victimized, assaulted at my place of work, left me numb, dead inside, as if I had been raped!

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Yes. And I still work through those issues with a therapist, to this day. Still, I have difficulty finding the will to participate in activities I once enjoyed (including the performing arts), because of what happened to me. And I no longer go to clubs that I once attended, with my Significant Other. Anyone wanting to challenge that, go right ahead, but you might also notice, if you research it, that Ive had few paid gigs since Judy cancelled that event of mine, and I think my mailing list, for notifying people to my performances, also got thinner, almost by half, after J.J. cancelled as host to my event.

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I have only had less than 10 paid performances, since 2001, and since being crime victimized, in comparison to the years, 1994 through 2000, when I performed almost every weekend, for about a year, from 1999-2000. That is a VAST difference. And I have only had two paid performances since Judy cancelled that event; from what I was paid, I earned, for those two evenings-- and those two gigs were months and months apart from each other -- less than $200, because I also had to pay my soundman and my other performers, and even though I now have product to sell, I cannot sell the product unless I am able to book venues, which I have so far, without an agent, been able to do, and when, to do that, I must continue to be my own agent, not allowed to focus just on improving my repertoire or my vocal stylings (two things that an artist much continue to perfect!)

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Id like to see how others fare in the job market, after similar, back-to-back traumas happen to them..would like to see and hear if they do any better than I did. Hope they fare better than I did, seeking work for years, application after application, but never getting hired to a long-term position, with age discrimination on top of disability discrimination, to boot.

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Another thing, that web site mentioned, with me performing on it, that the person who posted the fake Report up here, mentioned, is an old URL. It does not represent my work or capabilities. I think that URL was either a benefit or an open mic, where I performed in one club. And I assure you, I probably sang no more than one song that night. That web site, if pointed out, does not show me at my best performance level, by any means. I dont even look like that anymore.

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I am much thinner now, and if some fat people biased club manager were to use that web site, to decide if or not to hire me, I surely wouldnt want him or her to make the mistake of thinking that that single performance represents either my talent or my chosen format (it is jazz, not blues, but with a little blues sprinkled in!), nor how I could present myself, professionally, if hired. I was not even asked before someone posted that URL (of a single performance of mine, and outdated, at that) of me performing, on the intranet. So I also think that the person who posted the fake Report up here, attempted to hurt my sought-after professional development.

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Figured into any judges (along with the Independent Medical Examiners..not an examiner of the Plaintiffs choice, either) decision if or not any U.S. citizen is awarded SSI or SSDI, are many factors, not just one or two. These factors include, I think, how tenable or realistic it is, that a disabled person will be able to find meaningful employment, especially if that disabled person, in shock, has been unable to find work, albeit the male or female has searched for a couple of years, to no avail of work, and his or her chances get even slimmer if his or her resume has a huge gap in it of more than two years, because employers in the private sector are too often reluctant to hire disabled workers, but also only want to hire people whove worked full-time, and with no more than a few months gap since his or her last full-time job.

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They also base their decision based on the persons age, I think. The judge and IME then decide this axis and that axis and make their unbiased determination, based on FACTS, whether or not to award any citizen disability benefits. Believe me, the process is not only exhausting, but it is also humiliating, not one that anyone would venture into frivolously, or without legal assistance, and gets worse if the impoverished, disenfranchised citizen has no income to pay a decent lawyer.

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Women who have been battered also know how difficult it is to put on the happy interview face, to interview for jobs, as happened, I think, to that third woman I mentioned (the former friend of mine). She told me that, after she lost a job she loved, working for a local theatre, that shed managed to keep for one year, after shed been battered, she got depressed, as year after year, after that, she could not obtain full-time work with one employer; instead, she took piecemeal assignments, she told me, and resigned herself to a frustrating, peripatetic, underemployed, work life, without the chance to get ahead professionally, and had many months, in between assignments, where she sought work, but could not find work.

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I think she even mentioned having to take anti-anxiety drugs or drugs for depression. I sensed she was prescribed for them, anyway, as, whenever I saw her, I noticed her hands shaking, whenever I saw her, as if she had a nerve disorder, and the drugs had taken over her body! Can you imagine what an employer or recruiter would think, seeing a womans hands shake that way, when the woman was trying to interview for the job? I can.

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Now I advocate for alternative therapies for battered women, .. therapies that do not involve drugging patients. If you doubt what the dangers of prescription drugs, like psychotropic drugs can do, just order the video documentary, Making A Killing; The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging, produced by cchr.org!

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When J.J. first began waffling, trying to get out of her verbal agreement to host my event, she did so AFTER the invitations went out. In my opinion, she smarmily spat out her justifications in that first abusive phone call to me, three days before she cancelled the event, she accused me with, Dont tell me what to do with MY tenant! Everyone thinks youre demanding. Just ask them! Why? Because Id suggested she invite M to MY event, after shed made it seem like M  was an anal retentive type, who would decide to stop renting a room, if my event went 5 minutes over the ending hour planned? Or because I asked if I could store a few blocks of cheese in her refrigerator, the day before the event, to be served at the event?

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It was in that first abusive phone call from J.J. that the threatened to cancel my event. She said, Maybe you should just get Eugene or someone else to host your event! I can cancel right now! (threat) That phone call to me was AFTER Id bought food for the event, stored it, and AFTER Id sent out invitations, with less than three weeks to go, before event. It was THREE days later that she cancelled with the health reasons I cant disclose reason (I think not a reason, but an excuse to justify her cowardly actions and  behavior.)

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So, it would seem that Susanna Rosenbaum was correct about J.J., if Rosenbaum acted the way J.J. described. If Rosenbaum acted  to snub J.J., not wanting to associate with J.J. on a professional level, it was probably because it was NOT with J.J. to get on any legitimate associations side, that booked events for artists. (I think Rosenbaum had conveyed to J.J. that J.J. was not qualified to book musicians or sponsor events for musicians..is what I gather. Otherwise, why would J.J. have written what she did, about Rosenbaum, to me?)

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I think J.J. over-reacted to the extreme ..was or is terrified of losing her tenant, M, because she knew that M had a girlfriend, and if  Ms relationship got any more serious with the girlfriend (as most serious relationships do, eventually, if the guys not  commitment phobic), then M would move out to live with or marry his girlfriend, leaving Judy to find another tenant, possibly after J.J. lost that professional position she had. So, I think, because J.J. was financially insecure, she had to have ME feel even more financially insecure, to feel better herself.

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J.J. went from one extreme to the other. Prior to our altercation, shed invited me to a service for one of her deceased relatives. We had talked about possibly having a weekly or monthly night where she, I, and friends of ours could trade, share and view videos. She told me about having been married twice, that she was divorced from one husband, but that Skip (heroin addict) died (I assumed hed committed suicide or O.D.d, but didnt pry into that.) It is really a shame that this woman, J.J. turned out to be so vindictive, destructive, and cowardly.


