  • Report:  #95116

Complaint Review: Kaufman Wedding World - Allentown Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- easton, Pennsylvania,

Kaufman Wedding World
MacArthur Road Allentown, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On January 10, 2004 I purchased a bridesmaid dress from the Allentown location. As per store policy I paid in full. The nightmare began...it is now June 16 2004 and the location for the last six months has done nothing but consistantly given me the run around.

Back in April the bride received a call stating that my dress had not yet been ordered because the other bridesmaid had not called in her size. There was no other bridesmaid and now a rush order had to be placed on my dress. After hearing of the mix up I called and they had lost my order. At that time we began checking on the brides dress. The person who took our order wrote the wedding date as May 17 2004 to ensure that the order was in promptly. May 17 came and no call.

On the May 18 we went to the store to check on the status. They ashured me that it was on order and it would be in shortly. I comment that they were lucky the wedding wasn't yesterday because they failed to provide us with the dress. There seemed to be a collective lack of concern by the staff. I began writing letters and Mr. Kaufman stepped in and the dress arrived the next week.

I am still waiting for a call from the store and after looking into the business I see that I am not the only one who has experienced such poor service. I called again today and they ashure me my dress is on order (like all the other times). So far the dress is now 30 days past the deliver date. Last time I called they said it would be in at the end of July..the wedding is july 24! The battle continues and I have had to go buy a prom dress to wear because it is clear Kaufmans will not have me dress in on time!

Buyers beware. Kaufmans has proven to be unreliable, and a rip off. When asked what their refund policy is for undelievered mercandise they claim it has never happened! Clearly there have been many dissatisfied customers.


easton, Pennsylvania

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Bridal dress scams and the Effects on our Society

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 20, 2004

Larry, How does the above "Poor" post/attack help in stopping the crime of bridal dress scams (fraud) nationwide yearly and this year too? Do you have any "helpful" information to add? Again ladies, Larry has many of the above facts incorrect and I can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. F.Y. I. Larry and ladies, In Chicago (2002)there was a "Class Action" (many victims) bridal dress suit filed by many defrauded consumers (victims) against Vera Wang Corporation, Marshall Field's Bridal Retail Vender and other retailers and manufacturers of bridal dresses. You may view the news report at NBC5 Chicago (search Vera Wang complaints) to read the entire story. The defrauded ladies (Chicago victims) and their attorneys were able to convince the retail criminal executives and their attorneys that the retailers and manufacturers negligence of not providing the "Couture" dresses ordered ruined their "wedding event/experience" and caused them "pain and suffering". The Chicago case was settled quickly and secretively by Vera Wang Corporation (possibly others-still investigating) and so sets a "precedence" case of recovering damages (beyond reimbursement of the bridal dress only as Larry so ignorantly suggested). Larry, there have been ladies who have reported defrauding bridal dress executives to the police and you can read one of the complaints in the NY Times Business Article (06/27/04) called "Finding the Perfect Dress and actually getting it". The New York Times article is another example of the repetitive problems and damages unnecessarily, recklessly and negligently cause by bridal dress retail executives who Just Don't Care about anything except the profits. I