  • Report:  #357880

Complaint Review: Keen.com - San Francisco California

Reported By:
- los angeles, California,

www.keen.com San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The following is actually a reply to a woman who spent alot of her hard earned money on the psychic line I used to work for Keen.com.

I vow to spend the rest of my life telling people to stay away from all psychic lines even if they are good, all they care about is money with som of them charging up to $50 per minute (PennyC). Keen and all psychic lines state that they are "for entertainment purposes only" but every single person calling is looking for accurate information not amusement. They can go see a movie or a concert for entertainment and still have money to spend. Keen is only concerned about getting your money and could care less about the accuracy of advice given. Here is a repost of my original reply to the following original rip off report. I reposted it, because I got so many wonderful emails from so many concerned people that I wanted to allow comments on this report. Thank you for taking the time to read.


As a real psychic, here is some free advice!

Hi Alex,

I used to work on Keen years ago and I actually did very well and my clients loved me for my accuracy and compassion and low rate of $1.00 per minute. I feel so bad hearing all the psychics you and other people went through in order to accept the fact that your ex was not coming back. It is so easy for a psychic to tell people that because there is a 50/50 chance they will come back. So many relationships are 'make up to break up . . . that's all we do.'

Here is what I learned from my experience with Keen. I feel I was guided there myself because I needed to learn how to love and after taking over 15,000 phone calls and 90% of these calls were about love . . . I learned alot!

The following is a 100% true story of how I became a psychic on Keen.

One day in 2001 my spirit guide Merlin who is an ancient Druid (not the Arthurian legend Merlin) asked me to stop reading for one of my famous clients because he never listened to anything and usually did the exact opposite of what was advised. He just really loved to hear me channel the wisdom of Merlin. So, I regretfully told him I could no longer read for him then I heard Merlin say, 'Go to the Coffee Bean in Malibu and do three minute readings for free every weekend for a month.'

So, each weekend for a month, I went to the Coffee Bean and did three minute readings for free. Then one day, I said out loud in frustration, 'OK Merlin, where you are, you don't have to pay rent but down here, I do and I need to make money and I need someone to help me market and promote my gifts!!!'

I am really good at helping everyone but myself.

One hour later, I got a call from John and he said, 'I accidentally came across your website (((Redacted))) and I love psychics and I love to help them market and promote their gifts. Have you heard of Keen?'

I said, 'No, I haven't.' John immediately set up a listing on Keen for me and I would pick up the phone and make money. And when I saw that for new customers on Keen . . . the first three minutes are free . . . I knew Merlin wanted me to do this. This is what working with spirit guides is all about! You listen to the guidance and it always serves a purpose.

I had my listing under the category 'Voices From Beyond.' I was graciously befriended by the top advisor in that category Chip Coffey and we became good friends. He was always very kind, sweet and funny and we spoke quite a bit on the phone. So, what happened next was not only very surprising but extremely painful for me.

After a year or so, as I came closer to surpassing him in rating points, Chip called me and congratulated me and kept saying that he was happy to 'hand over the crown' to me and that I deserved it because I had worked so hard. However, when it actually happened and I became number one in the category, he suddenly went from a sweet kind man to a monster. He immediately lowered his rate to $1.00 a minute which he had never done before so I called him and said, 'Is everything ok?' and he said angrily, 'No, I am not going to let you take over the number one spot. I've been number one for all these years. Arnold Schwarzenegger wouldn't roll over and play dead.'

He was alluding to Arnold because I read for Arnold in June of 2000 and saw him becoming our Governor.

Chip Coffey then began to recruit his friends to harass me. A good friend of his 'Goddess Dawn' who had always been friendly with me before all of a sudden would do things like change her name to Beatrick M since her listing was right under mine. Other psychic friends of Chip called me and purposely left negative feedback and they were all under Chip's 'Group' listing.

If that wasn't enough, Chip Coffey actually called me to tell me he had purchased my legal birth name as two domain sites and when you put my name in the browser it would take you to HIS WEBSITE. NOW THAT IS EVIL! When I threatened legal action, he then turned the domain names over to a production company called 'The Ott Group' who demanded $1500 to sell me back my own name.

I kept writing [email protected] and informing them of each event and yet in the end, this total b**ch named Erin who was in charge of the playfair team kicked me off. I am the one that ended up getting permanently removed from Keen because I sent polite, professional emails to each of the psychics giving me negative feedback and that is against Keen policy.

Nothing ever happened to Chip Coffey or any of the other psychics to my knowledge. So much pain was caused to me from someone who all along claimed to be my friend and it shocks me to this day how some people have no conscience and can just reek such havoc in other people's lives because they cannot handle being second best. As a friend, if he had told me how important it was to him to stay number one, I would have simply changed categories. That is what a real friend does!

I read alot of stories here on this site about people feeling ripped off by Keen and Kasamba/Live Person and all I can say is that there are some of us that are genuine and really care about our clients like me and we will tell you the TRUTH and even though sometimes it hurts . . . it will set you free!!

If you ever need a psychic, just ask the universe and let yourself be guided to the perfect one. PLEASE DO NOT WASTE MONEY ON THESE PSYCHIC LINES. THEY MAKE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND YOU END UP WITH INFORMATION YOU COULD GET FROM A BEST FRIEND.


los angeles, California


CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

566 Updates & Rebuttals


los angeles,

#2Author of original report

Thu, August 30, 2012

After I fostered two dogs for a Kimberly Glasnapp and I found out that she is a con artist that uses "Chip Ins" claiming she is helping animals when in fact she is lining her pockets . . . well my original stalker Tammy Alenduff joined up with her and has been harassing me ever since.  The woman has no life other then writing about me and posting links to her lie filled blog all over the net but she claims she is not stalking me . . . yeah right.


Kimberly posted on Facebook pics of kittens she claimed she found in a back alley and she set up a chip in when in fact she did not find any kittens. She actually stole the pics of kittens from a legitimate rescue in Atlanta Georgia that were three years old and the rescue saw the photos and now she is being blacklisted from the rescue community.

I feel sorry for Kimberly even though she instigated a horrible campaign of cyber bullying against me along with Barbara Evans of Jamestown, New York, Tammy Alenduff of Speedway, Alabama who has been stalking me for four years.  She is obsessed with me and writes blog after blog of just twisted truth and outright lies.  My other stalker is Tanila Price from Atlanta Georgia and leading the pack is PSYCHIC KID CHIP COFFEY.

Here is the link to the Facebook page that proves for once and for all that Kimberly Glasnapp is a fraud, a con artist and a liar.  It has gone viral from coast to coast in the Facebook animal rescue community.



United States of America
Find out about Beatrice Marot

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, August 18, 2012

Come and find out exactly how deranged and psychotic this woman truly is. 

I've exposed how truly vile this woman is, and will be updating it frequently.


She has been carrying this personal vendetta on for far too long, has made outrageous claims against me, and I will prove she has lied several times over. There are more and more people that are finding out how vile she is every day!


Woodland Hills, CA,
United States of America

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 31, 2011


This woman Kimberly Glasnapp has been stalking me and cyber bullying me non stop since October 16th, 2011 with the most outrageous lies. She has created three Rip Off Reports and a hate page a mile long on Wordpress with fake posters of fake events that never happened. She moderates her posters and does not allow for anyone to post anything
that is not hateful to me.

On Christmas Eve she created an ad on Craigslist soliciting sex and then when men contacted her via email she gave them my phone number. I finally had to file a police report on December 28th as she gives out my personal information and is relentless in her pursuit to torment me psychologically.

She created three fake profiles of me on Facebook in two days. She created one using a photo of a woman with blood on her face to represent me. What does it take for someone to be banned from Facebook?

All I did was foster two dogs for her and then we had a falling out after four months of fostering over a ten minute meltdown I had due to the puppy teething and destroying a lot of my clothes but I loved Gracie and after ten minutes I told Kimberly she could eat my entire wardrobe .. . I just wanted to find them a forever home and not re-foster them.

But what set her over the edge is that I found out she is using animals to line her pockets. I posted the story with proof of the three chip ins she set up for my foster dogs and raised over $800 and gave me $215 and pocketed the rest. She told people that I made her give me blank checks because I did not want my name on anything. There is absolutely nothing
this woman will not lie about.

She uses her page and her fake Bambi's Hope Rescue (she is not a 501C3 so legally she cannot solicit donations) page to get people to give her money and she is very good at it.

The page of a woman named "Sara Harrington Cross" with a picture of the Animal Liberation Front is Kimberly Glasnapp. If you look at the photos, there are only pictures of my profile on Facebook. She uses that page to defame me with her lie filled blog and to praise Kimberly and Bambi's Hope Rescue. There is a real Sara Cross in New York who has a
legitimate rescue and when I realized that Kimberly used her name to create a Sara Cross page and I called her out on it . . . she simply added Harrington in the middle.

I have been bulled for three years by other people and she chronicled in one blog she calls Beatrice Marot's Crimes Against the Innocent . . . all of the terrible lies written about me by Chip Coffey, Tammy Alenduff and Tanila Price that I have endured since November of 2008 however they are nothing compared to Kimberly Glasnapp and they never used
Facebook to promote their hatred.

She even used my mother's name and my sister in laws name on a false Rip Off Report she created and said they were my aliases. She also used a photo of my four year old niece in a bikini holding the puppy I fostered for her on another Rip Off Report. She wrote a third Rip Off Report saying I took a dying veteran of his life savings. She created many fake
posters and fake events on the blog she created about me on Word Press.
I mean she is truly deranged. I even fear for my life because she is that psychotic. Now the police are involved and I finally told my friends on Facebook and they have been so loving and supportive, it has helped tremendously. Thank you. The real Beatrice Marot ... lover and healer not hater and bully.


According to Dr. Martha Stout in her book The Sociopath Next Door, some sociopaths use their professional role as a mask to hide their real personality. They can be very hard to spot because they dont look any different than anyone else. Sociopaths are often very charming, likeable, easy-going and fun to be around. They dont worry like normal
people do. They can be intelligent, impressive and inspire confidence.
Sociopaths have an overwhelming need to be admired and often portray themselves as kind, compassionate and caring people. Only their victims know the truth.

Lying is second nature to sociopaths. In Without Conscience Dr. Hare says that lying, deceiving and manipulation are natural talents for psychopaths. When caught in a lie or challenged by the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed they simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with
the lie. The results are a series of contradictory statements and a thoroughly confused listener. Sociopaths will lie and cheat to deceive for money, power, fame, control and sex.

According to Dr. Hare the sociopath carries out his evaluation of a situation what he will get out of it and at what costs without the usual anxieties, doubts and concerns about being humiliated, causing pain, sabotaging future plans These are the things that people of conscience struggle with when considering possible actions. Sociopaths know the rules but choose which ones to follow. They have little resistance to temptation and their transgressions elicit no guilt Often
times, sociopaths are protected from the consequences of their behavior by family members, friends and colleagues.

Sociopaths are often glib when questioned about their behavior. They are famous for not answering the question asked them or they answer in a way to confuse the questioner. Their answers can often seem unresponsive to the Question.

Millions of men, women and children are impacted daily by the sociopaths in their lives. Sociopaths can cause great pain, anxiety, terror and humiliation. They can make a good impression when needed and often portray their victims as the culprits.


los angeles,
Chip Coffey's fansite moderator Sandra Lynn Sparks

#5Author of original report

Sun, May 08, 2011

This woman Sandra Lynn Sparks is the personification of why there was an Inquisition for 500 years!

I have not looked at this Ripoff Report in a very very long time.  I checked it out today because someone wanted to get a reading from me after reading it. That has happened several times . . . :) since most people can see that I'm telling the truth. 

I have never spoken anything but the truth about Chip Coffey.  He is the biggest liar on Earth and as I have stated in the past . . . I never would have outed him for the terrible things he did to me if he had stuck to chasing Demons and Ghosts on Paranormal State . . . but when I saw him on Psychic Kids, I was truly appalled at the exploitative nature of this show and I wanted to share my true story of the nightmare Chip Coffey put me through. 

If I was lying, Chip would sue me in a minute but I am not lying and he knows it.

Sandra is yet another one of his many hags going everywhere she can to try and discredit me.  She recruits kids for Chip Coffey's Psychic Kids Camps and other events that can found on a website run by Chip Coffey's BFF Michelle Babiarz Griffin who runs (((ROR REDACTED))) where parents and their kids can get ripped off at these overpriced circus shows she puts together.

Please visit Sandra's website and tell me if you would want her anywhere near your psychic kids if you had one.  I would not let her near my psychic hamster much less my child.  One thing is for sure. She has her head up Chip's butt and kissin it all the way to the bank.



Chip and his cyber-vigilante grannies wrote FIVE ripoff reports calling me a homophobe, a racist, a fraud and many other lies.  I am including a photo of me marrying a Gay couple!! 

The only liars here are Sandra Lynn Sparks, Michelle Griffin, Tammy Alenduff, Tanila Price and the head demon of this scary coven of old crones . . .  Chip Coffey!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Sandra Lynn Sparks

Mt. Airy,
United States of America
A Clear Violation of Rip-Off Report's policies

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 24, 2011

Rip-off Report has a policy against false statement, yet this entry has become one extremely long rambling complaint full of false statements, not just about Keen.com, but every one that this woman feels she wants to attack. I am one of the newer people on the list.

I feel the obsession on this page is pretty clear and I have nothing to say about that or to the maker of this report. Anyone who comes across this post, it's simple: I have a fairly visible presence on the Internet, check me out, and you'll find what she and a few of her friends and/or aliases have stated in this report about me is not true.


United States of America
Requesting Feedback Experiences from previous customers of certain psychics

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, April 23, 2011

First off, i'd like to apologize to everyone on this thread from the pain and suffering you have received in the past from using Keen.com. I'd also like to thank you very much for your feedback because I am new to Keen.com and I had no idea that the psychics on this website were a fraud. I do not trust the feedback provided on the website and I am truly blessed to be able to come to this thread to get true and accurate feedback from real customers.

I became a member of Keen.com back in March 2011. I had personal issues due to a failed relationship with someone I truly cared about. Provided below are all of the Keen.com psychics that I confided in:

Readings by Michele- I called her due to her brilliant 5 star ratings and several feedbacks from customers stating that her predictions did come true. No doubt that she is very nice, friendly, and have awesome psychic abilities. She picked up on me, the person in question, and my entire situation very quickly and accurately. She told me things she'd have no way of knowing if she weren't a true psychic. Therefore, I do give her the utmost credit for that. I'm very shaky about her because she gave me predictions on March 31, April 7, April 15, April 20 and not one of those predictions have come true. She told they will definitely come through, they're just postponed being that the person in question is so stubborn and I must admit that he is a very stubborn person but I still don't think that should be an excuse for so many failed predictions.

Psychiclinda, DaisyChainViolet, The Psychic One, Gifted Hillside Visions, Ask Fran, Vision 8 Beyond, Psychic Visions by Nadia, Eye of Robert all told me similar to what Michele told me. That he loves me, wants to be with me, and will be in touch sometime in May.

However, Happy 2174 and Hilling Heart Rose both told me completely different from the others.. To move on, get over him, and that he will not be reaching out to me.

Being that predictions have not yet come to pass I am not being negative towards / speaking against any of the psychics named above in any way. I'm just alittle concerned, especially after researching all the consumer complaints from this website. I must say that all of these psychics were friendly, straight forward, and very informative in picking up on my energy and situation.

If anyone have information and or experiences with any of these psychics please let me know. It will be highly appreciated. Be blessed!!

Paula Kin

Key West,
United States of America
Sandra Lynn Sparks Psychic FRAUD, Chip Coffey psychic buddy

#8Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 22, 2011

I am reporting the Psychic fraud Sandra Lynn Sparks, and all her alias
listed, a continued harassment of this women has been relentless she is
trying to tell young children they actually do hear and see "Dead
People" she makes claims to be "Psychic" and a proclaims to be a
"Witch" she openly practices witchcraft she also openly profess'
critical clinical depression on her own home page ( huge RED flag) She
claims on the facebook fan page she wants to lead children from a now
defunct Facebook fan page for "Psychic Kids" (the show was cancelled
,the fan page abandoned,) and now Sandra Lynn Sparks has bullied and
harassed anyone who she feels stands for truth or protection of
innocent children, she is openly trying to recruit children and parents
trying to sell "Psychic Camps" and asking for any children left there
at the fan page to "Follow her to a Private Page"  this is endangerment
IMO. But the psychics are just not real, This is am blatant ripoff of
unknowing parents and innocent children could be harmed mentally in the
long term or later years of their little innocent lives

 Please help and report all harassment by Sandra Lynn Sparks a
Cyber-bully who is preying on a facebook fan page for children, looking
for innocents to tell  to them they are psychic and hear "dead
people/see dead people"


los angeles,
How apropos

#9Author of original report

Thu, March 18, 2010

Ceila - Meaning:

Its source is Caecilia, a Latin name meaning "Blind.


Good Luck!

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, March 18, 2010

Oh, blah, blah, blah.  Anyone with an imagination -- and yours is really active -- can make up the same things you do.  Saying it doesn't make it real.  Typing it doesn't make it real either.

Still, NONE of the things you say make any sense!  This has been a cross between a really funny story and being totally disgusting.  Celebs are really, really careful about the company they keep.  After listening to you for no more than 2 minutes, you would be pegged as unstable to say the least, and they would have nothing more to do with you.

I honestly and sincerely do wish you the best and more than that I hope you do get help from the best psychiatrist you can find!!  Good luck. 

I have to go.  I have a REAL life.



los angeles,
You should practice what you preach

#11Author of original report

Thu, March 18, 2010

I do work on a psychic line but I won't say which one.  Now on Keen I had such amazing feedback (and I do miss that part of it) so much love from my clients and it was 99% five stars across the board for two years and I did 5 to 10 calls a day

I never had a problem with anyone . . . other then Chip Coffey and he did exactly what I said he did.  Now, it is time to let it go.  This thread is dead.

ctestes1 on February 13, 2010


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: She was fantastic!! During one of the darkest moments in my life over the past three years..she gave me hope! She's NEVER been wrong before and we've been talking for years!! Thank you so much for your kindness, love and understanding during a most difficult time! I will be back!!

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: blkporsche73 on February 06, 2010


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: Great call. She has stated what was told to me by my guy. That only shows she is nothing but right. Thanks Bea!!!! You are the best!!!

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: blkporsche73 on February 03, 2010


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: She has been right in the past for me. I know what she stated will also be right!!

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: ctestes1 on January 30, 2010


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: Always so reassuring...gave me a timeline to look for and will definitely be back when the time comes. I've talked with her for years and she's ALWAYS on spot!! Very quick, doesn't waste time (or money) and very thorough with explanations!!

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: alexia on December 03, 2009


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: She was awesome. picked right up on my situation.

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: blkporsche73 on December 02, 2009


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: Very caring. Very patient! Straight to the point and has opened my eyes to many things tonight both work wise and personally.

Thank you so much!

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: amyllarson on December 01, 2009


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: Beatrice is one of only two advisors on this site that I even bother to speak with. She's always been right for me with her predictions. No matter what I've wanted to hear, she's always told me what I've needed to hear - no matter how painful. In the process, I've learned a great deal about myself and how to make meaningful changes in my life. Thanks Bea!

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: blkporsche73 on November 29, 2009


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: Great call. She picked up right away I had two children. Thank you. Sh is quick and to the point!

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: 805Ringo on November 25, 2009


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: You helped me feel stronger- ThankYou

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: misty76 on July 26, 2009


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: I'm new to Beatrice, but so far have been very happy with my readings. She's kind and patient, and I can be stubborn...she genuinely wants to help me get past the things that are blocking me from being happy in this life, and I'll continue to seek the advice of her guides!

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: misty76 on July 14, 2009


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Very Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Very Satisfied
Communication ability: Very Satisfied

User Comments: First time caller, and she touched upon things easily, and was very supportive and kind.

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: missm78 on July 13, 2009


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: will call back and let her know when her predictions come to fruition. thanks B

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:


From: brownsugar76 on July 08, 2009


Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: She is truly gifted, I connected with her the first moment I talked to her. She is a keeper, and I will keep in touch. Thank you so much, I love talking to you, and will remember what you have told me. Thank you also for your honesty and integrity, it means a lot to me!! :-))

Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?:



It Doesn't Make Sense

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, March 17, 2010

Wow, Beatrice!  All of these awful, nasty men in your life doing horrible things to you over and over and over again!  I have a question.  You are psychic, right?  The "real deal"?  Why haven't you/don't you use your psychic abilities to avoid such men?  Why haven't/don't your "celebrity" guides tell you to stay away from them?

You talk about Karma.  Beatrice, if I were you, I would be very careful.  From all of the disgusting things you've said, your own Karma is going to get you right between the eyes! 

You claimed, when you first spoke with Chip, that he immediately introduced himself as a gay man.  Really?  C'mon!  Who does that?  I have tons of gay and l*****n friends and not one of them introduces themselves as being a gay or l*****n.

The things you say and claim just do not make sense!  Beatrice, please please please do yourself a big favor and get some professional psychiatric help!  This really isn't good for you or anyone else.


Just my two cents

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, March 17, 2010

Beatrice, I mean no offense but after reading your posts, I strongly suggest you seek professional help from a qualified psychiatrist.  To hold onto such pure hatred is so bad for you and in numerous ways!  You can also pass your negativity on to others which, of course, is not good for those around you.  Most of us are taught or we learn to stay far away from negativity and negative people. Once you forgive (if, indeed, anything you say has any truth) you will feel the weight of the world lifted from your shoulders.

Everything you say sounds like sour grapes and self promotion to me.  You were kicked off of Keen.  As you say yourself, the only thing Keen cares about is making money.  They do not care about the accuracy of their "advisers".  Having dealt with Keen and knowing others who have dealt with Keen, all in different aspects, you must have truly caused a lot of trouble.  I do not believe they kicked you off only because you sent nice, polite emails to "play fair".  They do not care about complaints or comments unless you are doing something which disturbs customers thus loses Keen money.

Now you are attempting to turn people against all "phone-in psychics".  Even Keen has some very good, top notch psychics!  They have some psychics who truly care about their clients.  Of course, they, too, (the psychics) have to pay rent, bills and eat, so with that in mind, they should charge for their services.  So long as their rates are fair!  IMHO, even $10 a minute is outrageous.  It is also a proven fact that people pay much closer attention to psychics when they must pay for the service.  Also, when you pay for the services of a psychic, that information truly becomes "yours".  You can do what you wish with it.  Pay close attention to it or throw it out but it is worth more simply because you pay for it.  And many people are guided to "phone psychics" such as the ones on Keen.  It is a shame that (IMHO) a good 85% of the "advisers" on Keen are fakes.

I am disgusted by your constant name dropping along with your disclosure of what transpired between you and a client!  There is an old saying "If you have to brag about it, you don't have it."  There is no way I would ever even think of speaking with anyone who feels the need to name drop, discloses what is supposed to be private, claims to be "the best" or claims 100%, 99.9% or even 98% accuracy.

I can't even come close to imagining Elvis telling anyone to Pray to him!  It is far from a secret that Elvis was/is extremely religious.  I would think he would consider telling someone to, in any way, shape or form or for any reason, Pray to him to be blasphemy to say the least!  I am also certain that Elvis would "write" a much better "song".

Far too many of the things you say and claim just do not make sense and it all sounds like hatred, total negativity, sour grapes, delusions of grandeur and self promotion.  In short, someone in dire need of help.

I sincerely do hope you get the help you so obviously and desperately need!

(I do not know "Beatrice" or "Chip".  These are just my observations and opinions.) 


I'm glad my email was so supportive

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, July 16, 2009

You are very welcome Beatrice :) And yes folks, I am a perfect stranger in regards to Beatrice. I still hold my first feelings of disgust over all that has been said to insult this woman's character and her work. To the above poster: I'm glad you saw through it all. No matter how many times such garbage is repeated, the truth simply stays the truth. You may twist and manipulate words to your own ends, but you can never truly change them.


Yorba Linda,
My viewpoint

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, July 15, 2009

After finding this site a few days ago I started reading beatrice's post about psychic ripoffs such as chip coffey. I was drawn to this post because I have lately been looking for advice from God and spiritual signals. I thought about consulting a psychic before but after hearing that some of these psychics are doing television shows where they claim to find ghosts I have lost my confidence in them. I agree with Beatrice on this one, who sounds like a real psychic, that Chip Coffey has made a mochary of professional psychics with a TV show where they take innocent children and try to tell them that they can contact ghosts. I know from my experience that ghosts are the ones who choose who they contact, its not a matter of being able to be a medium and find one. This is why I believe Beatrice when she says he is a fraud. Further, last night I was contacted by God and he told me that Chip Coffey had done no less than frame Beatrice. I thought about that, and when I remembered how Chip Coffey had stolen her name it made perfect sense. I would also like to apologize to God if it wasn't him but some other force that gave me this insight. I'm sorry to Beatrice that they have put you through the ringer when you right all along.


Los Angeles,

#16Author of original report

Mon, July 13, 2009

It's funny but I have not looked at this thread in several months and I got the hit to look at it today and here is a post from you Mason is my angel. If you think I am out to get Chip Coffey . . . you are sadly mistaken. In fact, it is the other way around. Here is an email, I got from a perfect stranger . . . for which I am grateful. Dear Beatrice, This may seem a bit odd and out of nowhere, But after reading of your publicized spat between Chip and his Chihuahuas, I honestly felt the need to give you my support. Even if it was only through a random email. I searched your name up a good while ago, and was horrified to see racist and homophobe next to your name. I myself, am now just coming into my own in regards to being psychic. It all comes to me in bits and pieces. Little sparks of images there and sudden information out of nowhere. I believe it was why I even searched you up.The feelings I got from your post were immense. Genuine feelings and a true kindess. I read Coffey Beans messages all over the internet, as well as the pure garbage those...well I refuse to call them ladies, was spewing about you. I've never felt such sickening vileness from a single person. If they were trying to make a point by pushing your buttons, then they failed miserably. The only thing that I even got from all of Chip's messages and posts was that he is no more psychic than I am a pixy fairy.The more I read from him, the more it became increasingly obvious that he was some kind of "poor me" victimization p***k. Him and his cronies pushed and pushed you until you finally lashed out and finally told them just to f**k off and other clever lambashing. Then he honestly has the audacity to say "See, see, she's insane!" and bawl victimization.What did they expect to happen when his two chihuahua's keep sending you nasty emails out of "defence" for him? I'm glad you had the balls to actually speak up over the fact that some "psychic in name only" tries to tell emotionally disturbed kids that they are being "attacked" by negative spirits. Horrible, debased, and disguisting of him to even think for the briefest of seconds he was truly qualified to help these kids. And the counselor or whatever the hell that thing (I refuse to call her a Lady as well), was doing a nice job of enforcing such delusional beliefs. How much did she get paid I wonder, to completely go against everything her position stands for? I'm rather curious how one can be the victim, if one has done nothing put rehash and vomit back up the same garbage post after post, as well as posting fresh insults to add fuel to the fire. Those who are truly psychic, those who have gifts, need not scream to the world "Look at me, I'm special!" Please keep up the excellent work you do, Beatrice. Love and peace to you, Carmilla


Chip, Beatrice, good lord!

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, July 10, 2009

I will tell you exactly how I feel about this entire situation. I don't see the point really. If you BOTH believe you are fantastic at what you do, why do you care what anyone else says? Chip- I have seen your work, and from what I can tell you are fantastic...but here is what I do not get....In order to have these wonderful "powers", you have to live on a positive vibration, if you are a "bright light" and you are negative, you will attract negativity. I think it is really just a classic case of jealousy. You both just need to stop it period, god gave you your powers and can surely take them away! No one needs to worry about who is right or wrong in this situation, rather just not say a word. It seems like this Beatrice lady, really has it out for Chip, and would rather sell her mama for a nickle than risk losing a penny to good ol Chip. Here is what bothers me the most. We ALL have to make money one way or another...but $1.99-2.99 per min? Who are you kidding? There is not a psychic on EARTH worth paying that kind of money for! How do EITHER of you sleep at night? That is $1435.20 PER DAY if you work a full 8 hours, not to mention the fact that private readings run $300 a half an hour, or $6-700 an hour! Really? You should feel terrible about yourself. Their are so many people out there that really truly need help, and would love to have a reading, to get piece of mind, but who can afford such insane rates? No one does things for free! I think the both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. People look to YOU for guidence, and you are fighting about how much money THEY pay YOU?... People pay good hard earned money to come to the both of you for advise and the both of you are greedy! I dont care if you lowered your rates from $2.99 to $1.00 to avoid losing business, you are still making a KILLING on people's misery. If you ask me, I think the both of you just need to give it a rest. Think about it this way, What are your loyal "customers" (because that is what they are) thinking about you 2 on a personal level after reading all of this bull shart... The 2 of you are so focused on bashing eachother and who is right or wrong, you don't see the big picture here...YOU are the ones who are HURTING YOURSELVES!! In the long run, would people rather pay you 2, who are clearly vicious to eachother, or pay someone else who is kind hearted and doesnt spend their days complaining about one another. I can tell you honestly, that I would not want to spend my hard earned money on someone who would potentiall hurt my feelings if I said/did something that they didnt like. I hope you both have a great day.


Los Angeles,
If you seek the light and the truth

#18Author of original report

Sat, April 04, 2009

you will be protected from the dark energies that do exist in this world and Chip Coffey embodies that energy as do his friends Tanila Price and Tammy Willingham. Hypocrisy is an ugly trait to have . . . we all can be hypocritical to some extent at one time or another . . . but these three with all their spiritual banter really take the cake. Enough was enough after one false ripoff report was filed on me by people I have never met and never ripped off. That is what this site is meant to be for . . . exposing a person or company that are rip offs but Tanila, Tammy and Chip decided to use this site to slander me and it backfired on them big time. They called me a homophobe, a racist and all over the web wrote the same absurd accusations . . . "Beatrice calls black people niggas and Beatrice calls Japanese people japs and she calls homosexuals homos" over and over day after day including Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's for months on end. Now when people google my name, these false ripoff reports come up on the first page and it makes people curious about me so they go to my myspace page and to my site and they realize that I am a really good person and very sincere in my desire to help people. They immediately see that I was a victim of cyberstalking and bullying by a bunch of 50 and 60 year olds and one is a psychic guiding children on TV. What kind of psychic would not see the outcome of these immature actions. The kind that is not a real psychic and the kind that would steal and register the names of a friend just because she became number one in Voices From Beyond on Keen and attempt to extort $3000 from her as well. Just the kind of person you want helping your children get spiritual guidance from right? I have forgiven them because I have had enough . . . more than enough believe me. I am writing this post because I wanted the haters to know that I get nothing but love and it's a beautiful thing!! The following is from a friend of mine. . . . who had created a thread on a Tupac Shakur fan site and Tanila even went on there spewing her endless hate, lies and distortions and this is what Bran had to say about it. Hey Beatrice, Last friday i went on thugz network and i noticed that tanila left a comment on my post 2pac Branham and Bran 7 connection. I dont think that you're racist or any of that. I know that from reading your blogs that you're none of that. tanila should have at least left me a message at thugz network telling me what she thinks instead of her posting on my 2pac Branham and Bran 7 connection post . . . that ticks me off, I would prefer for tanila not to post and not leave me a message because i dont care what she thinks. I have dealt with too many haters on forums thats why I stay away from forums. like a couple of days ago I googled your name and I read the rip off report about you. I think I started reading it at like 9:00pm until like 4:00am. Towards the end i skipped some of tanilas posts because i thought that it would be more of the same old bullshit and I was tired of reading. I read the post at the end about forgivness. I think that it will take me a while for me to forgive tanila for her posting crap on my 2pac Branham and Bran 7 connection post. I will probably continue to think of her and other haters as nothing . . . how can I forgive nothing. I'm sorry that you had to deal with the haters. Bran 7 Tanila's post was removed from that thread. This has turned out to be a really great story with a great message about morals and ethics and I never tire of telling it as people are always amazed at the end . . . when I chose forgiveness that morning and then. . . that very afternoon I read for a half black/half asian homosexual, it blows people away. I mean what are the chances. That is the love of God/Goddess and the world of spirit letting me know I made the right, no . . . the perfect choice!! I wish anyone reading this a wonderful life . . . and please remember to choose the light . . . always speak your truth and you will always come out on top!! Love, B


Enough is enough

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2009

Beatrice and Tanila need to stop this bickering. All of you psychics are wonderful in each of your own ways and please use your energies to help the people that need you. If you end this now, the hurting will stop. May God Bless you all.


Enough is enough

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2009

Beatrice and Tanila need to stop this bickering. All of you psychics are wonderful in each of your own ways and please use your energies to help the people that need you. If you end this now, the hurting will stop. May God Bless you all.


Enough is enough

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2009

Beatrice and Tanila need to stop this bickering. All of you psychics are wonderful in each of your own ways and please use your energies to help the people that need you. If you end this now, the hurting will stop. May God Bless you all.


Los Angeles,
My dear Kabol . .. so nice to see you have not changed a bit

#22Author of original report

Sat, March 28, 2009

and I love you just the way you are. lmao I am not getting back into any feud whatsoever believe me . . . I forgave them all and my life is beautiful. I just came to say hi to you because you have always been kind and respectful while stating your position and I appreciate that and now I will address your last post. No, I am not a millionaire Kabol and that is not a goal of mine either. If I do prosper to that extent, it will be for other reasons and I would absolutely, without question use my wealth to help children, animals and Mother Earth. As far as missing children . . . I will leave that to the professionals. It is too depressing to tune into the horrors of the crazed and cruel people of this world. I honestly could not handle it. I would not be effective at all. I help people with my intuitive skills and sometimes it is just the little things I say that give people confidence and help them create the future they want. For example, a couple of friends just moved from Texas to Cali to pursue their dream of music and to start an all female band. I told Chris "You would make a great Nanny" and I told Tiff who is gay . . . she should include a man in her band. I said, "I see a man!" ooooooooohhhh lol Within three days of arriving, Chris met a wealthy old man with a ten year old daughter and he hired her as a Nanny and Tiff called me last night to tell me that she met a man who just moved from the great state of Texas who has a band with a female singer looking for a female drummerand they are playing paid gigs all over town. And I saw it a three weeks ago . . . and voila it happened already. I have been doing this for 19 years so I think I know I provide a valid service to my friends and clients or I would not do it. I am a healer Kabol, a teacher and a guide and I happen to be psychic. That does not make me all knowing. And when I say, "You would make a great Nanny . . . it is because I get an image in my mind's eye of her with a child and I trust it and say it." What I actually do Kabol is help people create the future they want. I empower people to know just how magical they are. I plant seeds in their consciouness that I know they can manifest. We need to master the power of positive thinking and projecting into universal mind our goals and desires. That is what happens to us anyway but most people manifest from fear . . . not love. Fear sucked me into this "feud" but love is what ended it. When my guides told me to forgive them all and I did . . . and I meant it too! Well that very afternoon I read for a half black/half asian homosexual. I mean what are the chances Kabol? lmao I think Ric is the only one in Los Angeles and he wrote a great article and funny article about me and I am very very happy again. You know you are always welcome to call me anytime Kabol. I would be happy to read for you or you can just ask me twenty questions. And DD is the wonderful friend that came out of this nightmare with Chip and he is great!! I am going to do my own internet radio show . . . I hope you listen! Love, B


North Pole,
you ARE funny bea

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, March 28, 2009

you're funny, and i believe that YOU believe that you are psychic. that doesn't mean you actually are. :) if you were all that accurate, you could have been a millionaire by now. you, and chip, sylvia, edwards, etc etc. well, sylvia and edwards might be millionaires by now, but it has NOTHING to do with their "psychic accuracy" and everything to do with marketing and PR. yes, scamsters exist in every field. but there are usually VERY strict laws governing businesses where money exchanges hands and certain expectations exist and/or are advertised by the seller. i don't want to get drawn back into your feud with the psychotic chip chihuahuas, but i wish you the best. maybe you'll use your 'accurate' gift to help find missing children/persons. for free. without being featured on television. (although those TV psychic "detectives" like carla baron and john oliver are COMPLETELY inaccurate and useless)


Los Angeles,
My dear Kabol . .. so nice of you to drop by

#24Author of original report

Fri, March 27, 2009

You know my friend . . . some of us like yours truly here have developed and studied the "arts of divination" for a very long time. I started studying astrology at the age of 13 but I decided by the time I was 18 based on two charts done on me that there was something off about western astrology, however when I studied Vedic Astrology for two years at the age of 29 . . . I was truly intrigued and amazed by the Dasha or Planetary periods that are dated and are like an itinerary of your life journey. It is amazing how accurate jyotish is. Kabol there is no question that there are scammers out there in everything from the medical industry, to auto mechanics to mental health care, to insurance, to weight loss scams, to as we all know to painfully well . . . the financial industry scammers . . . but you can't lump everyone in the same category. There are genuine seers. I am a very very specific and accurate seer. Sometimes, I will repeat verbatim what someone just said to my client. I really live to help people and I love it. It is the most wonderful feeling to spend an hour with someone and know you have made a difference in their lives. The problem with psychic lines is that you cannot really tune in unless of course you only charge a $1 a minute like I did . . . and I think that may be behind the REAL reason (my conflict with Chip Coffey being the excuse they used) that Keen let me go. I mean, I had literally page after page of the most beautiful and touching feedback and five stars across the board for months on end. I am so glad I saved 40 pages of only five star ratings and glowing feedback . .. it makes me happy and I know that I am super accurate. In fact, I have lost clients because they told me . . . they just did not want to know anymore because I was always right. So, they stopped getting readings period. When I read of all the unethical behavior of current psychics on Keen on all these threads and they were there when I was there between 2003 and 2005 and they are being accused of harrassing clients and there are quite a few like Lady Campbell who constantly gets terrible feedback, sends the same exact payperview emails to everyone and she is still there . . . but she charges $20 a minute. So it is really Keen who is just another corporate entity looking to profit from gullible consumers. They could care less about accuracy or the financial waste of money most of these psychics are and I would say 90% of psychics on the lines are nothing more then good counselors with a soothing word that gives people hope . . . but no real truth. I can honestly say I am not like that or I would not be a psychic advisor. You won't find for "entertainment purposes only" on my website although my delivery is very entertaining . . . . If I wanted to entertain, I would do stand up comedy. I am really funny . . . and I love to make people laugh.


North Pole,
there's the rub. is it "just entertainment" or not?

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, March 27, 2009

LYParalegal stated: **"However, the provider of the service isn't responsible for not delivering for any other purpose than their disclaimer states they will provide. And pretty much all providers of services and products are concerned with obtaining consumers' money- that's the point of for-profit business."** that is a good point. BUT you aren't seeing the bigger picture. just read the post above by "snowyowl". **"it's cheaper than a suicide hotline!"** he/she justifies. these services are HAVENS for low-life people whose sole intent is to RIP GULLIBLE PEOPLE off. they could care less that these gullible people might be mentally unstable, or addicted, or grieving, or any other number of things that many of these callers are. so they use a disclaimer and get away with scamming people. while some of the "psychics" might believe they have psychic powers, (and there is no proof anyplace that ANYONE has psychic powers, especially not to the extent that they could/should CHARGE MONEY for them) i'd bet MOST of these "readers" know quite well that they are just ripping people off. they're using "cold reading" techniques. they use scripts. they use psychological manipulations. they are vague and yet seemingly spot on! it's well documented how they operate. it's just too bad that the law isn't paying close enough attention. i don't disagree with you that as a whole, keen and other online psychic networks clear themselves quite handily by using the "for entertainment only" disclaimer. it's WHY they're still allowed to perpetuate fraud. just like any charging psychic out there. they HAVE to use this disclaimer. maybe some day the law will catch up to these charlatans and more attention will be paid to sites like this in particular and charging "psychics" in general. maybe someday it will be completely illegal to charge money for psychic readings - at least UNTIL THERE IS PROOF that a "psychic" can and will be 100% accurate and actually has some sort of "power".


Check your medication Tanila!

#26Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 27, 2009

Are you talking to yourself again? I respond to you, and you go on talking to Bea as if she's here. Chip Coffey is his own worse enemy. Do you ever get tired of making an a*s of yourself, playing groupie to a homopsychic? I'm amazed at your ignorance! The next edition of PSBS 101 is gonna be good!


Las Vegas,
Just Noticed This Thread...

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

...and wow, that's a lot of activity! The only thing that really caught my eye was this: "Keen and all psychic lines state that they are 'for entertainment purposes only' but every single person calling is looking for accurate information not amusement. They can go see a movie or a concert for entertainment and still have money to spend. Keen is only concerned about getting your money and could care less about the accuracy of advice given." The disclaimer the original poster of this thread quoted says it all: sure, anyone CAN do something else for entertainment, but they chose to do THIS. It is clearly stated that the service is provided for entertainment, period. If someone chooses to use it for another purpose, good for them. However, the provider of the service isn't responsible for not delivering for any other purpose than their disclaimer states they will provide. And pretty much all providers of services and products are concerned with obtaining consumers' money- that's the point of for-profit business.


Las Vegas,
Just Noticed This Thread...

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

...and wow, that's a lot of activity! The only thing that really caught my eye was this: "Keen and all psychic lines state that they are 'for entertainment purposes only' but every single person calling is looking for accurate information not amusement. They can go see a movie or a concert for entertainment and still have money to spend. Keen is only concerned about getting your money and could care less about the accuracy of advice given." The disclaimer the original poster of this thread quoted says it all: sure, anyone CAN do something else for entertainment, but they chose to do THIS. It is clearly stated that the service is provided for entertainment, period. If someone chooses to use it for another purpose, good for them. However, the provider of the service isn't responsible for not delivering for any other purpose than their disclaimer states they will provide. And pretty much all providers of services and products are concerned with obtaining consumers' money- that's the point of for-profit business.


Las Vegas,
Just Noticed This Thread...

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

...and wow, that's a lot of activity! The only thing that really caught my eye was this: "Keen and all psychic lines state that they are 'for entertainment purposes only' but every single person calling is looking for accurate information not amusement. They can go see a movie or a concert for entertainment and still have money to spend. Keen is only concerned about getting your money and could care less about the accuracy of advice given." The disclaimer the original poster of this thread quoted says it all: sure, anyone CAN do something else for entertainment, but they chose to do THIS. It is clearly stated that the service is provided for entertainment, period. If someone chooses to use it for another purpose, good for them. However, the provider of the service isn't responsible for not delivering for any other purpose than their disclaimer states they will provide. And pretty much all providers of services and products are concerned with obtaining consumers' money- that's the point of for-profit business.


Las Vegas,
Just Noticed This Thread...

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

...and wow, that's a lot of activity! The only thing that really caught my eye was this: "Keen and all psychic lines state that they are 'for entertainment purposes only' but every single person calling is looking for accurate information not amusement. They can go see a movie or a concert for entertainment and still have money to spend. Keen is only concerned about getting your money and could care less about the accuracy of advice given." The disclaimer the original poster of this thread quoted says it all: sure, anyone CAN do something else for entertainment, but they chose to do THIS. It is clearly stated that the service is provided for entertainment, period. If someone chooses to use it for another purpose, good for them. However, the provider of the service isn't responsible for not delivering for any other purpose than their disclaimer states they will provide. And pretty much all providers of services and products are concerned with obtaining consumers' money- that's the point of for-profit business.


I did indeed because

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

on the Amateur Scientist thing, you started saying ugly things about Chip, Tammy and me. No one has said anything about you in months!! I emailed you to tell you that i had read the things that you said, and that you need to stop and stop now.


Give it a break, Tanila Price

#32Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 26, 2009

First you send Beatrice a threatening email, now you threaten her here!? Blogs aren't removed for no reason. Evidently, someone felt your blog should be deleted. Pretending to be a lawyer? I think you've gone off the deep end this time.


Los Angeles,
Listen to your own advice

#33Author of original report

Thu, March 26, 2009

I have not started anything . . you are the one that emailed me.



#34Consumer Comment

Wed, March 25, 2009

You asked us all to stop posting about you, and we did. Now you are the one starting again. You had my blog about you removed by telling the owner that you were an attorney with Marot Media. Marot Media?????? haha Yet, you continue with your talk. DON'T START AGAIN!! Beatrice, you don't want to start again!


Los Angeles,
You really need to get your facts straight

#35Author of original report

Sat, March 21, 2009

A law WAS passed in 2008 that makes it illegal to register a person's legal birth name. Legal or not, it is wrong . . . The following is the latest email from the crazed lunatic Tanila Price from The Amateur Scientist blog . . . of Brian Thompson where you can find Chip as usual whining and accusing people of what he himself does all the time. The poster on this thread "Renegade" is without a doubt Chip Coffey. Beatrice Guest Quote Re: OCR: In Defense of Chip Coffey Reply #22 on: March 16, 2009, 05:47:57 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look what I got this morning Brian . . . this is Chip's number one defender and cyber bully. Tanila is the most deranged sociopath next to Chip himself that I have ever dealt with. Chip Coffey, Tanila Price and Tammy Willingham are the ones that create false identities and file false reports, lies and distortions all over the internet . . . about me anyway. The only thing I ever said about Chip Coffey is the truth. I thought he was my friend for two years. He was one of the first people to call me on Keen and he wrote the following feedback about me on 5/16/2003 when he called himself Crossing Over Guy CHIP COFFEY BEATRICE MAROT IS DIVINELY AND SPIRITUALLY CONNECTED! SHE IS GIFTED, CARING, HONEST FUNNY... AND ABOVE ALL ELSE. REAL! Then, he lost his mind when I became number one in our category. He recruited his friends to call me and purposely leave negative feedback about me. Chip then stole and registered my names and sent people to his website with my name. He then tried to extort $3000 from me to sell me back my legal birth name. He then proceeded to lie about the facts saying we were never friends and on and on. Just google my name and you will see how this phony friend and psychic has viciously cyberbullied me with the help of his friends and here is Tanila threatening to start it all over again. Tanila the damage is done. What more can you do . . . other than show what an evil, ugly person you are. -----Original Message----- From: Tanila Price [** EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED - RP] Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 4:41 AM To: bea Subject: I read your post on the Amateur Scientist. If you start saying ugly things about Chip, Tammy, or me again the entire thing will start all over. I have a google alert for you, that's how I knew about Inside the Amateur Scientist chat with Hank. Beatrice, don't start anything and the sleeping dogs will continue sleeping. I won't sit quietly and let you defame any of us. Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 06:33:55 pm by Richard Logged Richard Reply #23 on: March 16, 2009, 06:35:02 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I removed her email address from the post. Crazy or not, let's respect her privacy. But yeah, kind of a crazy email. Richard


Los Angeles,
You really need to get your facts straight

#36Author of original report

Sat, March 21, 2009

A law WAS passed in 2008 that makes it illegal to register a person's legal birth name. Legal or not, it is wrong . . . The following is the latest email from the crazed lunatic Tanila Price from The Amateur Scientist blog . . . of Brian Thompson where you can find Chip as usual whining and accusing people of what he himself does all the time. The poster on this thread "Renegade" is without a doubt Chip Coffey. Beatrice Guest Quote Re: OCR: In Defense of Chip Coffey Reply #22 on: March 16, 2009, 05:47:57 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look what I got this morning Brian . . . this is Chip's number one defender and cyber bully. Tanila is the most deranged sociopath next to Chip himself that I have ever dealt with. Chip Coffey, Tanila Price and Tammy Willingham are the ones that create false identities and file false reports, lies and distortions all over the internet . . . about me anyway. The only thing I ever said about Chip Coffey is the truth. I thought he was my friend for two years. He was one of the first people to call me on Keen and he wrote the following feedback about me on 5/16/2003 when he called himself Crossing Over Guy CHIP COFFEY BEATRICE MAROT IS DIVINELY AND SPIRITUALLY CONNECTED! SHE IS GIFTED, CARING, HONEST FUNNY... AND ABOVE ALL ELSE. REAL! Then, he lost his mind when I became number one in our category. He recruited his friends to call me and purposely leave negative feedback about me. Chip then stole and registered my names and sent people to his website with my name. He then tried to extort $3000 from me to sell me back my legal birth name. He then proceeded to lie about the facts saying we were never friends and on and on. Just google my name and you will see how this phony friend and psychic has viciously cyberbullied me with the help of his friends and here is Tanila threatening to start it all over again. Tanila the damage is done. What more can you do . . . other than show what an evil, ugly person you are. -----Original Message----- From: Tanila Price [** EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED - RP] Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 4:41 AM To: bea Subject: I read your post on the Amateur Scientist. If you start saying ugly things about Chip, Tammy, or me again the entire thing will start all over. I have a google alert for you, that's how I knew about Inside the Amateur Scientist chat with Hank. Beatrice, don't start anything and the sleeping dogs will continue sleeping. I won't sit quietly and let you defame any of us. Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 06:33:55 pm by Richard Logged Richard Reply #23 on: March 16, 2009, 06:35:02 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I removed her email address from the post. Crazy or not, let's respect her privacy. But yeah, kind of a crazy email. Richard


Los Angeles,
You really need to get your facts straight

#37Author of original report

Sat, March 21, 2009

A law WAS passed in 2008 that makes it illegal to register a person's legal birth name. Legal or not, it is wrong . . . The following is the latest email from the crazed lunatic Tanila Price from The Amateur Scientist blog . . . of Brian Thompson where you can find Chip as usual whining and accusing people of what he himself does all the time. The poster on this thread "Renegade" is without a doubt Chip Coffey. Beatrice Guest Quote Re: OCR: In Defense of Chip Coffey Reply #22 on: March 16, 2009, 05:47:57 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look what I got this morning Brian . . . this is Chip's number one defender and cyber bully. Tanila is the most deranged sociopath next to Chip himself that I have ever dealt with. Chip Coffey, Tanila Price and Tammy Willingham are the ones that create false identities and file false reports, lies and distortions all over the internet . . . about me anyway. The only thing I ever said about Chip Coffey is the truth. I thought he was my friend for two years. He was one of the first people to call me on Keen and he wrote the following feedback about me on 5/16/2003 when he called himself Crossing Over Guy CHIP COFFEY BEATRICE MAROT IS DIVINELY AND SPIRITUALLY CONNECTED! SHE IS GIFTED, CARING, HONEST FUNNY... AND ABOVE ALL ELSE. REAL! Then, he lost his mind when I became number one in our category. He recruited his friends to call me and purposely leave negative feedback about me. Chip then stole and registered my names and sent people to his website with my name. He then tried to extort $3000 from me to sell me back my legal birth name. He then proceeded to lie about the facts saying we were never friends and on and on. Just google my name and you will see how this phony friend and psychic has viciously cyberbullied me with the help of his friends and here is Tanila threatening to start it all over again. Tanila the damage is done. What more can you do . . . other than show what an evil, ugly person you are. -----Original Message----- From: Tanila Price [** EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED - RP] Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 4:41 AM To: bea Subject: I read your post on the Amateur Scientist. If you start saying ugly things about Chip, Tammy, or me again the entire thing will start all over. I have a google alert for you, that's how I knew about Inside the Amateur Scientist chat with Hank. Beatrice, don't start anything and the sleeping dogs will continue sleeping. I won't sit quietly and let you defame any of us. Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 06:33:55 pm by Richard Logged Richard Reply #23 on: March 16, 2009, 06:35:02 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I removed her email address from the post. Crazy or not, let's respect her privacy. But yeah, kind of a crazy email. Richard


Los Angeles,
You really need to get your facts straight

#38Author of original report

Sat, March 21, 2009

A law WAS passed in 2008 that makes it illegal to register a person's legal birth name. Legal or not, it is wrong . . . The following is the latest email from the crazed lunatic Tanila Price from The Amateur Scientist blog . . . of Brian Thompson where you can find Chip as usual whining and accusing people of what he himself does all the time. The poster on this thread "Renegade" is without a doubt Chip Coffey. Beatrice Guest Quote Re: OCR: In Defense of Chip Coffey Reply #22 on: March 16, 2009, 05:47:57 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look what I got this morning Brian . . . this is Chip's number one defender and cyber bully. Tanila is the most deranged sociopath next to Chip himself that I have ever dealt with. Chip Coffey, Tanila Price and Tammy Willingham are the ones that create false identities and file false reports, lies and distortions all over the internet . . . about me anyway. The only thing I ever said about Chip Coffey is the truth. I thought he was my friend for two years. He was one of the first people to call me on Keen and he wrote the following feedback about me on 5/16/2003 when he called himself Crossing Over Guy CHIP COFFEY BEATRICE MAROT IS DIVINELY AND SPIRITUALLY CONNECTED! SHE IS GIFTED, CARING, HONEST FUNNY... AND ABOVE ALL ELSE. REAL! Then, he lost his mind when I became number one in our category. He recruited his friends to call me and purposely leave negative feedback about me. Chip then stole and registered my names and sent people to his website with my name. He then tried to extort $3000 from me to sell me back my legal birth name. He then proceeded to lie about the facts saying we were never friends and on and on. Just google my name and you will see how this phony friend and psychic has viciously cyberbullied me with the help of his friends and here is Tanila threatening to start it all over again. Tanila the damage is done. What more can you do . . . other than show what an evil, ugly person you are. -----Original Message----- From: Tanila Price [** EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED - RP] Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 4:41 AM To: bea Subject: I read your post on the Amateur Scientist. If you start saying ugly things about Chip, Tammy, or me again the entire thing will start all over. I have a google alert for you, that's how I knew about Inside the Amateur Scientist chat with Hank. Beatrice, don't start anything and the sleeping dogs will continue sleeping. I won't sit quietly and let you defame any of us. Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 06:33:55 pm by Richard Logged Richard Reply #23 on: March 16, 2009, 06:35:02 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I removed her email address from the post. Crazy or not, let's respect her privacy. But yeah, kind of a crazy email. Richard


I am kean on keen!!!!!!!!

#39Consumer Comment

Fri, March 20, 2009

I find the woman from california to be a whiner and hypocrit. I have read for 35 years for free. I lost my pension and needed income, what was my greatest gift that I gave away free from my heart it saved me. I am proud to work for keen. If she states these people would be better off speaking to a friend she is no psychic, for they are lonely , most have no friends cannot afford 250.00 pop for a shrink. They call keen for guidance, compassion, and understanding no judgements. I know chip coffee , I met him on a haunt in sevensisters Inn. I have no dog in this fight , I do not know the truth about their squabble. I do know that to poke holes and mouth off on a place you worked for is sour grapes. What she is complaining about is called competition. Chip lowered his rate so what ? Cannot take the heat get the heck out of the kitchin!!!!! What he did to her registered her name as a website going back to him. Is not illegal!!!!! One should consider that this woman should have registered her own website!!! I would not call any the readers I know frauds or fakes. It is very hard to read it drains one and there are many "psychic vampires" who use the free readers , I know I read on pal and other places. They will hop from one psychic to another!!!! most readers know that you must have a thick skin the competition is fierce!!!! Most readers are giving all they have instead of kicking them for being on keen you should be glad there is a place where they can go. It is relatively cheap , I keep my rates down and read fast. I never drag it out. I understand that they want accurate and cheap!!!!! My Lord this society wants to take fair minded people who work on keen ;some are disabled and need the work. They are good at what they do its better then a suicide hot line!!!!!!!!!!!



#40Consumer Comment

Tue, March 03, 2009




#41Consumer Comment

Tue, March 03, 2009




#42Consumer Comment

Tue, March 03, 2009



Los Angeles,
The power of love is healing . . .

#43Author of original report

Wed, January 28, 2009

The following article was written by a new and wonderful friend named Ric and he has given me permission to post it. Ric is the man I read for the very afternoon of the day I chose to really forgive all the haters that have posted all these terrible lies about me. Aunt Bea by Ric Parish She has been accused of being homophobic and racist by some of her less evolved colleagues. But let this Pilipino African American gay man tell you; psychic Beatrice Marot helped me to clearly see my life purpose. In this age of mass marketing, ponzie schemes and false profits/prophets, it is easy to be skeptical about anyone claiming to be a psychic. But when I finally decided to ask Bea to do my reading it was like putting on a pair of cosmic contact lenses. The blurred vision of my life was fine tuned to crystal clarity. Bea pulls no punches. She reads your chart with the skill and wisdom of a village high priestess. Indeed, she likes to refer to herself as the High Priestess in Hollywood. When I first met her I thought she was crazy but I came to realize the full power of a person that carries and channels spirits from multidimensional planes. As Bea began to read my chart, I felt a comforting sense of safety. It was as if I were being guided through my life and more importantly my life's possibilities. I was stunned when she spoke of my deceased mother and the vision of pink butterflies radiating from her heart. Bea asked me What does this mean to youyour mother says only you will know what this means. Holding back emotion and tears I explained that my mother had a pink Balintawak (Butterfly) dress which is the national costume of The Philippines for women. Your mother says she is very sorry for not accepting you for being gay and she now knows the truth. The truth that there is nothing wrong with being gay and she's telling me she is even going to help you find your life partner. That made me chuckle because my mom always liked to play the match maker for her unmarried friends and their daughters. Let me tell you what your life purpose is not It is no longer to find and fix damaged men. That is what you have been doing with your life and that time has come to an end. Hearing the truth on that raw level was like being b***h slapped by Samuel L. Jackson in a Tarantino film. I was reminded of my past relationships.even my profession working in HIV. I was suddenly reminded of All of the pain the tears the regrets. Don't get me wrong, working in the field gave me a great deal but the subtext of my need to fix others as a shield from looking at my own life, eventually caught up with me. And as with all of my past relationships suddenly and without warning, I dropped everything and walked away. Brutal honesty is designed to shock. It is designed to stimulate action. Action: You have 48 hours to expel a major negative force in your life(I won't name him)...you have to demonstrate to the universe that you are ready to accept success in your life. Did I dare not heed the call? I took the action and my life began to change immediately. Was it a Placebo effect? Was it Karma in action? Who knows? Who cares? All I know is that it felt right and rang true to me. Channeling the likes of Tupac Shakur, Bea raps with an intensity that can only be found south of Wilshire Blvd. It is an authentic translation of the messages she channels from the iconic rapper and other artists that have passed to the other dimension but feel that their work here is not done. From the grave they inspire and teach her. She in turn passes on the message to those open enough to hear it. The psychic world is not without their haters. Indeed Bea has been slandered by the best or shall I say the worst of them. Many of us including Bea have found out the hard way: In Hollywood, talent can not only be a virtue; it can become a fearful threat. Especially to those who take their envy to uglier states of consciousness. This is what has happened to her. What is Bea's response? I choose to forgive them and move on. All I can say is Bea is a better girl than I. Me? I'd go Ape-Ru Paul on the bitches. But that's why she's the evolved one and I'm still learning.


Los Angeles,
The power of love is healing . . .

#44Author of original report

Wed, January 28, 2009

The following article was written by a new and wonderful friend named Ric and he has given me permission to post it. Ric is the man I read for the very afternoon of the day I chose to really forgive all the haters that have posted all these terrible lies about me. Aunt Bea by Ric Parish She has been accused of being homophobic and racist by some of her less evolved colleagues. But let this Pilipino African American gay man tell you; psychic Beatrice Marot helped me to clearly see my life purpose. In this age of mass marketing, ponzie schemes and false profits/prophets, it is easy to be skeptical about anyone claiming to be a psychic. But when I finally decided to ask Bea to do my reading it was like putting on a pair of cosmic contact lenses. The blurred vision of my life was fine tuned to crystal clarity. Bea pulls no punches. She reads your chart with the skill and wisdom of a village high priestess. Indeed, she likes to refer to herself as the High Priestess in Hollywood. When I first met her I thought she was crazy but I came to realize the full power of a person that carries and channels spirits from multidimensional planes. As Bea began to read my chart, I felt a comforting sense of safety. It was as if I were being guided through my life and more importantly my life's possibilities. I was stunned when she spoke of my deceased mother and the vision of pink butterflies radiating from her heart. Bea asked me What does this mean to youyour mother says only you will know what this means. Holding back emotion and tears I explained that my mother had a pink Balintawak (Butterfly) dress which is the national costume of The Philippines for women. Your mother says she is very sorry for not accepting you for being gay and she now knows the truth. The truth that there is nothing wrong with being gay and she's telling me she is even going to help you find your life partner. That made me chuckle because my mom always liked to play the match maker for her unmarried friends and their daughters. Let me tell you what your life purpose is not It is no longer to find and fix damaged men. That is what you have been doing with your life and that time has come to an end. Hearing the truth on that raw level was like being b***h slapped by Samuel L. Jackson in a Tarantino film. I was reminded of my past relationships.even my profession working in HIV. I was suddenly reminded of All of the pain the tears the regrets. Don't get me wrong, working in the field gave me a great deal but the subtext of my need to fix others as a shield from looking at my own life, eventually caught up with me. And as with all of my past relationships suddenly and without warning, I dropped everything and walked away. Brutal honesty is designed to shock. It is designed to stimulate action. Action: You have 48 hours to expel a major negative force in your life(I won't name him)...you have to demonstrate to the universe that you are ready to accept success in your life. Did I dare not heed the call? I took the action and my life began to change immediately. Was it a Placebo effect? Was it Karma in action? Who knows? Who cares? All I know is that it felt right and rang true to me. Channeling the likes of Tupac Shakur, Bea raps with an intensity that can only be found south of Wilshire Blvd. It is an authentic translation of the messages she channels from the iconic rapper and other artists that have passed to the other dimension but feel that their work here is not done. From the grave they inspire and teach her. She in turn passes on the message to those open enough to hear it. The psychic world is not without their haters. Indeed Bea has been slandered by the best or shall I say the worst of them. Many of us including Bea have found out the hard way: In Hollywood, talent can not only be a virtue; it can become a fearful threat. Especially to those who take their envy to uglier states of consciousness. This is what has happened to her. What is Bea's response? I choose to forgive them and move on. All I can say is Bea is a better girl than I. Me? I'd go Ape-Ru Paul on the bitches. But that's why she's the evolved one and I'm still learning.


Los Angeles,
The power of love is healing . . .

#45Author of original report

Wed, January 28, 2009

The following article was written by a new and wonderful friend named Ric and he has given me permission to post it. Ric is the man I read for the very afternoon of the day I chose to really forgive all the haters that have posted all these terrible lies about me. Aunt Bea by Ric Parish She has been accused of being homophobic and racist by some of her less evolved colleagues. But let this Pilipino African American gay man tell you; psychic Beatrice Marot helped me to clearly see my life purpose. In this age of mass marketing, ponzie schemes and false profits/prophets, it is easy to be skeptical about anyone claiming to be a psychic. But when I finally decided to ask Bea to do my reading it was like putting on a pair of cosmic contact lenses. The blurred vision of my life was fine tuned to crystal clarity. Bea pulls no punches. She reads your chart with the skill and wisdom of a village high priestess. Indeed, she likes to refer to herself as the High Priestess in Hollywood. When I first met her I thought she was crazy but I came to realize the full power of a person that carries and channels spirits from multidimensional planes. As Bea began to read my chart, I felt a comforting sense of safety. It was as if I were being guided through my life and more importantly my life's possibilities. I was stunned when she spoke of my deceased mother and the vision of pink butterflies radiating from her heart. Bea asked me What does this mean to youyour mother says only you will know what this means. Holding back emotion and tears I explained that my mother had a pink Balintawak (Butterfly) dress which is the national costume of The Philippines for women. Your mother says she is very sorry for not accepting you for being gay and she now knows the truth. The truth that there is nothing wrong with being gay and she's telling me she is even going to help you find your life partner. That made me chuckle because my mom always liked to play the match maker for her unmarried friends and their daughters. Let me tell you what your life purpose is not It is no longer to find and fix damaged men. That is what you have been doing with your life and that time has come to an end. Hearing the truth on that raw level was like being b***h slapped by Samuel L. Jackson in a Tarantino film. I was reminded of my past relationships.even my profession working in HIV. I was suddenly reminded of All of the pain the tears the regrets. Don't get me wrong, working in the field gave me a great deal but the subtext of my need to fix others as a shield from looking at my own life, eventually caught up with me. And as with all of my past relationships suddenly and without warning, I dropped everything and walked away. Brutal honesty is designed to shock. It is designed to stimulate action. Action: You have 48 hours to expel a major negative force in your life(I won't name him)...you have to demonstrate to the universe that you are ready to accept success in your life. Did I dare not heed the call? I took the action and my life began to change immediately. Was it a Placebo effect? Was it Karma in action? Who knows? Who cares? All I know is that it felt right and rang true to me. Channeling the likes of Tupac Shakur, Bea raps with an intensity that can only be found south of Wilshire Blvd. It is an authentic translation of the messages she channels from the iconic rapper and other artists that have passed to the other dimension but feel that their work here is not done. From the grave they inspire and teach her. She in turn passes on the message to those open enough to hear it. The psychic world is not without their haters. Indeed Bea has been slandered by the best or shall I say the worst of them. Many of us including Bea have found out the hard way: In Hollywood, talent can not only be a virtue; it can become a fearful threat. Especially to those who take their envy to uglier states of consciousness. This is what has happened to her. What is Bea's response? I choose to forgive them and move on. All I can say is Bea is a better girl than I. Me? I'd go Ape-Ru Paul on the bitches. But that's why she's the evolved one and I'm still learning.


Los Angeles,
The power of love is healing . . .

#46Author of original report

Wed, January 28, 2009

The following article was written by a new and wonderful friend named Ric and he has given me permission to post it. Ric is the man I read for the very afternoon of the day I chose to really forgive all the haters that have posted all these terrible lies about me. Aunt Bea by Ric Parish She has been accused of being homophobic and racist by some of her less evolved colleagues. But let this Pilipino African American gay man tell you; psychic Beatrice Marot helped me to clearly see my life purpose. In this age of mass marketing, ponzie schemes and false profits/prophets, it is easy to be skeptical about anyone claiming to be a psychic. But when I finally decided to ask Bea to do my reading it was like putting on a pair of cosmic contact lenses. The blurred vision of my life was fine tuned to crystal clarity. Bea pulls no punches. She reads your chart with the skill and wisdom of a village high priestess. Indeed, she likes to refer to herself as the High Priestess in Hollywood. When I first met her I thought she was crazy but I came to realize the full power of a person that carries and channels spirits from multidimensional planes. As Bea began to read my chart, I felt a comforting sense of safety. It was as if I were being guided through my life and more importantly my life's possibilities. I was stunned when she spoke of my deceased mother and the vision of pink butterflies radiating from her heart. Bea asked me What does this mean to youyour mother says only you will know what this means. Holding back emotion and tears I explained that my mother had a pink Balintawak (Butterfly) dress which is the national costume of The Philippines for women. Your mother says she is very sorry for not accepting you for being gay and she now knows the truth. The truth that there is nothing wrong with being gay and she's telling me she is even going to help you find your life partner. That made me chuckle because my mom always liked to play the match maker for her unmarried friends and their daughters. Let me tell you what your life purpose is not It is no longer to find and fix damaged men. That is what you have been doing with your life and that time has come to an end. Hearing the truth on that raw level was like being b***h slapped by Samuel L. Jackson in a Tarantino film. I was reminded of my past relationships.even my profession working in HIV. I was suddenly reminded of All of the pain the tears the regrets. Don't get me wrong, working in the field gave me a great deal but the subtext of my need to fix others as a shield from looking at my own life, eventually caught up with me. And as with all of my past relationships suddenly and without warning, I dropped everything and walked away. Brutal honesty is designed to shock. It is designed to stimulate action. Action: You have 48 hours to expel a major negative force in your life(I won't name him)...you have to demonstrate to the universe that you are ready to accept success in your life. Did I dare not heed the call? I took the action and my life began to change immediately. Was it a Placebo effect? Was it Karma in action? Who knows? Who cares? All I know is that it felt right and rang true to me. Channeling the likes of Tupac Shakur, Bea raps with an intensity that can only be found south of Wilshire Blvd. It is an authentic translation of the messages she channels from the iconic rapper and other artists that have passed to the other dimension but feel that their work here is not done. From the grave they inspire and teach her. She in turn passes on the message to those open enough to hear it. The psychic world is not without their haters. Indeed Bea has been slandered by the best or shall I say the worst of them. Many of us including Bea have found out the hard way: In Hollywood, talent can not only be a virtue; it can become a fearful threat. Especially to those who take their envy to uglier states of consciousness. This is what has happened to her. What is Bea's response? I choose to forgive them and move on. All I can say is Bea is a better girl than I. Me? I'd go Ape-Ru Paul on the bitches. But that's why she's the evolved one and I'm still learning.



#47Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2009

I felt the need to let all of you - and I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, not a ONE of you is exempt from this - know something: You all sound like you're on the elementary school playground with the insults you're hurling. And, just so we're clear, your attitudes, spelling, grammar, and maturity aren't much better than that of a schoolyard bully, either. I'm just waiting for one of you to say "Oh YEAH? Well, MY dad can beat up YOUR dad!" As a wise person once said, it's better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. All of you have opened your mouths and removed all doubt, believe me. But please...don't let me stop any of you. Human beings over the age of 18 purporting to be adults and then arguing like ten-year-olds is grade A entertainment. Continue. I'll be making some popcorn.



#48Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2009

I felt the need to let all of you - and I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, not a ONE of you is exempt from this - know something: You all sound like you're on the elementary school playground with the insults you're hurling. And, just so we're clear, your attitudes, spelling, grammar, and maturity aren't much better than that of a schoolyard bully, either. I'm just waiting for one of you to say "Oh YEAH? Well, MY dad can beat up YOUR dad!" As a wise person once said, it's better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. All of you have opened your mouths and removed all doubt, believe me. But please...don't let me stop any of you. Human beings over the age of 18 purporting to be adults and then arguing like ten-year-olds is grade A entertainment. Continue. I'll be making some popcorn.



#49Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2009

I felt the need to let all of you - and I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, not a ONE of you is exempt from this - know something: You all sound like you're on the elementary school playground with the insults you're hurling. And, just so we're clear, your attitudes, spelling, grammar, and maturity aren't much better than that of a schoolyard bully, either. I'm just waiting for one of you to say "Oh YEAH? Well, MY dad can beat up YOUR dad!" As a wise person once said, it's better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. All of you have opened your mouths and removed all doubt, believe me. But please...don't let me stop any of you. Human beings over the age of 18 purporting to be adults and then arguing like ten-year-olds is grade A entertainment. Continue. I'll be making some popcorn.



#50Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2009

I felt the need to let all of you - and I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, not a ONE of you is exempt from this - know something: You all sound like you're on the elementary school playground with the insults you're hurling. And, just so we're clear, your attitudes, spelling, grammar, and maturity aren't much better than that of a schoolyard bully, either. I'm just waiting for one of you to say "Oh YEAH? Well, MY dad can beat up YOUR dad!" As a wise person once said, it's better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. All of you have opened your mouths and removed all doubt, believe me. But please...don't let me stop any of you. Human beings over the age of 18 purporting to be adults and then arguing like ten-year-olds is grade A entertainment. Continue. I'll be making some popcorn.


Los Angeles,
What a horrible person Karen is

#51Author of original report

Thu, January 22, 2009

You like Chip and Tanila are a cruel ugly nasty woman. You have no compassion, no heart and that is why you choose to side with Chip even though your very first post you lumped us in the same category and you are so wrong about me . . . just like you accuse Orethrius who has you pegged exactly right! I file ONE valid report and Chip and his friends file five . . . and more all over the web. What he accuses me of doing which I never have . . .he is in fact guilty of. He creates false identities to harrass me and others. He lies about the facts without remorse. He cyber bullies anyone who does not like him or defends me. and the list goes on. I did not purchase his identity, did I? You show with every post that you are a poor excuse for a human being.


North Carolina,

#52Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 22, 2009

What the hell are you talking about? For heaven's sake quit while your ahead with your assumptions which of course are ALL WRONG! You people kill me with all the guessing and assuming. Its really funny, then it gets downright sad. I do not have to support the insane rants of Beatrice Marot who will go to her grave talking about chip coffey. Something is seriously wrong with a person who gets on a rip off website and threatens suicide on more than one occassion. Sounds like a attention w***e to me! So Orethrius can you please keep my name out your mouth because you have NO CLUE what the hell you are talking about. I guarantee you that!


Los Angeles,
And I am not the only one . . . that Chip Coffey & Co Cyberbullies

#53UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 21, 2009

This post is off of a forum about the show Paranormal State. I don't know who this woman is. I am still recovering from the series of shots I had to have from all of the rabid bites I received from posting a comment on Chips "anti-Beatrice" blog awhile back, "fans" attacked me for merely saying that this sort of thing does not belong on my space I reported each email to my space and got a reply back from them saying that this was indeed cyberbullying - what my space did to the profiles I never checked on, thought funny that many of the fans share the same spelling errors and taste in music? Wonder if one traced the IP addresses on a few if they would all be from the same source? I did write him and let him know what was occurring and here's the letter copy and pasted here- my email to Chip ((with my personal info edited out)) ...now I am entitled to my opinion and thought that the comment about your on going battle with her, shouldn't be aired on the Internet - and since deleted you from my friend list BUT I will not tolerate your fans commenting via my space email to me - threating me- UNREAL Id advise you to put a halt to this at once and all of the parties that have emailed me on this subject- will be and have been reported to my space and my space does take this seriously.... Thank you for your time, Respectfully Yours, Angel **** Reply from Chip---- I am sorry that you are receiving e-mail from other My Space members. However, I have no control over the actions of others. I have removed the blog and transferred it to another site. I agree with you in part. I have certainly been cyberbullied by Miss Marot. I have only responded to her attacks. All the best, Chip Coffey I have never cyberbullied Chip other than this one ripoff report and he and his friends posted FIVE just here on ROR and have posted terrible lies about me all over the web.


Los Angeles,
I swear to God/Goddess and all that is sacred I have no idea who Team Marot is! lol

#54Author of original report

Wed, January 21, 2009

But thank you so much for the much needed laughter! I appreciate it more than you can imagine!! B



#55Consumer Comment

Wed, January 21, 2009

I would advise ANYONE unfamiliar with the entire FAKE psychic telephone hotlines and internet sites NOT to waste their money if you expect to have your FORTUNE TOLD, a FUTURE READING, LIFE READING or SPELL CASTING or anything else EXCEPT NOTHING but a VERY EXPENSIVE CONVERSATION...AND ADVICE AND THAT IS ALL! YOU GET BILLED FOR THE MINUTES. THE PERSON THAT YOU CONSULT MAY GET YOU TO CONTACT THEM OUTSIDE OF THE REGULAR CONSULTATION AND THEN YOU ARE TALKING SOME REAL MONEY! THESE PEOPLE JUST TALK ON THE PHONE OR COMMUNICATE BY E-MAIL. NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY, THEY ARE NOT ABLE TO CAST A SPELL. THEY ARE NOT ABLE TO ADVISE YOU PERSONALLY ON PRECISE AND ACCURATE READINGS OF THE FUTURE AND MOSTLY THEIR ADVICE IS BASED ON GENERALITIES, COMMON SENSE AND DEDUCTIONS MADE FROM WHAT THEY CAN FIGURE OUT FROM YOU -- A GUESS! Can YOU afford to pay a LOT of many per minute for BOGUS advice????????? These folks FIND a way to make you pay ALL THE MONEY THEY CAN UNTIL YOU WISE UP!. This is just like the wrestlers on TV who create little feuds for themselves and people weigh in and all it does is encourage more people to watch the wrestling matches... well that is what it looks like these "psychic" fakers are doing -- creating a phony buzz and curiosity so people will be tempted to call in or use the internet where there is less likelihood of recovering your money and regulation of their SCAM. THIS IS A FAKE. THEY DEAL IN LIES,SCAMS, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING JUST TO GET YOUR MONEY! If you want to GIVE these con artists as much money as you can and be BROKE and HUNGRY and possibly HOMELESS because of this stupid SCHEME, be my GUEST! BE MY GUEST! THIS CON GAME IS CENTURIES OLD!

Team Marot

New York,
New Mexico,
BEATRICE give ME a B give me a E GIVE me a A give me a trice yeahhhhhh!!!

#56UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 21, 2009

YES It looks like tanila and karen have singlehandedly made beatrice famous well done girls. karen i hope that all your bashing down oF psychics and anyone ripped off by them offers u some form of sick kind of therapy that u seem to seek .. all is well beatrice your name will soon be in lights and yes beatrice didnt actually have alot of things on the internet except this about chip so its not gone on for long at all but i like the word FEUD but i think its just on now rather than years and years... i am not beatrice i AM TEAM MAROT ...


Beverly Hills,
I'm sorry, Karen...

#57Consumer Comment

Wed, January 21, 2009

...you sure have a funny way of saying "I apologize for Chip's violations of case law and disingenuous legal antagonism in the face of actual statutes"! See, from where I stand, you fall into category 4 above - you've made no offer to end the situation except on your terms, the rest of the world be damned. I'm sorry, you may have an interesting way of accounting for your business on Keen (assuming you're on there, which - given the nature of your defense - I'd say is a pretty fair judgment), but I assure you that the rest of the world does not work that way and you're in for a shock once you fall into it. By all means, keep tearing into Beatrice, though... "methinks thou doth protest too much!"


Los Angeles,
Orethrius, thank you for your post!

#58Author of original report

Wed, January 21, 2009

I am over it and have forgiven all the haters and moved on. But just so you know, this has NOT been an ongoing feud. Chip did his evil deed of registering my names in May of 2005 but I never posted about it on a public forum until this very thread after seeing him exploiting children on TV. He claims I have lambasted him all over the web for years but I have not! Everyone can now see that Chip will stop at nothing to lie, distort and even make up identities to continue his ridiculous behavior. You would not believe what has happened to Kelli Ryan for exposing him on Paranormal State. I hope ROR allows links to blogs. Check this out! http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfmfuseaction=blog.view&friendID=426689490&blogID=463356316 Even though it has been very hard on me initially, the power of love and forgiveness is yielding it's fruit!! Wonderful things are happening. But Tanila Price never stops . . . she is so over the top, it has become comical. I wrote Chip the following. From: bea To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: Something for you to think about Once again, Tanila is spewing hate mail my way. How can you be friends with this woman? She is such an idiot and you cannot even see how this reflects on you. I really feel sorry for both of you . . . I am glad your dog is better though. ________________________________________ From: bea Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 11:33 AM To: 'tprice52 Subject: Put this on your blog. It will be the only truth on there My name is Tanila Price and I have helped catapult Beatrice into the public eye . . . because now thanks to me and all my stalking, cyber bullying and posting . . . Chip Coffey and Beatrice Marot are forever linked on Google and it will bring her the recognition she deserves for being a really amazing psychic, healer and teacher. Like Chip said once, You are going to be famous, you mesmerize people!" When people actually connect with her they will know that I have been lying and twisting the truth because I am a very unhappy woman and a living example of Christian hypocrisy. Beatrice has an aversion to fame because of people like me, Tammy and Chip Coffey but her guides told her she would be famous in her forties when she was thirteen and she only has one year and seven months left before she is 50. And thanks to me . . . Tanila Price . . . it looks like she will make it.


North Carolina,

#59Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 20, 2009

Will you STFU PLEASE!! If you want Beatrice's attention go to her site and get it.


North Carolina,

#60Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 20, 2009

Will you STFU PLEASE!! If you want Beatrice's attention go to her site and get it.


North Carolina,

#61Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 20, 2009

Will you STFU PLEASE!! If you want Beatrice's attention go to her site and get it.


North Carolina,

#62Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 20, 2009

Will you STFU PLEASE!! If you want Beatrice's attention go to her site and get it.


Beverly Hills,
This has been...

#63Consumer Comment

Sun, January 18, 2009

...a shameful thread in general. (1) A complaint was filed in this thread, arguably an indicator of an on-going feud. (2) The respondent entered and represented his side of events, but: (3) Instead of apologizing for the misunderstanding and ending it there, the respondent proceeded to attack the plaintiff! This is a little like someone suing a car company for a defective steering wheel, and being counter-sued for defamation and trade libel. (4) Others were brought into the discussion that - instead of apologizing for the respondent's deplorable actions and, again, offering to end the "feud" here and now - proceeded to ALSO attack the plaintiff. This is akin to shop employees telling the car owner that she must somehow be responsible for the faulty steering mechanism, and is again unconscionable. (5) Clarification of matters of the law (which most people here strongly believe was violated in one form or another) was required due to legal threats on the respondent's behalf. (6) The plaintiff demanded removal of the respondent's protected speech, which - inflammatory or not - is guaranteed under the First Amendment. Beatrice, he has as much a right to publish his views as you have to debate them, and through further publication of this issue, you managed to run afoul of the "famous persons" doctrine against trade libel. This is why I advise leaving issues like this alone; through further publication, both parties risked having an interesting court case laughed out the door. (7) Ed's position on "letting the parties' words speak for themselves" was even attacked, despite years of case precedence establishing the existence of this site. (8) Anonymity as a matter of course in free speech on the Internet saw itself attacked as "cowardice"; when people demand real-world details and discount comments without them, you begin to understand the scope of the problem faced here. When you throw around the kind of "comments" that you do towards identified persons, what on God's green Earth makes you think we're going to give you OUR personal details? All that being said, Beatrice, can we agree to leave further testimonials on your site, in the hope that the feud here will end? You don't have to answer here, just leave an acknowledgment on your site. I'm sure all the interested parties will see it. :)


Los Angeles,

#64Author of original report

Wed, January 14, 2009

Tanila Price is deranged, obsessed and motivated by pure hatred. I have never met or spoken to this crazy person. However, I made a decison to completely forgive her and the rest of them and this is what happened as a result of my choice and this is my last post but I want to encourage others faced with hatred and ignorance of this magnitude . . . forgiveness is a beautiful thing. Yesterday morning, I decided to really forgive all the haters and this is the way the universe showed me it was pleased with my decision. In the afternoon . . . I read for a half Black/half Asian homosexual. His mother died and I saw/heard that she really could not come to terms with his homosexuality because she was Catholic, raised in the Philippines. He confirmed a lot of the things she was saying to me. She even thought she was being punished by God for not becoming a nun as she had promised at the age of 14. This is the most beautiful part. I told him . . . She knows now that there is nothing wrong with you and she is going to help you find your partner in life and I have never seen this before but I am seeing pink butterflies coming out of her heart. And he said, The national dress in the Philippines is called The Butterfly Dress. It was her way of letting him know that it was her for sure . . . because I have no idea what the national dress in the Philippines is . . . Do you? It is a hit like that . . . that can heal years of shame!!!! And that is what I am . . . a healer!! I spoke to the man whom I read for and he told me yesterday . . . he feels like a new man and that he is writing a blog about his experience. He told me he was speechless after the reading and needed time to take it all in. Can you imagine living your entire life in shame and then have a healer like me . . . spend an hour on the phone and that shame is lifted forever. He is now going to be able to follow his dreams and already the doors are opening. Once the doors of the heart and mind are open . . . the magic begins.


North Pole,
oh no say it ain't so!

#65Consumer Comment

Fri, January 09, 2009

(keep in mind, this is tanila's idea of a retort to chip coffey's having chosen to begin HIS career as a psychic right after 9/11) tanila announced : "Before she became a PROFESSIONAL psychic, she was a makeup artist." oh dear. all of those unmadeup people bea took advantage of by becoming a "psychic". or would it be MADE-up people? bea, i'm ashamed for you! how COULD you?! oh da horror! STEEEELLLLLAAAAAAAA! tanila trumpets (AGAIN): "But now she even states she isn't psychic at all!" please provide the exact quote from bea and IN THE EXACT CONTEXT it was intended -- otherwise STFU about it already.


Beverly Hills,
This is interesting...

#66Consumer Comment

Fri, January 09, 2009

...or not. "Karen", "Tanila", I feel pressed to ask: have you posted anything but replies (fueling the fire) to Beatrice here, or are you pretty much single-purpose entities? I understand that you feel you need to expose "psychic frauds" to the world, and I think protecting your ally is a noble effort. However, one is left to wonder how holistic your endeavor may be, when you refuse to let your enemy dig their own grave and instead resort to lambasting those who support them. You do realize that in your zealous "defense", you further galvanize the forces you wish to sequester, and discredit your cause? Believe it or not, some of us have REASONS for hiding our identities, and I doubt you'd want your full personal information plastered across the Internet for all to see. My personal reason is that my last name is considered an insult in parts of the world, and I had to grow up keeping it hidden from my classmates. If anyone here is truly psychic - or the least bit empathic, for that matter - you understand why I don't share it with the general public. The rest of you can debate it among yourselves, as I'll not be your chewtoy for aiding someone in the legal right. Yes, I said she was in the legal right. Why would I do such a thing, when she's clearly "slandering" (here's a hint, the term is "trade libel") and "defaming" as renowned a psychic as Chip? That's simple. You've provided no evidence that any of what she says is untrue (the basic concept of libel being that they're patently false accusations and not speculation on her part), whereas Chip is actually in violation of civil statutes. I don't know whether you consider that worth maligning the character of another, but given the circumstances, I can certainly understand why she reacted the way she did. I'm not quite sure where Tammy stands on all this - for a moment, I was convinced that she's Chip's legal representation - but she seemed satisfied with my answer to her question, and has since removed herself from this flamewar, to the credit of her character. I only wish that the other respondents would do the same so that this whole conflict can be laid to rest. Now, no more - I will answer assaults on my character, but it is against my interests to contribute any more to this complete waste of time.


North Pole,
give it UP already

#67Consumer Comment

Fri, January 09, 2009

"Especially the slanderous statement you made about Chip!!" there WAS NO SLANDEROUS STATEMENT about chip. besides, even if it could have been considered "slanderous", there is NO WAY anyone could do anything about it now because chip and you two chihuahuas have plastered it all over the internet YOURSELVES! if you sued bea you'd have to sue yourselves, too!!!!! LMAO!!!!! clueless people are so entertaining!


Los Angeles,
Can you believe this hick Kabol

#68Author of original report

Fri, January 09, 2009

As though my famous friends and clients would ever in a million years get involved in this ridiculous hillbilly soap opera. . . tanila your asinine stupidity and pathetic reasoning abilities are so absurd it is truly impossible to ever make up someone like you. You had to write your role . . . it defies anyone of any intelligence how f**king stupid you are. The cavalry is coming and boy are you going to wish you had stopped your harassment a long time ago. And Chip . . . . poor Chip . . . I almost feel sorry for him but I don't . . . as long as he has his sweet lab and his bitches licking his a*s . . . he will be fine when his career screeches to a blinding halt. Blind hate creates the blinding halt and you are blind as a bat Tanila . . . you see nothing but hatred, filth and evil in a few words which you take out of context and apply your own meaning. You post all over the web and it is totally illegal. Orethrius . . . any words of wisdom from my Greek orator/debater whose fine mind shines!



#69Consumer Comment

Fri, January 09, 2009

I can't wait to hear from your lawyer, Beatrice. When I send him or her all the posts I have made, and prove that I am simply posting your words, YOU may be the one in trouble for all the evil, nasty things you have said. Especially the slanderous statement you made about Chip!! I may be a hick with money, but you can rest assured that you will never get any of it!! Please give your attorney my email address. Eagerly awaiting contact!!!



#70Consumer Comment

Fri, January 09, 2009

I think you are correct!! Team Marot is Beatrice!! She hasn't recruited any of her famous friends to help her because she doesn't have any!!


Los Angeles,
I wanted to remind y'all of something

#71Author of original report

Fri, January 09, 2009

Kabol and my team . . . As this nightmare continues there is a beautiful dream unfolding . . . I have never in my life dealt with Hillbillies before however, I mentioned it ages ago on this thread. . . (Hard to believe this has been going on for so long.) My guides had been bugging me to write and as usual they got their way. I have in my possession a 588 page unpublished manuscript by a 23 Emmy award winning writer/producer and it is all about Hillbillies!! This wonderful man who is creating a network of only positive, inspirational programming was born, raised and lives in North Carolina where my dear friend purchased a home as a Pied a Terre from the hustle bustle of New York. She met this man and his wife at a book signing for a children's book he wrote and his wife illustrated . . . and the book is all about BULLYING. So you see there is always a light in the darkness . . . especially for me in this crazy world of Hollywood. I told my friend 10 years ago she would be producing television and she could not see it. I saw it in her birth chart. I read on her meeting him and the reason why and she asked me, "How does he see me in his network?" "He sees you as an executive producer." Twenty four hours later she asked him the same question, and he said, "I see you as an executive producer." A good seer and channel always gets it right. But being psychic does not mean being all knowing. I think that is where people get confused. In any case, when I fulfill my mission in Hollywood, the programming I will be involved in is going to heal the planet and continue to do so . . . long after I'm gone. Tomorrow I will be featured on a podcast for "The Amateur Scientist" creator and young genius Brian Thompson. I will do a reading for him live . . . and it should be a lot of fun. He is part of the master plan. lol And I never would have met him . . . had I not exposed Chip Coffey on ROR. And that goes for my angel DD, my still unconvinced Kabol, my friend in spirit Kirby Robinson and whoever Team Marot is. I thank you all for your kindness, objectivity and friendship.


North Carolina,

#72Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 09, 2009

Tanila, Team Marot is Beatrice! There is NO team marot. lol.


Los Angeles,
To my support Team Marot

#73Author of original report

Fri, January 09, 2009

I want to thank you for coming to my rescue and I have no clue who you are however I do appreciate your kindness and your humor in the face of what I have been through for months now. I have tried to fight this battle of three (or more) against one . . . alone and have not recruited any friends because I am not a coward like Chip Coffey who sends his bitches and these women are the biggest bitches I have ever dealth with in my entire life . . .to fight his battles . . . and since this started, his own b***h got a malignant tumor. I hope Chip can see the symbolism and get his bitches to stop their rabid pursuit of me. I wrote him an email last night that I got the hit to tell him his dog would be fine. Being an animal lover, I know how hard it is to see your baby suffer and I do have alot of compassion even in the face of this kind of blind hatred. He did reply with a simple Thank you. And his dog will be fine. These bitches Tammy and Tanila, they give dogs a bad name . . . they need to be spayed AND neutered . . . dewormed, given a flea bath, a rabies shot and put on a leash. I don't want to say euthanized . . . because I would not wish death on anyone. But if I did . . . it would be these two. Although death is a beautiful thing . . . and it is the doorway back to love and through death we learn how to love on this Earth. Tupac calls being D.E.A.D . . . Doing Everything As Divine. For myself . . . I miss home and heaven is my home . . . but I am on a mission from . . . so until then . . . I appreciate all the help I can get right now. Anyone know a good lawyer . . . because I think I have a pretty excellent case against Tanila Price in particular. And this b***h is white trash with cash.


Los Angeles,
To my support Team Marot

#74Author of original report

Fri, January 09, 2009

I want to thank you for coming to my rescue and I have no clue who you are however I do appreciate your kindness and your humor in the face of what I have been through for months now. I have tried to fight this battle of three (or more) against one . . . alone and have not recruited any friends because I am not a coward like Chip Coffey who sends his bitches and these women are the biggest bitches I have ever dealth with in my entire life . . .to fight his battles . . . and since this started, his own b***h got a malignant tumor. I hope Chip can see the symbolism and get his bitches to stop their rabid pursuit of me. I wrote him an email last night that I got the hit to tell him his dog would be fine. Being an animal lover, I know how hard it is to see your baby suffer and I do have alot of compassion even in the face of this kind of blind hatred. He did reply with a simple Thank you. And his dog will be fine. These bitches Tammy and Tanila, they give dogs a bad name . . . they need to be spayed AND neutered . . . dewormed, given a flea bath, a rabies shot and put on a leash. I don't want to say euthanized . . . because I would not wish death on anyone. But if I did . . . it would be these two. Although death is a beautiful thing . . . and it is the doorway back to love and through death we learn how to love on this Earth. Tupac calls being D.E.A.D . . . Doing Everything As Divine. For myself . . . I miss home and heaven is my home . . . but I am on a mission from . . . so until then . . . I appreciate all the help I can get right now. Anyone know a good lawyer . . . because I think I have a pretty excellent case against Tanila Price in particular. And this b***h is white trash with cash.


Los Angeles,
To my support Team Marot

#75Author of original report

Fri, January 09, 2009

I want to thank you for coming to my rescue and I have no clue who you are however I do appreciate your kindness and your humor in the face of what I have been through for months now. I have tried to fight this battle of three (or more) against one . . . alone and have not recruited any friends because I am not a coward like Chip Coffey who sends his bitches and these women are the biggest bitches I have ever dealth with in my entire life . . .to fight his battles . . . and since this started, his own b***h got a malignant tumor. I hope Chip can see the symbolism and get his bitches to stop their rabid pursuit of me. I wrote him an email last night that I got the hit to tell him his dog would be fine. Being an animal lover, I know how hard it is to see your baby suffer and I do have alot of compassion even in the face of this kind of blind hatred. He did reply with a simple Thank you. And his dog will be fine. These bitches Tammy and Tanila, they give dogs a bad name . . . they need to be spayed AND neutered . . . dewormed, given a flea bath, a rabies shot and put on a leash. I don't want to say euthanized . . . because I would not wish death on anyone. But if I did . . . it would be these two. Although death is a beautiful thing . . . and it is the doorway back to love and through death we learn how to love on this Earth. Tupac calls being D.E.A.D . . . Doing Everything As Divine. For myself . . . I miss home and heaven is my home . . . but I am on a mission from . . . so until then . . . I appreciate all the help I can get right now. Anyone know a good lawyer . . . because I think I have a pretty excellent case against Tanila Price in particular. And this b***h is white trash with cash.


Los Angeles,
To my support Team Marot

#76Author of original report

Fri, January 09, 2009

I want to thank you for coming to my rescue and I have no clue who you are however I do appreciate your kindness and your humor in the face of what I have been through for months now. I have tried to fight this battle of three (or more) against one . . . alone and have not recruited any friends because I am not a coward like Chip Coffey who sends his bitches and these women are the biggest bitches I have ever dealth with in my entire life . . .to fight his battles . . . and since this started, his own b***h got a malignant tumor. I hope Chip can see the symbolism and get his bitches to stop their rabid pursuit of me. I wrote him an email last night that I got the hit to tell him his dog would be fine. Being an animal lover, I know how hard it is to see your baby suffer and I do have alot of compassion even in the face of this kind of blind hatred. He did reply with a simple Thank you. And his dog will be fine. These bitches Tammy and Tanila, they give dogs a bad name . . . they need to be spayed AND neutered . . . dewormed, given a flea bath, a rabies shot and put on a leash. I don't want to say euthanized . . . because I would not wish death on anyone. But if I did . . . it would be these two. Although death is a beautiful thing . . . and it is the doorway back to love and through death we learn how to love on this Earth. Tupac calls being D.E.A.D . . . Doing Everything As Divine. For myself . . . I miss home and heaven is my home . . . but I am on a mission from . . . so until then . . . I appreciate all the help I can get right now. Anyone know a good lawyer . . . because I think I have a pretty excellent case against Tanila Price in particular. And this b***h is white trash with cash.


Team Marot

#77Consumer Comment

Fri, January 09, 2009

By your insipid arguments, I can tell whose team you are on. He's her Jesus, too, so she can talk about Him anyway she likes????? That is the most asinine argument I have ever heard!! "He's my child, so if I want to call him filthy names and kick him around I can." "That's my dog so if I want to beat him viciously I can." "That's my husband, so if I want to say evil, nasty things about him I can." As with most fools, you won't use your real name, but instead, hide behind your computer. Now I can see why! No one would ever make such an imbecilic statement using their own name if they had anywhere near normal intelligence!!!

Team Marot

New York,
New Mexico,

#78UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 09, 2009

ok thanks for the people who responded ok so a great huge tragedy 9/11 RIP over 3000 souls ' occurs that smashes down the travel industry leaving chip out of a job and then there is a huge market suddenly opens up in the "contacting the dead" area supply and demand u might call it" oh yes business smart jump on the ole psychic band wagon and off we goo to kiddie land yeeeeeehaa yes def a smart business move immoral maybe perhaps cruel or insane just about but hey who cares right tanila? tammy? clearly not now tanila thanks for your response pretty much proving what i already thought about u . So it sounds like tanila spent a little too long in 'the hood' and learned a few tricks and nasty words from the looks of it ... and what beatrice wants to think about jesus tanilla is her own personal opinion its her jesus just as much as yours U DONT OWN JESUS .. about my spelling tanilla every word i write is in the dictionary look it up or better yet go back to school .. and tammy this is laughable tammy didnt even read my post because i said about people bullying beatrice is why i said im team marot as well as other reasons and yet she was trying to talk me into joining her at team coffey and yet bullying beatrice again and attacking her .. WHAT A JOKE i said thats one reason why i didnt want to be team coffey as they are a bunch of demented bullies ... chip saw the possiblity to make money and he took it smart man good on him now he has a bunch of followers one of which who is DEFINATELY NOT FROM THE LIGHT and a bunch of has beens trying to jump on the band wagon... TEAM MAROT LEAVE BEATRICE ALONE !!!!! she is a psychic u are not...u never were and u never will be ESPECIALLY TANILLA what are u even doing hanging around psychics for anyways tanilla ,u arnt even remotely spiritual your words attest to that... are u hoping some of the light will rub off and redeem your hell of a life ? well seems u are hanging in the wrong crowd if i was you i would change teams COME TO THE LIGHT ...........walk to the light tanilla and tammy walk to the lighttttttt


Los Angeles,
Kabol, check out what this freak did yesterday.

#79Author of original report

Thu, January 08, 2009

She contacted my brotha in spirit and Tupac's number one fan who runs a website about Tupac and it has my story of how Pac came to me in a dream with a great message and Tanila wrote to him the following, "I saw the article you posted by Beatrice Marot, and thought I should warn you about this woman. My husband is an African American. She got angry with me and called him a 2 ton gorilla. She also wrote that Tupac told her it was okay to call African Americans n***a. She called a young Japanese man a Jap. She posted that she was Jesus' dessert at The Last Supper, and that she was His favorite hooker. This is an evil woman. You can read all about her on ripoffreport.com Just do a search for her, and you will be surprised at the type woman she is. Respectfully, Tanila Price MY BROTHA . . AND HIS FINE BLACK SELF SENT IT TO ME WITH THE FOLLOWING. Wow - we all have haters I guess. I got this email about you today. Weird since we have once again been in contact after so long. This woman is a hater of yours I guess. She even calls you a hooker LOL, and 'an evil woman' Thought you would like to see it Holla if I can do anything on this end. One - RB I told him, I wrote Tupac used the acronym . . . . N.I.G.G.A. - Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished . . . and this is how she translated that . . . "Tupac says it is ok to call people n***a." The woman is a loon. A hick from hell. AND YOU ARE TANILA . . . JUST KEEP MAKING A TOTAL FOOL OUT OF YOURSELF AND CHIP WHILE YOU ARE AT IT. THIS DUMB HILLBILLY KEEPS CONTACTING MY FRIENDS WHO KNOW ME AND LOVE ME . . . AND I AM THE ONE WITH ISSUES. . . . YEAH RIGHT! AND I HAVE BEEN READING FOR PEOPLE FOR 19 YEARS . . . AND THIS IS MY CALLING IN LIFE, NOT A WAY TO MAKE A BUCK BECAUSE THE TRAVEL BUSINESS TANKED AFTER 9/11 LIKE CHIP.


Team Marot

#80Consumer Comment

Thu, January 08, 2009

I am sorry, and I am not trying to be ugly to you, but your spelling and grammar were so atrocious that I had a hard time following what you were saying. Let me suggest something to you, though. Go into the "hood" as Beatrice likes to call it, and call some black men gorillas. You will find out very quickly that they do indeed consider this a racist statement, if you are white. She also, by the way, called Japanese Japs and Gays homos. You don't find any problem with these statements? But, to me, her most horrifying statements have been those about Jesus. She calls herself His favorite hooker. She says she was His dessert after the Last Supper. She said to her, the term Second Coming meant the night was young. In all of my 58 years, I have never heard such blasphemy. You say, "Well, she's not a Christian." I am not a Buddhist, but I have been taught to show respect for the religion of others. I am a Christian, but I would never say such evil things about the Buddha. Her statements show to me that she is totally without any class whatsoever. She cares nothing for the beliefs and/or feelings of others. She is evil and profane. She is, indeed a racist, a bigot, and a blasphemer, yet she calls herself a Light Worker. I can't imagine a Light Worker saying such filth. Gandhi was a Hindu - he was a Light Worker. The Buddha was a Light Worker, Mother Theresa was a Light Worker. These people had respect for all God's creation. They would NEVER say the horrible things she has said.



#81Consumer Comment

Thu, January 08, 2009

Chip became a PROFESSIONAL psychic medium after 9/11. Before she became a PROFESSIONAL psychic, she was a makeup artist. But now she even states she isn't psychic at all!


Los Angeles,
Thanx you again Orethrius

#82Author of original report

Thu, January 08, 2009

Cool name by the way. You sound like a greek orator! Is it a stage/forum name? I forgave Chip a long time ago but when I saw him guiding children, I felt it was truly awful and exploitative and so did my guides and I was guided to this site and told to share my story and it has led to some wonderful things. I have met some amazing people that I never would have met any other way so it was worth it. And when people hear me speak they know I am telling the truth and they realize Chip is a great conman. He conned me into thinking we were friends. Also, Chip says I have lambasted him all over the web for five years which is false but what he and his crazed lunatic friends have done to me in the last 2 months is more cruel and evil than anything I could or would ever do to anyone and they relish in causing me pain. They laugh about it and think of more ways to do so . . . but in the end . . . who they have hurt the most is Chip Coffey. I put up one ripoff report in 3 1/2 years . . .he and his friends have put up five ripoff report and I have not ripped anyone off and they have put blogs up all over the net on different boards. Chip took his down off of blog spot right before this radio show. How considerate. Always thinking of himself he is. Do not worry about me Orethrius. I have the universe watching over me and in this life, I will finish what I came here to do and no inquisition led by a psychic hick is going to stop me . . . that is for sure.