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 <!--[endif]-->Lucy, as J.J. is sometimes called, is a resident of Falls Church, Virginia. She could not stand being confronted and called into account for her cowardly actions, so she had to retaliate, to badmouth the woman on Rip Off Report, and badmouthed me so much that her badmouthing resulted in dismantling my networks, I allege. She even gossiped to me, before this all went down, about her former boyfriend, Don (last name, Finelli, if I recall)..said that Don was sarcastic, bragging that she was independent so didnt have to put up with any mans B.S., but I think this is also a cover for J.J.s insecurity at not having a loving mate to have and hold each night. She gossiped, in the company of others in that event-planning meeting, at her home, about her neighbor, artist-photographer Shaun VanSteyn.

Maybe Don found out that J.J. was a gossip. Maybe J.J.s former husband, Skip (heroin junkie) committed suicide because he ALSO discovered J.J. was a gossip, .. possibly found it unbearable to live with J.J.

J.J., I believe, had to justify her excuses for breaking a verbal (business-related) promise to the artist, threatening the artist by at least two abusive phone calls shed made to the artist. In J.J.s second abusive phone call to the artist, which came months after Judy cancelled the event, she threatened to make sure the artist could no longer got disability benefits, after the artist told J.J. that there was no use in J.J. threatening to sue her, when she had no money, as she survived on disability benefits. Thats when J.J. went, in my opinion, ballistic even more..to falsely report the artist (or wrote that she did, up here, is my take on things) as a disability fraud which was not only cowardly and despicable, but posted ANONYMOUSLY, I believe, on line, a hoax Rip Off Report, about the artist, with false information about the artist, to hide behind an ANONYMOUS screen name, The Revealer.

Accusing me of (the inference behind J.J.s attack suggests, I think, that I am lazy, too, impugning a poor work ethic to me) being a disability fraud? Well, I doubt that J.J. would have had the constitution or selflessness to help rear another mans child for the years that I did (before being labeled and diagnosed as disabled by a professional (paid for by the state that J.J. and I both live in, by the way; Ill assure you, I did not contrive for him to label me that way. (Think its fun to have that label, J.J.?), only to have that new family ripped out from under her.

The only true mother I noticed, that J.J. regularly hung with, as a peer, was that C.M. woman with the affected Irish brogue. And, while theres no reason to think that C.M. wasnt a good mother, she seemed often drunk to both me and my Significant Other. C.M. occasionally smoked pot, too, and so did that guy who volunteered for Wolf Trapp summer events. That guy from India, male participant in my event planning meeting with J.J., who I also thought was a coward for deserting the project as a helper to me, when J.J. seemed to convince him that she was in the right and I was in the wrong.

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Poor work ethic? Absolutely not! Did J.J., as I did for my first job, work as a bus girl, getting her hands dirty in a girls college, mopping dirty floors in the kitchen, removing nasty food dishes off tables that spoiled Catholic girls left for the peasants to clean up, as I did for many months? I doubt it. Did J.J. work as a nurses aide, in a hospital, emptying bed pans, catheter foleys, emesis basins, as I did, for 1.5 years? Doubt it. Did J.J. volunteer, for two seasons, overseas, in a program that helped immigrants, as a Peace Corp worker would do, for no pay, in her youth? Doubt it. Did J.J. spend many years in Human Services occupations, like HUD programs and Child Support Enforcement, to help the unfortunate? Doubt it.

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I worked for 35 years in full time jobs, since I was 17 years old, with a few breaks in between jobs, when companies folded on me a few times, or when companies merged, so they used the greater companies employees (most recently hired were the first to go).

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For six years working in another state, several times that happened. I NEVER ONCE COLLECTED UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WHEN THAT HAPPENED, THOUGH I COULD HAVE DONE. AND I paid taxes. Always. So I also paid into the SSI or SSDI pots, for anyone who was unfortunate enough to need to survive on those pots, as disabled citizens. Never was I the overzealous, spy or  Nosey Watchman or fink, waiting to see who was or was not worthy of the federal judges decisions to award disabled persons those benefits. Never!

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J.J. impugned my work ethic. I think that while J.J. professes to be financially independent, not needing any man (especially not an abusive one), because she can support herself (thats called a one-up message .. can be construed as arrogance), her underlying message, I think, is that she disrespects other women in traditional roles, who are not in professional roles like she had the good fortune to enjoy.

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It was difficult for me as it was, to not gain my college degree until I was age 40; then I experienced age discrimination on top of that..a thing I had never had to face for 35 years! Before turning 40 and disabled, I landed every single job for which I interviewed. Yes, I did.

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Why her other husband and she divorced, I do not know, but I think its been years since shes had the comfort of a husband, so is jealous of women who have what she does not have, and what I try to be: a loyal mate. In other words, I think she resents females who are in roles that she does not share or appreciate (artist in career transition comes to mind), and seems to think womens support and time in the home is not as valuable as her time or her work (if she still can work.)

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Just because I havent been a property owner for decades, so need not worry about if or not a tenant vacates my real estate or home, as J.J. has to worry about, it doesnt mean that I havent a care in the world, or that my life has been easy, or that I live off others. It hasnt been easy, and I DONT live off taxpayers or others, as J.J. has accused and impugned.

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In fact, I probably spent and put a substantial percentage of my federal disability income, other than what I spend to survive on, for food and essentials, back into the system when I had to fight, pro se, a federal disability discrimination case, for years, and ended up only supporting the U.S. Postal Service salaries, with years of needing to send off various and sundry certified mailings, paying for them, to prove my case (often very heavy packages of documents), meanwhile being Schedule A Certified -- a thing that J.J. probably has no idea what that means. But she can rest assured that any tax payers monies went right back into the federal system that supports ALL tax payers, even if it went to one branch of the government, and not another.

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Furthermore, the initial eligibility and cliency processes for status in disability rehab programs in VA, as their initial requirements, that clients search and apply, each week, to TEN jobs per week. That is TWICE as many than are required to receive Unemployment Insurance! Bet J.J. didnt  know that. And this went on for SIX months, for me, to no avail of full-time work, despite applying that long. She has no clue!

Accusing someone falsely of a federal crime, is a federal crime, too. Enough is enough!

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United States of America
Second Rebuttal, more than 11 hours since first rebuttal

#35REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 12, 2010

The more I think about it, now I more than suspect that it was not my down-low ex who posted the phony Rip Off Report (though he tried to stop me from filing Workers Comp, by asking my brother to stop me from it, after I was assaulted, in a crime scene, held hostage and bound, in the shop where I worked, the shop of a  friend of his. But he had no grounds to stand on, because my workers comp claim was legit. But that was the degree to which he tried to interfere with my life, even after hed abandoned me.)  No. The person I now know who posted that false Rip Off Report is the FEMALE who had promised to help host an event for me, in 2008. Her initials are J.J.

