  • Report:  #393362

Complaint Review: Judge Boyd - Judge Winkler - Chicago Illinois

Reported By:
- Chicago, Illinois,

Judge Boyd - Judge Winkler
Cook County Divorce Court Chicago, 60601 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I believe that these two Judges and maybe all judges that are taking cases that started in Judge boyd's courtroom are told how to rule on the final result of the case before the cases are ever heard. Judge Boyd told my lawyer in chambers in November of 2003. I think Robert should get $ 750,000.00 out of the $ 4,000,000. 3 years later Judge Winkler, who was asigned the case by Judge Boyd after hearing 7 days of testimony makes a ruling on the distribution of marital assets. $ 750,000 to Robert and $ 3,000,000 to Anne E. Borkowski

Now I can only assume that there has to be financial gain for a public official to act in this dispicable format.

The marital estate was generating $ 100,000 a month. Judge Oriole cookie gave me $ 4,000.00 and let anne spend $ 32,000 per month. In the end Judge winkler went a step further into the cauldron of evil. This slimeball does not deserve to sit on the stand and excercise his will. Judge Boyd along with Judge Winkler is a danger to everyone who is assigned their divorce and should be disbarred. These 2 deviant asholes should be run out of town on display and are both posterboys for all that is corrupt in our court system.

The straw that broke the camel's back. At the very end of all of this deception Judge Winkler ordered Robert to pay back taxeds on the $ 4,000.00 he got over 3 years during the divorce. To this day Robert has not seen one dime of his $ 750,000 while the legal expences are climbing over $ 700,000.00

Slimeball Judges are rampant in our court system. My lawyer, Enrico Mirabelli said" I have never see such Judicial Misconduct in my entire life. But Robert there is not a thing I can do to help you. You got royally F***ed by the system. What happened to you is a crime.

Now I ask you, the public, How else has been railroaded by Judges Boyd and Winkler? Write back and expose these deviants.


Chicago, Illinois


9 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Enrico Mirabelli, Shaun Bersson, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski Federal Judge Enters Subpoena to FBI Investigation into Conspiracy

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 15, 2019

The True Story detailing how my own lawyer, intentionally directed my legal representation ending in Financial and

Social Ruin

No one should have to die to have this conspiracy unraveled and the Judges and Lawyers involved, disbarred, and sent to prison. Ethics! Accountability!

Jury Tampering?

These lawyers actually prospered financially from their own client’s demise.

• Theft by deception.

• Conspiracy by definition:

A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Synonym Discussion of CONSPIRACY

PLOT, INTRIGUE, MACHINATION, CONSPIRACY, CABAL mean a plan secretly devised to accomplish an evil or treacherous end. PLOT implies careful foresight in planning a complex scheme INTRIGUE suggests secret underhanded maneuvering in an atmosphere of duplicity . MACHINATION implies a contriving of annoyances, injuries, or evils by indirect means .

CONSPIRACY implies a secret agreement among several people usually involving treason or great treachery . CABAL typically applies to political intrigue involving persons of some eminence: an agreement between two or more people to commit an act prohibited by law or to commit a lawful act by means prohibited by law; also: the crime or tort of participating in a conspiracy — compare

SUBSTANTIVE CRIME Editor's note: Some states require an overt act in addition to the agreement to constitute conspiracy.

My objective in writing this book is to paint a clear and unbiased storyline of just what happened to me when I went through my divorce. I hired the Law Firm of Nadler, Pritiken and Mirabelli. I was represented by the founding partner Enrico Mirabelli and his associate lawyer Shaun Bersson.

Here I was, in my early 40s’ married to a young attractive successful Reproductive Endocrinologist, pulling in over a million and a half dollars a year working 4-days a week. We were in the final stages of adopting 3-children from Europe and building a $ 1,700,000 home in The Glenn subdivision in Glenview, IL.

This true story is my mind-bending account of the diabolically corrupt Chicago legal system, deceit at the hands of my sociopath wife, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski and a team of corrupt lawyers lead by Enrico Mirabelli the founding partner of Nadler, Pritiken & Mirabelli.

So unethical and conniving, you draw your own conclusions as to motive.

I set up a website, years later with the intent to give everyone who wishes a platform to post their vews and hopefully, some first hand accounts from other clients of these crooked lawyers who might be bold enough to share their own stories. We are all, Creatures of Habit, so I can only assume there are other victims with very similar stories who are just sitting home with no previous platform to go to in any effort to seek justice from this completely broken legal system.

In the process my legal team, compromising Enrico Mirabelli the founding partner from Nadler, Pritikin and Mirabelli, Shaun Bersson his assistant lawyer, his staff headed by Martha Steele and 3-separate judges. I ended up without one dime and over $ 1,700,000 in debt. My ex-wife Dr. Anne E. Borkowski will walk away with the $ 1,700,000 home, every dime in every asset totaling over $ 8,000,000.00 and a judgment against me, her husband for Battery, some $ 986,000.00 plus interest. I was not allowed to touch marital assets even to pay to prepare my business and personal tax returns. None of my debts incurred during our 8-year marriage were paid.

The day the last judge ruled I was left without one dime, bad credit and a judgment against me for over $ 986,000, which will collect interest and cannot be removed through bankruptcy.

During this ordeal I moved to San Francisco, Ca. 1 block East of the San Francisco Giants ballpark, to escape threats on my life by Chicago Police, the Italian Mob in an effort to create some distance and have some sense of my personal and emotional security. Within 9-months I’m scuba diving in Thailand. In an act of spontaneity, I’ll travel to the other side of the earth, landing on Patong beach on the Island of Phuket. Within 14-hours on 12-26-2004 the Tsunami will come ashore right in my path and kill over 240,000 people. I meet Wom Pen and her 3-children there.

In an act of compassion and kindness, I offer to fly Wom Pen her 3-children to safety on the Island of Koh Samui. Pen is the mother of twin 6-year old boys, an 8-year old daughter. I’m thinking, these kids need to be in school. I stop by the old school on the island and ask a woman standing outside the wreckage. Where is there a Catholic School? “ There’s a Catholic School on the island of Koh Samui. Feeling compelled to help these cute little kids and their mother I offer to take them to the airport and pay for their flight to this unknown Island. Within a day I enrolled her 3-children in St Joseph’s Catholic school. The school is right out of a Mary Poppins movie. Big white fence surrounding the entire complex with the nuns in hats looking like the flying nun.

My life would be forever transformed for the better. I’m blessed with true love and the opportunity to be a father.

I hope that everyone who ever dreams of getting married, is married or ever goes through a divorce reads my story. It’s the true story of the devastatingly corrupt legal system in Chicago and the horrific consequences of the maniacal Chicago judicial system we live in and support.

The lessons I learned will undoubtedly help everyone in relationships navigate and make safer - and - better -- decisions. My story is filled with information on what questions to ask and just what can happen to you when you are Married to a Sociopath.


One in 24 people is a sociopath. 1 in 24 people in society is a true sociopath. How scary is this? Your at a party or a wedding or at work. 1 in 24 people you are with is a Sociopath. This is a clinical statistic.

Sociopath Behaviors.

1. Feeling a grandiose sense of self-important. The narcissist will exaggerate any small achievement, lie or deceive to make themselves look like they are superior beings.

2. Has fantasies where they are famous. Overriding everything in a narcissist’s world will be their fantasies of success, power or fame, whether this be due to their minds or bodies.

3. Convinced they are unique and special. Only other people of equal standing to the narcissist can ever understand them thanks to their high status in life.

4. Require absolute devotion and admiration. Narcissists need a constant supply of compliments, adulation and attention otherwise they will soon become bored with you and discard you.

5. A sense of entitlement. A narcissist doesn’t have to do anything to feel that they are entitled to have it. They demand special treatment simply because of who they are.

6. Cannot show empathy. Is completely unable to understand the feelings of others.

How can you identify a narcissistic sociopath?

A narcissistic sociopath will have a combination of a narcissistic personality and sociopathic behavioral traits.

Typically, a narcissistic sociopath will have a highly grandiose opinion of themselves and think that they are above any of society’s rules. They are not bound by normal regulations that apply to the rest of us, as they are superior beings.

The narcissist in the sociopath will believe that they are better than everyone else. The sociopath in the narcissist, in turn, will have a total lack of regard for others and will tend to violate these rights with no compassion for their victims.

One worrying consequence of a sociopath that has narcissist tendencies is that generally, sociopaths do not care if they are criticized by others, as they are not interested in the opinions of other people.

The narcissistic sociopath, however, will react aggressively to negative criticism as the narcissist cannot tolerate any judgment on their behavior.

This, coupled with the callousness and lack of remorse from a sociopath, makes this combination particularly worrying.

Here are ten other traits of a narcissistic sociopath to watch out for:

• They move your relationship on really quickly.

• They compliment you over and over again.

• They flatter you by putting down others.

• Your sex life is out of this world.

• They have a lot of broken relationships behind them.

• The conversation is always about them.

• They use impressive words that don’t make sense.

• They are charitable if it favors them.

• They will sulk for days and weeks.

• They will often mimic your behavior in order to get close to you.

If you recognize any of the above traits and think that you might be involved in a narcissist sociopath, there are ways to free yourself from their influences:

• You have a choice whether to stay or leave

• Being fooled was not your fault, they have done it before and will do it again

• You have a future, which can be filled with love and happiness, they do not.

Dr. Anne E. Borkowski’s Medical Practice Business Partner

Reproduction Endocrinologist, Susan Davies was my wife Anne’s friend in med school and eventually went into the fertility business with Anne. I’ve always viewed Susan and outgoing and well-balanced woman. She is married with children and will eventually cut all ties with her partner Anne and go off and start her own Fertility practice. I wonder why?

Best Friend!

Who ever came up with this title? It’s not funny and sometimes devastating, when the reality hits you directly in the heart, periodically in your life that the name of this enigma changes. The titleholder gets erased and you’re disappointed and more importantly, heartbroken.

Man, I thought we were friends! What happened? The truth is that, if we are lucky enough, we have a rock-solid family as a foundation. This is where the title, “Best friend” gets stamped. My immediate family is one of the few places, if any that these rare qualities truly exist. The true reality of this title, “Best Friend". It's not the friends you run around and have all the crazy fun with and sometimes not your spouse either. It’s someone that is always accountable for you. Your parents or brother or sister or someone or everyone in the family.

My best friend's name has changes a few times and yes, in reality it always rolls back to my family. I've anointed that title to a few in my life. John, Danny, Tim, Mike, Maytag, Ken, Dowd, Dad, Nicky, and in so many ways they are all in some special way, the bearers of this title.

I would enjoy sharing with you a little humor and a few compelling stories of my life’s’ journey. The story begins in the DuPage courtroom of Judge Mehling in 1984 as I am wrongfully being convicted of “Theft by Deception.” It’s literally an installment bill I have a balance on and so I go into court and ask for a public defender. I own a home and cars and I’m thinking. Why should I have to hire a lawyer and so I finagle a Public Defender.

Judge Mehling is involved in a conspiracy to intentionally hear my case and convict me because he knows the accusers personally. There’s this six foot three, older man in his sixties holding a Leather Stetson and an old leather satchel in the back of the courtroom. As I’m being found guilty he walks up and hand me his card. Another crooked lawyer right? He’s smiling and shaking his head and the first thing out of his mouth is, " You just got convicted by the last Judge in the world who would throw anyone in jail. Why would you go in front of a judge being accused of a crime, without a lawyer? “Because I'm Innocent! That's why.”

Call me when you have some time and maybe I can help you.

Jack Waghorn is a lawyer who practices most of his cases out of this DuPage courthouse. Over the next 20-plus-years Jack and I become best friends. A title he will take to his grave. Over the course of about 20-years Jack handles several small claims cases and legal matters for me and my construction company. We would regularly get together for dinner; watch lots of sporting events and thoroughly enjoy each other’s company. I’d stay over Jacks home regularly. His wife Betty would cook delicious dinners at their home on the golf course in Medina, IL. We would stay up late nights talking and just enjoying each other’s crazy company. I’d stay over at their home in Medina on the weekends and get up in the morning where the heated discussions would ensue over long-rounds of bad-golf.

One day while at Jack’s office on County Farm Rd. I was asking him why he could not find a particular file of mine in his office. “ See those stacks of papers! They’re in there somewhere. I need time to look.” Along the side of his desk were two, 3-feet high stacks of papers. “See that! That’s all you!”

Jack was loved by everyone, colleagues and friends for his never-ending storytelling and ability to captivate people with his charm and good nature. I get choked up just thinking of Jack and what an amazing and special friend he truly was. He watched out for me every second of his life like he was my father. I’d call him at 3 in the morning with a disaster on my hands and Betty would just say’ “It’s Bob”, and hand Jack the phone. He was never, not there for me ever. So many good times together. Countless nights out downtown dining and celebrating. I remember one night going out to Keefers' Restaurant. Peppercorn fillets, fine wine, cobbler apple pie and an Ashton VSG Cigar to finish off dissert, while walking to out next rendezvous. We’d walk the 8 to10 blocks to the Viagra Triangle where the real drinking and carousing would continue.

Nightlife downtown was always like a narcotic I never get enough of. It’s the ADD ADHD in me. The never-ending crazy fun, story-telling and one-ups-man-ship that most men thrive on.

We’d left dinner, followed by so much drinking that I lost Jack and our friends. About 1am. I stumble into Jilly’s Piano Bar’ and there’s Jack by the piano singing a song with a drink in his hand, a big smile on his face and standing room only circled around him. We’d both continue the party singing in the bar till they closed the joint at 4am, then off to someone’s home for more libations.

I was driving home to my house in Wheaton one Friday night at about 10.30pm. The streetlights on Main Street just South of Geneva Road were blinking and tumbleweed rolled across the path of my car. “Man do I need to get the f*ck out of Dodge”.

I had a really nice, lofted 3-berdoom townhome on a culled-sac in back of the Handy Andy home center just East of Main Street and South of Geneva Rd. A few months later I sold my home and moved downtown with Mike Schoch and Mark Betcher, two friends who I had been hanging around with for about 10-years now. Mike and I rented apartments and Mark bought a condo on the NE corner of Huron and Clark. We went out partying and skirt chasing a lot to the nicest and trendiest clubs in the City. Champagne Bars, Black Tie events, the Green Tie Ball, the Museum of Contemporary Arts on first Fridays and utilizing the Chicago social scene to meet women. The 3 of us had a lot of fun and were our 3 to 4 nights a week blowing through most of money we made in the process. I eventually bought a condo at 1212 N. LaSalle on the 23rd. floor with the financial assistance of my brother Nick and life was great.

In the process I got to be friends with Gina Guthrie and her group. Gina worked for Sorono, a company based in Madrid Spain. Sorono is one of only 2 fertility companies in the world that makes an infertility drug that is on the worlds market. The drug is made by collecting the urine from menopausal Nuns in Spain at night. The urine is collected at night and transported to Sorono’s medical lab each morning and spun down in a centrifuge. The process spins down enzymes, which are then used to make their infertility medication.

This small, monopoly driven market creates a world-wide marketing war centered around the fertility doctors and their clinics.

Gina is a lot of fun and so our group of friends gets together regularly. The sexiest and wildest women are also the educated ones. They’re at all the black tie events and the top clubs looking for the same thing Mike and I are.

Sex, never-ending fun and the accoutrements of the intoxicating nightlife.

I have always wanted to settle down and have a family. My parents and friends from childhood have all been raised in tight knit families with role model parents. Gina must see me as a good guy and so one night she introduces me to her friend Anne.

One of the really cool nightspots we frequent is Narcissi. Narcissi is a high-end champagne bar / nightclub right around the corner from Maytag’s condo. Gina knows we are going there this Thursday around 10pm and so she brings her friend Anne with. Anne is a very attractive woman. 5’8” slender, long beautiful hands, well educated and kind of insecure. She tells me she really didn’t have a lot of friends growing up and had to work at Grandma Sally’s restaurant throughout college and med school to pay for her college education. She tells me she was dating a lawyer by the name of Mark before she met me and that he was very abusive. Mark owned a strip club on the side and she said the relationship ended badly. Mark terrorized her and broke all of their furniture in the apartment they shared. She seemed sad and scared when she told me that Mark broke every piece of furniture in their apartment and all of her belongings. Anne said she had to leave their shared apartment in a hurry. In her detailed description of her experience I got so riled up I wanted to look up this creep and have a few words with him.

How could any man be so abusive to such a sweet and innocent woman?

Anne had some really nice friends, Barb Dakos and Katie and Dave who was married were all Gynecologists and went through residency together with Anne. Barb came in with Gina and Anne the night we met.

I thought Barb was really sexy and more my type. She loved to go out and have fun, smoke a little weed and said she regularly went skiing all over the country almost every weekend in the winter and had a lot of outside interests. She was petite and really outgoing but I was set up by Gina to meet Anne and we hit it off from the get-go.

Her I am with this really sweet new woman in my life and we’re spending every moment outside work together. I’m curious. Why am I so lucky? Why is such a sweet, successful woman not having lots of other men chasing her?

We’re sitting in my apartment on Saturday night and were talking about past relationships. Anne tells me she dated a man who is doing life in prison for murder. She tells me she went to see him 4 or 5 time a year and that he got framed and was innocent. He’s much older than me but he was the only other man I really connected with. We wrote to each other regularly and talked on the phone quite often.

Call it love at first sight of a high energy, fun loving guy meets highly educated severely insecure woman but we are inseparable from that day forward. We were literally, together every day forward and living together shortly into our courtship. Anne and I dated for about 9-months and were talking about getting married within 6-months.

I bought Anne a custom-made platinum banded 1.8-carat diamond ring from Paymon and Nari, two brothers who owned the jewelry store on the first floor of her apartment building on Delaware just East of State Street. The doorman who worked at Anne’s building on Delaware for years was ironically the brother of the doorman at my building at 1212 N. LaSalle. Both men were equally engaging and very pleasant to see. Someone you look forward to seeing when you come home from a long day at work.

Anne knew I was buying the engagement ring but did not know when I had planned to give it to her. I got front row tickets from Jimmy Gierczyk to the Eric Clapton concert at the United Center in Chicago. Jimmy and I have been friends for over 20-years. He built and owned the World Music Theatre in Tinley Part, IL. and is involved in Jam Productions. Jimmy is one of the most charismatic, driven and connected businessmen in the music industry and the guy in our group who had tremendous success with everything he put his heart into. When we met he owned the trendy- hip night club, Nimbus in Harvey we all hung out at. I was at his club with Fussy and Joe and Mark Doran, Jimmy Boudreau and our group almost every weekend.

I was planning proposing to Anne at the Eric Clapton concert.

I picked Anne up for dinner at around 5:30pm. I made reservations at a romantic nightspot on Huron just East of our new townhome and booked a secluded corner table. She had a sexy black short-cut leather skirt on and everything seemed perfect. We were in love and seemed that everything in life was going great. We ordered wine and champagne and were just into dinner when Anne got an emergency call on her cell phone. She had to leave immediately for the hospital all the way in Barrington over an hour away. A patient was hemorrhaging and it was serious. I would have to say that this was the worst timing to my engagement plans and also an event I didn’t want her to miss. In our entire time together she had never had a medical emergency at night, and now all the way in Barrington, some 50-minutes away, but here we are.

My first thought was; I’ll order a limousine to come and take you to Barrington, pay the limousine company to have the driver wait for you and bring you back. This would give us a few minutes together at the restaurant and Anne could get to the hospital in Barrington a solid hour each way with as little drama and danger as possible. In a few minutes a limo was in front of the restaurant and off she went.

Dilemma? Front row tickets to see Eric Clapton at the Stadium right down the street and no date? Maytag? I called this buddy of mine Mark ( Maytag ) Becher who lived 2 blocks straight East down the street on Huron. Ha, you got any weed? You got weed and I got 2 front row tickets to the Eric Clapton concert at the Stadium! Whala! In a few minutes Maytag and I are off to watch Eric Clapton 1st row.

About 10:20p.m. Anne is escorted to our seats and Maytag spontaneously disappears off into the crowd.

I don’t want to sound scripted but Eric Clapton comes to the edge of the stage and sings Anne’s favorite song. We’re both singing and in love and I pull out the bling. Well, a perfect ending to the night.

04-10-1997 My Birthday.

The next day, Saturday 04-10 we are at my friend Dan Messick’s wedding in Lisle, Daniel is getting married for the second time. The wedding is at the Lisle, IL. train station, which has been restored and is now the Lisle Historic Society. Dan and Beverly invite just a hand-full of people and ironically, it’s my birthday April 10th. Anne is so insecure that she is telling me she fears waiting to get married, that I might change my mind and or something might happen. Let’s just get on a plane and go to Las Vegas right now. I’m impulsive but this sounds a little crazy to me so I go over and tell my friend Dan who just got married what we are contemplating. Here is Dan’s response!

“Anne, Bob and I have been friend for a long-time now but I do not think it is a good idea to jump into marriage. Enjoy being engaged. Take time to get to know each other. Discuss your long-term goals and ideals. Children. Money. Sex. Take some time, especially with Bob here. He’s a hand full!” Laughing.” Now realize, this is my friend who knows me all-to-well, telling my fiancé to “Wait”.

“No, No, I want to go right now!” I mean, Anne gets on the phone with my mother and within an hour, between Anne and my mom talking back and forth, while still at Dan’s wedding, right on the spot, Anne buys 2 tickets to Las Vegas. We take a limo to O’Hare airport and fly to Las Vegas. Land about 11pm. Get in a limo at the airport, drive down the strip and stop at one of the first Chapels we see.

The chapel has several wedding packages from $ 199.99 to $ 1,999.99 We get married for around $ 350.00, take the marriage certificate to city hall to register it and go directly back to the airport. It’s now around 3am and there are no flights back to Chicago until about 6am. I want to go to a show but Anne says no. I’m at the airport and want to just do a little gambling at the slot machines in the airport while we are waiting for our flight but she sais no.

6:30am We land at O’Hare airport just before 8am and drive straight to breakfast with her dysfunctional family. Anorexic sister Tina, crazy and delusional mother and heroine addicted brother Charlie at Grandma Sally’s the restaurant across the street from her mom’s house.

A few months later I sell my condo and get a little over $ 27,000 profit from the sale. My construction business is doing really well. That along with the many jobs I have and Anne and I put down about $ 60,000 on a 3-story 3,000 s.f. new model townhome at 363B W. Superior in Chicago

Our new Tuxedo-Park 3-story townhome was the furnished model including paintings on the walls, furnished rooms with custom designer sheets and comforters on the beds. I remember moving all our furniture and personal stuff in. We rented a moving truck and at the last minute Anne decides that we should get rid of everything. Wow. I want to hang my painting on the wall and have some of the nick-knacks I like in the house but we end up getting rid of everything. I look back and realize how odd this was years later. The last day I see the inside of the house we shared for some 6-years there is not a single possession that we have any emotional tie to. The paintings on the wall are the ones that came with the property. The rough-iron glass topped dining room table was never used one time during our 6-years together in the house.

We’re together for about 4-years now and our sex life is almost non-existent. I’m frustrated and suggesting we go to counseling but Anne doesn’t think it’s necessary. “Bob, were both busy building our businesses. Give it a little time. We’re just in a lull going through the same thing everyone who is married goes through. When you’re married these things happen. Sex is not really that important. You’re over reacting.”

After a while I see this inability to address nor talk about these intimacy issues as really frustrating. I can’t leave the house without Anne worrying and her insecurities are getting bazaar.

One Thursday evening, around 6:40pm a good friend of mine from my fraternity at Eastern Illinois University, Jay Klarchek called and asked if I wanted to go out for a few drinks at a new place he heard of on the SW corner of Halsted and Grand Ave. Jay and I have been friends since college. We met in 1980 when I first got to Eastern Illinois University. We pledged the TKE fraternity and were in the same pledge class. Jays’ a really interesting man. I remember going to his house the first summer in college in1980. His home was an estate property like you imagined in the movies. The Pillsbury mansion in Lake Forest, IL. Driving up to the 10’ iron gate, the property is surrounded by a sandstone wall encompassing a property the size of a city block. They property contained a 23-car garage with servant’s quarters above. Jay’s father started with nothing and built a real-estate empire to become one of the largest owners of mobile home parks in the US. Along with Gibson’s Restaurant chain he started from scratch.

Jay and I are at the restaurant having a glass of wine and my phone rings. It’s Anne. She’s hysterical asking where I am. I’m at ________. I give her the approximate location and as were talking she tells me she is outside in her car. She’s crying and I’m startled a little embarrassed and caught off-guard. When I go outside Anne is sitting in her Red Porsche Boxter convertible, mascara running down her face, sitting in the front seat at 8pm in her pajamas. “Anne, I’m having a glass of wine with Jay. You’re over-reacting.” Why? Why are you so insecure? I’ll go inside and tell Jay I have to leave and come right home.” I come out a few minutes later and there she is, still sitting in the car crying and shaking. Wow. This is really bazaar!

This type of insecurity bubbles up regularly and along with the lack of intimacy I’m getting really puzzled. I’ll get up in the morning and regularly just sit in the bathroom and watch Anne put her makeup on and get ready for work marveling at how beautiful she is. I’m constantly telling her how God has blessed her with so many gifts but she just doesn’t see it.

Here I am, my friends regularly interjecting their countless stories of the routine unusual and bazaar things they view in me. The singular gift God blessed me with most was my confidence and positive view of myself.

You could ask anyone who has ever known me to a friend from childhood to adult business associates and every one of them would have a multitude of really entertaining, one-of-a-kind stories about me. I’m no stranger to telling a hum-dinger myself. You know the stories, the ones that you just don’t know if they’re really true or maybe not telling, the whole story. The great stories that bend on the side of Folklore. That’s what I’ve always thought made my life unique and compelling. I’ll regularly tell the stories with no shame what-so-ever, where most people would rather go down the road hiding their indiscretions. In the end the best recollections are from my friends. The observers of the true versions of past events. We’ll all laugh at the crazy recollections of my past.

I’m in the bedroom with Anne about 7pm and she’s on the bed lying on her back reading something. I’m sitting at the foot of the bed talking with Anne about the fact that we should get some counseling so that we can work through this lack of intimacy issue.

I’m frustrated and the discussion gets into arguing. What do we go from here? I’m 38 and not getting laid. No sex. We’ve got this beautiful home and your wife never wants to have anyone over. We’ve literally been here for 3-plus years and my friends don’t feel comfortable just stopping over. On the 3rd. floor we have a professionally installed video room with a 110” Videocon screen that comes out of the ceiling to watch movies. Our roof just off the top floor is impeccably landscaped with a refrigerator and a cedar deck and built in seating, but never have anyone over to spend free time together.

Anne and I are arguing and she just suddenly gets up and walks out with this frightened look on her face.

I have no idea where she is going but I find out later she went to Gina Guthrie’s house a few minutes away just a little Northeast from our home in Lincoln Park. Sometime during the night Anne, her sister and Gina go to the police station and file an incident report accusing me of beating her.

This is her police report Anne filed and signed.

This is Anne photo Gina took 1-hour after this alleged incident.

Anne goes to Gina Guthrie home 15-minutes away. She then goes to her sister Tina Dinkel’s house where they take the above photos of her face. There is no physical evidence of the event she files with the police. Anne’s now away from our home for a few days. After about 8- days, the police serve me with divorce papers and bar me from my home. Anne accuses me of assaulting her. I never read the police report until years later.

The Police Report above she files states: My husband Robert, held her down in a fit of rage and repeatedly hit her in the face and body with a closed fist.

Not a mark on Anne’s hands, neck or face from this vicious assault.

I never see nor realize this report exists until later in 2004.

Anne will have non-evasive, elective surgery on her nose. It is described in the medical reports as a non-displaced, non-depressed hairline fracture of the cartilage bone on the front of the nose.

Anne is delusional and has severe insecurity issues. We were separated in December 2001 for approximately 6 weeks. I move into my office across the street. I have a 3-story office building and my office takes up the entire 2nd. Floor so I turn it into a temporary living quarters.

I write Anne Love Letters and try to keep communication open and we are seeing each other outside the home within a few weeks.

Anne called me and said that she finally figured out why I was doing the things that really caused problems between us in our relationship. Anne and I are now talking by phone every day several times and doing a lot of sole searching during our time apart.

I’m actually living in my office across the street from our home downtown in a building that has River North Car Detailing on the first floor, which is owned by Mike Demaio.

Anne tells me, “Bob, I pretty sure you have ADD and more likely ADHD”. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. I’ve read every book I could find on the subject. Over 27-books on ADD/ADHD and I also researched ever periodical I could find on the Internet over the last month we’ve been separated. Bob, with the right treatment and concealing I think you can learn to correct your impulsive behavior.” I immediately felt that Anne really did love me. I’m so impressed that Anne has taken all of this time to find answers to my unusual behavior. I would have to agree that many of the things that I did throughout my entire life were causing problems with my progress, but I had no idea why.

I eagerly agreed to go to counseling anywhere Anne thought was best. Together, Anne and I met with a few counselors. We even went to an ADD ADHD convention, which just happened to be in Chicago. Anne also went to separate counseling to address her own issues and I went to private counseling with me to see doctor Gotleib, who specializes in ADD ADHD. Dr. Gotleib and I got along well. I felt that he was the best doctor to help me with going through my life history and then regulate my medications until we could arrive at a positive medication and level.

We agreed to pay for the additional costs of this private counseling while the majority of all of the counseling got paid through our medical insurance. Dr. Gotleib’s visits were $ 175.00 We met for about 45-minute each session.

Our session covered everything beginning with my childhood experiences, work history and relationships throughout my adult life. We are now getting together on once a week for over a year now.

Dr. Gotleib is prescribing a few different medications over this time frame as each medication takes some time to reach its optimum effect and dosage level. Lots of time to evaluate, so the process takes over a year to get onto the right medication and the right dosage for me to find level ground.

From my insight, I’m not the objective one. It is impossible to tell what works. The only person who can professionally evaluate the effects of the medications is someone who is not emotionally involved. What I mean by that is, when Anne and the doctor ask me how I fell and or what I think of a particular medication, my response is. How do I know what everyone else is seeing in me? I only see my view. This, I think is the problem everyone who has problems in life has. You only see your view and cannot see what everyone else sees. It’s the downfall of most life issues.

I go through my daily routine and everything seems normal most of the time. What everyone experiences that comes into contact with me see is the true reality. I realize that my life is filled with drama and do not see why, but when I ask my friends who have been around me my entire life, what they see and have experienced, it’s a lot of funny and not so funny stories.

We go to counseling and never once does Anne mention the fighting. The violent attack she purported to the police that got me removed from our home, or the sexual issues she has.

She asks me to not mention our issues with her sexual insecurity to the marriage counselor or my ADD doctors. I’m thinking, why are we going to counseling?

Anne usually gets up about 40 minutes before me. She makes a protein shake and then goes to the room on the second floor next to the bedroom, our office and turns on the Internet. I always suggest that we pay for DSL but she thinks the cost is not worth the added convenience. Anne will sit there for approx. 30 minutes and then get ready for work. Maybe take a shower and then go over to the far granite counter next to the window and start to put her make-up on. I like to watch. I find myself amazed at how beautiful she looks. Her hair is long and silky, shining and gleaming in the translucent light pouring through the South window. Her skin is flawless. Almost white. Long eyelashes and brown eye's like sapphires. She has this great smile that lights up the room. I always tell Anne she could win the Mrs. American contest. I've never met someone so talented in so many areas. She has a disposition that is admired by everyone in her profession. She sets goals and accomplishes all of them. Anne can look back and know that her educational road was tough. She worked at Grandma Sallies every night and weekend all the way through High school, College, 4 years of Medical school and 4-years of residency in Reproductive Endocrinology to pay for her entire education. Her father worked at Motorola and her parents didn't have any extra money to help her with her education.

I wrote to Oprah about Anne. A friend of mine, he was one of Oprah’s first employee, her film editor. After a month of soul searching Anne and I are back seeing each other and intimate again. Within 8-weeks I’m back in the house and these crazy charges are dropped.

She’s had some surgery on her nose in the interim but she refuses to talk about it. I’m upset thinking she accused me of doing anything to her let alone the violent episode she reported to the police. I’m at a loss for answers but the issue disappears into the past and we seem to be happy and going in the right direction.

A few months later we stop by to see Anne’s friend Amy’s new loft on Kingsbury and Grand, just North of East Bank Club. It’s a 6-block walk from our townhome just West, down the street. Amy’s married to Neil Kane, a successful Internet / technology guru who treats Amy really well. I’m in their home for just a few minutes and Anne and Amy are upstairs when Neil comes over to me somewhat nervous but politely as he can and tells me, “Bob, you know, I’m having a really hard time accepting you into my home when you hit Anne and all the drama that went on between you two.” I took his comments with a grain of salt and internalized them, but felt slimy and offended that Anne would orchestrate this extreme lie to her friends. I asked her about this when we got home but she just shrugged it off and I seemed to let it pass.

08/20/02 Sturgis

My oldest brother Nick and his friends planned a trip to Sturgis South Dakota for the annual Harley Davidson Ride in. I bought a Teal and Pearl 2001 Harley Davidson Heritage Springer and put about $ 2,000 into the bike before we left. 12 of us drove across country on our Harleys to Sturgis. It’s the biggest motorcycle party in America. I owed my brother Nick and my parents money and so the bike doesn’t sit well with Nicky who is responsible to a fault, so I promise to sell the bike when the trip was over. Another obviously empty promise, which will cause undue friction throughout our relationship.

There’s not much to see for 90% of the trip there until you get into the Black Hills. The country is flat farmland for about 900 miles. Then the scenery is really breathtaking. Winding through the Black Hill mountains on a motorcycle is tranquil and relaxing.

We have reservations booked in advance at a hotel about 15-minutes outside Sturgis. The next morning we get up and drive into the town of Sturges SD. For anyone who is a first timer, this experience is an aw-inspiring event. When you finally get to the outskirts of town there is a never-ending line of motorcycles of every make and model lined up for miles waiting to get into town. The town is spotlessly clean. Every street looks as though it was repaved yesterday.

Down the middle of every street are motorcycles as close as safely possible facing each other in each direction in the middle of the street, on the curbside it’s the same picture. Literally hundreds of thousands of motorcycles, 3-wheelers of every make and model and design you cannot even imagine without seeing. On every street on every block for miles throughout the Western style infused town.

The bars are filled with people drinking and having fun. The thing that stuck out so much was that in 4-days there, I did not see a single fight or argument of any kind anywhere. Bikers, Gang members, Hells Angles, Cripps, Bloods, Disciples and white-collar businessmen with their tricked out toys and girlfriends all having fun together.

At around noon the concerts start at a location just outside of town called Full-Throttle, going into the wee hours of the night. Full-Throttle is a music venue like most major concert events only 3 times the size. I would think Full-Throttle holds around 150,000 people. You can even drive you motorcycle in and sit on your bike and watch the concert. ZZ Top, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Whalen Jennings, Brooks & Dunn. As big a list of bands every day and night for 13-nights. I heard that the guy who built it makes enough money in the 13-day event to make it highly profitable, which is the most amazing aspect of the magnitude of this event.

I want to see the Hells Angels camp and ask my brother Nick and his friends if they want to go. They look at me like I'm either nuts or just kidding but I’m bored and not the most logically thinking person you will ever meet, so off –I-go. About 30-minutes outside of town in the woods is the Hells Angels camp. I drive in. There are bomb fires burning and bikers screwing their girlfriends and drinking and smoking pot and drag racing in the campground.

I think, in retrospect, the only reason something, life changing didn’t happen to me was that they were more stunned then angry with me for just driving in.

Most of the groups are really big, rough, scary tattooed head to foot road warrior types. Long hair, tattooed, leather wearing scarred bad-asses. Immediately a bunch of dudes grab me and my bike like a fly in the wind. They’re all surrounding me. Where the f**k you think your going boy? Ha, my first time at Sturgis. I just read Sonny’s book and wanted to see it I could get his autograph. I pull out the paperback book from inside my leather jacket like the bible which changes the direction of groups mood as I’m sitting on my Harley really wondering is this is not the singularly defining mistake of my crazy life.

Sonny Burge is the founder and President of the Hells-Angels. A few of the guys are laughing as they walk away and I’m making small talk with a group that seems to turn into a blur of emotion. I ‘m again in a seemingly life ending situation that was not exactly well thought out. About 20-minutes later 2 women comer over and grab me on each side. Lets go for a walk. There all rubbing on me and very friendly and I’m wondering just what I got myself into. When you’re really afraid the best thing to do is to try really hard not to show it. I’d been smoking a little weed before I rolled in and so I’m relaxed and talking up a storm.

They introduce me to Sonny Burges. What an aw-inspiring event. I’m emotionally electrified, adrenaline pumping through my body like when your on deaths door and an almost out of body retrospective. How do I get out of here? The founder of the Hells Angles himself. He shakes my hand. Man dude, you got gigantic balls! Or your just f*cken crazy! At that moment I’m thinking, “Andy Malley”. A friend back home, Andy, gave me a little wooden box with 2-brass-balls in it at breakfast earlier that year. Bob, you got the biggest balls of anyone I ever met! Here I am with another life story to tell my friends. No one will be surprised. I can’t remember much of the next 2-hours but here’s one. I’m sitting on a bench smoking some really crazy weed and they’re this guy with this t-shirt. Its green with embossed frogs. One frog got her legs spread and the other frog is licking her pu*sy. “Caption”

Yes, it tastes Just Like Chicken” Really well illustrated and instantaneously I’m thinking of me and my friend Gary Voltalina catching frogs in college and eating the legs. Yah, tastes just like chicken!

“Ha, dude, sell me the shirt!” Shirts not for sale motherf*cker! “Come on, everything has its price. Sell me the shirt.” Ha, you’re looking for a beat-down boy? I wouldn’t press my luck! “$ 50.00 bucks says you take that shirt off right now.” Go on spider; take the f*cken shirt off for the dude. $ 50.00 bucks? And here I am in the middle of the night; maybe 2.3am in the middle of the most feared biker gang on earth getting, what amounts to a souvenir of a lifetime. He peels off the shirt and his girlfriend grabs the

$ 50 bill and sticks it between her b***s. I remember just sliding out of the camp as quietly as I could, thanking these men in hindsight for not turning my spontaneous stupidity into some life-changing horror film.

I guess, after that what can possibly top off my Sturgis trip?

Colorado fight from Sturgis to Durango.

Anne has a Fertility conference in Aspen scheduled towards the end of my trip and so after 4 day in Sturgis I’m planning on leaving the group and meeting her in Vail Colorado. I drive my Harley to a shipping company at 5 in the morning. For a pre-arranged fee of $ 550.00 they are going to professionally crate my Harley and ship it back to Chicago. I drop the bike off and about 6.am I get a taxi to the airport. I’ve got a short flight over to Colorado to meet Anne.

I meet Anne at the airport and we get into another argument. She is so insecure I almost turn around and try to get a flight back to Sturgis. I’m telling her. “Seriously Anne, I just cut my vacation with my brother Nick and 7 of his friends short so that we could be together. If we’re going to argue like this I’ll just go back and get my bike and drive home with my brother and his friends. This is ridiculous.”

Dan Messick, a friend of mine at the time suggested, before my trip to Sturgis that we rent a car and drive through Durango to Aspen where Anne’s meeting is scheduled. The scenery is some of the most amazing in the world and so we take Dan’s suggestion and rent a Ford Expedition for the drive. My attitude is, I want the biggest vehicle available to rent going through the mountains. We’re driving along the winding mountain roads and taking in the spectacular and picturesque scenery. We come out of the mountains into a large open plane a few miles long. We’re driving and off in the distance ahead of us on the road coming out of the mountain, far-off in the distance, ahead a mile or two I see an old semi, flat-bed-truck carrying huge ingots of steel. A flat bed. Old, rusted 1950’s, right out a Steven King movie. The truck is coming around a steep turn high up in the mountains and the rear of the truck is sliding forward to the left in the on-coming lane of traffic, skidding and hopping up and down as the rear end is slightly jack-knifing into on coming traffic coming up the mountain. The tires are smoking, the rig is rattling and the rear of the bed is hopping up and down, out of control. Coming up the mountain directly in its path is a tiny 2-door car. There are only 2-lanes. The car is skidding trying to veer off to the right, out of the path of the jack-knifing truck. The truck driver is hanging out the window waving his hand as the trucks body hits the car in the middle off the trailer. The trucks hopping and smoking and the steel carrying flat bed trailer just hops on top of the car and pins the car underneath the bed, the long gangly rusted bed still hopping and smoking at about 50 miles an hour. All the time we are driving toward the catastrophe, about a mile away and getting closer. The trucks bed just hops across the car while it drags the car down the narrow 2 lane mountainside road. By the time the truck stops the driver has passed us and the car that it was dragging is smoldering with the top completely torn off, sitting off to the right on the side of the road 120-yards ahead. The car now starts to smoke and flames are billowing from the front engine compartment.

I slam on the breaks. It seems like slow motion as we come to a stop, I fling open the door and sprint, dust flying behind our skid-marks in the dirt as it billows over our truck and pours forward.

By this time about I’m getting out of the truck 50 people are standing on the roadside watching but, ironically no one is going near the smoldering car to see if anyone is alive. They’re yelling at me. “Don’t go near the car! Don’t go near the car!”

Dust is flying from our vehicle as I run across the road to the car smoldering wreckage ahead. A few men grab me trying to physically stop me but I barrel through them as they fall to the ground. As I approach this horrific and mesmerizing scene everything seems to be in time laps slow-motion. Like a slow motion movie, frame by frame by frame. Anne is in back of me and runs to the passenger side where a woman is strapped in her seat. She’s alive and Anne is attending to her. When I take control of my faculties I see that her neck is unusually longer and crooked. She’s breathing but gasping and incoherent. “Bob’ her neck is broken. She is going to die.” I turn, and am staring at the un-imaginable. On the dashboard, perfectly set and looking right at me is a grizzly decapitated man’s head. Curley dark brown hair standing straight up in the air, a Spanish man in his 40’s with the last expression that went through his mind as this terror unfolded. The head was screaming with grotesquely blood-shot eyes bulging out of his head and blood dripping all over the place, tongue out like the devil himself.

Everything’s in slow motion. I turn to the seat and there is a body without a head. Gripping the steering wheel with veins bulging out of the arms. Dried blood everywhere on him, the passenger, the doors and seats. MY HEAD IS STILL PANORAMICALLY TURNING, It’s silent, and yet there’s screaming. Screaming in terror and pain, a little girl in the back seat. The car is now becoming rapidly full of flames. I reach into the back seat and grab her. She’s hysterical and hitting me and screaming as I run with her across the road to our SUV. I open the door with one hand and lay her down on the back seat of our SUV. There is blood-oozing form a deep cut in her thigh. Her other leg is broken but other then that she has no major injuries that I can see.

I’m also hysterical and shaken to the bone. I turn to look for Anne and can see that the car I just ran from is engulfed in flames as it explodes. Over a hundred people are standing there watching. I’m pissed off yelling at these a*sholes. What the f*ck is wrong with you? You’re going to just stand there and watch these people die?

We’re now both calling 911 for an ambulance and I’m wanting to just get in the car with this little girl and high tail it as fast as possible to the nearest hospital. When the police answer they tell us to stay put. A helicopter is on its way and will be there momentarily. I’m still on the phone with the police when, off in the distance you can see and hear the roar of the landing medical helicopter. Now fire trucks are on the scene dousing out the car.

3 men exit the helicopter and run to my car. Within a few minutes the helicopter is taking off.

I’m now concerned for this little girl. Realizing that she has just witnessed in graphic, slow motion, the grizzly and terrifying death of her parents or whoever these 2 people in the front seat are. I call the hospital wanting to check-up on her conditions. During my conversation with the Dr. he basically tells me that this type of accident is common in the mountains. I’m like, you see people with their heads cut off! Like this must never happen. “No, this is a reoccurring event with accidents in the mountains.”

We continue to our destination in Aspen for Anne’s fertility conference and then go home.

We’re sleeping about 11:40pm in our home at 363B W Superior in Chicago when Anne’s phone rings. It’s a man from Isurbajane who is telling Anne, “ I have your brother Charlie with me and he has had repeated drug related issues at work and we are obligated to escort him from the country to the United States. Once we land in New York he is no longer our responsibility.

Anne's brother Charlie has been a drug fiend since he was 12-years old. Now, in his 30’s a diagnosed Heroine addict for the past 25 years. Anne has bailed Charlie out of jail so many times the family members have all lost count. Charlie has been in trouble his entire life, all over the world. He is banned from the state of Ohio while in college for drug and burglary trouble he got into while in college, that Anne would really never share with me in detail.

The last time I saw this loser, Charlie was flown home to the USA by his employer from Azerbaijani Russia. No notice! Anne and I are woken up by a phone call at 1.40a.m. The man on the other end is telling Anne, I have your brother with me. He has had a drug overdose on the job for the 4th time and I am responsible for returning him to your country. Our flight will land tomorrow in NY at approx. 5 p.m. Once we land he is no longer our responsibility. You need to meet us in New York's LaGuardia airport. Thank You! And hangs up. Anne now does what she always does. Get up, call the airport, get a flight and go to New York to meet Charlie. Pay to fly Charlie from New York to Chicago.

Tina, Charlie’s sister and her husband Steve Dinkel refuses to allow Charlie to stay at their home. They live in Park Ridge and have 2 young children. They both have made it abundantly clear that they both fell that Charlie has exhibited the ability to steal in the past from family members. Anne’s mother will also not allow her son to live with her for even a single day for fear he will steal and pawn anything and everything she has to fuel his insane drug and alcohol addiction. Anne feels that the stress on her mother will be too great and so Anne decides that Charlie can stay at our home. Charlie is cocky a*s-hole who needs a severe beat-down and demonstrates a know-it-all attitude. Against my views Anne takes her f**k-up brother in.

Charlie, “I will sleep it off and stay at your home for a week and then go back to work in Russia.”

It's summer now and I have the nicest cedar landscaped decks on the 4th floor in our 55-unite Tuxedo Park Townhome complex on Superior and Orleans in Chicago’s River North trendy upscale neighborhood townhome complex. I have a really nice neighbor Jack, to the West who is also into landscaping. Our decks are joined by an open walkway and I see Jack and Betty a few times a week outside gardening. My deck is trimmed out meticulously in cedar and most of the deck and built in planters and seating I constructed after work. I also have a built in refrigerator on the rooftop deck. You know, the miniature refrigerators about 3 feet high. I had just filled the refrigerator with 14 Modelo’s, 6 Weiss beer bottles, 2 bottles of wine and 1 large bottle of Champagne the night before, planning for the weekend and maybe having friend Rick and Otha over.

I came home from work around 4p.m. and thought it would be nice to have a beer on the deck and so I proceed to the roof. There are numerous cigarette buts all over the roof and the upstairs just outside the patio door. I’m upset at this disrespectful a*****e brother-in law. We take this loser in and within 10-hours he is f**king my home up. I specifically told Charlie when he came to our home. “Please do not smoke in the house.” How ignorant and moreover, disrespectful.

Refrigerator empty! Dam! I assume some neighbors kid swiped the beers earlier so I walk around the rooftop from deck to deck looking for clues, maybe empty bottles to tell me who took my stash. So what. I’m a little frustrated but oh well. Anne asks me to wake Charlie to see if he wants to eat. Charlie sleeping in the bedroom just inside the 3rd. floor adjacent to our movie room. “Charlie,” I'm now kneeling down next to the bed trying to wake him, shaking him and wow, he reeks of alcohol. My knee hits something.

It’s empty bottles on the side of the bed. I look under the bed. There are numerous empty bottles, under the bed and there all empty. Enough alcohol to kill anyone. I’m shaking Charlie and upset. “Get up. You have to leave. Get up. You’re smoking in our home, which you were asked not to do.” I’m asking him to get up and leave. I’m angry. “Charlie gets up”. He’s so out of it I’m not believing anyone could be that out of it. This goes on for about 10-minutes as he gets up, groggy and grabs a smoke. I get him up and he is reeking of cigarette smoke and alcohol to a point he cannot stand without assistance.

I’m now walking him down stairs while holding him up, as he is so intoxicated he cannot stand. He’s yelling for Anne. Anne meets me by the second floor office, 1 floor down and attempts to stop me. I’m walking him down the stairs and she’s trying to see what’s going on but I’m not stopping. I walk him to the front door. Anne opens the door and I walk him outside and sit him on the front steps. Anne goes with Charlie out the front door. I sit him down and my attitude is he can go to rehab or anywhere she wants but he is not staying in our home one more second. They sit on the front steps for about an hour and then Anne comes in and tells me she is admitting Charlie to Northwestern Hospital Psychiatric care unite. Anne takes Charlie to Northwestern Hospital directly East of our home on Superior right off Lake Michigan. After Charlie is admitted, Anne finally tells her mother Charlie is in town.

Anne's father passed away some10-years ago. Anne's mother Millie is a kind of arrogant phony.

Her sister Tina is rail thin anorexic. Tina and her husband Steve have a son Matthew who has Downs Syndrome. Her brother in law Steve is a sweetheart. As pleasant and nice as can be. Steve's father and his brother own a metal mold polishing company and are respected around the country for the quality of their work as one of the top mold polishers in the country. They are both personal friends with Finke and Sons Steel mill owners in Chicago.

We’re now back from a crazy vacation and an eventful visit from her drug-fiend brother Charlie and going again to marriage counseling. Anne lies about the amount of money she makes. Her excuse is that she views this as a private matter that is no business of the councilor. We also have crazy sexual and intimacy issues and she demands that we not bring these up in the meetings. Let’s avoiding discussions on these topics. I’m like, Anne, if we cannot discuss all of our problems then why go to counseling?

Christmas comes 2002. Anne’s asking me; “Do you want me to buy you anything?” It's not necessary. I have no money or work. I’m leaving the house with no gas money and feeling really insecure. I want to buy Anne something really nice for Christmas and I have a credit for a deposit I made at Chicago Jewelers on a watch. It’s a few days before Christmas, so I use the $ 1,400.00 credit I had for the watch and buy Anne a watch for Christmas. Anne takes the watch I bought her back and also uses up money I have left on earrings. That's fine as long as she is happy.

I’m feeling bad but keep it to myself. It’s Thursday and I just want to get out for a few hours and meet Otha at a nightclub a friend of ours ownes, Green Dolphin Street for a glass of wine. Otha’s a friend of mine who works for Morgan Stanley. He has an amazingly endearing personality, which everyone gravitated to. Otha’s genuinely upbeat and a joy to be around. I ask Anne for $ 20.00 I’m thinking I can get to the Green Dolphin and back, have a glass of wine and not look foolish in front of friends. Anne stops and physically corners me in the hallway, not allowing me room to move around her and out the front door.

