  • Report:  #748134

Complaint Review: highskydevelopment.com - lindenhurst New York

Reported By:
joe - NY, New York, United States of America

lindenhurst, New York, United States of America
516 491 8284
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Highskydevelopment.com con man using paypal as his legitimate merchant account.  Wave Kirsch, the name behind Highskydevelopment.com, claims to be a seasoned website developer and owner of a web hosting services company. He cliams to be out of Lindenhurst NY.

He promised me a website that was unique and different from others.  This went on for over two months.
He was supposed to dd unique features to my site such as flash that would make it stand  out, not cookie-cutter type sites.

After he contacted me, saying that the site was almost done, he said he needed permission to access my Pay Pal account, which I provided. 

Within several days he started bombarding me with calls and emails non stop.  He said his girlfriend Stacey, had medical problems and could I please pay him.  He claimed he was behind on his rent. All this without me preapproving the site, which is my right.
He will con you into paying him without even allowing you the right to sign off on the site.

He gives you a sob story to con you into paying him immediately.I have reported him to Pay Pal for fraud and other charges.

He also controls your website through his hosting company.

I have consulted people in Florida and elsewhere. This guy is a con man.

21 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Millie Mickey Parisi check kiting queen of corona ny girlfriend of Al Miniaci Sr Paramount Vending Fort Lauderdale

#2Author of original report

Thu, September 18, 2014

It's amazing how Mickey Parisi check kiting queens of Corona NY. girlfriend of Al Miniaci Sr (Paramount Vending, Fla) only received two years at home arrest with a removable ankle braclet. Here was a woman who was kiting for years ($500000 plus). When Guiliani's goon squad caught her, she received a slap on the wrist or shall we say the ankle. She must have been recording Miniaci moaning and groaning and he did not know a f****** thing. So much for bright mob bosses.

Her partners again were Frankie Santora Scaturro, Joseph E Parisi( son of Sando Parisi) John Durante, (son of Yolanda Durante), Tony Frederici from Parkside Corona. She must have ratted on just about everyone in the construction business and the rackets. Let's not forget Joseph E Parisi, who was f****** Rosemary Durante, wife of Dominic Melchiore, renowned hairdresser and con man. Melchiore swindled over $400000 from Joseph Parisi, this was from over $1000000 cash in Maspeth Federal Savings (Woodhaven NY). These were mighty expensive b******* and f******* he paid Rosemary. (She is butt ugly also.) He had to have well over $1000000 his father Sando squirreled away.


T B C!!!


New York,
Fat Louis Durante Jr. Ratted on his best friend Frankie Santora Scaturro

#3Author of original report

Thu, August 28, 2014

Fat Louis Durante Jr. ratted on his buddy Frankie Santora (Santora Equipment) Scaturro, Richie Grace, Scaturro Supermarkets. Douglasto Manor Regatta Dr Lorimer St etc. Why you say ? Durante was facing over 800 years on 80 county of bilking NYS et al. This fat b****** was wailing when the Brooklyn feds brought him to the Tombs.

Thanks to his father's political connections, he struck a deal with the Feds. He rolled over on Frankie Santora Scaturro, Richie Grace and many others. This big mouth Durante, turned from a tough guy into a wimpering baby cry. Hence he was spared prison.


Santora in turn ratted on his drug dealing partners. He served a short sentence along with Max Felberbaum CPA. Max also helped bring Santora down

More to come from Fort Lauderdale Florida. Much much more.

Stay tuned.

Frankie Santora, Kathy Katherine Scaturro, Richie Grace, Lou Louis Durante Jr.  Mickey Parisi Johnny Durante J and J. Joseph e Parisi Check kiting in the construction industry.




New York,
I dare any of these scumbags to litigate Durante, Santora, Scaturro, Grace, Melchiore, Cartelli James and Trisha

#4Author of original report

Wed, June 11, 2014

I, Joe Parisi, dare anyone of these people to take me to court. I am ready to answer any summons at any time. See, when you tell the teruth and you don't hide behind a zillion lies, you have nothing to worry about.

The Durantes, Santora's, Cartelli's, Parisi's, Melchiore's, Grace's, et al. have everything to worry about.

Some things take many years for the truth to come up, and usually it will.