North Pole,
yeah, chip started his public psychic media PR stuff in sept 2001

#83Consumer Comment

Thu, January 08, 2009

"its been touched on but noone has clarified it for sure that chip became a psychic medium in 2001 after 3000 or more people died tragically" it's true. but hey, tammy and tanila don't seem to have a problem with that little chip tidbit, so why should the rest of us? sept 11 2001 - terrorist attacks kill thousands tragically and send the travel industry on a nosedive. end of sept 2001 - chip coffey ditches travel industry job and becomes a charging psychic. the guy may not have much in the way of morals, but he has a nose for business and PR opportunities. did anyone catch him on TYRA with his gaggle of "psychic kids" ? evidently there is no end to the child exploitation for publicity.


Beverly Hills,
Thanx for the kind words...

#84Consumer Comment

Thu, January 08, 2009

... but I hope you'll understand that I don't desire to share any of my private life with people who choose to make themselves a target for a "malevolent force" (no offense, I've had enough "strange" encounters in my lifetime to make malevolence a scary enough thing in the visible world for me). Beatrice, you can accept his apology for the name-jacking and move on - from what you said, he shows no intent of changing his tack - or continue posting how you've been wronged (believe it or not, I used to moderate a handful of forums, and discussions like that got old fast). Don't get me wrong here, I believe you've been harmed in quite a significant way, and don't expect you to totally let the situation go - but there's something to be said for saving your personal image by refusing to fuel further personal attacks against you. Don't blame Ed for running a site where people's names are easily equated with their actions; that puts you roughly below a slime-mold in the eyes of the average viewer (that is, someone who didn't even bother to get the gist of the argument here) and I certainly don't believe you deserve that. As for Tammy's comments: "Orethrius - please explain how buying her name as domain names constitutes 'stealing her identity'. I am not trying to be smart here, just trying to understand. Chip had these names for a total of two weeks, they were then turned over to his then webmasters. This was also done a couple of years ago." As she's not personally offended me, I'll be kind and say only this: (A) If one of your coworkers registered "tammy*lastname*" and redirected it to a direct competitor of your business, you'd be pissed - somebody effectively "stole" your "identity". True, it's not the same as lifting her SSN or driver's license, but should she feel any less violated for it? (B) http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode15/usc_sec_15_00001125----000-.html (subsection "d"; that is, little d, not big D). Given, it's a civil tort - not a statutory felony - but that doesn't make what he did any more legal. I believe Trent Lott passed that language back in late 1999, but I could be off. "Also, in regards to malice - could not what Beatrice did in regards to posting an email on several R&R posts here on December 18th asking Chip how he would like it if she posted a thread (which in definition is just what she did) saying..." I don't mean to be a p***k, but I pretty much draw the line for "malice" at the bounds of the law. Chip crossed it first - and that's something you can take to the bank. You don't spray-paint "I SUCK" on your neighbor's car because they criticized your job, and that's basically what he did here. Whereas I can't say that I blame him (given his viewpoint), I *can* say that it's not an excuse for breaking the law.


Team Marot huh? Well, you go for it

#85Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 08, 2009

but before you do, finish listening to that podcast. Also, I ask that you read over ALL the reports on here concerning Beatrice Marot. I also direct you to a blog that contains the all the stories on Beatrice Marot at spiritchasertammy.blogspot.com as well as several others out there. If you still want to support Beatrice after that, then you go right ahead. Especially read the R&R report www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/408/RipOff0408186.htm. I'm sure you heard Chip say on that podcast that they both worked at Keen. You also heard him say that she sent message after message to other keen advisors. She was told to stop and did not so she received a suspension. When she was allowed back on, she again started the messaging again. She was suspended again. Once again she was let back on and continued - so they let her go. She has admitted to being let go. No, I do not have any trouble believing this. Why? Because she did the same exact thing to me! I asked her twice to stop. I finally reported her last two messages to me to MySpace then finally blocked her, as I am sure she would still continue if I had not. She has also messaged another person on MySpace incessantly. She has also accused me of creating another profile on MySpace just that could I send her hate mail and she knew it was me because Jesus told her it was me. She has divulged readings of Celebrities that she has done - items she should not have divulged. But hey, don't just take my word for it. Do your research first.

Team Marot

New York,
New Mexico,

#86UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 08, 2009

well i want to thank you for the reference to the 'strange frequencies' as im listening to it right now ... heres what they are saying "spirit contact and crossing over reading with chip is $500 " ok and now they are talking about beatrice and her "ongoing thing with chip coffey " and people going one sided or another ? they are saying oh and "thats a p***k thing to do " about the buying of the domain names or whatever .... and "i am an a-hole but i also do a-hole things or he might not be a p***k but do prickesh things" then this awesome WOOKIE SOUND hes saying he "likes a little better "chip coffey is a huge p***k" and no im just quoting off the show....almost a sexual connotation attached to that chip are u friends with tanila have u met tanilla? is she a good friend.? have u met all your friends... anyways i dont care ill listen to what chip has to say about his prices and services hes floggin on the show but im staying TEAM MAROT ALL THE WAY for 2 reasons 1. its been touched on but noone has clarified it for sure that chip became a psychic medium in 2001 after 3000 or more people died tragically .. ??? what was there suddenly a market for those talking to the dead! get a grip and 2. that beatrice said that she was bullied by chips friends after she got kicked off keen and now beatrice is again appearing to be bullied by chips cyber buddies who he may or may not think are good friends.. is "everything on a level playing field chip".... 5 years almost ... "pissing contest" "absolutely i did" refering to buying the web domain name "beatrice do u own your domain name oh u should before anyone else buys them.." nope no need... b;lah blah balhhhhhhh TEAM MAROT ::::::ALL THE WAYYYYYYYYYY "SO THE WHOLE 3000 DOLLAR A PEICE DEAL " YES "1500 A PEICE" oh and calling someone a gorilla isnt racist its not even close to racist ....i think tanilla is used to accusing people of racism because that works for her... grow up ......."she called me names" lolllllllll


Beatrice some little facts for you

#87Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 08, 2009

I will be listening to Strange Frequencies - most definitely. I heard the interview with Chip and it was wonderful. Be prepared for they know that you lied to them on several things, so I can not wait to hear this interview. They are ALL already very well aware of what is going on Beatrice. That was one of the things they mentioned, quite funny. I have never said that Chip asked me to show my protection of him. I have done this all on my own - no guidance. I have done this on my own as I consider him a friend. As I've stated before I have a mind of my own unlike you that must rely on spirit guides to direct my life. Orethrius - please explain how buying her name as domain names constitutes 'stealing her identity'. I am not trying to be smart here, just trying to understand. Chip had these names for a total of two weeks, they were then turned over to his then webmasters. This was also done a couple of years ago. Also, in regards to malice - could not what Beatrice did in regards to posting an email on several R&R posts here on December 18th asking Chip how he would like it if she posted a thread (which in definition is just what she did) saying that: I WROTE TO CHIP THE FOLLOWING ON HIS PERSONAL EMAIL: Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report? Those are her exact words taken from above. She sent this to his email on December 15, then posted it on four different threads here on Ripoff Report on December 18th herself. Chip did post a blog about it, but did not do so until December 20th. Would that not be considered Malice? That is totally untrue about Chip and just proves what type of a person Beatrice truly is. Kabol - when have I ever taken anything that you have said out of context? That was really a rather derogatory remark towards me is it not? I have tried to treat your statements with respect, but you have constantly done nothing but try to put me down. I have told you have the rights to your own opinions and I have never stated that I fully believe in PS, but you have tried very hard to turn that around. Does that really make you feel better by doing that? If so, then go ahead, but as I have said to Beatrice, people can read the posts and make their own minds up.


Beatrice some little facts for you

#88Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 08, 2009

I will be listening to Strange Frequencies - most definitely. I heard the interview with Chip and it was wonderful. Be prepared for they know that you lied to them on several things, so I can not wait to hear this interview. They are ALL already very well aware of what is going on Beatrice. That was one of the things they mentioned, quite funny. I have never said that Chip asked me to show my protection of him. I have done this all on my own - no guidance. I have done this on my own as I consider him a friend. As I've stated before I have a mind of my own unlike you that must rely on spirit guides to direct my life. Orethrius - please explain how buying her name as domain names constitutes 'stealing her identity'. I am not trying to be smart here, just trying to understand. Chip had these names for a total of two weeks, they were then turned over to his then webmasters. This was also done a couple of years ago. Also, in regards to malice - could not what Beatrice did in regards to posting an email on several R&R posts here on December 18th asking Chip how he would like it if she posted a thread (which in definition is just what she did) saying that: I WROTE TO CHIP THE FOLLOWING ON HIS PERSONAL EMAIL: Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report? Those are her exact words taken from above. She sent this to his email on December 15, then posted it on four different threads here on Ripoff Report on December 18th herself. Chip did post a blog about it, but did not do so until December 20th. Would that not be considered Malice? That is totally untrue about Chip and just proves what type of a person Beatrice truly is. Kabol - when have I ever taken anything that you have said out of context? That was really a rather derogatory remark towards me is it not? I have tried to treat your statements with respect, but you have constantly done nothing but try to put me down. I have told you have the rights to your own opinions and I have never stated that I fully believe in PS, but you have tried very hard to turn that around. Does that really make you feel better by doing that? If so, then go ahead, but as I have said to Beatrice, people can read the posts and make their own minds up.


Beatrice some little facts for you

#89Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 08, 2009

I will be listening to Strange Frequencies - most definitely. I heard the interview with Chip and it was wonderful. Be prepared for they know that you lied to them on several things, so I can not wait to hear this interview. They are ALL already very well aware of what is going on Beatrice. That was one of the things they mentioned, quite funny. I have never said that Chip asked me to show my protection of him. I have done this all on my own - no guidance. I have done this on my own as I consider him a friend. As I've stated before I have a mind of my own unlike you that must rely on spirit guides to direct my life. Orethrius - please explain how buying her name as domain names constitutes 'stealing her identity'. I am not trying to be smart here, just trying to understand. Chip had these names for a total of two weeks, they were then turned over to his then webmasters. This was also done a couple of years ago. Also, in regards to malice - could not what Beatrice did in regards to posting an email on several R&R posts here on December 18th asking Chip how he would like it if she posted a thread (which in definition is just what she did) saying that: I WROTE TO CHIP THE FOLLOWING ON HIS PERSONAL EMAIL: Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report? Those are her exact words taken from above. She sent this to his email on December 15, then posted it on four different threads here on Ripoff Report on December 18th herself. Chip did post a blog about it, but did not do so until December 20th. Would that not be considered Malice? That is totally untrue about Chip and just proves what type of a person Beatrice truly is. Kabol - when have I ever taken anything that you have said out of context? That was really a rather derogatory remark towards me is it not? I have tried to treat your statements with respect, but you have constantly done nothing but try to put me down. I have told you have the rights to your own opinions and I have never stated that I fully believe in PS, but you have tried very hard to turn that around. Does that really make you feel better by doing that? If so, then go ahead, but as I have said to Beatrice, people can read the posts and make their own minds up.


Los Angeles,
Chip Coffey just did a radio show called Strange Frequencies

#90Author of original report

Thu, January 08, 2009

I did not listen to it . . . because I don't need to . . . I know Chip's lies inside out. I will be doing the show on the 25th of January and there will be a podcast where I will tell my side of the story which is the truth. My friend who listened to it said Chip claimed . . . he has no control over what other people do. What a joke. I sent the following to host of the radio show. Please go to myspace and add them if you care to listen to my truth! The name once again is STRANGE FREQUENCIES! FW: Bobby, I thought you should see what I have been dealing with daily for months AND BELIEVE ME CHIP KNOWS AND CONDONES THIS AND HAS ALSO PARTICIPATED IN PERPETUATING THIS ENDLESS CYBER BULLYING. AND THIS IS THE GUY WITH A COUNSELING DEGREE???? GUIDING CHILDREN ON TV??? YEAH RIGHT! TANILA PRICE AND INDIANA SPIRITCHASER TAMMY ARE THE TWO PITBULLS CHIP HAS SENT TO PSYCOLOGICALLY TORTURE ME FOR MONTHS. HE SAYS HE CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT PEOPLE DO AND YET THESE PEOPLE OPENLY ADMIT THEY DO THIS FOR HIM. TANILA PRICE WROTE THE FOLLOWING TO A WEBSITE DEDICATED TO TUPAC SHAKUR WHICH HAS AN ARTICLE I WROTE OF HOW TUPAC CAME TO ME YEARS AGO. AND TUPAC HAS BEEN AROUND ME EVER SINCE. "I saw the article you posted by Beatrice Marot, and thought I should warn you about this woman. My husband is an African American. She got angry with me and called him a 2 ton gorilla. She also wrote that Tupac told her it was okay to call African Americans n***a. She called a young Japanese man a Jap. She posted that she was Jesus' dessert at The Last Supper, and that she was His favorite hooker. This is an evil woman. You can read all about her on ripoffreport. com Just do a search for her, and you will be surprised at the type woman she is. Respectfully, Tanila Price I ALSO INCLUDED A LINK TO TANILA'S PAGE SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT KIND OF WHITE TRASH HICK FROM HELL I HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH THANKS TO CHIP COFFEY. AND DO NOT BEIEVE ONE WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THAT SNAKE OIL SALESMEN'S MOUTH. HE LIES LIKE HE IS TELLING THE TRUTH. I WROTE TO THE OWNER OF THE SITE THE FOLLOWING AFTER HE SENT IT TO ME. This is a crazy woman that has been cyber bullying me all over the net calling me a racist. I do not know her. She is a friend of Chip Coffey . . host of A&E's Psychic Kids and he is also on Paranormal State and back in May 2005 Chip Coffey who was my friend or so I thought got jealous when I became number one in our category Voices From Beyond on psychic line keen. com. He recruited his friends to call me and purposely leave negative feedback. He registered my name beatricemarot. com and .net and had it take people to his website eternal connections . . . and he tried to get me to pay $3000 for my own names. I created a ripoffreport on what he did after seeing him guiding children on television, I decided to expose him for ripping me off and I have paid the Tanila Price Chip is now cyber bullying me and recruiting his friends to do the same and Tanila is a 58 year old hillbilly white trash nightmare of a woman. She has been doing this for months now just because I told her after constantly being badgered . . . to go f**k herself and her two ton Gorilla . . . mostly because the man is huge not because he is black and now I am a racist. It was heart breaking I have to tell you to see the word Racist next to my name on Google. ROR refuse to take it down . . . even though I never ripped anyone off. Chip and his friends have created five ripoffreports calling me Racist and Homophobe. Here is my cyber bully and her two ton Gorilla. She is just a total freak. I am so sorry she bothered you and I appreciate you letting me know. Thank you. http://profile. myspace. com/index. cfm?fuseaction=user. viewProfile&friendID=12205639



#91Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

that she is really not psychic! Don't waste your money on her! She advertises to do psychic readings while admitting that she isn't psychic!



#92Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

that she is really not psychic! Don't waste your money on her! She advertises to do psychic readings while admitting that she isn't psychic!



#93Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

that she is really not psychic! Don't waste your money on her! She advertises to do psychic readings while admitting that she isn't psychic!


Los Angeles,
Orethrius, thank you for your post

#94UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 05, 2009

Chip Coffey host of A&E's Psychic Kids. . . not anyone else stole my names. He called me GLOATING like he had just won the lottery and said, "Guess what I just did? I just bought Beatricemarot.com and Beatricemarot.net . . . I do not even want to tell you the rest. This happened in May or June of 2005 and I never said a word until I saw the trailer for that show. I had no problem with him chasing ghosts and demons on Paranormal State but a man capable of what he did to me and allowing this harassment to continue for months on end is a really sick person and has no business guiding children! He is stupid and cruel enough to take an email I wrote him and immediately create a blog saying I am going to expose him as a pedophile. He is posting all over the net the same crap even on the Gay, l*****n, Bisexual, Transgender Board at AOL. His trained seals Tammy and Tanila have blogs about me. Now Ed Magedson is a real piece of work. He has allowed these cyberstalkers to post FOUR RIP OFF REPORTS WITH NO RIP OFF about me . . .JUST THESE EVIL BITCHES TANILA PRICE, TAMMY AND CHIP WRITING I AM A RACIST AND A HOMOPHOBE. JUST UNREAL THAT THIS SITE ALLOWED THAT. I initially thought this was a great site . . . but it is not since anyone can post any kind of lies and slander without even a legitimate ripoff and they will post it and never remove it. I see these terrible words next to my name on Google and I want to kill myself. I just might, just to ensure this never happens again to anyone and to make sure that ROR is either shut down or changes . . . I am so sick of this planet and the physical dimension . . . and I know what the heavenly planes are like. If I wasn't so dialed in to them, I could never survive here with all the hate, injustice, cruelty, child abuse, animal abuse in labs and endless wars. As soon as my precious mother leaves this earth. I will go with her. I have no fear of death whatsoever. I welcome God's embrace. I welcome the amazing love and bliss of the spirit realm. Joe, this is what it is like for a real psychic. I went to a gym to join and I was sitting there with a young man who was perfectly normal and smiling but I felt like crying and tears welled up in my eyes and I looked at him and said, "Did you just break up with your girlfriend?" and he was shocked and said, "Yes, why do you ask? She broke up with me yesterday." and I said, "Because I am a psychic and I felt like crying and I have no reason too." We talked and I told him things. He wrote to me and thanked me and said I changed his life. Or I walked up to a young lady and said, "Excuse me but I am a psychic and I just got the hit to tell you that Native American Studies is not just a class for you . . . it is part of your soul's journey and very important that you pay attention." She said, "I am taking Native American Studies in the fall." "Well, pay attention! It is part of what you are here to do with your life." And that joke about the second coming . . . Jesus himself gave me that one the day after I said to Bob, "I am going to ask my close personal friend Jesus Christ for a really good joke to leave on your voicemail." and I got that one. lol Most people have no idea who Jesus was or is. None whatsoever. You read fairy tales and call it the truth. The Bible is the biggest ripoff on Earth. First send in the missionaries and then the military . . . Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Genesis should be called Genocide. Lenny Bruce recently said to me . . . "Hey Bea . . . Moses talking to a burning bush. . . George must have been having a barbecue!"


Los Angeles,
Orethrius, thank you for your post

#95UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 05, 2009

Chip Coffey host of A&E's Psychic Kids. . . not anyone else stole my names. He called me GLOATING like he had just won the lottery and said, "Guess what I just did? I just bought Beatricemarot.com and Beatricemarot.net . . . I do not even want to tell you the rest. This happened in May or June of 2005 and I never said a word until I saw the trailer for that show. I had no problem with him chasing ghosts and demons on Paranormal State but a man capable of what he did to me and allowing this harassment to continue for months on end is a really sick person and has no business guiding children! He is stupid and cruel enough to take an email I wrote him and immediately create a blog saying I am going to expose him as a pedophile. He is posting all over the net the same crap even on the Gay, l*****n, Bisexual, Transgender Board at AOL. His trained seals Tammy and Tanila have blogs about me. Now Ed Magedson is a real piece of work. He has allowed these cyberstalkers to post FOUR RIP OFF REPORTS WITH NO RIP OFF about me . . .JUST THESE EVIL BITCHES TANILA PRICE, TAMMY AND CHIP WRITING I AM A RACIST AND A HOMOPHOBE. JUST UNREAL THAT THIS SITE ALLOWED THAT. I initially thought this was a great site . . . but it is not since anyone can post any kind of lies and slander without even a legitimate ripoff and they will post it and never remove it. I see these terrible words next to my name on Google and I want to kill myself. I just might, just to ensure this never happens again to anyone and to make sure that ROR is either shut down or changes . . . I am so sick of this planet and the physical dimension . . . and I know what the heavenly planes are like. If I wasn't so dialed in to them, I could never survive here with all the hate, injustice, cruelty, child abuse, animal abuse in labs and endless wars. As soon as my precious mother leaves this earth. I will go with her. I have no fear of death whatsoever. I welcome God's embrace. I welcome the amazing love and bliss of the spirit realm. Joe, this is what it is like for a real psychic. I went to a gym to join and I was sitting there with a young man who was perfectly normal and smiling but I felt like crying and tears welled up in my eyes and I looked at him and said, "Did you just break up with your girlfriend?" and he was shocked and said, "Yes, why do you ask? She broke up with me yesterday." and I said, "Because I am a psychic and I felt like crying and I have no reason too." We talked and I told him things. He wrote to me and thanked me and said I changed his life. Or I walked up to a young lady and said, "Excuse me but I am a psychic and I just got the hit to tell you that Native American Studies is not just a class for you . . . it is part of your soul's journey and very important that you pay attention." She said, "I am taking Native American Studies in the fall." "Well, pay attention! It is part of what you are here to do with your life." And that joke about the second coming . . . Jesus himself gave me that one the day after I said to Bob, "I am going to ask my close personal friend Jesus Christ for a really good joke to leave on your voicemail." and I got that one. lol Most people have no idea who Jesus was or is. None whatsoever. You read fairy tales and call it the truth. The Bible is the biggest ripoff on Earth. First send in the missionaries and then the military . . . Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Genesis should be called Genocide. Lenny Bruce recently said to me . . . "Hey Bea . . . Moses talking to a burning bush. . . George must have been having a barbecue!"


Los Angeles,
Orethrius, thank you for your post

#96UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 05, 2009

Chip Coffey host of A&E's Psychic Kids. . . not anyone else stole my names. He called me GLOATING like he had just won the lottery and said, "Guess what I just did? I just bought Beatricemarot.com and Beatricemarot.net . . . I do not even want to tell you the rest. This happened in May or June of 2005 and I never said a word until I saw the trailer for that show. I had no problem with him chasing ghosts and demons on Paranormal State but a man capable of what he did to me and allowing this harassment to continue for months on end is a really sick person and has no business guiding children! He is stupid and cruel enough to take an email I wrote him and immediately create a blog saying I am going to expose him as a pedophile. He is posting all over the net the same crap even on the Gay, l*****n, Bisexual, Transgender Board at AOL. His trained seals Tammy and Tanila have blogs about me. Now Ed Magedson is a real piece of work. He has allowed these cyberstalkers to post FOUR RIP OFF REPORTS WITH NO RIP OFF about me . . .JUST THESE EVIL BITCHES TANILA PRICE, TAMMY AND CHIP WRITING I AM A RACIST AND A HOMOPHOBE. JUST UNREAL THAT THIS SITE ALLOWED THAT. I initially thought this was a great site . . . but it is not since anyone can post any kind of lies and slander without even a legitimate ripoff and they will post it and never remove it. I see these terrible words next to my name on Google and I want to kill myself. I just might, just to ensure this never happens again to anyone and to make sure that ROR is either shut down or changes . . . I am so sick of this planet and the physical dimension . . . and I know what the heavenly planes are like. If I wasn't so dialed in to them, I could never survive here with all the hate, injustice, cruelty, child abuse, animal abuse in labs and endless wars. As soon as my precious mother leaves this earth. I will go with her. I have no fear of death whatsoever. I welcome God's embrace. I welcome the amazing love and bliss of the spirit realm. Joe, this is what it is like for a real psychic. I went to a gym to join and I was sitting there with a young man who was perfectly normal and smiling but I felt like crying and tears welled up in my eyes and I looked at him and said, "Did you just break up with your girlfriend?" and he was shocked and said, "Yes, why do you ask? She broke up with me yesterday." and I said, "Because I am a psychic and I felt like crying and I have no reason too." We talked and I told him things. He wrote to me and thanked me and said I changed his life. Or I walked up to a young lady and said, "Excuse me but I am a psychic and I just got the hit to tell you that Native American Studies is not just a class for you . . . it is part of your soul's journey and very important that you pay attention." She said, "I am taking Native American Studies in the fall." "Well, pay attention! It is part of what you are here to do with your life." And that joke about the second coming . . . Jesus himself gave me that one the day after I said to Bob, "I am going to ask my close personal friend Jesus Christ for a really good joke to leave on your voicemail." and I got that one. lol Most people have no idea who Jesus was or is. None whatsoever. You read fairy tales and call it the truth. The Bible is the biggest ripoff on Earth. First send in the missionaries and then the military . . . Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Genesis should be called Genocide. Lenny Bruce recently said to me . . . "Hey Bea . . . Moses talking to a burning bush. . . George must have been having a barbecue!"


Los Angeles,
Orethrius, thank you for your post

#97UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 05, 2009

Chip Coffey host of A&E's Psychic Kids. . . not anyone else stole my names. He called me GLOATING like he had just won the lottery and said, "Guess what I just did? I just bought Beatricemarot.com and Beatricemarot.net . . . I do not even want to tell you the rest. This happened in May or June of 2005 and I never said a word until I saw the trailer for that show. I had no problem with him chasing ghosts and demons on Paranormal State but a man capable of what he did to me and allowing this harassment to continue for months on end is a really sick person and has no business guiding children! He is stupid and cruel enough to take an email I wrote him and immediately create a blog saying I am going to expose him as a pedophile. He is posting all over the net the same crap even on the Gay, l*****n, Bisexual, Transgender Board at AOL. His trained seals Tammy and Tanila have blogs about me. Now Ed Magedson is a real piece of work. He has allowed these cyberstalkers to post FOUR RIP OFF REPORTS WITH NO RIP OFF about me . . .JUST THESE EVIL BITCHES TANILA PRICE, TAMMY AND CHIP WRITING I AM A RACIST AND A HOMOPHOBE. JUST UNREAL THAT THIS SITE ALLOWED THAT. I initially thought this was a great site . . . but it is not since anyone can post any kind of lies and slander without even a legitimate ripoff and they will post it and never remove it. I see these terrible words next to my name on Google and I want to kill myself. I just might, just to ensure this never happens again to anyone and to make sure that ROR is either shut down or changes . . . I am so sick of this planet and the physical dimension . . . and I know what the heavenly planes are like. If I wasn't so dialed in to them, I could never survive here with all the hate, injustice, cruelty, child abuse, animal abuse in labs and endless wars. As soon as my precious mother leaves this earth. I will go with her. I have no fear of death whatsoever. I welcome God's embrace. I welcome the amazing love and bliss of the spirit realm. Joe, this is what it is like for a real psychic. I went to a gym to join and I was sitting there with a young man who was perfectly normal and smiling but I felt like crying and tears welled up in my eyes and I looked at him and said, "Did you just break up with your girlfriend?" and he was shocked and said, "Yes, why do you ask? She broke up with me yesterday." and I said, "Because I am a psychic and I felt like crying and I have no reason too." We talked and I told him things. He wrote to me and thanked me and said I changed his life. Or I walked up to a young lady and said, "Excuse me but I am a psychic and I just got the hit to tell you that Native American Studies is not just a class for you . . . it is part of your soul's journey and very important that you pay attention." She said, "I am taking Native American Studies in the fall." "Well, pay attention! It is part of what you are here to do with your life." And that joke about the second coming . . . Jesus himself gave me that one the day after I said to Bob, "I am going to ask my close personal friend Jesus Christ for a really good joke to leave on your voicemail." and I got that one. lol Most people have no idea who Jesus was or is. None whatsoever. You read fairy tales and call it the truth. The Bible is the biggest ripoff on Earth. First send in the missionaries and then the military . . . Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Genesis should be called Genocide. Lenny Bruce recently said to me . . . "Hey Bea . . . Moses talking to a burning bush. . . George must have been having a barbecue!"


Los Angeles,
Joe, I think we got it

#98Author of original report

Mon, January 05, 2009

You hate psychics. Like Kabol, you have an open invitation to a free reading from me anytime. There are real ones and I am one of them. I also have a toy chihuahua and I rescued a chihuahua pug mix a year ago who was abused and abandoned in South Central . . . and now is a very sweet and happy dog who never leaves my side. She is grateful and if you allow me to read for you. . . you will be too . . . and you will see the difference between your friends who are the scammers and a healer.


Hey, give old Chip a break -- he likes Chihuahuas!

#99Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

There have been more than enough reports of the SCAM PSYCHIC HOTLINES ( PAID BY THE BILLABLE MINUTES -- NONETHELESS!) My lawyer envies this! There have been so many complaints of this in the RIP OFF REPORT that people should KNOW by now what they are getting into when they call FAKERS, FRAUDS and CON ARTISTS. I had friends that worked for two PSYCHIC HOTLINES and several ADULT XXX PHONE SERVICES AS WELL. THEY WERE NOT PSYCHIC. THEY DID NOT LOOK REMOTELY LIKE THE SCANTILY CLAD, AIRBRUSHED PHOTOS THAT THE XXX-PHONE CALL SERVICE USED TO LURE THE SUCKERS INTO CALLING! They laughed at the idiots who called them and believed that they cared and gave them total power over their sorry little lives and their finances but their consciences had enough and they stopped. They had saved a lot of money and probably saved their souls when they STOPPED. If people want to PAY BIG BUCK$ TO TALK TO" Chip", then let them talk to "Chip." I AM NOT ACCUSING HIM OF BEING A SCAMMER. HE IS A CHIHUAHUA OWNER AND THAT GOES IN HIS FAVOR AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED BUT THEN I AM NOT GOING TO CALL CHIP AND FIND OUT WHETHER HE IS OR ISN'T. IN FACT, IF CHIP WAITS FOR ME TO CALL HIM,HE WILL STARVE AND HAVE TO GET ANOTHER JOB. As a fellow Chihuahua owner, I know that chihuahuas need doggie treats like any other dog. Maybe "Chip" would be better off if he went to work for a pet store and stopped wasting his time and his life on the phone talking to whiny, dependent 500 pounders wanting to live vicariously and willing to pay the big bucks while talking and then BOO h*o when their money is gone, the phone call s stop and then they claim THEY WERE SCAMMED... And other fakers who are trying to justify what they do as they bury themselves with all of the verbiage...which is what a guilty crook usually does in a police interrogation... THAT PEOPLE HAVE MONEY TO WASTE ON THIS TELEPHONE TOMFOOLERY NEVER CEASES TO AMAZE ME! YOU ALL KNOW WHAT IT REALLY IS BUT IF YOU WANT TO GO ON FLUSHING YOUR MONEY DOWN THE TOILET OF FLIMFLAM AND SUPERSTITION, BE MY GUEST --AND AFTER YOU HAVE SPENT ALL OF YOUR MONEY AND YOU ARE HOMELESS, DON'T EXPECT ME TO GIVE YOU ANY MONEY WHILE YOU PANHANDLE SO YOU CAN GET MORE MONEY TO SPEND ON THE FAKE HOTLINE FOOLISHNESS.


Beverly Hills,
My Thoughts (If Anyone Cares)

#100Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

FULL DISCLOSURE: I regularly review Groklaw for upcoming cases, and make a "best faith" effort to keep myself informed on current case law. However, as I am neither a lawyer nor omniscient, I can make no claims regarding the accuracy of all legal issues at all times. I have made a good deal of enemies who are unfamiliar with precedents set by the United States court system, many of whom feel that such legislation should not have passed in the first place. By that same token, I have many friends who feel the same way. If you cared enough to read all this claptrap, read on for more. I'm not so sure that this site is the best venue for a prolonged argument over the legitimacy of psychics such as Chip Coffey or Beatrice Marot, but I feel there has been quite enough vitriol spewed throughout to last the Devil well into the next millennium. Here is my take on the activities, to date, speculation being best left to the informed observer. FACT: Someone associated with - or directly promoting - Chip Coffey purchased Ms. Marot's name as a domain (two, in fact) then *key phrase here* refused to turn over the domains for a nominal fee ("nominal" being defined as "the real and actual cost of registration", not "whatever the registrant deems fair and compensatory"). FACT: Those domains served as simple CNAME redirects to a commercial site; as such, they were not registered to promote any service or product, and probably ran afoul of cybersquatting statutes on the books in some jurisdictions (yes, it IS considered a form of identity theft, so Ms. Marot's outrage - if not her phrasing - is certainly justified). FACT: If Chip Coffey is indeed a fraud - in this case, the word "charlatan" would be more apt - then he is likely in violation of many regulations against larceny (not the least of which would call the origins of shows like "Psychic Kids" and "Paranormal State" into serious question). FACT: A certain degree of protection against the legalistic antagonism of famous persons is afforded to the press. With citizen bloggers becoming the new media, and Chip trying his best to remain in the spotlight, it is highly questionable whether Chip - or any of his agents - are within their rights at all in acting to dissuade discussions about his character or actions, *particularly when labeled as libel* (see http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=376&invol=254 for the full text of NEW YORK TIMES V. SULLIVAN). First, actual malice would need to be proven, and this is why one should err on the side of evidence. FACT: It's neither cute nor funny, particularly in today's economy, to write off fraud as "just a fact of life". If you intend to say something like that, kindly keep your mouth shut and step away from the keyboard - we all remember Enron (yes, even ED). FACT: RipoffReport's blatant refusal to pull ANY posts may be a source of ire, but I assure you that it's to the benefit of all parties involved that the full stories remain unedited and unchallenged. As for psychic ability, I believe that anything is possible, but I would tend to err on the side of both caution and evidence before going out of my way to spread any ill will towards another member of the community. In this instance, somebody should certainly be apologizing on behalf of the underhanded cybersquatting tactics and legal antagonism that has been taking place, and it's not the responsibility of either party to prolong the confrontation here. I would recommend taking it off-site, but that sacrifices the security provided by not having your posts erased under any circumstances. Regardless, this issue needs to be settled, before any more damage is done.


North Pole,
rolling eyes doesn't cut it

#101Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

tanila proclaims: "Kabol, you are merely jealous of the attention and fame Chip has received, and you have received none!!!" yeah. you caught me. i was SO wishing i could be the next psychic kid "counselor". i mean, just reading all of my posts here at ripoff report -- you can see how desperate i am to be a psychic kid counselor. or a psychic anything. no really, read my posts. i love me some psychics. LOVE LOVE LOVE 'em. ***why do i think tanila or tammy or going to somehow take my above statements out of their sarcastic context and pretend that i said them in earnest?*** tanila, you are losing your grip on reality, and chip is either egging you on or ignoring you. i would think he'd be asking you to tone it down....but then again, he really seems to love his chihuahuas' devotion and attention. tanila, i'm actually jealous of whofortedblog dot com and the ghostdivas dot blogspot dot com. they're all young, funny, talented and rather intelligent. will chip sue me now? will chip sue anyone now?


Los Angeles,
Chip Coffey, you really show people the true you.

#102Author of original report

Mon, January 05, 2009

You pretended to be my friend for two years and out of rage and jealousy, as soon as I became number one on Keen . . . you lost it, you registered my names, guided people to your website, tried to extort $3000 dollars and then called me crying and still you would not just give them to me. You transferred them over to Mark Ott in Las Vegas and he held them until they expired or close to it. Almost a year . . . and you profess to be a Christian, a counselor and someone to be entrusted with children. You have buried yourself in your lies. You have singlehandedly (with a little help from your friends) destroyed your credibility and your career. I just watched in awe as you and your friends just bashed and stalked me all over the net since November 18th. Well, I am leaving this site with an example of who I really am . . . not seen through the eyes of hate . . . but the eyes of love. I really hope you all find peace in your hearts soon! You are the ones that bring shame to Christianity . . . I found this forum I did years ago on a site and since I am really really sick of dealing with these people who have absolutely no clue what they are talking about . . . I want to get off this site and leave it with a positive impression of who I am and what I do. Chip, Tammy and Tanila are just perfect examples of truly wounded and angry people masquerading as crusaders for Jesus. The paragraphs in quotations are the questions being asked by the people who joined in. Enjoy! THE PSYCHIC ADVICE FORUM! One of my famous clients calls me his "Cyrano De Beatrice" for my ability to see exactly what is going on in his relationship and give him the ideal advice or strategy to change things for the better when challenges arise as they do in any relationship. Beautiful, wealthy, famous people go through exactly the same thing we all do when it comes to love which is a lot of suffering, growing, learning and evolving TIMES TEN! "I have never gotten Psychic advice before. How does it work? Can you see things in your own future? Also when you look at someone's picture do you see random things that have happened in their pasts, and things that will happen in their future? I have never known a psychic before...so I really wonder about these things! You are soooooo cool for posting a forum like this Bea! Jamey217" Well, if I give you a cold reading with no direction from you then I look at your birth chart to start with and I get a lot of information from that. I do Vedic Indian astrology and it is amazingly accurate . . . like an itinerary of your life with dated periods that tell me when you will meet your life mate or buy a home or get a new job. I also work with spirit guides and I start to hear things and I use the Tarot to confirm what I am hearing and I always get highly accurate information. There are many types of psychics. I focus my readings on love and a person's creative potential to manifest wealth through their natural talent and abilities. We all have a gift to share and I can see what it is however you have to decide whether you will meet the challenge to manifest it in your life. As far as love goes, I read the energy of your lover through you because lovers are deeply connected in spirit so I can read for one person without the other being present. However, I do not misuse my gifts to find out anything that is not for your highest good. Voila, I hope this helps. "Just wondering after seeing that there is not much out there, is there really anyone of significance that will compliment me as person. It just seems like I'll end up all alone forever....not a good feeling. I think I gave this website a chance to see if there is anything but it seems there are a lot of young people here.....where to go? Can you help? danicakg" Danica, Wow, what a chart you have. You are truly an amazing soul and I have to tell you that the second half of your life will be much more fulfilling than the first half. From Feb 2, 1986 at the age of 22 to Feb 2, 2004 it has been a very challenging journey where the universe seems to give it and take it away. It's just part of your growing period. That is over now. Feb. 2, 2006 you entered a Jupiter period (which rules the husband and children) which lasts for 16 years and in March of 2006 when you go into a sub period of Saturn you will meet and marry your life partner between the ages of 42 and 45. You may meet him a little sooner but the very best time for you to wed is after March 20th 2006. The ideal time would be 2/17/2007-7/19/2007. There is no doubt that it is challenging for you because you are very strong, dynamic and powerful woman and you need to meet your equal in a man. In your case, I see a man that is sensitive, spiritual and also very well to do. He seems to handle other people's money and is very good at making money for himself and others. He will be very supportive of you pursuing your dreams and will help you in that way. You should be doing something very creative with your life and working with children. I also feel that you have a knack for writing, communication and you are a leader without a doubt. It is not easy for you because many will be intimidated by you so you have to learn to be a little more mysterious in your approach with men. That is the key here. This is a good place to practice. I really want you to let go of the past. It is over and there will not be a repeat performance so you have to open up your heart and believe me when I tell you that spirit will send to you a very wonderful man. So it is time to really trust again. That is the other energy that is needed to achieve your heart's desire and bring in a perfect mate. He's coming so just have fun and get ready and most of all TRUST!!!! I hope this helped. Love, B "B.....you are an angel ....I can't tell you how accurate you were with my past......as if I told you my whole story...what an amazing gift you have. I hope karma is working over time for you!!Blessed BeDanica danicak" "WOW! You are awesome Bea! I was born April 9th 1984, and I have been seeing a man named Scott for a long time now...we just had our 2 year on the 4th of July.... he was born June 6th 1977...any advice on where it will go? Oh yes...and what about children. I come from a big family, 4 brothers...and I want a big family too! How many kids will I have, and when I talked to my mom and she said I was born at 8:12 pm....this is sooo cool! Will you do a reading for me like you did for Danica? Thanks so much! Love, Jamey Jamey217" JAMEY, I knew there were some amazing women on this site and you are one of them!!! Not only will you have children but at least one of them will be famous in the performing arts. How many you have is up to you. You do have a wonderful chart for motherhood and you will be great hands on mom who involves her children in all kinds of activities and you're right there with them. There is so much that you can accomplish in this life that I really don't know where to start. I see everything from you having amazing natural talent and if I were you I would pursue the arts in some way. You would make a great actress too. You also have a natural gift of healing and psychic ability yourself that you could develop and you would make a great doctor or lawyer even. The sky is truly the limit with you. DREAM BIG! You really cannot live this life doing some lame job. You absolutely have to dream big and go for it. START YOUR OWN BUSINESS!! You went into a sub period of Venus on 07/03/2003 and Venus rules love and you met your boyfriend the next day. I feel he loves you very much and is considering marriage however I also feel there are issues here and that the compatibility is being challenged. Who gets depressed here? Is it him? Is he having a hard time right now? I need a little guidance on that one. However you are very young still and as much as you love each other you should wait. The best time for you to marry and have your first child as well is between 5/09/2008-8/15/2010! In the meantime really think about what you want to accomplish on a personal level and go for it!!! I hope this helped. Love, B "Bea! You are truly AMAZING! You couldn't be more right about everything you have said! You are the real deal! You are such a wonderful person to have these gifts, and be willing to share them with the world! You have helped sooo many people! I will always be grateful for meeting you! Love you so much!! Jamey = ) Jamey217" The following is an email from Jamey217 "OHH WOWW!! That is so bizarre! Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be an actress....my mom always said I would be great at it. Its sooo funny you said to start my own business, because 3 or 4 months ago I just started my own eBay store called The Island of Misfit Toys!!You are totally right about the compatible issues. We both have been getting depressed recently. I hope I am destined for great things. Every lame job I get I always end up quitting after a week! You think I have psychic abilities myself? Do you think it has something to do with all the orbs in my pictures? How do I tune into an ability like that? Love you so much!! Jamey" "Hey bea. Do you see anything coming in my future? Eric ericstl" Eric, I will check it out and get back to you shortly. B Eric, have you ever thought of studying the law? I will tell you why later. "I am in my last yr of law school actually. ericstl" LOL well, I was going to say . . . you would make a great lawyer and you will! You simply have the birth chart of a great lawyer and I mean a GREAT lawyer. I feel you would do very well in entertainment/business law as well as I see you teaching law after the age of 31. I also feel that you are going to have a wife that is famous for some reason. You have the face of an angel with the heart of a lion. You will be famous yourself one day. I hope this helps! B "Wow!!! You are right on. Sports/entertainment law is exactly what I want to do. Thanks so much!! :) ericstl" Well, you are going to be great at it Eric. In fact, I am going to email this to a friend of mine that is a top entertainment attorney and tell him he should hire you pronto! He is a phenomenal entertainment lawyer. Lovely Beatrice, you and I have known each other a long time. There were times times when the pain in my heart was so unbearable I prayed for death. Through my friend's death we met. Since then you have been a big part of my journey to find the path of love and happiness again. Your guided meditations helped me live and dream again. They healed parts of my soul I'd swear were dead. Your words of encouragement have helped me stay on my path to fulfill my life's destiny although there were times I was angry at you because you did not tell me what I wanted to hear. You have always been there for me even though I was angry and abusive through my speech. I will always love you for guiding me and helping me see reality and what is possible instead of patronizing me like so many others have in the past. Your readings are amaingly accurate and specific in detail. Ech time we completed our sessions I felt energized and healed. I thank God for sending you my way. Friends Forever! Robert Redlion Heatherrrr luv'd reading these...sooo makes me wanna get another reading, your work is so inspiring, you're so gifted :) Little Star Having a reading with Bea WILL be an unforgettable, empowering, inspiring, experience. Bea is accurate, humorous, warm, and so talented! I had chills when she gave me my reading, it is truly wonderful talking to her, it's like talking with an old friend who really knows you! With her insights, I have been guided to make life changes, and only positive things came from the reading, I really suggest having a long reading like I did.Bea you are phenomenal, you are truly an amazing being and a Goddess! xoxoxoxo Thanks again! Miracle Bea has given me a gift that will stay with me for this physical life and will also carry on until I get to the next existence. Blessings to all who are fortunate enough to come into her presence. MK Ryback I've had several readings from Bea in the last couple of years and it's like talking to an old friend. If you haven't gotten a reading from her and you're thinking about it - do it today! I originally found her on Myspace and haven't gone to anyone else since then. She won't tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. I've recommended other friends and will continue to get readings from her in the future! Thanks again Bea! Molly Chris You are amazing and infinitely gifted in the healing of all. Your love light illuminates the entirety of it all. -you got it goin' on. Renee There is not enough good things that can be said about Bea, she is truly a wonderful and insightful woman with a heart of gold. Thank you for all that you have done for me


Los Angeles,
Chip Coffey, you really show people the true you.

#103Author of original report

Mon, January 05, 2009

You pretended to be my friend for two years and out of rage and jealousy, as soon as I became number one on Keen . . . you lost it, you registered my names, guided people to your website, tried to extort $3000 dollars and then called me crying and still you would not just give them to me. You transferred them over to Mark Ott in Las Vegas and he held them until they expired or close to it. Almost a year . . . and you profess to be a Christian, a counselor and someone to be entrusted with children. You have buried yourself in your lies. You have singlehandedly (with a little help from your friends) destroyed your credibility and your career. I just watched in awe as you and your friends just bashed and stalked me all over the net since November 18th. Well, I am leaving this site with an example of who I really am . . . not seen through the eyes of hate . . . but the eyes of love. I really hope you all find peace in your hearts soon! You are the ones that bring shame to Christianity . . . I found this forum I did years ago on a site and since I am really really sick of dealing with these people who have absolutely no clue what they are talking about . . . I want to get off this site and leave it with a positive impression of who I am and what I do. Chip, Tammy and Tanila are just perfect examples of truly wounded and angry people masquerading as crusaders for Jesus. The paragraphs in quotations are the questions being asked by the people who joined in. Enjoy! THE PSYCHIC ADVICE FORUM! One of my famous clients calls me his "Cyrano De Beatrice" for my ability to see exactly what is going on in his relationship and give him the ideal advice or strategy to change things for the better when challenges arise as they do in any relationship. Beautiful, wealthy, famous people go through exactly the same thing we all do when it comes to love which is a lot of suffering, growing, learning and evolving TIMES TEN! "I have never gotten Psychic advice before. How does it work? Can you see things in your own future? Also when you look at someone's picture do you see random things that have happened in their pasts, and things that will happen in their future? I have never known a psychic before...so I really wonder about these things! You are soooooo cool for posting a forum like this Bea! Jamey217" Well, if I give you a cold reading with no direction from you then I look at your birth chart to start with and I get a lot of information from that. I do Vedic Indian astrology and it is amazingly accurate . . . like an itinerary of your life with dated periods that tell me when you will meet your life mate or buy a home or get a new job. I also work with spirit guides and I start to hear things and I use the Tarot to confirm what I am hearing and I always get highly accurate information. There are many types of psychics. I focus my readings on love and a person's creative potential to manifest wealth through their natural talent and abilities. We all have a gift to share and I can see what it is however you have to decide whether you will meet the challenge to manifest it in your life. As far as love goes, I read the energy of your lover through you because lovers are deeply connected in spirit so I can read for one person without the other being present. However, I do not misuse my gifts to find out anything that is not for your highest good. Voila, I hope this helps. "Just wondering after seeing that there is not much out there, is there really anyone of significance that will compliment me as person. It just seems like I'll end up all alone forever....not a good feeling. I think I gave this website a chance to see if there is anything but it seems there are a lot of young people here.....where to go? Can you help? danicakg" Danica, Wow, what a chart you have. You are truly an amazing soul and I have to tell you that the second half of your life will be much more fulfilling than the first half. From Feb 2, 1986 at the age of 22 to Feb 2, 2004 it has been a very challenging journey where the universe seems to give it and take it away. It's just part of your growing period. That is over now. Feb. 2, 2006 you entered a Jupiter period (which rules the husband and children) which lasts for 16 years and in March of 2006 when you go into a sub period of Saturn you will meet and marry your life partner between the ages of 42 and 45. You may meet him a little sooner but the very best time for you to wed is after March 20th 2006. The ideal time would be 2/17/2007-7/19/2007. There is no doubt that it is challenging for you because you are very strong, dynamic and powerful woman and you need to meet your equal in a man. In your case, I see a man that is sensitive, spiritual and also very well to do. He seems to handle other people's money and is very good at making money for himself and others. He will be very supportive of you pursuing your dreams and will help you in that way. You should be doing something very creative with your life and working with children. I also feel that you have a knack for writing, communication and you are a leader without a doubt. It is not easy for you because many will be intimidated by you so you have to learn to be a little more mysterious in your approach with men. That is the key here. This is a good place to practice. I really want you to let go of the past. It is over and there will not be a repeat performance so you have to open up your heart and believe me when I tell you that spirit will send to you a very wonderful man. So it is time to really trust again. That is the other energy that is needed to achieve your heart's desire and bring in a perfect mate. He's coming so just have fun and get ready and most of all TRUST!!!! I hope this helped. Love, B "B.....you are an angel ....I can't tell you how accurate you were with my past......as if I told you my whole story...what an amazing gift you have. I hope karma is working over time for you!!Blessed BeDanica danicak" "WOW! You are awesome Bea! I was born April 9th 1984, and I have been seeing a man named Scott for a long time now...we just had our 2 year on the 4th of July.... he was born June 6th 1977...any advice on where it will go? Oh yes...and what about children. I come from a big family, 4 brothers...and I want a big family too! How many kids will I have, and when I talked to my mom and she said I was born at 8:12 pm....this is sooo cool! Will you do a reading for me like you did for Danica? Thanks so much! Love, Jamey Jamey217" JAMEY, I knew there were some amazing women on this site and you are one of them!!! Not only will you have children but at least one of them will be famous in the performing arts. How many you have is up to you. You do have a wonderful chart for motherhood and you will be great hands on mom who involves her children in all kinds of activities and you're right there with them. There is so much that you can accomplish in this life that I really don't know where to start. I see everything from you having amazing natural talent and if I were you I would pursue the arts in some way. You would make a great actress too. You also have a natural gift of healing and psychic ability yourself that you could develop and you would make a great doctor or lawyer even. The sky is truly the limit with you. DREAM BIG! You really cannot live this life doing some lame job. You absolutely have to dream big and go for it. START YOUR OWN BUSINESS!! You went into a sub period of Venus on 07/03/2003 and Venus rules love and you met your boyfriend the next day. I feel he loves you very much and is considering marriage however I also feel there are issues here and that the compatibility is being challenged. Who gets depressed here? Is it him? Is he having a hard time right now? I need a little guidance on that one. However you are very young still and as much as you love each other you should wait. The best time for you to marry and have your first child as well is between 5/09/2008-8/15/2010! In the meantime really think about what you want to accomplish on a personal level and go for it!!! I hope this helped. Love, B "Bea! You are truly AMAZING! You couldn't be more right about everything you have said! You are the real deal! You are such a wonderful person to have these gifts, and be willing to share them with the world! You have helped sooo many people! I will always be grateful for meeting you! Love you so much!! Jamey = ) Jamey217" The following is an email from Jamey217 "OHH WOWW!! That is so bizarre! Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be an actress....my mom always said I would be great at it. Its sooo funny you said to start my own business, because 3 or 4 months ago I just started my own eBay store called The Island of Misfit Toys!!You are totally right about the compatible issues. We both have been getting depressed recently. I hope I am destined for great things. Every lame job I get I always end up quitting after a week! You think I have psychic abilities myself? Do you think it has something to do with all the orbs in my pictures? How do I tune into an ability like that? Love you so much!! Jamey" "Hey bea. Do you see anything coming in my future? Eric ericstl" Eric, I will check it out and get back to you shortly. B Eric, have you ever thought of studying the law? I will tell you why later. "I am in my last yr of law school actually. ericstl" LOL well, I was going to say . . . you would make a great lawyer and you will! You simply have the birth chart of a great lawyer and I mean a GREAT lawyer. I feel you would do very well in entertainment/business law as well as I see you teaching law after the age of 31. I also feel that you are going to have a wife that is famous for some reason. You have the face of an angel with the heart of a lion. You will be famous yourself one day. I hope this helps! B "Wow!!! You are right on. Sports/entertainment law is exactly what I want to do. Thanks so much!! :) ericstl" Well, you are going to be great at it Eric. In fact, I am going to email this to a friend of mine that is a top entertainment attorney and tell him he should hire you pronto! He is a phenomenal entertainment lawyer. Lovely Beatrice, you and I have known each other a long time. There were times times when the pain in my heart was so unbearable I prayed for death. Through my friend's death we met. Since then you have been a big part of my journey to find the path of love and happiness again. Your guided meditations helped me live and dream again. They healed parts of my soul I'd swear were dead. Your words of encouragement have helped me stay on my path to fulfill my life's destiny although there were times I was angry at you because you did not tell me what I wanted to hear. You have always been there for me even though I was angry and abusive through my speech. I will always love you for guiding me and helping me see reality and what is possible instead of patronizing me like so many others have in the past. Your readings are amaingly accurate and specific in detail. Ech time we completed our sessions I felt energized and healed. I thank God for sending you my way. Friends Forever! Robert Redlion Heatherrrr luv'd reading these...sooo makes me wanna get another reading, your work is so inspiring, you're so gifted :) Little Star Having a reading with Bea WILL be an unforgettable, empowering, inspiring, experience. Bea is accurate, humorous, warm, and so talented! I had chills when she gave me my reading, it is truly wonderful talking to her, it's like talking with an old friend who really knows you! With her insights, I have been guided to make life changes, and only positive things came from the reading, I really suggest having a long reading like I did.Bea you are phenomenal, you are truly an amazing being and a Goddess! xoxoxoxo Thanks again! Miracle Bea has given me a gift that will stay with me for this physical life and will also carry on until I get to the next existence. Blessings to all who are fortunate enough to come into her presence. MK Ryback I've had several readings from Bea in the last couple of years and it's like talking to an old friend. If you haven't gotten a reading from her and you're thinking about it - do it today! I originally found her on Myspace and haven't gone to anyone else since then. She won't tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. I've recommended other friends and will continue to get readings from her in the future! Thanks again Bea! Molly Chris You are amazing and infinitely gifted in the healing of all. Your love light illuminates the entirety of it all. -you got it goin' on. Renee There is not enough good things that can be said about Bea, she is truly a wonderful and insightful woman with a heart of gold. Thank you for all that you have done for me


Los Angeles,
Chip Coffey, you really show people the true you.

#104Author of original report

Mon, January 05, 2009

You pretended to be my friend for two years and out of rage and jealousy, as soon as I became number one on Keen . . . you lost it, you registered my names, guided people to your website, tried to extort $3000 dollars and then called me crying and still you would not just give them to me. You transferred them over to Mark Ott in Las Vegas and he held them until they expired or close to it. Almost a year . . . and you profess to be a Christian, a counselor and someone to be entrusted with children. You have buried yourself in your lies. You have singlehandedly (with a little help from your friends) destroyed your credibility and your career. I just watched in awe as you and your friends just bashed and stalked me all over the net since November 18th. Well, I am leaving this site with an example of who I really am . . . not seen through the eyes of hate . . . but the eyes of love. I really hope you all find peace in your hearts soon! You are the ones that bring shame to Christianity . . . I found this forum I did years ago on a site and since I am really really sick of dealing with these people who have absolutely no clue what they are talking about . . . I want to get off this site and leave it with a positive impression of who I am and what I do. Chip, Tammy and Tanila are just perfect examples of truly wounded and angry people masquerading as crusaders for Jesus. The paragraphs in quotations are the questions being asked by the people who joined in. Enjoy! THE PSYCHIC ADVICE FORUM! One of my famous clients calls me his "Cyrano De Beatrice" for my ability to see exactly what is going on in his relationship and give him the ideal advice or strategy to change things for the better when challenges arise as they do in any relationship. Beautiful, wealthy, famous people go through exactly the same thing we all do when it comes to love which is a lot of suffering, growing, learning and evolving TIMES TEN! "I have never gotten Psychic advice before. How does it work? Can you see things in your own future? Also when you look at someone's picture do you see random things that have happened in their pasts, and things that will happen in their future? I have never known a psychic before...so I really wonder about these things! You are soooooo cool for posting a forum like this Bea! Jamey217" Well, if I give you a cold reading with no direction from you then I look at your birth chart to start with and I get a lot of information from that. I do Vedic Indian astrology and it is amazingly accurate . . . like an itinerary of your life with dated periods that tell me when you will meet your life mate or buy a home or get a new job. I also work with spirit guides and I start to hear things and I use the Tarot to confirm what I am hearing and I always get highly accurate information. There are many types of psychics. I focus my readings on love and a person's creative potential to manifest wealth through their natural talent and abilities. We all have a gift to share and I can see what it is however you have to decide whether you will meet the challenge to manifest it in your life. As far as love goes, I read the energy of your lover through you because lovers are deeply connected in spirit so I can read for one person without the other being present. However, I do not misuse my gifts to find out anything that is not for your highest good. Voila, I hope this helps. "Just wondering after seeing that there is not much out there, is there really anyone of significance that will compliment me as person. It just seems like I'll end up all alone forever....not a good feeling. I think I gave this website a chance to see if there is anything but it seems there are a lot of young people here.....where to go? Can you help? danicakg" Danica, Wow, what a chart you have. You are truly an amazing soul and I have to tell you that the second half of your life will be much more fulfilling than the first half. From Feb 2, 1986 at the age of 22 to Feb 2, 2004 it has been a very challenging journey where the universe seems to give it and take it away. It's just part of your growing period. That is over now. Feb. 2, 2006 you entered a Jupiter period (which rules the husband and children) which lasts for 16 years and in March of 2006 when you go into a sub period of Saturn you will meet and marry your life partner between the ages of 42 and 45. You may meet him a little sooner but the very best time for you to wed is after March 20th 2006. The ideal time would be 2/17/2007-7/19/2007. There is no doubt that it is challenging for you because you are very strong, dynamic and powerful woman and you need to meet your equal in a man. In your case, I see a man that is sensitive, spiritual and also very well to do. He seems to handle other people's money and is very good at making money for himself and others. He will be very supportive of you pursuing your dreams and will help you in that way. You should be doing something very creative with your life and working with children. I also feel that you have a knack for writing, communication and you are a leader without a doubt. It is not easy for you because many will be intimidated by you so you have to learn to be a little more mysterious in your approach with men. That is the key here. This is a good place to practice. I really want you to let go of the past. It is over and there will not be a repeat performance so you have to open up your heart and believe me when I tell you that spirit will send to you a very wonderful man. So it is time to really trust again. That is the other energy that is needed to achieve your heart's desire and bring in a perfect mate. He's coming so just have fun and get ready and most of all TRUST!!!! I hope this helped. Love, B "B.....you are an angel ....I can't tell you how accurate you were with my past......as if I told you my whole story...what an amazing gift you have. I hope karma is working over time for you!!Blessed BeDanica danicak" "WOW! You are awesome Bea! I was born April 9th 1984, and I have been seeing a man named Scott for a long time now...we just had our 2 year on the 4th of July.... he was born June 6th 1977...any advice on where it will go? Oh yes...and what about children. I come from a big family, 4 brothers...and I want a big family too! How many kids will I have, and when I talked to my mom and she said I was born at 8:12 pm....this is sooo cool! Will you do a reading for me like you did for Danica? Thanks so much! Love, Jamey Jamey217" JAMEY, I knew there were some amazing women on this site and you are one of them!!! Not only will you have children but at least one of them will be famous in the performing arts. How many you have is up to you. You do have a wonderful chart for motherhood and you will be great hands on mom who involves her children in all kinds of activities and you're right there with them. There is so much that you can accomplish in this life that I really don't know where to start. I see everything from you having amazing natural talent and if I were you I would pursue the arts in some way. You would make a great actress too. You also have a natural gift of healing and psychic ability yourself that you could develop and you would make a great doctor or lawyer even. The sky is truly the limit with you. DREAM BIG! You really cannot live this life doing some lame job. You absolutely have to dream big and go for it. START YOUR OWN BUSINESS!! You went into a sub period of Venus on 07/03/2003 and Venus rules love and you met your boyfriend the next day. I feel he loves you very much and is considering marriage however I also feel there are issues here and that the compatibility is being challenged. Who gets depressed here? Is it him? Is he having a hard time right now? I need a little guidance on that one. However you are very young still and as much as you love each other you should wait. The best time for you to marry and have your first child as well is between 5/09/2008-8/15/2010! In the meantime really think about what you want to accomplish on a personal level and go for it!!! I hope this helped. Love, B "Bea! You are truly AMAZING! You couldn't be more right about everything you have said! You are the real deal! You are such a wonderful person to have these gifts, and be willing to share them with the world! You have helped sooo many people! I will always be grateful for meeting you! Love you so much!! Jamey = ) Jamey217" The following is an email from Jamey217 "OHH WOWW!! That is so bizarre! Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be an actress....my mom always said I would be great at it. Its sooo funny you said to start my own business, because 3 or 4 months ago I just started my own eBay store called The Island of Misfit Toys!!You are totally right about the compatible issues. We both have been getting depressed recently. I hope I am destined for great things. Every lame job I get I always end up quitting after a week! You think I have psychic abilities myself? Do you think it has something to do with all the orbs in my pictures? How do I tune into an ability like that? Love you so much!! Jamey" "Hey bea. Do you see anything coming in my future? Eric ericstl" Eric, I will check it out and get back to you shortly. B Eric, have you ever thought of studying the law? I will tell you why later. "I am in my last yr of law school actually. ericstl" LOL well, I was going to say . . . you would make a great lawyer and you will! You simply have the birth chart of a great lawyer and I mean a GREAT lawyer. I feel you would do very well in entertainment/business law as well as I see you teaching law after the age of 31. I also feel that you are going to have a wife that is famous for some reason. You have the face of an angel with the heart of a lion. You will be famous yourself one day. I hope this helps! B "Wow!!! You are right on. Sports/entertainment law is exactly what I want to do. Thanks so much!! :) ericstl" Well, you are going to be great at it Eric. In fact, I am going to email this to a friend of mine that is a top entertainment attorney and tell him he should hire you pronto! He is a phenomenal entertainment lawyer. Lovely Beatrice, you and I have known each other a long time. There were times times when the pain in my heart was so unbearable I prayed for death. Through my friend's death we met. Since then you have been a big part of my journey to find the path of love and happiness again. Your guided meditations helped me live and dream again. They healed parts of my soul I'd swear were dead. Your words of encouragement have helped me stay on my path to fulfill my life's destiny although there were times I was angry at you because you did not tell me what I wanted to hear. You have always been there for me even though I was angry and abusive through my speech. I will always love you for guiding me and helping me see reality and what is possible instead of patronizing me like so many others have in the past. Your readings are amaingly accurate and specific in detail. Ech time we completed our sessions I felt energized and healed. I thank God for sending you my way. Friends Forever! Robert Redlion Heatherrrr luv'd reading these...sooo makes me wanna get another reading, your work is so inspiring, you're so gifted :) Little Star Having a reading with Bea WILL be an unforgettable, empowering, inspiring, experience. Bea is accurate, humorous, warm, and so talented! I had chills when she gave me my reading, it is truly wonderful talking to her, it's like talking with an old friend who really knows you! With her insights, I have been guided to make life changes, and only positive things came from the reading, I really suggest having a long reading like I did.Bea you are phenomenal, you are truly an amazing being and a Goddess! xoxoxoxo Thanks again! Miracle Bea has given me a gift that will stay with me for this physical life and will also carry on until I get to the next existence. Blessings to all who are fortunate enough to come into her presence. MK Ryback I've had several readings from Bea in the last couple of years and it's like talking to an old friend. If you haven't gotten a reading from her and you're thinking about it - do it today! I originally found her on Myspace and haven't gone to anyone else since then. She won't tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. I've recommended other friends and will continue to get readings from her in the future! Thanks again Bea! Molly Chris You are amazing and infinitely gifted in the healing of all. Your love light illuminates the entirety of it all. -you got it goin' on. Renee There is not enough good things that can be said about Bea, she is truly a wonderful and insightful woman with a heart of gold. Thank you for all that you have done for me


Los Angeles,
Chip Coffey, you really show people the true you.

#105Author of original report

Mon, January 05, 2009

You pretended to be my friend for two years and out of rage and jealousy, as soon as I became number one on Keen . . . you lost it, you registered my names, guided people to your website, tried to extort $3000 dollars and then called me crying and still you would not just give them to me. You transferred them over to Mark Ott in Las Vegas and he held them until they expired or close to it. Almost a year . . . and you profess to be a Christian, a counselor and someone to be entrusted with children. You have buried yourself in your lies. You have singlehandedly (with a little help from your friends) destroyed your credibility and your career. I just watched in awe as you and your friends just bashed and stalked me all over the net since November 18th. Well, I am leaving this site with an example of who I really am . . . not seen through the eyes of hate . . . but the eyes of love. I really hope you all find peace in your hearts soon! You are the ones that bring shame to Christianity . . . I found this forum I did years ago on a site and since I am really really sick of dealing with these people who have absolutely no clue what they are talking about . . . I want to get off this site and leave it with a positive impression of who I am and what I do. Chip, Tammy and Tanila are just perfect examples of truly wounded and angry people masquerading as crusaders for Jesus. The paragraphs in quotations are the questions being asked by the people who joined in. Enjoy! THE PSYCHIC ADVICE FORUM! One of my famous clients calls me his "Cyrano De Beatrice" for my ability to see exactly what is going on in his relationship and give him the ideal advice or strategy to change things for the better when challenges arise as they do in any relationship. Beautiful, wealthy, famous people go through exactly the same thing we all do when it comes to love which is a lot of suffering, growing, learning and evolving TIMES TEN! "I have never gotten Psychic advice before. How does it work? Can you see things in your own future? Also when you look at someone's picture do you see random things that have happened in their pasts, and things that will happen in their future? I have never known a psychic before...so I really wonder about these things! You are soooooo cool for posting a forum like this Bea! Jamey217" Well, if I give you a cold reading with no direction from you then I look at your birth chart to start with and I get a lot of information from that. I do Vedic Indian astrology and it is amazingly accurate . . . like an itinerary of your life with dated periods that tell me when you will meet your life mate or buy a home or get a new job. I also work with spirit guides and I start to hear things and I use the Tarot to confirm what I am hearing and I always get highly accurate information. There are many types of psychics. I focus my readings on love and a person's creative potential to manifest wealth through their natural talent and abilities. We all have a gift to share and I can see what it is however you have to decide whether you will meet the challenge to manifest it in your life. As far as love goes, I read the energy of your lover through you because lovers are deeply connected in spirit so I can read for one person without the other being present. However, I do not misuse my gifts to find out anything that is not for your highest good. Voila, I hope this helps. "Just wondering after seeing that there is not much out there, is there really anyone of significance that will compliment me as person. It just seems like I'll end up all alone forever....not a good feeling. I think I gave this website a chance to see if there is anything but it seems there are a lot of young people here.....where to go? Can you help? danicakg" Danica, Wow, what a chart you have. You are truly an amazing soul and I have to tell you that the second half of your life will be much more fulfilling than the first half. From Feb 2, 1986 at the age of 22 to Feb 2, 2004 it has been a very challenging journey where the universe seems to give it and take it away. It's just part of your growing period. That is over now. Feb. 2, 2006 you entered a Jupiter period (which rules the husband and children) which lasts for 16 years and in March of 2006 when you go into a sub period of Saturn you will meet and marry your life partner between the ages of 42 and 45. You may meet him a little sooner but the very best time for you to wed is after March 20th 2006. The ideal time would be 2/17/2007-7/19/2007. There is no doubt that it is challenging for you because you are very strong, dynamic and powerful woman and you need to meet your equal in a man. In your case, I see a man that is sensitive, spiritual and also very well to do. He seems to handle other people's money and is very good at making money for himself and others. He will be very supportive of you pursuing your dreams and will help you in that way. You should be doing something very creative with your life and working with children. I also feel that you have a knack for writing, communication and you are a leader without a doubt. It is not easy for you because many will be intimidated by you so you have to learn to be a little more mysterious in your approach with men. That is the key here. This is a good place to practice. I really want you to let go of the past. It is over and there will not be a repeat performance so you have to open up your heart and believe me when I tell you that spirit will send to you a very wonderful man. So it is time to really trust again. That is the other energy that is needed to achieve your heart's desire and bring in a perfect mate. He's coming so just have fun and get ready and most of all TRUST!!!! I hope this helped. Love, B "B.....you are an angel ....I can't tell you how accurate you were with my past......as if I told you my whole story...what an amazing gift you have. I hope karma is working over time for you!!Blessed BeDanica danicak" "WOW! You are awesome Bea! I was born April 9th 1984, and I have been seeing a man named Scott for a long time now...we just had our 2 year on the 4th of July.... he was born June 6th 1977...any advice on where it will go? Oh yes...and what about children. I come from a big family, 4 brothers...and I want a big family too! How many kids will I have, and when I talked to my mom and she said I was born at 8:12 pm....this is sooo cool! Will you do a reading for me like you did for Danica? Thanks so much! Love, Jamey Jamey217" JAMEY, I knew there were some amazing women on this site and you are one of them!!! Not only will you have children but at least one of them will be famous in the performing arts. How many you have is up to you. You do have a wonderful chart for motherhood and you will be great hands on mom who involves her children in all kinds of activities and you're right there with them. There is so much that you can accomplish in this life that I really don't know where to start. I see everything from you having amazing natural talent and if I were you I would pursue the arts in some way. You would make a great actress too. You also have a natural gift of healing and psychic ability yourself that you could develop and you would make a great doctor or lawyer even. The sky is truly the limit with you. DREAM BIG! You really cannot live this life doing some lame job. You absolutely have to dream big and go for it. START YOUR OWN BUSINESS!! You went into a sub period of Venus on 07/03/2003 and Venus rules love and you met your boyfriend the next day. I feel he loves you very much and is considering marriage however I also feel there are issues here and that the compatibility is being challenged. Who gets depressed here? Is it him? Is he having a hard time right now? I need a little guidance on that one. However you are very young still and as much as you love each other you should wait. The best time for you to marry and have your first child as well is between 5/09/2008-8/15/2010! In the meantime really think about what you want to accomplish on a personal level and go for it!!! I hope this helped. Love, B "Bea! You are truly AMAZING! You couldn't be more right about everything you have said! You are the real deal! You are such a wonderful person to have these gifts, and be willing to share them with the world! You have helped sooo many people! I will always be grateful for meeting you! Love you so much!! Jamey = ) Jamey217" The following is an email from Jamey217 "OHH WOWW!! That is so bizarre! Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be an actress....my mom always said I would be great at it. Its sooo funny you said to start my own business, because 3 or 4 months ago I just started my own eBay store called The Island of Misfit Toys!!You are totally right about the compatible issues. We both have been getting depressed recently. I hope I am destined for great things. Every lame job I get I always end up quitting after a week! You think I have psychic abilities myself? Do you think it has something to do with all the orbs in my pictures? How do I tune into an ability like that? Love you so much!! Jamey" "Hey bea. Do you see anything coming in my future? Eric ericstl" Eric, I will check it out and get back to you shortly. B Eric, have you ever thought of studying the law? I will tell you why later. "I am in my last yr of law school actually. ericstl" LOL well, I was going to say . . . you would make a great lawyer and you will! You simply have the birth chart of a great lawyer and I mean a GREAT lawyer. I feel you would do very well in entertainment/business law as well as I see you teaching law after the age of 31. I also feel that you are going to have a wife that is famous for some reason. You have the face of an angel with the heart of a lion. You will be famous yourself one day. I hope this helps! B "Wow!!! You are right on. Sports/entertainment law is exactly what I want to do. Thanks so much!! :) ericstl" Well, you are going to be great at it Eric. In fact, I am going to email this to a friend of mine that is a top entertainment attorney and tell him he should hire you pronto! He is a phenomenal entertainment lawyer. Lovely Beatrice, you and I have known each other a long time. There were times times when the pain in my heart was so unbearable I prayed for death. Through my friend's death we met. Since then you have been a big part of my journey to find the path of love and happiness again. Your guided meditations helped me live and dream again. They healed parts of my soul I'd swear were dead. Your words of encouragement have helped me stay on my path to fulfill my life's destiny although there were times I was angry at you because you did not tell me what I wanted to hear. You have always been there for me even though I was angry and abusive through my speech. I will always love you for guiding me and helping me see reality and what is possible instead of patronizing me like so many others have in the past. Your readings are amaingly accurate and specific in detail. Ech time we completed our sessions I felt energized and healed. I thank God for sending you my way. Friends Forever! Robert Redlion Heatherrrr luv'd reading these...sooo makes me wanna get another reading, your work is so inspiring, you're so gifted :) Little Star Having a reading with Bea WILL be an unforgettable, empowering, inspiring, experience. Bea is accurate, humorous, warm, and so talented! I had chills when she gave me my reading, it is truly wonderful talking to her, it's like talking with an old friend who really knows you! With her insights, I have been guided to make life changes, and only positive things came from the reading, I really suggest having a long reading like I did.Bea you are phenomenal, you are truly an amazing being and a Goddess! xoxoxoxo Thanks again! Miracle Bea has given me a gift that will stay with me for this physical life and will also carry on until I get to the next existence. Blessings to all who are fortunate enough to come into her presence. MK Ryback I've had several readings from Bea in the last couple of years and it's like talking to an old friend. If you haven't gotten a reading from her and you're thinking about it - do it today! I originally found her on Myspace and haven't gone to anyone else since then. She won't tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. I've recommended other friends and will continue to get readings from her in the future! Thanks again Bea! Molly Chris You are amazing and infinitely gifted in the healing of all. Your love light illuminates the entirety of it all. -you got it goin' on. Renee There is not enough good things that can be said about Bea, she is truly a wonderful and insightful woman with a heart of gold. Thank you for all that you have done for me



#106Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

"OK all you hicks and hillibilles here is the foul mouthed psychic and personal favorite hooker of Jesus saying sayonara! And like Jesus told me to tell Robert De Niro once 'You can tell Martin Scorsese that I was The Last Temptation of Christ and to me the Second Coming means . . . the night is young!' Posted by Bea Cool on Nov 22, 2008 1:24 PM" THESE ARE BEATRICE'S OWN WORDS!!!!!


Kabol, you are merely jealous

#107Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

of the attention and fame Chip has received, and you have received none!!!


And What do I think Jesus would do?

#108Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

I think he would stand against Beatrice's hypocrisy and racism. He would be horrified at the statements she made about being His favorite hooker. Jesus stood against the evilness of his day. He stood against the racists and bigots.


But MLK had television!!!

#109Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

and MLK had radio. That was even more personal than the internet!!! There's no way MLK could hide his identity on TV! And I'm sure he was afriad but he stood for what he believed. Jesus, also, didn't try to hide his identity. He went personally from village to village stated what He believed. Even though they had no avenue of anonimity, they stood for what they believe. It would have been much easier to hide who they were in this day and age, but I would be willing to bet they would not have done so. They would have proclaimed who they were online, and would have gone on to stand for what they believed in.


But MLK had television!!!

#110Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

and MLK had radio. That was even more personal than the internet!!! There's no way MLK could hide his identity on TV! And I'm sure he was afriad but he stood for what he believed. Jesus, also, didn't try to hide his identity. He went personally from village to village stated what He believed. Even though they had no avenue of anonimity, they stood for what they believe. It would have been much easier to hide who they were in this day and age, but I would be willing to bet they would not have done so. They would have proclaimed who they were online, and would have gone on to stand for what they believed in.


But MLK had television!!!

#111Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

and MLK had radio. That was even more personal than the internet!!! There's no way MLK could hide his identity on TV! And I'm sure he was afriad but he stood for what he believed. Jesus, also, didn't try to hide his identity. He went personally from village to village stated what He believed. Even though they had no avenue of anonimity, they stood for what they believe. It would have been much easier to hide who they were in this day and age, but I would be willing to bet they would not have done so. They would have proclaimed who they were online, and would have gone on to stand for what they believed in.


But MLK had television!!!

#112Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

and MLK had radio. That was even more personal than the internet!!! There's no way MLK could hide his identity on TV! And I'm sure he was afriad but he stood for what he believed. Jesus, also, didn't try to hide his identity. He went personally from village to village stated what He believed. Even though they had no avenue of anonimity, they stood for what they believe. It would have been much easier to hide who they were in this day and age, but I would be willing to bet they would not have done so. They would have proclaimed who they were online, and would have gone on to stand for what they believed in.


North Pole,
more idiotic analogies

#113Consumer Comment

Sun, January 04, 2009

hey tanila, neither MLK nor jesus HAD the internet, so your comparison fails. you know, tanila, for someone who goes around online whining about people being "ugly" toward others, you sure know how to dish it out. gee, tanila (and tammy) what would jesus say?? tanila, i've never said anything personal online about you OR your family, yet you feel compelled to make derogatory (albeit rather silly and completely laughable) comments about me and DD out of sheer desperate frustration. you're frustrated over the fact that WE don't go around blabbing about our personal lives online and you have absolutely NOTHING to latch on to and attack....so you make things up. and let's keep that in mind, you ARE making things up. ***you know absolutely NOTHING about us.*** and you never will. who would give a person like you or chip their personal info? clueless gullible sorts, that's who. fwiw, tammy, i'm stating facts about chip coffey, and stating my opinions based on the given facts about PRS' tv show and that groups' actions. i could care less what you think about it. i know that there are hundreds of thousands (or more) of enlightened and discerning people out there who share the same opinion as i do about psychics in general and chip coffey in particular. so don't worry, i would never waste my time trying to change the mind of a sheeple. as for bea, she's never used children on a TV show to further her career. the second she tries that, you can bet she'll make the radar of people who pay attention to the bigger scam artists out there, of which chip is one. right now bea is just a drop in the psychic bucket, and at least she now appears to be "preying" on people who can actually afford to stupidly throw away their money (celebrities). for now, i applaude both bea and kelli for speaking out about chip's ACTUAL behavior (when he's not playing the kindly old harmless psychic who never had an agenda and is just doing all of this to "help" people.) we all know he had an agenda with using the media to further his career because he admitted as much on his own blog. too bad for him that people are really getting sick of all of the fake scamming media psychics out there. he's riding these other media psychics' coattails at a time when people are becoming increasingly fed up with the B$ of the paranormal indu$try. did you know that in britain people are scammed out of 6.2 billion dollars a year? and that is only the tip of the iceberg as fewer than 5% of the people report the crimes. and yes, it's a CRIME in england. maybe someday soon it will be that way in the US.


Well Kabol,

#114Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 03, 2009

sorry you feel that way, just because I'm friends with Chip. Shows who really wears blinders. You made a statement on here, and I tried to answer it without any type of sarcasm. Well, just shows to go you. Did you read my statement? Did I say I fully believe in PS? No, I did not. I also stated I do not hold any type of grudge and that you are absolutely free to feel the way you do in regards to PS. That is your God given right. However, you have just proven that you are no different than DD in your judgement. For the record, I would have never posted again on Kelli's blog if it had not been for Beatrice. She was the one that chose not to let Kelli answer the questions that I asked of Kelli or even Tanila had asked. She had to jump right on in there with her self-righteousness. One minute she's defending Kelli, the next she is sending me messages that she thinks I'm right about Kelli in my claims, then she goes back to defending her. I was not sarcastically mean to Kelli in my message and just stated simple things that I took the time to research. Beatrice was the one who took it right off the bat with her reply back to me - and she did not even know who Kelli was before the blog. And just for the record, and I know Chip respects me for this, if I had come up different in my research in Kelli's favor, I would have stated those facts on Kelli's page. If you don't believe in psychic's, again that is your prerogative and your choice. No, I do not regularly seek out advice from psychic's. I have my own 'Angels' and 'Spirit Guides' that I have learned to ask for advice from. While Chip is a friend of mine, and he has given me one mini reading, I have another friend that I chat with quite regularly and who has been right in many of her predictions she has given me. Do I pay? No, it's just things that come to her when we are chatting. I do not believe in taking advantage of friends such as that. In regards to your statement about possession? Again, until you've personally witnessed something such as this, and I'm not talking about something on TV or the movies. I'm talking personally, in the flesh witnessed, you probably wouldn't believe it. Again, that is your choice, but I am a believer because I have witnessed and it was enough to make me wet my pants over! In regards to your statements to "your friend will do anything to further his television career. he misrepresents, manipulates and ACTS to take advantage of many peoples' ignorance." Do you also include Beatrice in that statement? If you don't your not being very objective yourself. She states over and over she is not interested in 'fame'. Well, sorry, I've found many things that disprove that. She has accused him of 'backstabbing' another individual, one that I happen to know and also happen to know that "Ghost Hunters Inc" are big fans of. Well, sorry, but the 'evidence' is quickly stacking up against what type of person this is. I have also heard from several people, people that are not friends of Chip, of just how this person has actually was doing the backstabbing and not just to Chip. He has many enemies now in the city that he lives. I also stated that the email address that I gave was not my personal email, it was one I set up so that Beatrice could forward 'her proof' to. I've stated that the hate mail she receives is her own doing. Sorry, but when threaten to and post those threats (ya ya, we know Beatrice, you never posted it even though it was posted on 4 threads here on R&R, you never posted that email you mailed) on a public forum about anybody such as she did, well, ya gotta live with that. I have not ever put my personal information on-line. Tanila has not either for that fact. It was Beatrice's old buddy old pal DD that disclosed Tanila's home address on Kelli's blog, and Beatrice herself that posted Tanila's email address. However, death threats are another thing entirely and I don't condone that what so ever. I would have gladly helped her in tracing IP's and such. However, I do not believe she received those threats. Just another poor poor pity on me tact. And yet she just continues to show her true character and lack of vocabulary/comprehension skills. Yes, Oh Wonderful Light Worker Beatrice - I do know what it means to channel someone. I posted that entire exchange because of the very last line: "I am alone in the tower . . . with a bong.. . " HERE IT IS AGAIN BEATRICE - DO NOT PUT THINGS INTO PRINT THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO COME BACK AND BITE YOU IN THE REAR Those messages were not sent to me from you personally, they were forwarded to me from someone else. You have proven already what kind of 'Psychic' and 'Light Worker' you truly are with that stupid statement "Jesus told me it was you". Better go take another hit and ask him again cause you are so wrong!!! Maybe you better ask Merlin, or Johnny B, or Elvis or............. You are no different than people that claim that they were Cleopatra Or Joan of Arc Or someone else famous in their past life. You channel all the big names, lol!!!


Los Angeles,
And you Tanila are the other dumbest hick on the planet and beyond

#115Author of original report

Fri, January 02, 2009

While you are at it, please write to the Governor's office and ask Arnold about the time I read for him at a birthday party I was hired for and saw him becoming Governor of California back in June of 2000. It happened and he is our Governor, but it took 3 years! I am the real deal . . . and Kabol, you are welcome to a reading if you want to see what that looks like. Tanila, make sure you have lots of cash ready for when the one who is not psychic at all Chip Coffey. . . completely tanks and the bottom falls out and his deck of cards collapses . . . so you can bail him out of debt since he is going to lose everything thanks to you, Tammy and his utter lack of true clairvoyance, morals, ethics and integrity!! Hicks of a feather stick together though. I will give you that much.



#116Consumer Comment

Fri, January 02, 2009

Maybe you think it's not cowardly to make ugly statements about people on the internet while hiding behind anonymity, but I sure do!! Martin Luther King, Jr. didn't hide in a mask, or hide his identity when he got up in front of the entire world to take a stand against racism. Jesus didn't hide his identity when he stood up against evil in the world. Only cowards do that. They are so fearful for their own safety and what people will think of them, that they throw stones from the dark. They hide in the bushes and shoot arrows. That's what the KKK did. They came in the dark, covered in white hoods. That's what cowards do. True men stand for what they believe in. They get in the streets and march arm in arm with people to battle racism. They fight for what is right, and they don't do it by hiding under the bed and throwing out notes. Yes, Kabol, you are a coward. But don't worry, this little ole gray haired granny won't hurt you. You stay hidden in the dark and fling out your barbs. But I put very little credence in the words of a coward. Come out and fight like a man! I am more of a man than you are. That is the scary part. I hope if you have a wife or girlfriend, that you never have to protect them from anything or anyone, because if it means putting yourself in the line of fire, they will be out of luck. To me, you are like the man in the Titanic movie who disguised himself as a woman to get on a lifeboat. He was safe, but he wasn't much of a man. If the world had been filled with men like you, my husband would still be sitting in the back of the bus.



#117Consumer Comment

Fri, January 02, 2009

Maybe you think it's not cowardly to make ugly statements about people on the internet while hiding behind anonymity, but I sure do!! Martin Luther King, Jr. didn't hide in a mask, or hide his identity when he got up in front of the entire world to take a stand against racism. Jesus didn't hide his identity when he stood up against evil in the world. Only cowards do that. They are so fearful for their own safety and what people will think of them, that they throw stones from the dark. They hide in the bushes and shoot arrows. That's what the KKK did. They came in the dark, covered in white hoods. That's what cowards do. True men stand for what they believe in. They get in the streets and march arm in arm with people to battle racism. They fight for what is right, and they don't do it by hiding under the bed and throwing out notes. Yes, Kabol, you are a coward. But don't worry, this little ole gray haired granny won't hurt you. You stay hidden in the dark and fling out your barbs. But I put very little credence in the words of a coward. Come out and fight like a man! I am more of a man than you are. That is the scary part. I hope if you have a wife or girlfriend, that you never have to protect them from anything or anyone, because if it means putting yourself in the line of fire, they will be out of luck. To me, you are like the man in the Titanic movie who disguised himself as a woman to get on a lifeboat. He was safe, but he wasn't much of a man. If the world had been filled with men like you, my husband would still be sitting in the back of the bus.



#118Consumer Comment

Fri, January 02, 2009

Why, Beatrice, do you advertise yourself as a psychic to take people's money for readings, when you stated yourself that you ARE NOT PSYCHIC??? Should the Better Business Bureau in your area be sent your post? Maybe they should check what you say against what you advertise. They might find that very interesting!!! I think Craig's list will, too!



#119Consumer Comment

Fri, January 02, 2009

Why, Beatrice, do you advertise yourself as a psychic to take people's money for readings, when you stated yourself that you ARE NOT PSYCHIC??? Should the Better Business Bureau in your area be sent your post? Maybe they should check what you say against what you advertise. They might find that very interesting!!! I think Craig's list will, too!


Los Angeles,
Tammy . . . you are the dumbest hick in the four corners of the earth and beyond

#120Author of original report

Fri, January 02, 2009

Your so f**king stupid . . .why don't you shut the f**k up and quit embarassing yourself and making Chip look like the biggest dip for using you and your other brain challenged retard to fight his battles. I channel Tupac do you understand what that means retard? I recently read for Suge Knight, the last person to be with him and his record producer! Looking for "angels in da hood" means looking for those souls in poor neighborhoods that are here to make the world a better place. I see them on a soul level and I am not even going to bother to explain to you what that means. YOU THINK WE ARE LOOKING FOR TUPAC????? WHAT A F**KING MORON. JUST SHUT YOUR TRAP. Do the world a favor and drop dead! That is the only way you will ever understand anything . . . is when you are dead!


North Pole,
idiotic analogies

#121Consumer Comment

Fri, January 02, 2009

equating internet anonymity with cowardice and/or the KKK is utterly idiotic. putting your own specific personal information online for public viewing is utterly idiotic. giving your email address to someone you've posted really nastily to or about for any reason, justified or not (ie chip/tammy/tanila and bea) is REALLY idiotic. guess who the idiots are in this little bea vs chip and his chihuahuas melodrama? tammy, in a nutshell - you had me at "chip is my friend". you could have stopped right there, because that removes any trace of objectivity you may have brought to the discussion. your friend will do anything to further his television career. he misrepresents, manipulates and ACTS to take advantage of many peoples' ignorance. PRS is a joke, chip is a scam artist who exploited children on TV to 'boost' his psychic career, bea and kelli - flaky as they both may be - are two of many people whom chip has gone postal diva on while clawing his way to the "top", and now ghost hunting groups and psychics everywhere now know how NOT to promote themselves. and oh yeah, giving your money to psychics and/or believing in possession by demons is also utterly idiotic. have a great 2009, hopefully some day some of you peeps' blinders will fall off.


Well, I find this absolutely fascinating

#122Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 02, 2009

and is probably why Beatrice can not remember what she posts from time to time. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 20, 2008 11:52 PM You would have to read my blog. . . tupac and the mothership connection . . all the way down at the bottom. I got called in to Suge, I did not seek him out. . . would that not make my tupac connection more real to skeptics like you. ****, I don't seek it out.. they seek me out because I am real and I love you. Read my blogs. . . truth ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: ((Redacted)) Date: Dec 20, 2008 9:47 PM you gotta be f****n stoned to drive around with suge knight huntin for tupac.....what was i to learn from the angels in da hood idea? this is who you really are? wow i really have a whole new perspective of you now...lol ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 20, 2008 11:43 PM Calling myself a high priestess in Hollyood . . means I am alone in the tower . . . with a bong.. . It's wonderful what people send me in regards to what kind of person Beatrice is. Beatrice, care to undergo a drug test? And I don't mean urine, I mean by hair analysis. Again, she has belittled others on other R&R threads that they need to get spell check, but it's amazing how many misspellings are in her posts/emails.


Los Angeles,
Well, for the sole purpose of getting all of Chip Coffey's lies in one place,

#123Author of original report

Thu, January 01, 2009

I am filing this last report about the nightmare that I have been through since November 18th as a result of Chip Coffey. Chip is a sadistic and cruel man who has allowed and orchestrated weeks of harassment and cyberbullying by himself and his friends even on Christmas Eve and Christmas day the hate just kept coming no matter what I tried to say or do . . . Chip refuses to come clean with the truth and just being a decent human being. In the words of the late great Hollywood agent Bernie Brillstein "When a bully is left on his own, he gets stupid," Chip posted on Rip off Report that I am homophobe and a racist which is nonsense, completely false and just plain b.s. I EMAILED HIM . . . the hypothetical question . . . What if I posted you were a pedophile . . . how would that go over on Rip off Report? I WOULD NEVER POST A BLOG OR CREATE A THREAD SAYING ANY SUCH THING IN A MILLION YEARS BUT CHIP WOULD AND DID! Without thinking or blinking he immediately posts a blog for which I have been getting hate mail and death threats and here it is. How any one can post a blog calling themselved a pedophile just defies the imagination. But here it is. CHIP'S BLOG Beatrice Marot Personally, I have had many allegations leveled against me. I have been called many nasty names, like fake, fraud, f*g. But recently, a heinous and repugnant threat was made against me by a woman named Beatrice Marot, a psychic in California who calls herself 'The High Priestess of Hollywood.' While I was on location in Kansas, taping an episode of Paranormal State, Miss Marot sent me several E-mails. Below, you will find a portion of one of those E-mails in which she makes a dangerous threat: Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report? Of course there is absolutely no truth to the accusation that Beatrice Marot has made. This woman has been attacking me for several years, all because of a silly spat we had a few years ago. I've known for quite sometime that Beatrice is psychologically unstable, but she has now proven herself to be a vile and wicked human being! Falsely accusing someone of being a sexual predator is defamation of character at its lowest form. Certainly not unlike a woman who falsely accuses a man of rape. Lies like these can ruin a person. It is beyond ridiculous that I would EVER have to address, much less deny, such allegations! It is pathetic and sickening! There is nothing in my past that would even begin to substantiate such accusations! An extensive and thorough background check was run on me before I was approved to appear on Psychic Kids and AT NO TIME, DURING THE ENTIRE PROCESS, IS A CAST OR CREW MEMBER EVER ALONE WITH A MINOR DURING THE TAPING OF ANY TELEVISION SHOW THAT I HAVE BEEN A PART OF. For many months, some folks within the paranormal community and viewers who dislike certain TV shows have used the Internet and various radio shows to attack others and spew venomous comments. I sincerely hope that all sane and rational people who read this blog will wisely realize that much of what is being written or said about others is assumption, accusation, half-truths and, often, outright lies. AND CHIP YOU ARE THE MASTER OF ACCUSATION, HALF-TRUTHS AND OUTRIGHT LIES! NOW HERE IS MY BLOG THAT I WANT TO TAKE DOWN FROM BLOGSPOT AS I WANT NOTHING MORE TO DO WITH THIS MISOGYNIST CHIP COFFEY! The Truth About Chip Coffey here is how Chip operates, he twists the truth and edits things . . . BECAUSE he wants people to see his side ONLY not the real truth. Here ON HIS PERSONAL BLOG he claims I have sent him 36 emails TO MAKE IT APPEAR I AM STALKING HIM . . . not the truth which is . . . we had an email exchange back and forth that started out very pleasant and I thought it would lead to ending this absurd stalking by Chip and his cohorts in crime Tanila Price and Indiana Spirit Chaser Tammy. He also writes I have been receiving nasty comments . . I got a death threat while we were emailing each other and still he refuses to bend and just take down the blog and end this charade. Chip and his friends Tammy and Tanila have got to be the most depraved human beings I have ever come across in my life. iN mAY OF 2005, Chip registered my legal birth name, sent people to his website with my name and then tried to sell me my own name for $3000 and he and his friends think that is perfectly ok. Thank God they are the only ones. At this point, I just really feel sorry for these people. To have sooooo much hate in your heart is poisonous. They have no idea the repercussions that await their actions and endless cyber stalking. Chip claims I have stalked him all over the net for the last 5 years . . . yet there is no proof whatsoever that is true since I have not. Yet these people have been stalking me all over the net for the last two months. It is just unreal how not psychic Chip is . . . because he is destroying his own credibility and he cannot see that. CHIP'S BLOG Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Since December 15, Beatrice has sent me 36 E-mails! A few of those E-mails included some nasty comments that she has received from folks who do not appreciate the way she has been behaving. I replied that I was sorry she was receiving those type of E-mails. She responded back, asking me to take down my blog here on Blogspot. This was my reply to her: As a gesture of good will, I will remove the blogs from Blogspot as long as we can both agree that the discord between us is over. Finis. Kaput. That means we end it. Completely. No more comments on message boards. No more blogs. No phone calls or letters to personal friends or business contacts. No more posting on Rip Off Report. NADA! It's beyond time for this to occur. Agree to this and it's done. She responded: I told you to do it on November 18th . . . I truly cannot say anything about what comes next . . . I truly can't. It is up to you, not me. I replied: Then our correspondence is over, Bea. You cannot ask something from me and offer nothing in return. Once again, I have "extended an olive branch" and tried to make peace with Beatrice, thus ending the discord that has gone on between us for several years. As you can clearly see, sadly, she refused my offer to end the conflict. Here is the entire Email exchange so you can see that in fact. . . it is I who is trying to talk sense into this poor man's heart and mind and still it does not work! From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:23 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice You are going to be loved and hated . . . focus on those that love you . . . and ignore the rest. From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:33 PM To: bea Subject: Re: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice That's great advice, Bea. Thank you. And despite anything that has ever happened between us, I do hope that you have a Merry Christmas. -Chip- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:44 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice Chip, I said it to you once before . . . maybe in spirit we agreed to do this. Just talk to your friends and let it go . . . I promise you I will too. I had one famous client who died and at his funeral . . . I spoke and I said on his behalf many things . . . and the last one was, And he wants me to tell his brothers . . . The war is over . . . Peace brothers! I did not know this but he and his brothers had been feuding for years. His name is Brion James. Look him up . . . you will recognize him. One girl who was crying . . . I went up to her and said, He doesn't want you to cry . . . he is with Lenny Bruce now. And she looked up at me and said, Oh my god . . . he LOVED Lenny Bruce. I did not know this but it turns out they were best friends. From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:15 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice And Chip . . . you ARE fun and you ARE entertaining . . . and I know why your friends do love you so much. Just do your thing and learn from this and move on . . . into light, love and laughter . . . you made me laugh all the time . . . so I know why your friends love you . . . I was one! From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:43 PM To: bea Subject: Re: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice Thank you for your kind words. Despite all that has happened between us, I never wished you any misfortune or wanted anything "bad" to happen to you. I'm sorry that things between us didn't turn out better than they have. So much hurt and upset has been inflicted upon both of us. It's truly sad. As I said recently to someone we both know: "We may never be friends, but that doesn't mean we have to be enemies, either." At this most Holy time of the year, I truly hope that you have a Merry Christmas. -CC- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:09 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice I wish the same for you From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:11 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice And if this situation comes up and it will . . . I will say . . . we have made our peace . . . now everyone get a good night sleep. -----Original Message----- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:16 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject: FW: ..... This is what I have been dealing with -----Original Message----- From: bea -----Original Message----- From: Collin Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:47 PM To: bea Subject: ..... i truely think you need to be bludgeoned to death You're honestly the most hipocritical c**t i've ever had the misfortune to come across. please please PLEASE Jump infront of a bus for all our sake. That blog isn't coming down and i truely hope you do end up killing yourself over it. Thanks, GetALifeFraud From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:20 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: . I am sorry that you have been receiving those types of e-mails. Truly, I am. From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:22 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... Well then please take down your blog From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:29 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: ..... As a gesture of good will, I will remove the blogs from Blogspot as long as we can both agree that the discord between us is over. Finis. Kaput. That means we end it. Completely. No more comments on message boards. No more blogs. No phone calls or letters to personal friends or business contacts. No more posting on Rip Off Report. NADA! It's beyond time for this to occur. Agree to this and it's done. From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:32 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... I told you to do it on November 18th . . . I truly cannot say anything about what comes next . . . I truly can't. It is up to you, not me. From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:34 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: ..... Then our correspondence is over, Bea. You cannot ask something from me and offer nothing in return. From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:31 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: You prove without a doubt with this statement that All you care about is yourself . . . no one else. From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:38 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... You are too much . . . fine, let them continue . . . and whatever happens happens . . I have been killed before, many times . . because of hate like yours. Keep your blog up. I don't really care anymore. From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 5:22 AM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: It's gone too far And it is not just your blog . . . it is the Ripoff Reports posted by you and Tanila and they will not take them off. I have no choice now but to go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation because threats against my life are just ridiculous and this crosses state lines . . . and RR is worse than you. They even told you I wanted to kill myself. This is sick and you post it . . . and all because of lies posted by you Tanila and Tammy based on what . . . name calling . . . and then weeks and weeks of endless harassment and a hatred that knows no bounds. I honestly will never understand how much hatred you have and your friends are just like you. From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:31 AM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: You realize it is too late to do anything now and I have to contact the FBI . . . and you could have ended this on November 18th . . . I have all the emails I sent to both you and Babs begging you to stop Tanila. You truly have through blind hatred . . . ruined your career on television no doubt. All you had to do was thank Tanila and Tammy for their support and told them to stop and they would have. It is unreal how much hate you have . . . just simply unreal. I asked you to work with me to have these posts removed from RR and the higher purpose for me is that this company needs to be investigated so there is no going back now . . . there is nothing but going to the FBI to investigate Rip off Report and no way to keep your and Tanila's name out of it as these threats against my life are a direct result of what you and she have posted. Next time you cast out a demon . . . do not use Jesus's name . . . you bring shame upon the gentle prince of peace with your endless hate. From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 3:39 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: Even on Christmas Eve . . .she doesn't stop. Tanila Alpharetta, Georgia U.S.A. Karen, this is why.. I have worked so hard to defend my friend, Chip. Beatrice is a ravening wolf! Her main goal in this life is to destroy Chip. When I first posted on Kelly Ryan's blog, it was because Kelly had made the statement that she had always been 100% accurate in all her readings. I called her on this, and up popped Beatrice. She got angry, and began calling me names, my husband names, Southerners names, and Tammy names. It has gone downhill from there. You now see what she is capable of. Dec 24, 2008 5:15 PM Subject:HAHAHAA Body: soon they will all be out to get you. You will never see them coming. To bad you arent really what you say you are. Just remember what goes around comes around!!!! From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:18 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: More hate from your blog Leave Chip alone, you s**t f**ker. I JUST WANTED TO WRITE AND TELL YOU WHAT A DISGRACE YOU ARE AS A HUMAN BEING. TO ACCUSE SOMEONE OF BEING INTRESTED IN CHILDREN IS AS LOW AS YOU CAN GO. I BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE JEALOUS OF CHIP BECAUSE HE IS DOING SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO DO. HE HAS THE RESPECT YOU WISH YOU COULD HAVE.YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A GROWN WOMAN HOW ABOUT ACTING LIKE IT!!!!!!! Beatrice Marot So your the b**** who is hating on Chip you know what F*** YOU C***!!! YOU SUCK! JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW MORE PEOPLE HATE YOU THEN LIKE YOU. TOO BAD CHIP COULD NOT JUST WALK AWAY ON NOVEMBER 18TH WHEN KELLI RYAN'S BLOG WAS TAKEN DOWN FROM MYSPACE AND WE COULD HAVE ALL ENJOYED A WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR.


Some Psychic You Are Beatrice

#124Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 01, 2009

Your not even a good detective for that matter. 1. I do not need to create a fake identity on MySpace to send you messages. Your guides are letting you down terribly bad. No matter how many times you say it or post it will not make it so. 2. I stated she sent you an message, then you responded. She then sent you another message and you responded to that one. She then sent you a third message, the last line which contained "Karma will bite you in the a$$". How many messages did you print from that user? How many contained that phrase? 3. She was not able to retrieve those messages because of you turning her into MySpace and they put a freeze on those messages so they could not be retrieved. I really wish she had saved them or forwarded a copy to me before that happened, because I knew you would deny it. I have never had to have had any of my messages turned into MySpace, so I do not know exactly how it works. However, the message that she got from the Administrators letting her know that she been turned in had your profile picture attached to it. It does not surprise me that you deny it, as you have denied ever putting other certain things into print.


You are so right, Tammy

#125Consumer Comment

Thu, January 01, 2009

I agree that she is demon possessed, and DD, PSBS, or whatever other fake name he chooses to call himself so that no one will know his true identity, is also possessed. The DD stands for Demon Design, I was told. Sounds like he works on their side!