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That event was a major effort I made, to establish myself back in the main stream (albeit artistic, with a major professional transition, to a different field) work force, when she offered up her home for the event, an event would have gotten off the ground my state rehabilitation program (funded) project.

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J.J., two other females, and one male, who I thought were all friends of mine at one time, met me at J.J.s house, weeks before October 18, 2008. They all agreed to help with my event. J. J. lives in Falls Church, Virginia. Two of those women had been friends with J.J. longer than I had. J.J. and one of those women, at this meeting, had high-fived each other, because one had been let go from her Project Management job for a government contractor. J.J. told the women in that meeting, that she, too was about to be let go from her job (another position, also, her employer was a government contractor.)

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So, when those other women at the meeting  high-fived each other, it was as if they were saying to each other, Finally, we get a rest from the rat race work we were in. Get the picture? I witnessed their high fiving each other.

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The reason I think it is her is because the Rip Off Report was filed not too long after she and I had a verbal disagreement, about her reneging, last minute, on the event shed promised to host at her home. J.J. reneged, last minute, so that debut event for me (to help me launch my career transition) did not happen. I had to rush around finding another venue, and many people whod promised to attend, at least half of them, did not show for the event, that I, myself hosted, in that second venue, a church.

When the invitations for the event had been sent out, after J.J. and her friends had promised to help me, 40 persons had responded that they would attend, when the event was to be hosted at J.J.s home. Instead, when J.J. reneged on being the host, at the last minute, only 15 people showed up, at the second venue (the church space that I had to rent, consequently), of those initial 40 who had promised  to attend, when the event was scheduled at her place. It meant lost potential sales income for me, too. Income I had not seen or gained for a long time.

I had spent $700 on food for my guests to that event, only for half of it to be eaten. So, because of J.J.s decision to reneg on hosting my event, I was out of pocket that much cash. I was furious that she had broken a verbal promise, a promise from J.J. and three other of her friends, who I had thought were also my friends, but those friends also did not attend the second venue, to help as they had also promised.

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You see, J.J., three weeks before the initial event date, had canceled our plans, AFTER I had bought the food. I only imagine that she also convinced those other three people (from that meeting), to also not attend my event. To me, it felt like a grave injustice, and certainly, to me, was a broken verbal BUSINESS promise. J.J. had begun waffling about the event being held at her home, long before 3 weeks, prior to the scheduled event.

She began waffling after the invitations had been sent out. A BAD time to waffle and think about canceling things long in the works.

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That event was planned to sell my product that took me almost a whole year to develop, through a state rehab program, of which I was a client, after I was crime victimized, and had no other recourse but to seek state help, to try to regain employment, with the states help. That year, I worked (without pay) for almost two months, proving my income and impoverished financial situation, to the state (my income was nothing.)

My efforts to my state government officials were like having to write a Small Business Administration application, or proposal, and took weeks for the state officials to approve, but they approved and my art project was in the works..the product I would try to sell, in my new chosen profession, an artistic profession that could not get off the ground without a product of my own making, to sell.

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J.J., I allege, made all kinds of excuses as to why she reneged as the host to my event. It hurt my progress in life, but I will not name her here. We had planned for a six-hour slot for the event to happen in her home. Six hours of her time was all I had asked for. The kinks began to appear when Id asked her if I could bring some perishable foods Id bought for the guests, to store a few cheeses in her refrigerator.

She complained that her male room mate, whose first initial is M would be upset if his side of the refrigerator space was compromised, and began to complain because she thought Id sent out the initial invitations with the wrong ending hour for the event; she thought that I had invited the guests to stay longer than she had planned, and said that her roommate would be upset if the guests would stay longer.

I had promised J.J. that, no, the guests all knew that the event would NOT go longer than we had planned, because I had sent out on-line invitations, and they knew what the time slots were. J.J. got upset when I sent her an e-mail suggesting for M to get the stick out of his [for lack a better word: bum], and asked her to invite M and his girlfriend to my event, and I had told her that he and his girlfriend were certainly welcome to my event, and to the food I would provide.

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Well, J.J. over-reacted to that e-mail, got angry with me over the telephone, in a subsequent conversation with me, and threatened to call of the event. This happened after Id bought the food. She didnt actually cancel for another three days, again, did it on the phone, only, when she cancelled, she had a cowardly tone in her voice, and told me that the reason shed cancelled was for some health reason that she could not disclose to me.

I wondered, Why would she not disclose the health reason?, when she, who had, for so long, pretended to be my friend, felt close enough to confide to me, at one time, that one of her former husbands had been a heroin junkie? It doesnt make sense, this not being able to disclose her supposed health reason.

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J.J. is a spiteful, revengeful gossip, by nature, is my strong opinion. I allege that J.J. also posted, in her Rip Off Report blog, subsequent to posting the initial Report, I don't feel right about doing this, posting this, it has left a pit in my stomach. Naturally I'm not a vindictiive person.  But, UNFORTUNATELY, I am unable to delete the post.

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Oh, yes! J.J. IS, in my strong opinion, a vindictive person by nature! The first incidence of her vindictiveness, I allege, showed when she cancelled my event. The second demonstration of her vindictiveness, I allege, came when, after Id profiled her on the net, and told my side of the story as to why I thought shed cancelled, and expressed what a cowardly thing it was she did, to hurt my business, shed called me, in tears and anger, THREATENING TO SUE ME!

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I told her, Go ahead. Try. You wont get anything because I have no money. In fact, I subsist on disabilityto which she again, over-reacted, to tell me that her health reason was that she thought she might have brain cancer, told me that shed had an MRI done that confirmed her worry. She lashed out on the phone, then, just as she had done, three days before shed cancelled my event, also on the phone, threatening to cancel.

Only this time, she lashed out with, Ill sue you and make sure you dont get disability anymore!  The THIRD incidence that revealed her vindictive nature was to post the fraudulent Rip Off Report up here.

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J.J. did that also, previous to canceling my event. She had, I allege, gossiped about me to the other persons (from that meeting) who had promised to help out with my event. To me, she is nothing better than a gossip who must make another person feel low, in order to make herself feel better. In one e-mail to me, shed gossiped about ANOTHER female, a Fairfax County official, who once booked musical concerts. And yes, I have and keep the proof of that!

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On October 1,  2008, sent at 3:03 pm, J.J.s e-mail to me informed that Susanna Rosenbaum, with theArts Council of Fairfax County, books all the Fairfax concerts. ..at least she used to.

