  • Report:  #377916

Complaint Review: Jay Herndon Fletcher Herndon - Medford Oregon

Reported By:
- Medford, Oregon,

Jay Herndon Fletcher Herndon
125 West Jackson St Medford, 97504 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I met this character who was imposing as a member of an Athletic Club by virtue of being seated in the member's lounge watching a Sunday afternoon foot ball game.

He told me he was a past owner of a computer firm. Sold it for $10 million and used the money to buy a recovered sunken treasure of Mexican Gold. He said, he was hoarding that money for his nieces. He first claimed to have played for the Miami Dolphins for 6 years. He also told me of his talents as a graphic artist and Merchant Marine Sea Captain.

Later, he told me he had no place to stay and was sneaking into a laundromat and sleeping there. Foolishly I attempted to help. First, he was very worried about his possessions, which filled my trunk and back seat, because he was evicted from the mission.

I took him to my family's restaurant and fed him well. He said he would do the restaurant's website to prove his abilities in exchange for another meal and a night in a local hotel.

h*o had no computer, so all the work was done on my wife's computer. He said she had issues with the computer. She know computers and claims he created the problems to create an impression that he was rescuing her.

He arranged for a web site with a host using my credit card. I did not know he was illegally registering the site in his name.

Later, I asked him to voluntarily relinquish the site to me as it was mine because I paid for it, he asked for $10,000.

This followed his last attempt to get another $20.00 from me late one night. I told him he either was lying about his football career and $10 Million in gold or he was very stupid or insane or possibly both. This drove him berserk and he bagan to attack my character etc.

I wish this man no harm and only place this as a warning to others who might fall for his very sympathetic nature. He is as far as I can tell in need of mental health.

He cannot finish a job or does not work with the finish in sight.

Had he not the absolute gumption to attempt to extort $10,000 for the domain name, I would have not posted this.

Gordon B Consumer Advocate

Medford, Oregon


10 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,

#2General Comment

Mon, March 17, 2014

Does anyone have a photo or phyisical description on Jay Fletcher? Someone using that name is scamming a friend of mine.


United States of America
Consider the source

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, January 30, 2013

I have known Jay for many years and succumbed to his cons (fortunately not much money).

I've had bad things said about me and my small business. Most of the time, those statements are coming from questionable people and I smile knowing that the truth will be revealed.

I know Jay enough to know that you are telling the truth.

Jay NEEDS help.

I wasn't surprized to see him here.

Gordon Bell Consumer Advocate

I don't want to be A Victim of this man's Insanity

#4Author of original report

Tue, October 27, 2009

It has been suggested that I respond to this lubricous statement made by a mentally deranged pathetic individual about one year ago.

I also pity him because his condition is reported to be the result of a brain tumor and surgery that left him a Bipolar patient.

If you check me out, as you easily can, you will find an absolute clean record and background.

I was born in Montreal Canada and come from a family with some prominence.  My brother Joel Bell served in the Trudeau Administration for approximately 17 years.  In fact, when we were much younger when Prime Minister Trudeau requested him to join his staff, my brother in conversation asked me to never do anything wrong ...anything that might bring him negative publicity unbecoming a government official etc.

My first job not counting a newspaper route and ice cream sales while in high school was building and running gyms in Canada and in New York City for Vic Tanney.  I volunteered for the draft in the US Army and ran the sports program at the Army Language School later renamed the Defense Language Institute in Monterey CA.

I left the Army with an Honorable Discharge and was employed by Trans World Airlines.  My reputation with TWA included breaking up an criminal embezzlement operation at LaGuardia  Airport in New York City.

I left TWA and was employed by New York Life Insurance Company, where I achieved the status of Million Dollar Roundtable in my first year.

Later, I worked for Physicians Planning Service in New York City and set a record for sales performance serving only physicians in the New York City area.

I decided to move back to Monterey CA, actually Carmel, and brought civility to the Life Insurance Industry at Fort Ord.  The industry was experiencing a 60 plus percent cancellation factor. 

I identified the problem was a Con Game and after one year of claiming to the industry that I could straighten the crooked practices and actually obtain a zero cancellation rate I was given a one-year trial.

I sustained a zero cancellation to the day the base closed 15 years later. 

While, running my agency at Fort Ord, I was personally recruited by the founder of Effective Communication Skills.  They were and probably still are the rated Best consulting firm teaching Presentation Skills in Fortune 500 companies etc.  It is now called Rogen International and was sold for over $30 Million.

I was voted Best Trainer in such companies as Westinghouse, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Johnson & Higgins to name a few.

