  • Report:  #884150

Complaint Review: jurisdictionary.com - Stuart Florida

Reported By:
Tina - Santa Ana, California, U.S.A.

621 Howard Creek Lane Stuart, 34994 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a course for $256.50 on 11/18/2011 from this Internet business @ www.jurisdictionary.com, owner Frederick D. Graves. He claimed personal to me that the course was going to teach how to file a post-trial motion and a memorandum; however, after going through his course nothing was mentioned about how to do what I needed to do. I then returned the course. The so called shyster lawyer has confirmed that he received my course, but refuses to give me a refund. In fact, he mentions nothing to the BBB about having the returned course in his possession. Instead, he falsely accuses me of trying to get the course free and access his website free.

In fact, besides not having time to defraud him and get useless free stuff, I want nothing to do from him or his website, and only accessed it when I received the course. To my disappointment it was only a waste of my time. I went by what he said, but was absolutely not true. I also have spent a great deal of money on California Civil Procedures, and a great deal of time doing law library research. It is true what I learned first when I attended law school, the professors teach the students in Fullerton, CA, how to find "deep pockets." Thus what should be an elite and a privilege profession representing the law, it is used as a medium for making money, as this lawyer has proved.

One last time he has also proved that if you one a reliable product or service and good customer service, you don't want to purchase from vendors in Florida. Because every time I purchased anything from Florida, if it is not what I expected, the only way to get my money back is with a dispute, and not even this way with this vendor. I have a receipt of the return product, and many email from him telling me about the product. In fact, the first time I talked to him on the phone, I inadvertedly, interrupted him, and he just told me to "shut up." His rudeness tells the whole story, because no professional tells his prospective client to shut up.  Beware, if you don't like his product, when you purchase it, you can "kiss" your money goodbye.

15 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
To member known as PAPERCUTS... Re: Jurisdictionary Course by Dr. Graves

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, August 26, 2019

I am interested to have private conversation with you regarding the Jurisdictionary Course by Dr. Graves. I have not purchased or taken the course but considering buying it in order to learn self-defense on traffic and criminal matters. (mostly traffic) but since traffic seems to be handled similarly to criminal cases, I figure it would be beneficial.  The other aspects of the course applicable to civil court is a plus I guess.

I am wondering, is the book written entirely without any charts tables diagrams or visuals to aid in learning/understanding the process and flow of events and possible responses?

How long does it take an average person with no law education in the middle age, to complete the course?

Can a person just study the sub-portions of the course that they need or is the course organized in a manner that the student must plow through every subject and side topic before gaining sufficient knowledge to resolve their legal issue successfully?

How long ago did you take the course?  What was your educational background?

How much do you earn making a living preparing legal documents using these methods?

How do you do this without being a licensed attorney? Are you a licensed attorney or BAR member like Dr. Graves?

Looking forward to hear from you




The ORIGINAL COMPLAINANT withdrew the complaint

#3General Comment

Sat, April 01, 2017

Excellent comment but if one carefully reads the postings then one sees that the original complainant WITHDREW their complaint.


The statement that "what does one expect for [only] $250" sort of flies in the face of "a bargain at any price"


You're correct that this has good tips but it is also a COMPLETE EDUCATION in that it provides a TEMPLATE for self-study.


This is a LEGAL SELF DEFENSE COURSE... it is the EASIEST WAY to do the DIFFICULT TASK of self-representation.


Study 30 minutes each day when you have no legal troubles and in the course of 6 months or a year and you are within "studyiing distance" of "capable, self-representation" when legal problems may surface.


And when you finish the course... go straight back to the VERY BEGINNING and do this for all of your days till you die and no unethical people can attack you anymore.




What does one expect?

#4General Comment

Tue, January 24, 2017

Hi, I have not done business with Jurisdictionary.com yet as I was doing some review research to make a decision, I  came across the Ripoff Report site that has both good and bad listed therein.  Here is what I want to insert just for being fair and square on the training materials.  As all would probably agree, you couldn't even hire an attorney for $250 and or get one to write a good letter for you on any case.  What does anyone expect to get for such a small amount?  If you got some good pointers on the training matirasl do some more investigation.  As we all know the law is deep and complicated.  It would be impossible to get every angle covered in training as cases are different and may require additional research.  Instead of complaining, why not give Mr. Graves an opportunity to expound on an unclear or unexplained point?  I'm sure kindness would go further than anger and complaints.  Just sharing my thought.  Good luck to all of you dealing on legal matters!


