  • Report:  #1156667

Complaint Review: Hewlett-Packard - Nationwide

Reported By:
Night888 - Garfield Heights, Ohio,

Nationwide, USA
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I own a HP TouchSmart 310-1020 Refurbished. I have owned this computer for 4 years. I have Windows 8 installed on it. I have had Windows 8 installed on it for a year prier to the issues. One day I turned it on and was planning on using it like I always do but the computer would not show a picture. The power button lit up and the computer made its usual sound on the start-up. I called a local computer technician who has been in the area for years and has a great reputation. He said the TouchSmart computers are a definitive model in his professional opinion and HP only came out with them for a short amount of time. I was then told by the local technician that its probably a motherboard issue and needs to be replaced. He then told me he can get a new motherboard from Japan and replace it for $200 but he could not guarantee it would work and I could keep paying him $200 till one of the motherboards worked. I didn't like to hear that obviously.


I then called HP support. I talked to one of their technicians and he said they can do a service repair for $300 and the parts come with a 90 day warranty. I called several times during the month to make sure I understood. One day I asked to talk to a HP Technical Support Hardware Manager Level 2.  I told him I wanted to do the repair but $300 was a little expensive and we worked out a deal for the repair to only cost $100 which was nice and I was grateful. The Manager told me they would ship me a box to put the computer in and to send to a Service Center. He then said if the computer could not be fixed, it would be replaced guaranteed and the shipping was included. So I set up the repair and paid the money.


I sent the computer in and got it back in about 2 weeks. They replaced the motherboard. It worked, and I was so happy. But that happiness did not last long. The same problem came back a few days later. So I called the special phone number that I was given by HP if I were to have another problem, which was the number for HP's Repair/Service Center. I talked to a technician and they send you will send you another box and send it back and we will fix it. 2 weeks later I got it back and they replaced the motherboard and Hard Drive. So I had to reinstall Windows 8 and all of its updates. I was happy for the moment but again days later I had a issue. This time the computer would Blue Screen me. I never saw my computer do that before. So I called the number again and explained my issue and they sent me another box. So I once again sent it off. I got it back in another 2 weeks and they had replaced the Hard Drive, the Chassi, the DVDRW, and the Memory. So I had to reinstall Windows 8 and all of its updates and that same day I had the Blue Screen issue but this time the computer would freeze on the Blue Screen so I would have to hold down the power button to shut it off which I hate doing since doing that can damage the Hard Drive in some way. When I turned it back on I got no screen. Its the the 2 issues combined together. I would wait 20 minutes and turn it back on and the screen would come on but the issues would repeat. I was furious. I called that number the next day and told them I sent it in 3 times and its still not fixed and the technician told me, honestly its probably broken beyond repair and that they could not fix it if it was already sent 3 times and still not working and said he shouldn't tell me this but he did. He gave me the number for HP Technical Support and told me to call them and try to work something out and get a new computer since this computer cannot be fixed.


I called HP Technical Support, which I hate doing because its very hard to understand them because they have heavy Indian accents unlike the people who work at the Repair Center who speak fluent English. I am not racist in anyway. I spoke to a technician and told her my issues and I have sent it back 3 times and its still not repaired and I wanted to speak to a Manager. I spoke with the Manager and told him my issue and said I want a new computer because of this issue since I was guaranteed it would be replaced if it could not be repaired. I was on hold for 75% of the time but he asked me if I wanted him to send me a box to send it back for a repair and I told NO and I already sent it in 3 times. He then said, I am going to transfer you to the HP Customer Loyalty Manager. So I spoke with him. I explained my issue once again and how I sent the computer in for a repair 3 times and how I want my computer replaced since I was guaranteed it would be replaced if it would not be repaired. He then finally told me. Sorry for all the time that was wasted. I can refund your $100. I told him NO, I WANT THE COMPUTER REPLACED! He said, sorry we cant do that. I told him the other Manager gave me a guarantee. He then told me, I'm sorry, I am the Manager above him and we don't do that. I told him, why did he tell me that? He did not speak. He then said so lets get on with the refund. We went back and forth saying the same thing for about 10 minutes.

I was getting a headache and we were getting no where and I could barely understand him as it was. So I told him I want to be compensated for my wasted time, the lying of your Manager, and the gas money I spend taking those boxes to my nearest Fedex Store in another city. I also explained to him I get my internet from Verizon and I have a Gigabyte plan and installing those updates every time took so much of those and cost me a lot of money and I went over on my plan many times because of this and he told me, Sorry we have spent money to and that we cant do that. I said well not as much money as I had to spend. I told him, how can you do that to someone? I have been a loyal customer for 4 years. That is so unprofessional. He did not seem to care very much and after 5 minutes, we went on with refund. He said I should get it in 5 business days. His final words were, I hope we have your business again in the future and I said, Yeah right, and hung up. 


A full week went by and I did not get my refund so I called HP Technical Support. I told them I wanted to know the status of my refund because I should of had it by now and have not gotten it. He told me it was processed today and that's all he knows. I called PayPal since I used the PayPal Business Debit card to make the purchase. I told them I should of gotten a refund from HP and they send there was no refund received. He then went on to tell me to start a dispute, but I said no need for that. I called HP back the next day since I did not get the refund. The woman told it was processed and sent today. She then said you should get it in your next billing cycle but I told her I paid with a PayPal Business Debit card and there were no billing cycles. You just send the refund and I get it that same day. She said well we sent it. I said well I did not get it. She said just wait till tomorrow, so I did. Still no refund.

I called the next day, said the same thing and this guy said, I have no idea and I should call back tomorrow. I called back the next day and said the usual, I want to know the status of my refund since I did not get it yet. The woman said it was sent today. I told her you guys have been telling me you have sent it for days and I hear the same story over and over. So she said I will put another request in for the refund and I should get it in 5 business days. The next day I get the refund. It was about time. 2 weeks later, more than 10 business days later I finally got it. HP is very unprofessional. If you are shopping for a computer please do not buy a HP computer. It will break. You will want it repaired and your time will be wasted by HP. They do very bad repairs and they will say anything just to get your money.

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