“Give me $10.00 of the $ 20.00 I gave you.” I said, “Go get money out of cash station”. No, It’s a company visa so I can’t use it like that. We argue and she physically stops me from leaving for 40-minutes. She is standing in my path in the hallway and I know the game. I just stand there with my hands behind my back until she realizes she has to eventually let me pass. I get change for the $ 20.00 Anne handed me at the car wash across street from Ray, the manager. I walk back home, give Anne $ 10.00 and speed off out the door to meet Otha at the Green Dolphin. Have one glass of Merlot and go home feeling like a loser.

A few weeks later I get a flat tire on 290 and have to walk 2-miles off the highway to a gas station. No money to tow my Mercedes in or get road service.

Anne refers so many people to adoption clinics that they will manipulate and do whatever needed to facilitate Anne’s goal to adopt 3 children. Anne has her sight set on adopting 3-children from abroad. Everyone I talk with about us adopting 3-children thinks this is irresponsible. I eat breakfast every morning, at 7am 7-days a week with Doug Eckman, Jeff Stimson, Hy Freeman, who is like 95 years old, Bill Galanti and 6 or 7 other guys. Every day at HoJo’s on LaSalle and Superior 6 to 7-days a week. Doug and Jeff Stimson are both good friends with children who are just giving their sincere advise to me. Everyone wants me to think logically and start with adopting one kid first. I keep telling Anne. Our marriage is not rock solid. We don't have sex enough to have kids. Buy a boat for $ 300,0000.00 maybe a bad decision. I can live with it. Bring 3 innocent non-English speaking children who have maybe been living in a foster home with unknown additional baggage to start with and put them with 2 total strangers that don’t even speak their language. These kids are going to be afraid and have a hard enough time adjusting. What happens to these kids if or when our marriage falls apart? This is not a commitment I can be a part of. It’s not fair to the children most of all.

Anne and I want to have children but she cannot get pregnant. Our sex life is dysfunctional. She has no confidence in herself. I cannot leave the house to go anywhere without her. She is so thin that I realize, wow, you can’t get pregnant when your weight and fat ration are so low. She goes through fertility with Brian Kaplan, the top Reproductive Endocrinologist in Illinois, who was her former boss, but doesn’t get pregnant and we are getting into fights about sex and her crazy weight issues. When Anne gains 2-pounds she is at the health club for 3 to 4 hours a day until she looses the weight. The drama escalates one night when we get into an argument and I tell her she either needs counseling or I am going to leave.

After 2 sessions with Brian Kaplan fertility doesn’t work I’m baffled. You’re a fertility doctor working out 7-days a week and rail thin. Everyone knows that being rail thin will only prevent you from getting pregnant. I’m really suspicious.

Anne is relentless in her pursuit to adopt 3-children with me. I’ve got over $ 400,000 invested in my office building, a commercial building I am rehabbing across the street and am again juggling my bills. Anne feels no need to assist me and so I am under a lot of stress. I’m asking her to help me with the bookwork but she is really not interested.

It’s about a year now since I started going to counseling for the ADD and now both Anne and Dr. Gotleib are voicing their opinions that they see some real progress in my focus and the management of medications. I feel a real connection to Dr. Gotleib. He’s easy to talk to; concerned about the issues we talk about during our weekly meetings. He’s athletic and dresses well which also help in the connection we have. I can relate to him. He’s about the same age as me and our conversations seem to cover all my issues, both marital and personal.

Anne now thinks its OK to terminate the counseling and so I go along with her suggestion. Because she is a doctor she tells me she will start taking over my medication management. She starts writing my prescriptions. During the next few months the dosages increase which make me light-headed and dizzy at times but Anne tells me that I will get used to it and that within a few weeks these symptoms will subside and not to be too concerned.

I’m more regularly getting frustrated with Anne’s insecurity, her lack of interest in helping me with the investment I have in the commercial property across the street and the lack of intimacy. I’m questioning myself for the first time but it’s a little embarrassing bringing this up to friends so I really don’t know what to do.

It’s around 5pm and I really need someone to talk to and know Otha is probably home from work so I run over unannounced. Otha lives on Franklin in a penthouse just 5-minutes away so I’m there ringing his doorbell. “Hay, its Bob.” The door buzzes and I go in quickly. I kind of quickly trot up the stairs but 4 floors is a little bit of a climb and there’s no elevator. Every time I come over to visit I wonder how he does this on a daily basis. Walking up these 4-flights of stairs with groceries every day. When I get to the top of the stairs I’m winded and a little dizzy. Otha opens the door. Ha, what up? Otha’s always got this great smile. Always happy, endearing with this huge inviting smile. It’s infectious and probably the first thing people envision when they think of him. Always happy and upbeat. We’re sitting in the TV area of his lofted penthouse and talking and he looks over. Bob, what’s wrong with you? I’m like what are you talking about? Have you been drinking or smoking weed? No! Something’s wrong with you man. Well I’m taking some new medications but I fell OK. You look funny. Like something’s not right man. Well here’s what I’m taking. I reach into my pocket and take out the medications I’m suppose to take in the next hour.

Let me take a look at that. Otha takes the medication and looks them up on the Internet. Bob, the dosages you are taking are really high. Are you sure your suppose to take that level that may times a day? Ya, that’s what Anne told me to take. She’s writing the prescriptions now. Bob, I’m not a doctor but from what I’m reading on the Internet about this drug the dosage is the highest recommended dosage you can take and the first side effect listed is “Heart Attack”. You look light-headed and I don’t know but wait a while before you take any more of this. You look a little out of it right now.

We talk for a little while and Otha’s busy with work and so I leave.

I get home and tell Anne about my conversation with Otha and how I feel physically. She tells me not to worry. That woozy feeling is just your body leveling off with the increased dosages. Nothing to worry about!

One day I come home from work and Anne is again talking to me about this adoption goal she has been working on for months. We have to get these papers notarized. Here I am again, spontaneous and not well prepared for pressure and maybe over medicated a bit huh? Anne has, over the last 6-months meticulously filled out hundreds of documents in her efforts to adopt 3-children out of the country. She has been diligently working with adoption agency, Family Resource Center at 5858 N. Clark in Chicago to assist us. Imagine, here is this adoption agency that Anne’s fertility clinic refers every patient that comes to her North Shore Fertility Clinic on Dempster in Skokie, Il and does not get pregnant to assist them if they wish to go the next route in building a family. Anne and her partner Susan Davies refer their patients to Family Resource Center. You can only imagine the revenue that comes in on a regular basis from Anne and Susan to this adoption agency? I’m sure Family Resource Center is open to bending a few rules and maybe looking the other way. The last thing they are going to do is do anything that might possible upset and or alienate Doctors Anne and Susan.

We get in Anne’s Red Porsche Boxter convertible about 6pm and drive the 3 to 4 blocks to the currency exchange on the SE corner of LaSalle and Chicago Ave.

We’re standing at the window in the currency exchange, signing what amounts to hundreds of papers Anne has meticulously prepared. 100’s of papers, which we each sign and immediately shove through the plexi-glass window to a young Spanish man who is stamping and notarizing each legal document on the other side of the glass.

Divine intervention!!

For no apparent reason, I look through the plate glass window at the teller's window and notice a notarized document in Anne's handwriting that looks like a financial statement with a bunch of numbers on it. The top of the paper sais, Net Worth. The bottom number is a total of the cumulative list of numbers and it reads clear as day.

Net Worth. $ 3,857,420.00

I’m crushed and stunned. I feel betrayed. Anne has this much money and my car payments, life insurance, debit card are always paid late. My credit is ruined. Anne doesn't love me. WE’ RE NOT ADOPTING 3-INNOCENT CHILDREN AND LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER! I’m last in line and there are no kids. When 3-children come where will I be in line?? Out the door?

We’re building a 4,300 s.f. $ 1,700,000.00 home in the Glen Club in Glenview and live happily ever after with 3 kids? What a sick and twisted, premeditated mess.

I’m in a daze, bewildered and emotionally crushed, in tears as I walk out in a cloud of disbelief. I walk out of the currency exchange in tears. I’m in the passenger seat of her red Boxter and Anne is so busy collecting her papers that she has no idea what going on. She comes back to the car and I’m crying. You know what Anne, It’s divine Intervention. It’s God coming between me and your twisted plan.

My mothers’ words are playing over and over and over in my mind. “Bobby, when you have children you have to be emotionally and spiritually stable and ready to go to the end of the line. Every decision has to revolve around what’s best for your children. It’s the biggest event you’re ever going to take on”. I’m thinking, I’m at the end of the line now. What happens when 3-innocent children come here from Russia and don’t even speak English? Three innocent, scared children are going to be afraid and have communication issues and trust issues and here we are, where we are not even on the same page. “Anne, your just adopting these kids and using me to lock up all this money. Are you asking me to buy into the premise that we’re adopting 3-innocent little kids and going to live happily ever-after? You can’t even help me out when it’s just us and your making more money then anyone ever dreams of. I can’t take part in this twisted scheme of your.”

“Bob, your upset. I understand. Lets go to Whole Foods and I’ll buy you a smoothie.” Whole Foods is literally 3-blocks away and so she drives over, still upset and parks the convertible in front of the store, Westbound on Huron. We both get out and as I walk in I’m still in tears and can’t stop. I’m embarrasses and distraught so I turn around and walk out.

Anne turns around and drives home. I go in and immediately turn on the NBA Playoffs. Anne’s standing at the entrance to the kitchen demanding we talk but once the game comes on my attention is on playoff basketball, nothing else matters. I just ignore her. It’s the only way to disarm her manipulative and controlling tendencies. See, she wants to look like everyone else. Her friend Amy with a little girl. Her partner Susan with 2 adorable kids. Her sister with 2 little children. Anne has no real connection to anyone. I realize now that she is a text-book sociopath. She will use anyone and to any extent for her selfish needs regardless of the consequences. Man, Anne you seriously need help! You’ve done gone right off the edge with this one. You crazy lunatic. You actually have no conscience what-so-ever, do you.

Anne standing in the kitchen entrance screaming at me. "Your not going to stop me from bringing these kids her!” Watch!

A few minutes later the doorbell rings. The house alarm is now going off and the front doorbells ringing. I walk over to the video security screen on the wall in the kitchen and I can see that the police are at the front door. We are the only townhome out of 56 in our complex that has a video monitor on the front door. Whenever the front doorbell is rung the cameras screen on the phone in our home comes on at each floor so we can see who is at the front door immediately. There is a police officer. I’m into the playoff game on the TV and so Anne goes downstairs to answer the door. A few minutes later there’s a uniformered Chicago Police officer standing in the kitchen entrance. “Is there a problem? What’s going on?” I look over. “What are you talking about? Who let you in? I’m watching the NBA Playoffs.” He walks away and talks to Anne downstairs and then leaves. Huum?? What’s that all about? Anne‘s got something cooken.

Narcissist sociopathic behavior to the maxola. What a lunatic. Not borderline personality Disorder. Way the F*ck, Over The Line Personality Disorder!!!!!

“I am sure that you will find some way to manipulate these events to get your way Anne. That is what you do, but I will not be a part of your sick, twisted and premeditated plot any longer. I will not adopt children with you and I cannot be married to you, any longer.”

After a few minutes another police officer comes up stairs and into kitchen as I am watching Dallas Mavericks basketball game on the TV. Officer "Is there a problem"? Bob " I don't think so. My wife took my car key and front door key. I wanted to leave and had to come back for my keys. She won’t give them to me so I sat down and started watching the game. I left and was forced to come back to get my car key. She has front door key too.” Why?

The police leave. Anne is also gone.

Looking back, I see so the plethora of tell-tale signs so clearly now. This is the single most responsible statement I have ever made in my entire life. Over the next year or so, countless scary and traumatic accusations will be made against me, by Anne. The next year my life will change in ways I cannot ever imagine. I’m going to see that my wife had a premeditated and well planned out scheme to adopt-3-children through her connections at Family Resource Centers. She ‘ll have lots of help from the Chicago Police and the Mob and make my life as dramatically unraveling as possible. Maybe even murder.

4-days later Anne is back in house without a word. I’m sitting in the second floor office working at around 8:4pm Out of nowhere, she’s standing in front of me like a ghost from dark Shadows. She’s crying and begging me for a second chance. I’ll pay your bills. I’ll help you out. I’ll share my life with you. “Anne, you don’t even have your mail sent here. You send it to your mother’s house in Park Ridge. You don’t trust anyone and you have so many secrets down to your crooked police connections that I would have to be certifiably nuts to ever trust you. The last thing I am going is to bring 3-innocent little kids into the middle of your lunacy.” I look up and, like a premonition, she’s gone. Man this is really scary.

Two more days go by and Anne in hallway out of nowhere again. Tell me you still love me. "I love you but I am not in love with you Anne.” Poof, Anne leaves crying.

If Anne was in fear of her life why did she come to the house by herself? She’s acting so psychotic that the next day I call Eddie Vrdoliak, a well known, high profile lawyer from my childhood and voice my concerns for my safety. Ha Bob, if you feel your life is in any way in danger change the locks. Your wife will not be able to just show up in the middle of the night. If she wants to come in then she can by just ringing the doorbell. But you have every right, under these circumstances to take reasonable actions that provide you with peace of mind. So, the next day I change the locks.

Kevin Crum, who is a friend of mine through Otha asks if I want to go golfing at Harborside in the afternoon so I grab my clubs and we meet around 2p at the golf course on 113th and the Dan Ryan expressway on the South side of Chicago.

I’m the guy who is not very good and gets out to go golfing 3-time a year and loses a dozen balls on a good day. I go golfing with Kevin Crumb and a friend at Harborside Golf Course on 115th and the Dan Ryan Expressway. It’s a pricy course and one of the nicest settings for golf in the Chicago Metro area. Lots of high grass and spectacular landscaping surrounded by sand and water on every hole.

We just finish the front nine and were starting on the backside of the course when my phone rings.

Sheldon Minkow, Anne’s lawyer from the 1st time we separated called my divorce lawyer Anita M. Ventrelli a senior Partner at Scheller Ducanto & Fleck and told my lawyer: “ Anne has no issue with living with your client Robert during the divorce. Please tell Robert that Anne is at the house and cannot get in. Can he please go home and open the door for her? Anne wants to get in and the door locks don’t work. “

For some irresponsible reason my lawyer Anita Vetrelli is too busy leaving for the weekend and so she has her associate Lawyer relaying this message to me.

Anita is too busy to check this request out and make sure I am safe and make sure this is accurate so she has one of her interns call me on the phone. “Mr. Skertich, your wife Anne has no problem living with you while the divorce is going through but she cannot get into the house because you changed the locks. Anne’s lawyer Sheldon Minkow told this to Anita my lawyer and a senior Partner with the firm who spoke with Sheldon and then had her call handle relaying the message to me while I was golfing at Harborside Golf Course.

Where is Anita? “ Robert, Ms. Ventrelli left for the weekend and so I am relaying what Sheldon Minkow just told me.

I’m a little flustered, nervous and caught, again, off guard. You know. Making hasty, not well thought out decisions again. My subconscious ringing in the background with all the bells and whistles. I immediately leave Harborside golf-course in mid-play, get out of my golf shoes and go to my car as quick as possible and as I am getting on the highway Mike Demaio calls me and said; “Bob, what the f*ck is going on at you house?”

Now realize I’ve just thrown my clubs in my Mercedes!!

It’s 4:3pm. !!

It’s Friday. !!

The courts are closed. !!

My lawyer is gone!!

I’m being told by my lawyer, a partner at a prominent family law firm of Schiller, Ducanto and Fleck to go immediately home and meet Anne and let her into our home!! I have previously changed the locks for my own protection at the advice of Edward Vrdoliak and so I proceed home in heavy Friday 4:50pm traffic Northbound, into the city.

This will turn out to be extremely dangerous and emotionally debilitating advice from my lawyer, who is leaving the office for the weekend. No paperwork from my lawyer Anita Ventrelli and without sound legal advice!!

As I will discover later, Sheldon Minkow, a Skokie lawyer was hired by Anne 2-years before any divorce proceedings took place. Anne met with this totally unethical,

slime-ball of a white trash lawyer and the 2 of these sociopaths planned this entire scenario in advance. Talk your unsuspecting husband Robert into Adopting 3-children. The most children anyone would allow by law and when Anne had the 3 children Anne will spin her pre planned " I'm an abused woman, Novel on the courts, the police, her friends and basically attempt to destroy her husband without any conscience.

Mike Demaio, “Bob, What the f*ck is going on at you house?”

At this very moment Anne is in front of the house with a locksmith drilling out the locks. There are also 10-police officers waiting to arrest Bob. Mike Demaio, who owns a business across the street, has the same color Silver Mercedes I have. Mike has a 4-door 500 series though. The police run him off the road with hands on their guns yelling at him to “get out of the car”. Get the F*ck out of your car right now. Get your hands off the wheel, with guns drawn. Anne is running in back of the police yelling; “ It’s not him, its not him”.

Mike calls me and tells me Anne has set me up to be arrested so stay clear of the house. Wow, I’m driving right into a trap backed up by Anne’s crooked l*****n lover Police Officer Laura Stranski and friends at the advice of my lawyer Anita Ventrelli and Partner at the law firm of Schiller, DuCanto and Fleck, so I stay away.

The following week my friend and attorney Jack Waghorn has a long and what he describes as a heart-felt discussion with Anne’s Lawyer Sheldon Minkow and Sheldon assured Jack that there was a misunderstanding and if I went over to the house to get served with the official divorce papers I would not be arrested. Sheldon Minkow as an officer of the courts is lying to my lawyer again.

Jack tells me to go to the my town-house and wait across the street in front of my office for the police to come over and serve divorce papers on me.

After they do so you can go into the house and take all of your business files, computers, clothes and basically anything you want. Now Imagine, I’m standing on the street, across from my home and in front of my office. The first floor is filled with professional people and professional athletes waiting while the have their expensive exotic cars detailed on the first floor.

When I get there, after a few minutes of waiting, Anne pokes her head out of the front door looking really scared and then a well build 6’2’ guy in his 30’s comes out. He walks out of our home and down the concrete steps across the street to me and hands me some papers and walks away. Literally a minute late the police roll up. Is this a coincidence or what?

“Put you hands on the car. Your under arrest.”

I’m on the phone with Jack Waghorne, my best friend and attorney who has arranged everything. Off to Jail! They tell me to turn off my cell phone and hand my phone to some guy I do not even know on the street and I’m handcuffed and pushed into the squad car.

Right in front of my office, my neighbors and countless patrons on the street. I’m completely humiliated but what am I to do?

The Police don’t take me to the local police station but to a police station on the near West side in a really scary neighborhood, where, numerous Chicago Police Officers proceed to interrogate me like some drug criminal.

Write about going to drop bike off drive car leave bike at Erie Body Shop and come back and bike is gone

My bike is stolen.


I’m temporarily staying at my parent’s house just off of Route 30 and Cline in Indiana. It’s Saturday night about a week after I am removed from my house. My cell phone rings. Hello? Anne on the other end. Screaming, You f**king jack-off, How’s it feel to have your s**t taken from you blab la blah.

Ha, When you want to call and rant be smart enough to block your phone number, idiot. After Anne is done venting I call the police and over a period of time they trace the call to a woman who lives on Damen in Chicago. I track down the address and drive over and check the mail and get her contact information. I find out that this woman works as an insurance fraud investigation.

A few months later they find my Harley in a chop shop in pieces. The owner is charged and tells the police Anne paid a man in Lansing to steal my $ 32,000 Harley Davidson Heritage Springer and cut it to pieces. This man is later caught with my Harley and ends up later convicted and sent to prison.

Q. Anne paid someone to steal my Harley Davidson Motorcycle. A man was arrested and sent to Prison. Why wasn’t he interviewed?

I am at my parent’s house in Schererville Indiana when I receive a call on my sprint cell phone. My mom and dad are sitting right there in front of me in the living room watching TV. Officer Laurie Stranski says, " How does it feel to have your sh*t taken from you? How does it feel to have your motorcycle stolen? Who is this? I don't think this is funny. I can hear Anne and a few other women in the background. The caller hangs up. It sounds like a voice coming through a voice synthesizer or some sort of altered voice system. The caller has hung up and I take the phone from my ear and look down in a state of panic at my cell phone. There is the phone number that the call was placed from. What a moron. The caller never even blocked the caller ID. I call back and get a fax machine. I also called back on

09-01-10p and got a fax machine. The call came from 773-252-7893 listed to a woman by the name of Robin Hirkil at 1305 N. Damen - Chicago, IL. By Damen Walcott and Patomic.

I immediately called the Chicago Police Department at 312-742-5870 Detective Cheesers and told them of the phone call I had received. He said he would look into the matter. And call me back. I tell him that I am at my parent’s home in Indiana and he tells me that because I an in Indiana the crime is an IN. crime and I need to go to the Schererville Police Station. I called 796-9600 and the phone number is non-published.

I then call Ameritech Security at 800-807-4205 and they told me you would need a court order to obtain information on the owner and address of an unlisted phone number.

05-27-11am I reported the motorcycle theft to my insurance company, American Family Insurance. Claim # 00-581-152-381.

A detective Greg Miller at 312-744-8263 works 8.3a-4p and he will be assigned to my case. His boss is Sgt.. McGrath. Anne has my 1992 Harley Davidson Heritage Springer Stolen.

On a Friday at 9a.m. Sheldon was in court and I was being represented by Karen Covy, a young single practice lawyer referred to me by Patrick Dowd the President of Dowd & Dowd and the brother of a college friend Mike Dowd. The judge asked where Anne was at and Sheldon replied that she was in surgery. That was a bold faced lie. Anne is off on Fridays and was at the Day Spa for 1/2 the day.

I’m’ demanding that my lawyer subpoena the following records.

1. All phone records for Robin Hirkil Home Phone, work phone and cell phone calls. 05/10/2003 -08/10/2003 Neighbors info on her.

2. Anne's phone records for same dates.

3. Anne’s best friend Neil's and Amy Kane’s phone records.

4. Was Chicago Police Officer Laurie Stranski called during this time and how often?

07-26-2003 03 at approx. 2.40a.m. Bobby, get up! I’m sleeting, it’s about 2.40am and my dad is waking me up. Bobby, there’s a man outside with a tow truck and he is taking your Mercedes. What? It’s not behind in the lease. Well, he has papers that say he can take it.

A repossession company is at my dad’s house in Schererville, IN from Round Lake Beach, IL. I washed this car every day and kept the car spotless inside and out. I had to drive to Round Lake Beach, approximately 70 miles North of downtown Chicago on the boarder of Wisconsin to retrieve my personal belongings that were in the car.

Well, here is the Sociopath at it again and on the weekend non-the-less. So on the following Tuesday we are in front of Judge Boyd. The judge didn't take to kindly to Anne. Her action are so reckless. Anne paid off the entire balance of the lease, some

$ 36,000.00 paid off some $ 1,850.00 in tickets plus $ 36,0000 the value of the car and then gave the car to her mother Millie.

Now were in front of Judge Boyd. When he finally hears the magnitude of Anne’s audacity he is actually physically angry. “Just what is going on in your mind that would allow you to part with what amounts to more then the new value of the car and then have this car towed across Indiana, the entire state of Illinois and to Wisconsin, all to teach your husband what? That your certifiably crazy? Mrs. Borkowski, dump your purse out on the table in front of me. Anne “ What”. Judge Boyd “ Do you have a hearing problem? I said, dump your purse out on the table. Anne, bewildered, takes her purse and turns it upside down as the content spill out onto the table. Keys, wallet, make-up, Kleenex; Judge Boyd, “Is that your checkbook?” Yes. Open it. Anne, shaking opens the checkbook, and then he hands her a pen. Write your husband a check for $ 32,000.00 and hand it to him. What? Judge Boyd” If I have to repeat myself again you will not like the consequences. So, did you hear me? Anne, “Yes. Hand the bailiff the check. Anne, “Your honor, I do not have that amount of money in my checking account. Judge Boyd. Mrs. Borkowski, I highly advise you to make sure that check clears.

Are you telling me you had a company repossess your husband’s Leased car at 2.3am in Indiana and the repo company then tailored his leased Mercedes on a flatbed truck the entire distance of the state of IL.? across the Wisconsin border Dr. Borkowski?? No answer, - silence. Judge Boyd,” Next Case”.

Court adjourned.

Anne takes a 2nd. Mortgage out on our townhouse without my authority. An equity loan which wipes out all of the equity we have in the house.

I find out about the loan on Friday 08-29-12n A Real Estate agent calls me and tells me that our townhouse closing is in 1-hour and they need my signature to finalize the closing. If I do not sign, the new buyer will lose their mortgage, which is in the last day of existence. We will be fined and sued. I call Enrico Mirabelli, who advises me to sign. I’m upset and cannot believe his audacity . My wife will have to pay approx. $ 27,000 at the closing to pay off the balance on our home. The real-estate lawyer told my lawyer Enrico Mirabelli that Anne did not tell her she was married until 1-hour before the closing. Mr. Mirabelli then calls me and tells me that this Real Estate Lawyer needs my signature and that she is coming to my apartment to get it. I’m baffled and upset and tell him I will not sign anything until he looks at the papers.

Enrico’s Mirabelli, the founding partner of one of the biggest family law firms in Chicago, a firm that represented Juanita Jordan, Michael Jordan’s wife and Duane Wade from the Point Guard and Captain of the Miami Heat reply: “Robert, if you do not sign the documents you both will be sued. Just sign them and let her sell the house”.

€ No, this is not timely. I was given no notice. I want to keep the house. You need to read everything that has anything to do with me before I make any decision. Well in the end I sign away my home . Anne uses my signature to execute a loan on our home removing all of the equity. When the house finally closes 4-months later we owe

$ 27,000.00 to close. I never get one dime from the manipulative deception. Enrico, How can you make such a flagrant decision with respect to my representation? He just shrugs it off and makes some more excuses. Self-serving excuses.

Kid from Hegewisch is the Jail Guard

Parents waiting outside

Take Kelly to Gibson’s in Rosemont

Tells me all about dad’s a made man

Leave her at Gibson’s in Rosemont.

Landini meeting

Landini Ck

Landini flips on me.

Landini Tells police I was hired to kill Anne

Police put warrant out for Robert.

Police surround bar interrogate Mot’s

Police surround my apt bldg. Search every room in bldg..

Police interrogate owners.

Otha calls me worried about police and Mot’s.

In Jail, Fake seizure, goes to hospital.

Get out

Meet Pamela

Move to Avalon

Colo and parties

Pamela and I break up

Stefan moves in

I go to Thailand

I come back from Thailand

I go back to Thailand tsunami


Right after the Tsunami hit the island of Phuket at Patong beach, I am shortly afterward with Mariya to see her sister is in the hospital. Pen’s sister hospital room is stark, looking like maybe back in the 1950’s/ equipped with beds that had the mattresses covered green plastics and uncomfortable.

Pen’s sister is lying in bed, very sick. I went into the room and concerned for her health and the treatment she was receiving smelled the medicine she was taking. I opened the tall thin glass bottle. The smell scared the s**t out of me. It was so strong I thought it would knock me unconscious if I got too much of a whiff. What was inside the small glass bottle smelled exactly like Ammonia. I was really scared for Pen’s sister and so the only person I could think to call was my cousin Susan Dedelow who’s husband Doug is a Gynecologist in Valparaiso, IN.

Now its 12-hours earlier in Indiana. 11pm in Thailand and its 11 am in Indiana

“Doug, the medicine smells exactly like ammonia”. Bobby, it probably is ammonia. I’m like, what? “Ammonia like under the sink to clean the toilet?” Yes, diluted and in small doses, ammonia will not kill you. It is used as medicine in 3rd. world countries Bobby. Doug said it was common in 3rd. world countries especially with patients who were poor. In small doses it will not kill you and is not uncommon.


I go to Pat Dowd who I know through his brother Mike. Mike and I went to Eastern Illinois University together and were in the TKE Fraternity together. We’ve stayed in touch over the years. Mike who I admire most as a leader and a man of impeccable integrity has always spoken of his brother Patrick with respect and admiration. When I think of the top lawyer for the most influential clients I picture Pat. Mike has always spoken of his brother Pat as being an intellect and a man of integrity. A family first lawyer who Mike has always looked up to as a role model.

So I called Pat when the s**t got really ugly quickly and Pat referred me to Karen Covey. The lesson: When you ask for good solid advice and you get it from someone you KNOW and RESPECT, take it and listen!

I changed lawyers on the advice of Jack McDunnah, a man of questionable integrity and this is what happened. Jack put me in bed with the devil himself. The most crooked and Hated lawyer in the business. Little did I know that there isn’t a lawyer in business who has any respect for

My lawyer, Enrico calls me up at about 10.40am on a weekday and demands that I sign away my home. He tells me that the house is sold and the closing is in 2-days. “Robert, if you do not sign over the house you and Anne will be sued for the undue strain that will be imposed on the buyer.

Enrico has not even seen the papers I am to sign. Is this bazaar? Is he sloppy or cunning? The realtor meets me a few hours later and has me sign the papers in the street outside the apartment I am renting near The Matchbox on Ogden and Milwaukee. Later I find out that the house was closed on 2-months later. With my signature on the sale documents Anne took out a loan on the house that exceeded the amount we end up selling the house for. So, when the house closed Anne owed $ 28,000.00, which she wrote a check for at the closing.


Anne read every periodical about ADD, ADHD, Bipolar disorder and read 27 books on the subject. When questioned about this in depositions and at trial she stated under oath that she never read anything on the subject.

I kept demanding that my lawyers Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson get the records from her credit card charges, which would show the purchases of this material and books but every time I demanded something Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson responded:

“It’s not important!!!”

We could have gotten her Internet and credit card records, which would show that Anne did purchase these books and what specifically Anne did research on the internet about this subject, and then Anne would be caught purgering herself to the court.

Why does the founding lawyer, his assistant Shaun Bersson, Martha Steele his paralegal or anyone assigned to my case not investigate this information? This isn’t sloppy. These Lawyers are not all collectively and independently stupid or sloppy! Enrico Mirabelli personally represented Juanita Jordan and Duane Wade of the NBA in their divorce cases.

Anne planned this deception well in advance and had help illegally from Chicago Police officers. Namely Officer Laura Stranski

Q. Who are Anne’s contacts at the police Dept on Larabee?

Q. Who is officer Stranski who is driving Anne everywhere in a Blue & White Chicago Police Car?

Q. Why would these officers give Anne special treatment.?

Q. Lesbians? l*****n Lover? l*****n Police Officer Lover?

Q. Who is Anne living with?

Q. Private Detective: Here I am in a divorce which Anne states in writing has an estate in excess of $ 3,750.00 and my lawyer sees no need for a private investigator.

Q Anne has $ 3,758,000 in May of 2003 how much does she have in 2007 when the divorce is finalized? $ 2,640,000.00 and Judge Winkler will not allow me to have a forensic accountant review our files. The only person ever allowed access to review our financial records in my behalf is my lawyer, Enrico Mirabelli. No accounting firm is ever given access to these records.

Q. I demand that Enrico Mirabelli subpoena the Phone Records from the day at the currency exchange to the day I was served with divorce papers would show whom Anne was speaking to and who was helping her.

E. Forensic Accountant Subpoena:

Q. What cash did Anne have on hand and where did all this cash she purports to have given me come from?

Q How much is the Marital Estate really worth?

Q. Who did all of these financial investigations?

Q. Were these investigations all performed in my behalf?

Q. What percentage of the bills during the marriage did Robert contribute to?

Q. Did Robert pay for most of the down-payment on the house?

Q. Who is the lawyer Anne dated who she purports hit her and destroyed her apartment. She said Mark the Lawyer owned a strip club? Does Mark the Lawyer have any stories about Anne?

Q. During our time together Anne spoke of a man she dated who was in prison for murder. Who is the man in jail for murder that Anne dated for a long time? She even visited him in prison.

Anne asks me to please cooperate . Bob, Charlie can come here and stay for a few days and recover. No way! Your sister will not even allow Charlie in her home. Your mother will not let Charlie in her home. No way is he coming into our home. He’s a dope fiend and will steal from us.

Charlie is a know it all and always disrespectful to me. He always come over and tells me to my face that Anne owns the house and you don’t do anything to contribute.

Charlie overdoses at our home and is taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital 8-blocks straight East from our home. Anne tells the jury that I threw her and her brother down the steep front concrete stairs. In actuality,

Steve Komie is a really creepy lawyer. When his name come up a lawyer mentions that Steve goes to Thailand a lot and has been linked to child exploitation.


A few months after I hire Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli Enrico, the founding partner and my lawyer invites me to the company Christmas party. I walk in and see Mona, a friend of mine that has a charity, Save Your Soles. Mona is one of my closest friend and a woman I really admire. She has devoted her life to helping others in impoverished countries around the world. Mona collects shoes, cleans then and then sends them in containers to the most debilitated regions in the world. She started the charity after visiting Nicaragua in 2000 and seeing people living in the garbage dumps. Painting their feet with tar because they didn’t have the money to buy a simple pair of shoes. Many of the people were walking around on one leg after having a foot amputated from infection. She now spends every moment recruiting others to help her live her dream. Mona has collected, cleaned and put shoes on some 1,7000,000 people around the world.

I’m at the party for about an hour and across the room I see Enrico and his wife standing alongside Steve Komie. This is really upsetting to me. I’m thinking, man I must have paid this man $ 100,000.00 already and here is Steve, this slime-ball celebrating at my lawyer’s party. I walk up, man, Steve isn’t there any more appropriate place in the entire city for you to celebrate Christmas? Don’t you have one friend or one other place that would be better then to stand here celebrating Christmas at a party I basically paid for? I think you should leave right now! What an a*****e! Enrico and his wife are both speechless. I walk away. This, I believe is the defining moment of my eventual demise.

On Monday Enrico calls me and apologizes. Robert, that was a lack of foresight on my part. You are right. That was not the best place for Mr. Komie at the time. I get your point.

Enrico Mirabelli was celebrating Christmas at his company Christmas party during the heat of my divorce. I thought this classless on both parties part and unethical.

During the final stages of my divorce Enrico come to me and tells me Steve Komie attempted to bribe him into agreeing with a document Steve wanted Enrico to sign that Steve was presenting to the courts. During my trial.

I reported this to the ARDC. ( Attorney Registry & Disciplinary Commission.) When the ARDC investigates and asks Enrico what his version of this is Enrico Mirabelli back-peddled and changed his story to protect Steve.

My wife, at the time is being driven to court in a market Chicago Police car. I repeatedly asked Enrico to hire a private investigator. Enrico’s response. What do you think they will find if I hire an investigator? This is the reason you hire a private investigator. So that you know exactly what is going on.

We petition the court to get money to complete my business and personal accounting so that I can file my taxes. When I was banned from our home by the Judge Anne, in her fit of wisdom threw out all of my financial records. Erased my computer and basically created a big mess with my Business records.

Refused. Why would a Judge refuse to allow me access to marital funds specifically so that I can pay an accounting firm to recreate my records and then file my taxes when he allows Anne to file her taxes? This is the law.

We petition the courts to fund me seeing a Psychiatrist. Refused by the court.

This entire event, in itself should be grounds for disciplinary action on its own merit.


Enrico Mirabelli tells the Jury I am a martial Arts Expert. This is an absolute lie.


Q. Why would any lawyer Appeal a case he originally tried and lost convincingly?

Q. Why would Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson not include the mistakes they made in my case in the appeal? Isn’t this exactly what is to be included in an appeal?

Q. Is it ethical for a lawyer to Appeal his own case?

Q. Enrico Mirabelli does not know that Anne’s lawyer can ask for punitive damages and is not prepared for punitive damages.

Q. Does Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson not know that you can ask for punitive damages or are they just not telling me so I will lose?

Q. Why would any lawyer appeal his own case? Why would Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson lie to the Appellate Court in writing? Who benefits?

We have a 5-day trial for this alleged battery. For 4 years leading up to the trial I repeatedly and to the point of exhaustion demand that Enrico Mirabelli hire a lawyer who specializes in this type of defense. “Robert, This case is going nowhere. I tried a separate case like this where a man beat his wife so bad she had cuts and a black and blue face and she got a little over $ 25,000.00 Anne doesn’t have a mark on her. Her picture looks like she might have just woke up without make-up.”

I suggest that Enrico Mirabelli bring in witnesses in my behalf. Every woman I ever had any form of long-term relationship. Not one woman will have a story of me acting out physically toward her. I went on to describe who I thought was the perfect witness. Marietta LeSage. Marietta is a lawyer in Chicago who is the perfect witness. Light completed, soft spoken and kind of shy and cute. She has an endearing smile and sweet personality everyone falls in love with. Her mother described Marietta as an enigma. The first time I ever heard the word ( enigma ) was from her mother. Marietta worked in London England as a Lawyer for the head of Parliament. A title in England’s political system similar to the President of the United States.

No Fault State

I dated Marietta for about 2-years and was in love with her. “Bob, the jury doesn’t care who you didn’t hurt but the fact that you hit Anne. That’s ridiculous. This goes to my track record with woman. I made a statement to Enrico and his staff a plethora of times. I have never been unfaithful in love of friendship. Ever. I have never been unfaithful in love and never been unfaithful to a friend, ever. Enrico and Shaun Bersson would just laugh and ignore me. Anne wrote a check to her lawyer Kevin O’Reilly for some $ 65,000.00 and here I am with a judge who refuses to give me a dime to hire a lawyer to defend me. A marital estate in excess of $ 5,000,000.00, all controlled by Anne and I am denied funds to prepare my taxes and or hire proper legal council.

During the trial Enrico Mirabelli tells the jury, Robert is a martial Arts Expert. “I told you I took Tai Kwan Do lessons for 6-months in 7th grade. I am not a Martial arts Expert. Enrico Mirabelli tells the just: Robert is a Golden Glove boxer. I told him I boxed in a tournament after football at school against other students. Not boxing competitively.

Both sides rest. After both sides rest Kevin O’Reilly, Anne’s lawyer stands up and addresses the court. Your Honor, we would like to court to allow us to ask for and include Punitive Damages. Enrico stands up laughing. Your Honor. You can’t allow the jury to add punitive damages to this case. The Plaintiff , Dr. Borkowski had 3-years to ask for punitive damages. Her council, Kevin O’Reilly had before trial, during trial and never asked for this. We did not prepare for punitive damages. If my client was to be subjected to Jail time we would prepare for trial differently then is he was subjected to a $ 500.00 fine. We were not prepared for Punitive damages nor did we even know that punitive damages could be added to the Jury’s power at such a late date. This would highly prejudice my client.

The judge gives the Jury open latitude to award, what is basically a limitless punishment on me.

After trial and the verdict was entered. $ 26,000.00 in costs $234,000.00 in compensatory damages and $ 674,000.00 in Punitive damages.

Enrico questioned the Jury. The jurors said that because I was a martial arts expert they thought I could pull a punch. Therefore, due to the fact that Enrico Mirabelli entered evidence, which was a lie, I am not a Martial Arts Expert. I was found guilty by a jury. Bob, one of the women on the Jury wanted to give Anne $, 6,000,000.00

Don’t worry, the judge will never allow this to stand. But in the end Judge Cunningham felt that the jury was just.

How do I pay this? Bob, the punitive part of the judgment cannot even be removed in Bankruptsy. You are basically an indentured servant to Anne for life. Now you have to wonder, why would a judge allow this to happen? Not a mark on this woman and the judge walks away without overturning and or even reducing this decision. 2 people going through a divorce in the throngs of adopting not one but 3-childrne and this is the logic of the court????


I file a formal complaint against Laura Stranski. This very intimidating l*****n Police Officer who is picking Anne up for every court appearance, driving Anne to court and waiting for her and driving her back. Misconduct. Internal affairs or Office of Professional Standards. 312-746-9111 on 18th District

Q. Laura Stranski l*****n cop helping Anne and driving Anne to every court hearing in a marked Blue and white Chicago Police car. Why is Anne afforded this treatment by the Chicago Police Dept?

Q. Why is one of the top lawyers, the head of the law firm of Nadler Pritikin and Mirabelli not even looking into this issue?


I am demanding that my 2 lawyers and his staff

Get copy of the report where Anne was denied an arrest warrant. The first time Anne went to the police station she was denied a warrant. Anne had to continue to go in to the police station on Larabee and Division and harass the police along with her lawyer Patty Superndorf or Laura Bartucci an Assistant States Attorney for 10-days to get this warrant.

On 5-16 the first car is called to our home. The police refuse to get involved and take the position that this is a civil matter.

Laura Stranski is waiting outside court, stalking me.


My good friend and my personal lawyer jack Waghorn said he w speak to Brian Telander about criminal case at 18th. and Michigan and call back.

Brian Telander is a high profile Criminal Defense lawyer and former Criminal Judge in DuPage County who is hired by the best clients to defend really bad cases. I hire Brian Telander’s to defend me personally for $ 5,000.00 and give him a $ 2,50000 retainer to handle this matter.

Telander doesn’t show to court 2 times.

Across the street from our home at 363 W Superior is one of the busiest and most high profile car wash, detail shops in Chicago. I’m rehabbing the buildings’ 2nd. & 3rd. floors to use as my office. On any given day you can routinely see a line outside, down the street, made up of the most expensive cars in the city, canary yellow Lambordini Diablo, Red Ferrari 550, Bentley’s, Ranger Rovers with bling to the max, Mazarati, one after another.


Dave, a guy who works for Mike Demaio the owner of River North Detail and Car Wash and I are talking about his wife and friends and Dave mentions that his wife has a really hot looking friend he thinks might be fun. I’ll ask my wife if Kelly is interested and get back with you. A few day later Dave gives me Kelly’s number. I meet Kelly Landini a few times, just casually. She is petite and attractive but that king of Sopranos, mob looking chick. You know that big fuzzy, out of style hair and tight out of style clothing. She’s got a little girl and seems to be a really good caring mother, which is what attracts me to her most of all. Kelly’s bragging about how he dad is a Made Man in the mob and just out of Prison. She tells me he owns a private investigation agency and that he is really connected and can help me find out if anyone in the police Dept is illegally helping my wife Anne.

Kelly gives me a business card from her dad and so, I call a few days later I call her father ands set up a meeting with him. I have office just South of Chicago Ave. and Milwaukee and so I set up a meeting with her dad.


A little nervous I’m waiting outside my office for him. I’m standing on the street just East of the Viaduct at the rear of my office. It’s a secluded and industrial area as I see 2 really intimidating men approach. Right out of the Sopranos, too very athletic, Italian men in their 50s are walking toward me just West of the empty, weed filled viaduct. The first man is Rick Landini. He looks a lot like Falcon Eddie from the movie Rich Man Poor Man. The guy Nick Nolte fights in the burrows of the ships container room in the movie. He’s with another man , both dressed in flashy black leather jackets and the greasy, slicked back Italian hair style. I’m nervous and thinking, these wise-guys are the last two I would ever want to meet anywhere any-time! Everything about them is causing me to second-guess this meeting and any involvement I should have with these 2. I’m already having second thoughts. We walk to my office building and I telling Rick I want to get the phone records from Anne for the last year. I want to see just who Anne frequently talks to in an effort to build a track record of her accomplices. Because all I have is a small office space in my friend Larry’s office, the 3 of us go to the basement of the building where there is a conference room to talk. It’s kind of remote and low lit basement area where the conference room is located. Rick. He’s about 6’1’ Muscular and stocky with a Mike Ditka body. When you look at him you get the immediate feeling that he would be the last person you would want looking for you. Very intimidating physically! Kelly also said he father taught her martial arts and that he was a professional bodyguard.

Rick Landini said he was once a police officer. Said he knows everyone in law enforcement in Chicago. I ask him if he can get phone records from Anne’s cell and work and see who is helping her and maybe be able to find out just who in the politics and at the police dept is helping Anne and to what extent. Mr. Landini tells me that these records are called “mud sheets.”

He tells me he will get all of this information and wants $ 2,500.00 I give him a check # 5123 and almost immediately after he leaves I feel conflicted so I call him and tell him to hold onto the check as I have second thoughts about this move. He doesn’t answer any of my calls so I stop payment feeling like I made a bad decision.

He deposited the check in Charter One Bank.


Friday Rick calls me and is really violent and threatening over the phone. He’s screaming. “I can flip on you just as fast mother F*cker.”

10-24-Friday at around. 12 noon I Faxed Enrico Our joint tax returns. Kelly, Rick Landini’s daughter told Dave Olfale sister who she is best friends with that her dad told her I wanted to hurt my wife.

IT’S 9.40pm and I’m at Ken's at 760 N. Milwaukee. Kelly Landini called me on my cell phone. I tell her I am at an Art Gallery at 760 N. Milwaukee. Hi Bob, I’m on my way downtown with a couple of my girlfriends. I have to meet my ex for a drink but lets hook up. Do you want to go out with us and have some fun? Sure!! I’m thinking, where is there around her where we can initially meet? Ha, lets meet at Iggy’s down the street.” Ok great, I’m having a ton of fun at Ken’s, smoking weed and laughing with friends so I figure, I’ll wait until she calls and then walk down the street after she gets there. She never showed. At this time I didn’t know her dad the grease-ball had already flipped on me. Kelly's x-husband may be a witness against her. Kelly said her x-husband changed plans and he has to go back to work and cannot babysit so she has to turn around. Kelly's x-husband may be a witness also.

I call Rick Landini again on Monday and his phone is disconnected.

Landini told Enrico I was unhappy with Enrico's service. Landini called Windy City Cafe where I eat breakfast every day and told owner Pete I was a bad guy and I was wearing a wire to get info on customers. Watch out for this guy.


When I saw Mike Demaio the next afternoon at the car wash he asked me about all this mess with Anne. Mike told me he heard from Dave, his manager who set me up with Kelly, Landini’s daughter told Dave that I wanted to hurt Anne. I called Dave and Dave told me that Landini told him I implemented Dave in my motorcycle theft. Landini is attempting to get people to not trust me.

11-07-2003 Thursday.

Anne is in court with Beth Schwartz a woman's advocate who is new at her job position. I see Anne outside court in the hallway sitting on a bench and start a heated conversation with her. This was the first day Beth met Anne.

Maverick BB Game

1. Who is our security company that monitors our townhome? Was security set off when police came there or did Anne set the security alarm off? Anne said that the neighbors called.

2. Our marriage councilor can testify Anne lied about the money she made.

3. Anne erased all files from my computer when she had the court remove me. I can prove this.

4. I want all fertility records from Brian Kaplan 847-266-3535 who handled Anne’s and my IVF cycle.

5. Did Landini, the Private investigator tell the lawyer who he works through that he would be handling my case? Did he deposit the check in a personal account? If he is working through this attorney then all checks should have been deposited into the attorney's account. Landini cannot act as a private detective without going through the attorney’s office he works out of because he is a convicted felon and just out of prison.

6. Enrico please have a private investigator look into who were the witnesses standing in front of my home watching me get arrested. Mike Demaio, Ray Mike's manager, all workers, Jack and Betty my Neighbors, David who works for the car wash as a manager at the Mercy. Dave from the car wash fiancé is friends with Landini's daughter. Landini's daughter told them that I wanted to hurt my wife. She then called me to meet her for a date. She was actually calling me to set me up and have the police arrest me. Please ask these questions to Officers at the police station on Larabee and Division where Laura Stranski works..

7. After signing away my home and feeling really manipulated I’m asking Enrico, “Did Realtor handling Townhome sale send us documents she promised? He never ends up getting any documents from the realtor


Your wife made $ 1,400,000.00 last year. Call this $ 75,000 clear each month and your car payment is not made. Life insurance, car insurance, you cannot put gas in your car. You are so broke and you finally have had it to long and tell her. I cannot be married to you any longer. Imagine, there is no adultery. My wife has a definite sexually dysfunctional. There is just no love for me from Anne.

My small home run business, Patriot Construction Group, Inc. was instantly shut down. My wife Anne gets a court order charging me with Battery. At that moment she convinces the judge that she is in fear of her life. The judge enters an Order of protection, which prohibits me from ever going into my home where my business is located again. Anne hires someone to calls my customers and badmouths me. Anne erases business and personal files from the computer. Our Marriage councilor's records. Her councilor file. My Lawyers' files. Ann's records. She went through everything I had in the house and took it upon herself to get enjoyment in personally removing and controlling anything that she thought I might need personally and or financially. Anne wouldn't give me a simple mattress and lamp to live with.

If we were getting divorced wouldn't it make sense to leave me in the house and not shut down my business and my ability to generate an income? The East Bank Club where I worked out was 5 blocks away. Parking is tough in the downtown district. I parked my car across the street at a building I also stored and got my car washed every day. Many of my large commercial tools were also in this building along with my office. My wife would describe me as a very social individual who has friends on the block and throughout the neighborhood. I attend church 5 blocks East of our home at Holy Name Cathedral. Anne never attended church. Friends Otha, Rich Hughes, who works at Davies for Men, Home Depot is approx 2 miles North East where I purchase supplies on a daily basis for the crews that work for me.

Over 5-years I hauled thousands of pounds of materials up five flights of stairs in our townhome and planted flowers and landscaping on the roof, which I maintained on a daily basis. Anne openly admitted no interest in doing any of this gardening and when I moved out everything died within 3-weeks.

Anne posses the house making no sense. She does it out of spite. What a miserable, sick and pathological person. Anne works in Skokie on Dumpster. She works out at Bally’s health club on Dempster in Skokie, IL. Her sister and mother both live in Park Ridge just off Dempster, the same street where her Fertility clinic is located.. Doesn't it make total sense to just get an apartment near work up North? Avoid me and allow us both to work and be as functional as possible?

But she does all of these things to me to have some semblance of control. To sit on her high horse. To profess to the world that this pathetic b***h is the victim. All along lying in every case. To friends, to her mother and sister and brother-in-law Steve Dinkle. Lying to her employees and business partner Susan Davies. Lying to friends perjuring herself in court and using our over-burdened court system to her unethical pathological advantage. For what? MONEY. God tell us all that your pursuit of material possessions and the unjust control of others will be taken from you in the end. This is God's way of showing you that you are not above the law. You want your husband to be harmed and his character decimated and you do not care. He is a man who just wants to be divorced and given what our Judicial system and the laws provide in his behalf.

The problem Anne has is what Bob had rightfully in the courts eyes is not acceptable to her. So change the courts eyes of Bob. Lie and hire lawyers to lie and in the end who cares what happens regardless of how deviant I need to be to accomplish my goals.

Here is the divine justice.

