  • Report:  #986605

Complaint Review: Gryphons Lair Restaurant - Ladysmith, BC British Columbia

Reported By:
Gryphons Lair Restaurant, Ladysmith - Parksville, British Columbia, Canada

Gryphons Lair Restaurant
240-4411 Hastings Street, Burnaby, BC, V5C 2K1 Ladysmith, BC, British Columbia, Canada
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Hello to all,

My wife and I, up until November 15, 2012 were both professionally employed people. I worked in Research and Development as a test driver with an annual salary of 60K. My wife owned and operated a very successful Dog Daycare Centre. With a beautiful rented 3,000sqf rented home, our life was wonderful.

For a second career, I was also a restaurant consultant. As some would say, I did 'make-overs' and helped owners become more profitable when their business was failing. Long story short, I was approached by a lady names Sue Meszaros and her husband Paul Meszaros to come and help rebuild their failing restaurant business, located in Ladysmith BC. The Gryphons Lair.

Sue Meszaros is also owner and president of Procare Institute, a training college for home care nursing. Things all seemed on the up and up. She was 65yrs old, a professional owner of 2 businesses. What could be wrong you ask.

After many meetings in Vancouver at her college, and one onsite meeting at the restaurant, we were told they needed to have the restaurant menu changed, bring to venues to the restaurant, and if need be, even replace the entire staff. Sue Meszaros little did we know, was now in debt for a total of 1.8 Million dollars. Refinancing everything to the maximum. Little did we also know that the restaurant was being financed by Procare Institute because the sales were so poor.

This will all come into play as we tell the rest of this scam. After accepting a nominal salary to relocate to Vancouver Island, and with a combined salary that my wife and I agreed to split in order to keep costs low while rebuilding the restaurant, we paid our own way entirely to relocate. I gave up my position in Research & Development, my wife closed her business, which we did not have time to sell, and we gave notice to our landlord and packed up. Total relocation expenses exceeded $2,000.00. I even cashed in all my RRSP's to fund the move. 

From this point on, am I simply going to cut and paste the rest of this story which was posted on both Craigslist and Kijiji, as we had no other choice or alternative for getting help.
Please be warned, do NOT have anything to do with Sue Meszaros or Paul Meszaros either with Procare Institute or the Gryphons Lair. They are compulsive liars, have no money, and are complete scam artists. A local RCMP Police officer even openly admitted in a private conversation that Sue is a complete drunk who hides it very well. A Social drunk to be exact. The local CTV news channel even wants to do a story about us, however we declined because we dont want our faces on camera and go through any more humiliation.

If anyone can help, and has their moral compass in check, then please, let us know how you can possibly help, as we desperately need any assistance we can get. This is not a Craigslist scam, we don't want any money sent to us, and you haven't won some mysterious amount of money, we just need help recovering from being duped after putting everything we had on the line to help someone else in need.

My wife and I and our beloved (2 senior 10 pound multi-poo's & 1 year old female Doberman who was a rescue dog) were duped into moving to Vancouver Island to help a senior couple fix their ill failing business. We knew nobody here and have no connections at all in order to help us out of the situation we find ourselves in now. We did all this based on the old value of giving someone our word. We didn't ask for contracts, we didn't ask for a rental agreement, and we didn't even ask for financial help to relocate to Vancouver Island, and we now find ourselves with nothing in writing, and stand to loose everything if we ourselves don't get help.

We gave up our careers in Vancouver, our beautiful home, and lastly we said goodbye to all our friends and family to come here. We even cashed out our own RRSP's to fund our own move here in order to help this couple fix their business. My wife and I even agreed to split our income ($1300.00 Bi-weekly) in order to reduce their overhead costs. Some will say we were stupid for doing so, and for not getting anything in writing, but I guess we are old school, and believed that nobody could do what has been done to us for our efforts. Our position came with a house, which we could occupy for the duration of our employment....rent free! Sounded great. No Rent, No damage deposit. We thought this was great, because it helped us reduce our moving costs too!

It has now been one month that we are here. My wife and I have invested a combined wooping 500 hrs of work in order to fix a business, that we now come to realize, has no money, and there is no real intention of fixing this business by the current owners (65 & 76 yrs old). They are merely trying to bank as much money as possible before the government shuts them down. 