in no way allege it is done with every dress ordered, because the evidence will show it is not. I am speaking only of the complaining consumers who feel the repetitive crime. Judge Judy, Judge Whopner and Texas Judge Joe Doherty have all presided over bridal dress complaints. Larry most witnesses I have interview don't bother to bring suit because it cost more than the cost of the dresses to fight the high-powered industry corporate attorneys that cause further confusion and devastation for victims as experienced by my family. It is a no win situation for most bridal dress complainants and a win-win situation for greedy corporate executives and their attorneys who profit by consumers victimization. The State Attorney in Utah arrested and sent to jail, a defiant bridal dress retail executive who dismissed consumer complaint and also dismissed the $17,000. fine imposed by the state. Hurray for the ladies in Utah! There are also state attorney's in PA (east and western), NY, etc. who have "wasted" taxpayer monies to address the "repetitive" complaints involving the crime of bridal dress fraud nationwide yearly. Larry, I brought together and provided hundreds of complaints involving executives to the NY City State Attorney and they told me they now have "plenty of evidence" and that I did not have to send any more complaints documenting the "repetitive" crime of bridal dress fraud against sweet, innocent, uneducated bridal parties nationwide by greedy, money hungry corporate (wolves) executives in the bridal dress industry. I believe further that the respectable Federal Trade Commission was inspired by me to send out "3000 Warning Letters" (2004) to bridal dress executives nationwide about the illegal act of missing garment tags as based on the "repetitive" evidence presented by the repetitive complaints and witnesses. Keep filing those complaints ladies, you have made a difference. So ladies, don't be afraid to really confront the retailers who are causing "SOME" of you to "Cry". If you really want your complaint to make a difference, then it should be sent to Mr. Phil Gamma, NY City State Attorney (address is in above memo to Lisa) who has the states legal power to stop repetitive bridal dress scams. I hope by using many, many past complaints, I will be able to show a "Repetitive" pattern of "Deceptive" sales practices used by bridal dress executives against "Unsuspecting" consumers shopping for wedding dresses. These bridal dress executives are causing havoc to many consumers' weddings and it is time the law addressed the (30 year?) problem. The corporate executives in the bridal dress industry who support the chaotic crime and unnecessary stress for innocent bridal parties are no different then the greedy corporate executives (wolves) of Morgan Stanley, Adelphia Cable, Tyco, Enron, Martha Stewart (worst of the worst), Arthur Andersen and so forth who cause many in society to suffer even further while the criminals recklessly appeal their case of deception and that cost taxpayers to retry a guilty verdict. Ladies, there is oodles of information regarding bridal dress retail executives nationwide causing "unnecessary" repetitive "Nightmares" and "Harrowing" experiences for ladies trying to plan expensive, expensive weddings. So don't believe there isn't any evidence as Larry so ignorantly states. I will end in saying I in no way want to provide any legal advise but I do believe that I can help victims who need "supporting, circumstantial and materials evidence as well as many witness testimonies to document the "repetative" crime of bridal dress fraud. Any other questions, please advise. We would love to hear from good retailers and manufacturers on how to stop it. Good Day Ripped off consumers, Pegtho P.S. Larry, I glad to know that you noticed my "bizarre punctuation" marks. I like to highlight the "repetitive" deceptive sales issues involving the sometimes "defrauding" bridal dress industry and their representing executives too.


