  • Report:  #184912

Complaint Review: Kasamba.com - Internet

Reported By:
- Chicago, Illinois,

kasamba.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
There are so many phony psychics on that site, you ask a simple question and they nearly bite your head off. And that attests as to they have no real skills. And out to bilk poor s I am sure Madame Destinee/Desteny/Toni Calvin has fake credentials. I am sure she is not the only faker there. Started off as lowly tarot reader. Now she put her man on a customer sometimes/psychic to verify her skills. She even had a copyrighted book and then claimed it as hers. Now she she claims to be international. I have deliberately watching her and everyday, she added lie on top of lie. There are others such as angelwyngs, robin bluedragon, wolftotem(with his stupid quotes), Chayanna 77, IRIS, Clairvoyant Psychic Marie, the lists goes on. None of them can tell you anything substantial. When they are questioned on their credentials. They get hype, we as customers have a right to know where our $$$ are being spent. Let the buyer beware. There are true psychics out there. But they are very rare on Kasamba.com Be warned.


Chicago, Illinois

21 Updates & Rebuttals


Haltom City,
I truly hope this helps you and others considering seeking a psychic

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 16, 2007

I'm actually sitting here trying to figure out how to say this and get through to you. Being psychic and being a reader is two very different things. We're all connected, and some are able to pick up more than others. Sometimes people don't understand the difference, and just because someone can read tarot cards by the guide book doesn't make them a psychic. Doing it properly takes a lifetime to learn. Intuitive readings as well. I do mine with both. I won't give my personal information as I don't want to be hounded, but I'll say that I use my abilities on chat programs free of charge, as well as doing it for a living. I could tell you my credentials, but my question to you is do you really believe a true psychic is taught or just developed in their gifts? I want to say I'm very sorry you feel jaded in your situation. I've had tons of readings and quite a lot of them turned out to be crud. *yes even some of us 'psychics' get confirmation or a shoulder from time to time and I'm not afraid to admit it* But that makes me really cherish the ones that weren't. It made me put the others to a higher appreciation. To say everyone on that site is fake isn't fair. That's definitely not true. But here's my question to you. How is it you have consulted so many psychics and can list them by name as being fake? Why did you keep going back if every one of them on that list were junk? That seems a bit of a waste of money to me, and I know I have plenty of other things to spend my money on than to keep going back to people who don't help me. If you found any at all that were helpful, why didn't you just stick with them? The fact that you kept going back to kasamba says one of two things given your situation. Obviously you're wanting some hope. That's ok, we've all been there at some point in our lives. But #1 the amount of different readers tells me you may be going to the cheapest on the list by price and not reading their comments *they're there for a reason* and #2 you're not being told what you want to hear. READ those comments, seriously. You'll be able to see returning clients, stories of the previous readings and how it's come to pass, and on the negative side what problems there were in customer satisfaction. All of it important and there for you. Please, go with what works for you. If getting readings isn't working for you, maybe that's not something you need. I'm not ashamed to admit that not EVERYONE NEEDS a reading. Sometimes you just need a good sit down talk to straighten you out and get you back on your feet. If you do need a reading, I do believe that you'll go to the right person when it's time, and when you'll listen to what messages are given to you. There are fakes in every field of every type of job there is. In some more than others. I can't tell you how many messes I've had to clean from fakes and it makes my job even harder when people are bitter about the past experiences. But if I believe in what I'm doing that is something I have to live with and work through. The future is never certain and no one is going to get it right every time. There's also free will involved if it concerns more than one person. If you learn to listen to your own gut instincts *and yes you can*, then readings will only become confirmation at that point and things will go more smoothly. Meditation can help you get there too. I truly hope if you aren't getting what you need from other people that you try to learn how to get there yourself. The answers are inside you and no one can help you if you won't help yourself. There are a multitude of sites online as well as groups that will help you to learn how to guide yourself towards tomorrow for free. In this situation I suggest you seek that out. I often suggest using yahoo groups to find people in your area. A lot of people don't realize but it takes someone pretty gifted to read someone online and especially through chat. Without voice vibration or energy vibration it can be very hard. I'd been reading people face to face for years and it took me several months to learn how to reach out harder and it does exhaust me. Again, I'm not afraid to admit I'm just a person like you or anyone else doing a job. I had to learn too, just like you did for your job. I had the gift, but needed developing. Not everyone has yet, so face to face readings can really be useful in that case too. With others I've helped to develop, it takes time. AGAIN please note that there are some fantastic readers on kasamba that will blow you away, this is only further options for you if you don't feel you're getting what you need. I wish you the very best of luck and hope your situation improves. I implore you not to put everyone in the same mould as stereotyping isn't the answer to any situation. If you do find your way, make sure to let everyone know the good results. I'll be crossing my fingers and toes for you. Take care.