Excellent course!... a bargain at any price

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, May 12, 2016

I was fighting eviction and had only the police on my side... the developers and town officials and attorneys for the developers were aligned against me.


This course enabled me to write a terrific motion which caught the attorneys for the developer in multiple lies before the Court.


Every attorney that 60 of us evictees went to understandably wanted to be paid and wanted $5,000 up front. This was $249.


So two of the most prestigious attorneys in Beachwood, OH are now quaking in fear because they made themselves accessories after the fact to defrauding the State of Ohio (3rd-degree felony) by advancing a SHAM PLEADING before a Judge in Common Pleas Court who had never heard an eviction case INSTEAD OF the Magistrate in Municipal Court who would have sniffed out their misconduct immediately.

Yeah... I paid the $249 and I've annually renewed for $89 THREE YEARS RUNNING... you never know when you're going to land in court.


...it's the EASIEST instruction method.. just watch videos... and then follow up with some easy-to-read textual content


San Antonio,
Dr. Graves is a LAWYER

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, March 04, 2016

While researching how to represent myself in court I came across Jurisdictionary.  I was unable to find a lawyer to represent me since I have no money and my local legal aid refused because they didn't want the expense of a length drawn out trial that required extensive man hours and numerous depositions.  So I decided to call Dr. Graves and ask if he could help me.  After explaining my case and financial position I asked if he would provide me access to his course at no charge.  At first he was unwilling stating he spent thousands of dollars and many many hours designing and developing this course and he just couldn't give it away for free but then he said something that really surprised me especially coming from a lawyer he said " Well I believe you are lying to me yet I will do something I don't usually do I will give you access to the material for 30 days FREE and will even give you the opportunity to buy the 1 year at the reduced rate offered to all subscribers which will be sent to you during the month".


Well Dr. Graves did give me 1 full month access to his law course and I did learn a lot from the access.  The renewal cost wasn't much but it was more than I could afford since I receive SSDI and am on a fixed income with no left over funds after my bills and given the tools available would be a small price to pay for continued access to them.



If you are looking for a detailed item by item outline of how to file a case, what documents to use, court procedures, timelines for actions and responses, dealing with filing of motions and objections and how to write them in detail then HIRE YOURSELF A LAWYER because this course is about what it takes to do those things and how to learn to do them which takes a lot of time and study that’s why lawyers usually spend 3 to 4 years in law school.  This course will really take a person anywhere from 3 to 6 months to fully learn and understand to the level that they could begin to do those things listed above at a basic level.


Granted the claim that’s made to learn how to win in court in 2 days is extremely farfetched but what do you expect from a LAWYER!


What I will say is, This is not a scam.  The information provided is real and factual.  The material is true and real and with a lot of hours to study the material and really learn it you will be able to go into a court room and appear as an officer of the court with confidence.




Port St Lucie,
That is why it is called "Do it Yourself Education"

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, January 24, 2016

For those people that think that if you order this course a magical box is going to appear with all your Legal questions Answered and Resolved, Poof! The only Poof, you are going to have is between your ears, because you are living in a dream world. I challenge you to find any other course out there that will provide you with thorough explanation, illustrate and communicate it in terms that most monkeys can understand on the steps and procedures of a civil law case in a neutral manner, whether you are Plaintiff or Defendant.

This is a self help ligitament e-course, if you want to learn procedure and technique in how to win a case, this is the one you need. If you think calling customer service to get legal advice on your particular situation, time is money and not included, but it does offer a blog section that you can direct general questions to the community, but do not ask administrators about something covered in the course, that's just laziness. There are other courses I am sure out there, but my shopping stopped with Jurisdictionary.

If you want a miracle and a Poof! I suggest you take the courses advice on how to hire a lawyer very seriously, that advice alone is worth the course, Trust me I know.


My appreciation of Dr. Graves work.

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2015

My name is not important, what I have to say is Dr. Graves fine work helped me get through a very tough case against a top 100 trial attorney in my home State against a high level, and once respected lawyer.