Peggy, see a doctor

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, July 19, 2004

Peggy, I usually do not argue with the mentally ill but I will make an exception this time. Your long-winded, shrill, and irrational advice with bizarre punctuation marks you as a genuine nut case. I would love to know under what theory of law you can sue a bridal shop for pain and suffering plus $50,000 for ruining a wedding because a dress was not delivered. The only thing you got right was to advise against clogging the courts with this kind of frivilous nonsense. If you have evidence of fraud, then report it to the police. You claim to have been investigating this kind of "fraud" (your word, not mine) for two years and found hundreds of cases. How many did you report to the police? How many arrests resulted? How many convictions resulted? A big zero on all counts! You mentioned that you are retired. I have had personal experience with aging persons in the early stages of dementia. They quite often imagine conspiracies. My own mother claimed that the government was trying to kill her and that the assistant pastor of her church was robbing banks to support his drug use. You really need to see a doctor. I'd love to write a little more but I have a golf date with OJ, Elvis, and Jimmy Hoffa.


scamming and defrauding bridal dress industry

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 18, 2004

Larry, I must disagree with your statement that Peggy "has given a little bit of misinformation". Bridal retailers are "WELL" aware that expensive "planned" wedding "events" are depended upon the arrival of the bridal dresses ordered. Nothing else is as important at the ceremony (planned event) as the dresses, Larry. I know many men don't understand that but how could they! They don't wear dresses. When consumers (or Hollywood starlets) plan an expensive event (wedding party, birthday party, etc.) and the main contractor (bridal dress retailer) does not come through with the expressed order (dress) then that causes many, many damages and consequences to a ladies planned event. I know the law does "sometimes" allow consumers to recover damages involving loss of event, loss of experience, pain and suffering, etc. due to the total negligence of defrauding retailers and manufacturers (bridal dresses or not). Ladies don't listen to Larry, If O.J. Simpson's attorneys can convince a jury he is innocent of murder than we defrauded bridal dress victims can convince a jury or Judge that our entire planned expensive ($50,000.00) event was ruined by the negligence of bridal retail executives. The retailers negligence sometimes allows consumers to recover damages caused by the owners negligence. Bridal dress retailers are known for not providing what is expressed as sample and we ladies nationwide are sick of the process. If bridal dress executives can't get the dresses to consumers without switching materials, late arriving, in proper sizes and meeting industry standards, then we ladies nationwide tell retailers to get out of business. Larry, who told you that a simple contract was involved when ordering expensive, quite complicated wedding attire? There is nothing simple about it. It becomes even more complex by retailers who verbally promise (or express) everything before they have your money and then treat you like a Martian from Hell when you ask, "Where's the Beef (or dress)". I can tell Larry, has a high ignorance (uneducated) of Bridal Dress Scams (fraud) and the effects on our Society. Your memo proves it beyond a reasonable doubt. Larry, after you have spent two years investigation defrauding bridal dress executives, reading all the consumer complaints, read all the books and magazines articles describing how "not to be scammed" by bridal retailers, speaking with many defrauded victims, surveying bridal shops who mislead me, as well as contacting many consumer fraud agencies that allow bridal dress retail executives to defraud year, after year, after year. Then maybe you will have a better understanding of the "repetitive" crime involving bridal dress executive nationwide defrauding sweet young (and old) brides just trying to have a happiest day of their lives. You too will understand that the entire event gets ruined including the photographs that documents (for history) a lady who is dresses like a clown. Larry, you further recommended: "If the bridal shop refuses the refund, you should bring suit in your local small claims court". Larry, to recommend filing suit against bridal shops who refuse to refund consumers money is again poor advice for consumers but good advise for attorneys who profit by little ladies losses. These bridal dress crimes have been occuring for the past 30 years. Instead of making the consumer jam up our precious court system-filing suit, why don't we just figure out how to stop the repetitive crime of bridal dress fraud involving many retailer and manufacturing executives nationwide. If we stop it at the "core" than ladies would have no complaints about being defrauded and our precious court system could address other criminals. And Larry you further stated: "The two anonymous postings from bridal shop employees are hogwash. The bridal shop should not have accepted the order if they were not prepared to deliver on the schedule they agreed to". Lary, when you are right, you are really right! Larry there are not many happy days in this world so for greedy, greedy rich corporate wolves (who look like lovely retail ladies like Vera Wang) to be preying on poor innocent brides who barely have enough money to pay for a dress is "Appalling" to say the least and I am once again asking bridal dress retailers and manufacturers stop playing the deceptive game with consumers. Larry, I love being corrected and learning new information, so please let me know your thoughts on the complicated process of getting a "complex" contract of ordering a bridal dress in writing. Retailer many times won't put it in writing even if you ask so the "complex contract" many times is a "Verbal" contract. Good day ladies and Larry too,


You did nothing wrong, Lisa

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, July 12, 2004

You and the bridal shop entered into a legally binding contract. They agreed to deliver a dress by a certain date. You agreed to pay for it and you did pay for it. Your report indicated that they had not delivered the dress when promised. If that is/was the case, then you are entitled to a refund. If the bridal shop refuses the refund, you should bring suit in your local small claims court. The two anonymous postings from bridal shop employees are hogwash. The bridal shop should not have accepted the order if they were not prepared to deliver on the schedule they agreed to. Peggy has given you a little bit of misinformation regarding damages that might be awarded. No court is going to award you damages for emotional distress or pain and suffering in a simple breach of contract complaint no matter how upset you may be. The system just does not work that way.