Los Angeles,

#126Author of original report

Thu, January 01, 2009

I never said it was your sister . . . IT IS YOU WITHOUT A DOUBT!! BUT YOU GUYS HAVE FUN . . . I AM DONE. I AM NOT ABOUT TO POISON MY NEW YEAR WITH ALL YOUR HATE AND UGLINESS. NO THANK YOU!! TAMMY WRITES THAT I TRIED TO GET HER SISTER KICKED OFF OF MYSPACE . . . NOT TRUE. HERE IN HER OWN WORDS AND THEN THE TRUTH . . . FROM MY LIPS TO GOD'S EARS! Beatrice TRIES To Get A MySpace User KICKED Off I was talking to lil' sis last night. She says that she sent Beatrice a message on MySpace simply stating that after having read several of blogs that she wanted to know how Beatrice could claim to be such religious person. Surely she knows what the Bible states in regards to people with this ability. (AND WHAT DOES CHIP COFFEY DO FOR A LIVING AND HERE YOU DEFENDING HIM LIKE HE WAS GOD LOL) Beatrice sent her a rather long message back, not nice, but not nasty, stating that she didn't read the Bible and so forth. However, she walked with Jesus when he was here on earth and she signed her letter Beatrice and JC. THIS IS THE "ONLY" PROFILE I FORWARDED TO MYSPACE FOR CYBER BULLYING . . . . THERE IS NO PICTURE AND NO FRIENDS ON THE PROFILE. JESUS SAID IT WAS YOU . . . BUT OF COURSE I DID NOT HAVE PROOF . . . BUT YOUR POSTS DESCRIBING MY CONVERSATION WITH YOUR SISTER . . . ARE ACTUALLY YOU!!!!! WHAT A PSYCHOPATH YOU ARE TAMMY! YOU ARE A VERY EVIL PERSON. SCROLL DOWN AND READ UP Catcha Noway myspace.com/440253705 Date: Dec 26, 2008 8:15 PM Subject: RE: Also, it is really sad Body: Have a really wonderful New Year. I wish you all the best and all the love and success in the world. Peace, B and JC ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 26, 2008 8:05 PM You are so full of s**t I can smell it from here. Anyone can talk to him directly. He fills all who ask of those things. Maybe you should give the bible a read, so you can realize how dammed you already are for chastising innocent people. I did my research on you you lying sack of no good. The reason you are being attacked from all sides as you are now, and your friends seem to be flying to a brighter flame is because YOU my dear are the one who made your bed. Even though I disgust at the thought of it, I will pray for you. That you are only receive what you have given, NOT that you be spared. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 25, 2008 9:17 PM Not at all. Jesus was a wonderful being . . . but I am not a Christian in that I do not read the Bible. I talk to him directly. He has given me a lot of strength in this painful time. I hope he gives you compassion. He was and is full of it. Take care and have a wonderful New Year. B & JC ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 25, 2008 5:58 PM Do you proclaim to be a Christian? If this is true then the gift you claim to have is a mortal sin! HMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 24, 2008 9:00 PM that on the eve of Christ's birthday you would send out such a message. It is sad anyday but especially now To: Catcha Catcha Noway myspace.com/440253705 Date: Dec 24, 2008 5:27 PM Subject: RE: HAHAHAA Body: May you find love and peace in your heart. Chip is lying. I would never hurt anyone the way he and people like you have hurt me. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 24, 2008 5:15 PM soon they will all be out to get you. You will never see them coming. To bad you arent really what you say you are. Just remember what goes around comes around!!!!


Sorry Beatrice But Psychic Abilities Have Failed

#127Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 01, 2009

Guess what? Your proving your self absolutely wrong in the psychic field. The letters that you posted were not from sister. I told you what she said in her last message to you. Did any of those messages contain that phrase? That Karma would come back to bite you in the a$$? She plainly has a picture posted on her profile also, and here is another clue - we both live in the same state, same city. Oh, and it wasn't me either. I have better things to do than create another profile to send you a message. I never used foul language in my other messages to you, so why would I start now. While you have to use profanity to get your messages across, I do not. As I've said before, I have been contacted by a couple of people on your friends list, that have been there for quite a while, and they keep me filled in now. Anything that I have to say to you, I'll be more than happy to say to you right here, not through some made up profile. I've battled darker demons than you Beatrice, and have won. I don't have to worry about making up lies against you, because you post your own lies. You blatantly lie about never posting any letter any where calling Chip that defamatory name, and you had already posted it in three different RR threads all on the same day - AMAZING!!!!! You must really have a spell cast on DD, because he has even refused to answer the questions put to him in this regards. You crack me up by your stating over and over that this is all helping to ruin Chip. You are so blind with it all, you can't see who is really being ruined - but keep on posting - see who is ruined in the end. And if anybody really wants to see how High Priestess, The Light Worker Beatrice Marot really works her magical light, go and read my blogs on blogspot. Can't miss them cause they are under SpiritChaser Tammy. I think I'm gonna have to change my name though to Demon Beatrice Chaser. Stay tuned, I'll let you know how the exorcism goes. It's gonna be a rough one though! Wonder if she'll start spewing pea soup?



#128Consumer Comment

Thu, January 01, 2009

PSBS said... I don't wear a hood, sorry. I don't care if you're married to a black man, a gorilla, or Grape Ape. I'm also proud to be Beatrice's friend. Get your facts straight. December 31, 2008 12:31 PM tanila said... The fact is, you are a coward. December 31, 2008 1:15 PM tanila said... I am married to a wonderful man. Have been for many years. He speaks 5 languages. He has 2 master's degrees. He is awesome beyond words. Neither of us ever think about color. He would be wonderful if he were purple. He is simply a good man inside. He never hides his identity when he has to confront evil. He doesn't send out anonymous emails to state what he believes. He is a man. He is wise. He is strong. He is gentle. He's not afraid to show love, and he's not afraid to show sorrow. He is a tower of strength when I am weak. I have no idea whether you are male or female, because you don't have the courage to divulge any information about yourself. If you are a male, you can only dream about being the type of man he is. It is intrinsic, not extrinsic. You will never understand that, because, it would appear that you do not have what it takes to stand in the bright, white light of truth and say, "My name is _____________. This is what I believe and I am not ashamed to say so." So sad. December 31, 2008 1:41 PM


DD in the white hood!

#129Consumer Comment

Thu, January 01, 2009

We have now narrowed DD down to another pseudo name PSBS. Can't get him/her to admit to a real name. Not even which sex they are. You are so brave! Why would I care what a coward has to say?


Well, Since I've Been Brought Into This Thread

#130Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 01, 2009

By the awe-inspiring (ahmm, sorry had to cough) Beatrice Marot, where she accuses me of cyber stalking, filing Ripoff Reports and the such, I'm going to tell you exactly how I got involved in all of this. BM can re-post the same old thing over and over and over again, but DON't DARE LET ANYBODY ELSE DO IT! Right Beatrice? Kabol, this is really for you also, just so you'll know how delusional this woman is. You really do seem like an intelligent being. I thought DD was, but even after I've posted on the thread that Tanila started in regards to Beatrice being racist, well, I think someone needs to get him a really strong cup of coffee. Don't get me wrong Kabol, I'm not trying to persuade to choose Chip's side or change you over to a PS fan. That is your choice. However, I do want you realize what type of person Beatrice really is. Yes, I am a friend of Chip - doesn't mean I believe in everything on PS as I know this is a TV SHOW and whether it be just the way it is filmed or what, there are some things that add up to me. Of course, I'm an investigator, so that does probably help. I read Chips' blog regarding Kelli Ryan's attack against him, Ryan Buell, and PS. Before making my mind up on the matter, I took the time to read Kelli's blog. Then I took my time and did some research on the internet. Yes, I did see Beatrice's comments left on the page to Kelli, and she admitted that she had NEVER met Kelli and had not heard of her until someone had sent her the link. Now, keep that in mind. She did not know Kelli when PS filmed at her house or when she posted the blog. After reading the blog, doing my research I posted the following comment: After reading Chip's blog regarding your attack on him, I decided I needed to read your blog - to which you state, and I quote "This is my response to Ryan Buell and Chip Coffey and their attack on me." Fact: Your one and only blog on this site is dated November 1, 2008. Mr. Coffey's blog was originally posted on Novembe 6, 2008 - so whom is attacking whom here Ms. Ryan. Fact: The only other posting regarding this can be found is on site called 'GhostTheory' in which your story is actually third person by Mr. Kirby Robinson, which is dated November 4, 2008. Again, whom is attacking whom? Fact: In this article you claim your world was turned upside down by all involved. Excuse me? Did this not come into consideration when you contacted them? IT'S A TV PRODUCTION! Good Lord, I live in Indiana, but know if you contact a show like this they are most certainly not going to come in with a couple of people for camera and sound and tippy toe around your house. I have read over and over and over again how 'Bill' wanted to get his story out to the town that so loved him. If you are so respected for your psychic abilities as you keep implying that you are, then why could you not spread this word? That portion just really doesn't sit well with me - something just not jiven there Ms. Ryan. Your not in this for any type of fame? You want no self-promotion? Then why are you totting your Who's Who listing? This type of listing means absolutely nothing to us everyday people. It seems funny to me that you have launched all of this on Chip, Ryan and the rest of PRS when you have just listed "Ghost Cottage" with the Gold Beach Chamber of Commerce that "provides Paranormal Research Center, Tours, Classes". Yep, found that on the Chamber's website from a newsletter date October 13, 2008, which also makes one wonder about all of this to gain attention to yourself. You also state in this article that you asked that certain details be 'kept secret' as to the extent of his injuries. That not even his wife knew that he had been decapitated? I truly find this hard to believe. I have lived in several small towns and no there is absolutely no thing as a secret, especially something like that. And again, even if that were true, again - you contacted a TV show for crying out loud!!! Did you not think that they would look for something as of this nature to sensationalize the show? As far as you stating over and over again about being in Who's Who, all one has to do is a Google Search to see one's absolute popularity. You produced about half a page, Mr. Kirby only had one listing - his lowly little MySpace page (which he states he has many accomplishments - where are they beside the fact that he visits cemetaries to release trapped spirits, lol), and, well I stopped at page 20 on Mr. Chip. Granted, many of the articles may not have been in a positive light on him, but he is at least getting the publicity which you obviously are so craving. And before the your so called friend on here that has been coming to your aid - Jack? This is obviously one that you have created. 'His' profile was started on November 7, 2008 - funny coincidence? One only has to read his rebuttals to see that is you answering for him - too many of the same speech/word patterns there. You might be smart enough to at least send yourself a friend request from that profile when you are logged in under 'his' name. The poor 'guy' only has Tom for a friend so far. And quit stating that you are 51 year old grandmother for god sake, like you are some frail, fragile little old thing. You are so obviously far from that from the attacks which you have launched. Just remember Ms. Ryan, Karma is very very very real, and it will come to bite you in the end. Posted by Indiana SpiritChaser Tammy on Nov 14, 2008 4:49 PM Was I sweet Pollyanna'? No. But honestly, now nasty is that really? Jack that I refer to, had replied to several other people that posted comments in favor of Chip, Ryan and PS. As I stated the language patterns were very much the same as Kelli in as much that he would say things such My Sweet so and so,. I wish I had thought to do screenshots and saved some of those responses before his profile was deleted. However, I didn't know that I would soon be going up against the high priestess Beatrice Marot! Before giving her new found friend Kelli a chance to respond to my post (I'm sure Kelli has had far greater things to do, as I have, then to follow every comment with baited breath), Beatrice took it upon herself to respond for her: Listen to you Indiana Spirit Chaser. What kind of spirits do you chase . . . Jack Daniels or Johnny Walker? You write ABOUT JACK who is clearly defending his sweet friend Kelli whom I have never met but I support her 100% because I know from experience how fake Chip is. You write . . . 'One only has to read his rebuttals to see that is you answering for him - too many of the same speech/word patterns there.' That is exactly what YOU DO!!!!! Here is Chip's blog and in it he writes the following - FACT - Kelli Ryan claims that during the taping of the episode, Michelle Belanger angrily called me a 'fraud.' Michelle has publicly stated that she never did so. (Several others in the paranormal community tried to 'jump on the bandwagon' regarding this issue in order to further malign me, but they were stopped dead in their tracks when Michelle informed them that she never uttered those words.) FACT - Kelli Ryan attests that I received info about her case from PS producers, including Eric Leven. I don't even know anyone named Eric Leven ... and neither the producers nor anyone else tells me ANYTHING about the cases prior to my arrival on location. I am provided with an airline ticket and a hotel room ... and sometimes a car. I am sequestered at the hotel until I am needed on set. I NEVER know the names of the clients or any other information about them until after I have completed my initial on-camera walk-through and assessment with Ryan. FACT - The can of beer was placed on the bed (unbeknownst to Ryan or me) by members of PRS in hopes of attracting the spirit of Bill Wells (because they had been told that he was a beer drinker) ... And then INDIANA BAR HOPPER WRITES Fact: Your one and only blog on this site is dated November 1, 2008. Mr. Coffey's blog was originally posted on Novembe 6, 2008 - so whom is attacking whom here Ms. Ryan. Fact: The only other posting regarding this can be found is on site called 'GhostTheory' in which your story is actually third person by Mr. Kirby Robinson, which is dated November 4, 2008. Again, whom is attacking whom? Fact: In this article you claim your world was turned upside down by all involved. Excuse me? Did this not come into consideration when you contacted them? IT'S A TV PRODUCTION! Good Lord, I live in Indiana, but know if you contact a show like this they are most certainly not going to come in with a couple of people for camera and sound and tippy toe around your house I HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH CHIP COFFEY AND HIS LIES EVER SINCE HE BETRAYED OUR TWO YEAR FRIENDSHIP AND REGISTERED MY NAMES BEATRICEMAROT.COM AND BEATRICEMAROT.NET AND WHEN YOU PUT MY NAME IN THE URL IT TOOK YOU TO HIS WEBSITE ETERNAL CONNECTIONS. CHIP THIS IS YOUR KARMA COMING BACK TO YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME AND THE GODDESS OF KARMA IS JUST GETTING WARMED UP!! YOU GOIN DOWN DEMONBOY! Posted by Beatrice Marot on Nov 15, 2008 9:56 AM Now, I don't know if you had the chance to read Kelli's blog, but she claimed that she was psychic and claimed 100% accuracy. Here was Tanila's first comment - posted to Kelli NOT Beatrice: I truly find it hard to believe that ANY psychic/medium is 100% accurate. I would like to challenge you to prove that. My sister died many years ago. Tell me about her. How did she die? You can ask her! What was her name? Ask her. What was she like? I can hear your answer now - that your guides don't give you any information. That will be a sad cop out. What happened to my sister is a matter of public record. I am neither asking for you to give me a message from her, nor for you to do a reading for me. I am simply asking you to prove your incredible statement that you are never wrong. This might just be your first time!! Posted by tanila on Nov 16, 2008 9:38 AM Beatrice then took it upon herself to answer Tanila's response as well. Tanila ignored several of Beatrice's comments, which upset Beatrice all the more. I'm not going to post all the comments here, but Kabol, if you wish, I would be more than happy to forward the entire thing to you, as I saved it all after Beatrice turned even nastier derogatory in her remarks. I have not altered any of it, as I even saved over 100 screenshots of it as well. I little obsessive? Probably, but I learned long ago that you cover your butt with people like Beatrice. She wants to claim that I am a cyber stalker? Beatrice, who was the first one to send who an email? In fact, she sent me three emails, the last accusing me of several things, then before I had a chance to respond, she blocked me! She came back to my profile to send me another message and saw that I had written a blog regarding her childishness, sent me another couple of messages and blocked me again!! I'm sure she complained to MySpace as that blog as well as another one suddenly disappeared from my blogs. Thanks to Google, I was able to come across them cached, copied them, and now I have the first one posted again on BlogSpot under /spiritchasertammy.blogspot.com/ As soon as Kelli's blog was removed from MySpace, she then took it upon herself to start sending me messages once again. Oh yes, she had removed the block so that I could answer her, she had to so I could respond. I'll post those emails after this post, as it will be long. She says she wasn't trying to sway' me over to her side, but what else could it have been considered as. AFTER she had sent me a total of 25 messages and me responding to maybe 6 or 7 and asking her to stop, I finally had to block her. Yet, I have harassed her! If anyone would wish to have a full transcript of Kelli's blog and ALL comments (which really prove how much of a light worker Beatrice is) let me know at indianaspiritchasertammy at yahoo.com. Beatrice claims that she never posted that email that she had sent to Chip accusing him of being the 'P' word. She not only posted it here on December 18, she posted it on the other RR that Tanila started. She then went and posted a blog on her profile to her friends saying that Chip was outright lying in posting his blog, that she NEVER said that and NEVER sent him the email!!! Yet, Beatrice never lies? I honestly do not know if she is truly that delusional or she does mind altering drugs, or perhaps even the tips the bottle so much that she can not keep her lies straight. Again, I do not begrudge anybody questioning PS, Ryan or Chip in general. But when you post blatant lies such as he stole my identity (buying a domain name in a person's name does not constitute stealing one's identity in any way shape or form) and that he has divulged to you to liking young boys, you had better expect some flak back. She has claimed that she has received hate mail (well gee imagine that) and even death threats because of Chip's blog. I set up that above email address because I asked her to forward those to me with the full headers. I do not condone death threats to anybody for these reason's. That's idiotic and should not be tolerated. However to this date, she has not sent one, however she is more than to post supposed ones here - without full headers. Beatrice, you seriously need help. Before you start posting things about me here or anywhere, you better get your facts straight.


Tanila get your BS and LIES straight!

#131Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 31, 2008

"Say what you want about me. You won't find me in the dark playing with someone else's children to get on television. See, she has said it again. She denies vehemently that she makes such statements, but she got caught again!" Beatrice didn't say that! I DID !!!!!!!!!! AND I STAND BY IT! I said it on the slanderous blog you put up about Beatrice. You have just proven you are a LIAR! Do you blame Beatrice for everything? The economy, world hunger, the war in the Middle East, global warming, Chip's upcoming meltdown....WHAT NEXT TANILA!???? I SAID THAT, NOT BEATRICE! "Say what you want about me. You won't find me in the dark playing with someone else's children to get on television." ~ Quote from DD


Tanila get your BS and LIES straight!

#132Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 31, 2008

"Say what you want about me. You won't find me in the dark playing with someone else's children to get on television. See, she has said it again. She denies vehemently that she makes such statements, but she got caught again!" Beatrice didn't say that! I DID !!!!!!!!!! AND I STAND BY IT! I said it on the slanderous blog you put up about Beatrice. You have just proven you are a LIAR! Do you blame Beatrice for everything? The economy, world hunger, the war in the Middle East, global warming, Chip's upcoming meltdown....WHAT NEXT TANILA!???? I SAID THAT, NOT BEATRICE! "Say what you want about me. You won't find me in the dark playing with someone else's children to get on television." ~ Quote from DD


Tanila get your BS and LIES straight!

#133Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 31, 2008

"Say what you want about me. You won't find me in the dark playing with someone else's children to get on television. See, she has said it again. She denies vehemently that she makes such statements, but she got caught again!" Beatrice didn't say that! I DID !!!!!!!!!! AND I STAND BY IT! I said it on the slanderous blog you put up about Beatrice. You have just proven you are a LIAR! Do you blame Beatrice for everything? The economy, world hunger, the war in the Middle East, global warming, Chip's upcoming meltdown....WHAT NEXT TANILA!???? I SAID THAT, NOT BEATRICE! "Say what you want about me. You won't find me in the dark playing with someone else's children to get on television." ~ Quote from DD


Tanila get your BS and LIES straight!

#134Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 31, 2008

"Say what you want about me. You won't find me in the dark playing with someone else's children to get on television. See, she has said it again. She denies vehemently that she makes such statements, but she got caught again!" Beatrice didn't say that! I DID !!!!!!!!!! AND I STAND BY IT! I said it on the slanderous blog you put up about Beatrice. You have just proven you are a LIAR! Do you blame Beatrice for everything? The economy, world hunger, the war in the Middle East, global warming, Chip's upcoming meltdown....WHAT NEXT TANILA!???? I SAID THAT, NOT BEATRICE! "Say what you want about me. You won't find me in the dark playing with someone else's children to get on television." ~ Quote from DD


Los Angeles,
I am talking about posting a blog or new thread

#135Author of original report

Wed, December 31, 2008

You are such a stupid moron . . . it is laughable but really pathetic and sad. You have ruined Chip. I guarantee that you and Tammy and Chip himself have destroyed his credibility and he will be the laughing stock of the Paranormal community because of your madness and inablity to shut the f**k up. I posted this thread on 7-31-2008. I posted the same post on someone else's thread in May . . . I just realized May 2005 was the year that Chip ripped off my names! And Karen . . .I am not a coward so if I did post something it would be under my name and no one else's. But I am done . . . fight among yourselves.


Los Angeles,
I am talking about posting a blog or new thread

#136Author of original report

Wed, December 31, 2008

You are such a stupid moron . . . it is laughable but really pathetic and sad. You have ruined Chip. I guarantee that you and Tammy and Chip himself have destroyed his credibility and he will be the laughing stock of the Paranormal community because of your madness and inablity to shut the f**k up. I posted this thread on 7-31-2008. I posted the same post on someone else's thread in May . . . I just realized May 2005 was the year that Chip ripped off my names! And Karen . . .I am not a coward so if I did post something it would be under my name and no one else's. But I am done . . . fight among yourselves.


Los Angeles,
I am talking about posting a blog or new thread

#137Author of original report

Wed, December 31, 2008

You are such a stupid moron . . . it is laughable but really pathetic and sad. You have ruined Chip. I guarantee that you and Tammy and Chip himself have destroyed his credibility and he will be the laughing stock of the Paranormal community because of your madness and inablity to shut the f**k up. I posted this thread on 7-31-2008. I posted the same post on someone else's thread in May . . . I just realized May 2005 was the year that Chip ripped off my names! And Karen . . .I am not a coward so if I did post something it would be under my name and no one else's. But I am done . . . fight among yourselves.


Los Angeles,

#138Author of original report

Wed, December 31, 2008

INDIANA SPIRITCHASER TAMMY . . . IS TRULY DEMENTED. HERE IS AN EXCERPT OF WHAT SHE POSTED YESTERDAY AND PROOF THAT THIS WOMAN LIES AS MUCH AS CHIP COFFEY DOES! Beatrice TRIES To Get A MySpace User KICKED Off I was talking to lil' sis last night. She says that she sent Beatrice a message on MySpace simply stating that after having read several of blogs that she wanted to know how Beatrice could claim to be such religious person. Surely she knows what the Bible states in regards to people with this ability. (AND WHAT DOES CHIP COFFEY DO FOR A LIVING AND HERE YOU DEFENDING HIM LIKE HE WAS GOD LOL) Beatrice sent her a rather long message back, not nice, but not nasty, stating that she didn't read the Bible and so forth. However, she walked with Jesus when he was here on earth and she signed her letter Beatrice and JC. THIS IS THE ONLY PROFILE I FORWARDED TO MYSPACE FOR CYBER BULLYING . . . . THERE IS NO PICTURE AND NO FRIENDS ON THE PROFILE. JESUS SAID IT WAS YOU . . . BUT OF COURSE I DID NOT HAVE PROOF . . . BUT YOUR POSTS DESCRIBING MY CONVERSATION WITH YOUR SISTER . . . ARE ACTUALLY THIS PERSON. WHAT A PSYCHOPATH YOU ARE TAMMY! YOU ARE A VERY EVIL PERSON. Catcha Noway myspace.com/440253705 Date: Dec 26, 2008 8:15 PM Subject: RE: Also, it is really sad Body: Have a really wonderful New Year. I wish you all the best and all the love and success in the world. Peace, B and JC ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 26, 2008 8:05 PM You are so full of s**t I can smell it from here. Anyone can talk to him directly. He fills all who ask of those things. Maybe you should give the bible a read, so you can realize how dammed you already are for chastising innocent people. I did my research on you you lying sack of no good. The reason you are being attacked from all sides as you are now, and your friends seem to be flying to a brighter flame is because YOU my dear are the one who made your bed. Even though I disgust at the thought of it, I will pray for you. That you are only receive what you have given, NOT that you be spared. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 25, 2008 9:17 PM Not at all. Jesus was a wonderful being . . . but I am not a Christian in that I do not read the Bible. I talk to him directly. He has given me a lot of strength in this painful time. I hope he gives you compassion. He was and is full of it. Take care and have a wonderful New Year. B & JC ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 25, 2008 5:58 PM Do you proclaim to be a Christian? If this is true then the gift you claim to have is a mortal sin! HMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 24, 2008 9:00 PM that on the eve of Christ's birthday you would send out such a message. It is sad anyday but especially now To: Catcha Catcha Noway myspace.com/440253705 Date: Dec 24, 2008 5:27 PM Subject: RE: HAHAHAA Body: May you find love and peace in your heart. Chip is lying. I would never hurt anyone the way he and people like you have hurt me. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 24, 2008 5:15 PM soon they will all be out to get you. You will never see them coming. To bad you arent really what you say you are. Just remember what goes around comes around!!!!


Los Angeles,

#139Author of original report

Wed, December 31, 2008

INDIANA SPIRITCHASER TAMMY . . . IS TRULY DEMENTED. HERE IS AN EXCERPT OF WHAT SHE POSTED YESTERDAY AND PROOF THAT THIS WOMAN LIES AS MUCH AS CHIP COFFEY DOES! Beatrice TRIES To Get A MySpace User KICKED Off I was talking to lil' sis last night. She says that she sent Beatrice a message on MySpace simply stating that after having read several of blogs that she wanted to know how Beatrice could claim to be such religious person. Surely she knows what the Bible states in regards to people with this ability. (AND WHAT DOES CHIP COFFEY DO FOR A LIVING AND HERE YOU DEFENDING HIM LIKE HE WAS GOD LOL) Beatrice sent her a rather long message back, not nice, but not nasty, stating that she didn't read the Bible and so forth. However, she walked with Jesus when he was here on earth and she signed her letter Beatrice and JC. THIS IS THE ONLY PROFILE I FORWARDED TO MYSPACE FOR CYBER BULLYING . . . . THERE IS NO PICTURE AND NO FRIENDS ON THE PROFILE. JESUS SAID IT WAS YOU . . . BUT OF COURSE I DID NOT HAVE PROOF . . . BUT YOUR POSTS DESCRIBING MY CONVERSATION WITH YOUR SISTER . . . ARE ACTUALLY THIS PERSON. WHAT A PSYCHOPATH YOU ARE TAMMY! YOU ARE A VERY EVIL PERSON. Catcha Noway myspace.com/440253705 Date: Dec 26, 2008 8:15 PM Subject: RE: Also, it is really sad Body: Have a really wonderful New Year. I wish you all the best and all the love and success in the world. Peace, B and JC ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 26, 2008 8:05 PM You are so full of s**t I can smell it from here. Anyone can talk to him directly. He fills all who ask of those things. Maybe you should give the bible a read, so you can realize how dammed you already are for chastising innocent people. I did my research on you you lying sack of no good. The reason you are being attacked from all sides as you are now, and your friends seem to be flying to a brighter flame is because YOU my dear are the one who made your bed. Even though I disgust at the thought of it, I will pray for you. That you are only receive what you have given, NOT that you be spared. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 25, 2008 9:17 PM Not at all. Jesus was a wonderful being . . . but I am not a Christian in that I do not read the Bible. I talk to him directly. He has given me a lot of strength in this painful time. I hope he gives you compassion. He was and is full of it. Take care and have a wonderful New Year. B & JC ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 25, 2008 5:58 PM Do you proclaim to be a Christian? If this is true then the gift you claim to have is a mortal sin! HMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 24, 2008 9:00 PM that on the eve of Christ's birthday you would send out such a message. It is sad anyday but especially now To: Catcha Catcha Noway myspace.com/440253705 Date: Dec 24, 2008 5:27 PM Subject: RE: HAHAHAA Body: May you find love and peace in your heart. Chip is lying. I would never hurt anyone the way he and people like you have hurt me. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 24, 2008 5:15 PM soon they will all be out to get you. You will never see them coming. To bad you arent really what you say you are. Just remember what goes around comes around!!!!


Los Angeles,

#140Author of original report

Wed, December 31, 2008

INDIANA SPIRITCHASER TAMMY . . . IS TRULY DEMENTED. HERE IS AN EXCERPT OF WHAT SHE POSTED YESTERDAY AND PROOF THAT THIS WOMAN LIES AS MUCH AS CHIP COFFEY DOES! Beatrice TRIES To Get A MySpace User KICKED Off I was talking to lil' sis last night. She says that she sent Beatrice a message on MySpace simply stating that after having read several of blogs that she wanted to know how Beatrice could claim to be such religious person. Surely she knows what the Bible states in regards to people with this ability. (AND WHAT DOES CHIP COFFEY DO FOR A LIVING AND HERE YOU DEFENDING HIM LIKE HE WAS GOD LOL) Beatrice sent her a rather long message back, not nice, but not nasty, stating that she didn't read the Bible and so forth. However, she walked with Jesus when he was here on earth and she signed her letter Beatrice and JC. THIS IS THE ONLY PROFILE I FORWARDED TO MYSPACE FOR CYBER BULLYING . . . . THERE IS NO PICTURE AND NO FRIENDS ON THE PROFILE. JESUS SAID IT WAS YOU . . . BUT OF COURSE I DID NOT HAVE PROOF . . . BUT YOUR POSTS DESCRIBING MY CONVERSATION WITH YOUR SISTER . . . ARE ACTUALLY THIS PERSON. WHAT A PSYCHOPATH YOU ARE TAMMY! YOU ARE A VERY EVIL PERSON. Catcha Noway myspace.com/440253705 Date: Dec 26, 2008 8:15 PM Subject: RE: Also, it is really sad Body: Have a really wonderful New Year. I wish you all the best and all the love and success in the world. Peace, B and JC ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 26, 2008 8:05 PM You are so full of s**t I can smell it from here. Anyone can talk to him directly. He fills all who ask of those things. Maybe you should give the bible a read, so you can realize how dammed you already are for chastising innocent people. I did my research on you you lying sack of no good. The reason you are being attacked from all sides as you are now, and your friends seem to be flying to a brighter flame is because YOU my dear are the one who made your bed. Even though I disgust at the thought of it, I will pray for you. That you are only receive what you have given, NOT that you be spared. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 25, 2008 9:17 PM Not at all. Jesus was a wonderful being . . . but I am not a Christian in that I do not read the Bible. I talk to him directly. He has given me a lot of strength in this painful time. I hope he gives you compassion. He was and is full of it. Take care and have a wonderful New Year. B & JC ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 25, 2008 5:58 PM Do you proclaim to be a Christian? If this is true then the gift you claim to have is a mortal sin! HMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 24, 2008 9:00 PM that on the eve of Christ's birthday you would send out such a message. It is sad anyday but especially now To: Catcha Catcha Noway myspace.com/440253705 Date: Dec 24, 2008 5:27 PM Subject: RE: HAHAHAA Body: May you find love and peace in your heart. Chip is lying. I would never hurt anyone the way he and people like you have hurt me. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 24, 2008 5:15 PM soon they will all be out to get you. You will never see them coming. To bad you arent really what you say you are. Just remember what goes around comes around!!!!


Los Angeles,

#141Author of original report

Wed, December 31, 2008

INDIANA SPIRITCHASER TAMMY . . . IS TRULY DEMENTED. HERE IS AN EXCERPT OF WHAT SHE POSTED YESTERDAY AND PROOF THAT THIS WOMAN LIES AS MUCH AS CHIP COFFEY DOES! Beatrice TRIES To Get A MySpace User KICKED Off I was talking to lil' sis last night. She says that she sent Beatrice a message on MySpace simply stating that after having read several of blogs that she wanted to know how Beatrice could claim to be such religious person. Surely she knows what the Bible states in regards to people with this ability. (AND WHAT DOES CHIP COFFEY DO FOR A LIVING AND HERE YOU DEFENDING HIM LIKE HE WAS GOD LOL) Beatrice sent her a rather long message back, not nice, but not nasty, stating that she didn't read the Bible and so forth. However, she walked with Jesus when he was here on earth and she signed her letter Beatrice and JC. THIS IS THE ONLY PROFILE I FORWARDED TO MYSPACE FOR CYBER BULLYING . . . . THERE IS NO PICTURE AND NO FRIENDS ON THE PROFILE. JESUS SAID IT WAS YOU . . . BUT OF COURSE I DID NOT HAVE PROOF . . . BUT YOUR POSTS DESCRIBING MY CONVERSATION WITH YOUR SISTER . . . ARE ACTUALLY THIS PERSON. WHAT A PSYCHOPATH YOU ARE TAMMY! YOU ARE A VERY EVIL PERSON. Catcha Noway myspace.com/440253705 Date: Dec 26, 2008 8:15 PM Subject: RE: Also, it is really sad Body: Have a really wonderful New Year. I wish you all the best and all the love and success in the world. Peace, B and JC ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 26, 2008 8:05 PM You are so full of s**t I can smell it from here. Anyone can talk to him directly. He fills all who ask of those things. Maybe you should give the bible a read, so you can realize how dammed you already are for chastising innocent people. I did my research on you you lying sack of no good. The reason you are being attacked from all sides as you are now, and your friends seem to be flying to a brighter flame is because YOU my dear are the one who made your bed. Even though I disgust at the thought of it, I will pray for you. That you are only receive what you have given, NOT that you be spared. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 25, 2008 9:17 PM Not at all. Jesus was a wonderful being . . . but I am not a Christian in that I do not read the Bible. I talk to him directly. He has given me a lot of strength in this painful time. I hope he gives you compassion. He was and is full of it. Take care and have a wonderful New Year. B & JC ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 25, 2008 5:58 PM Do you proclaim to be a Christian? If this is true then the gift you claim to have is a mortal sin! HMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Beatrice Marot Date: Dec 24, 2008 9:00 PM that on the eve of Christ's birthday you would send out such a message. It is sad anyday but especially now To: Catcha Catcha Noway myspace.com/440253705 Date: Dec 24, 2008 5:27 PM Subject: RE: HAHAHAA Body: May you find love and peace in your heart. Chip is lying. I would never hurt anyone the way he and people like you have hurt me. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Catcha Date: Dec 24, 2008 5:15 PM soon they will all be out to get you. You will never see them coming. To bad you arent really what you say you are. Just remember what goes around comes around!!!!



#142Consumer Comment

Wed, December 31, 2008

Beatrice says she never posted anything about Chip prior to August 2008. Check the date of the post below. CAN SEE WHAT CHIP CLAIMS I HAVE DONE TO HIM . . . LAMBASTING HIM ALL OVER THE NET . . . IS A LIE SINCE I HAVE ONLY WRITTEN ONE RR IN 3 1/2 YEARS SINCE HE STOLE MY IDENTITY AND I DID THAT IN AUGUST OF '08 THE SAME MONTH THE KELLI RYAN EPISODE AIRED ON PARANORMAL STATE AND I POSTED MY REPORT BEFORE THE SHOW AIRED. Submitted: 5/18/2008 12:42:23 PM Modified: 5/18/2008 6:03:11 PM Beatrice Los Angeles, California U.S.A. ..Chip Coffey then began to recruit his friends to harass me. A good friend of his 'Goddess Dawn' who had always been friendly with me before all of a sudden would do things like change her name to Beatrick Merlot since her listing was right under mine. Other psychic friends of Chip called me and purposely left negative feedback and they were all under Chip's 'Group' listing. If that wasn't enough, Chip Coffey actually called me to tell me he had purchased my legal birth name as two domain sites and when you put my name in the browser it would take you to HIS WEBSITE. NOW THAT IS EVIL! When I threatened legal action, he then turned the domain names over to a production company called 'The Ott Group' who demanded $1500 to sell me back my own name ooopppsss! Caught you again Beatrice!



#143Consumer Comment

Wed, December 31, 2008

Beatrice says she never posted anything about Chip prior to August 2008. Check the date of the post below. CAN SEE WHAT CHIP CLAIMS I HAVE DONE TO HIM . . . LAMBASTING HIM ALL OVER THE NET . . . IS A LIE SINCE I HAVE ONLY WRITTEN ONE RR IN 3 1/2 YEARS SINCE HE STOLE MY IDENTITY AND I DID THAT IN AUGUST OF '08 THE SAME MONTH THE KELLI RYAN EPISODE AIRED ON PARANORMAL STATE AND I POSTED MY REPORT BEFORE THE SHOW AIRED. Submitted: 5/18/2008 12:42:23 PM Modified: 5/18/2008 6:03:11 PM Beatrice Los Angeles, California U.S.A. ..Chip Coffey then began to recruit his friends to harass me. A good friend of his 'Goddess Dawn' who had always been friendly with me before all of a sudden would do things like change her name to Beatrick Merlot since her listing was right under mine. Other psychic friends of Chip called me and purposely left negative feedback and they were all under Chip's 'Group' listing. If that wasn't enough, Chip Coffey actually called me to tell me he had purchased my legal birth name as two domain sites and when you put my name in the browser it would take you to HIS WEBSITE. NOW THAT IS EVIL! When I threatened legal action, he then turned the domain names over to a production company called 'The Ott Group' who demanded $1500 to sell me back my own name ooopppsss! Caught you again Beatrice!



#144Consumer Comment

Wed, December 31, 2008



Say what you want about me. You won't find me in the dark playing with someone else's children to get on television.

#145Consumer Comment

Wed, December 31, 2008

See, she has said it again. She denies vehemently that she makes such statements, but she got caught again!


North Carolina,
Mmmmmmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmm

#146Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 31, 2008

What she really means is that she will never post on a public forum again using the name Beatrice Marot but will be sure to use numerous alias'. Yeah we are real dumb around here. So she thinks.


Los Angeles,
Karen, this is just for you . . . cuz you love Chip so much!!

#147Author of original report

Wed, December 31, 2008

My new friend DD posted this on another thread where Chip is calling me a racist and a homophobe and Chip also posted a blog on blogspot claiming that I threatened to post a thread that he was a pedophile. I would never do anything so evil but Chip would and did. Now Kabol by God's grace came here and he actually gave me the link to Kelli Ryans blog on myspace so if I had not posted this RR thread, I never would have known about the other psychic Chip and his clones are attacking. I do not know Kabol and DD runs PSBS-101 and I never met or knew either one and it turns out they they are friends. You see God . . . not the Devil is on my side Karen and try to remember that please. My work is not for entertainment purposes only . . . it is more along the lines of global healing and total transformation of human consciousness. Chip charges $500 for 40-50 minutes?!!!! 'IF YOU DID 2 HOUR LONG READINGS A DAY... that would be nearly $400 a day. That's $2000 a week or $8000 a month if you just work 5 days a week!' How much does Chip charge? SCHEDULE A READING WITH CHIP Chip Coffey is available for private readings and consultations. Effective January 1, 2007, Chip will offer readings by telephone only. (except during personal appearances or special events) General Readings: $200 for approximately 30 minutes Spirit Contacts/Crossing Over Readings: $500 for approximately 40-50 minutes (This rate is for one individual. Additional family members or friends may participate at a cost of $250 per person.) PLEASE CALL 770-921-3240 TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT PRIOR TO MAKING PAYMENT THROUGH PAY PAL. No wonder Chip got pissed off at Beatrice for lowering her rates, forcing him to take a pay cut to compete. Her charging $1 a minute kinda put a crimp in his scam. Way to go Beatrice! Chalk one up for the consumer... and putting the 'entertainment' back into seeing a 'psychic'. ***NOTE THE DISCLAIMER ON CHIP'S SITE*** LEGAL DISCLAIMER Please be advised that psychic readings cannot predict,forecast , diagnose or provide information with absolute certainty. No guarantees or assurances of any kind are given and Chip Coffey will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions made by recipients based on information provided during readings.For entertainment purposes only. For medical concerns, please consult with a physician.For legal matters, please contact an attorney. Huh? 'Entertainment? 'Spirit Contacts/Crossing Over Readings: $500 for approximately 40-50 minutes' Can you afford 'entertainment' at this price???


Los Angeles,

#148Author of original report

Tue, December 30, 2008

FROM THE OTHER THREAD STARTED BY TANILA PRICE CALLING ME A RACIST! AS ANYONE WHO IS RATIONAL . . . CAN SEE WHAT CHIP CLAIMS I HAVE DONE TO HIM . . . LAMBASTING HIM ALL OVER THE NET . . . IS A LIE SINCE I HAVE ONLY WRITTEN ONE RR IN 3 1/2 YEARS SINCE HE STOLE MY IDENTITY AND I DID THAT IN AUGUST OF '08 THE SAME MONTH THE KELLI RYAN EPISODE AIRED ON PARANORMAL STATE AND I POSTED MY REPORT BEFORE THE SHOW AIRED. I WOULD NEVER WATCH ANYTHING WITH CHIP COFFEY MUCH LESS WITH DEMONS AND GHOSTS ATTACHED! KELLI RYAN WAS ALSO A VICTIM OF CHIP'S GOOD CHRISTIAN UPBRINGING AND SHE WAS ATTACKED BY CHIP AND HIS CLONES! Tammy Jasper, Georgia U.S.A. Beatrice TRIES To Get A MySpace User KICKED Off I was talking to lil' sis last night. She says that she sent Beatrice a message on MySpace simply stating that after having read several of blogs that she wanted to know how Beatrice could claim to be such religious person. Surely she knows what the Bible states in regards to people with this ability. Beatrice sent her a rather long message back, not nice, but not nasty, stating that she didn't read the Bible and so forth. However, she walked with Jesus when he was here on earth and she signed her letter Beatrice and JC. Sis then sent her another message back in regards to Chip. She stated that she had met Chip and had gotten an over all good feeling about him and liked him. Beatrice then sent her a mean message back calling Sis a hypocrite - guess she had seen Sis's profile page and on it she states that she believes in God but not one single religious stand point of the point. Well Beatrice ASSUMED Sis was saying she was psychic. NO She Was Not, and she never made the claim in that message. Again, Sis sent her another message back simply stating that she really needed to watch who she chose to make enemies with basically, because Karma is very real and would come back to bite her in the a$$. Yes, Sis spelled that word out in her message - her most nastiest word/comment to Beatrice in those messages!! BEATRICE TURNED HER INTO MYSPACE!!! Can you believe it??? She turned her into MySpace and tried to get her kicked off!!! This woman who used all types of profanity in her comments on Kelli Ryan's blog tried to get my Sis kicked off for telling her Karma Would Bite Her On Her Arse!! Well guess what BEATRICE! It didn't work. She received a message from the administrator's last night. They sent a copy of the letter you sent them and they told her that since they had never had any complaints in regards to her before, and after having reviewed the message, they found NOTHING WRONG DOING on her part. Sis did respond to them, told them her side of it (which I'm sure was much tamer than Beatrice's) and told them Beatrice was the one they really needed to keep an eye on. Gee Beatrice, was that one of the harassing messages or pieces of hate mail that you received? Sis was not being harassing or showing any type of hate against you, she was trying to be nice - something you don't know anything about because you reply to people right off the bat with sarcasm and ridicule. AND YOU SHOULD NEVER SENT CHIP THAT EMAIL IN THE FIRST PLACE! DO NOT PUT WORDS INTO PRINT THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO COME BACK AND HAUNT YOU AND BITE YOU IN THE BEHIND. THINK FIRST - IF YOU ARE CAPABLE OF DOING THAT! Submitted: 12/30/2008 10:17:57 AM Modified: 12/30/2008 2:50:15 PM Beatrice Los Angeles, California U.S.A. What on Earth are you talking about Tammy? I did not turn anyone into myspace and why not actually paste what I wrote like you usually do. . . well that is because I was nice and polite!! Bummer!! It was your sis that was quite rude. You're are all out of material so you have to make things up. lol That is called lying. What does JC have to say about that? Once again you show your relentless hatred for someone who did absolutley nothing to you whatsover weeks and weeks after Kelli's blog was deleted on November 18th. I just sit here and laugh now. I do not get upset anymore because I see what is going to come of this. Because of you and Tanila the only thing Chip is going to book is the freak show at the circus and you and your buddy can be his trained seals. Submitted: 12/30/2008 10:43:11 AM Modified: 12/30/2008 2:56:15 PM Beatrice Los Angeles, California U.S.A. In fact Tammy, it is really sad once again . . . that now you are using your sister to make up lies that you cannot back up . . . Where is the letter to myspace? Anyone reading this Jerry Springer Show knows how much you love to cut and paste. There is no letter because I never contacted myspace about a silly teenager and as soon as she said something about Karma . . . she blocked me. Tanila used her dead sister to goad and provoke Kelli and now you are using your live sister to do the same with me. Grow up already. Submitted: 12/30/2008 11:11:19 AM Modified: 12/30/2008 3:01:32 PM Beatrice Los Angeles, California U.S.A. You are talking about Manifestchik I presume Oops she is not a teenager . . . she is 31. That is how much energy I DID NOT PUT into your sister and getting her kicked off of myspace. lol Like you Tammy she just acts like a child. Sorry lil sis . . . you are way more grown up that your OLD sis! You just sent a couple of emails. This one goes on and on and on and on and on for weeks and weeks and weeks on end. You really have nothing of worth or value in your pathetic life that you choose to fight the battle of some homo/psychic! And I already used that expression. Homo is short for homosexual and Chip is a gay man. And Psychic is what Chip is definitely NOT or he would have shut you two up a long time ago. I told him to stop you guys on November 19th and I do have the email and look at this one from November 27th. I do have a HUGE heart!! From: bea Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:00 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: Time for healing the wounds Please talk to Babs and Tammy and get Tanila to stop her harassment. We have work to do . . . Chip what you did was wrong . . . and I have never ever posted anything about you anywhere but RR. If you are willing to admit that we were friends and without thinking you did something that you regret . . . I am more then willing to forgive and to forget! It will be a great lesson of forgiveness all around. Let's work together and show people that it is . . . never too late to stop the hate. Submitted: 12/30/2008 11:51:21 AM Modified: 12/30/2008 3:13:34 PM Tanila Alpharetta, Georgia U.S.A. HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT BEATRICE HAS SERIOUS TROUBLE GETTING ALONG WITH PEOPLE and it's always the other person's fault. Anytime someone disagrees with her, or chastises her for something she has said, she turns on them like a viper, and then blames them!! Could it possibly be that Beatrice and her small circle of friends are the only sane people in the world?? All the other people in the world are liars and mental cases. Everyone takes all of her nasty statements 'out of context.' I have yet to figure out how calling someone a pedophile can be good in ANY CONTEXT!! But Beatrice knows that it is only a loving comment, filled with light energy to help enlighten the recipient of her remarks. Submitted: 12/30/2008 12:08:25 PM Modified: 12/30/2008 3:20:27 PM DD Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. MySpace? LMFAO! Why did Chip move his slanderous blogs about Beatrice from MySpace? Maybe they *finally* got tired of him trying to censor everyone else on the internet and they gave him a dose of his own medicine??!! Did he delete the one about him being a pedophile, or did MySpace do it for him? He seemed to go back to blogspot after then, with the sole intention of attacking Beatrice. A little uncensored slander for ya Chip...? That what Chip does. It's who he is. He's a tempermental little p***k. Of course he leaves a lot up to his brain dead followers, but he's behind it. With people like Tanila to do his dirty work, he has that part easy. Ask Kelli Ryan about the harassment she suffered for speaking out against Chip. Now Beatrice is getting it. Does AETV endorse this kind of behavior? Ask them! Write to: A(((Redacted))) Chip claims he offeres a truce, but his friends keep stirring the pot all over the internet. He refuses to tell them to knock it off. Just remember, what's fair is fair. It's a two way street. Don't forget that. Say what you want about me. You won't find me in the dark playing with someone else's children to get on television.


Los Angeles,

#149Author of original report

Mon, December 29, 2008

I have only been on four public forums in my life. The first was the myspace music forum in 2005 where I sincerely wanted to help this young men in the music forum . . . but one of them "Beeg" just hates psychics and they all started slamming me and I am sure it was "Beeg" who pasted together a semi bogus thread where I did say some nasty things but much of it is contrived and . . . I did not come on that way nor did I intend for it to happen and this one kid added terrible things that I never said at all which is why you never see my picture and it has been on Google ever since. And these threads they do suck you in. The second time was on a site called "Beautifulpeople.net" a dating site and I saw a forum where everyone was being asked to use the word "c**t" in a sentence. I was shocked and disgusted and I went on there and said, "Hey, this is not how beautiful people should act!" and I got slammed there too as soon as they found out I was a psychic. I deleted myself from the site. The third time was Kelli Ryan's blog on myspace where she is exposing Paranormal State and Chip Coffey as being fake and fraudulent. I added myself as a friend and came on her blog to give her support because of my dealings with Chip . . . where I had the great misfortune to meet a truely horrible human being named Tanila Price who is a good friend of Chip Coffey. And I posted my story about how Chip Coffey ripped off my name and tried to sell it back to me for $3000 in May/June of 2005 on Ripoff Report.com in August, the same month that Kelli's episode aired on PS but I have never watched the show and it aired after I posted my original report . . . and yes I got the hit that Chip would find out and he did. And here we are. It is a movie, a soap opera, a dark comedy . . . and I assure you that I could never ever write the roles of Tanila, Tammy and Chip . . . never in a million years . . . I would not know how to be that mean. I have been bullied and bashed three against one. There is one post about Chip and three about me calling me a racist and and a homophobe. Tanila Price was dumb enough to go to the A&E boards and goad them there and now . . . Chip's biggest critics are all coming to ripoffreport to post and that never would have happened had Chip and Tanila let it end on November 18th when Kelli's blog was deleted. Then Chip puts up a blog on blogspot claiming I accuse him of being a pedophile . . . based on an email I sent him . . . it simply boggles the mind. It astounds me that he would do that. He really wants to hurt me so bad it is beyond comprehension . . .and all because I became number one on Keen. The week before it happened Chip who was my friend . . . or so I thought, called me all happy and chipper and said, "Beatrice, it looks like I'm handing over the crown to you. I am so proud of you. You worked so hard!" I will never ever participate in another public forum again!! I have learned my lesson.



#150Consumer Comment

Mon, December 29, 2008

Not only did you not stop, but you went to other venues to spread your filth and lies. You are one sick woman, and i will be watching from now on! Anything you post that is evil, either about Chip or others, I will copy and paste it to RR. Seems to me that you would finally realize that if it hurts to do that - then don't do it!! Believe me, I am the most tenacious woman you have ever met. You should really stop posting. I will stop then, too.


Los Angeles,

#151Author of original report

Sun, December 28, 2008

Anyone reading this . . . here is how Chip operates, he twists the truth and edits things . . . BECAUSE he wants people to see his side ONLY not the real truth. Here ON HIS PERSONAL BLOG he claims I have sent him 36 emails TO MAKE IT APPEAR I AM STALKING HIM . . . not the truth which is . . . we had an email exchange back and forth. that started out very pleasant and I thought it would lead to ending this absurd stalking by Chip and his cohorts in crime. He also writes I have been receiving nasty comments . . I got a death threat while we were emailing each other and still he refuses to bend and just take down the blog and end this charade. Chip and his friends Tammy and Tanila have got to be the most depraved human beings I have ever come across in my life. Chip registered my legal birth name, sent people to his website with my name and then tried to sell me my own name for $3000 and he and his friends think that is perfectly ok. Thank God they are the only ones. At this point, I just really feel sorry for these people. To have sooooo much hate in your heart is poisonous. They have no idea the repurcussions that await their actions and endless cyberstalking. Chip claims I have stalked him all over the net for the last 5 years . . . yet there is no proof whatsoever that is true since I have not. Yet these people have been stalking me all over the net for the last two months. It is just unreal how not psychic Chip is . . . because he is destroying his own crediblity and he cannot see that. CHIP'S BLOG Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Since December 15, Beatrice has sent me 36 E-mails! A few of those E-mails included some nasty comments that she has received from folks who do not appreciate the way she has been behaving. I replied that I was sorry she was receiving those type of E-mails. She responded back, asking me to take down my blog here on Blogspot. This was my reply to her: As a gesture of good will, I will remove the blogs from Blogspot as long as we can both agree that the discord between us is over. Finis. Kaput. That means we end it. Completely. No more comments on message boards. No more blogs. No phone calls or letters to personal friends or business contacts. No more posting on Rip Off Report. NADA! It's beyond time for this to occur. Agree to this and it's done. She responded: I told you to do it on November 18th . . . I truly cannot say anything about what comes next . . . I truly can't. It is up to you, not me. I replied: Then our correspondence is over, Bea. You cannot ask something from me and offer nothing in return. Once again, I have "extended an olive branch" and tried to make peace with Beatrice, thus ending the discord that has gone on between us for several years. As you can clearly see, sadly, she refused my offer to end the conflict. Here is the entire Email exchange so you can see that in fact. . . it is I who is trying to talk sense into this poor man's heart and mind and still it does not work! From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:23 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice You are going to be loved and hated . . . focus on those that love you . . . and ignore the rest. ---------------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:33 PM To: bea Subject: Re: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice That's great advice, Bea. Thank you. And despite anything that has ever happened between us, I do hope that you have a Merry Christmas. -Chip- ------------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:44 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice Chip, I said it to you once before . . . maybe in spirit we agreed to do this. Just talk to your friends and let it go . . . I promise you I will too. I had one famous client who died and at his funeral . . . I spoke and I said on his behalf many things . . . and the last one was, And he wants me to tell his brothers . . . The war is over . . . Peace brothers! I did not know this but he and his brothers had been feuding for years. His name is Brion James. Look him up . . . you will recognize him. One girl who was crying . . . I went up to her and said, He doesn't want you to cry . . . he is with Lenny Bruce now. And she looked up at me and said, Oh my god . . . he LOVED Lenny Bruce. I did not know this but it turns out they were best friends. -------------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:15 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice And Chip . . . you ARE fun and you ARE entertaining . . . and I know why your friends do love you so much. Just do your thing and learn from this and move on . . . into light, love and laughter . . . you made me laugh all the time . . . so I know why your friends love you . . . I was one! ------------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:43 PM To: bea Subject: Re: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice Thank you for your kind words. Despite all that has happened between us, I never wished you any misfortune or wanted anything "bad" to happen to you. I'm sorry that things between us didn't turn out better than they have. So much hurt and upset has been inflicted upon both of us. It's truly sad. As I said recently to someone we both know: "We may never be friends, but that doesn't mean we have to be enemies, either." At this most Holy time of the year, I truly hope that you have a Merry Christmas. -CC- _______ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:09 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice I wish the same for you ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:11 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice And if this situation comes up and it will . . . I will say . . . we have made our peace . . . now everyone get a good night sleep. -----Original Message----- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:16 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject: FW: ..... This is what I have been dealing with -----Original Message----- From: bea -----Original Message----- From: Collin Nilsen Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:47 PM To: bea Subject: ..... i truely think you need to be bludgeoned to death You're honestly the most hipocritical c**t i've ever had the misfortune to come across. please please PLEASE Jump infront of a bus for all our sake. That blog isn't coming down and i truely hope you do end up killing yourself over it. Thanks, GetALifeFraud -------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:20 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: . I am sorry that you have been receiving those types of e-mails. Truly, I am. ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:22 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... Well then please take down your blog. ---------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:29 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: ..... As a gesture of good will, I will remove the blogs from Blogspot as long as we can both agree that the discord between us is over. Finis. Kaput. That means we end it. Completely. No more comments on message boards. No more blogs. No phone calls or letters to personal friends or business contacts. No more posting on Rip Off Report. NADA! It's beyond time for this to occur. Agree to this and it's done. ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:32 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... I told you to do it on November 18th . . . I truly cannot say anything about what comes next . . . I truly can't. It is up to you, not me. ----------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:34 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: ..... Then our correspondence is over, Bea. You cannot ask something from me and offer nothing in return. ------------ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:31 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: You prove without a doubt with this statement that All you care about is yourself . . . no one else. _________ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:38 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... You are too much . . . fine, let them continue . . . and whatever happens happens . . I have been killed before, many times . . because of hate like yours. Keep your blog up. I don't really care anymore. ---------- From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 5:22 AM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: It's gone too far And it is not just your blog . . . it is the Ripoff Reports posted by you and Tanila and they will not take them off. I have no choice now but to go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation because threats against my life are just ridiculous and this crosses state lines . . . and RR is worse than you. They even told you I wanted to kill myself. This is sick and you post it . . . and all because of lies posted by you Tanila and Tammy based on what . . . name calling . . . and then weeks and weeks of endless harassment and a hatred that knows no bounds. I honestly will never understand how much hatred you have and your friends are just like you. --------- From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:31 AM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: You realize it is too late to do anything now and I have to contact the FBI . . . and you could have ended this on November 18th . . . I have all the emails I sent to both you and Babs begging you to stop Tanila. You truly have through blind hatred . . . ruined your career on television no doubt. All you had to do was thank Tanila and Tammy for their support and told them to stop and they would have. It is unreal how much hate you have . . . just simply unreal. I asked you to work with me to have these posts removed from RR and the higher purpose for me is that this company needs to be investigated so there is no going back now . . . there is nothing but going to the FBI to investigate Rip off Report and no way to keep your and Tanila's name out of it as these threats against my life are a direct result of what you and she have posted. Next time you cast out a demon . . . do not use Jesus's name . . . you bring shame upon the gentle prince of peace with your endless hate. From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 3:39 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: Even on Christmas Eve . . .she doesn't stop. Tanila Alpharetta, Georgia U.S.A. Karen, this is why.. I have worked so hard to defend my friend, Chip. Beatrice is a ravening wolf! Her main goal in this life is to destroy Chip. When I first posted on Kelly Ryan's blog, it was because Kelly had made the statement that she had always been 100% accurate in all her readings. I called her on this, and up popped Beatrice. She got angry, and began calling me names, my husband names, Southerners names, and Tammy names. It has gone downhill from there. You now see what she is capable of. ------- Dec 24, 2008 5:15 PM Subject: HAHAHAA Body: soon they will all be out to get you. You will never see them coming. To bad you arent really what you say you are. Just remember what goes around comes around!!!! ------------ From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:18 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: More hate from your blog Leave Chip alone, you s**t f**ker. I JUST WANTED TO WRITE AND TELL YOU WHAT A DISGRACE YOU ARE AS A HUMAN BEING. TO ACCUSE SOMEONE OF BEING INTRESTED IN CHILDREN IS AS LOW AS YOU CAN GO. I BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE JEALOUS OF CHIP BECAUSE HE IS DOING SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO DO. HE HAS THE RESPECT YOU WISH YOU COULD HAVE.YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A GROWN WOMAN HOW ABOUT ACTING LIKE IT!!!!!!! Beatrice Marot So your the b***h who is hating on Chip you know what f**k YOU c**t!!! YOU SUCK! JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW MORE PEOPLE HATE YOU THEN LIKE YOU. SO FOR THOSE OF YOU READING THIS WHO HAVE A HEART as AS OF THIS POSTING . . . CHIP STILL HAS NOT TAKEN DOWN HIS BLOG . . . AND I NEVER ACCUSED HIM OF BEING A PEDOPHILE . . . I WROTE TO HIM AND SAID HOW WOULD HE LIKE IT IF I LIED ABOUT SOMETHING TERRIBLE LIKE THAT AND POSTED IT THE WAY HE LIED AND POSTED THAT I AM A HOMOPHOBE WHICH IS RIDICULOUS AND TOTALLY FALSE. TOO BAD CHIP AND HIS PITBULLS TAMMY AND TANILA . . . COULD NOT JUST WALK AWAY ON NOVEMBER 18TH WHEN KELLI RYAN'S BLOG WAS TAKEN DOWN. AND I TOLD HIM TO STOP THIS MADNESS ON THE 19TH OF NOVEMBER AND HE REFUSED. OH WELL . . .


Los Angeles,

#152Author of original report

Sun, December 28, 2008

Anyone reading this . . . here is how Chip operates, he twists the truth and edits things . . . BECAUSE he wants people to see his side ONLY not the real truth. Here ON HIS PERSONAL BLOG he claims I have sent him 36 emails TO MAKE IT APPEAR I AM STALKING HIM . . . not the truth which is . . . we had an email exchange back and forth. that started out very pleasant and I thought it would lead to ending this absurd stalking by Chip and his cohorts in crime. He also writes I have been receiving nasty comments . . I got a death threat while we were emailing each other and still he refuses to bend and just take down the blog and end this charade. Chip and his friends Tammy and Tanila have got to be the most depraved human beings I have ever come across in my life. Chip registered my legal birth name, sent people to his website with my name and then tried to sell me my own name for $3000 and he and his friends think that is perfectly ok. Thank God they are the only ones. At this point, I just really feel sorry for these people. To have sooooo much hate in your heart is poisonous. They have no idea the repurcussions that await their actions and endless cyberstalking. Chip claims I have stalked him all over the net for the last 5 years . . . yet there is no proof whatsoever that is true since I have not. Yet these people have been stalking me all over the net for the last two months. It is just unreal how not psychic Chip is . . . because he is destroying his own crediblity and he cannot see that. CHIP'S BLOG Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Since December 15, Beatrice has sent me 36 E-mails! A few of those E-mails included some nasty comments that she has received from folks who do not appreciate the way she has been behaving. I replied that I was sorry she was receiving those type of E-mails. She responded back, asking me to take down my blog here on Blogspot. This was my reply to her: As a gesture of good will, I will remove the blogs from Blogspot as long as we can both agree that the discord between us is over. Finis. Kaput. That means we end it. Completely. No more comments on message boards. No more blogs. No phone calls or letters to personal friends or business contacts. No more posting on Rip Off Report. NADA! It's beyond time for this to occur. Agree to this and it's done. She responded: I told you to do it on November 18th . . . I truly cannot say anything about what comes next . . . I truly can't. It is up to you, not me. I replied: Then our correspondence is over, Bea. You cannot ask something from me and offer nothing in return. Once again, I have "extended an olive branch" and tried to make peace with Beatrice, thus ending the discord that has gone on between us for several years. As you can clearly see, sadly, she refused my offer to end the conflict. Here is the entire Email exchange so you can see that in fact. . . it is I who is trying to talk sense into this poor man's heart and mind and still it does not work! From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:23 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice You are going to be loved and hated . . . focus on those that love you . . . and ignore the rest. ---------------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:33 PM To: bea Subject: Re: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice That's great advice, Bea. Thank you. And despite anything that has ever happened between us, I do hope that you have a Merry Christmas. -Chip- ------------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:44 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice Chip, I said it to you once before . . . maybe in spirit we agreed to do this. Just talk to your friends and let it go . . . I promise you I will too. I had one famous client who died and at his funeral . . . I spoke and I said on his behalf many things . . . and the last one was, And he wants me to tell his brothers . . . The war is over . . . Peace brothers! I did not know this but he and his brothers had been feuding for years. His name is Brion James. Look him up . . . you will recognize him. One girl who was crying . . . I went up to her and said, He doesn't want you to cry . . . he is with Lenny Bruce now. And she looked up at me and said, Oh my god . . . he LOVED Lenny Bruce. I did not know this but it turns out they were best friends. -------------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:15 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice And Chip . . . you ARE fun and you ARE entertaining . . . and I know why your friends do love you so much. Just do your thing and learn from this and move on . . . into light, love and laughter . . . you made me laugh all the time . . . so I know why your friends love you . . . I was one! ------------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:43 PM To: bea Subject: Re: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice Thank you for your kind words. Despite all that has happened between us, I never wished you any misfortune or wanted anything "bad" to happen to you. I'm sorry that things between us didn't turn out better than they have. So much hurt and upset has been inflicted upon both of us. It's truly sad. As I said recently to someone we both know: "We may never be friends, but that doesn't mean we have to be enemies, either." At this most Holy time of the year, I truly hope that you have a Merry Christmas. -CC- _______ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:09 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice I wish the same for you ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:11 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice And if this situation comes up and it will . . . I will say . . . we have made our peace . . . now everyone get a good night sleep. -----Original Message----- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:16 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject: FW: ..... This is what I have been dealing with -----Original Message----- From: bea -----Original Message----- From: Collin Nilsen Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:47 PM To: bea Subject: ..... i truely think you need to be bludgeoned to death You're honestly the most hipocritical c**t i've ever had the misfortune to come across. please please PLEASE Jump infront of a bus for all our sake. That blog isn't coming down and i truely hope you do end up killing yourself over it. Thanks, GetALifeFraud -------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:20 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: . I am sorry that you have been receiving those types of e-mails. Truly, I am. ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:22 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... Well then please take down your blog. ---------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:29 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: ..... As a gesture of good will, I will remove the blogs from Blogspot as long as we can both agree that the discord between us is over. Finis. Kaput. That means we end it. Completely. No more comments on message boards. No more blogs. No phone calls or letters to personal friends or business contacts. No more posting on Rip Off Report. NADA! It's beyond time for this to occur. Agree to this and it's done. ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:32 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... I told you to do it on November 18th . . . I truly cannot say anything about what comes next . . . I truly can't. It is up to you, not me. ----------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:34 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: ..... Then our correspondence is over, Bea. You cannot ask something from me and offer nothing in return. ------------ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:31 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: You prove without a doubt with this statement that All you care about is yourself . . . no one else. _________ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:38 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... You are too much . . . fine, let them continue . . . and whatever happens happens . . I have been killed before, many times . . because of hate like yours. Keep your blog up. I don't really care anymore. ---------- From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 5:22 AM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: It's gone too far And it is not just your blog . . . it is the Ripoff Reports posted by you and Tanila and they will not take them off. I have no choice now but to go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation because threats against my life are just ridiculous and this crosses state lines . . . and RR is worse than you. They even told you I wanted to kill myself. This is sick and you post it . . . and all because of lies posted by you Tanila and Tammy based on what . . . name calling . . . and then weeks and weeks of endless harassment and a hatred that knows no bounds. I honestly will never understand how much hatred you have and your friends are just like you. --------- From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:31 AM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: You realize it is too late to do anything now and I have to contact the FBI . . . and you could have ended this on November 18th . . . I have all the emails I sent to both you and Babs begging you to stop Tanila. You truly have through blind hatred . . . ruined your career on television no doubt. All you had to do was thank Tanila and Tammy for their support and told them to stop and they would have. It is unreal how much hate you have . . . just simply unreal. I asked you to work with me to have these posts removed from RR and the higher purpose for me is that this company needs to be investigated so there is no going back now . . . there is nothing but going to the FBI to investigate Rip off Report and no way to keep your and Tanila's name out of it as these threats against my life are a direct result of what you and she have posted. Next time you cast out a demon . . . do not use Jesus's name . . . you bring shame upon the gentle prince of peace with your endless hate. From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 3:39 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: Even on Christmas Eve . . .she doesn't stop. Tanila Alpharetta, Georgia U.S.A. Karen, this is why.. I have worked so hard to defend my friend, Chip. Beatrice is a ravening wolf! Her main goal in this life is to destroy Chip. When I first posted on Kelly Ryan's blog, it was because Kelly had made the statement that she had always been 100% accurate in all her readings. I called her on this, and up popped Beatrice. She got angry, and began calling me names, my husband names, Southerners names, and Tammy names. It has gone downhill from there. You now see what she is capable of. ------- Dec 24, 2008 5:15 PM Subject: HAHAHAA Body: soon they will all be out to get you. You will never see them coming. To bad you arent really what you say you are. Just remember what goes around comes around!!!! ------------ From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:18 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: More hate from your blog Leave Chip alone, you s**t f**ker. I JUST WANTED TO WRITE AND TELL YOU WHAT A DISGRACE YOU ARE AS A HUMAN BEING. TO ACCUSE SOMEONE OF BEING INTRESTED IN CHILDREN IS AS LOW AS YOU CAN GO. I BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE JEALOUS OF CHIP BECAUSE HE IS DOING SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO DO. HE HAS THE RESPECT YOU WISH YOU COULD HAVE.YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A GROWN WOMAN HOW ABOUT ACTING LIKE IT!!!!!!! Beatrice Marot So your the b***h who is hating on Chip you know what f**k YOU c**t!!! YOU SUCK! JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW MORE PEOPLE HATE YOU THEN LIKE YOU. SO FOR THOSE OF YOU READING THIS WHO HAVE A HEART as AS OF THIS POSTING . . . CHIP STILL HAS NOT TAKEN DOWN HIS BLOG . . . AND I NEVER ACCUSED HIM OF BEING A PEDOPHILE . . . I WROTE TO HIM AND SAID HOW WOULD HE LIKE IT IF I LIED ABOUT SOMETHING TERRIBLE LIKE THAT AND POSTED IT THE WAY HE LIED AND POSTED THAT I AM A HOMOPHOBE WHICH IS RIDICULOUS AND TOTALLY FALSE. TOO BAD CHIP AND HIS PITBULLS TAMMY AND TANILA . . . COULD NOT JUST WALK AWAY ON NOVEMBER 18TH WHEN KELLI RYAN'S BLOG WAS TAKEN DOWN. AND I TOLD HIM TO STOP THIS MADNESS ON THE 19TH OF NOVEMBER AND HE REFUSED. OH WELL . . .


Los Angeles,

#153Author of original report

Sun, December 28, 2008

Anyone reading this . . . here is how Chip operates, he twists the truth and edits things . . . BECAUSE he wants people to see his side ONLY not the real truth. Here ON HIS PERSONAL BLOG he claims I have sent him 36 emails TO MAKE IT APPEAR I AM STALKING HIM . . . not the truth which is . . . we had an email exchange back and forth. that started out very pleasant and I thought it would lead to ending this absurd stalking by Chip and his cohorts in crime. He also writes I have been receiving nasty comments . . I got a death threat while we were emailing each other and still he refuses to bend and just take down the blog and end this charade. Chip and his friends Tammy and Tanila have got to be the most depraved human beings I have ever come across in my life. Chip registered my legal birth name, sent people to his website with my name and then tried to sell me my own name for $3000 and he and his friends think that is perfectly ok. Thank God they are the only ones. At this point, I just really feel sorry for these people. To have sooooo much hate in your heart is poisonous. They have no idea the repurcussions that await their actions and endless cyberstalking. Chip claims I have stalked him all over the net for the last 5 years . . . yet there is no proof whatsoever that is true since I have not. Yet these people have been stalking me all over the net for the last two months. It is just unreal how not psychic Chip is . . . because he is destroying his own crediblity and he cannot see that. CHIP'S BLOG Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Since December 15, Beatrice has sent me 36 E-mails! A few of those E-mails included some nasty comments that she has received from folks who do not appreciate the way she has been behaving. I replied that I was sorry she was receiving those type of E-mails. She responded back, asking me to take down my blog here on Blogspot. This was my reply to her: As a gesture of good will, I will remove the blogs from Blogspot as long as we can both agree that the discord between us is over. Finis. Kaput. That means we end it. Completely. No more comments on message boards. No more blogs. No phone calls or letters to personal friends or business contacts. No more posting on Rip Off Report. NADA! It's beyond time for this to occur. Agree to this and it's done. She responded: I told you to do it on November 18th . . . I truly cannot say anything about what comes next . . . I truly can't. It is up to you, not me. I replied: Then our correspondence is over, Bea. You cannot ask something from me and offer nothing in return. Once again, I have "extended an olive branch" and tried to make peace with Beatrice, thus ending the discord that has gone on between us for several years. As you can clearly see, sadly, she refused my offer to end the conflict. Here is the entire Email exchange so you can see that in fact. . . it is I who is trying to talk sense into this poor man's heart and mind and still it does not work! From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:23 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice You are going to be loved and hated . . . focus on those that love you . . . and ignore the rest. ---------------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:33 PM To: bea Subject: Re: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice That's great advice, Bea. Thank you. And despite anything that has ever happened between us, I do hope that you have a Merry Christmas. -Chip- ------------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:44 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice Chip, I said it to you once before . . . maybe in spirit we agreed to do this. Just talk to your friends and let it go . . . I promise you I will too. I had one famous client who died and at his funeral . . . I spoke and I said on his behalf many things . . . and the last one was, And he wants me to tell his brothers . . . The war is over . . . Peace brothers! I did not know this but he and his brothers had been feuding for years. His name is Brion James. Look him up . . . you will recognize him. One girl who was crying . . . I went up to her and said, He doesn't want you to cry . . . he is with Lenny Bruce now. And she looked up at me and said, Oh my god . . . he LOVED Lenny Bruce. I did not know this but it turns out they were best friends. -------------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:15 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice And Chip . . . you ARE fun and you ARE entertaining . . . and I know why your friends do love you so much. Just do your thing and learn from this and move on . . . into light, love and laughter . . . you made me laugh all the time . . . so I know why your friends love you . . . I was one! ------------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:43 PM To: bea Subject: Re: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice Thank you for your kind words. Despite all that has happened between us, I never wished you any misfortune or wanted anything "bad" to happen to you. I'm sorry that things between us didn't turn out better than they have. So much hurt and upset has been inflicted upon both of us. It's truly sad. As I said recently to someone we both know: "We may never be friends, but that doesn't mean we have to be enemies, either." At this most Holy time of the year, I truly hope that you have a Merry Christmas. -CC- _______ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:09 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice I wish the same for you ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:11 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice And if this situation comes up and it will . . . I will say . . . we have made our peace . . . now everyone get a good night sleep. -----Original Message----- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:16 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject: FW: ..... This is what I have been dealing with -----Original Message----- From: bea -----Original Message----- From: Collin Nilsen Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:47 PM To: bea Subject: ..... i truely think you need to be bludgeoned to death You're honestly the most hipocritical c**t i've ever had the misfortune to come across. please please PLEASE Jump infront of a bus for all our sake. That blog isn't coming down and i truely hope you do end up killing yourself over it. Thanks, GetALifeFraud -------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:20 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: . I am sorry that you have been receiving those types of e-mails. Truly, I am. ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:22 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... Well then please take down your blog. ---------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:29 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: ..... As a gesture of good will, I will remove the blogs from Blogspot as long as we can both agree that the discord between us is over. Finis. Kaput. That means we end it. Completely. No more comments on message boards. No more blogs. No phone calls or letters to personal friends or business contacts. No more posting on Rip Off Report. NADA! It's beyond time for this to occur. Agree to this and it's done. ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:32 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... I told you to do it on November 18th . . . I truly cannot say anything about what comes next . . . I truly can't. It is up to you, not me. ----------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:34 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: ..... Then our correspondence is over, Bea. You cannot ask something from me and offer nothing in return. ------------ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:31 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: You prove without a doubt with this statement that All you care about is yourself . . . no one else. _________ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:38 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... You are too much . . . fine, let them continue . . . and whatever happens happens . . I have been killed before, many times . . because of hate like yours. Keep your blog up. I don't really care anymore. ---------- From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 5:22 AM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: It's gone too far And it is not just your blog . . . it is the Ripoff Reports posted by you and Tanila and they will not take them off. I have no choice now but to go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation because threats against my life are just ridiculous and this crosses state lines . . . and RR is worse than you. They even told you I wanted to kill myself. This is sick and you post it . . . and all because of lies posted by you Tanila and Tammy based on what . . . name calling . . . and then weeks and weeks of endless harassment and a hatred that knows no bounds. I honestly will never understand how much hatred you have and your friends are just like you. --------- From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:31 AM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: You realize it is too late to do anything now and I have to contact the FBI . . . and you could have ended this on November 18th . . . I have all the emails I sent to both you and Babs begging you to stop Tanila. You truly have through blind hatred . . . ruined your career on television no doubt. All you had to do was thank Tanila and Tammy for their support and told them to stop and they would have. It is unreal how much hate you have . . . just simply unreal. I asked you to work with me to have these posts removed from RR and the higher purpose for me is that this company needs to be investigated so there is no going back now . . . there is nothing but going to the FBI to investigate Rip off Report and no way to keep your and Tanila's name out of it as these threats against my life are a direct result of what you and she have posted. Next time you cast out a demon . . . do not use Jesus's name . . . you bring shame upon the gentle prince of peace with your endless hate. From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 3:39 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: Even on Christmas Eve . . .she doesn't stop. Tanila Alpharetta, Georgia U.S.A. Karen, this is why.. I have worked so hard to defend my friend, Chip. Beatrice is a ravening wolf! Her main goal in this life is to destroy Chip. When I first posted on Kelly Ryan's blog, it was because Kelly had made the statement that she had always been 100% accurate in all her readings. I called her on this, and up popped Beatrice. She got angry, and began calling me names, my husband names, Southerners names, and Tammy names. It has gone downhill from there. You now see what she is capable of. ------- Dec 24, 2008 5:15 PM Subject: HAHAHAA Body: soon they will all be out to get you. You will never see them coming. To bad you arent really what you say you are. Just remember what goes around comes around!!!! ------------ From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:18 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: More hate from your blog Leave Chip alone, you s**t f**ker. I JUST WANTED TO WRITE AND TELL YOU WHAT A DISGRACE YOU ARE AS A HUMAN BEING. TO ACCUSE SOMEONE OF BEING INTRESTED IN CHILDREN IS AS LOW AS YOU CAN GO. I BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE JEALOUS OF CHIP BECAUSE HE IS DOING SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO DO. HE HAS THE RESPECT YOU WISH YOU COULD HAVE.YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A GROWN WOMAN HOW ABOUT ACTING LIKE IT!!!!!!! Beatrice Marot So your the b***h who is hating on Chip you know what f**k YOU c**t!!! YOU SUCK! JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW MORE PEOPLE HATE YOU THEN LIKE YOU. SO FOR THOSE OF YOU READING THIS WHO HAVE A HEART as AS OF THIS POSTING . . . CHIP STILL HAS NOT TAKEN DOWN HIS BLOG . . . AND I NEVER ACCUSED HIM OF BEING A PEDOPHILE . . . I WROTE TO HIM AND SAID HOW WOULD HE LIKE IT IF I LIED ABOUT SOMETHING TERRIBLE LIKE THAT AND POSTED IT THE WAY HE LIED AND POSTED THAT I AM A HOMOPHOBE WHICH IS RIDICULOUS AND TOTALLY FALSE. TOO BAD CHIP AND HIS PITBULLS TAMMY AND TANILA . . . COULD NOT JUST WALK AWAY ON NOVEMBER 18TH WHEN KELLI RYAN'S BLOG WAS TAKEN DOWN. AND I TOLD HIM TO STOP THIS MADNESS ON THE 19TH OF NOVEMBER AND HE REFUSED. OH WELL . . .


Los Angeles,

#154Author of original report

Sun, December 28, 2008

Anyone reading this . . . here is how Chip operates, he twists the truth and edits things . . . BECAUSE he wants people to see his side ONLY not the real truth. Here ON HIS PERSONAL BLOG he claims I have sent him 36 emails TO MAKE IT APPEAR I AM STALKING HIM . . . not the truth which is . . . we had an email exchange back and forth. that started out very pleasant and I thought it would lead to ending this absurd stalking by Chip and his cohorts in crime. He also writes I have been receiving nasty comments . . I got a death threat while we were emailing each other and still he refuses to bend and just take down the blog and end this charade. Chip and his friends Tammy and Tanila have got to be the most depraved human beings I have ever come across in my life. Chip registered my legal birth name, sent people to his website with my name and then tried to sell me my own name for $3000 and he and his friends think that is perfectly ok. Thank God they are the only ones. At this point, I just really feel sorry for these people. To have sooooo much hate in your heart is poisonous. They have no idea the repurcussions that await their actions and endless cyberstalking. Chip claims I have stalked him all over the net for the last 5 years . . . yet there is no proof whatsoever that is true since I have not. Yet these people have been stalking me all over the net for the last two months. It is just unreal how not psychic Chip is . . . because he is destroying his own crediblity and he cannot see that. CHIP'S BLOG Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Since December 15, Beatrice has sent me 36 E-mails! A few of those E-mails included some nasty comments that she has received from folks who do not appreciate the way she has been behaving. I replied that I was sorry she was receiving those type of E-mails. She responded back, asking me to take down my blog here on Blogspot. This was my reply to her: As a gesture of good will, I will remove the blogs from Blogspot as long as we can both agree that the discord between us is over. Finis. Kaput. That means we end it. Completely. No more comments on message boards. No more blogs. No phone calls or letters to personal friends or business contacts. No more posting on Rip Off Report. NADA! It's beyond time for this to occur. Agree to this and it's done. She responded: I told you to do it on November 18th . . . I truly cannot say anything about what comes next . . . I truly can't. It is up to you, not me. I replied: Then our correspondence is over, Bea. You cannot ask something from me and offer nothing in return. Once again, I have "extended an olive branch" and tried to make peace with Beatrice, thus ending the discord that has gone on between us for several years. As you can clearly see, sadly, she refused my offer to end the conflict. Here is the entire Email exchange so you can see that in fact. . . it is I who is trying to talk sense into this poor man's heart and mind and still it does not work! From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:23 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice You are going to be loved and hated . . . focus on those that love you . . . and ignore the rest. ---------------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:33 PM To: bea Subject: Re: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice That's great advice, Bea. Thank you. And despite anything that has ever happened between us, I do hope that you have a Merry Christmas. -Chip- ------------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:44 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice Chip, I said it to you once before . . . maybe in spirit we agreed to do this. Just talk to your friends and let it go . . . I promise you I will too. I had one famous client who died and at his funeral . . . I spoke and I said on his behalf many things . . . and the last one was, And he wants me to tell his brothers . . . The war is over . . . Peace brothers! I did not know this but he and his brothers had been feuding for years. His name is Brion James. Look him up . . . you will recognize him. One girl who was crying . . . I went up to her and said, He doesn't want you to cry . . . he is with Lenny Bruce now. And she looked up at me and said, Oh my god . . . he LOVED Lenny Bruce. I did not know this but it turns out they were best friends. -------------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:15 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice And Chip . . . you ARE fun and you ARE entertaining . . . and I know why your friends do love you so much. Just do your thing and learn from this and move on . . . into light, love and laughter . . . you made me laugh all the time . . . so I know why your friends love you . . . I was one! ------------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:43 PM To: bea Subject: Re: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice Thank you for your kind words. Despite all that has happened between us, I never wished you any misfortune or wanted anything "bad" to happen to you. I'm sorry that things between us didn't turn out better than they have. So much hurt and upset has been inflicted upon both of us. It's truly sad. As I said recently to someone we both know: "We may never be friends, but that doesn't mean we have to be enemies, either." At this most Holy time of the year, I truly hope that you have a Merry Christmas. -CC- _______ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:09 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice I wish the same for you ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:11 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: And allow me to give you some real spiritual advice And if this situation comes up and it will . . . I will say . . . we have made our peace . . . now everyone get a good night sleep. -----Original Message----- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:16 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject: FW: ..... This is what I have been dealing with -----Original Message----- From: bea -----Original Message----- From: Collin Nilsen Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:47 PM To: bea Subject: ..... i truely think you need to be bludgeoned to death You're honestly the most hipocritical c**t i've ever had the misfortune to come across. please please PLEASE Jump infront of a bus for all our sake. That blog isn't coming down and i truely hope you do end up killing yourself over it. Thanks, GetALifeFraud -------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:20 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: . I am sorry that you have been receiving those types of e-mails. Truly, I am. ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:22 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... Well then please take down your blog. ---------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:29 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: ..... As a gesture of good will, I will remove the blogs from Blogspot as long as we can both agree that the discord between us is over. Finis. Kaput. That means we end it. Completely. No more comments on message boards. No more blogs. No phone calls or letters to personal friends or business contacts. No more posting on Rip Off Report. NADA! It's beyond time for this to occur. Agree to this and it's done. ----------- From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:32 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... I told you to do it on November 18th . . . I truly cannot say anything about what comes next . . . I truly can't. It is up to you, not me. ----------- From: ChipCoffey Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:34 PM To: bea Subject: Re: FW: ..... Then our correspondence is over, Bea. You cannot ask something from me and offer nothing in return. ------------ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:31 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: You prove without a doubt with this statement that All you care about is yourself . . . no one else. _________ From: bea Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:38 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: RE: FW: ..... You are too much . . . fine, let them continue . . . and whatever happens happens . . I have been killed before, many times . . because of hate like yours. Keep your blog up. I don't really care anymore. ---------- From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 5:22 AM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: It's gone too far And it is not just your blog . . . it is the Ripoff Reports posted by you and Tanila and they will not take them off. I have no choice now but to go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation because threats against my life are just ridiculous and this crosses state lines . . . and RR is worse than you. They even told you I wanted to kill myself. This is sick and you post it . . . and all because of lies posted by you Tanila and Tammy based on what . . . name calling . . . and then weeks and weeks of endless harassment and a hatred that knows no bounds. I honestly will never understand how much hatred you have and your friends are just like you. --------- From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:31 AM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: You realize it is too late to do anything now and I have to contact the FBI . . . and you could have ended this on November 18th . . . I have all the emails I sent to both you and Babs begging you to stop Tanila. You truly have through blind hatred . . . ruined your career on television no doubt. All you had to do was thank Tanila and Tammy for their support and told them to stop and they would have. It is unreal how much hate you have . . . just simply unreal. I asked you to work with me to have these posts removed from RR and the higher purpose for me is that this company needs to be investigated so there is no going back now . . . there is nothing but going to the FBI to investigate Rip off Report and no way to keep your and Tanila's name out of it as these threats against my life are a direct result of what you and she have posted. Next time you cast out a demon . . . do not use Jesus's name . . . you bring shame upon the gentle prince of peace with your endless hate. From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 3:39 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: Even on Christmas Eve . . .she doesn't stop. Tanila Alpharetta, Georgia U.S.A. Karen, this is why.. I have worked so hard to defend my friend, Chip. Beatrice is a ravening wolf! Her main goal in this life is to destroy Chip. When I first posted on Kelly Ryan's blog, it was because Kelly had made the statement that she had always been 100% accurate in all her readings. I called her on this, and up popped Beatrice. She got angry, and began calling me names, my husband names, Southerners names, and Tammy names. It has gone downhill from there. You now see what she is capable of. ------- Dec 24, 2008 5:15 PM Subject: HAHAHAA Body: soon they will all be out to get you. You will never see them coming. To bad you arent really what you say you are. Just remember what goes around comes around!!!! ------------ From: bea Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:18 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: More hate from your blog Leave Chip alone, you s**t f**ker. I JUST WANTED TO WRITE AND TELL YOU WHAT A DISGRACE YOU ARE AS A HUMAN BEING. TO ACCUSE SOMEONE OF BEING INTRESTED IN CHILDREN IS AS LOW AS YOU CAN GO. I BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE JEALOUS OF CHIP BECAUSE HE IS DOING SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO DO. HE HAS THE RESPECT YOU WISH YOU COULD HAVE.YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A GROWN WOMAN HOW ABOUT ACTING LIKE IT!!!!!!! Beatrice Marot So your the b***h who is hating on Chip you know what f**k YOU c**t!!! YOU SUCK! JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW MORE PEOPLE HATE YOU THEN LIKE YOU. SO FOR THOSE OF YOU READING THIS WHO HAVE A HEART as AS OF THIS POSTING . . . CHIP STILL HAS NOT TAKEN DOWN HIS BLOG . . . AND I NEVER ACCUSED HIM OF BEING A PEDOPHILE . . . I WROTE TO HIM AND SAID HOW WOULD HE LIKE IT IF I LIED ABOUT SOMETHING TERRIBLE LIKE THAT AND POSTED IT THE WAY HE LIED AND POSTED THAT I AM A HOMOPHOBE WHICH IS RIDICULOUS AND TOTALLY FALSE. TOO BAD CHIP AND HIS PITBULLS TAMMY AND TANILA . . . COULD NOT JUST WALK AWAY ON NOVEMBER 18TH WHEN KELLI RYAN'S BLOG WAS TAKEN DOWN. AND I TOLD HIM TO STOP THIS MADNESS ON THE 19TH OF NOVEMBER AND HE REFUSED. OH WELL . . .



#155Consumer Comment

Sun, December 28, 2008




#156Consumer Comment

Sat, December 27, 2008

because Beatrice made a statement that she didn't go all over the internet blasting Chip. She said for Chip to prove it if she did. I am proving it. And I will continue as long as she doesn. I have told her in many posts, when she has begged me to stop, that I would stop the minute she did. She never stops.


Los Angeles,

#157Author of original report

Sat, December 27, 2008

The following is feedback from my phone clients. I am so happy to work with you again. I am facing an exciting time with my business. You have given me much valuable information and proved to be so right in the advice you gave me. You are a brilliant guide. Thank you for your help. It was such a powerful reading! I didn't want to miss anything you said. I was trying to write so fast that day I may not have captured everything you were telling me. I will get a recorder next time! Thank you...I appreciate you doing my birth chart. I was amazed by the amount of accuracy you had telling me about my past. I also appreciate your encouragement for the future. I'll be in touch again with an update and thanks so very much for your caring and patience. What can I say??? Beatrice is an expert reader whom I find loving, caring and very sensitive to her client's needs. She has only ever been very accurate in her readings for me while continuing to be very loving and nurturing at the same time. Please give her a call....it will be well worth the effort!!! Bea is ALWAYS in tune with every situation, especially career in my case. Bea, you helped me immensely during a difficult challenge and helped strengthen me to meet the challenge head-on. Thanks again!! Thanks too to Merlin! I love talking with you. You are always upfront, honest, and caring. Much love to you. A. Thank you Beatrice for the incredible advice! I loved my reading with you!! Great to hear some feedback on my situation. Thanks for putting a smile on my face. She came highly recommended and after talking w/ her I can see why. She was very quick to pick up my situation... Sharp, accurate - definitely reads the energy well and is too the point!! Very much appreciate the kind words and support too in a time where I could use it. Thanks & much love... :) This was my first call to Beatrice and she was very friendly, very honest, and provided me with information that i did need to know.. I will definitely be calling back !!! Thank you so much for the awesome reading!! I am really excited and cannot wait for all the wonderful things to happen!! You truly made my day/night!! Thanks again!! Rated A+A+A+ Beatrice is an amazing woman and an incredible psychic. Her kindness, compassion, and stunning accuracy deserve a million stars. I would definitely recommend a reading! Beatrice is very special. Besides being positive, uplifting and really funny, Beatrice knew things about me and my gifts that very few psychics picked up on. She's real accurate about my situations, honest but with compassion. Beatrice is one of the best and deserves 5 stars plus!!!! Call her!!!! Having a reading with Bea WILL be an unforgettable, empowering, inspiring, experience. Bea is accurate, humorous, warm, and so talented! I had chills when she gave me my reading, it is truly wonderful talking to her, it's like talking with an old friend who really knows you! With her insights, I have been guided to make life changes, and only positive things came from the reading, I really suggest having a long reading like I did. Bea you are phenomenal, you are truly an amazing being and a Goddess! xoxoxoxo Thanks again! Bea has given me a gift that will stay with me for this physical life and will also carry on until I get to the next existence. Blessings to all who are fortunate enough to come into her presence. I've had several readings from Bea in the last couple of years and it's like talking to an old friend. If you haven't gotten a reading from her and you're thinking about it - do it today! I originally found her on Myspace and haven't gone to anyone else since then. She won't tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. I've recommended other friends and will continue to get readings from her in the future! Thanks again Bea!


Los Angeles,
Karen . . . piss off and Tanila Thank you!!

#158Author of original report

Sat, December 27, 2008

Have you heard of copyright infringement? You did not have my permission to repost my blog. These laws apply to blogs. Ask Kirby. However, do not worry . . . you did me a favor . . . not Chip though! You really blew it for him as you have been opening your big ugly mouth spewing hatred all over the web. Like attracts like and now you have Karen another hypocrite just like you to go and make a fool out of yourselves with. Your Christian Charity, Compassion, Forgiveness and Kindness . . . etc . . . are just truly awe inspiring! And Karen, Chip apologized on a radio show one time and then immediately sent me a threatening letter he was going to sue me right after the show. Get your facts straight demonslut! Yes, Tanila, I was a make-up artist for 7 years and I have been reading for 19. Chip was and is an actor and he was in the Travel business until it tanked after 9/11 and then he became a phone psychic on Keen in 2001. Anything else?


North Carolina,
Just When You Thought It Was Over

#159Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 27, 2008

Just when you thought that there would be no more posting about chip coffey it went right out the window. Just when you thought that beatrice was not going to post anymore in regard to chip like she said, she went and did it again. So now we are back to the harassing stalking persona. So in actuality it can't be let go and it is safe to say this man consumes her and haunts her everyday existence. That is very very sad. No disrespect but when is it time to realize that "you" may have a problem? When do you say to yourself ok I need to take a step back and get my head together. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Why live it like this? Why Beatrice can you not let this go? When do you say to yourself ok it happened and it hurt and I have to let it go? When do you say this has nothing to do with him but everything to do with me? When do you honestly say to yourself maybe "I" have a problem? Even if you have to admit it to yourself. Take a step back and stop beating yourself up for something that someone did to you. Chip has apologized on numerous occasions because he did tit for tat. He let it go and you should to. You can't hold on to it because all it is hurting is you, NOT him but you. Perhaps you should really let down your guard and get some help. It is ok to reach out to a specialist for help and in this case you need that. Can you not see that it is destroying who you are? If you cannot see that then you are forever lost. You have lost your soul. When that happens you become a empty shell. Give up this thread and heal yourself. Because no one will care about you but YOU!



#160Consumer Comment

Sat, December 27, 2008

http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20118808,00.html "September 24, 1990 Vol. 34 No. 12 Tough Guy Sean Penn Swipes a Maid Marian from Robin Hoodand Braces for First Fatherhood Their viewfinders locked last fall when Penn, 30, and Wright, 24, were cast as an undercover cop and his old flame in Grace (see review, page 11) On the Grace set, "there was that unspoken attraction between them." says Beatrice Marot, a makeup artist who has known Wright since they were girls in Los Angeles." It says nothing about her being a psychic!



#161Consumer Comment

Sat, December 27, 2008

LIVE IN LIGHT AND TRUTH AND YOUR WORLD WILL BE MAGICAL! My multidemensional reality!! A hard lesson for me! One day in 2003 my spirit guide Merlin asked me to stop reading for one of my famous clients because he never listened to anything and usually did the exact opposite of what was advised. He just really loved to hear me channel the wisdom of Merlin. So, I regretfully told him I could no longer read for him then I heard Merlin say, 'Go to the Coffee Bean in Malibu and do three minute readings for free every weekend for a month.'So, each weekend for a month, I went to the Coffee Bean and did three minute readings for free. Then one day, I said out loud in frustration, 'OK Merlin, where you are, you don't have to pay rent but down here, I do and I need to make money and I need someone to help me market and promote my gifts!!!' I am really good at helping everyone but myself. One hour later, I got a call from John and he said, 'I accidentally came across your website Goddesscentral.com and I love psychics and I love to help them market and promote their gifts. 'Thank you, I was just asking for you an hour ago!' This is my angel John Williams whos sings like an angel and has the heart of an angel!' Have you heard of Keen?' 'No, I haven't.' John immediately set up a listing on Keen for me and I would pick up the phone and make money! And when I saw that for new customers on Keen . . . the first three minutes are free . . . I knew Merlin wanted me to do this. This is what working with spirit guides is all about! You listen to the guidance and it always serves a purpose. I had my listing under the category 'Voices From Beyond.' I only charged $1.00 per minute because I had never worked on a psychic line before and I wanted to be able to really connect with people. I was graciously befriended by the top advisor in that category Chip Coffey and we became good friends. He was always very kind, sweet and funny and we spoke quite a bit on the phone. So, what happened next was not only very surprising but extremely painful for me. After two years or so, as I came closer to surpassing him in rating points, Chip called me and congratulated me and said, 'Well, it looks like I am going to hand the crown over to you and you deserve it. You worked so hard. 'Thank you Chip!!' However, when it actually happened and I became number one in the category, he suddenly went from a sweet kind man to a monster. He immediately lowered his rate to $1.00 a minute which he had never done before so I called him and said, 'Is everything ok?' Chip said angrily, 'No everything is not ok, I am not going to let you take over the number one spot. I've been number one for all these years and I am not going to roll over and play dead. Arnold Schwarzenegger wouldn't roll over and play dead.' He was alluding to Arnold because I read for Arnold in June of 2000 and saw him becoming our Governor. Chip Coffey then began to recruit his friends to harass me. A good friend of his 'Goddess Dawn' who had always been friendly with me before all of a sudden would do things like change her name to Beatrick Merlot since her listing was right under mine. Other psychic friends of Chip's called me and purposely left negative feedback and they were all under Chip's 'Group' listing. If that wasn't enough, Chip Coffey actually called me to tell me he had purchased my legal birth name as two domain sites and when you put my name in the browser it would take you to his website eternal connections and he wanted $3000 to sell me my own name and . . . this was my friend of two years. We spoke on the phone all the time. He was so nice to me and then he turned on me like I was his sworn enemy. I am the one that ended up getting permanently removed from Keen because I sent polite professional emails to each of the psychics giving me negative feedback and that is against Keen policy. I kept writing and calling Erin at Play Fair and she just did not want to deal with it and I was taken off of Keen. My only crime . . . becoming number one on Voices From Beyond! My life was shattered and I never felt more betrayed in my life. As a friend, if he had told me how important it was to him to stay number one, I would have simply changed categories. That is what a real friend does! ________________________________________________ Here is the situation today . . . and again, please understand that nothing is ever what it seems and I was deeply wronged and betrayed by a friend and all he has to do is to tell the truth and all is forgiven. Instead of doing that Chip Coffey has a very good friend named Tanila Price and she has harrassed and stalked me all over the net and at home. Chip is feeding her information about me that she is posting everywhere on the web. When I saw Chip Coffey doing a show called 'Psychic Kids' that was it and the following took place and this my friends . . . is a great example of how Merlin and I work!!! He tells me what to do and I listen . . . always! The following post is from the original blog on myspace created by Kelli Ryan, another psychic who did an episode of Paranormal State and is exposing it as being fake and is calling Chip a fraud. Here I am trying to explain to Chip's best friend "Babs" on how my guides work. "Babs, let me inform you of something. When I get a hit it is like this. In July of '07, I got the hit, 'Look at Chip Coffey's mypace page.' 'Write to Jana (Chip's manager at the time) and warn her about Chip.' I do that. She tells Chip about it. She no longer reps him. I don't know why and I do not care. Next, 'Write a blog about what happened on Myspace!' Chip takes my personal blog and puts it up on his page and proceeds to take, 'the moral high road' by lying about everything that happened. In it, he divulges personal information about my famous clients and lies through his teeth. That was a year ago. Then out of the clear blue sky in August, I see a site called ripoffreport.com. And I get the hit from Merlin to . . . write about what happened with Chip and how he ripped off my names and tried to sell them back to me for $3000. Kelli Ryan's show also aired in August on Paranormal State. She EXPOSES CHIP AND WRITES A BLOG ON MYSPACE ON HALLOWEEN, but I would never have known about it if I had not written this post on RR. From that post on RR, perfect strangers, wrote posts . . . one guy named 'Kabol' wrote about Kelli's problem with Chip and a link to her blog on Myspace. That is how I found out about it. I look at Chip's blog bashing Kelli and her motives. I add myself as a friend to support her. Then another girl 'Swimgirl' on RR sent me a link to the blog of DD. No clue who the guy is, but loved the picture of Chip with horns on his blog. I post my silly Brady Bunch song on Kelli's blog. Hi Kelli,Thanks for the add. It was brought to my attention your experience with P.S. on a blog online.I have had my own nightmare with Chip Coffey so I totally feel you!! Just stay true to your heart! Paranormal State like all reality shows is staged, coached, scripted and about as real as Chip's friendship.Posted by Bea Real on Nov 13, 2008 6:12 PM. Bea Real Please sing to the tune of the Brady Bunch theme song. lol Here's the story of a lovely lady Who had a ghost and called Paranormal State And she soon realized that they were phony But it was just too late And now she and Chip Coffey are going at it And who knows how long it's gonna take And I hope she can prove beyond a doubt That Paranormal State is fake! Posted by Bea Real on Nov 14, 2008 9:42 AM Kelli emails me to thank me and tell me how much it made her happy and laugh because the Brady Bunch theme happens to be her favorite TV show song. Then I try to answer a question very politely and sincerely to a woman who is Chip's good friend Tanila Price. She does not really want an answer, she is goading Kelli for a fight. Tanila comes on my personal blog 'Angels in Da Hood' . . threatening she is going to contact d**k Clark Productions to find out if I really had an audition. I look at her myspace profile, she has Granny Clampett on the front page as a person she would like to meet. I could not believe it! I call her a hillbilly! A verbal war ensues. She is so relentless that finally I said, "Take your threats and stick them up your a** . . . and go bleep yourself and your two ton Gorilla. She is a really ugly fat granny that is only 58 and looks 75 and she has a huge black husband and that is why I called him a Gorilla . . . not because he is black! I deeply regret saying it since she has proven to be the absolute Poster Child or Poster Granny for Hillbilly Stereotypes and she is meanest most vile relentess cyber stalker emailing me constantly and Chip feeds her information to post on the net about me. And they let this guy work with kids. He should have stuck to demons and ghosts and I never would have said a word of our sordid past! Tanila posts on Ripoff Report calling me a racist and now the very painful word is there next to my name on Google. I tell Tanila that I will find her legal name and up posts "DD" mystery man . . . a man I have never met and his very first appearance on the thread he posts 'Tanila Price' and proceeds to give her street and phone number. He hates Paranormal State and clearly is not fond of Chip. He is my Knight coming out of the clear blue sky sent by my guides to help me. Then he writes to me . . . and after a few days he tells me that that Kabol is one of his friends but Kabol did not tell him he posted on RR. Neither one of these men know me until now and neither one knew I knew either one. Are you starting to get the picture? I just sat here at my computer and it all came to me . . . by my guides!! I don't hold grudges, I don't seek out to hurt Chip . . . I just listen and this is what happened . . . yet another drama of the Cosmic Circus of my life . . . directed by Merlin, Lenny Bruce and a few others. And my guides clearly do not like Chip Coffey for what he did to me . . because I was his friend and I loved him very much and would have been his number one fan had he not lost his mind and gone on a rampage. AND FINALLY JESUS HIMSELF GETS IN THE MIX!!! LOL I POSTED ON RR THE FOLLOWING TRUE STORY! I really have to end this lovely thread ... IT'S TIME! There is no more I can say . . . then I already have and I know with all my heart . . . that good things will come out of it. They always do in my world . . . I am going to leave you all with one last 100% TRUE STORY TO SHOW THE AMAZING SERENDIPITY THAT EXISTS WHEN YOU THE SPEAK THE TRUTH AND ALSO THAT JESUS KNOWS ME VERY WELL . . . AND HE LIKES ME! THAT IS ALL I ASK OF CHIP . . . IS THE TRUTH . . . AND THEN HE WILL BE BLESSED EVEN MORE THAN HE ALREADY IS . . . AND I WILL BE VERY HAPPY and I will be his friend again in spirit!! On one of my posts on Kelli's blog, THE VERY LAST THING I wrote was . . . THANK YOU TANILA, I FEEL LIKE I AM STARRING IN MY OWN EPISODE OF HEE HAW!! Then my doorbell rang . . . and I read for a brand new client named Vinda. She is an aspiring actress and long story short, I told her that she would really benefit from learning how to do guided visualization and I said, 'I don't have time to guide you on one today . . . but what I am going to do is to ask my guides to give me the perfect journey of someone else with a message you need to hear . . . so I took out my accordion file where I have hundreds of written journeys that I have guided people on and I randomly selected one titled 'Healing the Heart' dated December 14th, 1999! I will just read the last part where Melissa sees Jesus and this is what she saw in her heart and mind. This is 'lifting the veil' and it is so easy once you learn how. Now remember, I am reading this to an aspiring actress . . . Melissa's healing the heart journey . . . 'It is Jesus but what is he doing having a picnic with me.' He's holding my hands. He's laughing. He holds me like I am a baby and he's just rubbing the back of my head. There is a light coming and we look up at it. I ask him, 'Jesus, what would you like me to know before I go back?' Know that I am with you. I am always with you. You're going to be a star! You are a star, in my eyes, you are a star. Believe that your voice is beautiful. Know that your voice is beautiful. Yes, it is different, but people are going to love it. Your going to bless so many people with your song. Just let God work through you knowing that you will never fear. You will not be afraid of anything or anyone. No one can hurt you. One day at a time. Then I said aloud, "Ask Jesus if there is anything he would like me know." He says, "Keep doing what you're doing girl' He's shaking his head. He says, 'She doesn't even know. She doesn't know how rich how blessed she is. She thinks she knows but it's even more than she can possibly imagine.' He says, 'Thank you for bringing Melissa to me.' He says to me, 'Now go do what you need to do.' He just pushed my forehead. 'Now just do it.' He's going back up. I tell him, 'Good-bye, I will see you again soon.' He turns around and says, 'For sure.' and he blew me a kiss and he gives me the peace sign. It's like he's dancing as he goes up. I feel like the clouds just grabbed me and dropped me off. I see roosters and I'm just sitting there on my butt and I'm just laughing. It's like a television show. It's staged like a scene from HEE HAW!! THANKS JESUS . . . YOU DA MAN! I could not believe it . . . and I took Vinda to my computer and said, 'Look what I just wrote right before you showed up!' Open your hearts people . . . open your hearts. I have said MY WHOLE LIFE . . . that I am just here to help 'lift the veil' between worlds and recently someone told me that Apocalypse means 'lifting the veil' and I did not know that . . . like most people I thought it meant 'end of times' or 'the end of the world' but it means . . . "lifting the veil!" IT'S TIME . . .


