  • Report:  #350699

Complaint Review: J. B. Hunt Transportation - Lowell Arkansas

Reported By:
- yucaipa, California,

J. B. Hunt Transportation
615 J.b. Hunt Corporate Dr. P.o. Box130 Lowell, 72745 Arkansas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
my experience with j. hunt started in 1997. i submitted my application for employment to j.b. hunt. i had to pass tests, and be qualified before i could attend their orientation. the test took about two hours, consisting of reviewing my application, verbal interview, and a drive test. at this time their manager, said i failed all three of thier test and told me i was too stupid to work for j.b. hunt. { i had twenty years driving experience, and was a previous owner /operator in the early seventies !!} i believe this is proof of discrimination against female truck drivers by j.b. hunt. for the next eleven years, recruiters for j. b. hunt would call me weekly, expressing the need for j.b. hunt to have an experienced driver like me. for the next eleven years, i expressed how i felt j.b. hunt had discriminated against me. and that a lot of things would have to change within the company before i would work for them. j.b. hunt wanted too know all my complaints, to reconstruct thier recruting and orientation process for future employees. next question ? if your complaints are corrected, would you be willing to work for us ?? j. b. did not want to continue with this type of treatment of perspective employees. j.b. hunt recruters will haress you to death in order to get you to work for j.b. hunt, and they will not let it go, or take no for an answer. in september 2007, i allowed myself to be recruted into j.b. hunt. i attended a one day orientation. nothing had changed. again the class was met with yet another threat from the adminstrative manager, ann perkins. i quote ' if you think you will get away with anything, we have sales reps out there and they will calll us.' unquote. !! ann perkins stated this same pharse eleven years earlier. i left and did not return. and now that i have been in this orientation class for one day i am an offical j.b.employee. my dac says so. again ron, j.b."s recurter started calling trying to coxe me into comming back. expressed my concerns, will not work for a co. that resorts to treats towards the drivers. " if you want to hire me, drive test me and give me a job, i do not need to sit in a class for a week.' we are suppost to be adults. the calls keep comming. in february 2008, i was recuted again into j.b. hunt by ron. ron assured me this time things would be different. it was, orientation was three {3 } days ! ! class on the frist day, drive test and drug test on the second day. credientals issued on the third day. i was to have a room in the motel for three nights. arriving at the motel to check in, arangements had not been made for me. the arragements were supposedly made by ron, from arkansas. i was given a comformation number ! i had to drive back to yucaipa. up at 4a.m. to drive back to southgate to attend class . i mentioned to ann perkins that the motel did not have a room for me and that i had to drive back to yucaipa. since this had happened, would j.b. pay for my gas ? i was assured that i would have a room that night. ann perkins would personally take care of this. that night arriving at the motel, i still had no room. drove back to yucaipa again. up at 4a.m. , drive back to southgate, mentioned again that i had no room. no response from ann perkins. back in orientation it is time to issue the new graduating class hats and t-shirts. we all followed kayron clay, the instructor down stairs to the stock room. i stood about three feet outside the door, while kayron clay searched for the needed supplies, i went to use the ladies room. returning to the class, kayron clay says to me, wern't you already here. i already gave you a t-shirt. i replied that he had not and with about twenty-five men present, kayron clay demanded to see what i had under my jacket, and at this time kayron clay reached for the front of my jacket , stating 'what have you got under you jacket?' i stepped backward away from kayron so he could not touch me. again kayron clay ask what i had under my jacket. i opened my jacket and stated " i have these " !!! and showed kayron clay, in front of the entire class my 42 dd's !!! everyone laughed, i went back up stairs right away, i was very embarassed, and tried to hide this. back to yucaipa. back to southgate for last day of class and paperwork. kayron clay carried the incedent a step further. kayron clay announced to the entire class that i would recieve my paperwork frist, because i had given him a thrill the day before down stairs. kayron is disgusting. kayron clay has accused me of stealing a t-shirt. !! is this considered sexuall harassment ?? is this blatantly damming my reputation and good name. ??? taking the drug test for j.b. hunt was just as disgusting. the restroom was fifthy. i ask the medical staff to please clean it some. i was told to just put the seat down on the toilet. there were sample bottles of urine sitting out on the