  • Report:  #1393539

Complaint Review: Jason Michael Spencer - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
James Talbert - Dallas, Texas, USA

Jason Michael Spencer
Dallas, Texas, USA
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I’m writing this to warn anyone who is unfortunate enough to encounter Jason Michael Spencer. My goal is to share my story of him to bring awareness to every one of his true nature and stop him from victimizing more unfortunate people. I, my father, and our entities have been forced to sue Jason Michael Spencer continuously over the past about 6 years.

There is so much to go over of what he did, but I’ll try to summarize it the best I can. I’ll go over my experience with him as well. In my very strong opinion, Jason Michael Spencer is a narcissistic sociopath. He is a pathological liar that is very manipulative, charming, and cunning, which makes him an especially dangerous individual to deal with. If you Google “narcissistic sociopath” and read about the traits of that type of person, it describes Jason Spencer perfectly.

Jason Spencer’s mugshot is attached. Apparently, Jason Spencer thinks being arrested is funny.

First I’ll discuss the Dextral Capital case against him. Jason Michael Spencer used to work with my father at Dextral Capital Management Fund, LP and Dextral Capital, LP as a limited partner, and my father, Ken Talbert, was the general partner. Jason Spencer managed the Dextral fund himself during his time there. In 2011, my father started to become suspicious of Jason Spencer’s activity in the Dextral fund as things were not adding up. During this time, tensions began to grow between Jason Spencer and my father.

On or about September 26, 2011, Jason Spencer took various data that included debtor account information and personal information of consumers from various companies and vacated the offices where he then secretly withdrew about $1,280,000.00 from the BB&T bank accounts of Dextral Capital Management Fund and Dextral Capital in 2 cashier’s checks and moved the funds to a different bank at Comerica. At this time, Jason Spencer then tried to blame my father for the missing money to Dextral’s last largest investor that Jason Spencer took himself. He also wrote an email to his Dextral email address saying he was going to damage my father’s company EFA and us, the Talbert’s. I’ve attached that email to this report. Before the Comerica account was frozen in December of 2011, Jason Spencer made a fraudulent transfer to his own company Aureus, LLC in the amount of $300,000.00 and called it a “loan”. From Aureus, LLC, Jason Spencer then transferred $200,000.00 to Dignatas Capital Partners, LP and $100,000 to Adiuvo, LLC dba Settlement Collections, LLC. All entities controlled by Jason Spencer. Jason Spencer then sold Aureus, LLC to Aureus, Inc., located in the Seychelles Islands of the coast of Africa, in the amount of $1 in an attempt to move the liability of the $300,000 note offshore.

During all this, Jason Spencer went to the last largest investor and convinced him to invest an additional about $2.5 million into his newly formed fund, Dignatas Capital Partners, LP, because Jason Spencer told that investor that he was investing $200,000.00 of "his" own money into it as well. Unfortunately, the last largest investor didn’t know at the time that the $200,000.00 Jason Spencer was referencing was actually that investor’s own money that had been fraudulently transferred from Dextral Capital Management Fund, and not actually Jason Spencer’s money as he claimed. Jason Spencer essentially scammed $2.5 million from that investor. From what I’ve heard, this additional money he scammed out of this investor was never recovered.

During the Dextral Capital lawsuit against Jason Michael Spencer, he tried to claim that Aureus, LLC was no longer liable for the $300,000.00 “loan” he made to himself since the company had been sold to Aureus, Inc. for $1 located in the Seychelles Islands off the coast of Africa. The judge was not amused by this and basically told him he would be personally liable for the amount if it was not returned to Dextral Capital Management Fund. Jason Spencer finally returned the $300,000.00, plus about $56,000 in interest, during March of 2013 when the suggestion of criminal charges was going to be brought against him. Through the course of this lawsuit, Dextral Capital was able to recover and return its final investor’s money in its entirety. This does not include the additional $2.5 million that occured outside of Dextral Capital Management Fund. On April 10, 2013, Dextral Capital, LP and Dextral Capital Management Fund, LP were awarded a judgment in the amount of $230,000.07 against Jason Michael Spencer. The Dextral Capital vs. Jason Michael Spencer final judgment is attached to this report (pages 1-3). Judge’s signature has been redacted for the terms of service.

A flow chart of the liquidation of Dextral Capital Management Fund, LP by Jason Spencer is attached as well.


This moves into our defamation lawsuit that I, my father, and our entities had to file against Jason Spencer. Just a few hours after the Dextral trial had completed on January 31, 2013, Jason Spencer had a completely defamatory article posted about I, my father, and our entities on getoutofdebt.org that same day. We believe Jason Spencer did this because he realized he had horribly lost the Dextral lawsuit and had been caught red handed misappropriating funds from the Dextral Capital, LP and Dextral Capital Management Fund, LP. It also appears he was following through with his claim on trying to damage my father’s company EFA and us, the Talbert’s, as he claimed he would from his email he sent to his Dextral email previously that is attached here. The article itself was so defamatory we knew there was no other choice but to file a lawsuit.

