  • Report:  #19625

Complaint Review: Green Valley Realty H. Walker & Assts. - Pelham Alabama

Reported By:
- Bessemer, AL,

Green Valley Realty H. Walker & Assts.
2172 HWY.31 SO Pelham, 35124 Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We purchased a house & small yard for our kids to play in from Green Valley Realty, H. Walker & Assts.in '98 & following the 1st rain a drainage/standing water problem became evident.We immediately called the Realty's VP,asking her to fix the drainage problem. After many phone calls Ms. Walker came by our house & below is what transpired. Green Valley Realty's VP has been very rude & uncooperative in working with us, her customers.

Everything that I'm outlining we have pictures & copies of any paper work,which's being filed with the proper agencies.

1)Ms.Walker,VP of Green Valley Realty,H.Walker& Assts. came by our house(after mths.of phone calls) & upon our insisting she put our problem in writing& what she said she would do about it. The problem: "a drainage problem." The VP's Solution:"CORRECT a drainage problem." (caps' mine). Sounds good on paper,but hasn't been honored by the Co.

2)We purchase fill-dirt for Green Valley Realty,H.Walker&Assts. to use for honoring their word to "correct a drainage problem." Whatever "correct" encompasses we trust the Co. VP to homor what she wrote. We asked only that they call before coming so my husband could be home. We wait but no ph.call come.

3)A long-time employee of Green Valley Realty comes down our driveway in a small bobcat dozer & proceeds to spread our fill-dirt through the yard.The Co.VP, Ms.Walker wrote that it was FIVE LOADS of dirt.He finishes spreading the dirt,gets off the dozer,says he'll be back & describes what he'll do in the next phase of work. However,this was talk & we have had no cooperation from Green Valley Realty, H. Walker & Assts. since this occurence.

Here's what was left upon Green Valley Realty's employee's abrupt exit from our yard : one broken drainage pipe(compliments of the dozer's operator),the same "bowl" which collects water & doesn't drain & a very unlevel drop in our lawn. But...the fill-dirt,GONE. We of course called Ms.Walker,VP of the Co.,asking her to return & "CORRECT a drainage problem." She said she would, until Feb.2002, when her answer changed to "NO." We feel we've been plenty patient & so we started filing complaints after her "no.".

We asked also for the City Bldg.Insp.to look atthe condition Green Valley Realty's employee left our yard in & he called Ms.Walker from our backyard,asking to schedule a meeting btwn.himself, us,& Ms.Walker,she refused. Ms.Walker replied for us to"hire a lawyer & she'd see us in court." So much for customer service!!

Green Valley Realty's VP,Ms.Walker has sited that she won't honor where she wrote her Co.would:"CORRECT a drainage problem" b/c WE didn't pay HER employee for coming!! The employee is employed by Green Valley Realty & employers normally pay their employees!(Is this a foreign concept??) Further,as a business person,Ms.Walker easliy could have written any charges on the same paper that she wrote the above!

The same vein of neglect we've received are other areas onour very street,also IGNORED.A lotowned by Green Valley Realty has a basement foundation hole ignored(same as us) for OVER 6 mths to fill w/rainwater & breed mosquitos!! We have over 12 children on our street where this potential hazard was left by Green Valley realty! The Bldg Insp who came to look at our yard also asked Ms.Walker to drain the water from this hole,a cple.of days later...after it being there over 6mths...,her employee dug a path for water to escape.(The hole remains). For a Co. to leave such a hazard is not what we consider good business nor customer practice.

We are still willing for Green Valley Realty,H.Walker&Assts.to honor Ms.Walker's,VP of the Co's word.In the meantime we are filing reports in hopes that other homebuyers will experience what we are going through after spending our money on a new home & yard through Green Valley Realty.

Pictures are available of the basement foundation hole & water, our yardw/drainage problem,the busted pipe from our yard & other areas of concern Green Valley Realty has left in varying conditions through our neighborhood & nearby streets. The pictures speak loudly.We are simply putting them forth & potential customers can judge for themselves.We will try to get the equipment needed to post the pictures. Thank you for the service your site is providing to custmers like ourselves.


Bessemer, Alabama

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