  • Report:  #879766

Complaint Review: Helpwithmylender.com - Santa ana California

Reported By:
Mr. Ash - Brooklyn, New York, United States of America

1740 E. Garry ave. #206 Santa ana, 92705 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Help with my Lender.com is just another extension of the fraudulent NLHC. If you go to their website and look under the first video at the bottom of the homepage, the video stating Judge Blasts Wells Fargo you will notice
in red the abbreviation NLHC which stand for National Legal Help Center.  If you were to google that name you will then find out that National Legal Help center and National Consumer Help Center are one and the same. 

 National Legal Help Center is under investigation for loan modification fraud and has charged clients thousands of dollars providing them with no service.  Their only goal is to get you for what they can before you lose your home.  I have
actually spoken to several of their previous clients none of which homes where saved and all of them paid no less the 8500 by the end of their process.  First, they want to charge you at least $2000 to stop a sale date which usually results in the client needing to go down to the court house and filing BK papers on their own. Homeowners are paying $2000
for a handful of documents that they can get for free, and that they still need to fill out and file on their own.  So
why did you just pay them $2000?  Because youwe scammed into thinking that they couldnt do it on their own and they took advantage of you desperation.  Then they want to charge you  up to $3500 for a Securitizations Audit that at the end of the day has no bearing on the case even though everything that their sales reps  say appears to make clear since.  They wont even represent you in court unless you can come up with at least $15000 dollars in advance and would have to run out and locate the nearest and the neediest attorney to represent you. 

 Once they have milked you out of the fees for the audit now you must pay at least $1000 a month for 4 months under the pretense that you are establishing a new payment history for your new lender.  Who are these lenders and do they really exist.  Answer NO!  This company will eventually go down just dont let them take advantage of you and your family in the meantime.  The reason their website is now Help with my lender.com  is because this site has not yet been linked to their true identity.  Why would the website be so different from the company name?  Reason being the old company name was putting them out of business.  Names in this company to watch out for Sarah (OWNER), James, Johnny, Jaron, Sherwin, Rick, Ricky, and Matt. 

This is a team of ruthless sales people who all where once Loan Officers now trying to get rich quick again.  All of their fraud investagators are paid 20% to 25% of every dollar you pay this company as a commission.  None of them are having a hard time with their mortgage payments.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
Virgin Islands (US)
I have been scammed by National Legal Help Center aka National Consumers Help Center

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, August 25, 2012

I am a consumer that has been scammed by National Legal Help Center/National Consumers Help Center/helpwithmylender.com/National Consumers Assistance Center.  If you call them every month the name of the company changes but the phone number is the same.  I signed up with them in September of 2011 and was promised everything that has been reported below.  I paid $4,500 for a securitization/forensic audit to litigate against my first mortgage lender.  Then I paid $5,500 to do the same for my second mortgage and paid $1,000 supposedly in litigation fee.  

I finally realized things were not adding up and tried to get answers but was getting conflicting information.  It was difficult to get anyone to call or e-mail me back.  I did some research and realized that they were changing Web sites and company name.  After a year with them, I have never seen a legal case against my lenders and in fact the company is doing a loan modification when they told me they do not do loan modification but litigate against the banks.  

Do not do business with this company.  I have been stressed out through this process. I stopped all business with them when I read that paying for a forensic/securitization audits are a new way for loan modification companies to scam consumers.  I found the article on the California State Attorney's office Web site.  The article states "Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. today joined the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) and the State Bar of California in warning Californians to avoid forensic loan audits, the loan-modification industrys latest phony foreclosure-relief service, in which homeowners pay up-front fees for a forensic review of their lenders practices, but are provided no actual foreclosure relief." http://oag.ca.gov/news/press-releases/brown-warns-homeowners-avoid-forensic-loan-audits  

I am reporting the company to the State Attorney's office and I will do everything to shut them down.  I am doing this because I tried to get my money back but they treated me like I was crazy and told me not to yell at them.  They actually hung up on me and treated me as if I was the criminal. I will not allow them to scam other consumers.  

Mary Johnson

New Brunswick,
New Jersey,
United States of America

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, May 27, 2012

First of all, LoanFax did not post this complaint, it was from one of the homeowners you scammed under this NEW company name.  Other scams can be found under your old company names of "National Legal Help Center" and "HudMortgageHelp.org", plus criminal issues can be found under your fakes names (Sarah Johnson; Sarah St. John) and/or your real name, Najia Jalan. 