Delray Beach,
bridal dress rip off retailers

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 11, 2004

Lisa, Oh how I feel for your frustration. Like many bridal parties for the past 20-years, I have been there and done that already with Vera Wang Corporations. Vera Wang's corporate deception inspired me (a retired corporate litigation investigator), to begin investigating the bridal dress industry and for the past two years I have uncovered many hundreds of complaints involving "late arriving" dresses in the repetitive complaints from consumers. Your story is nothing new. So don't let "anonymous" make you think it is. Bridal retailers are famous for lying about when your dress will arrive and will tell consumers anything you want to hear before they have your down payment, but then after they suck in your money, some retailers provide late bridal dresses (in the few days/weeks before your wedding) causing all kinds of problems, damages, devastation and chaos for bridal parties planning expensive wedding nationwide. One thing I have noticed is that bridal dress retailers are many times late with dresses but never misses the wedding date which tells me they know exactly what is occurring with late dresses. I am trying to explain to bridal dress manufacturers (like Vera Wang) that we ladies nationwide are sick of "Late Arriving", Cheaply made, less then K-Mart special dresses that come from many factories in the bridal dress industry. In the year 2004, bridal dress manufacturing factories are quite sophisticated and I imagine manufacturers know how long each dress takes to make/construct by the minute. So for all these bridal dresses to be arriving late over so many years (20?) is "Appalling" to say the least and shows the industry manipulates consumers with their deception, in my experienced opinion, of course. When retailer's (of bridal dresses or any other products) fails to provide the "Expressed Warranty" (that is whatever product is expressed to be sold (verbally or written contract) by the retailer or also when the retailer verbally states that your dress will arrive in May and then they provide it 4, 5, 6 months late). That "failed expressed warranty" "Null and Voids" (cancels out) the "No Return Policy" allowing the consumer to recover damages (sometimes including loss of experience, loss of event, pain and suffering, etc.) from the negligent/defrauding retailer or manufacturers too. F.Y.I. ladies, the definition of Fraud is Trickery, which is what many, many, many bridal retailers are playing against sweet innocent ladies shopping for wedding dresses nationwide, in my opinion after investigating for two years. I cannot tell you how many complaints I have read over the Internet about Bridal Dress executives who are causing "Nightmares" and "Horrid Experiences" for ladies ordering bridal dresses by providing late arriving dresses. Bridal dress retail owners constantly brutalize the consumer shopping for wedding dresses for many years and I am working to try and stop their brutality for some consumers whoes one day of fun is destroyed making many brides cry. I am sad just thinking about it. Bridal dress executives are further famous for blaming the consumer for all the problems just like the anonymous writers (2) in Allentown, PA did to Lisa above. Why do they have to be anonymous? Is it because their letters further brutalize the consumer trying to get help? Just a question, not an accusation. Ladies, the Federal Trade Commission sent out (2004) over 3,000 warning letters to bridal retailers and manufacturers about missing garment tags, which is illegal but continues in the bridal dress industry despite the warning letters from the FTC. Ladies nationwide are not privy to the retailers playing the illegal deception game of bridal dress fraud so for now I suggest ladies boycott bridal retailers until such time as retailers can prove they want the business. Ladies no longer want to give our money to brutal dictators (like Sadam) so that we may be brutalized later. Shop for "Ready to Wear" gowns that can be purchased at any Department Store nationwide or get a reputable seamstress (be careful) to make a dress. Or better yet, just wear your blue jeans. A seamstress (20-years in b. dresses) explained to me that bridal dress manufacturers (like Vera Wang) are charging extremely high prices for very poor quality (inferior) dresses arriving from many manufacturing factories, including Vera Wang in my experienced opinion. The seamstress said ladies would get better quality dresses in the "Ready to Wear" lines because you can see the quality of the dress you want to purchase right there on the rack. No need to order through brutalizing retail executives who sometimes provide very cheap dresses that are too small, arriving late with a no return policy. There is so much more to add, but I will stop here. Bridal retailers and manufacturers of bridal dresses should be ashamed of the "repetitive" complaints (involving missing garment tags, switched materials, late arriving dresses, dresses that are too small with bows falling to the floor before the first fitting, horrid treatment by retail executives who blame everything on the consumer even late arriving dresses, switched sales tags and manufacturers (Like Vera Wang) who do very little to stop retailers from using their superior couture products and then (illegally?) ordering a inferior model without the consumers knowledge as experienced by my family. It is all in the evidence of bridal dress fraud (scam, trickery) nationwide. Let me know if you have any further questions. I also ask that every last lady or man (Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, Nephew and friends too should write and complain about bridal executive horrid treatment to: Mr. Phil Gamma New York City Attorney General's Office Consumer Fraud and Protection Division 120 Broadway New York, NY 10271 Re: CFN02A10064 Their offices has been on notice for the past two years about the bridal industry's deception and are basically ignoring ladies complaints about the deception involving many bridal retail executives nationwide. Keep sending the letters of complaints to Mr. Gamma's office so that they will finally address the problem. It could be so easily handled by arresting the bad retailers and having the good retailers (if there are any?) to better mark the dresses and sales slip so that consumers, retailers and manufacturers know what is ordered and don't find out two weeks before the wedding that you have received a c.l.u.n.k.e.r of a dress. My comments are directed at the many defrauding bridal dress retailers and manufacturers (corporate wolves) who play this game of bridal dress sales deceptions with sweet bridal parties (lambs) and mothers (sheep) too. To the honest bridal dress executives we ladies nationwide ask you help in cleaning up an industry that preys like wolves on sweet brides one day of fun.