I won in my case, he was disbarred after a very long battle with the State BAR where I live, after three attempts to file a complaint against this man for stealing $40,000.00 dollars of a settlement from a nearly fatal car wreck that I broke my neck in and ruptured my internal organs only to end up being ripped off by this now convicted and very former attorney, I couldn't get my complaints written in an acceptable format with the State BAR.

When filing a claim against an attorney with a State BAR, I can't tell you enough about how importent it is to leave your emotions behind you when filing a complaint with any State BAR. It will only end up being rejected no matter how badly you have been damaged both physically, financially, and especially emotionally.

Stick to the provable facts, both medically and legally, establish the facts first, and the rest can be filtered in later during the investigation phase, but you have to get past the front door of the BAR first. Be ready to cite the statutes you are alledging the attorney your filing against violated. The rules of Civil proceedure, and the codes of ethics as well that attorneys are required to follow. 

This is perhaps the hardest part, just getting past the front door of the BAR. Once your complaint is accepted and is under investigation, it then becomes a matter of time, and cooperation with the BAR and it's investigation team, they are really there to get the facts down, and it can be a very long wait.

Dr. Graves course is a worth while investment, and if you have little knowledge of law and the rules of the courts today, you can easily loose a case before you even get to a Court room. Winning in Court starts long before you get a Court date.

I have known Dr. Graves for 8 years now, and when I talked to him about my disbarring an Attorney and he understood the facts as established and published in our States Largest newspaper.

It wasn't a matter of him taking my word for it, he could look it up online and see for himself what I had accomplished, and my case made it all the way to the Supreme Court in my home State and this I did in a large part without an attorney representing myself, and then to a Grand Jury, and I got this now disbarred Attorney indicted and he plead guilty after he was indicted for Aggravated Theft in the First degree, a felony. He is still on probation to this day, and this was 5 years ago.

To Dr. Graves, I know you hear this virtually every day, but your course is a good way for people to start to learn how the Courts work today, and for sure the process is only hard to understand for those not educated formally in law, but the price of ignorance is far higher then the price of an education is.

I'm glad to say that Dr. Graves has opened many peoples minds to the knowledge of law in an affordable home study course.

It is no replacement for a good copy of a copy of Blacks law dictionary, or any other law dictionary, Jurisdictionary is a fine step in the right direction in understanding motions, pleadings and the process flow in the Courts today. Which to me is essentual  to the Pro Se litigant, and if you don't know the rules and proceedures, how can you win in Court without an education of law and process?

I feel strongly enough to say it ought to be a standard in anyones legal law library for lay persons, and the schools today do not teach good civics courses today, like they did when I was in school, back in the day it was REQUIRED study, or you didn't graduate. Today kid's can get a diploma and not even really know enough to earn a decent living right out of high school. 



Huntington Beach,
I Withdraw & Reverse My Report About Juris Dictionary

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, July 26, 2013

 I rarely file report at Ripoffreport.com; however, when I have taken every step possible to resolve my complaint but get no results, I come here.  However, with this particular report, it has been a total misunderstanding.  Therefore, Attorney Graves had every intention on making good on my order and he did, even though he didn't have to. 

Therefore, this is one instance that I have made a mistake in blaming Attorney Graves for our misunderstanding.  I regret any harm I have caused and wish Attorney Graves all the success he deserves.  Please forgive me for my two reports, one dated ll'11 & the last on 07'13.  Please forget you ever read my two previous reports, they were written in error.  I am very sorry I have made such a serious mistakes.  Thank you.


We tried to help this lady but she would not listen.

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 01, 2013

Sadly, from time to time, when helping people wounded by the legal system or other causes, we meet folks who believe others are "out to get them". Tina Mendoza seems like a nice lady, but she appears to have been cruelly treated by others. She had our CDs for quite some time then mailed them back, demanding a refund on the ground that she already had the information in our course. Those who know our course and our reputation know there is no other source for the tactical case-winning methods we teach based on the official rules of court. Our course is not like any other course available anywhere. People who have our course learn practical skills that are consonant with the official rules of court, instead of internet nonsense concocted by amateurs. We regret that Ms. Mendoza did not more carefully study our CD course for, if she had, she would not have returned it but would, instead, have profited greatly from it. For more information email lawbook(at)jurisdictionary(dot)com or call Toll Free during business hours Eastern Time: 866-529-3279 