Bob gets what the court would have originally given him in a normal divorce with no children. Anne has accumulated over $ 300,000 in legal bills and costs, all on lies. The judge sees all of this and orders judgments above 50% of all marital assets. The big one. The very accusations Anne has falsely perpetrated on Bob can now be wagered on her. Bob sues Anne for all of the injustices she has knowingly perpetrated on him.

If the lawyers are involved, Guarantee yourself Anne, as you know Bob. Bob will exhaust every dime to hire investigators, find this information and sue Anne for every dime she has.

Her squeaky clean, sweet image will be destroyed forever. Anne will be ridiculed and despised by millions. Maybe a movie will come out. Anne will crumble because she is already wrong, insecure and guilty. Bob will be on top and defiantly attractive to women in the masses. Traveling around the world, having numerous experiences, as the victim who survived this crazy woman wrath. I know all of your faults Anne. Do you really want me to exploit them? If it is a fight you want you have one. I suggest you go forward and close this chapter without anyone really knowing the truth. The truth in your case is a sick and pathetic mess.

Bob can no longer return any of his home run business calls. Bob has none of his business computer or hard copy files to refer to. No office supplies. Bob's meetings and schedule are taken. Do the neighbors think he is a dangerous, wife beating scary husband. Bob's neighbors, friends see him arrested in front of your home. The police are there so that Anne can develop a track record of so called abuse. Bob's motorcycle which he has put 100s of hours into building at $ 32,0000 is stolen by his wife to spite him. The police are assisting his wife, driving Anne to court and back, pushing the states Attorney to have you arrested. No pictures. No medical records. Just her word as a doctor. Anne has Anne takes control of all of the money. She goes to the bank and takes out a loan on your jointly purchased home for $ 300,000 the week she leaves so that when the home is closed there is no equity in the house. She takes out your hard earned equity and most likely puts the money in the bank to use to run you into the ground. Who cares? Il just use this $ 300,000 to pay Bob's temporary support, legal fees and whatever may come up and do everything unethically possible to make him look like a scary, dangerous husband. I do not care that none of these accusations are true. All I care about is doing whatever I have to make sure Bob ends up with nothing. Send my husband Bob to Cook County jail.

I do not care. I will have his vary life physically threatened, emotionally terrorized and his freedom stripped from him. I do not care. Have his small business and his pride destroyed at all cost. I do not care. Have his parents Nick, Lucille, and his entire family worry and lose sleep wondering if he will be hurt. I do not care. All about money? Sure it is all about me and my money. Lie to my lawyers and tell them Bob did not contribute to the marriage. Sure. As long as everyone, my mother, sister, Amy, Gina, Susan Davie's my Partner, Neil, my employees and anyone who might hear of this thinks I am the victim and Bob is a slimy piece of s**t a*****e, wife beating, f**king loser. Is that about it? You have just picked a fight with the wrong person. No clothes. Cigar lighters. TV, all of the comforts of home. Casper his dog whom he took to work and in the car with him every day for 9 years was. Anne put Casper out of the house. . Anne deliberately lied. This is the only way Anne could get Bob removed from their home.

Then order of protection. Bed Couch, table tamps files. No! Frog ashtray. No. Go to home with a court order and she fights over everything and calls police within 2 minutes. Go to your home with a second court order and the police officer stands in the hallway and will not give you access to the inside. Take what is in the hallway piled up by the door and get out or I will arrest you. Take that pile of s**t and get the f**k out. You have 10 minutes. When I leave you will not ever get back inside again. I have a court order so what. Scary.

Anne is immediately on the phone with Lori Stranski who speaks to Steve Schoop on the phone. Steve assures Laura he is in control.


Over the years I collected several pieces of collectable artwork. Most of the pieces in the value range from $ 1,000 to $ 15,000 each Byron, Agamograph, 2 Vascarelli's, Renoir posthumous print of “Two Sisters”


Andrea my niece my brother Mark's daughter is a very attractive, good natured 21-year old junior in college at Purdue. Andrea has been diagnosed with a rare ovarian cancer that is so rare that only 300 cases have been seen worldwide. My entire family is understandably worried. My mother calls Anne at her office hoping Anne might be able to shed some professional light on Andrea’s condition. Anne’s mother works at her fertility clinic 1 -day a week. My mother leaves Anne a few messages hoping Anne can help my mother contact someone else who may be able to shed some unfound light on this rare subject.

Anne never returns any of my mother's calls. Later in the day, Anne's mother Mildred calls my mother. Before my mother can even say hello Anne's mother goes off. "Don't you ever call my daughter again". DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME! Don t y o u e v e r c a l l m y d a u g h t e r AGAIN! "


I’m at the entrance of 115th and the Dan Ryan getting on the highway to come home. Anne wants to get into the house. Bob, stay away. It’s a trap! There are 4 squad cars on the street. 4 undercover squads with 3 cops in each. There’s a locksmith and he is drilling out the locks on the door right now. Now I’m really nervous. Car on the on-ramp pointed downtown in 4.3pm Friday traffic being told I am driving into a trap. Yep, that’s Anne! Calculating and conniving. Have her police friends arrest me on Friday at 4.3pm after court has closed and my lawyers are all gone for the weekend. Perfectly planned trap. Now what do I do?

Bob, I drove by in my car and 4-cops start running after my car with their guns drawn. Get out of the car! Get the f*ck out of the car right now! as Anne is running in back of them saying: It’s not him!! It’s not him!! Don't come home Bob. Anne is setting you up and is going to have you arrested.

Its, ironically 4.3pm on Friday. A totally calculated set-up on Anne’s part. Have Bob arrested on a Friday after the courts are closed and his lawyer has left for an out of town engagement and have him spend the weekend in Cook County Jail.

So now I am so afraid and my lawyer is gone for the weekend. I call a few police officers I know and they tell me that Anne has planned this. Anne has been in the police station Bob several times in the last week meeting with Officer Laura Stranski and her boss. Anne planned to wait until late in the afternoon Friday so that when you were arrested you would not be able to call your lawyer and have to sit in jail all weekend. She planned to set you up. She has been in contact with Laura, a l*****n police officer and her l*****n commander at the Division and Larabee police station and has set this entire scenario up in advance.

Who was the locksmith company and who took original call when the police came to our house from the currency exchange?

Now here I am. Coming home after playing 11 holes of golf with a friend Kevin Crumb and his buddy at Harborside Golf Club. I am repeatedly calling Anne's cell phone because I think she wants to come home and she is not answering. Why? She and her slimy lawyer Sheldon Minkow the slime-ball are attempting to have me pull up and create a huge scene in front of all of my neighbors who I socialize with and make me look like a bad guy. Why? How twisted!

I run my small construction management business out of our home. All my computer files are in the house. All my scheduled appointments and years of work are in my office in the house. It’s the beginning of the summer and the construction season. How will my customers get a hold of me? What calls am I missing? What meetings are scheduled that I will miss? Does Anne care? My file cabinets, my tools, the 4-business phones lines. My clothes, cleaning supplies, Casper, my dog. Casper is an 8-year-old 5-pound Maltese with brain damage. Anne gets in the house for 5-minutes then she put him outside to run away. Luckily for me and him, god was watching. My mother and father who periodically watch Casper for me put a name-tag on him with their phone number in Schererville, IN on it. A man in Chicago getting on the train about 2 blocks from my house found him walking down the street at 5pm and called my parents and we got him back.

I bought Casper when he was 8-weeks old and over the last 8-years I have taken him to work and in my car with me every day. What a mean and twisted thing to do. It turns out that one of the laborers working at the car wash remembered Anne leaving the house and calling Casper out the front door.

He said she waited until he got all the way down the stairs and then hopped in her car and left.

He thought it was odd and then figured I was in the house and coming out to get him and so he went back into the car wash and back to work.

What did Anne say on the original call to the police? Who did she hire to drill out the locks? What did he here of her original conversation?

Mike Demaio is the owner of River North Car Wash across the street from our townhome. Mike is an extremely easygoing man who started out working at Well-Kleen car wash 15-years ago and now built a chain of some 20-car-wash locations throughout the Chicago. Mike and his wife also now own a restaurant on the North Shore. They are building a new home in the Glen Club in Glenview 6-houses from the house Anne and I scheduled to build.

Anne's Sister Tina and Steve - Nichole & Matthew Dinkel Park Ridge, IL.

I remember being at her sister’s home visiting with Anne one day and her sister actually asking me, Why don’t you get a job at McDonalds? Just another example of Anne lying to her family and friends. I believe that in March 2003 Tina knew Anne was plotting to mislead me into adopting children, and then leave me.


Friday Motorcycle 1HD1BYB1X1YOXXXXX 2001 Harley Davidson Springer Teal and Pearl white with approx. $12,000 in extras. On Friday at about 4.45p.m. I stop by Erie & LaSalle Body shop where I’m having some minor repairs completed on my Harley. Bob, the owner and I are casual friends. I pick up the keys to my motorcycle, which is sitting about 50' West of the front door along the curb and the alley. The bike is sitting in an area where other motorcycles are always at and I'm on my way to Rush Street in my Mercedes. Maybe hang out at Gibson’s, Tavern on Rush, Carmines. Its nice out and I decide to drive my silver 430 CLK Mercedes there and leave the Harley on the curb. I'll come back later and put the bike in the garage across the street from my house where I have been parking it all summer. The car wash across the street from my home on Superior is really busy and especially at 5pm on as Friday so it just makes a lot of sense to leave my Harley there on the curb and come back later.

Between 11and12-midnight I leave Carmine's restaurant. When I drive by the spot where l placed my motorcycle it is gone. I figure it is towed and because I was drinking I figure the best thing to do is get on the highway for my 50 minute drive to my parents home in Schererville, IN.

I call Lower Wacker Central Pound 312-746-4928 and they have no record of my Motorcycle.

5-25-2003 Sunday-8.4pm

I am watching the television at my parent’s home in Schererville, Indiana when my Sprint mobile telephone rings. I walk into the kitchen where it is quieter and a voice on the other end said: How does it feel to have your hard earned s**t taken from you? How does it feel to have you Harley stolen a*****e? In a calm voice I reply, Who is this? I don't think that this is funny. The caller hangs up. I immediately call the Chicago police at 312-742-5870 and speak to a detective Cheezers. He takes the information and tells me he will look into the matter.

I look at my mobile phone and there is the number the call came from. This woman must be a real moron. She must also be really pissed off to call me and want to antagonize me. 773-252-7893 I call 312-796-9600 and type in this number. If it is listed I will get the name and address of the number but the phone number comes back, not listed. I then call this number and get a Fax machine. The moron didn't block the call. The Chicago police later call and said the information listed for this number was 1305 or 07 N. Damen I cannot find the woman's name. A second Detective, Greg Miller then calls me back from 312-744-8263. I call Ameritech 800-807-4205


I report my Harley stolen to my insurance company.

I eat breakfast every morning 7-days a week at HoJo’s, Howard Johnson on the corner of Superior and Orleans directly East down the street from my house. Every morning, seven days a week like clock-work I have the same routine. I get dressed, walk across the street to the car wash where my Mercedes is parked inside. Its the 1st car washed every day. Armor-all the tires.

Wipe them dry and off I go. Car spotless inside and out.

Breakfast is a ritual. Between 7 and 9 am I meet 9-Chicago businessmen every day for breakfast. Steve Schoop, as police officer who is always sitting at the corner of the counter by the register. Tyler, who owns a Swedish pancake mix business and a pickled Herring processing company on Randolph, Jerry a retired sales executive, Doug Eckman, the voice of Max Madsen and his partner Jeff Stimson, Bill Galanti who has worked at the Sun Times in Advertising for over 50-years, Hy Freedman and his son Larry "Low" Freedman.

Tyler gets there first. Tyler has been driving into Chicago from Rockford some 70 miles away 5-days a week for over 45-years. Tyler owns a company that makes Pickled Herring. He's 72. His daughter is the Navy who adopted an Asian child and living in California.

Jerry is 82-years old works out 5 days a week, played basketball competitively until he was 69, happily married and shot down 2 times over Normandy as a fighter pilot.

Doug Eckman is in the Auto Advertising business with Jeff Stimson. Doug was one of the original writers for Saturday Night Live, Max Madsen commercials and does a lot of voice over. He’s very athlete, married to Maggie and has a son in college, Doug is the entertainment wherever he goes. Quick witted, funny, good friend and always genuinely concerned for my well-being. Everyone s concerned about my crazy marriage and adoption plans and listening to my stories every day.

I’ve just gone to Dowd & Dowd Law Firm yesterday for advice from Pat Dowd. I went to college and was in the fraternity with his brother Mike and we remained friends since college. Mike, although the oldest in the family always talked of his admiration for Pat mostly based on Pats character, drive and high standards of ethics so, although I felt a little conflicted about talking about my personal issues with Pat, I always viewed Patrick as the exemplary model of the lawyer you hire when you can afford the finest legal representation.

Pat who’s firm’s main focus in Insurance litigation referred me to Pam Hutul. He said she worked by herself but was a fine, thorough lawyer who he thought would take great care of me.

It just seemed that Anne who had all this money and would walk in with 3-lawyers and every move I made got me further away from level ground.

Back to breakfast at Hojos. Once in a while Jack McDunnah comes in around 8.3a.m. One morning Jack walks in and we are talking about my many court issues and Jack suggests that I call his friend from childhood, lawyer Enrico J. Mirabelli. He's a bulldog and one of the sharpest Lawyers in the city. Here's his number. 861-4600 Fax - 4641 I've known Enrico for 20-years and stood up in his wedding. Call him and jack dials his number right there on the spot. I set up a meeting and see him the same day.

Enrico Mirabelli’s office is in the Prudential Towers. A 70-story white marble building that stands just East of Michigan Ave. When you walk in there is a conference room just off to the right of the reception area. The conference room is just like you see in the movies. It is set up like a mock courtroom with a complete Judges bench, Jury seating and Lawyer tables. It’s impressive and sends a vibrant feeling of confidence through me immediately.

Enrico Mirabelli walks in. He is 55 years old, meticulously dresses Italian in a fine European Suite and tie. Enrico makes it clear that I only need to relate the fact and my feelings once. I get everything you tell me the first time. I have a photographic memory!

I’m over at the car wash every day bull-shitting with the clients and Mike. One of his location managers, who manages the car wash at East Bank Club and I are talking. He’s in his late 30 and married. Ha: You wife got any hot friends?

He sets me up with his wife’s friend Kelly Landini. I meet her in a park on the NW side with her daughter. Nice looking , but that kind of south side frizzy hair style unpolished type. Nice body and a good mother it seems. She tells me she works in bars. I’ll go in as a bartender and spy on employees to find out who might be stealing from the establishments. She tells me her father taught her martial arts and she is a black belt. Hot body and all and I’m thinking maybe there’s potential here.

After telling her a little about me she suggests her father might be able to help me. He’s a former police officer and now a private investigator and gives me his cell phone number. That night I called him and we set up an appointment to meet the next day at my office.

Imp renting an office for business from Larry a friend who I see at breakfast every day. The office is just SW of Halsted and Chicago in an industrial area.


Rick Landini calls me and tells me he is outside and cannot find my office so I hastily run out to greet him. When I get outside I’m at the East side of an abandoned viaduct underpass. The dilapidated concrete underpass is weed-strewn and unkempt with weeds growing out of the sidewalk. About 50-yards away he and another man are walking toward me. Both men are really physically intimidating. As both men approach me Rick extends his hand to greet me. I’m nervous and talking uneasily as we walk back to the office building. There’s a conference room in the basement so we walk down and sit at the conference room table.

Both men are wearing black leather jackets, stocky, late 40's, sport dress, both in black leather jackets, friendly. They both sit at the table with me and we talk for approximately an hour and 20 minutes. I ask Rick if he can get copies of Anne’s phone records and who the numbers relate to so I have an idea of just who is helping her.

Rick tells me that these reports cannot be gotten by police without court order but he has friends, police officers with the access who can get phone records called mud sheets. I tell him about the motorcycle incident and he tells me that he can obtain all of this information and then go to Anne. I do not need to tell Anne whom I am working for. Police, States Attorney, Insurance Company,

I think its highly unusual but the Police are “driving Anne to court. Landini " I can stop that immediately."

I can scare her with the prospect of losing her license. When I get done with her she will not even be able to work her head will be spinning so fast. I guarantee that as soon as I leave her office she will be on the phone with her lawyer and maybe even the people involved in doing all of these illegal things to you and we will be listening in and recording this. Rick then tells me " I usually get a $ 5,000.00 retainer and charge $ 90 per hour. But since you are a friend of my daughter Kelly just give me $ 2,500 up front and I will charge you $ 70.00 per hour. I'll get started right away. Just drop off a check.

This is the letter I wrote to the Rick, the private Investigator.

Rick Lantini

Intelligence Group International1

460 Renaissance Suite 211

Park Ridge, IL 60068



Thanks again for coming out and meeting with me this morning. I feel confident that you will be able to help me with these matters. Here is the information that you requested from me. I will review this information each day and add to the list, anything that I think of and correspond with you promptly.

If you have any questions I can always be reached 24 hours a day by cell phone at 312-371-5229

Wife: Anne E. Borkowski

DOB 11-11-66


North Shore Fertility

4250 Dempster

Skokie, IL. 60076

847-763-8853Anne's old mobile.

312-859-5491 Old Home

312-397-0042 Anne sole owner:

North Shore Day Spa

Golf Rd. 4711

Skokie, IL. 60076


Accountant Craig Farmer

2 West Madison

Lake Zurich, IL. 60047


Questions I would like answers to.

1. Who else does Anne know and visit at the police station on Larabee & Division?

2. Why did Anne go to the police station after the battery final date?

3. Why did police show up at the house the day we were notarizing papers for the adoption?

4. What are the names and badge numbers of the Officers at my house?

5. What did Anne say to the officers when they came over upon our return to the currency exchange?

6. What did Anne say to the officers when they went downstairs before they left my home?

7. Did our home alarm company get a call? From Whom? What did they say if anything?

8. Did we set alarm off or did neighbors call the police? Did Anne set Alarm?

9. Who did Anne call that night? Most likely from her cell phone.

10. What was said? 10. Where did Anne go the next 10-days?

11. When did Anne take the loan out on our home, which liquidated all of the equity?

12. When did Anne first go to the police station?

13. File police report of battery.

Marriage counseling. We also went to Marriage counseling together where Anne proceeded to lie to the councilor about the amount of money she was making. When the subject of sex came up Anne always changed the subject.

Kelly calls me when at Ken’s home near Milwaukee and Chicago Ave.

Landini mobile phone dc. I call him he said phone was temp. Turned off. Lie Phone was not off but DC. This guy has financial problems.

11/06/04 Thursday

I have court to defend the following issues in divorce court in front of Judge William Boyd.

1. Order of protection

2. Violation of this order of protection.

Count 3. Violation of this order of protection.

I drive my Nissan Murano down town and give my car to T.J. The Valet at the Blackstone Hotel 2 blocks West from the courts located in the Richard J. Daily Center. As soon as you walk in the door you have to go through metal detectors and be frisked by police. Security is heavy downtown in all buildings. There are easily 50 police on the first floor of the Daily Center. I go through the screening and put my belongings back on and proceed up to the 16th floor. I’m worried, clearly understanding that I may go to Jail today straight from court. I sit down on a bench in the hallway outside Judge Boyd's courtroom 1605 and figure I'll read Sports Illustrated and wait for Enrico. At approx. 1.45 p.m. I hear talking and look up. The courtrooms are to the Left of me. The hallway leading to the many courtrooms on the left is approx. 120 feet long and 12 feet wide. Approaching me is Chicago Police Officer Laura Stranski, the dike police officer, 2 other police officers, Rick Landini the slime ball, jack off, so called P.I and another bookend mob guy/ approx. 35 years old. Laura is dressed in full police dress uniform like she is going to a parade. Rick Landini looks like Falcon Eddy from the movie Rich Man Poor Man. The movie that gave Nick Nolte his start. He and his friend are right out of the Sopranos series. The last 2-guys you would ever dream or want to run into even in the light of day.

They all walk straight toward me not veering off to the left of the hallway and as the get within 3 feet I look up and vary abruptly say, F*ck Off! They all seem to instantly veer left and continue as Laura responds, same to you ROBERT! With an eerie piercing look.

I sit there for a few minutes and then get up and move to the end of the hallway where I proceed to sit next to 2 elderly women. I'm thinking that they might start something else with me and I will have no witnesses. I'm upset and shaking a little but try to calm down and act relived. At approx.2.03p.m. Enrico walks off the elevator and sees me. I tell him what happened and we walk down the hallway toward and past the congregation of Ann's witnesses. 8 witnesses who will testify against me. Ann's original Lawyer Sheldon Minkow, his assistant, another kid just finished law school and waiting to take the bar exam, and 3 new lawyers from another law firm Anne has also hired.

Enrico walks directly to the Judge's podium. Your Honor. Can you please ask that police officer Laura approach the bench? The trial has not even started and my client informs me that he is being intimidated by the witnesses.

I sit down next to Enrico. Imagine, its just like you see it on T.V. This is a trial. I sit with my lawyer accused of so many things that never happened. I'm broke and the only defense I have is my legal representation paid for by my wife. Over at the other table sits my wife Anne. A shell of insecurity and self-doubt, represented by 4 lawyers. In the peanut gallery sits Laura Stranski the dike cop, 2 other police officers whom I do not recognize, 2 slime ball mob a*s-holes who have proved that they will lie, cheat and run you down. No scruples or conscience what-so-ever. And the kicker is that Rick Landini the slime-ball quasi-detective’s daughter Kelly is an even bigger lowlife then her father. She has this beautiful little daughter and seems to be a great mother and have a good job. Very disciplined and motivated. Vary attractive. And she will actually help her father set me up. For what? Anne has to have paid them beforehand. Where is the motivation on their part?

I'm sitting with Enrico and I'm now understandably worried. Man, what will all of these people say and what will then happen to me? I turn to Enrico and ask" Is there any way I can go to jail because of anything that can happen today? Enrico, "NO"!

I am the first person called to testify and I proceed to get up and walk over and sit on the right side of the Judge Boyd.

Sheldon Minkow approaches and the questioning begins.

Transcript inserted.

Copy of all of our home records. Why were police called to our house? Alarm, Anne Neighbors.

I’ve got lots of questions spinning around in my head and I’m writing them down in front of Enrico.

a. Laurie Stranski at Larabee & Division Police station.

b. What is Laurie's job description?

c. Laurie's home and cell phone numbers.

d. Who is Laurie's l*****n Boss?

e. Her home and cell numbers.

f. Does Anne have sexual relationship with either of them?

g. How many times has Anne called either of them?

h. How often does Anne visit the police station?

i. Who does Anne ask for and see at station?

j. Ann's phone records from 5-1- 2002 – 9-20-2003.

k. Anne's office phone records for the same period of time.

l. Woman on Damen where phone call originated when motorcycle was stolen. She told police said she had phone problems with her lines crossed with the bar across the street. The woman living at the Damen address stated that her phone lines were crossed with the bar across the street. When did the phone company correct the problem?

1-2. What was the problem originally?

l-3 When did she complain of this problem?

j. Copy of police investigation from the Damen call.

k. Copy of insurance investigation.

I look at it this way. I open my life to anyone who can vindicate me and I also open myself up to scrutiny. I know my faults. I’m not very good with money. The material life, but anyone who has ever met me will say. Bob is the guy who gets genuine satisfaction from helping others. He has the qualities of a best friend. Bob loved his wife Anne and was her biggest fan. I know Bob, I dated Bob. Bob has never hit me nor raised his hand at me and never would. Every woman, friend, acquaintance will saw this. I challenge my wife to find one single person on earth who will say different.

Anne's family has a deep history of mental Illness. Uncle Marty's wife was in a mental institution for years. Her sister Tina is Anorexic and has a Down syndrome son Matthew. Anne suffers from severe feelings of inadequacy and sexual dysfunction, does not understand the emotional rewards that come from sharing and is severely insecure. Anne’s brother Charlie has been an admitted drug fiend and Heroin addict for over 20-years back to the age of 12.

Psychiatrists would say that it doesn't fit the profile. Men who hit women are cowards almost universally. And you are the exact opposite of a coward-

I spoke to Craig Farmer Anne’s accountant and he said the entire divorce event makes him sick. Bob, I like you and unfortunately for you I am Anne's accountant. I never said a bad word about you and I understand what you are asking for when you request copied of your tax returns for the business and personal taxes.. But unfortunately Anne will not allow me to release the files. You will have to go through the courts to get these files. I wish that the circumstances were different.

Anne's Lawyer Sheldon Minkow has made me out to be a violent guy and that is not the case.

Townhome sold

Anne takes a loan out on our townhome home for all of the equity in the house and I do not know about the loan.

Anne never actually bought anyone gifts. Birthdays, Christmas, weddings, anniversaries. Anne received gifts from patients regularly and kept them in her closet at home on the floor in boxes. She gave these gifts to everyone. Presents that I got from her were actually regifted from the closet. One Christmas Anne gave me a small music player. It was about the size of a tea saucer on its side with a base the whole device was made of plastic and had words along its outer edge. Wind, Rainstorm, Birds Chirping, Lightning, Thunder. You press the individual buttons and that type of sound would play. I am sure she didn't shop anywhere and buy it because the sound was poor at best. She would never know this unless she actually saw the player and then said. OK I'll buy this for Bob. He’ll love it. She actually in insight would look at this and know immediately. Bob never would buy junk like this.

It never dawned on me at the time that this was actually a re-gift.

I have many questions that are unanswered.

q. Name and job description of police officer Laurie Stranski.

q. How long has she known Anne?

q. Where does Laurie live? Address, home phone, mobile phone.

q. How did she meet Anne? Are they friends? Socially? Is Anne a l*****n?

q. Has Anne ever had a l*****n experience?

q. Laurie's commanding officer is a woman. Name? Affiliation with Anne. Laurie's boss is a l*****n. Mobile phone. Police Star #

q. Woman who own’s the home on Damen who helped Anne have the Harley motorcycle stolen phone numbers. Anne’s mobile phone, office phone and home phone records for the 30 days from the time we left the currency exchange. When did Anne first meet Sheldon? The very first time.

q.. Who referred Anne to Sheldon? Does Neil Kane know Sheldon?

q. Amy Wicker deposition.

q. Anne dated a man who is in prison for murder. How did she meet him and how man times has she visited him and or spoke to him. Dates and times.

q. Who else does Anne know and visit at the station. Why did Anne go to the station after the battery final date?

q. Why did police show up at the house? Officers at my house names.

q. What did Anne say to the officers when they can when they went downstairs? Q. Did alarm company get call? Did Anne set Alarm Who did Anne call that night? Q. What was said?

q. When did Anne take loan out on home File police report of battery?

q. Sheldon called my first lawyer and said go home Anne wants to move in. Who q. was the locksmith company and who took original call?

q. What did Anne say on the original call? Who was there to remove the lock? What q. did he here of the original conversation.

In court Anne denies ever reading a single book and or every researching the subject. Why didn’t my lawyer Enrico Mirabelli ever subpoena her records to put her in contempt of court. Isn’t it realistic that Anne would never lie in open court unless she was positive she would not be cornered in this questioning.

Dear Anne:

I would like to remove any and all items that are personal and some basic furniture from the home so that I can furnish the 750 s.f. Apartment I am renting. I am hoping that you will see that being reasonable and allowing me to get started over will also benefit you. The quicker I become stable and financially productive the less of a burden I need to be on you and I am diligently working to achieve that place in my life.

I see that you have a great deal of anger in you and I am hoping that you will start soon to get on with your life and stop focusing on me.

I want to believe that deep down you are the person I so openly praised to everyone. I forgive you for all of the things that have happened up until today. If there is ever anything I can do to help you are still my wife.

Trying to hurt me is a waste of time. Everything you do that is vengeful just justifies that I was right when I told you I wanted out of the marriage. You brought this upon yourself. You could have so easily straightened this out but you did what I new you would and left and concocted this string of lies that only tells me that I was right about your motives in adopting children.

You can no longer control me and cannot hurt me any longer. Be the classy person I always admired and stop this nonsense. You will only look like a spiteful, selfish woman in the end and the truth will come out. Move on with your life and when you look back focus on all of the fun we had. Look through all the pictures. They are proof that I loved and cherished you.

At some time you will have to admit, at least to yourself, that the way you managed money and your philosophy on sharing is warped or - you will never allow anyone to share their love with you. Think of how often I bought you flowers and clothes and jewelry. I only did it for you. I always got a great satisfaction on giving and sharing. You never understood this emotional reward and did not ever reciprocated. If this is not accurate then please fill in the blanks.

Making me the bad guy is easy but you only demean yourself by standing behind your string of lies. You cannot defend a lie. It’s like the movie, "My Cousin Vinnie"" I forgive you and pray for you every day. I mean this from my heart. Stop fighting, You are only fighting yourself. I am out having fun and anyone who can see this cannot believe any of it. I have already forgiven you. Move on with your life and forget about trying in vein to hurt me. Look back on the past and remember the genuine love and admiration I had for you.

The negative times will only eat at you. Try saying your sorry when everyone is watching. It builds character to admit when you are wrong. You should have done a full court press in an attempt to change and shown remorse for your deviant and calculated actions. It is apparent that you planned these scenarios long in advance and now you are telling everyone who can see that there are no boundaries that you won't cross in your attempt to make yourself look like you have done no wrong. What a lonely and pathetic life. Your emotionally toxic and can’t find level ground until you admit that you need help. Look up the definition of a sociopath. It’s you to a “T” which is dangerous and scary to think about. Married to a sociopathic personality. Without conscience or remorse.

Right down to the July late payment ordered by Judge Boyd. Quit trying to fight. I couldn't care less about this crazy money. You know that if the situations ever changed you would be treated like a Queen - by me.

Every day you wake up with a new opportunity to do what is right. Just like the philosophy that you taped onto your laptop. Read it and start acting accordingly.

Father McLaughlin from Holy Name Church saw me by Carmine's one night right when this started happening and he made a short comment to me and walked away with a smile. I have adopted this state of mind in life.

Robert; “He who angers you controls you.”

Your Husband.

Anne is picked up at home in front of our neighbors and driven to court by Laura Stranski, a uniformed Chicago police officer, every time she goes to court over 4-years. This l*****n police officer picks Anne up every time we have court. Here is an on duty, uniformed Chicago Police Officer picking Anne up in a marked blue and white Chicago police car while on duty drives Anne to court. This police officer escorts Anne to the court room, waits for her and then drives he home, ever time Anne goes to court for 4-plus years.

I hire Brian Telander, who is one of the top Criminal Defense lawyers and a former criminal judge, who practices in DuPage county to represent me. When I hire Mr. Telander I tell him I want him personally to represent me in court and so he tells me that for this one issue he charges $ 5,000.00. I give him the money up front. When the court date comes up he has, for some unknown reason sent one of his lawyers to court to represent me. This happens during the first 2 court appearances and the third time my parents are in court. My father is not in good health and I am demanding that the Judge continue my case, as the lawyer I hired is not present. The judge tells me in open court that the case is going to trial in an hour regardless of weather my lawyer is there of not. My father is really upset in the hallway pleading for me to take a plea deal. Plead guilty and you will get probation. I’m worried sick. My father is also worried with my mom standing by his side. “If this goes to trial and you go to jail it will kill me Bobby”. So, against my better judgment I take the plea deal and the case is over.

Here we have a judge scaring me into making a spontaneous decision without adequate legal representation. Why? This will only hurt me and be used against me later down the road as this divorce charade continues. This will be a re-accuring one sided replay over the course of our divorce. Highly questionable decisions by judges that, when you add them all up spells conspiracy.

I walk out of the courtroom with this lawyer that works for Brian Telander. We are talking and I’m frazzled by these unsettling events that transpired in the courtroom just moments ago. We are now in the hallway outside court and Anne is by the elevator with officer Laura Stranski, so my lawyer asks me to sit down and go over what just happened.

“Let them leave and let’s sit here and relax and talk for a few minutes. After we have had a chance to go over everything that just happened its about 25-minutes later. We intentionally wait for Anne and officer Laura Stranski to leave the building. The hallway is empty and so we walk over to the elevator and go downstairs. We’re at 1300 S. Michigan in an old building with really dilapidated elevators. We get out of the elevator on the first floor and walk past the guards and the security area 30 feet inside the front door and then proceed to walk outside.

We stand in front of the building in a light drizzle, for another 5-minutes discussing my case. The light overcast and drizzle is turning into light-rain now and so we part ways. I watch my lawyer walk into the North parking lot as he proceeds to the rear and West. The lot is really deep alongside the court building. He gets into his car, which is all the way in the back and drive off.

I then turn around and walk East, looking both ways as I cross to the Southbound side of Michigan Ave. I’m standing on the center double line as a Northbound taxi is approaching from the South. I’m waving him down and as the Pakistani driver slows to a stop next to me.

I open the door to hop in and I’m startled. As I am closing the door to the taxicab a marked blue and white Chicago police car is coming straight at me at 2-miles an hour. I’m frozen in the street half- in the taxi with the door open as the cop car drives up Southbound and does a U-turn in front of my taxi, stops dead perpendicular to my taxi in the street in front of me blocking our path, lights on. Driving the Chicago police car is Laurie Stranski, the officer that was with Anne in court a few minutes ago. I felt a jolt or electricity going through me and got into the taxi scared and upset. Officer Stranski has her window down, leaning out the window staring at me. Butch blond haircut and this d**e looks like she could run you down Ina one mile race and dish it out some whoop-a*s.. She is stopped dead in the street and I’m frozen with fear. Officer Stranski drives off slowly with her elbow out the door, window down. She drives off and is now about a block ahead of us Northbound, in the same direction we are going. The taxi driver drives off Northbound on South Michigan Ave. and said, “where to? “

“Follow that police car. See the one about a block in front of us? It’s going to Division and Larabee Police station. Just follow it to the police station.”

I’m upset thinking, who gave this cop the authority to sit outside at 1300 S. Michigan and wait for me? This is harassment and stalking. Anne’s going to have a really hard time explaining this one!

Who the f**k does that cop think she is?? I'm assuming that Officer Stranski is going back to the police station and I think I should act immediately and find out why this on duty Chicago Police Officer is stalking me and waiting outside the court building hiding until my lawyer leaves and waiting for me.

I’m now calling my lawyer on my cell phone who was just in court with me.

Many of Anne’s family members have mental problems. Her younger brother Charlie has been a Heroine addict since he was 11 years old. He has been kicked out of several Universities. Banned from living in Ohio, Fired from his job in Iserbejane in 2001 for drug use. Bailed out of jail on numerous occasions by Anne.

Anne’s sister Tina is very sweet and a generally good person and a great mother and wife. She also has mental disorders. She is Anorexic. Tina is so thin she has to wear kids clothes. Pale white and has a Down Syndrome son Michael.

Anne re-gifted everyone. She saved all of the gifts she got from clients and friends and gave them back to family for birthdays, Christmas. Etsc

We're going to adopt 3 little children’s. Imagine 3 little scared children who don’t understand a word of English coming from the Ukraine into our dysfunctional home. Then controlled and manipulated by a wealthy sociopath. A person who will never have any emotional connection to these kids. Literally life threatening emotionally.

I am already at the long end of a short line. Where do I go when children come into our lives? What is her motivation for adopting 3 kids? Why not start with one child and see how it goes? How about one kid? We're going to adopt 3 kids and she is throwing me in jail the next day.

Anne never actually bought anyone gifts. She received gifts from patients regularly and kept them in her section of the closet on the floor in boxes. She then gave these gifts to family and friends for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries including giving them to me.. Presents that I got from her were actually re-gifted from the closet. Anne gave me a small music player. It was about the size of a tea saucer on its side with a base. The whole device was made of plastic and had controls along its outer edge. Wind, Rainstorm, Birds chirping. Thunder. You press the individual buttons and that type of sound would play. I am sure she didn't shop anywhere and buy it because the sound was poor at best. She would never know this unless she actually saw the player and then said. OK I'll buy this for Bob and hell love it. She actually in einsight would look at this and know immediately. Bob never would buy junk like this. It never dawned on me at the time that this was actually a re-gift.

Am afraid and angry and call Enrico and tell him what just happened. In my mind I need a private investigator and the media to start asking questions and put a stop to whatever law enforcement help Anne is getting. This is scary and really dangerous.

I give Enrico Mirabelli a list of my concerns.

1. Name and job description of police officer Laurie Stranski 2. How long has Chicago Police Officer known Anne?

Where does Laurie live?

Address, home phone, mobile phone.

3. How did she meet Anne? 4. Are they friends socially? 5. Is Anne a l*****n? 6. Has Anne ever had a l*****n experience? 7. Laurie's commanding officer is a woman. Name. Affiliation with Anne. 8. Laurie's boss is a l*****n Mobile phone. I star #

9. Woman who lives at the home where the call came from to my phone addressing the Motorcycle theft.

10. Anne's mobile phone, office phone and home phone records for the 30 days from the time we left the currency exchange.

11. When did Anne first meet Sheldon Minkow. Who referred Anne to Sheldon?

12. Does Neil Kane and Amy Wicker know lawyer Sheldon Minkow?

13. Amy Wicker Kane is Anne’s best friend. Take Amy Wicker’s deposition.

The Endeavor

As I sit her alone, in my apartment, contemplating the meaning of life I see a clear truth to everything that is around me. My childhood was care free and full of adventure filled with great roll models. My life has been a constant pursuit of material possessions. Driving a Mercedes, having the nicest motorcycle, beautiful million dollar homes, the finest clothes, Breoni suites, Armani, Cherutti. Eating at the finest restaurants, Keefers, Gibson’s, Joe's Stone Crab every night. All of these material possessions and the lifestyle many of us dream of. Most of us who have it put such great value on it. The ones who do not have it really believe that the closer they are to this place the happier they will be. Let me tell you that this is the world’s greatest allusion. I know in my heart of hearts that I at least have been given this experience by God and the truly is that none of these possessions will give you any satisfaction.

Sharing your talents with others is where true happiness lies. Having friends you love and admire is the greatest gift of all. To give of yourself freely is the greatest satisfaction you will ever experience.

I now dream in a clear light of the direction my life is truly meant to take. I believe that I want to pursue a life without possessions. The vision I thought I cherished most, money, fame and fortune have deceived me. The place where I envisioned success to be was built on a very sloppy and misconstrued foundation.

I will quit working. I will buy a sailboat and name her The Endeavor. I am going to move to San Francisco, CA. in 3 weeks and move in with Pamela. We just met

2-months ago by chance. I was with my boys, a group of 12-friends from Chicago who went to San Francisco for 4-days to see the Bears opener against the San Francisco 49ers. The bears got blown out 49 to 7.

I have always had grandiose ideas.

Here is my next dream. You tell me if it is realistic. Buy a 49' Beneteau sailboat. Fully automated. Electric winches to adjust the sails. GPS mapping system, depth finder. Washer and dryer. Water maker will take saltwater and purify the water for drinking and eating, showering. Generator to run heating and air conditioning. Leather interior. 2 full bedrooms. 29,000lbs. 18' beam, which is the width of the boat at its longest span. Solar panels to generate additional electricity. Sat phone will give me the ability to communicate with anyone at any time in the world. World TV. Security. 4 cameras. One inside, one front and aft mounted to take pictures and capture the boat from a unique vantage point and one that will be mounted in the cockpit.

I have made a list of every family member, friend, business acquaintance, and I will e-mail them through my journey. In the hope that everyone at some time will join me. and in the course of my journey everyone can learn, be inspired and maybe think outside the box about all of the possible options you have in your life. To create your own unique path.

I envision spending the opportunity to visit with new friend and old, unimpeded. For hours and days on end. To relate with the only obligations be to wake up and plan the next day. No phones, no bills, no car payment, mortgage, gas, electric, life ins bills, children, boss at work. Schedules to meet, people ripping you off. Crime.

We will travel along the California coast. Down through the Panama Canal. At some time we will follow the Magellan’s Curve and cross the Atlantic. Man does this sound crazy? Not really. Sit down for a few minutes and imagine your parents, your grandparents, aunts and uncles who got on boats and set sail for this great country, America. Mostly uneducated, with the dream of a life without boundaries. To go to this unknown place called America to pursue a better life. Mostly not to get rich but to just be free and live safely.

We will travel throughout Europe. France, Paris, Croatia, and then around the Mediterranean Sea in the direction of Africa. Gabon. National Geographic’s. Gorillas, Orangutan's, Giraffes. National Parks and being an expert who can speak fluent English. Learn and understand another culture. Other languages. The experience of wildlife and the beauty of this new world. On the coast where we can set up boat travels. Sailing, jet skies. Alligators, Hippos, Wilder beast. Maybe Have children some day in a far –away place.

Pamela's grand parents came to America from Italy. My grandparents both came to America from Croatia. My grandmother and grandfather both had the same name. My grandmother said she got off the boat and saw my grandfather walking down the street that very first day in America. She followed him and has a friend introduce him to her and married him.

Wouldn't that be Pamela? She was 37 when we met. Beautiful smile, happy all of the time, father has first heart attack at 34 and at 55 died at his desk. I will not allow this to happen to me. Pamela quit work and lived in London for a little over a year. She loves to travel. When she came back to the US with her husband she immediately got a job at Williams and Sonoma as director of Purchasing in the food division. Left there and is now working at Wine.com as the financial director in charge of 14-employees. The start-up internet driven company did $ 14,000,000 in sales last year. Pamela is really smart and moreover endearing to everyone. That’s what I find so attractive. She’s outgoing, athletic and adventurous. She walks to work in San Francisco from her apartment 45-minutes each day. She’s always smiling and laughing. Great A*S. I think I could see her quitting her job to travel with me. Pamela is very confident in her ability and has the mindset that she can always find another job.

My childhood in Chicago in a neighborhood called Hegewisch, a small neighborhood on the South East side of Chicago. A predominantly middle-class neighborhood surrounded by LTV Steel , and United States Steel to the North, the international shipping harbors and Ford Motors facility to the West, miles and miles of swamps to the East with Wolf and Powderhorn Lake to the East and the small town of Burnham to the South-East.


A police detective is calling me. Robert, I would like you to come in so I can talk with you”. For what? I just want to ask you some questions in regard to your wife and your divorce. Well you can ask me just as easily and more conveniently right now.

This goes on for a few days with a call or two each day.

Otha calls me at about 11am as I’m driving into the city on the Dan Ryan at around 60th street.

“ Bob, What did you do?’ Otha’s concerned and obviously stressed with the information he is sharing. There’s 10-under-cover police cars at Mots and Craig’s bar and there scaring the sh*t out of Mots demanding that he get on the phone and coerce you into coming there right now. Just what the f*ck did you do man? Mots told me that they just left your apartment building across the street and went through the entire building room by room forcing the owners to allow them to look for you. Imagine everyone watching this s**t. Bob, what did you do.?

The 4th floor loft apartment overlooks Mots Bar across the street just east of Milwaukee and Chicago Ave, The bar across the street from my apartment where I am periodically at helping a friend who is building his first bar in what was formerly an ice manufacturing business.

I'm living in a 7-story building just 1 block East of Milwaukee and Huron in a one-bedroom loft apartment. You learn about every situation when you have tenants and every once in a while you want to give someone a break. Give someone who is in a tough spot a little help but then most of the time it comes back to bite you. I would bet that if you went over to the management office the manager would say. O'h Robert? He's a nice guy. I like him. but; There’s the key word. But what? Well, the Chicago police department detective division came to our building and basically threatened to create havoc if we did not open every single door in the apartment building in search of Robert.

Now we are all wondering just what did this guy really do? What did he do? Twelve, Two Hundred Twenty pound plus pissed off armed planed clothed officers surround our apartment building with 7-unmarked squad cars and what am I to assume. The police tell me.

“You need to help us locate Robert. He is a danger to anyone who might run into him and we need to get him into custody.” They demand over and over to open his apartment but the manager refuses and so the police make the manager open every single access door to every room in this 7-story building that takes up a city block. Floor by floor, room-by-room and scaring the tenants and creating a scene. For what? Needless to say, Thank God I am not there.

Then these police officers go across the street to where a friend is building a bar in an old Ice Manufacturing building where some friends are building a bar and start threatening Mot's, one of the owners who is working on the rehab. They demand that Mots call me and convince me to come to the bar or they are going to arrest him. Afraid, Mots calls a mutual friend, Otha.

So, instead of going to the bar to help Mots with the rehab as planned, I drive straight to my lawyer’s office, which is in the 41-story Prudential plaza facing Lake Michigan. I parked across the street in the underground parking lot below the Lake Shore Athletic Club where I worked out and walked over to the Prudential Building while on the phone with Enrico, my lawyer. Enrico tells me to wait in the lobby and he will come down. Oddly, the police are everywhere in the lobby waiting for me. There asking me where my car is and I’m paralyzed with fear. How did they know where I was so quickly?

I would describe myself as a best friend. As I get older I realize what a commodity this is. I have always put such great value on the friendships I have and friend’s well being and in doing so realize that very few people will ever care as much or feel that joy in helping and giving. The reality is that family is the only true support system you may be lucky to ever have. The purpose of everything you will read is really in its purest form, my need to tell you what happened to me and to finally bury this part of my life. I've never given into bullies and I have always been the guy who will say what I am thinking and stand up to injustice. I remember my mother saying to me, "Do not ever tell someone the truth about themselves in anger. You cannot take it back and most certainly, you will inevitably regret what you said later! I have a checkered or should I say, colorful past. I think its just the path but there isn’t enough space on the Internet to tell all the stories. I am usually good for telling stories about my checkered past with a grin and a laugh while others walk away cringing at the thought of sharing their indiscretions and looking irresponsible. The stories are so plentiful and yes sometimes a little unbelievable, but true. Most casual observers frown and walk away in disbelief, but here I am with this roller coaster life of unusual stories.

I go to SF with Otha, Kevin, LePhate, Craig and meet Pamela

Start flying out to see Pamela

Go to Avalon and meet Colo & Matthews.

On November 27-2003 I Move from Chicago to San Francisco. A friend from Hirte Art gallery, Cliff Anstak drives with me in the U-haul. It’s 15-degrees outside and snowing sideways the day we are loading my belongings from my loft apt into the U-Haul. The 150 gallon Saltwater fish tank is the last item loaded into the back of the Penske moving truck bound for San Francisco. We have an air line run off the cigarette lighter and into a garbage can filled with salt water eels and fish between the front seats.

We pull out of Milwaukee and Chicago Ave. on what will be a 26-hour haul-a*s, non-stop ride with my new dark-blue Nisan Murano in tow behind the U-Haul.. The saltwater fish and Zebra eels are between the front seats in a 30-gallon garbage can equipped with a heater and aerator to keep everybody alive and the saltwater at 80 degrees.

We drive non-stop across the country, stopping only long enough to gas up and grab food. We’re there is 26-hours. About 6-hours from San Francisco 1 call Labor-Ready day labor service on my cell phone and tell then to have 4 laborers at the building at 4th and King in San Francisco. When we arrive I back into the loading dock where the crew is waiting. I open up the back of the moving trailer and tell them. Listen carefully!

Take the dollies and get this 150lb glass fish tank and stand up to 603. Set the stand down first and then the tank on top. Then get the fish upstairs. Take these 6 5-gallon buckets and fill them with warm water and set them next to the fish tank. I know it crucial to get all of these saltwater fish and eels back in carefully mixed saltwater ASAP!

After that get everything out of the truck and upstairs.

Before I go to bed the entire house is put away. 150 gallon saltwater fish-tank with exotic fish and a 30” Zebra Eel is running and every box thrown out. Everything clean and put away. Cliff and I shower and get some shut eye.

Pamela Troy who I’m dating is moving in a few days. She is moving out of her San Francisco Apartment and into this new, state of the art 19-story condominium 1 block South from the SBC Ballpark where the San Francisco Giants play baseball.

AJ Pierzynski lives our the building along with several other SF Giants baseball players.

My new 2 bedroom condo with an outside patio overlooking the Embarcadero, is a

non-stop party and I quickly become friends with many others in the condominium high-rise.

After 5-months our relationship grows cold and Pamela decides to move to her own unite one floor down. A few weeks later I rent the second room to a younger guy who is in the construction business like me. Stephan is a really cool, fun new friend. He lives a very simple, un-materialistic, lifestyle driving a 1960 late model truck that he is restoring. Stefan is dating a really gorgeous woman from Australia. They seem to really enjoy each other’s company and are rarely around the apartment.

Ins now November and Stephan Dalkert suggests I go Scuba diving in Thailand. Within 10-days I am on my way to Thailand with no plans after landing in Bangkok. Its now about t 11.30p.m after 20-hours of flying. The time is 12-hours ahead in Chicago. 8 am Monday in Thailand is Sunday night at 8p.m. Sunday in San Francisco. The flight leaves San Francisco and lands in Tokyo 13-hours later. There is a 2 1/2 hour layover and then another 9-hour flight to Bangkok that lands at 11.30pm


After landing and retrieving my luggage I walk from the International terminal through an old, elevated tunnel about 2 blocks long. Now I am in the domestic terminal and so I decide to sleep on the floor until 5a.m. I get the first flight out to Phuket, which is the most popular Island about a 1-hour flight South. I land and hop into a Tuk Tuk. This is basically the smallest pick-up truck with a canopy in the back and wooden padded benches on both sides anchored to the truck bed. There are usually 4 to 8 people inside getting off intermittently along the way.

The driver asks what I would like to do while on the island and I tell him I want to go Scuba Diving. Imagine, I never went Scuba Diving once while I was with Anne. Not one time. She told me that when we went on vacations we should be together and so we always went to conventions paid for by fertility drug manufacturers for free and to spas, which Anne enjoyed. I never even went golfing. We stop at one of the literally hundreds of shops and I sign up for a few dive excursions and then the Thai driver takes me to Moby d**k Hotel. Later that night I will be enlightened to experience a rock band just outside my window playing at the bar next door holding about 1000 patrons. Needless to stay I stayed just 2-nights.

The first day I signed up to take a Thai English class and learn a little Thai. There’s this beautiful Thai woman named Wan Pen in the class. I meet her and her sister but am leaving shortly the next morning to go on a 5-day live-a-board yacht to go diving. This is the best way to experience the highest quality scuba diving in the world.

The boat is just amazing. 14-rooms with 2 divers to a room. The Thai food is the most amazing display you can imagine. Breakfast served at 6am followed by a dive meeting where the dive master has a chart of the entire dive from start to finish. The 4 color chart is presented at the back of the boat detailing the depth of the water at each point and what you can expect to see. There is a dive instructor for every 4 divers to insure safety and the optimum dive experience. I get back after this trip and call Pen immediately. I take her and her sister out for dinner and am shocked that neither of them has eaten in days.