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In a second e-mail from J.J. to me, on Oct 1, 2008, sent at  4:43:57 PM, with the subject line,Fwd: Re: Fw: Request Contact Information for Your Events Planner, J.J. wrote, about Susanna Rosenbaum, This is the woman that booked all Andrew's Faifax Parks gigs. The slime ball used to piss me off by flirting with everyone and acting as if was

not with me to get on their "booking" side.!!!

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After J.J. cancelled my event at her home, I had quoted J.J.s messages, about Susanna Rosenbaum,  sent e-mails to, I think, the three others who had met with me, at J.J.s home, to plan my event with me; I wrote, in that message to them:

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Seems like [[J.J.]], in the message to me below, defamed Susanna Rosenbaum (see below), ...just like she seems (?) to have defamed my reputation lately (telling me I was demanding and feed-forwarding that others in my helper group, who were planning the event with me, also thought I was demanding..just like, in front of four other people on her back porch, (when we met and agreed what could be done with this event,) I think she also defamed Shaun VanSteyn (when she said how Shaun had invited too many of his friends to one of her invite only parties, and how he had a tendency to do that, as if it was a trait of his. [ ] Yeah..I'm beginning to see/sense some consistencies in her behavior, now...beginning to see the light. [ ] And, yes...I, too can be a bitch and catty, when feel I have just cause, when someone who I thought was a friend deals me a blow to the gut. I'm really going to try to get back to my focus, though. If I have not locked the new venue in at the party room in Vienna, that [[another friend of mine]] knows about--and he'll get back with me tonight on this--the room will only cost $75 to rent--, I have another friend, who knows of a Church hall in Falls Church I can rent. So, I will endeavor to repair  [[J.J.s]] actions at (I think) de-railing me. [ ] Now...if I were REALLY a bitch, I could forward her email to Susanna Rosenbaum, but I'm not that nasty.

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J.J. wasnt alone in betraying me, for that event. The two other female helpers and one male helper, whod all met with me at J.J.s home, to plan my event, also didnt show up, as promised, to help or participate in my debut event, that could have turned my life around. They were ALL in my blues musical circle, attended the same social parties I did, for years, before our friendship fell apart. They each were acquainted with J.J., and J.J. attended parties that several of them attended, that I also had attended, for several years, at the parties of people who I thought had been mutual friends to J.J. and I.

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Of those three women who attended the pre-event meeting at J.J.s home, one admitted to me that she was taking anti-depressant meds (I seriously think she is an alcoholic; so does my Significant Other think so.) This woman had gossiped about me in the past. She had snippily, at a club, in front of one of my African American girlfriends, said that the cashmere sweater Id worn was the wrong color for me; the African American friend defended me, against this womans catty attack, told the catty woman that she didnt think it was the wrong color.)

Another of the three women, who I thought was beyond gossiping about me, and who Id known since high school, admitted to me that she was treated for PTSD. Well, she also did not show up at my event, to help, which astounded me, since she had said she took up music in high school because I had taken it up (we'd known each other since high school.) 

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The male, a fourth person who had attended that meeting, had filed a federal EEO claim, because his Post Office job, hed confided to me, was threatened when (he told me this) someone at work "falsely" accused him of being a poor driver, because hed accidentally backed his work truck into someones mail box. So, apparently, his federal job was threatened, and he felt insecure.

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To me, the false Rip Off Report up here was like The Pot Calling the Kettle Black, when, I allege, TWO women from that meeting have, I allege, psychological or psychiatric disabilities, and J.J. could very well be facing disability discrimination, as well, if she, in fact, has brain cancer.  And if that happens, then J.J. will KNOW what it means to have to go through the process of applying for disability income, and just how difficult (a hardship) that process is. 

I find it ironic, if that does happen..as if its Gods way of dealing J.J. the hand that she dealt me, or what comes around, goes around, when she discovers that it aint so fun having to survive that way. So, who discriminated against whos disability, here? So much that J.J. had to defame my reputation,stating that my disability is or was fraudulent?

Does J.J. even know what Schedule A certification is or was? She might be about to find out, if she, indeed, has brain cancer, and tries to obtain a federal job! And she might find out that certain federal government agencies ALSO discriminate against disabled persons. Oh yes! That might just happen to her.

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I wonder what any of those women would feel like, had they suffered more than seven years of domestic abuse from a male partner, only to try to survive in a job, trying to hold on to two part-time jobs, for months, almost a year, after the abusive partner left her, trying to hold on to her 9-year rental home, only to be crime victimized, months later, by a FELON, who bound her, held her hostage, left her bleeding, robbed her place of employment, in mid day, and also assaulted her supervisor?..as happened to me.

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I wonder how EACH of those women would fare, if that had happened to any of them, and if their only resort was to seek help from a state agency and seek state or federal disability compensation? I doubt that their sensitive, insulated constitutions could have withstood as much. I wonder how each of them would fare, had any of them ever felt like they had been raped, after a similar sequelae of events turned her life upside down, with no sense of relief. What would SHE..any of them have done, had these things happened to them?

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Each of those women is somewhat comfy as a land owners, while I had to sell back my home to my only legal (on paper) husband, after divorce, and he was an abusive husband, who had learned, from military training, to intimidate his subordinates, by yelling at them, inches from their faces. He did so to me.

And no, it would not be my former husband who posted this Report, because he and I signed a No Fault Agreement. Were he to cause trouble in my life at this point, Id expose him on the Net for his abusive ways, and name him (not just with his initials, either!)

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So, I had not been a property since my divorce, decades ago. The male with whom I lived for almost 9 years, after my divorce, turned out to be even MORE abusive, only he was physically, emotionally, sexually, and verbally abusive. When the course of an already abused womans life takes these turns, to where she is traumatized, first by three different men (two partners, then a felon), only to be FURTHER traumatized by women who are catty, to not help a crime victim gain ground, to gain back her self esteem, battered down for so many years, trauma upon trauma can damage that woman, even more.

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I thought, at one time, that one of those three women (the catty one, who had said my sweater was the wrong color for me) was also my friend, because, at one time, she had confided to me that her first husband beat her down, called her fat. She had confided that she was prescribed antidepressants. Her initials are C.M. I wont name her up here, but she prided herself on her Irish heritage.

I suspect that C.M. is an alcoholic, because she seems to always be the loudest one at the bar. Yes. She had a great sense of humor, when she affected that Irish brogue of hers; but she could also be mean natured, and was to me, in my opinion.

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None of those three women, to my knowledge, have a life partner with whom to live and love, and share their lives, as I do for more than 9 years now. So, I think that each of those women were jealous of me. If so, I pity each of them.