Joe Parisi


New York,
Len Lenny Moscati Barclay's Capital Greenwich Ct

#5Author of original report

Sat, June 07, 2014

While most of these reports are on Durante, Santora, etc, this rebuttal is about the Moscati family, formerly from 57-08 Lawrence St Flushing NY 11355. The Moscati's in general were con men ,from Pat Moscati, the father to Len Moscati (Lenny), Ralphie, another son, was an outright thief. He stole slot cars at a track in Flushing and stole money from a next door neighbors house, cash. They also borrowed and stole other items, never to be seen again.

This same neighbor arranged for the Moscati's to buy their house with no money down. This is how you treat people who help you. The Moscati's didn't have a pot to piss in.

One of the biggest thieves was Len (Lenny) Moscati, currently with Barclay's Capital 212 528 8844 and 212 526 7000. Their address is 745 7th Ave NY NY 10019.

Len Moscati (Greenwich Ct) Director at Barclays got into the Wall St game through his father Pat Moscati. Pat Moscati drove for Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau. Morganthau got Len Moscati into the big time and followed his career. Len Lenny Moscati went to Manhattan College with further degrees.. It's amazing when you know someone like Morgenthau, how far and fast you advance. How does it feel out there you people with PH D's who go no where???? Feels good?

Len Moscati made the big time when he married Wasp money from Greenwich Ct, his wife Meg. He dumped his long time sweetheart Joannie, a nurse, to marry into this family. This is when Lenny Moscati became Len Moscati. He married her when he was forty years old.

This clown is not only arrogant and self centered, but he caused this girl to have a breakdown. Nice going Lenny. How fast they forget.



Barclay's Capital Len Moscati 745 7th Ave NY NY 10019



New York,
James Cartelli Attorney Main St White Plains NY

#6Author of original report

Thu, May 29, 2014

Here is a little piece of info on lawyers and the scum that they are.  Jimmy Cartelli was raised in a railroad room apartment with his single mother near Morris Ave in the Bronx. They were poorer than poor. Jimmy's uncle, Tom Cartelli, took him under his wing. Tom was a well-connected lawyer in the Bronx. Tom Cartelli sent Jimmy to St John's in Queens to become a lawyer.

After graduating, Jimmy entered Tom's law practice. He did very well, after all, he had Tom's built in business.

As time went on Jimmy became greedy. Started womanizing, wanted more, cars, money, etc.

James Cartelli Esq, White Plains NY then decided to give his Uncle Tom the shaft. He robbed him of connections, deals, you name it.

What a way to pay back an uncle who took you from living in rat s*** to living in luxury in Eastchester NY. He then moved out of his Uncle's office in the Bronx to 80 Main St White Plains NY. His daughter is now a partner at his firm. I wonder if he ever told her about Uncle Tom Cartelli???

One of his clients was and is Joseph E Parisi (J and J Equipment). Look it up on Rip Off. His father was Sando Parisi, partners with Al Miniaci Sr, Paramount Vending, Frank Coastello et al. When Sando Parisi died in 1978, he left Joseph a $1000000 in cash held at Maspeth Federal S and L. They had a relative there. It was in a corporate safe deposit box.  Joseph never declared this and other cash held by him. This is the part where Joseph gave over $350000 to Domizio Melchiore and Rosemary Durante who were opening up a luxury hair salon in Boca Raton Florida. Long short, Joseph was left only with Melchiore gold plated wall paper to show for his investment. Imagine how much cash he had to blow over $350000 to this douchbag. Word has it, Joseph was getting blowed and f***ed by Rosemary Durante. Let me tell you she's f***ing ugly.

James Cartelli knew all of this, the monies in cash hidden by Joseph Parisi, and all his other dealings. Cartelli and Parisi are from the same mold. They would do anything to f*** a woman, with their wives at home.

Real all J and J Equipment, Santora, Scaturro, Richie Grace, Lou Durante (duba) means Polish for dumb. Rudolph Giuliani, Tony Lombardi, Gary Heuer, Drug Dealers, Richie Walsh, Cindy Korel et al.


New York,
Frankie Santora Regatta dr Douglaston Manor New York

#7Author of original report

Fri, December 27, 2013

Frankie Santora Ace Estates, Classic Trucking, Ash Equipment, Scaturro Supermarkets, Richie Grace, Anthony Grace Alice Crimmins, Durante Brothers Brothers, Lou Durante Lou Loy Durante, John Durante, Mickey Parisi(check kiting queens the feds busted. 