Lets start with the truth, which is our companys CEO was introduced to a Ms. Sarah Johnson by her ex partner as Ms. Johnson wanted to have her company become an accredited LoanFax  Service Provider, which we do through a series of vetting techniques to do our due diligence on a company and its owner.what we found was rather disturbing: 

1)      We found out Ms. Johnson is NOT Ms. Johnson but her real name is NAJIA JALAN

2)     We also found she had used other fake names in the past like SARAH ST. JOHN

3)     We found her misleading consumers online pretending to be an attorney (see below)

Cut and paste link below to your browser - 

If Sarah Johnson is not her real name (and its not), how can she get a fake name listed under an attorney list?  

ANSWER: She mislead LawQA represtentatives and paid to be listed there in a further attempt  to deceive the general public and LawQA is now in the process of removing her

NEED MORE PROOF: Go to their website and see if you see a State Bar# listed or an attorney  of record? There is none...they are NOT attorneys and no attorneys work there.  

STILL NEED MORE PROOF?: Call NLHC and ask for the company's atty (name and State Bar).  You will get nothing...there is nothing to give...no State Bar, no Atty name because there is  none!

4)     We found NUMEROUS online complaints against her company dating back to 2010, many of which named Najia Jalans alias as the culprits of the scams as you can read below:

Cut and paste link below to your browser to see just one of the 2010 complaints against NLHC:


Obviously we could not accredit a company who claims to be attorneys when they are not; nor could we allow a company to join our network when the owner uses fake names to hide multiple complaints so we declined to let her into our network and thought that was the end of it. 

But then, the gentleman who had introduced us to Sarah Johnson, her former partner Ali Shah (who is NOT a business partner as Sarah suggests but a former partner of hers who exposed her shams and left) called our company and informed us Sarah (Najia) was using our companys name on their website in an effort to make her company seem legitimate, see video proof by cutting and pasting link below into your browser:

 VIDEO #1:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ9pSfJgJSs&feature=related

Once we caught her doing this, it took several weeks to get her to remove the video from her website but she did.  However, shortly after doing so, she then switched URLs and posted the EXACT same video using our companys name without permission AGAIN!!!!

VIDEO #2:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=896OehtjFo4
Then, when we caught her the SECOND time using our companys name and reputation to try to add credibility to her sham operation, she reluctantly removed it the 2nd time but then put up other companies names she had no authority to use, from CBS; CNN, Wall ST Journal; NY TIMES and others so we confronted her about that after videotaping it too (see below) 

 VIDEO #3:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onp-K8doeUc&feature=relmfu
Then we sent the videos to Najia and to CNN and the other companies since we felt it our duty to expose the misuse of their companys names/reputations.  That is when Sarah/Najia started with these ridiculous assertions and claims she posted online.  

Anyway, it does not end thereNajias former partner, Ali Shah who had left working with her because as he said: everything Sarah (Najia) is doing is a liethe drugs have ruined her bro, she is not a good person.  Then he told us she was recently arrested for using someone elses Identity to try to purchase a car from Newport Beach BMW.  
If a picture tells a 1000 words, our videos and the online complains do all the talking any sane person needs to decipher that Ms. St. John/ aka Ms. Johnson or as the Newport Beach Police know her as, Ms. Jalan who they recently arrested at Newport beach BMW for trying to use someone elses identity to buy a car for herself. 

If the truth hurts, Sarah St John/Sarah Johnson/Najia Jalan must be in serious pain about now, deservedly so

NLHC Mortgage Fraud Investigators

United States of America
LoanFax needs to stop placing blogs full of lies

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 17, 2012

We are not the company that takes the consumers money and does nothing .. We build pro per lawsuit packages for distress homeowners who have been denied for mortgage assistance for homeowners who have been taken advantage of by companies like LOANFAX.CO. All of our clients understand that a Loan Modification is FREE and they can apply of this service with the bank. The homeowners who understand our programs have the opportunity to save their homes by utilizing the Law to build a strong case. Last time i checked we live in a free country and as American's we should take advantage of the Law if it's on your SIDE. 

People like LoanFax don't understand our business... We don't charge to stop a sale which is another lie... We offer the stop of sale product if the client is a victim of mortgage fraud or securitization fraud.. We have a 100% money back policy if the client is not facing any type of mortgage fraud or securitization problems... This Ripoff report is full of lies and we are in the facing a pending lawsuit and pending restraining order against Russell Awni the CEO of LOANFAX. 

Destroying the reputation of a company is the lowest someone with no life can go... If we did't trust or believe in our product then why would we offer a 100% Money Back Policy to our clients... If we can work nationwide because we build PRO PER LAWSUIT PACKAGES for homeowners. We don't even negotiate our own files because a government institution called the OCC assists us with the investigation and processing of the case. This is another FREE service we offer our clients.  

In or around the fall of 2011, I began negotiating with Awni as CEO of Loanfax, to provide leads to my company, National Consumer Help Center, for marketing purposes to be utilized in my business. My company provides services to distressed homeowners and the leads from Loanfax would have helped me to significantly expand my business. Awni represented his company as a reputable lead generator associated with well-known companies such as Carfax. I later learned some of Awnis representations were completely false.