12/02 2004 Leave Bangkok for SF.

Shortly after I arrive back in San Francisco my friends and I have a party planned in the Penthouse on the 22nd. Floor to celebrate Christmas. Everyone is with their girlfriends and husbands and we’re having an amazing time. I’m sharing pics with everyone and sharing stories of this magical place I just left. Looking around I’m missing Pen so much I decide right then to go back to Thailand. I get on the phone at the party and book the next flight I can get on which lands me on 25/25/2004 11.21p land in Bangkok

12/26/2004 Land in Phuket at 8.am. I land and immediately call Pen from the airport. “ Where are you at? I’m at a hotel in the middle of town. My father is in the hospital in Bangkok. I’m leaving in the morning on a bus to go to be with him and my family.

So, I go to the hotel and meet her. The room is run down and the pillows actually have mold on them from probably being damp. I don’t say anything as I don’t want to embarrass her. In the morning as were leaving the hotel I walk down the street and stop at the first travel agency I see and buy Mariya a round trip flight to Bangkok. Its simple. The bus is a 12-hour drive and the flight is 1-hour. This helps her and gets her to her father with a lot less stress and waiting. I give her a few hundred dollars extra and off I go to the Anchellee Hotel where I have reservations. I stop along the way and have a custom dive suite ordered, which will take about a week to make. 2mil on the arms, 3-mil body and the color pattern I custom select. The suite comes out to about

$ 150.00US so it’s a sweet deal.

12/26 10.3 going to beach


Back in Medinah, IL Jack dies. I heartbroken. Jack dies in the hospital while I am at the Airport leaving to see him.

The airport is a runway between a thousand coconut trees on each side. Koh Samui, the Island of a million coconuts.

I will sell you from the row of coconut trees to the rock to the tree

Giant spider.

Ambassador to Australia and the hotel owner and I go to another Island to go Golfing.

The 3 children runs from the SUV I rented to the pool

Red Ants everywhere.

Mariya and I do all the gardening.

Play soccer on the beach. Fly kites, teach them to catch and hit a t-ball and play football and play with a remote control car and abc’s, q-cards every day 3 times a day.

I teach Mariya to swim.

I teach the children to swim.

We go down every trail and road while on the Island of Koh Samui

I put the children in St. Joseph Catholic Grade School

The landlord.

Mariya gets in an accident

Bob gets ambushed and held to the ground, at Gunpoint.

Tom the resort owner and his children.

Tom throws Mariya and the children on the street without a dime to go home and steals Mariya’s brand new $ 1,100.00 moped in the process. Thrown out on the street with 4 months rent paid in advance.

Oprah. I was on the show. That’s right. The Oprah Winfrey show. You know the show. If you could be on any show in the world, in your life, just once. Which one? I was on Oprah as an actual guest. Not once but twice. She picked me up along with 2 friends in a Mercedes stretch limousine, Steve Dahmen and George in a stretch Limousine.

I was out with 2 buddies, Steve Dahmen and George one night looking for a hot place where beautiful women hang out and here we are, the three of us walking into Marchet. This is one of the coolest places in the Chicago’s Market district. The restaurant was built by Jerry Krasner back in the early nineties. Its got and exotic, Beatle Juice flair to it with heavy purple velvet draperies and a French accent.

The three of us are kind of viewing the scene and there are an unusual number of really hot, model types at the bar and understandably, these woman are all interested in me and my boys. You know that feeling when everything’s clicking. Your like, dam, check this out. My karma and charm are working on all cylinders.

I’m walking around laughing, telling stories to the fine ladies and I notice a bunch of people. They look like a camera crew. I walk back and I'm talking to 2 of these woman and I hear something like, Oprah? Oprah? I work for Harpo. Bob "Oh, I have a friend who is one of Oprah's first employees. What’s your friends name? Joe. You know Joe? I've been friends with Joe since I was about 22. We hung out at Jimmy Gierczyk's nightclub on 171st. and Halsted and the World Music Theatre. Joe was the first guy to have a house. In Dalton. Joe's the film editor and his wife is the head Producer. O'h he’s. He's at the studio now. So what are you guys doing here. I'm assuming that they film everything Oprah does and she is either there or coming up there. We are walking toward the back of the restaurant to the bathrooms and there is a giant 10" round mirror on the wall with velvet artistic couches in front and we are telling stories and laughing. So where's Oprah? She coming up here to eat?

No, we are filming a show. What about? Well, it’s about what attracted one person to another. What women look for in a man. We’ re doing a show about dating tips and so we hired a bunch of professional models as plants. You 3 guys are the 3 we have been filming. No! Yes. You see all those beautiful women. There professional models and they have been playing with you 3 and we have been filming the entire night.

Oprah’s staff arranges to pick us up where I live in Wheaton, IL. They send a Mercedes stretch Limo to pick up me, George and Steve.

When we get to her studio on Washington downtown there are staff waiting to get us inside, comfortable and ready for the show.

The manager of the group, a petite and voluptuous young woman is actually much hotter then the models. Her name is Kelly. She takes my name and address and all of our contact information and tells me she will call and if they decide to use it she will let us know. A few weeks later Kelly calls and tells me she would like to have us on the show. They send a beautiful Mercedes stretch black Limousine to pick us up at my townhome in Wheaton.

During the taping of the show, Oprah asks me why I was the only one not really pursuing any of the models. “It's just chemistry” I respond. One the other hand, I find Kelly to be really sexy though. I don't tell anyone but I call Kelly after the show and we go out a few times. She is petite and has beautiful flawless skin and this rocken voluptuous body. I think the last time I saw her we went out to Biggs. Biggs is inside a remodeled Victorian mansion in the City just South of Division St. on Clark. A really upscale high end atmosphere. Kelly’s with her parents who were in town to visit Kelly from the East coast. Smart woman. Intuitive. She pegged me early. That’s O'K. She is really classy and maybe out of my league but I have always taken the position that, I’m a fun guy that most women like but I know my limitations. Enjoy the moment and remember the good times. When you get tired of me, move on. I get it. I actually recommend it!

10-years later I see Oprah with Gayle at East Bank Club in sweats with no make-up and she will stop and ask a question and say hello. She is no different then you and me except the societies realization that she is special. Ever approachable and humble with a smile. Money doesn't change everyone. That’s what is so special with this woman. You see her walking down the street by her studio with 50 to 60 employees in tow going to lunch. It’s just a bunch of people in Jeans and T-shirts having fun.

But I get to see my life a little like Forest Gump. I Know d**k Klarchek and Sam Zell and Scotty Pippen and Quincy Jones. On an On and on. In almost every encounter its just another person who has more materially but enjoys the most basic and fundamental things we all do. To laugh at themselves, a good joke and a bunch of friends or good-natured people to make their day complete.

I rehabbed the River North Car Wash building across the street from my townhome. Mike Demaio, the owner knows every professional athlete in the entire city and is loved and admired by them all too. It is common place to go outside my front door and see a line of the most expensive cars in the world lined up 10-deep on the street waiting to get their car detailed. Chairs out front and Juan Howard, Antwan Walker, Ron Harper, Cliff Livingston, R Kelly and his Posse, Anthony, Alex from Carmines and literally anyone who is a player in Chicago hanging out on any given day. Just like high school with friends but the rides are off the hook now. Masarati, Ferraris, Bentley, Mercedes, Lotus, Porsches of every exotic model and color. One after another and everyone is tricked out. Many of these guys have five or more cars and their friends / posse drive the cars up to get detailed. Mike is 38 and has about 30 locations now. He started washing cars and I remember him saying that his hot girlfriend at the time left him because he quit college and was working at Well Clean Car wash. Get your s**t together. You’re going nowhere. Now Mike has over 30 locations. The Mercantile Exchange, East Bank Club which is the largest health club under one roof in America, CNA Building, Board of Trade, Bloomingdales to name a few.

In the seven years I live on this street and the 4-years I am in rehabbing this building I never witness Mike Demaio ever raise his voice to anyone. He is overly polite, cool headed and respectful to everyone. Now, and I was going to say oddly enough but that might not explain the true picture. Mike has had more grief from me then anyone he has encountered while in the building.

At one point in the rehab I was putting a new rear staircase in and we were doing a lot of heavy pounding. The ceiling in the car wash started to fall down. Now imagine a 30 foot wide by 160 feet long ceiling 12 feet in the air with 2 layers of 5/8" thick drywall coming down while you have a full garage of every exotic car over $ 100,000 . The ceiling comes down like an accordion. One piece pulls the next piece pulls the next piece and thank GOD it stopped. Take 100 people in that situation and Bob’s getting killed in good reason but here's Mike calm as you can be under the circumstances calling his insurance and closing down his business in the middle of the day because of me. Well. We're still friends. Yes, still friends, with a grain of salt I guess but still friends.

Back to that woman whose name we all know. What’s her name? O'h ya, Oprah. He was the first of my friends to have a home. A small place in Dolton with a big fish tank in the window and drums in the basement. We all hung out there. Jimmy Boudreau, Mark Doran, John “Fuzzy” Witolski. We'd go over to Jimmy Gierczyk's nightclub on the week ends. A few years later Jimmy G went and build the World Music Theatre where I've see probably 70 concerts and met many rock stars.

From my best friend as a child through my partner in business after college John Chengary, to Tim Lynch Mike Dowd, Kent Kunkel who in looking down smiling right now with Ronnie my cousin, My Brother Mark and Nick, My sisters Laura and Maryellen, My Parents Nick and Lucille. I know I am blessed. God has always had a grand plan for me in spit of myself. I have been surrounded by friends who are all leaders. Mike Dowd is probably the one I most admire. Mike, I always see him as the leader successful men follow. When you pick a leader and the room is full of them someone always stands out. That’s Mike. He'll tell you he is not that smart and always downplay how lucky he is but he is the consummate classy, leader of all men. Mike works for Refco and is on the Governors Board at the Mercantile Exchange and his success is a direct result of his approachable personality and demeanor. In this environment where money corrupts and infects peoples behaviors and values people look at Mike and he stands for all the aspects that we admire. I just happened to be the anomaly. Why was I more irresponsible and shortsighted and still in this group. When I am feeling inadequate and isolated I have lots of places to go.

Ken Hirte , my good friend and the owner of Gallery Chicago is another unique man who has left an endearing and everlasting impression on me. A friend to everyone who knows him and a good father who has raised 2 really classy successful children. His son in a concert violinist who has played with Bet Midler at Sam Zell’s Birthday party to his daughter Lauren who is in plays all over the country.

I’ve made this statement to many as a testament to who I am, although flawed.

“I have never been unfaithful in Love or Friendship, Ever! “

There is not a woman in the world who can share stories of violence directed by me with Anne. The reason. There was never a single violent moment between any woman I ever dated. There was never a single violent moment with any woman in my life. Ever. Now I say this into cyber-space, so lets see what happens. I invite a response from any woman who has ever become friends with me or dated me. What did you see? Write back.

When I met Mariya I was immediately attracted to how beautiful she looked. Her skin was so perfectly tan and smooth and flawless. You know that feeling of a woman’s soft silky skin. When you touch her you get a chill from the sensuality of that glow and her beauty. When I dream of her and think of Mariya I always see her walking down the street and stopping to pick up and play with total strangers little children. She has the gorgeous, voluptuous, rocking petite body bending over and picking these babies up. To me this is so completely enjoyable. I have always felt the same way about children and here is a woman who genuinely has this same basic need and love for children that I share.

I go Scuba Diving the next day. It’s a stroke of divine luck but I end up on a brand new, 1 month old 18 room, state of the art dive boat. The white luxury vessel is just beautiful. I have a nice air-conditioned room with a desk I share with a guy in his 30's from Sweden. The boat has a video/ TV room that is about 15’ wide by 10’ deep with a 60" flat screen TV and 3 seats with computers for video editing. Everyone sits around during breaks in diving watching videos of the many photos we take on our dives. There is a water chest about 6 feet by 4 feet deep by 3 feet wide filled with under water camera equipment you can rent for $ 25.00 per day so I rend an under-water digital-camera. I am on a 65 foot 2 story boat about 100 miles off the Northern Coast of Thailand diving the Similan Islands and then Richleiu Rock. In world dive circles these are revered as 2 of the 100 top dive locations in the world. Most dives are between 60 and 110 feet deep and the visibility is around 100 to 200 feet on every dive. This part of the vacation will prove to be the most memorable experience in diving in my life. I come home with movies of me diving with Whale sharks, giant mantas 18-feet across feeding from my hands and swimming within the group, many sharks and thousands of fish in every color and personality. I end up with about 30 minutes of National Geographic quality movie and about 200 Magazine quality photos. I have a good friend back home in Chicago Tom Zamier who is a well-respected nationally recognized professional photographer and mural artist. When he sees the photos he tells me that many are fantastic.

The food on the boat is fantastic to my surprise. You can eat all you want all day and dive 4 of the 5 dives scheduled each day. Dive at 7.3a.m. Dive at 10.30 a.m. 1.30 p.m. 4pm. and one night dive at 8p.m. The night dives are incredible and spine tingling. That’s another incredible story all together.

One the 3rd night Zack Black one of the divers in his 20’s and I sign up for a night dive. We show up around 5.3pm after dinner. By 6.20pm we realize that it’s just us 2 and the dive instructor, who is at best in his early 20’s. The un-nerving part is soon to come. We sit down at the rear table of this 80’ yacht and go over all of the details of the dive. Each of us get a dive light lit by a box battery. Don’t turn the light on until your in the water and when the light starts to dim head for the surface slowly. The dive will be to about 50’ at nightfall. As we enter the water the moon is above and the sun has just disappeared at the edge of the turquoise horizon. As we ascend I can tell you it’s an out-of-body-sensation. Imagine that everything around you in a 360 degree sphere is pitch black as we ascend below the surface. At about 20 feet I’m in outer space. Everything beyond the light beam is pitch black and eerily silent. The 2 other divers are below me descending at a 30 degree angle to the bottom. Complete, jet –black-darkness in all directions beyond the light.

Within a few minutes we are on the sandy and rock covered deck. On the bottom 80% of all plant and fish-life are only out and visible at night. Octopus come out to feed and a plethora of plants are visible, the colors are spectacular beyond description. All at once everything is jet black. My light momentarily goes dead and by the time it comes back on I’m all alone. Zack and the dive instructor are nowhere in sight.

Pitch black, on the bottom of the ocean in the open ocean, all alone. When the light comes back on all I can see is what is at the end of the light. About 15-feet away, only in the direction of the light. It’s so black I cannot see my feet without pointing the light to them.

Above me, about 40-feet of and just below the surface are a school of about 40 5 foot long golden brown torpedo shaped barracuda, just hovering there with their mouths open, razor sharp teeth gleaming in the translucent beam of my box flash-light. I bring out my rattler, an 8-inch long aluminum tube closed at both ends with a ball-bearing inside it. When you shake it up and down it makes a rattling sound I’m hoping the other 2 divers hear. I’m pivoting on my spot and slowly shining the light parallel to the deck hoping these 2 divers are back-tracking looking for me. After about 7-minutes I realize that I must ascend. As I ascend I feel like a shiny fishing lure in the utter darkness. Once I’m about 10 feet off the bottom every direction is pitch black 360. It’s the most ominous feeling I’ve ever experiences. Are the barracuda thinking I’m a fish in distress? Are there sharks close by? And when I finally reach the surface I’m some 200 yards from the boat and swimming on the surface in utter darkness back to the boat feeling like a fish in distress and obviously giving off vibes of distress back into the ocean.

When I get back to the boat I’m freaked out and pissed off. Zack and this idiot dive master are there.

Why didn’t you back-track and find me?

What if I got tangled in something t the bottom. Id be dead. What the F*ck is wrong with you?

Furious, Distraught. Tired. Exhausted. Disgusted. This Mother-F*cker should lose his dive masters license.

Pen is in school on the Island of Phuket learning English. When I finally get back 4-days later the Full Moon Party is in full swing and it just happened to be Mariya’s birthday.

Pen spends the remainder of her time with me. We go scuba diving and walks on the beach and go out at night and hang out on the beach and lounge on the patio listening to great music by DJ from all over the world. The skies are filled with a million stars that light up against the dark blue and Amber sunsets make for a very relaxing and romantic setting. I have to leave in a few days and really want Mariya to be with her children. She tells me that they are about 1200 miles away in a place that is really poor.

I want to see where she lives. “Robert, You will not like it. The food is bad and there is little to do. “

I grew up in a middle class home and my parents did not put any value on material possessions so I really didn't think that would be a big issue although I would probably eat very little as I am such a picky eater.

I bought us both tickets and we flew to Bangkok and then another 1 1/2 hours to the Chang Rai airport. Mariya’s father picked us up in an old beat up pick up truck. In the back of the bed of the pick up truck were her 6-year old twin boys, her daughter, her mom her aunt and uncle. They insisted I sit in the truck with her father. I froze as the truck heater was broken and felt really bad for everyone who was covered in heavy blankets in the rear of the pick-up for our 1 ½ hour ride back to their farm. This is the upper most Northern part of Thailand. Mariya's father is a rice farmer.

Her father picks us up in a dilapidated, rusted 20-year-old tiny white pick-up. In the truck bed is Mariya's grandmother, grandfather, her twin 6-year-old boys and her 8 year old daughter, another friend, me and Mariya. We all cover up under blankets as it is about 40 degrees and I'm freezing. The ride back to the house is about an hour on the highway then another half-hour through remote farming villages.

We stop at the only store on the way and I buy a couple cases of beer and food for everyone. The next morning many villagers and relatives come over curiously to see who Mariya's friend is. No one speaks a word of English

I have to get back to San Francisco in 2-days. I am really looking forward to the Christmas party in the Avalon Penthouse in San Francisco with all of my friends. Since I am not working and have money I'm the social coordinator for the building. 265 united in a 19-story building next to the baseball park where the San Francisco Giants play. Right on the next corner of 4th & King on the San Francisco Bay. A.J Brzezinski and 4 other Giants players live in the building. I have people over all the time, in the morning for breakfast, during the day and every night.

The next morning we wake up and her mother is cooking food on the ground behind a little wooden shed. There are a few dogs running around, lots of chickens and roosters. Giant buffalo walk past every so often on their way to the rice fields visible off the rear of her father’s property. Their home is basically a 20’ by 18’ room 5 feet above ground on 8 concrete posts. Weathered and rusted corrugated, metal covers the walls and the roof. One light bulb hangs from the ceiling inside on an old brown fraid wire running unevenly and loosely strewn along the wall. An old refrigerator stands against the walls and there is one window opening, which is covered with a piece of rusted corrugated aluminum.

There are children and villagers walking closely around wondering whom this strange man is. Mariya's twin boys, who she calls Nut and Nat and her daughter Noon. The boys always have the same matching clothes on. Same hats, shirts, shoes, pants. Always.

It hits me that without me this beautiful, innocent little girl I've fallen in love with would have no chance. Not a little chance. No chance. Her daughter Noon, This beautiful, happy little girl will have 2 choices very soon in her otherwise carefree life. Work in a factory 12 to 14 hours a day 6 days a week or more on $ 120.00 a month or Prostitution. When you walk down the street and see happy little children or go over and visit your niece you love or your children you will most certainly protect with your life, this realization quickly hits home. I've always wanted children and I’m a consummate kid at heart. I left a woman I was completely and deeply in love with and married to because she was deceiving me in a profound way over money and sharing. Now her I am. I don't want to say I am the last person who you would want raising children but here I am irresponsible with money, 12,000 miles away from what is the only life I know falling in love with 3 innocent children who's lives I can change by just growing up myself.

My mother who is the most logical and classy person I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing will definitely have some words of wisdom and reality on what I see is so obvious.

Out of the 20 to 30 people who come over to visit each night 3 or 4 speak a little English so I make my digital camera the center of discussion. Taking photos of everyone and sharing them with all of the villagers and Mariya's extended family.

Mariya's parents are no different then mine in many ways. My father’s parents were from Croatia and went through the depression dirt poor in East Chicago, Indiana. Mariya's parents love the grandchildren and work very hard with one singular goal. Do everything and anything to provide for their family. The children are loved and happy and well-taken care for.

We walk out into the vast rice fields, which are located in front of a huge mountain range. None of the farmers have any automated equipment. They are all working hand and knee and a few have plowed pulled by Oxen, just like you would see on Little House on the Prairie. Old women and men, weathered and sun tanned from years of grueling, back breaking work in the water working, planting, growling and harvesting rice. Mariya picks leaves from the trees, roots from the ground and bamboo to make food. An elderly woman with heavy lines and dark worn features from years of working in the sun comes by with a pail about the size of a home pale for washing the floor.

The pail is filled about 6 inches high inside with a little water, snails, worms, a few frogs and a lot of slugs. It has taken her all day to collect this food from the river along side of the rice-fields. I'm sure its high in protein and as each child looks inside the bucked they smile at what they see lying in the bottom. Curiously I look into the buck and cringe at the thought but what do I know. I will never try this delicacy but that because I’m spoiled.

When I go to leave I pay for Mariya and her sister to both take English classes for 1 month at a cost for both a total of $ 340.00 U.S. My reasoning is that Mariya will learn much more if her sister is there to help her out.

I flew back to San Francisco on December 3rd, 2004 just to go to the Christmas Party in the Avalon Penthouse. I live in this state of the art 1-year old 19-story white building on the Embarcadero 1 block South from SBC Park / Giants Baseball park. 4 players live in the building. JT Snow, AJ Prezynski, Schmidt. The top floor of the building is a 3600 s.f. Penthouse, playroom for the residences. The walls on all 4 sides are floor to ceiling glass 19 feet high. Couches, a gourmet kitchen, an outside terrace overlooking San Francisco and the foos-ball and a pool table area.

I am at the party with Mike Colo, Diane and Dewie, Nancy, John & Holly, Joe and his wife Andy who are expecting their first child, and all my new friends. I have over 1000 photos of my dive trips, my adventure in Thailand and Mariya and the children on my screensaver to show everyone. I realize right then I'm not missing anything but Mariya and the children. I call my Mom and Dad the next day and tell tem I will not be coming home for Christmas for the first time. I am going back to be with Mariya and the children. I call the next day and get another round trip ticked and leave on Christmas Eve.

I sell my 2003 Nissan Murano and break my lease in San Francisco. I put everything in storage in Richmond Ca outside San Francisco to save money and off I go without an obligation in the world.

Imagine, Pen’s children have never owned a single toy, a bicycle, coloring books, a fishing pole, a kite. Nothing. I go out and buy a rubber ball, a league ball, kitten ball, softball, basketball, football, soccer baseball, mitts, hats, a bat, a t-ball stand, Frisbee, 4 sizes of kited, chalk, crayons, coloring books, a digital recorder and toys for the children and go back with three 60lb. suitcases filled with things for everyone.

I land in Bangkok at about 11:3pm and sleep on a bench at the airport until I can book a flight about 7am for Phuket, an Island 500 miles South on the tip of Thailand. I landed at the airport in Phuket on 12-24-2004 and immediately call Pen right at the airport. Pen is in the middle of the island in Phuket City. Mariya's father is in the hospital in Bangkok and she ironically leaving to go back to Bangkok the next morning on the bus to go see him in the hospital. I meet Mariya in the middle of Phuket Island at her hotel. The place is a real sh*t hole. Mold on the mattress and pillows and really disgusting, but I keep it to myself and in the morning I decide to give Mariya the money to fly to Bangkok instead of allowing her to take a 14 hour bus ride from Phuket to Bangkok.

It’s about $ 125.00 or a 14-hour trip on the bus for $ 8.00 so you do the math. I leave Mariya and stop on the way back to my beach resort area at a shop that makes custom fit scuba diving suites. This is the only shop on the island and right on the way back to my hotel. I get a custom fit 3.0 mm. body and 2.5mm legs and arms for about $ 140.00 US. This is easily $ 800.00 suite in the US. You can get anything you want. They even have Batman and Spiderman and anything you can dream up on display.

The woman took all of my personal information and a deposit and all the measurements and details and I leave about 1 and 1/2 hours later to go back to my Hotel Anchellee with my luggage. My hotel is the second street parallel to Patong beach. just 200 yards away from the beach. The hotel is a 5-story with 5 or 6 nice rooms on each floor. I am on the top floor.

I am in back of the Tuk-Tuk relaxing and taking in the sights. As we come out of the interior of the island and onto the main roads the driver misses the turn to my hotel which is right on the 3-way corner. “You missed the turn! You missed the turn!” As he proceeds up the main road to the beach which you can see in the distance about 200 yards in front of us. We come to a sudden stop in a total traffic jam. Everyone is running against traffic. Now you have to visualize that in Thailand everyone drives tiny, tiny mopeds. For every car there are 20 mopeds so congestion and traffic are much more compact. I hop out. What is going on? Traffic is blocked solid and there is water coming down the street. Must be a fire in a hotel or a broken water main. The water is brown and sandy. Imagine what water looks like after you as a little kid on the beach have taken a pale full of sand and dumped it into the water. Its just churning brown sand and water and it’s coming down the street 3-feet-high. It’s almost solid, resembling a giant wedge that’s 400 yards deep and as wide as your vision. You can see the horizon and the water is level and moving and tearing everything off the ground in its path. One solid wall of water 300 yards deep by as wide as the eye can see. The water is coming in and everything in its path is being removed from the earth instantaneously. Buildings, the street itself, everything inside getting exploded out of the buildings. Cars in trees, cars on top of cars on top of mopeds on top of buildings. I run around the corner and into the Anchellee Hotel, up to the top floor and look out the hallway window down at the street and the carnage that is unfolding below me. There's a guy from Nashville, TN. on my floor. Clay Kottler who is a retired Air force Captain about 30-years old and we start to watch and talk and observe everything from the window. The water is coming into the hotel and running in all directions around it and into the interior of the island. It just dawns on me. Where is Mariya? Her plane could have never taken off. Is she all right? Is she alive? I call and call and call but there is not signal. No T.V. No Phone. No Internet. I cannot call my parents. We are now all on a real island with no communication.

It is about 90 Degrees F and around 10.30 a.m. After about an hour I walk down to the lobby and am really curious about what there is to see so I walk up towards the beach. The street is completely torn off the earth. Hundreds of yards of coastline. Every building is a demolition pile of rubble. Cars are inside hotels, cars on top of roofs. You see cars inside buildings a block away from the beach and when you look close you can see that the car went through 4 buildings and finally stopped after every building compacted against the building behind it ended up into a compactor pile of rubble when it only stopped when it had no where to go.

My Taxi is on its side about 100 yards up the street from my hotel, mangles and looking like it went through a shredder. There is sand in piles 2 blocks from the old beachfront. Dead bodies are lying on the sides and under misconstrued rubble and debris and clothing, which were being sold in the shops just a few hours ago. The water is about 3-feet deep where the main beach street once stood. The water in the ocean has risen about 25 feet and stayed.

All of a sudden another wave comes ashore. RUN, RUN, wave, RUN, people are shouting. I start to wade / run as fast as I can but the water is waist deep where the street used to be. Its scary and now I realize how stupid and nonchalant my perspective is. After-shock waves are coming in and the shoreline is no place to be near. I move as quickly as I can toward where a dive shop is at and realize that where the pool once was in front is filled with debris and 2 cars. I almost fell in and run around the obstacles and now realize just how hazardous this all is. I run between 2-buildings that are completely demolished into 2 piles of trees and cars and debris and see bodies misconstrued and dangling out of the sides of the rubble. White water logged lifeless decapitated bodies, some just floating halves of bodies. I get that feeling that the woman in the Shining had when Jack Nicholson was chasing her. That feeling of utter panic and loss of reality as I run through the twisted corridor and the water rushing around my legs. I am now hopping up in panic expecting to be struck down by debris and maybe sheets of glass and corrugated metal that is below the surface. The magnitude of the devastation is surreal. People crying everywhere. Villagers screaming for missing children. Men crying holding dead family members. People with no clothes on walking filthy dirty, wet, sweating and cut up. All their clothes and belongings washed from their bodies in an instant. I'm afraid now for my life. Everyone has gone up to the mountains for safety so Clay and I go up to have a few drinks and see what’s going on. What’s happened already is the reality that all of the food is gone. All of the restaurants are on the coastline and so all of the food is gone. The bars are completely empty of anything. No food, no chips, no water or beer of alcohol of any kind. Now what?

I go back to the hotel with Clay. We become good friends and spend the remainder of our time together while in Phuket.

I remember Mariya telling me that she came to Phuket in the hope of finding a job in one of the hotels and also to take some English classes with her sister. Her fathers region, Phayao, which is located in the upper interior of the country is experiencing the greatest drought in 50-years, so her father has lost his entire rice crop and consequently, his only source of any income. Her mother and father are now working what we would consider slave labor building roads to make whatever little money they can. When I drive down the road and see 70-year old women humping bricks and dirt with buckets in 95-degree heat I'm humbled at the plight of these people who have no other means to survive. Everyone in America should see this. This country is one of the most beautiful and scenic place anyone can imagine and the people are so respectful. To think of the many material aspects that we enjoy that we feel natural entitlement to. It’s humbling and really puts into prospective, just how lucky we all are in America.

The next day Mariya shows up at my hotel. The people who took the bus she was to go to Bangkok on all died. The bus was washed away when the Tsunami came ashore.

Divine intervention. I got on a plane and out of shear emotion and love for a woman I just met flew 12,000 miles to the other side of the earth. Landed and by buying Mariya a ticket to fly to Bangkok put her on a bus going to the airport through the middle of the island instead of the bus leaving at 9am along the coast. Because Mariya was in the middle of the Island at this s**+*ty hotel I was also not on the beach at 10.3am when the Tsunami came ashore. In essence we both saved each other’s lives.

I spend the next few weeks helping everyone as much as I can. The first 4-days are spent aboard boats looking for survivors and scuba diving looking for debris and bodies, which are below the surface. There is so much emotion and heart breaking feeling of helplessness and depression around me that I am in tears regularly during the day. It’s evident that I have a family at home that is safe and will come to my aid in an instance. A nice warm home and possessions and friends and opportunity. Here are thousands of people who have lost their children, their parents, wives, fathers, sisters and brothers not to mention their businesses, personal possessions and homes. The economy and the tourists that support their very lives are gone. I see countless people every day all day 24-hours a day sitting in the streets crying hysterically not knowing what to do or how to get to tomorrow.

Along the coast where all of the hotels were sitting is now a debris-strewn stretch of land as far as the eye can see. Every hotel is gone. The streets are washed away. Many of the native people who worked in the hotels along the coast lived in the basements of the hotels along the beach. When the water came inland it filled the basements so quickly and with such incredible force, that the buildings were pushed up above their foundations. Everyone in the basements was killed instantly by flying debris and shelving below and then drowned in total darkness.

I walk by a group of 50 army men who are haphazardly running an industrial pump 6-feet high weighing a few thousand pounds. Multiple fire-hose size hoses running from each pump, pumping the water from the basement into the sewer. I immediately try to help and tell them to pump the water into the ocean but almost get arrested. A newsman from the USA is filming and I tell him my cousin Mark Skertic is a writer for the Tribune and between the two of us these Thai Military men start to listen to me. I’m thinking of my friend John Chengary back home who has a real understanding of this machinery in front of me. The machinery is set up all wrong. It’s amazing to think that all these man are here and no one knows anything about what needs to be done effectively. After about 2-hours the machinery is all hooked to the water evac -lines properly and the water in the basement of the hotel starts to go down. The water is now being pumped from the basements out to the ocean a few hundred feet away.

As the water recedes. Scuba divers go into the pitch-black muck filled hotel basements with under-water flashlights and start removing bodies. For most of us who have never seen a dead, 3 day old, water-logged and damaged body I can tell you that people start puking at the sight. White, bloody, skin lacerated bodies that fall apart when you grab them. Now you have to realize that there are hundreds of loved ones who are standing there and the dead being carried out in blankets to keep the bodies from falling apart are their wives and brothers and children so there are hysterical, crying broken hearted people in packs creating a continuous scene of terror and panic. Police are attempting to block off these areas but the devastation is so wide spread that the task becomes impossible.

In about 2-weeks the nuclear powered US Abraham Lincoln pulls into the port right in front of me. This is another phenomenon everyone should see at least once in your life. This ship is over 22 stories high longer then 3-football fields. Loaded with not tens but hundreds of pieces of equipment. You get a first hand look at the magnitude of the power and resources that this 250-year-old country has amassed. There is no country on the planet that compares. It’s chilling to see this magnitude of power and presence.

When there is a world disaster and relief comes you are humbled by the show of financial support.

By now I just want to get out of here and Mariya's children are getting out of school so we leave Phuket and go back to Phayao and get the children. We then fly them to Koh Samui. This is the first time the children have ever flown so you can hopefully imaging how exciting it is for the twin boys and her daughter Noon.

Everything we do is kinda on-the-fly decision making. The first thing we do is enroll the kids in St Josephs catholic school and then rent a house from a lady who has a business making coconut rum. I rented a jeep and with all the luggage the car is jam packed.

We pull up to the compound in the outskirts of the small island and everyone jumps out and runs off. As I’m emptying the truck I hear screaming from off in the distance and run toward the commotion. As I turn the corner I’m horrified. The kids are in the pool drowning and Mariya is trying to pull them out and she’s drowning. I jump in and basically stand everyone up. There not drowning but have never learned to swim and so are all terrified. I haven’t been with these kids for a day and I’ve put them in imminent danger.

There are hundreds of thousands of giant red army ants all over the bushes surrounding the house and giant iguanas running across the property. She has a pool with a slide and the kids are learning to swim.

Over the next few weeks I but them all in life-vests and teach them to swim. We buy a new moped, move to another resort and stay on the island for 6-months. During this timeframe I get up each day at 5am and walk along this deserted new beachfront and pick up a 50 gallon can of glass and paper and garbage . I move every piece of rock and coral to one location and one day I look an the beach, a stretch some 100 years deep by 400 yards long is pristine and spotless to where we are playing soccer on a football sized area without a worry of stepping on so much as a misplaced pebble.

I have to go home to appear in court for this crazy divorce proceedings so in July 2005 I fly back to the US.

My crazy and insecure hopefully, soon-to-be-ex- wife back home Dr. Anne E. Borkowski makes it totally clear to each lawyer she hires. You do what I want regardless of the consequences or I will fire you. This results is four law firms and about 10 lawyers getting fired over the course of a year. Every time the judge makes a ruling Anne doesn't agree with she fires her lawyer. Now she has 21-days to replace the last one. If she cannot find another firm she gets and extension and the case gets dragged on.

I have been repeatedly warned of the ramifications of posting my story to the internet from my lawyer Enrico Mirabelli but let’s just start by throwing caution to the wind.

I just went through a 38-month, one-sided malicious divorce. What happened to me will leave you at the edge of your seat in disbelief and amazement. I’ll educate you to the term Sociopath, which you may think you know. 4% of the US population statistically, are text-book sociopaths. That’s right. Your at a party with a hundred people, 4-people at the party are sociopaths. People with no emotional connection to anyone. Without a conscience.


The Nature of a Sociopath

The lack of conscience and an inability to feel remorse are the underlying factors. They do not have the ability to make and keep friends. The sociopathic personality is initially viewed as charming until the casual deception shines through their skillful masterful manipulation. They have the skillful aptitude for lying and cheating. They have no capacity to feel guilt.

Sociopath Statistics

The sociopath makes up approximately 3 to 5 percent of the general population. According to the American Psychiatric Association, about three out of 100 males and one in 100 are sociopaths. Approximately 70 percent of sociopaths who come from fatherless homes and 30 percent are born out of wedlock. As many as 15 to 25 percent of prison inmates who show signs of being sociopaths.

Understanding the Reasons Behind a Sociopath's Mind

Sociopathic behavior has a wide spectrum of causes and explanations. The chief among them would be neurological abnormalities in the frontal lobe of the brain. It is a section of the brain that is the center for judgment and self-control. Genetic factors can be at the root of a sociopathic personality. Sociologist, Dr. Lee Robins, determined that the odds were increased for children to inherit the sociopathic traits if one of the parents had the condition. There also are environmental facts that can play a role. Studies have proven that the circumstances centered in the home, school or community settings also can contribute to the sociopathic behavior. It also has been shown that if a normal amount of affection was not expressed by the parents, it could generate dysfunction for the child that would manifest itself in sociopathic tendencies.

Brain Function of a Sociopathic Mind

In 2007, London's Institute of Psychology studied the brains of six sociopaths and compared them to the brains of nine normal people. There were distinctive discrepancies when they were shown faces of people who were showing signs of fear. The brain activity of the sociopaths was lower while the normal people showed a considerable increase in brain function. In addition, the sociopaths demonstrated much less response to the pictures of happy faces than the normal people.

No certain percentage could be determined to any certainty, because not all are identified. Neither psychopath nor sociopath is included in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Text Revision (2000, p. 291), but are generally included in the criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder:

A. There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since the age of fifteen, as indicated by at least three of the following:

(1) Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest

(2) Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure

(3) Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead

(4) Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults

(5) Reckless disregard for safety of self or others.

(6) Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations

(7) Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another

2. The individual is at least age 18 years

C. There is evidence of a Conduct Disorder, with onset before age 15 years.

D. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a Manic Episode.”

Hare (1993) indicated that the term sociopath infers the possession of psychopathic personality traits, but those traits are derived only from social influences, as opposed to physical or biochemical origins. Hare is an authority on psychopathic personality, and his work indicates that not all psychopaths are considered criminals.

You will hear how Dr. Borkowski intentionally deceived the courts, the judge, the Chicago Police, her friends, family and lawyers in an attempt to covet and control a marital estate in excess of $ 7,000,000 Everything I will share with you happened and will be spelled out in detail. My mission is to send a message to the perpetrators that just because you have money and a presumed high status in society does not give you the right to lie and deceive and break the law. Anne is the poster child for everything that is wrong in society. Anne was going to convince me her me that we had this wonderful relationship and should adopt 3-children from Romania. We were building a home in the Glen in Glenview, Illinois on Kittyhawk where she now lives for $ 1,700,000.00 Anne’s' premeditated plan was to adopt these 3-innocent children and then divorce me and go to the courts and paint me as a scary, abusive criminal and get every dime and in the process destroy me without any second thought. What would have happened to these 3-children in the process? Her attitude was, WHO CARES! The only important thing is that she get all the money and destroy me, her loving devoted and admiring husband. Now here is this sociopath working 4-days a week maybe 7 or 8 hours tops and then going to her day spa she owns every Friday. Anne spends all day Friday almost every Friday getting her face sanded, polished and still believing this is rational. She is so self-centered and vain, which is the result of a life of feeling inferior and incomplete. Anne is a fertility doctor and working with families. She has delivered thousands of babies and is educationally and intellectually gifted.

I really think that women who are seeking guidance to have children through fertility need to really question if Dr. Anne E. Borkowski, their fertility doctor is the person who they should associate with. God works in mysterious ways but the reality is that children are a true gift and having a Licensed Doctor who can do what she has done over the last 7-years assisting you cannot have much good karma.

Anne is a criminal sociopath with no regard for the law or the consequences of her actions. This is an extremely harsh reality I am sad to witness but the facts that follow will astound the greatest disbelievers into agreeing with me in the end.

My lawyer Enrico Mirabelli has made this statement to me on several occasions " “Robert, the key component of this entire trial is the fact that your story is the truth. The truth is linear and never changes”. I am not a good liar and I have to admit that, I have told more then my share of stories over the years, but the truth is the truth. Anne on the other hand along with criminals with ties to the Chicago Mob organized crime family and crooked Chicago police officers and friends have perpetrated lies that have already unraveled against her in open court and on the record. The lies and crimes are so far reaching and extensive that the only crime is the fact that she is stupid enough to think she has gotten away with anything. She should have said thanks for the good times and I'm sorry it has to end. Allow the Judge to rule on the case and get on with her life. She picked a fight with the wrong man. I have many flaws and wear them openly but there is not a woman who has ever been in love with me nor friend nor associate who would describe me as abusive. I put my statement out into the world and challenge her. I have always dated classy women and I am a hopeless romantic.

Anne is a reproductive Endocrinologist. A fertility doctor in practice with her med school friend Dr. Susan Davies. Susan is a classy, sweet woman who enjoys her financial success with her family and the short hours their education and successful medical practice has provided them both.

Anne will file falsified Police Reports with the help of her l*****n Chicago Police Officer friends. “My husband Robert has thrown me down the stairs, choked me, broke my nose, and abused me on so many occasions, etc. Then go to the adoption agency that she referres all of her patients and fill out a complete adoption petition, some 90-pages, collect positive references on both of us and apply to take legal control and guardianship of 3- foreign, non-speaking children from the Ukraine.

In May of 2003 this story culminates as Anne has almost hoodwinked me, her husband of 7-years into believing we will adopt 3 innocent children from Romania. Why is this well educated, highly intelligent doctor, adopting children with a man who she will later purport to have these faults? What do you think will happen to these children when they are under Dr. Anne Borkowski's care and guidance? Dr. Anne E. Borkowski will be given the legal tile of Parent, Mother. These children become victims of this battle you are about to read about and you will cringe and get a first hand look into the eyes and thought process of a brilliant sociopath. No scruples. No conscience and all in a premeditated, criminal plan assisted by none other then some of Chicago Police Officers.

Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson regularly as a practice extort money from clients during and at the end of representation marketing these bribes as bonuses and tips from clients.

I wrote this letter and sent it to Anne on 2 occasions. Once in 2006 and again in 2008



In reality, I know you better then anyone. I have to first say this. I forgive you for everything you have done. Please go on with your life. Admit, if just to yourself that I always loved you. All of the horrible lies are your shortcomings. I do not understand why you would want Amy, your sister and family to all think that I could ever be capable of such behavior. Especially directed toward you.

You planned this for a long time before the divorce. You instigated and attempted to manipulate our marriage in an attempt to adopt 3 -children and then leave me. God intervened and nixed what was a plan so evil the knowledge of it would certainly destroy you with society as a whole.

Look back. Do you remember how I actually felt about you? I made a statement to Otha and many friends as a reference.

I hit a grand slam in the World Series. I met the perfect woman. Soft spoken and shy. I would regularly watch you getting dressed in the morning, putting on your make-up in the mirror and marvel at how beautiful you looked. A beautiful complexion with hair you could model. Tall, slim and that underlying insecurity I could never understand. I was surprised that in court your psychiatrist told stories of you working out 4 hours a day because you gained 2 pounds. No one ever looks at that part of a person. For all the people who know you radiate an inner beauty.

Bury this ugly aspect that I hope no one actually knows of. Do you remember when the doctor failed you intentionally when you had studied so hard for your Reproductive Endocrinology boards? That was evil and intentional. Do you remember the feeling? The reality is that this feeling never leaves. You did this to me. What you did to me was geometrically worse.

I left you in fear of my life when I moved to Ca. You had that crazy l*****n, Officer Laura Stranski the Chicago Cop driving you to court in a Blue and White Police car. And the Judge let you do this for 4-years without ever allowing my lawyers to get a logical answer as to why?

Your secret is between you and God. I actually believe no one else knows. When this all came down I went to my mother who is the classiest person I have ever known. She said. “Bobby, do not ask for anything”. Hire a good lawyer and a judge will decide what is fair. Think back. I never got angry or ever said a mean thing about you ever. I loved you. More then anyone I ever met. I believed in you. You deceived me. You spoke badly and lied about me to Amy, Neil, your family, and who know whom else. This is all out of insecurity.

I understand now all too clearly that you have the power and the drive to wage war on me indefinitely.

In reality, you know me as a hopeless romantic, in reality. God sent me on a mission. I met Pamela, then moved away to San Francisco and get as far away from you as geographically possible. Pamela later moved out and I met Stefan. He said go on vacation to Thailand. I went there scuba diving. The first vacation I went on since I met you where it was for me. Over 100 dives in 3 months. I met Mariya who was living in the poorest part of the country. Her father is a rice farmer living in a metal shack on stilts. I came home for the Christmas party in S.F. I missed Mariya and went back and landed the night before the Tsunami. I was in a Taxi that got swept out to sea. I literally missed the wave by less then 60 seconds. My life was forever changed for the better. I called home and had my new Nissan Murano sold. I took Mariya’s 3 children and flew them to an inland Island Koh Samui and put them in the best Catholic school in the country. I bought them bikes and toys and clothes and stayed for 6 months. Imagine, these 3 happy children have never ever had a toy. Not one. Not a gift or a birthday party, never seen a movie, no father. Living in the poorest part of Thailand.

We planned for 3 children out of deception and God came forward and opened a door for me in the end giving me what I always dreamed of.

Remember. We were adopting 3 children. In my mind but not in yours. You were going to inter twine 3 little innocent kids life in a divorce for one diabolical reason, to control money. Please realize that the truth between you and me is such a sick and embarrassing story and you actually are, the culprit.

I am back now owing taxes for the money I got as maintenance. Step back and ask yourself one honest question. If I were your son would you want me to be treated this way? Did I love you ever day from the moment I met you? You now have the opportunity to come clean. Please walk away and stop fighting. You cannot do your new adopted daughter justice by continuing. Realize that doing what is right will bring you far greater rewards. God is watching your every move and this is the only consequence.

Do not do anything for me. Do this for your own inner pride and faith. I loved you unconditionally from the moment I first met you. When you look in the mirror realize that you were blessed by unquestioned beauty and skill sets and intellectual gifts most will never dream of. Tell your family and my mother and father the truth before they pass away. I have too many flaws but my love for you should never be in question by anyone. How do you ever benefit from this?

In the end I forgive you. God does not want me to judge you. That is not my place. No one can make you angry. You can only allow yourself to. Take the high ground.

You did not win. No one won anything. You destroyed an image I had of you and made bad choices. I have also made many. I brag about my shortcomings and have a lot of friends who laugh along with me.

If this was all about money then I understand that part but I do not understand how you could feel so small and insecure about yourself that you would want everyone to believe these horrible lies.

Settling this divorce would give me level ground. Most of the money would go to bills and I could buy a home in Thailand for the children. I work my a*s of until I die and want to spend my winters with the children and teach in the school there. I won’t get rich but can start clean. You can look back and feel good about the fact that you did what was right in the end.

Start telling the people you love, the truth. It makes you human and gives me back my identity with them. If you ever need me I will always be your friend. Regardless of what was in the past. You cannot make me have ill will. I choose to remember all the love and good times we had, even if it was only in my mind. I always tell Enrico that anyone who knows us and sees the way I love you envies what we had.

Most women are not loved this way unconditionally even once. I have never ever been unfaithful. How many men can say this?

I was in Thailand and heard about a drug that a couple was giving their daughter who has Down syndrome that showed great promise. I immediately thought of your sister Tina and her son and your nephew Matthew. I called Tina immediately from Thailand hoping this information would be of some help to Matthew. Tina, not surprisingly had already heard of the treatment.

Mariya’s daughter is still in Thailand with Mariya’s father and needs surgery to remove a growth around her ear that is growing. Please allow me to move to level ground. I would also like to help our 3 children. The feeling of this burden is debilitating and the reality is it affects my ability to help these 3 children.

I was not living high on the hog on your money being lazy. I am a work-a-holic. You know that. I went to Thailand and saved 3 little children. I put them in Saint Joseph’s School in Koh Samui Thailand and bought them clothes and food. I sold my Murano to do this also. You know me I would give you my last dollar without regard for myself.

You have the unique ability to stop this only when you want to. This vengeance is running solely on your gas. Can you think of a single person you respect who would be involved in doing this? God is watching. I am not concerned for myself one bit. My responsibility is to 3 little children who need me. Please let me go.

Forgiveness is a choice!

Robert J. Skertich

[email protected]



Forensic Accountant Subpoena:

Anne involved in witchcraft or as she puts it, not witchcraft but

Messages on checks

In the fall of 2006 medical insurance that was paid through Anne’s North Shore Fertility business is being cancelled and so, by law she has to provide me with the option to pick up the policy. I get a letter in the mail from Anne and in the letter it states that for $ 666.66 per month I can continue my medical insurance.

Who is the lawyer Anne dated who she purports hit her and destroyed her apartment. She said he owned a strip club?

Who is the man in jail for murder Anne dated?

My lawyer, the Founding Partner in the law firm of Nadler, Pritiken & Mirabelli lied in writing to the Appellate Court in my appeal. I reported this to the court.

I reported this to the Bar Association.

The Appellate Court replied. We have not made a decision on the case. Let your lawyer Enrico Mirabelli refile the case.

My response was I am outraged that a lawyer lies to the court in writing. Lies to his client

And the courts answer is to let the same lawyer defends this client he is lying to.

During my divorce my lawyer Enrico Mirabelli informs me that Steve Komie attempted to bribe him into signing a financial document which would hinder me and benefit his client Anne. I reported this to the ARDC The Attorney Registry & Disciplinary Commission. When Enrico got a copy of my complaint and was asked by the ARDC to reply to his understanding of the events he back-peddled and changed his story. Why.

I repeatedly asked Enrico Mirabelli to hire a private investigator. Enrico’s response. What do you think they will find if I hire an investigator? This is the reason you hire a private investigator. So that you know exactly what is going on that you do not know about.

Why would Shaun Bersson lie to me and say that they cannot find the court reporter. When I find out that this is a lie Shaun and Enrico both tell me that the records are not important. That they are arguing the law and that the records are not relevant. But, since I found her they will now include the records in the Appeal.

We petition the court to get money to complete the accounting so that I can file my taxes. The judge refused.

We petition the courts to fund me seeing a Psychiatrist. Refused by the court.

This entire event, in itself should be grounds for disciplinary action on its own merit.

Enrico Mirabelli, my lawyer defending me in the battery case tells the Jury I am a martial Arts Expert. This is an absolute lie.

Why would any lawyer Appeal a case he originally tried?

Is it ethical for a lawyer to Appeal his own case?

Enrico Mirabelli does not know that Anne’s lawyer can ask for punitive damages and is not prepared for punitive damages.

Why would any lawyer appeal his own case? Why would Enrico and Shaun lie to the Appellate Court in writing? Who benefits?

After trial and the verdict was entered. Enrico questioned the Jury. The jurors said that because I was a martial arts expert they thought I could pull a punch. Therefore, due to the fact that Enrico Mirabelli entered evidence, which was a lie, I am not a Martial Arts Expert. I was convicted by a jury.

Enrico Mirabelli, Shaun Bersson, the firm of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli and employees in the firm of Nadler Pritiken and Mirabelli intentionally conspired to manipulate the case of Dissolution of Marriage between Robert J. Skertich and Dr. Anne E. Borkowski

The Firm of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli, Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson who are with ________________________ Law firm now are all being sued in Court under these charges.