Santora, Durante, Parisi, Cap Equipment, Meeker and Lorimer St Brooklyn NY. Sanford Cohen

Santora was seen in Howard Beach, infiltrating concrete and construction asssociation meetings. If you check with anyone, Santora hated Howard Beach NY in general. What was he doing at Russo's?   This scumbag is working for the feds, no doubt. 

Look him up, nothing nada, kept off the internet. Well I am here to expose him and others. At the time he was looking for financing for his hotel at Lorimer and Meeker Ave in Brooklyn. The guy is a real estate fraud master. Where is Bruce Inquanti and Bob Schmidlin now???

Thanks McGuire.





New York,
United States of America
Memorialization of Approvedvending.com contolled in total by Wave Kirsch Highskydevelopmen.com

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, July 12, 2011

My website was and always has been totally controlled by one Wave Kirsch owner of Highskydevelopment.com. He controls the hosting and every other aspect of site. He has been paid in full for the site and one full year of hosting from May 5 2011 to May 4, 2012.

Joe Parisi

Let this be memorialized today May 12, 2011


new york CITY,
New York,
United States of America
JOe Parisi never filed anything with PAYPAL!

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 10, 2011

Joe Parisi,

Joe has been trying to slander us for over two weeks now, funny that he is the only customer in all of our years in business that we ahd a problem wit,  This usually happens when you have a client who wants something for nothing.  Joe Parisi keeps making all these claims and nothing to back it up.  Also he has never contacted Paypal because he owes us money.  i wish he would contact paypal and pay his bill.  

We are in good standing with paypal and have been.  We are a verified merchant and have great references.  Beware of the complainer who wants something for nothing.

highsky development


new york CITY,
New York,
United States of America
Really Joe Sleazy You are not brick and mortar you are running out of a house in nowhere NEw York.

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 10, 2011

Dear All,

Joe Parisi is a unstable psychopath who has done nothing but to smear another good company, Do you really think people believe you Joe Sleazy of Con the world I am in the vending business hear me roar.  Joe Parisi is a joke, he has nothing and his company is not a real company.  Our Attorney has been calling his said attorney now for over a week, Another Lie Joe Parisi has told.  Our website is up and has been up.  Our Attorney told us to post your records on line so since you or your so called attorney have made no attempt to contact us or are council.  Here is the web address for all to see.

http://www.highskydevelopment.com  it has an open letter to Joe the con man Parisi of www.,approvedvending, the wanna be business man working out of his basement.  Do you really think people are buying the fact that you are in  with the owner of rip off reports.  And you are always the poor victim, what you couldn't con anybody today so you got drunk and started typing more lies. You claim to be the victim, over and over again, REALLY JOE GROW UP and pay your bills.

Your last post you made you added a line at the bottom, we see where all of your post are coming from.  Your fraudulent activity got our verisign certificate put at risk.  You and your knock off website,You asked us to rip off another company because you have no ethics, you wanted to even use their text.  They have been notify as well. You  have been scamming people from here to Canada, and California.   Your so called attorney has never heard of you.  PAY YOUR BILL DEADBEAT................You owe us over $2100 and you need to quit scamming people, and ripping off hard working IT people such has me.  You are a joke working out of your basement in nowhere NY.

You have three days left to get your site off our server.

Go back to grade school and kick some more dirt in some kids eye, you are a child like psychopath, will no sense of reality.  Really Joe, we are here and always will be, good luck and good riddance.

Nobody in there right mind will do any work for you, you have not been in business 50 years you have hardy been in business 50 days, why have you not responded to our numerous attempts to collect the debt you owe.  you are a joke and a fraud pay your bill deadbeat.  I have also posted your resume for public record on the open letter for all to be aware of you and the games you play good luck.  If you have been in Business for 50 years why are you looking for a job.

highSky Development


New York,
United States of America
Wave Kirsch Fraudulent Developer highskydevelopment.com out of business

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, July 09, 2011

Breaking news the fraud I reported Wave Kirsch www.highskydevelopment is out of business.

