  • Report:  #178714

Complaint Review: Ground Unit Security - Yukon Oklahoma

Reported By:
- Midwest City, Oklahoma,

Ground Unit Security
211-A South 4th St. Yukon, 73099 Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been working for this company for three months, and very recently my "paychecks" have been coming back NSF and of course my bank docks me the check and a return check fee. I have managed to get ONE of these checks and the fee returned, but it has taken well over a month and the company is now two NSF checks, very shortly to be three checks behind in paying me, as of the date of this report.

Now I know that sometimes mistakes get made, checks get bounced. One rubber check could be an honest mistake, but THREE in a row is not. His first excuse was that MY bank screwwed up. I have been with my credit union for MANY years, and they have never screwwed up anything. His second excuse was that his bank holds all deposits for 10 days. His third excuse was his bank holds extra days during the holidays. His fourth excuse was that the clients weren't paying him on time. I have checked into this, and am assured by MULTIPLE persons I will not name here to protect them from reprisal, that not only does said client pay on time, he pays much more than enough to cover what I am supposed to be receiving.

Upon asking for the subsequent checks to be reimbursed, I was threatened by the company owner, John Ballard, with action from his 7 alleged lawyers, and put on permanant layoff. He then said he would get me the money on the next Monday. Come the next Monday he found yet another excuse to not pay me.

I did the job on good faith and have been told I was doing much better than average work, not just by this company, but also by the clients I have worked for. I know that I have the right to be paid for my work, and that I have the right to receive this pay in a timely manner, yet as of this date, I cannot pay my bills, buy food, or buy my medications, and I am about to become delinquent on my mortgage, and several of my utilities.


Midwest City, Oklahoma

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Honesty and Ethics Apprently Not A Problem Here

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, October 19, 2006

Can you remember when security companies were honest and treated their employees fairly? I can. Just barely. I don't know when it got like this unless it is because the greedy, unethical yuppies took over. I remember working for one security company where the owners were two guys in their early to mid-twenties but they looked much older. If I had known how old they REALLY were, I wouldn't have gone to work for them! They ripped off employe3es in every way you can think of and I do mean EVERY way! But I never had a bounced check from them. One friend of mine worked for a security company across town and HE WAS PAID WITH FOOD STAMPS! The OWNER gave him FOOD STAMPS! Now either this guy was too poor and qualified for FOOD STAMPS or he was buying them for pennies on the dollar. Also photocopied a commission card and put different people's names on it so that convicted felons could carry weapons in violation of the State law because " Our people don't get no justice in a court system designed for rich, white poeple!" ( HIS comments, not mine!)He hired anybody who would work for him and he had quite a collection of personnel from all ethnicities! And you want THIS company guarding YOUR valuable property? So, you see, what happened to you and to me and my friends is getting to be the norm. If you get hurt on the job, the security company usually gets out of paying your workman's comp or anything at all and you have to be a taxpayer burden until you can get well enough to get vocational rehabilitation programs! So taxpayer dollars are subsidizing a lot of what appears to be a lot of crooked tomfoolery! Get the NSF checks and go to your county courthouse and file a theft of services with yout friendly DA or you can go to the Labor Board if you all have one in OK. Definitely get another job! Sounds like a two-bit, mom and pop operation to me and I wouldn't work for one of those unless I WAS related to the Mom and Pop. Good luck.


Honesty and Ethics Apprently Not A Problem Here

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, October 19, 2006

Can you remember when security companies were honest and treated their employees fairly? I can. Just barely. I don't know when it got like this unless it is because the greedy, unethical yuppies took over. I remember working for one security company where the owners were two guys in their early to mid-twenties but they looked much older. If I had known how old they REALLY were, I wouldn't have gone to work for them! They ripped off employe3es in every way you can think of and I do mean EVERY way! But I never had a bounced check from them. One friend of mine worked for a security company across town and HE WAS PAID WITH FOOD STAMPS! The OWNER gave him FOOD STAMPS! Now either this guy was too poor and qualified for FOOD STAMPS or he was buying them for pennies on the dollar. Also photocopied a commission card and put different people's names on it so that convicted felons could carry weapons in violation of the State law because " Our people don't get no justice in a court system designed for rich, white poeple!" ( HIS comments, not mine!)He hired anybody who would work for him and he had quite a collection of personnel from all ethnicities! And you want THIS company guarding YOUR valuable property? So, you see, what happened to you and to me and my friends is getting to be the norm. If you get hurt on the job, the security company usually gets out of paying your workman's comp or anything at all and you have to be a taxpayer burden until you can get well enough to get vocational rehabilitation programs! So taxpayer dollars are subsidizing a lot of what appears to be a lot of crooked tomfoolery! Get the NSF checks and go to your county courthouse and file a theft of services with yout friendly DA or you can go to the Labor Board if you all have one in OK. Definitely get another job! Sounds like a two-bit, mom and pop operation to me and I wouldn't work for one of those unless I WAS related to the Mom and Pop. Good luck.