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Not surprising the person who posted the Report wanted to retract (delete) or rescind her statement, and stated that she has a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach for having posted the Report. She KNOWS it was false. If not, she would not have subsequently posted, on October 28, 2009, her attempt at retraction, I meant to say that this website will not let me delete a post. To tell the truth I think I was only seeking 'payback' for some things written about me on another website, but this sort of 'payback' doesn't sit well with me. [ ] If I could delete this posting I would.

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Each of those three women were let go from their jobs, a couple of them from high positions. So I think that each is jealous of me for more than one reason. None of them, I think, have the support of a male partner, as I have, and who I also help in life, by being the active listener that I think J.J. could never be.

J.J. cannot, I think, be the loving partner to a man, because she, I think, flies off the handle during disagreements; her history with me has been to abuse me on the telephone, so much so that I had to hang up on her twice, to avoid further verbal abuse. I couldnt even get a word in edgewise, in those two telephone conversations where J.J. screamed at me. She would not hear anything I was saying. Oh. But she DID hear me when I told her that I was a disabled survivor.

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J.J. posted the fake Rip Off Report, out of RETALIATION, because I had exposed what she did to me, on another web site. I told the world what she had done. I revealed the (alleged) inconsistencies in her arguments, and exposed them to the world. I had written that what those three women and one man did to me was just like the nasty characters did to the character, Carey, in the film Carey.

I wrote that they had planned with me a celebratory event, of the success of my newly completed (though I did not earn any money in efforts to complete that project, so no, I never cheated on any government!) project, only to prevent the  celebratory event, weeks later [dashing all newly gained self esteem I had, that took me years to gain back, after crime victimized, subsequent to experiencing years of domestic abuse from a male partner! Only I did not tell that part on-line, not in my on-line story about J.J.]

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 I had also expressed, in my on-line, true story, about J.J., that I thought shed had what seemed to me to be a fairy tale opinion, about her former husband, Skip, who, shed told me, had been a heroin Junky. I also revealed that, before marrying J.J., Skip had been a housemate (room mate, platonic) with me, before hed married J.J., and he (he actually did this), approached me for sex, but I had turned him down, so he was no saint as I think shed told everyone about him.

J.J. got hot about my on-line post, the one I posted about HER, defending my position about what I alleged she and others had done. So, J.J.,  in my opinion, RETALIATED, by posting the fake Rip Off Report.

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The more I think about it, now I more than suspect that it was not my down-low ex who posted the phony Rip Off Report (though he tried to stop me from filing Workers Comp, by asking my brother to stop me from it, after I was assaulted, in a crime scene, held hostage and bound, in the shop where I worked, the shop of a  friend of his. But he had no grounds to stand on, because my workers comp claim was legit. But that was the degree to which he tried to interfere with my life, even after hed abandoned me.)  No. The person I now know who posted that false Rip Off Report is the FEMALE who had promised to help host an event for me, in 2008. Her initials are J.J.

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That event was a major effort I made, to establish myself back in the main stream (albeit artistic, with a major professional transition, to a different field) work force, when she offered up her home for the event, an event would have gotten off the ground my state rehabilitation program (funded) project.

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J.J., two other females, and one male, who I thought were all friends of mine at one time, met me at J.J.s house, weeks before October 18, 2008. They all agreed to help with my event. J. J. lives in Falls Church, Virginia. Two of those women had been friends with J.J. longer than I had. J.J. and one of those women, at this meeting, had high-fived each other, because one had been let go from her Project Management job for a government contractor. J.J. told the women in that meeting, that she, too was about to be let go from her job (another position, also, her employer was a government contractor.)

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So, when those other women at the meeting  high-fived each other, it was as if they were saying to each other, Finally, we get a rest from the rat race work we were in. Get the picture? I witnessed their high fiving each other.

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The reason I think it is her is because the Rip Off Report was filed not too long after she and I had a verbal disagreement, about her reneging, last minute, on the event shed promised to host at her home. J.J. reneged, last minute, so that debut event for me (to help me launch my career transition) did not happen. I had to rush around finding another venue, and many people whod promised to attend, at least half of them, did not show for the event, that I, myself hosted, in that second venue, a church.

When the invitations for the event had been sent out, after J.J. and her friends had promised to help me, 40 persons had responded that they would attend, when the event was to be hosted at J.J.s home. Instead, when J.J. reneged on being the host, at the last minute, only 15 people showed up, at the second venue (the church space that I had to rent, consequently), of those initial 40 who had promised  to attend, when the event was scheduled at her place. It meant lost potential sales income for me, too. Income I had not seen or gained for a long time.

I had spent $700 on food for my guests to that event, only for half of it to be eaten. So, because of J.J.s decision to reneg on hosting my event, I was out of pocket that much cash. I was furious that she had broken a verbal promise, a promise from J.J. and three other of her friends, who I had thought were also my friends, but those friends also did not attend the second venue, to help as they had also promised.

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You see, J.J., three weeks before the initial event date, had canceled our plans, AFTER I had bought the food. I only imagine that she also convinced those other three people (from that meeting), to also not attend my event. To me, it felt like a grave injustice, and certainly, to me, was a broken verbal BUSINESS promise. J.J. had begun waffling about the event being held at her home, long before 3 weeks, prior to the scheduled event.

She began waffling after the invitations had been sent out. A BAD time to waffle and think about canceling things long in the works.

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That event was planned to sell my product that took me almost a whole year to develop, through a state rehab program, of which I was a client, after I was crime victimized, and had no other recourse but to seek state help, to try to regain employment, with the states help. That year, I worked (without pay) for almost two months, proving my income and impoverished financial situation, to the state (my income was nothing.)

My efforts to my state government officials were like having to write a Small Business Administration application, or proposal, and took weeks for the state officials to approve, but they approved and my art project was in the works..the product I would try to sell, in my new chosen profession, an artistic profession that could not get off the ground without a product of my own making, to sell.

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J.J., I allege, made all kinds of excuses as to why she reneged as the host to my event. It hurt my progress in life, but I will not name her here. We had planned for a six-hour slot for the event to happen in her home. Six hours of her time was all I had asked for. The kinks began to appear when Id asked her if I could bring some perishable foods Id bought for the guests, to store a few cheeses in her refrigerator.

She complained that her male room mate, whose first initial is M would be upset if his side of the refrigerator space was compromised, and began to complain because she thought Id sent out the initial invitations with the wrong ending hour for the event; she thought that I had invited the guests to stay longer than she had planned, and said that her roommate would be upset if the guests would stay longer.

I had promised J.J. that, no, the guests all knew that the event would NOT go longer than we had planned, because I had sent out on-line invitations, and they knew what the time slots were. J.J. got upset when I sent her an e-mail suggesting for M to get the stick out of his [for lack a better word: bum], and asked her to invite M and his girlfriend to my event, and I had told her that he and his girlfriend were certainly welcome to my event, and to the food I would provide.

