  • Report:  #254668

Complaint Review: ITT Technical Institute - Greenfield Wisconsin

Reported By:
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin,

ITT Technical Institute
6300 West Layton Avenue Greenfield, 53220 Wisconsin, U.S.A.
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Though I cannot speak for other programs, or other people for that matter, I can say I was not satisfied with the education I received in the IT:Multimedia program at ITT Tech and realized the administration is more interested in corporate image than that of creative freedom. If you are a serious artist looking to get into 3D animation do NOT attend this school.

It all started as while working on my portfolio and considering going back to school get into animation and possibly into game design. I had been looking at a real art school with a degree in cinematic animation that was out of state when I had received a junk mail advertisement from ITT tech. I decided to take a look at it and saw that they offered a degree in video game design. Curious, I looked at the curriculum on the ITT Tech website and saw some classes that peaked my interest. This would mean I would not have to relocate. I filled out my contact information and within 30 minutes got a call from a recruiter.

After making an appointment and meeting with the recruiter I signed up. When she had told me about how much ITT Tech costs I almost walked out on her, but then she had mentioned that there was free continuing education for ITT Alumni at any campus. Considering the number of campuses in the U.S. I figured no matter where I got a job I could update my education if need be for no cost. Seemed like a good deal.

Along the way there were many things that my fellow students, as well as instructors, were very unsatisfied with. Textbooks where hacked up bits and pieces of other very highly rated books (leaving out a lot VERY important information and even referencing those pages), equipment was seriously substandard for the graphical work we were doing, and the instructors in most core classes lacked the total knowledge of the software we were using. There were several occasions where we were learning right along with the instructors.

Now, having the instructors learn new things does not bother me, but it seemed to happen a bit too often for my comfort. The time frame for these classes seemed rushed as well. Most classes only scratched the surface of the software, and only briefly mentioned any sort of theory to go along with what you are doing.

There was one instructor who had an animation degree and attempted to teach it, but time and curriculum made it nearly impossible. In the animation class only the first class was spent on theoretical concepts for animation and made you rely on the computer program to take care of it for you. This is a serious mistake. You need to know what the machine is doing and why in order to be a good animator.

I worked my way to the top of my class, Alpha Beta Kappa, highest honors/dean's list, and member of the NTHS (National Technical Honor Society). It came time do do my capstone project in my 8th quarter. I had written a script in my TV/Video production class, a perfect class for the teacher since he was working on his masters thesis for film, for for my group which received great praise from my teacher and peers. I used the script and got an 'A' for my final project and for the class with no problems. Now I wanted to use the same script to do an animated version for my Capstone Project.

This was a major undertaking since it was a 25 page script and I had a lot of work to do. I decided to only do the first scene as I had done in the live action version since time was limited for the amount of work I had to do. Seeing the amount of work and the progress I was making my instructor suggested making a trailer to make life easier. Thinking I could get further than I did, and working linearly I had decided against simply making a trailer. I didn't get finished but had a rough hand drawn animation for most of the first scene, nowhere close to completing as much as I wanted to.

Anyway, the day of the presentation came. Working feverishly up to the last moment and severely sleep deprived I went to show my project. I was to go last, being chosen to do so by my peers for the quality of my past work. I gave my speech explaining the premise of what I wanted to do and what I was actually showing. Now the script was intended for mature audiences. One of my classmates had his young niece there and we had spoken earlier making sure she was not in the room when I gave my presentation, in addition there was a 30 sec disclaimer about the content, just harsh language though nothing religiously offensive.

As the video played the chair for my program, a man that does work for sexually explicit adult video games mind you, comes rushing up to the front of the room and giving me the cut signal. At first I thought that it was due to the time since it was a lot later than expected, and a snowstorm was coming in. I stopped the video and the dean concluded the presentations. The dean then approached my instructor and I and asked to speak with us privately. We went to a different room where the dean began yelling at me for what I had presented. Being an artist, I stood up for my work and angrily responded. My instructor who had approved the script and every phase of my project cowered, now having his masters degree in film, and the chair for my program, a man whose work for the adult video game market I had seen on school grounds, did nothing to back me.

The dean threatened to expel me right then and there, but set up a meeting on the following Monday, this all took place on a Saturday, so he would have time to cool down before making a decision.