New York,
Enough is enough

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 31, 2007

I don't understand why something effective cannot be done to stop this incredible rip-off website of fake money stealing individuals. What I am suggesting is that every victim of Kasamba.com join together and make a joint effort to change it. Since my victimization of approximately $7,000.00 to them ($5,300.00 of it to Raven Franks) I have monitored and monitored the "experts" and their reviews. I complained to Kasamba SO many times via e-mail and fax and they never did anything to rectify my situation or investigate my claims. As consumers we have the RIGHT to demand a response to our absolute legitimate concerns. The complaints are ALWAYS the same - the complaints never vary - and there has got to be something we as consumers can do other than stay off the site. We have all learned our lessons - but, what about the people that don't know and get caught up in all the false concern, solace and lies? It is extremely dangerous. These scam artists do not realize what a risk it is to assure people of total lies - someone is - if they haven't already going to wind up committing suicide or a murder based on their ridiculous advice. I am NOT saying their might not be "real" Psychics on the site - I have NO idea and never will - I DID have some good and productive experiences with a few - but, since I KNOW they transcript share - it isn't hard to get a few things right every once in a while. I monitor the "reviews" on a regular basis - it is obvious that these "experts" are having friends, etc. get readings and write the reviews - if you check - there are often 3,4,5 reviews in a row from the SAME customer. Something is wrong. Also - after I reported Raven Franks to Kasamba about her insisting her predictions were 100% honest and correct in her "profile" and that in 7 months NOT one came to fruition - she immediately put my reviews in her profile and changed her description of her abilities and qualifications. Her reviews consistently are from the same customers, over and over and over again - sometimes in the same day - and the one's that are repititive continually state "her predictions came true", etc. These people on Kasamba are using the emotions and poor judgement of people that are desperate to their advantage. When they see someone is over using their services and is using poor judgement - they should have SOME SHRED of ETHICS and advise them not to spend the money, etc. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE. ANY TAKERS? I feel if we all joined "forces" we could make a difference. How about getting together and contacting the media and asking them to run a story on Good Morning America or Fox News (Greta VanSustern??) - I feel that would be the only way to get this site SHUT DOWN. I feel the fraudulent "experts" are discrediting and hurting those that are legit and/or ethical. LET'S JOIN FORCES PEOPLE!! I feel we owe it to the next victims!!


North Carolina,
In response to the James Van Praugh bragging and credentials

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, March 27, 2007

If you for one second think that defending someone because they met with the fraud james van praugh makes a person credible you need your head checked. Also just because you joined some online "psychic" institutes, etc makes you even more credible you definately need your head checked. Real psychics dont bother with those silly schools and credentials. Many of them are confident enough in their abilities that they dont need all that silly nonsense just for bragging rights. Anyone who brags about certificates and meeting frauds is someone I definately would not put my trust in to read for me. For it spells nutcase and need to get a life to me. Thanks for making me aware not to waste my time getting any reading from angelwyngs from kasamba.


North Carolina,
Ridiculous personal gripes put out on the internet as fact

#5UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 19, 2007

It is quite obvious that the person who originated this complaint is another Kasamba reader who has a personal gripe with one or more of these readers. This Kasamba reader has also listed THEIR name in this complaint to deflect suspicion off of themselves. It is funny that after they have a personal conflict with this reader/readers this post appears on this website. You know who you are and your efforts to slander these readers have proven pointless and didnt get you anywhere for that matter. Your efforts are VERY transparent. You even added your own name to the post to throw off suspicion on yourself. Grow up and next time you start with someone be prepared to get it back in return and not resort to a juvenile method as this one.


Lies and more lies and no a drop of proof shown...