I developed an insidious illness involving Chronic Fatigue and lost my career and a good deal of my life savings went towards attempting to resolve the illness.

I married wrong during that time and because of siring a child, it was very difficult to resolve a bad situation making financial matters even worse.

Six years or more after being divorced, I met the greatest lady.  She is a genuinely amazing woman devoted to her family, including me.  He sister who is also a great lady wanted her to move to Medford so she could acquire her then 3rd restaurant.  ( One of the three has been sold and subsequently closed).

My wife is so devoted she acts as if she is an owner.  However, she is absolutely not an owner and is only here to help build the business.

We choose not to buy a home because of the nature of the relationship with her brother-in-law and sister and also due to the shaley real estate market, expected to experience another major decline in 2010.

A few years prior to moving to Medford, I went back to school (University of Pittsburgs Center for Fiduciary Studies) and attained the certification as an Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst.

As a financial analyst and one time business consultant, I recognized the newly developed 21st century energy conservation technology and realized it is a huge safe investment opportunity that is not only hugely profitable, it provides the comforts our properties were design to provide, yet have dismally failed.

Therefore, I am somewhat a retired financial consultant.  I devote my energies to helping Americans discover new technologies such as Fiberglass Investment Grade Advanced Technology windows and doors.  Other space age technologies are also being made available in order to cut energy bills from 70 to 90% and more.

Now, I hope this helps correct the slanderous attack.  I really should have involved the law  and filed criminal charges when this person attempted to extort $10,000.  I had pity so restrained my actions to warning others.  That only prompted his outrageous response.

If I am who he says, I would not have been able to maintain my status as an investment fiduciary or maintain an insurance license since 1968 in good or excellent standing.  You can verify the insurance records at the CA Insurance website.  And, you can of course do a background check because I can proudly state that not one client has ever lost one dime dealing with me.

If you have any questions or have the slightest doubt as to my honesty, please direct them to me.  I will make myself available to answer all inquiries and provide personal references.

Gordon Bell Consumer Advocate

Sorry to see this man is even sicker than I first perceived

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, November 24, 2008

I probably need not say more than what Mr. Herndon has himself said to prove the point. Again, I wish him no harm as he deserves pity. My story is for anyone to see ...open and honest and most important sane and educated. Mr.Herndon has made threats sufficient for me to seek police protection. The police listened to one of the threats and suggested I be concerned. Thus, the police told me Mr. Herndon was to have been warned to cease and desist in ALL dealings with me or face arrest! He makes claims, at least one of which you can easily see is idiotic. As my book is on sale at all Barnes and Nobles stores and through Amazon.com It was written in conjunction with the Center for Fiduciary Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, where I attained the accreditation AIFA TM Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst TM. What I have learned from this is ...Perhaps the advice regarding homeless people is accurate. They are for the most part not well and in dire need of mental help. I honestly wanted to help this guy and would NEVER have had contact with him were he not an unauthorized, unregistered guest at the finest athletic club in Medford. Yet he dug his feet in, displayed what is to me, unprecedented negativity, shunned help and resisted sound advice ...Then of all things, he attempted to extort funds. As I've said before, had he not attempted extortion, I would not have felt honor-bound to forewarn others. My advice to Mr. Herndn is to quit digging a bigger dark hole. People are willing to help those who are honest and trying to get better. In fact, they will go to the ends of the earth for those who are contrite and honest about everything. May he learn that forgiveness is the key to all salvation! Yes, I hold no grudge and if I can, I will remove the notice (if allowed by the host) ONLY when Mr. Herndon comes clean and demonstrates he is on the right path. It is in my genuine interest for the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Sincerely, Gordon Bell

