  • Report:  #1138

Complaint Review: Homeside Lending Inc - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

Homeside Lending Inc
PO BOX 44255 Jacksonville, 32231-4255 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Nations Bank, HUD, and The HS is Homeside Lending Inc.

(a Mortgage Co)Address is PO BOX 44255 Jacksonville, FL 32231-4255. Pres is Hugh Harris And Chair is Joe Pickett and their address is 7301 Baymeadows Way Jacksonville, FL.I have been dealing w/lady named Arnita Taylor at 904 443 2008 who supposedly works directly for Hugh and Joe and Arnita who responded at end of july after I wrote hugh and joe certified letters and after months and months of dealing with their customer service.

I Bought a home in Nov. 97 with my Dad as co-owner as i did not qualify. With First of America Bank we opted for FHA adjustable and i was told i could streamline a fixed rate whenever and need not qualify (we knew dad was not going to live long so i would no longer have him to help me qualify .) So when my adjust rate went up considerably last year my only option was to refinance a streamline loan so i could obtain a low fixed rate w/out qualifying. when my adjustable rate went up i called HS (HOMESIDE) to refinance and they advised me against it. (very fishy since rates were at all time low of 6%) I went to another co in attempt to refinance. (locked in at just over 6%) then i began to get poor service and did not know why.

I went to another co. (now locked in at 61/2 % and they informed me of problem (MY FHA VOUCHER PACKAGE WAS NEVER ENDORSED WHICH MEANS I NEVER HAD MORTGAGE INSURANCE (mip) AND SO NO CO. COULD REFINANCE ME.) So there is no way out of my Adjustable mortgage and if rates go up this year, let alone next 4 years, i will be forced to sell since i could barely afford the last rate hike. I have paid approx. $2600 for this mip insurance that never even existed and furthermore they told me i must cont to pay for this non-existent insur or they will report me for non payment!!!

So what do i want? I want the 6% fixed rate they prevented me from obtaining and i want my money back BEFORE next rate hike (before i must sell out) And of course i need the voucher package endorsed so it wont happen again later.

From Easter to end of July i merely got run around w/their customer service as they promised to help me. Finally last summer they said they have no intention of helping me because they didn't make the error (I guess they just get to profit from the error) As i said i obtained loan from First of Amer. Bank. At closing I learned Barnett bought them out (who has since been bought by Nations) My first payment stub came from Homeside so they immediately bought my loan. The HUD Inspector General Office in Wash said HS is responsible for loans they purchase, errors and all, and Nations bank said all info i need to solve this was sold w/the loan and only HS can solve it. The lady at HUD in wash. D.C. is Ada Carlo at 888 696 4687 ext 2692. and she is the only one, so far, who has given me hope.

I don't consider HUD blameless (here in Tampa) either. HS claims they sent all my mip payments to HUD but HUD said they have no idea if that is so because of the unendorsed voucher package. So they "supposedly" collected $ from HS and had no idea why they received money. Last summer i asked HUD/Tampa why they never called HS and asked what the $ was for--if they had, perhaps the problem could have quickly been resolved. And they are continuing to collect my $ to date!

I have written certified letters to every govt agency i know to write and senators and congressman and local consumer news and several attorneys and nothing! Only ada in Wash has acted concerned and been of any help. Fed agencies send me to state agencies and vs/vs. Ada is supposed to find out who does indeed regulate them.

Since i wrote hugh and Joe (pres and chairman) in late July arnita is supposedly helping. On Nov. 22nd she asked me to be patient after months and months of this bull ! I said "How patient do you want me to be, a day? a month? a year? 5 years?"

She said "give me one more month" At this time she said they were attempting to get Nations Bank to rectify this. I gave here 6 weeks and called back and she told me the same thing. I reminded her of that and she claims its Nations holding things up. I said "Look I know HS is legally responsible for the loans they purchase so why don't you solve my problem for me and then lean on Nations?" She said "Its not the way we do things." She said she would call back w/in 2 days. That was last Tues. or Weds and she couldn't be reached today. I called Ada in Wash today to say I have had it and i don't believe a word HS is telling me and asked if we could begin investigation as she said HUD could do. This was left on her recorder so i hope to get response from her tomorrow. But i think she needs 6 people w/same problem to demand full investigation of HS (i'm not sure)

If anyone was to look into this, they will be shocked and none of these people have found help. Most complaints have to do with private home insurance monies, escrow accounts, HS saying never got payments (even when people sent payments certified) There is a lot of complainers trying to figure how to get a class action together but no one has found an atty. ready to take on any of this.

When Arnita first responded back in Aug. she implied HS was going to obtain the rates i lost but she said "this isn't a promise" I believe they are handing me bull to buy time. This week i am going to call Arnita and ask her for name and # of people at Nations that she is supposedly dealing with. Let's see if she gives me that.

Margaret Brothers

MBrot97824@aol .com

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Sat, December 01, 2001

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