Honesty and Ethics Apprently Not A Problem Here

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, October 19, 2006

Can you remember when security companies were honest and treated their employees fairly? I can. Just barely. I don't know when it got like this unless it is because the greedy, unethical yuppies took over. I remember working for one security company where the owners were two guys in their early to mid-twenties but they looked much older. If I had known how old they REALLY were, I wouldn't have gone to work for them! They ripped off employe3es in every way you can think of and I do mean EVERY way! But I never had a bounced check from them. One friend of mine worked for a security company across town and HE WAS PAID WITH FOOD STAMPS! The OWNER gave him FOOD STAMPS! Now either this guy was too poor and qualified for FOOD STAMPS or he was buying them for pennies on the dollar. Also photocopied a commission card and put different people's names on it so that convicted felons could carry weapons in violation of the State law because " Our people don't get no justice in a court system designed for rich, white poeple!" ( HIS comments, not mine!)He hired anybody who would work for him and he had quite a collection of personnel from all ethnicities! And you want THIS company guarding YOUR valuable property? So, you see, what happened to you and to me and my friends is getting to be the norm. If you get hurt on the job, the security company usually gets out of paying your workman's comp or anything at all and you have to be a taxpayer burden until you can get well enough to get vocational rehabilitation programs! So taxpayer dollars are subsidizing a lot of what appears to be a lot of crooked tomfoolery! Get the NSF checks and go to your county courthouse and file a theft of services with yout friendly DA or you can go to the Labor Board if you all have one in OK. Definitely get another job! Sounds like a two-bit, mom and pop operation to me and I wouldn't work for one of those unless I WAS related to the Mom and Pop. Good luck.


Honesty and Ethics Apprently Not A Problem Here

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, October 19, 2006

Can you remember when security companies were honest and treated their employees fairly? I can. Just barely. I don't know when it got like this unless it is because the greedy, unethical yuppies took over. I remember working for one security company where the owners were two guys in their early to mid-twenties but they looked much older. If I had known how old they REALLY were, I wouldn't have gone to work for them! They ripped off employe3es in every way you can think of and I do mean EVERY way! But I never had a bounced check from them. One friend of mine worked for a security company across town and HE WAS PAID WITH FOOD STAMPS! The OWNER gave him FOOD STAMPS! Now either this guy was too poor and qualified for FOOD STAMPS or he was buying them for pennies on the dollar. Also photocopied a commission card and put different people's names on it so that convicted felons could carry weapons in violation of the State law because " Our people don't get no justice in a court system designed for rich, white poeple!" ( HIS comments, not mine!)He hired anybody who would work for him and he had quite a collection of personnel from all ethnicities! And you want THIS company guarding YOUR valuable property? So, you see, what happened to you and to me and my friends is getting to be the norm. If you get hurt on the job, the security company usually gets out of paying your workman's comp or anything at all and you have to be a taxpayer burden until you can get well enough to get vocational rehabilitation programs! So taxpayer dollars are subsidizing a lot of what appears to be a lot of crooked tomfoolery! Get the NSF checks and go to your county courthouse and file a theft of services with yout friendly DA or you can go to the Labor Board if you all have one in OK. Definitely get another job! Sounds like a two-bit, mom and pop operation to me and I wouldn't work for one of those unless I WAS related to the Mom and Pop. Good luck.


Midwest City,
Learn to Read

#6Author of original report

Sat, October 14, 2006

Apparently you cannot read very well. To repeat: THIS COMPANY WAS RESEARCHED AND NOTHING WAS FOUND AGAINST THEM! THIS REPORT WAS POSTED TO HELP PREVENT THIS HAPPENING TO OTHER PEOPLE! As for them being a contract company, I filled out all paperwork upon "hiring" in (including a W4 form) as if I were being hired for an hourly rate. I did not find out otherwise until I got my first "check". I have been in security off and on for over 25 years, and this is the first time I have encountered anything so brazen. This company was running a scam job from day one. For your information I have worked for MANY small previously undocumented companies without any problems; and to the other end of the scale I have worked for large, "established" companies, and have had nothing BUT problems. This particular company has/had been in business for at least several years, and has at least one other branch in Tulsa, doing this exact thing to other employees. It does seem that until this time simply no one else had the backbone to stand up for themselves. To quote Yoda, "Size matters not!"


The Answer Is Obvious...

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 12, 2006

The lesson(s) that you should have learned: 1. Do a background check on potential employers. 2. Check the Rip-Off Report to see if the security company you are interested in working for is listed in it. If it is, don't go to work there. 3. DON'T GO TO WORK FOR A PRIVATE SECURITY SERVICES CONTRACTOR! TO paraphrase Sean Connery in the "Untouchables" film: "Thus endeth the lesson."