North Carolina,
Just when you thought

#162Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 27, 2008

Just when you thought that there would be no more posting about chip coffey it went right out the window. Just when you thought that beatrice was not going to post anymore in regard to chip like she said, she went and did it again. So now we are back to the harassing stalking persona. So in actuality it can't be let go and it is safe to say this man consumes her and haunts her everyday existence. That is very very sad. No disrespect but when is it time to realize that "you" may have a problem? When do you say to yourself ok I need to take a step back and get my head together. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Why live it like this? Why Beatrice can you not let this go? When do you say to yourself ok it happened and it hurt and I have to let it go? When do you say this has nothing to do with him but everything to do with me? When do you honestly say to yourself maybe "I" have a problem? Even if you have to admit it to yourself and no one else. Take a step back and stop beating yourself up for something that someone did to you. Chip has apologized on numerous occasions because he did tit for tat. He let it go and you should too. You can't hold on to it because all its doing is hurting you, NOT him but you. Perhaps you should really let down your guard and get some help. It is ok to reach out to a specialist for help and in this case you need that. Can you not see that it is destroying who you are? If you cannot see that then you are forever lost. You have lost your soul. When that happens you become a empty shell. Give up this thread and heal yourself. Because no one will care about you but YOU!



#163Consumer Comment

Sat, December 27, 2008

Beatrice has started posting on blogspot. The title of her blog is The High Priestess of Hollywood. She starts the blog off with the same evil stuff about Chip. Here's the link http://thehighpriestessinhollywood.blogspot.com/2008/12/friday-december-05-2008-my.html Her site is moderated, so she won't let anyone post rebuttals. She's a coward as well as everything else.



#164Consumer Comment

Sat, December 27, 2008

Beatrice has started posting on blogspot. The title of her blog is The High Priestess of Hollywood. She starts the blog off with the same evil stuff about Chip. Here's the link http://thehighpriestessinhollywood.blogspot.com/2008/12/friday-december-05-2008-my.html Her site is moderated, so she won't let anyone post rebuttals. She's a coward as well as everything else.



#165Consumer Comment

Sat, December 27, 2008

Beatrice has started posting on blogspot. The title of her blog is The High Priestess of Hollywood. She starts the blog off with the same evil stuff about Chip. Here's the link http://thehighpriestessinhollywood.blogspot.com/2008/12/friday-december-05-2008-my.html Her site is moderated, so she won't let anyone post rebuttals. She's a coward as well as everything else.



#166Consumer Comment

Sat, December 27, 2008

Beatrice has started posting on blogspot. The title of her blog is The High Priestess of Hollywood. She starts the blog off with the same evil stuff about Chip. Here's the link http://thehighpriestessinhollywood.blogspot.com/2008/12/friday-december-05-2008-my.html Her site is moderated, so she won't let anyone post rebuttals. She's a coward as well as everything else.



#167Consumer Comment

Sat, December 27, 2008

Beatrice has started posting on blogspot. The title of her blog is The High Priestess of Hollywood. She starts the blog off with the same evil stuff about Chip. Here's the link http://thehighpriestessinhollywood.blogspot.com/2008/12/friday-december-05-2008-my.html Her site is moderated, so she won't let anyone post rebuttals. She's a coward as well as everything else.


Los Angeles,
Feisty-Bee . . . interesting name since my name is Bea

#168Author of original report

Fri, December 26, 2008

Ummmmm, saying on all the threads you visit . . . that you do "not know anyone" . . . then doubting that this is Chip Coffey posting and on the other thread you said, it is me posting under various names . . . lol . . . just shows that you are in fact a plant OR YOU ARE CHIP OR ONE OF CHIP'S FRIENDS. lol I posted an actual ripoff report in August stating in May/June of 2005 Chip Coffey ripped off my legal name as two domain sites and he then used it to send people to his website eternalconnections and he tried to sell them back to me for $3000. Now what kind of person does that? A sane one? I'm crazy . . . and yet Tanila Price and Chip Coffey have posted three RR reports about me . . . calling me a racist/homophobe . . . even though there is no rip off since I have never ripped anyone off in my life . . . but there it is. And now Chip Coffey has the "sanity" to put up a blog on blogspot claiming that I have said he is a pedophile! Now who is the crazy one? WOW Just google "Chip Coffey blog spot" and see for yourself. Yes, this is the real Chip Coffey posting. He loves being a drama queen! I have tried to leave this thread many times and that is always when the good bible thumping Christian Karen steps in with the most disgusting perverse statement. Just disgusting she is, but I am so over it, I cannot even tell you how boring and tedious this twits Tanila and Tammy and Co are. The living dead which is why they love to chase demons and ghosts so much. . . AFTER THIS, I AM DONE!!! I TRIED TO GET CHIP TO STOP PSYCHO HILLBILLY TANILA ON NOVEMBER 19TH! Tanila and your gang of hillbillies . . . knock yourselves out! I will let DD, Kabol, Ziggy Stardust and anyone who is not as emotionally sensitive as I am to take it from here!!! And I have a feeling that Chip is going to wish he had heeded by advice six weeks ago! From: bea Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 11:37 AM To: 'ChipCoffeY Subject: Chip, you have to be aware of something right away. Thanks to a friend of yours Tanila from Georgia . . . I now have to expose our situation in ways that I did not want to do. I wanted to leave it all on ripoffreport.com but because of Tanila's endless harassment of me on Kelli's blog . . . she leaves me no choice but to take it further. She accuses me of racism simply because I said that her husband was not 100% French due to his dark skin and now when you put my name in Google . . . it comes up with a blog she put on Ripoffreport trying to defend you and calling me a racist. You have a hell of a bizarre following Chip. She claims to be your very good friend and I told her that if she loved you that she should just stop posting. Now, you should read Kelli's blog in its entirety and stop this Tanila woman before she goes any further! Chip, you know I never did anything to hurt you EVER and you ruined my life and caused me so much pain because I thought you were my dear and sincere friend and you still refuse to own up to the absolute truth . . . you know the truth and you have to come clean or this will escalate and I will take Kirby Robinson's offer to take my story to his very large audience. I have so far declined but I warned this woman Tanila to stop and she just would not quit and now I have to go further than I ever wanted to. I am not a vindictive person but as I said . . . you left me no choice by lying about the truth of what happened between us Chip and don't deny it. You created this mess by registering my names when I did nothing but care about you and would have been so happy to share in your success. I made a promise to myself that I would just keep it on RR and now I have no choice but to take it further . . . and you will understand when you read what Tanila is writing on Kelli's blog in trying to defend you . . . she is making things a lot worse for you. Go to RR and put my name in the search and see what she wrote and I had know choice but to cut and paste our entire exchange because she does exactly what you do and that is take everything out of context and manipulating the truth. You should really tell her to stop for both our sakes . . . she is just a horrible human being.



#169Consumer Comment

Fri, December 26, 2008

From: Abigail Sent: Monday, November 12, 2008 8:12 PM To: Tanila Subject: Thank you so much! Thank you for contacting John for me. He was going to tell me where he had hidden all of his money before he was gunned down. I told him to stay away from that floozy in the red dress! What would I do without you?? From: Thomasina Sent: Friday, February 28, 2008 8:59 PM To: Tanila Subject: OMG girl!! My husband and I bought the chalet in Switzerland that you told us we should buy for the $50,000 we had saved from selling our chickens and eggs.. We turned around and sold it for $72,000.000! We would still be running the chicken farm in Georgia if it were not for you. These are as just as real as the letters that Bea posts! See how hard they are to make. I can send myself a note of recommendation from anyone I want. There wouldn't be a word of truth in any of them because I am not a psychic and have never done a reading for anyone in my life.



#170Consumer Comment

Fri, December 26, 2008

From: Abigail Dillinger Sent: Monday, November 12, 2008 8:12 PM To: Tanila Subject: Thank you so much! Thank you for contacting John for me. He was going to tell me where he had hidden all of his money before he was gunned down. I told him to stay away from that floozy in the red dress! What would I do without you?? From: Thomasina Burkette Sent: Friday, February 28, 2008 8:59 PM To: Tanila Subject: OMG girl!! My husband and I bought the chalet in Switzerland that you told us we should buy for the $50,000 we had saved from selling our chickens and eggs.. We turned around and sold it for $72,000.000! We would still be running the chicken farm in Georgia if it were not for you. These are as just as real as the letters that Bea posts! See how hard they are to make. I can send myself a note of recommendation from anyone I want. There wouldn't be a word of truth in any of them because I am not a psychic and have never done a reading for anyone in my life.


Did it occure to anyone

#171Consumer Comment

Fri, December 26, 2008

that maybe it isnt really Chip posting? it could be some loser with a lot of time on their hands like Beatrice. I dont know any of these people I just came across these posts and was baffled by the immaturity and by how crazy this woman is. Wow.


North Carolina,

#172Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 26, 2008

Tanilla YOU are THE BEST!!


Psychic Kids AETV Board

#173Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 26, 2008

It's no wonder this show wasn't picked up for more episodes. Here's a sample from the television networks own "Psychic Kids" message board. This show is garbage Bug Me Not Registered: 11/12/05 Aug 9, 2008 9:02 AM Watched this for a kick when nothing else was on... Let's see. Put a lot of kids together, feed the ego of one of them, and watch the peer pressure roll. Suddenly everyone has the same "feeling." I especially like how the adults have similar "sensations" that tie right into the kid's feelings. And I'm sure that Dr. Miller isn't pulling a fat paycheck from this... you know, since she is so interested in these poor children who have been "discriminated" against all their lives. Bah! I also loved how the needy mothers of these kids suddenly "understood" their children. How about teaching the parent's parenting skills so they can better relate to their children in the first place? I'm sure little "psychic" Billy or Better will be a better kid in school when the class bully pounds his head in for being a freak. Worse, the rest of the class will ostracize them and society will have another nut on the street. Way to encourage the nuts in the country, A&E. More garbage for the easily entertained. I fear for these kids RevDrDK Posts: 37 From: Breathing Vapors Registered: 7/22/08 Subscribe Ignore (1 of 73) I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 6:26 AM I think it is highly unethical for A&E to use these children for entertainment & ratings. There is a huge body of scientific study going back for more than a hundred years that shows all manner of "Psychic" activity to be bunk.Either well intentioned, deluded people or hucksters and fakes-like Yuri Geller or any number of television & print "Mediums". Check their predictions for the year on New Years Day & see what they got right. Have you noticed that almost all these kids are right around puberty? Do you remember what your puberty was like? Talk about turmoil. I don't mean to imply that any of these poor, fearful kids are psychotic, but if Dr. Lisa Miller would answer truthfully, she would admit that many cases of schizophrenia make their first appearance around this time. It is all wish fulfilment, kids. I see dead people. I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe. Just because people wish something is true does not make it so-& it's not a democratic process. Just because more people believe in something does not make it more likely to be true. The Shroud of Turin is a fake. People in America are vastly ignorant of the spiritual rampages in other countries & cultures. Hindu's see the face of Rama in a Choupati-many more believe this than those that see the Virgin Mary in a tortilla in a small Mexican village. Does that make Rama real? & what about Dr. Lisa Miller from Columbia? Big School. Big Whoop. Remember Dr. Mark Whatsisname from Harvard, who believed in the stories of his little family of Alien Abductees? Well, I remember Dr. Timothy Leary from Harvard and I believe that LSD exists.It can also make you see very strange, beautiful,frightening things. I know people who have had "Psychic" experiences under the influence of psychedelic drugs. Does that make them any less real than "normal" psychic experiences? I have met many Ph.D's who have very interesting views on the subjects of their studies. Believe me, I value education highly, but graduate school & tenure do not mean that you are playing with a stamped diploma. And while I am laxing into ad hominem attacks, doesn't "Medium Chip Coffey" sound like an ice cream flavour? It's nice that he tries to get our Kids to become friendly with the demons that torment them, but it's still a bit like trying to convince a 10 year old that the Tooth Fairy exists. These deluded or ill children need to learn that there is not a spirit world populated by dead people and malevolent entities. What's the quickest way to get shed of Satan? (a personal friend, I assure you). Get rid of god. I have panic attacks-I have had them since I was 14.During my first one I heard my mother (a wonderful, gentle, loving woman) coming down the hall.& I knew-I was absolutely certain that she was coming to kill me. Does that mean it was true? Of course not. I have had hundreds more panic attacks & when they get really bad they have a paranoid feature to them. I fear that some unknown group of men are coming to kill me. I have gone as far as to pile the bed and dresser against an unlockable bedroom door. I was absolutely positive that "they" were coming to "get"me. Did that make it so? No. Did I ever feel like a schmuck putting the bedroom back together before my girlfriend got home. Fortunately, after years of practice, I now know that I am just having a temporary brain storm & that no one is coming for me, even if I really, really feel certain that it is true. I propose to you that these kids "psychic" experiences are manifestations of disordered brain processes, lies or delusions. And they are not helped by anyone-parents, psychologists or avuncular "Psychics" by reinforcing their delusional thinking. What would you think of someone telling me that there were indeed men coming to kill me, but that if I just embraced them & headed towards the light that all would be well. & on a production note-what's with the Blaire Witch up-the-nostril-shots of the night vision "Diary Cams" ? scribey Posts: 1,647 From: Active Hotbeds of High Strangeness Registered: 12/18/07 Subscribe Ignore (2 of 73) Re: I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 9:25 AM Very nice rundown. Your thoughts are appreciated here. -- JenaFL Posts: 2,357 From: Daytona Bch FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (3 of 73) Re: I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 12:28 PM >>I think it is highly unethical for A&E to use these children for entertainment & ratings. > "that fear is what we have to teach them to manage!" (as he packs them off into scary dark bunk houses and attics)<< I wonder what the current professional consensus is on immersion therapy for children and/or is Dr. Lisa conducting experiments on these kids??? -- -you can't win an argument with an ignorant person... Sunny1 Posts: 1,173 Registered: 12/10/07 Subscribe Ignore (3 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 4:54 PM "I'm really sensing that you're afraid" Like it wasn't obvious by the look on her face! That might have made sense if Chip was blind. -- "People of humor are always in some degree people of genius." ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge bellaboo Posts: 3,538 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (4 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 6:03 PM heh: Although the show just started airing Monday, June 16, the message boards on A&E's Web site are already filled with comments, questions and a healthy dose of skepticism. http://www.acorn-online.com/joomla15/ind....article&id=3727:lisa-miller-predicts-show-will-help-psychic-kids&catid=55:weston-local&Itemid=112 -- Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Dr. Seuss Sunny1 Posts: 1,173 Registered: 12/10/07 Subscribe Ignore (5 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 6:35 PM "The greatest gift is to raise children with birds right outside the window." Yeah, I agree. That's better than raising them with demons outside the window. -- "People of humor are always in some degree people of genius." ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge bellaboo Posts: 3,538 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (6 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 10:23 PM oh dear. nubers and ubers must be off having their children FACE THEIR FEAR ON NATIONAL TV right about now..... or maybe not. -- Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Dr. Seuss


Psychic Kids AETV Board

#174Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 26, 2008

It's no wonder this show wasn't picked up for more episodes. Here's a sample from the television networks own "Psychic Kids" message board. This show is garbage Bug Me Not Registered: 11/12/05 Aug 9, 2008 9:02 AM Watched this for a kick when nothing else was on... Let's see. Put a lot of kids together, feed the ego of one of them, and watch the peer pressure roll. Suddenly everyone has the same "feeling." I especially like how the adults have similar "sensations" that tie right into the kid's feelings. And I'm sure that Dr. Miller isn't pulling a fat paycheck from this... you know, since she is so interested in these poor children who have been "discriminated" against all their lives. Bah! I also loved how the needy mothers of these kids suddenly "understood" their children. How about teaching the parent's parenting skills so they can better relate to their children in the first place? I'm sure little "psychic" Billy or Better will be a better kid in school when the class bully pounds his head in for being a freak. Worse, the rest of the class will ostracize them and society will have another nut on the street. Way to encourage the nuts in the country, A&E. More garbage for the easily entertained. I fear for these kids RevDrDK Posts: 37 From: Breathing Vapors Registered: 7/22/08 Subscribe Ignore (1 of 73) I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 6:26 AM I think it is highly unethical for A&E to use these children for entertainment & ratings. There is a huge body of scientific study going back for more than a hundred years that shows all manner of "Psychic" activity to be bunk.Either well intentioned, deluded people or hucksters and fakes-like Yuri Geller or any number of television & print "Mediums". Check their predictions for the year on New Years Day & see what they got right. Have you noticed that almost all these kids are right around puberty? Do you remember what your puberty was like? Talk about turmoil. I don't mean to imply that any of these poor, fearful kids are psychotic, but if Dr. Lisa Miller would answer truthfully, she would admit that many cases of schizophrenia make their first appearance around this time. It is all wish fulfilment, kids. I see dead people. I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe. Just because people wish something is true does not make it so-& it's not a democratic process. Just because more people believe in something does not make it more likely to be true. The Shroud of Turin is a fake. People in America are vastly ignorant of the spiritual rampages in other countries & cultures. Hindu's see the face of Rama in a Choupati-many more believe this than those that see the Virgin Mary in a tortilla in a small Mexican village. Does that make Rama real? & what about Dr. Lisa Miller from Columbia? Big School. Big Whoop. Remember Dr. Mark Whatsisname from Harvard, who believed in the stories of his little family of Alien Abductees? Well, I remember Dr. Timothy Leary from Harvard and I believe that LSD exists.It can also make you see very strange, beautiful,frightening things. I know people who have had "Psychic" experiences under the influence of psychedelic drugs. Does that make them any less real than "normal" psychic experiences? I have met many Ph.D's who have very interesting views on the subjects of their studies. Believe me, I value education highly, but graduate school & tenure do not mean that you are playing with a stamped diploma. And while I am laxing into ad hominem attacks, doesn't "Medium Chip Coffey" sound like an ice cream flavour? It's nice that he tries to get our Kids to become friendly with the demons that torment them, but it's still a bit like trying to convince a 10 year old that the Tooth Fairy exists. These deluded or ill children need to learn that there is not a spirit world populated by dead people and malevolent entities. What's the quickest way to get shed of Satan? (a personal friend, I assure you). Get rid of god. I have panic attacks-I have had them since I was 14.During my first one I heard my mother (a wonderful, gentle, loving woman) coming down the hall.& I knew-I was absolutely certain that she was coming to kill me. Does that mean it was true? Of course not. I have had hundreds more panic attacks & when they get really bad they have a paranoid feature to them. I fear that some unknown group of men are coming to kill me. I have gone as far as to pile the bed and dresser against an unlockable bedroom door. I was absolutely positive that "they" were coming to "get"me. Did that make it so? No. Did I ever feel like a schmuck putting the bedroom back together before my girlfriend got home. Fortunately, after years of practice, I now know that I am just having a temporary brain storm & that no one is coming for me, even if I really, really feel certain that it is true. I propose to you that these kids "psychic" experiences are manifestations of disordered brain processes, lies or delusions. And they are not helped by anyone-parents, psychologists or avuncular "Psychics" by reinforcing their delusional thinking. What would you think of someone telling me that there were indeed men coming to kill me, but that if I just embraced them & headed towards the light that all would be well. & on a production note-what's with the Blaire Witch up-the-nostril-shots of the night vision "Diary Cams" ? scribey Posts: 1,647 From: Active Hotbeds of High Strangeness Registered: 12/18/07 Subscribe Ignore (2 of 73) Re: I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 9:25 AM Very nice rundown. Your thoughts are appreciated here. -- JenaFL Posts: 2,357 From: Daytona Bch FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (3 of 73) Re: I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 12:28 PM >>I think it is highly unethical for A&E to use these children for entertainment & ratings. > "that fear is what we have to teach them to manage!" (as he packs them off into scary dark bunk houses and attics)<< I wonder what the current professional consensus is on immersion therapy for children and/or is Dr. Lisa conducting experiments on these kids??? -- -you can't win an argument with an ignorant person... Sunny1 Posts: 1,173 Registered: 12/10/07 Subscribe Ignore (3 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 4:54 PM "I'm really sensing that you're afraid" Like it wasn't obvious by the look on her face! That might have made sense if Chip was blind. -- "People of humor are always in some degree people of genius." ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge bellaboo Posts: 3,538 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (4 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 6:03 PM heh: Although the show just started airing Monday, June 16, the message boards on A&E's Web site are already filled with comments, questions and a healthy dose of skepticism. http://www.acorn-online.com/joomla15/ind....article&id=3727:lisa-miller-predicts-show-will-help-psychic-kids&catid=55:weston-local&Itemid=112 -- Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Dr. Seuss Sunny1 Posts: 1,173 Registered: 12/10/07 Subscribe Ignore (5 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 6:35 PM "The greatest gift is to raise children with birds right outside the window." Yeah, I agree. That's better than raising them with demons outside the window. -- "People of humor are always in some degree people of genius." ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge bellaboo Posts: 3,538 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (6 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 10:23 PM oh dear. nubers and ubers must be off having their children FACE THEIR FEAR ON NATIONAL TV right about now..... or maybe not. -- Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Dr. Seuss


Psychic Kids AETV Board

#175Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 26, 2008

It's no wonder this show wasn't picked up for more episodes. Here's a sample from the television networks own "Psychic Kids" message board. This show is garbage Bug Me Not Registered: 11/12/05 Aug 9, 2008 9:02 AM Watched this for a kick when nothing else was on... Let's see. Put a lot of kids together, feed the ego of one of them, and watch the peer pressure roll. Suddenly everyone has the same "feeling." I especially like how the adults have similar "sensations" that tie right into the kid's feelings. And I'm sure that Dr. Miller isn't pulling a fat paycheck from this... you know, since she is so interested in these poor children who have been "discriminated" against all their lives. Bah! I also loved how the needy mothers of these kids suddenly "understood" their children. How about teaching the parent's parenting skills so they can better relate to their children in the first place? I'm sure little "psychic" Billy or Better will be a better kid in school when the class bully pounds his head in for being a freak. Worse, the rest of the class will ostracize them and society will have another nut on the street. Way to encourage the nuts in the country, A&E. More garbage for the easily entertained. I fear for these kids RevDrDK Posts: 37 From: Breathing Vapors Registered: 7/22/08 Subscribe Ignore (1 of 73) I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 6:26 AM I think it is highly unethical for A&E to use these children for entertainment & ratings. There is a huge body of scientific study going back for more than a hundred years that shows all manner of "Psychic" activity to be bunk.Either well intentioned, deluded people or hucksters and fakes-like Yuri Geller or any number of television & print "Mediums". Check their predictions for the year on New Years Day & see what they got right. Have you noticed that almost all these kids are right around puberty? Do you remember what your puberty was like? Talk about turmoil. I don't mean to imply that any of these poor, fearful kids are psychotic, but if Dr. Lisa Miller would answer truthfully, she would admit that many cases of schizophrenia make their first appearance around this time. It is all wish fulfilment, kids. I see dead people. I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe. Just because people wish something is true does not make it so-& it's not a democratic process. Just because more people believe in something does not make it more likely to be true. The Shroud of Turin is a fake. People in America are vastly ignorant of the spiritual rampages in other countries & cultures. Hindu's see the face of Rama in a Choupati-many more believe this than those that see the Virgin Mary in a tortilla in a small Mexican village. Does that make Rama real? & what about Dr. Lisa Miller from Columbia? Big School. Big Whoop. Remember Dr. Mark Whatsisname from Harvard, who believed in the stories of his little family of Alien Abductees? Well, I remember Dr. Timothy Leary from Harvard and I believe that LSD exists.It can also make you see very strange, beautiful,frightening things. I know people who have had "Psychic" experiences under the influence of psychedelic drugs. Does that make them any less real than "normal" psychic experiences? I have met many Ph.D's who have very interesting views on the subjects of their studies. Believe me, I value education highly, but graduate school & tenure do not mean that you are playing with a stamped diploma. And while I am laxing into ad hominem attacks, doesn't "Medium Chip Coffey" sound like an ice cream flavour? It's nice that he tries to get our Kids to become friendly with the demons that torment them, but it's still a bit like trying to convince a 10 year old that the Tooth Fairy exists. These deluded or ill children need to learn that there is not a spirit world populated by dead people and malevolent entities. What's the quickest way to get shed of Satan? (a personal friend, I assure you). Get rid of god. I have panic attacks-I have had them since I was 14.During my first one I heard my mother (a wonderful, gentle, loving woman) coming down the hall.& I knew-I was absolutely certain that she was coming to kill me. Does that mean it was true? Of course not. I have had hundreds more panic attacks & when they get really bad they have a paranoid feature to them. I fear that some unknown group of men are coming to kill me. I have gone as far as to pile the bed and dresser against an unlockable bedroom door. I was absolutely positive that "they" were coming to "get"me. Did that make it so? No. Did I ever feel like a schmuck putting the bedroom back together before my girlfriend got home. Fortunately, after years of practice, I now know that I am just having a temporary brain storm & that no one is coming for me, even if I really, really feel certain that it is true. I propose to you that these kids "psychic" experiences are manifestations of disordered brain processes, lies or delusions. And they are not helped by anyone-parents, psychologists or avuncular "Psychics" by reinforcing their delusional thinking. What would you think of someone telling me that there were indeed men coming to kill me, but that if I just embraced them & headed towards the light that all would be well. & on a production note-what's with the Blaire Witch up-the-nostril-shots of the night vision "Diary Cams" ? scribey Posts: 1,647 From: Active Hotbeds of High Strangeness Registered: 12/18/07 Subscribe Ignore (2 of 73) Re: I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 9:25 AM Very nice rundown. Your thoughts are appreciated here. -- JenaFL Posts: 2,357 From: Daytona Bch FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (3 of 73) Re: I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 12:28 PM >>I think it is highly unethical for A&E to use these children for entertainment & ratings. > "that fear is what we have to teach them to manage!" (as he packs them off into scary dark bunk houses and attics)<< I wonder what the current professional consensus is on immersion therapy for children and/or is Dr. Lisa conducting experiments on these kids??? -- -you can't win an argument with an ignorant person... Sunny1 Posts: 1,173 Registered: 12/10/07 Subscribe Ignore (3 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 4:54 PM "I'm really sensing that you're afraid" Like it wasn't obvious by the look on her face! That might have made sense if Chip was blind. -- "People of humor are always in some degree people of genius." ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge bellaboo Posts: 3,538 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (4 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 6:03 PM heh: Although the show just started airing Monday, June 16, the message boards on A&E's Web site are already filled with comments, questions and a healthy dose of skepticism. http://www.acorn-online.com/joomla15/ind....article&id=3727:lisa-miller-predicts-show-will-help-psychic-kids&catid=55:weston-local&Itemid=112 -- Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Dr. Seuss Sunny1 Posts: 1,173 Registered: 12/10/07 Subscribe Ignore (5 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 6:35 PM "The greatest gift is to raise children with birds right outside the window." Yeah, I agree. That's better than raising them with demons outside the window. -- "People of humor are always in some degree people of genius." ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge bellaboo Posts: 3,538 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (6 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 10:23 PM oh dear. nubers and ubers must be off having their children FACE THEIR FEAR ON NATIONAL TV right about now..... or maybe not. -- Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Dr. Seuss


Psychic Kids AETV Board

#176Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 26, 2008

It's no wonder this show wasn't picked up for more episodes. Here's a sample from the television networks own "Psychic Kids" message board. This show is garbage Bug Me Not Registered: 11/12/05 Aug 9, 2008 9:02 AM Watched this for a kick when nothing else was on... Let's see. Put a lot of kids together, feed the ego of one of them, and watch the peer pressure roll. Suddenly everyone has the same "feeling." I especially like how the adults have similar "sensations" that tie right into the kid's feelings. And I'm sure that Dr. Miller isn't pulling a fat paycheck from this... you know, since she is so interested in these poor children who have been "discriminated" against all their lives. Bah! I also loved how the needy mothers of these kids suddenly "understood" their children. How about teaching the parent's parenting skills so they can better relate to their children in the first place? I'm sure little "psychic" Billy or Better will be a better kid in school when the class bully pounds his head in for being a freak. Worse, the rest of the class will ostracize them and society will have another nut on the street. Way to encourage the nuts in the country, A&E. More garbage for the easily entertained. I fear for these kids RevDrDK Posts: 37 From: Breathing Vapors Registered: 7/22/08 Subscribe Ignore (1 of 73) I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 6:26 AM I think it is highly unethical for A&E to use these children for entertainment & ratings. There is a huge body of scientific study going back for more than a hundred years that shows all manner of "Psychic" activity to be bunk.Either well intentioned, deluded people or hucksters and fakes-like Yuri Geller or any number of television & print "Mediums". Check their predictions for the year on New Years Day & see what they got right. Have you noticed that almost all these kids are right around puberty? Do you remember what your puberty was like? Talk about turmoil. I don't mean to imply that any of these poor, fearful kids are psychotic, but if Dr. Lisa Miller would answer truthfully, she would admit that many cases of schizophrenia make their first appearance around this time. It is all wish fulfilment, kids. I see dead people. I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe. Just because people wish something is true does not make it so-& it's not a democratic process. Just because more people believe in something does not make it more likely to be true. The Shroud of Turin is a fake. People in America are vastly ignorant of the spiritual rampages in other countries & cultures. Hindu's see the face of Rama in a Choupati-many more believe this than those that see the Virgin Mary in a tortilla in a small Mexican village. Does that make Rama real? & what about Dr. Lisa Miller from Columbia? Big School. Big Whoop. Remember Dr. Mark Whatsisname from Harvard, who believed in the stories of his little family of Alien Abductees? Well, I remember Dr. Timothy Leary from Harvard and I believe that LSD exists.It can also make you see very strange, beautiful,frightening things. I know people who have had "Psychic" experiences under the influence of psychedelic drugs. Does that make them any less real than "normal" psychic experiences? I have met many Ph.D's who have very interesting views on the subjects of their studies. Believe me, I value education highly, but graduate school & tenure do not mean that you are playing with a stamped diploma. And while I am laxing into ad hominem attacks, doesn't "Medium Chip Coffey" sound like an ice cream flavour? It's nice that he tries to get our Kids to become friendly with the demons that torment them, but it's still a bit like trying to convince a 10 year old that the Tooth Fairy exists. These deluded or ill children need to learn that there is not a spirit world populated by dead people and malevolent entities. What's the quickest way to get shed of Satan? (a personal friend, I assure you). Get rid of god. I have panic attacks-I have had them since I was 14.During my first one I heard my mother (a wonderful, gentle, loving woman) coming down the hall.& I knew-I was absolutely certain that she was coming to kill me. Does that mean it was true? Of course not. I have had hundreds more panic attacks & when they get really bad they have a paranoid feature to them. I fear that some unknown group of men are coming to kill me. I have gone as far as to pile the bed and dresser against an unlockable bedroom door. I was absolutely positive that "they" were coming to "get"me. Did that make it so? No. Did I ever feel like a schmuck putting the bedroom back together before my girlfriend got home. Fortunately, after years of practice, I now know that I am just having a temporary brain storm & that no one is coming for me, even if I really, really feel certain that it is true. I propose to you that these kids "psychic" experiences are manifestations of disordered brain processes, lies or delusions. And they are not helped by anyone-parents, psychologists or avuncular "Psychics" by reinforcing their delusional thinking. What would you think of someone telling me that there were indeed men coming to kill me, but that if I just embraced them & headed towards the light that all would be well. & on a production note-what's with the Blaire Witch up-the-nostril-shots of the night vision "Diary Cams" ? scribey Posts: 1,647 From: Active Hotbeds of High Strangeness Registered: 12/18/07 Subscribe Ignore (2 of 73) Re: I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 9:25 AM Very nice rundown. Your thoughts are appreciated here. -- JenaFL Posts: 2,357 From: Daytona Bch FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (3 of 73) Re: I fear for these kids Jul 23, 2008 12:28 PM >>I think it is highly unethical for A&E to use these children for entertainment & ratings. > "that fear is what we have to teach them to manage!" (as he packs them off into scary dark bunk houses and attics)<< I wonder what the current professional consensus is on immersion therapy for children and/or is Dr. Lisa conducting experiments on these kids??? -- -you can't win an argument with an ignorant person... Sunny1 Posts: 1,173 Registered: 12/10/07 Subscribe Ignore (3 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 4:54 PM "I'm really sensing that you're afraid" Like it wasn't obvious by the look on her face! That might have made sense if Chip was blind. -- "People of humor are always in some degree people of genius." ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge bellaboo Posts: 3,538 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (4 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 6:03 PM heh: Although the show just started airing Monday, June 16, the message boards on A&E's Web site are already filled with comments, questions and a healthy dose of skepticism. http://www.acorn-online.com/joomla15/ind....article&id=3727:lisa-miller-predicts-show-will-help-psychic-kids&catid=55:weston-local&Itemid=112 -- Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Dr. Seuss Sunny1 Posts: 1,173 Registered: 12/10/07 Subscribe Ignore (5 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 6:35 PM "The greatest gift is to raise children with birds right outside the window." Yeah, I agree. That's better than raising them with demons outside the window. -- "People of humor are always in some degree people of genius." ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge bellaboo Posts: 3,538 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 Subscribe Ignore (6 of 11) Re: FACE YOUR FEAR! Jun 25, 2008 10:23 PM oh dear. nubers and ubers must be off having their children FACE THEIR FEAR ON NATIONAL TV right about now..... or maybe not. -- Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Dr. Seuss


North Carolina,

#177Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 26, 2008

Yes a good idea instead of posting all the chip coffey stuff and portraying yourself as a harrassing stalking slanderer!!


North Carolina,

#178Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 26, 2008

Yes a good idea instead of posting all the chip coffey stuff and portraying yourself as a harrassing stalking slanderer!!


North Carolina,

#179Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 26, 2008

Yes a good idea instead of posting all the chip coffey stuff and portraying yourself as a harrassing stalking slanderer!!



#180Consumer Comment

Fri, December 26, 2008

is to post commercials about herself. She is now going to post only supposed emails she has received from thankful customers. Wonder if she will print the mean ones she gets as well? Beatrice, I had to break this shocking news to you, but being a Light Worker isn't proven by running self-promoting commercials that you could easily have written yourself! Here are some I have received. I will post mine each time Beatrice posts one of hers! From: Barack Obama Sent: Monday, November 5, 2008 8:12 PM To: Tanila Subject: You were so right! Thank you so much for advising me to run for the office of the President. I was undecided until your fabulous reading. You convinced me that I could win. Tanila, you have changed my life and I will never forget it. From: Major General Thomas Boyinton Sent: Monday, February 28, 2008 8:59 PM To: Tanila Subject: You were so right! The battle plan that you told me about in my phone reading was incredible. Your genius in channeling this plan from General George Patton saved hundreds, maybe even thousands of lives. I salute you. You are a true American hero! I have as many as Beatrice has!! The most amazing part??-- I am not psychic, and they are not true!!


Los Angeles,
Now, I have alot of these and this is what I am going to post from now on.

#181Author of original report

Fri, December 26, 2008

From: Thai Nguyen Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 8:59 PM To: bea Subject: You were so right! OMG B! We talked on Sunday afternoon round 4:30pm I'm gonna be featured on "Best of the Bay." They want to do a segment on me! It's CBS local station network! You said, my restaurant was gonna get more publicty and it is! They called and talked to my brother and they also sent me a email!


North Carolina,
No Problem

#182Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 26, 2008

You are welcome Tanila. Have A Nice Week and Wonderful Weekend.


Los Angeles,
Poor Tanila . . . My heart goes out to you

#183Author of original report

Fri, December 26, 2008

I was desperately trying to get some one to stop you from making a continual fool of yourself and ruining Chip's career in the process. That is all. But nothing absolutely nothing will stop you . . . so just keep going. You have a new ally. Bring Tammy over and continue you your "Let's Bash Bea" for Christmas party! Have fun! Enjoy. I am at peace now.


Thx, Karen

#184Consumer Comment

Fri, December 26, 2008

Chip is a good, kind, compassionate man. As busy as he is, he called to check on my elderly mom. He said that if I ever needed a break, if he is in town, he will gladly come and sit with her and let me have some my time. Ruthless dude, isn't he?? Beatrice has stalked him for years. Now she is sending me private emails telling me that she is getting hate mail and death threats. She says she is going to turn me in to the FBI, and that if she is killed, her blood will be on my hands. I told her that I had only posted her words!!! She is truly a piece of work. She wants everyone, as you said, to think of her as the victim, but she is vicious!! She has written my son, whom she has never met, trying to get him on her side - MY SON!!! He called me and told me that she is insane!! He finally told her exactly what his opinion of her is (and it's not very nice), and blocked her so she can't contact him any more. She even contacted my son's business manager!!! She called them repeatedly for several days. They seriously think she's a kook, and are planning to get a restraining order against her if she continues to contact them. They don't know me from Adam's house cat! Her name in Hollywood is being destroyed by her own actions, if it's not already.


North Carolina,

#185Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 26, 2008

Welcome to The Mental Health Helpline. Through our innovative techniques you can discreetly receive professional help from a licensed psychologist without ever leaving the comfort of your own home. We offer a variety of options to suite every individuals specific needs. Through email, online chat sessions, or phone consultations we are able to provide help, advice and address problems concerning everyday life. You can also visit our online store full of self help products, nutritional supplements, spa products, and audio products Mental Health Help Line Dot Com The Samaritans are a non-religious charity that have been offering emotional support to the suicidal and despairing for over 40 years by phone, visit and letter. Callers are guaranteed absolute confidentiality and retain the right to make their own decisions including the decision to end their life. The service is available via E-mail, run from Cheltenham, England, and can be reached from anywhere with Internet access. Trained volunteers read and reply to mail once a day, every day of the year. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone in suicidal crisis. Psych Central dot com


Los Angeles,
There is a thing called a time line . . . .

#186Author of original report

Thu, December 25, 2008

From: ChipCoffey Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 2:32 PM To: bea Subject: Re: You really are something else, feeding lies to Tanila and everyone you know See, there you go making assumptions again. You have never been on the set of PS and yet you KNOW that is is "scripted, coached and totally fake." Un-frickin-believable! I have lied about NOTHING, Bea. I'm sure we'll never agree on that issue. You believe that I owe you an apology. After the many times you have sought to damage ME, do you honestly think I'd ever again apologize to you????? The choice is this: you back off, I back off and let the past remain in the past. Otherwise, as I said, GAME ON! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AND THE ONE WHO IS ENTRUSTED WITH GUIDING CHILDREN POSTS . . . On 12-13 2008 BEATRICE MAROT - RACIST, HOMOPHOBE, DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER Racist - Homophobe - Defamation of Character Los Angeles Area, Burbank California The following day, I send him this email -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bea Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 8:27 AM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: Honestly . . . why would you ruin your own career like that I spent Thanksgiving with all my gay friends. All gay men and just me. I've healed three men who were at death's door with AIDS. You could not just tell the truth and say I'm sorry Bea. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On December 15th I wrote an email . . . not a post or a thread . . . a personal email. ________________________________________ From: bea Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 10:21 AM To: 'ChipCoffeY Subject: This is why you will burn in hell for being a lying scumbag It is interesting, also, to note that Beatrice has, in the past, openly bragged (most notably, on The Howard Stern Show) about the fact that she slept with actor, Robert De Niro ... even recounting, at one time, on her personal website, details of their sexual antics. (She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing.) I never did any such thing and this never happened She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing. You see this is the kind of lies you have no qualms saying that make you a despicable human being. Amazing that we were never friends yet . . . I would tell a perfect stranger all these personal things about my life. Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report? CHIP IN HIS CHRISTIAN KINDNESS . . . TOOK THE LAST STATEMENT OF THE EMAIL AND IMMEDIATELY POSTED A BLOG THAT I ACCUSE HIM OF BEING A PEDOPHILE ON MYSPACE! I POSTED WHAT I WROTE ON DECEMBER 18TH AS A POST ON RR . . . NOT A NEW THREAD. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CHIP AND I IS THAT I HAVE A HEART AND I NEVER LIE. CHIP THEN TRANSFERRED HIS BLOG TO BLOG SPOT ON DECEMBER 20TH FOR WHICH I HAVE BEEN GETTING DEATH THREATS AND HATE MAIL. AND HERE IT IS! WILL THIS WOMAN EVER STOP?!?!? Posted by Chip Coffey at 7:38 PM 3 comments Saturday, December 20, 2008 Now, I am PISSED! BLOG TRANSFERRED FROM MYSPACE December 20, 2008 - Saturday Okay ... NOW, I am PISSED! Current mood: disgusted Personally, I have had many allegations leveled against me. I have been called many nasty names, like fake, fraud, f*g. But recently, a heinous and repugnant threat was made against me by a woman named Beatrice Marot, a psychic in California who calls herself 'The High Priestess of Hollywood.' While I was on location in Kansas, taping an episode of Paranormal State, Miss Marot sent me several E-mails. Below, you will find a portion of one of those E-mails in which she makes a dangerous threat: Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report? Of course there is absolutely no truth to the accusation that Beatrice Marot has made. This woman has been attacking me for several years, all because of a silly spat we had a few years ago. I've known for quite sometime that Beatrice is psychologically unstable, but she has now proven herself to be a vile and wicked human being! Falsely accusing someone of being a sexual predator is defamation of character at its lowest form. Certainly not unlike a woman who falsely accuses a man of rape. Lies like these can ruin a person. It is beyond ridiculous that I would EVER have to address, much less deny, such allegations! It is pathetic and sickening! There is nothing in my past that would even begin to substantiate such accusations! An extensive and thorough background check was run on me before I was approved to appear on Psychic Kids and AT NO TIME, DURING THE ENTIRE PROCESS, IS A CAST OR CREW MEMBER EVER ALONE WITH A MINOR DURING THE TAPING OF ANY TELEVISION SHOW THAT I HAVE BEEN A PART OF. For many months, some folks within the paranormal community and viewers who dislike certain TV shows have used the Internet and various radio shows to attack others and spew venomous comments. I sincerely hope that all sane and rational people who read this blog will wisely realize that much of what is being written or said about others is assumption, accusation, half-truths and, often, outright lies. AND CHIP COFFEY YOU ARE THE KING OF "accusation, half-truths and, often, outright lies" YOU ARE THE MASTER OF MANIPULATING THE TRUTH. I REALLY THINK A DEMON CRAWLED UP YOUR A** AND SET UP HOUSE . . MAYBE PS CAN INVESTIGATE THAT! AND NOW CHIP WILL FILE A THREAD ON RIPOFF REPORT WHICH STATES . . . BEATRICE CLAIMS I FORNICATE WITH DEMONS. . .


Los Angeles,
And on this day was born . . . a man, a wise, kind, compassionate

#187Author of original report

Thu, December 25, 2008

beautiful man . . . who shared truth, love, healing and wisdom. He gave birth to a religion whose symbols began as the lamb and the fish . . . symbols of gentleness and abundance. Over 300 years later another man name Constantine was fighting a battle and saw the sign of the cross and was told, "Under this sign you shall conquer!" It was the sign of the cross and Constantine and the Pope came together and changed the symbol of Christ to one of persecution and execution. And this is how I feel today on Christmas day . . . and my death could be a result of this hate of those that read the Bible and yet . . . behave like this, twisting everything around to suit their agenda without truth or compassion. Merry Christmas!


North Carolina,
For Tanila............

#188Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 25, 2008

Tanila I see exactly what you're trying to say. I have watched this woman post her insanity and then try to portray herself as "the victim" and not bright enough to realize that she has gone from victim to perpertraitor. From the posts here chip coffey was not the only one she stalked and relentlessly harrassed. Several celebrities, chip coffey, keen, d**k clarke productions, and probably more. Anyone reading this post can clearly see who is the victim and who is the perpertraitor. Its very clear to see. No matter how much perfume she tries to spray on it, her actions and behavior still stinks like a funky skunk. I commend you Tanila for defending yourself and not backing down when they try to force you too. All is it is lynch mob mentality. Beatrice Marot is NO victim but on the boardline of becoming a criminal. Walking that fine line. I loved it when she back tracked the slander of mr coffey by calling him a pedophile. When he told her he was taking legal action against her for that she immediately tried to cover her butt. Tanila if you talk to mr coffey tell him there are people who want him to go through with what he said he was going to do and take legal action against her for the words she spoke. Harrassment and stalking is a criminal act punishable by imprisonment. Tell him to take action beTanila I see exactly what you're trying to say. I have watched this woman post her insanity and then try to portray herself as "the victim" and not bright enough to realize that she has gone from victim to perpertraitor. From the posts here chip coffey was not the only one she stalked and relentlessly harrassed. Several celebrities, chip coffey, keen, d**k clarke productions, and probably more. Anyone reading this post can clearly see who is the victim and who is the perpertraitor. Its very clear to see. No matter how much perfume she tries to spray on it, her actions and behavior still stinks like a funky skunk. I commend you Tanila for defending yourself and not backing down when they try to force you too. All is it is lynch mob mentality. Beatrice Marot is NO victim but on the boardline of becoming a criminal. Walking that fine line. I loved it when she back tracked the slander of mr coffey by calling him a pedophile. When he told her he was taking legal action against her for that she immediately tried to cover her butt. Tanila if you talk to mr coffey tell him there are people who want him to go through with what he said he was going to do and take legal action against her for the words she spoke. Harrassment and stalking is a criminal act punishable by imprisonment. Tell him to take action because she has been doing this for at least 4 years and there is a definite paper trail. He can prove that this is her M.O. due to her actions with others. Celebrities and d**k clarke productions. He has a good case and should act NOW! He has the proof and should use it. Ignore her posts to you and anyone else's. Just keep documenting her actions and pass it on. When they post to you do not respond to them. They are not worth it. all they are trying to do is take the spot light off of their actions. You are not the one out here slandering and harrassing mr. coffey all over the place THEY ARE. When they post to you do not respond to them. Let them own this all by themselves! Have a good day.


North Pole,
the internet and you

#189Consumer Comment

Wed, December 24, 2008

TANILA once again REITERATED: "Her main goal in this life is to destroy Chip. When I first posted on Kelly Ryan's blog, it was because Kelly had made the statement that she had always been 100% accurate in all her readings. I called her on this, and up popped Beatrice. She got angry, and began calling me names, my husband names, Southerners names, and Tammy names." karen just said bea's been "lynching and stalking" chip for four years. i dunno how old bea is, but unless she's about 6 or so i don't see her beef with chip being a "main goal in life". tanila, when you "called" kelly on her blog about her accuracy rate, did you "call" her on it and wait for a reply or did you (and tammy) simply go nuts on her blog? what was your motivation in "calling" kelly on her claim of 100% accuracy, (which i agree is a very stupid claim. no psychic anywhere can make ANY claims of accuracy with any honesty - but one REALLY shouldn't associate 'bu$ine$$' psychics with honesty.) were you motivated by a concern about a dishonest psychic who is scamming a lot of people? if so, i would have to back you on that. only, i don't think that was your motivation at all. as far as i recall, kelly was ONLY being attacked because she dared to speak out against PRS and chip coffey, your good pal. that was the only reason you were there, am i not correct? there seems to be a LOT of people being targeted for speaking out against the fakery of PRS and chip coffey. one can only hope the truth will out! as for name calling, like i told karen, welcome to the internet! maybe you'd be better off not "calling" people on things and sticking to your own circle of friends. the internet can be a particularly rough place for people who are overly worried about name calling. i don't know chip and i don't know beatrice and i don't know any of you, but i know what i watched on television in the form of "Paranormal State" and "Psychic Kids" and it was AWFUL! i'm just glad there are so many people online who have written such bad reviews about both shows and have started forums and blogs to denounce it. it shows that i'm in the majority and there IS hope for humanity in this sea of gullible sheeple who wander around aimlessly believing what they see on these paranormal shows and mindlessly sticking up for the shows' cast.

A Norn

Psychics are rip off artists

#190Consumer Comment

Wed, December 24, 2008

I don't know Bea or Chip COffey. I've seen Chip Coffey on TV and it was really stupid. I can't believe people fall for that stuff. I felt bad for the kids. I can't believe a parent would let someone put their kid on TV with a so-called psychic. I guess they can't sue because they probably signed up for it. Idiots. Maybe the kids will grow up and sue. I came here to Ripoff Report to look for a Tiffany Johnson who is getting sued. I found one but am not sure if it's the same as the one I read about. There are a lot of psychics getting sued these days. That's a good thing. They are ripping people off. The ones on television are the worst ever because they have more exposure. Maybe someday anyone claiming to be psychic and charging people for readings will be held to strict legal guidelines. I have a feeling this might end their reign of rip off. Judging by the 400 plus hits the word "psychic" brings up at this website I'd say that day needs to get here sooner than later.


Karen, this is why..

#191Consumer Comment

Wed, December 24, 2008

I have worked so hard to defend my friend, Chip. Beatrice is a ravening wolf! Her main goal in this life is to destroy Chip. When I first posted on Kelly Ryan's blog, it was because Kelly had made the statement that she had always been 100% accurate in all her readings. I called her on this, and up popped Beatrice. She got angry, and began calling me names, my husband names, Southerners names, and Tammy names. It has gone downhill from there. You now see what she is capable of.


North Pole,
greed and monetary gain = DARKNESS

#192Consumer Comment

Wed, December 24, 2008

KAREN PROLETYZED: "...your actions seems to be grotescly focused on monetary gain. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for a service that you provide but when greed takes over then your gifts are no longer of the light....Greed is NEVER a gift of the light! Remember the devil and his minions can perform miracles and provide what appears to be light guided information." speaking of all that - do they have a benny hinn page on ripoff report? peter popoff? robert tilton? oral roberts? jim bakker? eric pryor? larry lea? i could go on, but do i really need to? hey, with chip's acting ability, flair for the dramatic, and mastery of manipulative psychological tactics on the gullible - i bet he'd just make a SUPER televangelist!!!


North Pole,
evil drama queens

#193Consumer Comment

Wed, December 24, 2008

KAREN THUMPED: "If you are not willing to beat the dead horse with them then you are just plain ole evil." seems to me you're the only one who's made anyone here out to be evil. all that bible learnin' must make for a good evil detector! though it seems that it's subjective. first all psychics are evil, but then chip's OK and bea is evil. and then anyone who doesn't like chip is evil. man, i think i'd need a cliffnotes to keep it straight. as for a frothing at the mouth drama queen, quick - pick up a mirror while you're typing!! AAAAAAAAAA! you know, i'm new at the AE board (and am not enjoying the n**i atmosphere) but you sound like you know a lot about it, karen. i take it you're a fan of the PRS show and chip's psychic kids show. (are you sure it's OK for you to watch all of that ghost/demon/psychic power in action ??) have you had any discussions or "debates" about PRS or psychic kids over at AE? no? then how do you "know" so much about "what THEY do over there" ? plus, who is "they" ?


North Pole,
LOL - abooooooout FACE!

#194Consumer Comment

Wed, December 24, 2008

i had missed that post of karen's, bea (bible thumpers bore me). what an interesting change of heart karen has had toward chip in just over 3 months! she posted here in august 2008 to wave her bible at both of you and your "dark gifts", but all of a sudden knows ALL about your FOUR YEARS of "lynching and stalking" (karen seems to have a thing for lynching, but i don't think that comes from the bible) of chip and is now sticking up for him?? is chip a hypnotist as well as a "psychic" ?? (and to borrow a phrase from karen, i use the term "psychic" loosely) hey karen, you ever see the show "psychic kids" ? chip was helping to promote the turning of innocent little children into those darkly evil, demon-loving psychic people you were referring to in your august post! LMAO!


North Carolina,
Lynch Mob

#195Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 24, 2008

Lynch Mob is swinging into full effect!! Foaming at the mouth. So out for blood that they can taste it. Growling and fangs showing. Ready to bite anyone who does not join in their insane harrassment and stalking. If its not chip coffey anyone will do that is not in agreeance with their insanity. If you are not willing to beat the dead horse with them then you are just plain ole evil. LOL. Give me a friggin break!! Buncha drama queens running rampant around here. Well its a good thing the A&E board was shut down. They didn't want all THIS nonsense mucking up their website over there. Too stupid to see that it was their actions and no other that got the board shut down. I bet they will find a way to blame Mr. Coffey for that too. Pathetic! The excuses for this kind of behavior is unbelievable!!


North Carolina,

#196Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 24, 2008

You are NO LONGER the victim Ms. Marot but are NOW the perpertraitor!!!! That has been proven by your post and emails sent all over the internet. YOU have proven yourself to be the perpertraitor by your OWN HAND! Blame shifting will do you no justice with this one. FOUR YEARS ago and your still harrassing, stalking, and lynching!! Its unfortunate that Mr. Coffey has to deal with you for many years to come until he decides to legally force you to stop your harrassment. That day can't come to soon.


North Carolina,

#197Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 24, 2008

You are NO LONGER the victim Ms. Marot but are NOW the perpertraitor!!!! That has been proven by your post and emails sent all over the internet. YOU have proven yourself to be the perpertraitor by your OWN HAND! Blame shifting will do you no justice with this one. FOUR YEARS ago and your still harrassing, stalking, and lynching!! Its unfortunate that Mr. Coffey has to deal with you for many years to come until he decides to legally force you to stop your harrassment. That day can't come to soon.


North Carolina,

#198Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 24, 2008

You are NO LONGER the victim Ms. Marot but are NOW the perpertraitor!!!! That has been proven by your post and emails sent all over the internet. YOU have proven yourself to be the perpertraitor by your OWN HAND! Blame shifting will do you no justice with this one. FOUR YEARS ago and your still harrassing, stalking, and lynching!! Its unfortunate that Mr. Coffey has to deal with you for many years to come until he decides to legally force you to stop your harrassment. That day can't come to soon.


North Carolina,
Nice Try

#199Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 24, 2008

Nice try Ms. Marot but I am "NOTHING" like YOU!! You have been lynching this man for four years!! That is a well known fact!! No matter in what way you try to justify your actions there is NO justification for it! You can post what you want and it still will not excuse the fact that you have been stalking and harrassing this man for FOUR YEARS!! Shifting attention from "your actions" does not and will not excuse them!! Nice try all the same.


Los Angeles,
You mean like your lynch mob mentality Karen . . . here is your first post . . . go through the rest!

#200UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 24, 2008

Karen Henderson, North Carolina U.S.A. A Gift Perhaps You people may very well have a gift, chip and beatrice but it is not from the light. There are those who are gifted that are from the light. From the sound of the behavior of the two of you and those that you associate with, your actions seems to be grotescly focused on monetary gain. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for a service that you provide but when greed takes over then your gifts are no longer of the light. You also have to remember that the devil is a savvy trickster and there are FINE lines that you cross when your gifts no longer become the gift of light but very well indeed become crossed over into the gift of darkness. I know many will dispute this fact but it is true. From the sounds of this thread your gift is not of the light. Now this Elvis nonsense. Elvis coming to someone and telling them to pray to him. That is ridiculous and no one should listen to that nonsense. That in itself is solid proof that the dark side has been crossed over into. The dead don't talk and that is what GOD has told US all in the Holy Bible. People should be very leery of those who claim medium abilities. Greed is NEVER a gift of the light! Remember the devil and his minions can perform miracles and provide what appears to be light guided information. With that being said you have to really question those who say they have 'spirit guides' and 'talk to the dead.' They may believe these are GOD sent entities when in actuality they very well may not be. Something for ALL to think about when they are consulting a 'psychic' and I use that term loosely. Perhaps it's best if you just consult with someone who does not speak of spirit guides and talking to the dead.


North Pole,

#201Consumer Comment

Wed, December 24, 2008

KAREN enlightened us with: "Perhaps the A&E boards were shut down because it was becoming a bashing cesspool like this thread has become." oh sure. i bet that's it. man, why didn't i think of that? KAREN unenlightened us with "Just as there are those who do not appreciate Chip Coffey there are those who equally do if not more." huh??? "So all this stuff posted here is nothing but drama, character assasination, and harrassment." welcome to the internet, baby! "There is definitely some lynch mob mentality going on around here." whaaat? someone's gonna hang chip? now that's just harsh.


North Carolina,

#202Consumer Suggestion

Tue, December 23, 2008

Perhaps the A&E boards were shut down because it was becoming a bashing cesspool like this thread has become. Perhaps they do not want the drama on their site and do not have to condone it being there. Just because there are a few people posting against chip coffey here does NOT make the "BEHAVIOR of Beatrice Marot" for the past 4 years justifiable! Anyone who thinks along these lines needs their head examined. Just as there are those who do not appreciate Chip Coffey there are those who equally do if not more. So all this stuff posted here is nothing but drama, character assasination, and harrassment. There is definitely some lynch mob mentality going on around here.


Los Angeles,

#203Author of original report

Tue, December 23, 2008

AND THE ONLY THING I HAVE EVER WRITTEN WITH CHIP'S NAME ON IT. HE TOOK THIS BLOG AND IT CAN BE READ AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS THREAD WHAT HE DID WITH IT. NOW THIS IS ME 100% AND THE BIGGEST RIP OFF THE EARTH HAS EVER KNOWN HAS BEEN THE SCAM OF THE "MEN IN BLACK" THE OLD TESTAMENT DUDES!!! CHIP WAS JUST USED AS AN EXAMPLE TO A DEEPER MESSAGE. TOO BAD HE DID NOT JUST LEAVE IT AS MY PERSONAL BLOG . . . INSTEAD OF TAKING IT AND DOING HIS VERSION FULL OF LIES . . . My dear Merlin said I should preface this blog with the following statement. There are spiritual laws that are unchangeable, immutable and eternal. There are laws of Karma, laws of attraction and the following laws . . . in the physical world opposites attract but in the spiritual world like attracts like. How do I know that Chip is paying the price for stealing my domain name and with the help of his crones making my life so miserable that I kept complaining to Keen . . . but they chose to kick me off instead. But then Keen is not doing what they do for love, are they? Better to get rid of the vocal one . . . and yes, I am very vocal and you ain't heard nothing yet. I know Chip is paying the price because he is now working with ghosts, entities and demonic energies and that is the very lowest form of energy there is. A ghost by the way is simply an emotional imprint of a powerful energy usually one that was in pain or suffering in a certain place but is no longer there, just like a finger print indicates the presence of a physical being that was there but is no longer there either. B.F.D One thing I despise about organized religion is that the hypocrisy of their members knows no bounds. Being a Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or any other mass group entity does not mean you are spiritual. It means you want acceptance in the community, it means that you want to be a part of the majority. You want to belong, to fit in. Well, I never have wanted to fit in and I never will. I started to read the bible when I was thirteen and immediately cried at the horror of the Old Testament and never picked it up again. My comedic friend in spirit Lenny Bruce gave me this joke. "Bea, tell people that Stephen King wrote the Old Testament and when he was getting ready for this life, God said to him, "Now Stephen, you can write as many horror stories as you want, but this time don't go calling them the word of God alright!" What humankind has does in the name of God is so vile, there are no words for the horror that I feel when I think that the Catholic Church and it's pedophile priests and imperialist mentality is still in existence. Five hundred years of Spanish Inquisition whose torture of souls for their salvation was so evil, it makes Hannibal Lector look like Santa Claus. The enslavement and murder of countless peoples, the theft of their land and all with the Bible in hand. Praise the lord and pass the ammunition. First the missionaries, then the military. It's been like that for 2000 years since poor Jesus died the way just about every body died if they f**ked with Romans and Pharisees! The Roman Empire fell and morphed into the Roman Catholic Church and where Catholics rule, poverty reigns! Lenny Bruce also said to me when they elected the new Pope and gave him the name "The German Sheppard" . . . I heard Lenny say, "Well, he is leading the blind!" Amen! Ninety percent of the world's population lives in poverty and 1% of the population owns 90% of the wealth. There are less than 800 billionaires on the entire planet. Who are these people that they should have exclusive rights to the wealth of the planet, technological or otherwise? They are the real demons! While people like Chip Coffey go looking for National Enquirer fodder with nonsense about the paranormal, young men are dying so that bastards like George Bush and d**k Cheney can line their pockets in the name of freedom. Hah! Wake up America! The Goddess, the sleeping beauty within is awakening within the hearts of humankind slowly but surely. Mother Earth has had it and if you think the Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina were bad, just wait. But some Christians welcome these disasters as the beginning of the rapture and the prelude to the return of Christ instead for realizing that the planet Earth is a living, sentient, intelligent Mother to all. Now, Chip and all his friends think that I have anger issues. Well, I have been screwed so many times by my so called spiritual friends, that in my next life, I'm gonna reincarnate as a light bulb! And as far as being jealous of his celebrity status. Please, don't make me laugh. Like I always say, "Down here, I'm nobody . . . but up there, I'm like Madonna!!!" My day will come and I will shine my light on my terms, when I am good and ready and when that day comes, make sure you have your sunglasses on!


North Pole,
tanila, you need to phase in

#204Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2008

no one is blocking your posts or deleting your topics from the AE forum except for AE moderators, one of which i'm fairly certain DD is not. chip must really love you -- any psychic would. (well, except bea of course). the more gullible, the better the outcome of the psychological manipulations! hey, do they have a psychic college for cold readings? maybe that's where chip earned his "counseling" degree!!!!


North Pole,
AE PRS boards basically shut down

#205Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2008

after reading beatrice's info here from the AE boards, i went to check that place out and evidently SOMEONE, not naming names, has succeeded in basically shutting down the Paranormal State boards. i guess ripoff report will be next! those evil skeptics running paranormalBS forums all 'round the internet too! or maybe not. those guys are probably too scary for the likes of whomever it is who is managing to gag people's myspace pages and the AE PRS forums.


Los Angeles,
Thank you so much . . Brian and those of you who are calling Chip on his BS

#206Author of original report

Tue, December 23, 2008

You have no idea how much I appreciate it . . . love, B



#207Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2008

I suppose you are correct about the name you would use for Chinese. I don't use those words, so I don't know all of them. Seems you do, though.



#208Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2008

Your blog is private. You block my posts on A&E Paranormal State discussion board. The entire thread was removed that asked "Where is Tanila." You say only a coward does that. And Kabol, I do agree that only a coward hides their true identity when they are trying to destroy someone. The KKK hid behind masks. You hid behind a computer screen. Anonymity is for cowards when they are attacking someone.



#209Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 22, 2008

OCR: The Beginning You've seen him on Paranormal State making bug eyes and waving his arms around as he pretends to be a psychic medium. Now A&E, your one stop shop for racist bounty hunters and Criss Angel's greasy sex appeal, brings us Psychic Kids, a new low in television history starring Chip Coffey. Psychic Kids takes the worst element of Paranormal State, Coffey's ridiculous attempts to "help" "psychic" children by telling them spirits invade their heads and demons attack their brains, and turns it into the whole goddamn show. Where fake psychic (redundant?) Sylvia Browne just abuses the parents of missing children, Coffey cuts out the middle man and goes after the kids themselves. But who am I to judge? What harm could possibly come from telling a child those things going bump in the night aren't just real, they're out to get you! Enter Operation: Coffey Roast. Sure, I could have come up with a better name (and I definitely could have come up with a better logo), but I struggled with a phrase that would evoke a feeling of spoiled Coffey. Operation: Too Much Creamer? Not as punchy. The prime ingredient for a good roast is a healthy pinch of lampooning, which will be an important part of OCR. In the weeks ahead, I'll be featuring interesting factoids about Chip Coffey on this site. First up? The question of Coffey's paranormal heritage. In his bio, he claims to be the great-grandson of famous Cherokee medicine woman and shaman Minnie Sue Morrow Foster. For someone so famous, it's curious that the only references to her that come up on Google are from Coffey's bio and from a message board for real-live Native Americans discussing how they've never heard of her. Also, "shaman" isn't a Native American term. I suppose InStyle magazine was right in describing Coffey as "a cross between John Edward and Dr. Phil." They're all giant d****ebags. Assuming Psychic Kids and Paranormal State are still on the air by this Labor Day weekend, OCR operatives will be meeting at Dragon*Con in Coffey's hometown of Atlanta, Georgia to demonstrate against Coffey's childsploitation, do some heavy drinking, and maybe play a game or two of Dungeons & Dragons. Good times. So good, in fact, that Coffey considered the announcement of OCR to be a physical threat. Here's the email he sent me about the original OCR blog post I wrote at CHUD.com: Yesterday, Brian Thompson posted a blog on CHUD.com with content including what certainly appears to be a personal threat against my safety that he is planning during Dragon*Con. I have alerted the authorities regarding this threat. -Chip Coffey- How self-important can a fake psychic be? Why would anyone threaten physical harm against a guy when making fun of him is so much more fulfilling? For example: Is that a chin or is he trying to mate with a toad? See? So much better than physical harm. Also, who writes to someone and refers to him in the third person? What an odd man. Just to make things perfectly clear, Chip, no one wants to hurt you. We just want you off television so we can get back to watching racist bounty hunters. And if you really want to impress, why not take some time away from scaring the bujeezus out of little kids and appear at Dragon*Con for a public debate? And if anyone reading this wants to become an OCR operative, write to me at brian (at) amateurscientist.org. And in the meantime, you can build up your alcohol tolerance by playing the Psychic Kids drinking game. During the show, you take a shot every time Chip Coffey makes up something horrible to tell an innocent child. Just don't blame me if you die of alcohol poisoning. -------------------------------------------------------------------- OCR: Telling Testimonials If there's one marketing tool favored the most by quacks and frauds, it's the testimonial. Think about it, you have all the benefits of making concrete claims without the accountability, credibility, or fact-based nature of actual data. Who cares if magnetic mattress pads don't actually cure your crooked spine? Laura from Topeka, Kansas says they make her feel a whole lot better. And who are you to argue with a semi-anonymous Midwesterner with no medical training? As a professional psychic medium, Chip Coffey can't make any actual claims for his services. Just like Taco Bell can't tell you you're getting real beef while selling you that amorphous paste they've injected in your burrito, Coffey can't claim the $400 an hour you give him will definitely buy a few seconds of strained charades with the ghost of your dear old granddad. This is why his website begrudgingly acknowledges that his "readings" are for "entertainment purposes only" and that "psychic readings cannot predict, forecast , diagnose or provide information with absolute certainty." I tried the same legal gymnastics with my short-lived pest control company Bugz-Off, but word quickly spread that I just had no idea how to kill and/or not run screaming from a swarm of termites. If only I'd had a testimonial like this one from ChipCoffey.com: "My family was hoping to move and we were looking for the perfect home. Chip told me that we would find it within a month and also advised me to look for the number '73.' We found a house that we liked, but it wasn't 'perfect.' On the morning that we were planning to sign the contract to buy this house, I decided to look, just once more, on the Internet at the listings of homes that were for sale. I found my dream home! It was everything that we were looking for and more! I called out to my husband and he was just as excited as I was. We decided to go and look at the house ... and when we finally looked at the exact address, I was stunned to discover that the street number of the house was '73'! Chip was right! We are now living in our dream home ... at 73 Ocean View Terrace!" Rose M. Orinda, California This is a sweet story. Good thing Rose ignored that bit about "entertainment purposes only" and chose to follow Chip Coffey's real estate advice. Who knew he was such a renaissance psychic? But upon closer examination, I noticed a slight problem with this testimonial. Turns out there isn't a 73 Ocean View Terrace in Orinda, California. There isn't an Ocean View Terrace at all in Orinda, California. As a professional courtesy, Chip, I'm advising you to change this address to something a little more, I don't know, realish. Or just leave it. If it takes too much of your time away from exploiting disturbed children on national television, then it's probably not worth the trouble. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OCR: The Mysterious Master's Chip Coffey would love for you to think that he has some kind of special training in addition to his psychic powers that qualifies him to counsel disturbed children on A&E's Psychic Kids. And just to make this clear, when I refer to Chip's psychic powers, I'm talking about his uncanny knack for saying he can see and feel invisible beings no one else can see or feel. In his official bio, after mentioning his relation to the unkown-to-anyone-else famed Native American medicine woman Minnie Sue Morrow Foster, he says he has a master's degree in counseling. You'd think this kind of education would enhance his ability to soothe the troubled minds of the poor children he parades on his show, but since when do trained counselors tell kids that the demons in their heads are not only real, but are also attacking them? I couldn't find any reference to where Chip may have earned his master's in his information online. Just lots of overlit pictures of him touching tomb stones and staring into space. So, I contacted his college lecture booking agent to ask about these mysterious credentials. I'd say I was shocked and dismayed to discover that an accredited university would pay heard-earned tuition money to have Chip Coffey point and wave and pretend to see invisible spirits, but my alma mater once booked a Creed concert. One may be worse than the other. Anyway, Chip's agency was more than happy to share any information I neededexcept for anything about his master's in counseling. To quote: [Chip] doesn't give the name of his graduate school because he has had some invasion of privacy issues with people contacting old classmates and professors. I thought it seemed a little weird too, but as he is not an academic, but a paranormal investigator, I didn't think it mattered that much. The hell? I'm not interested in hounding your old school buddies, Chip. I just want to know if demonology was part of the core curriculum at your school. Maybe, I thought, if I could track down his undergraduate degree, I might be able to find out where he earned his vaporous master's. I'm sure I Googled Chip's name almost as much as he does before I found a mention of him graduating from Elmira College, a very beautiful looking campus in New York state. Oddly enough, Elmira College doesn't seem to offer a master's in counseling. I hate to say it, but it's starting to look like Chip may have fudged his credentials a little bit. But who am I to judge? Every day, I pray my employers don't check on the whole Nicaraguan guerilla training area of my rsum. I work for the CIA, by the way. Don't tell anyone. Just for shits and giggles (mostly giggles), I paid a degree verification service $6.50 of my hard-earned money to check up on just Chip's undergraduate degree. Maybe he double majored in psychology and demonology? Turns out I might as well have saved the cash for the Subway discount menu, however, since no one could turn up any record of Chip having graduated from Elmira College at all. Now, there could be a reasonable explanation for this. Maybe Chip is a nickname (god, I hope so). Maybe there's some kind of clerical error. Chip, if you're reading this, could you drop me a line and let me know just what kind of counseling training you have? I'd really like to know which of your esteemed predecessors originated the therapeutic method of telling kids the reason they're scared of the dark is because ghosts are trying to catch them. --------------------------------- http://www.amateurscientist.org/ ---------------------------------



#210Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 22, 2008

OCR: The Beginning You've seen him on Paranormal State making bug eyes and waving his arms around as he pretends to be a psychic medium. Now A&E, your one stop shop for racist bounty hunters and Criss Angel's greasy sex appeal, brings us Psychic Kids, a new low in television history starring Chip Coffey. Psychic Kids takes the worst element of Paranormal State, Coffey's ridiculous attempts to "help" "psychic" children by telling them spirits invade their heads and demons attack their brains, and turns it into the whole goddamn show. Where fake psychic (redundant?) Sylvia Browne just abuses the parents of missing children, Coffey cuts out the middle man and goes after the kids themselves. But who am I to judge? What harm could possibly come from telling a child those things going bump in the night aren't just real, they're out to get you! Enter Operation: Coffey Roast. Sure, I could have come up with a better name (and I definitely could have come up with a better logo), but I struggled with a phrase that would evoke a feeling of spoiled Coffey. Operation: Too Much Creamer? Not as punchy. The prime ingredient for a good roast is a healthy pinch of lampooning, which will be an important part of OCR. In the weeks ahead, I'll be featuring interesting factoids about Chip Coffey on this site. First up? The question of Coffey's paranormal heritage. In his bio, he claims to be the great-grandson of famous Cherokee medicine woman and shaman Minnie Sue Morrow Foster. For someone so famous, it's curious that the only references to her that come up on Google are from Coffey's bio and from a message board for real-live Native Americans discussing how they've never heard of her. Also, "shaman" isn't a Native American term. I suppose InStyle magazine was right in describing Coffey as "a cross between John Edward and Dr. Phil." They're all giant d****ebags. Assuming Psychic Kids and Paranormal State are still on the air by this Labor Day weekend, OCR operatives will be meeting at Dragon*Con in Coffey's hometown of Atlanta, Georgia to demonstrate against Coffey's childsploitation, do some heavy drinking, and maybe play a game or two of Dungeons & Dragons. Good times. So good, in fact, that Coffey considered the announcement of OCR to be a physical threat. Here's the email he sent me about the original OCR blog post I wrote at CHUD.com: Yesterday, Brian Thompson posted a blog on CHUD.com with content including what certainly appears to be a personal threat against my safety that he is planning during Dragon*Con. I have alerted the authorities regarding this threat. -Chip Coffey- How self-important can a fake psychic be? Why would anyone threaten physical harm against a guy when making fun of him is so much more fulfilling? For example: Is that a chin or is he trying to mate with a toad? See? So much better than physical harm. Also, who writes to someone and refers to him in the third person? What an odd man. Just to make things perfectly clear, Chip, no one wants to hurt you. We just want you off television so we can get back to watching racist bounty hunters. And if you really want to impress, why not take some time away from scaring the bujeezus out of little kids and appear at Dragon*Con for a public debate? And if anyone reading this wants to become an OCR operative, write to me at brian (at) amateurscientist.org. And in the meantime, you can build up your alcohol tolerance by playing the Psychic Kids drinking game. During the show, you take a shot every time Chip Coffey makes up something horrible to tell an innocent child. Just don't blame me if you die of alcohol poisoning. -------------------------------------------------------------------- OCR: Telling Testimonials If there's one marketing tool favored the most by quacks and frauds, it's the testimonial. Think about it, you have all the benefits of making concrete claims without the accountability, credibility, or fact-based nature of actual data. Who cares if magnetic mattress pads don't actually cure your crooked spine? Laura from Topeka, Kansas says they make her feel a whole lot better. And who are you to argue with a semi-anonymous Midwesterner with no medical training? As a professional psychic medium, Chip Coffey can't make any actual claims for his services. Just like Taco Bell can't tell you you're getting real beef while selling you that amorphous paste they've injected in your burrito, Coffey can't claim the $400 an hour you give him will definitely buy a few seconds of strained charades with the ghost of your dear old granddad. This is why his website begrudgingly acknowledges that his "readings" are for "entertainment purposes only" and that "psychic readings cannot predict, forecast , diagnose or provide information with absolute certainty." I tried the same legal gymnastics with my short-lived pest control company Bugz-Off, but word quickly spread that I just had no idea how to kill and/or not run screaming from a swarm of termites. If only I'd had a testimonial like this one from ChipCoffey.com: "My family was hoping to move and we were looking for the perfect home. Chip told me that we would find it within a month and also advised me to look for the number '73.' We found a house that we liked, but it wasn't 'perfect.' On the morning that we were planning to sign the contract to buy this house, I decided to look, just once more, on the Internet at the listings of homes that were for sale. I found my dream home! It was everything that we were looking for and more! I called out to my husband and he was just as excited as I was. We decided to go and look at the house ... and when we finally looked at the exact address, I was stunned to discover that the street number of the house was '73'! Chip was right! We are now living in our dream home ... at 73 Ocean View Terrace!" Rose M. Orinda, California This is a sweet story. Good thing Rose ignored that bit about "entertainment purposes only" and chose to follow Chip Coffey's real estate advice. Who knew he was such a renaissance psychic? But upon closer examination, I noticed a slight problem with this testimonial. Turns out there isn't a 73 Ocean View Terrace in Orinda, California. There isn't an Ocean View Terrace at all in Orinda, California. As a professional courtesy, Chip, I'm advising you to change this address to something a little more, I don't know, realish. Or just leave it. If it takes too much of your time away from exploiting disturbed children on national television, then it's probably not worth the trouble. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OCR: The Mysterious Master's Chip Coffey would love for you to think that he has some kind of special training in addition to his psychic powers that qualifies him to counsel disturbed children on A&E's Psychic Kids. And just to make this clear, when I refer to Chip's psychic powers, I'm talking about his uncanny knack for saying he can see and feel invisible beings no one else can see or feel. In his official bio, after mentioning his relation to the unkown-to-anyone-else famed Native American medicine woman Minnie Sue Morrow Foster, he says he has a master's degree in counseling. You'd think this kind of education would enhance his ability to soothe the troubled minds of the poor children he parades on his show, but since when do trained counselors tell kids that the demons in their heads are not only real, but are also attacking them? I couldn't find any reference to where Chip may have earned his master's in his information online. Just lots of overlit pictures of him touching tomb stones and staring into space. So, I contacted his college lecture booking agent to ask about these mysterious credentials. I'd say I was shocked and dismayed to discover that an accredited university would pay heard-earned tuition money to have Chip Coffey point and wave and pretend to see invisible spirits, but my alma mater once booked a Creed concert. One may be worse than the other. Anyway, Chip's agency was more than happy to share any information I neededexcept for anything about his master's in counseling. To quote: [Chip] doesn't give the name of his graduate school because he has had some invasion of privacy issues with people contacting old classmates and professors. I thought it seemed a little weird too, but as he is not an academic, but a paranormal investigator, I didn't think it mattered that much. The hell? I'm not interested in hounding your old school buddies, Chip. I just want to know if demonology was part of the core curriculum at your school. Maybe, I thought, if I could track down his undergraduate degree, I might be able to find out where he earned his vaporous master's. I'm sure I Googled Chip's name almost as much as he does before I found a mention of him graduating from Elmira College, a very beautiful looking campus in New York state. Oddly enough, Elmira College doesn't seem to offer a master's in counseling. I hate to say it, but it's starting to look like Chip may have fudged his credentials a little bit. But who am I to judge? Every day, I pray my employers don't check on the whole Nicaraguan guerilla training area of my rsum. I work for the CIA, by the way. Don't tell anyone. Just for shits and giggles (mostly giggles), I paid a degree verification service $6.50 of my hard-earned money to check up on just Chip's undergraduate degree. Maybe he double majored in psychology and demonology? Turns out I might as well have saved the cash for the Subway discount menu, however, since no one could turn up any record of Chip having graduated from Elmira College at all. Now, there could be a reasonable explanation for this. Maybe Chip is a nickname (god, I hope so). Maybe there's some kind of clerical error. Chip, if you're reading this, could you drop me a line and let me know just what kind of counseling training you have? I'd really like to know which of your esteemed predecessors originated the therapeutic method of telling kids the reason they're scared of the dark is because ghosts are trying to catch them. --------------------------------- http://www.amateurscientist.org/ ---------------------------------



#211Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 22, 2008

OCR: The Beginning You've seen him on Paranormal State making bug eyes and waving his arms around as he pretends to be a psychic medium. Now A&E, your one stop shop for racist bounty hunters and Criss Angel's greasy sex appeal, brings us Psychic Kids, a new low in television history starring Chip Coffey. Psychic Kids takes the worst element of Paranormal State, Coffey's ridiculous attempts to "help" "psychic" children by telling them spirits invade their heads and demons attack their brains, and turns it into the whole goddamn show. Where fake psychic (redundant?) Sylvia Browne just abuses the parents of missing children, Coffey cuts out the middle man and goes after the kids themselves. But who am I to judge? What harm could possibly come from telling a child those things going bump in the night aren't just real, they're out to get you! Enter Operation: Coffey Roast. Sure, I could have come up with a better name (and I definitely could have come up with a better logo), but I struggled with a phrase that would evoke a feeling of spoiled Coffey. Operation: Too Much Creamer? Not as punchy. The prime ingredient for a good roast is a healthy pinch of lampooning, which will be an important part of OCR. In the weeks ahead, I'll be featuring interesting factoids about Chip Coffey on this site. First up? The question of Coffey's paranormal heritage. In his bio, he claims to be the great-grandson of famous Cherokee medicine woman and shaman Minnie Sue Morrow Foster. For someone so famous, it's curious that the only references to her that come up on Google are from Coffey's bio and from a message board for real-live Native Americans discussing how they've never heard of her. Also, "shaman" isn't a Native American term. I suppose InStyle magazine was right in describing Coffey as "a cross between John Edward and Dr. Phil." They're all giant d****ebags. Assuming Psychic Kids and Paranormal State are still on the air by this Labor Day weekend, OCR operatives will be meeting at Dragon*Con in Coffey's hometown of Atlanta, Georgia to demonstrate against Coffey's childsploitation, do some heavy drinking, and maybe play a game or two of Dungeons & Dragons. Good times. So good, in fact, that Coffey considered the announcement of OCR to be a physical threat. Here's the email he sent me about the original OCR blog post I wrote at CHUD.com: Yesterday, Brian Thompson posted a blog on CHUD.com with content including what certainly appears to be a personal threat against my safety that he is planning during Dragon*Con. I have alerted the authorities regarding this threat. -Chip Coffey- How self-important can a fake psychic be? Why would anyone threaten physical harm against a guy when making fun of him is so much more fulfilling? For example: Is that a chin or is he trying to mate with a toad? See? So much better than physical harm. Also, who writes to someone and refers to him in the third person? What an odd man. Just to make things perfectly clear, Chip, no one wants to hurt you. We just want you off television so we can get back to watching racist bounty hunters. And if you really want to impress, why not take some time away from scaring the bujeezus out of little kids and appear at Dragon*Con for a public debate? And if anyone reading this wants to become an OCR operative, write to me at brian (at) amateurscientist.org. And in the meantime, you can build up your alcohol tolerance by playing the Psychic Kids drinking game. During the show, you take a shot every time Chip Coffey makes up something horrible to tell an innocent child. Just don't blame me if you die of alcohol poisoning. -------------------------------------------------------------------- OCR: Telling Testimonials If there's one marketing tool favored the most by quacks and frauds, it's the testimonial. Think about it, you have all the benefits of making concrete claims without the accountability, credibility, or fact-based nature of actual data. Who cares if magnetic mattress pads don't actually cure your crooked spine? Laura from Topeka, Kansas says they make her feel a whole lot better. And who are you to argue with a semi-anonymous Midwesterner with no medical training? As a professional psychic medium, Chip Coffey can't make any actual claims for his services. Just like Taco Bell can't tell you you're getting real beef while selling you that amorphous paste they've injected in your burrito, Coffey can't claim the $400 an hour you give him will definitely buy a few seconds of strained charades with the ghost of your dear old granddad. This is why his website begrudgingly acknowledges that his "readings" are for "entertainment purposes only" and that "psychic readings cannot predict, forecast , diagnose or provide information with absolute certainty." I tried the same legal gymnastics with my short-lived pest control company Bugz-Off, but word quickly spread that I just had no idea how to kill and/or not run screaming from a swarm of termites. If only I'd had a testimonial like this one from ChipCoffey.com: "My family was hoping to move and we were looking for the perfect home. Chip told me that we would find it within a month and also advised me to look for the number '73.' We found a house that we liked, but it wasn't 'perfect.' On the morning that we were planning to sign the contract to buy this house, I decided to look, just once more, on the Internet at the listings of homes that were for sale. I found my dream home! It was everything that we were looking for and more! I called out to my husband and he was just as excited as I was. We decided to go and look at the house ... and when we finally looked at the exact address, I was stunned to discover that the street number of the house was '73'! Chip was right! We are now living in our dream home ... at 73 Ocean View Terrace!" Rose M. Orinda, California This is a sweet story. Good thing Rose ignored that bit about "entertainment purposes only" and chose to follow Chip Coffey's real estate advice. Who knew he was such a renaissance psychic? But upon closer examination, I noticed a slight problem with this testimonial. Turns out there isn't a 73 Ocean View Terrace in Orinda, California. There isn't an Ocean View Terrace at all in Orinda, California. As a professional courtesy, Chip, I'm advising you to change this address to something a little more, I don't know, realish. Or just leave it. If it takes too much of your time away from exploiting disturbed children on national television, then it's probably not worth the trouble. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OCR: The Mysterious Master's Chip Coffey would love for you to think that he has some kind of special training in addition to his psychic powers that qualifies him to counsel disturbed children on A&E's Psychic Kids. And just to make this clear, when I refer to Chip's psychic powers, I'm talking about his uncanny knack for saying he can see and feel invisible beings no one else can see or feel. In his official bio, after mentioning his relation to the unkown-to-anyone-else famed Native American medicine woman Minnie Sue Morrow Foster, he says he has a master's degree in counseling. You'd think this kind of education would enhance his ability to soothe the troubled minds of the poor children he parades on his show, but since when do trained counselors tell kids that the demons in their heads are not only real, but are also attacking them? I couldn't find any reference to where Chip may have earned his master's in his information online. Just lots of overlit pictures of him touching tomb stones and staring into space. So, I contacted his college lecture booking agent to ask about these mysterious credentials. I'd say I was shocked and dismayed to discover that an accredited university would pay heard-earned tuition money to have Chip Coffey point and wave and pretend to see invisible spirits, but my alma mater once booked a Creed concert. One may be worse than the other. Anyway, Chip's agency was more than happy to share any information I neededexcept for anything about his master's in counseling. To quote: [Chip] doesn't give the name of his graduate school because he has had some invasion of privacy issues with people contacting old classmates and professors. I thought it seemed a little weird too, but as he is not an academic, but a paranormal investigator, I didn't think it mattered that much. The hell? I'm not interested in hounding your old school buddies, Chip. I just want to know if demonology was part of the core curriculum at your school. Maybe, I thought, if I could track down his undergraduate degree, I might be able to find out where he earned his vaporous master's. I'm sure I Googled Chip's name almost as much as he does before I found a mention of him graduating from Elmira College, a very beautiful looking campus in New York state. Oddly enough, Elmira College doesn't seem to offer a master's in counseling. I hate to say it, but it's starting to look like Chip may have fudged his credentials a little bit. But who am I to judge? Every day, I pray my employers don't check on the whole Nicaraguan guerilla training area of my rsum. I work for the CIA, by the way. Don't tell anyone. Just for shits and giggles (mostly giggles), I paid a degree verification service $6.50 of my hard-earned money to check up on just Chip's undergraduate degree. Maybe he double majored in psychology and demonology? Turns out I might as well have saved the cash for the Subway discount menu, however, since no one could turn up any record of Chip having graduated from Elmira College at all. Now, there could be a reasonable explanation for this. Maybe Chip is a nickname (god, I hope so). Maybe there's some kind of clerical error. Chip, if you're reading this, could you drop me a line and let me know just what kind of counseling training you have? I'd really like to know which of your esteemed predecessors originated the therapeutic method of telling kids the reason they're scared of the dark is because ghosts are trying to catch them. --------------------------------- http://www.amateurscientist.org/ ---------------------------------



#212Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 22, 2008

OCR: The Beginning You've seen him on Paranormal State making bug eyes and waving his arms around as he pretends to be a psychic medium. Now A&E, your one stop shop for racist bounty hunters and Criss Angel's greasy sex appeal, brings us Psychic Kids, a new low in television history starring Chip Coffey. Psychic Kids takes the worst element of Paranormal State, Coffey's ridiculous attempts to "help" "psychic" children by telling them spirits invade their heads and demons attack their brains, and turns it into the whole goddamn show. Where fake psychic (redundant?) Sylvia Browne just abuses the parents of missing children, Coffey cuts out the middle man and goes after the kids themselves. But who am I to judge? What harm could possibly come from telling a child those things going bump in the night aren't just real, they're out to get you! Enter Operation: Coffey Roast. Sure, I could have come up with a better name (and I definitely could have come up with a better logo), but I struggled with a phrase that would evoke a feeling of spoiled Coffey. Operation: Too Much Creamer? Not as punchy. The prime ingredient for a good roast is a healthy pinch of lampooning, which will be an important part of OCR. In the weeks ahead, I'll be featuring interesting factoids about Chip Coffey on this site. First up? The question of Coffey's paranormal heritage. In his bio, he claims to be the great-grandson of famous Cherokee medicine woman and shaman Minnie Sue Morrow Foster. For someone so famous, it's curious that the only references to her that come up on Google are from Coffey's bio and from a message board for real-live Native Americans discussing how they've never heard of her. Also, "shaman" isn't a Native American term. I suppose InStyle magazine was right in describing Coffey as "a cross between John Edward and Dr. Phil." They're all giant d****ebags. Assuming Psychic Kids and Paranormal State are still on the air by this Labor Day weekend, OCR operatives will be meeting at Dragon*Con in Coffey's hometown of Atlanta, Georgia to demonstrate against Coffey's childsploitation, do some heavy drinking, and maybe play a game or two of Dungeons & Dragons. Good times. So good, in fact, that Coffey considered the announcement of OCR to be a physical threat. Here's the email he sent me about the original OCR blog post I wrote at CHUD.com: Yesterday, Brian Thompson posted a blog on CHUD.com with content including what certainly appears to be a personal threat against my safety that he is planning during Dragon*Con. I have alerted the authorities regarding this threat. -Chip Coffey- How self-important can a fake psychic be? Why would anyone threaten physical harm against a guy when making fun of him is so much more fulfilling? For example: Is that a chin or is he trying to mate with a toad? See? So much better than physical harm. Also, who writes to someone and refers to him in the third person? What an odd man. Just to make things perfectly clear, Chip, no one wants to hurt you. We just want you off television so we can get back to watching racist bounty hunters. And if you really want to impress, why not take some time away from scaring the bujeezus out of little kids and appear at Dragon*Con for a public debate? And if anyone reading this wants to become an OCR operative, write to me at brian (at) amateurscientist.org. And in the meantime, you can build up your alcohol tolerance by playing the Psychic Kids drinking game. During the show, you take a shot every time Chip Coffey makes up something horrible to tell an innocent child. Just don't blame me if you die of alcohol poisoning. -------------------------------------------------------------------- OCR: Telling Testimonials If there's one marketing tool favored the most by quacks and frauds, it's the testimonial. Think about it, you have all the benefits of making concrete claims without the accountability, credibility, or fact-based nature of actual data. Who cares if magnetic mattress pads don't actually cure your crooked spine? Laura from Topeka, Kansas says they make her feel a whole lot better. And who are you to argue with a semi-anonymous Midwesterner with no medical training? As a professional psychic medium, Chip Coffey can't make any actual claims for his services. Just like Taco Bell can't tell you you're getting real beef while selling you that amorphous paste they've injected in your burrito, Coffey can't claim the $400 an hour you give him will definitely buy a few seconds of strained charades with the ghost of your dear old granddad. This is why his website begrudgingly acknowledges that his "readings" are for "entertainment purposes only" and that "psychic readings cannot predict, forecast , diagnose or provide information with absolute certainty." I tried the same legal gymnastics with my short-lived pest control company Bugz-Off, but word quickly spread that I just had no idea how to kill and/or not run screaming from a swarm of termites. If only I'd had a testimonial like this one from ChipCoffey.com: "My family was hoping to move and we were looking for the perfect home. Chip told me that we would find it within a month and also advised me to look for the number '73.' We found a house that we liked, but it wasn't 'perfect.' On the morning that we were planning to sign the contract to buy this house, I decided to look, just once more, on the Internet at the listings of homes that were for sale. I found my dream home! It was everything that we were looking for and more! I called out to my husband and he was just as excited as I was. We decided to go and look at the house ... and when we finally looked at the exact address, I was stunned to discover that the street number of the house was '73'! Chip was right! We are now living in our dream home ... at 73 Ocean View Terrace!" Rose M. Orinda, California This is a sweet story. Good thing Rose ignored that bit about "entertainment purposes only" and chose to follow Chip Coffey's real estate advice. Who knew he was such a renaissance psychic? But upon closer examination, I noticed a slight problem with this testimonial. Turns out there isn't a 73 Ocean View Terrace in Orinda, California. There isn't an Ocean View Terrace at all in Orinda, California. As a professional courtesy, Chip, I'm advising you to change this address to something a little more, I don't know, realish. Or just leave it. If it takes too much of your time away from exploiting disturbed children on national television, then it's probably not worth the trouble. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OCR: The Mysterious Master's Chip Coffey would love for you to think that he has some kind of special training in addition to his psychic powers that qualifies him to counsel disturbed children on A&E's Psychic Kids. And just to make this clear, when I refer to Chip's psychic powers, I'm talking about his uncanny knack for saying he can see and feel invisible beings no one else can see or feel. In his official bio, after mentioning his relation to the unkown-to-anyone-else famed Native American medicine woman Minnie Sue Morrow Foster, he says he has a master's degree in counseling. You'd think this kind of education would enhance his ability to soothe the troubled minds of the poor children he parades on his show, but since when do trained counselors tell kids that the demons in their heads are not only real, but are also attacking them? I couldn't find any reference to where Chip may have earned his master's in his information online. Just lots of overlit pictures of him touching tomb stones and staring into space. So, I contacted his college lecture booking agent to ask about these mysterious credentials. I'd say I was shocked and dismayed to discover that an accredited university would pay heard-earned tuition money to have Chip Coffey point and wave and pretend to see invisible spirits, but my alma mater once booked a Creed concert. One may be worse than the other. Anyway, Chip's agency was more than happy to share any information I neededexcept for anything about his master's in counseling. To quote: [Chip] doesn't give the name of his graduate school because he has had some invasion of privacy issues with people contacting old classmates and professors. I thought it seemed a little weird too, but as he is not an academic, but a paranormal investigator, I didn't think it mattered that much. The hell? I'm not interested in hounding your old school buddies, Chip. I just want to know if demonology was part of the core curriculum at your school. Maybe, I thought, if I could track down his undergraduate degree, I might be able to find out where he earned his vaporous master's. I'm sure I Googled Chip's name almost as much as he does before I found a mention of him graduating from Elmira College, a very beautiful looking campus in New York state. Oddly enough, Elmira College doesn't seem to offer a master's in counseling. I hate to say it, but it's starting to look like Chip may have fudged his credentials a little bit. But who am I to judge? Every day, I pray my employers don't check on the whole Nicaraguan guerilla training area of my rsum. I work for the CIA, by the way. Don't tell anyone. Just for shits and giggles (mostly giggles), I paid a degree verification service $6.50 of my hard-earned money to check up on just Chip's undergraduate degree. Maybe he double majored in psychology and demonology? Turns out I might as well have saved the cash for the Subway discount menu, however, since no one could turn up any record of Chip having graduated from Elmira College at all. Now, there could be a reasonable explanation for this. Maybe Chip is a nickname (god, I hope so). Maybe there's some kind of clerical error. Chip, if you're reading this, could you drop me a line and let me know just what kind of counseling training you have? I'd really like to know which of your esteemed predecessors originated the therapeutic method of telling kids the reason they're scared of the dark is because ghosts are trying to catch them. --------------------------------- http://www.amateurscientist.org/ ---------------------------------


Chip Coffey, not nice guy.

#213Consumer Comment

Mon, December 22, 2008

Chip Coffey: "KABOL (LIKE DD, WHO ALSO POSTS HERE) IS A COWARD!" Why do you call people names Chip? And you particularly like to use the term 'coward'. I see you doing this all over the internet. Anonymity does not equate with cowardliness. You make claims you cannot and will not back up. The onerous is on you not on the people that question your fanciful fortune telling "gifts". You just keep talking though, the more you talk the more people can see through your BS. You really should sue someone though and quit threatening.


Some psychic....

#214Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 22, 2008

If you don't know who I am, then you aren't very psychic. Coward? Only a coward cries to A&E about all the unfavorable posts on their messageboard. Only a coward hides their blog so only their "friends" can read their rants. Only a coward (or a nut) slanders himself in his own blog. Only a coward doesn't allow anyone to post to their site. Only a coward uses their Chihuahuas to fight their battles. **Thanks for the heads up on the stopchipcoffey.com site!** Later Renegade...


North Pole,
now now, chip

#215Consumer Comment

Mon, December 22, 2008

using anonymity online isn't cowardly....it's smart. just look where your airing your dirty laundry and posting as yourself all over the internet has gotten YOU. wow, shimmying right up that media ladder with such gusto and now sliding right back down again. who cares where i'm from or who i am, it's what i say that counts. no i have never heard of christian walters but thanks for the heads up!



#216REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 22, 2008

Does anyone really take anything seriously that is posted by someone named "Kabol" who lists his/her address as "North Pole, Alaska"? Like many others, this individual hides behind his/her computer, using a cryptic screen name and posting anonymous, nasty comments. STOP BEING A COWARD AND LET EVERYONE KNOW WHO YOU ARE! BTW -- I am fully aware that the website stopchipcoffey.com has been purchased by Christian Walters of Lawrenceville, GA. Kabol, since you seem to know about this site, would you happen to be Christian Walters? Or just one of his Chip Coffey "hater cronies"?


North Pole,
wow, interesting

#217Consumer Comment

Mon, December 22, 2008

CHIP BLUSTERS: "Do you realize that I already have ample grounds to sue you for libel and defamation of character? I do not want to be forced to do so, but if you continue this harassment and do not stop with the threats, I swear to you that I will file a lawsuit." gee chip, according to everything you've posted so far, you've *already* contacted your attorney(ies) and bea's arse is already grass. CHIP COUNSELS: "I received word recently that you wrote an E-mail to Rip Off Report, saying that you would kill yourself unless posts about you on Rip Off Report were removed. If that is true, Beatrice, I urge you to seek help immediately." wow, what a 'counselor' chip is! i'm amazed at the compassion and calming influence chip (who supposedly has a masters in psychology and/or counseling) has on bea. words fail me.