On March 16, 2012, my company entered into a contract with Loanfax wherein I agreed to make an initial payment to Loanfax in the amount of $2, 500.00. Thereafter a monthly service fee would be required to be paid on the 15th of each month. Thus, a second payment was not to be due until April 15, 2012. In exchange Loanfax agreed to, provide 25, 000 leads per month in consideration for the monthly other compensation. Awni added a handwritten note which reads, Up to 50k records. Thus, I reasonably expected Loanfax to provide a minimum of 25, 000 leads within the first month. 

Upon executing the contract I hired additional employees, invested in additional equipment and software and made other significant preparations for the anticipated leads which Awni indicated would be forthcoming and were guaranteed to result in a significant increase in business for my company.

However, as the days turned into weeks Loanfax provided no leads at all to my company. I attempted to contact Awni and Loanfax on several occasions to inquire as to when the leads would be provided. I set up conference calls to discuss the transfer of leads, but Awni would not attend, claiming that he had other matters that needed his attention. On numerous occasions I called Awni on his personal cell phone, but Awni would not answer. Notwithstanding all of this, Awni and Loanfax reassured me that the leads would be provided. April 15, 2012 passed with no leads being delivered by Loanfax. As I was awaiting the leads I began to call other companies with whom Loanfax had done business to discuss my concerns. Through these conversations and other investigation, I learned that Awni and Loanfax had previously entered into similar contracts with other companies but failed to perform. I also learned that Loanfax had a history of engaging in questionable business practices. For example, I spoke with a representative of Carfax who expressly stated that they had no affiliation whatsoever with Loanfax, even though Awni had told me that Loanfax was affiliated with Carfax in an effort to boost Loanfaxs credibility and gain my business. 

When I complained to Awni and Loanfax regarding their failure to perform under the contract Awni became aggressive. Then when I requested a refund of the money paid to Loanfax, Awni refused and became even more threatening towards me. Awni and his employee, Elaine Silva, sent vulgar and harassing emails to me in an effort to intimidate her. Refusing to be intimidated by Awni and Silvas email threats, I persisted in requesting either the promised leads or a refund of the money paid to Loanfax. 

On April 7, 2012, in an effort to further harass and intimidate me, Awni posted two false and defamatory videos on Youtube, claiming that NCHC was a disreputable company and that I had a substance abuse problem. On April 8, 2012, Awni posted another video on Youtube containing false and hateful statements regarding me and my company. On April 19, 2012, Awni once again posted a video on Youtube containing false and hateful statements regarding me and my company.

In spite of Awni, Silva and Loanfaxs actions, I remained professional and attempted to cut off all communication with Loanfax, writing off the $2, 500.00 paid to Loanfax as a loss. However, Awni continued to harass me with threats. Also, Awni continued to post defamatory videos about NCHC and me on Youtube.

My company has suffered thousands of dollars in damages as a result of Defendants actions. Additionally, I have been forced to lay off employees who were hired in anticipation for the extra business provided by the leads from Loanfax. My company has been deprived of potential business and has suffered a loss in reputation. Awni continues to harass me and my company to this date.

Now i'm in the process of filing a restraining order against Russell Awni, I'm a single women and I feel treated for my life, he knows where i live, he knows where my offices is... I don't know what to do anymore... I have lost over $25, 000 thousand dollars in the last 2 months due to his lies he has posted about me and my company. I had to take my website down and change my organizations Name because of this man slandering lies about me and my organization. Now he is treating me that he will go to the media and F---K me up as he said in his last email. 

I have provide his last email for the public to see what type of evil person i'm dealing with right now. He is really pissed off because i contact everyone on HIS FAKE ABOUT US PAGE and shared my the TRUTH. 

From: Russell Awni [[email protected]] CEO OF LOANFAX
To: National Legal Help Center & CCd all Employees 
Sent: Sunday 5/13/12

Body of The Email:  
Sarahstill never heard from you but thought you should see what we drafted to go to CNN and its been
adapted for Wall St Journal and others too.  We have not sent them yet but will by next week if we do not get a FULL RETRACTION letterthought you should know.  Happy Mothers Daycuz you sure ae a Mother F_ _ _ _er!  Luckily for me, I can really F you good for your scams so happy mommas day be-atchI suggest you or your attorney (if one exists) contact me immediately or I will be hitting send on all the legal counsels emails we have drafted that will not only expose your scams to them and have you so legally screwed youll need to resurrect Johnny Cochran to get you out of it.  Talk to you soonor we will be talking to Ms. Sams and others soon, the choice is yours! J

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