  • Report:  #381208

Complaint Review: Jeff Paris (aka ITNashville Aka PHP In The USA Aka ZeroFunk Aka LiteracyEscapes.com) - Hermitage Tennessee

Reported By:
- Swansea, Other,

Jeff Paris (aka ITNashville Aka PHP In The USA Aka ZeroFunk Aka LiteracyEscapes.com)
Location: My House, Hermitage, Tennessee, USA Hermitage, Tennessee, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Signed Up with him (for a coding project): 26th February 2008 (2x$500 payments)

Onto my PM which effectively ended our "business venture" after I got tired of everything that Jeff had dragged me through:

"Jeff, This PM documents my experience with you - I'm trying to be as detailed as possible without going overboard with quotes and facts. In short: you scammed me, and I want my $1,000 back immediately.

I signed up to you on the 26th of February 2008, paying you $1,000 (in two $500 instalments) for 70 hours of coding. The first instalment, as you know, was paid via PayPal on the 26th of February 2008 (Unique Transaction ID #2M685833063065356), the second was sent on the 10th of March 2008 (ID #1AL545132F554282N)

You said the (MMORPG) game, which you haven't delivered, would take up 40 hours of coding and then I'd have a further 30 hours coding to use at my will.

It's now been six-and-a-half months since I signed up to you, and there's still no sign of a game.

Just for the record, you started making promises of a delivery (albeit, in this instance, only a demo) from the 9th of March 2008:

"I will have a demo for you in just a couple of weeks bro! I am rushing you, but not to the point of losing quality."

Another quick quote, this time on April 30th (NB: you still didn't provide the demo you talked about on the 9th of March 2008):

"Game is near completion and I am very tired. Lmao"

Since then there's been more and more excuses, and recently you've simply been ignoring my e-mails and Personal Messages over at www.forums.digitalpoint.com

You also completely changed your online identity in May, but you didn't tell me how/where I could get back in touch with you. After a bit of hunting around, I found you've re-launched your identity as "ITNashville" and so had your new contact details (which, as I say, you "forgot" to pass onto me)

In June I started getting a bit more impatient and started contacting you more asking for more exact deadlines regarding the final release. You'd always reply with a rough deadline, but then never meet the deadlines:

"5 days" (10th June)

"couple more days" (15th June)

"within 48 hours" (23rd June)

Then, after ignoring 3 of my e-mails:

"completing final beta and results shortly." (6th July)

"Give me a few hours" (10th July)

This pattern goes on and on. Even, on the 14th of July, you said "I am releasing "Ver. 0.90 Beta" of the core at 7:00 PM CST." - despite the fact that in March you said the game is near completion. How can the progress go from "near completion" to being in early beta in 3 months?

The truth is clear: you never started working on this game by March, and probably not until late June (if then)

After more e-mails (from me), and more excuses and missed deadlines (from you), you uploaded a very basic game which was 20% complete on the 15th of July 2008

I wasn't happy with this, although at least some work was being done somewhere - at this stage I still thought I'd be getting a game within a couple of weeks time (how wrong was I?)

In the rest of July I sent 4 more e-mails enquiring about deadlines and other features, all of which you ignored.

On the 15th of August I then sent the following e-mail, as you know:

"Hi Jeff, Thanks for the quick reply.

I appreciate that things are hectic and that you will work harder now in getting the game rolled out.

Although I ideally wanted this ready for the start of the summer - as I've said a few times - and it's now the end of the summer.

Can you please give an exact deadline for the complete release of this game, and detail a few things:

1) As above, an exact deadline when you'll e-mail the complete, full, unique-featured game to me

2) The unique feautres that you'll be adding to the game to make it different from the generic MMORPG you'll be selling

3) The current progress (in percent?) of: (A) the core (i.e. generic MMORPG game you're reselleing) game and (B) the game I'll be receiving

I await your reply, thanks, Tristan Perry"

You never, ever, gave me answers to these questions.

Overall, I now believe that you are a scammer. You have made some attempt at a game, to try and keep me silent and content. But now I see that you really are a scammer - I know you can code, and I know you've had quite a few clients between Feb 26th and now. Although for me, you've just ignored me, lied to me, and treated me with contempt.

Please refund my $1,000 and reply back to this PM when it's been refunded.

No more excuses. No more lies.

Regards, Tristan Perry"

The following represents his reply (between the [QUOTE=itnashvilleCOM] and [/QUOTE] tags) and my reply (after the [QUOTE] tags):

[QUOTE=itnashvilleCOM]lol funny that I sent you the full demo link 4 days ago.

I did not give you answers? I sent them to you 3 times and then delivered the f***ing demo link for the software. You gone insane all of a sudden?? I sent from 2 different email addresses.[/QUOTE] Where's the link then? You could have posted it here now, couldn't you?