Los Angeles,

#218Author of original report

Mon, December 22, 2008

RR DID NOT POST THIS . . . SO I AM TRYING ONCE MORE AND THEN NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS . . . I AM NOT POSTING ANOTHER WORD! Chip, everything about you is a lie. You are an actor posing as a psychic . . . You are a typical cold reader . . . a good guesser. You want fame and fortune and I could care less about it! I never said you were a pedophile . . . I would not know if you were or not. I said for the 100th time that calling me a homophobe is like me calling you a pedophile . . . not true. There I said it again. I did not post it on RR . . . you did . . . genius. Again to glean sympathy and get support from strangers. However you are all the names you said I called you which I did not call you . . . other than you are a raging Queen AND YOU ARE. Gee . . . gay guys never call each other that do they? Lenny Bruce calls you a cross between Charles Nelson Reilly and Jeanne Dixon. lol I spent Thanksgiving with all Gay men . . . some homophobe I am. I have healed three men who were at death's door with AIDS. Some homophobe I am. You are karmically paying for stealing my identity and registering my names beatricemarot.com and beatricemarot.net. and taking people to your website as well as demanding $3000 for them. WHAT KIND OF PERSON DOES THAT? You are paying for causing me immeasurable pain and suffering WHEN I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO HURT YOU OTHER THAN BECOME NUMBER ONE ON KEEN. You are paying for taking a sentence which if I wanted to call you a pedophile on RR . . . why did I not just do it? No, I wrote to you on your personal email because I would never lie . . . like you do. In your malicious and hateful true self that you are . . . you decided to twist the truth as usual and take the one sentence . . . not the whole email . . . to create another blog of lies. Here again, is the whole email . . . Subject: This is why you will burn in hell for being a lying scumbag CHIPS OWN WORDS . . . from the lie filled blog of November, '07 It is interesting, also, to note that Beatrice has, in the past, openly bragged (most notably, on The Howard Stern Show) about the fact that she slept with actor, Robert De Niro ... even recounting, at one time, on her personal website, details of their sexual antics. (She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing. BEA'S WORDS I never did any such thing and this never happened "She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing." You see this is the kind of lies you have no qualms saying that make you a despicable human being. Amazing that we were never friends yet . . . I would tell a perfect stranger all these personal things about my life. Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report? NOW BEING THAT YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE JERK. . . YOU TOOK THE LAST PART AND YOU CREATED A WHOLE BLOG/LIE ABOUT IT TO GET PEOPLE TO HATE ME. I DID GET HATE MAIL . . . UNTIL THEY READ MY VERSION AND THEN THEY ADDED ME TO THEIR FRIENDS AND TOOK YOU OFF. YOU THINK PEOPLE ARE AS STUPID AS TANILA AND TAMMY AND YOUR DIEHARD FANS WHO HAVE NEVER DEALT WITH YOU PERSONALLY BUT JUST SEE YOU ON TV . . . JUST THE HAPPY GO LUCKY CHIPPER WHO HAS THE GENIUS TO ASK IF THERE IS AN UPSTAIRS WHEN HE IS STANDING NEXT TO A STAIRCASE. GOOD ONE!! AND ANYONE READING THIS . . . THE POSTER ON THIS THREAD WITH THE NAME RENEGADE IS ALSO CHIP COFFEY . . . WHICH IS WHY THAT HATER NEVER POSTED AGAIN AS SOON AS I CALLED HIM ON IT! YOU SEE CHIP WHEN YOUR HEART IS FILLED WITH HATE LIKE YOURS IS . . . YOU MESS UP . . . YOU DON'T THINK THINGS THROUGH AND YOU POSING AS RENEGADE SAID THINGS . . . THAT ONLY CHIP COFFEY COULD KNOW. NOW YOU QUIT POSTING AND END THIS AND TAKE YOUR LAME BLOG OFF OF BLOGSPOT!


North Pole,

#219Consumer Comment

Sun, December 21, 2008

tanila exclaimed: "I am going to continue posting everything on the RR on Beatrice, so that it will come up whenever her name is googled. I will copy and past her remarks about Chip." that's awesome. i'm sure beatrice can use the media attention just like chip can. there are FAR more forums and websites out there already calling chip coffey on his psychic BS. i heard there is even one in the works that will be along the lines of "stopsylviabrown.com". it appears as though chip pissed a lot of people off when he exploited innocent minors and young teens just to further his career.


North Pole,

#220Consumer Comment

Sun, December 21, 2008

tanila exclaimed: "I am going to continue posting everything on the RR on Beatrice, so that it will come up whenever her name is googled. I will copy and past her remarks about Chip." that's awesome. i'm sure beatrice can use the media attention just like chip can. there are FAR more forums and websites out there already calling chip coffey on his psychic BS. i heard there is even one in the works that will be along the lines of "stopsylviabrown.com". it appears as though chip pissed a lot of people off when he exploited innocent minors and young teens just to further his career.


North Pole,

#221Consumer Comment

Sun, December 21, 2008

tanila exclaimed: "I am going to continue posting everything on the RR on Beatrice, so that it will come up whenever her name is googled. I will copy and past her remarks about Chip." that's awesome. i'm sure beatrice can use the media attention just like chip can. there are FAR more forums and websites out there already calling chip coffey on his psychic BS. i heard there is even one in the works that will be along the lines of "stopsylviabrown.com". it appears as though chip pissed a lot of people off when he exploited innocent minors and young teens just to further his career.


North Pole,

#222Consumer Comment

Sun, December 21, 2008

tanila exclaimed: "I am going to continue posting everything on the RR on Beatrice, so that it will come up whenever her name is googled. I will copy and past her remarks about Chip." that's awesome. i'm sure beatrice can use the media attention just like chip can. there are FAR more forums and websites out there already calling chip coffey on his psychic BS. i heard there is even one in the works that will be along the lines of "stopsylviabrown.com". it appears as though chip pissed a lot of people off when he exploited innocent minors and young teens just to further his career.


Los Angeles,
This LOVE I am getting as a result of your lies!!

#223Author of original report

Sun, December 21, 2008

These are all new friends who have read your posts. Thank you! From: Shell Date: Dec 20, 2008 10:15 AM Actually that is why I looked you up in the first place. I guess as a mom with a 16 year old daughter who has the gift (as you do) I would much rather learn about who a person is without outside influences. I find it great that you responded to me yourself (he wont)and one of the only reason I looked up chip in the first place was my daughters gift and the fact i saw his show. I have read alot and I feel badly for you and would much rather have people on my friends list that are real and not just saying they are real. I will be deleting him as soon as I send this as I am not a drama person and that seems what the deal is with him. I appreciate the fact you responded personally ...it means alot. Smiles- WHAT was Chip thinking in registering your names???? I mean, it's not like he could say it was going to be a Christmas present to you before you had that falling out. Did he sincerely believe that folks would buy that s**t as wanting "to sell them to you at a fair rate?" And I've read the posts - Tanila calls her own hubby a "2 ton gorilla." If it was sooooo frickin offensive to her, then why does she do it, herself? Shew - feels good to get that out finally! Bea, I appreciate all you do. I appreciate your vigor and strength in all this mess. I also wanted to add that I think you've helped me reconnect to my guide. I was an energy healer for a while before my youngest child came along (he's 2). I lost touch with my spirit guide until I saw your posts and sent you a friend request because I respect your views. Then I get this familiar, frat-boy chatting away in my head...it was like the switch somehow got turned back on! Both of us thank you. Don't know exactly how it happened but it did! Laura


North Pole,

#224Consumer Comment

Sun, December 21, 2008

Chip cried: "All one has to do is read the E-mail that Beatrice sent to me on December 15, 2008. She has posted the entire E-mail, right here on this site. It is plain to see that she threatened to falsely accuse me of something that is incredibly vile and sickening. This is defamation of character at its lowest form!" so sue her like you threatened to do. your pal tanila has your back. she can testify in court that bea is possessed, you can psychically channel the demon she's possessed by, and beatrice and merlin can put the psychic squeeze on the you two. (or four, not sure how many demons are involved.) what a joke. no really - i think you should sue, chip. but then again, you might end up opening a whole can of court room worms. do a google news search for what recently happened to a couple of scamming psychics in california. san mateo and san francisco to be exact. i wonder how strict georgia's laws are......


My Response to Beatrice Marot's Latest E-mail

#225REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 21, 2008

What lies, Beatrice? No lies, only facts. Did you not send an E-mail to me, threatening to falsely accuse me of being a pedophile? (By definition, this is libel and defamation of character.) Have you not called me numerous vile names and made homophobic comments about me? (By definition, this makes you a homophobe.) Have you not called black men, Asian men, southerners, Christians and who knows how many others a string of nasty names? (By definition, this makes you a bigot and a racist.) Have you not stalked and threatened me over the course of the past several years, both privately and publicly? Have you not contacted my personal friends and business associates in a feeble attempt to malign and ruin me? I have admitted to the fact that there was discord between us while we both worked on Keen. I will never, however, admit to being responsible for your removal from Keen because that is not true. You did that all on your own because you refused to obey Keen's rules and guidelines, despite repeated warnings from them telling you to do so. I have admitted to buying two domain sites, beatricemarot.com and .net. Buying ANY domain name is perfectly legal and is NOT identity theft. Many people operate businesses that buy and sell domain names. I have admitted to turning the domain names over to my former webmasters, who, in turn offered to sell them to you. You harassed my former webmasters relentlessly until they simply handed the domain names over to you, without any exchange of money, just in order to get rid of you. Is there anything I'm leaving out here????? A&E and all of my other professional contacts already know about you and your vendetta against me. I very proactively told them all about you months ago and they are prepared to deal with you, if/when you contact them. Do you realize that I already have ample grounds to sue you for libel and defamation of character? I do not want to be forced to do so, but if you continue this harassment and do not stop with the threats, I swear to you that I will file a lawsuit. I received word recently that you wrote an E-mail to Rip Off Report, saying that you would kill yourself unless posts about you on Rip Off Report were removed. If that is true, Beatrice, I urge you to seek help immediately.


Beatrice Marot threatens me AGAIN!

#226REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 21, 2008

Shortly after the post I made (above), I received yet another threatening E-mail from Beatrice Marot. WILL THIS WOMAN EVER STOP????? Here is the E-mail I received: Subj: You know you show how not psychic you are Date: 12/21/2008 1:12:24 PM Eastern Standard Time From: [email protected] To: ChipCoffey@********* Sent from the Internet (Details) You create a post based on lies . . . and you think everyone is not going to see through them. I now have to contact your producers at A&E unless of course . . . you immediately take down your blog on blogspot. You see . . . don't you think that I would have contacted them a long time ago if I really wanted to hurt you . . . Duh Figure it out genius. I never wanted to hurt you . . . you are doing a great job all by yourself though Renegade. . . with a little help from your friends. Now, if you really want this to end. Take your blog down and tell Tanila and Tammy to chill. And End it. Pretty simple! CREATE THE FUTURE! www.beatricemarot.com


Writing the same things over and over and over again accomplishes nothing.

#227REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 21, 2008

All one has to do is read the E-mail that Beatrice sent to me on December 15, 2008. She has posted the entire E-mail, right here on this site. It is plain to see that she threatened to falsely accuse me of something that is incredibly vile and sickening. This is defamation of character at its lowest form! I have tried to completely ignore Beatrice Marot, ever since the discord between us happened years ago. She has not let go of the rage she feels toward me. She has relentlessly sought "revenge" against me. Beatrice says that I wrongly accused her of being a homophobe. Homophobia is defined as "the fear of or contempt for gay men and lesbians." Beatrice has used the following words and phrases: homo/psychic, butt f**ker, likes to take it up the butt, f****t, queen ... and more. In my opinion, and in the opinion of many others, these are offensive, contempt-filled words, particularly for anyone who is gay or l*****n. She has also used many bigoted, racially and ethnically offensive words and filthy phrases. She has written blasphemies that would offend and outrage anyone who is of Christian faith. I am not the one who has been perpetuating this shameful mess. SHE IS! I am not the one who has posted dozens of times, here on ROR and on other websites. SHE IS! Beatrice has said to me many times, "I will make you pay!" and she has tried her best to make that happen. I am stating, here and now, that all Beatrice Marot has to do in order to end this entire mess is STOP! Stop posting about me. Stop sending threatening E-mails to my personal E-mail address. Stop contacting my friends and business associates in an attempt to malign/ruin me. Leave me alone ... forget you EVER knew me ... move ahead ... and this entire, insane mess will finally end.



#228Consumer Comment

Sun, December 21, 2008

I am going to continue posting everything on the RR on Beatrice, so that it will come up whenever her name is googled. I will copy and past her remarks about Chip.



#229Consumer Comment

Sun, December 21, 2008

you have already made that filthy allegation. I have it in writing. You can't unring a bell. Now people see what you really are. They see what your kind of "Light Worker" does when she gets angry. I hope Chip sues the stuffing out of you. So do a lot of other good people. I'll bet if other people you've terrorized, like Sean Penn and Billy Zane, just to name 2, find out what is about to happen to you, the will jump on the bandwagon to help take you down. Your name is going to be RUINED in Hollywood and everywhere else.


Los Angeles,

#230Author of original report

Sun, December 21, 2008

This started 3 1/2 years ago IN MAY OF '05 because Chip Coffey lied about every single thing that happened between us ON KEEN . . . and it ends with Chip Coffey doing THE exact same thing. Here is how Chip twisted and manipulated the truth on his myspace blog to perpetuate more hate . . . Here are some of the messages I am getting from Chip's friends....... Leave Chip alone, you s*** f*****. I JUST WANTED TO WRITE AND TELL YOU WHAT A DISGRACE YOU ARE AS A HUMAN BEING. TO ACCUSE SOMEONE OF BEING INTRESTED IN CHILDREN IS AS LOW AS YOU CAN GO. I BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE JEALOUS OF CHIP BECAUSE HE IS DOING SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO DO. HE HAS THE RESPECT YOU WISH YOU COULD HAVE.YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A GROWN WOMAN HOW ABOUT ACTING LIKE IT!!!!!!! Beatrice Marot So your the b**** who is hating on Chip you know what F*** YOU C***!!! MY BLOG THAT I HAD TO POST AS WELL AS ALERT MYSPACE FOR THIS ENDLESS CYBER BULLYING FROM CHIP, TANILA AND TAMMY! CHIP COFFEY IS NOT A PEDOPHILE, JUST A HUGE LIAR!! This is Chip's blog and then the truth . . . which is here for all to see. Okay ... NOW, I am PISSED! Current mood: disgusted .... Personally, I have had many allegations leveled against me. I have been called many nasty names, like fake, fraud, f*g. But recently, a heinous and repugnant threat was made against me by a woman named Beatrice Marot, a psychic in ....California.... who calls herself 'The High Priestess of Hollywood.' While I was on location in ..Kansas.., taping an episode of ....Paranormal.. ..State...., Miss Marot sent me several E-mails. Below, you will find a portion of one of those E-mails in which she makes a dangerous threat: Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report? Of course there is absolutely no truth to the accusation that Beatrice Marot has made. This woman has been attacking me for several years, all because of a silly spat we had a few years ago. I've known for quite sometime that Beatrice is psychologically unstable, but she has now proven herself to be a vile and wicked human being! Falsely accusing someone of being a sexual predator is defamation of character at its lowest form. Certainly not unlike a woman who falsely accuses a man of rape. Lies like these can ruin a person. It is beyond ridiculous that I would EVER have to address, much less deny, such allegations! It is pathetic and sickening! There is nothing in my past that would even begin to substantiate such accusations! An extensive and thorough background check was run on me before I was approved to appear on Psychic Kids and AT NO TIME, DURING THE ENTIRE PROCESS, IS A CAST OR CREW MEMBER EVER ALONE WITH A MINOR DURING THE TAPING OF ANY TELEVISION SHOW THAT I HAVE BEEN A PART OF. For many months, some folks within the paranormal community and viewers who dislike certain TV shows have used the Internet and various radio shows to attack others and spew venomous comments. I sincerely hope that all sane and rational people who read this blog will wisely realize that much of what is being written or said about others is assumption, accusation, half-truths and, often, outright lies. HERE IS THE TRUTH FROM BEATRICE! .... Chip I said calling me a homophobe is the same as me calling you a pedophile . . . not true!.... You can dish it but you can't take it can you? I am not a racist, I am not a homophobe and Chip is not a pedophile to my knowledge. I was trying to make a point. You are lying about me period! If you had kept Tanila and Tammy at bay . . . this would have been over as soon as Kelli Ryan's blog was deleted from myspace on November 18th. I told you not to let Tanila do this. I told Babs the same thing. Your problem is you cannot see the outcome of choices and I can which is also called the future. I knew this would happen and it did. You should have known but you did not care and in the end you and Tanila and Tammy just look foolish . . . I know my heart and it is golden and I would never hurt anyone unless truly provoked to no end and that is what Tanila and Tammy and you have done. Now, I really have to go spread some love around town..... From: ChipCoffey Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:20 PM To: bea Subject: Re: I never said you were a pedophile Here is what you wrote to me in an E-mail dated December 15, 2008: 'Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report?' You threatened me, Beatrice! You threatened to post a disgusting lie about me that is both heinous and reprehensible! Threatening to make such unfounded and untruthful allegations about me is sick! Yes, I called you a homophobe because you have made sexual slurs against me NUMEROUS TIMES. You claim that you have many gay friends and I am certain that they, too, would find offensive the names that you have called me. You truly need professional help, Beatrice. Anger and bitterness have turned you into a very disturbed and dangerous woman. This is from another lie filled blog that Chip posted about me in November of '07 and it is right here at the beginning of this nightmare ripoff report that I deeply regret ever posting . . . because what I have been through is hell and back! Here is the unedited version of the email I sent Chip. From: Bea To:ChipCoffey Subject: This is why you will burn in hell for being a lying scumbag Chip wrote, It is interesting, also, to note that Beatrice has, in the past, openlybragged (most notably, on The Howard Stern Show) about the fact that she slept with actor, Robert De Niro ... even recounting, at one time, on her personal website, details of their sexual antics. (She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing.) I never did any such thing and this never happened "She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing." You see this is the kind of lies you have no qualms saying that make you a despicable human being. Amazing that we were never friends yet . . . I..would tell a perfect stranger all these personal things about my life. Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were..doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report? DO NOT BELIEVE THIS MAN . . . HE IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD EVER TO POISON THE SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY OF HEALERS AND SEERS!! CHIP CFFEY AKA RENEGADE (BECAUSE LET US NOT FORGET THAT WAS CHIP POSTING UNDER AN ALIAS AS WELL SO HE CAN EVEN BE MORE HATEFUL IN HIS SPEECH) DOES NOT HAVE THE HEART OR THE MIND TO WORK WITH HUMAN BEINGS MUCH LESS CHILDREN AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING A PEDOPHILE . . . IT HAS TO DO WITH BEING A TWISTED CRUEL JEALOUS MAN WHO MANIPULATES THE TRUTH AND HAS NO SOUL. YOU ARE THE ONE POSSESSED BY A DEMON . . . NOT ME! I WOULD NEVER DO TO ANOTHER HUMAN BEING WHAT YOU HAVE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN HERE AND WHAT YOU STARTED IN MAY 2005. NOTHING BUT LIES COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH CHIP COFFEY. NOTHING BUT LIES! .. ..



#231Consumer Comment

Sat, December 20, 2008

doesn't find your calling him a n***a at all amusing. I don't think you would want to call him that to his face. I think you found out what my son thinks of you as well.


Los Angeles,

#232Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

Why are you not over there defending Chip's honor Tanila? I mean you have nothing to worry from me . . . since I will never post anything anywhere else about Chip besides right here . . . just like I said in the first place AND I ALWAYS SPEAK THE TRUTH . . . but thanks to you and Tammy and Chip who did not listen to me when I emailed him on November 19th exactly one month ago today to tell him to stop you . . . but noooooooooooooooooooooo! Now thanks to you, Chip's number one defender. . . this will go all over the net to all the Paranormal Boards of which I have nothing to do with. I do not chase Ghosts or Demons . . . AND HAVE NO DESIRE TO! I could care less about Fame and Fortune! I care about people. I care about the truth. I care about Mother Earth, Children and Animals . . . nothing else!! I help people to prosper from their natural talents and abilities. I helped alot of people on Keen and Chip just could not stand it that I was so much better than him. Again, I quote Chip exactly . . . the words are forever etched into my mind. The minute I became number one . . . Chip lowers his rate to $1.00 per minute which he had never done before so I called him! "Chip is everything ok?" "NO, EVERYTHING IS NOT OK!! I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU TAKE OVER THE NUMBER ONE SPOT. I HAVE BEEN NUMBER ONE ALL THESE YEARS AND I AM NOT GOING TO ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD!! ARNOLD SHWARZENEGGER WOULDN'T ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD!" AND THEN WHAT DID YOU DO CHIPAROO? YOU PROCEEDED TO USE YOUR FRIENDS LIKE YOU ARE NOW TO STALK ME AND CALL ME AND PURPOSELY LEAVE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK, YOU REGISTERED MY NAMES AND GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE . . . BUT GOD DOES KNOW. SCROLL DOWN! AND READ UP! bellaboo Posts: 3,546 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 (5 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 3:00 PM Report Abuse shoot! it was deleted before i could even log in to say that this part bears repeating!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ chip: Why did I buy the domain names? For no other reason than to piss her off. (Yes, I'm human and sometimes, when others push too hard, I push back!) An offer was made to sell Beatrice the domain names at a fair-and-honest price of $3,000." WF: We'd like to point out that a domain name typically costs about ten dollars per year. That's quite the markup he was charging. Of course, we've been seeing how Chip operates for several months now, so we can all say that his version of fair and honest" is obviously a lot like everyone else's slimy and awful." -- anonymous: Chip is so psychic, he never ceases to amaze me. He's right next to the stairs, and he asks if there's an upstairs. ---------------------------------- PRS' disclaimer: 'The data & evidence collected does not prove that any of the paranormal exists or in any way is evidence of the paranormal.' Connie Posts: 6,317 Registered: 9/7/99 (4 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:58 PM Report Abuse Ah, so this is something to look forward to then? I'll try to get the fuzzies out of my head so I don't miss anything. (I have this stupid flu!) -- Stand up for what you believe in.....even if you have to stand alone. bellaboo Posts: 3,546 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 (3 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:57 PM Report Abuse she probably won't come back unless beatrice shows up. evidently tanila and beatrice are quite an item. -- anonymous: Chip is so psychic, he never ceases to amaze me. He's right next to the stairs, and he asks if there's an upstairs. ---------------------------------- PRS' disclaimer: 'The data & evidence collected does not prove that any of the paranormal exists or in any way is evidence of the paranormal.' Connie Posts: 6,317 Registered: 9/7/99 (2 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:56 PM Report Abuse Maybe she has come to realize how the truth hurts???? -- Stand up for what you believe in.....even if you have to stand alone. Demon Designer Posts: 712 Registered: 2/20/08 (1 of 5) Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:49 PM Report Abuse Did she lose the link to this place, or does she just like posting in places where she can keep her fantasy alive? -- ***All Hail, Chief Bellaboo!***


Los Angeles,

#233Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

Why are you not over there defending Chip's honor Tanila? I mean you have nothing to worry from me . . . since I will never post anything anywhere else about Chip besides right here . . . just like I said in the first place AND I ALWAYS SPEAK THE TRUTH . . . but thanks to you and Tammy and Chip who did not listen to me when I emailed him on November 19th exactly one month ago today to tell him to stop you . . . but noooooooooooooooooooooo! Now thanks to you, Chip's number one defender. . . this will go all over the net to all the Paranormal Boards of which I have nothing to do with. I do not chase Ghosts or Demons . . . AND HAVE NO DESIRE TO! I could care less about Fame and Fortune! I care about people. I care about the truth. I care about Mother Earth, Children and Animals . . . nothing else!! I help people to prosper from their natural talents and abilities. I helped alot of people on Keen and Chip just could not stand it that I was so much better than him. Again, I quote Chip exactly . . . the words are forever etched into my mind. The minute I became number one . . . Chip lowers his rate to $1.00 per minute which he had never done before so I called him! "Chip is everything ok?" "NO, EVERYTHING IS NOT OK!! I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU TAKE OVER THE NUMBER ONE SPOT. I HAVE BEEN NUMBER ONE ALL THESE YEARS AND I AM NOT GOING TO ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD!! ARNOLD SHWARZENEGGER WOULDN'T ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD!" AND THEN WHAT DID YOU DO CHIPAROO? YOU PROCEEDED TO USE YOUR FRIENDS LIKE YOU ARE NOW TO STALK ME AND CALL ME AND PURPOSELY LEAVE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK, YOU REGISTERED MY NAMES AND GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE . . . BUT GOD DOES KNOW. SCROLL DOWN! AND READ UP! bellaboo Posts: 3,546 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 (5 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 3:00 PM Report Abuse shoot! it was deleted before i could even log in to say that this part bears repeating!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ chip: Why did I buy the domain names? For no other reason than to piss her off. (Yes, I'm human and sometimes, when others push too hard, I push back!) An offer was made to sell Beatrice the domain names at a fair-and-honest price of $3,000." WF: We'd like to point out that a domain name typically costs about ten dollars per year. That's quite the markup he was charging. Of course, we've been seeing how Chip operates for several months now, so we can all say that his version of fair and honest" is obviously a lot like everyone else's slimy and awful." -- anonymous: Chip is so psychic, he never ceases to amaze me. He's right next to the stairs, and he asks if there's an upstairs. ---------------------------------- PRS' disclaimer: 'The data & evidence collected does not prove that any of the paranormal exists or in any way is evidence of the paranormal.' Connie Posts: 6,317 Registered: 9/7/99 (4 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:58 PM Report Abuse Ah, so this is something to look forward to then? I'll try to get the fuzzies out of my head so I don't miss anything. (I have this stupid flu!) -- Stand up for what you believe in.....even if you have to stand alone. bellaboo Posts: 3,546 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 (3 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:57 PM Report Abuse she probably won't come back unless beatrice shows up. evidently tanila and beatrice are quite an item. -- anonymous: Chip is so psychic, he never ceases to amaze me. He's right next to the stairs, and he asks if there's an upstairs. ---------------------------------- PRS' disclaimer: 'The data & evidence collected does not prove that any of the paranormal exists or in any way is evidence of the paranormal.' Connie Posts: 6,317 Registered: 9/7/99 (2 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:56 PM Report Abuse Maybe she has come to realize how the truth hurts???? -- Stand up for what you believe in.....even if you have to stand alone. Demon Designer Posts: 712 Registered: 2/20/08 (1 of 5) Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:49 PM Report Abuse Did she lose the link to this place, or does she just like posting in places where she can keep her fantasy alive? -- ***All Hail, Chief Bellaboo!***


Los Angeles,

#234Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

Why are you not over there defending Chip's honor Tanila? I mean you have nothing to worry from me . . . since I will never post anything anywhere else about Chip besides right here . . . just like I said in the first place AND I ALWAYS SPEAK THE TRUTH . . . but thanks to you and Tammy and Chip who did not listen to me when I emailed him on November 19th exactly one month ago today to tell him to stop you . . . but noooooooooooooooooooooo! Now thanks to you, Chip's number one defender. . . this will go all over the net to all the Paranormal Boards of which I have nothing to do with. I do not chase Ghosts or Demons . . . AND HAVE NO DESIRE TO! I could care less about Fame and Fortune! I care about people. I care about the truth. I care about Mother Earth, Children and Animals . . . nothing else!! I help people to prosper from their natural talents and abilities. I helped alot of people on Keen and Chip just could not stand it that I was so much better than him. Again, I quote Chip exactly . . . the words are forever etched into my mind. The minute I became number one . . . Chip lowers his rate to $1.00 per minute which he had never done before so I called him! "Chip is everything ok?" "NO, EVERYTHING IS NOT OK!! I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU TAKE OVER THE NUMBER ONE SPOT. I HAVE BEEN NUMBER ONE ALL THESE YEARS AND I AM NOT GOING TO ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD!! ARNOLD SHWARZENEGGER WOULDN'T ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD!" AND THEN WHAT DID YOU DO CHIPAROO? YOU PROCEEDED TO USE YOUR FRIENDS LIKE YOU ARE NOW TO STALK ME AND CALL ME AND PURPOSELY LEAVE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK, YOU REGISTERED MY NAMES AND GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE . . . BUT GOD DOES KNOW. SCROLL DOWN! AND READ UP! bellaboo Posts: 3,546 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 (5 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 3:00 PM Report Abuse shoot! it was deleted before i could even log in to say that this part bears repeating!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ chip: Why did I buy the domain names? For no other reason than to piss her off. (Yes, I'm human and sometimes, when others push too hard, I push back!) An offer was made to sell Beatrice the domain names at a fair-and-honest price of $3,000." WF: We'd like to point out that a domain name typically costs about ten dollars per year. That's quite the markup he was charging. Of course, we've been seeing how Chip operates for several months now, so we can all say that his version of fair and honest" is obviously a lot like everyone else's slimy and awful." -- anonymous: Chip is so psychic, he never ceases to amaze me. He's right next to the stairs, and he asks if there's an upstairs. ---------------------------------- PRS' disclaimer: 'The data & evidence collected does not prove that any of the paranormal exists or in any way is evidence of the paranormal.' Connie Posts: 6,317 Registered: 9/7/99 (4 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:58 PM Report Abuse Ah, so this is something to look forward to then? I'll try to get the fuzzies out of my head so I don't miss anything. (I have this stupid flu!) -- Stand up for what you believe in.....even if you have to stand alone. bellaboo Posts: 3,546 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 (3 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:57 PM Report Abuse she probably won't come back unless beatrice shows up. evidently tanila and beatrice are quite an item. -- anonymous: Chip is so psychic, he never ceases to amaze me. He's right next to the stairs, and he asks if there's an upstairs. ---------------------------------- PRS' disclaimer: 'The data & evidence collected does not prove that any of the paranormal exists or in any way is evidence of the paranormal.' Connie Posts: 6,317 Registered: 9/7/99 (2 of 5) Re: Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:56 PM Report Abuse Maybe she has come to realize how the truth hurts???? -- Stand up for what you believe in.....even if you have to stand alone. Demon Designer Posts: 712 Registered: 2/20/08 (1 of 5) Where did Tanila go? Dec 19, 2008 1:49 PM Report Abuse Did she lose the link to this place, or does she just like posting in places where she can keep her fantasy alive? -- ***All Hail, Chief Bellaboo!***


Los Angeles,
I am not involved in the Paranormal world . . . FYI

#235Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

I am involved in the Spiritual World . . . a place of light, love, laughter, dance, song and great jokes!! "It wasn't me your honor . . . It was Lenny Bruce!!" So please do what Lenny said Tanila and "Go f*** yourself and your two ton Gorilla!!" Remember what I said on the Kelli Ryan thread, "I channel Lenny Bruce and John Belushi . . . not Bing Crosby and Mr. Ed!!"


Los Angeles,
Now Now Kabol . . . Some of us were born to help the children! Like me!

#236Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

Here is another great example of what a real High Priestess/Astrologer/Seer can do for the babies!! This is 100% the truth!! CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE!!! "How do you know all this stuff about us?" the twelve year old girl asked. She was standing in front of a large group of children that had gathered around me at a party. It was a very special night . . . a bar mitzvah and the rest of the entertainment . . the clowns, magicians, jugglers and dancers were left to entertain the adults. I said to the pretty little girl, "I just pull it out of the air . . . like magic!" I was nervous because I had never read for children before and I thought, "What am I going to say to all these kids? Then one by one they sat down. The first boy was tall and he was wearing a grey suit. His demeanor was shy and thoughtful. I said to him, "Well, I am getting that you really like going to the temple and that you are thinking of becoming a Rabbi. Is that true? He nodded his head yes and I said, "Well, you would make a great Rabbi because you have a natural connection with God so I highly recommend that you pursue that goal." The next boy was a short overweight kid wearing a black suit and I said to him, "Well, I am getting that YOU just want to make millions and millions of dollars." He said with excitement, "That's right! I want to be the next Bill Gates! I want to make 17.5 million dollars a week!" "Well, I do see you smoking cigars with the biggest capitalists this country has to offer, but since I see you making millions of dollars no matter what you do. . . could you try to do something that is good for the planet?" "O.K." and he got up and high fived all his friends and kept saying "YES, YES, YES!!!!!" over and over. The third kid was blond and wearing a beige suit. I said to him, "Well, I am getting that you are the actor in the group. I am also getting that you are a comedian. Are you a comedian?" He slyly shakes his head no. Then a young girl exclaims, "He is lying to you. He is too a comedian. He just won first prize for a comedy skit he did at school." I said to him, "Don't ever lie to a Priestess . . . because we always find out the truth!" I looked around at all these precious faces and said, "So, we've got a Rabbi, a Millionaire and a Comedian! Sounds like a Presidential election! Who else do we have here?"


Los Angeles,
Now Now Kabol . . . Some of us were born to help the children! Like me!

#237Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

Here is another great example of what a real High Priestess/Astrologer/Seer can do for the babies!! This is 100% the truth!! CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE!!! "How do you know all this stuff about us?" the twelve year old girl asked. She was standing in front of a large group of children that had gathered around me at a party. It was a very special night . . . a bar mitzvah and the rest of the entertainment . . the clowns, magicians, jugglers and dancers were left to entertain the adults. I said to the pretty little girl, "I just pull it out of the air . . . like magic!" I was nervous because I had never read for children before and I thought, "What am I going to say to all these kids? Then one by one they sat down. The first boy was tall and he was wearing a grey suit. His demeanor was shy and thoughtful. I said to him, "Well, I am getting that you really like going to the temple and that you are thinking of becoming a Rabbi. Is that true? He nodded his head yes and I said, "Well, you would make a great Rabbi because you have a natural connection with God so I highly recommend that you pursue that goal." The next boy was a short overweight kid wearing a black suit and I said to him, "Well, I am getting that YOU just want to make millions and millions of dollars." He said with excitement, "That's right! I want to be the next Bill Gates! I want to make 17.5 million dollars a week!" "Well, I do see you smoking cigars with the biggest capitalists this country has to offer, but since I see you making millions of dollars no matter what you do. . . could you try to do something that is good for the planet?" "O.K." and he got up and high fived all his friends and kept saying "YES, YES, YES!!!!!" over and over. The third kid was blond and wearing a beige suit. I said to him, "Well, I am getting that you are the actor in the group. I am also getting that you are a comedian. Are you a comedian?" He slyly shakes his head no. Then a young girl exclaims, "He is lying to you. He is too a comedian. He just won first prize for a comedy skit he did at school." I said to him, "Don't ever lie to a Priestess . . . because we always find out the truth!" I looked around at all these precious faces and said, "So, we've got a Rabbi, a Millionaire and a Comedian! Sounds like a Presidential election! Who else do we have here?"


Los Angeles,
Now Now Kabol . . . Some of us were born to help the children! Like me!

#238Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

Here is another great example of what a real High Priestess/Astrologer/Seer can do for the babies!! This is 100% the truth!! CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE!!! "How do you know all this stuff about us?" the twelve year old girl asked. She was standing in front of a large group of children that had gathered around me at a party. It was a very special night . . . a bar mitzvah and the rest of the entertainment . . the clowns, magicians, jugglers and dancers were left to entertain the adults. I said to the pretty little girl, "I just pull it out of the air . . . like magic!" I was nervous because I had never read for children before and I thought, "What am I going to say to all these kids? Then one by one they sat down. The first boy was tall and he was wearing a grey suit. His demeanor was shy and thoughtful. I said to him, "Well, I am getting that you really like going to the temple and that you are thinking of becoming a Rabbi. Is that true? He nodded his head yes and I said, "Well, you would make a great Rabbi because you have a natural connection with God so I highly recommend that you pursue that goal." The next boy was a short overweight kid wearing a black suit and I said to him, "Well, I am getting that YOU just want to make millions and millions of dollars." He said with excitement, "That's right! I want to be the next Bill Gates! I want to make 17.5 million dollars a week!" "Well, I do see you smoking cigars with the biggest capitalists this country has to offer, but since I see you making millions of dollars no matter what you do. . . could you try to do something that is good for the planet?" "O.K." and he got up and high fived all his friends and kept saying "YES, YES, YES!!!!!" over and over. The third kid was blond and wearing a beige suit. I said to him, "Well, I am getting that you are the actor in the group. I am also getting that you are a comedian. Are you a comedian?" He slyly shakes his head no. Then a young girl exclaims, "He is lying to you. He is too a comedian. He just won first prize for a comedy skit he did at school." I said to him, "Don't ever lie to a Priestess . . . because we always find out the truth!" I looked around at all these precious faces and said, "So, we've got a Rabbi, a Millionaire and a Comedian! Sounds like a Presidential election! Who else do we have here?"


North Pole,
now THERE's an idea

#239Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

Tanila intoned: "Professionally she is finished because the paranormal world will now know her for who she is." But it's OK for your pal chip to rip people off under the guise of "paranormal counselor" Tanila? Hey -- I have an idea: A TV show starring Chip and Beatrice. WHO is THEE most PSYCHIC, BEATCHES?! Featuring psychic mumbo jumbo, one-upmanship and cat fights with girl slaps galore! Let's just leave all the children out of it, shall we Chip? Bringing children into this reeking psychic garbage cesspit was a FAR worse thing to have done than any internet mud slinging by Beatrice toward Chip. Too bad more parents aren't as interested in suing fake exploitive psychics as Chip is interested in suing people for making fun of him.


Los Angeles,
This is amazing . . . Kabol thanx you!

#240Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

INCREDIBLE . . . WHEN CHIP COFFEY LOST HIS MIND BECAUSE I BECAME NUMBER ONE AND HE STOLE MY NAMES AND REGISTERED THEM IT WAS IN MAY OF '05. NOW I DO CALL MYSELF "THE HIGH PRIESTESS IN HOLLYWOOD" AND I TELL PEOPLE ALL THE TIME THAT MY GUIDES ARE IN CHARGE OF HOLLYWOOD . . . AND I TOLD CHIP'S FRIEND BABS . . . 'WHO DO YOU THINK HAS BEEN GUIDING CHIP'S CAREER?" AND LOOK AT THIS GEM THAT KABOL POSTED . . . >>Sunday, May 01, 2005 >>Be Careful What You Ask For! >>Several months ago, I decided that, in order to move to the next level of my >>career as a psychic, medium and spiritual counselor, I needed exposure in the >>media. So, I asked the Universe for help. And the doors started to fly open! THANKS MERLIN!



#241Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

When Beatrice posted her last filthy lie about Chip, she put the last nail in her own coffin. Of all the horrible, racist, bigoted things she had said, this is the most profane. When Chip finishes with her, she won't even have a 1993 automobile to sleep in. All the things she has said about people over the years is going to come out. Professionally she is finished because the paranormal world will now know her for who she is.



#242Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

When Beatrice posted her last filthy lie about Chip, she put the last nail in her own coffin. Of all the horrible, racist, bigoted things she had said, this is the most profane. When Chip finishes with her, she won't even have a 1993 automobile to sleep in. All the things she has said about people over the years is going to come out. Professionally she is finished because the paranormal world will now know her for who she is.



#243Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

When Beatrice posted her last filthy lie about Chip, she put the last nail in her own coffin. Of all the horrible, racist, bigoted things she had said, this is the most profane. When Chip finishes with her, she won't even have a 1993 automobile to sleep in. All the things she has said about people over the years is going to come out. Professionally she is finished because the paranormal world will now know her for who she is.



#244Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

When Beatrice posted her last filthy lie about Chip, she put the last nail in her own coffin. Of all the horrible, racist, bigoted things she had said, this is the most profane. When Chip finishes with her, she won't even have a 1993 automobile to sleep in. All the things she has said about people over the years is going to come out. Professionally she is finished because the paranormal world will now know her for who she is.


Los Angeles,
More links . . . and blogs of truth! Are you happy Tanila . . . ths is all thanks to you! Wow!

#245Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

Here is the whole article . . . I just posted half of it . . . the Chip half! http://www. pinkraygun. com/2008/05/21/the-amateur-scientist-reviews-paranormal-state/ Sadly, it gets worse. Buell brings in his recurring sidekick, a self-proclaimed psychic medium named Chip Coffey. In most of his appearances, Coffey is a fairly innocuous presence. He usually just wanders around talking about how he senses emotions in various corners of a room. In this case, he pretends to play the role of skeptic, asking Buell if he's directly asked the girl if she's making all of this up. Buell acts like the thought has never occurred to him, and it probably hasn't. I can think of several other thoughts that have probably never occurred to him. Buell asks Coffey how they would know if the girl were telling the truth, to which, based on nothing, Coffey responds, She'll tell me. Coffey then lies on the girl's bedroom floor as if he's her best friend over for a slumber party and poses the obvious question. She says that everything she's recounted is 100% true. Instead of questioning her further, Coffey exclaims Good for you! and proceeds to tell her all about how she's a medium with a special gift. Let me get this out of the way: Chip Coffey is slime. Go to his website, and you'll see that he touts his ability to communicate with your dead loved ones, bringing you comfort and peace. But like every other charlatan in his business, he'll charge you out the a*s for that peace. $400 an hour for a telephone reading. Never mind the fact that if he or anyone like him can prove they have these powers, there's a million dollar prize waiting from the James Randi Educational Foundation. Coffey could say he isn't interested in the prize, but why then is he interested in your $400? Keep in mind that this is the man Buell offers to mentor this disturbed young girl. I wonder how much money Coffey could fleece from her mother. Paranormal State eventually falls into the same trappings as every other half-baked ghost hunting farce. Buell asserts that 3 AM is known as dead time, when paranormal activity is at its peak, though he doesn't back up this claim with anything as mundane as evidence or even reasoning. During dead time, the PRS team sets up motion detectors and infrared cameras. I have no idea how a non-corporeal being would set off a motion detector, and neither does Sergey, the PRS tech guy. And the IR cameras are set up to look for cold spots in the room, but just like in every other ghost hunting show, there's never any explanation as to why ghosts would necessarily make a room cold. I could go on and on about the true horrors of this pseudo-horror show. There's a disturbing amount of Catholic mysticismlots of holy water and crosses and blessed icons of the saints buried in the four corners of property. Taking Paranormal State at face value, it's amazing how easy it is to rid a house of an evil spirit just by telling it to go away in Jesus' name. Don't spend too much time thinking about why this would be the case, considering Jesus' dad supposedly created those spirits and could theoretically have stopped them from terrorizing these people in the first place. It's the involvement of innocent children in this nonsense that is the real tragedy here. The very first episode deals with another obviously disturbed kid whose delusions Buell and his crew feed, nurture, and present to the world as entertainment. The hokey hyper-editing, ridiculous sound effects, and creaky production values aside, this show is pure trash, and the people involved should really be ashamed of themselves. On one of the DVD commentary tracks, Buell explains his on-the-scene code word for angry demons. He calls them bunnies. The point here is to confuse them and rob them of their evil majesty. This is just one more lump on the bullsh!t pile, but on the off chance that these demons are actually real, I thought I'd give this little trick away. Demons, when you hear Buell running around in the dark talking about bunnies, that's when you strike. In Jesus' name, that's when you strike.


Los Angeles,
The links keep coming . . . Look what you unleashed Tanila

#246Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

I told Chip this would happen if you did not shut your mouth. And by the way . . . I would have to say c***k in China Town . . . Jap would be for Little Toyko! God you are one dumb backwoods hillbilly from hell! It is truly frightening just how stupid you are and how thanks to you and you alone . . . Chip is now suffering the fruits of your actions . . . I hope you are happy. All the Chip haters are going to come to RR thanks to you posting on A&E. Hey they miss you over there . . . what's wrong . . . aren't you going to fight for your gay/psychic friend anymore on the A&E boards. And Mrs Tanilla Gorilla with an IQ of 10 . . . it is the Earth . . . that is bleeding love! Great song by Leona Lewis . . . hot sexy black woman . . . she turns me on lol. . . maybe I am gay too!! Wonders never cease! Now this is a must see . . . the best video ever denouncing that lame show Psychic Kids . . . what a sham and what a shame that A&E is so lame!! http://www.cracked.com/video_16623_psychic-kids-see-dead-people-you-see-awful-reality-tv.html


Los Angeles,
From the beautiful Bella Boo . . . love this woman!

#247Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

Re: Guess Who! Dec 19, 2008 12:07 PM Report Abuse i still think it's TFF that tanila thinks there are only 3 people dissing chip on the internet. she must have missed the poll here that Fata started -- not a huge sample, but quite telling. ---------------------------------- Would you pay $200 for a half hour reading o Chip? Poll Results: No 7 (14.6%) 14% Hell no! 23 (47.9%) 47% I'd have no problem paying him!.........A nickel. 1 (2.1%) 2% If someone else was paying 10 (20.8%) 20% Yes! I believe in Chip and I'd love a reading!! 7 (14.6%) 14% Total: 48 -- anonymous: Chip is so psychic, he never ceases to amaze me. He's right next to the stairs, and he asks if there's an upstairs. ---------------------------------- PRS' disclaimer: "The data & evidence collected does not prove that any of the paranormal exists or in any way is evidence of the paranormal."


Los Angeles,
I was just asking the Universe . . . where is Kabol . . . and here you are! Damn I'm good!

#248Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

HERE IS ANOTHER GREAT BLOG OF TRUTH!!! PEOPLE KEEP SENDING ME THESE LINKS . . . I GUESS THE UNIVERSE WANTS THE TRUTH OUT!!! http://mikesweeklyskepticrant.blogspot.com/2008_06_01_archive.html Tuesday, June 17, 2008 "Psychic Kids" and A&E - Child Abuse on Television I saw the commercial and was disgusted, but then I had the misfortune to see an actual episode and it turned my stomach. That sick feeling of watching some a*****e hurt a kid with no one to help, or like a viewing of Jesus Camp. I'm talking about the new exploitation show on A&E, Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. I had hoped maybe the people at the top of a network would have a bit of sense - not much, but a bit - and not completely use kids to make a f**king dollar. These are children who believe - mostly because of their parents, who came across as clueless and helpless in the face of their child's "gift" - that they can talk to ghosts and in one instance, heal people. The hosts are painful. The main guy is Chip Coffey, a "psychic" d****ebag of the highest order who, on his MySpace page (hurry to shut off the annoying music) has this: Following successful careers in traditional counseling, the entertainment industry and travel management, I became a full-time psychic and medium in September, 2001. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution said "Chip Coffey is every bit as accurate as John Edward." InStyle magazine called me "a cross between John Edward and Dr. Phil ... a psychic who doesn't hestitate to tell it like it is." Fate and Fortune, a European magazine, featured a story about my visit to the ruins of the World Trade Center with the widow of a man who died there on 9-11. I love that; "every bit as accurate as John Edward". Sooo...not at all, then? And in the Things That Make You Go Hmmm category, he became a "full-time psychic and medium in September, 2001"? What a coincidence - not. I think that should read, "Chip saw an opportunity in September, 2001 that he was too much of a heartless,greedy motherf**ker to resist." It's hard for me to think about someone sinking lower than realizing their life's calling is to exploit people after a national (worldwide?) terrorist attack tragedy, but ol' Chip managed to do just that with A&E and Psychic Kids. And yes, he spelled it "hestitate" on his MySpace page. a*****e. Also, off of Coffey's personal page FAQ, we a have this nugget: Q: What abilities do you have? A: I am a precognitive, clairprescient psychic, which means that I am able to forecast future events with substantial accuracy by tuning into messages that I receive from my spiritual partners in the Higher Realms. I have also been blessed with the gift of communicating with the spirits of those who have departed life, as we know it, here in the living world. I have an advanced degree in Counseling Psychology and I am very well-versed in a variety of spiritual and metaphysical subjects. In 2002, under the tutelage of Patti Starr, I became a "certified ghost hunter" and, since that time, I have participated in a number of paranormal investigations. I frequently consult with both victims' families and law enforcement agencies on unsolved murder and/or missing persons cases. Ok, full disclosure, I had to look up what, exactly, the f**k was meant by "clairprescient". Oddly, the word was not listed at Merriam-Webster, so I have to conclude that Coffey just made it the hell up. The d****ebaggery just doesn't end. If you were wondering who the hell Patti Starr is, she's this wack-job. Seriously, go there and read until you get to the part that says (emphasis all me, baby): She presents an eerie PowerPoint program which consists of numerous photographs, videos and audio recordings of ghostly activity captured during her many investigations of haunted locations. She also reveals unsettling stories of her ghostly encounters! The evidence she presents will keep you sitting on the edge of your seat and make skeptics into believers. Right, ok, so first of all, PowerPoint presentations are never creepy. Ever. In addition, if you have all that fabulous "evidence", Patti, why not show it to people who may actually corroborate it and vouch that it's not a...what's that term...? Blatant fraud? Yeah, that's it. Lisa Miller, Ph.D is the intellectual on the show. She's the one with actual credentials, but apparently she has very little in the way of perception of objective reality. Dr. Miller's little bio thing from Columbia seems legit, but her focus on "spirituality" plus her acceptance of these kids' "psychic gifts" completely outs her as a woman living with delusions laying around in her brain like so many creepy Hummel figurines. That grown adults jump right to, "these kids are interacting with spirits from another dimension, so let's deal with those meanies", instead of starting at the obvious point of, "perhaps these are lonely kids who just need a buddy", staggers my feeble mind. A review I read at SciFi.com puts it fairly well: If these kids really are psychic and they are being terrorized by forces few can see, along the lines of young Cole, played by Haley Joel Osment in The Sixth Sense, how horrifying is that? And if these kids are not psychic, but rather have taken having an imaginary friend to a new level, that would be a terribly sad, considering that the kids are at an age where they should have grown out of that stage. That aside, the bigger question becomes "Should this material be on television even if it considers itself a documentary?" While exploring psychic children might help others who have similar issues, how will it affect the kids being featured? And is this entertainment? Now, being the trained skeptic I am, I would not give the, "If these kids really are psychic" bit any weight at all, but whatever. The point is valid - if these kids have actual problems, then why the f**k are we watching them instead of getting them help? Why do you have some shithead confirming their delusions and digging them deeper into their, "I'm broken yet special" protective shell? This metaphor is overused, but the whole thing truly made me feel dirty. It was watching abuse actually happen; adults who either knew better and didn't care or who are delusional themselves and were allowed to foist their craziness on kids who need professional attention. I believe the former because of something I read at the bottom of ol' Chip's page - his Legal Disclaimer which reads: Please be advised that psychic readings cannot predict, forecast , diagnose or provide information with absolute certainty. No guarantees or assurances of any kind are given and Chip Coffey will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions made by recipients based on information provided during readings. For entertainment purposes only. For medical concerns, please consult with a physician. For legal matters, please contact an attorney I think he knows full well he's packed-full up to his goddamn eyebrows with s**t. Shame on him, on Lisa Miller, and on the money-grubbing assholes at A&E - the Adolescent & Exploiting channel.


North Pole,
chip loves the attention

#249Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

Why wouldn't Chip Coffey love all of this attention? Like any good media whooore, he MUST surely believe that any attention is good attention. It's very ironic that Chip Coffey has enough "professional ethics" to not divulge his psychic victims...er, client info - but has no qualms at all about starring on a national TV show which uses minors and provides their real faces, names and locations. You mean Chip didn't know what he was doing when he decided he needed to build himself a media presence to further his career? He didn't know what he was in for? On one of his many self-congratulatory blogs Chip himself stated: >>Sunday, May 01, 2005 >>Be Careful What You Ask For! >>Several months ago, I decided that, in order to move to the next level of my >>career as a psychic, medium and spiritual counselor, I needed exposure in the >>media. So, I asked the Universe for help. And the doors started to fly open! Welcome to being a "star", Chip. Hope you're enjoying the attention. Beatrice, I wouldn't worry about it. Chip threatens EVERYONE who publicly denounces him in any way with lawsuits. You're in a long, long line. To Chip's "friends": Enjoy being "friends" with a scam artist who was on a TV show to USE children to further his career.



#250Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

that the Goddess you worship would approve of the words you use to describe her children. You say how you bleed love, but your own words belie this.


Los Angeles,

#251Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

WOW . . . YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD FRIEND TO ME TANILA . . . THANK YOU FOR THIS! JUST POSTED ON THE PARANORMAL STATE BOARD!! I LOVE BELLA!! SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!! seeking the truth, or the truth about phone psychics Dec 19, 2008 11:01 AM speaking of "seeking the truth", read this blog entry. http://skepchick. org/blog/?p=3299 some excerpts: --------------------------------------------- I won't go into much detail about what Chip and other psychics told me about my sister. I was assured that Colleen was still around, that she loved me, there is no pain in the afterlife and all the typical beautiful, flowery, heartwarming bullshit that spiritual mediums say. Chip did paint a graphic verbal picture of her, on the pavement, a bloody mess of a half-dead body. As upsetting as it was to hear, that served as validation, I was told; a way for me to know that I was, indeed, talking to my sister who, just months earlier, died after being struck by a car while crossing the street. I really believed that this was something I needed to hear. I wasn't ready to let go of Colleen, and psychics let me hold on to her for as long as my credit card would let them let me. I'd spent years trying to hone my own psychic powers (because supposedly we all have them) to no avail. What if there was no such thing as psychic powers at all? It would certainly explain my inability to get better at contacting the dead and my failure to move clock hands with my mind. What if the reason I couldn't be psychic was simply because I didn't open a magician's handbook and read the chapter on this thing called cold reading? I decided to answer that question for myself. If I could make people believe that I had special powers, then I had my answer. So I became a phone psychic. Rather than spend money and time reading books on the topic, I decided to just spend an afternoon Googling cold reading. I got the basics and got to work. I decided that my psychic specialty would be love. I figured love advice, psychic or otherwise, was usually a pretty easy thing to give. I called one of my friends, who was already a non-believer, and we came up with a game plan for how the calls would go down. I knew most of it would be improvising and making guesses based on information that the callers would give me, but I still needed a plan of attack. Making educated guesses, I had learned, was important. How would I get that information? The very first thing I would do was get birthdates. I wanted to quickly get started taking calls. I knew I didn't have time to memorize the Zodiac, but I could use birthdays as a frame of reference. Was I dealing with a 16-year-old getting over getting dumped at the prom or a 45-year-old woman trying to catch her husband cheating on her with his secretary? The callers could make the assumption that I was doing something astrological if they wanted. Next I made a list of mundane things that everyone has a story about. Something that would apply to them personally without appearing to apply to anyone. At that point, I usually had enough information to dispense some pretty solid advice. Even if I asked them not to offer up information, they couldn't help themselves. Within 5 minutes I usually knew every detail required to tell them what they wanted to hear. My callers usually already knew the answers to their questions before they even called; they just needed a psychic to look into the future and confirm they were making the right decision. It wasn't hard to see what they needed to hear and see what they needed to do. I took calls for about two weeks, then ended my experiment. Though not the case with every caller, there was an undeniable theme of desperation and vulnerability. My experience changed me, no doubt. I had a new disgust for the people who help people connect with their deceased loved ones. I was able to look back at my talks with Chip Coffey and the like. For a long time I couldn't figure out how he knew the details of my sister's accident without me telling her how she died. I realize now that he never actually painted the picture. He threw out a few random nouns and adjectives (e.g.; red, black, car) and let me fill in the blanks. Those blanks were filled in with the mental image of my sister bleeding out on the street. As I described it back to him, Chip did nothing to dissuade me from believing that this was the information my sister wanted me to have, and instead encouraged me to continue picturing the accident site. That picture gave him two advantages. First, as I talked about the accident, it kept me on the phone, paying by the minute. Second, I provided him plate after plate of information at the all-you-can-eat detail-buffet of my loss. And immediately after talking to him, I believed that he was the one providing the details. Thanks to my experiment I can walk myself through those post-Colleen calls I made, and I can see where I went wrong and how I was taken advantage of. I used to watch the TV psychics in amazement. I would have given anything to get onto Crossing Over or Montel. After my experiment, I turned on these shows and I could see through the whole act. I could see exactly what they were doing, the whole process. I was still amazed but for new reasons. I can't say that I'm proud of what I did. But I'm glad I did it. I can't know if I would have ended up the skeptic that I am today if I hadn't. The thing I regret most, though, is not telling my callers I was a fraud. I wonder how many saw through it. Hopefully it's more than I'd guess. -- anonymous: Chip is so psychic, he never ceases to amaze me. He's right next to the stairs, and he asks if there's an upstairs. ---------------------------------- PRS' disclaimer: "The data & evidence collected does not prove that any of the paranormal exists or in any way is evidence of the paranormal."


Los Angeles,
Here we go . . . from the A&E board of Paranmormal State! Thanks to Tanila for this!!!

#252Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

I AM NOT A PART OF THE P.S.B.S. COMMUNITY AND HAVE NEVER POSTED THERE WHICH LIKE I SAID A MILLION TIMES . . . IF I WAS LAMBASTING CHIP ALL OVER THE NET . . . WOULD THIS NOT BE THE PLACE TO DO IT. SO THIS IS JUST A FEW OF THE WONDERFUL THINGS OTHER PEOPLE SAY ABOUT CHIP! SCROLL DOWN AND READ UP!!! OR HERE IS THE LINK AND ENJOY . . . THESE CRITICS HATE CHIP ALOT MORE THAN I DO. OH AND THE THREAD WILL PROBABLY BE DELETED . . . BECAUSE CHIP GETS ALL UPSET WILL PEOPLE SHARE THEIR VIEWS ABOUT HIM . . . DON'T YOU CHIP? BUT IT WON'T BE DELETED ON RR . . . http://boards.aetv.com/topic/Share-Your-Thoughts/Guess-Who/700020442 bellaboo Posts: 3,538 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 (34 of 34) Re: Guess Who! Dec 19, 2008 9:57 AM Report Abuse for starters you could try whoforted.com, ghostdivas.blogspot.com, amateurscientist.org, randi.org, and look at ANY psychic kids or paranormal state TV show forums on websites like "television without pity" or TVguide or IMDB. and here are a couple more: badpsychics.com, skepchick.org/skepticsguide/ there are critics and blogs and forum conversations ALL OVER the internet where chip is put in his place. realistically speaking, the brainwashed chihuahua chip fans are in the minority online. realism, realistic, reality being a key concept that chip fans don't seem to grasp easily. -- anonymous: Chip is so psychic, he never ceases to amaze me. He's right next to the stairs, and he asks if there's an upstairs. ---------------------------------- PRS' disclaimer: "The data & evidence collected does not prove that any of the paranormal exists or in any way is evidence of the paranormal." bellaboo Posts: 3,538 From: FL Registered: 12/11/07 (33 of 34) Re: Guess Who! Dec 19, 2008 9:10 AM Report Abuse Kelli could have gone along with all the BS and hosted a PRS retreat or two, used them for advertising and promotion, and made a lot of money. She could have had their kind of fame and fortune, just by riding their gravy train. The fact that she chose to tell the truth kinda blows that theory. excellent point. the "paracelebrities" and those people who have useless paranormal gadgets to promote are the ones using PRS and the PSBS show for fame and fortune. isn't it interesting just how many business owners (bars, inns, tourist attractions) are calling on paranormal shows these days? cha ching! tanila obviously thinks chip is some sort of a saint and hasn't read any of HIS "ugliness" online. add me to the LONG list of people who are speaking out against chip. and tanila, you should read some other forums if you think that DD, kirby and beatrice are the only ones calling him on his BS. for starters you could try whoforted.com, ghostdivas.blogspot.com, amateurscientist.org, randi.org, and look at ANY psychic kids or paranormal state TV show forums on websites like "television without pity" or TVguide or IMDB. you're a very loyal friend -- your friend is scamming people left and right AND exploiting children for fame and fortune, and you obviously don't care. -- anonymous: Chip is so psychic, he never ceases to amaze me. He's right next to the stairs, and he asks if there's an upstairs. ---------------------------------- PRS' disclaimer: "The data & evidence collected does not prove that any of the paranormal exists or in any way is evidence of the paranormal." AntiUbeJenaT Posts: 227 Registered: 10/22/08 (32 of 34) Re: DD Dared Me Dec 19, 2008 5:28 AM Report Abuse >>Meaningless?? I think not.<< Yes meaningless because yours is an old and tired argument. For every one (1) of you there are fifty (50) that either know the truth or are ca[able of figuring it out. Censorship is not calling for exploitation to be brought to a halt BTW. Figure it out tanila, actually use the fantasy uninfluenced part of your mind. You can find it, betcha can. Now, give it a shot and show us what ya got. -- "Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it."- Thomas Jefferson When he was chided by a friend for abandoning the traditional solace of religion he replied: "Had I lived a couple of centuries earlier I could have fancied a devil scoffing at me ... and asking me what profit it was to have stripped myself of the hopes and consolations of the mass of mankind? To which my only reply was and is -- Oh devil! truth is better than much profit." --Thomas Henry Huxley DirectorsOffice Posts: 898 Registered: 10/26/08 (31 of 34) Re: Guess Who! Dec 18, 2008 10:06 PM Report Abuse What do you mean by "silenced", that doesn't sound very good to me? I think maybe you're going overboard? I don't know, maybe my statements don't help? Maybe they do??? SupremeBeing Posts: 138 From: Luralye Registered: 2/26/08 (30 of 34) Re: Guess Who! Dec 18, 2008 7:42 PM Report Abuse tanila, There are a great many people who speak out against Chip. I hate to break it to you, but Chip has been known to go around posting nasty things about anyone who speaks out against him. Of course he mostly gets people like you to do his dirty work for him. I'd be glad to say it to his face. Maybe you can tell us how to contact him without getting ignored or blocked. I have no problem with this show being on the air. I have a problem with an actor pretending to by psychic and taking people's money. If you bother doing any real research on Chip, you will find he is an actor and has been one since he was five. The jokes about his sexuality probably started with his role as a gay in the movie Impure Thoughts. His first role as a psychic was on the TV show Airline. The people being exploited by the show sign a confidentiality agreement, so when they do complain they are sued or silenced. There have been several who sought help from real paranormal investigators when PRS didn't help them. Again, all it takes is some research to confirm this. -- "However anyone serious about the paranormal would view this show about the same way as a gourmet chef would view McDonald's.." Fata Morgana Fata_Morgana Posts: 22 Registered: 10/29/08 (29 of 34) Re: DD Dared Me Dec 18, 2008 7:04 PM Report Abuse THIS IS A TANILA THE GORRILA QUOTE "The people being exploited called for help from Paranormal State. Haven't heard many complaints from them, except from Kelly Ryan who was hoping that her appearance on the show would catapult her into fame. " ANSWER You haven't heard more complaints only because those who do publicly complain are immediately ridiculed and/or threatened. PSBS producers don't exactly encourage anything that might affect future ratings. And as DD said, if Kelli really wanted her 15 minutes she would have endorsed PRS for all the sheeple out there, not done the opposite. The only thing she's guilty of is telling the truth which is evidently a crime to the PSBS crew.


GO INTO THE HOOD that you always refer to

#253Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

and call the people n***a or gorilla. You will undoubtedly find out how they feel about it. Go into Chinatown and use the term Jap. You will certainly get a response. Go to a Gay gathering and use the word homo. Think they'll like it. Beatrice, are you truly that stupid? Merlin has been found out. Many people are now seeing that this "guide" you have is really a demon who has complete possession of you. He is fighting because he is losing his hiding place. Demons do that. They present themselves as beings of Light to deceive people. Now he is being exposed! What you truly are is being exposed. When you get angry, you use these horrible words, showing your true spirit.



#254Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

I have all of these words copied and pasted from her own writings in a file. Chip, there are many people who will stand behind you if you sue this woman. She hides behind a facade of love and light, but she is a "...whitewashed tomb, filled with old bones and filth" to use a quote that Jesus used to describe people of his time who presented themselves to the world as being filled with love and light, but in their hearts were filled with hate, bigotry and racism. If you truly love Gays, you don't call them homos. If you love Asians you don't say Japs. If you love Blacks, you don't refer to them as monkeys. That is simply a fact. What you feel in your heart comes out through your mouth when you are angry.


Los Angeles,
The perfect song . . . to describe a Priestess . . . and Mother Earth singing to her children!

#255Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

Closed off from love I didn't need the pain Once or twice was enough And it was all in vain Time starts to pass Before you know it you're frozen But something happened For the very first time with you My heart melts into the ground Found something true And everyone's looking round Thinking I'm going crazy But I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away But they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open Trying hard not to hear But they talk so loud Their piercing sounds fill my ears Try to fill me with doubt Yet I know that the goal Is to keep me from falling But nothing's greater than the risk that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness I see your face Yet everyone around me Thinks that I'm going crazy, maybe, maybe But I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away But they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open And it's draining all of me Oh they find it hard to believe I'll be wearing these scars For everyone to see I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away But they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love


Los Angeles,
The lesson for all to learn . . . and boy do I wish I had not had to learn it so intensely!

#256UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 19, 2008

I often say, "I have been screwed so many times by my so called spiritual friends . . . that in my next life . . . I'm going to reincarnate as a light bulb!" And I asked my guide Merlin, "Why does this happen to me so much, since I was a child, this has happened to me. I do nothing to deserve it and yet . . . I get betrayed by those I love!" And my wonderful and wise Merlin said, "Beatrice, Betrayal is at the core of all the hate and anger in this world . . . and the vengeance. Parents betray their children, lovers betray their beloved, Clergy betray their congregaton, friends betray each other . . . governments betray each other. . . like Sadaam Hussein who was put in power and given money and weapons by the USA and then he betrayed the USA and Bush Senior in Kuwait . . . and then Bush Jr. took him out but look at the cost . . . Is it worth it?" ALL BECAUSE OF BETRAYAL!! Please anyone who does read this thread . . . think about it and never ever betray or rip off another human being!! It is not worth it!! Ever!! If we want to make Heaven on Earth? That would be the first step! Love to all!!


North Carolina,
Its about time

#257Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 19, 2008

I am very glad to see Mr. Coffey finally decide to take against Beatrice Marot. Four years is a bit much and the entire time slandering and harassing! I found it amusing how Ms. Marot tried to back track her statements. Mr. Coffey I say GO FOR IT full steam ahead and prosecute this nut. Put a stop to her madness right NOW. She is the one who started this thread and is now complaining that its up! Let me know how the prosecution turns out because this woman deserves every thing thats coming to her. Merlin should of warned her this was coming but off course not because the batty chick is dealing with demons!


Los Angeles,
Chip Coffey is not a pedophile . . . I was just trying to make a point!!!

#258Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

From: ChipCoffey Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:20 PM To: bea Subject: Re: I never said you were a pedophile Here is what you wrote to me in an E-mail dated December 15, 2008: "Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report?" You threatened me, Beatrice! You threatened to post a disgusting lie about me that is both heinous and reprehensible! Threatening to make such unfounded and untruthful allegations about me is sick! Yes, I called you a homophobe because you have made sexual slurs against me NUMEROUS TIMES. You claim that you have many gay friends and I am certain that they, too, would find offensive the names that you have called me. You truly need professional help, Beatrice. Anger and bitterness have turned you into a very disturbed and dangerous woman. To:Chip Coffey From:Bea No Chip . . . you did not threaten me . . . you actually posted a heinous reprehensible lie. How could I be a homophobe? I love gay people. I voted for gay marriage. I voted for a black man Obama. I am not a homophobe or a racist. I believed you were my dear friend and you betrayed me. Who is disturbed and dangerous Chip . . . not me. You are!! You have been hanging out with too many demons Chip. You need to stop the PSBS. It is not good for the heart and soul to chase demons and ghosts but hey that is your gig . . . not mine. Not interested. I heal people including gay people! Don't you and Babs wish you would have listened to me when I told you guys to tell Tanila and Tammy to stop . . . I thought you were a psychic Chip. Sorry, but I am . . . and you are the jealous one . . . not me, which is why you lost it when I became number one on a stupid psychic line. This, my friend, is your Karmic Boomerang. You do not have a leg to stand on . . . since not one single restraining order or law suit has ever been filed against me . . . yet you and Tanila keep posting those lies too. Now, please do not contact me. Keep it on RR. Good luck with living with yourself and the truth of which you know very well . . . you are just in denial. Anything you write to me, I will simply post on RR so save me the trouble. From: bea Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:51 PM To: 'ChipCoffey Subject: And remember this always I really loved you Chip and trusted you . . . and you deny me and my friendship and you betrayed me . . . is there not a story in the Bible about Judas denying Jesus and giving him a kiss or something . . .



#259Consumer Comment

Thu, December 18, 2008

She is an evil woman. I firmly believe she is demon possessed. I will gladly go to court with you and testify if you need me to. I have saved every word she has written.


Los Angeles,
News flash Tanila

#260Author of original report

Thu, December 18, 2008

Gays call each other Homo . . . Black people call each other Niggas . . . like hey, my n***a!" You hear it on rap albums all day long. Tupac Shakur calls n***a - Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished!! You two are the biggest haters I have ever met in my life!! There are no words to describe the unreal amount of poison that comes out of your mouth day after day . . . week after week Tanilla with no end in sight . . . "She called my husband a Gorilla." "She undercut Chips rate to steal his clients!" "She says all kind of evil and vile things" "I am only posting your words exactly!" "She is posting mean things about Chip Coffey all over the net!" Blah Blah Blah . . . I have gone from angry, to deeply hurt, to stressed . . . to now I am just going to laugh and let go. It is just so absurd that I know a movie will be made out of it. "Mystic Chick and Psychic Hick!" would be a good title. And Tanila . . . I never posted anything mean about Chip anywhere on the net but this one report of him ripping me off by stealing my names and taking people to his website. Now if you think that is ok to do to someone, then you are really messed up in the head. You are the one that is exposing Chip in a negative light way more than I ever could or would. You are even doing it where he works at A&E and you just make him look foolish because you look like such a moron and do not know how to speak or write the English language. Yes, Chip your brilliant, educated, world traveled friend Tanila is over on the A&E boards and they are having a whole lot of fun with her and how dumb she is . . .


Los Angeles,
Chip I said calling me a homophobe is the same as me calling you a pedophile . . . not true!

#261UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 18, 2008

You can dish it but you can't take it can you? I am not a racist, I am not a homophobe and Chip is not a pedophile to my knowledge. I was trying to make a point. You are lying about me period! If you had kept Tanila and Tammy at bay . . . this would have been over as soon as Kelli Ryan's blog was deleted from myspace on November 18th. I told you not to let Tanila do this. I told Babs the same thing. Your problem is you cannot see the outcome of choices and I can which is also called the future. I knew this would happen and it did. You should have known but you did not care and in the end you and Tanila and Tammy just look foolish . . . I know my heart and it is golden and I would never hurt anyone unless truly provoked to no end and that is what Tanila and Tammy and you have done. Now, I really have to go spread some love around town.


Los Angeles,
To all the beautiful people out there . . . who are lovers of light and truth

#262UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 18, 2008

I would like to share with you what a real seer, healer and Priestess of the Goddess is really all about. We all have a dark side . . . and I am no exception however most people of sane minds and good hearts will see that I did not deserve this "Christian Persecution and symbolic burning at the stake" . . . This is who I am and this is what I can do as a true seer/healer!! It's a beautiful thing and I would rather leave this thread spreading a little joy and love on my way out. THE CHERUB Merlin wanted to teach me about the emotional causes behind physical illnesses. For some reason, Merlin likes to do things in threes and within three weeks I was guided to three men afflicted with the Aids virus. Each one experienced a highly accelerated healing process after just one session with me. I had known Lito for about a year. When I came to his apartment I was amused at his choice of dcor which was simply saturated with images of cherubs absolutely everywhere. I made my way to Lito's bedroom which was also covered in an abundance of cherubic imagery. I was shocked when I looked upon Lito's forlorn form. He was a shadow of the beautiful bright light I knew. Lito was so weak that he was unable to get out of bed. I even had to carry him to the bathroom and it was easy. He was skin and bones. I took a deep breath and I got busy. I studied his chart and I read for him for about an hour. At one point, I said, "You know Lito, Jupiter is in Sagittarius for this entire year and it's transiting your ninth house which is the house of God and I'm getting that this Jupiter in Sagittarius transit is definitely going to help you to heal." "I think I'm dying Bea." "Well, you certainly don't look too good my friend, but I don't think I'd be guided here if you were going to die." "Do you think I'm going to die?" Lito asked me. "I don't know Lito. It's your decision if you do. I'm just here to see if I can help you understand why you've created this situation. Now, Lito I want to guide you on a journey to see if your own soul can give you the answers. Is that O.K.?" "Yea." "So close your eyes and breathe deeply." I put Lito through the relaxation technique and then I started to guide him by prompting his higher consciousness to give him a vision, "O.K. Lito, you're outside somewhere. Just allow the image to form of where you are and trust what you see and whenever you're ready describe it to me." THIS IS WHAT LITO SAW: I'm standing in a field of green grass. I see lots of flowers, colorful wildflowers of orange, yellow and white. The sky is blue with white clouds. The sun is bright. There is a cool breeze. I see an old Egyptian pyramid made of stone. It's dark and musty inside. I see crates with coffins in them ready for shipping. There is an ornate sarcophagus of a woman with a snake on her forehead. Her hands are together in prayer. It's dull and tarnished and inside there are cobwebs. A woman enters the room. She has long black hair and olive skin. She wears a band around her forehead with a ruby in the middle. Her name is Annaditi. She points to the empty coffins. She says, "I know you think you are going to die but don't worry. It's not your time." She takes me to the back through a little door. There is a pond there. She asks me to feel the water. It feels slippery and dirty. I see my reflection. I look unhappy and sad. I ask her, "What should I do now?" "I want you to communicate with your image." I ask my image, "Why are you so sad?" My image says, "You don't listen to me." "What do you want me to listen to?" "Listen to your heart and the best things will happen to you. I need you to be more gentle, more kind hearted when you communicate with people." "I'll try, but it's hard." "It's only hard because you've forgotten how to be more loving." Annaditi takes me to the top of the pyramid. It's so peaceful here. I see grass and flowers all over. Annaditi gives me her headband. I go up a path of clouds. I see a centaur coming down. His name is Zeus. He says he wants to take me to the other side. I climb on his back. He gives me a trumpet. He wants me to play it. We reach a bed of clouds. It's very soft. I see cherubs playing everywhere. They are happy to see me. I sit on a cloud and the cherubs are all around me, praising me. They say "We miss you. Welcome back." They're playing harps and I'm playing my trumpet. After some time Zeus says it's time to go back. He takes me back to the place we met. He wants me to keep his trumpet. I go back to the pond in the pyramid. I look at my reflection. I look young and I'm smiling. I go down to the room at the entrance. The sarcophagus is all shiny and golden. There are no cobwebs inside anymore. There is a golden light shining through the front door and it is filling up the whole room. The coffins are gone. When Lito opened his eyes, I was very excited and I said, "Lito, did you know that Jupiter in Sagittarius is exactly the same thing as a Centaur named Zeus?" Lito didn't understand."What do you mean?" "The symbol of Sagittarius is a Centaur and Jupiter is the Roman name of Zeus. In other words Zeus and Jupiter is the same God in different languages so "Jupiter in Sagittarius" is the exact same thing as a Centaur named Zeus." "Really?" I laughed and said,"Yes really. So, you see, God is definitely going to heal your skinny little a*s." I phoned Lito the following day. "Hey Lito, I called to see how you were doing?" "Bea, after you left yesterday, I sweat for the rest of the day and all through the night and this morning I feel so much better. Bea, thank-you for saving my life." "I didn't save your life Lito. Thank-you for letting me take you to a place where you could save your own life." The next time I saw Lito was at my birthday party four months later. When he walked in the room, I almost fell over. Standing in front of me was Hercules. I mean this skinny little guy who looked like the Pilsbury doughboy before he got sick had more muscles than he knew what to do with. I was blown away. I yelled out, "Oh my God, Lito. Do you know what this means?" "What?" "This means we need to be on Oprah!" DreamAngel This is wonderful Bea thank you for sharing... love, viv Posted by DreamAngel on Sunday, January 06, 2008 - 10:16 AM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] ^i^ let me know when you're goin on oprah :D you're awesome bea!!! love, ~i Posted by ^i^ on Sunday, January 06, 2008 - 11:13 AM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] CUATALOCA WOW!!! This was so empowering! You are so wonderful Bea!!! Thank you for sharing this incredible experience with us. It brought me to joyful tears for Lito. What a GREAT GIFT you are to all you touch. Posted by CUATALOCA on Sunday, January 06, 2008 - 11:14 AM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] Cathy I LOVE to hear stories like this! I too am drawn to healing, and there have been a few occassions when I've been 'led' to share some positive energy with people. The results have been gratifying, but certainly nothing as dramatic as your experiences. WONDERFUL! Thanks for sharing! Posted by Cathy on Sunday, January 06, 2008 - 4:19 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] chc Bea, That is a very inspirational story. Thanks. chc. Posted by chc on Saturday, January 12, 2008 - 6:46 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User]



#263REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, December 18, 2008

Leveling unfounded allegations of sexual misconduct, especially pedophilia, at another individual is BEYOND REPREHENSIBLE! In the E-mails posted in her comments above, Beatrice threatened to lie about me in the most heinous fashion! She has called me MANY derogatory names, but this disgusting lie is the most vile! Anyone who threatens another human being with such a vicious, untrue allegation is undeniably sick and demented. I truly hope that anyone who reads this thread will see what a vicious, hate-filled, repugnant woman Beatrice Marot is!



#264Consumer Comment

Thu, December 18, 2008

I have saved that horrible post from Beatrice!!!!( the one where she called you a pedophile). I will also print out everything she has said about you and others. I will GLADLY!! testify on your behalf and bring all information on her that I have. That statement is enough to cause her some serious trouble!!! That is defamation if I ever heard it.


You are also

#265Consumer Comment

Thu, December 18, 2008

the one who uses the terms Jap, and gorilla (for blacks). You are the one who evidences hate in your speech, and you have been found out. This post will stay on RR until the end of time, and people will always see exactly what you are.



#266Consumer Comment

Thu, December 18, 2008

which is a very derogatory term used to describe gays. What do you think that shows? I wonder how all of your gay "friends" would feel about you calling them homos??


Los Angeles,

#267UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 18, 2008

THIS IS MY FINAL ATTEMPT TO BALANCE THE HATEFUL COMMENTS POSTED ABOUT ME BY CHIP COFFEY, TANILA PRICE AND INDIANA SPIRITCHASER TAMMY! RIPOFF REPORT HAS STRINGENT RULES AND WILL NOT REMOVE ANY REPORTS . . . EVEN THOUGH I HAVE NOT RIPPED ANYONE OFF AND THIS IS JUST PURE SLANDER AND HATE! I JUST PRAY THEY POST THIS ONE AND THEN I AM DONE!!! I HAVE BEEN SO DISTRAUGHT BY THIS ONSLAUGHT OF HATE IN MY DIRECTION THAT I HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO EAT OR SLEEP FOR WEEKS ON END. I WROTE TO CHIP THE FOLLOWING ON HIS PERSONAL EMAIL: Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report? -----Original Message----- From: chipcoffey Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 11:31 AM To: bea You have just crossed a MAJOR line, Beatrice. This e-mail has been forwarded to my attorney and I have contacted the police regarding your allegations and threats. I intend to seek criminal prosecution against you for committing what very well may be considered a hate crime. From:bea To:Chip Coffey So, you can lie about me and everything you say is a lie and totally fabricated, twisted and not to mention cruel . . . yet I cannot make things up about you. Don't worry Chip . . . I am not an evil b***h like you are and I would never say that. YOU NEED TO TELL THE TRUTH DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!! YOU LET YOUR FRIENDS RAKE ME THROUGH THE FIRES OF HELL LIKE I HAVE NO HEART AND NO FEELINGS . . . AND YOU ARE GOING TO SUE ME?????? I WILL COUNTERSUE AND GUESS WHAT . . . I WILL WIN!! GET YOUR FRIENDS TO STOP THIS RIGHT NOW. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? GAME OVER! There will be a press release going out today BECAUSE CALLING ME A HOMOPHOBE WAS CROSSING THE LINE!! "Hi, my name is Chip Coffey and I'm a gay man living in Atlanta and I just wanted to welcome you to Keen!" And we were friends for two years . . . or so I thought. I was wrong . . . and you lied about that too . . . you have buried yourself with your lies Chip!!! -----Original Message----- From: chipcoffey Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 11:31 AM To: bea You have just crossed a MAJOR line, Beatrice. This e-mail has been forwarded to my attorney and I have contacted the police regarding your allegations and threats. I intend to seek criminal prosecution against you for committing what very well may be considered a hate crime. From: Bea To: ChipCoffey A hate crime . . . hah!! What have you, Tanila and Tammy been doing to me . . . spreading love and good cheer in the name of Jesus Christ for the holidays. Do you know how many Gay men friends I have you idiot!!! Do you know how many Black, Hispanic and Asian friends I have? All I did was to tell Tanila to go f**k herself and her two ton Gorilla . . . and this is what happened. Oh yea . . . I can admit the truth but did I deserve what I got for it, TO BE SLANDERED. LIED ABOUT AND CALLED A RACIST for weeks on end . . . I begged you and Babs to tell Tanila not to go there and you would not. I asked you again and then you posted your little tribute . . . saying that I am a homophobe which would be like me saying you are a pedophile. Maybe you are . . . I don't know but I would never say it because I have no proof!! Yet you say all kinds of things without any proof or hard evidence. I asked Tammy . . . "What kind of spirits do you chase, Johnny Walker and Jack Daniels?" And when it looked like it upset her . . . I apologized immediately and told her it was a joke and THIS IS WHAT SHE DOES . . . SO YOU CAN MAKE HER LAUGH TO PIECES!!! YOU CREATED THIS MESS WITH MALICE AFORETHOUGHT!!! YOU CROSSED THE MAJOR LINE WHEN YOU CALLED ME A HOMOPHOBE! THE SOONER YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS STOP THIS RIDICULOUS PERSECUTION THE BETTER!!


You've got to be kidding!

#268Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 17, 2008

Spirit Weaver approves of online stalkers?! Obsessive Chip groupies should come over to the A&E board. http://boards.aetv.com/forum/Share-Your-Thoughts/700095724 I dare you Tanila...


Los Angeles,
Nice Plug Kim

#269Author of original report

Wed, December 17, 2008

I was guided to Kim's site out of the clear blue the same week she put it up. I gave her a two hour plus reading for free to help her with her site. I gave her associate Robin another long reading for free. They both loved their readings and it gave them both alot of inspiration and motivation according to them. I was looking forward to a long association with Kim and Robin. I told Kim about Tanila stalking me and that she would join her site and she did . . . I asked her to please delete me if she chose to keep Tanila. I never asked to be banned. Kim banned me. Don't you love it when people appreciate the gifts from the universe and show the universe just how much by banning you even though you have shown nothing but love and kindness!! Wow, just I did with Chip Coffey for two whole years . . . showed him nothing but love and kindness and I am a really great friend . . . but when you betray me . . . then well, here I am . . . total b***h! So when Kim says, "Furthermore, to set the record straight, my glowing praise of Mr. Chip Coffey was basically that I applauded him for not denigrating himself to the level that both Tenila and Beatrice are exhibiting on this platform. I am not making a value statement on whether whatever transpired between Chip and Beatrice was right or wrong or that either one of them was in the wrong. I merely applaud Chip for not using this format to add fuel to this fire. I do not know, and do not care about what has been posted in other forums." SORRY TO TAKE THE ROSE COLORED GLASSES OFF KIM . . . BUT Chip posted here on this thread under the name RENEGADE and said all kinds of mean things about me. When I knew without a doubt it was him and called him on it . . . Renegade never posted again. Chip sent Tanila and this other woman Tammy to do his dirty work feeding them information about me that are total lies and they have posted these totally exaggerated statements all over the net such as I charged $1 per minute to steal clients from other Keen psychics . . . not the real reason which is because I love helping people and would rather spend an hour reading for them. Google my name Beatrice Marot and you will see what they did to me all under Chip's guidance and approval because he is too much of a coward to fight his own battles. Chip Coffey created his own Ripoff Report calling me a HOMOPHOBE and a RACIST!! On that thread . . . look at how Chip talks to Kirby Robinson on his blog from myspace. Join "Free All Spirits" on my space and read the amazing blogs of Paranormal fraud and charlatans such as Chip Coffey written by Kirby. It will open your eyes about the fraud committed in the Para-Celebrity genre . . . and they need opening. Tanila posted an RR on Kirby Robinson when he banned her from posting because she was only there to harrass and provoke me. But with your glowing praise maybe Chip will contact you and want to be a part of your site . . . no doubt your motive. You belong on Keen Angel but I do wish you all the best since I was guided to help you!! Love, B


Keep The Spirit Weaver out of your battle

#270Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 17, 2008

Hello, I am Kimberanne, the owner of The Spirit Weaver.com. This will be my one and only post on this subject since I do not wish to be aligned with the anger and hate that is being thrown out into the Universe. I wish to be kept out of this jihad that the two of you are waging against each other, but since Tenila made a conscious choice to go to my site to monitor Beatrice, I have no choice but to address this. I do not believe that either of you should be proud of your behavior on this board and it certainly doesn't represent the type of behavior of people that I would choose to associate with. You both are acting very immature and your motivations wouldn't be considered spiritual by pretty much anyone's standards. I understand that both of you are hurt, angry, and feel like you needed to be validated, but I wish to remind everyone that you don't have to attend every fight you are invited to. Most of the time taking the higher road and choosing not to feed the wolves is the best choice. I believe in Karma and I believe that trying to create someone else's Karma is not our responsibility or our right to dictate. It is very self righteous and egotistical to believe that we have the power to determine this. I also believe that continuing to battle for four years is a little ridiculous. Maybe it is time to drop your swords and retreat to neutral corners. You don't have to agree, forgive, or admit that you were wrong. Just stop. If one of you just refuses to respond to the allegations the battle will stop. Continuing with this only magnifies the negative energy and makes both of you look badly. I do not and never will condone publicly posting e-mails from clients or connecting their names with specifics of private readings. I also do not believe it to ethical to post information that is sent from another individual in personal e-mails. I attempt to live up to a personal code of ethics to the best of my ability and this is a complete and total breech of those principles. Further, I do not believe that publicly defaming the abilities or professional character of my fellow psychics is acceptable. Although I may not agree with or support all readers, I won't publicly post negative opinions about their intuitive abilities. I believe that the public is smart enough to figure out who they will use as an advisor and who they won't. That decision is up to them and not mine to determine. To make a blanket statement that ALL readers on KEEN are fakes and only out to take your money is an insult to those of us who pride ourselves on providing the highest possible readings and who truly care about our clients. There are many excellent readers who also happen to be wonderful human beings that read on KEEN. I know that there has been discontent among KEEN readers concerning the % that KEEN takes and I will admit to having been one of them in the past. I've since reconsidered this position after talking with fellow advisors and now see KEEN as what it is, a platform for us to market our services. At this point and time I am proud to use my KEEN group advisors on my site. My promise to my readers and our clients is that I will not hesitate to decline an application from a reader who does not try to live up to a code of ethics, nor will I hesitate to terminate association with established readers who engage in the type of behavior shown in these posts. Furthermore, to set the record straight, my glowing praise of Mr. Chip Coffey was basically that I applauded him for not denigrating himself to the level that both Tenila and Beatrice are exhibiting on this platform. I am not making a value statement on whether whatever transpired between Chip and Beatrice was right or wrong or that either one of them was in the wrong. I merely applaud Chip for not using this format to add fuel to this fire. I do not know, and do not care about what has been posted in other forums. I'm not going to waste my energy searching for the. I did not make a comment about my opinion of him as a person. I do not know Chip and do not care if he is gay, straight, or sideways and am not sure why that even was an issue in any of the previous posts. Additionally, I only watched a small portion of one of his shows segments. I didn't continue to watch the show because my personal opinion is that we shouldn't be putting our children with psychic abilities out there in the public eye. I have been extremely psychic since I can remember and am the parent of children who have psychic abilities. I believe that it is our duty as parents and mentors to protect and nurture their abilities in a safe environment and not take advantage of their gifts for the sake of entertainment. Going through your teen years is difficult enough without adding the additional stigmas and scrutiny. That is merely my opinion and not a negative statement about Chip's abilities, nor am I supporting his abilities as I really have no foundation to base an opinion on that subject. Period. As I said, this is my one and only post on this subject. At this point I step out as I have said my peace and have requested that I and my website are left out of this battle. Yes, Beatrice requested to be banned from my site and I granted her request. Tenila was also banned as I did not believe that her motivation for joining was in alignment with the energy of our site. I fiercely protect my members and my readers and refuse to subject them to this. When I e-mailed Tenila to tell her this I also told her that I didn't approve of or agree with Beatrice's actions or hers. Tenila responded with a nice and polite e-mail that she understood and respected my position. I appreciated that and ask that my name and my website's name never be brought up again. My wish is that everyone involved in this situation finds the peace they need to move on and heal from the pain, anger, and betrayal. May you find peace, happiness, and closure. Kimberanne


She sent me an email...

#271Consumer Comment

Tue, December 16, 2008

She too, thinks that you should let go of your anger and move on. She had lots of complimentary things to say about Chip. She seems to think a lot of him.


Los Angeles,
Name one!

#272Author of original report

Tue, December 16, 2008

I just asked Kim Weaver to delete me from the spirit weaver site because you joined. I want nothing to do with you and your ugly energy. I told her to keep you because maybe some of the love on that site will rub off! You need it more than I do!



#273Consumer Comment

Mon, December 15, 2008

You post negative things about Chip on every site that you're on!! That is the most outlandish statement I have ever heard!


Los Angeles,
I wish I had a friend like you Tanila!

#274Author of original report

Mon, December 15, 2008

I do not seek out to hurt Chip . . . he is doing a great job all by himself with a little help from his friends Tanila Price and Ghost chaser Tammy. A lot of help from them actually!! I was sent this this morning by a new friend! I did not participate in this . . . the magazine website took a part of my blog without asking me. I never said I did more readings than Chip . . . I just became number one in a category where he was number one for four years and he lost his mind after congratulating me the week prior. All Chip has to do is tell the truth. His heart wants to but his ego won't let him. Here's one for you to post on RR! Include the site link & all... *Scroll down to #VIII http://whofortedblog. com/?p=425 Chip Coffey Admits That He's A Horrible Person Remember last week, how we mentioned that Chip Coffey was a bad, bad man? More specifically, how he threw a temper tantrum when his friend and fellow phone psychic started doing more readings than him, prompting him to purchase her birth name as a website URL, direct them back to his site, and then offer to sell them back at an outrageous price? Well, Chip actually validated that information in his personal MySpace blog this week. Here's an excerpt: Beatrice and I had a falling out.' No need to rehash the details Beatrice has her version of the story and I have mine and never the twain shall meet.' After weeks of constant harassment from Beatrice, I purchased two domain names (beatricemarot. com and beatricemarot. net), which is certainly not illegal' for me to do and is most definitely NOT identity theft,' an erroneous claim made by Miss Marot. Why did I buy the domain names? For no other reason than to piss her off. (Yes, I'm human and sometimes, when others push too hard, I push back!) An offer was made to sell Beatrice the domain names at a fair-and-honest price of $3,000. We'd like to point out that a domain name typically costs about ten dollars per year. That's quite the markup he was charging. Of course, we've been seeing how Chip operates for several months now, so we can all say that his version of fair and honest is obviously a lot like everyone else's slimy and awful.


Los Angeles,
I wish I had a friend like you Tanila!

#275Author of original report

Mon, December 15, 2008

I do not seek out to hurt Chip . . . he is doing a great job all by himself with a little help from his friends Tanila Price and Ghost chaser Tammy. A lot of help from them actually!! I was sent this this morning by a new friend! I did not participate in this . . . the magazine website took a part of my blog without asking me. I never said I did more readings than Chip . . . I just became number one in a category where he was number one for four years and he lost his mind after congratulating me the week prior. All Chip has to do is tell the truth. His heart wants to but his ego won't let him. Here's one for you to post on RR! Include the site link & all... *Scroll down to #VIII http://whofortedblog. com/?p=425 Chip Coffey Admits That He's A Horrible Person Remember last week, how we mentioned that Chip Coffey was a bad, bad man? More specifically, how he threw a temper tantrum when his friend and fellow phone psychic started doing more readings than him, prompting him to purchase her birth name as a website URL, direct them back to his site, and then offer to sell them back at an outrageous price? Well, Chip actually validated that information in his personal MySpace blog this week. Here's an excerpt: Beatrice and I had a falling out.' No need to rehash the details Beatrice has her version of the story and I have mine and never the twain shall meet.' After weeks of constant harassment from Beatrice, I purchased two domain names (beatricemarot. com and beatricemarot. net), which is certainly not illegal' for me to do and is most definitely NOT identity theft,' an erroneous claim made by Miss Marot. Why did I buy the domain names? For no other reason than to piss her off. (Yes, I'm human and sometimes, when others push too hard, I push back!) An offer was made to sell Beatrice the domain names at a fair-and-honest price of $3,000. We'd like to point out that a domain name typically costs about ten dollars per year. That's quite the markup he was charging. Of course, we've been seeing how Chip operates for several months now, so we can all say that his version of fair and honest is obviously a lot like everyone else's slimy and awful.


Los Angeles,
I wish I had a friend like you Tanila!

#276Author of original report

Mon, December 15, 2008

I do not seek out to hurt Chip . . . he is doing a great job all by himself with a little help from his friends Tanila Price and Ghost chaser Tammy. A lot of help from them actually!! I was sent this this morning by a new friend! I did not participate in this . . . the magazine website took a part of my blog without asking me. I never said I did more readings than Chip . . . I just became number one in a category where he was number one for four years and he lost his mind after congratulating me the week prior. All Chip has to do is tell the truth. His heart wants to but his ego won't let him. Here's one for you to post on RR! Include the site link & all... *Scroll down to #VIII http://whofortedblog. com/?p=425 Chip Coffey Admits That He's A Horrible Person Remember last week, how we mentioned that Chip Coffey was a bad, bad man? More specifically, how he threw a temper tantrum when his friend and fellow phone psychic started doing more readings than him, prompting him to purchase her birth name as a website URL, direct them back to his site, and then offer to sell them back at an outrageous price? Well, Chip actually validated that information in his personal MySpace blog this week. Here's an excerpt: Beatrice and I had a falling out.' No need to rehash the details Beatrice has her version of the story and I have mine and never the twain shall meet.' After weeks of constant harassment from Beatrice, I purchased two domain names (beatricemarot. com and beatricemarot. net), which is certainly not illegal' for me to do and is most definitely NOT identity theft,' an erroneous claim made by Miss Marot. Why did I buy the domain names? For no other reason than to piss her off. (Yes, I'm human and sometimes, when others push too hard, I push back!) An offer was made to sell Beatrice the domain names at a fair-and-honest price of $3,000. We'd like to point out that a domain name typically costs about ten dollars per year. That's quite the markup he was charging. Of course, we've been seeing how Chip operates for several months now, so we can all say that his version of fair and honest is obviously a lot like everyone else's slimy and awful.


Los Angeles,
I wish I had a friend like you Tanila!

#277Author of original report

Mon, December 15, 2008

I do not seek out to hurt Chip . . . he is doing a great job all by himself with a little help from his friends Tanila Price and Ghost chaser Tammy. A lot of help from them actually!! I was sent this this morning by a new friend! I did not participate in this . . . the magazine website took a part of my blog without asking me. I never said I did more readings than Chip . . . I just became number one in a category where he was number one for four years and he lost his mind after congratulating me the week prior. All Chip has to do is tell the truth. His heart wants to but his ego won't let him. Here's one for you to post on RR! Include the site link & all... *Scroll down to #VIII http://whofortedblog. com/?p=425 Chip Coffey Admits That He's A Horrible Person Remember last week, how we mentioned that Chip Coffey was a bad, bad man? More specifically, how he threw a temper tantrum when his friend and fellow phone psychic started doing more readings than him, prompting him to purchase her birth name as a website URL, direct them back to his site, and then offer to sell them back at an outrageous price? Well, Chip actually validated that information in his personal MySpace blog this week. Here's an excerpt: Beatrice and I had a falling out.' No need to rehash the details Beatrice has her version of the story and I have mine and never the twain shall meet.' After weeks of constant harassment from Beatrice, I purchased two domain names (beatricemarot. com and beatricemarot. net), which is certainly not illegal' for me to do and is most definitely NOT identity theft,' an erroneous claim made by Miss Marot. Why did I buy the domain names? For no other reason than to piss her off. (Yes, I'm human and sometimes, when others push too hard, I push back!) An offer was made to sell Beatrice the domain names at a fair-and-honest price of $3,000. We'd like to point out that a domain name typically costs about ten dollars per year. That's quite the markup he was charging. Of course, we've been seeing how Chip operates for several months now, so we can all say that his version of fair and honest is obviously a lot like everyone else's slimy and awful.



#278Consumer Comment

Sun, December 14, 2008

"Billy Zane's parents owned a school in Chicago for 31 years, took in all the student's tuitions for the school year and then took off back to Greece and stole all the money. They did not even care that all the press headlines about it would say, 'Billy Zane's Parents . . . ' Nope, they ruin their own son's reputation!" Poor man. With friends like you, who betray him and post personal, private information that he shared with you as a friend for all the world to see, and parents like those, the poor man has quite a battle. I hope to never be blessed with an evil person like you calling me friend, or parents who care so little for me. Luckily I have wonderful friends and family.



#279Consumer Comment

Sun, December 14, 2008

Thank you. I also have been taking wonderful care of my beautiful little mother, as well as my 2 ton gorilla and 16 year old grandson who lives with us. I will, indeed talk with Jesus, but certainly not the one you say used you "as dessert" after the Last Supper. I will just continue to stand up for Chip, my wonderful husband, Tammy, and all the other people you malign and debase. As I told you before, I will only use your own words. I will show people the Light Worker that you indeed are.


Los Angeles,
Well thank you Tanila . . . your obsession with me continues . . I am so touched

#280Author of original report

Sun, December 14, 2008

even on Sunday . . . and wow everyday . . . all that is on your mind is me, me, me. Gee, it so nice to have someone give you so much time, energy and love . . . Are you sure you're not a l*****n? My business is booming thanks to you. More people are adding me as a friend on myspace out of curiosity and then when we connect . . . they love me. Yup, 17 long years of friendship with Billy Zane and he totally betrayed me and he lied about it too. . . just like Chip . . . I really hate liars and they always get what's coming to them. Kelly Brook left Billy for good in August of 2008 and his own parents betrayed him the same year. Sad, but true . . . Billy Zane's parents owned a school in Chicago for 31 years, took in all the student's tuitions for the school year and then took off back to Greece and stole all the money. They did not even care that all the press headlines about it would say, "Billy Zane's Parents . . . " Nope, they ruin their own son's reputation! In fact, it was Billy Zane that in 2003, I told him, "Sorry Billy but Merlin says I cannot read for you anymore . . . because you never listen so what is the point!" And then I was guided to Keen. Merlin told me to do 3 minute readings for free at the Coffee Bean and . . . of course . . . you know the rest since you just devour everything you can about me . . . dreaming about me, thnking about nothing else but me . . make sure you feed your 80 year old mother. I would not want anything to happen to her while you just dream about me all day long. Have a nice Sunday and rememember to go to church and pray to Jesus for your salvation.



#281Consumer Comment

Sun, December 14, 2008

COPY TO CHIP COFFEY: Mr. Kirby, I have posted a Rip Off Report about you and your blog. I have posted the fact that you decry that your First Amendment rights are being threatened because you are trying to prove fraud of Chip Coffey. I have posted that you allow Beatrice Marot to post endless things defaming Chip Coffey, but block all my posts regarding the actions of Beatrice Marot. I will use only my posts and the responses on your site to show that you are denying me my First Amendment Right to defend Mr. Coffey by showing that Beatrice Marot is a very troubled woman who has often been threatened with legal action by several famous people who she has harassed. You allow her to continue to post about Mr. Coffey, but will not let posts be made to show that she has done this to many other people in the past. I have informed you of this, but you refuse to allow me to post it on your blog. I feel that this could put you in legal jeopardy,as you are allowing her to continue on your public forum, even though you have been warned of the type person she is and her legal troubles in the past for harassing public figures.


KIRBY OF EYE ON THE PARANORMAL AND FREE ALL SPIRITS on Beatrice Marot and my response to him.

#282Consumer Comment

Sun, December 14, 2008

From Chip Coffey: "Once again, why have you allowed Beatrice to malign me? She claims to be a psychic and medium, so why haven't you written a blog about her? Or isn't she worthy of your wrath?" From Kirby: Mr. Coffey, no one has contacted me directly or shown me proof that she has engaged in any misconduct or that she has presented herself as something she is not. This is quite unlike the information that we continue to receive about numerous para-celebrities and paranormal scoundrels. I hold no anger towards anyone. I don't have the spiritual time, effort, or energy to take anger out on other sentient beings. If you choose to do that, that's between you and your Maker, not I. From me: How about this for proof that she posted personal information given to her in a reading for Billy Zane. Ethical??? Follow the link and scroll down: http://fametastic.co.uk/archive/20060807/2079/kelly-brook-and-billy-zanes-relationship-in-trouble/ # Beatrice Marot on February 18th, 2007 at 5:36 pm Reality check! I was a close friend of Billy Zane and his personal psychic for 17 years. He counted on my accuracy which is quite spot on as you English would say and I actually told him in March of 2004 he would meet his wife in June of 2004 and he did meet Kelly in June and fell deeply in love. I can attest that the love is deep but the compatibility between these two lovebirds has always been challenged. They have had weekly rows since the very beginning. In fact for the first 18 months I was privy to the details of each and every one as I advised Billy on exactly what to say and do and when he did and things would unfold exactly as I saw. In fact, it was the only real time Billy ever listened to me really. He just loves to hear me channel Merlin (Oh Yes. . . I channel Merlin . . . Why do you think his lady love is a Brit). Billy called me his Cyrano De Beatrice. Then out of the clear blue sky he ended our friendship of 17 years claiming that Kelly did not like it. However, I saw this coming and I had sent him an email that very day telling him what he was about to do and the real reason why. Kelly is a lovely lady and I like her alot but she is not at all the sweet and smiling Barbie Doll she poses as. She is a Grafter as she put it. I had to look it up but apparently it is English slang for power hungry t**s. No, the wedding will not happen and even if it did . . . it is doomed from the start due to jealousy and insecurity on both sides but mostly Billy. When you say to your man, You've got a champagne lifestyle with lemonade in your pockets. Well, where do you go from there, I mean especially when you are a Grafter and all. To add to his woes, Billy is also being sued by Director Uwe Boll for breach of contract regarding the distribution of the film BloodRayne and Billy has really damaged his reputation in Hollywood which is what I feel is the real reason he had to move to London. However, I did read and see that Kelly was his wife . . . but perhaps I was picking up on a past life. Their passion and love for each other is real . . . but tainted. I mean, what kind of a man needs a psychic to help his relationhip anyway? A smart one . . that's what kind!! lol There is the reply from another poster just below her post - see for yourself! # Si on December 1st, 2007 at 2:42 am As a psychic it is very unethical of you to pucblish these details. Sounds like you are a person scorned. Regardless it is unprofessional and let this be a lesson to any current and future clients you may have - privacy is something that you do not honour. Then, just below that, Beatrice blasts the owner of the blog for not removing her post. Scroll on down: I have offered MANY TIMES to supply Mr. Robinson will all the proof he would like to show how unethical and unprofessional Beatrice Marot is. He won't respond to me, yet he allow her to continue her character assassination of Chip Coffey. Let's see if he will post this, or if my ability to speak does not fall under his definition of the First Amendment.