In my experience with Jason Spencer, In order for him to deflect liability away from himself, Jason Spencer will often try to make accusations or accuse others of the very things he does himself. For example, in his defamatory article, he claimed that my collection agency, Safeguard Recovery, wasn’t properly licensed with only 3 licenses. Not only was Safeguard Recovery properly licensed in every state I collected in, I had a lot more than just 3 licenses and this was very easy for me to show the court. However, Jason Spencer’s company, Adiuvo, LLC dba Settlement Collections, LLC, never bothered to get a single collection license. When we subpoenaed his collection licenses in a lawsuit against him and Adiuvo, LLC dba Settlement Collections, LLC, he tried to provide us unrelated documents to try and pass them off as collection licenses. It was pretty hilarious. Here you can see some of Jason Spencer’s scam strategies, accuse someone else of the very thing he does himself and provide irrelevant documents to try and confuse to deflect liability from himself. Additionally, I imagine he accused my father of being like Bernie Madoff in his defamatory article, because I believe that’s who Jason Spencer actually secretly admires and aspires to be like.

In the end, it was rather easy for us to prove everything Jason Spencer claimed in the article was a complete lie. We were awarded $4,520,000.00 on April 11, 2017 for the defamatory article Jason Spencer had posted on getoutofdebt.org. Ken Talbert et al. vs Jason Michael Spencer final judgment is attached to this report (pages 1-2). Judge’s signature has been redacted for the terms of service.

Moving on, aside from Jason Spencer taking consumer data belonging to Dextral Capital Management Fund, LP in September of 2011, he also took with him consumer data that was owned by Eckity Capital Markets, LLC, a company owned by myself. In January of 2012, Jason Spencer decided to then place accounts owned by Eckity Capital Markets, LLC with a 3rd party collection agency in Massachusetts while fraudulently representing that his company, Adiuvo, LLC, was the owner of those accounts. Eckity Capital Markets, LLC was forced to sue the 3rd party collection agency to get relevant information regarding unauthorized collections on its accounts. It was discovered that the 3rd party collection agency paid Jason Spencer’s company, Adiuvo, LLC, a total of $78,808.30 in remittances for unauthorized collections on accounts owned by Eckity Capital Markets, LLC. Documentation to this fact was not provided by the 3rd party collection agency until December of 2014 by a discovery request. Jason Spencer, of no surprise, concealed and lied about receiving this amount continuously over 2 different lawsuits.

This case went to trial at the end of June of 2017 where the jury unanimously ruled in my favor against Jason Spencer for the funds he stole in the amount of $78,808.30. Given we have already been awarded much larger amounts against Jason Spencer, the amount of a judgment in this case wasn’t my primary concern. This case was important to me to close a loop hole for rogue collectors, like Jason Spencer, and other criminals who steal consumer data and then proceed to utilize a third party collection agency as a liability shield to fraudulently collect on the stolen consumer data, all while lying about it continuously. The important thing to take away from this case is that a jury unanimously determined that Jason Spencer committed theft, conversion, fraud, and malice with clear and convincing evidence of conversion and fraud as the result of malice.  The Eckity Capital Markets, LLC vs. Jason Michael Spencer jury verdict is attached to this report (pages 1-9). Signatures have been redacted for the terms of service.


Jason Spencer’s Scam Tactics I’ve been witness of:

  1. He will try to befriend you to get you to trust him in order to manipulate you.
  2. He will try to play to your greed and tell you how much money you will make in order to manipulate you.
  3. He will try to get you to feel sorry for him in order to manipulate you.
  4. He will try to threaten you if the first 3 options do not work in order to manipulate you through fear. Let me tell you something here, if you have been a victim of this from Jason Spencer, do not be afraid of him. He is very childish and makes a lot of empty threats. Think of this like nothing more than a screaming child throwing a temper tantrum.
  5. He will defame others online to try and ruin their reputation. Jason Spencer appears to do this in order to try and discredit his opposition on order to make their claims about him seem less legitimate.
  6. He will accuse others of various wrong doings or wrong doings he has actually done himself to draw away liability from himself. He may even do this while pretending to be someone else online, then pretend to be other people who support his lie. It’s all about the illusion and false perception.
  7. He will try to provide an overwhelming amount of irrelevant information or documents in order to confuse and draw liability away from himself.
  8. He may try to forge documents and try to use them as evidence to support his lie or scam. He tried to do this in our lawsuits against him.

I’ve also found that it is very important to Jason Spencer to maintain a false perception of himself. I’ve noticed that he will often try to make himself out to be greater, more successful, and generous than he really is, all for show and manipulation.

Last, to further demonstrate what type of person he is. After my father had his Dextral email account shut off and seized, it was discovered that he had been soliciting sex from girls on Craigslist while he was at work, and he had just gotten married a few months prior at the time. Who knows how often he did or still does this on his own time. I have attached an email of Jason Spencer soliciting a call girl from Craigslist as an example to this report.

I expect that Jason Spencer himself will read this at some point and will respond in one or more ways of by trying to defame me as himself or by posting as someone else, trying to give a run around explanation with a lot of irrelevant or false information, trying to pass off bogus or falsified documents that try and say otherwise, posting support for himself while pretending to be other people, or going on some psycho rant. If your intention is to try to sue me over this Jason Spencer, understand that I will be vigorously defending my 1st amendment right of free speech. If you didn’t want me to post this for people to find out about it, then you shouldn’t have done these things in the first place. On a side note, we’ve heard that you (Jason Spencer) have been bragging around town over the years that our cases were frivolous and you were going to sue us. That always gave us a really good laugh, so thanks for that.

God speed to anyone unfortunate enough to have to deal with this scumbag as we have.

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