Robert J. Skertich and Anne E Borkowski shared a net worth of almost $ 4,000,000 at the time of the divorce.

Robert Skertich and his wife, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski were adopting 3 children from Russia. Dr. Borkowski was leading her husband Robert to do so against his better judgment. Without his knowledge Dr. Borkowski had already paid another Lawyer, Steven Minkow to prepare divorce papers some 9 months earlier, all while pursuing diligently to adopt 3 innocent children from Russia.

Dr. Borkowski was conspiring with the accomplices at the Chicago Police Department to orchestrate these events behind her husband’s back. Laura Stranski is a Police Officer who is a l*****n and helping Dr. Borkowski.

Dr. Anne E. Borkowski hired Mr. Landini a conman, just out of Prison and with known Mob ties to orchestrate deceptions during these court proceedings. Imagine hiring a member of organized crime to assist you with corrupt police in the Chicago Police Department to run your unsuspecting husband out of his entire marital estate.

1. Enrico Mirabelli calls his client Robert Skertich during the beginning of his management in the divorce and demands that Robert meet a realtor in the street in front of his apartment and sign papers to sell his home. $ 830,000.00 Enrico Mirabelli never even saw the papers before requesting his client, Robert Skertich to take this action, which seems completely unethical. Robert adamantly refuses but Enrico tells him that if he does not that the court will order him to. Robert later finds out that this was a lie.

2. Robert gets an invitation to a Christmas Party for the Firm of Nadler Pritiken and Mirabelli. He walks in and there is his lawyer, Enrico Mirabelli with his arm around the lawyer representing his wife Dr. Borkowski. Steve Komie is the lawyer Enrico Mirabelli was celebrating with. Robert is furious and tells both of them that they should not be celebrating together while this heated divorce proceedings are in their height. Enrico calls Robert later and tells him. I’m sorry. You are correct. This was a poor lack in my Judgment.

3. During the 1st days of the trial Judge Boyd tells Enrico Mirabelli. In an effort to settle this case offer your client Robert Skertich $ 750,000.00 Judge Boyd assigns the case to judge Cunningham. 4 years later and over $ 500,000 spent on legal defense on the case in fees Judge Cunningham awards Robert $ 750,000 I wonder if these 2 judges got together which is judicial collusion and grounds for disbarment.

4. During the heat of the divorce trial Judge Cunningham grants my lawyer, Enrico Mirabelli’s through a court order to allow a forensic accountant to gain access to the financial records of the Marital Estate. This is the key component to all of the corruption. Now a private accounting firm will go into the financial records. A forensic Accountant is a specialist like a private detective that is hired to find discrepancies in Financial Accounting records that the court will use to determine the value of the Marital Estate .

4. Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson a lawyer and Employee of the firm of Nadler Pritiken and Mirabelli never got the Forensic Accountant to do this work. The Judge then denied me and the Forensic Accounting Firm access and they never spend a minute fighting to enforce this unexplainable COURT ORDERT.

The simplest move when this happened would have been for my legal team to go to the Appellate Court and requested the Appellate Court to enforce this already granted Court Order to allow the Forensic Accountant access to these valuable Marital Estate records. The Appellate Court would have immediately enforced the court order.

You have to ask yourself: Why would a Judge allow this to happen? Is he in on this? Who benefits? Is it fair to both Parties? Does it constitute a fair and impartial playing field? No!! Under no circumstances. Why would any Judge make such an outlandish order??? Even more, why didn’t my lawyer, who is the head and founding partner of one of the most prominent Divorce Law firms in Illinois, take any steps to overturn this ridiculous and permanently game changing ruling? This Law Firm represented Juanita Jordan, the former wife of Michael Jordan!!

When Judge Cunningham entered this order what he did was directly prohibit Robert Skertich from examining the marital finances and records.

a. Was money funneled to pay off anyone that may show corruption? Judges? Lawyers? Is this is a legitimate question? A Forensic Accounting Firm would have found this out in the process.

b. Was Dr. Borkowski lying to the courts and hiding money not reported to the courts in discovery?

c. Robert Skertich on countless occasions demands that The Law firm of Nadler Pritikin and Mirabelli hire a private investigator. Not one dime was ever spent to do so. Enrico Mirabelli’s response: What do you hope to find. Robert’s response:

That’s exactly my point. What we do not know is what I want to know. Knowledge is power. Can you imaging under and circumstances, Having almost $ 7,000,000 in assets and your lawyer will not pursue control of any of your assets.

My scary wife, Dr. Borkowski sues me, her husband for battery in a second court.

• Illinois is a No-Fault State!

• She never mentions this alleged Battery while going to Marriage Counseling over 2- years.

• She never mentions this one time to her own personal councilor whom she sees for 3-plus years.

She writes a check for $ 65,000 to Lawyer Kevin O-Reilly for her defense. Enrico Mirabelli tells his client Robert. “ This is called the end around. A skillful attempt to circumvent the divorce court and get a second bit at the Marital Pie. Robert tells him to petition the court for $ 65,000.00 so he can hire the law firm of Dowd & Dowd. To defend him in this matter. After long discussions Enrico Mirabelli convinces Robert that, this case will never go to trial. There is no evidence. The case is frivolous and he will beat the charge before it ever goes to court.

2 years later the case goes to trial. After both parties rest Anne E Borkowski lawyer asks for Punitive damages. In open court Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson both ask the court;

“How can you ask for punitive damages if you never asked for them for the 2 years before trial or for that matter during trial?” Well, Enrico Mirabelli tells me.

“I did not know that a lawyer could ask for punitive damages after trial and both parties rested.”

The Law firm of Nadler Pritikin & Mirabelli never got a single witness in Roberts behalf.

Never got records to prove that Dr. Anne E. Borkowski lied repeatedly during court, purgering herself. These direct actions by Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson caused Robert Skertich to loose another $ 950,000


Illinois Bar Association

ARDC Attorney Review & Disciplinary Commission

Chicago, IL. 606

Disciplinary Board:

We are going to ask hundreds of questions. Ask yourself when answering each question. Who will benefit from this action? Robert? Anne?

I want to live in the house while the divorce is in progress. I run my business out our condo. I am rehabbing the 3-story office building across the street ,which I have invested almost $ 1,000,000 into the rehab so far. I park my car in the garage across the street. The Judge demands that I move out and let Anne stay there. That makes no sense. She works in Skokie, some 30 miles North.

She works out on Skokie after work.

Her Day Spa is in Skokie

She does not have a single friend in our neighborhood.

My office is in the home and across the street.

Anne read every periodical about ADD, ADHD, Bipolar disorder and read 27 books on the subject. She had the books at home.

When questioned about this in depositions and at trial she said she never read anything.

We could have gotten her Internet and credit card records which would show that she did do this and then be caught purgering herself. No one lies in court under oath unless they know beforehand that they will not be questioned or caught.

Anne planned this well in advance and had help illegally from Chicago Police officers.

Who are her contacts At the Chicago Police Department?

Who is officer Stranski to Anne?

When and how did they first meet?

Why would these Chicago Police Officers give Anne special treatment?

Lesbians? l*****n Lover? l*****n Police Officer Lover?

Who is Anne living with?

I demanded that Enrico Mirabelli hire a Private Detective and obtain the following information.

• Phone records from the day at the currency exchange to the day I was served with divorce papers would show whom Anne was speaking to and who was helping her.


Forensic Accountant Subpoena:

Anne stated in court that I never worked and that she was always handing me cash.

• What cash did Anne have on hand and where did all this cash she purports to have given me come from. ?

• How much is the Marital Estate really worth?

• Subpoena Anne’s Accountant

• Were these investigations all performed to my benefit?

• What percentage of the Marital bills and estate did Robert contribute to?

• Did Robert pay for most of the down payment on the house? $ 60,000.00

• Who is the lawyer Mark that Anne dated, who she purports hit her and destroyed her apartment. She said he owned a strip club? Find him and question him. He has a story in line with mine and he is an officer of the court.

* Who is the man in jail for murder Anne dated?

Anne’s brother Charlie Borkowski overdoses at our home and is taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital 8 blocks straight East from our home. Anne tells the jury that I threw her and her brother down the steep front concrete stairs.

• Anne paid someone to steal my Harley Davidson Motorcycle. A man was arrested and sent to Prison. Why wasn’t he interviewed?

• Enrico Mirabelli Lied to the Appellate Court in writing in the Appeal. He stated in writing in my appeal that he hired a Private Detective to find the court reported Barbara Small who was the reporter during the 1st 2 days of trial and then retired.

Enrico and Shaun told the Appellate court in writing in my appeal that they could not find her. Robert, she just disappeared. I called Enrico a year later and asked him for all emails, notes, invoices in reference to any and all calls in reference to this and the private Investigator. Please provide me with the name and contact information of this private Investigator.

Enrico Mirabelli, “ Robert, I lied. We never hired a private Investigator.” Robert, so you lied to me, you lied in writing to the Appellate Court in writing in my behalf? Enrico Mirabelli, “ No Robert, Shaun Bersson did. My response to Enrico, the Founding Partner in Nadler, Pritiken & Mirabelli Law Firm. “ Enrico, are telling me that Shaun Bersson, 2-years out of Law school, on his own and without you ever knowing or ever even reading, took it upon himself and without your knowledge, lie to Barbara Small countless times and you did not know?

“Enrico, your personal secretary and Paralegal, Margret Steele also lied to Barbara Small on numerous occasions and in the process I am being represented in court in 2 separate cases and losing everything I have including my reputation and you are selling me on you do not know. I can’t rationally grasp that Shaun Bersson, a lawyer right out of Law School would go down this path unless he knew 100% that no one would ever make him accountable.

I report this to the Appellate court.

The Appellate Court responds with a letter stating.

We have not ruled on this matter as of yet and so refile your appeal with the court reporters transcripts and we will evaluate the new appeal.

I am again beyond baffled. I just inform the Appellate Court of the State of Illinois that a Founding Partner in the law firm of Nadler, Pritiken and Mirabelli has knowingly lied in writing in a direct attempt to defraud and damage their own client and that The Appellate Court of the State of Illinois is advising me to continue using this Law firm and they take not one single step to question, reprimand nor take any legal action against these lawyers.

Enrico Mirabelli,

During my divorce. Enrico Mirabelli tells me in his office that Steve Komie attempted to bribe him. I reported this to the (ARDC) Attorney Registry & Disciplinary Committee and then Enrico Mirabelli back-peddled and changed his story.

I walk into Enrico Mirabelli’s Office Christmas party during the heat of my divorce. Anne’s lawyer Steven Komie is actually with Enrico and Enrico’s wife which makes me really uncomfortable. I look at Komie and am thinking: Steve, isn’t there a single other party in the entire city of Chicago, that you can’t go to instead of this one? I thought this was classless on both parties part and unethical.

My wife, at the time was being driven to court in a market Chicago Police car. I repeatedly asked him to hire a private investigator. Enrico’s response. What do you think they will find if I hire an investigator? This is the reason you hire a private investigator. So that you know exactly what is going on.

Why would Shaun Bersson lie to me and say that they cannot find the court reporter. When I find out that this is a lie Shaun and Enrico both tell me that the records are not important. That they are arguing the law and that the records are not relevant. But, since I found her they will now include the records in the Appeal.

• We petition the court to get money to complete my personal and business accounting so that I can file my taxes refused. Refused by the Judge.

• We petition the courts to fund me seeing a Psychiatrist. Refused by the Judge

This entire event, in itself should be grounds for disciplinary action on its own merit.

• Enrico Mirabelli tells the Jury I am a martial Arts Expert during the trial. This is an absolute lie. I took Tai Kuna Do lessons at 12-years old for a summer.

• Why would any lawyer Appeal a case he originally tried?

• Is it ethical for a lawyer to Appeal his own case?

• Enrico Mirabelli tells me he does not know that Anne’s lawyer can ask for punitive damages and is not prepared for punitive damages.

• Why would any lawyer appeal his own case? Why would Enrico and Shaun lie to the Appellate Court in writing? Who benefits?

After trial and the verdict was entered. Enrico questioned the Jury. The jurors said that because I was a martial arts expert they thought I could pull a punch. Therefore, due to the fact that Enrico Mirabelli entered evidence, which was a lie, I am not a Martial Arts Expert. I was convicted by a jury.

Enrico Mirabelli, Shaun Bersson, the firm of Nadler Pritikin & Mirabelli and employees in the firm of Nadler Pritikin and Mirabelli intentionally conspired to manipulate the case of Dissolution of Marriage between Robert J. Skertich and Dr. Anne E. Borkowski

Shaun Bersson mysteriously leaves the law firm of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli and lands at the law firm and is made a partner at the Law Firm of Katz & Stefani

Robert J. Skertich and Anne E Borkowski shared a net worth of almost $ 7,000,000.00 at the time of the divorce.

Robert Skertich and his wife, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski were adopting 3 children from Russia. Dr. Borkowski was leading her husband Robert to do so against his better judgment. Without his knowledge Dr. Borkowski had already paid another Lawyer, Steven Minkow to prepare divorce papers some 9 months earlier, all while pursuing diligently to adopt 3 innocent children from Russia.

Dr. Borkowski was conspiring with the accomplices at the Chicago Police Department to orchestrate these events behind her husband’s back. Laura Stranski is a Police Officer who is a l*****n and helping Dr. Borkowski.

Dr. Anne E. Borkowski hired Mr. Landini a conman, just out of Prison and with known Mob ties to orchestrate deceptions during these court proceedings. Imagine hiring a member of organized crime to assist you with corrupt police in the Chicago Police Department to run your unsuspecting husband out of his entire marital estate.

5. Enrico Mirabelli calls his client Robert Skertich during the beginning of his management in the divorce and demands that Robert meet a realtor in the street in front of his apartment and sign papers to sell his home. $ 830,000.00 Enrico Mirabelli never even saw the papers before requesting his client, Robert Skertich to take this action, which seems completely unethical. Robert adamantly refuses but Enrico tells him that if he does not that the court will order him to. Robert later finds out that

This was a lie.

6. Robert gets an invitation to a Christmas Party for the Firm of Nadler Pritikin and Mirabelli. He walks in and there is his lawyer, Enrico Mirabelli with his arm around the lawyer representing his wife Dr. Borkowski. Steve Komie is the lawyer Enrico Mirabelli was celebrating with. Robert is furious and tells both of them that they should not be celebrating together while this heated divorce proceedings are in their height. Enrico calls Robert later and tells him. I’m sorry. You are correct. This was a poor lack in my Judgment.

7. During the 1st days of the trial Judge Boyd tells Enrico Mirabelli. In an effort to settle this case offer your client Robert Skertich $ 750,000.00 Judge Boyd assigns the case to judge Cunningham. 4 years later and over $ 500,000 spent on the case in fees Judge Cunningham awards Robert $ 750,000 I wonder if these 2 judges got together which is judicial collusion and grounds for disbarment.

8. During the heat of the divorce trial Judge Cunningham requests Enrico Mirabelli’s through a court order to allow a forensic accountant to gain access to the financial records of the Marital Estate. This is the key component to all of the corruption. Now a private accounting firm will go into the financial records. A forensic Accountant is a specialist like a private detective that is hired to find discrepancies in Financial Accounting records.

9. Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson a lawyer and Employee of the firm of Nadler Pritikin and Mirabelli never got the Forensic Accountant to do this work. The Judge then denied them access and they never spend a minute fighting to enforce this COURT ORDERT.

The simplest move would have been to go to the Appellate Court and requested the appellate Court to enforce this already granted Court Order to allow the Forensic Accountant access to these valuable Marital Estate records. The Appellate Court would have immediately enforced the court order.

You have to ask yourself: Why would a Judge allow this to happen? Is he in on this? Who benefits? Is it fair to both Parties? Does it constitute a fair and impartial playing field? No!! Under no circumstances. Why would any Judge make such an outlandish order???

When Judge Cunningham entered this order what he did was directly prohibit Robert Skertich from examining the marital records.

d. Was money funneled to pay off anyone that may show corruption? Judges? Lawyers? Is this is a legitimate question?

e. Was Dr. Borkowski lying to the courts and hiding money not reported to the courts in discovery?

f. Robert Skertich on countless occasions demands that The Law firm of Nadler Pritikin and Mirabelli hire a private investigator. Not one dime was ever spent to do so. Enrico Mirabelli’s response: What do you hope to find. Robert’s response:

That’s exactly my point. What we do not know is what I want to know. Knowledge is power. Can you imaging under and circumstances, Having almost $ 4,000,000 in assets and your lawyer will not pursue control of any of your assets.

Dr. Borkowski sues her husband for battery. She writes a check for $ 65,000 to __________ for her defense. Enrico Mirabelli tells his client Robert. “ This is called the end around. A skillful attempt to circumvent the divorce court and get a second bit at the Marital Pie. Robert tells him to petition the court for $ 65,000.00 so he can hire the law firm of Dowd & Dowd. To defend him in this matter. After long discussions Enrico Mirabelli convinces Robert that, this case will never go to trial. There is no evidence. The case is frivolous and he will beat the charge before it ever goes to court.

2 years later the case goes to trial. After both parties rest Anne E Borkowski lawyer asks for Punitive damages. In open court Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson both ask the court; How can you ask for punitive damages if you never asked for them for the 2 years before trial or for that matter during trial? Well, Enrico Mirabelli will tell his client. I did not know that a lawyer could ask for punitive damages after trial and both parties rested.

The Law firm of Nadler Pritikin & Mirabelli never got a single witness in Roberts behalf.

Never got records to prove that Dr. Anne E. Borkowski lied repeatedly during court, purgering herself. These direct actions by Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson caused Robert Skertich to loose another $ 950,000


An appeal of any case is never ever managed by the Lawyer who handled the case. Point being: The Appellate Lawyer will be looking for mistakes and flaws made by the lawyer who lost the case. Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson both berated Robert Skertich. Robert, there is no way this case will stand. The Appellate court will throw the case out.

We will handle this case free of charge. Then later Enrico Mirabelli will again do everything they can do to make sure this case gets sandbagged.

Robert sits back and watches as both Shaun Bersson and Enrico Mirabelli and the law firm of Nadler Pritikin & Mirabelli appeal his case. This action in itself stinks of sloppy legal and ethical decision-making. Its one thing for 2 slimy lawyers trying to cover their asses but her is a law firm backing one of their partners who is making a legal and ethical maneuver that is highly questionable at best.

They tell the Appellate courts that they cannot find Barbara Small the court reporter who took the first days notes at trial. Shaun Bersson and Enrico Mirabelli and the Law firm of Nadler Pritikin and Mirabelli actually lie to the Appellate court in writing. To protect their sloppy legal management of this case.

They are actually talking to Barbara Small of several occasions and are hiding their knowledge of her whereabouts to their client, Robert Skertich.

This is a lie as Barbara Small has been calling the firm and being told by several employees. We will get back to you.

Here is the key. Without a complete court record the Appellate court will throw the case out and the law form of Nadler Pritikin & Mirabelli knows this but they tell Robert, their client. Do not worry. The records are not relevant. This is a direct attempt to defraud their client whom they know, without complete records your Appeal will never be granted.

These slimy lawyers are making the steps to protect themselves and ruing any chance Robert may have at having a professional legal appeal presented in his mismanaged case.

g. We finally go to trial. Barbara Small is the court reporter. Robert Skertich ends up without a penny. He starts out with $ 3,758,460.00 in the marital estate and in the end he gets nothing and also owes his wife some $ 300,000.00 with additional debts of $ 500,000.00

Judge __________________ would not ever allow him to pay have funds to prepare tax records for the 7 years during the marriage and trial.

We are asking you as a rationally thinking individual. How can this happen? Is this sloppy legal work? Or is this a deliberate action by crooked lawyers and the crooked court system? This is not an accusation but an open argument. Enrico Mirabelli is the owner of the law firm and practicing law for 30 plus years.


Jennifer Silva Employee they say they also cannot find.

Barbara Small 1-323-848-9212 Court Reporter.

Renee Dorus [email protected] Law firm employee

Martha: Paralegal. [email protected] Law firm Employee

Jennifer Silvi No longer works there. Went back to school. Paralegal.

Jennifer Silvi said there was a fee petition and no funding could be released to pay Barbara Small’s bill. Again, another baseless lie. Why would numerous employees and Partners is the law firm all lie to their client and officers of the court?


I called 12 people. No one knew Jennifer. I emailed both Renee Dorus and Martha 12 noon with request for information. The Letter I sent is in the file.

w-1-28-4.41p I spoke to Martha Steele and she stated she never spoke to Barbara Small. She said she would ask Shaun for the documents.

Tanya was a young lawyer working for Enrico Mirabelli who was in court for many appearances with me. She no longer works for Enrico.

Return of Robert J. Skertich’s complete list of possessions held by Anne E. Borkowski.

Meeting with Anne Borkowski at her home in Glenview with my parents and her mother and sister Tina Dinkel and husband Steve Dinkle. I want Anne Borkowski to agree to seek counseling and admit what she did. My parents and both my sisters will be present.

I want the firm’s name to be changed to Nadler & Pritikin LLC. Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson are not to practice law ever with this firm again.

1. I want my taxed filed and paid 2003-2008.

2. Every bill in my name or and Business I was ever associated with through 02-2009 negotiated and paid.

3. $ 500,000.00 Immediately so that I can go forward with my life that is not to be held for any bills and or Judgments held against me and or any business I am associated with.

$ 3,758,721 Final settlement figure.

I want Enrico Mirabelli Shaun Bersson and Steve Komie to tell me in person how the judges did what they did and how much they got paid to do so. Any single element left out will constitute a breach of this agreement. I lie detector will be administered to each party.

Questions to ask the Law Firm.

I have asked repeatedly and never gotten an answer.

A1. Hours on the appeal. Bill for the Appeal.

2. Checks paid to the Private Investigator named in the appeal.

3. All records, Phone, notes, made to locate Barbara Small.

B1. Forensic Accountant order to inspect records never honored.

2. Enrico advises me to sign away my home without even asking for a single document.

3. Enrico never presented my medical records ADD ADHD Doctors in any court records.

4. Never presented financial Records for the purchase of our home at 363B W. Superior.

5. Go after Laura Stranski and Anne for stalking me instead I plead guilty under duress.

6. The Judge tells me I have no legal right to look at the Adoption records unless Anne agrees.

7. No private Investigator. l*****n, Police corruption.

8. Dr. Anne E Borkowski pays a chop shop to steal my 2003 Harley Davidson Heritage Springer valued at over $ 33,000 stolen and chopped up. Anne is so mad at me that she calls me after having the motorcycle stolen and with Officer Laura Stranski at a friend’s home on Damen.

Anne, “You mother f**ker. How does it feel to have your s**t taken”?

I’m like what a lunatic. The Motorcycle is Insured.

Now we have Shaun Bersson and Enrico Mirabelli along with the law firm of Nadler, Pritikin and Mirabelli purporting a lie to the Appellate court.

This story is the beginning in my pursuit to find the truth. To open the door to others who have been swindled by these lawyers and can coo berate similar stories.

Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson actually file papers with the Appellate court and lie in the filings to the court. The court reporter for the first 2 days, Barbara Small has retired and moved away. We have exhausted our search for her. In our attempt to locate Barbara Small we hired a private investigator but the private investigator could not find her. We there fore are filing our appeal without the first 2-days of the court transcripts. Wow, my response to this is that the Appellate court must have a list a criteria in which they dismiss cases. Line one. Cases that are presented to the courts without a complete court record would, in my mind be the first cases thrown out. When I approach Enrico and Shaun with my concerns their response is. Robert, we are not disputing the testimony. We are Appealing you case on the merits of the law. This case and its outrageous ruling will be thrown out. Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered! We have your best interest in mind. We know what we are doing.

Caught filing lies to the appellate court

I go into their office and confront Enrico face to face.

Supply me with the name and contact information of the private investigator you hired to find Barbara Small. Provide me with the cancelled checks that you paid for his service. Provide me with all emails in your attempt to locate Barbara Small.

I’m not letting Enricio know but I already spoke to Barbara Small . It took me all of 5-minutes to find her. She tells me, Robert I spoke to Shaun Bersson and Martha Steel and Enrico each on more then one occasion. All I ever asked from your lawyer’s office is $ 2,000.00 that I was due and that when I got paid I would turn over the transcripts Every time I called they had a different story. We are waiting for funds from the client. We are waiting for funds from the client’s wife. We will send you this money next week. Finally, after 6-months of waiting I gave up. Its not the first time I’ve been screwed out of money.

These 2 slime-balls are both lying to me. They actually have the gall to tell the Appellate court, in my behalf these lies and there are no ramifications.. Enrico Mirabelli the founding partner of Nadler, Pritiken & Mirabelli Lied to the Appellate Court. I report this to the courts and they said nothing. No reprimand, no accountability. They allow him to refile my appeal. Their response to me is. No harm no foul. Mr. Skertich, your final Appeal is void of this fact ands so you have not been prejudiced.

Wow, how about I rob a bank. Get caught and return the money. No harm no foul.



An appeal of any case is never ever managed by the Lawyer who handled the case. Point being: The Appellate Lawyer will be looking for mistakes and flaws made by the lawyer who lost and tried the case. Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson both berated me. “Robert, there is no way this case will stand. The Appellate court will throw the case out.”

We will handle this case free of charge. Then later Enrico Mirabelli will again do everything they can do to make sure this case gets sandbagged.

I sit back and watch as both Shaun Bersson and Enrico Mirabelli and the law firm of Nadler Pritikin & Mirabelli appeal my case. This action in itself stinks of sloppy legal and ethical decision-making. Its one thing for 2 slimy lawyers trying to cover their asses but her is a law firm backing one of their partners who is making a legal and ethical maneuver that is highly questionable at best.

They tell the Appellate courts that they cannot find Barbara Small the court reporter who took the first days notes at trial. Shaun Bersson and Enrico Mirabelli and the Law firm of Nadler Pritikin and Mirabelli actually lie to the Appellate court in writing. To protect their sloppy legal management of this case.

They are actually talking to Barbara Small of several occasions and are hiding their knowledge of her whereabouts to their client, Robert Skertich.

This is a lie as Barbara Small has been calling the firm and being told by several employees. We will get back to you.

Here is the key. Without a complete court record the Appellate court will throw the case out and the law form of Nadler Pritikin & Mirabelli knows this but they tell Robert, their client. Do not worry. The records are not relevant. This is a direct attempt to defraud their client whom they know, without complete records your Appeal will never be granted.

These slimy lawyers are making the steps to protect themselves and ruing any chance Robert may have at having a professional legal appeal presented in his mismanaged case.

h. We finally go to trial. Barbara Small is the court reporter. Robert Skertich ends up without a penny. He starts out with at least $ 5,000,000.00 in the marital estate but Judge Winkler Cunningham and Boyd are going to make sure his forensic accountant gets to investigate the financial records so we will never really know the true value of the Marital Estate, will we.

i. In the end he gets nothing and also owes his wife some $ 300,000.00 with additional debts of $ 500,000.00 No business taxes prepared for 5-years.

Judge Winkler and Cunningham would not ever allow me to pay to prepare tax records for the 5-years during the divorce trial. WHY??????????????????

We are asking you as a rationally thinking individual. How can this happen? Is this sloppy legal work? Or is this a deliberate action by crooked lawyers and the crooked court system? This is not an accusation but an open argument. Enrico Mirabelli is the owner of the law firm and practicing law for 30 plus years.

Jennifer Silva Employee they say they also cannot find.

Barbara Small 1-323-848-9212 Court Reporter.

Renee Dorus [email protected] Law firm employee

Martha: Paralegal. [email protected] Law firm Employee

Jennifer Silvi No longer works there. Went back to school. Paralegal.

1. facebook

2. MySpace

Jennifer Silvi said there was a fee petition and no funding could be released to pay Barbara Small’s bill.


I called 12 people. No one knew Jennifer. I emailed both Renee Dorus and Martha 12 noon with request for information. The Letter I sent is in the file.

w-1-28-4.41p I spoke to Martha Steele and she stated she never spoke to Barbara Small. She said she would ask Shaun for the documents.

Tanya was a young lawyer working for Enrico Mirabelli who was in court for many appearances with me. She no longer works for Enrico

Return of Robert J. Skertich’s complete list of possessions held by Anne E. Borkowski.

Meeting with Anne Borkowski at her home in Glenview with my parents and her mother and sister Tina Dinkel and husband Steve Dinkle. I want Anne Borkowski to agree to seek counseling and admit what she did. My parents and both my sisters will be present.

I want the firm’s name to be changed to Nadler & Pritikin LLC. Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson are not to practice law ever with this firm again.

1. I want my taxed filed and paid 2003-2008.

2. Every bill in my name or and Business I was ever associated with through 02-2009 negotiated and paid.

3. $ 500,000.00 Immediately so that I can go forward with my life that is not to be held for any bills and or Judgments held against me and or any business I am associated with.

$ 3,758,721 Final settlement figure.

I want Enrico Mirabelli Shaun Bersson and Steve Komie to tell me in person how the judges did what they did and how much they got paid to do so. Any single element left out will constitute a breach of this agreement. I lie detector will be administered to each party.

This settlement should close out at $ 3,756,721.00 plus interest from 05/03/2003 at 9% until the final settlement is paid in full.

Questions to ask the Law Firm.

I have asked repeatedly and never gotten an answer.

A1. Hours on the appeal. Bill for the Appeal.

2. Checks paid to the Private Investigator named in the appeal.

3. All records, Phone, notes, made to locate Barbara Small.

B1. Forensic Accountant order to inspect records never honored.


10. Never presented ADD ADHD Doctors.

11. Records for the purchase of the 363B W. Superior.

12. Go after Laura Stranski and Dr for stalking me instead I plead guilty under duress.

13. No adoption records.

14. No private Investigator. l*****n, Police corruption,

15. Dr. Anne E Borkowski pays a chop shop to steal his 2003 Harley Davidson Heritage Springer valued at over $ 33,000 stolen and chopped up. Anne is so mad at Robert that she calls him after having the motorcycle stolen and with Officer Laura Stranski at a friend’s home on Damen. You mother f**ker. How does it feel to have your s**t taken? I’m like what a lunatic. The Motorcycle is Insured.

Now we have Shaun Bersson and Enrico Mirabelli along with the law firm of Nadler, Pritikin and Mirabelli purporting a lie to the Appellate court.

This story is the beginning in my pursuit to find the truth. To open the door to others who have been swindled by these lawyers and can coo berate similar stories.

My position is as follows.

Ask a Jury of my peers. Was my lawyer ;

• Reckless?

• Stupid?

• Sloppy?

• unprepared ?

• or just a simple crook who’s actions can only be explained by the fact that he was acting in my wife’s best interest?

That Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson and Steve Komie and crooked judges just intentionally manipulated my case?

Yes _____

No _____

For what? _________________

What would be the motive.

Sport? ______

Money? ______

Greed? ______

Who do you think took part in this intentional mis-management of this case.?

Judge Boyd? _____

Judge Winkler? _____

Judge Cunningham? _____

Was the appellate court fair and impartial?

Yes? _______

No. _______


This story is dedicated to Jack Waghorn, my friend forever. Thank you for always caring for me and my well-being. I will always remember you as a true friend who loved me and is never ever far from my thoughts. I knew that I could and often would call you at all times of the day and night. 2.3am with drama and urgency “In my mind” and you always answered the phone. Never complained. Usually laughing and always listening to the lunacy that is me. I miss you so much! I’m sure your looking down on me often and still shaking your head. To my beautiful wife - Mariya “ Won Pen “ Thipkoi Skertich who opened my eyes to what is important in life. Family, Love, security and humility.

To all my friends who helped me write this story and contributed their eye-opening versions of it so that my story would be open-minded and accurate. You can be anything you dream of, You just need to have the gift to dream and good role models.

To ever single married and divorced couple in America. I pray that this book makes it way into your hands. You should read this and have an in-depth understanding of the your rights and the crooked legal system we live in. Most of the system is money and good old boy driven with politics and corruption so embedded that very few participants stand a chance at any form of fairness and solid legal fundamentals.


Divorce Judge Charles Winkler –

One of the comments made when doing the research was. “The Judge loved in condo in Cancum right next to Enrico Mirabelli’s”

Retired from the bench in December of 2011 and resumed his private ADR practice with Resolute Systems, LLC. Judge Winkler served as a Cook County Circuit Court Judge in the Law Division where he presided over individual and commercial calendars. Both as a pre-trial judge and as a private mediator, Judge Winkler has extensive experience mediating and settling a myriad of civil disputes.

Representative Mediation Cases

Personal Injury Wrongful Death

Complex Commercial Real Estate Breach of Contract

Subrogation Insurance Coverage

Municipal Disputes Employment

Professional Malpractice Defamation

Products Liability

Judge Winkler is an approved mediator in the Cook County Court-Ordered Mediation program. He has completed several mediation and advanced mediation training courses.

Judicial Experience

Judge Winkler was appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court to fill an 11-month term in 2000 in the 1st Municipal District. In 2002 he was again appointed to fill an 11-month term, and was subsequently recalled by the Illinois Supreme Court several times. His term concluded in December of 2011. During this time, he served in the Law Division, presiding over complex commercial and personal injury cases.. He has extensive experience managing and mediating commercial, personal injury, professional malpractice, wrongful death, construction, products, premises and defamation litigation among others.

Prior to moving to the Law Division, Judge Winkler was assigned to the Domestic Relations Division where he presided over divorce cases.

Legal Experience

Judge Winkler concentrated his private practice on civil litigation and criminal matters. He represented both plaintiffs and defendants, and has substantial experience trying personal injury and criminal matters. He also has extensive experience in Appellate Matters, including appeals to the Illinois State Supreme Court.

Curriculum Vitae

• Resolute Systems, LLC

• December, 2011-Present

• Judge, Cook County Law Division

◦ Presided over a Commercial Calendar

◦ Presided over an Individual Trial Calendar 2007-2011

• Judge, Cook County Domestic Relations Division, 2002-2006

• Partner, Winkler & Gorey, Ltd., 2001

• Judge, Cook County 1st Municipal Division, 2000

• Partner, Winkler & Gorey, Ltd., 1991-2000

• Principal, Charles R. Winkler, Ltd., 1978-1990

• Partner, Winkler & Fornelli, Ltd., 1964-1978

• Associate, Blowitz & Ozmon, 1960-1963

Mediation & Professional Training

• The Strauss Institute for Dispute Resolution, 35 hours

• The John Paul Jones Group, 40 hours

• The National Judicial College, Advanced Mediation Training, 16 hours

• The National Judicial College, Dispute Resolution Skills, 40 hours

Professional Associations

• Bohemian Lawyers Association of Chicago

• Illinois State Bar Association

• West Suburban Bar Association

• Illinois Judges Association


Illinois State Bar, 1960

• U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, 1961

• U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, 1964

• U.S. Supreme Court, 1964


• JD, DePaul University College of Law

• BS. Loyola University of Chicago


I’ll just make one comment. Steven Komie likes to travel to Thailand and I hear he likes children. Let you imagination answer the rest.

09-25-2018 FOIPA Request #: 1415362-000 Robert Skertich Jerome


Office of Information Policy (OIP)

United States Department of Justice

Suite 11050

1425 New York Ave. NW

Washington, DC. 20530-0001

( FBI ) Federal Bureau of Investigation

1500 West Roosevelt Road

Chicago, Illinois 60622

Motion to Compel.

Pursuant to FRCP 37, "On notice to other parties and all affected persons, a party may move for an order compelling disclosure or discovery. The motion must include a certification that the movant has in good faith conferred or attempted to confer with the person or party failing to make disclosure or discovery in an effort to obtain it without court action."

According to rule 37, the moving party must give the appropriate notice to the responding party. This allows the other party the opportunity to answer the alleged inadequate responses. Thereafter, if the questions have not been adequately responded to, then the moving party may ask the court for a motion to compel.

California requires that the moving party provides a statement in support of the motion to compel. This is known as a 3-1020 document which includes the question asked, the answer given, and a reason as to why the answer should be compelled.

Petitioner: Robert J. Skertich

Mailing Address: 128 S. East Street Suite 6 Crown Point, IN 46308

Former Address: 1464 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 506 Chicago, IL. 60605

Former Address: 2305 W. Harrison Chicago, IL. 60622


DOB: (((REDACTED)))1960

I am requesting information from the following agency:

( FBI ) Federal Bureau of Investigation

1500 West Roosevelt Road

Chicago, Illinois 60622

Re: Freedom of Information Request

FBI - Sir or Madam:

The purpose of this letter is to request information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. section 552. If this information is not available from your agency, please forward this request to the appropriate agency or advise me of the other agencies, which might have this information.

Please provide me with a copy of the following items:

1. All Video and audio Tape recordings of Robert J. Skertich –while at the FBI Office in Chicago. I, Robert J. Skertich visited the FBI Office in Chicago on Roosevelt Rd. 3 times, the first time I was in the office I met with three FBI Male investigators. When I checked back after not hearing from anyone ever after my initial meeting I called a few times and also visited this office in Chicago and was told, “ Mr. Skertich, there is no record of you, Robert J. Skertich ever being there.” This obviously scares me to a point that I had my wife and child leave the country in fear of their very safety.

2. I am requesting, all video recordings in possession of the FBI containing

Robert J. Skertich

3. A record of any and all investigations of the matters brought to and before the FBI by Robert Skertich.

4. These requested documents must include all videotapes with the audio files. These would be the videos of the Robert J. Skertich / petitioners visits to the FBI office in Chicago and all calls by Robert J. Skertich to and from the FBI.

5. All records, cover folders, investigation files, notes, photos, phone recordings, computer files, the names and titles of any person who is involved with the investigations, their title and contact information including their direct phone number and email address.

6. The status of each investigation. All photos, records, witnesses.

7. National Name Check Program ( NNCP ) A complete background file of the Petitioner. – Robert J. Skertich. These documents must be the same complete background file on Robert J. Skertich that contain every component of Robert J. Skertich FBI history.

8. RIDS A complete background file of the Petitioner. – Robert J. Skertich. These documents must be the same complete background file on Robert J. Skertich that contain every component of Robert J. Skertich FBI history.

Please contact me at the above address if anyone has any questions regarding this request. My e-mail address is [email protected].

As provided for by section 552(a)(6)(A)(i) of the Freedom of Information Act, please provide your reply within twenty (20) business days.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Robert J. Skertich


In reference to the letter I, Robert J. Skertich, sent below.

Re: Freedom of Information Request

August 18, 2018

Petitioner: Robert J. Skertich

Mailing Address: 128 S. East Street Suite 6 Crown Point, IN 46308

Former Address: 1464 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 506 Chicago, IL. 60605

Former Address: 2305 W. Harrison Chicago, IL. 60622


DOB: (((REDACTED)))1960

I am requesting information from the following agency:

( FBI ) Federal Bureau of Investigation

1500 West Roosevelt Road

Chicago, Illinois 60622

Re: Freedom of Information Request

Dear Sir or Madam:

The purpose of this letter is to request information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. section 552. If this information is not available from your agency, please forward this request to the appropriate agency or advise me of the other agencies, which might have this information.

Please provide me with a copy of the following items:

1. All Video and audio Tape recordings of Robert J. Skertich – Petitioner of

Robert J. Skertich while at the FBI Office in Chicago. I was there 3 times and when I came in after the first visit with three investigators they told me there as no record of me ever being there.

2. All video recordings in possession of the FBI containing Robert J. Skertich

The petitioner.

3. A record of any and all investigations of the matters brought to and before the FBI by Robert Skertich.

4. These requested documents must include all videotapes with the audio files. These would be the videos of the Robert J. Skertich / petitioners visits to the FBI office in Chicago and all calls to the FBI.

5. All records, cover folders, investigation files, notes, photos, phone recordings, computer files, the names and titles of any person who is involved with the investigations, their title and contact information including their direct phone number and email address.

6. The status of each investigation. All photos, records, witnesses.

7. A complete background file of the Petitioner. – Robert J. Skertich. These documents must be the same complete background file on Robert J. Skertich that contain every component of Robert J. Skertich FBI history.

Please contact me at the above address if have any questions regarding this request. My e-mail address is [email protected].

As provided for by section 552(a)(6)(A)(i) of the Freedom of Information Act, please provide your reply within twenty (20) business days.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Robert J. Skertich


In 1964 Oprah is a poor black, little girl, living in an apartment in Milwaukee.

Her mom works cleaning homes.

01-09-2018 Oprah is the 1st black woman to win the Cecil B. DeMille Award!

Oprah’s Acceptance Speech.

Our Free Press must have the insatiable dedication, to uncovering the absolute truth.

Truth - that keeps us from turning a blind eye, - to corruption, - and to injustice.

To Tyrants, - and victims, - and secrets, - and lies.

Speaking the truth, is the most powerful truth, we have.

I, meanwhile have 4-Children to feed, and bills to pay, and dreams to pursue.

Reece Taylor in 1984 was a wife, mother, just walking home from church, when

6 -white -men, left her raped, and beaten. NAACP. Rosa Parks was the leading investigator.

The 6-White Men were, - never persecuted.

Rosa Parks, just died at 98, 10-days ago.

Our society is broken, by brutally powerful men.

The ability to maintain Hope, for the light of a better morning, even during, our darkest nights.

The Supreme Court, of the State of Illinois must rebuild the faith, in our fundamental right as human beings, as United States Citizens, As Americans.

The public Trust must be restored.

Video of the children narrated by me


Plaintiff: Robert J. Skertich

Cases: ( 2003 D 005260

( 2003 L 010189

Defendant: Anne E. Borkowski


Enrico Mirabelli

Nadler, Pritiken & Mirabelli ( Law Firm )

All Partners of ( Nadler, Pritikin & Mirabelli )at the time Robert Skertich was being represented by the law Firm.

Shaun Bersson a*s. Lawyer Nadler Pritikin & Mirabelli

Shaun Bersson Personally

Martha Steele Secretary to Enrico Mirabelli

Martha Steele as employee to Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli

Martha Steele Personally

Laura Stranski Chicago Police Officer Laura Stranski Personally

Chicago Police Department Institutionally

Sheldon Minkow Lawyer Personally & Professionally

Schuller Ducanto & Fleck Law Firm

Brian Telander Lawyer

Steven Komie Lawyer Personally & Professionally.

William Boyd Judge Personally & Professionally.

Charles Winkler Judge Personally & Professionally. Abishi C. Cunningham Jr. Judge Personally & Professionally.

ARDC Attorney Registry & Disciplinary Board

Attorney General of the State of Illinois

Illinois Judiciary Inquiry Board

Cook County Courts Family Law Division

Cook County Court System

Cook County Small Claims

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Mariya Thipkoi Immigrations Lawsuit



This lawsuit, paints a crystal-clear picture, of an entire legal system, that is systematically corrupt. A legal system that operates and conducts business as a rogue organization, completely outside the laws, laws that must protect the public.

I argue that these charges I make against all parties involved are of the most diabolical crimes that can ever be wielded upon any citizen.

That these crimes, do not fall under any statutes of limitations. That the public, has a limitless timeline to seek justice under these extreme circumstances.

That, to allow officers of the court, access to any timeline to be prosecuted, would be an even greater crime wielded against Robert Skertich and his family and society in its entirety.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect.

Count 1: Class 1 Felony.

Theft by deception: generally, means, the use of deception, to obtain control, over the property or services of another.

A person commits theft if he obtains property of another by deception. A person deceives if he intentionally

The following is an example of a state statute governing theft by deception: A person commits theft if he obtains property of another by deception. A person deceives if he intentionally:

(1) Creates or reinforces a false impression, including false impressions as to law, value, intention, or other state of mind; but deception as to a person's intention to perform a promise shall not be inferred from the fact alone that he did not subsequently perform the promise; or

(2) Prevents another from acquiring information which would affect his judgment of a transaction; or

(3) Fails to correct a false impression which the deceiver previously created or reinforced, or which the deceiver knows to be influencing another to whom he stands in a fiduciary or confidential relationship; or

(4) Uses a credit card, charge plate, or any other instrument which purports to evidence an undertaking to pay for property or services delivered or rendered to or upon the order of a designated person or bearer (a) where such instrument has been stolen, forged, revoked, or canceled, or where for any other reason its use by the actor is unauthorized, or (b) where the actor does not have the intention and ability to meet all obligations to the issuer arising out of his use of the instrument.

The word deceive does not include falsity as to matters having no pecuniary significance, or statements unlikely to deceive ordinary persons in the group addressed.

Count 2:

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress.

Often, when involved in an accident or after sustaining an injury, one can suffer more than just physical pain. Many individuals will also suffer emotional harm from the experience. Under Illinois law, it is possible to obtain money damages as compensation for emotional harm (also called emotional distress). This money is paid by the person or company who caused the injury or, in most cases, by that person’s or company's insurance provider.

Emotional distress can take many different forms after an accident and can have a myriad of causes. For example:

• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

• Depression

• Anxiety as a result of the fear caused by the accident

• Insomnia

In these and other situations, there must be a clear and direct link between the emotional harm one experiences and the accident or injuries that person has suffered. It is unlikely that someone could recover for emotional distress in the form of an eating disorder caused by a car accident, but post-traumatic stress and anxiety are much more likely.

There are generally two types of claims for emotional distress: for injuries which are intentionally inflicted and for harm which is accidental, or negligently inflicted.

The elements of a claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress are:

(1) that the defendant's conduct was extreme and outrageous;

(2) that the defendant intended to cause or recklessly or consciously disregarded the probability of causing emotional distress;

(3) that the plaintiff suffered severe or extreme emotional distress; and

(4) that the defendant's conduct actually and proximately caused the plaintiff's emotional distress caused by the defendant's negligence.

By contrast, the elements of a claim for negligent infliction of emotional distress are much more variable. If one is a direct victim of negligent infliction of emotional distress, they would need to establish the elements of negligence (duty, breach, causation, and damages), with the emotional distress serving as the damages. Indirect victims, on the other hand, would need to show:

(1) that he or she was in the zone of physical danger;

(2) that he or she reasonably feared for his or her own safety because of the defendant's negligence; and

(3) that he or she suffered a physical injury or illness as a result of the emotional distress caused by the defendant's negligence.

While proving the occurrence of the incident that caused an injury is relatively easy and relies on the same principles as any other personal injury claim, establishing emotional distress is more difficult because of the nature of the injury. In order to obtain compensation for emotional distress, one must prove that the emotional issues that person is experiencing are real and that they are caused by the person or company that caused the accident or other incident. Of course, since emotional distress is often mental and leaves no outwardly visible scars, it can be very difficult to establish. Usually, some physical manifestation of the emotional harm will be required in order to prove its existence and to quantify its impact on one's health and well-being. For example, a heart attack or stroke, rapid weight loss, sudden graying or loss of hair, etc. After all, a court can only award money to compensate one for their injuries; it cannot cure the injury itself. That compensation must be based on some demonstrable evidence and, for compensatory damages, must have some identifiable dollar tag attached to it. Without something to point to in order to prove that the injury to one's emotional health has occurred, it will be very difficult to establish damages.

Since it is very hard to put a price on how much your emotional harm is worth, emotional distress damages can be very difficult to calculate. The person claiming such injury will need to clearly show how the emotional problems are affecting them if they wish to obtain compensation. The best option is to consult with an experienced, qualified personal injury attorney who can explain the process of establishing emotional distress and can help you coordinate appointments with psychiatric professionals who can help to document your injuries.

(720 ILCS 5/16H-65 new) Sec. 16H-65. Period of limitations. The period of

limitations for prosecution of any offense defined in this Article begins at the time when the last act in furtherance of the offense is committed.

(720 ILCS 5/16H-60 new) Sec. 16H-60. Sentence.

Count 3.

A financial crime, the full value of which exceeds $100,000, is a Class 1 Felony.

When a charge of financial crime, the full value of which exceeds $100,000, is brought, the value of the financial crime involved is an element of the offense to be resolved by the trier of fact as either exceeding or not exceeding $100,000.

Count 4.

(720 ILCS 5/16H-50 new)

Sec. 16H-50. Continuing financial crimes enterprise. A person commits the offense of a continuing financial crimes enterprise when the person knowingly, within an 18-month period, commits 3 or more separate offenses under this Article, or, if involving a financial institution, any other felony offenses established under this Code.

Count 5.

(720 ILCS 5/16H-55 new) (720 ILCS 5/16H-35 new) Sec. 16H-35.

Concealment of collateral.

A person commits the offense of concealment of collateral when the person,

With intent to defraud, knowingly conceals, removes, disposes of, or converts to the person's own use or to that of another, any property mortgaged or pledged to or held by a financial institution.

Count 6.


My position is that, in each and every instance: My lawyers, Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson and their staff, Martha Steele and the Judge involved:

(Collectively and Independently,)

In each court case, intentionally and knowingly made decisions intentionally fraudulent and criminal decisions that were intentionally;

(Not in their client Robert Skertich best interest.)

Therefore, these are not isolated instances, but, a plethora of so many, horrific decisions, time and time again, made against Robert Skertich direct orders and demands, and moreover, made by every lawyer and judge involved, constituting a

Well-executed, and intentional conspiracy with the specific intent to defraud Robert Skertich and his entire extended family. These well executed legal maneuvers deprived Robert Skertich out of every tangible asset along with the complete and total destruction of his reputation and his financial credit.

In each instance, where Robert Skertich lawyers, Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson and the staff of Nadler, Pritiken & Mirabelli made a decision, ask yourself the following questions.

1. Is the Lawyer in question stupid?

2. Is the Lawyer in question sloppy?

3. Is the Lawyer in question experienced in his profession?

4. Is the decision the Lawyer made in this instance, reckless?

5. Does the lawyer take proper legal means to rectify the negative event at a later date to protect his client’s best interest?

6. Is the decision the Lawyer made,

In his client, Robert Skertich’s best interest?

7. Is the decision the Judge made one sided?

8. Is the decision the Judge made fair and reasonable?

9. Does the decision the judge made create and un-level playing field?


In the law, a conspiracy refers to an agreement between two or more people to

a. Commit an unlawful act, or to

b. deprive another person of his legal rights.

• The agreement to act must be moved toward a conclusion,

• whether or not it is actually accomplished.

• Plans made by a certain combination of people for unlawful or secret purposes may also be considered a conspiracy.

To explore this concept, consider the following conspiracy definition.

Definition of Conspiracy


1. An agreement between two or more people to commit a crime.

2. The act of conspiring together to an unlawful end.


1325-1375 Middle English

What is Conspiracy.

A conspiracy is

• an agreement or plan,

• made between two or more people,

• to engage in an illegal act,

• to obtain an unlawful objective,

• or to deprive another person of his legal rights.