#283Consumer Comment

Sun, December 14, 2008

People who are being abused, as you are being abused by Chip?? Who is the one posting ugly things? Have you read of Chip posting ugly things about you?? Don't think so. Have I used racist, bigoted statements when speaking of or to you?? Don't think so. Did Tammy ever call you bigoted and degrading names, though you used them endlessly when addressing her? Don't think so. Did the young many you thought was Japanese call you racist names? Don't think so. Did Billy Zane post or publicly repeat any personal information about you that you had privately given to him?? Don't think so. Did Robert DeNiro post or publicly state that you had met and had casual sex, then begin to make endless, numerous daily phone calls to him until he forced you to stop?? Don't think so. Did Sean Penn post or publicly state that you harassed him and Robin to the point that they had to threaten a restraining order to get rid of you?? Don't think so. Has d**k Clark make a public statement or posted that you have harassed them to the point that they are threatening a cease and desist order to rid themselves of you? Don't think so. So, who needs healing? Who is being abused? It would appear that instead of being the healer in these situations, you are the abuser!! It would appear that those mentioned don't need healing by you, they need protection FROM you.


Los Angeles,
Some people may think a fake reality show

#284Author of original report

Sun, December 14, 2008

about Suge Knight is ok. . . it is ok . . . I like Suge. It is just not good for d**k Clark and his reputation at the end of his very wonderful illustrious career to be associated with Suge Knight for many reasons. Suge was very nice when I read for him. He was very cool and laid back. However, the house was fake and the whole premise of the show was fake. They even asked me to come on with him thinking that I was interviewing for a personal assistant job and then . . . I lay it on him. I CHANNEL TUPAC!! Tupac had other ideas . . . that are real and wonderful and would make for an awesome show! Have you all heard about the woman who had been stalking Paula Abdul and committed suicide in front of her house. She auditioned for American Idol even though Paula begged the producers not to let her . . . the producers knew she was a stalker of Paula . . . and thought it would make for good TV. Now she is dead and she killed herself in front of Paula's house. Producers in the Hollywood Reality show game tend to be really egotistical and very heartless in their idea of entertainment. They could care less about who they hurt as long as they get the ratings. And shock and controversy is the game right now. Well, not if I can help it . . . I shot with the producers of "Big Brother" who wanted to do my show idea "Angels in Da Hood" an idea Tupac gave me years ago. Who did the producer hire as my driver?. . . a Jewish Comic named Ari Shaffir who is known as "The Amazing Racist" and you can see him on Youtube going into the "Hood" wearing a KKK outfit holding a cross and a gas can . . . looking for a lighter. Daniel, the producer also can be seen pissing on a homeless person in one of his reality shows. But he says it is a friend of his and so in his mind that makes it ok. I walked away the second day of shooting. Now if Suge were driving the van in Compton where he was born . . at least he would be trying to give back and I would give most of any money I made to "Pac's Kids" an organization started by Tupac's mother. That is why it hurts for me to be called a racist. I love black people and all dark skinned people. I love all races . . . but the white one . . is the cruelest by far. Go and google "Suge Knight . . . Unfinished Business" on YouTube and see for yourself . . . they tried to get the show made in March. The best part is when Suge goes to Compton and all the kids are so excited to see him. . . Psychic Kids . . . if a child is experiencing painful or disturbing energies . . . it has nothing to do with being Psychic . . . they have problems and should be treated with love, respect and privacy in dealing with their issues . . . not exploited on National Television with sound effects that make it seem like "The Blair Witch Project!" And Chip telling them things like "You're haunted" or "You have monsters after you" is just terrible and insensitive. I will only be involved in shows that bring love, light and laughter to all those who watch. The universe is lining things up for that reality to happen. Merlin and Jesus and many beings of light are my friends in spirit . . . they know all about what Tanila, Tammy and Karen are posting . . . they know how much hatred fill their hearts and they told me not to worry about it . . . so I'm not. I will protect the innocent from Exploitation whether it be children or America's hero d**k Clark or my little sister Robin Wright . . . and that is all there is to it. As far as the powerbrokers I know . . . well, that is for me to know and you not to find out . . . I learned my lesson trusting Chip with information about my famous clients that he then turned around and used against me. So, no more divulging of my long list of famous clients. I am here for God/Goddess and I will do what I was born to do and that is to lift the veil between worlds and heal as many hearts as I can from lifetimes of abuse, terror and fear . . . often from people with Bible in hand . . . people like Tanila, Karen, Tammy and Chip Coffey!



#285Consumer Comment

Sun, December 14, 2008

I think I am rather like your Joan of Arc. God knows that you love Him. I have talked with your quite often about this, and I know that you love Him. Chip, He loves you, too. I will fight for you, my friend, as long as my little old hillbilly, fat, gorilla loving fingers will type, because I know the type of man you are. You are not perfect, but then neither am I. Neither is Beatrice and neither is Kirby. Thank goodness, God doesn't require perfection, just faithfulness, and I have seen that in you. I have not seen one ugly thing you have posted about them, but they have certainly gone after you. So, back into my armor I go, and back into the battle with these people who only want to destroy you. They should read the part in the Bible where Jesus says let him who is without sin cast the first stone. They are gathering stones when they should be looking in the mirror.


Los Angeles,

#286UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 13, 2008

Where is the proof? Other than what I admitted to . . . one email to Jana, one email to Tuesday Miles, one blog on Myspace and the RR report all in the last year. Where is the proof that I have said anything anywhere else? There is none because I have not. You are very good at EXAGGERATION and lying is as easy for you as telling the truth is for me. You have no heart, no conscious sense of right and wrong. It is just all about you you you! If I really wanted to hurt you . . . why did I not go and post what you did to me on the Paranormal State boards or the Psychic Kids board on A&E. or all the Paranormal sites etc . . . because I have no desire to hurt you. I just want you to tell the truth for your own good . . . and for healing to occur and forgiveness to take place. You really should tell Granny Price to stop her endless, relentless harassment . . . she is the one doing to me what you say I did to you AND SHE IS ACTING ON YOUR BEHALF. She is your friend and Granny Price is not well in the head. If anyone is crazy around here . . . it is your friends, not me. Oh what a wicked web we weave . . . when we practice to deceive. You are going to get all tangled up in the craziness of Granny Price and company. If you were a real psychic . . . you would have seen this coming when you gleefully registered my names! That one day, how did you put it . . . it would, bite you in the butt but you did not see it. Or maybe you did see it . . . when you called me crying that one day remorseful . . . yet you still did not just hand my names over. You handed them over to the Ott Group. You say they called the police . . . where is the report? See all your lies can be proven to be just that, lies. If you were a real psychic . . . you would also see the damage that Granny Price and Tammy are doing to you in the long run . . . not me. Sure it is irritating and unreal how dumb they are . . . but not nearly as damaging to me as it is going to be to you. You are famous . . . remember, I am just a little nobody with a fifteen year old car.


Los Angeles,
From Chip Coffey's blog on myspace . . . more lies lies lies

#287UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 13, 2008

Rumor: Beatrice Marot, a psychic from California, and I have been "linked" on several websites because of issues that occurred between us in the past. One of the recent rumors states that I tried to extort $3,000 from her. Fact: Beatrice Marot and I did have "issues" almost five years ago. Ever since then, she has taken any and every possible opportunity to bash me, including contacting my personal friends and business associates in an effort to malign me. THAT WOULD BE 3 1/2 YEARS AGO. THE REST IS B.S. JUST LIKE YOUR SHOW P.S. Beatrice and I were never "good friends," as she claims. We both worked for a psychic phone service, spoke a few times by telephone and exchanged a few E-mails. That's it! We have never even met in person. YOU AND I SPOKE ALL THE TIME . . . I TOLD YOU SO MANY PERSONAL THINGS ABOUT ME AND MY LIFE WHICH YOU THEN SPLATTERED ALL OVER THE PLACE IN YOUR ORIGINAL BLOG ON MYSPACE. IT IS RIGHT HERE FOR THE WORLD TO SEE. YOU TWIST THE TRUTH AND YOU HAVE NO QUALMS ABOUT IT EITHER. NO WE DID NOT MEET IN PERSON . . . WE JUST SPOKE ON THE PHONE ALL THE TIME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY DEAR FRIEND . . . CLEARLY YOU LIED ABOUT THAT TOO! Beatrice and I had a "falling out." No need to rehash the details ... Beatrice has her version of the story and I have mine and "never the twain shall meet." After weeks of constant harassment from Beatrice, I purchased two domain names (beatricemarot. com and beatricemarot. net), which is certainly not "illegal" for me to do and is most definitely NOT "identity theft," an erroneous claim made by Miss Marot. Why did I buy the domain names? For no other reason than to piss her off. (Yes, I'm human ... and sometimes, when others push too hard, I push back!) WHAT AN AS***LE . . . THE FALLING OUT WAS . . YOU COULD NOT STAND THE FACT THAT I WAS NUMBER ONE ON A STUPID PSYCHIC LINE!! AND YOU WENT ON A RAMPAGE AND RECRUITED OTHERS TO HELP YOU TO IN YOUR INSANE DESIRE TO RUIN ME . . . AND IT WORKED! An offer was made to sell Beatrice the domain names at a fair-and-honest price of $3,000. She made repeated nasty phone calls to my webmasters, spouting threats and obscenities, and finally, they elected to simply hand over the domain names to her (no money changed hands) in order to stop the harassment. MORE LIES AND EXAGGERATIONS . . . HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY SELLING ME BACK MY OWN NAME YOU DUMB HICK! MARK OTT OF THE OTT GROUP IN LAS VEGAS GOT A LOT OF PHONE CALLS YES . . . BUT THEY NEVER GAVE ME BACK MY NAMES UNTIL ALMOST A YEAR LATER. I HAVE TO ASK MY FRIEND JOHN . . . HE GOT THEM BACK FOR ME. FYI: If owning the domain names was so important to Miss Marot, then, pray tell, why is beatricemarot. net currently available for purchase (as of 12/11/2008)??? WHY ARE YOU CHECKING . . . ARE GOING TO PURCHASE IT . . . IT IS ILLEGAL NOW CHIP BECAUSE OF SCUM LIKE YOU! Despite the fact that I have tried, numerous times, to "make peace" with Beatrice, she continues to hold a major grudge against me AFTER FIVE YEARS! EXACTLY HOW HAVE YOUR TRIED TO MAKE PEACE WITH ME? IT HAS BEEN 3 1/2 YEARS AND I NEVER SPOKE A WORD ABOUT ANY OF THIS FOR 2 1/2 . . . BUT WHEN I SAW YOU WORKING WITH CHILDREN KNOWING THE KIND OF MAN YOU REALLY ARE . . . SORRY, I COULD NO LONGER STAY QUIET. All over the Internet, she is showing the world what a vicious, vindictive, foul-mouthed person she truly is. (She actually called the African American husband of a friend of mine a "two ton gorilla"!) In reality, she is not damaging MY reputation. She is SLAUGHTERING her own! AND WHAT ARE YOU ... YOU ARE THE MOST VINDICTIVE, LYING SCUMBAG THAT EVER WALKED THE EARTH. YOU ARE A DEMON AND A GHOST OF A MAN . . . YOU LOOK LIKE A CREEPY OLD WEIRDO! BUT YOU ARE VERY ENTERTAINING IF YOU LIKE DRAG QUEEN DEMON CHASERS THAN CHIP COFFEY YOU ARE ACES!!


Los Angeles,
From Chip Coffey's blog on myspace . . . more lies lies lies

#288UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 13, 2008

Rumor: Beatrice Marot, a psychic from California, and I have been "linked" on several websites because of issues that occurred between us in the past. One of the recent rumors states that I tried to extort $3,000 from her. Fact: Beatrice Marot and I did have "issues" almost five years ago. Ever since then, she has taken any and every possible opportunity to bash me, including contacting my personal friends and business associates in an effort to malign me. THAT WOULD BE 3 1/2 YEARS AGO. THE REST IS B.S. JUST LIKE YOUR SHOW P.S. Beatrice and I were never "good friends," as she claims. We both worked for a psychic phone service, spoke a few times by telephone and exchanged a few E-mails. That's it! We have never even met in person. YOU AND I SPOKE ALL THE TIME . . . I TOLD YOU SO MANY PERSONAL THINGS ABOUT ME AND MY LIFE WHICH YOU THEN SPLATTERED ALL OVER THE PLACE IN YOUR ORIGINAL BLOG ON MYSPACE. IT IS RIGHT HERE FOR THE WORLD TO SEE. YOU TWIST THE TRUTH AND YOU HAVE NO QUALMS ABOUT IT EITHER. NO WE DID NOT MEET IN PERSON . . . WE JUST SPOKE ON THE PHONE ALL THE TIME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY DEAR FRIEND . . . CLEARLY YOU LIED ABOUT THAT TOO! Beatrice and I had a "falling out." No need to rehash the details ... Beatrice has her version of the story and I have mine and "never the twain shall meet." After weeks of constant harassment from Beatrice, I purchased two domain names (beatricemarot. com and beatricemarot. net), which is certainly not "illegal" for me to do and is most definitely NOT "identity theft," an erroneous claim made by Miss Marot. Why did I buy the domain names? For no other reason than to piss her off. (Yes, I'm human ... and sometimes, when others push too hard, I push back!) WHAT AN AS***LE . . . THE FALLING OUT WAS . . YOU COULD NOT STAND THE FACT THAT I WAS NUMBER ONE ON A STUPID PSYCHIC LINE!! AND YOU WENT ON A RAMPAGE AND RECRUITED OTHERS TO HELP YOU TO IN YOUR INSANE DESIRE TO RUIN ME . . . AND IT WORKED! An offer was made to sell Beatrice the domain names at a fair-and-honest price of $3,000. She made repeated nasty phone calls to my webmasters, spouting threats and obscenities, and finally, they elected to simply hand over the domain names to her (no money changed hands) in order to stop the harassment. MORE LIES AND EXAGGERATIONS . . . HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY SELLING ME BACK MY OWN NAME YOU DUMB HICK! MARK OTT OF THE OTT GROUP IN LAS VEGAS GOT A LOT OF PHONE CALLS YES . . . BUT THEY NEVER GAVE ME BACK MY NAMES UNTIL ALMOST A YEAR LATER. I HAVE TO ASK MY FRIEND JOHN . . . HE GOT THEM BACK FOR ME. FYI: If owning the domain names was so important to Miss Marot, then, pray tell, why is beatricemarot. net currently available for purchase (as of 12/11/2008)??? WHY ARE YOU CHECKING . . . ARE GOING TO PURCHASE IT . . . IT IS ILLEGAL NOW CHIP BECAUSE OF SCUM LIKE YOU! Despite the fact that I have tried, numerous times, to "make peace" with Beatrice, she continues to hold a major grudge against me AFTER FIVE YEARS! EXACTLY HOW HAVE YOUR TRIED TO MAKE PEACE WITH ME? IT HAS BEEN 3 1/2 YEARS AND I NEVER SPOKE A WORD ABOUT ANY OF THIS FOR 2 1/2 . . . BUT WHEN I SAW YOU WORKING WITH CHILDREN KNOWING THE KIND OF MAN YOU REALLY ARE . . . SORRY, I COULD NO LONGER STAY QUIET. All over the Internet, she is showing the world what a vicious, vindictive, foul-mouthed person she truly is. (She actually called the African American husband of a friend of mine a "two ton gorilla"!) In reality, she is not damaging MY reputation. She is SLAUGHTERING her own! AND WHAT ARE YOU ... YOU ARE THE MOST VINDICTIVE, LYING SCUMBAG THAT EVER WALKED THE EARTH. YOU ARE A DEMON AND A GHOST OF A MAN . . . YOU LOOK LIKE A CREEPY OLD WEIRDO! BUT YOU ARE VERY ENTERTAINING IF YOU LIKE DRAG QUEEN DEMON CHASERS THAN CHIP COFFEY YOU ARE ACES!!


Los Angeles,
From Chip Coffey's blog on myspace . . . more lies lies lies

#289UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 13, 2008

Rumor: Beatrice Marot, a psychic from California, and I have been "linked" on several websites because of issues that occurred between us in the past. One of the recent rumors states that I tried to extort $3,000 from her. Fact: Beatrice Marot and I did have "issues" almost five years ago. Ever since then, she has taken any and every possible opportunity to bash me, including contacting my personal friends and business associates in an effort to malign me. THAT WOULD BE 3 1/2 YEARS AGO. THE REST IS B.S. JUST LIKE YOUR SHOW P.S. Beatrice and I were never "good friends," as she claims. We both worked for a psychic phone service, spoke a few times by telephone and exchanged a few E-mails. That's it! We have never even met in person. YOU AND I SPOKE ALL THE TIME . . . I TOLD YOU SO MANY PERSONAL THINGS ABOUT ME AND MY LIFE WHICH YOU THEN SPLATTERED ALL OVER THE PLACE IN YOUR ORIGINAL BLOG ON MYSPACE. IT IS RIGHT HERE FOR THE WORLD TO SEE. YOU TWIST THE TRUTH AND YOU HAVE NO QUALMS ABOUT IT EITHER. NO WE DID NOT MEET IN PERSON . . . WE JUST SPOKE ON THE PHONE ALL THE TIME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY DEAR FRIEND . . . CLEARLY YOU LIED ABOUT THAT TOO! Beatrice and I had a "falling out." No need to rehash the details ... Beatrice has her version of the story and I have mine and "never the twain shall meet." After weeks of constant harassment from Beatrice, I purchased two domain names (beatricemarot. com and beatricemarot. net), which is certainly not "illegal" for me to do and is most definitely NOT "identity theft," an erroneous claim made by Miss Marot. Why did I buy the domain names? For no other reason than to piss her off. (Yes, I'm human ... and sometimes, when others push too hard, I push back!) WHAT AN AS***LE . . . THE FALLING OUT WAS . . YOU COULD NOT STAND THE FACT THAT I WAS NUMBER ONE ON A STUPID PSYCHIC LINE!! AND YOU WENT ON A RAMPAGE AND RECRUITED OTHERS TO HELP YOU TO IN YOUR INSANE DESIRE TO RUIN ME . . . AND IT WORKED! An offer was made to sell Beatrice the domain names at a fair-and-honest price of $3,000. She made repeated nasty phone calls to my webmasters, spouting threats and obscenities, and finally, they elected to simply hand over the domain names to her (no money changed hands) in order to stop the harassment. MORE LIES AND EXAGGERATIONS . . . HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY SELLING ME BACK MY OWN NAME YOU DUMB HICK! MARK OTT OF THE OTT GROUP IN LAS VEGAS GOT A LOT OF PHONE CALLS YES . . . BUT THEY NEVER GAVE ME BACK MY NAMES UNTIL ALMOST A YEAR LATER. I HAVE TO ASK MY FRIEND JOHN . . . HE GOT THEM BACK FOR ME. FYI: If owning the domain names was so important to Miss Marot, then, pray tell, why is beatricemarot. net currently available for purchase (as of 12/11/2008)??? WHY ARE YOU CHECKING . . . ARE GOING TO PURCHASE IT . . . IT IS ILLEGAL NOW CHIP BECAUSE OF SCUM LIKE YOU! Despite the fact that I have tried, numerous times, to "make peace" with Beatrice, she continues to hold a major grudge against me AFTER FIVE YEARS! EXACTLY HOW HAVE YOUR TRIED TO MAKE PEACE WITH ME? IT HAS BEEN 3 1/2 YEARS AND I NEVER SPOKE A WORD ABOUT ANY OF THIS FOR 2 1/2 . . . BUT WHEN I SAW YOU WORKING WITH CHILDREN KNOWING THE KIND OF MAN YOU REALLY ARE . . . SORRY, I COULD NO LONGER STAY QUIET. All over the Internet, she is showing the world what a vicious, vindictive, foul-mouthed person she truly is. (She actually called the African American husband of a friend of mine a "two ton gorilla"!) In reality, she is not damaging MY reputation. She is SLAUGHTERING her own! AND WHAT ARE YOU ... YOU ARE THE MOST VINDICTIVE, LYING SCUMBAG THAT EVER WALKED THE EARTH. YOU ARE A DEMON AND A GHOST OF A MAN . . . YOU LOOK LIKE A CREEPY OLD WEIRDO! BUT YOU ARE VERY ENTERTAINING IF YOU LIKE DRAG QUEEN DEMON CHASERS THAN CHIP COFFEY YOU ARE ACES!!


Los Angeles,
From Chip Coffey's blog on myspace . . . more lies lies lies

#290UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 13, 2008

Rumor: Beatrice Marot, a psychic from California, and I have been "linked" on several websites because of issues that occurred between us in the past. One of the recent rumors states that I tried to extort $3,000 from her. Fact: Beatrice Marot and I did have "issues" almost five years ago. Ever since then, she has taken any and every possible opportunity to bash me, including contacting my personal friends and business associates in an effort to malign me. THAT WOULD BE 3 1/2 YEARS AGO. THE REST IS B.S. JUST LIKE YOUR SHOW P.S. Beatrice and I were never "good friends," as she claims. We both worked for a psychic phone service, spoke a few times by telephone and exchanged a few E-mails. That's it! We have never even met in person. YOU AND I SPOKE ALL THE TIME . . . I TOLD YOU SO MANY PERSONAL THINGS ABOUT ME AND MY LIFE WHICH YOU THEN SPLATTERED ALL OVER THE PLACE IN YOUR ORIGINAL BLOG ON MYSPACE. IT IS RIGHT HERE FOR THE WORLD TO SEE. YOU TWIST THE TRUTH AND YOU HAVE NO QUALMS ABOUT IT EITHER. NO WE DID NOT MEET IN PERSON . . . WE JUST SPOKE ON THE PHONE ALL THE TIME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY DEAR FRIEND . . . CLEARLY YOU LIED ABOUT THAT TOO! Beatrice and I had a "falling out." No need to rehash the details ... Beatrice has her version of the story and I have mine and "never the twain shall meet." After weeks of constant harassment from Beatrice, I purchased two domain names (beatricemarot. com and beatricemarot. net), which is certainly not "illegal" for me to do and is most definitely NOT "identity theft," an erroneous claim made by Miss Marot. Why did I buy the domain names? For no other reason than to piss her off. (Yes, I'm human ... and sometimes, when others push too hard, I push back!) WHAT AN AS***LE . . . THE FALLING OUT WAS . . YOU COULD NOT STAND THE FACT THAT I WAS NUMBER ONE ON A STUPID PSYCHIC LINE!! AND YOU WENT ON A RAMPAGE AND RECRUITED OTHERS TO HELP YOU TO IN YOUR INSANE DESIRE TO RUIN ME . . . AND IT WORKED! An offer was made to sell Beatrice the domain names at a fair-and-honest price of $3,000. She made repeated nasty phone calls to my webmasters, spouting threats and obscenities, and finally, they elected to simply hand over the domain names to her (no money changed hands) in order to stop the harassment. MORE LIES AND EXAGGERATIONS . . . HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY SELLING ME BACK MY OWN NAME YOU DUMB HICK! MARK OTT OF THE OTT GROUP IN LAS VEGAS GOT A LOT OF PHONE CALLS YES . . . BUT THEY NEVER GAVE ME BACK MY NAMES UNTIL ALMOST A YEAR LATER. I HAVE TO ASK MY FRIEND JOHN . . . HE GOT THEM BACK FOR ME. FYI: If owning the domain names was so important to Miss Marot, then, pray tell, why is beatricemarot. net currently available for purchase (as of 12/11/2008)??? WHY ARE YOU CHECKING . . . ARE GOING TO PURCHASE IT . . . IT IS ILLEGAL NOW CHIP BECAUSE OF SCUM LIKE YOU! Despite the fact that I have tried, numerous times, to "make peace" with Beatrice, she continues to hold a major grudge against me AFTER FIVE YEARS! EXACTLY HOW HAVE YOUR TRIED TO MAKE PEACE WITH ME? IT HAS BEEN 3 1/2 YEARS AND I NEVER SPOKE A WORD ABOUT ANY OF THIS FOR 2 1/2 . . . BUT WHEN I SAW YOU WORKING WITH CHILDREN KNOWING THE KIND OF MAN YOU REALLY ARE . . . SORRY, I COULD NO LONGER STAY QUIET. All over the Internet, she is showing the world what a vicious, vindictive, foul-mouthed person she truly is. (She actually called the African American husband of a friend of mine a "two ton gorilla"!) In reality, she is not damaging MY reputation. She is SLAUGHTERING her own! AND WHAT ARE YOU ... YOU ARE THE MOST VINDICTIVE, LYING SCUMBAG THAT EVER WALKED THE EARTH. YOU ARE A DEMON AND A GHOST OF A MAN . . . YOU LOOK LIKE A CREEPY OLD WEIRDO! BUT YOU ARE VERY ENTERTAINING IF YOU LIKE DRAG QUEEN DEMON CHASERS THAN CHIP COFFEY YOU ARE ACES!!


I received a note from Kirby Robinson...

#291Consumer Comment

Sat, December 13, 2008

it is the same note he posted on his blog. He will not allow people to engage in character assassination on his blog. He also blocked my ability to respond to him personally via email. I will put my response here: So, you, as the great champion of the First Amendment, decide whose character is allowed to be assassinated! You are supposedly exposing fraud and corruption in all the paranormal community, but in truth, you are only exposing what you consider to be the fraud of certain few. Beatrice Marot is a fraud. She is desperately mentally disturbed. Have you not read her posts on the internet publishing personal information given to her in a reading by a client? I can give you a link to that information if you are interested. Have you not read her racist, bigoted comments to several people on the internet? I can give you proof. You think a person of her ilk should not be exposed? Any client may come to her and divulge very personal information. If they are well known by people, and she gets angry with them, she will publish it on the internet for all to see!!! I think that this is indeed "a sad mess that needs to be exposed to light." Is it that Beatrice has obtained no more fame than you that you don't feel the need to expose her? I get the feeling that you are only after the accolades of your followers, not the truth about the paranormal community. I am sure that you will definitely not allow this to be posted. It doesn't fit into your agenda to destroy on Chip Coffey and Ryan. You do not promote freedom for all spirits. You only promote freedom of your ideas.



#292Consumer Comment

Sat, December 13, 2008

"Disclaimer: I'm not playing comment police with those who post comments on my blogs. I think we're all adults and can make up our own minds about whose advice to follow. But when it comes to the subject of demons/demonic activity, one of the games that Satan plays is to dress it up, put a label and a cute spin on it, and he'll send his messengers out to sell it. You all have spiritual discernment, so please use it!" This is a statement from Kirby, but he blocks every post I try to make. Have you decided to play comment police?? It would appear you have. I intend to post this statement and the fact that you won't post my remarks in as many places as I can. The people have a right to know just how objective you are!! "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen." All of these people are brave until someone turns the light of truth on them. Then they run like rabbits. They don't want to play any more!! They cry freedom of speech, until the speech is about them. They can't stand in the light of the truth.



#293Consumer Comment

Sat, December 13, 2008

"Disclaimer: I'm not playing comment police with those who post comments on my blogs. I think we're all adults and can make up our own minds about whose advice to follow. But when it comes to the subject of demons/demonic activity, one of the games that Satan plays is to dress it up, put a label and a cute spin on it, and he'll send his messengers out to sell it. You all have spiritual discernment, so please use it!" This is a statement from Kirby, but he blocks every post I try to make. Have you decided to play comment police?? It would appear you have. I intend to post this statement and the fact that you won't post my remarks in as many places as I can. The people have a right to know just how objective you are!! "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen." All of these people are brave until someone turns the light of truth on them. Then they run like rabbits. They don't want to play any more!! They cry freedom of speech, until the speech is about them. They can't stand in the light of the truth.



#294Consumer Comment

Sat, December 13, 2008

Kirby posted a long soliloqui on the First Amendment. He states that the paranormal community is frightened by his disclosures of their fraudulent acts and are attempting to have him blocked from the internet. He asks what has happened to free press and free speech. He lets people know that "they" are trying to silence him. When I posted responses to some statements made on his blog, my posts were erased, and the following was posted by Kirby: "We're getting to the truth and it's really starting to scare them. Even if we are gone it will continue until the entire sad mess is exposed to the light. UPDATE: If individuals have personal disagreements or want to engage in character assassination there are other places where you may do so, but not on this blog." This was posted by Kirby on his Free All Spirits blog. When I tried to post a question asking if what he was engaging in wasn't character assassination of some in the paranormal community, he deleted my message and blocked me from posting. He also deleted my posts on his Eye on the Paranormal blog. It seems that the only people the First Amendment applies to is him and his friends!! If anyone disagrees with him, and tries to post a different view, they are blocked. Can't stand the light being turned on them??


Beatrice Marot and Suge Knight

#295Consumer Comment

Sat, December 13, 2008

In one breath, she is talking about how evil Suge Knight is and how he will ruin d**k Clark's reputation and in another she is saying she reads for his children. WHEW! Do I hear the Twilight Zone theme??? Beatrice knows so many power brokers, that she has d**k Clark Productions threatening her with legal action if she doesn't leave them alone. She does have a reputation in Hollywood I am finding out, but it is certainly not the one she likes to portray. Where are all her power broker friends when d**k Clark Productions is threatening legal action against her. Where were her power broker friends when Sean Penn threatened legal action against her?? Where are all of her rich and famous friends who give her so much business that she has to drive a 15 year old automobile! Where were all of her rich and famous friends when in 2005 (she has said that was when she was with Keen), a mere 3 years ago, when she got fired and even lost her home because of her deranged actions? I can tell you where Chip's friends are. They are watching him on TV. They are watching him teach classes at Universities. They are watching his client base build every day. They are watching him be invited to participate in international investigations! Karma has certainly flattened him!!! Beatrice and her friend Kirby lament and whine about first amendment rights - how they should be able to say whatever they want about someone. But when the light is turned on them, they block you from their site!!! They pitch a fit and say they are being stalked!!! First amendment rights only apply if you agree with them. Kirby said that if someone is trying to ruin someone's reputation, they can't do it on his blog. I guess the only one who's reputation can be besmirched on his blog is Chip's. I am sure that is exactly what the Framers had in mind!! So, neither Kirby nor Beatrice want their First Amendment rights infringed upon, but they don't want anyone else to have the same right. I have some surprising news for them. I am the most tenacious, fat ole cow of a gorilla loving, hick hillbilly that they have ever run across. The minute they stop, I will stop When Beatrice went a couple days and didn't post, neither did I. The minute she resumed her character assassination, I resumed my posting. That is the way life is going to be from this time on. Kirby taught me something that I did not know. I was unaware of google alert until he mentioned it. I now have alerts set for Beatrice Marot and Chip Coffey, so that I can be vigilant in my quest. So, Beatrice, you keep on, and so will I. Each time you post, I will respond. I will copy and paste your filthy language, and bigoted statements wherever I can.


North Carolina,
Well Well Well

#296Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 13, 2008

Chip Coffey has finally spoken out against this deranged mental person. I notice in the responses she keeps ranting on about the same OLD stuff. Very interesting to know that d**k Clark Productions are deciding to take legal action against her. I would too if she kept harrassing talking about tupac said this and that and dont do the suge knight show, etc. Sounds like a stalking lunatic to me as well them. The chip coffey emails she posted proves nothing but the fact that she is off her rocker and in a serious psychotic rant. Perhaps a judge should sentence her to 90 in house psychiatric observation because this loon is seriously two fries short of a happy meal. KUDOS TO CHIP COFFEY FOR TELLING THIS LOON TO GET HER MIND RIGHT. WASTED EFFORT I KNOW. MR. COFFEY ALSO NEEDS TO SEEK LEGAL ACTION AGAINST THE FRUITCAKE AS WELL.


Los Angeles,
Oh and one more thing . . . Chip

#297Author of original report

Sat, December 13, 2008

I don't know what makes you think that I have anything less than an amazing life. My life is wonderful. As far as you are concerned . . . it is Merlin and Jesus that asked me to write about you. You see they know the truth, Chip and they are not going to let you get away with what you did to me. I am over it . . . I have been for a long time . . . you and A&E should have stayed away from exploiting young children for profit and ratings. That is when Merlin and Jesus asked me to do what I did. I work for God/Goddess Chip . . . not sure who you work for but it is certainly not the highest good of all . . . just your own selfish pursuit of fame and fortune. Say hi to Miss Cleo on your way down to the land of scandal and fraud!


Los Angeles,
Chip, don't you ever get tired of twisting the truth and lying through your teeth

#298Author of original report

Fri, December 12, 2008

You cannot argue with a crazy person! YOU SHOULD KNOW CHIP! YOU AND ALL YOUR CRAZY FRIENDS! Upon receiving numerous E-mails from you, I visited Rip Off Report and, not surprisingly, discovered that you have entered into even more internet conflicts. I WROTE TO YOU TO ASK YOU TO GET YOUR HILLBILLY GRANNY TO LAY OFF AND STOP POSTING ON KIRBY'S BLOG AS SHE IS ONLY MAKING IT WORSE FOR YOU! Tanila and Tammy are both very tenacious women who appear to be very upset and angry at you. You made nasty remarks about them. You insulted and degraded them and their families. You threatened them. These are precisely the same things that you have done to me, repeatedly, over the course of the past five years. EVERYTHING I SAID CAN BE READ WORD FOR WORD AND I TRIED TALKING SENSE INTO BOTH OF THESE WOMEN TO NO AVAIL! You have taken any and every opportunity to post malicious statements about me on the internet. You have contacted my personal friends and business associates, attempting to damage my reputation. You are hellbent to extract your 'pound of flesh'! I HAVE NOT CONTACTED ANYONE OTHER THAN JANA A YEAR AGO IN NOVEMBER OF 'O7 AND TUESDAY MILES IN JUNE OF '08. JANA NO LONGER REPS YOU. I WONDER WHY? SHE MUST HAVE FOUND OUT THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU! I POSTED ON BLOG ON MY PERSONAL MYSPACE AND YOU TOOK IT AND POSTED LIES . . . ONE AFTER ANOTHER . . .ALL HERE FOR ALL TO SEE! Yes, it is true that almost five years ago we had a 'conflict' while both working on Keen. You blame me for your dismissal from Keen when, in truth, you were 'fired' because of your own actions. You were warned by Keen not to enter into conflicts with their other advisors and their clients. When you did not listen to their repeated warnings and continued to break the rules, your account was deleted. Like it or not, Beatrice, that is the way it happened. I WAS ON KEEN IN MAY OF 2005 SO THAT WOULD BE 3 AND 1/2 YEARS AGO. THE MINUTE I BECAME NUMBER ONE . . . I WAS HARRASSED BY YOU AND YOUR PSYCHIC GROUP AND YOUR FRIENDS WHO CALLED ME AND WHO PURPOSELY LEFT NEGATVE FEEDBACK AND I TRIED TO GET PLAYFAIR TO HELP. KEEN HAS A RULE THAT YOU CANNOT WRITE TO SOMEONE FOR LEAVING NEGATIVE FEEDBACK. I DID IT TWICE AND THEY WARNED ME I DID IT ONCE MORE . . . AND IT WAS JUST BECAUSE THE PSYCHIC IN CHIP'S GROUP "THE MATHEMATICIAN" HUNG UP ON ME AND WROTE A ONE STAR AND "SHE HUNG UP ON ME!" I WROTE HER TO ASSURE i DID NOT HANG UP ON YOU . . . AND THAT IS THE EMAIL THAT GOT ME KICKED OFF. NICE PEOPLE AT PLAY FAIR AT KEEN. You are the one who originially posted a Rip Off Report about me and Keen. Tanila posted her own Rip Off Report about you because you made racist remarks about her husband. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, so to speak, you are furious and upset. What you cannot seem to comprehend is the fact that YOU CREATED THIS ENTIRE MESS YOURSELF! YOU RIPPED ME OFF. I DID NOT RIP TANILA OFF. SO THAT REPORT SHOULD NOT BE HERE. BUT IT IS OK . . . IT ALL LEADS BACK TO YOU CHIP THE REAL RIP OFF AND SLANDERER! You've been battling with the folks at Rip Off Report, attempting to get the report about you removed. I seriously doubt that is ever going to happen because the folks at Rip Off Report seem quite unwilling to remove reports from their site. NOPE, THEY DO NOT AND THEY SHOULD . . . THEY SHOULD ALSO ALLOW SOMEONE TO REMOVE A REPORT IF THEY CHOOSE TO BUT THEY DO NOT! You've been battling with the folks at d**k Clark Productions. By your own admission, you have been warned that they may take possible legal action against you. AGAIN, YOU TWIST THE TRUTH AS USUAL CHIP. THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT ASSAF IS DOING A SHOW ABOUT SUGE KNIGHT AND HE NOT THINKING (JUST LIKE YOU WERE NOT THINKING WHEN YOU RIPPED OFF MY IDENTITY) AND ASSAF IS ABOUT TO STAIN THE REPUTATION OF A BELOVED AMERICAN POP CULTURE HERO IN DOING SO. EVERYONE LOVES d**k CLARK RIGHT? DO YOU WANT TO SEE HIS REPUTATION STAINED BY AN ASSOCIATION WITH SUGE KNIGHT BECAUSE ALL HOLLYWOOD CARES ABOUT IS SHOCK AND CONTROVERSY AND THEY CALL IT GOOD TELEVISION. WELL, TUPAC AND JOHNNY CARSON IN SPIRIT GUIDED ME TO d**k CLARK AND SUGE KNIGHT ON EARTH IN OCTOBER IN ORDER TO STOP THE SHOW IN THAT FORMAT. THEY CAN DO IT . . . JUST NOT WITH d**k CLARK. SORRY BUT THAT IS THE TRUTH. I AM VERY DIALED INTO THE SPIRIT REALM! YOU ARE DIALED INTO DEMONS IN THE DARK . . . THAT IS THE NAME OF YOUR BOOK RIGHT? Will you never learn, Beatrice? I seriously doubt that you will because it is glaringly obvious that you cannot (or will not) control your self-destructive behavior, much less take responsibility for your actions. JUST TELL THE TRUTH CHIP! I have tried for several years to end the upset between us, but you would not allow it to end. You continued to hold a major grudge and malign me whenever and however you could. Once again, your actions have backfired on you. You wanted this to be all about YOU and finally, it is. HOW HAVE YOU TRIED EXACTLY? YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING AND I HAVE NEVER EVER MALIGNED YOU ANYWHERE OTHER THAN WHAT I HAVE ALREADY STATED. IT IS TANILA THAT IS POSTING ALL OVER THE NET AND I AM JUST DEFENDING MYSELF AGAINST THE LIES YOU FED HER AND TAMMY AND THE REST OF YOUR FRIENDS. I am sincerely sorry for the troubles that you have had in recent years. Despite the fact that you try to blame me for those troubles, I am most assuredly not responsible for them. YOU ARE! NO . . . YOU MOST DEFINITELY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NIGHTMARE THAT HAPPENED AT KEEN WITHOUT A DOUBT AND I WOULD SWEAR ON ALL THAT IS SACRED THAT IS THE TRUTH! I SWEAR TO GOD THAT IS THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD! Say what you want and do what you feel that you must do, Beatrice. In the long run, I am not the one who will ultimately suffer. YOU WILL! The truly sad thing is this: everything that I have said to you will fall on deaf ears. You will fire back at me with nasty, accusatory comments, refusing to let go of the vindictive vendetta you have against me. HERE ARE A COUPLE OF EXAMPLES OF THE REAL CHIP COFFEY From: ChipCoffey Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 1:30 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: You really are something else, feeding lies to Tanila and evreyone you know Try, for JUST a moment, to be sane, Beatrice, and listen to this: YOU are the one who has kept slinging crap at me for five long years! I NEVER respond -- or even THINK ABOUT you -- until you have one of your psychotic breaks and start bashing me. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN MISFORTUNES! For the love of God, don't you grow tired of fighting with others and being the perpetual victim????? FROM:BEA You are the one that went insane. I was still on Keen in May of '05. So 5 years would be in May of 2010. You can never get it right can you? You lie so much it comes natural. I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU TAKE OVER THE NUMBER ONE SPOT. I'VE BEEN NUMBER ONE ALL THESE YEARS AND I'M NOT GOING TO ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD! ARNOLD SHWARZENNEGER WOULDN'T ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD!! Yes, I will never forget those exact words out of your mouth. It was shocking and unreal the vehemence and hatred in your voice. I have forty pages of glowing five star feed back including one from you as you know. I told you . . . you would be on TV. You told me . . . You're going to be famous . . . . You mesmerize people! I was right as usual . . . and you are right too . . . I will be . . . when I am in the mood. From: ChipCoffey Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 1:44 PM To: bea In a message dated 12/12/2008 4:40:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, bea writes: "I was right as usual . . . and you are right too . . . I will be . . . when I am in the mood." ...and if you don't back waaaaaaaaay off, I'll be right there posting all about you on the Internet the second it happens! Remember...Karma is a boomerang! FROM:BEA Oooooooooh . . . is that supposed to scare me Chip. You go right ahead but the truth is already out there . . . And remember, I don't send little old hillbilly grannies to fight my battles and you have no idea the powerbrokers I know. I don't want to hurt you, I just want you to tell the truth. It seems, you are getting your karmic boomerang right now or am I missing something . . . between Kelli Ryan, Kirby Robinson, PS_BS 101 and apparently the FBI is involved because according to Babs . . . someone is threatening your life. Well, I hope you live a very long life . . . so you can always remember what you did to a good friend who wanted nothing but the best for you as I do with all my friends. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



#299Consumer Comment

Fri, December 12, 2008

on the Internet, signed her last post F.O.A.D. Know what that mean? Well, I did not, but if you search for it on google, you will find that it is certainly not a blessing. It is just more of the filth that spews from this worker of Light. How quickly you have forgotten your promise, Light Worker.



#300Consumer Comment

Fri, December 12, 2008

on the Internet, signed her last post F.O.A.D. Know what that mean? Well, I did not, but if you search for it on google, you will find that it is certainly not a blessing. It is just more of the filth that spews from this worker of Light. How quickly you have forgotten your promise, Light Worker.



#301Consumer Comment

Fri, December 12, 2008

on the Internet, signed her last post F.O.A.D. Know what that mean? Well, I did not, but if you search for it on google, you will find that it is certainly not a blessing. It is just more of the filth that spews from this worker of Light. How quickly you have forgotten your promise, Light Worker.



#302Consumer Comment

Fri, December 12, 2008

on the Internet, signed her last post F.O.A.D. Know what that mean? Well, I did not, but if you search for it on google, you will find that it is certainly not a blessing. It is just more of the filth that spews from this worker of Light. How quickly you have forgotten your promise, Light Worker.


You cannot argue with a crazy person!

#303REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, December 12, 2008

Upon receiving numerous E-mails from you, I visited Rip Off Report and, not surprisingly, discovered that you have entered into even more internet conflicts. Tanila and Tammy are both very tenacious women who appear to be very upset and angry at you. You made nasty remarks about them. You insulted and degraded them and their families. You threatened them. These are precisely the same things that you have done to me, repeatedly, over the course of the past five years. You have taken any and every opportunity to post malicious statements about me on the internet. You have contacted my personal friends and business associates, attempting to damage my reputation. You are hellbent to extract your "pound of flesh"! Yes, it is true that almost five years ago we had a "conflict" while both working on Keen. You blame me for your dismissal from Keen when, in truth, you were "fired" because of your own actions. You were warned by Keen not to enter into conflicts with their other advisors and their clients. When you did not listen to their repeated warnings and continued to break the rules, your account was deleted. Like it or not, Beatrice, that is the way it happened. You are the one who originially posted a Rip Off Report about me and Keen. Tanila posted her own Rip Off Report about you because you made racist remarks about her husband. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, so to speak, you are furious and upset. What you cannot seem to comprehend is the fact that YOU CREATED THIS ENTIRE MESS YOURSELF! You've been battling with the folks at Rip Off Report, attempting to get the report about you removed. I seriously doubt that is ever going to happen because the folks at Rip Off Report seem quite unwilling to remove reports from their site. You've been battling with the folks at d**k Clark Productions. By your own admission, you have been warned that they may take possible legal action against you. Will you never learn, Beatrice? I seriously doubt that you will because it is glaringly obvious that you cannot (or will not) control your self-destructive behavior, much less take responsibility for your actions. I have tried for several years to end the upset between us, but you would not allow it to end. You continued to hold a major grudge and malign me whenever and however you could. Once again, your actions have backfired on you. You wanted this to be all about YOU and finally, it is. I am sincerely sorry for the troubles that you have had in recent years. Despite the fact that you try to blame me for those troubles, I am most assuredly not responsible for them. YOU ARE! Say what you want and do what you feel that you must do, Beatrice. In the long run, I am not the one who will ultimately suffer. YOU WILL! The truly sad thing is this: everything that I have said to you will fall on deaf ears. You will fire back at me with nasty, accusatory comments, refusing to let go of the vindictive vendetta you have against me.


Los Angeles,
Please do take your own advice Karen

#304Author of original report

Fri, December 12, 2008

Don't even bother responding to her. LISTEN TO HER TANILA AND LISTEN TO YOURSELF KAREN! She always claims to be leaving and going on about her business but never does. WHICH IS ALWAYS THE EXACT MOMENT YOU COME ON AND SAY SOME HORRID, EVIL NASTY LIES . . . LIKE THE GOOD CHRISTIAN YOU ARE . . . RIGHT, KAREN. She uses the excuse of someone else posting as the reason she is still on this thread and we all know thats a crock. THAT IS THE TRUTH AND YOU ARE THE ONE THAT POSTS YOU IDIOT! LOL Leave the mentally challenged alone to live in their own heads. PLEASE DO,I KNOW IT IS TOUGH TO BE AS MENTALY DEFECTIVE AS YOU ARE KAREN, BUT THERE IS HELP, GET SOME! take care! F.O.A.D.


Los Angeles,
I already answered this on Kirby's blog . . . but here you go again!

#305Author of original report

Fri, December 12, 2008

Tanila You don't get paid to do readings??? Money, unfortunately, is a necessary evil in this world. We have to make a house payment, car payment, utilities, food, medical bills, gas for our cars, entertainment, all sorts of things require money. The better we are at what the do, the more we are reward for that skill. A doctor makes far more than I, but the doctor deserves it. They are much more skilled at medicine than I am. If I needed work done on my home, I had much rather pay more for a very skilled carpenter, than minimum wage for someone who couldn't do nearly the quality job. My two ton gorilla says that "you get what you pay for." If you want the best, you will have to pay a little more. Posted by tanila on December 12, 2008 - Friday 5:45 AM [Reply to this] Bea Magical Calling your own husband a monkey . . . shame on you . . . Looks like he got what he paid for . . . a dumb hillbilly for a wife! Were you standing in a gutter wearing a sandwich board that said. . . "Free to a two ton gorilla!" Posted by Bea Magical on December 12, 2008 - Friday 9:17 AM [Reply to this]


North Carolina,

#306Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 12, 2008

Don't even bother responding to her. She is clearly unstable by what she posts on these threads. Let her rant and rave to herself like she has been doing for months. If you do not respond to her she is only going to post to herself anyway. She always claims to be leaving and going on about her business but never does. She uses the excuse of someone else posting as the reason she is still on this thread and we all know thats a crock. So let her rant to herself and watch she will be responding to her own posts and cutting and pasting crap no one cares about and start posting as one of her demon spirit personalities again. Leave the mentally challenged alone to live in their own heads. take care!


Los Angeles,
Karen . . . you are not only crazy but a true hypocrite . . . your original post

#307Author of original report

Fri, December 12, 2008

I posted this yesterday and it did not go through so I am doing it again. Karen, just like your new drinking buddy Tanila, you are another Bible quoting hypocrite. And what is so amazing to me since I have never ever dealt with hicks and hillbillies before in my entire life is that I have in my possession a 588 page unpublished manuscript from a 23 emmy award winning writer/producer whom I have never met (not yet anyway) . . . and it is all ABOUT BACKWARD HILLBILLY, LANGUAGE LITERAL FUNDAMENTALIST BIBLE THUMPING HYPOCRITES FROM NORTH CAROLINA WHERE THE AUTHOR GREW UP and still lives. This is your very first post Karen on this thread. Originally Chip was just as bad as me. . . what happened? You jealous that Tupac talks to me. Are you African American yourself? Is that why you could not possibly be a hillbilly? Is that why you call Bobby D's wife a beautiful black woman . . . well . . . whatever race, color or creed you are. . . you also are an ignorant hypocrite . . . just like Tanila and her old, nasty parasite infested brain. The devil is a saavy trickster and sometimes his name is Chip Coffey . . . and it looks like he got to you Karen. OOoooooooooh! You are now possessed by a homo/psychic . . . what will the good Lord say about that? Karen Henderson, North Carolina U.S.A. A Gift Perhaps You people may very well have a gift, chip and beatrice but it is not from the light. There are those who are gifted that are from the light. From the sound of the behavior of the two of you and those that you associate with, your actions seems to be grotescly focused on monetary gain. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for a service that you provide but when greed takes over then your gifts are no longer of the light. You also have to remember that the devil is a savvy trickster and there are FINE lines that you cross when your gifts no longer become the gift of light but very well indeed become crossed over into the gift of darkness. I know many will dispute this fact but it is true. From the sounds of this thread your gift is not of the light. Now this Elvis nonsense. Elvis coming to someone and telling them to pray to him. That is ridiculous and no one should listen to that nonsense. That in itself is solid proof that the dark side has been crossed over into. The dead don't talk and that is what GOD has told US all in the Holy Bible. People should be very leery of those who claim medium abilities. Greed is NEVER a gift of the light! Remember the devil and his minions can perform miracles and provide what appears to be light guided information. With that being said you have to really question those who say they have 'spirit guides' and 'talk to the dead.' They may believe these are GOD sent entities when in actuality they very well may not be. Something for ALL to think about when they are consulting a 'psychic' and I use that term loosely. Perhaps it's best if you just consult with someone who does not speak of spirit guides and talking to the dead.


Los Angeles,
Karen . . . you are not only crazy but a true hypocrite . . . your original post

#308Author of original report

Fri, December 12, 2008

I posted this yesterday and it did not go through so I am doing it again. Karen, just like your new drinking buddy Tanila, you are another Bible quoting hypocrite. And what is so amazing to me since I have never ever dealt with hicks and hillbillies before in my entire life is that I have in my possession a 588 page unpublished manuscript from a 23 emmy award winning writer/producer whom I have never met (not yet anyway) . . . and it is all ABOUT BACKWARD HILLBILLY, LANGUAGE LITERAL FUNDAMENTALIST BIBLE THUMPING HYPOCRITES FROM NORTH CAROLINA WHERE THE AUTHOR GREW UP and still lives. This is your very first post Karen on this thread. Originally Chip was just as bad as me. . . what happened? You jealous that Tupac talks to me. Are you African American yourself? Is that why you could not possibly be a hillbilly? Is that why you call Bobby D's wife a beautiful black woman . . . well . . . whatever race, color or creed you are. . . you also are an ignorant hypocrite . . . just like Tanila and her old, nasty parasite infested brain. The devil is a saavy trickster and sometimes his name is Chip Coffey . . . and it looks like he got to you Karen. OOoooooooooh! You are now possessed by a homo/psychic . . . what will the good Lord say about that? Karen Henderson, North Carolina U.S.A. A Gift Perhaps You people may very well have a gift, chip and beatrice but it is not from the light. There are those who are gifted that are from the light. From the sound of the behavior of the two of you and those that you associate with, your actions seems to be grotescly focused on monetary gain. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for a service that you provide but when greed takes over then your gifts are no longer of the light. You also have to remember that the devil is a savvy trickster and there are FINE lines that you cross when your gifts no longer become the gift of light but very well indeed become crossed over into the gift of darkness. I know many will dispute this fact but it is true. From the sounds of this thread your gift is not of the light. Now this Elvis nonsense. Elvis coming to someone and telling them to pray to him. That is ridiculous and no one should listen to that nonsense. That in itself is solid proof that the dark side has been crossed over into. The dead don't talk and that is what GOD has told US all in the Holy Bible. People should be very leery of those who claim medium abilities. Greed is NEVER a gift of the light! Remember the devil and his minions can perform miracles and provide what appears to be light guided information. With that being said you have to really question those who say they have 'spirit guides' and 'talk to the dead.' They may believe these are GOD sent entities when in actuality they very well may not be. Something for ALL to think about when they are consulting a 'psychic' and I use that term loosely. Perhaps it's best if you just consult with someone who does not speak of spirit guides and talking to the dead.


Los Angeles,
Karen . . . you are not only crazy but a true hypocrite . . . your original post

#309Author of original report

Fri, December 12, 2008

I posted this yesterday and it did not go through so I am doing it again. Karen, just like your new drinking buddy Tanila, you are another Bible quoting hypocrite. And what is so amazing to me since I have never ever dealt with hicks and hillbillies before in my entire life is that I have in my possession a 588 page unpublished manuscript from a 23 emmy award winning writer/producer whom I have never met (not yet anyway) . . . and it is all ABOUT BACKWARD HILLBILLY, LANGUAGE LITERAL FUNDAMENTALIST BIBLE THUMPING HYPOCRITES FROM NORTH CAROLINA WHERE THE AUTHOR GREW UP and still lives. This is your very first post Karen on this thread. Originally Chip was just as bad as me. . . what happened? You jealous that Tupac talks to me. Are you African American yourself? Is that why you could not possibly be a hillbilly? Is that why you call Bobby D's wife a beautiful black woman . . . well . . . whatever race, color or creed you are. . . you also are an ignorant hypocrite . . . just like Tanila and her old, nasty parasite infested brain. The devil is a saavy trickster and sometimes his name is Chip Coffey . . . and it looks like he got to you Karen. OOoooooooooh! You are now possessed by a homo/psychic . . . what will the good Lord say about that? Karen Henderson, North Carolina U.S.A. A Gift Perhaps You people may very well have a gift, chip and beatrice but it is not from the light. There are those who are gifted that are from the light. From the sound of the behavior of the two of you and those that you associate with, your actions seems to be grotescly focused on monetary gain. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for a service that you provide but when greed takes over then your gifts are no longer of the light. You also have to remember that the devil is a savvy trickster and there are FINE lines that you cross when your gifts no longer become the gift of light but very well indeed become crossed over into the gift of darkness. I know many will dispute this fact but it is true. From the sounds of this thread your gift is not of the light. Now this Elvis nonsense. Elvis coming to someone and telling them to pray to him. That is ridiculous and no one should listen to that nonsense. That in itself is solid proof that the dark side has been crossed over into. The dead don't talk and that is what GOD has told US all in the Holy Bible. People should be very leery of those who claim medium abilities. Greed is NEVER a gift of the light! Remember the devil and his minions can perform miracles and provide what appears to be light guided information. With that being said you have to really question those who say they have 'spirit guides' and 'talk to the dead.' They may believe these are GOD sent entities when in actuality they very well may not be. Something for ALL to think about when they are consulting a 'psychic' and I use that term loosely. Perhaps it's best if you just consult with someone who does not speak of spirit guides and talking to the dead.


What about this, Beatrice?

#310Consumer Comment

Fri, December 12, 2008

You don't get paid to do readings??? Money, unfortunately, is a necessary evil in this world. We have to make a house payment, car payment, utilities, food, medical bills, gas for our cars, entertainment, all sorts of things require money. The better we are at what the do, the more we are reward for that skill. A doctor makes far more than I, but the doctor deserves it. They are much more skilled at medicine than I am. If I needed work done on my home, I had much rather pay more for a very skilled carpenter, than minimum wage for someone who couldn't do nearly the quality job. My two ton gorilla says that "you get what you pay for." If you want the best, you will have to pay a little more.


Los Angeles,
And what about this Karen

#311Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2008

Chip claims to hear all kinds of voices in his head and talk to the dead . . . he hears demons and murdered children . . . so what makes him sane and me crazy? Is it the paycheck? Sounds like money is all that matters to you . . . and the fact that he gets paid to bs people on ps . . . makes it ok! That is exactly what you are saying. You are a hillbilly . . . I don't care where you're from. You have the mentality of a backwoods hick just like your new buddy Tanila and you can both kiss Chip's butt until the cows come home. lol


Los Angeles,
I have to set the record straight . . . Karen

#312Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2008

"Its really sad that this woman cannot seem to bring herself out of chip coffey's rear end." Are you making fun of Chip being a homosexual psychic? Tanila what does the Bible say about that combo? "I bet now he is a bit more selective in whom he befriends thats for sure." Do you mean that now he does not betray his friends with quite as much panache as he did me? "He is drawing a paycheck and she is not. That's all it boils down to." Excuse me . . . but I do just fine without exploiting children and the need to be a media w***e. "Whether he be a fraud or not. Whether people deem the show fake or not." I hope you do not have children and you must have voted for Bush! "With that kind of success comes the nay sayers. Goes with the territory." Success??? . . .the guy is enjoying his fifteen minutes! He is going to go down so hard . . . you just wait and see what I already know! "Regardless what is posted about Mr. Coffey he is generating a steady income and she is not." It's all about money with you isn't Karen? "Yes I read the 'dinero' stuff and yes it did sound as if she was stalking the hell out of the man. Well he is now married to his beautiful black wife." I had Bob's permission to leave him hits when I got them. I have not spoken to Bob in over eight years and he was engaged to his beautiful black wife when he asked me out on a date. "I am far from a hillbilly nor do I eat twinkies. Not much of a sweets eater at all and the complete opposite of a hillbilly.": No, you are just a total b***h . . nothing sweet about you in the least! "If that was her trying to psychicly pick up on me she has lost the mark big time. Her and Merlin and the rest of the schitzo voices she hears in her head. I seriously doubt tupac would pick her to talk to." Gee, I wonder why I just read for Suge Knight on November 8th? "A definite clear sign of serious mental break down. This woman has lost touch with reality. She will be posting about chip coffey for at least 3 more years. She has some serious demons and in need of a exorcist. No matter what she will never leave this thread." I think you are talking about yourself . . . everytime I try to leave this thread . . . you come on and say something evil and demonic and a total lie. . . just like Chip and Tanila and Tammy and Babs and the list goes on. Chip should change his name to Chip Manson due to his zombie followers." The best thing for you to do Tanila is to leave her to rant to herself as she has been doing. Its really a sad case. If she keeps at it she might find herself with a cease and desist order from those she relentlessly harrasses. "I think Tanila is going to be getting one of those any day now." Anything else I can clear up for you Karen the sycophant from hell!!


A Hick

#313Consumer Comment

Thu, December 11, 2008

She refers to me quite often as a hillbilly and a hick. I am indeed a hillbilly, and proud of it. I am not so sure I am a hick. I have a masters degree in nursing. I was the supervisor of the Emergency Room for years. I also taught nursing. Beatrice, on the other hand, says "stupidest", which isn't a word, and thinks prose is poetry, which it isn't.


You are correct

#314Consumer Comment

Thu, December 11, 2008

Bea is a SERIOUS name dropper. She wants everyone to think she is really in there with the famous people in Hollywood, but she has stabbed so many in the back by printing on a public forum what they tell her in her professional capacity, that I doubt any of them will come near her. She also fails to mention that when she started with Keen, she undercut all of the psychics by setting her fee at $1.00. If she's not doing it for the money, what would it have mattered if Chip lowered his fees to $1.00 an hour also. She could do readings for FREE. She is a wannabe to the max. But the sad thing is, she will never amount to anything because she destroys her own life with her vile, racist, bigoted tongue.


North Carolina,

#315Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 11, 2008

Its really sad that this woman cannot seem to bring herself out of chip coffey's rear end. I bet now he is a bit more selective in whom he befriends thats for sure. He is drawing a paycheck and she is not. That's all it boils down to. Whether he be a fraud or not. Whether people deem the show fake or not. With that kind of success comes the nay sayers. Goes with the territory. Regardless what is posted about Mr. Coffey he is generating a steady income and she is not. Yes I read the "dinero" stuff and yes it did sound as if she was stalking the hell out of the man. Well he is now married to his beautiful black wife. I am far from a hillbilly nor do I eat twinkies. Not much of a sweets eater at all and the complete opposite of a hillbilly. If that was her trying to psychicly pick up on me she has lost the mark big time. Her and Merlin and the rest of the schitzo voices she hears in her head. I seriously doubt tupac would pick her to talk to. A definite clear sign of serious mental break down. This woman has lost touch with reality. She will be posting about chip coffey for at least 3 more years. She has some serious demons and in need of a exorcist. No matter what she will never leave this thread. The best thing for you to do Tanila is to leave her to rant to herself as she has been doing. Its really a sad case. If she keeps at it she might find herself with a cease and desist order from those she relentlessly harrasses.


Los Angeles,
Tanila is even dumb enough to post on Kirby's blog . . . exposing Chip even more! lmao

#316Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2008

Lizzie is a 15 year old girl . . . and she likes PS BS its about d**n TIME!! i was getting sick of this PS_BS mockery. You all just need to give it up and create a new hobby for yourselves. i really wish chip coffey would take you to court and finish this for all. Posted by on December 7, 2008 - Sunday 4:32 PM [Reply to this] The Paranormal Skeptic What in your life is so horrid that you feel you must post in the way you did? truth is people that post like you did here - usually have a serious issue in their lives, and the way they deal with it is to attack others so they don't feel as bad Its a fact - so I hope that you get the help you appear to need to turn that inner anger into something more productive and positive than a personal attacks against someone who is merely re posting the words of another author in his recent blog REREAD it if you don't believe me- Posted by The Paranormal Skeptic on December 8, 2008 - Monday 6:45 AM [Reply to this] QuEeN t BE QUIET lil LIZziE,,, LUV U KIRBY! Posted by QuEeN t on December 7, 2008 - Sunday 5:40 PM [Reply to this] Bea Lizzie, why don't you ask Chip about the time he stole my identity and registered my legal birth name and they would take you to his website. . . eternalconnections. He then tried to extort me for $3000 and alot of other things. I was Chip's friend for 2 years and he did that to me just because I became number one in the category of Voices from Beyond on Keen.com and he got crazy jealous . . . This is his Karmic Boomerang. And Lizzie you got too much anger for a 15 year old . . . but then so did I at your age! P.S though is B.S . . . all reality shows are scripted, coached and edited for the ratings . . .and Chip is about as psychic as a pencil! Posted by Bea on December 7, 2008 - Sunday 4:42 PM [Reply to this] PPP/Hostile Haunts Investigators LOLOLOLOLOLOL Bea, I have been saying that for years! Chip is about as psychic as a pencil! PS is BS, I wrote a blog about that when the show first started, but people need to realise that these shows are just that "shows" produced by entertainers, and not documentaries as they are often misrepresented to be. I don't get worked up over these things, I just ignore them and hope that people will employ some common sense and come to the conclusion that not everything you see on TV is true or reliable as fact. PS does not represent the field as a whole but they do lend discredit to the rest in the field. Sad, but show business is show business after all. Posted by PPP/Hostile Haunts Investigators on December 11, 2008 - Thursday 8:32 AM [Reply to this] tanila Check out Bea on Rip off Report - Beatrice Marot. You might just be surprised at what you find. this supposed incident with Chip was years ago. Find out what led up to it. Posted by tanila on December 8, 2008 - Monday 10:08 AM [Reply to this] Bea THIS IS WHAT LED UP TO IT. . . In 2003, worked on a psychic line called Keen and I had my listing under the category 'Voices From Beyond.' I only charged $1.00 per minute because I had never worked on a psychic line before and I wanted to be able to really connect with people. I was graciously befriended by the top advisor in that category Chip Coffey and we became good friends. He was always very kind, sweet and funny and we spoke quite a bit on the phone. So, what happened next was not only very surprising but extremely painful for me. After 2 years or so, as I came closer to surpassing him in rating points, Chip called me and congratulated me and said, 'Well, it looks like I am going to hand the crown over to you and you deserve it. You worked so hard. " 'Thank you Chip!!' However, when it actually happened and I became number one in the category, he suddenly went from a sweet kind man to a monster. He immediately lowered his rate to $1. 00 a minute which he had never done before so I called him and said, 'Is everything ok?' Chip said angrily, 'No everything is not ok, I am not going to let you take over the number one spot. I've been number one for all these years and I am not going to roll over and play dead. Arnold Schwarzenegger wouldn't roll over and play dead. ' He was alluding to Arnold because I read for Arnold in June of 2000 and saw him becoming our Governor. Chip Coffey then began to recruit his friends to harass me. A good friend of his 'Goddess Dawn' who had always been friendly with me before all of a sudden would do things like change her name to Beatrick Merlot since her listing was right under mine. Other psychic friends of Chip's called me and purposely left negative feedback and they were all under Chip's 'Group' listing. If that wasn't enough, Chip Coffey actually called me to tell me he had purchased my legal birth name as two domain sites and when you put my name in the browser it would take you to his website eternal connections and he wanted $3000 to sell me my own name and . . . this was my friend of two years. We spoke on the phone all the time. He was so nice to me and then he turned on me like I was his sworn enemy. I am the one that ended up getting permanently removed from Keen because I sent polite professional emails to each of the psychics giving me negative feedback and that is against Keen policy. My life was shattered and I never felt more betrayed in my life. As a friend, if he had told me how important it was to him to stay number one, I would have simply changed categories. That is what a real friend does! Posted by Bea Magical on December 8, 2008 - Monday 3:41 PM [Reply to this]


Los Angeles,

#317Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2008

THE LINK WAS POSTED ON RR BY A PERFECT STRANGER! CALL TO ACTION: Just tell A&E you won't watch them as long as Paranormal State is on the air. And share with them all the lies and deception that are taking place. It seems some folks just can't learn to tell the truth and their lies just get sadder and sadder. The people over at PRS/PS have been caught red-handed. It's time to fess up. For those who are unaware, during the investigation that was part of Paranormal State's THE MESSENGER episode, it seems that the participants from PRS decided to plant a cold can of Budweiser on a bed to get Bill the ghost to appear. Ryan and Chip enter the room and Ryan claims he picks up a cold spot and when the intrepid pair flip on the light they claim they see an outline of a person on the bed. THE PARANORMAL MOMENT OF TRUTH CHALLENGE Dear Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, Lorraine Warren, Sandra & Keith Johnson, Dr. Ron Milione, Tony Spera, Shannon & Jeff Sylvia, C.J. Sellers, Chris Moon, Michelle Belanger, Chad Calek, Michael & Marti Parry, Mark & Debby Constantino, Kim Russo, David Schrader, Reverend Andrew Calder, Reverend Bob Larson, Grant Wilson, and Jason Hawes: I have expressed concerns about how you conduct your investigations and the validity of those investigations, where anyone with a clear and discerning eye can see that they are not authentic. I have also witnessed heavy-handed tactics being used against people who question your alleged authority within the paranormal community and dared to raise questions concerning the validity of appearing on the A&E shows, Paranormal State, and Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. I can no longer sit by in silence. That is why I came up with The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge, which will benefit you, your organization, the paranormal field, and a charity that would be assisted from the donation of the prize money. 1 ~ It would silence your critics if you are determined to be telling the truth about all your claims and how they are presented. There can be no one left to challenge your honesty and integrity. 2 ~ It would not only benefit your organization, but it would also help the entire paranormal field. Because if such evidence is true, it will be brought to a much wider audience, which hopefully would fuel additional legitimate investigations. So it's a win-win situation for everyone. 3 ~ The charity of your choice would have the prize money donated to them. If the truth is being told, that prize money could reach $500,000. So, what is The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge? I am sure you've heard of the Fox Network program entitled The Moment of Truth. This is where a contestant is hooked up to a lie detector test and asked 50 questions, of which 21 of them are used on the actual show. As long as you tell the truth, you keep on winning money -- up to $500,000. The production company, Lighthearted Entertainment Inc., would jump at an opportunity of doing a show with the two of you. And I will put my personal credibility on the line and appear, as well. For if you visit my Free All Spirits page (www.myspace.com/freeallspirits), you'll notice that I personally make what some would call outlandish claims concerning my work as a Demonologist/Exorcist/Paranormal Investigator/Caring Spiritual Adviser. If you would like to be "one step closer to the truth" then this is a way to achieve your goal. If interested, please contact me at this email address and I will get the ball rolling as soon as possible. Your friend in spirit, Kirby To date, this is the response that I've received from them. Why not do the show? Only you, the paranormal field, and a charity of your choice would benefit. INFORMATION REQUEST: If anyone wants to share any information with their experiences involving the PRS, Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, and any other para-celebrity/paranormal scoundrel, whether it is good or bad, I would like to read it. Your confidentiality is 100% guaranteed. NOTE: Please feel free to copy and paste this and place it all over the web. And, unlike any of my other blogs, you can even repost this under your own name! Posted by eyeontheparanormal at 12:34 PM 15 comments Saturday, November 29, 2008 Eye on the Paranormal Issue 12 ~ Taking a Blink! Welcome to the last issue of the Eye on the Paranormal for 2008. Are we going away, you ask? No, we're simply taking a blink. Why, you might ask? ~1 We've pretty much discredited all of Paranormal State's claims of being a genuine reality show. We've shown that every episode is full of distortion, deception, omission of the truth, and lies, which are directed at the viewing audience along with the individuals who've invited them to their homes. ~2 We've proven beyond on a reasonable person's requirements for proof that every para-celebrity that has appeared on Paranormal State, either took part in or allowed these acts of distortion or deception to occur. ~3 Unlike the Paranormal Research Society and the numerous para-celebrities connected to them, the people connected to Eye on the Paranormal and Free All Spirits really do go out and help families and individuals that are suffering from demonic torment, suppression, and possession. We do engage in real confrontations with demons and not the staged and scripted ones that Paranormal State engages in. ~4 We have a mountain of information concerning season 3, but feel that it would be better to present that information when the season actually airs. PARTNERS IN THE EFFORT: I'd like to ask all the readers of the Eye on the Paranormal that if they find this blog informative; please visit the following sites. These people are fighting the good fight in their own way. Bishop James Long ~ I am the Presiding Archbishop for the United States Old Catholic Church. We are ALL inclusive and we reject any doctrine that teaches exclusivity. I am an Old Catholic Bishop and not Roman Catholic. Who Forted ~ The online paranormal magazine. In time, we hope to see many, many different articles and features written by people from all over the paranormal scene. Hell, even people who aren't from the scene. Diversity, honesty, and obviously humor, are key elements to this concept. MAILBAG: It was about time someone put a damper on Paranormal State they and others have made the research of the paranormal a game of TV ratings. Its sad to see that they will do about anything for ratings. I remember ten years ago when you went to investigate someone's home their where no expectations. Now you go in and the first thing a lot of them say do you do all the things Ghost Hunters do? Its sad now the only reason people call us is to tell their family that ghosts hunters came to there home. And the word ghost hunters just gets right under my skin. I'm a paranormal investigator, and I don't go searching for ghosts as the words ghost hunters suggests. I myself no longer watch these so called paranormal shows(Ghost Adventures), that say nothing is fabricated. They are a virus to the paranormal world. And it takes only one to show that these shows are fabricated and not completely true. Thank you for being that person. If there's anything that I can do to help you in your quest of exposing the truth please let me know. Anonymous paranormal group CHIP COFFEY'S CHEAP TRICKS The Eye on the Paranormal has uncovered more of Chip Coffey's cheap tricks. Have you ever wondered why blogs, web sites, blog comments, and MySpace pages that criticize Chip Coffey or expose truths that he doesn't want you to know, disappear almost as fast as they appear? Well, it's been shared with us by an individual connected to the Roswell Ghost Tour [No made up stories!] that Mr. Coffey used Google Alerts quite effectively. Never heard of Google Alerts? It's a little tool that Google offers for no charge and here is the link: http://www.google.com/alerts?hl=en&gl=us It's intended to help fans monitor their favorite singers, shows, and sports teams. But Chippie has put it to use to track any negative comments directed at him or Ryan Buell, PRS, Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal, Paranormal State, etc. As soon as Chip receives his daily alerts he scans the web sites and he goes after those sites that aren't adding to his para-celebrity status. He fires off emails to the web hosts threatening legal action if they aren't removed ASAP. On November 24 a Google alert connected to Chip Coffey came out featuring this web site: The truth about the Paranormal Research Society! By Michael C. M.(Michael C. M.) I myself really can't stand this show or the people on it.. especially Chip Coffey! Claims he is a psychic when all he really is, is a fraud. If you head on over to eyeontheparanormal.blogspot.com, this week Kirby talks about the recent ... MICHAEL CM - Exposing The Truth! - http://horrorinthewoods.blogspot.com/ By the end of the day that blog was gone. Why? Because Chip didn't like it and he threatened legal action to have it removed. So what we all need to do in the name of free speech is to sign up for Google Alerts to be sent to your email address with the following individual terms: Chip Coffey Psychic Medium Chip Coffey Ryan Buell Paranormal Research Society Paranormal State Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal Now, we can all monitor any and all sites that get whacked by Chip's efforts.


Los Angeles,
Well, since you enjoy this thread so much . . . let's take it back to the original intent

#318Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2008

TO SHOW WHAT A FRAUD PARANORMAL STATE AND THE PROFITEERS LIKE CHIP COFFEY REALLY IS! CHIP CAN THANK TANILA PRICE FOR THIS TOO. Saturday, December 6, 2008 Eye on the Paranormal Issue 13 ~ Paranormal Scoundrels: The Hall of Shame Welcome back to the Eye on the Paranormal. We had fully intended to take a blink but due to the increasingly outrageous conduct of para-celebrities, we find it impossible to do so. Now those that think that I've been bashing Paranormal State too hard will be glad to know that neither the aforementioned show or the Paranormal Research Society will NOT be the focus of the next series of blogs. The forthcoming series of blogs will introduce you to a wide-ranging cast of paranormal scoundrels. You will be exposed to the antics of paranormal celebrities whose conduct is nothing but egregious. This week we have a guest columnist that's going to expose secrets that no one wanted you to know and next week I will be returning with my own analysis of a huge group of paranormal scoundrels that will lead to the end of the year issue which will induct them into our Paranormal Hall of Shame. I repost this article not only because we are so busy with our cases right now, but also due to the fact that few people saw this original post and his investigation is thorough and what he uncovers is shocking. ANATOMY OF A PARANORMAL MONEY COW This investigative blog may have gotten overlooked. It's too good and exposes too much deception for it to be ignored. The author is nicknamed Demon Designer and here's his site, http://profile.myspace.com/psbs_101 Here it is in its entirety: It's not about the paranormal anymore. It's about bullshit and money. Do I believe in the paranormal? Absolutely! What about people exploiting the paranormal for their own benefit? I'm a serious believer... I believe they've created a lucrative market based on fabrication and BS. All they need is a good "case", and they can milk it for all it's worth. A good story to sell you, a few people to swear it's true, and a network to promote it! The birth of a money cow. All their friends can write books, speak at lectures, do television and radio interviews, sign TV contracts, and make movies. Look at "A Haunting in Connecticut". The author of the original book is now talking about how it's all fiction. Ray Garton, author of "In A Dark Place: The Story of A True Haunting", says he was paid to make it up. "A Haunting in Connecticut" (2002) was originally brought to television by the Discovery Channel series "A Haunting", which presented haunted cases, most (if not all) featuring Lorraine Warren. The Haunting In Connecticut on YouTube: Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdKSokL5Abk Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFf1rNnTY98 Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXZzq012uH0 Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLJTH8ykv5A Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwNRxpL57q4 Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4EiJDN1hG0 Part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_oIPHAPAZU Part 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM7AOgQ4ijk Part 9: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J11gADGdKso I think it's important for people to understand how this all works. Who's going to get their hand in the cookie jar next? No wonder Mrs. Warren has so many friends! Something interesting noted by "Eye On The Paranormal" regarding a recent interview with Ryan Buell, "Ryan says he only worries about getting approval from a small, select group of people. And one of them happens to be Lorraine Warren." Yeah, Ryan. I understand completely... Get ready to become a serious believer! Is it time for a new movie and a new money making machine for an old story? Or should they wait longer? LMAO! How old is this case, you ask? The woman at the center of this case, Carmen Snedeker aka Carmen Reed was a guest on Coast to Coast AM a couple years ago, promoting her story. Even the host George Noory couldn't understand why she waited so long to tell her tale. This is her bio from the C2CAM site: Carmen Reed, a mother of four, comes forth after being silent for over 15 years and tells her story of the terrifying events that her family had endured after renting a home that was formerly a funeral home in Connecticut. Carmen is now discussing publicly the details that were left out of the book In a Dark Place and the documentary, A Haunting in Connecticut. Many unanswered questions will now be addressed as Carmen will speak publicly about her family's ordeal. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guests/1207.html June 7, 2006 In the second half, Zaffis was joined by Carmen Reed, whose life was featured in the film "A Haunting in Connecticut" about her family's torment while living in a haunted former funeral parlor. Reed said for the first two years she didn't believe her children's accounts of ghosts until she actually witnessed a hand imprint on her niece, that moved from the niece's nightshirt and disappeared into a wall. Reed is now seeking to bring attention to the events of 19 years ago, so that parents won't make the same mistake she did of disbelieving their children if they report such incidents. Zaffis shared his encounter with a demonic entity that was descending on the stairs of Reed's home. The transparent shape was accompanied by a foul smell and he heard the words "Do you know what they did to us?' The funeral home was said to have had a necrophiliac in its employ, and Reed believes that this may have opened up the door for demonic spirits to come through. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2006/06/07.html Maybe PRS can investigate. Who cares if Carmen Snedeker aka Carmen Reed didn't tell anyone about the "haunting" for 15 years? Who cares if the story was already brought to TV in 2002, and it was an old story then? They can still "investigate" and make money, right? "Reed is now seeking to bring attention to the events of 19 years ago, so that parents won't make the same mistake she did of disbelieving their children if they report such incidents." Isn't that sweet? She's doing it for the children (not the money). That's so much like something Chip would do. Where's Chip? There he is...co-authoring the *new* book on this case with John Zaffis! A new book?! Ray Garton already admitted he was paid to make it up! He tells all in this interview with Ric Osuna: Ray Garton's In a "Dark Place: The Story of a True Haunting" told the story of the Snedeker family and their alleged "demonic siege." Needing to be closer to the cancer specialist treating their 14-year-old son, the Snedekers relocated to Connecticut, where they purportedly moved into a house that had once been a funeral home. Feeling their son had become possessed and their house was plagued by evil forces, the Snedekers contacted psychic investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, who also were involved with the Amityville case, for help. In a Dark Place, published in 1992 by Villard Books, chronicled this alleged haunting, boasting it was a true story. Author Ray Garton, however, disagreed with labeling the book nonfiction, but was bound by contract to finish the book. His recollection about his experiences with the Warrens seemed to illustrate the true nature of these investigators. Ric Osuna: How did you become involved with the self-proclaimed demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren? Ray Garton: My agent at the time, Lori Perkins, was the one who put me in contact with the Warrens. She got me the job of writing In A Dark Place: The Story of A True Haunting. RO: What opinions did you have of the Warrens prior to your involvement with In a Dark Place? RG: I had been following the exploits of the Warrens since I was a little kid. They showed up frequently in the tabloids, like the National Enquirer, and I regularly read about their activities as paranormal investigators. I've never been a big believer in ghosts or demons, but I always found their articles very entertaining, and when the opportunity arose, I was eager to work on a book with them. RO: What was your first major conflict with the story that the Warrens and the Snedeker family revealed to you? RG: I honestly don't remember specifically what the first problem was, only that the details of the story given to me by the family involved were not meshing. Elements of Carmen Snedeker's story clashed with elements of Al Snedeker's story, and it seemed everyone was having a problem keeping their stories straight. Frankly, I didn't notice until I had nearly finished all my interviews and began going over my notes, then I started having trouble matching up the details. RO: How did you broach Ed Warren about the inconsistencies in this alleged haunting? And how did he respond? RG: First, I went back to the Snedekers and asked more questions. When the details of the stories still didn't match up, I became concerned and called Ed Warren. I didn't even have to tell him which details weren't meshing, I simply pointed out to him that the stories weren't matching. Ed laughed and told me not to worry about it. He said the Snedekers were "crazy" (that was the word he used). Then he said, "All the people who come to us are crazy. Why do you think they come to us?" I was, quite literally, speechless. Without even asking for details, Ed had a solution. He reminded me that I wrote scary stories (at that time, I had written exclusively novels and short stories in the horror genre), and told me to "make it up and make it scary." RO: What was Ed and Lorraine's reaction to your problem with labeling In a Dark Place nonfiction? RG: I don't know what their reaction was because after Ed told me to "make it up and make it scary," I cut off all contact with them. After that, I was so angry and disgusted, I wanted nothing more to do with them, and I haven't spoken to them since. RO: Looking back on it, how do you view your experience with In a Dark Place? RG: At the time that it was happening, I was very upset about the whole thing. I have called it the lowest point of my writing career. But looking back on it, I suppose I shouldn't have expected anything else. They were, after all, "ghostbusters" whose exploits had been covered in tabloids, the reputations of which did not exactly have a great deal of integrity. As I pointed out earlier, I've never been a believer in ghosts or demons, so I guess I should not have expected my mind to be changed on the topic. I suppose I was somewhat naive. But it was the contempt in which Ed Warren held the Snedekers that made me so angry, and the fact that I went in expecting a solid story to already exist, one that I could simply write down in book form. In other words, I didn't expect to have to "make up" a story. As disturbing as the experience was, I did my best to write an entertaining, scary story. The book was well-received by both critics and readers, and for that I'm grateful. RO: Did the Warrens ever mention the notorious Amityville case or did you ever ask them about Amityville or their other exploits? RG: Yes, both Ed and Lorraine did mention Amityville in passing, but we did not discuss it in any detail. RO: How has your opinion changed of Ed and Lorraine Warren since your involvement with them in In a Dark Place? And do you feel they are more of a detriment to families out there than a help? RG: Prior to working with them, I found them entertaining and thought them to be, if nothing else, harmless. Not anymore. I think the families who come to them are, to say the least, dysfunctional. I think they tend to be people who are in need of serious help, not in need of the services of ghostbusters. Ed Warren's contempt for them is despicable. If he were to approach them with any sensitivity whatsoever, he would see that their biggest problems are not supernatural, but are very real. The Warrens enable these families to sublimate those problems by nurturing their dark fantasies. http://www.amityvillemurders.com/interviews/rgarton.html *Never fear! Chip will fix it!* Lorraine Warren and company decided to have her nephew John Zaffis and Chip Coffey work on a new book, to go along with the new movie starring Virginia Madsen, "The Haunting in Connecticut" due out sometime in 2009. Demons from the Dark By Chip Coffey We've all seen them: movies like The Amityville Horror and Poltergeist, in which restless, often malevolent spirits terrorize families who have unwittingly chosen to share their living space with the dead. Most of us can't begin to imagine just how traumatic that experience would be. For Carmen Snedeker, the unimaginable became frighteningly real when she and her family moved into what appeared to be, at first glance, a lovely house in Southington, Connecticut. Carmen's family had been going through some tough times when she happened upon the "for rent" sign outside the house. Her oldest son was undergoing treatment for cancer, the family was in dire straits financially, and they needed an affordable place to live. Carmen felt her prayers had been answered when she discovered that the monthly rent was well within the price range that her family could manage to pay for a decent and comfortable place to call home. Shortly after moving into the house, Carmen made a shocking discovery. In the basement, partially hidden under building and construction materials, she found tools and equipment that are typically used by morticians. Carmen quickly came to the horrifying realization that she and her family were now residing in a former funeral home! It didn't take long for darkness to descend upon the family. One day, as Carmen was mopping the kitchen floor, the water suddenly turned blood red and had a putrid odor. Crucifixes that hung in various places throughout the house began to simply disappear. Carmen's niece was living with the family at the time. One night, while sleeping, she was physically assaulted by unseen hands that groped and grabbed at her body. A rosary that she had placed around her neck was violently yanked by the abusive entity and the beads scattered all across the floor. Several demonic entities made their evil presence known during the ensuing weeks. "They were incredibly powerful," Carmen remembers. "One of the demons was very thin, with high cheekbones, long black hair and pitch black eyes. Another had white hair and eyes, wore a pinstriped tuxedo, and his feet were constantly in motion." Carmen's formerly "preppy" oldest son soon began wearing only dark clothing and suffered dramatic personality changes. He became increasingly angry and violent and he started writing dark, disturbing poetry. One of the poems that he wrote contained graphic descriptions of sexual activity with dead bodies. The family frequently smelled foul odors in the house, including the scents of rotting flesh and excrement. At one point, a dark mist enveloped Carmen and her niece while they were together in the kitchen, disorienting and paralyzing both of them. Terrified, Carmen began to recite The Lord's Prayer and the demon released the women from its hellish clutches. Carmen was at her wit's end. Her family was clearly in danger, as the demonic infestation grew worse with each passing day. Desperate for relief, she telephoned renowned paranormal experts, Ed and Lorraine Warren, and begged them for help. The Warrens, perhaps best known for their involvement in the much-publicized Amityville Horror case, agreed to investigate. Ed, Lorraine and their team of investigators literally moved into the Snedeker's home for an astounding nine weeks in order to witness for themselves all the supernatural events that were allegedly occurring. John Zaffis, nephew of Ed Warren, was part of the investigative team. John recalls that, shortly after arriving, members of the team began to be "touched" by the entities. He also remembers the vile odors that frequently permeated the house. "The situation was pretty chaotic by the time we arrived," John recounts. "One night, I was sitting at the dining room table, reviewing some notes that I'd made. Suddenly, the room grew bitterly cold and I could sense a presence around me. I called out to the others, who were sleeping in the living room, but I couldn't get anyone to wake up. I looked up the stairs and saw an apparition starting to form. The air was filled with a disgusting odor, so foul that I could hardly breathe. As the apparition took shape, I could hear a noise that sounded like thousands of flapping wings coming from behind it. I'd never been more terrified in my life!" A Catholic priest was enlisted to bless the house and even perform the sacred rites of mass therein, but the negative activity continued. Finally, the decision was made to conduct an exorcism on the house. The demonic forces railed against the exorcism, but following the ritual, "the house definitely felt lighter and we all felt a sense of calm and relief," John Zaffis remembers. The Snedeker family resided in the haunted house for two-and-a-half years before finally moving. To the best of her knowledge, Carmen states, "no one who has lived there since [her family left the premises] has experienced any paranormal activity." It has been almost two decades since these events took place. Since that time, Carmen has been "approached" by negative forces, but her unwavering faith and unflinching courage have kept the evil energies at bay. "No one will ever really know why the house was haunted while we were there," Carmen said. "We did discover, however, that one of the men who worked in the funeral home was guilty of necrophilia, so perhaps his heinous actions stirred up the demonic forces." "This was one of the most significant cases I've ever worked on," John Zaffis says, without hesitation. "It proved to me, beyond any doubt, that demonic forces are very real." A television documentary, called A Haunting in Connecticut, and a book, entitled In a Dark Place, have both chronicled the events that took place in the old funeral home. In 2006, Gold Circle Films, in collaboration with Integrated Films and Management, will produce a feature film about the demonic haunting. Universal Studios will distribute the film. In conjunction with the release of the movie, a new book about these incidents, written by Snedeker, Zaffis and paranormal investigator/writer, Chip Coffey, will be published. http://www.ghostvillage.com/resources/2006/features_01092006.shtml They aren't letting go of this money cow! No matter how many times Ray Garton says he was paid to make up the story, they all want their hands in this cookie jar! How many people are going to milk this cow? Can they get Hollywood to come up with something as sensational as Amityville, Poltergeist, or Emily Rose? That's the question. It's not about the paranormal anymore. It's about bullshit and money. The Haunting in Connecticut (2009) Mr. Garton can have the last words here... Posted by: Ray Garton on June 21, 2008 at 16:34:11 My name is Ray Garton. Back in the early nineties, I wrote a book called IN A DARK PLACE: THE STORY OF A TRUE HAUNTING. It was published as "non-fiction", but that was just marketing. I went to Connecticut to meet with the family involved in the alleged haunting of their former house, which used to be a funeral home. I was never able to see the inside of the home because the people who were living there by then wanted nothing to do with the "haunting", which they said was utter nonsense. It was my job to get the family's story down on paper and into a book. I worked with the family, and with the "ghostbusters" or "demon hunters" (whatever they happened to be calling themselves at the moment), Ed and Lorraine Warren, and their nephew John Zaffis. The family now claims they had "little involvement" in this book -- that is simply a lie. They were DIRECTLY involved with the book -- it was them, the Warrens, Zaffis, and myself, nobody else. I attempted to get their story. Unfortunately, the members of the family couldn't seem to keep their "facts" straight. Their individual stories simply did not fit into one smooth hole. Now the Snedeckers and those associated with the movie claim that the book I wrote "remains a source of controversy." The only source of controversy was the Snedeckers, because they just couldn't keep their stories straight. I went to Ed Warren and told him the problem. He laughed. "They're crazy!" he said. "Everybody who comes to us is crazy, otherwise why would they come to US? Just do the best you can. You write scary books, right? That's why we hired you. Use whatever you can of their story, make the rest up, and make it scary." And that's what I did. The book IN A DARK PLACE is a combination of elements of the family's story and stuff I made up -- because it was a for-hire writing job, AND THAT'S WHAT I WAS TOLD TO DO. If this family is saying they had "little involvement" in this book, then they are bald-faced liars. They were involved from beginning to end, and THEY COLLECTED THE CHECK FOR IT. They were deeply involved in IN A DARK PLACE, and they were PAID for it -- their names are on the cover of the book along with my name and Ed and Lorraine Warren. I never got to meet their allegedly ill son -- I was only allowed to speak with him briefly on the phone. Although there was much talk of his illness, it was NEVER verified for me, although he did have a drug problem. It was discovered that the girls in the family who claimed to have been groped by so-called invisible, demonic hands were actually groped by HIM. The Warrens and Zaffis claimed they had videotape that clearly showed supernatural activity inside the house, and they told me numerous times that they would SHOW me that videotape. Somehow, during our time together, they just couldn't manage to find it. Not only did I not see that footage, I never saw an actual VHS videotape at ALL. Since my experience with the Warrens and this family, I've talked to other writers who have written books for Ed and Lorraine, and they've told me THE EXACT SAME STORY. This is how the Warrens have always worked, and Zaffis, who's learned well from them, is now carrying on the family business (and that's all it is -- a BUSINESS). They find a very "emotional" family with claims of some supernatural activity in their lives, convince them there's money to be made if they just shape this into a better "story" (and this family was very eager to make money -- at the time I knew them, Carmen was involved in some kind of interstate lottery scam), then they hire a writer of horror fiction to write it up as a book -- "Make it scary," Ed told me -- and they've got themselves a package, a piece of merchandise that they can hawk on talk shows and that the Warrens can discuss in their VERY lucrative lectures. And perhaps they can convince someone in Hollywood to make a movie of it. Of course, in THIS case, the book I wrote has been shoved aside and isn't involved in the making of the movie THE HAUNTING IN CONNECTICUT. It will be VERY interesting to see how much of this movie contains the material that I WAS TOLD TO MAKE UP. We'll see. http://www.shocktillyoudrop.com/news/topnews.php?id=346


Los Angeles,
I am not the only one who finds Chip Coffey repulsive

#319Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2008

And I never wrote to A&E . . . but I think I will . . . and Chip can thank Tanila the Stalker for that too. Bea, ....This is the first I have heard of the entire story and I can attest that CHIP is a fake and fraud and everyone will discover this truth, on their own! His downfall into the Pits of Disgrace, will be of his own doing! Methinks it already has!....I had written a letter concerning his show to the Producer!!!! I am not sure if this helped, but GOD seemed to have beat me to it! ....This man should be barred from working with all children!....You will always rise beyond these type of idiots! HELLO...WE ARE NOT ALL STUPID OUT HERE!....You will always have my support, Bea! I have to go delete Chip from my friend's list, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........Much Love..Kachina Posted by K on Dec 9, 2008 10:18 AM [Remove] [Reply to this] Bea That was my whole point Kachina . . . I would never have exposed him if he had stuck to the demons and ghosts on Paranormal State . .. although, my friend in spirit Lenny Bruce did say, ...."The only time that a demon leaves the house is when Chip flies back to Georgia!" lol Posted by Bea Magical on Dec 9, 2008 11:17 AM [Remove] [Reply to this] K I totally understand! The whole show made me ill. Chip used those children for his personal gain! What he supposedly taught them amounted to NOTHING and he took them in 'DANGEROUS' territory without real protection. ....I am most happy to hear the show has been cancelled! I am sure I was not the ONLY ONE that ranted and raved about that show! ....Children, if you read this message...Please LISTEN~ You will experience many things in the realm of the unknown...Until you have a TRUE TEACHER/MENTOR/GUIDE/PROTECTOR, do NOT delve into the spirit realm! Ask Christ for Protection and walk away! Curiosity as a child will bring things into your life you do not want, but more than that, it will bring it to your Family, too!....K



#320Consumer Comment

Thu, December 11, 2008

I have told a lie. I have merely fed you your own words. You have found out how bitter one's own words can taste.


You are correct, Karen

#321Consumer Comment

Thu, December 11, 2008

Go on "Eye on the Paranormal", "Free All Spirits", and any website slamming Chip Coffey, and there she is, posting her story from years ago. Then she starts telling everyone how she doesn't hold grudges. How she has forgiven Chip for his assumed sin. How she is a being of light who just wants to spread joy and laughter. Doesn't compute!! Have you read her stories on goddesscentral.com If you read them you will notice that she starts out saying that she spoke with some person. Then she starts saying that she "left a message on their answering machine." She tells about leaving message after message for Robert DeNiro, but never read that he calls her back. You do read where he asks her to please refrain. Would this be called, uh, let's see.......STALKING!!? But she surely cries foul when anyone points out her negative behavior! She wants to be seen only as a child of the Light, but she just can't seem to pull it off because she has to use profane, racist, bigoted language when she is angry. You notice how she stated calling you a hick and a hillbilly and you never called her a bigoted or racist name. That's when her true, inner self comes roaring out, and the child of the Light just fizzles away until she can get her mask back on!


You are correct, Karen

#322Consumer Comment

Thu, December 11, 2008

Go on "Eye on the Paranormal", "Free All Spirits", and any website slamming Chip Coffey, and there she is, posting her story from years ago. Then she starts telling everyone how she doesn't hold grudges. How she has forgiven Chip for his assumed sin. How she is a being of light who just wants to spread joy and laughter. Doesn't compute!! Have you read her stories on goddesscentral.com If you read them you will notice that she starts out saying that she spoke with some person. Then she starts saying that she "left a message on their answering machine." She tells about leaving message after message for Robert DeNiro, but never read that he calls her back. You do read where he asks her to please refrain. Would this be called, uh, let's see.......STALKING!!? But she surely cries foul when anyone points out her negative behavior! She wants to be seen only as a child of the Light, but she just can't seem to pull it off because she has to use profane, racist, bigoted language when she is angry. You notice how she stated calling you a hick and a hillbilly and you never called her a bigoted or racist name. That's when her true, inner self comes roaring out, and the child of the Light just fizzles away until she can get her mask back on!


You are correct, Karen

#323Consumer Comment

Thu, December 11, 2008

Go on "Eye on the Paranormal", "Free All Spirits", and any website slamming Chip Coffey, and there she is, posting her story from years ago. Then she starts telling everyone how she doesn't hold grudges. How she has forgiven Chip for his assumed sin. How she is a being of light who just wants to spread joy and laughter. Doesn't compute!! Have you read her stories on goddesscentral.com If you read them you will notice that she starts out saying that she spoke with some person. Then she starts saying that she "left a message on their answering machine." She tells about leaving message after message for Robert DeNiro, but never read that he calls her back. You do read where he asks her to please refrain. Would this be called, uh, let's see.......STALKING!!? But she surely cries foul when anyone points out her negative behavior! She wants to be seen only as a child of the Light, but she just can't seem to pull it off because she has to use profane, racist, bigoted language when she is angry. You notice how she stated calling you a hick and a hillbilly and you never called her a bigoted or racist name. That's when her true, inner self comes roaring out, and the child of the Light just fizzles away until she can get her mask back on!


You are correct, Karen

#324Consumer Comment

Thu, December 11, 2008

Go on "Eye on the Paranormal", "Free All Spirits", and any website slamming Chip Coffey, and there she is, posting her story from years ago. Then she starts telling everyone how she doesn't hold grudges. How she has forgiven Chip for his assumed sin. How she is a being of light who just wants to spread joy and laughter. Doesn't compute!! Have you read her stories on goddesscentral.com If you read them you will notice that she starts out saying that she spoke with some person. Then she starts saying that she "left a message on their answering machine." She tells about leaving message after message for Robert DeNiro, but never read that he calls her back. You do read where he asks her to please refrain. Would this be called, uh, let's see.......STALKING!!? But she surely cries foul when anyone points out her negative behavior! She wants to be seen only as a child of the Light, but she just can't seem to pull it off because she has to use profane, racist, bigoted language when she is angry. You notice how she stated calling you a hick and a hillbilly and you never called her a bigoted or racist name. That's when her true, inner self comes roaring out, and the child of the Light just fizzles away until she can get her mask back on!


Los Angeles,

#325Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2008

Karen . . . you are too funny girl. I think Chip needs to worry about Kirby Robinson and Tanila Price . . . they have done more harm to him then I ever could or would in a million years. I have never emailed or contacted Chip . . other than one email to his agent a year ago and one email to a radio show where he apologized and then sent me a threatening email right after the show . . . proving how sincere his apology is. NOT! There was the one blog on myspace a year ago which can be read here and all the lies Chip told to go with it. You are so effing hysterically funny. . . . every time I say I am leaving . . . you come on and say some crazy hillbilly s**t! You are a classic hick from hell and a typical Chip Fanatic/Friend. Ignorant and pathetic. You lie, Chip lies, Tanila lies, Tammy lies . . . and I tell the truth!! That is the difference between us. Thank you for your brilliant performance of what a crazy hick looks like. Now, go eat a twinkie!


North Carolina,
Poor Chip Coffey

#326Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 10, 2008

It seems as if Mr. Coffey has picked up a real life STALKER! The price of fame and fortune. Beatrice Marot is "officially" Mr. Chip Coffeys STALKER!!! What a crying shame. Emailing the man year after year, month after month. Saying the same ole things. Can't seem to move past the friendship they use to have or the falling out. Instead opting to stalk the living hell out of him until the mind has completely snapped with no chance of returning to sanity and the real world.


Los Angeles,
Now, I will let Chip Coffey handle the ghosts, demons, stalkers and hicks from hell!

#327Author of original report

Tue, December 09, 2008

I will stick to angels and goddesses . . . they are so much more fun and full of light and joy and above all peace. Fell for it . . . take care of yourself and the rest of you haters . . . learn to love a whole lot more . . . life gets so much better when you do! I feel better already know I am done . . . and this time for REAL!


Los Angeles,
Now, I will let Chip Coffey handle the ghosts, demons, stalkers and hicks from hell!

#328Author of original report

Tue, December 09, 2008

I will stick to angels and goddesses . . . they are so much more fun and full of light and joy and above all peace. Fell for it . . . take care of yourself and the rest of you haters . . . learn to love a whole lot more . . . life gets so much better when you do! I feel better already know I am done . . . and this time for REAL!


Los Angeles,
Now, I will let Chip Coffey handle the ghosts, demons, stalkers and hicks from hell!

#329Author of original report

Tue, December 09, 2008

I will stick to angels and goddesses . . . they are so much more fun and full of light and joy and above all peace. Fell for it . . . take care of yourself and the rest of you haters . . . learn to love a whole lot more . . . life gets so much better when you do! I feel better already know I am done . . . and this time for REAL!