Jay Herndon

Gordon Bell is lier and a thief, beware

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, November 24, 2008

I too met Mr. Gorgon Bell at a health club Gym sort of place where I was a first time guest. This is more in rebuttal to the false hoods claimed by Gordon Bell against me than to report what he did but it is amazing how similar Mr. Habanucci claim is to mine, Gordon Bell asked for art services then could not pay me, I found him to be living off his immigrant wife who was a waitress at a Chinese restaurant where he took me to eat for free as he did nightly I was told. And I found him living off his in laws as a non paying tenant, so Gee Gordon Bell where did all your financial advice go wrong? Or is your advise to live off the poor immigrants of this country, and live for free with your brother in law, run up bills with small companies you have no intension to pay, me he owes me some $500 before I stopped trying to help him rip me off. then he wanted access to the work I did for him and I offered to sell it to him for a moderate price for a website I did for his in laws whom had already had a family member doing a web site for the family. He has actually had no rights to hire me to do anything for the in laws just trying to impress me that he owns a restaurant that he did not actually own. Yes I too was told that he paid a print company to print out his so called book, not an actual publisher, a common false hood in the printing industry. He is printed not published. His wife paid for a ton of these books he passes out like business cards, to possible victims of his fiduciary ideas to finagle you out of your retirement fund. He was telling me so many lies I was intrigued so I started matching him with lies of my own, no I do not own any houses or property in Panama City Florida, he has no real estate in San Jose California either, But I am a licensed USCG Merchant Marine Boat Captain, but he has no license at all, not a insurance or brokers license or even a CPA, what sort of fiduciary was he, he was not working for a bank or a lender he has no claim to that industry at all. No I never played for the Miami Dolphins, but he was never a banking executive either, I found him in a lie and so I simply lied back. He is a pleasant conversationalist if you can ignore his lies and don't ask questions. No he does not own a restaurant he mooches for free when his wife is working which is nearly all the time. She does not know what a crook she is affiliated with I am sure, she is just a poor immigrant working as a waitress at her relatives restaurant, that she can not make any clams of ownership to either. The website I was to design was already done by his wife's cousin, to their liking and he had no authority to hire me to do this design which I have won many awards for my work of the past several years, so my fees are high and if you don't pay for them you have no rights or access to what a draw, whether a logo or website. Yes I have not been without a computer since the early eighties before I spent 20 years laboring away in my own computer company selling computers all over the globe its name was Flamingo Micro, No I did not sell it and buy Mexican gold, or anything from Mexico. Yes we did a lot of business each year often more than $10 million in sales and some years as much as $20 million in sales, that's not what I made that's the retail amount of the items sold yes I made a profit but not a big one there has not been a good profit to be had on a computer since the mid 1980s. So let me detail Mr. Gordon Bell he is homeless, penniless and deceitful, without a job or the hopes of a job. He is as worthless as one can be, he would have slept in a laundry mat if his in laws weren't so kind to his wife and accommodated him. Me I never slept in a laundry mat. Where does Gordon Bell sleep? No house, no job, no money why he is as homeless as a beggar, beware for these are the people your mother warned you about he is a thief and will take what ever you got even if its just your talent, mine is as an artist. you can see my art online at http://picasaweb.google.com/jayherndon/PortolioCentral# There is a color problem on Picasa's site and my colors are showing the negative colors. This will e fixed soon I am told. I draw, Illustrate and design web sites and other business identity, including logos, signs and business cards. I provide a high quality art solution at reasonable prices. I am not a fake anything I am an artist and a boat captain and am verifiable as Mr. Gordon Bell is not. If you need more info or would like to hire me to do some art for you I can be reached at [email protected] Mr. Bell is probably hanging out at some health club posing as some fancy man wanting knowledge about retirement fund that you must be to stupid to manage yourself, so he thinks. While his immigrant wife is busing tables for her sister he is stalking you, beware for he is to be feared.

Gordon bell consumer advocate

Jay Fletcher Herndon

#7Author of original report

Thu, October 02, 2008

Forgot to mention he claims to be from the Panama City Florida where he claims to own an upscale home. Nothing computes, why in the world would he be living in the streets (many nights)? That's why I concluded he is in need of help. If you encounter him perhaps you can influence that.

Gordon bell consumer advocate

Jay Fletcher Herndon

#8Author of original report

Thu, October 02, 2008

Forgot to mention he claims to be from the Panama City Florida where he claims to own an upscale home. Nothing computes, why in the world would he be living in the streets (many nights)? That's why I concluded he is in need of help. If you encounter him perhaps you can influence that.

Gordon bell consumer advocate

Jay Fletcher Herndon

#9Author of original report

Thu, October 02, 2008

Forgot to mention he claims to be from the Panama City Florida where he claims to own an upscale home. Nothing computes, why in the world would he be living in the streets (many nights)? That's why I concluded he is in need of help. If you encounter him perhaps you can influence that.

Gordon bell consumer advocate

Jay Fletcher Herndon

#10Author of original report

Thu, October 02, 2008

Forgot to mention he claims to be from the Panama City Florida where he claims to own an upscale home. Nothing computes, why in the world would he be living in the streets (many nights)? That's why I concluded he is in need of help. If you encounter him perhaps you can influence that.

Gordon bell consumer advocate


#11Author of original report

Thu, October 02, 2008

Forgot to mention he claims to be from the Panama City Florida where he claims to own an upscale home. Nothing computes, why in the world would he be living in the streets (many nights)? That's why I concluded he is in need of help. If you encounter him perhaps you can influence that.

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