• A conspiracy may be engaged in to move a plan forward,

• each person involved aware of his or her part.

• It is not necessary for each person involved in a conspiracy to engage in – or even be aware of – each stage or act involved in gaining the objective.

The criminal act of conspiracy may be charged if:

1. Legal means are used to accomplish an illegal result; or

2. Illegal means are used to accomplish a legal result.

Incomplete Crimes

When most people think about crime, it is often assumed that the accused person has completed the crime and is at the point of prosecution and punishment. There are certain phases a person goes through before the actual accomplishment of a criminal act.

1. Idea – the wrongdoer comes up with an idea for an illegal act.

2. Evaluation – the wrongdoer considers the pros and cons of the idea and decides whether or not to proceed.

3. Decision – the wrongdoer decides to move forward with the idea or plan.

4. Preparation – the wrongdoer makes preparation to commit the crime or wrongful act, perhaps creating falsified documents, contacting potential victims, or obtaining a weapon.

5. Commencement – the wrongdoer launches the plan.

6. Completion – the wrongdoer completes the plan or obtains the objective.

The law does not punish people for the ideas that float through their heads – even if they put in the effort to refine them, with the idea of committing the act.

It does, however, punish people for completing an illegal act. Incomplete crimes encompass the steps in the middle of the process. These incomplete crimes include such acts as:

 Conspiracy – an agreement between two or more people to engage in unlawful acts, or to use lawful means to achieve an unlawful goal.

 Attempt to commit a crime – a crime that the wrongdoer failed to complete, either by being unable to achieve the goal, or by changing his mind after committing the early steps.

 Solicitation – the act of inviting, encouraging, or commanding another person to engage in a criminal act.

Criminal Conspiracy

A criminal conspiracy involves an agreement made between two or more people to commit a crime, or to engage in illegal activity to achieve even a legal end. Such plans are not required to have been in secret to be defined as criminal conspiracy or does any party to the conspiracy need to be aware of the entire plan. In most jurisdictions, in order for an activity to rise to the level of criminal conspiracy, at least one party must have engaged in an overt act toward accomplishing the unlawful or wrongful goal.

For example:

Linda and Bob took in an entire litter of puppies when a neighbor was unable to care for them. Although the puppies were a mixed breed, they make a plan to advertise and sell the puppies as “registered” lab puppies. Stacy, having responded to an online ad for the puppies, picks out her favorite, and pays the couple $300. With the puppy, Stacy is given a falsified registration document.

In this example of conspiracy, Linda and Bob made an agreement to fraudulently induce people to pay a premium price for crossbreed dogs. Further, they engaged in the overt acts of advertising the puppies as purebred labs and creating fraudulent registration documents.

Civil Conspiracy

A civil conspiracy is a civil tort that involves an agreement between two or more parties to either deceive someone for the purpose of obtaining an illegal objective, or to deprive someone of his legal rights. The concept of civil conspiracy allows a victim to file a civil lawsuit against conspirators who sought to deprive him, whether or not there was an actual crime that might result in criminal prosecution.

A plaintiff in a civil conspiracy lawsuit must prove that the accused conspirators made an agreement together to commit illegal acts, in order to achieve their unlawful goals. Unlike criminal conspiracy, it is not necessary for a plaintiff to prove that a conspirator committed an overt act in furtherance of the unlawful goal.

In addition, it is not generally necessary to prove that the defendants (conspirators) had the intent to harm any specific person.

Rather, the law defines civil conspiracy as an agreement to engage in illegal activity toward an unlawful goal.

For example:

David and Josh come up with a plan to sell a certain cleaning product to consumers – a product that does not exist. Their plan is to mix water with a little ammonia and put it into spray bottles with home-printed labels. The pair recruit four people to sell the bogus product door-to-door, promising them a percentage of each bottle sold.

It’s not long before the consumers who bought the product begin complaining, and someone files a complaint with a law enforcement agency.

In this example of conspiracy, David and Josh had the intent to deprive consumers of their money. The salespeople, however, knew nothing of the conspiracy, and did not intend to harm anyone. In addition to possible criminal charges, the pair may be subjected to lawsuits for civil conspiracy.

Punishment for Conspiracy

Many people look at charges of conspiracy as a lesser crime to the actual criminal act. While that may be true to some degree, conspirators of serious crimes do not get off easy. In most jurisdictions, the crime of conspiracy is punished in line with the seriousness of the actual crime (the “target act”). Conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor act is a misdemeanor, and conspiracy to commit a felony is a felony.

For example:

Malcom and Stephanie make a plan to steal certain medications from the pharmacy in which Stephanie works. While Malcom actually performed the burglary, Stephanie gave him the combination for the locked cabinet in which the medications were stored.

In this example of conspiracy, Malcom’s crime is a first-degree felony. Stephanie is charged with criminal conspiracy, which is a second-degree felony. This is common – charging conspiracy as one step lower than the actual completion of the crime.

Conspiracy Example in Gang Activity

In 2014, police in New York City arrested rapper Bobby Shmurda, whose real name is Ackquille Pollard, for his involvement with a gang, including drug activity and weapons. Pollard was charged with fourth degree conspiracy, and conspiracy in criminal possession of a weapon.

Although the rapper claimed the gun police found in his apartment was a prop for a video, he ultimately pled guilty to possession of a loaded gun with the intent to use it “unlawfully against another.” As part of the plea agreement, Pollard also pled guilty to conspiracy.

Pollard was sentenced to 7 years for criminal possession of a weapon, and 1-3 years for conspiracy. These terms were ordered to run concurrently, which means the 1-3 years tolls during the 7 years. After his prison term, Pollard is to be on supervised release (parole) for five years.

Additional Defendants

Pollard’s indictment was just a small portion of the more than 15 gang members charged with violent and drug-related crimes. Fellow gang member Alex Crandon was charged for his involvement in various shootings and other violent acts, as well as his participation in a murder. Crandon refused a plea deal, taking his case to trial. The jury convicted him of conspiracy, murder, attempted murder, among other charges. Crandon was sentenced to spend more than 53 years in prison.

Another fellow gang member, Santino Boderick, also refused a plea deal in exchange for a 15-year sentence. The jury convicted Boderick of attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, possession of a weapon, and a long list of other felony charges. Before the judge announced Boderick’s sentencing, the gang member spewed profanities to the judge. He was escorted out of the courtroom, after which the judge issued a sentence of 17-130 years in prison


720 ILCS 5/8-2 (from Ch. 38, par. 8-2)

Sec. 8-2. Conspiracy. (a) Elements of the offense. A person commits conspiracy when, with intent that an offense be committed, he agrees with another to the commission of that offense. No person may be convicted of conspiracy to commit an offense unless an act in furtherance of such agreement is alleged and proved to have been committed by him or by a co-conspirator.

A person convicted of conspiracy may be fined or imprisoned or m both not to exceed the maximum provided for the offense which is the object of the conspiracy, except that if the object is an offense prohibited by Sections 11-15, 11-16, 11-17, 11-19, 24-1 (a) (1), 24-1 (a) (7), 28-1, 28-3 and 28-4 of the "Criminal Code of 1961", approved July 28, 1961, as amended, or prohibited by Sections 404 or 406 (b) of the "Illinois Controlled Substances Act", enacted by the 77th General Assembly, or an inchoate offense related to any of the aforesaid principal offenses, the person convicted may be sentenced for a Class 3 felony however, conspiracy to commit treason, first degree murder, or aggravated kidnapping shall not be sentenced in excess of a Class 2 felony, and conspiracy to commit any offense other than those specified in this subsection, and other than those set forth in Sections 401, 402, or 407 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, shall not be sentenced in excess of a Class 4 felony.

(Source: P.A. 86-809.) (b) Co-conspirators.

It shall not be a defense to conspiracy that the person or persons with whom the accused is alleged to have conspired:

(1) Has not been prosecuted or convicted, or

(2) Has been convicted of a different offense, or

(3) Is not amenable to justice, or

(4) Has been acquitted, or

(5) Lacked the capacity to commit an offense.

(c) Sentence.

Attorney Misconduct

Behavior by an attorney that conflicts with established rules of professional conduct and is punishable by disciplinary measures. More than any other profession, the legal profession is self-governing. That is, it is largely regulated by lawyers and judges themselves rather than by the government or outside agencies. In particular, the American Bar Association (ABA), the largest professional association for attorneys, governs the Practice of Law through its establishment of rules ofconduct. These rules are then adopted, sometimes in a modified form, by state courts and enforced by court-appointed disciplinary committees or bar associations. Attorneys found to be in violation of professional standards are guilty of misconduct and subject to disciplinary procedures. Disciplinary action by a state bar association or other authority may include private reprimands; public censure; suspension of the ability to practice law; and, most severe of all, disbarment permanent denial of the ability to practice law in that jurisdiction. The state supreme court is the final arbiter in questions of professional conduct in most jurisdictions.

Since 1908, the ABA has been responsible for defining the standards of proper conduct for the legal profession. These standards, many of them established by the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility, are continuously evolving as society and the practice of law change over time. In 1969, the ABA passed its Model Code of Professional Responsibility, guidelines for proper legal conduct that were eventually adopted by all jurisdictions. The ABA modified the code by adopting theModel Rules of Professional Conduct in 1983. The model rules have been used by 40states to create official guidelines for professional conduct; 11 states or jurisdictions, including Washington, D.C., and the Virgin Islands, have continued to base their ethical codes on the earlier model code. California has developed its own rules of professional conduct. Whatever their basis, these codes or rules define the lawyer's proper role and relationship to the client. It is essential that lawyers understand the ethical codes under which they must operate. Failure to do so may result in not only disciplinary action by the relevant professional authorities but also Malpractice suits against the lawyer. A malpractice suit may result in loss of money or the ability to work with specific clients.

Rule 8.4 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct contains the following statements on attorney misconduct:

It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:

(a) Violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another;

(b) Commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects;

(c) Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, Fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;

(d) Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice

(e) State or imply an ability to influence improperly a government agency or official;

(f) Knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conductor other law.

Besides issuing these general statements, the model rules set down many specific requirements for attorney conduct indifferent situations.

Because of an attorney's special relationship to the law, he or she is held to a special standard of conduct before the law, as the ABA asserts in its Lawyers' Manual on Professional Conduct:

As members of the bar and officers of the court, lawyers are beneficiaries of the privilege of the practice of law and also are subject to higher duties and responsibilities than are non lawyers. A lawyer's fiduciary duties arise from his status as a member of the legal profession and are expressed, at least in part, by the applicable rules of professional conduct.

The word fiduciary in this quotation comes from the Latin word fiducia, meaning "trust"; as a fiduciary, then, the attorney acts as the trusted representative of the client. Trust is thus a defining element of the legal profession, and without it, the practice of law could not exist. For that reason, the legal profession has created strict rules of conduct regarding the attorney's relationship with the client.

Attorney-Client Relationship

The model rules set forth specific guidelines defining the attorney client relationship. An attorney will be guilty of misconduct, for example, if she or he fails to provide competent representation to a client, to act with diligence and promptness regarding a client's legal concerns, or to keep a client informed of legal proceedings. Charging exorbitant fees or overbilling is also considered misconduct, as is counseling a client to commit a crime. For example, trial lawyer Harvey Myerson was suspended in 1992 from the practice of law by the New York Supreme Court after he was convicted of over-billing.

Attorney-Client Sexual Relations

The American Bar Association (ABA) has recognized sexual relations between attorneys and their clients as a significant ethical problem for the legal profession.

The ABA's Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility addressed this issue in 1992 by issuing a formal opinion (no. 93-364).

Although the opinion acknowledged that the Model Rules of Professional Conduct do not specifically address the issue of attorney client sex, it argued that an attorney's sexual relationship with a current client "may involve unfair exploitation of the lawyer's fiduciary position and presents a significant danger that the lawyer's ability to represent the client adequately may be impaired, and that as a consequence the lawyer may violate both the Model Rules and the Model Code." Becoming sexually intimate with a client, the opinion adds, undermines the "objective detachment" necessary for Legal Representation because "the roles of lover and lawyer are potentially conflicting ones." In addition, the opinion argued, attorney-client sex introduces a clear conflict of interest into a case, and it may also compromise Attorney-Client Privilege, the principle that ensures the confidentiality of lawyer-client communication. Any secrets revealed to an attorney by a client outside of their legal relationship may not be protected by attorney-client privilege.

Proponents of professional rules against attorney client sexual contact argue that the legal profession should follow the example of other professions such as psychology and psychiatry and create strict sanctions against sex with clients. Legal clients, these proponents say are often vulnerable when dealing with attorneys, particularly in such areas of legal practice as Family Law.

A lawyer who becomes sexually involved with a client in a Divorce proceeding can take advantage of the client undergoing emotional trauma. That lawyer may hinder any attempts at reconciliation between a couple and complicate matters for any children involved.

Sexual relationships between lawyer and client may also affect custody and child visitation decisions in the case.

The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, in its Standards of Conduct in Family Law Litigation, specifically prohibits attorney-client sex: "An attorney should never have a sexual relationship with a client or opposing counsel during the time of the representation " (§ 2.16 [1991]).

Some attorneys object to such rules, arguing that they interfere with their First Amendment rights to FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION. They bristle at the notion of state bar associations regulating the private affairs of consenting adults. Nevertheless, attorneys are increasingly being disciplined for becoming sexually involved with clients, and state bar associations are drafting clearer and more stringent rules against attorney client sexual contact. Wisconsin's Supreme Court, for example, in 1987, revoked the license of an attorney in part because he had sex with a client (In re Hallows, 136 Wis. 2d 72, 401 N.W.2d 557).

The attorney, the court argued, was "placing his interests above " those of his client. In 1990, the same court for the first time suspended the license of a criminal lawyer who had sex with a client (In re Ridgeway, 158 Wis. 2d 452, 462 N.W.2d 671). Oregon and Minnesota have adopted outright bans on attorney-client sexual contact. Rule 1.8(k) of the Minnesota Rules of Professional Conduct, which became effective July 1, 1994, forbids attorney-client sexual contact during the conduct of a professional legal relationship. It allows exceptions to the rule only for relationships beginning before legal representation has commenced or after it has ended. In the case of clients that are organizations rather than individuals, an attorney may not have sexual contact with any member of the client organization

directly overseeing the case.

Further readings

Awad, Abed. 1998. "Attorney Client Sexual Relations." Journal of the Legal Profession 22 (annual): 131–91.

Kane, Andrew W., et al. 1992. "Attorney Sexual Misconduct." American Journal of Family Law 6 (fall): 191–95.

Shirey, William K. 1999. "Dealing with the Profession's 'Dirty Little Secret': A Proposal for Regulating Attorney- Client Sexual Relations." Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 13 (fall): 131–60.

Struzzi, Melissa A. 1999. "Sex Behind the Bar: Should Attorney-Client Sexual Relations be Prohibited?" Duquesne Law Review 37 (summer): 637–57. by millions of dollars (In re Myerson, 182A.D. 2d 242, 588 N.Y.S.2d 142 [N.Y. App. Div.1992]).

Many types of attorney misconduct involve a conflict of interest on the part of the attorney. A conflict of interest arises when an attorney puts personal interests ahead of professional responsibilities to the client. The model rules specify the potential for conflict of interest in many different situations. Thus, for example, an attorney who by representing one client adversely affects another client has a conflict of interest and is guilty of misconduct. Conflict of interest rules also forbid an attorney to enter into a business transaction with a client unless the client is fully aware of how the transaction will affect his or her Legal Representation and agrees to the transaction in writing. Similarly, an attorney is guilty of misconduct if he or she makes a deal with the client for acquisition of the book, film, or media rights to the client's story. Providing a client with financial assistance also introduces a conflict of interest into the attorney-client relationship.

If an attorney is related to another attorney as parent, child, sibling, or spouse, that attorney may not represent a client in opposition to the related attorney except when given consent to do so by the client. This type of conflict of interest has become increasingly common as more women enter the legal profession and the number of marriages between attorneys grows. State bar associations, such as that of Michigan, have held that these guidelines also apply to lawyers who are living together or dating but are not married. The potential for conflict of interest when the opposing attorneys are married or romantically involved is clear. Imagine a woman representing a client in a personal injury lawsuit seeking millions of dollars worth of damages from a manufacturer, with her husband representing the manufacturer. As a couple, they have a monetary interest in gaining a large settlement from the manufacturer, thereby giving the husband an incentive to lose his case. Given this conflict of interest, the couple is obligated to reveal to their clients the fact that they are married. If the clients agree to go ahead with the case regardless of the conflict of interest, then the attorneys may decide to continue their representation.

Special examples of conflict of interest have arisen in cases involving indigent defendants who must use publicly provided defense attorneys. In many jurisdictions, it is considered misconduct for an attorney to refuse court appointment as a public service defender for a poor client, even when a spouse's legal associate or firm is involved on the opposing side of the case. Normally, for example, state bar associations allow a district attorney to prosecute persons defended by partners or associates of the district attorney's spouse as long as the client is notified of the situation; similarly, they will allow a district attorney's spouse to defend persons prosecuted by other members of the district attorney's staff. Nevertheless, in a 1992case, Haley v. Boles, 824 S.W.2d 796, t

The Texas Court of Appeals found that a conflict of interest gave a court appointed attorney grounds to refuse appointment as a public defender for a poor client. The prosecutor was married to the court appointed counsel's law partner, creating a potential conflict of interest. According to the court's decision, a poor defendant who must rely on a public defender has fewer choices for legal representation than a defendant who can afford to employ her or his own attorney. Therefore, an attorney who has a conflict of interest must be able to refuse to represent a client as a public defender without being charged with misconduct, thereby ensuring that the client receives legal representation free of a conflict of interest.

Any breach of the trust by the attorney that underlies the relationship between that attorney and the client can be considered misconduct. For example, an attorney is often called upon to hold or transfer money for a client, and in this situation, the client places an extraordinary amount of trust in the lawyer. Any misuse of the client's money by the attorney called misappropriation of client funds constitutes a serious breach of trust and a gross example of

misconduct. This offense includes stealing from the client, mingling the attorney's money with that of the client, and controlling client funds without authorization. The model rules require that funds given to a lawyer by a client be kept in an account separate from the lawyer's own account.

To encourage clients to inform their attorneys of all details relevant to a case, ethical codes also entrust attorneys with preserving the confidentiality of the information their clients give them; any failure to do so constitutes misconduct on the part of the attorney. The law protects attorney-client confidentiality with the principle of

Attorney-Client Privilege, and under very few circumstances is it lawful to breach this privilege of confidentiality. The privilege may be revoked to prevent the client from "committing a criminal act that … is likely to result in imminent death or substantial bodily harm "(Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.6 1983), or to respond to civil or criminal

proceedings made by the client against the attorney. Except for these rare cases, only the client may waive the attorney client privilege of confidentiality.

Sexual contact between an attorney and a client is almost always considered a breach of conduct. Sexual contact represents a clear breach of attorney-client trust.

It is also a clear conflict of interest because it can easily result in the attorney's placing his or her own needs above those of the client, and it makes it difficult for the attorney to argue the client's case dispassionately.

Other Types of Misconduct

As the model rules indicate, an attorney may be charged with mis-conduct if she or he commits a criminal act. However, not all violations of the law may result in professional censure. According to the ABA, a lawyer is professionally responsible "only for offenses that indicate lack of those characteristics relevant to law practice." These include violations involving

"violence, dishonesty, breach of trust, or interference with the administration of justice" (Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 3). Nevertheless, violations of the law may seriously impair an attorney's professional standing.

Ethical rules also govern the conduct of attorneys before courts. Thus, an attorney is guilty of misconduct toward the court if n he or she brings a frivolous, or unnecessary, proceeding to court; makes false statements to the court;noffers false evidence;

or unlawfully obstructs another party's access to evidence. It is also considered misconduct if an attorney attempts to influence a judge or juror byillegal means, such as Bribery or intimidation, or states personal opinions regarding the justness of a cause or the credibility of a witness.

Special rules govern trial publicity as well. These forbid an attorney to make statements outside of court that will influence a court

proceeding. For example, an attorney may not make statements related to the character, credibility, guilt, or innocence of a suspect or witness in a court proceeding. Attorneys are forbidden to communicate directly or indirectly with a party represented by another lawyer in the same matt, unless they receive permission from the other attorney. This law is designed to protect laypersons involved in legal proceedings from possibly hurting their cases by speaking with the opposing lawyer.

Federal and state laws also define attorney misconduct and empower judges to discipline wayward attorneys. Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (28 U.S.C.A.), for example, requires sanctions for lawyers and clients who file frivolous or abusive claims in court. In a 1989 case, Nasco, Inc. v. Calcasieu Television & Radio, 124 F.R.D. 120 (W.D. La.), a federal district judge suspended two lawyers and disbarred another for "illegal and fraudulent schemes and conspiracies" designed to slow a case in court for the benefit of their client.

Beginning in the late 1980s, attorneys have been required to report the misconduct of other lawyers, with failure to do so considered to be misconduct in itself and resulting in serious disciplinary measures. A 1989 Illinois Supreme Court ruling, Inre Himmel, 125 Ill. 2d 531, 533 N.E.2d 790, found that attorneys have a duty to report another lawyers' misconduct even when a client has instructed them not to do so. The Illinois Supreme Court suspended James H. Himmel from the practice of law for one year after he failed to report a misappropriation of client funds by another lawyer, a violation of rule 1-103(a) of the Illinois Code of Professional Responsibility. Himmel's failure to report, the court found, had allowed the offending attorney to bilk other clients as well.

The attorney guilty of misappropriating funds was disbarred.

Lawyers have also been found guilty of misconduct with regard to the advertising of their services. It is legal and ethical for attorneys to advertise, but if that advertising is false, deceptive, or misleading, makes unsubstantiated comparisons to another lawyer's services, or proposes means contrary to rules of professional conduct, the attorney can be charged with misconduct. For example, an attorney was disbarred in Maryland for publishing misleading advertisements soliciting customers for "quickie" foreign divorces and misrepresenting his competence and knowledge of the law (Attorney Grievance Committee v. McCloskey, 306 Md. 677, 511 A.2d 56 [1986]).

Further readings

American Bar Association (ABA). 1994. Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Chicago: ABA.American Bar Association(ABA). Center for Professional Responsibility. 1984–94. ABA/BNA Lawyers' Manual on Professional Conduct. Chicago: ABA.

Andrews, Carol Rice. 2001. "Highway 101: Lessons in Legal Ethics That We Can Learn on the Road." Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 15 (fall): 95–125.

Freedman, Monroe H. 1999. Understanding Lawyers' Ethics. New York: Matthew Bender.

Hazard, Geoffrey C. 1994. The Law of Lawyering. 2 vols. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Lieberman, Hal R., and Ronald W. Meister. 1999. Serving Clients Well: Avoiding Malpractice and Ethical Pitfalls in the Practice of Law. New York: Practicing Law Institute.

Liebman, Lance M., and Philip B. Heymann. 1988. The Social Responsibilities of Lawyers: Case Studies. Eagan, Minn.: Foundation.

Oldham, Lindsay M., and Christine M. Whitledge. 2002. "The Catch-22 of Model Rule 8.3." Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 15 (summer): 881–94.

Powell, Sonya. 1993. "Intent as an Element of Attorney Misconduct." Journal of the Legal Profession 18: 407–15.

Steinberg, Marc I. 1999. Lawyering and Ethics for the Business Lawyer. St. Paul, Minn.: West.

Wolfram, Charles W. 1986. Modern Legal Ethics. St. Paul, Minn.: West.


American Bar Association;

Attorney-Client Privilege;

Civil Procedure;

Ethics, Legal;

Legal Representation;


Model Rules of Professional Conduct;

Public Act 93-0440

SB1053 Enrolled LRB093 10166 RLC 10420 b

AN ACT in relation to criminal law.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:

Section 5.

The Criminal Code of 1961 is amended by changing Section 17-24 and adding Article 16H as follows:

(720 ILCS 5/Art. 16H heading new)


Q: When the court system we have, is without any checks and balances, that protect the public, where does the public go to be protected?

The tragedy is that, No one knows the answer! Ask a lawyer this question. I, Robert Skertich spent thousands of hours asking, literally asked a few dozen well connected lawyers, and not one Lawyer could or would give me any other advice other then, you have no options now.

Q: “Where does a client go for protection, if, - his lawyer is conspiring against him?

I, Robert Skertich could not get a single lawyer in 10-years to answer that simple / or maybe complex question that maybe, there is no answer to. My hope, at the very least, is that, The Supreme Court of the State of Illinois will make this very dark area in the court system, clear to the public, for the future protection of the public.

This story before the court is a story of tragedy, not just wielded on Robert Skertich. This tragedy destroys the lived of many people.

These events continue today and, have no end.

These criminal actions are continuing in a direct attempt to stop Robert Skertich from ever being on level ground, into perpetuity.

Wan Pen Thipkoi, now Mariya Skertich meets Robert during the 2004 Tsunami in Asia. A little over a year later, imagine, Wan Pen, with little English and a 7th grade education, leaves her

3-children, uneducated and poor, and travels 12,000 miles and comes to America.

Wan Pen witnesses, the man she loves, and is to marry, being victimized by his government, to a point that, Wan Pen fears, for her own life.

Mariya ( Wan Pen ) and Robert are, shortly after her arrival into the United States, blessed with a new child. But their real fear of the government, and what is happening to Robert Skertich, put Robert Skertich and Mariya Wan Pen Thipkoi Skertich in a mindset where, they are in fear for their very lives, and with this real fear, they decide to abort their new child in week-8 of Mariya’s pregnancy,

A B O R T E D!!!!!!

Mariya Thipkoi has 3-children in Thailand that were 8 and 10-years old when she came here. It is now 11-years later, and they do not have their children with them, and are forcible being held, financially and emotionally destitute, and have their lives set in daily peril trying to escape this life ending set of events wielded on them.


1. Illinois is a No-Fault State.

• That at the very least, this battery case represents a second bite at the preverbal apple.

2. This Battery case logically, should have been settled during the divorce, if, at all.

• outside the fact that the case should have never gone to trial.

3. Enrico Mirabelli, my Divorce Lawyer and battery lawyer files the Appeal of this case.

• Which makes no sense.

• No lawyer files an Appeal on a case he tried and lost.

• It’s not logical that Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson are going to admit, nor introduce in Appeal, a single mistake they made.

• This would put them in jeopardy of being sued for malpractice.

4. Then, Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson lie to the Appellate Court in writing in the appeal.

5. Attachment:

6. Then I, Robert Skertich, file a complaint with the ARDC, notifying the ARDC that officers of the court and the head of a law firm has intentionally deceived the court.

7. Then I file a complaint with the Judiciary Board.

8. Then the Appellate Court actually tells me to let Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson refile their appeal.

• The Appellate Courts reasoning is that:

o The Appellate Court has not ruled on the case yet, and so, no harm is done.

• I’m mortified and afraid! I just informed the Appellate Court that my lawyers both lied to me.

• and the court, in writing. My Appeal filed by Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson has intentional lies contained in the Appeal they wrote, with the specific purpose of withholding evidence

o Enrico Mirabelli is intentionally deceiving the Appellate courts.

o Enrico Mirabelli is intentionally deceiving Robert Skertich, his client.

• The Appellate Courts do nothing to protect Robert Skertich.

• Enrico Mirabelli’s partner in the law firm, Mr. Pritiken is on the e board of the ARDC.

• The ARDC does nothing to investigate this matter.

• The Judiciary Board does no investigation.

• The FBI does nothing to investigate this matter.

9. That, at the very least, this Battery case should have been decided during the divorce and not after the divorce.

10. That Robert Skertich was refused funds from his own Marital Estate to seek proper council to defend himself.

11. Defendant was not allowed to use evidence that would have proven that this case was falsely filed and tried.

• The Judge denied Robert Skertich access to the adoption records.

• Robert Skertich and Anne E. Borkowski were in the very final stages of adopting 3-children from outside the United States.

• The adoption records, were filed out in entirety by his then wife, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski.

• Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300 is one of Dr. Anne E. Borkowski’s biggest clients.

• very one of Dr. Anne E. Borkowski’s clients and North Shore Fertility Clients that does not get pregnant is referred to this Adoption Agency as a last result.

• That Robert Skertich was denied the enforcement of a court ordered subpoena to allow a forensic accounting firm access to all financial records.


• That this court granted subpoena was to grant a forensic accounting firm access to all financial records from all business and personal records covering the years of the marriage between Robert Skertich and Dr. Anne E. Borkowski

• That this action by the court is not only inexcusable, but moreover,

unexplainable and reckless, at every level.

• That the fact that Robert Skertich 2 lawyers, Enrico Mirabelli & Shaun Bersson did nothing to overturn this decision is reckless and unexplainable from any legal standpoint.

12. Enrico Mirabelli told the jury his client Robert Skertich was a

Martial Arts Expert.

Robert Skertich has no Martial Arts training.

After trial concluded my lawyers interviewed the Jury. When asked, “what were the deciding factors?”

• The Jurors stated. “Robert is a Martial Arts Expert. We thought he could pull a punch.”

Judgement: $ 900,598.00 plus interest.

As of 04-01-2018 $ 2,145,461.00

c. This ruling is the highest dollar amount granted in Illinois History.

d. That the ruling, so financially outrageous in every aspect, makes Robert Skertich an Indentured Servant, to his ex-wife, Dr. Anne E Borkowski, into perpetuity.

e. That the ruling cannot be removed through bankruptcy, therefore, going forward in time, collecting interest.

f. Unjustly, forcing Robert Skertich to leave court broke, no insurance, no credit and an indentured servant.

g. Professionally diagnosed mental condition that prevents Robert from working in his profession.

h. Robert Skertich is labeled forever, a man in the public eye, a social deviant by the very person who is coercing him into adopting 3-children the day he leaves her.

i. That this crime purported in a collective conspiracy makes Robert Skertich broke and unable to seek employment and therefore unable to support himself and his 4-children.

j. That the court should take into consideration the grave consequences the internet has imposed on Robert Skertich, Mariya Skertich and Nickole Skertich collectively due to these officers of the court criminal actions.

k. After both parties rested in the battery case, the prosecution asked the Judge for a change in the original proceedings.

• Plaintiff’s Lawyer, Kevin O’Reilly asked that the Judge to grant punitive damages.

• Defendant Lawyer, Enrico Mirabelli argued that the prosecution had 2-years to ask for punitive damages.

• The Defense did not prepare for punitive damages.

• The Judge granted the jury the right to limitless punitive damages.

• The Punitive Damages were the highest award in Illinois History.

l. Robert Skertich repeatedly demanded that his legal team subpoena witnesses in his behalf. Credible witnesses from past long-term relationships.

• These witnesses would testify that Robert has not had a single event of violence toward any woman in his entire life.

**Enrico Mirabelli told Robert Skertich. Robert, “No one cares what you past relationships were like. They only care what Anne has to say.

m. Robert Skertich lawyers refused to interview the only 2 other -men Dr. Anne E. Borkowski, ever dated.

1. Lawyer Mark, whom she propertied also brutalized her.

2. I second man Dr. Anne E. Borkowski admitted dated for some time,

who is in prison to this day, for murder.

• She did not mention these abuses to her personal psychologist.

• She never mentioned these alleged abuses while attending joint council with Robert

n. There was not a mark on Anne E. Borkowski’s face arms, neck or body.


Picture of Dr. Anne E. Borkowski 1-hour after this purported Violent Attack


Occam’s razor.

Occam's razor (also Ockham's razor or Ocham's razor(Latin: novacula Occami); further known as the law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae)) is the problem-solving principle that essentially states that simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones.

Definition of Occam's razor. : a scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities.

Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor) is a principle from philosophy. Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case the one that requires the least speculation is usually better. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation.

• Plaintiff, Anne E. Borkowski was coercing her husband, the Defendant, Robert Skertich over this entire period 12-2001-05-2004 of time to adopt 3-children from a foreign country.

• The Plaintiff, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski filled out all of the Adoption Records entirely.

• We can assume that these adoption records would obviously contain legal documents stating a solid, safe, loving family environment for 3-children coming from a foreign country and needing a stable, loving, family environment.

• The Judge stated in open court that if Dr. Anne E Borkowski does not want her husband Robert Skertich to have these Adoption records, Robert Skertich cannot have access to these Adoption Records to use in his own defense.

• That this ruling by the Judge proceeding over this trial is not just negligent,

o but criminal

o The unexplainable position taken by the Judge is un-defendable.

• That Robert Skertich lawyers are not stupid.

1. Enrico Mirabelli is the founding partner of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli and as tried thousands of cases, boasting clients Juanita Jordan, the former wife of Legendary basketball player Michael Jordan and Duane Wade during both of their divorces.

• That Enrico Mirabelli, Shaun Bersson, and the staff at Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli lied repeatedly to:

o The Appellate Court in writing.

o To their client Robert Skertich.

o To the Court Reporter, Barbara Small

** in a direct attempt to destroy their own client.

• That Robert Skertich reported these violations to

o The Illinois Bar a*s.

• That Robert Skertich reported these violations to

o The IL. Judiciary Board.

• That Robert Skertich reported these violations to

o The FBI.

• That Robert Skertich reported these violations to

o The Attorney General.

• That Robert Skertich reported these violations to


• That Robert Skertich reported these violations to

o Chicago Police Dept.

• That Robert Skertich reported these violations to

o IL. States Attorney

• That, Not one of these agencies did as much as call Robert Skertich, not one time to interview Robert Skertich, or to ask Robert Skertich, a single question.

Not one agency reprimanded the Lawyers and Judges Involved in any way.

• That Mrs. Borkowski was, at this very period in her life, coercing,

o Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300 to find her and her husband, Robert Skertich

o fit to be the loving parents,

o to 3-FOREIGN


• That Dr. and Wife, Anne E. Borkowski’s Fertility practice, North Shore Fertility,

• refers all patients, who do not get pregnant, to this Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300 on a daily basis.

• That North Shore Fertility and Dr. Anne. E. Borkowski represent the largest single revenue stream, to this specific Adoption Agency, Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300

• That this attempt to mislead the Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300 into giving Dr. Anne E. Borkowski and her husband Robert Skertich sole legal control, over 3-unsuspecting, foreign, children, should be grounds, in itself for disbarment by all lawyers involved, and disbarment by Dr. Anne E. Borkowski, of her Medical license to practice in the State of Illinois., or any other state, for the public safety.

• That Dr. Anne E. Borkowski, is purporting, to Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300 that their marriage, household, relationship, finances and spiritual culture in their home will provide a special, safe, loving, stable environment, for Three, foreign, non-English-speaking, children.

• That it is illogical and illegal, morally and legally to then deny Robert Skertich, the use of the adoption records in his own Legal defense in both cases.

That the verdict left Robert Skertich:

1. Morally Bankrupt.

2. Financially Bankrupt, without any future recourse of any kind.

3. Ostracized in society.

4. Federal & State Taxes for both Robert Skertich and Robert Skertich Business, not filed and unpaid from 2001-2008

5. Not one single bill paid that was in Robert Skertich name.

Evidence never submitted in any form to the court both cases:

1. Robert Skertich has medically diagnosed ADD, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Tretts Syndrome.

2a. That noting in Robert Skertich medical history was entered into the court record at any time during the Divorce Trial or Battery trial.

2b.That noting in Robert’s medical history was entered into the court record at any time during the Battery Trial.

1. That Dr. Anne E. Borkowski as Dr. & Wife purported to Robert Skertich, that she dated a lawyer in Chicago named Mark who owned a strip club and beat her and terrorized her.

• It is illogical and indefensible that Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson, collectively made no attempt to contact this lawyer to get his side of who Dr. Anne E. Borkowski is.

a. Ms. Borkowski is purporting the same story from the past.

b. Dr. Anne E. Borkowski stated she dated a man in prison for murder but this man in prison for murder that she admits she dated is never interviewed.

2. Dr. Anne E. Borkowski is prescribing medication for here unsuspecting husband Robert Skertich and the dosage described:

• The #1 side effect of the highest allowed dosage of this prescription drug is

“Heart Attack”. Is Dr. Anne E. Borkowski trying to kill her husband Robert Skertich? This is never entered into the court record.

• Robert Skertich went to the ARDC and filed a formal complaint. No reply and no action taken.

• Robert Skertich went to the Judiciary Board and filed a formal complaint. No reply and then Robert Skertich was told he had had no right to a copy of the record.

• Robert Skertich went to the FBI office on Roosevelt in Chicago. They have no record of Robert Skertich ever being there.

3. If this Battery case is not overturned Robert J. Skertich cannot go forward in life and the lives of my 4-children and wife Mariya are forever marred.

• The court must take into consideration that the internet and its evolution today destroy Robert Skertich ability to find employment to support his family.

• A battery case that should have never gone to court. Illinois is a No Fault State.

• ROBERT SKERTICH was not represented with adequate council. My Lawyers acted against my safety.

• Robert Skertich had no means by which to hire anyone to properly Appeal when both cases ended.

• That Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson actually deceived their client and told Robert that they could not find the Court Reporter for the 1st 2 days of the battery trial, Barbara Small.

• That Enrico Mirabelli, Shaun Bersson and Enrico Mirabelli secretary, Martha Steele all told Barbara Small the court reporter that they were sending funds for the transcripts of the court case to be made and lied to the court reported until she stopped calling their law office.

• That these lawyers lied to the Appellate Court in Robert Skertich appeal stating on the record. “We cannot find Barbara Small. We hired a private investigator and the Private Investigator cannot find her and, so we do not have a full and complete set of the court records.”

• That these lawyers lied to the Appellate Court and no punishment was brought against them by the ARDC or the Judiciary Board.

• That they then lied to their client Robert Skertich and then admitted to the lie once Robert Skertich found Barbara Small. That Robert Skertich found Barbara Small the court reported in California in 5-minutes and that Barbara Small stated that Shaun Bersson and Martha Steele, Enrico’s Secretary both independently lied to Barbara Small and their client Robert Skertich and told Barbara Small that were trying to get money from Robert Skertich $ 2,000.00 to pay her.

• That they told the appellate court in the appeal that they could not find Barbara Small.

That this entire case and all of the proceedings constitutes Perjury and a Class 1 Felony Conspiracy and collusion and all aspects that constitute a conspiracy.

Robert Skertich is unwillingly Labeled and is forced to carry the label of a Woman Beater, Lowlife, Wife Beater, Abusive a*****e no one in society will work with or hire or interact with socially.

That this socially deviant label also destroys Robert Skertich family.

Robert Skertich has diagnosed mental issues.

Not one single Doctor, Psychiatrist, Psychologist testified in Robert Skertich 2-trials. Neither the divorce proceedings or the Battery proceedings about his medically diagnosed needs.

Robert Skertich requested that the court allow him funds to see a private Psychiatrist while he lived in California during these 2- separate court cases and over 5-year S. Judge Winkler refused Robert Skertich the meager funds to do so. How is this legal or logical with over $ 7,000,000.00 in the marital estate and an annual income of over $ 1,500,000.00?

How does this happen and why would Enrico Mirabelli, in every instance, do nothing?


The Plaintiff, Dr. Anne E Borkowski is actively petitioning an Adoption Agency and purporting that the household is so stable that 3-little innocent children would be safe and well taken care of by both Robert Skertich and Dr. Anne E. Borkowski

That the Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300 has gotten hundreds of referrals from Dr. Anne E. Borkowski and her Fertility Practice. Dr. Anne E. Borkowski is a Reproductive Endocrinologist.

4. Illinois is a No – Fault - State.

How is it that Robert is allowed to be sued in a separate court by his rich wife and the judge will not even allow Robert Skertich legal counsel that specializes in this Battery defense?

The Marital Estate is worth $ 3,758,460.00 by Dr. Borkowski’s own account on the day she files for the divorce.

How is it allowed by his own lawyer to accept the evaluation of the Marital Estate some 5-years later for a very suspicious $ 2,800,000.00?

What right does the Judge have to bar Robert Skertich from hiring a Forensic Accounting firm access to the Marital financial records in his right to evaluate his own assets during the divorce.

Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson both individually and collectively watch and allow every above action until Robert Skertich is finally left financially ruined.


Taxes for some 10-years not formulated, nor filed nor paid.

No Bills Paid.

Not one single asset turned over to Robert during the divorce.

Robert Skertich is directly in the path of the 12-26-2004 Tsunami at 10.35am in Phuket Thailand.

Robert is continually trying to adopt Mariya Thipkoi’s children from Thailand.

3 Children he saved and enrolled in Saint Joseph’s Catholic School on the Island of Koh Samui Thailand at 6 and 9 years old.

3 children that are now adults some 12-plus years later.

3 adults that Mariya Thipkoi Skertich is the biological mother to and cannot see but when they have funds to travel some 11,000 miles to the other side of the earth to see.

Robert Skertich was deceived by his lawyers, Enrico Mirabelli and his associate, Shaun Bersson both formerly of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli the law firm that was founded by Enrico Mirabelli.

The conspiracy and diabolical crime these lawyers participated in was so completely orchestrated, that the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois can only draw one conclusion.

All lawyers on both sides of these 2 cases where involved in the conspiracy along with all Judges presiding over both court cases outrageously and unexplainably managed.

Each and every decision was so outrageous that the decision created an uneven playing field and, in every instance, the decision, was always one sided and in the favor of

Dr. Anne. E. Borkowski.

As time passes everyone’s advice is “Get on with your life! It’s over!

In this scenario, after years of struggle I have a much clearer understanding of what really happened.

My divorce concluded and left me with the following unexplainable and unresolved, life changing issues.

a. I was not allowed access to marital funds to prepare tax returns for my business or personally during the entire divorce. 8-years of unpaid taxes.

How can my lawyer, Enrico Mirabelli, the Founding Partner of Nadler Pritiken and Mirabelli allow this without not even an appeal? This is unexplainable that the Judge and both my lawyers would independently and collectively come up with a decision and then not even one person sees it as wrong.

Who defends Robert Skertich when his own lawyer is deceiving him and working against him?

We are going to list decisions that were made in both cases and then ask this very same scenario of questions.

The goal is to develop a very clear pattern, that all lawyers and Judges followed in every instance. Then this is not a coincidence but the very definition of “A Conspiracy to intentionally defraud your own client. Intentional. Only when every decision you make is outrageous and everyone is in unison.

b. Judge Winkler refused to allow Robert Skertich to even use marital funds to seek professional counseling out of Network.

c. Robert Skertich had a court order to have a forensic accounting firm review our marital estate and my wife’s Business Interests.

Judge Winkler refuses to allow a forensic accounting firm access to inspect any marital assets, businesses, the home and all financial stocks and assets. Judge Winkler, out of nowhere states, The Forensic Accounting Firm is banned from access to all financial records.

This is my wife with an income maybe near $ 2,000,00.00 per year and assets that only a forensic accounting firm has the best chance to clarify.

This is a fundamental procedure in all divorce cases, especially when we have 2 adults, with no children and all of the assets were acquired during the marriage.

This is illegal. No Judge has the right to deny Robert Skertich access to financial evaluation from an expert, which is a forensic accountant. The right of each individual to have a clear picture of the Marital Assets is a fundamental party of divorce proceedings. The most important.

* All of which were started during out marriage.

North Shore fertility.

North Shore Day Spa.

d. Dr. Anne E Borkowski was in the final stages of Coercing Adoption Center of Illinois 773-334-2300 5828 N. Clark to sponsor us in the adoption of 3-children from the Ukraine.

* I would think it is logical that the adoption records would contain detailed account of our family makeup at home, financially and from a stability and safety platform.

• These adoption records were filled out 100% by Dr. Anne E. Borkowski and therefore these records would be fundamental and paramount to Robert Skertich defense.

With an estate at $ 3,758,541.00 on the day the divorce is filed and my wife, Dr. Anne. E. Borkowski running a business that paid her $ 981,000.00 in 2001 and 1,340,000.00 in 2002 I would think it is logical that the marital estate 5-years later would be around $ 9,000,000.00 The judge bars me from access to all financial records and then values the estate at some 2,340,000.00 and gives me $ 750,000.00

The court highly suspect decision ends my marriage.

Within 2-months I am in court being accused of Battery, which should be illegal and unenforceable in Illinois.

I trusted my lawyers. I have ADD ADHD Bipolar Disorder, but my Psychiatrists and doctors were never brought to o court to testify as to my mental state.

How is this possible?

I am forced to use Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson and am not allowed to hire a lawyer specializing in this type of defense.

No witnesses are called in my defense.

Anne E. Borkowski shared stories of dating 2 unique men. One Mark a Lawyer in Chicago

Man, in prison.

Neither was ever questioned.

So, there are no checks and balances in place to protect the public and Robert Skertich as a client.

The actions are outrageous. The ability to deceive a client and orchestrate these events in open public is a crime of the highest magnitude.

To think, Robert Skertich lawyer, Enrico Mirabelli, was so tight with the all of the Judges in both cases, that Enrico Mirabelli knew, no one would question him.

Enrico Mirabelli had an understanding, as to what they were doing to his own client, Robert Skertich. Shaun Bersson, is not stupid and never made a single attempt to ever steer Robert away from a single bad decision.

During the entire, intentional, felonious management of these 2 inter-twined and unexplainable cases, Robert Skertich life, and safety were put in imminent peril.

Robert Skertich wife at the time, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski,

o was being picked up in a Blue & White Chicago Police Dept. by the same on duty Chicago Police officer, Laura Stranski, for the entire duration of both cases, covering over 4-years of court appearances.

o Every court appearance, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski was escorted from her home, by Police Officer Laura Stranski. Uniformed, driving a marked, blue and white Chicago Police Car. Picked up and driven to court. Escorted into court and escorted out of court and home. This went on for 5-years and during the entire history of both cases.

o Chicago Police Officer, Laura Stranski, is now the Office Manager of North Shore Fertility, owned solely, by Dr. Anne E. Borkowski.

Robert Skertich, moved to San Francisco, Ca. in 11-2003 in fear of his very life.

In late 2004, Robert Skertich travels to Thailand to go scuba diving. Robert Skertich immediately booked a live-a-board dive-trip upon arriving at the airport in Asia, off the island of Phuket.

Robert Skertich is caught directly in the path of the 12-26-2004 Tsunami at 10.30 am on the Island of Phuket. The taxi Robert Skertich is riding to the beach is washed away. My life is spared as I escape to the 5th floor of a hotel.

I stay for 6-months in Thailand, assisting in the rescue and restoration.

I fly 3-children off of the Island of Phuket and take them to the Island of Koh Samui and enroll Pen’s 3-children in St. Josephs grammar school and pay for tuition for the semester along with renting a home for 6-months for $ 3,000.00

A year later I bring their mother, Wan Pen, to the US. This is where the tragedy continues.

With an estate in the millions and 2 people getting divorced on the cusp of adopting 3-children, I find myself with true love in the most extreme circumstances.

I now have twin 6-year old boys and a daughter 8-years old and their mother coming to America. My lawyers do nothing to help me and I am financially destitute.

Mariya “Wan Pen Thipkoi and I are destitute, in Burlingame California with no means to make a living and Mariya gets pregnant.

We make the life changing decision to abort the pregnancy. Sitting outside the Abortion Clinic, on the curb, in fear, we go through with aborting our daughter. This is a life experience that will crush us to this day.

Mariya, after being in the US for over 2-years, is forced into Voluntary Departure and kept out of the US for another 3-years.

2 lawyers do the unexplainable and intentionally screw up her paperwork and give her the wrong advice and she ends up being forced to leave the US.

We save some $ 80,000 and invest in a first home. Our home burns down. We have to sue our insurance. We go to court and after the defense rests. My lawyer, Charles Shepherd rests. He does not introduce a single receipt, photo or any of the hundreds of pieces of evidence but rests before our case is even presented.

The Cook County Court system is a criminal enterprise.

Today 01-14-2018

It is clear to me now, that my life and freedom are in danger. My wife Mariya and I moved out of Chicago and to Crown Point, IN. What I did, was file complaints against very powerful Judges and Lawyers, and so it is logical that they have also taken action to protect themselves. We are dealing with men who have also demonstrated highly unethical, criminal lifestyles, in both the Public and Legal professions.

This battery case should be dismissed with prejudice. How can my wife be allowed to sue me for battery in a second court during our divorce? They actually divorced us and gave her 90% of the estate.

I have a Judgement for battery 900,458.00 That is collecting interest,

that cannot be removed through bankruptcy.

I am an indentured servant to Dr. Anne E. Borkowski and have to raise my children and be a member of my community, the rest of my life, as a man who was convicted of battery, and awarded the highest-monetary-award, in Illinois History.

My wife Mariya, and all of our children, some entering the working world today, has to also carry the label of being married to such a man.

I have an 18-month old daughter Nickole, who will be forever marred throughout her life, for an event that never took place.

I met my wife Mariya “Wan Pen Thipkoi” in Phuket Thailand. We were both on the Island of Phuket Thailand at 10.30am on 12-26-2004 and in the direct path of the Tsunami that killed over 240,000 people

I flew there on an impulse and landed the night before the Tsunami 12-26-2004

I saved Wan Pen’s life and flew her 3-children to another Island and enrolled them in St. Joseph Catholic School.

Twin boys 6-years old and her daughter Noon then 8. Here we are 13-years later, and I still cannot afford to bring our 3-children to America.

During this Conspiracy, Mariya, poor and looking to come to America, this country everyone dreams of coming to, Mariya comes here and I am broke. So, broke, in desperation and feeling so helpless and afraid, we decide we cannot take care of this new baby that is coming and decide to have an abortion. Abort our own child. Can you please take a moment and think of your own children, if you have any and put yourself in that mind-set?

Mariya is her for 3-months and is so afraid that we both make this devastating decision. One that will carry an enormous burden 11-years later, today! For the rest of our lives.

Here we are just forced to accept that we cannot even have our 3-children with us financially and or due to their very safety.

We have no medical insurance.

I have mental issues that were present during my divorce but none of these issues were ever evaluated or discussed in court.

I was banned from working in the construction industry during my marriage.

In court the Judge and my lawyers just assumed I would go right back into the construction business.

My lawyers refused to and brought no witnesses in my behalf in either case.

Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson both lied to me throughout my case. When I brought these lies to the ARDC and the Judiciary board. They all got buried. No investigation. No copy of any investigation.

Judge Winkler denies our court approved Forensic Accounting Firm access to our marital records.

We are adopting THREE Children from the Ukraine

My wife is a Fertility Dr. making 1,500,000.00 per year working 4-days a week.

My wife owns a Beauty salon.