I broke the news on this fraud and he shut down his website-www.highskydevelopment.com

He and one other fraud SEO magician based in Canada,
tried to turn the tables on me. I have never defrauded anybody, unlike them.

Kirsch will set up under a different name than highskydevelopment.com.
Kirsch has threatened to tear down my site, which I hope he does, we do not need it. We are brick and mortar, not cybergeeks and thieves.

This low life from Lindenhurst has just crawled back into the cesspool he came from.

Anyone dealing with web developers, DO not give any money up front, nor at the end until you sign off on the site. This goes for you newbies on the internet, which is ripe with fraud.  The US government should come into to regulate it, it has become the wild west in these hard economic times.

Joe Parisi  Approved Vending
Ed M, owner of Rip Off, keep up the good work. You're an original!


New York,
United States of America
Come to my house Kirsch

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, July 08, 2011

Come to my house kirsch, will be going away soon.  We know your address on Long Island. You don't have the balls because you wear panties like your friend dying of cancer.

Joe Parisi


new york CITY,
New York,
United States of America
Joe Parisi Internet scammer/Fraud

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, July 08, 2011

Joe Parisi you only have five days left to remove your website from our server, we have contacted ypour so called attorney to serve notice to you and there office said they never heard of you and wish nothing to do with you.  We have posted the open letter as public record on our website.


New York,
United States of America
Wave Kirsch psycho highskydevelopment.com

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, July 07, 2011

As you can see this individual has mental problems. I am the consumer he is the merchant producer. He did not produce what he said he would.

His tearing down my site(which by the way) he fully controls furthers my claim that this guy is a cyber criminal who also has access to your personal and financial info.

I have put a private detective on him.  His website if registered offshore, while not illegal it is a red flag.

He claims in scammed people. He did work for me, I never did any work for him. He's the one who ripped me off. He is the merchant, I am the consumer.  I wonder if he treats his large accounts like Wells Fargo, which he claims he has the same way.
As far as the cease and desist order, it's meaningless. He has my attorney's info. He should contact him.
Either way I will continue to file complaints on line until he is shut down. The Fed's will probably shut him down sooner.

Anyone with any questions on this fraud contact me @ 646 485 0616.


new york CITY,
New York,
United States of America
Cease & Desist Joe Parisi www.approvedvending.com

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, July 06, 2011

July 6, 2011

Wave Kirsch

highSky Development

757 Third Avenue

New York City, Ny 10017


Joe Parisi

Approved Vending

2 Old Salem Rd

North Salem, NY 10560


RE:  Cease &

Dear Joe Parisi,

It has come to highSky  Developments attention that www.approvedvending.com is engaging in internet fraud using highSky Developments internet hosting server and VeriSign certificate.  Said client Joe Parisi has 7 days from the
date of this letter to cease and desist any activities using www.approvedvending.com.  Client can engage in any and all activities once the clients website has been removed from the internet hosting server owned by highSky Development a New York corporation.

Said client will be receiving a domain transfer from Internic for the domain: 
www.approvedvending.com Once this domain has been transferred to Joe Parisi Approved vending can use the name and the intellectual property developed by highSky development.  Said client has seven days from the date of this letter.  This has been emailed under the electronic data transfer protocol established by Internic.

highSky Development wish not to engage in any type of business with Joe Parisi. 
He has been emailed all website files and has the right to reject the transfer of www.approvedvending.com if he so desires.  If Joe Parisi fails to accept the transfer the domain name www.approvedvending will remain the property of highSky Development for a period of one year. 
When said client can buy the domain on the open market using any domain registrar he chooses.

highSky Development wished the client www.approvedvending.com all the luck, we advise the client Joe Parisi to
cease and desist all fraudulent activities from the url:
www.approvedvending.com until he gains control of his domain name.

Wave Kirsch

HighSky development

(516) 491-828 


new york CITY,
New York,
United States of America

#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 04, 2011

Big Joe Sleazy Parisi, pay us you fraud, you have made everybody mad from here to Canada, you talk more trash that BFI.  You have conned your last company into doing any work,  Here is more goods on you.