We have now discovered the following, that we were NOT made aware of prior to coming to help; They have never even once submitted the HST they have collected since opening this business two years ago, and the government is now owed over $90,000.00. This business, which we didn't know before and were never told, owes a staggering $150,000 plus to service providers in the community. 

Most of our supplier accounts are either on suspension or cancelled, and some wont even deal with them on a cash basis. This includes basic garbage pick up services. Employee pay checks are bouncing. 

The uniform company has taken all their uniforms back and is currently owed close to $4,000.00 Creditors and collectors are showing up at the door on a daily basis. The business has been refinanced 3 times, and the current total combined company debt load is 1.8 million. The current mortgage is $3500.00 and scheduled to be increased to $7,200 next month when their new payment plan goes into effect. Even the local news papers wont allow them to advertise because they owe $38,000 to Blackpress Media.

We have only been paid a meager $788.00 for our services thus far in one month since we arrived and we are exhausted. My wife cries herself to sleep every night wondering how did we ever get ourselves into this, and how much we gave up to come here.

We now have no choice but to quit. We cannot continue to invest anymore time (14-16hr days) any longer and not get paid. This being said, we are now being EVICTED and have to vacate by the end of December.

Tired, broke, all our funds spent to get over here, not being paid as expected. Because we each quit our jobs to come here and help this couple, we do not qualify for any social assistance. Our entire life remains in packed boxes throughout this house. We dont even have a fridge here. We also just discovered that employment conditions on Vancouver Island are much different than the mainland. Its' very difficult to find anything here in our field. We have been searching for 2 weeks and cant find much. I have now found a job which starts in 2 days, at half the pay I was accustomed to getting in Vancouver, starting at $17.00 hr. My wife can't find anything.

We need housing immediately, and can't even afford to pay damage deposit. We are willing to work our butt's off again to pay for it with any work that can be done around the property. We are willing to be caretakers. We are willing to sign any contracts that would make any homeowner feel at ease. We don't want to give up our pets which we love, and cause no damage or are constantly barking. This is a really difficult time of the year for a lot for a lot of people. We know, we get it and we understand that. But if you know anyone who has a vacant house, vacant quarters, even can provide full hookup for a motorhome, we are quite willing to make any arrangements necessary to see that you, or they get paid as soon as we are on our feet. Our only asset is a 1983 Class C motorhome, which has been for sale on Craigslist for 3 weeks with no takers at a selling price of $5,200.00. Wrong time of the year, and its not selling.

This is a lot to absorb, but someone out there must know of someone who can help. We are not evil people. We have worked hard our entire lives. We don't take anything for free, and this entire experience has been very humbling for us. Volunteering with any community resources or programs is also a very viable option.

If you know anything, anyone or think you can help, please pass this along. Please help spread the word. Our philosophy has always been pay it forward and something good will always come back to you. We are in our young 40's, and can work at anything.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


This was our plea for help to the general public. We are now days away from being evicted. And if all that wasn't enough, Sue Meszaros even had the nerve to suggest to my wife last night that she should leave me and stay and work for her, and will let her stay in the house free if she did. Why Sue?? So you could control and manipulate her even further by always having her home and its rent free status hanging over her head? Did you honestly think she wouldnt tell me this? Coming from someone who even fired every single member of her family from the restaurant, Im not surprised your moral compass is completely alcohol saturated. You have ruined lives, yet you carry on like its business as usual. You haven't lived in the same household as your husband for years. Why wouldn't you think this was normal? 

If you are a student planning on giving your hard earned money to Sue Meszaros and Procare Institute, or plan on working for the Gryphons Lair, think again. Don't do it. They owe us a lot of money, and chances are you might not get your certificate from Procare Institute, or your pay check will bounce. 

Dont believe me....call the following service providers and ask for yourself.
BFI Garbage Disposal
Black Press Media
Canadian Linens
Alysco Uniforms
B & C Meets
Sysco Food Supplies
Martell Refrigeration Ltd

Still have doubts? Im always free to chat. 

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