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Geneva Healthways $$$ Rip off!
I am housebound and look after my elderly MIL who has Alzheimers and I decided to look for a job that I could do at home. I broused the web and found a job stuffing envelopes with GENEVA HEALTHWAYS. It sounded perfect for me and I didnt really think too much of it when asked to send $43 for 'good faith' on materials.
I have never been so upset, it is just a SCAM...a list business. You have to pay a fortune for lists of customers ect; I have tried and tried to obtain a phone number with a 'human' voice on the other end but to no avail.
I dont know how to get my money back (they certainly can have their bits of paper they sent me back in return!) since I have no way of getting in touch. Please help me get my money back.
Please beware everyone and dont be taken like I was.