CONMAN JOE PARISI...ALLADIN VENDINGAUTHOR: fullsubmission - 4 (Canada)SUBMITTED: Sunday, July 03, 2011here is more on the scammer JOE PARISI:


You have 7 days to get your website off our server, we have reported you to Internic and they are aware of you and your false claims about several companies who have done nothing but try to help you.  You are a fraus and a one man show who works at the post office.  You have not been in business for 50 years, you are barely that old.  Good luck with your games, we all can see through you, good luck and good riddance, Paypal is still waiting to hear from you.

Keep conning you are working out of a house in Westchester, NY you burned every bridge as Aladdin vending so you came to me with a sob story and ripped us off for our time.  pay what you owe.  We are in the process of putting up a new website featuring you as the main focus and inviting everybody you screwed over to post there reviews.


New York,
United States of America
Con man Wave Kirsch was paid

#17Author of original report

Sat, July 02, 2011

Kirsch @ highskydevelopment.com was paid in full. He never demanded money at all ( by thee way I would never give any webdeveloper money up front).

He begged for final payment claiming his boyfriend had cancer and he was behind on his rent. I came up with the money before reviewing the site because I felt pity for him, against my better judgement.

This guy is very angry because I busted him.  He once never called me back, because his a coward with all kinds of excuses.

Because he doesn't have one complaint against him does'nt mean he didn't hit hard times recently.

It a shame Kirsch you do not have the balls to return my calls. Everything is email like the geek that you are.

Ed M keep up the good work like you have for years exposing these phonies. By the way Kirsch does'nt give up control of the website.  He also does nothing after you pay him.
Done with the internet but will get my $450 back.

Another thought Kirsch, if you were a real man or woman, and you called and told me you were in financial straights I would have wrote off the $450.  Ironic isn't it.
Joe Parisi


New York,
United States of America
Wave Kirsch Pay pal fraudster

#18Author of original report

Sat, July 02, 2011


I have reported you to Pay Pal for internet fraud.   For the record if I wre out to con you Iwould be demanding a payoff from you. All I want is my $450 which you charged for a worthless website. 

I gave you the money website unseen because you said your lover had cancer and  was dying. You also said you were being evicted.

For the record me and my partners have no use for you internet con men. We deal in the real world.

Call me if you have the balls 646 485 0616.

I don't think you have any balls anyway.


New York,
United States of America
Con man website developer

#19Author of original report

Sat, July 02, 2011

One small update to the previous report.  Wave Kirsch promised me top search results by this time. Bear in mind a he hosts the site.  He has done no such thing. I did it by my owning postings, not his. Once he has your money, you think he calls you back.  His girlfriend(boyfriend) is dying, he's teaching in Boston.on and on and on.

This was the easiest $450 he ever. made.


Please post this in continuance of my first rebuttal.


Keep up the good work


New York,
United States of America
Highskydecvelopment.com is a fraud

#20Author of original report

Sat, July 02, 2011

It's amazing how this guy Wave Kirsch, knew this was me. Number one, he asked for no money up front.
He needed the business. Number two he took forever developing a clone. But I always asked him to add some special features.  He NEVER did.

Three months later. He now said everything was ready. He must have called me and emailed me over twenty times on a weekend. His girlfiend was dying, he was being evicted he needed money.

Me, wanting him to help out paid him in full. This con man has selective memory. Me and my partners have been in vending over 50 years collectively.  It seems these internet guys who exist in cyberspace, have all the answers.

When you know the people we know, we win in the end. You are going to be charged with fraud.

Refund the $450 I paid you when you were down and out.

Stop hiding behind you emails and call me like a man, if you are that.

Joe Parisi


new york CITY,
New York,
United States of America
Joe Parisi scammer Internet, New York Approved Vending & Aladdin Vending

#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, July 02, 2011

Guess what i just found on ripoffreport.com,  Joe Parisi filed this report on us and guess what we are not the only one he has tried to do this do,  Stay away from him at all cost...........................Do not do any work for him, you will never get paid, and he will make up some type of complaint t to get something for nothing.

Click the link below to find out the truth about Joe Parisi ( Alias are approvedvending.com and Aladdin vending)



new york CITY,
New York,
United States of America
Approved Vending Website

#22REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, July 02, 2011

Our company highSky Development a New York based company, with outstanding references in the state of New York has fallen victim to a client whom wanted something for nothing.  Joe the owner and only employee of approvedvending.com has stated several outlandish claims against our company.

1. using paypal as his legitimate merchant account.