Los Angeles,
Before Tanila's friend Tammy the other cyber stalker gets on here

#330Author of original report

Mon, December 08, 2008

to tell everyone that I have been stalking her . . . here it is . . . me trying to talk peace and Tammy Indiana Spirit Chaser and another good friend of Chip Coffey . . . callsthis stalking. And I am posting the gist (NOT ALL) of what was said between us via email on my space! Tammy twists everything around to suit her purpose JUST LIKE CHIP DOES AND the other hick from hell. Now go and frantically put together your twisted out of context b.s. like she claims I said, "She says that she was Mary Magadelene and the apostles "feasted on her" What the f*** . . . what I said was, "I was at the last supper . . . I was dessert" AND IT IS A F***ING JOKE YOU IDIOT! November 26th 7:02PM Dear Tammy, Well, the blog is gone and I left you a message . . . on RR . . . I hope you got it. Let's look at it this way. . . what if a comedy were made about this whole thing and it would be the first script ever where the characters wrote their own dialogue. lol If it ever happens . . . you will be contacted by a production company and paid for your "role" I promise you that. You know I am sure you are a sweet person in real life as am I and this whole thing just got really ugly . . . yet it could be turned into something beautiful in the future. So peace be with you Tammy and again . . . I am sorry if I hurt you but let's not hurt each other anymore. Take care, B ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Indiana SpiritChaser Tammy Date: Nov 26, 2008 7:36 PM To me that shows me only one thing - You are only interested in Fame and Fortune. I am not. If I were, I would have followed the advice of my drama coach and high school choir director all those many years ago. Your idea is so totally insane and does not even begin to sound funny. And yes, I do have a sense of humor however, you don't even come close. I have not checked the RR post, even though I have heard about it. It is the holiday and I have family that I am sharing my love with. You have a very unnatural hatred. Many people have told you that you need to let it go, but you can not seem to understand this. Now do you think that all of us are wrong? I suppose you do and that is your choice I guess. However, being the faith that you are stop and think of this - If you continue to let this consume you, what type of person will you be in the end? Do you not think that just about everybody on this earth has not been wronged at one time or another? By a family member, a close friend, a stranger on the street? Yes they have, me included. If everyone held on to that, what would this world be like? Not one that I would want to live in I guarantee it. Don't think that you are going to redeem yourself by now trying to make me your friend. I do not harbor hatred for you, but I do not want to be your friend either. Even though Tanila and I may have been 'upset' with things that you said, we handled ourselves with far more tact than you did. Regardless what you think or say, we did not say anything slanderous towards you, although there were many times that we could have. We kept a 'civil' tongue. While I'm no angel and do use profanity on occasion, I choose not to while on a public page or out in public. As I've said, having to use that type of language only shows how little a person really is. I've said enough and I'm sure your thinking I'm repeating myself once again - again that is your choice. If you really think that you can make money with that type of script, go for it. Nov 26, 2008 7:51 PM Tammy, you are soooooo wrong about me. I do not seek fame and fortune . . . I do however help people who want it. You see I never ever did anything but be loving and kind to Chip Coffey. Years went by . . . and he was on Paranormal State and I never ever said or did anything. I am not going to explain my actions right now because nothing I can say will change your mind. One day though, you will. It may be years from now but you will. You do not have to be my friend Tammy . . . however all I am saying is that I was deeply hurt by your and Tanila's posts. And you were both very mean to me . . . without using foul language but still it was very mean. She is still posting on RR and on Fametastic and I clearly made an error in judgment with Billy Zane and apologized to him and Kelly on the site. I asked them to remove it many times and they won't. I have had to actually call Tanila's son's manager Nick Lawson today because I do not want her son to be affected by his mother's actions. You can call me crazy . . . you can call me anything . . . but not a racist. I have a niece and nephew that is half black and half french. She is lying about all her posts. I do not believe her son or her husband know what she is up to. I really don't. I believe her son is talented and can make it to the big time. For his sake, I am trying to get all this resolved and get the RR deleted because I did not rip anyone off and that is the difference. You have no idea what Chip did and how it ruined my life. Yet, I did not retaliate until now. There are reasons for that and one day you will understand. Have a great time with your family. Stop looking at me through the eyes of hatred and maybe you will see the truth about me. Chip was wrong and he gets sooooooo angry when anyone like Kelli exposes him . . . so why is it ok for Chip and not me. Just think about it. Use your light and wisdom and really think about it. Peace, B Nov 26, 2008 8:25 PM One more thing, Don't you think that if I really wanted fame and fortune . . . with all my connections, I would have it. You have got me pegged so wrong however you did play a "role" in a divine "lila" or "play". You'll see . . . one day. Nov 26, 2008 9:19 PM One last thing . . there is a HUGE difference in what you posted and what Tanila posted. That is why I am not sending her the emails I have sent you. You are right, you did not claim to be a Christian other then the post "Our Savior" however she bible thumps and then does what she does. That is hypocrisy. . google Ted Haggard and his hypocrisy. You according to Merlin were just trying to defend your friend Chip Coffey. That is why I have no anger towards you whatsoever. Nov 26, 2008 9:54 PM And all Chip needs to do . . . to turn it around is tell the truth and do a youtube video where he sings "Sorry seems to be the hardest word" and dedicate it to me. lol I am writing you only because I do not want you to hold any anger over this in your heart. And that my dear Tammy is . . . the TRUTH! ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Indiana SpiritChaser Tammy Date: Nov 27, 2008 6:19 AM You need to be realistic. That is such a stupid idea and I would not even begin to suggest such a thing. You want him to apologize on your terms and that is ridiculous! I have told you once before I do not harbor any hatred in my heart for you. I pity you that you are such a person that you can let things go. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Bea Magical Nov 27, 2008 7:16 AM Not true . . he needs to tell the truth . . . that is all. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Bea Magical Date: Nov 27, 2008 1:07 AM I am so sorry to deluge you with emails however because I put my page to private . . . I wanted to share with you the post where Tanila posted she was goint to send it do d**k Clark to see if it was true. And this is the reason I lost it on her. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Indiana SpiritChaser Tammy Date: Nov 27, 2008 6:21 AM I really don't care! If it were true, then why would you upset if someone contacted them to see if it were!!! From: Bea Magical Nov 27, 2008 7:18 AM Because that is ridiculous . . and she said it to piss me off . . .and it worked ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Indiana SpiritChaser Tammy Date: Nov 27, 2008 6:22 AM Then ask Merlin what I said to him last night!!!!! ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Bea Magical Date: Nov 27, 2008 10:18 AM lol have a great Thanksgiving ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Indiana SpiritChaser Tammy Date: Nov 27, 2008 7:36 AM If that is what you are saying that I said, you are WAY off. Now, please stop this nonsense, it is very clear who is on the disturbed spectrum. Sorry to say, you would be the last person that I would 'Take Goddess' lesson's from. From: Bea Magical Nov 27, 2008 7:41 AM No . . . I have no clue what you said to Merlin. You tell me. Don't play games. Be direct. From: Bea Magical Nov 27, 2008 11:36 AM don't hate me anymore, don't pity me, don't be angry with me.. . . I have no doubt that you are a loving kind person ... this role you played was fictional in my mind .... Thank you for reading everything and I hope you understand now . . . why the last thing I want is more hurt. I mean I had to cancel my Thanksgiving plans because I cannot stop sobbing over being called a racist and they won't take it down. I can't believe that woman did that . . . all because of a word that I would have apologized if she asked me to. I am sorry for ever upsetting you. And all I ask from Chip is the truth . . . that ia all because I swear to you, I am telling it and he is not and it is not right. Have a good day with your loved ones. I will just sit here and cry my face off with my 2 chihuahuas that I rescued and my beautiful cat that I found in the alley half dead and pregnant and she turned out to be a beautiful Himalayan and is so so pretty. But I would feel a whole lot better if you forgave me. From: Bea Magical Nov 27, 2008 8:18 PM I sent this to Chip and I mean every word Please talk to Babs and Tammy and get Tanila to stop her harassment. We have work to do . . . Time to heal the wounds Chip what you did was wrong . . . and I have never ever posted anything about you anywhere but RR and now I want to work with you to expose this site and get both the post I put up about you and the racist post Tanila put up about me off and even shut this site down or expose it for what it is. If you are willing to admit that we were friends and without thinking you did something that you regret . . . I am more then willing to forgive and to forget! It will be a great lesson of forgiveness all around. Let's work together and show people that it is . . . never too late to stop the hate.


Los Angeles,
What a sad person you are Tanila

#331Author of original report

Mon, December 08, 2008

She goes by Wynn and Uyen (gee I wonder why . . . could it be people don't know how to pronounce Uyen). . . You are so pathetic, it is laughable if it was not so tragic. Go to the gym . . . get a life. Your stalking is about to lead to a law suit if you do not stop. I have warned you and warned you and now my millionaire friend is ready to pay for an attorney for me. All I have to do is ask. I am not a racist and no matter what I said out of anger "one sentence" does not make me a racist. . . you are committing cyber stalking, bullying and slander. I am not and have never been a racist. Would you like to ask my former boyfriend who is Asian. You have no life at all . . . none whatsoever.


But you can't spell her name??

#332Consumer Comment

Mon, December 08, 2008

Check the spelling of the name of your close friend in your post. You got it wrong. I would hazard a guess that you have never spoken except on the phone.


But you can't spell her name??

#333Consumer Comment

Mon, December 08, 2008

Check the spelling of the name of your close friend in your post. You got it wrong. I would hazard a guess that you have never spoken except on the phone.


But you can't spell her name??

#334Consumer Comment

Mon, December 08, 2008

Check the spelling of the name of your close friend in your post. You got it wrong. I would hazard a guess that you have never spoken except on the phone.


But you can't spell her name??

#335Consumer Comment

Mon, December 08, 2008

Check the spelling of the name of your close friend in your post. You got it wrong. I would hazard a guess that you have never spoken except on the phone.


Los Angeles,
If you want to find out just how fake Chip Coffey and Paranormal State is

#336Author of original report

Mon, December 08, 2008

Please google Kirby Robinson or go to eyeontheparanormal.blogspot.com and read for yourself the truth about Chip Coffey. Chip and all his fake friends are freaking out over this very detailed investigation into the staged reality of OP.S. and all it's B.S. And thanks Tanila FYI, Wynn is a woman and she and I are very close you moron . . . And I think Jesus would like me to share the following . . . here is some real serendipity . . . there is a writer/producer who is creating a network of just positive programmin and of course I will be involved. . . . He has won 23 emmys and he just finished a 558 book about Southern White Trash Hicks like you and he is from the south, lives in N.C . . . A synopsis: "A child living as prey to an opium-addicted father, drowning in a gene-pool of lowest expectations, feels shackled for life to the tobacco farms and cotton mill poverty of 1920's western North Carolina. Some of the only beauty he knows rises in the eyes of a girl, surviving times harder than his own. Emerging from their adolescent love, the narrative rises far out beyond that opening milieu of violence, ignorance, and language-literal religious fundamentalism. at one point he wrote: "Seems for us serendipity just might be another name for the will of God. That is right . . . there are no coincidences in my life and I needed to see for myself a real life hillbilly hick from hell who would not know right from wrong . . . no matter how many times she reads the Bible . . .



#337Consumer Comment

Mon, December 08, 2008

the vile things you said on the post to the young man you thought was Japanese? Has he read the filthy things you said to the other young men on the same thread? Has he read the things you have said to me and Tammy?? I doubt it. How can he be your dear friend when he knows nothing about you other than your readings from Keen? I would hazard a guess that you have never met him, you have simply read for him over the phone!! He is giving you a recommendation as a reader, not as a person. Those are 3 very, very different things. He doesn't know you at all! We relate to people differently when we are at work, at a party, and at different places. People see us in that relationship and form opinions on us that may or may not be true. When we get angry, the real "us" comes out - the things we keep hidden deep in our own hearts. Only people who have seen the good and bad in us and still love us are our true friends. The others are only acquaintances and know only what we allow them to see. They don't know us at all.


Los Angeles,
Here is a blog comment from a dear friend who is Asian and met me on Keen!

#338Author of original report

Mon, December 08, 2008

Bea, I remember all that horrible stuff you went through w/Chip Coffey. But remember this, those who really know you - know your powers - know your heart - know who you really are -- will not be easily swayed to believing such atrocities. The truth will always come out. And despite that hard lesson you had from the universe, you will always have people who are loyal to you, who care about you & who will, most importantly, support you. There is nothing fake or dishonest about you. You are full of depth (spiritually) and full of positive substances. I do believe in karmic retribution... that the universe has these intricate layers and inter-workings... for certain lessons or certain experiences or certain dramas --- will point and lead to greater things in life. Chip Coffey will get a nice smack from the universe. You just don't do things like that to people; it's unethical to badger someone and to destroy their reputation. And it also shows how small he really feels internally to go out and do something so vicious to make himself appear to be - something he is not. We LOVE BEA! ~uyen



#339Consumer Comment

Sun, December 07, 2008

Maybe all of this has made you see that if you say ugly, hurtful things to people, it always comes back to haunt you.


Los Angeles,
I would much rather see children laughing

#340Author of original report

Sun, December 07, 2008

and healing the hearts of as many people as I can . . . then accumulate possessions. Not everyone is a money obsessed media w***e who will do anything including betray a good friend, lie about it, extort her for money and commit fraud in order to get ahead such as "stay on top of a psychic line" or exploit children for ratings. Tanila, thanks to you, I have more friends then ever adding me on myspace. Kirby Robinson's latest blog on eyeontheparanormal is fantastic. He is the one that helped the FBI expose Miss Cleo. He is very good at investigative journalism! I told you all your hatred would serve to hurt Chip more then me and as usual . . . I was right. Kelli's blog was gone but you had to post over here and this will never go away and when I do my televsion show . . . guess what . . . it will be in the poor neighborhoods where all the black and hispanic children are. Hmmmmm . . . now what kind of racist would do that? Tupac Shakur gave me the idea years ago . . . it is called "Angels in Da Hood" See ya . . . you are the bitter old granny full of hate. I am a lover . . . of all races . . . hater of ignorance and you are the queen of ignorance. I am a caring loving soul who would never betray a friend ever.



#341Consumer Comment

Sun, December 07, 2008

The world has now seen you for the mean spirited, bigoted, racist person that you truly are. I think I am finished with you. People had to be made aware of exactly who you are. Beatrice, if you don't get help, your life is going to continue to spiral out of control. You said in one post that the only thing you owned was a 1993 automobile. How sad for a woman who is nearing 50. If you can ever let go of the hatred and bitterness you feel toward Chip, and instead of trying to destroy him start to build what's left of your life into something valuable, you may find happiness in your senior years. You are no longer you. Please seek help before you die and embittered, lonely old woman.


Los Angeles,
My problem with Chip Coffey is that he is a liar & identity thief and Tanila Price is a stalker!

#342Author of original report

Sat, December 06, 2008

How many times should we repeat the same thing? Chip and P.S. is being exposed as a totally fake set-up show which I knew it was the minute I saw Chip slap himself across the face to come out of a trance state while channel surfing. I would never waste my time watching that drivel. Chip is entertaining because as I said in a much earlier post "Chip is like a cross between Charles Nelson Reilly and Jeanne Dixon." A q***r guy with a wannabe psychic eye!! So far off the mark . . . like this excerpt from a blog called "Eye on the Paranormal" by Kirby Robinson regarding the Kelli Ryan episode where . . . "Chip says that Kelli had a negative relationship with her grandfather, and she got upset and started to cry when he brought it up. Thus, according to Chip, it was abusive. The truth? Kelli was crying because she loved her grandfather so much, and had such a good relationship with her grandfather. She couldn't understand how any psychic could be so wrong, and Chip's psychological bullying to accept his inaccurate theory upset her." Such a senstive guy . . .


My problem with Beatrice Marot...

#343Consumer Comment

Sat, December 06, 2008

started when she made the very ugle, profane and racist remarks about my husband, and family. I have never used the services of either Chip or Beatrice. I like Chip as a man and a person. Beatrice made some very nasty remarks. She had no right to do that.


Los Angeles,
Kabol, thank you

#344Author of original report

Sat, December 06, 2008

however, to put me in the same category as Chip is not fair. I am a very adept seer, Vedic Astrologer, teacher of the art of manifesting, intuition (inner learning) the Goddess energy (the art of receiving) and I will never ever be a sell out. I could be a millionaire right now if I wanted to . . . but that is not what is important to me . . . although it will happen at the right time but most of any wealth I create will be given away to those less fortunate, guaranteed! I do have all these amazing souls around me and I have for 12 years and I have never exploited or profited from my connection with the famous beings that are within my consciousness. If and when it happens it will be with the support of the family and estates of these beings and in spirit they know that and that is why they are around me and guide me. I am a healer and I bring nothing but truth and love to my work. I read for the teachers and the healers, the ancient Priestesses of the Goddess and I will make a wonderful contribution to the planet of that you can be sure. I already do. Lenny Bruce said, "On P.S. the only time a demon leaves the house is when Chip flies back to Georgia!" lol And this is exactly why Chip sends a Granny with a major Chip on her shoulder to fight his battles. I would have stood by and said nothing about Chip had he stuck to ghosts . . . but like you, I felt the Psychic Kids show was exploitative and just plain wrong!!! Stick to demons and ghosts Chip . . and let me take care of the children. I serve the Mother Goddess and my guides always say . . . that "It is the women and the children that are going to heal the planet and the men who support that vision!" I am working right now with a man creating a television network devoted to that reality! It will happen . . . just like when I told Arnold he would be Governor in June of 2000 it did happen three and a half years later. Time is an illusion. There is only now all the time. Kabol add yourself to my myspace page. We have friends in common that it seems you are not aware of. Love, B


Los Angeles,
Kabol, thank you

#345Author of original report

Sat, December 06, 2008

however, to put me in the same category as Chip is not fair. I am a very adept seer, Vedic Astrologer, teacher of the art of manifesting, intuition (inner learning) the Goddess energy (the art of receiving) and I will never ever be a sell out. I could be a millionaire right now if I wanted to . . . but that is not what is important to me . . . although it will happen at the right time but most of any wealth I create will be given away to those less fortunate, guaranteed! I do have all these amazing souls around me and I have for 12 years and I have never exploited or profited from my connection with the famous beings that are within my consciousness. If and when it happens it will be with the support of the family and estates of these beings and in spirit they know that and that is why they are around me and guide me. I am a healer and I bring nothing but truth and love to my work. I read for the teachers and the healers, the ancient Priestesses of the Goddess and I will make a wonderful contribution to the planet of that you can be sure. I already do. Lenny Bruce said, "On P.S. the only time a demon leaves the house is when Chip flies back to Georgia!" lol And this is exactly why Chip sends a Granny with a major Chip on her shoulder to fight his battles. I would have stood by and said nothing about Chip had he stuck to ghosts . . . but like you, I felt the Psychic Kids show was exploitative and just plain wrong!!! Stick to demons and ghosts Chip . . and let me take care of the children. I serve the Mother Goddess and my guides always say . . . that "It is the women and the children that are going to heal the planet and the men who support that vision!" I am working right now with a man creating a television network devoted to that reality! It will happen . . . just like when I told Arnold he would be Governor in June of 2000 it did happen three and a half years later. Time is an illusion. There is only now all the time. Kabol add yourself to my myspace page. We have friends in common that it seems you are not aware of. Love, B


Los Angeles,
Kabol, thank you

#346Author of original report

Sat, December 06, 2008

however, to put me in the same category as Chip is not fair. I am a very adept seer, Vedic Astrologer, teacher of the art of manifesting, intuition (inner learning) the Goddess energy (the art of receiving) and I will never ever be a sell out. I could be a millionaire right now if I wanted to . . . but that is not what is important to me . . . although it will happen at the right time but most of any wealth I create will be given away to those less fortunate, guaranteed! I do have all these amazing souls around me and I have for 12 years and I have never exploited or profited from my connection with the famous beings that are within my consciousness. If and when it happens it will be with the support of the family and estates of these beings and in spirit they know that and that is why they are around me and guide me. I am a healer and I bring nothing but truth and love to my work. I read for the teachers and the healers, the ancient Priestesses of the Goddess and I will make a wonderful contribution to the planet of that you can be sure. I already do. Lenny Bruce said, "On P.S. the only time a demon leaves the house is when Chip flies back to Georgia!" lol And this is exactly why Chip sends a Granny with a major Chip on her shoulder to fight his battles. I would have stood by and said nothing about Chip had he stuck to ghosts . . . but like you, I felt the Psychic Kids show was exploitative and just plain wrong!!! Stick to demons and ghosts Chip . . and let me take care of the children. I serve the Mother Goddess and my guides always say . . . that "It is the women and the children that are going to heal the planet and the men who support that vision!" I am working right now with a man creating a television network devoted to that reality! It will happen . . . just like when I told Arnold he would be Governor in June of 2000 it did happen three and a half years later. Time is an illusion. There is only now all the time. Kabol add yourself to my myspace page. We have friends in common that it seems you are not aware of. Love, B


Los Angeles,
Kabol, thank you

#347Author of original report

Sat, December 06, 2008

however, to put me in the same category as Chip is not fair. I am a very adept seer, Vedic Astrologer, teacher of the art of manifesting, intuition (inner learning) the Goddess energy (the art of receiving) and I will never ever be a sell out. I could be a millionaire right now if I wanted to . . . but that is not what is important to me . . . although it will happen at the right time but most of any wealth I create will be given away to those less fortunate, guaranteed! I do have all these amazing souls around me and I have for 12 years and I have never exploited or profited from my connection with the famous beings that are within my consciousness. If and when it happens it will be with the support of the family and estates of these beings and in spirit they know that and that is why they are around me and guide me. I am a healer and I bring nothing but truth and love to my work. I read for the teachers and the healers, the ancient Priestesses of the Goddess and I will make a wonderful contribution to the planet of that you can be sure. I already do. Lenny Bruce said, "On P.S. the only time a demon leaves the house is when Chip flies back to Georgia!" lol And this is exactly why Chip sends a Granny with a major Chip on her shoulder to fight his battles. I would have stood by and said nothing about Chip had he stuck to ghosts . . . but like you, I felt the Psychic Kids show was exploitative and just plain wrong!!! Stick to demons and ghosts Chip . . and let me take care of the children. I serve the Mother Goddess and my guides always say . . . that "It is the women and the children that are going to heal the planet and the men who support that vision!" I am working right now with a man creating a television network devoted to that reality! It will happen . . . just like when I told Arnold he would be Governor in June of 2000 it did happen three and a half years later. Time is an illusion. There is only now all the time. Kabol add yourself to my myspace page. We have friends in common that it seems you are not aware of. Love, B


North Pole,
oh, da drama

#348Consumer Comment

Sat, December 06, 2008

Tanila Touted: "On Monday Beatrice Marot sent me an email beginning me to stop posting things about her. I told her that if she would stop posting ugly things about my friend, Chip Coffey, that we could call a truce. I would forget I have ever heard her name and she could forget she had ever heard mine. This morning I got another threatening email from her. This lady is seriously insane." I can't vouch for Bea's sanity, but I can also assure you, Tanila, that having someone as a "friend" doesn't mean that they are truly an honest person. FWIW, as a Chip "fan", you carry very little credibility in this whole fiasco due to your lack of objectivity. I don't know how well you know Chip Coffey, and he may very well be a truly wonderful friend, but his veracity is highly questionable when it comes to his educational background. He also portrays himself as able to speak to OR sense dead people at the drop of a hat OR the push of an ON button on a camera. HIGHLY suspect. Chip also used a television show (or three) to further his "psychic" business, at least one of these shows exploited children. Simply disgusting. Whatever the catfights all of you Chip Coffey fans may have with other people who believe he is dishonest-slash-will do anything to get some media limelight and money, it remains a fact that he has been less than honest about many things. One day, I bet everyone will get to see some of the bigger OOPSies he's made. Bea may be a nutcase, I don't know her. Honestly, I don't care. I don't think that ANY psychic who charges for money is worth a piece of pocket lint. I suppose that since Chip is such a good friend to you, Tanila, he's probably helped you with his psychic abilities in some way....the lotto? love? avert some accident or something? Stay away from Bea??? Evidently not. Chip deserves any and every ounce of ridicule that he gets, as does any "psychic" who uses the media for marketing to increase their grasp of a share of the gullible sorts off of whom they make their living. Bea, Chip....six of one, half dozen.



#349Consumer Comment

Fri, December 05, 2008

'Roses are red Japs are yellow' Does this sound like the words of a woman who loves all races? She says that she was angry, and provoked into saying these things. When we are angry we allow our true selves to emerge. If we harbor racist feelings deep in our heart, they will certainly come out when we are angry. I would not expect someone who makes their living dealing with the public to state opening that he or she disdains any race, but when this person gets angry and says to a young many whom she admits to thinking is Japanese 'Japs are yellow', she allows her innermost feelings to show. Why use derogatory terms describing an entire race of people, when you are only angry at one unless you secretly feel the same about the entire race? She could have called the young man any number of names insulting him alone, but she chose to ridicule an entire race of people! When she got angry at me, she called me vile names - fat cow, stupid, and many I won't repeat. That is fine! The disagreement was between the two of us. But she didn't stop there. She began to call my husband racist and ugly names, and she began to belittle people from an entire region of the country!! This speaks volumes to the type person she is. The disagreement was between the two of us. I never said a word about her family, or her ethnicity.



#350Consumer Comment

Fri, December 05, 2008

'Roses are red Japs are yellow' Does this sound like the words of a woman who loves all races? She says that she was angry, and provoked into saying these things. When we are angry we allow our true selves to emerge. If we harbor racist feelings deep in our heart, they will certainly come out when we are angry. I would not expect someone who makes their living dealing with the public to state opening that he or she disdains any race, but when this person gets angry and says to a young many whom she admits to thinking is Japanese 'Japs are yellow', she allows her innermost feelings to show. Why use derogatory terms describing an entire race of people, when you are only angry at one unless you secretly feel the same about the entire race? She could have called the young man any number of names insulting him alone, but she chose to ridicule an entire race of people! When she got angry at me, she called me vile names - fat cow, stupid, and many I won't repeat. That is fine! The disagreement was between the two of us. But she didn't stop there. She began to call my husband racist and ugly names, and she began to belittle people from an entire region of the country!! This speaks volumes to the type person she is. The disagreement was between the two of us. I never said a word about her family, or her ethnicity.



#351Consumer Comment

Fri, December 05, 2008

'Roses are red Japs are yellow' Does this sound like the words of a woman who loves all races? She says that she was angry, and provoked into saying these things. When we are angry we allow our true selves to emerge. If we harbor racist feelings deep in our heart, they will certainly come out when we are angry. I would not expect someone who makes their living dealing with the public to state opening that he or she disdains any race, but when this person gets angry and says to a young many whom she admits to thinking is Japanese 'Japs are yellow', she allows her innermost feelings to show. Why use derogatory terms describing an entire race of people, when you are only angry at one unless you secretly feel the same about the entire race? She could have called the young man any number of names insulting him alone, but she chose to ridicule an entire race of people! When she got angry at me, she called me vile names - fat cow, stupid, and many I won't repeat. That is fine! The disagreement was between the two of us. But she didn't stop there. She began to call my husband racist and ugly names, and she began to belittle people from an entire region of the country!! This speaks volumes to the type person she is. The disagreement was between the two of us. I never said a word about her family, or her ethnicity.



#352Consumer Comment

Fri, December 05, 2008

'Roses are red Japs are yellow' Does this sound like the words of a woman who loves all races? She says that she was angry, and provoked into saying these things. When we are angry we allow our true selves to emerge. If we harbor racist feelings deep in our heart, they will certainly come out when we are angry. I would not expect someone who makes their living dealing with the public to state opening that he or she disdains any race, but when this person gets angry and says to a young many whom she admits to thinking is Japanese 'Japs are yellow', she allows her innermost feelings to show. Why use derogatory terms describing an entire race of people, when you are only angry at one unless you secretly feel the same about the entire race? She could have called the young man any number of names insulting him alone, but she chose to ridicule an entire race of people! When she got angry at me, she called me vile names - fat cow, stupid, and many I won't repeat. That is fine! The disagreement was between the two of us. But she didn't stop there. She began to call my husband racist and ugly names, and she began to belittle people from an entire region of the country!! This speaks volumes to the type person she is. The disagreement was between the two of us. I never said a word about her family, or her ethnicity.


Los Angeles,

#353Author of original report

Fri, December 05, 2008

Love & Relationships 6/21/2005 alexia85 I often sign off after a great reading to clear my thoughts and take in such great advice. Your reading was absolutely the truth. You spoke about my guy very clearly... your reading was exact. Thank You for talking me through this. I needed this and your good (excellent) at your talent. Lots and Lots of STARS****** Love & Relationships 6/21/2005 lovingu13 Thank you! AWESOME READING!!! Love & Relationships 6/21/2005 Heather Jane Once again, a call to Beatrice Marot has opened up possibilities for me that I just hadn't realized were there. Not only is she a very clear reader, Beatrice has that gift of compassion, which when put together with her talent as a seer, ends up giving not just the gift of insight and clarity, but of actual healing. She has helped me shift when I felt stuck, through a relationship's ups and downs, and in the end always guides me to what is real in myself, so that I can see myself more clearly. whether in a relationship, or out. Thank you so much for your help Beatrice. And thank you more for your healing. Love & Relationships 6/22/2005 Nancyrg99 Bea is always wonderful and enlightening. Thank you Love & Relationships 6/21/2005 acincozad Thank you for the reading. You are very easy to talk with. I will call again. Love & Relationships 6/20/2005 tatum2211 She seems very confident in her consult...I hope she is right...time will tell...Thanks for being there. Love & Relationships 6/20/2005 Mister Jedi Thanks Bea and Merlin, I see you two as friends as well as spiritual advisors. It is nice to chat with people that are both. I am definitely more confident about my life now than I was years ago. Love & Relationships 6/18/2005 DIA0118 Absolutely fabulous! I thought she was kind and very descriptive! Thanks so much! Love & Relationships 6/18/2005 change101 Love your honest advice. Love & Relationships 6/17/2005 Jahna90 She has this wonderful way about her that puts everything into perspective and allowed me to clam down. Love her ability to say it as it truly is. Love & Relationships 6/12/2005 Chrissy5358 Thanks Bea! You are a terrific reader and thank you for reading for me today. You're so easy to talk to. I'll speak to you soon. Love & Relationships 6/12/2005 Msrani Beatrice is an amazing psychic! She is extremely accurate and incredibly empowering. I definitely recommend a reading Love & Relationships 6/10/2005 MicrosoftMaster Always truthful and no fluff, tells you how it is even if its not what you want to hear. She has always been right even when others were not Love & Relationships 6/6/2005 loriziggy Thank you...sorry we got cut off... I appreciate you doing my birth chart. I was amazed by the amount of accuracy you had telling me about my past. I also appreciate your encouragement for the future. I'll be in touch again with an update and thanks so very much for your caring and patience. Love & Relationships 6/3/2005 candlelvr41 What can I say??? Beatrice is an expert reader whom I find loving, caring and very sensitive to her client's needs. She has only ever been very accurate in her readings for me while continuing to be very loving and nurturing at the same time. Please give her a call....it will be well worth the effort!!! Bea is ALWAYS in tune with every situation, especially career in my case. Bea, you helped me immensely during a difficult challenge and helped strengthen me to meet the challenge head-on. Thanks again!! Thanks too to Merlin! Love & Relationships 5/16/2005 asales I love talking with you. You are always upfront, honest, and caring. Much love to you. A. Love & Relationships 5/26/2005 cinnamon39 Thank you Beatrice for the incredible advice! I loved my reading with you!! Great to hear some feedback on my situation. Thanks for putting a smile on my face. Love & Relationships 5/25/2005 MikeWB Thank you so much for your reading:) was correct with what she said Love & Relationships 5/25/2005 marty19999 Very comforting and accurate. Many thanks Beatrice.. Love & Relationships 5/25/2005 ccaso She came highly recommended and after talking w/ her I can see why. She was very quick to pick up my situation... Love & Relationships 5/20/2005 ilive4this great Love & Relationships 5/20/2005 groovyguy Sharp, accurate - definitely reads the energy well and is too the point!! Very much appreciate the kind words and support too in a time where I could use it. Thanks & much love... :) Love & Relationships 5/20/2005 dgrymes30 I LOVE HER. HER ENERGY IS GREAT AND SHE IS EVEN GREATER Love & Relationships 5/20/2005 Mister Jedi thanks for listening. It is great that to talk to you about these things I experience. My day just got a whole lot better. Love & Relationships 5/17/2005 Sandralynn93 This was my first call to Beatrice and she was very friendly, very honest, and provided me with information that i did need to know.. I will definitely be calling back !!! Love & Relationships 5/17/2005 mustang4jen Thank you so much for the awesome reading!! I am really excited and cannot wait for all the wonderful things to happen!! You truly made my day/night!! Thanks again!! Rated A+A+A+ Voices from Beyond 5/17/2005 Ming2188 Thanks so much for all your help. You are great! Love & Relationships 5/16/2005 Msrani Beatrice is an amazing woman and an incredible psychic. Her kindness, compassion, and stunning accuracy deserve a million stars. I would definitely recommend a reading! Voices from Beyond 5/16/2005 --Camiller-- One of the best! Keep at it! :) Love & Relationships 5/15/2005 Adelphean Beatrice is very special. Besides being positive, uplifting and really funny, Beatrice knew things about me and my gifts that very few psychics picked up on. She's real accurate about my situations, honest but with compassion.Beatrice is one of Keen's best and deserves 5 stars plus!!!! Call her!!!! Love & Relationships 5/15/2005 Journey Guide Excellent reading. In tune with situation and helpful information. Love & Relationships 5/15/2005 meten05 Wery good at picking up on my emotions. Will see if a man from good will come to my life. Life Questions 5/15/2005 KR1001 Fabulous Love & Relationships 5/15/2005 LIVIA STAR THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN FOR YOUR GREAT INSIGHTS AND GUIDANCE ..ALWAYS A PLEASURE SPEAKING WITH YOU ..MANY BLESSINGS!!! Love & Relationships 5/13/2005 Crystal Blue Water Beatrice Is both professional and friendly!!!!!! Thanks for a great reading!!!!!!! I will call again!!!!! Love & Relationships 5/14/2005 Chrissy5358 She was very friendly and honest. Thank you for your kind words and good advice. Love & Relationships 5/14/2005 Susan1070627 Thanks so much! Really on target and Beatrice and Merlin's reassurance and guidance helped me find my way Voices from Beyond 4/7/2005 lorinna777 Bea is always in the groove and can quickly assess whatever it is that you are going through. She also can help shed light on any given situation to help you see the spiritual meaning behind what is going on in the physical, which is always insightful and great for self growth. Always A++ Love & Relationships 4/28/2005 anancy1010 excellent reader thank-you Love & Relationships 5/11/2005 romi485 Thanks Beatrice. You are very gifted. I will call you again. Thanks. Love & Relationships 5/10/2005 saponi poet Thanks so much. It was a pleasure talking with Beatrice. Love & Relationships 5/11/2005 lglsc1 Wow! Bea that was an awesome reading. Thank you and Merlin so much for the insight. You both totally confirmed everything that I have been feeling. Thanks for always being there when I need insight, support and/or a shoulder. Talk to ya soon Love & Relationships 5/1/2005 roloy B Dear: I love how you have answers that help to guide one in the right direction. You told me months ago that I would have this current job for as long as I wanted, and that is exactly what happen. Now I'm ready to move on to something brighter and better. Can't wait to tell how the summer goes. You're the BEST! Love & Relationships 5/1/2005 MaryD216 Excellent as always! Love & Relationships 5/1/2005 Dara61 Thank you, fantastic reading... Voices from Beyond 4/18/2005 Sharon8982 Awesome Vedic Reading-impressive details, right on track with Bea's other predictions. Thanks! Voices from Beyond 4/18/2005 diamondsforever74 While we hear there are angels on earth, does anyone know who they are??? Well, Bea must be one, because of all the heavenly work she does. Guiding people through her ability to channel Merlin, is a wonderful way to realize that there are people who care about making the world a better place. Voices from Beyond 4/18/2005 Ming2188 Thanks so much for all your support! You are great. Spiritual 4/17/2005 sb4296 I love your readings! I'll listen this time. Last time it took me 2 years to listen to your advise! You were right then and I hope you are right this time as well. Thank you so much! Voices from Beyond 4/17/2005 ephani Always the best insightful, consistent, I love her. Voices from Beyond 4/17/2005 annem333 Thank you Beatrice - you have been very helpful!



#354Consumer Comment

Wed, December 03, 2008

On Monday Beatrice Marot sent me an email beginning me to stop posting things about her. I told her that if she would stop posting ugly things about my friend, Chip Coffey, that we could call a truce. I would forget I have ever heard her name and she could forget she had ever heard mine. This morning I got another threatening email from her. This lady is seriously insane.


Los Angeles,
TIME TO GET THE TRUTH OUT and the healing to begin.

#355Author of original report

Wed, December 03, 2008

----- Original Message ----- From: "bea" To: tprice Sent: Monday, December 1, 2008 11:37:20 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: Is this what a child of god does Are you thinking of my mother and my family and my two beautiful half black half French niece and nephew? Go to your church and talk to your priest and ask him what to do . . . but the hate in your heart over this, the revenge you have already taken is just pure madness. What is next? Are you going to hire a hit man to kill me? Is that going to make you feel better? What will make you feel at peace with all this? Talk to Jesus . . . he's listening, watching . . . what would he think about what you are doing? Ask him, pray for guidance. TANILA'S ANSWER But what about your revenge with Chip Coffey?? Aren't you doing horrible things to him?? What is the difference? Why do we not call a truce. We will both forget we ever stumbled upon each other. You stop posting, and I will stop responding. Sound fair? Tanila, god I wish with all my heart that you had not gone as far as you did to defend Chip Coffey. He is a grown man. He battles demons and ghosts and yet he sends a grandmother to fight his battles. I know he has been feeding yu and Tammy information to post. He has twisted the truth to get you to fight with all your might making me out to be something I am not. What does that say about Chip Coffey? Before I became number one on Keen . . . I never had a problem with any psychic. I have never been suspended. I did not undercut his rate to steal clients. I did not send mean emails to clients leaving me negative feedback since it rarely happened. My nightmare on Keen begand THE DAY I BECAME NUMBER ONE IN VOICES FROM BEYOND AND IT WAS ALL ORCHESTRATED BY CHIP COFFEY. THE PSYCHICS THAT CALLED ME AND LEFT NEGATIVE FEEDBACK ON PURPOSE WERE HIS FRIENDS IN HIS PSYCHIC GROUP!! ERIN THE HEAD OF THE PLAY FAIR DEPARTMENT KICKED ME OFF BECAUSE I WAS TRYING TO GET HELP AND BECAUSE I WROTE TO THE PSYCHICS WHO WROTE THE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK, I GOT KICKED OFF. IS THAT PLAYING FAIR? THEN I HAD TO FIGHT ERIN AT KEEN FOR MONTHS BECAUSE KEEN USED MY NAME BEATRICE MAROT AND THERE WERE THREE PAGES OF MY NAME IN THE GOOGLE SEARCH AND I WAS NO LONGER THERE. IS THAT PLAYING FAIR. I AM NOT A VENEGEFUL PERSON. I MOVED ON . . . BUT A MAN WHO CAN DO THIS . . . CANNOT WORK WITH CHILDREN. AND THAT IS THE TRUTH AND IT IS TOO BAD IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT! I sent several emails to Babs, to Chip, to Tammy trying desperately to stop this from escalating. But none of you would listen and you just kept on and on. I am a healer and lover of all races. I cannot allow people to ever think I am a racist . . . and that word next to my name is breaking my heart daily. But, now you Tanila Price and Chip Coffey have given me no choice but to go to the press and a press release will be going out in a week or two. I told you I have connections and how long have you been goading me. Now, I have to because you really are very frightening Tanila. You and Chip Coffey will be named and the story will be circulated. It may get picked up or it may not. However, Chip . . . speak the truth this time around and let the healing begin. If you continue with your lies . . . your reputation will suffer much more than if you speak the truth. And next time, Chip Coffey . .. fight your own battles . . . don't send a well meaning but very mean grandmother from Georgia to do it for you. Tanila, Chip did horrbile things to me . . . not the other way around. It is time for his Karmic Boomerang . . . and I have a very big heart and he is already forgiven . . . however, he HAS TO TELL THE TRUTH. PERIOD! AND THE WHOLE THING WILL BE DONE!


North Carolina,

#356Consumer Suggestion

Tue, December 02, 2008

Someone is in SERIOUS need of a excorcism on this thread. Whooooaaaaaa! Cast those demons out of this child! There is sure A LOT of them. This woman needs prayer. Demonic forces have taken over and she thinks they are a light force!


Los Angeles,
There is always a way to turn darkness into light

#357Author of original report

Tue, December 02, 2008

I was awakened at 3 AM by my friends in spirit including Jesus with the solution to the situation and as usual it is perfect. There is a moral compass within each human being . . . everyone has it. It is called the soul. I have always had mine on even when I was young. I would never betray another human being, yet I have been betrayed so many times. And here is a true story which again proves that ignorance, hate and hypocrisy come in all shapes, colors and sizes. When I was sixteen years old, there was a classmate named Tony. He was a beautiful half white and half black man. He was the running back for the football team and he was the best looking guy in school. I had a crush on him but I knew he was dating a very pretty white girl named Melanie. Tony had a beautiful sister named Candy and she sho was sweet. She was a tiny little thing and both she and Tony had the most beautiful green eyes. One day, Tony asked me out on a date and I said, "But, you're dating Melanie and I would not do that to another woman." He was always flirting with me and then one day he said that he and Melanie broke up, so we went out a few times and then one day, an enraged Melanie comes up to me and accuses me of dating her man. I told her what happened and that I kept saying no and that he has said they were broken up. She calmed down and we ended up (much to Tony's chagrin) becoming best friends. We were inseperable. She had dinner at my home and slept over all the time and then after six months, I was coming home from the beach and I saw Tony and just stopped my car and said hello. Melanie comes over to my house furious and says that Tony told her, I was trying to hit on him. I said, "What?" I said, "Melanie, you tell Tony to come over and look me in the eye and tell me that!" And Tony did come over and admitted he was lying. I looked at Melanie and I said, "See, Melanie . . . I would never do that to you. You're my best friend. I would never hurt you." I could not believe it when she said, "I'm not your best friend. I don't even like you. I would like nothing better than to kick your a*s right now. The only reason, I've been friends with you . . . is to make sure you stay away from Tony!" I was shocked and I said, "What? You have been eating with my family and sleeping at my house and YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE ME!!! Melanie take the first punch because after that . . . I'm gonna wipe the street with you! (My favorite James Cagney line) Well, I scared her and she left and no one was hurt but my heart. And thirty years later, I ran into Lance at a party. Lance's family was the only black family in our neighborhood and he said to me, "You and your family were the only ones that were ever nice to us on the block. Your mother was so sweet to me." It turns out he dated Melanie for a couple of years and she told him the story about what happened. Lance said, "Bea, she told me she regrets what she did to you, because you really were her friend." Now Candy and I were still friends. Her stepfather was a brutal and mean man and she would run away from home, but I talked my parents into letting her stay with us and even though they had five kids, they welcomed her. We got permission from the school and from her parents all in writing. Candy and I did great in school. I helped her with her homework. She was thriving and so beautiful, then one day while we were having dinner . . . the police burst through the door and there were Candy's parents with them. They claimed we were harboring a runaway and I will never forget . . . I looked at Candy's mother and I said, "You gave us permission. Why are you doing this?" And all she kept saying was "You da fool . . . You da fool!" Candy ran away from home again and this time she became a prostitute and the last time I saw her, she was just ghost of her former beautiful self. She had aged 20 years due to using drugs as well as her spirit was broken. I just started to cry and I held her in my arms and hugged her as hard as I could and I kept saying, "No Candy . . . no. My sweet friend, I am so sorry." I never saw her again. Now, I was awakened at 3AM with the following message for all those who read this thread. First Merlin said, "Bea, I wanted you to watch Constantine's Sword . . . No War is Holy" because in case you did work with Assaf . . . I wanted you to understand Assaf. Assaf is Israeli and wears his Star of David proudly. I wanted you to see how Christianity changed and how the Jewish people have been persecuted for two thousand years for something they never did . . . and the hate continues." Constantine's Sword includes scenes from "Lenny" which was produced my Marvin Worth . . . both of them my friends in spirit. Assaf is angry because I told him not to do the Suge Knight show in it's present format. He threatened to sue me and to call the police. Lenny said, "Bea, that's why his name starts with a*s!" Tupac said, "Bea, don't let them to that to my Mama. Tell my brotha Suge, there is a better way. Make him see the light of day! "I will Pac . . . I will!" Johnny Carson said, "Bea, don't let them stain the reputation of my good friend d**k Clark." "I won't . . . Johnny, I won't" And then Jesus said, "Now, Bea this is the time, when you have been insulted, maligned, mocked, thrown stones at, persecuted by ignorance and hate and nailed to the proverbial cross . . . this is when you reach into that beautiful heart of yours and pull out the love and compassion you have and you say . . . FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!"" "Yes, JC . . . I'll do that." Good-bye my friends . . . and remember . . . it's never too late to stop the hate! I



#358Consumer Comment

Tue, December 02, 2008

Do whatever you want!! As I told you, my son read what you wrote about his dad, and his heritage and thinks you are an awful person. I have a news flash for you that you don't seem to understand. He is MY SON. That means that he is from the same region of the country. That means that he is what you termed a "dumb ole hillbilly." That means the person you called a "two ton gorilla" is his DAD!!! There is a wonderful, old hillbilly term that describes your actions quite well "Dumb as a bag of hammers." I want you to think of this solution. If you stop posting, there will be nothing to copy and paste. The thread will go silent. Give that some thought!


Los Angeles,
Is this what a child of god does?

#359Author of original report

Tue, December 02, 2008

Tanila, Are you thinking of my mother and my family and my two beautiful half black half French niece and nephew? Go to your church and talk to your priest and ask him what to do . . . but the hate in your heart over this, the revenge you have already taken is just pure madness. What is next? Are you going to hire a hit man to kill me? Is that going to make you feel better? What will make you feel at peace with all this? Talk to Jesus . . . he's listening, watching . . . what would he think about what you are doing? Ask him, pray for guidance.


Los Angeles,
This is a true cyber stalker . . .

#360Author of original report

Tue, December 02, 2008

Tanila, you continue to harrass me on my personal email . . . I am just forwarding every one to your son's manager Nick Lawson . . . as well as posting them here . . . so people can see the kind of friends Chip has . . .


Los Angeles,
More of Tanila's endless hate and harrassment . . . This is Chip Coffey's "good friend"

#361Author of original report

Tue, December 02, 2008

Why should I have just let it go??? You are the one who started with the name calling, and all the ugly stuff. You made a preposterous statement about d**k Clark wanting you for a series, and I simply told you I was going to check it out. You are the one who started with the vile names and insults. I never once insulted either you or any of your family and loved ones. You chose the wrong person to try to bully. You chose the wrong person to say ugly, racist, bigoted things to. I have done NOTHING but copy and paste your own words. I don't roll over and play dead when someone starts insulting the ones I love. I will never post anything except the things that you yourself say. There is nothing illegal or immoral about that. If you say those things, you should have the nerve to face up to it. I have been reading lots of things on the internet that you have written, calling people ugly names, and insulting them. Posting them is not harassing you, it is simply sharing information with the public, as you make your living from the public. You are the one who said " It is not very nice to be ignored and have to resort to a threat to get a response. " I have never threatened you. I told you straight up that I was going to post everything you said, and that is what I intend to do. So just keep on, girl. You are destroying yourself with your vile mouth. You are the evil one. You say horrible things about people and think that is okay because you are angry. When they read all the posts you have written, you may be the one in trouble. I have a copy of every word you have written, both to me and to Tammy. I am going to continue to share every word you write with the world, so just keep on spewing your filth. I am going to do nothing but copy and paste your own words so that people can see exactly who you are. Tammy has over 20 emails that you have sent her in just a couple days. You don't think that is harassment? I have sent your postings to Keen, and I am sending your postings to d**k Clark Productions and anyone else I can possibly think of. You are the one who should be ashamed. The world is going to read your very own words, and know exactly who and what you are. ----- Original Message ----- From: "bea" To: tprice52 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2008 5:30:09 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: I am just letting you know that a police report is being filed in Los Angeles And you will be contacted by your police department . . . It is procedure . . . you need to be stopped from ever doing this to anyone ever again. You should have just let it go . . . but you cannot because you are evil, pure evil.


Los Angeles,
More of Tanila's endless hate and harrassment . . . This is Chip Coffey's "good friend"

#362Author of original report

Tue, December 02, 2008

Why should I have just let it go??? You are the one who started with the name calling, and all the ugly stuff. You made a preposterous statement about d**k Clark wanting you for a series, and I simply told you I was going to check it out. You are the one who started with the vile names and insults. I never once insulted either you or any of your family and loved ones. You chose the wrong person to try to bully. You chose the wrong person to say ugly, racist, bigoted things to. I have done NOTHING but copy and paste your own words. I don't roll over and play dead when someone starts insulting the ones I love. I will never post anything except the things that you yourself say. There is nothing illegal or immoral about that. If you say those things, you should have the nerve to face up to it. I have been reading lots of things on the internet that you have written, calling people ugly names, and insulting them. Posting them is not harassing you, it is simply sharing information with the public, as you make your living from the public. You are the one who said " It is not very nice to be ignored and have to resort to a threat to get a response. " I have never threatened you. I told you straight up that I was going to post everything you said, and that is what I intend to do. So just keep on, girl. You are destroying yourself with your vile mouth. You are the evil one. You say horrible things about people and think that is okay because you are angry. When they read all the posts you have written, you may be the one in trouble. I have a copy of every word you have written, both to me and to Tammy. I am going to continue to share every word you write with the world, so just keep on spewing your filth. I am going to do nothing but copy and paste your own words so that people can see exactly who you are. Tammy has over 20 emails that you have sent her in just a couple days. You don't think that is harassment? I have sent your postings to Keen, and I am sending your postings to d**k Clark Productions and anyone else I can possibly think of. You are the one who should be ashamed. The world is going to read your very own words, and know exactly who and what you are. ----- Original Message ----- From: "bea" To: tprice52 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2008 5:30:09 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: I am just letting you know that a police report is being filed in Los Angeles And you will be contacted by your police department . . . It is procedure . . . you need to be stopped from ever doing this to anyone ever again. You should have just let it go . . . but you cannot because you are evil, pure evil.


Los Angeles,
More of Tanila's endless hate and harrassment . . . This is Chip Coffey's "good friend"

#363Author of original report

Tue, December 02, 2008

Why should I have just let it go??? You are the one who started with the name calling, and all the ugly stuff. You made a preposterous statement about d**k Clark wanting you for a series, and I simply told you I was going to check it out. You are the one who started with the vile names and insults. I never once insulted either you or any of your family and loved ones. You chose the wrong person to try to bully. You chose the wrong person to say ugly, racist, bigoted things to. I have done NOTHING but copy and paste your own words. I don't roll over and play dead when someone starts insulting the ones I love. I will never post anything except the things that you yourself say. There is nothing illegal or immoral about that. If you say those things, you should have the nerve to face up to it. I have been reading lots of things on the internet that you have written, calling people ugly names, and insulting them. Posting them is not harassing you, it is simply sharing information with the public, as you make your living from the public. You are the one who said " It is not very nice to be ignored and have to resort to a threat to get a response. " I have never threatened you. I told you straight up that I was going to post everything you said, and that is what I intend to do. So just keep on, girl. You are destroying yourself with your vile mouth. You are the evil one. You say horrible things about people and think that is okay because you are angry. When they read all the posts you have written, you may be the one in trouble. I have a copy of every word you have written, both to me and to Tammy. I am going to continue to share every word you write with the world, so just keep on spewing your filth. I am going to do nothing but copy and paste your own words so that people can see exactly who you are. Tammy has over 20 emails that you have sent her in just a couple days. You don't think that is harassment? I have sent your postings to Keen, and I am sending your postings to d**k Clark Productions and anyone else I can possibly think of. You are the one who should be ashamed. The world is going to read your very own words, and know exactly who and what you are. ----- Original Message ----- From: "bea" To: tprice52 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2008 5:30:09 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: I am just letting you know that a police report is being filed in Los Angeles And you will be contacted by your police department . . . It is procedure . . . you need to be stopped from ever doing this to anyone ever again. You should have just let it go . . . but you cannot because you are evil, pure evil.


Los Angeles,
More of Tanila's endless hate and harrassment . . . This is Chip Coffey's "good friend"

#364Author of original report

Tue, December 02, 2008

Why should I have just let it go??? You are the one who started with the name calling, and all the ugly stuff. You made a preposterous statement about d**k Clark wanting you for a series, and I simply told you I was going to check it out. You are the one who started with the vile names and insults. I never once insulted either you or any of your family and loved ones. You chose the wrong person to try to bully. You chose the wrong person to say ugly, racist, bigoted things to. I have done NOTHING but copy and paste your own words. I don't roll over and play dead when someone starts insulting the ones I love. I will never post anything except the things that you yourself say. There is nothing illegal or immoral about that. If you say those things, you should have the nerve to face up to it. I have been reading lots of things on the internet that you have written, calling people ugly names, and insulting them. Posting them is not harassing you, it is simply sharing information with the public, as you make your living from the public. You are the one who said " It is not very nice to be ignored and have to resort to a threat to get a response. " I have never threatened you. I told you straight up that I was going to post everything you said, and that is what I intend to do. So just keep on, girl. You are destroying yourself with your vile mouth. You are the evil one. You say horrible things about people and think that is okay because you are angry. When they read all the posts you have written, you may be the one in trouble. I have a copy of every word you have written, both to me and to Tammy. I am going to continue to share every word you write with the world, so just keep on spewing your filth. I am going to do nothing but copy and paste your own words so that people can see exactly who you are. Tammy has over 20 emails that you have sent her in just a couple days. You don't think that is harassment? I have sent your postings to Keen, and I am sending your postings to d**k Clark Productions and anyone else I can possibly think of. You are the one who should be ashamed. The world is going to read your very own words, and know exactly who and what you are. ----- Original Message ----- From: "bea" To: tprice52 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2008 5:30:09 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: I am just letting you know that a police report is being filed in Los Angeles And you will be contacted by your police department . . . It is procedure . . . you need to be stopped from ever doing this to anyone ever again. You should have just let it go . . . but you cannot because you are evil, pure evil.



#365Consumer Comment

Tue, December 02, 2008

I have sent all posts about Keen to Keen. Let's see what they say. I will post their response.


Los Angeles,
On November 19th, 2008 I wrote to Chip

#366Author of original report

Tue, December 02, 2008

Chip, you have to be aware of something right away. Thanks to a friend of yours Tanila from Georgia . . . I now have to expose our situation in ways that I did not want to do. I wanted to leave it all on ripoffreport.com but because of Tanila's endless harassment of me on Kelli's blog . . . she leaves me no choice but to take it further. She accuses me of racism simply because I said that her husband was not 100% French due to his dark skin and now when you put my name in Google . . . it comes up with a blog she put on Ripoffreport trying to defend you and calling me a racist. You have a hell of a bizarre following Chip. She claims to be your very good friend and I told her that if she loved you that she should just stop posting. Now, you should read Kelli's blog in its entirety and stop this Tanila woman before she goes any further! Chip, you know I never did anything to hurt you EVER and you ruined my life and caused me so much pain because I thought you were my dear and sincere friend and you still refuse to own up to the absolute truth . . . you know the truth and you have to come clean or this will escalate and I will take Kirby Robinson's offer to take my story to his very large audience. I have so far declined but I warned this woman Tanila to stop and she just would not quit and now I have to go further than I ever wanted to. I am not a vindictive person but as I said . . . you left me no choice by lying about the truth of what happened between us Chip and don't deny it. You created this mess by registering my names when I did nothing but care about you and would have been so happy to share in your success. I made a promise to myself that I would just keep it on RR and now I have no choice but to take it further . . . and you will understand when you read what Tanila is writing on Kelli's blog in trying to defend you . . . she is making things a lot worse for you. Go to RR and put my name in the search and see what she wrote and I had know choice but to cut and paste our entire exchange because she does exactly what you do and that is take everything out of context and manipulating the truth. You should really tell her to stop for both our sakes . . . she is just a horrible human being. And on December 1st, 2008 . . I just wrote to Chip You should have listened to me . . Instead of feeding Tanila and Tammy information . . . and having them post it for you. I have got emails from Tammy about how close you have become. She is so happy . . . she, like you is a "sycophant" and she is so smart . . . she has to look it up in a medical dictionary. You really are about as psychic as a pencil Chip and that goes for Babs and her granny in a moo moo too. . TO THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK YOU KNOW CHIP . . . YOU KNOW HIM AS A CHARACTER ON TV . . . AN ACTOR/POSEUR PSYCHIC . . . I KNOW HIM FROM EXPERIENCE . . . AND I KNOW WHAT HE DID . . . AND THE REASON MERLIN GUIDED ME HERE . . . IS BECAUSE CHIP CANNOT THREATEN A LAWSUIT . . . RR WELCOMES THEM AND I EVEN ASKED THEM TO REMOVE MY THREAD ABOUT CHIP IN HOPES OF GETTING TANILA TO REMOVE HERS . . . AND THEY WON'T DO THAT EITHER. GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS AND I SERVE GOD/GODDESS . . . NOT MY OWN PERSONAL INTERESTS WHICH IS WHY YOU WILL NOT SEE ME ON SOME LAME TV SHOW . . . I HAVE MORE INFLUENCE IN HOLLYWOOD THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE AND YET NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT . . . NOT EVEN HOLLYWOOD . . . BUT THEY WILL . . SOON! FOR EXAMPLE, HERE IS SOMETHING I DO NOT MIND REVEALING ABOUT BILLY ZANE. HE CALLED ME AND TOLD ME HE WAS ASKED TO PLAY A DEMON ON THE SHOW "CHARMED" AND I SIMPLY TOLD HIM . . . TELL THEM YOU WANT TO PLAY A REFORMED DEMON AND IT WAS THE HIGHEST RATED THREE EPISODES OF THE ENTIRE SEASON. HOW DID I FIND THAT OUT? I MET THE STUNT COORDINATOR WHO WORKED ON IT AND HE TOLD ME! I JUST LISTEN TO MY GUIDES . . . AND TANILA YOU AND CHIP ARE GOING TO WISH YOU HAD LISTENED TOO. I HAVE TRIED TO WAVE THE WHITE FLAG BUT BEING YOU'RE SO TWISTED YOU JUST KEEP SEEING RED! TANKILA, GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE . . . MAKE AMMENDS TO YOUR SON.


Los Angeles,
Now, there is only one way to end this and that

#367Author of original report

Mon, December 01, 2008

is through the law and filing a police report. Tanila is stalking me at home now and she is truly a deranged woman as is Tammy. It is something I really loathe to do and I feel so bad for her family however, she did not think about mine when she posted this terrible thread on RR with a huge lie next to it calling me a racist. This is Chip's devoted fan base people . . . He should change his name to Chip Manson . . . that is how twisted this has become and how dark his energy is . . . that could have allowed his friends to do this. I tried to spin it with humor but it is not funny anymore. This is the month of celebration of holiday blessings, gifts and good cheer, love and of course the celebration of Jesus Christ and the love and compassion he represented on this Earth . . . I would love to recommend a documentary called, "Constantine's Sword . . . No War is Holy!" A brilliant look by a former Roman Catholic Priest of the evolution of Christianity from a religion of peace and gentleness . . . to one of war and slavery. Tanila Price and Tammy . . . you are what is wrong with this world. I did what I did for a purpose . . . because again . . . CHIP COFFEY IS NOT QUALIFIED TO GUIDE CHILDREN . . . BIG MISTAKE. I NEVER WATCH A&E ANYMORE BECAUSE IT IS MOSTLY TRASH TV. Just like the producer who is stupid enough to put on a show about Suge Knight . . . and stain the reputation of d**k Clark . . . not to mention the heartbreak it would cause Tupac's mother alone! My higher purpose in life is to bring enlightenment, empowerment, enchantment to the entertainment industry . . . I have been doing it for 19 years but working in the background without the need for fame and fortune. I do what I do for the love of the Earth and all races . . all animals and children and I could never ever in a million years write the roles of Tanila and Tammy . . . I would not know how. I cannot believe this has happened but I will turn the darkness . . . into light. I am very good at that. And just remember this . . . do not betray your friends, do not rip anyone off.


Los Angeles,
Tanila . . . I have contacted the police in Georgia dueto your harrassment! Get over it already

#368Author of original report

Mon, December 01, 2008

I would really like for this thread to end. Tanila Price is a good friend of Chip Coffey and a truly demented hick from hell . . . I really feel sorry for Chip now, because I warned him about her and Tammy posting. I asked his best friend Babs to please get them to stop and she said NO. HERE IS HOW THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU HAVE A FOOT IN BOTH WORLDS. I PUT THIS ON THE RACIST THREAD THIS PSYCHO B***H POSTED ABOUT ME ON RR AND I AM NOW PUTTING IT HERE. . . I HOPE THIS WILL HELP YOU ALL UNDERSTAND THE WAY SPIRIT GUIDES WORK IN MY LIFE. This is how spirit guides work . . . Tammy I hope you learned something Tammy, I did not even bother to read youR post BECAUSE IT IS JUST MORE HATE AND ANGER . . . you are and always will be an extremely cruel and mean person with no heart whatsoever. I tried to keep you out of this . . . knowing that you have a very limited comprehension ability bordering on mental retardation. I just wrote something to Babs (Chip's best friend) . . . she wrote back . . . 'I read the first two lines and my guides told me to block you. . . ' Tammy, now, I have tried to make peace with you . . . and I have tried and tried to talk sense into you . . . but you are incapable of compassion or kindness . . . like Tanila . . . please let go of your anger. And here is the truth . . . once again . . . Babs is Chip Coffey's best friend and I have been trying to help her understand the situation with Chip to no avail as well . . . it is extremely draining. I just wrote this to Babs . . . after she wrote to me and said the following. Just an excerpt of a very long email where she makes no sense . . . just like you Tammy. Babs, you say, 'Maybe we are not communicating with the same universe because my guides, angels, etc. do not tell me to be nasty and vengeful and hold grudges' AND I WROTE BACK . . . You are kidding right! I just saw that and I thought, 'Oh my goddess . . . the woman comes on a thread (Kelli Ryan's) with nothing but the 'I've dealt with you before and you are this and that and I would bet you are Jack and I know it and I would not believe you if you denied it!' AND YOU CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT. Let me inform you of something. When I get a hit it is like this, 'Look at Chip Coffey's mypace page.' 'Write to Jana (Chip's manager at the time) and warn her about Chip.' I do that. She tells Chip about it. She no longer reps him. I don't know why and I do not care. Next, 'Write a blog about what happened on Myspace!' Chip takes the blog and puts it up on his page and proceeds to take, 'the moral high road' by lying about everyting that happened IN WRITING and I can prove each lie. If you have forgetten, it is on the RR report . . Chip's blog, that is with my responses. In it, he divulges personal information about my famous clients and lies through his teeth. That was months and months ago. Then out of the clear blue sky on August 3rd, I see ripoffreport.oom. And I get the hit from Merlin . . . write about what happened with Chip. Kelli's expose/show is also aired in August on Paranormal Fake. She EXPOSES CHIP AND WRITES A BLOG ON MYSPACE ON HALLOWEEN. From that post on RR THAT I WROTE ABOUT CHIP, perfect strangers, wrote posts . . . one guy named 'Kabol' wrote about Kelli's problem with Chip and a link to her blog on Myspace. That is how I found out about it. I look at Chip's blog bashing Kelli and her motives. I add myself as a friend to support her. Then another girl 'Swimgirl' on RR sent me a link to the blog of DD from PS_BS. No clue who the guy is, but loved the picture of Chip with horns. I post my silly Brady Bunch song on Kelli's blog. IT IS POSTED IN MY FIRST POST HERE. Kelli emails me to thank me and tell me how much it made her happy and laugh because the Brady Bunch theme happens to be her favorite TV show song. Then I try to answer Tanila's question. She does not want an answer, she is goading Kelli for a fight. Tanila comes on my blog 'Angels in Da Hood' . . saying she is going to contact d**k Clark to find out if I really had an audition. I look at her myspace profile, she has Granny Clampett on the front page. I call her a hillbilly! A war ensues. Tanila posts on RR calling me a racist and now the very painful word is there next to my name on Google. I asked you to talk to her . . . but you would not. You should have. I tell Tanila that I will find her legal name and DD . . . a man I have never met and his very first appearance on the thread he posts 'Tanila Price' and proceeds to give her street and phone number. He hates Paranormal State and clearly is not fond of Chip. He is my Knight coming out of the clear blue sky sent by my guides to help me. Then tonight, he writes to me . . . it turns out that Kabol is one of his friends but Kabol did not tell him he posted on RR. Neither one of these men know me until now and neither one knew I knew either one. Are you starting to get the picture? I just sat here and it all came to me . . . by my guides!! I don't hold grudges, I don't seek out to hurt Chip . . . I just listen and this is what happened . . . yet another drama of the Cosmic Circus of my life . . . directed by Merlin and Lenny Bruce and a few others. And my guides clearly do not like Chip Coffey for what he did to me . . . not what I did to him . . . because I was his friend and I loved him very much. THAT IS HOW SPIRIT GUIDES WORK AND THIS IS WHAT CHIP CAN CALL A KARMIC BOOMERANG! B AND RIGHT BEFORE I LOOKED AT THIS THREAD . . . I WROTE TO DD . . . Do you remember when I wrote to you on the blog (KELLI RYAN'S) because whenever he posted I said somethng to him in rhyme. DD, Why is it that I want to speak to you in prose When you come and pull the p***k from the rose. Are you a poet or something? LMAO This evening I was taking my dog on a walk and there is always a hispanic gentleman selling roses next to the freeway exit right next to a hospital and he looked at me and asked if I wanted a bouquet. And I said, 'I have no denero on me . . . and he said, 'No, I would like to give them to you.' I was so touched and gratefully accepted. Just now Merlin said to me. . . 'These roses come from us to you and to DD.' He said, 'Bea, these are a gift to you and to DD for helping you.' Looks like you can expect a little magic in your life, my friend. Thank you for everything. Talk to Merlin and ask for what you need. Love, B&M I guess there is a reason why RR does not remove posts . . . and I thank them. OK, HICKS AND HILLBILLIES . . . DO YOU STILL WANT TO DO SEE DO . . CAUSE YOU DON'T SEE DON'T! . . . and are extremely skilled at it. BE MY GUEST. . . WE ARE READY . . . BEFORE YOU ARE! LOVE, B&M



#369Consumer Comment

Mon, December 01, 2008

You will note that Beatrice only published the RR report after she found out that Chip had been on several television shows. The supposed incident was several years ago, and she published the RR report just this year?? She calls herself the Psychic To The Stars, but have any on you ever heard of her?? She says she has been offered many television shows, but have any of you ever seen her on one?? She wants to end this thread now because so many people have told her that she is troubled and needs help. She says horrible things about people and then says they were taken "out of context." She divulges information given to her in readings on the internet because she gets angry at the client (Check out her post on Billy Zane.) What type of person would do that?? That is very unethical and unprofessional. I have known Chip Coffey for several years, and think he is a wonderful man. Beatrice, on the other hand, has made horrible comments about people from the South. Racist comments about blacks, and called the Japanese "Japs." All of these can be documented. They are all posted on the internet in her own words. She is a lonely, angry, bitter woman who is dire need of help. Don't believe a word she says.



#370Consumer Comment

Mon, December 01, 2008

You will note that Beatrice only published the RR report after she found out that Chip had been on several television shows. The supposed incident was several years ago, and she published the RR report just this year?? She calls herself the Psychic To The Stars, but have any on you ever heard of her?? She says she has been offered many television shows, but have any of you ever seen her on one?? She wants to end this thread now because so many people have told her that she is troubled and needs help. She says horrible things about people and then says they were taken "out of context." She divulges information given to her in readings on the internet because she gets angry at the client (Check out her post on Billy Zane.) What type of person would do that?? That is very unethical and unprofessional. I have known Chip Coffey for several years, and think he is a wonderful man. Beatrice, on the other hand, has made horrible comments about people from the South. Racist comments about blacks, and called the Japanese "Japs." All of these can be documented. They are all posted on the internet in her own words. She is a lonely, angry, bitter woman who is dire need of help. Don't believe a word she says.



#371Consumer Comment

Mon, December 01, 2008

You will note that Beatrice only published the RR report after she found out that Chip had been on several television shows. The supposed incident was several years ago, and she published the RR report just this year?? She calls herself the Psychic To The Stars, but have any on you ever heard of her?? She says she has been offered many television shows, but have any of you ever seen her on one?? She wants to end this thread now because so many people have told her that she is troubled and needs help. She says horrible things about people and then says they were taken "out of context." She divulges information given to her in readings on the internet because she gets angry at the client (Check out her post on Billy Zane.) What type of person would do that?? That is very unethical and unprofessional. I have known Chip Coffey for several years, and think he is a wonderful man. Beatrice, on the other hand, has made horrible comments about people from the South. Racist comments about blacks, and called the Japanese "Japs." All of these can be documented. They are all posted on the internet in her own words. She is a lonely, angry, bitter woman who is dire need of help. Don't believe a word she says.



#372Consumer Comment

Mon, December 01, 2008

You will note that Beatrice only published the RR report after she found out that Chip had been on several television shows. The supposed incident was several years ago, and she published the RR report just this year?? She calls herself the Psychic To The Stars, but have any on you ever heard of her?? She says she has been offered many television shows, but have any of you ever seen her on one?? She wants to end this thread now because so many people have told her that she is troubled and needs help. She says horrible things about people and then says they were taken "out of context." She divulges information given to her in readings on the internet because she gets angry at the client (Check out her post on Billy Zane.) What type of person would do that?? That is very unethical and unprofessional. I have known Chip Coffey for several years, and think he is a wonderful man. Beatrice, on the other hand, has made horrible comments about people from the South. Racist comments about blacks, and called the Japanese "Japs." All of these can be documented. They are all posted on the internet in her own words. She is a lonely, angry, bitter woman who is dire need of help. Don't believe a word she says.


Los Angeles,
I really have to end this lovely thread ... IT'S TIME!

#373Author of original report

Sat, November 29, 2008

There is no more I can say . . . then I already have and I know with all my heart . . . that good things will come out of it. They always do in my world . . . I am going to leave you all with one last 100% TRUE STORY TO SHOW THE AMAZING SERENDIPITY THAT EXISTS WHEN YOU THE SPEAK THE TRUTH AND ALSO THAT JESUS KNOWS ME VERY WELL . . . AND HE LIKES ME! THAT IS ALL I ASK OF CHIP . . . IS THE TRUTH . . . AND THEN HE WILL BE BLESSED EVEN MORE THAN HE ALREADY IS . . . AND I WILL BE VERY HAPPY and I will be his friend again in spirit!! On one of my posts on Kelli's blog, tHE VERY LAST THING I wrote was . . . THANK YOU TANILA, I FEEL LIKE I AM STARRING IN MY OWN EPISODE OF HEE HAW!! And then my doorbell rang . . . and I read for a brand new client named Vinda. She is an aspiring actress and long story short I told her that she would really benefit from learning how to do guided visualization and I said, 'I don't have time to guide you on one today . . . but what I am going to do is to ask my guides to give me the perfect journey of someone else with a message you need to hear . . . so I took out my accordion file where I have hundreds of written journeys that I have guided people on and I randomly selected one titled 'Healing the Heart' dated December 14th, 1999! I will just read the last part where Melissa sees Jesus and this is what she saw in her heart and mind. This is "lifting the veil" and it is so easy once you learn how. Now remember, I am reading this to an aspiring actress . . . Melissa's healing the heart journey . . . 'It is Jesus but what is he doing having a picnic with me.' He's holding my hands. He's laughing. He holds me like I am a baby and he's just rubbing the back of my head. There is a light coming and we look up at it. I ask him, 'Jesus, what would you like me to know before I go back?' Know that I am with you. I am always with you. You're going to be a star. You are a star, in my eyes, you are a star. Believe that your voice is beautiful. Know that your voice is beautiful. Yes, it is different, but people are going to love it. Your going to bless so many people with your song. Just let God work through you knowing that you will never fear. You will not be afraid of anything or anyone. No one can hurt you. One day at a time. Then I said aloud, 'Ask Jesus if there is anything he would like me know.' Keep doing what you're doing girl' He's shaking his head. He says, 'She doesn't even know. She doesn't know how rich how blessed she is. She thinks she knows but it's even more than she can possibly imagine.' He says, 'Thank you for bringing Melissa to me.' He says to me, 'Now go do what you need to do.' He just pushed my forehead. 'Now just do it.' He's going back up. I tell him, 'Good-bye, I will see you again soon.' He turns around and says, 'For sure.' and he blew me a kiss and he gives me the peace sign. It's like he's dancing as he goes up. I feel like the clouds just grabbed me and dropped me off. I see roosters and I'm just sitting there on my butt adn I'm just laughing. It's like a television show. It's staged like a scene from HEE HAW!! THANKS JESUS . . . YOU DA MAN! I could not believe it . . . and I took Vinda to my computer and said, "Look what I just wrote right before you showed up!" open your hearts people . . . open your hearts. I have said MY WHOLE LIFE . . . that I am just here to help "lift the veil" between worlds and recently someone told me that Apocalypse means "lifting the veil" and I did not know that . . . like most people I thought it meant 'end of times" or "the end of the world" but it means . . . "lifting the veil" . . . IT'S TIME . . . IF YOU NEED ME . . . YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME!


Los Angeles,
I really have to end this lovely thread ... IT'S TIME!

#374Author of original report

Sat, November 29, 2008

There is no more I can say . . . then I already have and I know with all my heart . . . that good things will come out of it. They always do in my world . . . I am going to leave you all with one last 100% TRUE STORY TO SHOW THE AMAZING SERENDIPITY THAT EXISTS WHEN YOU THE SPEAK THE TRUTH AND ALSO THAT JESUS KNOWS ME VERY WELL . . . AND HE LIKES ME! THAT IS ALL I ASK OF CHIP . . . IS THE TRUTH . . . AND THEN HE WILL BE BLESSED EVEN MORE THAN HE ALREADY IS . . . AND I WILL BE VERY HAPPY and I will be his friend again in spirit!! On one of my posts on Kelli's blog, tHE VERY LAST THING I wrote was . . . THANK YOU TANILA, I FEEL LIKE I AM STARRING IN MY OWN EPISODE OF HEE HAW!! And then my doorbell rang . . . and I read for a brand new client named Vinda. She is an aspiring actress and long story short I told her that she would really benefit from learning how to do guided visualization and I said, 'I don't have time to guide you on one today . . . but what I am going to do is to ask my guides to give me the perfect journey of someone else with a message you need to hear . . . so I took out my accordion file where I have hundreds of written journeys that I have guided people on and I randomly selected one titled 'Healing the Heart' dated December 14th, 1999! I will just read the last part where Melissa sees Jesus and this is what she saw in her heart and mind. This is "lifting the veil" and it is so easy once you learn how. Now remember, I am reading this to an aspiring actress . . . Melissa's healing the heart journey . . . 'It is Jesus but what is he doing having a picnic with me.' He's holding my hands. He's laughing. He holds me like I am a baby and he's just rubbing the back of my head. There is a light coming and we look up at it. I ask him, 'Jesus, what would you like me to know before I go back?' Know that I am with you. I am always with you. You're going to be a star. You are a star, in my eyes, you are a star. Believe that your voice is beautiful. Know that your voice is beautiful. Yes, it is different, but people are going to love it. Your going to bless so many people with your song. Just let God work through you knowing that you will never fear. You will not be afraid of anything or anyone. No one can hurt you. One day at a time. Then I said aloud, 'Ask Jesus if there is anything he would like me know.' Keep doing what you're doing girl' He's shaking his head. He says, 'She doesn't even know. She doesn't know how rich how blessed she is. She thinks she knows but it's even more than she can possibly imagine.' He says, 'Thank you for bringing Melissa to me.' He says to me, 'Now go do what you need to do.' He just pushed my forehead. 'Now just do it.' He's going back up. I tell him, 'Good-bye, I will see you again soon.' He turns around and says, 'For sure.' and he blew me a kiss and he gives me the peace sign. It's like he's dancing as he goes up. I feel like the clouds just grabbed me and dropped me off. I see roosters and I'm just sitting there on my butt adn I'm just laughing. It's like a television show. It's staged like a scene from HEE HAW!! THANKS JESUS . . . YOU DA MAN! I could not believe it . . . and I took Vinda to my computer and said, "Look what I just wrote right before you showed up!" open your hearts people . . . open your hearts. I have said MY WHOLE LIFE . . . that I am just here to help "lift the veil" between worlds and recently someone told me that Apocalypse means "lifting the veil" and I did not know that . . . like most people I thought it meant 'end of times" or "the end of the world" but it means . . . "lifting the veil" . . . IT'S TIME . . . IF YOU NEED ME . . . YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME!


Los Angeles,
We just have a different perspective

#375Author of original report

Fri, November 28, 2008



Beverly Hills,
Get help

#376Consumer Comment

Fri, November 28, 2008

I have read what you've posted and even that Myspace blog. At first I was amused but now I am really fearful for your mental health, Beatrice. The woman named Babs in that blog was the sanest of all of them and had good points, and you just ignored her as usual. You need to let all of this go. The anger is just eating you up inside and your responses to anyone who disagrees with you are just way over the top, beyond those of an emotionally healthy person. You set out to ruin Chip, then Tanila and now the owner ROR, contacting people you have no business contacting. This has nothing to do with spirituality or your supposedly higher calling. Someone who is spiritual does not call people the names you have, and does not set out to ruin people simply for not agreeing with you or playing stupid games by registering an internet domain name. Was that wrong of Chip? Yes. But your reaction is overkill. It was 4 years ago, he's not going to say anything further, so you need to let it go. You have obviously learned no spiritual lessons whatsoever and anyone who can read what you post can tell that you're obviously incredibly mentally disturbed. But please, just let this all go. Concentrate on the good, leave the bad. You anger is going to make you physically ill one of these days and it's obvious your emotional health is already affected. These people aren't out to get you. You're bringing this all on yourself using your very own words. [I'm not psychic but I'm sure I can predict your response to my post. LOL]


Los Angeles,
This is very sad but true

#377Author of original report

Fri, November 28, 2008

I got into it with Chip Coffey's blind defender Tanila Price when Kelly Ryan who was on an episode of Paranormal State. All I did was try to answer her question . . . sincerely and politely but all this woman Tanila wanted was to start a fight . . . and it got pretty bad. Tanila has posted a Ripoff Report about me calling me a racist. Now, I was so deeply shocked by this and I have tried to get Ed to remove it and he refuses. There is no claim of my ripping anyone off, yet ripoff report refuses to take it off . . . not only that but they removed the link of Chip Coffey and myself on Ripoff Report on the google search . . . which is legit since I was ripped off . . . but they have left the link where next to my name Beatrice Marot Racist, Profane. I doubt this post will be posted and it just shows that the staff at this site in biased, the site is highly questionable in its integrity and I am dealing with yet another person posing as one who helps others when in fact they hurt them instead. This is a really really hurtful thing since I am not a racist and it breaks my heart every time I see that next to my name! I love all races . . . if I chose the one I loved least . . . it would be the white one. They have caused more harm on this Earth than all other races combined. I am sorry that this site exists. I thought it was a great site but it is nothng more then a place where anyone can post anything regardless of whether it is true or not and Ed is protected by some law that clearly needs to be changed and it will be. When Chip ripped off my name it was not against the law but now it is. I spoke the truth. I would never ever hurt anyone for any reason that did not strike first. I never lie and I have never ripped anyone off . . . ever!! Ed and his staff are in charge of causing pain by allowing lies and slander to be posted and they have chosen to hate me and not protect my name and reputation. I have not lied . . . I have never spoken a word about the betrayal and pain caused to me by Chip Coffey until I saw him on Psychic Kids and I am sorry but whatever you may think of my motives . . . that is the reason. . . I wish Chip well in all his endeavors . . . but do not exploit children for profit. With all my amazing stories and all my connections with the other side . . . in the 12 years that I have had celebrated souls around me . . . I have never ever profited from this. One day, I will publish a book and I have many chapters on goddesscentral and on my blog on myspace people can read for free. When I do publish or do a show or whatever the future holds . . it will be at a time when all the family and friends of these souls are behind it. Any money I make will be shared with charities that care for children, animals and Mother Earth. I am not in this for profit. . . I just want people to connect with the love that is the spiritual world. It is right here . . . you connect with your heart and your mind. I will spend the rest of my life showing people the truth and I would do it for free if I could. In any case, I doubt this will be posted because the staff of RR is completely without any heart. I really thought this was a great site initially and I am usually right . . . but this time I was dead wrong! Although . . . perhaps I was guided here because Ed is even worse than Chip and needs to be exposed even more. I guess I have work to do. . . to expose this site for what it is. Google Ed Magedson . . . and see what you find. It is time to use my connections in the media for a higher purpose. Happy Thanksgiving!


Los Angeles,
Finally something positive

#378Author of original report

Thu, November 27, 2008

Mission Accomplished. The blog will not be posted anywhere. . . but one day it may be turned into a film . . . where for the first time in the History of Hollywood . . . a script is written by the characters themselves. lol There is no way I could have written the role of Tanila . . . I could never be THAT mean. And once again . . . please remember . . . I never ever said one word against Chip anywhere at any time on the web . . . until Psychic Kids came out. Peace and thank you all for your participation in this thread. And the best part is . . . Fametastic took down the comments I made about Billy Zane which is probably the dumbest thing I have ever done. Anger and hurt sure make us all do stupid things. . . I am no exception. Peace and love on this Thanksgiving day!


Los Angeles,
Just letting you know that the blog link

#379Author of original report

Tue, November 25, 2008

is no longer valid for the time being. . . the blog was saved and will be reposted at some point and when it does I will let you know in case you want to have a good laugh! B Peace!


Los Angeles,
My final words to Chip Coffey!

#380Author of original report

Mon, November 24, 2008

Babs, I was just taking my chihuahua for a walk . . . and Merlin the fictional character that I channel . . . wanted me to tell you, Babs to tell Chip the following. When asked about our conflict . . . tell the truth of what happened . . . not how you wish it happened but the actual truth and you know what that is Chip and so does the entire universe . . . and this will be over sooner than later. Just tell the truth. You may eat some humble pie . . . but it will taste great and you will feel a whole lot better and so will I!!!! Always, remember anyone reading this . . . the spirit world is here . . . right here always watching, always listening, just vibrating at a much higher frequency than the physical plane. Heaven is not a million miles away . . . it is right here! You cannot lie and fool anyone but yourself! The universe always knows the truth! So do the light thing . . . and tell the truth Chip Coffey and the Karmic Circle will be complete!! You will not regret it, I promise you! My heart is as big as the Grand Canyon and just as vast . . . It's a Goddess thing! The truth shall set you free!! And I am going to end this blog with the first rhyme Tupac ever channeled through me back in 2001!! Your life is a movie Do you prefer Drama or Comedy? If your script needs a rewrite I can help you see the light See who you really are So you can shine, be a star Then play your divine role To help make this planet whole. So we can be one nation under a groove Gettin down just for the funk of it!! Posted by Bea Cool on Nov 24, 2008 12:33 PM


Los Angeles,

#381Author of original report

Mon, November 24, 2008

A WOMAN NAMED KELLI RYAN HAS BEEN BATTLING MY NEMESIS CHIP COFFEY AND MERLIN AND I HAVE BEEN BATTLING THE HICKS FROM HELL . . . If the link to the blog is not included just google Kelli Ryan and Chip Coffey OK . . . mission accomplished . . . let's see what happens now! lol Body: Dear Kelli. . . Look what I just did . . . these people have no idea just how powerful I am! lmao. I just sent this to the director of development at d**k Clark Productions! . NO f**king Grannys in Moo Moos over here lol My job is done here. Much love and light to you and your community Dearest Assaf, I just had coffee this morning and met a sitcom director named Assad! He directs some episodes of The Office and I had him laughing so hard . . . he took my card. He has been directing sitcoms since the 70's. He is from Egypt . . . did you know in Egypt Priestesses were called Bees. lol Now, it is too long to explain and you will probably think . . . who is this girl? Is she completely nuts . . . but my guides asked me to send you a link . . . that would actually make you a millionaire if you chose to develop it! It's all yours baby! You know in my life there are no coincidences so Assaf and Assad has divine meaning and I am just the messenger . . . but let's do things the way God intended ok!! Lol Much love and blessings from Johnny, Elvis and me!! http://www.myspace.com/listeningheart AND REMEMBER THIS . . . Your life is a movie Do you prefer Drama or Comedy? If your script needs a rewrite I can help you see the light See who you really are So you can shine, be a star Then play your divine role To help make this planet whole. So we can be one nation under a groove Gettin down just for the funk of it!! THIS IS THE HIGH PRIESTESS IN HOLLYWOOD . . . SAYING THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE, YOUR HATE . . . IT'S ALL GREAT . . BUT LOVE IS BETTER!!


Los Angeles,
Kabol means "fullfilled wish or prayer!"

#382Author of original report

Mon, November 24, 2008

I posted the following on Kelli Ryan's blog on myspace . . . . Well, thanks Merlin . . . Merlin just told me to look up the meaning of the name Kabol and it means "fullfilled wish or prayer!" Kabol is the one that brought my attention to the blog created by Kirby Robinson and posted a link on my ripoff report. I have been battling Chip's demon whores from hell . . . One is Tanila Price and here is an example of how she relentlessly bullies . . . tanila I want everyone to note that she won't respond to the questions regarding Howard Stern, Sean Penn, or Jesse Ventura. She won't respond to why, if she is such a star herself, she would need Keen. She won't answer to the charge that the police have had to be contacted more than once to stop her harassment. Make you wonder??? Is she "all that and a bag of chips" as she likes to portray herself. Or is she simply a wanna be who is jealous of the success of others, when, with all her connections, she can't make it. Posted by tanila on Nov 23, 2008 1:10 PM [Reply to this] Bea Cool You know why it is that you are only 58 and look 80. My 84 year old mother looks younger than you. It is because you are an evil, vile, antagonistic, vicious hag. HAS IT EVER OCCURRED TO YOU THAT NOT EVERYONE IS A MEDIA w***e LIKE CHIP . . . BUT I HAVE A FEELING ALL THAT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE WHEN KIRBY ROBINSON DOES MY STORY . . . STAY TUNED FOR NEXT WEEK'S BLOG. THANK YOU FOR GOADING ME INTO GIVING MORE THAN I EVER WANTED. Here is proof . . . here is my original response to Mr. Robinson Thank you so much, I appreciate it, but I have chosen to keep my beef with Chip Coffey on Ripoffreport. com. I don't want to discuss him in other forums because then it would be consuming too much of my energy and I have no desire to deal wiht him anymore. I knew he would bury himself one day and you seem to be the one with the shovel. lol. I just wanted to have a place where if asked about it, I can just say . . . the whole sordid story is on ripoffreport. com. I thought you did a very nice blog on the fakery of the whole show. It is very amusing lol. I spoke to Kelli yesterday and it seems she is getting a settlement of some kind from A&E or so she said. I was a little perplexed about that but I wish her all the best. Thank you for your email, B AND NOW THANKS TO ALL OF YOU MEANING TAMMY, TANILA AND BABS . . . my story will be next weeks blog. Now, are you going to sit down and meditate and really reflect your actions and realize what you have just done to ruin your friend's reputation even more and yes . . . I am blaming all of you for my actions, for your endless harrassment, your snide remarks, your post of RR calling me a racist, your hypocrisy and for lying and anything else you may have done to harm others in your life! And all because I said your husband was not 100% French and called him a gorilla because of his size not his color. Good Job Tanila . . . thank you! Well, it looks like I am going to be catapulted into the paranormal stratosphere . . . and Chip Coffey's name is the reason! NOW . . . ANYONE READING THIS POST . . . THIS IS KARMA . . . AND ENERGY DOES NOT KNOW HOW MANY YEARS HAVE GONE BY. KABOL . . . YOU ARE AN ANGEL!


Los Angeles,
Kabol . . . you are an angel and here is why!

#383Author of original report

Sun, November 23, 2008

This is a post from Kelli's thread and I hope it help you see THE LAW OF KARMA at work!!! This is for Babs Hey DD, you can confirm this because I do consider you a friend and my champion however, I never knew you until you put up your page and I was sent your link by a perfect stranger on ripoff report and it started with a post from 11/14 so the fact that you whom I never met online or in person should also be Paranormal State's primary debunker is pretty amazing don't you think? Chip mocks me by saying I channel a fictional character named Merlin and Merlin does not appreciate that and neither do I. I posted my thread on August 3rd the same month as Kelli's episode. And here we are . . . I did not seek out to harm Chip . . . he harmed himself by lying about me and about what happened and now he feels that Kelli is lying . . . would that be a Karmic Boomerang? Babs I do appreciate how much you care for Chip. Like me, you are a very good friend however I only want one thing and that is for Chip to tell the truth. Not an apology . . . the truth of what he did and what possessed him to do it. It will take alot of courage but it is the right thing to do and the Karmic circle will be complete. We live the past, the present and the future all in the NOW. Time is an illusion and energy does not know what time it is. Here is the post from RR that brought me here. The poster's name is Kabol. Prepare to be amused It seems that Chip and his PRS pals are having a bit of trouble elsewhere. Chip must have a hard time sharing his spotlight with ANY psychic, and he's already bashing this PRS 'client' because she dared speak out against him and the show. http://eyeontheparanormal. blogspot. com/2008_11_01_archive. html Someone told me recently that in the early days of setting up his psychic business, Chip used to (mis)represent himself as 'the crossing over guy' so people WOULD get him mixed up with John Edwards. How funny is that!!! Submitted: 11/14/2008 10:30:51 AM Modified: 11/14/2008 10:41:09 AM Kabol North Pole, Alaska U.S.A. Ah, I think I see the problem Possibly, the post I made a while ago that never appeared contained a link. Sorry for accusing you of censorship, Beatrice. I actually JUST posted another comment with a link, and in case it doesn't show up I'll provide the info in another format. Earlier in these posts Beatrice mentioned the reality of Reality Show contracts: ***....this is a standard contract for reality shows. The contract basically forces ANYONE ON CAMERA to a confidentiality agreement that you cannot reveal the behnd the scenes b.s. of most reality shows. You cannot talk badly about the producers or the players or reveal anything whatsover to make people think it is not real. These shows are so over produced and scripted it is not even funny.*** It would appear that Chip and his PRS pals are having some problems with a recent 'client' of their 'reality' show, Paranormal State. She's evidently not bound by such a contract and is singing about the misrepresentations and fakery of the show like there's no tomorrow. This woman claims to be a psychic, too. Evidently Chip has a hard time sharing the spotlight with a few other psychics -- unless you're one who is in his 'inner circle'. Now, since I evidently can't post the link, I'll just say you'll have to google for 'Eye on the Paranormal' on blogspot and read episode 8 (among others). The blog author has stated that it can be reprinted anywhere and everywhere. It's already all over lots of websites that consider the Paranormal State show a mockery of paranormal study and/or a mockery of paranormal in general. Enjoy! Submitted: 11/14/2008 11:47:39 AM Modified: 11/14/2008 12:14:33 PM Posted by Bea Cool on Nov 22, 2008 7:33 PM [Reply to this]


Los Angeles,

#384Author of original report

Sat, November 22, 2008

Earlier in this thread my friend fellforit with whom I fell from grace . . . mentioned a myspace forum where I was running my mouth off in a yo mama kind of way. . . lol It is true people. I do believe in balance and I tend to have a perfect balance between Great Wisdom and Total Immaturity. What can I say? It works for me. However, it does not stop me from being a fabulous psychic. Now the hillbilly that calls me a racist because I said her husband could not be 100% French since he is half black put up the entire thread of my potty mouth going at it with a few mean young men. However, it reminded me of something and here it is. . . Thanks for putting this up Tanila . . . now people can see how accurate a real psychic is. Druski Bangski: you have got to listen to this radio show interview about how she thinks tupac and elvis are making music together in heaven.its on: http://goddesscentral.com/ Yes, check this out on my goddesscentral.com site It is an aussie radio show . . . from years ago where I say . . . "Tupac and Elvis wanted me to tell everyone that the next wave in music is going to be Country/Rap Rockabilly/Hiphop and I call it Rapabilly . . . " I say "Think Tupac meets Elvis" and not on this show but I would also say to people "Think Snoop Dog meets Johnny Cash" because it was Johnny Cash's voice that I would hear . . . you know how he talks really fast in some of his songs. Well, just last month in October of '08 Snoop Dog and Johnny Cash's son just put out an album of Johnny Cash's songs with a bunch of rappers. And two days after I found out about it . . . I was called by a production company and when I redialed the caller id . . . the answering service says . . . 'YOU'VE REACHED SNOOP DOG FATHERHOOD PRODUCTIONS! Tupac wants me to read for the puppies!! They are co producing the Suge Knight show with d**k Clark. Thanks for giving me that plug! My life is a trip . . . and it is a great journey filled with drama but mostly comedy!


Los Angeles,

#385Author of original report

Sat, November 22, 2008

Earlier in this thread my friend fellforit with whom I fell from grace . . . mentioned a myspace forum where I was running my mouth off in a yo mama kind of way. . . lol It is true people. I do believe in balance and I tend to have a perfect balance between Great Wisdom and Total Immaturity. What can I say? It works for me. However, it does not stop me from being a fabulous psychic. Now the hillbilly that calls me a racist because I said her husband could not be 100% French since he is half black put up the entire thread of my potty mouth going at it with a few mean young men. However, it reminded me of something and here it is. . . Thanks for putting this up Tanila . . . now people can see how accurate a real psychic is. Druski Bangski: you have got to listen to this radio show interview about how she thinks tupac and elvis are making music together in heaven.its on: http://goddesscentral.com/ Yes, check this out on my goddesscentral.com site It is an aussie radio show . . . from years ago where I say . . . "Tupac and Elvis wanted me to tell everyone that the next wave in music is going to be Country/Rap Rockabilly/Hiphop and I call it Rapabilly . . . " I say "Think Tupac meets Elvis" and not on this show but I would also say to people "Think Snoop Dog meets Johnny Cash" because it was Johnny Cash's voice that I would hear . . . you know how he talks really fast in some of his songs. Well, just last month in October of '08 Snoop Dog and Johnny Cash's son just put out an album of Johnny Cash's songs with a bunch of rappers. And two days after I found out about it . . . I was called by a production company and when I redialed the caller id . . . the answering service says . . . 'YOU'VE REACHED SNOOP DOG FATHERHOOD PRODUCTIONS! Tupac wants me to read for the puppies!! They are co producing the Suge Knight show with d**k Clark. Thanks for giving me that plug! My life is a trip . . . and it is a great journey filled with drama but mostly comedy!


Los Angeles,

#386Author of original report

Sat, November 22, 2008

I will be the first to admit that I can have a very biting tongue but I always try to be nice and polite first and if that does not work then . . . and I got it from mon Papa . . . I can really be a b***h but only WHEN PROVOKED. I have been dealing with two of Chip Coffey's FANATICS on this thread and they are so relentless that I called them hillbillies and now the fight is on and unfortuneately these champions of Chip Coffey have only made things so much worse for him. I MUST REPEAT TO THOSE WHO THINK I BASH CHIP ALL OVER THE WEB . . . THIS IS THE ONLY PUBLIC THREAD IN FOUR YEARS THAT I HAVE EVER EVER PUT UP ABOUT CHIP AND I PUT IT UP IN AUGUST, JUST THREE WEEKS BEFORE KELLI RYAN'S EPISODE. ANY ACCUSATIONS TO THE CONTRARY ARE BLATANT LIES. IT JUST TOOK FOUR YEARS FOR THE KARMIC CIRCLE TO BE COMPLETE AND AS CHIP CALLS IT THE KARMIC BOOMERANG AND IT HAS HIT HIM SQUARE IN THE HEART JUST LIKE HIS ACTIONS DID TO MINE . . . AND MY HEART WAS TRULY BROKEN. THIS RR THREAD IS NOW BEING POSTED ON A&E AND IT HAS NOTHNG TO DO WITH ME. I DO NOT HAVE AN ACCOUNT THERE AND I WILL NOT GET ONE. I REFUSE TO TAKE THIS FURTHER THAN RR BUT SADLY BECAUSE OF THESE TWO RELENTESS . . . PSYCOPATHS IT IS GOING PLACES THAT I NEVER WANTED IT TO GO. OH WELL, IT IS OUT OF MY HANDS. . . IT IS A VERY LONG THREAD BUT IF YOU WANT TO TAKE A LOOK! THIS IS ME . . . THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY . . . AND THE FUNNY! THIS IS MY PERSONALITY PERIOD AND I DO NOT SMILE IN YOUR FACE AND STAB YOU IN THE BACK . . . I AM VERY DIRECT BUT AT LEAST I AM REAL! AND I AM NOT HERE TO BE A ROLE MODEL OF SPIRITUAL VIRTUE. I AM ONE OF TH BEST PSYCHICS YOU WILL EVER SPEAK TO AND IT IS THE ONLY REASON I AM HERE AND I ONLY READ FOR PEOPLE THAT MERLIN WANTS TO TALK TO. IF I WAS HERE TO DRUM UP BUSINESS AS SOME PEOPLE THOUGHT THERE ARE ALOT OF BETTER PLACES TO DO THAT DON'T YOU THINK? I DO NOT OPERATE LIKE THAT . . . BUT IF YOU DO WANT A READING, I PROMISE YOU . . . YOU WILL BE EMPOWERED AND YOU WON'T GET RIPPED OFF! http://www.myspace.com/listeningheart This is a quote from Kelly on Kirby Robinson's blog about her episode on Paranormal State . . . "I called Chip Coffey a fraud and Chip responded with such abusive, intimidating and belittling language and demeanor in his attempt show me he was right about the abuse that I probably sublimated and that was why I couldn't remember. I told him I don't intimidate that easily and his incompetent bullying tactics would not work on me." Gee . . . what a saint, just like the fat cow Tanila! You want to know why Patrick Burns from Haunting Evidence is and will always be Aces in my book. When Chip and I went at it on myspace a while back and he took a blog I wrote and posted it on his page and proceeded to lie about everything that happened between us and gleaned alot of sympathy from his friends which at the time included Patrick . . . Patrick wrote to me denouncing my actions very harshly and I wrote back: "Well Maybe a ghost crawled up Chip's a*s and set up house . . . why don't you investigate that?" He though that was so funny . . . he took a chance on me and now I consider him a dear myspace friend. Like I said before I channel Lenny Bruce and John Belushi not Bing Crosby and Mr. Ed!!


Los Angeles,
Just an example of how fake reality shows are!

#387Author of original report

Thu, November 20, 2008

To further help anyone reading this post just how much pain it caused me to be called a racist . . . I would like to share this. If I really wanted to toot my horn and drum up business as I have been accused of . . . then I would have put it up when it happened. I will be writing the whole story of the incredible and amazing serendipity of the last few weeks . . . this latest episode of the Real Stories of the Heavenly Patrol is beyond beautiful. Now, Suge Knight is not a good man. I am actually very surprised that d**k Clark Productions would even consider doing a show with him. But for the purpose of understanding my connection with Tupac . . . since Suge was in the car the night Tupac died . . .it serves a purpose. I passed on this show too for more reasons than one. I have no desire to do a show with Suge unless it is the show Angels in Da Hood that Tupac gave me years ago . . . if Suge actually tried to redeem himself by helping the people in poor and gang infested neighborhoods. Otherwise I would never help a man who has caused so much controversy, is a felon etc . . . However, even the simplest things are set up on reality shows. Check it out! Now remember I swear to you that Tupac Shakur has been a friend in spirit since 2001. I hope this will help you to believe! ANGELS IN DA HOOD! On October 7th, I auditioned for another psychic show with d**k Clark Productions. I heard I was the one of the favorites of the producers and the casting director but once again, I passed on the show because it was not the kind of thing I felt I would be good at since it would be working with a group of healers/psychics and I am a solo artist because I have had too many conflicts with psychics in the past. However, the real reason I was there is because they are also doing a show about Suge Knight who sat in the seat I was sitting in the week prior and of course, it really validates my Tupac connection so I did a sizzle reel for that show but I walked away from that show too. Tupac wanted me to talk to Suge privately off camera with the producers present and then do the reading on camera and the producers wanted me to come in with Suge thinking I was applying for a personal assistant job and I surprise him with the fact that I am a psychic and I channel Tupac! How lame is that? So, I did what they asked and then I told the producers thank you but no thank you. I am not going to lie for any reason at any time. At least Tupac got to connect with Suge and that's a good thing and gives me even more credibility in my connection with Pac. Now, Tupac gave me an idea years ago which would be a great show called "Angels in Da Hood" where I would do Drive by Readings in my Wheels of Fortune Van with my 2 Dead Crew looking for Angels in Da Hood! Now imagine how cool it would be with Suge driving and me channeling Tupac . . . that would be truly amazing!! My guides are super cool and really like to have fun. Maybe one day Tupac's vision will happen. Until then . . . this psychic will remain famous in spirit and anonymous on Earth! Here is a little rhyme Pac gave me for the show. I'm not in this for fortune or fame I'm not here to play no game I need to make it clear I need to make it understood I'm just here lookin For Angels in Da Hood! Nicola LOVE IT! I'll definitely be watching when your Angels in Da Hood show premieres! Posted by Nicola on Nov 16, 2008 2:13 PM [Remove] [Reply to this] Miracle You are definitely funny :) You have me laughing out loud and I sooooooo needed it. Love Just Me Posted by Miracle on Nov 16, 2008 2:24 PM [Remove] [Reply to this] Bea Real Just wait until I write the entire story of the last six weeks. You will be on the floor laughing. I now can officially say that Johnny Carson aka Carnac The Magnificent is a new friend in spirit. What he did was so funny that d**k Clark himself called me on the phone!! Posted by Bea Real on Nov 16, 2008 3:51 PM [Remove] [Reply to this] A.J. Barrera - Celebrity Psychic HAHA...YOU KNOW HOW "THEY" DO IT BEA! I WOULD FO SHO CHECK IT OUT AND KEEP ME UP TO PAR WITH EVERYTHING! YOU KNOW I AM ALWAYS WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST IN WHAT YA DO! Posted by A.J. Barrera - Celebrity Psychic on Nov 16, 2008 4:00 PM [Remove] [Reply to this] Bea Real Well, now you . . . AJ are another story. You are a true light on this earth and having done your chart while at the audition and seeing exactly who you are and what you are here to accomplish, I would be honored to do any show with you. In fact, AJ and I met at d**k Clark Productions and I told the producers right in front of him that they should hire him for the show!! Posted by Bea Real on Nov 17, 2008 12:28 PM [Remove] [Reply to this] HOW MANY JEALOUS PSYCHICS DO YOU KNOW WOULD TELL PRODUCERS TO HIRE ANOTHER PSYCHIC . . . SO PLEASE DO NOT THINK FOR ONE SECOND THAT I AM A JEALOUS PERSON. ON THE CONTRARY, I LOVE TO SEE OTHERS SUCCEED IN ALL WAYS!