And you still haven't answered any of my questions (the 3, or any of the statements in my previous PM).

All you've done is mess me around, and give excuses. Even now you are saying you're e-mailed me everything, but yet I haven't received anything from you - not via e-mail nor here. Funny that. Especially since I've been receiving e-mail fine from anyone else. I also received the reply to the e-mail I sent you earlier? So there's no fault on my e-mail address... or yours for that matter.

Anywhoo, where's the link? Where's the answers? Post them here.

[QUOTE=itnashvilleCOM]Also, I did not scam you.

1. You saw a beta link 2 months ago. That shows that I was working on it. 2. I sent you a Beta Release link 4 days ago. 3. If I did refund you, that too would make it NOT a scam since you would them have your investment back.

No not a scam. Look up the definition. I underestimated your project and undercharged you BIG TIME, but I am a perfectionist and WILL NEVER release a product that is NOT COMPLETE. This is a complex game, and was far more complex than I thought it would be. Try looking at the release candidate I sent you before you go calling me a f
***ing scam.[/QUOTE] 1) Yes, you sent me the link to an incomplete game. This contradicted many of your previous statements, including the one in April (!) saying "Game is near completion and I am very tired. Lmao" - how can you go from "near completion" in April, to providing a project which is 20% complete [i]3 months later?[/i]

2) Where's the link? My e-mail address is fine. If you were concerned you would have provided the link here.

3) I've only seen 20% of the game. Fair enough then - refund me 80% of the payment. $800 would be fine. Plus you would still recoup the investment yourself because you've told me, in numerous occasions, that you'll be reselling my game to other people. So no problem on your end there.

[I]"I underestimated your project and undercharged you BIG TIME"[/I] - then why not tell me that? Fair enough, we had agreed on a price hence I wouldn't pay you extra for the game. Although a quick e-mail to say 'Here's the features, here's my progress thus far. A rough deadline should be in x' would be far more professional than lying to me and ignoring me.

[I]"Try looking at the release candidate I sent you before you go calling me a f***ing scam."[/I] - where's the link? Where's the communication been the last 6.5 months? You even changed your identity without telling me. And then you have the audacity to say that this is my fault, blaming my e-mail address? I'm receiving numerous e-mails per day, and I received the one from you earlier - so where's the RC link? Where's the answers to the 3 questions?

You know what man, I am tired of this. I told you a long time ago that I underestimated the time and price on this project. I also told you that I was already working on a mmporg, before you even paid, and that I'd adapt this to your needs. You act as if I said I was writing one solely from scratch for you. You can call me all the names you want but rapslife.com has offered me $2500 for this software and I personally don't like being called a scam and a liar. So, I will issue your refund because You have totally just pissed me off. I already showed oyu a 100% debugged mmporg core that you saw, then I send you the link and you fraking flip out. I just had a baby and this is a time for me to be happy, not pissed so I will give you your pocket change and tell you to shove off. Acting like I never sent you these emails shows me that you are either too lazy to check your bulk mail folder or just a jerk.

As per my site's Terms of Service you will be given a 100% refund within 30 days. A scam artist would be ignoring you, not working to solve the problem at hand. Take your money and find someone else to code a php6 friendly mmporg at the price I gave you. Good luck on that. I hate doing business with kids, no more of that.


Hi Jeff, Thank you! Nice to get some resolve here - the $1,000 can be paid back to me at [email protected]

How long will it take for you to give the refund?

I'll ignore the many inaccuracies in your reply, I'm just happy that we can shake hands and agree on a refund.

Thanks, Tristan Perry

Within 30 biz days, usually is nto thjat long but as you know I just moved and am in the midle of changing banks and s**t...which is a rather annoying. There is not a Navy Federal within like 500 miles

So 10th October at the latest? Fair enough - I'll e-mail/PM every so often just to check on its progress etc.

Good luck with changing backs et al, Tristan

No need, it will be on time.

Hello, Okay sure, no problem.

Can I just verify that 10th October will be the latest date for the refund?

Thanks, Tristan Perry


[Since then, I didn't see Jeff Paris online at all since 24th September. At the time of writing this sentence, it's now the 6th October - hence I sent an invoice to "[email protected]" (Jeff's PayPal "address) for $1,000 - if he's a genuine person, he'll pay. As he said, this is "pocket change"]

Via PayPal To: Innovative Technologies ([email protected]) Subject: PayPal money request from Tristan Perry Message: For the refund you agreed to give me (for the MMORPG coding project) - thought it'd be easier to send you an invoice :-)

Tristan, don't be a weenie. You refund is coming by the 10th as stated a hundred times. I have the finds in transit from my NFCU to my locl bank right now then it just transfers to paypal after that.