We use PayPal for all of our credit card processing, we have a business account with them and it has been verified and in good standing. We use PayPal to protect us and our clients.  PayPal has a buyer dispute claim center that is accessible 24 hours a day.  All Business accounts are verified and have to be in good standing to be able to use PayPal's merchants services. In further regard no claim has been filed regarding this matter.  If the client feels they have been jilted in any way they should definitively reach out to us or PayPal to get a quick and friendly resolution to any problems they may have.  We at highSky stand behind all of our development.

2. He promised me a website that was unique and different from others.  This went on for over two months. He was supposed to at  unique features to my site such as flash that would make it stand  out, not cookie-cutter type sites.

The client approvedvending.com got what they paid for.  They requested a site that was basically a knock off of a competitors website.  http://www.kickstartlocations.com/   The agreed amount for this project was $450.  The client received what they paid for 10 times over.  The client discussed a flash based website, and sent over numerous examples of off the wall Flash based websites which were template driven.  The ones that were not based on a template could have been developed for a minimum of $3500.  After further discussion with the client he stated that he was a start-up and really did not have that kind of money to be spent on development since he was just starting his company.  So we agreed upon a basic clean and concise corporate type website. Which would incorporate a paypal payment solution as well.(more to Follow on his PayPal)  SO let us break down his payment of $450.  First $14.85 went to acquiring the client's Domain name:  www.approvedvending.com  The next $150 went to a copy writer to mimic the website www.kickstartlocations.com.  We at highSky always include a free year of hosting to our clients so they don't have to worry about finding a hosting provider or managing their site.  So after the $164.85 was spent generating text and buying the domain.  Sidebar:  The client contacted me in late February and said he wanted to have a website developed for his start-up vending company.  He stated he had the money and was ready to move forward on this project because he really needed to start generating a return on his investment.  After two weeks of constant phone calls from the client we had already acguired the domain and started coding the backend of the clients website, we also had already developed the clients log, oh that was free as well to the client, so now he has a domain name, a backend developed, and a logo.  The client then calls me while I am at a family function and start to berate me and ask why we are not done with his site.  i informed the client that we already had money tied up in his development and that we are ready as soon as he had the initial deposit that we agreed upon to cover things like the copy writer, and purchasing the domain name.  Still no money from client.  He tells me so tax story woes about he is waiting to get a refund from the IRS, and that it should be no problem,  So the site gets to be 80 percent done, still no money, this is going on 8 weeks at this point, he then tells me that he is having major tax issues with the IRS and it will be just a couple of more weeks before he gets his tax refund.  So we at highSky make a decision to move forward on good faith that the owner of Joe Parisi of Westchester, NY would take care of his obligation.  weeks go by again still no payment.  Being the nice guy that i am a go ahead and try to understand his position and start working on the payment solution using PayPal for him, which any developer knows requires access to PayPal's API's and the clients log in to generate the buttons for his payment portion of the website.   So we complete the site and low and behold Joe has another excuse, his wife is getting a bonus at work, and he still hasn't gotten his tax return and can please just keep eating up our time and resources to develop his website.  So we did, the site was ready to go live and still no payment, we uploaded the site, and it was live on the internet, still no payment.  At this point my family was going through a family emergency concerning some health issues.  I called Joe and said look the site is up and working, you have a domain name, a logo, and text that we generated through a contracted copy writer that we at highSky paid for.  I explained that we needed to be paid for our time, if he was a stand up business and didn't expect to get something for free he should pay us.  More promises, finally after three more attempts he finally paid a reduced rate rate , we at highSky were just glad to finally receive a payment from www.approvedvending.com that we settled for the lesser amount and proceeded to get back to working for paying clients.  i explained to him that has a business that is using there resources to stay afloat in a trouble economy needs to be concerned about things like rent, overhead, and employees.  He should have paid us months ago.

We are located in New York and have never operated in Florida or anywhere else highSky Develoment is a New York Bsed company only doing business in New York.  We wish the non-paying business www.approvedvending.com all the success in the world.

We at highSky Development are a Microsoft Partner and have been in business for some time our team has a collective 20 years in development and phone apps.  I spent over 37 hours of phone time over 4 months to walk him through this process our hourly rate with www.approvedvending.com came out to be .11 cents an hour, really who is the con man?

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