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Well, J.J. over-reacted to that e-mail, got angry with me over the telephone, in a subsequent conversation with me, and threatened to call of the event. This happened after Id bought the food. She didnt actually cancel for another three days, again, did it on the phone, only, when she cancelled, she had a cowardly tone in her voice, and told me that the reason shed cancelled was for some health reason that she could not disclose to me.

I wondered, Why would she not disclose the health reason?, when she, who had, for so long, pretended to be my friend, felt close enough to confide to me, at one time, that one of her former husbands had been a heroin junkie? It doesnt make sense, this not being able to disclose her supposed health reason.

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J.J. is a spiteful, revengeful gossip, by nature, is my strong opinion. I allege that J.J. also posted, in her Rip Off Report blog, subsequent to posting the initial Report, I don't feel right about doing this, posting this, it has left a pit in my stomach. Naturally I'm not a vindictiive person.  But, UNFORTUNATELY, I am unable to delete the post.

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Oh, yes! J.J. IS, in my strong opinion, a vindictive person by nature! The first incidence of her vindictiveness, I allege, showed when she cancelled my event. The second demonstration of her vindictiveness, I allege, came when, after Id profiled her on the net, and told my side of the story as to why I thought shed cancelled, and expressed what a cowardly thing it was she did, to hurt my business, shed called me, in tears and anger, THREATENING TO SUE ME!

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I told her, Go ahead. Try. You wont get anything because I have no money. In fact, I subsist on disabilityto which she again, over-reacted, to tell me that her health reason was that she thought she might have brain cancer, told me that shed had an MRI done that confirmed her worry. She lashed out on the phone, then, just as she had done, three days before shed cancelled my event, also on the phone, threatening to cancel.

Only this time, she lashed out with, Ill sue you and make sure you dont get disability anymore!  The THIRD incidence that revealed her vindictive nature was to post the fraudulent Rip Off Report up here.

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J.J. did that also, previous to canceling my event. She had, I allege, gossiped about me to the other persons (from that meeting) who had promised to help out with my event. To me, she is nothing better than a gossip who must make another person feel low, in order to make herself feel better. In one e-mail to me, shed gossiped about ANOTHER female, a Fairfax County official, who once booked musical concerts. And yes, I have and keep the proof of that!

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On October 1,  2008, sent at 3:03 pm, J.J.s e-mail to me informed that Susanna Rosenbaum, with theArts Council of Fairfax County, books all the Fairfax concerts. ..at least she used to.

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In a second e-mail from J.J. to me, on Oct 1, 2008, sent at  4:43:57 PM, with the subject line,Fwd: Re: Fw: Request Contact Information for Your Events Planner, J.J. wrote, about Susanna Rosenbaum, This is the woman that booked all Andrew's Faifax Parks gigs. The slime ball used to piss me off by flirting with everyone and acting as if was

not with me to get on their "booking" side.!!!

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After J.J. cancelled my event at her home, I had quoted J.J.s messages, about Susanna Rosenbaum,  sent e-mails to, I think, the three others who had met with me, at J.J.s home, to plan my event with me; I wrote, in that message to them:

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Seems like [[J.J.]], in the message to me below, defamed Susanna Rosenbaum (see below), ...just like she seems (?) to have defamed my reputation lately (telling me I was demanding and feed-forwarding that others in my helper group, who were planning the event with me, also thought I was demanding..just like, in front of four other people on her back porch, (when we met and agreed what could be done with this event,) I think she also defamed Shaun VanSteyn (when she said how Shaun had invited too many of his friends to one of her invite only parties, and how he had a tendency to do that, as if it was a trait of his. [ ] Yeah..I'm beginning to see/sense some consistencies in her behavior, now...beginning to see the light. [ ] And, yes...I, too can be a b***h and catty, when feel I have just cause, when someone who I thought was a friend deals me a blow to the gut. I'm really going to try to get back to my focus, though. If I have not locked the new venue in at the party room in Vienna, that [[another friend of mine]] knows about--and he'll get back with me tonight on this--the room will only cost $75 to rent--, I have another friend, who knows of a Church hall in Falls Church I can rent. So, I will endeavor to repair  [[J.J.s]] actions at (I think) de-railing me. [ ] Now...if I were REALLY a b***h, I could forward her email to Susanna Rosenbaum, but I'm not that nasty.

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J.J. wasnt alone in betraying me, for that event. The two other female helpers and one male helper, whod all met with me at J.J.s home, to plan my event, also didnt show up, as promised, to help or participate in my debut event, that could have turned my life around. They were ALL in my blues musical circle, attended the same social parties I did, for years, before our friendship fell apart. They each were acquainted with J.J., and J.J. attended parties that several of them attended, that I also had attended, for several years, at the parties of people who I thought had been mutual friends to J.J. and I.

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Of those three women who attended the pre-event meeting at J.J.s home, one admitted to me that she was taking anti-depressant meds (I seriously think she is an alcoholic; so does my Significant Other think so.) This woman had gossiped about me in the past. She had snippily, at a club, in front of one of my African American girlfriends, said that the cashmere sweater Id worn was the wrong color for me; the African American friend defended me, against this womans catty attack, told the catty woman that she didnt think it was the wrong color.)

Another of the three women, who I thought was beyond gossiping about me, and who Id known since high school, admitted to me that she was treated for PTSD. Well, she also did not show up at my event, to help, which astounded me, since she had said she took up music in high school because I had taken it up (we'd known each other since high school.) 

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The male, a fourth person who had attended that meeting, had filed a federal EEO claim, because his Post Office job, hed confided to me, was threatened when (he told me this) someone at work "falsely" accused him of being a poor driver, because hed accidentally backed his work truck into someones mail box. So, apparently, his federal job was threatened, and he felt insecure.

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To me, the false Rip Off Report up here was like The Pot Calling the Kettle Black, when, I allege, TWO women from that meeting have, I allege, psychological or psychiatric disabilities, and J.J. could very well be facing disability discrimination, as well, if she, in fact, has brain cancer.  And if that happens, then J.J. will KNOW what it means to have to go through the process of applying for disability income, and just how difficult (a hardship) that process is. 

I find it ironic, if that does happen..as if its Gods way of dealing J.J. the hand that she dealt me, or what comes around, goes around, when she discovers that it aint so fun having to survive that way. So, who discriminated against whos disability, here? So much that J.J. had to defame my reputation,stating that my disability is or was fraudulent?

Does J.J. even know what Schedule A certification is or was? She might be about to find out, if she, indeed, has brain cancer, and tries to obtain a federal job! And she might find out that certain federal government agencies ALSO discriminate against disabled persons. Oh yes! That might just happen to her.