The invoice can be paid whenever (an invoice today doesn't have to be paid within x hours, at least not via PayPal)

And you said "within 30 days" (and then "within 30 business days") - and not specifically on the 10th? :-)

Thanks, Tristan

As soon as it clear, you will have it. about the tenth is right, if it a is a day or two after, then my appologies.

Okay, thanks a lot.

I'll expect payment on the tenth - if it is later, please let me know as I'll be setting up a DD mandate then.

Thanks, Tristan Perry

Innovative Technologies ([email protected]) cancelled the following Money Request

On the 11th October, evening, I sent:

Hey Jeff, Any update on the payment due yesterday?

Thanks, Tristan

After being ignored, on the 12th October, night, I sent:

Hey Jeff, Any update on the payment?


Still no reply - 13th October, evening, I sent:

Hi, Any update on the payment?

It's now 3 days overdue, and you've ignored my previous 3 e-mails.

Is it safe to say that you simply aren't paying/were lying all along?


[Bet you anything, if a reply is received it'll be along the lines of "Jesus, calm down. I said the payment would be sent as soon as it clears. It still hasn't cleared.". Mark my words.]

Seen him online today, but yet no reply received. Sent the following via PM at DP, via e-mail and via his website's contact us form:

Hi, Any update? The payment is now 4 days overdue and you've ignored my previous 4 e-mails. You were online today.

Shall I take it your a scammer and so take the relevant action?


1. I have not ignored anything and if I did get emails and either not read them or not reply, that does not make me a scammer, it means I am tired of you asking the same question 5 times a day. It is an adult thing, we ahte when kids ask questions over and over and over after we had already given the answer.

2. I am waiting on the last transfer.

My reply:

1) You've ignored numerous e-mails. And can you blame me for asking the same question? You originally told me the refund would be given "in 30 days". This then changed to "30 biz days". This then changed to "10th October, maybe a few days later". It's now 4 days later and you are still lying.

Can you blame me? All you've done is lie and lie, and I've shown this numerous times.

2) Surely a professional business person would be able to time things so that money transfers are completed on time (i.e. not 5+ days late)?

Verified, you aint sent me s**t since the last time I replied to you. I dont delete emails.

My reply:

More lies. So you didn't get any of the 4 e-mails, nor the 2 today? Including the one I sent via the contact form on your "business" website? Maybe you should check your e-mail account because this sort of error could lose you lots of "business"?

Please reply.. via this PM because apparently your e-mail address has some error.

YOu are really starting to piss me off you little pun, go tell people what you want and feel like s**t when your money arrives you little f***ing 12 year old f*** you.

I aint f***ing lying, I aint had s**t from you since the last little sissy boy email you sent me you f***ing accusatory b***h. Do not contact me again, you will have your f***ing money when my second god d**n bank transfer is done, us adults have more than one f***ing account.

READ MY F***ING TERMS OF SERVICE MORON, IT SAYS and ALWAYS SAID 30 BUSINESS DAYS. It have never changes, check there way back machine, I am sure my site is archived there! THis is a business, businesses ALWAYS go by businss days becaus ehte f***ing banks are closed on weekends and holidays you little jerk.

PS: again, not answering emails, though this DID NOT happen, does not make me a scammer, it makes me not like you.

You speak to me with that 'eloquence', and then accuse me of being a child?

You are acting like a child, and certainly not a professional business man. All you've done is lie, and you know it. I've proven it. In this first long PM I sent to you, I highlighted many times when you lied (the main one maybe being when you went from saying that the game was "almost complete" in May to "nearing beta stages" 3 months later)

Stop acting immaturely. You are meant to be an adult.

You're the one breaking your own ToS (the payment is late, including business days). You're the one breaking promises. You're the one who didn't deliver on the coding project. You're the one who's now threatening me. You're the one acting like a 12 year old. I'm the one who's acted maturely here.

I hadn't even gone public with this - in the hope that you will actually pull through on this promise to refund me my "pocket change" (your own words)

So wise up, and stop acting like a baby. You are meant to be a professional adult.

Please reply once you've calmed down.

Tristan Perry

Yeah cause I am ignoring you now after you call mea liar and a scammer, so f*** off or I will send you the software and stop the payment. I was not lying, I finished the software and did not sell to you cause you are a spoiled little jerk. When you get your money you will get it. Insulting me will not speed up my banks.

You just told me to go public. You also said you'd pay me even if I did go public.

Tristan xxxxx Swansea
United Kingdom

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


A few years on....

#2Author of original report

Sun, December 01, 2013

Just to confirm that a few years on and everything is still resolved.

The provided software works as expected and I've cordially spoken to Jeff a few times since 2008-2009.


Tristan perry

United Kingdom
All solved

#3Author of original report

Fri, April 03, 2009

Recently got in contact with Jeff again and he's provided the full software and is even installing it and customising/templating free of charge (over and above what was initially paid for). Thanks Jeff!

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