#6UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 02, 2006

You say all this stuff and dont offer one shred of real proof,ever....just more baseless allegations which you dont even have the stones...(and you CLAIM to be a man...) to stand behind with your own name. I am the one being attacked ehre and I dont attack anyone,the only ones I ever even complain about are the crooks and scammers,of which I have helped Kasamba to be rid of 37 that were ripping clients off for tens of thousands of dollars. If that is your idea of a crime,sue me. And yes I do spellwork,so what.....just because YOU dont believe in it doesnt mean it isnt real. I charge little for it...certainly not 1000s of dollars like some readers do....and I know it can work,as many times I have seen the positive results. I never claim to be 100% instant results or any of that nonsense ,because anyone who knows a thing about spells knows they dont happen like that. Magick works within laws of the universe,it isnt like on TV and movies,where some clown snaps their fingers and poof,something cool happens. Your reasoning gets more erratic and insane each post.....please get some conselling before you do something really wrong. I have 1000s of clients who think I do a great job....and not one has ever said they felt ripped off,since a psychci reading is a want,not a need,my clients tend to get them when they can both afford it and when it can actually do them some good. You have never been to me for a reading,you dont know me,you dont know a correct thing about me,and you dont have the stones to stand behind a single thing you have siad and show you face..which I believe to be both female and a known scammer who was removed from the Kasamba site. Before you go making accusations and allegations,you should look at someone who actually deserves it,rather then someone who you obviously have a grudge against for removing you from a group you apparently werent cut out for,as it is ethical people. If you had read one thing I posted here you would know I have not attacked anyone,only responded to these baseless LIES nade to me and those I know to be good people. As for your gender,I could care less,male of female,you are a liar and a stalker who appears to have no life unless they can be trying to harrass me,regardless of the fact it doesnt hurt me a bit. If you are indeed male then I know who you are as only one male member has been removed from the group since it started,and that was due to them breaking the rules,and frankly,I would have thought you would have gotten over that by now...guess there is more growing up needed for you,and less time spent stalking.


Original Post is Wrong

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 29, 2006

Some of the names you've listed as fake psychics are not as you've claimed. I know first-hand that two of them are REAL and very nice, generous people. I won't say which two, because I don't want anyone thinking I'm one of them, but I've been to them myself and they spend a LOT of time outside of hire and often never even ask me to hire. They are definitely about helping people! (And yes, a few you named are con artists. - But a few should not be lumped in with them!)


here we go again...more unsubstantiated rumours started by the same sad people

#8UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 26, 2006

I have never had the person who started this thread,and as anyone can see they have nothing opf value to say or proof to offer showing any substance to what they suggest here. They are former experts who were removed from the site for thier larceneious ways,and for cheating the clients out of 10s of 1000s of dollars. My prices are public record and my clients know what they paid,and i can assure you the amunts listed in some of these threadas are absurd...and some of the math which they use to show them is at best remedial. Any client who has come to me knows I make no false promises,nor do I charge them a rediculous amount, I NEVER ask a client to hire right away and in fact click out at once if they do.... I want to talk with my client and make a connection before I even decide if I am going to read for them,since I wont read for those with ill intent. And I will keep getting attacked by these rouges because I will keep standing up for the clients rights...yes I raised my prices and yes I have degrees and experience listed,but all of that is real... I odnt claim to have master degrees in witchcraft or any such nonsense as some do,nor do I claim 100% accuracy,the ability to reunite lovers instantly (which is the current hot scam on the site...),now or in any immediate time frame (it took time to mess up a relationship and it takes time to work it out to get it back...). I dont lie to my clients,and i have yet to see one iota of proof that I have...there havebeen nothing but inuendoes,malicious gossip,and slander concerning most of these threads. I certainly didnt tell the crooked experts to be crooks....I wish they hadnt ben because it det5racts from the whole site...but since they can not live with the consequences of their own actions,they should grow up and at least accpet that they are responsible for what hey did,just like I am responsible for helping seeing them get removed for their con artistry. I plan to keep doing that too,as I would rather have these fools attack me then to rip off another innocent client. Please,stop this nonsense and quite making a fool of yourselves. If you believe thats great and if you dont thats great too. But there is not any point in slandering and lying about someone in order to intentionally damage their reputation. I have 1000s of clients who would say I have done right by them...all anyone needs to do is look at my feedback. Blessed be to all,and may this finally stop these pointless and unfounded attacks.


