  • Report:  #66506

Complaint Review: HCM - Hair Club For Men - San Diego California

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

HCM - Hair Club For Men
3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 1002 San Diego, 92108 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased hair products from Mia Kelly, Managing Director at Hair Club For Men for $1,700. I was told by Mia Kelly that the products were waterproof and I would not have any problems with exercising or swimming or riding a bike etc.

On the day I got the products, I learned right away they did not work. I was promised a 30 day money back guarantee. Hair Club for Men sent me the wrong hair products and I told Mia Kelly (and also her boss) about this. I also learned that Mia Kelly charged me for products totaling $3,600. I said I did not purchase products for $3,600. She then became very agitated.

I called my credit card company and they said I needed to work this out with the Hair Club For Men office. When I told Mia Kelly about this problem, she immediately said I agreed to the amount totaling $3,600. I have the recept for products I purchased for $1,700 and I told her this. She said she will look into this.

I haven't heard from her since. This was over 3 months ago. Now when I call they won't even talk to me. I'm mad because they charged me for something I did not buy and the products I did buy were the wrong products. This has been a nightmare. I want my money back.


San Diego, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Boca Raton,
I believe these statements to be somewhat misleading

#2UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 14, 2003

Hair Club has 88 offices across the country and wouldn't be in business since 1976 if we did not handle customer service issues and provide a product or service that helps people. All new clients sign an agreement which states our guarantees and should the local office not handle a concern in an acceptable manner to the client, there is a toll free number posted in each center to reach the regional director. In addition, the client can call 1-800-Hair Club anytime to lodge a complaint. Most importantly, I find it unacceptable that this website will not print the full name of the person lodging the complaint yet the staff member's full name is listed. I also believe that if this is an actual client (and not an employee of a competitor making false accusations-like many other websites proliferate) how do you know the issue has not been resolved? Your policies should be consistent amongst all parties and your website should focus on solving issues not just posting anonymous rhetoric.

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