  • Report:  #470913

Complaint Review: GC Services - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
- Dallas, Texas,

GC Services
PO Box 32500 Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
It was on a day when I arrived to work at ---8 AM---, my co-worker let me know that GC Services had called wanting to speak with me and when she notified them that i was not there yet, they asked to speak to the person responsible for payroll. They then told her my situation, what I owed, and that they were going to be seeking wage garnishment. ((She is not even my boss and even then, they would never legally be allowed to disclose my information.))

She notified me concerned and said they were very aggressive with her.

I called them back right away to see what the problem was. This was the FIRST time I had even heard of them. I do NOT answer any phone numbers that say "UNKNOWN" on my caller ID or show this " -------" down the center, so had they tried contacting me at home, I never heard a message on my answer machine.

Anyway, that morning, I spoke with a woman who had a attitude from the beginning and I had given her NO reason to be mad. I called THEM. I answered all the questions she had for me and was telling her over and over that I already have a debt recovery program which I was adding my student loans to. She then said that they don't have any part in debt recovery programs such as the one I was on, and that this was a government matter so I had no choice but to pay the full amount or suffer wage garnishment. She then transferred me to her supervisor who screamed at me on the phone and said he is proceeding with wage garnishment and will report it as me saying I refuse to cooperate with them after trying to convince me that setting up my bank account through them was the only way I could pay this back.

After very verbal abuse from this guy, he put the woman back on the phone to get my expenses. After telling her my expenses, she rudely said " None of this is accurate...How do you LIVE!" I responded by saying " I don't know m'am, ...day to day."

They set me up with a recovery program in the end. What they told me was not possible. NOTHING was mentioned about USAFunds. Nor about the amount of money I apparently owe that is stated in my statements, on my credit all of a sudden, and all with no trace of any payments I have made. A statement which they mail to my JOB may I add! What they did say was if I fail to make (1) payment, "THAT'S IT" and they will persue with taking from my wages.

They also requested a post dated check since i told them I did not have the money to make a first payment. Which turned into (2) post dated checks they took in (1) month. I dont understand when the money was in my account to be debited. And now I recieve letters each month about my payments saying they have recieved my post dated check. I have never authorized any of these post dated checks nor was I ever told that each payment would be sent in a post dated check. Why would they do that?

These people are screwing me over BIG TIME! The amount of money they are wanting me to pay they could NEVER get from me because I would never HAVE it. I am going to have to make this same payment for 30+years. I went to a vocational school. Not a University, this is ridiculous what they are asking. It says I owe USAF so and so amount this month and my credit shows I have paid NOTHING and that there is NOTHING set up for payment.

If someone can help me situate this, i would be very grateful. Has anyone had similar problems with these "ripoffs" and if so, please advice me what I should do! I have tried very hard to fix my credit from these small minor things that keep popping up ($38 , $18) on my credit AND NOW THIS HUGE AMOUNT. I was 16 when I applied for this loan, with a co-signer, so I can go to college the following year. I started college at 17. No one tells you what you are in for at that age or about credit and loans and interest. At least I was not aware... I just wanted to further my education. Some one Please HELP!!! Thanks!!!

I want it to be known that every thing stated is to the best that I can REMEMBER of all conversations that took place. There was NO ill words exchanged from me, or ill doing on my part. I never refused to them. They refused ME --my rights!


Dallas, Texas


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