Delray Beach,
don't beleive bridal retailer who mislead over and over

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 11, 2004

Lisa, Oh how I feel for your frustration. Like many bridal parties for the past 20-years, I have been there and done that already with Vera Wang Corporations. Vera Wang's inspired me (a retired corporate investigator), to begin investigating the bridal dress industry and for the past two years I have uncovered many hundreds of complaints involving "late arriving" dresses in the bridal dress industry. Your story is nothing new. So don't let "anonymous" make you think it is. Bridal retailers are famous for stating your dress will arrive whenever you want it before they have your down payment, but then retailers provide it late (in the few days/weeks before your wedding) causing all kinds of problems, devastation and chaos for bridal parties nationwide. One thing I have noticed is that bridal dress retailers are many times late with dresses but never misses the wedding date. I am trying to explain to bridal dress manufacturers that we ladies nationwide are sick of "Late Arriving" dresses in the bridal dress industry. In the year 2004, bridal dress manufacturing factories are quite sophisticated and I imagine manufacturers know how long each dress takes to make/construct by the minute. So for all these bridal dresses to be arriving late is "Appalling" to say the least and shows the industry manipulates consumers with their deception, in my experienced investigative opinion, of course. When retailer's (of bridal dresses or any other products too) fails to provide their "Expressed Warranty" (which is the product expressed to be sold or that your dress will arrive in May and then they provide it 4, 5, 6, months late) then that "Null and Voids" (cancels out) the "No Return Policy" allowing the consumer to recover damages (sometimes including loss of experience, pain and suffering, etc.) from the negligent and defrauding retailer or manufacturers too. F.Y.I. ladies, the definition of Fraud is Trickery, which is what many, many, many bridal retailers are playing against sweet innocent ladies shopping for wedding dresses nationwide. I cannot tell you how many complaints I have read about Bridal Dress executives who are causing "Nightmares" and "Horrid Experiences" for ladies ordering bridal dresses by providing late arriving dresses. Bridal dress retail owners constantly brutalize the consumer shopping for wedding dresses for many years and I am working to try and stop their brutality for some consumers. They are further famous for blaming the consumer for all the problems just like the anonymous writers (2) in Allentown, PA did to Lisa. Why do they have to be anonymous? Is it because their letters further brutalize the consumer trying to get help? Just a question, not an accusation. Ladies the Federal Trade Commission sent out (2004) over 3,000 warning letters to bridal retailers and manufacturers about missing garment tags, which is illegal and continues in the industry despite the warning letters from the FTC. We ladies are not privy to the bridal dress retailers playing the illegal game of bridal dress fraud so for now I suggest ladies shop for "Ready to Wear" gowns that can be purchased at any Department Stores nationwide. A 20-year seamstress of the bridal dress industry explained to me that bridal dress retailers and manufacturers are charging extremely high prices for such poor quality (inferior) dresses arriving from many manufacturers, including Vera Wang in my experienced opinion. The seamstress said ladies would get better quality dresses in the "Ready to Wear" lines because you can see the quality of the dress you want to purchase before ordering from deceiving bridal retailers nationwide. There is so much more to add, but I will stop here. Bridal retailers and manufacturers of bridal dresses should be ashamed of the "repetitive" complaints (involving late arriving dresses, dresses that are too small with bows falling to the floor before the first fitting, horrid treatment by retail executives who blame everything on the consumer even late arriving dresses, missing garment tags, switched materials, switched sales tags and manufacturers (Like Vera Wang) who do very little to stop retailers from using their superior couture products and ordering a inferior model. It is all in the evidence of bridal dress fraud (scam, trickery) nationwide. Let me know if you have any further questions. I also ask that every last lady nationwide write your "Local State Attorneys" with your bridla dress complaints instead of sites like this that do not actually stop the crime but merely report on the problem. The state attorneys are powerful enough to stop the criminal activity if consumer write and complain. My comments are directed at the many defrauding bridal dress executives (corporate wolves) who play the deceptive game of bridal dress sales with innocent bridal parties (lambs) and mothers (sheep) who try and protect their little lambs from corporate wolves who run the industry, in my opnion, of course. Pegtho


Has It Been 6 months? NOPE! Don't complain without getting your facts straight first!

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 30, 2004

As an employee for Kaufman's, I always tell the bridesmaids ordering that it takes 4-6 months for their dress to come in. If their wedding is before that and they want to take the chane, hey that's their perogative! I would just like to say to Lisa...I don't know where you get 6 months as stated in your complaint, but it has not been six months. If you would like to count with me since obviously you didn't count right the first time, here we go: January-February=1 month February-March=2 March-April=3 April-May=4 May-June=5 OH MY GOSH!!!! Does that equal 5 months??? And they said it would be in at the end of july??? Hmmmm I believe that is the sixth month...Making the dress come in exactly on time! Woud ya look at that? Don't complain without getting your facts straight first!


our "poor service"

#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 28, 2004

Lisa- Look I hope I am right when I say your mature enough to understand that life isn't always fair. Taking it out on us- the employees that serve you the customer hand and foot and do everything possible to get your dress in on time, there is no need to treat us they way you do. And honestly, complaining the childish way your doing, isn't getting your dress here any faster, and neither is calling our store everyday! If your so unsatisfied with your dresses being in so late, why did you decide to order them so late! we say 4-6 months...estimated time. Do you expect them to be there on the exact day of the 6 month. We cant pull the dress out of our butt. Not to mention our "poor service" what do you call your attitude? It's nothing but poor. Heres a note to leave you with...Don't cry over spilt milk. Your dress is late, get over it.

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