The Monday came and I went into the meeting. The dean referred to a portion of the handbook referring to an offensive subject matter rule and how the school's image in the community was scarred by my presentation. The chair claimed my project had ruined the whole the whole capstone event and that no one would remember any of the other projects. Now keep in mind that I had used this script in a course before and had submitted the live action version in the past only to receive an 'A' for my work by the same instructor that approved everything for my Capstone.

The dean decided to fail me for my Capstone class, not just the final presentation portion of the grade, the ENTIRE class. This decision would not allow me to graduate. If he had failed me for just the presentation, which is the action that should have been taken, I still would have passed the class. I still had the final phase of my project to turn in, which I am sure would have received a good grade. This would have left me with a minimum of a 66% for the class, which is still passing. So after two years of hard work and being the top of my class I was stopped dead in my tracks. I had already picked up my graduation robe, cords and tassel representing my academic achievements, and invitations for graduation and now they hang in a closet never used. I refused to retake the class and canceled my enrollment for the bachelor degree in video game design.

The entire ITT experience now makes me sick to my stomach. To think of the dept I acquired all for nothing. In a way it is a blessing, I guess, the whole situation saved me an even bigger waste of money for the bachelor degree. I am now enrolled in the animation program at my local CC which is a much better program and is a lot cheaper.

Here is a good example of what the community I live in thinks of ITT Tech. I was at work and speaking to an artist in the community. He was an older gentleman and obviously well established. I told him I was going to school for computer animation. Excited for me he asked me where. I told him I was getting my multimedia degree from ITT. His face went from smiles to a blank, almost disgusted, look and he just turned and walked away, not saying a word. I can not tell you how horrible this felt and was a real insight to what a mistake I had made in choosing to go to ITT.


Milwaukee, Wisconsin


2 Updates & Rebuttals


Crystal Lake,
Are you serious?

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, July 28, 2007

Your project was not appropriate for the audience in attendance. You admit to as much because you had the little girl leave before showing your project! Prospective employers, parents and other children of the students were all present. You are extremely talented and will be successful in the industry, no doubt about it. but you used poor judgment and did not consider your audience. The program chair has worked on many titles. Yes one of them was an "adult game" with animated strippers in it. SO WHAT? Most games have some sort of "adult content" and that is why there are ratings for games. Try finding someone with as many years of experience in the game industry who has not worked on a single game with "adult content" in it. Would it have been better if he only worked games depicted graphic blood and violence? Sheesh, what absurd imbalances in the American media, where a woman's nipple can't be seen, but a person can be seen shot dead, for real, on a news channel! Anyway, the department chair is a man of great integrity, talent and character and it is appalling that you would put any of the blame on him. I agree that you should be able to exercise your artistic expression, however, you failed to consider your other classmates and everyone else in the room. The instructor told you to edit the content for general audiences. You did not and now you want to cry about it because you failed the class which would have caused delayed graduation. You could have sucked it up, admitted your mistake and re-taken the capstone class while concurrently enrolled in the Digital Entertainment and Game Design program, but you chose to throw in the towel and point fingers at everyone else. Despite the incident, everyone recognizes your talent and wished you the best!


No easy path

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, July 08, 2007

I can believe your experiences with ITT Technical Institute. I wish that the FTC would force ITT Tech to put, in giant letters, across their advertisements that ITT Tech is NOT a college and ITT Tech is NOT a university. ITT Tech IS a for-profit NYSE Public company. At best they will only put (in white letters against a light background, so it's difficult to read) a small note: "Limited transferability of credits" or "Credits earner are unlikely to transfer". What that really means is that NO genuine academic institution will recognize any so-called "credits" issued by a company such as ITT Tech. They make their living off young people and people with limited resources who want to get somewhere fast in terms of a career path. I'm sorry to hear that you, like so many thousands of others, were victimized by their scam. They operate just barely within the law, but that doesn't mean that they're honest or ethical. I have read of many others who have been forced into filing for bankruptcy just because of ITT Tech, not to mention the other commercial businesses like ITT Tech. I would start with your state's Attorney General's office. Most AG offices have a consumer fraud department. I would suggest starting there. Good luck to you.

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