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I wonder what any of those women would feel like, had they suffered more than seven years of domestic abuse from a male partner, only to try to survive in a job, trying to hold on to two part-time jobs, for months, almost a year, after the abusive partner left her, trying to hold on to her 9-year rental home, only to be crime victimized, months later, by a FELON, who bound her, held her hostage, left her bleeding, robbed her place of employment, in mid day, and also assaulted her supervisor?..as happened to me.

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I wonder how EACH of those women would fare, if that had happened to any of them, and if their only resort was to seek help from a state agency and seek state or federal disability compensation? I doubt that their sensitive, insulated constitutions could have withstood as much. I wonder how each of them would fare, had any of them ever felt like they had been raped, after a similar sequelae of events turned her life upside down, with no sense of relief. What would SHE..any of them have done, had these things happened to them?

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Each of those women is somewhat comfy as a land owners, while I had to sell back my home to my only legal (on paper) husband, after divorce, and he was an abusive husband, who had learned, from military training, to intimidate his subordinates, by yelling at them, inches from their faces. He did so to me.

And no, it would not be my former husband who posted this Report, because he and I signed a No Fault Agreement. Were he to cause trouble in my life at this point, Id expose him on the Net for his abusive ways, and name him (not just with his initials, either!)

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So, I had not been a property since my divorce, decades ago. The male with whom I lived for almost 9 years, after my divorce, turned out to be even MORE abusive, only he was physically, emotionally, sexually, and verbally abusive. When the course of an already abused womans life takes these turns, to where she is traumatized, first by three different men (two partners, then a felon), only to be FURTHER traumatized by women who are catty, to not help a crime victim gain ground, to gain back her self esteem, battered down for so many years, trauma upon trauma can damage that woman, even more.

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I thought, at one time, that one of those three women (the catty one, who had said my sweater was the wrong color for me) was also my friend, because, at one time, she had confided to me that her first husband beat her down, called her fat. She had confided that she was prescribed antidepressants. Her initials are C.M. I wont name her up here, but she prided herself on her Irish heritage.

I suspect that C.M. is an alcoholic, because she seems to always be the loudest one at the bar. Yes. She had a great sense of humor, when she affected that Irish brogue of hers; but she could also be mean natured, and was to me, in my opinion.

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None of those three women, to my knowledge, have a life partner with whom to live and love, and share their lives, as I do for more than 9 years now. So, I think that each of those women were jealous of me. If so, I pity each of them.

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Not surprising the person who posted the Report wanted to retract (delete) or rescind her statement, and stated that she has a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach for having posted the Report. She KNOWS it was false. If not, she would not have subsequently posted, on October 28, 2009, her attempt at retraction, I meant to say that this website will not let me delete a post. To tell the truth I think I was only seeking 'payback' for some things written about me on another website, but this sort of 'payback' doesn't sit well with me. [ ] If I could delete this posting I would.

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Each of those three women were let go from their jobs, a couple of them from high positions. So I think that each is jealous of me for more than one reason. None of them, I think, have the support of a male partner, as I have, and who I also help in life, by being the active listener that I think J.J. could never be.

J.J. cannot, I think, be the loving partner to a man, because she, I think, flies off the handle during disagreements; her history with me has been to abuse me on the telephone, so much so that I had to hang up on her twice, to avoid further verbal abuse. I couldnt even get a word in edgewise, in those two telephone conversations where J.J. screamed at me. She would not hear anything I was saying. Oh. But she DID hear me when I told her that I was a disabled survivor.

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J.J. posted the fake Rip Off Report, out of RETALIATION, because I had exposed what she did to me, on another web site. I told the world what she had done. I revealed the (alleged) inconsistencies in her arguments, and exposed them to the world. I had written that what those three women and one man did to me was just like the nasty characters did to the character, Carey, in the film Carey.

I wrote that they had planned with me a celebratory event, of the success of my newly completed (though I did not earn any money in efforts to complete that project, so no, I never cheated on any government!) project, only to prevent the  celebratory event, weeks later [dashing all newly gained self esteem I had, that took me years to gain back, after crime victimized, subsequent to experiencing years of domestic abuse from a male partner! Only I did not tell that part on-line, not in my on-line story about J.J.]

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 I had also expressed, in my on-line, true story, about J.J., that I thought shed had what seemed to me to be a fairy tale opinion, about her former husband, Skip, who, shed told me, had been a heroin Junky. I also revealed that, before marrying J.J., Skip had been a housemate (room mate, platonic) with me, before hed married J.J., and he (he actually did this), approached me for sex, but I had turned him down, so he was no saint as I think shed told everyone about him.

J.J. got hot about my on-line post, the one I posted about HER, defending my position about what I alleged she and others had done. So, J.J.,  in my opinion, RETALIATED, by posting the fake Rip Off Report.

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United States of America
Rebuttal to Rip Off Report

#36REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, February 11, 2010

The person or persons who posted the report on me are ignorant, know little, if anything, about disabilities, nor what it takes a disabled person to extricate themselves from discrimination in the work force, and to gain ground, once more, for example, they do not know the TIME and diligent EFFORT or PROOF it takes, when enrolled in state programs, that use RELIABLE information, medical and otherwise, to have disabled persons become clients, with those programs that help disabled persons gain, once again, access to work, whether full time or part-time. 

Even then, working part-time does not ensure that a disabled person can gain ground in the work force, to gain full employment. And really, it is none of anyones business but my own and my governments (to whom I report, about my progress, if there is any, as to my earnings or non-earnings). To me, the person or persons who filed the Rip Off Report have violated my HIPPA rights. And yes, I do suffer from a disability, for which I continue to be treated, and am NOT ashamed of that.

The person or persons who posted the Rip off report about me know little or nothing about  what it takes to be on disability, the court processes (federal or state), the programs that support persons with disabilities, not the legal aid processes that disabled persons must go through to prove their disabilities, all of which I have  endured, in both state and federal courts, and, in the latter, with an IME, RIGHT BESIDE THE JUDGE, and my paralegal to assist, to determine why (or why  not) I received any disability subsistence (and believe me, it IS "subsistance" when that occurs..a "fixed" level of income, below what most others survive on!)

No fraud to it. I had a paralegal help me; paralegals in state, county and federal programs are NOT allowed to conflate or fudge the facts!

I suspect that whoever filed that Rip Off Report is either my ex of almost 9 years, who was on the down-low (twice divorced, cheated on BOTH wives, cheated with a married woman, went bankrupt, and advertised himself as bisexual on a swingers site, in my last year with him, for MAN SEX), or someone in his family, or a jealous female I know, who, herself, admitted to me that she might have brain cancer (thus ramblings from her and her OWN disability, causing her to post wrongful and harmful information about me, to impugn my character. Yes. It IS possible to have more than one person not like you, but have many other friends that DO like you, who know you better!) 

