  • Report:  #574365

Complaint Review: Joe Vitale Miracles Coaching Program - Internet

Reported By:
Mary - UK, , United Kingdom

Joe Vitale Miracles Coaching Program
Internet, United States of America
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This is a summary regarding the Miracles Coaching Program by Joe Vitale and Northstar Ventures also known as Northstar Thinktank and Action Institute.

Further information will be made availble by fellow members of our community over a prolonged period of time as they have the IT expertise.  We will not be making any of the course content available, just the communication around it i.e. the misleading, contradictory and revelatory information.  Our intention is to help other unsuspectiong members of the public make a more informed choice.  The further information to be made available will be in both written and audio format, as it was received.

I have thought long and hard before taking this action however, with the continuing prevarication from the Joe Vitale Miracles Coaching Program/Northstar Ventures combo and the support of my many like minded friends of the international spiritual and personal development community that I belong to, we have concluded that, as members of the public, we would want to be made aware of this.

In the tweny plus years I have been on this path I have become friends with many like minded people from all over the world. We keep each other updated of our progress and give validated testimonials of the programs we would recommend. I was the first to sign up to the Joe Vitale Miracles Coaching Program and as it now stands will be the last.

As a result of this, our community who has up until now spent substantial amounts of money every year on programs and courses has decided that because of the ongoing saga with Joe Vitale/Northstar Ventures and their continuing prevarication, we have put our spending on hold - indefinateley.

How it Began-I received many promotional emails from Joe Vitale at a time when I was researching various one to one programs. After filling out an online questionnaire I was "selected" as being suitable for the program and was contacted by two different sales people.  I made it very clear to both of them I wanted an individually tailored program specific to my needs and among a lot of their other misleading assurances they assured me this program would provide what I wanted .

Not so, during the program I was mistakenly emailed the work of other participants, their course material and the coaches communication was exactly the same as the material I was receiving and yet ther issues were different. The coach told me at the beginning that I could expect miracles to happen during the program, from about halfway through I made him aware nothing was happening, he then told me it would happen after the program was completed-this has also proved not to be true. 

This is not a $20 book or a $1,000 home study course, the Joe Vitale Miracles Coaching Program cost me $5,500 plus bank charges.  I also invested a huge amount of my valuable time that I can never, ever get back. I really committed to this program and at the time I thought being repeatedly made aware of my shortcomings was part of the process and would in the long term give the results (the miracles) I was told would happen.

The end result for me has been a considerable knock to my belief system.  I have actually regressed after more than twenty years of moving forward, as anyone who knows me will confirm.  These people clearly see participants as suckers and have no regard for leaders in this field or the industry as a whole.  Both myself and the community I belong to have certainly been put off making any further investments - with anyone.

The Onging Saga-When I first made my complaint in February 2009 I was contacted by a female manager, during our 30 minute conversation where she oscillated between being over friendly to heavy handed she made some quite remarkable revelations. She agreed there had been a problem that needed a positive resolution. Emails followed where she offered a small part refund, stating "barring no further action from me" i.e. you'll get some money back if you keep your mouth shut (exerts to be made available in the near future).  I decided not to collude.

Beginning October 2009 I had an email response from Joe Vitale's email address suggesting Northstar's CEO was dealing with it also suggesting positive mental atitude.  So I persevered and allowed myself to be exposed to a further 5 months of prevarication this time from the CEO. Where a vague offer of a small part refund was suggested, not really a possibility as they are having serious financial problems, and not in a position to pay anything but aren't they wonderful to even make the suggestion even though it probably won't amount to anything etc, etc, etc.  Who knows what the truth is from these people. What I do know is in the 20 plus years I have been on this path I have never previously had cause to complain of any of the many programs and courses I have undertaken.

Again, may I reiterate, we have proof to back up everything that is being written here and also of the future information that will be made available. 

We still want to believe that there are still some stand up people delivering effective products and services in this industry but for now all are tainted by association.  I guess as with any industry there will always be those who take advantage of the great work of others.  However, if this continues, the short term financial gain for the Joe Vitale/Northstar Ventures combo will over time prove be a considerable loss to the industry as a whole.

My take home suggestion:

Be careful of what you step in to as it can leave you with a hell of a mess to clear up.

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