My wife after 2-years in Business has amassed a net Worth of $ 3,687,560.00

Dr. Borkowski has hired a Divorce Attorney, Sheldon Minkow and Sheldon Minkow has completed divorce papers ready to be filed before this alleged Battery. This is a premeditated plan to destroy her unsuspecting husband, should I ever decide to leave her.

Dr. Anne Comes home with premeditated plans to stage a fight and have her husband arrested.

She goes to the police and files a complaint stating that her husband Robert, hit her with a closed fist, in a fit of rage, upon the face and chest.

This report she files is a lie. Look at the photo of her taken right after this alleged event. Not a mark on her anywhere.

She drops these charges.

She talks her husband into adopting 3-children and when he backs out she has him arrested again for abuse over 1 ½ years later and the court not only allows it but will not allow Robert Skertich to have his own adoption records in his defense.

I tell my lawyer Enrico Mirabelli she purported this same event on her last boyfriend to me. Mark a lawyer in Chicago she stated she lived with.

Enrico Mirabelli never spoke with Mark to get his story.

Enrico Mirabelli is caught lying to the appellate court in writing. I file a complaint with the Illinois Appellate Court.

I file a complaint with the ARDC.

I never get a reply from the ARDC and when I repeatedly call them and or write them to get a copy of the investigation they tell me I have no legal right to this investigation.

I called and met with the FBI. They also stated that I have no right to any report and or investigation.

have my wife talking me into adopting 3-children from the Ukraine

Let’s talk about intentional deception with a client where the head of a Law Firm specializing in Marital representation, a Lawyer and the founder of the firm, a lawyer who represented Duane Wade and Juanita Jordan as clients.

Judge Winkler out of know where rules that. The Forensic Accounting Firm that was hired by Robert Skertich Lawyers and the Law Firm of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli will be denied access to investigating these marital records.

The Court should logically reason that this forensic investigation is exactly what is the most important financial numbers in an estate of over $ 6,000,000.00 and an annual income of over $ 1,200,000.00

Enrico Mirabelli did not make mistakes.

Enrico Mirabelli was not sloppy or stupid.

Enrico Mirabelli must have had premeditated knowledge.

Enrico Mirabelli maneuvered the case (docket sheet) to a Judge he has a long relationship with.

Enrico Mirabelli donated to both Judge Cunningham and Judge Winkler’s fundraising campaigns.

Judges Cunningham and Winkler’s Work Product that was developed and wrote down explaining calculation of the way the marital estate got divided.

I’m in Thailand landing on the island of Phuket on 12-25-2004. I get up the next morning, decide to buy this Wan Pen, who is going to the bus for a 10-hour trip to Bangkok. I buy Pen a ticket to see her father who is in Bangkok in a life-threatening condition the hospital. The Tsunami came ashore just a few hours later. There were dead people everywhere. No food or water and I see these 3 little kids. Twin six-year old boys and their sister Noon who is 8. I’m thinking: They should be in school? I ask someone on the street, where is there’s a Catholic school? Someone said Koh Samui an interior Island, not hit by the Tsunami, so we all go to the airport and fly there.

I’m married and my wife, beautiful, successful, shy or conniving and in reality, a sociopath. Strong words but let’s look at this outrageous story and the reality is it’s hard to conceive that such treachery can OPEN EXIST IN OUR LEGAL SYSTEM.

Imagine. Here I am and thinking. I am rich and therefore money is no object in my ability to financially protect myself with complete and sound legal protection at any cost. That’s a luxury.

What happened to me cannot be explained. No checks and balances. No accountability.

Shaun Bersson, a young, fairly new lawyer is Enrico Mirabelli’s assistant.

Enrico Mirabelli is not just any average lawyer. He’s a founder of the law firm. He represented Dwayne Wade – NBA and Juanita Jordan, Michael Jordan’s wife.

Not only were each and every of his decisions not in my favor but Shaun Bersson also went along with Enrico Mirabelli in every instance.

They would not spend a dime on a private investigator. They brought no witnesses in my defense

I repeatedly had Enrico request our Abortion record showing Anne was trying to adopt 3-children from the Ukraine 3 Children and she is allowed to walk into court and tell a jury I hit her.

The police report is therefore a bad fabrication

Her photo shows not a mark on her 1-hour after this alleged incident.

How is this even legal. Its planned to be 2 bites at the Apple. Moreover, it’s too convenient that I get divorced.

Not one decision was made and all at once the judge awards me $ 750,000.00

I have a learning disorder and the judge is ending a marriage where I’m being found guilty of hitting my wife where there is no evidence. Now I’m an indentured servant. My ex-wife has a judgement that is almost $ 2,000,000 and cannot be removed by bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy!! Imagine. Anne walks away with everything and Bob with all these problems walks away and his taxes have not even been filed in some 7-years, in debt and bad credit

All the while;

I am trying to keep Mariya in the United States, but 3 lawyers have all intentionally mismanaged her paperwork and now she has to leave the US for 2 plus years.

I have 3 children in Thailand I just thought would naturally be with. The Judge never considered this. I realize now what happened to me happened to Mariya, our 2 boys and our daughter.

These monsters did this out of evil and also financial gain.

I had a court order ordering access to all financial documents and tax returns from 1997-2003. Then, for no logical reason after our forensic Accounting firm calling to schedule access the judge said’ Order stricken. Your forensic accounting firm has taken too long. I’m like. They have been calling her office repeatedly. This is absolutely outrageous. My lawyer, who is no idiot should at the very least go to the Appellate court

No forensic accountant.

No private, out of network Psychiatrist funds.

Basically, every time I want to do anything I have to go ask the judge, while Anne has open spending spree of some $ 39,0000 per month, buys a $ 1650,000 home in Glenwood

The tragedy is that, I have missed 10-years of life with my children. Every moment. Why. I sit here worrying for Mariya and my daughter Nickole.

I’m broke. In and out of Insurance.

Haven’t paid taxes for over 15-years.

Bad Credit.

Realizing that I should be proud of who I am, but the court system can be so evil that its leaders can openly ruin a citizen’s life for financial gain.

I look at the people who really made a positive impact on my life. They were men who believe that their foundation is in God. I’m an athlete and a good friend. I’m heartbroken in knowing I might miss the rest of their lives, which would be a tragedy

When the system is broken the first action must be to fix the issue so that no one ever has this happening to them ever, under any circumstances.

I’m a good man. I told Enrico Mirabelli and & Shaun Bersson on a plethora of separate occasions.

“I have never been unfaithful in Love or Friendship, ever.”

Witnesses I offered to my Lawyers.

a. I dated Marietta LeSage. I told Enrico; subpoena the women I dated over the last 30-years. They are all classy successful woman in general. They’ll all tell you stories that are funny about Bob, but no one will have a story of Bob ever intimidating, let alone ever touching them in any threatening manner, ever.

Enrico’s reply. No one cares what you didn’t to another woman, just what you purportedly did

Charles Shepherd. He rests, before presenting a single word or document or any of the 100 photos of our investment in my defense.

This legal Misrepresentation by the law firm of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli, perpetrated by the founding partner, Enrico Mirabelli, a lawyer who has boasted representing Michael Jordan’s former wife Juanita Jordan along with countless high-profile clients.

Enrico Mirabelli is a deviant, sociopath who should be immediately disbarred from the legal practice in every state in the United States.

Shaun Bersson, here we have a lawyer who has been out of law school for maybe 2-years. Shaun Bersson goes along with every step in this deception to the point he actually deceives his client and lies repeatedly to Barbara Small, the very court reported who is dictating the first 2-days of this trial.

The court can only draw the simple conclusion that Shaun Bersson knew he was going to get away with this deception and was thoroughly coached by Enrico Mirabelli top do so.

Especially art such a neophyte stage in his legal career.

To be so utterly devoid of any semblance of character, dignity, loyalty to his client, loyalty to his very oath of office.

is the truest and most complete depiction of conspiracy, treachery, theft by deception.

All defendants came together and agreed to, for a price, whatever that price was and sell out your own client. Everyone was involved in this conspiracy. That is the only way this conspiracy could have taken place. No one was protecting Robert J. Skertich


Mariya (Wan Pen Thipkoi )

This poor, uneducated, good woman, with 3-children leaves her country and her 3 children to come to America. Wan Pen, with very little English, not a citizen yet She arrives and within a few months is pregnant with their daughter.

Robert and Mariya abort their child. How utterly Diabolical is that!!!

These rich, powerful, evil lawyers and Judges, in all and collectively wielded the most outlandish moral less, conspiracy against their very client.

No one ever came forward to protect Robert Skertich. In the end Mariya Thipkoi Skertich is forever and permanently victimized along with her husband Robert J. Skertich

Their unborn child is a murder victim.

3 children, back in Thailand, grow up without their parents from 2005 -2017 Some 12-years with no remedy outside the action of the Supreme Court.

And the sad part is that, to this day, no one is the slightest bit remorseful.

The Supreme Court of The State of Illinois must act swiftly and investigate these facts and then right this wrong.


Robert and Mariya Skertich lives will never be back on track again.

Robert Skertich & Mariya Wan Pen Thipkoi Skertich, must be reunited with our 3 -children in Thailand.

No Taxes paid since 2000

No Insurance.

No credit.

Bad Credit.

No Education.

Robert Skertich has Mentally diagnosed psychological problems that were never brought up in court and never taken into consideration by either court.

We have the Cook County Court System, previously, and throughout history,

described as a Criminal Enterprise.

The Cook County court system that is aware, lying in wait to disrupt and maybe end Robert Skertich & Mariya Skertich Lives.


We are asking that:


1. Order and Initiate a thorough investigation into both cases before the courts.

2. Dismiss the battery case with prejudice.

3. Grant Robert Skertich the ability to file suite for restitution against all parties mentioned as defendants.

a. Battery Case # 03 L 010189

b. Divorce Case # 03 D 005260

4. Immediately order the Judgement amount of $ 750,000 in the divorce to be paid,

with interest, from the day of the court ruling.

5. Grant Subpoenas:

a. Adoption Center of Illinois

5828 N. Clark

Chicago, IL. 60660


All adoption records under the names of:

Robert J. Skertich and or Anne E. Borkowski, collectively and or individually.

b. IRS - Tax returns for:

* Anne E. Borkowski - 2000-2008

* North Shore Fertility. - 2000-2008

* North Shore Day Spa. - 2000-2008

* Anne E. Borkowski. - 2000-2008 Personally.

c. Dr. Anne E. Borkowski’s Accountant 2003-2008 during the divorce.

o Any and all financial and tax records, financial records, notes, texts, emails, letters of transmission of any kind pertaining to Anne E. Borkowski and or any business interests Anne E. Borkowski and or any other business holdings she may have had any interest in during this time, he may be in possession of pertaining to the above 6 a-b.

d. Man, in prison. Deposition.

e. Mark, the lawyer who owned a Strip Club, Adult Night Club. Deposition.

f. Robert Skertich filed extensive, detailed claims with the following agencies. Robert Skertich was denied a copy of any files these agencies might have in reference to Robert Skertich numerous complaints.

Subpoena all records of any and all complaints, files, transcripts, investigations by the following entities.

a. The Illinois Bar Association.

b. The Illinois Judiciary Board.

c. The Attorney Registry & Disciplinary Commission ( ARDC ).

d. The FBI.

e. The Attorney General.

f. All Partners of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli

g. The Illinois States Attorney’s Office

g1. All emails between Robert Skertich to any and all persons at Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli personally, through their business and at any other law firm

g2. Robert Skertich to Shaun Bersson and his new law firm

g3. Robert Skertich to Enrico and his new firm

g4. Enrico Mirabelli to anyone in reference to me, my case ort any subject pertaining to my Robert Skertich

h. The Chicago Police Department

6. All Robert Skertich Business & Personal, Federal & State Taxes are filed, negotiated and paid from 2000-2018

7. All Robert Skertich bills to date are to be negotiated and paid to date.

Robert Skertich be funded to IMMEDIATELY purchase a

Home for his wife and 4-children. $ 600,000.00

8. Robert J. Skertich and Mariya Wan Pen Thipkoi Skertich have

3-children in college in Thailand. That these 3-biological children

are immediately funded to bring their children from Thailand to

the USA and their college education funded in full. $ 600,000.00

9. 70% of Anne E. Borkowski’s estate to date be

turned over to Robert Skertich


Punitive damages.

We are asking that the court allow Robert J. Skertich to file suite separately, and under the complaint contained above, for Punitive Damages. That Robert Skertich will petition the court for a full Trial, by Jury, and ask a Jury of Robert J. Skertich Peers decide, what is fair and reasonable compensation, what sanctions and remedies be made, for the compensation of these actions that were wielded upon Robert Skertich, his entire family, extended family and reputation in Society.

Robert Is seeking these Punitive Damages:

1. 70% of Anne E. Borkowski’s 1-years of wages for a period of 14-years going forward from 2019-2033 paid to Robert Skertich.

a. This is the amount of time Robert Skertich was also a victim.

b. This is the amount of time Robert Skertich is forced and made broke.

2. All Defendants are to be stripped of their professional licenses.

All Lawyers, judges and office staff.

3. Financial compensation from all defendants individually, and professionally,

as the Jury of Robert Skertich’s Peers sees just and reasonable. (Jury Demand ).

4. Robert Skertich and Mariya Thipkoi Skertich Credit repaired immediately.

5. Dr. Anne E. Borkowski’s Medical License to be revoked, Permanently.



Without the Supreme Court, of The State of Illinois positive action, to nullify this Judgement of battery, Robert Skertich will not be able to properly support and protect Mariya Skertich and their 4-children.

Without the Supreme Courts intervention, these officers of the court are allowed to destroy the lives of countless other unsuspecting clients and citizens, without any consequences.

Final Protection Clearly spelled out to the Public.

We are petitioning the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois to formulate and enact a New Law that will clearly protect the public from these events ever taking place again.

Agency set up to protect the public.

There needs to be a clear path set up and published by the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois.

This must be a clear path law, that the citizens have access to, that will protect every citizen, in the future, and permanently prevent, what happened to Robert Skertich, from ever happening to anyone, ever again.

n. the greater weight of the evidence required in a civil (non-criminal) lawsuit for the trier of fact (jury or judge without a jury) to decide in favor of one side or the other. This preponderance is based on the more convincing evidence and its probable truth or accuracy, and not on the amount of evidence. Thus, one clearly knowledgeable witness may provide a preponderance of evidence over a dozen witnesses with hazy testimony, or a signed agreement with definite terms may outweigh opinions or speculation about what the parties intended. Preponderance of the evidence is required in a civil case and is contrasted with "beyond a reasonable doubt," which is the more severe test of evidence required to convict in a criminal trial. No matter what the definition stated in various legal opinions, the meaning is somewhat subjective.

Hon. Abishi C. Cunningham Jr.

HONORABLE ABISHI C. CUNNINGHAM Jr.(Retired) - Judge Cunningham served as the Public Defender of the Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender from April 2009 till March 2015. To this position, he brought decades of experience as a defense attorney, a prosecutor and a judge. Prior to becoming the Public Defender, he served on the Cook County Circuit Court from 1986 to 2009 where he presided over thousands of bench trials and hundreds of jury trials in both criminal and civil cases. His last assignment was to the Law Division, where he presided over civil jury trials in areas that included personal injury/wrongful death, motor vehicle injury, medical malpractice, product liability, commercial litigation and breach of contract.

Judge Cunningham graduated from Fisk University in 1969 with a Bachelor of Science Degree and from Northwestern University School of Law in 1972. He served as legal advisor to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction from 1972-1973 when he left to join the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office as a felony trial assistant and then as Chief of the Vertical Prosecutions Unit. In 1976, Judge Cunningham joined the Criminal Defense Consortium of Cook County as a Supervising Attorney working out of the Lawndale office of the Consortium. The Consortium consisted of a network of five community-based law offices providing criminal defense services for indigent residents of the community accused in felony, misdemeanor and juvenile cases.

After a period in private practice as a litigator in criminal and civil defense, Judge Cunningham rejoined the Office of the Cook County State’s Attorney, where he supervised 40 Assistant States Attorneys responsible for prosecuting all criminal misdemeanor and quasi-criminal cases in the City of Chicago, as well as advising the office on legislative issues. He left this position to join the bench in 1986.

Judge Cunningham was appointed by the Chief Judge to mentor newly appointed and elected judges, and is certified in Comprehensive mediation in the State of Illinois. His professional affiliations include membership in the American Bar Association, the National Bar Association, the Cook County Bar Association and the Chicago Bar Association, the Illinois Public Defender Association and the National Legal Aid and Defender Association. He has been an adjunct professor in the Political Science Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and was also an adjunct professor at the DePaul University School of Law and the John Marshall School of Law.



Dr. Anne E Borkowski, MD is a Doctor primarily located in Skokie, IL. Her specialties include Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility and Obstetrics and Gynecology. Sociopath. Narcissist.


Dr. Anne E Borkowski

Anne, E. Borkowski. Sociopath, Reproductive Endocrinologist. She was going to adopt 3-children from a foreign country with me. I nixed it at the adoption. I felt it was an act of god to get away from her.

This is Anne 1-hour after she went to the police and stated in a police report. He help me down in a fit of rage, pinned me to the bed and hi me repeatedly in the false and chest and arms until I escaped and left our home.

This is Judge Boyd. When asked about his legacy. “ He loves his home outside the country.

What a piece of garbage.

This is Kevin O’Reilly. Annes Lawyer who tried the Battery case.

Enrico Mirabelli. A founding Partner of Nadler, Pritiken & Mirabelli. Well, all 3 of these crooks are at another law firm together. When I asked him countless times about what he has done to my life he has not one bit of remourse. Enrico stated to me that Shaun lied on his own acord and without his knowledge. Well, why didn’t you file charges against him or tell anyone. He hung up the phone.

My lawyers never even complained about this. Remember, Enrico Mirabelli’s firm represented Juanita Jordan, Michael Jordan’s wife and anso represented Dwayne Wade of the NBA in their divorces. These men do not make mistakes, they are not stupid and they are not caught off guard.


Judge Boyd. The head Judge of the entire Divorce Court System. He is now an Appellate Judge.


This is Shaun Bersson. Now a lawyer who went right from working as Enrico Mirabelli’s assistant right out of Law School. When he worked on my case he had just been out of Law School for a brief time. Imagine, This Sociopath took the Oath of Office and then lied to the Apppellate Court and not one person at the Appellate Court or The Attorney Registry & Disciplinary Commission made a single call to me when I complained in writing and also supplied these agencies with a Certified copy of his deviant acts.

Our court system is so corrupt and controlled that they all knew they were never going to be questioned. This criminal who intentionallly deceived his own client walks waay from Nadler, Pritiken & Mirabelli and the firm is dissolved. He walks into Katz & Stefani and they make him a Partner. What does that say about our court system?


STRANSKI, LORI Chicago Police Dept Star #16466

Unite 018 / District 18 Joined 07/07/97

4948 North Nagle Avenue, Chicago, IL 60656

Friend of Anne’s. Laura Picked Anne up in a Blue and White Chicago Police car, at her home every time she went to court. Drove her to court, went into court with her waited for Anne and then drove her home. Stranski balls are so big she actually waited outside court for me for almost 40-minutes with Anne in the back seat and then proceeeded to try to run me over with the police car. My lawyers never even complained about this. Remember, Enrico Mirabelli’s firm represented Juanita Jordan, Michael Jordan’s wife and anso represented Dwayne Wade of the NBA in their divorces. These men do not make mistakes, they are not stupid and they are not caught off guard.

William Boyd.

Abishi Cunningham.

This loser moved over from his old law firm with Enrico Mirabelli. Human Garbage

James B. Pritikin, Partner

Since receiving his Juris Doctor from DePaul University of Law, James B. Pritikin, a founding principal of Nadler, Pritikin & Mirabelli, LLC, has built a distinguished career by practicing exclusively in the area of family law for over thirty years. Mr. Pritikin is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and holds the honor of serving as a Past President for the Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

Jim has also served as a Director of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Foundation. Mr. Pritikin retains active membership in the Family Law Sections of the American Bar Association, Illinois State Bar Association and the Chicago Bar Association. He is a certified Matrimonial Mediator and Arbitrator.

Jim’s past accomplishments include speaking engagements for the Illinois and Chicago Bar Associations and DePaul University College of Law. Jim was presented with the A. V. Rating of Martindale-Hubbell and is the subject of a biography for “Who’s Who In American Law.” Jim is a Member of the Leading Lawyers Network, and was recognized by Chicago Magazine as a “Top 100 Illinois Super Lawyer”. Mr. Pritikin has also been selected by his peers for inclusion in the “Best Lawyers in America” each year since 2017.

Mr. Pritikin was appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court as Hearing Chairperson for the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission.

Appeals Chicago Family Law Child Custody Divorce Domestic Violence & Orders of Protection LGBT Services Mediation Parentage & Paternity Post Divorce Enforcement & Modifications Premarital (Prenuptual) & Postmarital Agreements Sports & Entertainment/High Profile Division

Charles Middleton Shepherd Law

410 S. Michigan Suite 1308

60605 312-583-1512

180 N. LaSalle Suite 3700

60601 2809

312-451-4483 Cell

Drug addict lawyer who represented me and then intentionally mismanaged his representation. I lost over $ 1,000,000.00 due to this deviant - drug addict.

Tips for Divorcing a Narcissist


Tips When Divorcing a Narcissist


Is Your Partner A Sociopath !?!?!


Love fraud Lesson #9: Why do sociopaths marry?


Narcissist/Sociopath/Psychopath The truth will expose YOU




United States
Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson intentionally witheld evidence from their client

#3UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Thu, October 18, 2018

Plaintiff:      Robert   J.    Skertich                                 Father without his children for


Mariya      ( Wan Pen Thipkoi ) Skertich      Mother of 4 without her own children.

Noon           Thipkoi                                  Adult           22-years old

Nuat            Thipkoi                                  Adult          19-years old

Naat            Thipkoi                                  Adult          19-years old

Nickole       Skertich                                 Child           18-months old


Defendant:   Anne E Borkowski                                             (  2001 D 018249

                                                                        Cases:         (  2003 D 005260

Enrico Mirabelli                                                 (  2003 L 010189

Shaun Bersson

Nadler, Pritiken & Mirabelli ( Law Firm )


All Partners at the time Robert Skertich was being represented by

( Nadler, Pritikin & Mirabelli )


Martha Steele                          Secretary to Enrico Mirabelli

Martha Steele as employee to    Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli

Martha Steele                          Personally

Laura Stranski                         Chicago Police Officer                                                                                     Personally

Chicago Police Department      Institutionally


Sheldon Minkow                     Personally & Professionally

Schuller Ducanto & Fleck         Law Firm

Brian Telander                        Lawyer      

Steven Komie                         Lawyer       Personally & Professionally.

William Boyd                         Judge          Personally & Professionally.

Charles Winkler                      Judge          Personally & Professionally.

Cunningham                           Judge          Personally & Professionally.


ARDC                                    Attorney Registry & Disciplinary Board

Attorney General

Illinois Judiciary Inquiry Board

Cook County Court System

Cook County Small Claims

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigations


Charles Shepherd  Lawyer       Personally & Professionally                       

  • Condo                      Fire Insurance      Lawsuit                           
  • Richard Zipperstein    356 W. Superior   Lawsuit
  • Mariya Thipkoi          Immigrations        Lawsuit


This lawsuit, paints a crystal-clear picture, of an entire legal system, that is systematically corrupt. A legal system that operates and conducts business as a rogue organization, completely outside the laws, laws that must protect the public.


I argue ,that these charges I make against all parties involved are of the most diabolical crimes that can ever be wielded upon any citizen.

That these crimes, do not fall under any statutes of limitations. That the public, has a limitless timeline to seek justice under these extreme circumstances.

That, to allow officers of the court, access to any timeline to be prosecuted, would be an even greater crime wielded against Robert Skertich and his family and society in its entirety.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect.



Count 1:                                                                                                                     Class 1 Felony.

Theft by deception: generally, means, the use of deception, to obtain control, over the property or services of another.

The following is an example of a state statute governing theft by deception:                                       A person commits theft if he obtains property of another by deception.                                        A person deceives if he intentionally:

(1) Creates or reinforces a false impression, including false impressions as to law, value, intention, or other state of mind; but deception as to a person's intention to perform a promise shall not be inferred from the fact alone that he did not subsequently perform the promise; or

(2) Prevents another from acquiring information which would affect his judgment of a transaction; or

(3) Fails to correct a false impression which the deceiver previously created or reinforced, or which the deceiver knows to be influencing another to whom he stands in a fiduciary or confidential relationship; or

(4) Uses a credit card, charge plate, or any other instrument which purports to evidence an undertaking to pay for property or services delivered or rendered to or upon the order of a designated person or bearer (a) where such instrument has been stolen, forged, revoked, or canceled, or where for any other reason its use by the actor is unauthorized, or (b) where the actor does not have the intention and ability to meet all obligations to the issuer arising out of his use of the instrument.

The word deceive does not include falsity as to matters having no pecuniary significance, or statements unlikely to deceive ordinary persons in the group addressed.

Count 2:

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress.

Often, when involved in an accident or after sustaining an injury, one can suffer more than just physical pain. Many individuals will also suffer emotional harm from the experience. Under Illinois law, it is possible to obtain money damages as compensation for emotional harm (also called emotional distress). This money is paid by the person or company who caused the injury or, in most cases, by that person’s or company's insurance provider.

Emotional distress can take many different forms after an accident and can have a myriad of causes. For example:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety as a result of the fear caused by the accident
  • Insomnia


In these and other situations, there must be a clear and direct link between the emotional harm one experiences and the accident or injuries that person has suffered. It is unlikely that someone could recover for emotional distress in the form of an eating disorder caused by a car accident, but post-traumatic stress and anxiety are much more likely.


There are generally two types of claims for emotional distress: for injuries which are intentionally inflicted and for harm which is accidental, or negligently inflicted.


The elements of a claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress are:


(1) that the defendant's conduct was extreme and outrageous;

(2) that the defendant intended to cause or recklessly or consciously disregarded the probability of causing emotional distress;

(3) that the plaintiff suffered severe or extreme emotional distress; and

(4) that the defendant's conduct actually and proximately caused the plaintiff's emotional distress.


By contrast, the elements of a claim for negligent infliction of emotional distress are much more variable. If one is a direct victim of negligent infliction of emotional distress, they would need to establish the elements of negligence (duty, breach, causation, and damages), with the emotional distress serving as the damages. Indirect victims, on the other hand, would need to show:


(1) that he or she was in the zone of physical danger;

(2) that he or she reasonably feared for his or her own safety because of the defendant's negligence; and

(3) that he or she suffered a physical injury or illness as a result of the emotional distress caused by the defendant's negligence.


While proving the occurrence of the incident that caused an injury is relatively easy and relies on the same principles as any other personal injury claim, establishing emotional distress is more difficult because of the nature of the injury. In order to obtain compensation for emotional distress, one must prove that the emotional issues that person is experiencing are real and that they are caused by the person or company that caused the accident or other incident. Of course, since emotional distress is often mental and leaves no outwardly visible scars, it can be very difficult to establish. Usually, some physical manifestation of the emotional harm will be required in order to prove its existence and to quantify its impact on one's health and well-being. For example, a heart attack or stroke, rapid weight loss, sudden graying or loss of hair, etc. After all, a court can only award money to compensate one for their injuries; it cannot cure the injury itself. That compensation must be based on some demonstrable evidence and, for compensatory damages, must have some identifiable dollar tag attached to it. Without something to point to in order to prove that the injury to one's emotional health has occurred, it will be very difficult to establish damages.


Since it is very hard to put a price on how much your emotional harm is worth, emotional distress damages can be very difficult to calculate. The person claiming such injury will need to clearly show how the emotional problems are affecting them if they wish to obtain compensation. The best option is to consult with an experienced, qualified personal injury attorney who can explain the process of establishing emotional distress and can help you coordinate appointments with psychiatric professionals who can help to document your injuries.


(720 ILCS 5/16H-65 new) Sec.   16H-65.  Period of limitations. The period of

limitations for prosecution of any offense defined in this Article begins at the time when the last act in furtherance of the offense is committed.


(720 ILCS 5/16H-60 new) Sec. 16H-60.  Sentence.


Count 3.

A financial crime, the full value of which exceeds $100,000, is a Class 1 Felony.

When a charge of financial crime, the full value of which exceeds $100,000, is brought, the value of the financial crime involved is an element of the offense to be resolved by the trier of fact as either exceeding or not exceeding $100,000.


Count 4.

(720 ILCS 5/16H-50 new)

Sec.  16H-50. Continuing financial crimes enterprise. A person commits the offense of a continuing financial crimes enterprise when the person knowingly, within an 18-month period, commits 3 or more separate offenses under  this Article, or, if involving a financial institution, any other felony offenses established under this Code.


Count 5.

(720 ILCS 5/16H-55 new)   (720 ILCS 5/16H-35 new)  Sec. 16H-35. 

Concealment of collateral.

A person commits the offense of concealment of collateral when the person,

with intent to defraud, knowingly conceals, removes, disposes of, or converts to the person's own use or  to that of another, any property mortgaged or pledged to or held by a financial institution.


Count 6.


My position is that, in each and every instance: My lawyers, Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson and their staff, Martha Steele and the Judge involved collectively, intentionally and as a group:


(Collectively and Independently,)

In each court case,

Intentionally and knowingly made decisions intentionally fraudulent and criminal decisions that were intentionally;


(Not in their client Robert Skertich best interest.) 


Therefore, these are not isolated instances, but, a plethora of so many, horrific decisions, time and time again, made against Robert Skertich direct orders and demands, and moreover, made by every lawyer involved, constituting a

Well-executed, and intentional conspiracy with the specific intent to defraud Robert Skertich and his entire extended family. These well executed legal maneuvers deprived Robert Skertich out of every tangible asset along with the complete and total destruction of his reputation and his financial credit.


In each instance, where Robert Skertich lawyers, Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson and the staff of Nadler, Pritiken & Mirabelli made a decision, ask yourself the following questions.


  1. Is the Lawyer in question stupid?


  1. Is the Lawyer in question sloppy?


  1. Is the Lawyer in question experienced in his profession?


  1. Is the decision the Lawyer made in this instance, reckless?


  1. Does the lawyer take proper legal means to rectify the negative event at a later date to protect his clients best interest?


  1. Is the decision the Lawyer made,       

In his client, Robert Skertich’s best interest?


  1. Is the decision the Judge made one sided?


  1. Is the decision the Judge made fair and reasonable?


  1. Does the decision the judge made create and un-level playing field?



In the law, a conspiracy refers to an agreement between two or more people to

  1. Commit an unlawful act, or to
  2. deprive another person of his legal rights.
  • The agreement to act must be moved toward a conclusion,
  • whether or not it is actually accomplished.
  • Plans made by a certain combination of people for unlawful or secret purposes may also be considered a conspiracy.


To explore this concept, consider the following conspiracy definition.

Definition of Conspiracy


  1. An agreement between two or more people to commit a crime.
  2. The act of conspiring together to an unlawful end.



1325-1375       Middle English

What is Conspiracy.

A conspiracy is

  • an agreement or plan,
  • made between two or more people,
  • to engage in an illegal act,
  • to obtain an unlawful objective,
  • or to deprive another person of his legal rights.
  • A conspiracy may be engaged in to move a plan forward,
  • each person involved aware of his or her part.


  • It is not necessary for each person involved in a conspiracy to engage in – or even be aware of – each stage or act involved in gaining the objective.

The criminal act of conspiracy may be charged if:

  1. Legal means are used to accomplish an illegal result; or
  2. Illegal means are used to accomplish a legal result.

Incomplete Crimes

When most people think about crime, it is often assumed that the accused person has completed the crime and is at the point of prosecution and punishment. There are certain phases a person goes through before the actual accomplishment of a criminal act.

  1. Idea – the wrongdoer comes up with an idea for an illegal act.
  2. Evaluation – the wrongdoer considers the pros and cons of the idea and decides whether or not to proceed.
  3. Decision – the wrongdoer decides to move forward with the idea or plan.
  4. Preparation – the wrongdoer makes preparation to commit the crime or wrongful act, perhaps creating falsified documents, contacting potential victims, or obtaining a weapon.
  5. Commencement – the wrongdoer launches the plan.




  1. Completion – the wrongdoer completes the plan or obtains the objective.


The law does not punish people for the ideas that float through their heads – even if they put in the effort to refine them, with the idea of committing the act.


It does, however, punish people for completing an illegal act. Incomplete crimes encompass the steps in the middle of the process. These incomplete crimes include such acts as:

  • Conspiracy – an agreement between two or more people to engage in unlawful acts, or to use lawful means to achieve an unlawful goal.
  • Attempt to commit a crime – a crime that the wrongdoer failed to complete, either by being unable to achieve the goal, or by changing his mind after committing the early steps.
  • Solicitation – the act of inviting, encouraging, or commanding another person to engage in a criminal act.

Criminal Conspiracy

A criminal conspiracy involves an agreement made between two or more people to commit a crime, or to engage in illegal activity to achieve even a legal end. Such plans are not required to have been in secret to be defined as criminal conspiracy or does any party to the conspiracy need to be aware of the entire plan. In most jurisdictions, in order for an activity to rise to the level of criminal conspiracy, at least one party must have engaged in an overt act toward accomplishing the unlawful or wrongful goal.

For example:

Linda and Bob took in an entire litter of puppies when a neighbor was unable to care for them. Although the puppies were a mixed breed, they make a plan to advertise and sell the puppies as “registered” lab puppies. Stacy, having responded to an online ad for the puppies, picks out her favorite, and pays the couple $300. With the puppy, Stacy is given a falsified registration document.

In this example of conspiracy, Linda and Bob made an agreement to fraudulently induce people to pay a premium price for crossbreed dogs. Further, they engaged in the overt acts of advertising the puppies as purebred labs and creating fraudulent registration documents.

Civil Conspiracy

A civil conspiracy is a civil tort that involves an agreement between two or more parties to either deceive someone for the purpose of obtaining an illegal objective, or to deprive someone of his legal rights. The concept of civil conspiracy allows a victim to file a civil lawsuit against conspirators who sought to deprive him, whether or not there was an actual crime that might result in criminal prosecution.

plaintiff in a civil conspiracy lawsuit must prove that the accused conspirators made an agreement together to commit illegal acts, in order to achieve their unlawful goals. Unlike criminal conspiracy, it is not necessary for a plaintiff to prove that a conspirator committed an overt act in furtherance of the unlawful goal.

In addition, it is not generally necessary to prove that the defendants (conspirators) had the intent to harm any specific person.

Rather, the law defines civil conspiracy as an agreement to engage in illegal activity toward an unlawful goal.

For example:

David and Josh come up with a plan to sell a certain cleaning product to consumers – a product that does not exist. Their plan is to mix water with a little ammonia and put it into spray bottles with home-printed labels. The pair recruit four people to sell the bogus product door-to-door, promising them a percentage of each bottle sold.

It’s not long before the consumers who bought the product begin complaining, and someone files a complaint with a law enforcement agency.

In this example of conspiracy, David and Josh had the intent to deprive consumers of their money. The salespeople, however, knew nothing of the conspiracy, and did not intend to harm anyone. In addition to possible criminal charges, the pair may be subjected to lawsuits for civil conspiracy.

Punishment for Conspiracy

Many people look at charges of conspiracy as a lesser crime to the actual criminal act. While that may be true to some degree, conspirators of serious crimes do not get off easy. In most jurisdictions, the crime of conspiracy is punished in line with the seriousness of the actual crime (the “target act”). Conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor act is a misdemeanor, and conspiracy to commit a felony is a felony.

For example:

Malcom and Stephanie make a plan to steal certain medications from the pharmacy in which Stephanie works. While Malcom actually performed the burglary, Stephanie gave him the combination for the locked cabinet in which the medications were stored.

In this example of conspiracy, Malcom’s crime is a first-degree felony. Stephanie is charged with criminal conspiracy, which is a second-degree felony. This is common – charging conspiracy as one step lower than the actual completion of the crime.

Conspiracy Example in Gang Activity

In 2014, police in New York City arrested rapper Bobby Shmurda, whose real name is Ackquille Pollard, for his involvement with a gang, including drug activity and weapons. Pollard was charged with fourth degree conspiracy, and conspiracy in criminal possession of a weapon.

Although the rapper claimed the gun police found in his apartment was a prop for a video, he ultimately pled guilty to possession of a loaded gun with the intent to use it “unlawfully against another.” As part of the plea agreement, Pollard also pled guilty to conspiracy.

Pollard was sentenced to 7 years for criminal possession of a weapon, and 1-3 years for conspiracy. These terms were ordered to run concurrently, which means the 1-3 years tolls during the 7 years. After his prison term, Pollard is to be on supervised release (parole) for five years.

Additional Defendants

Pollard’s indictment was just a small portion of the more than 15 gang members charged with violent and drug-related crimes. Fellow gang member Alex Crandon was charged for his involvement in various shootings and other violent acts, as well as his participation in a murder. Crandon refused a plea deal, taking his case to trial. The jury convicted him of conspiracy, murder, attempted murder, among other charges. Crandon was sentenced to spend more than 53 years in prison.

Another fellow gang member, Santino Boderick, also refused a plea deal in exchange for a 15-year sentence. The jury convicted Boderick of attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, possession of a weapon, and a long list of other felony charges. Before the judge announced Boderick’s sentencing, the gang member spewed profanities to the judge. He was escorted out of the courtroom, after which the judge issued a sentence of 17-130 years in prison



720 ILCS 5/8-2 (from Ch. 38, par. 8-2)

Sec. 8-2. Conspiracy. (a) Elements of the offense. A person commits conspiracy when, with intent that an offense be committed, he agrees with another to the commission of that offense. No person may be convicted of conspiracy to commit an offense unless an act in furtherance of such agreement is alleged and proved to have been committed by him or by a co-conspirator.

(b) Co-conspirators.

It shall not be a defense to conspiracy that the person or persons with whom the accused is alleged to have conspired:

(1) Has not been prosecuted or convicted, or

(2) Has been convicted of a different offense, or

(3) Is not amenable to justice, or

(4) Has been acquitted, or

(5) Lacked the capacity to commit an offense.

(c) Sentence.

A person convicted of conspiracy may be fined or imprisoned or m both not to exceed the maximum provided for the offense which is the object of the conspiracy, except that if the object is an offense prohibited by Sections 11-15, 11-16, 11-17, 11-19, 24-1 (a) (1), 24-1 (a) (7), 28-1, 28-3 and 28-4 of the "Criminal Code of 1961", approved July 28, 1961, as amended, or prohibited by Sections 404 or 406 (b) of the "Illinois Controlled Substances Act", enacted by the 77th General Assembly, or an inchoate offense related to any of the aforesaid principal offenses, the person convicted may be sentenced for a Class 3 felony however, conspiracy to commit treason, first degree murder, or aggravated kidnapping shall not be sentenced in excess of a Class 2 felony, and conspiracy to commit any offense other than those specified in this subsection, and other than those set forth in Sections 401, 402, or 407 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, shall not be sentenced in excess of a Class 4 felony.

(Source: P.A. 86-809.)

Attorney Misconduct

Behavior by an attorney that conflicts with established rules of professional  conduct and is punishable by disciplinary measures. More than any other profession, the legal profession is self-governing. That is, it is largely regulated by lawyers and judges themselves rather than by the government or outside agencies. In  particular, the American Bar Association (ABA), the largest professional association for attorneys, governs the Practice of Law through its establishment of rules ofconduct. 

These rules are then adopted, sometimes in a modified form, by state courts and enforced by court-appointed disciplinary committees or bar associations. Attorneys found to be in violation of   professional standards are guilty of misconduct and subject to disciplinary procedures. Disciplinary action by a state bar association or other authority may include private reprimands; public censure; suspension of the ability to practice law; and, most severe of all, disbarment permanent denial of the ability to practice law in that jurisdiction. The state supreme court is the final arbiter in questions of professional conduct in most jurisdictions.

Since 1908, the ABA has been responsible for defining the standards of proper conduct for the legal profession. These standards, many of them established by the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics    and Professional Responsibility, are continuously evolving as society and the practice of law change over time. In 1969, the ABA passed its Model Code of Professional Responsibility, guidelines for proper legal conduct that were  eventually adopted by all jurisdictions.

 The ABAmodified the code by adopting theModel Rules of Professional Conduct in 1983. The model rules have been used by 40states to create official guidelines for professional conduct; 11 states or  jurisdictions, including Washington, D.C., and theVirgin Islands, have continued tobase their ethical codes on the earlier model code. California has developed its ownrules ofprofessional conduct. Whatever their basis, these codes or rules define the   lawyer's proper role and relationship to the client. It is essential that lawyers understand the ethical codes under which they must operate. Failure to do so may result  in notonly disciplinary action by the relevant professional authorities but also Malpractice suits against the lawyer. 

A malpracticesuit may result in loss of  money or the ability to work with specific clients.

Rule 8.4 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct contains the following statements on attorney misconduct:

It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:

(a) Violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another;

(b) Commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects;

(c) Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, Fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;

(d) Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice;

(e) State or imply an ability to influence improperly a government agency or official;

(f) Knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conductor other law.  

Besides issuing these general statements, the model rules set down many specific requirements for attorney conduct indifferent situations.

Because of an attorney's special relationship to the law, he or she is held to a          special standard of conduct before the law, asthe ABA asserts in its Lawyers' Manual on Professional Conduct:

As members of the bar and officers of the court, lawyers are beneficiaries of the      privilege of the practice of lawand also are subject to higher duties and                    responsibilities than are nonlawyers. A lawyer's fiduciary duties arise from his        status as a member of the legal profession and are expressed, at least in part, by the applicable rulesof professional conduct.

The word fiduciary in this quotation comes from the Latin word fiducia, meaning "trust"; as a fiduciary, then, the attorney actsas the trusted representative of the client. 

Trust is thus a defining element of the legal profession, and without it, the practiceof law could not exist. For that reason, the legal profession has created strict rules of conduct regarding the attorney'srelationship with the client.

Attorney-Client Relationship

The model rules set forth specific guidelines defining the attorney-client relationship. An attorney will be guilty of misconduct, for example, if she or he fails to provide competent representation to a client, to act with diligence and      promptness regardinga client's legal concerns, or to keep a client informed of legal proceedings. 

Charging exorbitant fees or overbilling is alsoconsidered misconduct, as is counseling a client to commit a crime. For example, trial lawyer Harvey         Myerson was suspended in 1992 from the practice of law by the New York Supreme Court after he was convicted of over-billing

Attorney-Client Sexual Relations

The American Bar Association (ABA) has recognized sexual relations between attorneys and their      clients as a significantethical problem for the legal profession. The ABA's Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility addressedthis issue in 1992 by issuing a formal opinion (no. 92-364). Although the opinion acknowledged that the Model Rules ofProfessional     Conduct do not specifically address the issue of attorney client sex, it argued that an attorney's sexualrelationship with a current client "may involve unfair exploitation of the lawyer's fiduciary position and presents a significantdanger that the lawyer's ability to represent the client adequately may be impaired, and that as a consequence the lawyermay violate both the Model Rules and the Model Code." Becoming sexually intimate with a client, the opinion adds,   undermines the "objective detachment" necessary for Legal Representation because "[t]he roles of lover and lawyer arepotentially conflicting ones." In addition, the opinion argued, attorney-client sex introduces a clear conflict of interest into acase, and it may also compromise Attorney-Client Privilege, the principle that ensures the confidentiality of lawyer-clientcommunication. Any secrets revealed to an attorney by a client outside of      their legal relationship may not be protected byattorney-client privilege.

Proponents of professional rules against attorney-client sexual contact argue that the legal profession should follow theexample of    other professions such as psychology and psychiatry and create strict sanctions      against sex with clients. Legalclients, these proponents say, are often vulnerable    when dealing with attorneys, particularly in such areas of legal practice as     FamilyLaw. A lawyer who becomes sexually involved with a client in a Divorce proceeding can take advantage of the clientunder-going emotional trauma. That lawyer may hinder any attempts at reconciliation       between a couple and complicatematters for any children involved. Sexual r    elationships between lawyer and client may also affect custody and child visitationdecisions in the case. 

The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, in its Standards of Conduct in Family Law Litigation, specifically prohibits attorney-client sex: "An attorney should never have a sexual relationship with a client or      opposingcounsel during the time of the representation" (§ 2.16 [1991]).

Some attorneys object to such rules, arguing that they interfere with their First Amendment rights to freedom of association.They bristle at the notion of state bar associations regulating the private affairs of consenting adults. Nevertheless, attorneysare increasingly being disciplined for becoming sexually involved with         clients, and state bar associations are drafting clearerand more stringent rules           against attorney-client sexual contact. Wisconsin's Supreme Court, for example, in 1987, revoked the license of an attorney in part because he had sex with a client (In re Hallows, 136 Wis. 2d 72, 401 N.W.2d 557). Theattorney, the court argued, was "placing his interests above" those of his client. In 1990, the same court for the first time suspended the license of a criminal lawyer who had sex with a client (In re Ridgeway, 158 Wis. 2d 452, 462 N.W.2d 671). Oregon and Minnesota have adopted outright bans on attorney client sexual contact. Rule 1.8(k) of the Minnesota Rules ofProfessional Conduct, which became effective July 1, 1994, forbids attorney-client sexual contact during the conduct of aprofessional legal relationship. It allows exceptions to the rule only for relationships beginning before legal representation hascommenced or after it has ended. In the case of clients that areorganizations rather than individuals, an attorney may nothave sexual contact with any member of the client organization directly overseeing the case.

Further readings

Awad, Abed. 1998. "Attorney-Client Sexual Relations." Journal of the Legal Profession 22 (annual): 131–91.

Kane, Andrew W., et al. 1992. "Attorney Sexual Misconduct." American Journal    of Family Law 6 (fall): 191–95.

Shirey, William K. 1999. "Dealing with the Profession's 'Dirty Little Secret':            A Proposal for Regulating Attorney-Client SexualRelations." Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 13 (fall): 131–60.

Struzzi, Melissa A. 1999. "Sex Behind the Bar: Should Attorney-Client Sexual Relations be Prohibited?" Duquesne LawReview 37 (summer): 637–57.

by millions of dollars (In re Myerson, 182A.D. 2d 242, 588 N.Y.S.2d 142 [N.Y. App. Div.1992]).

Many types of attorney misconduct involve a conflict of interest on the part of the attorney. A conflict of interest arises whenan attorney puts personal interests ahead of professional responsibilities to the client. The model rules specify the potentialfor conflict of interest in many different situations. Thus, for example, an attorney who by representing one client adverselyaffects another client has a conflict of interest and is guilty of misconduct. Conflict of interest rules also forbid an attorney toenter into a business transaction with a client unless the client is fully aware of how the transaction will affect his or her Legal Representation and agrees to the transaction in writing. Similarly, an attorney is   guilty of misconduct if he or she makes adeal with the client for acquisition of the book, film, or media rights to the client's story. Providing a client with financial assistance also introduces a conflict of interest into the attorney-client relationship.

If an attorney is related to another attorney as parent, child, sibling, or spouse, that attorney may not represent a client inopposition to the related attorney except when given consent to do so by the client. This type of conflict of interest hasbecome increasingly common as more women enter the legal profession and the number of marriages between attorneysgrows. State bar associations, such as that of Michigan, have held that these guidelines also apply to lawyers who are living together or     dating but are not married. The potential for conflict of interest when the opposing attorneys are married orromantically involved is clear. Imagine a woman representing a client in a personal injury lawsuit seeking millions of dollarsworth of damages from a manufacturer, with her husband                   representing the manufacturer. As a couple, they have a monetaryinterest in gaining a large settlement from the   manufacturer, thereby giving the husband an incentive to lose his case. Given this conflict of interest, the couple is obligated to reveal to their clients the fact that they are married. If the clients agree to goahead with the case regardless of the  conflict of interest, then the attorneys may decide to continue their representation.

Special examples of conflict of interest have arisen in cases involving indigent        defendants who must use publicly provideddefense attorneys. In many jurisdictions, it is considered misconduct for an attorney to refuse court appointment as a publicservice defender for a poor client, even when a spouse's legal associate or firm is involved on the opposing side of the case.Normally, for example, state bar associations allow a district attorney to prosecute persons defended by partners      orassociates of the district attorney's spouse as long as the client is notified of the   situation; similarly, they will allow a districtattorney's spouse to defend persons     prosecuted by other members of the district attorney's staff. Nevertheless, in a 1992case, Haley v. Boles, 824 S.W.2d 796, the Texas Court of Appeals found that a  conflict of interest gave a court-appointedattorney grounds to refuse appointment as a public defender for a poor      client. The prosecutor was married to the court appointed counsel's law partner, creating a potential conflict of interest. 

According to the court's decision, a poor defendantwho must rely on a public defender has fewer choices for legal representation than a defendant who can afford to employ heror his own attorney. Therefore, an attorney who has a conflict of interest must be       able to refuse to represent a client as apublic defender without being charged with misconduct, thereby ensuring that the client receives legal representation free of a conflict of interest.

Any breach of the trust by the attorney that underlies the relationship between that attorney and the client can be consideredmisconduct. For example, an attorney is often called upon to hold or transfer money for a client, and in this situation, the client  places  an  extraordinary  amount of trust in the lawyer. Any misuse of the client's money by the attorney—calledmisappropriation of client funds—constitutes a serious breach of trust and a gross example of misconduct. This offense includes  stealing  from theclient,  mingling the attorney's money with that of the client, and controlling client funds withoutauthorization. The model rules         require that funds given to a lawyer by a client be kept in an account separate from thelawyer's own account.

To encourage clients to inform their attorneys of all details relevant to a case, ethical codes also entrust attorneys withpreserving the confidentiality of the information their clients give them; any failure to do so constitutes misconduct on the partof     the attorney. The law protects attorney-client confidentiality with the principle of Attorney-Client Privilege,  and under very few circumstances is it lawful to breach this privilege of confidentiality. The privilege may be revoked to prevent the client from "committing a criminal act that … is likely to result in imminent death or substantial bodily harm"(Model Rules ofProfessional Conduct, Rule 1.6 1983), or to respond to civil or criminal proceedings made by the client against the attorney. Except for these rare cases, only the client may waive the attorney-client privilege of confidentiality.

Sexual contact between an attorney and a client is almost always considered a        breach of conduct. Sexual contact representsa clear breach of attorney-client trust. It is also a clear conflict of interest because it can easily result in the     attorney's placinghis or her own needs above those of the client, and it makes it  difficult for the attorney to argue the client's casedispassionately.