Their hard to find but Real Psychics are on Kas

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, July 05, 2006

I have been a client on Kasamba on and off for a few years, I have had my fair share of amount of 'fakes' but along with that I have found some tried and true readers out there. But most importantly I have found the help I need. Heres my advice. Sure all 5 star ratings look good but you have to wonder don't they ever get something wrong.. no psychic can connect to everyone every time. So heres what I do when I can't find my regulars online.. I look I find those with mainly 5 stars but I look at the comments..I don't care if they have a few 3 or 4 heck I found one lady on there she's had a few 1 and 2's but when you think about it some people are used to being told that its all going to be fine and well when she tells them the truth its going to hurt.. So I tried her you know what first few minutes were free she never asked me to hire I just listened and when she got around to asking if I had questions I asked and hired..I would share her name but with all the other reports on here it would look as if I were another reader..I mean some of you are so petty.. But heres my advice plain and simple. LOOK AT THEIR RATINGS. READ THEM. TALK TO THEM OUT OF HIRE. If they won't read anything out of hire then get the heck out there only after your money. I have a few regular readers that chat with me befor we get to the reading, it lets me know they really care for me I'm not just a $ sign to them. OH and another peice of advise from years of going.. you get better readings for those at $3-4/min than you get from $5 and up! and its easier on the pocketbook as well. Thanks for listening to quote my favorite reader~Brightest Blessings~ Kathy


to Dramoor - Prattville, Alabama

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, May 04, 2006

Hey "Pal" He didn't use your name - all he did was use a city. There's no way you could file a lawsuit for slander... Maybe if you get a "psychic lawyer"??? (where do you people come from? - Oh, yeah Alabama.)


No Raids at My House

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 06, 2006

To Jim...I have no idea what you're talking about. What raids? The Sheriff's Department can do nothing to me criminally, because I have committed no crime of any kind. I have never EVER been arrested for anything. So, since you know so much, where is the Police Log to prove it? The public notice in the newspapers? That's what I thought...a lie!!! Get your facts straight before I file a lawsuit for slander, pal.


Ft. Ldle.,
Kasamba.com Does Have Some Legit Psychics!

#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 06, 2006

I have had several readings with a Handful of gifted Psychics at Kasamba. This does not mean that there are not more for I have not had that many readings there. I feel the many of th real Psychics go less noticed, due to the experts who have been there since the Company started(who have so many ratings). Ever since Psychic Readers have become more accessable to the public, there will be thousands of people who 'claim' to be someone/something they are not. Keen.com is no DIFFERENT! I suggest that before allowing anyone to be deemed any sort of Expert, anywhere, the internet companies NEED TO 'TEST' AND VERIFY CREDENTIALS! Example: I would not want a plumber fixing my pipes who was not licensed and trained in his profession. Nor a teacher who did not have the appropriate Degrees, teaching. The comparison can go on and on. I DO FEEL for those people who have been 'deliberately misled' by some at psychic sites. If one uses common sense, how can it be possible that there are thousands of 'real' Psychics and the like, registering on a daily basis?! This is just not true that so many gifted people are popping up. I feel gifted Psychics are few and rare! Many just buy a Tarot deck, learn the basics and now they call themselves Tarot Readers/Psychics. I have been read by many liars at other sites. I too was roped into really believing a few 'convincing' frauds. When the TRUTH pertaining to my situations at the time of those past readings came to light,from REALITY not 'psychic insight'---I was just as angry at myself for buying into it in the first place! I feel that many people feel as I did/do. Some will play on your fears, insecurities and your wallet if you allow them to. There are LESSONS to be learned from all of this. There are good and evil people in our world. Where there is a need, there is a business. If enough complaints were taken to heart by Kasamba, maybe these frauds and many others, will be taken off the site. This will make way for the few genuinely gifted people who do work very hard at Kasamba.


Psychics? Prattville?

#13Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 06, 2006

I comment here only because I lived in Millbrook many years (Next to Prattville) and recall that some years back the Autuaga County Sheriff raided a dozen or so "Psychics" in and around Prattville. He said "I'm not impressed, if they were real they'd have known I was coming." Anyone who believes anything any "Psychic" tells them is a fool, they only want to scam you out of your cash.


New York,
Real or Fake? We customers deserve the truth!

#14Author of original report

Wed, April 05, 2006

Oh please, from what I heard she is Canadian. We're supposed to believe she went to Lilydale. Yes, we have heard of Lilydale. Furthermore, why are posting her supposed credentials? she can speak for herself. Also, how do we know it's real? we don't just cause you post it there, doesn't make it to be fact. And Kasamba is still full of frauds. Frauds! Lots of them ,there are only a handful that true. We customers deserve the truth!