Report Attachments


Huntington Beach,
Proof of Attorney Frederick David Graves Dishonesty

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, July 01, 2013

 When I wrote this original report, I had paid Attorney Graves $256.00 for a course that did not help me.  I then returned the course.  However, he never issued the refund.  I had been very ill with a head injury and now I am trying to catch up with the people that owes me money.  This attorney wants only to look good, but underneath, he is the most dishonest vendor I have ever done business with.  I called him today, becasue he told me to call him and he would work out a deal with me.  He would not do it over email.  But he promissed to help me.

I finnally called him today.  To my surprise he tried to black mail me.  He will not refund my money, but he will mail me the software I paid for so long ago.  However, he tried to black mail me.  He told me that the only way I could get the order I paid for so long ago, is if I remove my initial ripoff report and just say nice things about him, on how great he is.

He does not have a problem keeping my order and my $256.00; however, he is willing to send me the order if I say phony things about him.  As God is my witness, I have only said the truth about him.  I did file several complaints in order to get my money back, but he ignored them all.  I know that after my report he had other customers say nice things about him.  Well, I am telling it like it is, of what happend to me.  Therefore, I would not trust him with a course, using it in CA.


Comment in Support and Rebuttal by a Customer

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, April 20, 2013

I write my comment as a satisfied customer, in part in support of Mr. Graves, and in part in support of the complainant.

The course Juris Dictionary offers a wide understanding of how to approach the legal system in a way that is narrated to particular situations. The benefit one takes out of the course  is by learning: (1) what elements are needed to plea a cause of action, (2) how to write a complaint without getting bogged down with unnecessary detail, (3) how to approach the court, in a way that is effective; and (4) how to conduct discovery.  In addition, the course offers a small and limited education on how to write motions and memorandums.  

However, what the course does not do is where the complainant has a point. First, Juris Dictionary does not tell the student how to prosecute for post judgment relief.  Second, Juris Dictionary does not teach the standard of review concept, which it the most important procedure in any lawsuit and even more on appeal.  Most cases are won or lost on the standard of review, very rarely on the merits.  Third,  Juris Dictionary only offers a limited understanding on how to plea primary motions such as summary judgment or dismissal. However, Juris Dictionary does not provide what the elements for review are, necessary to prevail on any kind of motion.  Yes, there are elements to it, and the more I am learning about the standard of review, the more I learn these elements. Fourth, Juris Dictionary does not teach students how to file a notice of claim against a government agency.

The complainant is concerned that Juris Dictionary does not provide how to file for a post-trail motion, and on that, she has a point.  However, the complainant fails to understand that this course tells you how to start your litigation and succeed along the way.   This course does not provide any education on how to fix errors made throughout the lawsuit.  Such as how to file an amended complaint etc.  (In the new version of Juris Dictionary Mr. Graves offers a very limited tutorial on how to prevail on appeal.)  

It is true that Mr. Graves can get quickly disgruntled by the overload of phone calls and not always be friendly with his customers.  Nevertheless, I still have to give credit for Mr. Graves for what he thought me.   Therefore, I write this response to highlight the areas where Juris Dictionary can and should improve, which would help all of us pro se litigants.  My comment should help explain what made the complainant so unsatisfied and what she misunderstood about Juris Dictionary.    


United States of America
Watch your mouth son .

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, February 17, 2013

I purchased Dr. Graves program and I have to say that it was life changing and very informative. Majority of my cases either gets dismissed or a stipulation of settlement "begging me to withdraw my counterclaim ". I reside in New York and the court system make up the rules as they go, but if you follow proper procedure they have to bend over and touch their toes"follow the law". The book itself was a backdoor to the industry informing people of their rights and breaking down the mechanics of how these courts function. All states have different rule and procedures  ,but the concept is the same. 

It sounds like you been getting beat up in the court room ,and thats why you filed a report on this sit , If I was Dr. Graves I wouldn't give you sh@! back . He's not going to give you advise , but he will educate you on the process. For all he know you probably made a copy of the book returned it and made a complaint on rip off report to support your claim to further convince him to refund your money . 