  Other Types of Misconduct

As the model rules indicate, an attorney may be charged with misconduct if she or he commits a criminal act. However, notall violations of the law may result in professional  censure.     According to the ABA, a lawyer is professionally responsible "onlyfor offenses that indicate lack of those characteristics relevant to law practice." These include violations involving "violence, dishonesty,  breach of trust,  or interference  with the administration of justice " (Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 3). Nevertheless, violations of the law may seriously impair an attorney's professional standing.

Ethical rules also govern the conduct of attorneys before courts. Thus, an attorney is guilty of misconduct toward the court ifhe or she brings a frivolous, or unnecessary, proceeding to court; makes false statements to the court; offers false evidence; or unlawfully obstructs another party's access to evidence. It is also considered misconduct if an attorney attempts toinfluence a judge or juror by illegal means, such as Bribery or intimidation, or states personal opinions  regarding  the justness of a cause or the credibility of a witness. Special rules  govern trial publicity as well. These forbid an attorney to make statements outside of court that will influence a court proceeding. For example, an attorney may not make statementsrelated to the character, credibility, guilt, or innocence of a suspect or witness in a court proceeding. Attorneys are forbiddento communicate directly or indirectly with a party represented by another lawyer in the same matt,  unless  they  receive permission  from the other attorney. This law is designed to protect laypersons involved in legal proceedings from possiblyhurting their cases by  speaking with the opposing lawyer.

Federal and state laws also define attorney misconduct and empower judges to discipline wayward attorneys. Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure(28 U.S.C.A.), for example, requires sanctions for lawyers and clients who file frivolous orabusive claims in court. In a 1989 case, Nasco, Inc. v. Calcasieu Television & Radio, 124 F.R.D. 120 (W.D. La.), a federaldistrict judge suspended two lawyers and disbarred another for "illegal and fraudulent schemes and conspiracies"  designed to slow a case in court for the benefit of their client.

Beginning in the late 1980s, attorneys have been required to report the misconduct of other lawyers, with failure to do soconsidered to be misconduct in itself and  resulting  in serious  disciplinary measures.  A 1989 Illinois Supreme Court ruling,  Inre Himmel, 125 Ill. 2d 531, 533 N.E.2d 790,  found that attorneys have a duty to report another lawyers' misconduct even whena client has instructed them not to do   so. The Illinois Supreme Court suspended James H. Himmel from the practice of lawfor one year after he failed to report a misappropriation of client funds by another lawyer, a violation of rule 1-103(a)  of the Illinois Code of Professional Responsibility.  Himmel's failure to report, the court found, had allowed the offending attorney tobilk other clients as well.  The attorney guilty of misappropriating funds was disbarred.

Lawyers have also been found guilty of misconduct with regard to the advertising of their services. It is legal and ethical for attorneys to advertise, but if that advertising is false, deceptive, or misleading, makes unsubstantiated comparisons to another lawyer's services, or proposes means contrary to rules of professional conduct, the attorney can be charged withmisconduct. For example, an attorney    was disbarred in Maryland for publishing misleading advertisements soliciting customers for "quickie" foreign divorces and misrepresenting his competence and knowledge of the law (Attorney GrievanceCommittee v. McCloskey, 306 Md. 677, 511 A.2d 56 [1986]).

Further readings

American Bar Association (ABA). 1994. Model Rules of Professional Conduct.    Chicago: ABA.American Bar Association(ABA). Center for Professional    Responsibility. 1984–94. ABA/BNA Lawyers' Manual on Professional Conduct. Chicago: ABA.

Andrews, Carol Rice. 2001. "Highway 101: Lessons in Legal Ethics That We        Can Learn on the Road." Georgetown Journalof Legal Ethics 15 (fall): 95–125.

Freedman, Monroe H. 1999. Understanding Lawyers' Ethics. New York: Matthew Bender.

Hazard, Geoffrey C. 1994. The Law of Lawyering. 2 vols. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Lieberman, Hal R., and Ronald W. Meister. 1999. Serving Clients Well: Avoiding Malpractice and Ethical Pitfalls in thePractice of Law. New York: Practicing Law Institute.

Liebman, Lance M., and Philip B. Heymann. 1988. The Social Responsibilities of Lawyers: Case Studies. Eagan, Minn.: Foundation.

Oldham, Lindsay M., and Christine M. Whitledge. 2002. "The Catch-22 of Model Rule 8.3." Georgetown Journal of LegalEthics 15 (summer): 881–94.

Powell, Sonya. 1993. "Intent as an Element of Attorney Misconduct." Journal of    the Legal Profession 18: 407–15.

Steinberg, Marc I. 1999. Lawyering and Ethics for the Business Lawyer. St. Paul, Minn.: West.

Wolfram, Charles W. 1986. Modern Legal Ethics. St. Paul, Minn.: West.


American Bar Association

Attorney-Client Privilege

Civil Procedure

Ethics, Legal;

Legal Representation


Model Rules of Professional Conduct


Public Act 93-0440


SB1053 Enrolled    LRB093 10166 RLC 10420 b


AN ACT in relation to criminal law.


Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:


Section 5. 

The Criminal Code of 1961 is amended by changing Section 17-24 and adding Article 16H as follows:


(720 ILCS 5/Art. 16H heading new)




Q:      When the court system we have, is without any checks and balances, that protect the public, where does the public go to be protected?


The tragedy is that, No one knows the answer! Ask a lawyer this question.  I, Robert Skertich spent thousands of hours asking, literally asked a few dozen well connected lawyers, and not one Lawyer could or would give me any other advice other then, you have no options now.


Q:      “Where does a client go for protection, if, - his lawyer is conspiring against him?


I, Robert Skertich could not get a single lawyer in 10-years to answer that simple / or maybe complex question that maybe, there is no answer to. My hope, at the very least, is that, The Supreme Court of the State of Illinois will make this very dark area in the court system, clear to the public, for the future protection of the public.


This story before the court is a story of tragedy, not just wielded on Robert Skertich. This tragedy destroys the lived of many people.


These events continue today and, have no end.


These criminal actions are continuing in a direct attempt to stop Robert Skertich from ever being on level ground,   into          perpetuity.


Wan Pen Thipkoi, now Mariya Skertich meets Robert during the 2004 Tsunami in Asia. A little over a year later, imagine, Wan Pen, with little English and a 7th grade education, leaves her

3-children, uneducated and poor, and travels 12,000 miles and comes to America.


Wan Pen witnesses, the man she loves, and is to marry, being victimized by his government, to a point that, Wan Pen fears, for her own life.


Mariya ( Wan Pen ) and Robert are, shortly after her arrival into the United States, blessed with a new child. But their real fear of the government, and what is happening to Robert Skertich, put Robert Skertich and Mariya Wan Pen Thipkoi Skertich in a mindset where, they are in fear for their very lives, and with this real fear, they decide to abort their new child in week-8 of Mariya’s pregnancy,  A B O R T E D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mariya Thipkoi has 3-children in Thailand that were 8 and 10-years old when she came here. It is now 11-years later, and they do not have their children with them, and are forcible being held, financially and emotionally destitute, and have their lives set in daily peril trying to escape this life ending set of events wielded on them.



  1. Illinois is a No-Fault State.
  • That at the very least, this case represents a second bite at the preverbal apple.


  1. This Battery case logically, should have been settled during the divorce, if, at all.
  • outside the fact that the case should have never gone to trial.


  1. Enrico Mirabelli, my Divorce Lawyer and battery lawyer files the Appeal of this case.
  • Which makes no sense.
  • No lawyer files an Appeal on a case he tried and lost.
  • It’s not logical that Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson are going to admit, nor introduce in Appeal, a single mistake they made.
  • This would put them in jeopardy of being sued for malpractice.


  1.  Then, Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson lie to the Appellate Court in writing in the appeal.


  1. Attachment:
  2. Then I, Robert Skertich, file a complaint with the ARDC, notifying the ARDC that officers of the court and the head of a law firm has intentionally deceived the court.


  1. Then I file a complaint with the Judiciary Board.


  1. Then the Appellate Court actually tells me to let Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson refile their appeal.
  •  The Appellate Courts reasoning is that:
    • The Appellate Court has not ruled on the case yet, and so, no harm is done.
    • I’m mortified and afraid!  I just informed the Appellate Court that my lawyers both lied to me.
    • and the court, in writing. My Appeal filed by Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson has intentional lies contained in the Appeal they wrote, with the specific purpose of withholding evidence
      • Enrico Mirabelli is intentionally deceiving the Appellate courts.
      • Enrico Mirabelli is intentionally deceiving Robert Skertich, his client.
    • The Appellate Courts do nothing to protect Robert Skertich.
    • Enrico Mirabelli’s partner in the law firm, Mr. Pritiken is on the e board of the ARDC.
    • The ARDC does nothing to investigate this matter.
    • The Judiciary Board does no investigation.
    • The FBI does nothing to investigate this matter.


  1. That, at the very least, this Battery case should have been decided during the divorce and not after the divorce.


10.That Robert Skertich was refused funds from his own Marital Estate to seek proper council to defend himself.


11.Defendant was not allowed to use evidence that would have proven that this case was falsely filed and tried.

  • The Judge denied Robert Skertich access to the adoption records.
  • Robert Skertich and Anne E. Borkowski were in the very final stages of adopting 3-children from outside the United States.
  • The adoption records, were filed out in entirety by his then wife, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski.

*   Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300              is one of Dr. Anne E. Borkowski’s biggest clients.

*   Every one of Dr. Anne E. Borkowski’s clients and North Shore Fertility Clients that does not get pregnant is referred to this Adoption Agency as a last result.


  • That Robert Skertich was denied the enforcement of a court ordered subpoena to allow a forensic accounting firm access to all financial records.
  • That this court granted subpoena was to grant a forensic accounting firm access to all financial records from all business and personal records covering the years of the marriage between Robert Skertich and Dr. Anne E. Borkowski.
  • That this action by the court is not only inexcusable, but moreover,

 unexplainable and reckless, at every level.

  • That the fact that Robert Skertich 2 lawyers, Enrico Mirabelli & Shaun Bersson did nothing to overturn this decision is reckless and unexplainable from any legal standpoint.


12.Enrico Mirabelli told the jury his client Robert Skertich was a Martial Arts Expert. *        Robert Skertich has no Martial Arts training.


13.After trial concluded my lawyers interviewed the Jury. When asked, “what were the deciding factors?”

  • The Jurors stated. “Robert is a Martial Arts Expert. We thought he could pull a punch.”


Judgement:  $ 900,598.00 plus interest.    As of 04-01-2018 $ 2,145,461.00


14.This ruling is the highest dollar amount granted in Illinois History.


15.That the ruling, so financially outrageous in every aspect, makes Robert Skertich

 an Indentured Servant, to his ex-wife, Dr. Anne E Borkowski,    into   perpetuity.


16.That the ruling cannot be removed through bankruptcy, therefore, going forward in time, collecting interest.


17.Unjustly, forcing Robert Skertich to leave court broke, no insurance, no credit

and an indentured servant.


18.Professionally diagnosed mental condition that prevents Robert from working in his profession.


19.Robert Skertich is labeled forever, a man in the public eye, a social deviant by the very person who is coercing him into adopting 3-children the day he leaves her.


20.That this crime purported in a collective conspiracy makes Robert Skertich broke and unable to seek employment and therefore unable to support himself and his 4-children.


21.That the court should take into consideration the grave consequences the internet has imposed on Robert Skertich, Mariya Skertich and Nickole Skertich collectively due to these officers of the court criminal actions.


22.After both parties rested in the battery case, the prosecution asked the Judge for a change in the original proceedings.           


  • Plaintiff’s Lawyer, Kevin O’Reilly asked that the Judge to grant punitive damages.


  • Defendant Lawyer, Enrico Mirabelli argued that the prosecution had 2-years to ask for punitive damages.


  • The Defense did not prepare for punitive damages.


  • The Judge granted the jury the right to limitless punitive damages.


  • The Punitive Damages were the highest award in Illinois History.


23.Robert Skertich repeatedly demanded that his legal team subpoena witnesses in his behalf. Credible witnesses from past long-term relationships.


  • These witnesses would testify that Robert has not had a single event of violence toward any woman in his entire life.


** Enrico Mirabelli told Robert Skertich. Robert, “No one cares what you past relationships were like. They only care what Anne has to say.


24.Robert Skertich lawyers refused to interview the only 2 other -men Dr. Anne E. Borkowski, ever dated.


  1. Lawyer Mark, whom she propertied also brutalized her.


  1. I second man Dr. Anne E. Borkowski admitted dated for some time,

who is in prison to this day, for murder.


  • She did not mention these abuses to her personal psychologist.
  • She never mentioned these alleged abuses while attending joint council with Robert


25.There was not a mark on Anne E. Borkowski’s face         arms,           neck or        body.


Picture of Dr. Anne E. Borkowski 1-hour after this purported Violent Attack


Occam’s razor.


  • Plaintiff, Anne E. Borkowski was coercing her husband, the Defendant, Robert Skertich over this entire period 12-2001-05-2004 of time to adopt 3-children from a foreign country.
  • The Plaintiff, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski filled out all of the Adoption Records entirely.
  • We can assume that these adoption records would obviously contain legal documents stating a solid, safe, loving family environment for 3-children coming from a foreign country and needing a stable, loving, family environment.
  • The Judge stated in open court that if Dr. Anne E Borkowski does not want her husband Robert Skertich to have these Adoption records, Robert Skertich cannot have access to these Adoption Records to use in his own defense.
  • That this ruling by the Judge proceeding over this trial is not just negligent,
    • but criminal
    • The unexplainable position taken by the Judge is un-defendable.
    • That Robert Skertich lawyers are not stupid.
  1. Enrico Mirabelli is the founding partner of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli and as tried thousands of cases, boasting clients Juanita Jordan, the former wife of Legendary basketball player Michael Jordan and Duane Wade during both of their divorces.


  • That Enrico Mirabelli, Shaun Bersson, and the staff at Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli lied repeatedly to:
    • The Appellate Court in writing.
    • To their client Robert Skertich.
    • To the Court Reporter, Barbara Small


**      in a direct attempt to destroy their own client.


  • That Robert Skertich reported these violations to             The Illinois Bar Association.
  • That Robert Skertich reported these violations to             The Illinois Judiciary Board.
  • That Robert Skertich reported these violations to             The Illinois Judiciary Board.
  • That Robert Skertich reported these violations to             The FBI.
  • That Robert Skertich reported these violations to             The Attorney General.


That, Not one of these agencies did as much as call Robert Skertich, not one time to interview Robert Skertich, or to ask Robert Skertich, a single question.


Not one agency reprimanded the Lawyers and Judges Involved in any way.



  • That Mrs. Borkowski was, at this very period in her life, coercing,


Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300


to find her and her husband, Robert Skertich


  • fit to be the loving parents,
  • to 3-FOREIGN


  • That Dr. and Wife, Anne E. Borkowski’s Fertility practice, North Shore Fertility,
  • refers all patients, who do not get pregnant, to this Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300 on a daily basis.


  • That North Shore Fertility and Dr. Anne. E. Borkowski represent the largest single revenue stream, to this specific Adoption Agency, Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300


  • That this attempt to mislead the Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300 into giving Dr. Anne E. Borkowski and her husband Robert Skertich sole legal control, over 3-unsuspecting, foreign, children, should be grounds, in itself for disbarment by all lawyers involved, and disbarment by Dr. Anne E. Borkowski, of her Medical license to practice in the State of Illinois., or any other state, for the public safety.


  • That Dr. Anne E. Borkowski, is purporting, to Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300 that their marriage, household, relationship, finances and spiritual culture in their home will provide a special, safe, loving, stable environment, for Three, foreign, non-English-speaking, children.


  • That it is illogical and illegal, morally and legally to then deny Robert Skertich, the use of the adoption records in his own Legal defense in both cases.


That the verdict left Robert Skertich:


  1. Morally Bankrupt.
  2. Financially Bankrupt, without any future recourse of any kind.
  3. Ostracized in society.
  4. Federal & State Taxes for both Robert Skertich and Robert Skertich Business, not filed and unpaid from 2001-2008
  5. Not one single bill paid that was in Robert Skertich name.


Evidence never submitted in any form to the court both cases:


  1. Robert Skertich has medically diagnosed ADD, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Tretts Syndrome.


2a. That noting in Robert Skertich medical history was entered into the court record at any time during the Divorce Trial or Battery trial.


2b. That noting in Robert’s medical history was entered into the court record at any time during the Battery Trial.


  1. That Dr. Anne E. Borkowski as Dr. & Wife purported to Robert Skertich, that she dated a lawyer in Chicago named Mark who owned a strip club and beat her and terrorized her.


  • It is illogical and indefensible that Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson, collectively made no attempt to contact this lawyer to get his side of who Dr. Anne E. Borkowski is.


  1. Ms. Borkowski is purporting the same story from the past.


  1. Dr. Anne E. Borkowski stated she dated a man in prison for murder but this man in prison for murder that she admits she dated is never interviewed.


  1. Dr. Anne E. Borkowski is prescribing medication for here unsuspecting husband Robert Skertich and the dosage described:


  • The #1 side effect of the highest allowed dosage of this prescription drug is
  • “Heart Attack”. Is Dr. Anne E. Borkowski trying to kill her husband Robert Skertich?  This is never entered into the court record.


  • Robert Skertich went to the ARDC and filed a formal complaint.  No reply and no action taken.


  • Robert Skertich went to the Judiciary Board and filed a formal complaint. No reply and then Robert Skertich was told he had had no right to a copy of the record.


  • Robert Skertich went to the FBI office on Roosevelt in Chicago. They have no record of Robert Skertich ever being there.


  1. If this Battery case is not overturned Robert J. Skertich cannot go forward in life and the lives of my 4-children and wife Mariya are forever marred.


  • The court must take into consideration that the internet and its evolution today destroy Robert Skertich ability to find employment to support his family.


  • A battery case that should have never gone to court. Illinois is a No Fault State.


  • ROBERT SKERTICH was not represented with adequate council. My Lawyers acted against my safety.


  • Robert Skertich had no means by which to hire anyone to properly Appeal when both cases ended.


  • That Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson actually deceived their client and told Robert that they could not find the Court Reporter for the 1st 2 days of the battery trial, Barbara Small.


  • That Enrico Mirabelli, Shaun Bersson and Enrico Mirabelli secretary, Martha Steele all told Barbara Small the court reporter that they were sending funds for the transcripts of the court case to be made and lied to the court reported until she stopped calling their law office.


  • That these lawyers lied to the Appellate Court in Robert Skertich appeal stating on the record. “We cannot find Barbara Small. We hired a private investigator and the Private Investigator cannot find her and, so we do not have a full and complete set of the court records.”


  • That these lawyers lied to the Appellate Court and no punishment was brought against them by the ARDC or the Judiciary Board.


  • That they then lied to their client Robert Skertich and then admitted to the lie once Robert Skertich found Barbara Small. That Robert Skertich found Barbara Small the court reported in California in 5-minutes and that Barbara Small stated that Shaun Bersson and Martha Steele, Enrico’s Secretary both independently lied to Barbara Small and their client Robert Skertich and told Barbara Small that were trying to get money from Robert Skertich $ 2,000.00 to pay her.


  • That they told the appellate court in the appeal that they could not find Barbara Small.



That this entire case and all of the proceedings constitutes Perjury and a Class 1 Felony Conspiracy and collusion and all aspects that constitute a conspiracy.


Robert Skertich is unwillingly Labeled and is forced to carry the label of a Woman Beater, Lowlife, Wife Beater, Abusive a*****e no one in society will work with or hire or interact with socially.


That this socially deviant label also destroys Robert Skertich family.


Robert Skertich has diagnosed mental issues.


Not one single Doctor, Psychiatrist, Psychologist testified in Robert Skertich 2-trials. Neither the divorce proceedings or the Battery proceedings about his medically diagnosed needs.


Robert Skertich requested that the court allow him funds to see a private Psychiatrist while he lived in California during these 2- separate court cases and over 5-year S. Judge Winkler refused Robert Skertich the meager funds to do so. How is this legal or logical with over $ 7,000,000.00 in the marital estate and an annual income of over $ 1,500,000.00?


How does this happen and why would Enrico Mirabelli, in every instance, do nothing?




The Plaintiff, Dr. Anne E Borkowski is actively petitioning an Adoption Agency and purporting that the household is so stable that 3-little innocent children would be safe and well taken care of by both Robert Skertich and Dr. Anne E. Borkowski


That the Adoption Center of Illinois 5828 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL. 60660 773-334-2300 has gotten hundreds of referrals from Dr. Anne E. Borkowski and her Fertility Practice. Dr. Anne E. Borkowski is a Reproductive Endocrinologist.


  1. Illinois is a No – Fault - State.

How is it that Robert is allowed to be sued in a separate court by his rich wife and the judge will not even allow Robert Skertich legal counsel that specializes in this Battery defense?


The Marital Estate is worth $ 3,758,460.00 by Dr. Borkowski’s own account on the day she files for the divorce.


How is it allowed by his own lawyer to accept the evaluation of the Marital Estate some 5-years later for a very suspicious $ 2,800,000.00?


What right does the Judge have to bar Robert Skertich from hiring a Forensic Accounting firm access to the Marital financial records in his right to evaluate his own assets during the divorce.


Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson both individually and collectively watch and allow every above action until Robert Skertich is finally left financially ruined.



Taxes for some 10-years not formulated, nor filed nor paid.

No Bills Paid.

Not one single asset turned over to Robert during the divorce.


Robert Skertich is directly in the path of the 12-26-2004 Tsunami at 10.35am in Phuket Thailand.


Robert is continually trying to adopt Mariya Thipkoi’s children from Thailand.

3 Children he saved and enrolled in Saint Joseph’s Catholic School on the Island of Koh Samui Thailand at 6 and 9 years old.


3 children that are now adults some 12-plus years later.


3 adults that Mariya Thipkoi Skertich is the biological mother to and cannot see but when they have funds to travel some 11,000 miles to the other side of the earth to see.


Robert Skertich was deceived by his lawyers, Enrico Mirabelli and his associate, Shaun Bersson both formerly of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli the law firm that was founded by Enrico Mirabelli.


The conspiracy and diabolical crime these lawyers participated in was so completely orchestrated, that the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois can only draw one conclusion.


All lawyers on both sides of these 2 cases where involved in the conspiracy along with all Judges presiding over both court cases outrageously and unexplainably managed.


Each and every decision was so outrageous that the decision created an uneven playing field and, in every instance, the decision, was always one sided and in the favor of

Dr. Anne. E. Borkowski.


As time passes everyone’s advice is “Get on with your life! It’s over!

In this scenario, after years of struggle I have a much clearer understanding of what really happened.


My divorce concluded and left me with the following unexplainable and unresolved, life changing issues.


  1. I was not allowed access to marital funds to prepare tax returns for my business or personally during the entire divorce. 8-years of unpaid taxes.


How can my lawyer, Enrico Mirabelli, the Founding Partner of Nadler Pritiken and Mirabelli allow this without not even an appeal? This is unexplainable that the Judge and both my lawyers would independently and collectively come up with a decision and then not even one person sees it as wrong. 


Who defends Robert Skertich when his own lawyer is deceiving him and working against him?


We are going to list decisions that were made in both cases and then ask this very same scenario of questions.


The goal is to develop a very clear pattern, that all lawyers and Judges followed in every instance. Then this is not a coincidence but the very definition of “A Conspiracy to intentionally defraud your own client. Intentional. Only when every decision you make is outrageous and everyone is in unison.


  1. Judge Winkler refused to allow Robert Skertich to even use marital funds to seek professional counseling out of Network.


  1. Robert Skertich had a court order to have a forensic accounting firm review our marital estate and my wife’s Business Interests.


Judge Winkler refuses to allow a forensic accounting firm access to inspect any marital assets, businesses, the home and all financial stocks and assets. Judge Winkler, out of nowhere states, The Forensic Accounting Firm is banned from access to all financial records.


This is my wife with an income maybe near $ 2,000,00.00 per year and assets that only a forensic accounting firm has the best chance to clarify.


This is a fundamental procedure in all divorce cases, especially when we have 2 adults, with no children and all of the assets were acquired during the marriage.

This is illegal.  No Judge has the right to deny Robert Skertich access to financial evaluation from an expert, which is a forensic accountant.  The right of each individual to have a clear picture of the Marital Assets is a fundamental party of divorce proceedings. The most important.


*                All of which were started during out marriage.

North Shore fertility.

North Shore Day Spa.


  1. Dr. Anne E Borkowski was in the final stages of Coercing Adoption Center of Illinois 773-334-2300 5828 N. Clark to sponsor us in the adoption of 3-children from the Ukraine. 


*   I would think it is logical that the adoption records would contain detailed account of our family makeup at home, financially and from a stability and safety platform.


  •  These adoption records were filled out 100% by Dr. Anne E. Borkowski and therefore these records would be fundamental and paramount to Robert Skertich defense.


With an estate at $ 3,758,541.00 on the day the divorce is filed and my wife, Dr. Anne. E. Borkowski running a business that paid her $ 981,000.00 in 2001 and 1,340,000.00 in 2002 I would think it is logical that the marital estate 5-years later would be around $ 9,000,000.00 The judge bars me from access to all financial records and then values the estate at some 2,340,000.00 and gives me $ 750,000.00


The court highly suspect decision ends my marriage.


Within 2-months I am in court being accused of Battery, which should be illegal and unenforceable in Illinois.


I trusted my lawyers. I have ADD ADHD Bipolar Disorder, but my Psychiatrists and doctors were never brought to o court to testify as to my mental state.


How is this possible?


I am forced to use Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson and am not allowed to hire a lawyer specializing in this type of defense.


No witnesses are called in my defense.


Anne E. Borkowski shared stories of dating 2 unique men. One Mark a Lawyer in Chicago


Man, in prison.


Neither was ever questioned.


So, there are no checks and balances in place to protect the public and Robert Skertich as a client.


The actions are outrageous. The ability to deceive a client and orchestrate these events in open public is a crime of the highest magnitude.


To think, Robert Skertich lawyer, Enrico Mirabelli, was so tight with the all of the Judges in both cases, that Enrico Mirabelli knew, no one would question him.

Enrico Mirabelli had an understanding, as to what they were doing to his own client, Robert Skertich. Shaun Bersson, is not stupid and never made a single attempt to ever steer Robert away from a single bad decision.


During the entire, intentional, felonious management of these 2 inter-twined and unexplainable cases, Robert Skertich life, and safety were put in imminent peril.


Robert Skertich wife at the time, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski,

  • was being picked up in a Blue & White Chicago Police Dept. by the same on duty Chicago Police officer, Laura Stranski, for the entire duration of both cases, covering over 4-years of court appearances.
  • Every court appearance, Dr. Anne E. Borkowski was escorted from her home, by Police Officer Laura Stranski. Uniformed, driving a marked, blue and white Chicago Police Car. Picked up and driven to court. Escorted into court and escorted out of court and home. This went on for 5-years and during the entire history of both cases.


  • Chicago Police Officer, Laura Stranski, is now the Office Manager of North Shore Fertility, owned solely, by Dr. Anne E. Borkowski.


Robert Skertich, moved to San Francisco, Ca. in 11-2003 in fear of his very life.


In late 2004, Robert Skertich travels to Thailand to go scuba diving. Robert Skertich immediately booked a live-a-board dive-trip upon arriving at the airport in Asia, off the island of Phuket.


Robert Skertich is caught directly in the path of the 12-26-2004 Tsunami at 10.30 am on the Island of Phuket. The taxi Robert Skertich is riding to the beach is washed away. My life is spared as I escape to the 5th floor of a hotel.


I stay for 6-months in Thailand, assisting in the rescue and restoration.


I fly 3-children off of the Island of Phuket and take them to the Island of Koh Samui and enroll Pen’s 3-children in St. Josephs grammar school and pay for tuition for the semester along with renting a home for 6-months for $ 3,000.00


A year later I bring their mother, Wan Pen, to the US. This is where the tragedy continues.


With an estate in the millions and 2 people getting divorced on the cusp of adopting 3-children, I find myself with true love in the most extreme circumstances.

I now have twin 6-year old boys and a daughter 8-years old and their mother coming to America.  My lawyers do nothing to help me and I am financially destitute. 


Mariya “Wan Pen Thipkoi and I are destitute, in Burlingame California with no means to make a living and Mariya gets pregnant.


We make the life changing decision to abort the pregnancy. Sitting outside the Abortion Clinic, on the curb, in fear, we go through with aborting our daughter. This is a life experience that will crush us to this day.


Mariya, after being in the US for over 2-years, is forced into Voluntary Departure and kept out of the US for another 3-years.


2 lawyers do the unexplainable and intentionally screw up her paperwork and give her the wrong advice and she ends up being forced to leave the US.


We save some $ 80,000 and invest in a first home. Our home burns down. We have to sue our insurance. We go to court and after the defense rests. My lawyer, Charles Shepherd rests. He does not introduce a single receipt, photo or any of the hundreds of pieces of evidence but rests before our case is even presented.


The Cook County Court system is a criminal enterprise.


Today 01-14-2018


It is clear to me now, that my life and freedom are in danger. My wife Mariya and I moved out of Chicago and to Crown Point, IN. What I did, was file complaints against very powerful Judges and Lawyers, and so it is logical that they have also taken action to protect themselves. We are dealing with men who have also demonstrated highly unethical, criminal lifestyles, in both the Public and Legal professions.


This battery case should be dismissed with prejudice. How can my wife be allowed to sue me for battery in a second court during our divorce? They actually divorced us and gave her 90% of the estate.


I have a Judgement for battery 900,458.00 That is collecting interest,

that cannot be removed through bankruptcy.


I am an indentured servant to Dr. Anne E. Borkowski and have to raise my children and be a member of my community, the rest of my life, as a man who was convicted of battery, and awarded the highest-monetary-award, in Illinois History.


My wife Mariya, and all of our children, some entering the working world today, has to also carry the label of being married to such a man.


I have an 18-month old daughter Nickole, who will be forever marred throughout her life, for an event that never took place.


I met my wife Mariya “Wan Pen Thipkoi” in Phuket Thailand. We were both on the Island of Phuket Thailand at 10.30am on 12-26-2004 and in the direct path of the Tsunami that killed over 240,000 people


I flew there on an impulse and landed the night before the Tsunami 12-26-2004


I saved Wan Pen’s life and flew her 3-children to another Island and enrolled them in St. Joseph Catholic School.


Twin boys 6-years old and her daughter Noon then 8. Here we are 13-years later, and I still cannot afford to bring our 3-children to America.

During this Conspiracy, Mariya, poor and looking to come to America, this country everyone dreams of coming to, Mariya comes here and I am broke. So, broke, in desperation and feeling so helpless and afraid, we decide we cannot take care of this new baby that is coming and decide to have an abortion. Abort our own child. Can you please take a moment and think of your own children, if you have any and put yourself in that mind-set?


Mariya is her for 3-months and is so afraid that we both make this devastating decision. One that will carry an enormous burden 11-years later, today! For the rest of our lives.


Here we are just forced to accept that we cannot even have our 3-children with us financially and or due to their very safety.


We have no medical insurance.


I have mental issues that were present during my divorce but none of these issues were ever evaluated or discussed in court.


I was banned from working in the construction industry during my marriage.


In court the Judge and my lawyers just assumed I would go right back into the construction business.


My lawyers refused to and brought no witnesses in my behalf in either case.


Enrico Mirabelli and Shaun Bersson both lied to me throughout my case. When I brought these lies to the ARDC and the Judiciary board. They all got buried. No investigation. No copy of any investigation.


Judge Winkler denies our court approved Forensic Accounting Firm access to our marital records.


We are adopting THREE Children from the Ukraine


My wife is a Fertility Dr. making 1,500,000.00 per year working 4-days a week.


My wife owns a Beauty salon.


My wife after 2-years in Business has amassed a net Worth of $ 3,687,560.00


Dr. Borkowski has hired a Divorce Attorney, Sheldon Minkow and Sheldon Minkow has completed divorce papers ready to be filed before this alleged Battery. This is a premeditated plan to destroy her unsuspecting husband, should I ever decide to leave her.


Dr. Anne Comes home with premeditated plans to stage a fight and have her husband arrested.


She goes to the police and files a complaint stating that her husband Robert, hit her with a closed fist, in a fit of rage, upon the face and chest.


This report she files is a lie. Look at the photo of her taken right after this alleged event. Not a mark on her anywhere.


She drops these charges.


She talks her husband into adopting 3-children and when he backs out she has him arrested again for abuse over 1 ½ years later and the court not only allows it but will not allow Robert Skertich to have his own adoption records in his defense.


I tell my lawyer Enrico Mirabelli she purported this same event on her last boyfriend to me. Mark a lawyer in Chicago she stated she lived with.


Enrico Mirabelli never spoke with Mark to get his story.


Enrico Mirabelli is caught lying to the appellate court in writing. I file a complaint with the Illinois Appellate Court.


I file a complaint with the ARDC.


I never get a reply from the ARDC and when I repeatedly call them and or write them to get a copy of the investigation they tell me I have no legal right to this investigation.


I called and met with the FBI.  They also stated that I have no right to any report and or investigation.


have my wife talking me into adopting 3-children from the Ukraine


Let’s talk about intentional deception with a client where the head of a Law Firm specializing in Marital representation, a Lawyer and the founder of the firm, a lawyer who represented Duane Wade and Juanita Jordan as clients.


Judge Winkler out of know where rules that. The Forensic Accounting Firm that was hired by Robert Skertich Lawyers and the Law Firm of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli will be denied access to investigating these marital records.


The Court should logically reason that this forensic investigation is exactly what is the most important financial numbers in an estate of over $ 6,000,000.00 and an annual income of over $ 1,200,000.00


Enrico Mirabelli did not make mistakes.

Enrico Mirabelli was not sloppy or stupid.

Enrico Mirabelli must have had premeditated knowledge.


Enrico Mirabelli maneuvered the case (docket sheet) to a Judge he has a long relationship with.

Enrico Mirabelli donated to both Judge Cunningham and Judge Winkler’s fundraising campaigns.


Judges Cunningham and Winkler’s Work Product that was developed and wrote down explaining calculation of the way the marital estate got divided.


I’m in Thailand landing on the island of Phuket on 12-25-2004. I get up the next morning, decide to buy this Wan Pen, who is going to the bus for a 10-hour trip to Bangkok. I buy Pen a ticket to see her father who is in Bangkok in a life-threatening condition the hospital. The Tsunami came ashore just a few hours later. There were dead people everywhere. No food or water and I see these 3 little kids. Twin six-year old boys and their sister Noon who is 8. I’m thinking: They should be in school? I ask someone on the street, where is there’s a Catholic school? Someone said Koh Samui an interior Island, not hit by the Tsunami, so we all go to the airport and fly there.


I’m married and my wife, beautiful, successful, shy or conniving and in reality, a sociopath. Strong words but let’s look at this outrageous story and the reality is it’s hard to conceive that such treachery can OPEN EXIST IN OUR LEGAL SYSTEM.


Imagine. Here I am and thinking. I am rich and therefore money is no object in my ability to financially protect myself with complete and sound legal protection at any cost. That’s a luxury.



What happened to me cannot be explained. No checks and balances. No accountability.


Shaun Bersson, a young, fairly new lawyer is Enrico Mirabelli’s assistant.

Enrico Mirabelli is not just any average lawyer. He’s a founder of the law firm. He represented Dwayne Wade – NBA and Juanita Jordan, Michael Jordan’s wife.


Not only were each and every of his decisions not in my favor but Shaun Bersson also went along with Enrico Mirabelli in every instance.


They would not spend a dime on a private investigator. They brought no witnesses in my defense

I repeatedly had Enrico request our Abortion record showing Anne was trying to adopt 3-children from the Ukraine 3 Children and she is allowed to walk into court and tell a jury I hit her.


The police report is therefore a bad fabrication


Her photo shows not a mark on her 1-hour after this alleged incident.


How is this even legal. Its planned to be 2 bites at the Apple.  Moreover, it’s too convenient that I get divorced.

Not one decision was made and all at once the judge awards me $ 750,000.00

I have a learning disorder and the judge is ending a marriage where I’m being found guilty of hitting my wife where there is no evidence. Now I’m an indentured servant. My ex-wife has a judgement that is almost $ 2,000,000 and cannot be removed by bankruptcy.


Bankruptcy!! Imagine. Anne walks away with everything and Bob with all these problems walks away and his taxes have not even been filed in some 7-years, in debt and bad credit


All the while;

I am trying to keep Mariya in the United States, but 3 lawyers have all intentionally mismanaged her paperwork and now she has to leave the US for 2 plus years.


I have 3 children in Thailand I just thought would naturally be with. The Judge never considered this. I realize now what happened to me happened to Mariya, our 2 boys and our daughter.


These monsters did this out of evil and also financial gain.


I had a court order ordering access to all financial documents and tax returns from 1997-2003. Then, for no logical reason after our forensic Accounting firm calling to schedule access the judge said’ Order stricken. Your forensic accounting firm has taken too long. I’m like. They have been calling her office repeatedly. This is absolutely outrageous. My lawyer, who is no idiot should at the very least go to the Appellate court


No forensic accountant.

No private, out of network Psychiatrist funds.

Basically, every time I want to do anything I have to go ask the judge, while Anne has open spending spree of some $ 39,0000 per month, buys a $ 1650,000 home in Glenwood


The tragedy is that, I have missed 10-years of life with my children. Every moment. Why. I sit here worrying for Mariya and my daughter Nickole.

I’m broke. In and out of Insurance.

Haven’t paid taxes for over 15-years.

Bad Credit.


Realizing that I should be proud of who I am, but the court system can be so evil that its leaders can openly ruin a citizen’s life for financial gain.


I look at the people who really made a positive impact on my life. They were men who believe that their foundation is in God. I’m an athlete and a good friend. I’m heartbroken in knowing I might miss the rest of their lives, which would be a tragedy


When the system is broken the first action must be to fix the issue so that no one ever has this happening to them ever, under any circumstances.


I’m a good man. I told Enrico Mirabelli and & Shaun Bersson on a plethora of separate occasions.


“I have never been unfaithful in Love or Friendship, ever.”


Witnesses I offered to my Lawyers.


  1. I dated Marietta LeSage. I told Enrico; subpoena the women I dated over the last 30-years. They are all classy successful woman in general. They’ll all tell you stories that are funny about Bob, but no one will have a story of Bob ever intimidating, let alone ever touching them in any threatening manner, ever.


Enrico’s reply. No one cares what you didn’t to another woman, just what you purportedly did


Charles Shepherd. He rests, before presenting a single word or document or any of the 100 photos of our investment in my defense.


This legal Misrepresentation by the law firm of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli, perpetrated by the founding partner, Enrico Mirabelli, a lawyer who has boasted representing Michael Jordan’s former wife Juanita Jordan along with countless high-profile clients.

Enrico Mirabelli is a deviant, sociopath who should be immediately disbarred from the legal practice in every state in the United States.


Shaun Bersson, here we have a lawyer who has been out of law school for maybe 2-years. Shaun Bersson goes along with every step in this deception to the point he actually deceives his client and lies repeatedly to Barbara Small, the very court reported who is dictating the first 2-days of this trial.


The court can only draw the simple conclusion that Shaun Bersson knew he was going to get away with this deception and was thoroughly coached by Enrico Mirabelli top do so.


Especially art such a neophyte stage in his legal career.


To be so utterly devoid of any semblance of character, dignity, loyalty to his client, loyalty to his very oath of office.


is the truest and most complete depiction of conspiracy, treachery, theft by deception.


All defendants came together and agreed to, for a price, whatever that price was and sell out your own client. Everyone was involved in this conspiracy. That is the only way this conspiracy could have taken place.  No one was protecting Robert J. Skertich



Mariya (Wan Pen Thipkoi )

This poor, uneducated, good woman, with 3-children leaves her country and her 3 children to come to America. Wan Pen, with very little English, not a citizen yet She arrives and within a few months is pregnant with their daughter.


Robert and Mariya abort their child. How utterly f**ked up is that!!!


These rich, powerful, evil lawyers and Judges, in all and collectively wielded the most outlandish moral less, conspiracy against their very client.


No one ever came forward to protect Robert Skertich. In the end Mariya Thipkoi Skertich is forever and permanently victimized along with her husband Robert J. Skertich


Their unborn child is a murder victim.


3 children, back in Thailand, grow up without their parents from 2005 -2017 Some 12-years with no remedy outside the action of the Supreme Court.


And the sad part is that, to this day, no one is the slightest bit remorseful.


The Supreme Court of The State of Illinois must act swiftly and investigate these facts and then right this wrong.




Robert and Mariya Skertich lives will never be back on track again.

Robert Skertich & Mariya Wan Pen Thipkoi Skertich, must be reunited with our               3 -children in Thailand.


No Taxes paid since 2000

No Insurance.

No credit.

Bad Credit.

No Education.

Robert Skertich has Mentally diagnosed psychological problems that were never brought up in court and never taken into consideration by either court.


We have the Cook County Court System, previously, and throughout history,

described as a Criminal Enterprise.


The Cook County court system that is aware, lying in wait to disrupt and maybe end Robert Skertich & Mariya Skertich Lives.


Restitution:           We are asking that:



  1.  Order and Initiate a thorough investigation into both cases before the courts.


  1. Dismiss the battery case with prejudice.


  1. Grant Robert Skertich the ability to file suite for restitution against all parties mentioned as defendants.
    1. Battery Case     #
    2. Divorce Case    #


  1. Immediately order the Judgement amount of $ 750,000 in the divorce to be paid,

          with interest, from the day of the court ruling.


  1. Grant Subpoenas:
    1. Adoption Center of Illinois

5828 N. Clark

Chicago, IL. 60660



All adoption records under the names of:

Robert J. Skertich and or Anne E. Borkowski, collectively and or individually.


  1. IRS - Tax returns for:

    *   Anne E. Borkowski   -  2000-2008

*   North Shore Fertility. -  2000-2008

*   North Shore Day Spa. - 2000-2008

*  Anne E. Borkowski.     – 2000-2008 Personally.


  1. Dr. Anne E. Borkowski’s Accountant 2003-2008 during the divorce.
  • Any and all financial and tax records, financial records, notes, texts, emails, letters of transmission of any kind pertaining to Anne E. Borkowski and or any business interests Anne E. Borkowski and or any other business holdings she may have had any interest in during this time,  he may be in possession of pertaining to the above 6 a-b.


  1. Man, in prison.                                                                        Deposition.


  1. Mark, the lawyer who owned a Strip Club, Adult Night Club.       Deposition.


  1. Robert Skertich filed extensive, detailed claims with the following agencies. Robert Skertich was denied a copy of any files these agencies might have in reference to  Robert Skertich numerous complaints.


Subpoena all records of any and all complaints, files, transcripts, investigations by the following entities.

  1. The Illinois Bar Association.       
  2. The Illinois Judiciary Board.
  3. The Attorney Registry & Disciplinary Commission  ( ARDC ).
  4. The FBI.
  5. The Attorney General.
  6. All Partners of Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli
  7. The Illinois States Attorney’s Office



g1.     All emails between Robert Skertich to any and all persons at Nadler Pritiken & Mirabelli personally , through their business and at any other law firm


g2.     Robert Skertich to Shaun Bersson and his new law firm


g3.     Robert Skertich to Enrico and his new firm


g4.     Enrico Mirabelli to anyone in reference to me, my case ort any subject pertaining to my Robert Skertich



  1. All Robert Skertich Business & Personal, Federal & State Taxes are filed, negotiated and paid from 2000-2018


  1. All Robert Skertich bills to date are to be negotiated and paid to date.

Robert Skertich be funded to IMMEDIATELY purchase a

Home for his wife and 4-children.                                              $ 600,000.00


  1. Robert J. Skertich and Mariya Wan Pen Thipkoi Skertich have  

     3-children in college in Thailand. That these 3-biological children

 are immediately funded to bring their children from Thailand to

the USA and their college education funded in full.                        $ 600,000.00


  1. 70% of Anne E. Borkowski’s estate to date be

turned over to Robert Skertich


Punitive damages. 

We are asking that the court allow Robert J. Skertich to file suite separately, and under the complaint contained above, for Punitive Damages. That Robert Skertich will petition the court for a full Trial, by Jury, and ask a Jury of Robert J. Skertich Peers decide, what is fair and reasonable compensation, what sanctions and remedies be made, for the compensation of these actions that were wielded upon Robert Skertich, his entire family, extended family and reputation in Society.


Robert Is seeking these Punitive Damages:


  1. 70% of Anne E. Borkowski’s 1-years of wages for a period of 14-years going forward from 2019-2033 paid to Robert Skertich. 


  1. This is the amount of time Robert Skertich was also a victim.
  2. This is the amount of time Robert Skertich is forced and made broke.


  1. All Defendants are to be stripped of their professional licenses.

All Lawyers, judges and office staff.


  1. Financial compensation from all defendants individually, and professionally,

 as the Jury of Robert Skertich’s Peers sees just and reasonable.  (Jury Demand ).


  1. Robert Skertich and Mariya Thipkoi Skertich Credit repaired immediately.


  1. Dr. Anne E. Borkowski’s Medical License to be revoked, Permanently.




That every lawyer involved be permanently barred from ever practicing law in any state, as an agreed order. These Officers of the court have openly and without regard for the public, deceived the public and their clients, for the sole purpose of financial gain and the sociopathic abuse of power.


The Illinois court system is broken. The abuse of power and the right to practice law has been severely and openly abused.


If we do not step forward and address this broken legal system, the public is forever criminalized.






Without the Supreme Court, of The State of Illinois positive action, to nullify this Judgement of battery, Robert Skertich will not be able to properly support and protect Mariya Skertich and their 4-children.


Without the Supreme Courts intervention, these officers of the court are allowed to destroy the lives of countless other unsuspecting clients and citizens, without any consequences.



Final Protection Clearly spelled out to the Public.


We are petitioning the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois to formulate and enact a New Law that will clearly protect the public from these events ever taking place again.


Agency set up to protect the public.

There needs to be a clear path set up and published by the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois.


This must be a clear path law, that the citizens have access to, that will protect every citizen, in the future, and permanently prevent, what happened to Robert Skertich, from ever happening to anyone, ever again.


Medical Court Apartments Drexel Square Mr. Thomas

Unethical Doctor

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, October 30, 2017

Dr. Anne E. Borkowski partner left her due to her unethical practices. Susan Davies is now on her own. Dr. Anne E Borkowski is a sociopath.


Judge Boyd

#5General Comment

Sun, June 29, 2014

Have any of the people writing about Boyd's unfairness actually filed claims through the legal system? He and his accomplices clearly need to be stopped. Please help me do that. We can't allow this man to continue to wrongfully screw people and get away with it. 


United States of America
Judge Boyd Must Go!

#6General Comment

Fri, July 27, 2012

I have a very good friend who went through a 4 year divorce because his ex-wife wouldn't agree to anything and Judge Boyd kept giving her more time to come up with ways to make him finally cave on almost everything. Now they have been back in court for well over a year because she still has wants and needs. Judge Boyd lets everything get dragged out forever, nothing ever gets resolved. 

It is just continuance after continuance.  I have also heard from a friend who had Judge Boyd as a divorce lawyer that he does not like the police and does not and will not side with them.  It seems this Judge likes to side with the women no matter how wrong and crazy they are.  I have never heard anything good about this judge and I have to say I was not shocked to find this website when I Googled his name. 


Judge William Boyd Ss Corrupt And Needs To Be Removed From The Bench

#7UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 27, 2008

I am currently in pre-trial proceedings with Judge Boyd. I have had a great deal of trouble with Judge Boyd, mainly in that he refuses to follow the law. In the nearly two years that I have been in Judge Boyd's court room, I have never had an open hearing despite my legal rights to an open hearing and my loud protests. Judge Boyd ordered my non-marital assets liquidated and turned over for uses that my wife found appropriate. Also, I pay in excess of 50% of my income to my wife for one child. Boyd refuses to explain such an unusual ruling. I have been threatened with jail repeatedly. Judge Boyd once stated that he "would punish children who misbehaved" and that he "would not be constrained by the law." This was right before he allowed an unconscienable ruling. I have spoken to literally dozens of Chicago's top family law attorneys in regards to this matter. All attorneys sing Judge Boyd's praise at first, but when continually pressed on the issue, they almost all admit they are afraid of Boyd and concede that he is an injust man. Yes, I have significant evidence that Boyd threatened my attorney into stopping the discovery process and complying with judicial outcomes that are illegal but are what the judge wants. Ultimately, my attorney acts to protect Boyd, and thus protect his own career, even though such action is greatly illegal and unethical. This type of misconduct is apparently common in Cook County, which doesn't bode well for its undesirable reputation as "Crook" County. It should be noted that my wife is one of the wealthiest socialites in the city of Chicago. We were married for 1.5 years. She hired Donald Schiller to represent her.


Judge Boyd-Enrico Mirabelli

#8Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 15, 2008

This is not a rebuttal Robert I too have suffered at the hands of Judge Boyd. In my case however it was Enrico Mirabelli who was brought in to conceal Judge Boyd's judicial misconduct. I will tell you that Enrico Mirabelli has a relationship with Judge Boyd and that Enrico has a close relationship with Alderman Ed Burke. I can also tell you that Alderman Ed Burke is who puts Judges on the bench. Enrico is very well connected and that you might not have had the represetation from Enrico that you deserved. I too have been working to see that other's do not suffer from this corruption in our courts, and will try to make contact with you.


Judge Boyd inside Kafka.

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, December 06, 2008

NOT REBUTTAL BUT SUPPORTING EVIDENCE AGAINST JUDGE BOYD IN CHICAGO At first this Judge seemed very just and even very intelligent but as time has gone I realize entering his Courtroom is like entering a fiction novel by Kafka. I am now considering filing a complaint against this Judge so that he does not hurt other people as much as he has hurt me and my family. So far, it seems I have sufficient proofs. Robert, I agree with you that Judge Boyd is a danger to everyone who is assigned their divorce and should be disbarred. I have met another person also experiencing injustices, abuses, irregularities from this Judge and I am sure there are a lot more. Let's all come out! California



#10Author of original report

Fri, November 21, 2008

Judge Winkler ordered Anne to allow a Forensic acounting firm to look at the marital records. In the end and after numerous court appearances the judge never inforced this ruling. We never got the accountanting firm access to the records. Why. What did the judge not want us to see. Thius was an infringment on my rights and a court order. i assume that Steve Komie told the Judge that there was something that would be found to my benefit but we will never know. I am filing a freedom of information act form with the courts and requesting the names of every client that was in front of these judges and I will personally contact each side to see if this stort is shared by others. i can only assume it is. If it is it will substantiate my feeling that this case was fixed to my disadvantage.

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