Midwest City,
And my lesson is what exactly?

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, September 26, 2006

And my lesson is what exactly? That it's ok to jerk around and lie to employees as long as none of them complain, but if they look like they are going to complain, fire them on some trumped up excuse? That it's OK to lie about clients' financial dealings as long as it doesn't get back to the clients? Or that it's OK to not deposit payroll funds, so employees can't cash their checks; while instead taking the money and using it to buy high dollar luxury items for one's business or home even? I DID research this company and was totally unable to find anything negative. That is the reason the original post was put up, to help prevent other people from getting jerked around the same way. Also as an update to the very first post, I have been able to recover all my rubber check charges, and roughly 95% of what I had earned as income. I have also come to find out they had lost several accounts due to certain clients having little birdies whispering in their ears about the guards not getting paid and about how the security agency was claiming the clients were delinquent on their accounts when in actuallity the clients were not. So actually the lesson to be learned here is one for employers, NOT employees. Do NOT lie to, swindle or otherwise rip your employees off, because you never know when one of them will take appropriate revenge. :-) I have noticed this company no longer seems to be advertising for employees. I sincerely hope they got what they deserve; to have gone bankrupt and lost ALL the ill-gotten goods they screwed over their employees to get.


I Hope You Learned Your Lesson

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, September 26, 2006

Did you check out this employer before you worked for him? Did you ask other security people about his reputation in the business? Did you do a background check on him to find out if had had a divorce or a history of NSF checks in the past? You have to check out your employers just as much as responsible employers want to check out potential employees! Otherwise, you will end up with an employer like the one you rdescribed! It is sad, indeed, but until we get some sort of FEDERAL regulation, security companies will continue to short their loyal, hard-working employees and spend the money they SHOULD have paid them on WHAT? This is why you have to investigate your potential employers. I hope you will do it in the future. RIP OFF REPORT is the place to start! Welcome to the new world of security contractors.


Midwest City,
update to NSF check complaint for Ground Unit Security of Yukon

#10Author of original report

Thu, March 02, 2006

On Monday, February 27th, I went to a friend of mine who just happens to be a federal agent on the local branch of the Homeland Security Taskforce, and I showed him the checks I had and told him the spot I was in, and he advised me progressively how to persue this. To shorten this story, after calling I forget how many agencies for help, I finally ended up going to the Oklahoma Department of Labor, and filing a wage claim with the very nice helpful people there. They were able to get me up to date paywise in very short order. Today March 1, at roughly 4:00 local time, Ground Unit Security paid me in cash all my past due wages AND my fees for the NSF check return. My federal friend went with me to pick it up, and I am happy to report everyone was able to maintain civility. It saddens me, though that I had to resort to drastic means to accomplish this, but the thought that I might end up living in an empty shipping crate due to no fault of my own angered and frightened me. I still have two checks due to me, one on the third of March, the other on the 18th of March, and will post an update on how those turn out.


Go to His Bank

#11Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 02, 2006

I worked for a Security Company like that once in Dallas,TX and it is now out of business for much the same reason. Whenever I woudl get a bouncing paycheck,I would go to the bank in person and ask if they had enough money to pay it. I would wait until the deposits surpassed my paycheck and THEN I would present it DIRECTLY to the BANK for PAYMENT! It worked OK. I always got my money when other people were agonizing about bounced checks. When he got wise to what I was doing, he scheduled me so I would have no time to wait at the bank. That's OK. I got my bounced paycheck and I went TO THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE and filed a THEFT of SERVICES and I had the check for PROOF! I think this is a legal grounds in most common law state although I woudl recommend that you check with your county's disctrict attorney's office. After all, merchants can file on hot check writers and the sorry employer that woul drip off his employees is the same as the sorry creep who deliberately commits theft by check or theft of services. I had my check PRONTO and I had already been job looking and ahd a much better job! The creep burned one person too many and I have no idea what happened to him except he just disappeared. Another good thing, if your State has a PayDay Law like we do here in Texas is to turn him over to the Pay Day Law enforcement division of the Work Force Commission in your state. They will freeze ALL of his assets until he pays YOU! By the way, SECURITY COMPANIES HAVE BECOME INFAMOUS FOR RIPPING OFF THEIR CLIENTS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES! It's not the same business it was back in the 1980s when you could believe your employers... And I miss those days...


Turn him into the Labor Board

#12Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 01, 2006

That will get his attention. What he is doing is ILLEGAL. He can be shut down. You can also sue him for back wages, many times the amount he owes you. Don't complain about it, DO SOMETHING NOW! Before it's too late.

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