  • Report:  #1069310

Complaint Review: HourlyRevShare - Internet

Reported By:
Brman - Mount Pleassant, South Carolina,

Internet, USA
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HourlyRevShare or Hourly Revenue Sharing (HRS) launched in January 2013. It died in July 2013 Hourlyrevshare is a HYIP (high yield income program) whose promise to its members boasted of revenue sharing profits ranging from 4.5% to 6.5% paid HOURLY with DAILY withdrawals. Sound too good to be true? It was!

The owner and architect of HourlyRevShare purportedly was Anelie Steinway, advertising herself as an accomplished online FOREX trader of “some five years” (http://www.quantumleapincome.org/about-anelie-steinway.html). This was the first reg flag. Anelie Stenway didn't exist on the internet until December 2012. No web site/blog. No Facebook page. No Linkedin Page. No photo of Anelie Steinway (accomplished internet FOREX trader) anywhere.

While Anelie Steinway was promoted as the owner of HourlyRevShare, she was clearly an invisible owner to her members. There were Skype posts and emails in the name of Anelie Steinway. Even a voice with a trumped up  accent behind a still photo on an occasional webinar. But, alas, Anelie Steinway was never seen. Instead the only face and voice of HourlyRevShare was always Lieven Van Neste playing the role of “just another HourlyRevShare member” selfishly giving his time to assist the overwhelmed and stressed out Anelie Steinway. He controlled all of the HourlyRevShare chat rooms (I lost count at sixteen) and HourlyRevShare Facebook groups, booting anyone who dared ask an intelligent question like, “Why are my withdrawal requests not being processed?”

Further, Lieven VanNeste threatened to suspend the accounts of those affiliates that persisted in asking the question, “When will I get paid?" in any of the skype rooms.hourlyrevshare How is it that a mere HourlyRevShare member can suspend member accounts? Isn't that an owner only function? More importantly, why would this so-called savvy and accomplished FOREX trader, allow Lieven Van Neste to roll over her and take over her company? Then came Anelie's sudden attack of amnesia. She couldn't remember how to spell her name. One day signing her emails as Anelie, the next day as Analie. Speaking of emails. Here's a savvy, internet aficionado who claims to be a FOREX trader of “some five years” and owner of an online revenue sharing program called HourlyRevShare who has a Yahoo email address ([email protected]) instead of [email protected]?

What is abundantly clear is that Anelie/Analie Steinway is a non-existent person. A name for Lieven Van Neste to hide behind and run his HourlyRevShare con along with his co-conspirator Monica Ranson (AKA Moni) HourlyRevShare Director of Member services. The funny thing about Analie Steinway was that she claimed she is a descendant of the Steinway piano family. Well, a couple things. One, her accent isn't/wasn't German. It was Eastern European but not German. Second, after checking with the Steinway family, they aren't aware of an Analie Steinway.

Lieven Van Neste and Monica Ranson (the Monica Ranson from New Zeland, aka Moni) have a history prior to HourlyRevShare. Lieven Van Neste and Monica Ranson were big investors in Profitable Sunrise (another HYIP) at the time of HourlyRevShare's launch. Could it be that Lieven Van Neste and Monica Ranson created HourlyRevShare (hiding behind the false identity of Anelie Steinway) for the sole purpose of duping people into funding HourlyRevShare so they, in turn, could pump those dollars into their Profitable Sunrise account(s)? Interestingly enough, it was the unexpected demise of Profitable Sunrise that triggered HourlyRevShares woes and inability to pay their members. It was within days of that business going down that suddenly Anelie Steinway complained she had been ripped off to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars by Liberty Reserve. Funny how someone that is an accomplished Forex trader running a million dollar plus business didn't have a platoon of attorneys working on that.

What was even more interesting is that once HourlyRevShare began not paying toward the end of April, the many skype rooms was basically shut down by Lieven Van Neste. He seldom allowed any comments. If people are happy and are being paid, why not allow comments?

Another interesting coincidence was the payments. Members were complaining about not being paid. Turns out, Lying Van Neste and his other account were. When we downloaded grahics from hourlyrevshare's own site, the good doctor and a finbxxx was both getting paid frequently, while members were still wondering why they had four payments pending. Turns out, finbxxx, was really Lieven's alter ego. When questioned about it on his Facebook page, Lieven Van Neste responded that he hadn't asked for it...but somehow Analie Steinway paid him. That was sure evidence that people weren't being paid randomly but by selection.

Then, in another amazing coincidence, when Lieven Van Neste was asked about Finbar getting paid 21 hours later a Facebook page appeared about Finbar Lehane, LOL. Wow. Then when asked about other "names" getting paid he came up with yet ANOTHER explanation.

Now keep in mind, this came only weeks after HourlyRevShare promised everyone would be paid in a May 13, 2013 update from the non-existent Analie Steineway. A week earlier, on May 4, 2013 HourlyRevShare had assured members that payments were random. I know, LOL, random. And again, that everyone would be paid.

Well, everyone didn't get paid. I didn't. Only one person of about one hundred I know in HourlyRevShare did get paid. Most of us got nothing. Nada. As of this writing, HourlyRevShare has deleted hundreds of thousand of dollars in pending withdrawals and reset all of their members accounts. If you did manage to get any of your withdrawals processed, your account balances were reset to $00.00. If you didn't get any of your withdrawals processed, your account was reset to your original funding amount. Congratulations Lieven Van Neste and Monica Ranson! You have just created the world's first lose/lose business opportunity – except for them of course. What's next? A trip to Disney World paid for by people you conned?

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