Thanks to his works , I've been preparing documents for clients in Federal Court , Supreme Court , Civil Court ,Housing Court ,and Family Court. I make a greta income because of that book. All my clients are satisfied and have their faith restored back in the justice system thanks to that book you allegedly returned.

Before you go around smashing Dr Graves Name study your hometowns court rule and maybe you'll get a judge to sign off on one of your docs instead denying your motions . Here is two words you are very familiar with ,"MOTION DENIED".It seems like you don't think and structure your cases, I follow the I.R.A.C. formula to me thats all iI need to start with 

If you feel he rip you of  why don't you file a summons and complaint against him.Based on your report he'll dismiss your case  for failure to state a cause of action.

Go back to School . Best regards, PAPERCUTS  


Las Vegas,
In Support of "Jurisdictionary ... Dr. Frederick Graves"

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2013

I find it hard to believe anything that this individual has to say and am writing to set the record straight, in defense, of all the hard work that Dr. Graves and his wife, have put forth to offer this much needed course!


I have no idea what this person is complaining about because, this course offers detailed guidance on drawing up motions, memorandums, etc. I can attest to purchasing this course myself, a couple of years before this individual, and can personally assure you it offers more insight on how to proceed pro se than anything I have ever found anywhere throughout my research since, 1989, for help with pro se cases!


For this individual to attack Dr. Graves and call him a shyster, is the farthest from the truth! Dr. Grave's, passion to "pass on his knowledge of the truth" to the general public shows not only his genuine integrity and generosity, but his "compassion for people everywhere to have a fair chance in overcoming the corruption taking place in our court rooms today" and that, I am very grateful for!!


This course should be mandatory study before ever being allowed to step a foot inside any court room across America, whether you have an attorney or you're going pro se! It would definitely help to put a stop to some of the fabricated lawsuits and corruption that's clogging our system today inasmuch, to light a fire underneath some of the lawyers who are lacking in the area of doing the jobs they're suppose to be doing for their client's!


Again, I can't express enough on how anyone going through litigation (of any kind) owes it to themselves to arm themselves with the tools, against injustice, that Dr. Graves teaches!


United States of America
Jurisdictionary's Dr. Graves Responds ...

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 22, 2012

Jurisdictionary's "How to Win in Court" self-help course has been used by thousands of very satisfied customers since we started in 1997. Rarely, and sadly, one or two people each year order the course, study the materials (that are provided online as soon as they order) and, in some cases, copy the CDs (that are sent out to them by priority mail) and, being short of cash, send the 4-CD package back and demand a refund. One cannot buy a book at Barnes & Noble, take it home and read it, then bring it back and say they don't need it, because "they have other books". With thousands of very satisfied customers in every U.S. state and several other nations, we are confident that the course is just what we advertise. All one must do to learn more about us is Google "Jurisdictionary" and find out what's being said about the course by people who are thrilled with the successes they are gettting in their courtroom battles. I've been a licensed, case-winning attorney since 1986. This lady claimed she had "other books" and decided "she didn't need my course". One might ask why she ordered in the first place. Our website makes it very, very clear what the course is ... "How to Win in Court" step-by-step ... based on what I learned in more than a quarter-century of going to court.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Thousands of Satisfied Customers ..

#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 22, 2012

Jurisdictionary's "How to Win in Court" self-help course has been used by thousands of very satisfied customers since we started in 1997. Rarely, and sadly, one or two people each year order the course, study the materials (that are provided online as soon as they order) and, in some cases, copy the CDs (that are sent out to them by priority mail) and, being short of cash, send the 4-CD package back and demand a refund. One cannot buy a book at Barnes & Noble, take it home and read it, then bring it back and say they don't need it, because "they have other books". With thousands of very satisfied customers in every U.S. state and several other nations, we are confident that the course is just what we advertise. All one must do to learn more about us is Google "Jurisdictionary" and find out what's being said about the course by people who are thrilled with the successes they are gettting in their courtroom battles. I've been a licensed, case-winning attorney since 1986. This lady claimed she had "other books" and decided "she didn't need my course". One might ask why she ordered in the first place. Our website makes it very, very clear what the course is ... "How to Win in Court" step-by-step ... based on what I learned in more than a quarter-century of going to court.

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