 I believe that the Rip off Report was a hoax, and I demand that the author of that Rip Off Report provide their proof that the fraud (that I insist they falsely ATTRIBUTED to me, or PROJECTED on me) actually happened.  I continue to be treated for the symptoms of Battered Womans Syndrome. That is as far as I will go, in naming my disability. And it is none of anyone elses business what that specific disability is, but I think it is unconscionable, blind, eugenistic and amoral for any short-sighted individual to make false statements that injure anothers reputation, especially when the information is false, and can hurt their chances of work in future, or their chances to enjoy the liberties that all other U.S. citizens and citizens of the world enjoy.

I have never lied about anyone or anyone else's health conditions, nor about my own, not in my entire life, but have had to stand up for myself a few times, these last few years, speak up to a handful of people, in my own defense (with proof) who seem to know nothing about disabilities, and because of my disability, and because of their IGNORANCE.

I have plenty of good references and plenty of other good press about me, and that press came from trying to gain ground again, in the mainstream workforce, whether paid for my work or not, and if that meant doing benefits, volunteering my time to others (unpaid), or whatever it takes.Those who know me can easily find that good press and references, if they look for it. It is those who do not want to find them, who won't find them.

It is very easy, also, for the federal government to check on anyones income level, as each and every person is on tax files, and I have NEVER cheated on my taxes. There is also a level of income that one must reach, before any disabled person comes off of federal disability. I do not remember the term for it, but I have not reached that level yet, and it is nobodys business but my own and my government, what levels I have reached. I am not afraid to be audited as to my earnings or lack of them.

Also, a physical disability is DIFFERENT from an emotional disability, so IGNORANT persons should not judge a persons work levels by the same ruler, with ignorance.  

Sincerely, Advocate for the Disabled.







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The person or persons who posted the report on me are ignorant, know little, if anything, about disabilities, nor what it takes a disabled person to extricate themselves from discrimination in the work force, and to gain ground, once more, for example, they do not know the TIME and diligent EFFORT or PROOF it takes, when enrolled in state programs, that use RELIABLE information, medical and otherwise, to have disabled persons become clients, with those programs that help disabled persons gain, once again, access to work, whether full time or part-time. 

Even then, working part-time does not ensure that a disabled person can gain ground in the work force, to gain full employment. And really, it is none of anyones business but my own and my governments (to whom I report, about my progress, if there is any, as to my earnings or non-earnings). To me, the person or persons who filed the Rip Off Report have violated my HIPPA rights. And yes, I do suffer from a disability, for which I continue to be treated, and am NOT ashamed of that.

The person or persons who posted the Rip off report about me know little or nothing about  what it takes to be on disability, the court processes (federal or state), the programs that support persons with disabilities, not the legal aid processes that disabled persons must go through to prove their disabilities, all of which I have  endured, in both state and federal courts, and, in the latter, with an IME, RIGHT BESIDE THE JUDGE, and my paralegal to assist, to determine why (or why  not) I received any disability subsistence (and believe me, it IS "subsistance" when that occurs..a "fixed" level of income, below what most others survive on!)

No fraud to it. I had a paralegal help me; paralegals in state, county and federal programs are NOT allowed to conflate or fudge the facts!

I suspect that whoever filed that Rip Off Report is either my ex of almost 9 years, who was on the down-low (twice divorced, cheated on BOTH wives, cheated with a married woman, went bankrupt, and advertised himself as bisexual on a swingers site, in my last year with him, for MAN SEX), or someone in his family, or a jealous female I know, who, herself, admitted to me that she might have brain cancer (thus ramblings from her and her OWN disability, causing her to post wrongful and harmful information about me, to impugn my character. Yes. It IS possible to have more than one person not like you, but have many other friends that DO like you, who know you better!) 

 I believe that the Rip off Report was a hoax, and I demand that the author of that Rip Off Report provide their proof that the fraud (that I insist they falsely ATTRIBUTED to me, or PROJECTED on me) actually happened.  I continue to be treated for the symptoms of Battered Womans Syndrome. That is as far as I will go, in naming my disability. And it is none of anyone elses business what that specific disability is, but I think it is unconscionable, blind, eugenistic and amoral for any short-sighted individual to make false statements that injure anothers reputation, especially when the information is false, and can hurt their chances of work in future, or their chances to enjoy the liberties that all other U.S. citizens and citizens of the world enjoy.

I have never lied about anyone or anyone else's health conditions, nor about my own, not in my entire life, but have had to stand up for myself a few times, these last few years, speak up to a handful of people, in my own defense (with proof) who seem to know nothing about disabilities, and because of my disability, and because of their IGNORANCE.

I have plenty of good references and plenty of other good press about me, and that press came from trying to gain ground again, in the mainstream workforce, whether paid for my work or not, and if that meant doing benefits, volunteering my time to others (unpaid), or whatever it takes.Those who know me can easily find that good press and references, if they look for it. It is those who do not want to find them, who won't find them.

It is very easy, also, for the federal government to check on anyones income level, as each and every person is on tax files, and I have NEVER cheated on my taxes. There is also a level of income that one must reach, before any disabled person comes off of federal disability. I do not remember the term for it, but I have not reached that level yet, and it is nobodys business but my own and my government, what levels I have reached. I am not afraid to be audited as to my earnings or lack of them.

Also, a physical disability is DIFFERENT from an emotional disability, so IGNORANT persons should not judge a persons work levels by the same ruler, with ignorance.  

Sincerely, Advocate for the Disabled.






a.k.a revealer

United States of America

#37General Comment

Thu, January 14, 2010

I've learned enough info about this person that I did report her to social security for disability fraud.  Hopefully something will be done for abuse of the system.


An Update pt. 2

#38Author of original report

Wed, October 28, 2009

I meant to say that this website will not let me delete a post. To tell the truth I think I was only seeking 'payback' for some things written about me on another website, but this sort of 'payback' doesn't sit well with me. 

If I could delete this posting I would.


quit hiding behind a fake name, and show your true identity

#39General Comment

Wed, October 28, 2009

Hey Revealer:

You are making slanderous statements about someone, and you want us to believe it, just on your say so?  I think not.   Give us her web site so we can see it ourselves.

I think you have something against this woman, and you are bashing  her, and hiding behind a fake name.

What did this woman do to you, did she refuse to give you any on a first date?




An Update

#40Author of original report

Wed, October 28, 2009

I don't feel right about doing this, posting this, it has left a pit in my stomach. Naturally I'm not a vindictiive person.  But, UNFORTUNATELY, I am unable to delete the post.


A correction

#41Author of original report

Wed, October 28, 2009

Granted she doesn't come out and say she is a "disability cheater" but inadvertently by her words.


Minor correction

#42Author of original report

Sun, October 25, 2009

She states she is receiving "disability insurance" instead of "disability checks."

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