table that had not been bagged yet. the nurse said she was running behind. i replied that i hoped she didnt get them mixed up. [ j.b. hunt has thier own medical staff to take samples, eye exams, fill out medical charts.] finally completeing j.b. hunts requirements. i was free to leave. hopefully never to see southgate again. the next day , susan called me to issue my truck, frist dispatch came a week later !! my husband took my d.o.t physical to the d.m.v to be posted. d.m.v. refused my drug test. stated the munbers in the urine test were too high.and my eye exam was incomplete. i called ann perkins to discuss this matter, ann perkins said they could take care of this and had already sent my reports to sacramento. i still do not know how ann pekins took care of this matter. i was garanteeded 2500 to 3000 miles per week. at .38 c.p.m. frist dispatch was three [3] back to back. the last one to be delivered in the middle of the other two. i was told to do it. this type of dispatching continued thru my sixty [60] day probation period. when i refused the forced dispatching by gerald, my f.m.. i was left to sit for three [3] and [4] days in the desert. i was dispatched only one day a week with the load delivering the middle of the next week. confronting gerald about this, gerald would refuse to answer my messages on the obc [ on board computer] or take my phone calls. gerald would not speak to me for days. gerald would send out hostile messages to the drivers, i quote " you all suck, i will not put up with you. if you cant do you job, go work someplace else.' 2.] another bad day, i will not accept failure. do your job or leave. 3.] you are making me look bad in front of dean. you have to make me look good like dean does. these messages came daily, i started complaing that gerald was not giving me work. and i got a message from chad dewey [suoervisor] telling me i had no right to complain about not having enough work when he had 10 plus late loads a day. he had to handle this matter frist. my loads were not late. chad dewey also tried to bribe the drivers with steak dinners if they would deliver on time. to deliver on time you have to be dispatched in an on time manner. i was paid rand miles. gerald started to harass me that i had to get my actual mile down to the rand miles. !!! i was told to get my idle down. if it was cold, wear layers of extra clothing, if it was hot, sleep in the nude. i decided that i had a bad dispatcher, i call three [3] time asking to speak to a supervisor, spoke to austin, scott, and adam, i was told that they did not have a supervisor. i also called ann perkins and addressed my concerns, ann refered me to gerald. the hunt trucks are 75' long, the law for all highways is 65' max. i recieved a ticket for being oversized. j.b. hunt told me that was my problem. i also got a ticket for not having chains on the truck. j.b. also told me this was my problem and refused to pay the fine. j.b. hunt did not supply the tools needed to operate this truck. they did not get me chains for three [3] weeks after the citation was issued. the chains had to be approved by renee in arkansas, and renee would not approve for me to have them. i finally got chains approved in san bernadino yd. all broken into pieces and told not to show them to anyone. my frist pay check was $242.00, my second to last was $72.00. my last pay check was $00.00. i was not paid for the last three trips i did for j.b. hunt. and $366.00 was deducted voluntary from my check for out of route miles.!! i had been home for a week, calling for work, spoke to austin, adam, no work. gerald told me he had plenty of work but could not give it to me, this work was for the deciated drivers. they are paid .30 c.p.m.. i was under the impression gerald was trying to get me to work for a lower c.p.m.. at 6a.m. one wednesday morning, after being home and getting the run around. gerald called, got me out of bed, informed me he had a tow truck on the way to secure my truck. i was no long qualified to do the job. after thrashing the why and why not, i told gerald my personal belongings were in this truck and had better not be touched. i agreed to clean the truck out and deliver it to the s.b. yard. this way i had my belongings and gerald could not accuse me of abbandoning the truck. i signed up for unemployment and of course, j.b. hunt appealed it. my hearing date was 07/09/2008, at 11;15 a.m... at 8;45 a.m the appeals board called me and said the hearing was cancelled. j.b. hunt had recended their appeal !!!! now i have to refile for unemployment. and they can still file another appeal. this is the way j.b. hunt treats thier current and ex-employees. this co. thrives on destroying peoples lives. they will not let go. if you are considering working for this j.b. hunt, i ask you to reconsider, you will also end up being a victim of thier game. i have been unemployed since march and j.b. hunt is still pulling the strings and diticating wheather or not i will be allowed to have any income, no matter where it comes from.


yucaipa, California


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