New York,
Real or Fake? We customers deserve the truth!

#15Author of original report

Wed, April 05, 2006

Oh please, from what I heard she is Canadian. We're supposed to believe she went to Lilydale. Yes, we have heard of Lilydale. Furthermore, why are posting her supposed credentials? she can speak for herself. Also, how do we know it's real? we don't just cause you post it there, doesn't make it to be fact. And Kasamba is still full of frauds. Frauds! Lots of them ,there are only a handful that true. We customers deserve the truth!


New York,
Real or Fake? We customers deserve the truth!

#16Author of original report

Wed, April 05, 2006

Oh please, from what I heard she is Canadian. We're supposed to believe she went to Lilydale. Yes, we have heard of Lilydale. Furthermore, why are posting her supposed credentials? she can speak for herself. Also, how do we know it's real? we don't just cause you post it there, doesn't make it to be fact. And Kasamba is still full of frauds. Frauds! Lots of them ,there are only a handful that true. We customers deserve the truth!


New York,
Real or Fake? We customers deserve the truth!

#17Author of original report

Wed, April 05, 2006

Oh please, from what I heard she is Canadian. We're supposed to believe she went to Lilydale. Yes, we have heard of Lilydale. Furthermore, why are posting her supposed credentials? she can speak for herself. Also, how do we know it's real? we don't just cause you post it there, doesn't make it to be fact. And Kasamba is still full of frauds. Frauds! Lots of them ,there are only a handful that true. We customers deserve the truth!


Angelwyngs' Credentials

#18UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 05, 2006

Angelwyngs' credentials were earned from the Lilydale Assembly, a world-renowned Spiritualist community in Lilydale, NY. She is certified as Psychic Medium by the State of New York by Lilydale Assembly. She was certified as a Reiki Healer by them, also. Here is a link to this community: She has also met with James Van Praugh, world-renowned Psychic Medium/Television Producer, whom was quite impressed with her mediumship abilities. Yes, there are accrediting agencies/communties, with the best being Lilydale Assembly. Dramoor :) CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Angelwyngs is No Fraud

#19UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 05, 2006

I have known Angelwyngs for many years. She is no fraud nor fortune teller. Her credentials are clearly stated on her profile at Kasamba, and NONE are made up. She has earned her credentials. She is always glad to share where she has earned them from. She has been a Professional Reader for 25 years. She has read for me numerous times, and was so accurate--it was scarey! I recommend Angelwyngs to anyone who wishes to receive an accurate and honest psychic reading. She is the only Psychic in this world that I trust for my readings. There are plenty of great readers on Kasamba, but Angelwyngs is number ONE to me. Dramoor


Angelwyngs is No Fraud

#20UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 05, 2006

I have known Angelwyngs for many years. She is no fraud nor fortune teller. Her credentials are clearly stated on her profile at Kasamba, and NONE are made up. She has earned her credentials. She is always glad to share where she has earned them from. She has been a Professional Reader for 25 years. She has read for me numerous times, and was so accurate--it was scarey! I recommend Angelwyngs to anyone who wishes to receive an accurate and honest psychic reading. She is the only Psychic in this world that I trust for my readings. There are plenty of great readers on Kasamba, but Angelwyngs is number ONE to me. Dramoor


Angelwyngs is No Fraud

#21UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 05, 2006

I have known Angelwyngs for many years. She is no fraud nor fortune teller. Her credentials are clearly stated on her profile at Kasamba, and NONE are made up. She has earned her credentials. She is always glad to share where she has earned them from. She has been a Professional Reader for 25 years. She has read for me numerous times, and was so accurate--it was scarey! I recommend Angelwyngs to anyone who wishes to receive an accurate and honest psychic reading. She is the only Psychic in this world that I trust for my readings. There are plenty of great readers on Kasamba, but Angelwyngs is number ONE to me. Dramoor


New Westminster,
British Columbia,
Psychics can get credentials?

#22Consumer Comment

Tue, April 04, 2006

What racket gives those out? I've seen some accurate readings of people, with some stuff that was specific enough to make me wonder. But nothing that suggested prescience. And most of those types of web-sites and booths at the fairs / circus have disclaimers: "For Entertainment Purposes Only" It's only a rip-off, if it isn't entertaining.

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