Los Angeles,
Well, Chip's sycophants struck even harder.

#388Author of original report

Thu, November 20, 2008

Now, is this my Karma or is this yet futher proof that Chip Coffey has a very dark and evil following. I came to the rescue of Kelli Ryan who is being targeted by Chip Coffey and his minions and now one woman in particular named Tanila from Georgia has filed a ripoff report calling me a racist . . . why RR allowed this post is beyond comprehension. I have written to them twice and I pray they take it down. I love all people and all races . . . I only despise ignorance and cruelty. You see, this is the kind of hate and slander that is Chip Coffey and his Clan of Darkness. They lie and deceive and create chaos. Now, I was legitamately ripped off four years ago . . . and when I saw Chip on TV guiding Psychic Children, I am sorry but I just could not tolerate the fact that such a person that would do what he did to me should be on TV guiding Children! But I did not want to lambast Chip all over the net either because I am not that mean. I got a little justice, a little vindication and a little satisfaction putting my story up here. Just like with fellforit . . . I tried to be really nice to this woman initially and tried to answer her questions courteously but she was just hellbent on destruction and now I have to trust in spirit that there will be a positive result from this deeply negative situation. I hate going against my word which was that all my anger and hurt would stay right here and go nowhere else, but that can no longer be. I sent Chip the following email on his private email . . . Chip, you have to be aware of something right away. Thanks to a friend of yours Tanila from Georgia . . . I now have to expose our situation in ways that I did not want to do. I wanted to leave it all on ripoffreport.com but because of Tanila's endless harassment of me on Kelli's blog . . . she leaves me no choice but to take it further. She accuses me of racism simply because I said that her husband was not 100% French due to his dark skin and now when you put my name in Google . . . it comes up with a blog she put on Ripoffreport trying to defend you and calling me a racist. You have a hell of a bizarre following Chip. She claims to be your very good friend and I told her that if she loved you that she should just stop posting. Now, you should read Kelli's blog in its entirety and stop this Tanila woman before she goes any further! Chip, you know I never did anything to hurt you EVER and you ruined my life and caused me so much pain because I thought you were my dear and sincere friend and you still refuse to own up to the absolute truth . . . you know the truth and you have to come clean or this will escalate and I will take Kirby Robinson's offer to take my story to his very large audience. I have so far declined but I warned this woman Tanila to stop and she just would not quit and now I have to go further than I ever wanted to. I am not a vindictive person but as I said . . . you left me no choice by lying about the truth of what happened between us Chip and don't deny it. You created this mess by registering my names when I did nothing but care about you and would have been so happy to share in your success. I made a promise to myself that I would just keep it on RR and now I have no choice but to take it further . . . and you will understand when you read what Tanila is writing on Kelli's blog in trying to defend you . . . she is making things a lot worse for you. Go to RR and put my name in the search and see what she wrote and I had know choice but to cut and paste our entire exchange because she does exactly what you do and that is take everything out of context and manipulating the truth. You should really tell her to stop for both our sakes . . . she is just a horrible human being. Whether you here on RR that have read my posts agree with my actions or not . . . this takes it a bit too far. Calling me a racist is just the most terrible thing you can say to me. You can call me a b***h, a psycho, a crazy person . . . but I love all races!! I love all people. I ask for any support or advice that you can give me to help me with this. Thank you!


Los Angeles,

#389Author of original report

Wed, November 19, 2008

http://www.myspace.com/PSBS_101 Above is a link provided to me by swimgirl . . . she and I have become friends because at least she appreciates my sense of humor . . . . and she is a wonderful researcher and when she decides to look into something, she is very thorough. Everyone please add yourself as a friend and enjoy!! The man who created this site has been exposing the fraud of Paranormal State for a very long time and he has a particular fondness for Chip Coffey. He is also hysterically funny and a very witty writer. He just put up this page on myspace because since the scandal with Kelli Ryan broke out . . . it seems the mediators on the paranormal state thread on A&E are doing alot of deleting these days.


Los Angeles,
I hope this helps anyone who is obsessing on a relationship by calling Keen all the time

#390Author of original report

Mon, November 17, 2008

A new client called me after a close call with Pneumonia and within two minutes of the call, I hear Merlin singing that song, I can't live . . . if living is without you" . . . so I asked her if this song meant anything to her and she was like, Oh my God Bea . . . I love that song and I was singing alot six weeks ago. And that is when you contracted an illness that could kill you. Can you grasp just how powerful the human mind and the energy behind thoughts really is from this one little hit . . . your mind is so powerful, it could kill you . . . or it could set you free. It always amazes me what Merlin will say that will just drive the point home for someone to give them the courage to change and to let go!


Los Angeles,
Uh oh . . . everyone . . . get ready for the deluge

#391Author of original report

Mon, November 17, 2008

I have a feeling that more Chip Coffey fans are going to be coming on here with guns drawn ready to assasinate my character. They are on Kelli's blog doing what they do best which is blindly defend Chip like he was the Messiah. And now Chip knows that I know all about his new scandal . . . so he has made his blog available to read by friends only. He is such a lowly coward. What do you have to hide Chip if you are so innocent . . . which you are not. It is amazing to me that these people defend Chip tooth and nail even though he would do something like ripoff my name and then commit extortion by demanding me to pay him $1500 a piece for them . . . but no I am the bad one for exposing what he did to me. I just realized something incredible this morning. Kabol whom I do not know at all outside of this thread placed the original blog by Mr. Kirby Robinson exposing Chip and Paranormal State here on this thread and not only that Kirby investigatedMiss Cleo and helped to expose her fraud. The universe has a great sense of humor . . . and justice. Thank you Merlin and thank YOU Kabol.


Los Angeles,
Uh oh . . . everyone . . . get ready for the deluge

#392Author of original report

Mon, November 17, 2008

I have a feeling that more Chip Coffey fans are going to be coming on here with guns drawn ready to assasinate my character. They are on Kelli's blog doing what they do best which is blindly defend Chip like he was the Messiah. And now Chip knows that I know all about his new scandal . . . so he has made his blog available to read by friends only. He is such a lowly coward. What do you have to hide Chip if you are so innocent . . . which you are not. It is amazing to me that these people defend Chip tooth and nail even though he would do something like ripoff my name and then commit extortion by demanding me to pay him $1500 a piece for them . . . but no I am the bad one for exposing what he did to me. I just realized something incredible this morning. Kabol whom I do not know at all outside of this thread placed the original blog by Mr. Kirby Robinson exposing Chip and Paranormal State here on this thread and not only that Kirby investigatedMiss Cleo and helped to expose her fraud. The universe has a great sense of humor . . . and justice. Thank you Merlin and thank YOU Kabol.


Los Angeles,
Uh oh . . . everyone . . . get ready for the deluge

#393Author of original report

Mon, November 17, 2008

I have a feeling that more Chip Coffey fans are going to be coming on here with guns drawn ready to assasinate my character. They are on Kelli's blog doing what they do best which is blindly defend Chip like he was the Messiah. And now Chip knows that I know all about his new scandal . . . so he has made his blog available to read by friends only. He is such a lowly coward. What do you have to hide Chip if you are so innocent . . . which you are not. It is amazing to me that these people defend Chip tooth and nail even though he would do something like ripoff my name and then commit extortion by demanding me to pay him $1500 a piece for them . . . but no I am the bad one for exposing what he did to me. I just realized something incredible this morning. Kabol whom I do not know at all outside of this thread placed the original blog by Mr. Kirby Robinson exposing Chip and Paranormal State here on this thread and not only that Kirby investigatedMiss Cleo and helped to expose her fraud. The universe has a great sense of humor . . . and justice. Thank you Merlin and thank YOU Kabol.


Los Angeles,
Uh oh . . . everyone . . . get ready for the deluge

#394Author of original report

Mon, November 17, 2008

I have a feeling that more Chip Coffey fans are going to be coming on here with guns drawn ready to assasinate my character. They are on Kelli's blog doing what they do best which is blindly defend Chip like he was the Messiah. And now Chip knows that I know all about his new scandal . . . so he has made his blog available to read by friends only. He is such a lowly coward. What do you have to hide Chip if you are so innocent . . . which you are not. It is amazing to me that these people defend Chip tooth and nail even though he would do something like ripoff my name and then commit extortion by demanding me to pay him $1500 a piece for them . . . but no I am the bad one for exposing what he did to me. I just realized something incredible this morning. Kabol whom I do not know at all outside of this thread placed the original blog by Mr. Kirby Robinson exposing Chip and Paranormal State here on this thread and not only that Kirby investigatedMiss Cleo and helped to expose her fraud. The universe has a great sense of humor . . . and justice. Thank you Merlin and thank YOU Kabol.


Los Angeles,
Bravo Swimgirl

#395Author of original report

Sun, November 16, 2008

Very well put! Thank you for your posts. You are an articulate and intelligent woman! My favorite kind!


New Haven,
You call this a "documentary"?

#396Consumer Comment

Sun, November 16, 2008

FACT - The can of beer was placed on the bed (unbeknownst to Ryan or me) by members of PRS in hopes of attracting the spirit of Bill Wells (because they had been told that he was a beer drinker) ... Ok. If Ryan Buell is the head of PRS, he is referred to as "The Director" on the show and heads up ALL investigations (he is also listed as an Executive Producer on "Paranormal State"), why would he not be told about the beer can being placed on the bed? That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. And let's pretend that it happened to be the case...hmmm...ok, perhaps the member of PRS would have been dismissed with the group for interfering with the investigation? Or maybe, once discovered, those scenes would have been left on the cutting room floor. The whole thing is so idiotic, as is the show. I actually watched the "I Am Six" episode last night. It had to have been one of the most fake and ridiculous things I have ever seen. Funny, this is also noted (and reported in the Pittsburgh Daily Gazette) on the Wikipedia entry for "Paranormal State": Story arcs are also outlined for each "character" on the show, and the production team has publicly expressed its hope that a romantic relationship will develop between Buell and one of the women on the series. The production team and the show's researchers say that no pressure is put on the research team to act in certain ways or make paranormal discoveries. That entire paragraph seems to contradict itself. Story arcs? Publicly expressing hope that Ryan Buell gets romantically involved with a female featured on the series? Yet then saying NO PRESSURE is put on the research team to do anything forced. Don't call this crap a "documentary" when its scripted. Once again, doing a disservice for controversial beliefs in the paranormal which it purports to champion. It should also be noted that, although it has not officially been announced, it is pretty much known that Chip Coffey's "Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal" has not been picked up for a second season. Another episode of "Paranormal State" featuring Coffey and a "psychic child" entitled "Lady Vampire" was NEVER aired because the father of the young girl featured in the episode took legal action against his ex-wife's blatant exploitation of their child. There will always be shameless hucksters trying to achieve some degree of fame on crap reality television, but it's pretty sick when you're getting children involved in your own narcissistic desires...I say this in regards to both the parents and Chip Coffey. And if the show has indeed, not been renewed, seems like a lot of people tend to agree.


Los Angeles,
You are not the only one investigating Chip Coffey Swimgirl

#397Author of original report

Sat, November 15, 2008

http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfmfuseaction=blog.view&friendID=415132310&blogID=445492443 Above is the link to the blog created by Kelli Ryan on myspace regarding her experience with Paranormal State and Chip Coffey. Indiana Spirit Chaser is lambasing her the way all of Chip's friends do when he is "OUTED" for being a lying scumbag. Here is a post from Jack who is clearly trying to help his friend Kelli from Chip and his cohorts in crime. This is in response to Indiana Spirit Chaser and her very mean comments. Here we go again. Another voice from The Chipper's Army of Dark Sycophants, Indiana Spirit Chaser Tammy, who reveals her ignorance with such aplomb. In my reply to her I shall continue The Chipper's format to make it easier for the handicapped to follow. Indiana Spirit Chaser Tammy you state: "Fact: Your one and only blog on this site is dated November 1, 2008. Mr. Coffey's blog was originally posted on November 6, 2008 - so whom is attacking whom here Ms. Ryan. " Well, I'm no cybergeek, but even I know that since the CP/M operating system for desktops and now laptops the date any file shows is the date of the last entry. The Chipper put his first proclamation in October 2008. Ms. Ryan responded November 1st, 2008 and then The Chipper put his UPDATE on line thus changing the date of his blog. And Tammy, questions should be followed by question marks. The rest of your comment is simply crap and I have other information to pass on. Unfortunately, I must use this space to do it because 1) if I addressed The Chipper directly in an email, he'd block me and report me to MySpace for sending him hate mail, 2) if I made a comment on his Scandal blog, he'd simply delete it and 3) if I posted my own blog he'd whine to MySpace and have my MySpace deleted for being hateful or some such nonsense. This is his process and, from what I understand, he has been deleting a lot of uncomplimentary comments lately. The Chipper has, in the past, had his Army of Dark Sycophants make rude, crude and nasty comments to others to which he has taken a dislike. This time, however, it backfired on him. Only a few of the most stupid of the Army of Dark Sycophants have followed their marching orders and attacked Ms. Ryan. Most have taken a look at the facts and either not participated or made comments on his blog or sent emails to him he didn't like. So, let me be the first to admit, I have misjudged some of you and I will make an honest not to do so again. In an earlier comment on this blog I mentioned that I have a background in investigative work (which is why I said what I said in the paragraphs above) and I have been doing a little checking up on The Chipper "Buster Brown" Coffey. Yes, The Chipper was the first Buster Brown child actor in commercials. He is also a failed soap opera actor. Despite the fabulous coaching he received, he just wasn't a good enough actor. He has been dealing with the entertainment industry most of his life. He wants to be a star. There is a string of production companies up and down the Eastern Seaboard with whom he has had dealings for years. Not to let the cat out of the bag, I'll just say that he created such enmity from his deplorable actions a book could be written. There is an old show business saying that says, "Be careful of the toes you step on today because they may be attached to the a*s you have to kiss tomorrow." The reason The Chipper hasn't been so careful is simply because of his single mindedness pursuit of fame to satisfy his ego. Fame is so important to The Chipper that he just cannot imagine Ms. Ryan could have any other motive. The only thing The Chipper wants more than fame is to trade Frank for Ryan. And Chipper, since you have been such a great psychic since you started being one in 2004, you must already know that there is a ghost named Joe sitting at your dining room table. He wants to have a little chat with you. Posted by Jack on Nov 15, 2008 12:52 PM [Reply to this] CHIP WENT FROM TRAVEL AGENT TO UBER PSYCHIC IN 2001 JACK JUST SO YOU KNOW. HE ASTRAL TRAVELS TO HELL NOW AND HANGS OUT WITH DEMONS JUST LIKE HIM. Beatrice Marot Listen to you Indiana Spirit Chaser. What kind of spirits do you chase . . . Jack Daniels or Johnny Walker? You write ABOUT JACK who is clearly defending his sweet friend Kelli whom I have never met but I support her 100% because I know from experience how fake Chip is. You write . . . "One only has to read his rebuttals to see that is you answering for him - too many of the same speech/word patterns there." That is exactly what YOU DO!!!!! Here is Chip's blog and in it he writes the following - FACT - Kelli Ryan claims that during the taping of the episode, Michelle Belanger angrily called me a "fraud." Michelle has publicly stated that she never did so. (Several others in the paranormal community tried to "jump on the bandwagon" regarding this issue in order to further malign me, but they were stopped dead in their tracks when Michelle informed them that she never uttered those words.) FACT - Kelli Ryan attests that I received info about her case from PS producers, including Eric Leven. I don't even know anyone named Eric Leven ... and neither the producers nor anyone else tells me ANYTHING about the cases prior to my arrival on location. I am provided with an airline ticket and a hotel room ... and sometimes a car. I am sequestered at the hotel until I am needed on set. I NEVER know the names of the clients or any other information about them until after I have completed my initial on-camera walk-through and assessment with Ryan. FACT - Kelli Ryan claims that during the taping of the episode, Michelle Belanger angrily called me a "fraud." Michelle has publicly stated that she never did so. (Several others in the paranormal community tried to "jump on the bandwagon" regarding this issue in order to further malign me, but they were stopped dead in their tracks when Michelle informed them that she never uttered those words.) FACT - Kelli Ryan attests that I received info about her case from PS producers, including Eric Leven. I don't even know anyone named Eric Leven ... and neither the producers nor anyone else tells me ANYTHING about the cases prior to my arrival on location. I am provided with an airline ticket and a hotel room ... and sometimes a car. I am sequestered at the hotel until I am needed on set. I NEVER know the names of the clients or any other information about them until after I have completed my initial on-camera walk-through and assessment with Ryan. FACT - The can of beer was placed on the bed (unbeknownst to Ryan or me) by members of PRS in hopes of attracting the spirit of Bill Wells (because they had been told that he was a beer drinker) ... And then INDIANA BAR HOPPER WRITES Fact: Your one and only blog on this site is dated November 1, 2008. Mr. Coffey's blog was originally posted on Novembe 6, 2008 - so whom is attacking whom here Ms. Ryan. Fact: The only other posting regarding this can be found is on site called 'GhostTheory' in which your story is actually third person by Mr. Kirby Robinson, which is dated November 4, 2008. Again, whom is attacking whom? Fact: In this article you claim your world was turned upside down by all involved. Excuse me? Did this not come into consideration when you contacted them? IT'S A TV PRODUCTION! Good Lord, I live in Indiana, but know if you contact a show like this they are most certainly not going to come in with a couple of people for camera and sound and tippy toe around your house I HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH CHIP COFFEY AND HIS LIES EVER SINCE HE BETRAYED OUR TWO YEAR FRIENDSHIP AND REGISTERED MY NAMES BEATRICEMAROT.COM AND BEATRICEMAROT.NET AND WHEN YOU PUT MY NAME IN THE URL IT TOOK YOU TO HIS WEBSITE ETERNAL CONNECTIONS. CHIP THIS IS YOUR KARMA COMING BACK TO YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME AND THE GODDESS OF KARMA IS JUST GETTING WARMED UP!! YOU GOIN DOWN DEMONBOY! Posted by Beatrice Marot on Nov 15, 2008 9:56 AM [Reply to this] Beatrice Marot Paranormal State: The MessengerEpisode 8 | Season 2 2007 - 2008 | First Aired: 8/25/2008 Synopsis: Kelli and her husband Riley are plagued by a headless apparition and often hear mysterious noises that resemble cries for help from the dark corners of their house. The PRS team calls in Chip Coffey and energy specialist Michelle to join the probe. The team ends up unraveling a theory behind the haunting that gives both Kelli and the entity a chance to move on. Eric Leven - Casting Producer WOW, CHIP DOES NOT EVEN KNOW WHO THE CASTING DIRECTOR IS ON PARANORMAL STATE FOR THAT PARTICULAR EPISODE! AMAZING . . . A GHOST MUST HAVE CASTED CHIP OR A DEMON POSSESSED HIM AND STOLE HIS MEMORY! CHIP'S KARMA FOR STEALING MY NAME MAYBE?! Here is the link! You gotta love Google! http://www.film.com/tv/paranormal-state/season-2-2007/episode-8-the-messenger/22666448


New Haven,
Why lie when people already dispute your credibility?

#398Consumer Comment

Sat, November 15, 2008

This thread triggered me into doing a couple of searches on Chip Coffey. Let's say here that Coffey's "Paranormal State" and "Psychic Kids" are both for entertainment purposes only. Mr. Coffey claims to be psychic, a medium, clairsentient, et al. All things which cannot be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. It still does not change the fact he claims to hold a Masters Degree in Counseling. Those who have inquired as to why he fails to mention the school from which he received his advanced degree have been told (by his representation) that he does not disclose it because former classmates and professors have been harassed to some degree from those inquiring about him. He also claims to have completed an undergraduate degree from Elmira College on some sites (it is listed on his IMDB). He claims his degrees have nothing to do with his work as a paranormal investigator. (Check out the Amateur Scientist for more info, if you're curious.) There has been no evidence as to him graduating from Elmira or any other college or university. Lots of people are employed in a line of work which has nothing to do with their degrees. The fact of the matter is, he is being dishonest about his academic credentials, whether or not they have any bearing on his chosen career. Of course, working so closely with young children, I'm sure many would hope he had been professionally trained in social work or counseling, lends to one's credibility, right? So why lie if it truly has nothing to do with what he does for a living? Sure, people embellish on resumes every single day, but this goes beyond sheer embellishment. Making such strong claims about his background and credentials when there appears to be no truth in these statements whatsoever, why lie at all if it really has nothing to do with his current work? People working in the paranormal/supernatural industry must realize they are going to be criticized, so why add fuel to the fire? If this man is so confident in his abilities, then why does he lie about his background and education? Even if you believe wholeheartedly in the existence of psychic mediumship and the ilk, doesn't it seem like this guy is full of crap?


Los Angeles,
Please sing to the tune of the Brady Bunch theme song. lol

#399Author of original report

Fri, November 14, 2008

Here's the story of a lovely lady Who had a ghost and called Paranormal State And she soon realized that they were phony But it was just too late And now she and Chip Coffey are going at it And who knows how long it's gonna take But I hope she can prove beyond a doubt That Paranormal State is fake! Thank you Kabol. I just found out about this latest scandal yesterday afternoon and this morning I asked Merlin to get someone to post about the case of Kelli Ryan vs Chip Coffey so I could post my little rhyme for a laugh . . . and you are the chosen one! I can always count on Merlin for a good giggle first thing in the morning. lol Now, I told ya'll, Chip Coffey will bury himself without any help from me which is why I only post here and nowhere else.


North Pole,
Ah, I think I see the problem

#400Consumer Comment

Fri, November 14, 2008

Possibly, the post I made a while ago that never appeared contained a link. Sorry for accusing you of censorship, Beatrice. I actually JUST posted another comment with a link, and in case it doesn't show up I'll provide the info in another format. Earlier in these posts Beatrice mentioned the reality of Reality Show contracts: ***....this is a standard contract for reality shows. The contract basically forces ANYONE ON CAMERA to a confidentiality agreement that you cannot reveal the behnd the scenes b.s. of most reality shows. You cannot talk badly about the producers or the players or reveal anything whatsover to make people think it is not real. These shows are so over produced and scripted it is not even funny.*** It would appear that Chip and his PRS pals are having some problems with a recent "client" of their "reality" show, Paranormal State. She's evidently not bound by such a contract and is singing about the misrepresentations and fakery of the show like there's no tomorrow. This woman claims to be a psychic, too. Evidently Chip has a hard time sharing the spotlight with a few other psychics -- unless you're one who is in his "inner circle". Now, since I evidently can't post the link, I'll just say you'll have to google for "Eye on the Paranormal" on blogspot and read episode 8 (among others). The blog author has stated that it can be reprinted anywhere and everywhere. It's already all over lots of websites that consider the Paranormal State show a mockery of paranormal study and/or a mockery of paranormal in general. Enjoy!


North Pole,
Prepare to be amused

#401Consumer Comment

Fri, November 14, 2008

It seems that Chip and his PRS pals are having a bit of trouble elsewhere. Chip must have a hard time sharing his spotlight with ANY psychic, and he's already bashing this PRS "client" because she dared speak out against him and the show. http://eyeontheparanormal.blogspot.com/2008_11_01_archive.html Someone told me recently that in the early days of setting up his psychic business, Chip used to (mis)represent himself as "the crossing over guy" so people WOULD get him mixed up with John Edwards. How funny is that!!!


Los Angeles,
And as I mentioned before lppsycho

#402Author of original report

Thu, November 13, 2008

The person who posted I was committing career suicide is Chip Coffey using the name Renegade and I know it is him without a doubt which is why when I "outed" him, he never posted again! Chip is so dumb and he said things that only Chip would know. Here is something that I never posted and was not going to but what the heck . . . right Chip? Chip Coffey called me shortly after he ripped off my name and when the reality of what he did hit him in the head like a ton of bricks . . . he called me and he was crying like a little baby begging me to forgive him. Well, no way . . . not until he tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This thread was going into a positive direction until you who clearly do know me otherwise you would not know anything about LivePerson/Kasamba unless you work for them which you most obviously do. You are a liar and a coward just like Chip. So honey . . . my guides said you should get an MRI for Morally Repugnant Individual and the Risperdal you keep hearing in your head is for you dear, not me . . . you are clearly bi-polar and schizophrenic. I mean I had to google it but you know what it's for because you have some in your medicine cabinet don't you? Now, why don't you and Chip go find some demons to run out of town or a couple of ghosts to scare the hell out of? Just walk in the room and let out a big fart . . . that should do the trick cuz you stink honey! Toxic waste comes out of your mouth as well as your . . . rotflmao


Los Angeles,
Lppsychic You are a coward and a liar

#403Author of original report

Thu, November 13, 2008

What does the Lp stand for . . . Lying Pig? Of course you will not post under your real name because cowards and liars like to stay "gray" as it is called when posting on threads with anonymous names. I was on Live Person/Kasamba and I did file all the necessary tax forms. As an independent contractor and not an employee, Live Person is not required to take out taxes. They are suppose to send me a 1099 and if I do not make more than $600 they are not even required to do that. I had not even made $600 because I had just joined near the end of the fiscal year and Live Person/Kasamba took 68% and refused to pay me what they owed me. So, naturally I would not work for such a rip off service and dishonest company and I absolutely posted my personal information and let people know how to get in touch with me until Live Person/ Kasamba who is the biggest rip off service there is took down my listing! Too bad . . . they are the ripoff, not me! And how dare you judge those who have died especially those beautiful beings who brought such joy to the masses with their song and humor and yet suffered in private. Whatever they went through on Earth that caused them to seek comfort and escape in drugs and alcohol is such a common situation with truly gifted souls. Who the hell are you to judge?? You are a cruel and horrible b**ch that's who! You obviously know nothing of the truth of what happens when we die. You are a judgemental, toxic, ignorant fool and yet another stooge of the Coffey Clan of hick psychics and hillbilly white trash! Thankyouverymuch!


Los Angeles,
I have been called a hoot before Swimgirl!

#404Author of original report

Thu, November 13, 2008

When I was on Keen, I got a call from a sista in Compton and the first thing she said was, "My name is Shaquanda but eveybody calls me Shaw . . . now WHO'S this Merln Mother F***er?" "Merlin is my main guide." "Can you ax Merlin if there's any Mother F***ers with money comin' round my way?" "Well, do you want to be in love or do you just want Mother F***ers with money?" "Well, I NEED my diamonds!" "Cuz I see Mother F***ers with money comin' round your way all day long." "Does that mean I have to give up my punani?" "Yes it does." And then she sent me a photo of herself in a bathtub with her big booty comin out da tub! When I tell this story I say, "You know how they say "Baby got back" well, this baby had a beachball wid a crack!" I wrote to her, "d**n girl, you can't be sending emails like this . . . you gonna give some Mother F***er a heart attack. Then she called to invite me to a barbecue in Compton she was having and I thanked her and pollitley explained that I was not allowed to fraternize with the clientele. The following Monday she called me and said, "Well, I had my barbecue and we had a little fire and we put it out an everythang . . . . but the fire department came out anyway and there was this fireman and he was all up in my grill!! What's he doin all up in my grill?" I said, "Well, I think he wanted to barbecue his hotdog and stick it in dem big buns o yours!!" She laughed so hard and so did I and oin my feedback she gave me five stars and wrote, "You a hoot!" I hope you do get a reading Swimgirl. I look forward to it.


Los Angeles,
I have been called a hoot before Swimgirl!

#405Author of original report

Thu, November 13, 2008

When I was on Keen, I got a call from a sista in Compton and the first thing she said was, "My name is Shaquanda but eveybody calls me Shaw . . . now WHO'S this Merln Mother F***er?" "Merlin is my main guide." "Can you ax Merlin if there's any Mother F***ers with money comin' round my way?" "Well, do you want to be in love or do you just want Mother F***ers with money?" "Well, I NEED my diamonds!" "Cuz I see Mother F***ers with money comin' round your way all day long." "Does that mean I have to give up my punani?" "Yes it does." And then she sent me a photo of herself in a bathtub with her big booty comin out da tub! When I tell this story I say, "You know how they say "Baby got back" well, this baby had a beachball wid a crack!" I wrote to her, "d**n girl, you can't be sending emails like this . . . you gonna give some Mother F***er a heart attack. Then she called to invite me to a barbecue in Compton she was having and I thanked her and pollitley explained that I was not allowed to fraternize with the clientele. The following Monday she called me and said, "Well, I had my barbecue and we had a little fire and we put it out an everythang . . . . but the fire department came out anyway and there was this fireman and he was all up in my grill!! What's he doin all up in my grill?" I said, "Well, I think he wanted to barbecue his hotdog and stick it in dem big buns o yours!!" She laughed so hard and so did I and oin my feedback she gave me five stars and wrote, "You a hoot!" I hope you do get a reading Swimgirl. I look forward to it.


Los Angeles,
I have been called a hoot before Swimgirl!

#406Author of original report

Thu, November 13, 2008

When I was on Keen, I got a call from a sista in Compton and the first thing she said was, "My name is Shaquanda but eveybody calls me Shaw . . . now WHO'S this Merln Mother F***er?" "Merlin is my main guide." "Can you ax Merlin if there's any Mother F***ers with money comin' round my way?" "Well, do you want to be in love or do you just want Mother F***ers with money?" "Well, I NEED my diamonds!" "Cuz I see Mother F***ers with money comin' round your way all day long." "Does that mean I have to give up my punani?" "Yes it does." And then she sent me a photo of herself in a bathtub with her big booty comin out da tub! When I tell this story I say, "You know how they say "Baby got back" well, this baby had a beachball wid a crack!" I wrote to her, "d**n girl, you can't be sending emails like this . . . you gonna give some Mother F***er a heart attack. Then she called to invite me to a barbecue in Compton she was having and I thanked her and pollitley explained that I was not allowed to fraternize with the clientele. The following Monday she called me and said, "Well, I had my barbecue and we had a little fire and we put it out an everythang . . . . but the fire department came out anyway and there was this fireman and he was all up in my grill!! What's he doin all up in my grill?" I said, "Well, I think he wanted to barbecue his hotdog and stick it in dem big buns o yours!!" She laughed so hard and so did I and oin my feedback she gave me five stars and wrote, "You a hoot!" I hope you do get a reading Swimgirl. I look forward to it.


Los Angeles,
I have been called a hoot before Swimgirl!

#407Author of original report

Thu, November 13, 2008

When I was on Keen, I got a call from a sista in Compton and the first thing she said was, "My name is Shaquanda but eveybody calls me Shaw . . . now WHO'S this Merln Mother F***er?" "Merlin is my main guide." "Can you ax Merlin if there's any Mother F***ers with money comin' round my way?" "Well, do you want to be in love or do you just want Mother F***ers with money?" "Well, I NEED my diamonds!" "Cuz I see Mother F***ers with money comin' round your way all day long." "Does that mean I have to give up my punani?" "Yes it does." And then she sent me a photo of herself in a bathtub with her big booty comin out da tub! When I tell this story I say, "You know how they say "Baby got back" well, this baby had a beachball wid a crack!" I wrote to her, "d**n girl, you can't be sending emails like this . . . you gonna give some Mother F***er a heart attack. Then she called to invite me to a barbecue in Compton she was having and I thanked her and pollitley explained that I was not allowed to fraternize with the clientele. The following Monday she called me and said, "Well, I had my barbecue and we had a little fire and we put it out an everythang . . . . but the fire department came out anyway and there was this fireman and he was all up in my grill!! What's he doin all up in my grill?" I said, "Well, I think he wanted to barbecue his hotdog and stick it in dem big buns o yours!!" She laughed so hard and so did I and oin my feedback she gave me five stars and wrote, "You a hoot!" I hope you do get a reading Swimgirl. I look forward to it.


New Jersey,
I Can't Believe This Thread Is Still Going!

#408Consumer Comment

Thu, November 13, 2008

I tried to post to this thread back when the fake Chip Coffey appeared on LivePerson. I had no idea who he was until that moment. But I already knew of Beatrice Marot.... Earlier this year, she decided she was signing up for LivePerson. She was removed. Why? She was posting personal contact information in her profile and complaining in her profile that the site takes out way too much for commission and taxes. She didn't have the sense to fill out a W-8 form so she could be responsible for her own taxes. She ended up removed from the site for a TOS violation. I have to agree with the person who says she is committing career suicide on this forum. After reading as much of it as I could bear, well, I can't believe how much toxic energy she puts out. All because of a slight four years ago that she should have moved on from. And she gets advice from the beyond from people who died of drug overdoses? Sorry, but I wouldn't want earthly guidance from anyone who didn't know when to stop popping pills or snorting coke. Beatrice, honey, listen to me. You are a laughing stock. You name drop all over the place and all you want is to be rich and famous. But what celebrity wants to be part of an endorsement for a psychic they may or may not have used a grand total of one time? Honey, you're lucky none of those celebrities are suing you. Forget Chip Coffey. The other people you insist on naming, well, if I was a celebrity, I wouldn't want a clinically insane woman who claims to get advice from dead drug addicts using my name. Your energy is toxic. Your mental disease is progressing. My guides, who are far from famous are telling me that you should get an MRI, so you can see that your brain chemistry isn't normal. I keep hearing the word Risperdal in my head. You might want to look into it.


New Haven,
An unbiased & educated response...

#409Consumer Comment

Thu, November 13, 2008

So Ms. Marot may engage in a little self promotion. She's from Los Angeles. :) While I doubt the work of John Edwards, Sylvia Brown, any sort of seance type of thing, too, and mainly peruse these threads for sheer amusement. And as far as criminal investigations go, I realize psychics may offer their services on such cases, or are called in, but never as a police department credited a psychic for helping solve a case. I sometimes catch those shows, and the Chip Coffey ones, but the skeptic in me always has doubts. And while these shows may make for interesting television, many fail to mention the flip side, such as the controversies of the existence of "indigo children", or actual proof for hauntings, et al. But when it comes down to it, I haven't seen anyone come on here and call Ms. Marot a scam or a "rip off." What I have seen are numerous threads of people comparing readings received on LivePerson and Keen. Why anyone in their right mind would pay over say, $3/minute for a phone psychic reading is beyond me...especially from "psychics" using stock photography and false names. Wouldn't you look for a psychic with a realistic photo and an actual name, Google them, and then decide whether or not you want a reading with them? People may laugh at psychics and I think it definitely takes a certain type of person to make a living at it. I have a few friends who do it, and they are genuine and talented. But they prefer to call themselves "intuitives" quite often. And a lot of psychics are quirky. Quirky. Maybe it really has to do with being more sensitive than other individuals more than anything else? Who knows. I think getting a psychic reading is often like getting an outside opinion, or should be considered as such. I also think more people get readings, from every walk of life, every education level, et al, than would ever admit. I guess it comes down to whether or not you want to get something out of it. But if you read recent reports in such publications as Wired and the WSJ, you will see that psychics have seen their business picking up in these uncertain financial times. Hmmm....must just not be all the imbalanced types out there calling for advice, ya think? While I think there are more frauds than actual "psychics" out there, I do believe there is some truth in ESP. Hell, the government spent over 20 years studying remote viewing in an effort to use these techniques in the hopes of winning the cold war. Anyway, Ms. Marot may enjoy sharing stories from her work, but I don't think she is a malicious person after reading more of this thread. I posted a comment earlier on and she answered with a humorous reply. I think if she were truly "nuts", she would have completely bashed my opinion. She did not. Perhaps she is just having fun on here? Why not? Some of the stuff that gets posted on this site is truly and utterly BIZARRE. I think I may even call her for a reading, out of sheer curiosity. She seems like she would be a hoot. She's obviously made a living out of it and whether or not she is infamous in certain circles, I haven't found anything about her being a crap reader. I think someone called her out for being expensive, but Keen / LivePerson readers do not give you a flat rate. $50 or $100 for a half hour is actually quite a bit cheaper than all the "top-rated experts" on those sites. If you're trying to find a reputable psychic, check out new age bookstores around your area or try to find ones on the internet who promote themselves with their OWN names. And stay away from the gypsy places with the alluring neon signs. Calling psychics can be fun, but don't let it rule your life. Calling multiple readers on Keen and the ilk? If you insist on doing it at home, or through an actual website where you can reach multiple psychics, try one that LIMITS the deposits a person can make per month or has the same per minute rate for every reader. And no, I don't work anywhere, nor am I a psychic. I just find this stuff fun to read about. Sometimes, I do get readings, too. And most "real psychics" suggest you only call 2-3 times a year, unless there are extenuating circumstances. These are the people most likely to believe in their "gift" and the ability to help you. Ones who will take your calls every time? Well, that just reeks of wanting your money. If you're calling the same person every night or several times a week, you just have to stop. And stop "psychic shopping" to try and find one who tells you what you want to hear, because I think that's really what all the multiple calls comes down to. If Keen or LivePerson wanted any respectability, they would set parameters for their "independent contractors" to work in. Eliminate false photos, force at least the use of realistic-sounding names (don't allow crap like "Reunites Lovers Fast" and that sort of nonsense), maybe set price per minute limits and restrictions on monthly deposits. You're basically calling a bunch of Miss Cleos when you call these places if you're not looking carefully.


New Haven,
An unbiased & educated response...

#410Consumer Comment

Thu, November 13, 2008

So Ms. Marot may engage in a little self promotion. She's from Los Angeles. :) While I doubt the work of John Edwards, Sylvia Brown, any sort of seance type of thing, too, and mainly peruse these threads for sheer amusement. And as far as criminal investigations go, I realize psychics may offer their services on such cases, or are called in, but never as a police department credited a psychic for helping solve a case. I sometimes catch those shows, and the Chip Coffey ones, but the skeptic in me always has doubts. And while these shows may make for interesting television, many fail to mention the flip side, such as the controversies of the existence of "indigo children", or actual proof for hauntings, et al. But when it comes down to it, I haven't seen anyone come on here and call Ms. Marot a scam or a "rip off." What I have seen are numerous threads of people comparing readings received on LivePerson and Keen. Why anyone in their right mind would pay over say, $3/minute for a phone psychic reading is beyond me...especially from "psychics" using stock photography and false names. Wouldn't you look for a psychic with a realistic photo and an actual name, Google them, and then decide whether or not you want a reading with them? People may laugh at psychics and I think it definitely takes a certain type of person to make a living at it. I have a few friends who do it, and they are genuine and talented. But they prefer to call themselves "intuitives" quite often. And a lot of psychics are quirky. Quirky. Maybe it really has to do with being more sensitive than other individuals more than anything else? Who knows. I think getting a psychic reading is often like getting an outside opinion, or should be considered as such. I also think more people get readings, from every walk of life, every education level, et al, than would ever admit. I guess it comes down to whether or not you want to get something out of it. But if you read recent reports in such publications as Wired and the WSJ, you will see that psychics have seen their business picking up in these uncertain financial times. Hmmm....must just not be all the imbalanced types out there calling for advice, ya think? While I think there are more frauds than actual "psychics" out there, I do believe there is some truth in ESP. Hell, the government spent over 20 years studying remote viewing in an effort to use these techniques in the hopes of winning the cold war. Anyway, Ms. Marot may enjoy sharing stories from her work, but I don't think she is a malicious person after reading more of this thread. I posted a comment earlier on and she answered with a humorous reply. I think if she were truly "nuts", she would have completely bashed my opinion. She did not. Perhaps she is just having fun on here? Why not? Some of the stuff that gets posted on this site is truly and utterly BIZARRE. I think I may even call her for a reading, out of sheer curiosity. She seems like she would be a hoot. She's obviously made a living out of it and whether or not she is infamous in certain circles, I haven't found anything about her being a crap reader. I think someone called her out for being expensive, but Keen / LivePerson readers do not give you a flat rate. $50 or $100 for a half hour is actually quite a bit cheaper than all the "top-rated experts" on those sites. If you're trying to find a reputable psychic, check out new age bookstores around your area or try to find ones on the internet who promote themselves with their OWN names. And stay away from the gypsy places with the alluring neon signs. Calling psychics can be fun, but don't let it rule your life. Calling multiple readers on Keen and the ilk? If you insist on doing it at home, or through an actual website where you can reach multiple psychics, try one that LIMITS the deposits a person can make per month or has the same per minute rate for every reader. And no, I don't work anywhere, nor am I a psychic. I just find this stuff fun to read about. Sometimes, I do get readings, too. And most "real psychics" suggest you only call 2-3 times a year, unless there are extenuating circumstances. These are the people most likely to believe in their "gift" and the ability to help you. Ones who will take your calls every time? Well, that just reeks of wanting your money. If you're calling the same person every night or several times a week, you just have to stop. And stop "psychic shopping" to try and find one who tells you what you want to hear, because I think that's really what all the multiple calls comes down to. If Keen or LivePerson wanted any respectability, they would set parameters for their "independent contractors" to work in. Eliminate false photos, force at least the use of realistic-sounding names (don't allow crap like "Reunites Lovers Fast" and that sort of nonsense), maybe set price per minute limits and restrictions on monthly deposits. You're basically calling a bunch of Miss Cleos when you call these places if you're not looking carefully.


Los Angeles,
Tupac is in da house!

#411Author of original report

Wed, November 12, 2008

I cannot get into details at this time but starting October 7th the most amazing divine guidance and synchronicity has occurred that culminated not only in d**k Clark calling me personally on the phone because of a message that came to me from Johnny Carson in spirit THE DAY BEFORE MY INTERVIEW with d**k Clark Productions . .. but I also read for Suge Knight on Sunday November 9th which is a very wonderful validation that Tupac is in fact one of my buddies in spirit. I sometimes have to pinch myself because these beings in spirit just blow me away with the lengths they will go through to connect with their loved ones! The veil between worlds is lifting and I seem to be right in the middle of this wonderful evolution of consciousness. I dig it! On a more somber note, I also spoke to a woman yesterday who was at the funeral of Shakir Stewart president of Def Jam Records who sadly took his own life a few days ago. Having it all means nothing without love in your heart and peace in your mind! Blessings to all!


Los Angeles,
Thanx Antoinette

#412Author of original report

Fri, November 07, 2008

I appreciate anyone who speaks with kindness and shares their opinions and thoughts without judgement. I can assure you I have moved on. Chip Coffey who also posted here under the name of Renegade is no longer an issue for me in the least. I am happily moving on and I am also being considered for some upcoming TV shows. I have had three auditions in one week. My guides really want me to take things to the next level however, I do like my solitude and there is alot more to being involved in a TV show then just shooting the episodes. However, the adventure has been hysterical. In my life, all of these opportunities come to me though my famous friends in spirit who never ever stop guiding me to their dearest friends on Earth. This month has been the most prolific ever in the 12 years this has been happening!!!!!


New York,
Reagrding Beatrice With Chip Coffey

#413Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 04, 2008

I too have worked on Keen.com and will never work their again. I feel that the company itself is out for itself and not their clients and workers. But thats another story some other time. To Beatrice I have had a reading with chip on numerous times when he first began in " 2001" on keen and some years later. I thought he was good ( professional nice funny etc.). I'm actually impressed that he is now, on these " psychic shows".I'm really happy for him and his business. I began my career as a psychic on keen and now, I continue to work independly on my own and I'm quite satisfied. I really wanted to give you my opinon about this on going battle with you and Chip.I really do feel the emotional up heave from your point of view. I understand the pain and hurtfulness you have encountered from this past " friendship" .But unfortunately I think as a Psychic to another Psychic this negative , grudge you are holding is not good for you! I really think you must move on! I don't think Chip Coffey will say more then he already has. I think you should leave bygones to bygones. Life is to short!


Los Angeles,
One more thing . . .

#414Author of original report

Wed, October 22, 2008

Brian and Karen are still together and the proud parents of a beautiful little girl!!


Los Angeles,

#415Author of original report

Tue, October 21, 2008

REMEMBER THE SPARKLE I met Karen while working at a store in Malibu. She came to see me for a reading. The first thing I said to Karen was, "They're going to miss you at your job when you're gone." "But, I'm not going anywhere." "Well . . . they're going to miss you when you're gone because I'm seeing you traveling all over Europe with a new job." "No, I'm going to Cape Cod for the week-end." "Well, I'm still seeing you traveling all over Europe with a new job. Now Karen, I don't want to scare you but I'm getting that you are going to suffer a great loss and that it's this loss that precedes all these changes. But, I'm sorry I don't know what this loss is. I really don't want to frighten you or anything, but that's what I'm getting." A few weeks later I saw Karen again at a pool party in Malibu. She greeted me warmly and then I was very shocked and saddened when she said, "Bea, remember you told me that I was going to go through a very big loss." "Yes." "Well, a week after our reading my brother committed suicide." "Oh Karen, I'm so sorry. Let me do a reading for you right now." I spread the cards on the table. "First of all, I'm getting that you are going to move." "No, I have no plans to move." "Listen Karen, I really want to be able to focus on you because this is a very serious issue and this party environment is not the best place to focus. I would like to gift you a full session with me. Can you come over to my house? I would also like to guide you on a meditation and maybe your bother will show up in your vision." Karen came to my home the following day. I spent several hours with her and it was a truly special experience. Suicide is not an easy subject to understand. I have felt the desire myself on many occasions in my life. It is very hard to deal with pain, especially for highly sensitive people. I would like people to get a new perspective on this "last resort" and understand that when someone makes that choice they do not go straight to hell. On the contrary they go to heaven, get a new plan together and eventually come back. You really do have to create heaven on earth before permanently moving beyond the cycles of death and rebirth to reside in a permanent state of heavenly bliss and oneness with all that is. That state of bliss can be achieved here and now. I want to share a very interesting part of Karen's guided meditation. My desire is to show you that there is a place of knowing within us that is beyond our limited mind. This is what she described she saw in her vision. "I see a cave with a wide opening. I can't see very well because it's dark, but there is fresh air. It's not scary. Inside there is a glow, a golden ball. It's starting to grow. It's casting light all around. There is a design, a pretty pattern with diamonds and lots of geometric shapes and circles in gold leaf. It's very bright and cheerful. I see a woman in a white flowing robe. Her hair continuously changes from brown to silver. Her name is Jill. She holds a book in her hands, a book with stories in it. It's old. It's ancient. She says it's a key to my past. She says "Romulus." She wants me to know it's not going to happen again. She gives me a red cloth made of silk. It has a design of Olive tree branches on it. Yes, it's Olive tree branches. She wants me to know that I can come back if I need to and to remember the golden light. She says that I don't have to hide anymore." I could barely keep still I was so excited by what I had just heard. When we finished the first thing I asked was "Karen, do you know who Romulus was?" "No." "You have no idea who Romulus was?" "No." "Remus and Romulus." "No Bea. I have no idea." "Karen, Romulus was the founder of Rome. Remus and Romulus were brothers and the story goes that wolves raised them and as adults Romulus eventually killed his brother then founded Rome. Just like Cain and Abel and it's been brother against brother ever since. So the Goddess said, "Romulus, it's not going to happen again." To me this means the imbalance caused by male domination of the female all over the world in these patriarchal times is coming to an end. The global state of constant violence and war we've experienced for thousands of years is coming to an end and it's not going to happen again. The balance of male and female needs to be understood to bring peace to the planet. I teach about the Ancient Goddess and what you saw is an amazing vision of the Goddess and many of her symbols. The cave is a symbol of your heart and the golden light revealed diamond shapes and diamond literally means "World Goddess." Circles are a symbol of wholeness. In this case the wholeness which is found within your heart. Then a Goddess woman appeared and she said "My name is Jill" and Jill means "innocent" because the Goddess is innocent however she has been demonized by religions and is guilty of bringing sin into the world in the form of Eve. I always say "Take the L off of Evil and you have Eve and take the L off of devil and you have Devi which means Goddess. Jill's hair turns from brown to gray symbolizing the "Triple Goddess -Virgin, Mother and Crone which represent the cycles of life, the beginning, the middle and the end as well as the phases of the moon. The new moon, the full moon and the waning moon. Next she gives you an ancient book and a red silk scarf with Olive tree branches. The ancient book means she wants you to learn and communicate ancient wisdom in some way, perhaps even write about it. Red which is the color of life blood and the first feminine chakra and the scarf is also indicative of communication. Olive tree branches are a Greco-Roman symbol which represents "The Peace of the Goddess." Clearly, you were a Roman Priestess because she says the book is a key to your past, but women like us were persecuted which is why you hide in this life. I hide too believe me. In fact, I hardly ever leave my house." Karen was a bit taken aback that what she saw had so much meaning. "Wow Bea, that's pretty amazing." "Well, so are you. Now you did see your brother and let me read back what you saw." "I go up the path of clouds. I see my brother Mark. He keeps saying "Karen, you're awesome. Don't be scared. It's all good." He's so happy. He looks so young and so much better. He takes me to a white beach with really clear blue green water and cliffs near by. Mark wants me to take some time. He says, "Let the water wash over you and let the sun warm you and let the shade protect you." He says, "Go inside, so you can come out. Go inside yourself." He wants me to write his story. Mark wants me to remember the sparkle, what it meant . . . the sparkle in his eye." Shortly after this session Karen left her job as manager of a restaurant and got a new job which took her traveling all over Europe, then she moved to Poland to oversee the building of a multiplex movie theatre. One morning in December of '99, I was just awakening and I heard someone say "Beatrice, remember me, Sparkle, sparkle in my eye." Telepathically I said, "Yes, you're Karen's brother. How can I help you?" "Can you please tell my sister it's O.K. for her to come back to Los Angeles." "Yea sure, no problem." I got a call from Karen the following day. Before she could say a word I said to her, "Karen, your brother came to me yesterday and asked me to tell you that it was O.K. for you to come back to Los Angeles." "Bea, that's so weird because I called you yesterday to ask you just that question and your voicemail picked up and I hung up, but that's why I'm calling you." "Well, I just answered your question. Your bro sends his love and says, "Come on home sista!" I heard him loud and clear. He said "Remember me, Sparkle, Sparkle in my eye." Karen said, "Oh my God Bea! That was his nickname. That's what we used to call him, Sparkle." "That's funny. I gave myself that name when I was in Junior High. I called myself Sparkle." When Karen came back from Poland she did a second session with me. This time I said in the reading, "Karen, I see you meeting a cinematographer and I don't usually get job descriptions but that is what I'm getting. You are going to meet a cinematographer." I guided Karen on a second meditation and her brother showed up again and this time he just said, "Play on the computer." Karen started dating through a computer singles service where she met Brian. Brian is a cinematographer and the shows he shoots for include, "It's A Miracle" and "Beyond Chance!"


Los Angeles,
people with a heart love my stories

#416Author of original report

Tue, October 21, 2008

And since yours is dark as night fellforit. . . it is easy to understand your disdain. This is what people with a loving heart who are just myspace friends feel. Again, any negative energy your send my way, I will simply send it back to you. Choke on it! I LOVE to hear stories like this! I too am drawn to healing, and there have been a few occassions when I've been 'led' to share some positive energy with people. The results have been gratifying, but certainly nothing as dramatic as your experiences. WONDERFUL! Thanks for sharing! Posted by Cathy on Jan 6, 2008 5:19 PM This is wonderful Bea thank you for sharing... love, viv Posted by DREAM ANGEL on Jan 6, 2008 11:16 AM ^i^ let me know when you're goin on oprah :D you're awesome bea!!! love, ~i Posted by ^i^ on Jan 6, 2008 12:13 PM WOW!!! This was so empowering! You are so wonderful Bea!!! Thank you for sharing this incredible experience with us. It brought me to joyful tears for Lito. What a GREAT GIFT you are to all you touch. Posted by CUATALOCA on Jan 6, 2008 12:14 PM This gave me goosebumps..but then, all your stuff does. ; ) Posted by OMG..it's Kimberly.. on Aug 14, 2007 8:04 PM Miracle I thank God often that I was able to get accurate insight like Karen did from you. Blessings to you always for sharing your gift with us. Posted by Miracle on Aug 15, 2007 10:59 AM Chills all over.. Beautiful... Touching... Powerful.. just Amazing! ;-) I can't wait to see movies made from these incredible journeys! Blessings to you Bea for shining your light so brightly... You're an awesome healer! Hugs, JW Posted by JW on Aug 15, 2007 1:04 PM Bea, you are an amazing storyteller, Priestess, and Goddess~ Much Love to you, xoxoxo Posted by Little Star on Aug 15, 2007 9:57 PM Greetings of gladness, Sister Goddess! I am so glad you have chosen to share your experiences here where so many people can find them. Shanti! ~A~ Posted by Adrienne on Sep 7, 2007 11:33 AM


Los Angeles,
Oh no, I got it exactly right

#417Author of original report

Tue, October 21, 2008

You are a loser fellforit. A pathetic poor excuse of a human being and I just got under your skin because I know I am right. I don't need confirmation from you that is for sure. Honesty is not one of your attributes anyway. Your opinion is inconsequential. You are ugly inside and out. I would much rather be insane and beautiful . . . and I am . . . inside and out.


Beverly Hills,
Oh and for the record

#418Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

You're not a very good psychic. Got it all wrong, honey. You are speculating based on my words in the other thread, but you have no idea what happened or will happen in my personal life. Glad I didn't spend any money for that reading. LOL


Beverly Hills,
You're insane

#419Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

I'm calling BS like I see it and that has nothing to do with my ex, you freaking nutbar. LOL It is impossible to get anything through your thick head. If you were really in communication with spirit, you'd be humbled, not having a gigantic ego. Your agenda is not to warn others about Chip Coffey, it's to blow your own horn, make up little stories, and feed your narcissism.


Beverly Hills,
You're insane

#420Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

I'm calling BS like I see it and that has nothing to do with my ex, you freaking nutbar. LOL It is impossible to get anything through your thick head. If you were really in communication with spirit, you'd be humbled, not having a gigantic ego. Your agenda is not to warn others about Chip Coffey, it's to blow your own horn, make up little stories, and feed your narcissism.


Beverly Hills,
You're insane

#421Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

I'm calling BS like I see it and that has nothing to do with my ex, you freaking nutbar. LOL It is impossible to get anything through your thick head. If you were really in communication with spirit, you'd be humbled, not having a gigantic ego. Your agenda is not to warn others about Chip Coffey, it's to blow your own horn, make up little stories, and feed your narcissism.


Beverly Hills,
You're insane

#422Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

I'm calling BS like I see it and that has nothing to do with my ex, you freaking nutbar. LOL It is impossible to get anything through your thick head. If you were really in communication with spirit, you'd be humbled, not having a gigantic ego. Your agenda is not to warn others about Chip Coffey, it's to blow your own horn, make up little stories, and feed your narcissism.


Los Angeles,
Neutralizing negative energy

#423Author of original report

Tue, October 21, 2008

like I said earlier, I will post one of my genuine keen feedbacks, anytime anyone says something mean. Here are two for good measure. Fellforit is darkness personified. Let the light shine down! 5/16/2003 - waterspath This woman is a wonderful gift. She has been very accurate with me and my situations. I highly reccommend her to anyone who is ready to grow and move forward. She is touched with spirit and is very gentle in her manner. In all the ways, I thank her and her guides for bringing light here to keen . . . 5/16/2003 Constans Beatrice is exceptional ~ she taps right into things before I have even said what is on my mind ~ she is always forthcoming with what she sees and also I was amazed at things that she could not have possibly known! God Bless! Love, K


Los Angeles,
Take your broken heart fellforit

#424Author of original report

Tue, October 21, 2008

and hurt the man who dumped you . . . not someone who did nothing to harm you whatsoever. In fact, I liked you initially (just like your ex did) and now I think you are nasty piece of work . . . just like your ex does and that is why Jesus himself could not bring him back to you. Please read all your posts and know that is the main reason he dumped you. It is the way you talk and act that he got sick of. It is the fact you think you are so much better than everyone and you're not. You are a mean spirited woman. I initially thought you were a lovely woman . . . just like Chip. I thought he was a lovely woman too! lol You and Chip would get along great no doubt. You are not a good person as you claim at all and your heart is dark . . . you prove it over and over on this thread. You thrive on BS it seems. You just keep calling Keen psychics, the latest being Ravenstar and you waste your money and keep believing the BS they feed you. Allow me to give you the free reading I mentioned a while back. (Clears throat and sighs) Your EX is never and I mean NEVER coming back. He is very very, no . . . EXTREMELY happy without you and all your BS Let him find a genuinely loving woman (I think he already has) who is not so condescending and just, you know, such a total . . . rhymes with ditch. And as for you, become a celibate and save all men from your petty meanness. Fellforit, you don't have to read my thread, but you are obsessive in all you do and you just have to have a go at me again and again. . . and please and I said please . . . don't tell me what to do ever again . . . you repetitive bleep, bleep, bleep!!!! I heard you the first time, now bugger off as we say in England!


Beverly Hills,
Nothing but BS

#425Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

Take this BS and put it in a blog on your own website where people who want to read your narcissistic blathering drivel can do so. It has nothing to do with Chip Coffey or Keen or Ripoff Report and does not belong here.


Beverly Hills,
Nothing but BS

#426Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

Take this BS and put it in a blog on your own website where people who want to read your narcissistic blathering drivel can do so. It has nothing to do with Chip Coffey or Keen or Ripoff Report and does not belong here.


Beverly Hills,
Nothing but BS

#427Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

Take this BS and put it in a blog on your own website where people who want to read your narcissistic blathering drivel can do so. It has nothing to do with Chip Coffey or Keen or Ripoff Report and does not belong here.


Beverly Hills,
Nothing but BS

#428Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

Take this BS and put it in a blog on your own website where people who want to read your narcissistic blathering drivel can do so. It has nothing to do with Chip Coffey or Keen or Ripoff Report and does not belong here.


Los Angeles,
I posted this on Alex's thread

#429Author of original report

Mon, October 20, 2008

And I thought it would be a good idea to post it on mine too. It's good for a laugh! America's Psychic Challenge! I was reading through this thread again and I must say it is very entertaining and interesting reading everyone's experiences. Someone wrote about "America's Psychic Challenge." I was asked to be on that show and I declined. It is a pretty funny story that I would like to share. When the Casting Director explained the show to me, I told her, "But this show really has nothing to do with being psychic. I mean, you could take 8 people off the street and you would get the same results because this is a guessing game. I don't know who is behind the green door, who is in the trunk of a car and I cannot tell you what cave Osama Bin Laden is hiding in." Then I explained to her what I do and how often when I get "hits" I don't even know I am getting them until the person tells me so and I gave her an example. "I was at a bridal shower once and it was all women and only one man and everyone was asking everyone else, "What sign are you? What sign are you?" The man said, "I am a Scorpio." I asked him, "When is your birthday?" "November 8th." And I said, "Well, in Vedic Astrology, you are actually a Libra and you look like a Libra to me. . . your features are very symetrical, you know . . . just like Audrey Hepburn." He looked really surprised and asked my friend and hostess Ruta, "Did you tell her?" Ruta laughed and said, "I didn't tell her anything!!" "Tell me what?" And Ruta said, "Bea, he just sold his first script to Dreamworks and it's called, "Why can I be Audrey Hepburn?" "And that man is now the creator of Nip/Tuck . . . Ryan Murphy." And the Casting Director said, "I know Ryan Murphy, I was the Casting Director on Nip/Tuck!" "Well, you see of all the stories I could have picked, I picked that one and it has a direct connection to you. That is what a real psychic with real spirit guides can do." I did not do the show but when I saw the first episode, I knew Michelle Whitedove would win it . . . and not so much because she was a great psychic but because she owned it and made a decision to win it and I could feel it . . . and she won. Another psychic on that show that I used to be friendly with at one time and I do not want to name her out of kindness but she called me to tell me she was going to do the show and I told her, "Don't do it, you're just going to make a fool out of yourself." Her response was, "I don't care . . . any publicity is good publicity." "Not in our line of work." I said. She did it . . . she made a fool out of herself and she was booted off the second episode and she blamed the producers claiming the cast was not fed and they were in the searing heat with no food or water in the desert for 11 hours." Yea right! Lie to someone who is not a genuine psychic. Maybe they will believe that hunk of baloney. Make a sandwich while you're at it. lol Now for all the people talking crap about my being on here to "drum up busines" . . . and "shameless promotion" . . . I said it before and I will say it again, "Being on television would do it and I always say NO!!!" That may change soon! Johnny Carson and Tupac Shakur in spirit are trying to hook me up with their good friends, Suge Knight and d**k Clark on Earth . . . now, that is a show I would do since it is my idea . . . and Tupac's. lmao The High Priestess in Hollywood signing off . . . for now.


Los Angeles,
Thanks so much for all your support

#430Author of original report

Sun, October 19, 2008

I just want to take a moment to thank all of the wonderful people who have emailed me with love and support, compassion and understanding!! I really appreciate it. I am very glad that I shared my story on this site. Thank you and whether you agree with me or not, thank you for taking the time to read and have a great ~~Holiday Season~~ May all your dreams come true in the New Year and always. . .


Los Angeles,
Thanks so much for all your support

#431Author of original report

Sun, October 19, 2008

I just want to take a moment to thank all of the wonderful people who have emailed me with love and support, compassion and understanding!! I really appreciate it. I am very glad that I shared my story on this site. Thank you and whether you agree with me or not, thank you for taking the time to read and have a great ~~Holiday Season~~ May all your dreams come true in the New Year and always. . .


Los Angeles,
Thanks so much for all your support

#432Author of original report

Sun, October 19, 2008

I just want to take a moment to thank all of the wonderful people who have emailed me with love and support, compassion and understanding!! I really appreciate it. I am very glad that I shared my story on this site. Thank you and whether you agree with me or not, thank you for taking the time to read and have a great ~~Holiday Season~~ May all your dreams come true in the New Year and always. . .


Los Angeles,
Thanks so much for all your support

#433Author of original report

Sun, October 19, 2008

I just want to take a moment to thank all of the wonderful people who have emailed me with love and support, compassion and understanding!! I really appreciate it. I am very glad that I shared my story on this site. Thank you and whether you agree with me or not, thank you for taking the time to read and have a great ~~Holiday Season~~ May all your dreams come true in the New Year and always. . .


Los Angeles,
Now remember people like Karen

#434Author of original report

Mon, October 13, 2008

Anytime you say something mean to me, I am simply going to neutralize that energy to a flat line by posting something that someone who actually connected with me on a personal level on Keen wrote on their feedback such as on 5/17/2003 RhiannonRRS wrote: Beatrice has the true gift of caring and love, combined with acute insight. She has the unique ability to make your day, whether it's solving small or large problems or reaching out to hear messages from our loved ones who have passed over to the other side. If we could put an infinite amount of stars in front of her name, that would surmise my recommendation to most certainly give her a call.


Los Angeles,
One thing is for sure

#435Author of original report

Mon, October 13, 2008

This story needed to be told, but I want to repeat (for Chip's sake)that this is where it stays. If and when my light shines in the public domain and if and when I do decide to publish my book, this story will NOT be in it. If someone wants to know "What happened with you and Chip Coffey?" My answer will be, "It's all on Ripoff Report!" I do not want to discuss this in any other public domain. And if Chip is smart he will just let it be and not even try to pursue legal action because I will counter sue and the emotional damage he caused me is real and ongoing. My book has only one purpose and that is to show people the truth of what happens when we cross over. The truth of reincarnation and how and why we choose the lives we live. The truth of what happened to ancient matriarchal societies and the wise women that ruled there. The famous souls helping me from spirit know exactly what my purpose is. Now, being that I am a conscious being and I do think about the feelings of others, not just my own . . . what holds me back from publishing my book is the loved ones of those famous souls that connect with me from spirit. It is their loved ones that I think about. I have had the spirits of John Belushi, Lenny Bruce, Elvis, Tupac, John Lennon, John Huston, Sam Peckinpah, Marvin Worth and many others . . . the latest being Johnny Carson (who showed up the day before my interview with d**k Clark Productions - d**k was his good friend) and that is the truth. My stories are so detailed and ongoing and have been going on for 12 years, ever since I read for Robert De Niro. I am here for one reason only like so many true light beings in human form and that is for Mother Earth and that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth . . . so help me Goddess! Mother Earth is and will continue to drown her children in her own tears until we wake up . . . or die. Mother Earth will remain, humanity as you know it will not. I have come through the ages I have lived with the sages I have traveled through corridors of time To teach you the knowledge divine Come here, Come closer I have a confession Priestess is the world's oldest profession!


Los Angeles,
I did not censor you Kabol

#436Author of original report

Mon, October 13, 2008

Only ripoffreport can choose not to post something if it goes against their terms. Or it could have been a technical issue. I welcome all opinions, thoughts and suggestions. I don't mind constructive criticism either; however I do mind trash talking accusations with no merit or basis in truth. Everything I have posted about MY EXPERIENCE with Chip Coffey is true. Everything he has posted is a lie. That is the difference between me and Chip. I would never in a million years do to another human being what Chip did to me. I believe, I have said all I need to say on this matter. Now, if crazed Chip fans write down any more disparaging remarks I will counter balance it with one of my glowing feedbacks from Keen. Chip also wrote in his pack of lies another huge lie when he wrote, She also wrote scathing E-mails to Keen clients who did not provide her with the glowing feedback she felt she deserved after providing psychic readings to those clients. That never happened. I have three months (forty pages) worth of just beautiful and wonderful feedback and that is all I ever got unless once in a blue moon, I said something someone did not want to hear but that was rare. I was always very gentle and caring with every single client. When, I first put my blog up on myspace and Chip found out about it, all of a sudden, within a couple of hours, a guy that DID WRITE a negative feedback to which I wrote him something about what he could do in three minutes. This person shows up on Chip's blog on myspace, saying he got wind of what was happening between Chip and I and he created an account on myspace using a skeleton head for a picture. Now, give me a break, what three minute free caller from six years ago is going to hear about this conflict with Chip on myspace withng a couple of hours of it starting and post my exact words that he apparently kept as a souvenir. I knew he was a plant then and now I know he was Chip or one of Chip's friends.


North Pole,
Hmmmm, Why censor me, Bea?

#437Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

I made a comment here a couple of days ago and it never showed up? In it, I actually apologized for comparing you too unfavorably closely to Chip, Beatrice. I also went on to say that MOST, *if not all*, money-charging psychics are charlatans. How ironic that you're tattling on Chip Coffey, yet you're running from my words. If you're a "real" psychic, you have nothing to fear from me. Why ARE true believers so afraid of people who do NOT believe what they do?? I guess it's that type of fear that makes the world go round, unfortunately.


Los Angeles,
And John Belushi also said . . .

#438Author of original report

Sat, October 11, 2008

that if Karen posts she is going to come to L.A. and kick your butt Bea, ask her, "Are you bringing the Double Wide or taking the Greyhound?"


Los Angeles,
Sorry about the double post

#439Author of original report

Fri, October 10, 2008

It wasn't me . . technical difficulty! And Karen, John Belushi told me to tell you to get the cheez whiz out of your ears . .. it's messing with your brain function . . . and go eat a twinkie!


Los Angeles,
Thanx you for your post, just one little thing

#440Author of original report

Fri, October 10, 2008

"although to me, you're no better than Chip Coffey -- no psychics who take money for readings -- readings which MUST by law contain the caveat that they are for 'entertainment purposes only' My readings are not for entertainment purposes only and I would happily reimburse anyone who was not 100% satisfied. I have never been asked to do that because my friend, I am the real deal. Also, there is nothng wrong with a real psychic charging money for readings. I am a healer and this is my skill but, I need to make money just like everyone else to live on planet Earth. Money keeps churches going, Artists need money to create their art and the list goes on. The difference is I would never charge the outrageous amounts that people like Chip Coffey and Silvia Browne charge or like one woman on Keen who charges $49.99 a minute and she gets it too. They are taking advantage of people in their time of need. A therapist charges more then I do and yet I am the better therapist because I will tell you what is going on and exactly what you need to do to heal it. You don't have to explain it all to me. I look at your birthchart and I see what you are going through karmically speaking. Thank you for your amusing comments about Paranormal State. I have never watched it but . . it does sound like it is for entertainment purposes only! And I know for a fact that Chip is very funny and entertaining. Some people on this thread keep forgetting that we were good friends for two years. He cracked me up . . . but his friendship was all a lie. He could not stand it when he saw me on top of him and the green eyed monster as Karen put it took over and he sure got ugly quick. He let me know in no uncertain terms that he would get that spot back and he did it through lies and cruelty. He is still number one in the category of Voices From Beyond and he does not even take calls. He got what he wanted and then little baby Jesus put him exactly where he is now. I said it before and I will say it again. This lesson that all people need to learn would not be nearly as interesting or entertaining if he were not on TV. Lesson one is "Do not rip people off for any reason, at any time, whether it be ideas, property or identity. Just don't it. Lesson two is "Don't mess with the heart of this Goddess!" Vengeance shall be mine sayeth the Lord Vengeance is a dish best served cold sayeth The Godfather. If Paranormal State or Psychic Kids called me tomorrow and asked me to participate in those shows, I would politiely say NO! No amount of money would convince me to do a show like that. However, it looks like I might be involved in a show soon. Johnny Carson is working on it in spirit. lol Read my blog on myspace Carnac the Magnificent for the details. Either way . . . I have all I need to be happy and that is my connection with spirit! It's a beautiful thing.


North Carolina,

#441Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

So much for your last post. Guess you will still continue to babble on. I feel sorry for you Ms. Marot that you can't seem to move on from this unfortunate incident. Psychics like you REALLY give the good ones a bad name. Right now its just sad.


North Pole,
A psychic who takes money for readings did something underhanded?? Oh my!!!

#442Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

This is a hoot. Go Beatrice! (although to me, you're no better than Chip Coffey -- no psychics who take money for readings -- readings which MUST by law contain the caveat that they are for "entertainment purposes only" and that they may very well not be honest -- should be casting stones. That said, this whole deal is extremely entertaining!) FWIW, ask Chip Coffey about the veracity of his much-internet-advertised educational background and/or the veracity of the 'testimonials' on his website.... I wouldn't doubt for a minute that Chip Coffey would be capable of ripping off another psychic -- he obviously rips off gullible believers all the time, as does the rest of the psychic industry. As for how "fake" Paranormal State is -- it's obviously cheesy paranormal melodrama. It sure did feature an awful lot of possessions -- possessed piano, possessed horses, possessed Chip Coffey, possessed trailer, possessed dad, possessed teen -- the list goes on but anyone who has watched the show knows what I'm talking about. On Paranormal State, Chip says he never knows where he is and has no prior knowledge of any of the cases, yet he drives there. (which means he has an address) Chip always acts so scared when something "moves", yet he's always the person sitting next to what moved. While this show might be based on actual "severe" cases, I doubt they've been presented in their original form. Also, AE and/or PRS actually advertised for clients on Craigslist and myspace. I doubt that Chip or Lorraine Warren were involved in the original cases. I suppose someone could ask Ryan Buell if this is the case or not. They were obviously added as a (melo)dramatic afterthought. I'm no psychic, but I see serious misrepresentations and promotion of questionable paranormal gadgets all around this show. A demon translating oval? A "god hat" ? A "box" radio that captures dead voices? Fake?? Yeah.


Los Angeles,
Now I really miss Keen

#443Author of original report

Fri, October 10, 2008

I have been reading through my forty pages of Keen five star feedback that I was able to copy and keep for posterity and I am just so touched right now. I forgot how much good I brought to people's lives on Keen. It has been years since I read this feedback. I have to say that it brought me to tears. These were the moments that I lived for and prayed for and still do. I have to share a couple because this is what it is all about for me. One is from another psychic on Keen at the time by the name of Visions of Quycinda and on 3/9/03 she wrote Beatrice is a wonderful psychic. I feel the word "psychic" downplays her ability to reach your soul. If I had a name for Beatrice it would be "Eagle of the Soul" because she flies though your aura and brings back what's beautiful about you. Beatrice can put you on a level you wouldn't have ever thought of yourself and the thing is it will definitely work. She is not only accurate without a doubt but she adds more to your spirit and soul. All I can say is wherever she leads you, go, because you will be on top because of it. Don't take your reading lightly with this woman. Absolutely amazing!!!! But this one is the one that made me sob and just wish that Chip had not been so petty and jealous of me. I would still be on Keen . . . just to be able to do this for someone. On 4/4/2003 cmsvirgo wrote: Beatrice is wonderful and so in tuned to the ones that have past on. She had told me that my girlfriend was with family, a man. At the time I didn't know what she was talking about. But I made some calls later and found out that my girlfriend's real father had died some time ago. I never knew that her father was different then her sisters. Beatrice also told me something about me that amazed me. She described unique characteristics about me that only people that really know me would ever see or become aware of them. Thank you Beatrice I believe you with my heart and soul. And it has brought comfort to me to know my friend is with her Dad and two little girls. Truly yours. Christine You're welcome.


Los Angeles,
Now I really miss Keen

#444UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 10, 2008

I have been reading through my forty pages of Keen five star feedback that I was able to copy and keep for posterity and I am just so touched right now. I forgot how much good I brought to people's lives on Keen. It has been years since I read this feedback. I have to say that it brought me to tears. These were the moments that I lived for and prayed for and still do. I have to share a couple because this is what it is all about for me. One is from another psychic on Keen at the time by the name of Visions of Quycinda and on 3/9/03 she wrote Beatrice is a wonderful psychic. I feel the word "psychic" downplays her ability to reach your soul. If I had a name for Beatrice it would be "Eagle of the Soul" because she flies though your aura and brings back what's beautiful about you. Beatrice can put you on a level you wouldn't have ever thought of yourself and the thing is it will definitely work. She is not only accurate without a doubt but she adds more to your spirit and soul. All I can say is wherever she leads you, go, because you will be on top because of it. Don't take your reading lightly with this woman. Absolutely amazing!!!! But this one is the one that made me sob and just wish that Chip had not been so petty and jealous of me. I would still be on Keen . . . just to be able to do this for someone. On 4/4/2003 cmsvirgo wrote: Beatrice is wonderful and so in tuned to the ones that have past on. She had told me that my girlfriend was with family, a man. At the time I didn't know what she was talking about. But I made some calls later and found out that my girlfriend's real father had died some time ago. I never knew that her father was different then her sisters. Beatrice also told me something about me that amazed me. She described unique characteristics about me that only people that really know me would ever see or become aware of them. Thank you Beatrice I believe you with my heart and soul. And it has brought comfort to me to know my friend is with her Dad and two little girls. Truly yours. Christine You're welcome.


North Carolina,

#445Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Yes he is a lucky man indeed. That's right. He is doing his thing and should be left alone to do so. Perhaps you should focus on you now and clearing all that pent up negative energy so some light can flow to you. Cest La Vie I no longer wish to keep up a dialogue with you. Its really pointless because you do not get it. Perhaps one day you will but that day is not today.


Los Angeles,
Wow Karen

#446Author of original report

Fri, October 10, 2008

To come to the rescue of someone you have seen on TV five times with such passion . . . that says so much about you. We're alot alike. YOU are a VERY loyal friend/fan. I admire that. Your light shines through all your posts. It is truly wonderful. Chip is so lucky to have you on his side. I'm jealous.


Los Angeles,
I think I got your point Karen

#447Author of original report

Fri, October 10, 2008

Tell Chip . . . to bring it on. And if you don't know Chip . . . you are truly messed up. Give it a rest. Chip is a big boy. He can take care of himself. I mean he casts out demons and everything. He's good!


North Carolina,

#448Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Your imagination is running wild again Ms. Marot. I do not know Mr. Coffey at all watched him no more than 5 times on the A&E show. It's pretty evident from your posts what's going on here. You are very transparent and anyone in their right mind would of never held on to this kind of thing for this long period of time. Harboring all that dark ill energy within themselves. Allowing it to eat them up and cloud their senses and judgement. Pushing them to behave in a more erractic manner as each day goes by. When people harbor ill angry emotions. When they nurture it, Love it, Take care of it. Stroke it, they behave just like you have on this thread and sometimes worse. Quit while your ahead. Start the healing process. Get some light back because right now you do not have any.


North Carolina,

#449Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Your imagination is running wild again Ms. Marot. I do not know Mr. Coffey at all watched him no more than 5 times on the A&E show. It's pretty evident from your posts what's going on here. You are very transparent and anyone in their right mind would of never held on to this kind of thing for this long period of time. Harboring all that dark ill energy within themselves. Allowing it to eat them up and cloud their senses and judgement. Pushing them to behave in a more erractic manner as each day goes by. When people harbor ill angry emotions. When they nurture it, Love it, Take care of it. Stroke it, they behave just like you have on this thread and sometimes worse. Quit while your ahead. Start the healing process. Get some light back because right now you do not have any.


North Carolina,

#450Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Your imagination is running wild again Ms. Marot. I do not know Mr. Coffey at all watched him no more than 5 times on the A&E show. It's pretty evident from your posts what's going on here. You are very transparent and anyone in their right mind would of never held on to this kind of thing for this long period of time. Harboring all that dark ill energy within themselves. Allowing it to eat them up and cloud their senses and judgement. Pushing them to behave in a more erractic manner as each day goes by. When people harbor ill angry emotions. When they nurture it, Love it, Take care of it. Stroke it, they behave just like you have on this thread and sometimes worse. Quit while your ahead. Start the healing process. Get some light back because right now you do not have any.


North Carolina,

#451Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Your imagination is running wild again Ms. Marot. I do not know Mr. Coffey at all watched him no more than 5 times on the A&E show. It's pretty evident from your posts what's going on here. You are very transparent and anyone in their right mind would of never held on to this kind of thing for this long period of time. Harboring all that dark ill energy within themselves. Allowing it to eat them up and cloud their senses and judgement. Pushing them to behave in a more erractic manner as each day goes by. When people harbor ill angry emotions. When they nurture it, Love it, Take care of it. Stroke it, they behave just like you have on this thread and sometimes worse. Quit while your ahead. Start the healing process. Get some light back because right now you do not have any.


North Carolina,

#452Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Mmmmmmm Hmmmmm. I do not see CHIP COFFEY out here going on and on about Beatrice Marot. He has apologized and moved on. He is not slandering you nor is he trying to ruin your business or name. TIME YOU DO THE SAME before you end up staring at a judge trying to explain your actions of harrassment and slander. Let's hope your little shows did not effect his business at all for if it did you can be sued. You are now messing with his livlihood and you know he has the lawyers to stop you. You are walking a fine line. A very fine line and not even the imaginary merlin, jesus, zeus, mary poppins, tinkerbell, peter pan, mother teresa, zeus, and all their cronies will be able to help you get out of that one. What transpired between you and Mr. Coffey happened years ago and should be left there. You are opening yourself up to legal action being taken against you. Leave it alone and focus on getting your head together. Imagine the publicity. Can you see the headlines? Famed Psychic of Paranormal State and Psychic Kids Chip Coffey takes legal action against stalker in court. Past clients coming out to speak against you and how they had to sever ties with you because you crossed boundaries and/or did not know any. Nice huh. Time to stop before you ruin yourself. Move on Ms. Marot.


North Carolina,

#453Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Mmmmmmm Hmmmmm. I do not see CHIP COFFEY out here going on and on about Beatrice Marot. He has apologized and moved on. He is not slandering you nor is he trying to ruin your business or name. TIME YOU DO THE SAME before you end up staring at a judge trying to explain your actions of harrassment and slander. Let's hope your little shows did not effect his business at all for if it did you can be sued. You are now messing with his livlihood and you know he has the lawyers to stop you. You are walking a fine line. A very fine line and not even the imaginary merlin, jesus, zeus, mary poppins, tinkerbell, peter pan, mother teresa, zeus, and all their cronies will be able to help you get out of that one. What transpired between you and Mr. Coffey happened years ago and should be left there. You are opening yourself up to legal action being taken against you. Leave it alone and focus on getting your head together. Imagine the publicity. Can you see the headlines? Famed Psychic of Paranormal State and Psychic Kids Chip Coffey takes legal action against stalker in court. Past clients coming out to speak against you and how they had to sever ties with you because you crossed boundaries and/or did not know any. Nice huh. Time to stop before you ruin yourself. Move on Ms. Marot.


North Carolina,

#454Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Mmmmmmm Hmmmmm. I do not see CHIP COFFEY out here going on and on about Beatrice Marot. He has apologized and moved on. He is not slandering you nor is he trying to ruin your business or name. TIME YOU DO THE SAME before you end up staring at a judge trying to explain your actions of harrassment and slander. Let's hope your little shows did not effect his business at all for if it did you can be sued. You are now messing with his livlihood and you know he has the lawyers to stop you. You are walking a fine line. A very fine line and not even the imaginary merlin, jesus, zeus, mary poppins, tinkerbell, peter pan, mother teresa, zeus, and all their cronies will be able to help you get out of that one. What transpired between you and Mr. Coffey happened years ago and should be left there. You are opening yourself up to legal action being taken against you. Leave it alone and focus on getting your head together. Imagine the publicity. Can you see the headlines? Famed Psychic of Paranormal State and Psychic Kids Chip Coffey takes legal action against stalker in court. Past clients coming out to speak against you and how they had to sever ties with you because you crossed boundaries and/or did not know any. Nice huh. Time to stop before you ruin yourself. Move on Ms. Marot.


Los Angeles,
Karen, you are the one that sounds like a bitter, angry, unstable woman.

#455Author of original report

Thu, October 09, 2008

Go have a coke and a smile! You sure are funny girl! Jealous of Chip Coffey!! lmao That's a good one! The day, I get jealous of a gay, bug eyed, demon chasing, ghost busting pseudo-psychic, D list celebrity . . . I will be sure to let you know. rotflmao


Los Angeles,
Except . . . Dear Karen

#456Author of original report

Thu, October 09, 2008

I am not the one who ripped off his identity am I? Who used my name to drive business to his website? Chip Coffey Who became jealous of my success on Keen to the point of obsession? Chip Coffey Who lost his mind because I became number one in a category on a stupid psychic line? Chip Coffey Who went and purchased beatricemarot.com and beatricemarot.net and called me and laughed in my face about it? Chip Coffey Who has lied about every single aspect of the situation? Chip Coffey Who has said that I was suspended several times from Keen when I was never suspended once? Chip Coffey That can be proven by Keen! Who said I harrassed him when in fact we were friends as evidenced in feedback he wrote me on Keen on 5/16/03 the same year this all happened? Chip Coffey Who has apologized on a radio show and then immediately threatened me with litigation right after the show? Chip Coffey Who is a lying, double crossing, identity stealing traitor? Chip Coffey You are a friend of Chip's and don't even bother to deny it. Otherwise, you would not get so emotional about any of this. But I appreciate you allowing me to give the bullet points of what he has done to finish this post. I think it is an even better way to end it. Thank you Karen! I am sure Chip will be very grateful to you as am I.


North Carolina,
THAT was the problem

#457Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

The problem with you is that you were insanely jealous of Chip Coffey because he has made it to television and you have not. After the disagreement the two of you had you expected him to fail. Wished for it. Prayed for it, but all of that had the opposite effect. He excelled and succeeded. You could not for the life of you understand how the two of you starting out at the same place why you have not reached the degree of success that Chip Coffey has. You thought by right that you were more deserving. You also think that you are better at it than he is. For him to pass you in career success was a devastating blow to your ego. You figured you were the one who had brief interactions with hollywood (as you claim)and you should of been the one to come out famous and not Chip Coffey. This you have not been able to let go and you still can't. Its just now you have NO CHOICE. It is evident from your last paragraph what was your motivation behind this entire Chip Coffey harrassment and smears. You cannot be a success if your mind is unbalanced. No one will take you serious nor will they want to work with you. You WILL find this out if you have not already and living in the state of denial. It will soon become very clear and very evident and THAT you will not be able to deny in your own mind. Just a classic case of the "Green Eyed Monster!"


North Carolina,
Coat tails

#458Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

All you were doing was riding the coattails of Mr. Chip Coffey and at the same time slandering and harrassing him relentlessly.


North Carolina,
There Is A God

#459Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

Yes there is a God and I thank him for finally shutting you up with your crazy rants. Jealous of Chip Coffey because of his celebrity status. That's all this was and is. Whatever Mr. Coffey has done to you he has apologized for it and YOU kept it going. Using him and that incident to boost your self esteem and business. It did not work. You have only managed to come across as a bitter, angry, unstable woman. Sometimes people have to be FORCED to shut up! Especially when they are committing illegal acts.


North Carolina,
There Is A God

#460Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

Yes there is a God and I thank him for finally shutting you up with your crazy rants. Jealous of Chip Coffey because of his celebrity status. That's all this was and is. Whatever Mr. Coffey has done to you he has apologized for it and YOU kept it going. Using him and that incident to boost your self esteem and business. It did not work. You have only managed to come across as a bitter, angry, unstable woman. Sometimes people have to be FORCED to shut up! Especially when they are committing illegal acts.


North Carolina,
There Is A God

#461Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

Yes there is a God and I thank him for finally shutting you up with your crazy rants. Jealous of Chip Coffey because of his celebrity status. That's all this was and is. Whatever Mr. Coffey has done to you he has apologized for it and YOU kept it going. Using him and that incident to boost your self esteem and business. It did not work. You have only managed to come across as a bitter, angry, unstable woman. Sometimes people have to be FORCED to shut up! Especially when they are committing illegal acts.


North Carolina,
There Is A God

#462Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

Yes there is a God and I thank him for finally shutting you up with your crazy rants. Jealous of Chip Coffey because of his celebrity status. That's all this was and is. Whatever Mr. Coffey has done to you he has apologized for it and YOU kept it going. Using him and that incident to boost your self esteem and business. It did not work. You have only managed to come across as a bitter, angry, unstable woman. Sometimes people have to be FORCED to shut up! Especially when they are committing illegal acts.


Los Angeles,
This will be my final post. A great way to end it.

#463Author of original report

Wed, October 08, 2008

Of all the stories I could have posted on this site, I chose The Tao of Elvis and this is my final post and another sign from above that I am loved . . . and so are you! We all are, even Chip . . . but we have to hold true to doing the right thing always, everyday! I have done things that I regret however betraying a friend is not one of them. Chip chose to use the name Renegade to continue to bash me and although I cannot prove it is him and of course he will deny it . . . The traitors of the Confederate Army of the South were called Renegades. Interesting point given to me by a friend. But, now I can fully let this go. It will be here for others to ponder and intelligent people will see my true intention which was vindication for a great wrong done to me and making it right by setting the record straight! Now and always. Anyone disparaging me and unable to see my side is simply a friend or fan of Chip's period. I am not going to respond to anymore "You're whacked" remarks. People without the capacity for critical thinking should simply be ignored! On Tuesday, I went to d**k Clark Productions to interview for a psychic show in development. I brought a book report style folder with a clear cover with three of my stories and The Tao of Elvis was in the front. I walked into the lobby and a movie about Elvis from the 70's starring Kurt Russell was on the TV! At one point, the producers told me that right behind me was the office of the man who wrote Elvis's eulogy. See you at the movies! THANKYOUVERYMUCH!


Los Angeles,
If you don't like it . . . don't read it!

#464Author of original report

Tue, October 07, 2008

First of all Ripoff report is the only opinion that matters and they are allowing me to post. Merlin loves this site because it takes a lot of courage to expose people the way they do. Second of all, Merlin said, "It does not matter what people think, Bea . . . what matters is what they LEARN. The purpose of this whole dialogue is to teach people NOT TO RIP ANYONE OFF . . . PERIOD!! IF YOU CAN'T SEE THAT, TOO BAD . . . EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION HERE EVEN IF IT IS COMPLETELY LAME! Here is what someone wrote to me yesterday. One of many I have received but this one I thought I would share as an example of the another way to think about what I am doing. subject: just want to say 'u go girl' heya.....couln't stop reading the back & forth comments on ripoffreport.com & since posting a message there seems to be too complicated for me at the moment, I just wanted to say YOU GO, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Self-confidence & sharing the TRUTH, whether others like it or not, is where it's at! If I ever have the pleasure of figuring out how to post messages on Rip-Off Report's website, you'll probably see me there........otherwise, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK & take care....sorry u had to go thru so much!!!!!! sincerely, rebecca in pennsylvania


Los Angeles,
If you don't like it . . . don't read it!

#465Author of original report

Tue, October 07, 2008

First of all Ripoff report is the only opinion that matters and they are allowing me to post. Merlin loves this site because it takes a lot of courage to expose people the way they do. Second of all, Merlin said, "It does not matter what people think, Bea . . . what matters is what they LEARN. The purpose of this whole dialogue is to teach people NOT TO RIP ANYONE OFF . . . PERIOD!! IF YOU CAN'T SEE THAT, TOO BAD . . . EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION HERE EVEN IF IT IS COMPLETELY LAME! Here is what someone wrote to me yesterday. One of many I have received but this one I thought I would share as an example of the another way to think about what I am doing. subject: just want to say 'u go girl' heya.....couln't stop reading the back & forth comments on ripoffreport.com & since posting a message there seems to be too complicated for me at the moment, I just wanted to say YOU GO, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Self-confidence & sharing the TRUTH, whether others like it or not, is where it's at! If I ever have the pleasure of figuring out how to post messages on Rip-Off Report's website, you'll probably see me there........otherwise, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK & take care....sorry u had to go thru so much!!!!!! sincerely, rebecca in pennsylvania


Los Angeles,
If you don't like it . . . don't read it!

#466Author of original report

Tue, October 07, 2008

First of all Ripoff report is the only opinion that matters and they are allowing me to post. Merlin loves this site because it takes a lot of courage to expose people the way they do. Second of all, Merlin said, "It does not matter what people think, Bea . . . what matters is what they LEARN. The purpose of this whole dialogue is to teach people NOT TO RIP ANYONE OFF . . . PERIOD!! IF YOU CAN'T SEE THAT, TOO BAD . . . EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION HERE EVEN IF IT IS COMPLETELY LAME! Here is what someone wrote to me yesterday. One of many I have received but this one I thought I would share as an example of the another way to think about what I am doing. subject: just want to say 'u go girl' heya.....couln't stop reading the back & forth comments on ripoffreport.com & since posting a message there seems to be too complicated for me at the moment, I just wanted to say YOU GO, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Self-confidence & sharing the TRUTH, whether others like it or not, is where it's at! If I ever have the pleasure of figuring out how to post messages on Rip-Off Report's website, you'll probably see me there........otherwise, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK & take care....sorry u had to go thru so much!!!!!! sincerely, rebecca in pennsylvania


Los Angeles,
If you don't like it . . . don't read it!

#467Author of original report

Tue, October 07, 2008

First of all Ripoff report is the only opinion that matters and they are allowing me to post. Merlin loves this site because it takes a lot of courage to expose people the way they do. Second of all, Merlin said, "It does not matter what people think, Bea . . . what matters is what they LEARN. The purpose of this whole dialogue is to teach people NOT TO RIP ANYONE OFF . . . PERIOD!! IF YOU CAN'T SEE THAT, TOO BAD . . . EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION HERE EVEN IF IT IS COMPLETELY LAME! Here is what someone wrote to me yesterday. One of many I have received but this one I thought I would share as an example of the another way to think about what I am doing. subject: just want to say 'u go girl' heya.....couln't stop reading the back & forth comments on ripoffreport.com & since posting a message there seems to be too complicated for me at the moment, I just wanted to say YOU GO, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Self-confidence & sharing the TRUTH, whether others like it or not, is where it's at! If I ever have the pleasure of figuring out how to post messages on Rip-Off Report's website, you'll probably see me there........otherwise, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK & take care....sorry u had to go thru so much!!!!!! sincerely, rebecca in pennsylvania


Go get help

#468Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 07, 2008

Geez chick, you are seriously whacked! This isn't your personal blog. This is rip off report. You think anyone is going to take you seriously when you are sitting here talking to yourself? You are only giving YOURSELF a bad name. You need professional help.


Los Angeles,
In Chip's own words

#469Author of original report

Tue, October 07, 2008

Well, I am getting ready to go to d**k Clark Productions this afternoon and interview for a tv show and my guides wanted me to put together a package for the producers. I was looking for some already printed stories about Elvis etc and I came across a notebook I have not looked at in years with dozens of pages of all my wonderful feedback from my days on Keen and who should be on the fifth page. Yep! In his own words. At the time he called himself "Crossing Over Guy CHIP COFFEY" and on 5/16/2003 he wrote on my feedback in all caps exactly the following BEATRICE MAROT IS DIVINELY AND SPIRITUALLY CONNECTED! SHE IS GIFTED, CARING, HONEST FUNNY ... AND ABOVE ALL ELSE, REAL! Gee who is in need of psychological counseling now Chip? Get on Youtube and sing to me!


Los Angeles,
The law of Karma verses Chip Coffey

#470Author of original report

Mon, October 06, 2008

Well, well, welly, well well well . . . The droogie Chip Coffey is feeling the anger and frustration from someone ripping off his identity. What perfect timing. This is Chip's latest blog on myspace. I just got the hit from Merlin to look at it today. I have to constantly keep my third eye on Chip if you know what I mean. He is always up to something. By the way Chip, if you read this . . . I know you are the guy posting under the name Renegade because he says things verbatim to things you have posted about me in the past and he wrote something that only you would or could know (but I am not going to tell you what that is) and also I know it is you in the Fametastic comments under the handle "What the Heck" (Gee, does that sound like a name a Southerner would conjure up) and even though you are living in Atlanta . . . like Renegade, you were born in New York. Here are a couple of dead giveaways! CHIP' COFFEY: I would venture to guess that anyone reading what Beatrice has posted here on this site would have to agree that she is clearly in need of professional counseling to deal with her various issues, including the rage she directs at me. RENEGADE: This is not a rip off report. It's a character assassination against Chip Coffey, written by a woman who is desperately in need of years of psychological counseling. WHAT THE HECK: If I were mr. zane I would sue your a*s right off! KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT CRAZY LADY!! RENEGADE: No, Beatrice, I am NOT Chip Coffey, but if I were, I'd hire a good attorney and sue your a** off! Don't mess with me Chip . . . I used to read Nancy Drew all the time and I used to watch Columbo, so my detecting skills are pretty sharp although a blind person could see it is you in all these posts. lol Chip's myspace blog: October 4, 2008 - Saturday FRAUD! Current mood: pissed off It has come to my attention that someone is fraudulently using my name, photograph and personal/professional information on a website called LivePerson.com. This individual is perpetrating a fraud by pretending to be me and is offering services in exchange for money, which is a felony offense. I have contacted both the perpetrator and the administrators of LivePerson.com, demanding that the fraudulent profile be removed IMMEDIATELY! If this does not occur, I will instigate legal action. JUST REMEMBER LOVELY PEOPLE READING THIS POST . . . THE WHEEL OF KARMA WILL TURN UNTIL YOU LEARN THAT LOVE IS THE KEY TO OPENING THE DOOR OF ETERNITY! And Merlin and all my funny friends in sprit wanted me to tell you Chip Coffey that the only way you will be completely exonerated for your crime of ripping off my identity is the following. John Belushi and John Lennon say you have to go on Youtube and admit that everything you have said about me is a lie, that you were just a jealous poofter and you have to sing "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Words" by Elton John and dedicate it to me. lmao, gotta love it! I will then accept your apology and sing your praises for finally having gotten a pair . . . almost as big as mine!! What have I got to do to make you love me What have I got to do to make you care What do I do when lightning strikes me And I wake to find that you're not there What do I do to make you want me What have I got to do to be heard What do I say when it's all over And sorry seems to be the hardest word It's sad, so sad It's a sad, sad situation And it's getting more and more absurd It's sad, so sad Why can't we talk it over Oh it seems to me That sorry seems to be the hardest word


Los Angeles,
Well, if you are going to be accused of something

#471Author of original report

Fri, October 03, 2008

might as well be guilty as charged. Here is some REAL FEEDBACK and clearly shameless self promotion. The following is feedback from my phone clients. It was such a powerful reading! I didn't want to miss anything you said. I was trying to write so fast that day I may not have captured everything you were telling me. I will get a recorder next time! Bea, As always you know what's on my mind before I can open my mouth. I appreciate knowing you. Thank you for everything. Your guidance is exceptional. You're wonderful & your name is such truth: you bring people joy. I appreciate your unique POV, your warmth & your humor. I feel lucky to have met you & will spread the word. Thank you again. Hey Sweet Bea!!!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful reading today. I can't wait to do it again. Wow! What an eye opener. You were so right on about everything. Sending you the biggest hugs and thanks!!! You are the best! Love, Kelly Thanks again Bea 4 another great read...your wit, wisdom, skill set and not to mention sense of humor comprise a wonderful light-love-soul experience! I am back in Ireland. It was great fun hanging out. I will keep you updated with all the latest from over here. Keep those readings coming. Incredible how accurate they are. Lol Alan Bea, You're amazing, funny, natural, and truly full of light. Thank you for the reading, it was the most enlightening conversation I've ever had. We'll talk soon :) I LOVE MY CLIENTS . . . AND MY CLIENTS LOVE ME. YIPPEE!!


Los Angeles,
Well, if you are going to be accused of something

#472Author of original report

Fri, October 03, 2008

might as well be guilty as charged. Here is some REAL FEEDBACK and clearly shameless self promotion. The following is feedback from my phone clients. It was such a powerful reading! I didn't want to miss anything you said. I was trying to write so fast that day I may not have captured everything you were telling me. I will get a recorder next time! Bea, As always you know what's on my mind before I can open my mouth. I appreciate knowing you. Thank you for everything. Your guidance is exceptional. You're wonderful & your name is such truth: you bring people joy. I appreciate your unique POV, your warmth & your humor. I feel lucky to have met you & will spread the word. Thank you again. Hey Sweet Bea!!!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful reading today. I can't wait to do it again. Wow! What an eye opener. You were so right on about everything. Sending you the biggest hugs and thanks!!! You are the best! Love, Kelly Thanks again Bea 4 another great read...your wit, wisdom, skill set and not to mention sense of humor comprise a wonderful light-love-soul experience! I am back in Ireland. It was great fun hanging out. I will keep you updated with all the latest from over here. Keep those readings coming. Incredible how accurate they are. Lol Alan Bea, You're amazing, funny, natural, and truly full of light. Thank you for the reading, it was the most enlightening conversation I've ever had. We'll talk soon :) I LOVE MY CLIENTS . . . AND MY CLIENTS LOVE ME. YIPPEE!!


Los Angeles,
Well, if you are going to be accused of something

#473Author of original report

Fri, October 03, 2008

might as well be guilty as charged. Here is some REAL FEEDBACK and clearly shameless self promotion. The following is feedback from my phone clients. It was such a powerful reading! I didn't want to miss anything you said. I was trying to write so fast that day I may not have captured everything you were telling me. I will get a recorder next time! Bea, As always you know what's on my mind before I can open my mouth. I appreciate knowing you. Thank you for everything. Your guidance is exceptional. You're wonderful & your name is such truth: you bring people joy. I appreciate your unique POV, your warmth & your humor. I feel lucky to have met you & will spread the word. Thank you again. Hey Sweet Bea!!!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful reading today. I can't wait to do it again. Wow! What an eye opener. You were so right on about everything. Sending you the biggest hugs and thanks!!! You are the best! Love, Kelly Thanks again Bea 4 another great read...your wit, wisdom, skill set and not to mention sense of humor comprise a wonderful light-love-soul experience! I am back in Ireland. It was great fun hanging out. I will keep you updated with all the latest from over here. Keep those readings coming. Incredible how accurate they are. Lol Alan Bea, You're amazing, funny, natural, and truly full of light. Thank you for the reading, it was the most enlightening conversation I've ever had. We'll talk soon :) I LOVE MY CLIENTS . . . AND MY CLIENTS LOVE ME. YIPPEE!!


Los Angeles,
Well, if you are going to be accused of something

#474Author of original report

Fri, October 03, 2008

might as well be guilty as charged. Here is some REAL FEEDBACK and clearly shameless self promotion. The following is feedback from my phone clients. It was such a powerful reading! I didn't want to miss anything you said. I was trying to write so fast that day I may not have captured everything you were telling me. I will get a recorder next time! Bea, As always you know what's on my mind before I can open my mouth. I appreciate knowing you. Thank you for everything. Your guidance is exceptional. You're wonderful & your name is such truth: you bring people joy. I appreciate your unique POV, your warmth & your humor. I feel lucky to have met you & will spread the word. Thank you again. Hey Sweet Bea!!!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful reading today. I can't wait to do it again. Wow! What an eye opener. You were so right on about everything. Sending you the biggest hugs and thanks!!! You are the best! Love, Kelly Thanks again Bea 4 another great read...your wit, wisdom, skill set and not to mention sense of humor comprise a wonderful light-love-soul experience! I am back in Ireland. It was great fun hanging out. I will keep you updated with all the latest from over here. Keep those readings coming. Incredible how accurate they are. Lol Alan Bea, You're amazing, funny, natural, and truly full of light. Thank you for the reading, it was the most enlightening conversation I've ever had. We'll talk soon :) I LOVE MY CLIENTS . . . AND MY CLIENTS LOVE ME. YIPPEE!!


Los Angeles,
You have so much in common with Chip

#475UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 03, 2008

Taking things out of context, manipulative, mean, petty and just plain nasty!! Here is the entire post from Alex's thread! I don't understand why you all keep calling Keen. This is an excellent thread except for one thing. . . so many of you seem to keep calling Keen Psychics even after it is quite evident that most of these psychics seem to be fishing and just pulling out dates and hoping for the best. I sincerely hope you stop wasting your money on this service. I have said it before and I will say it again. You need to connect with your own intuition and your spirit guides. We all have them. Now, I originally posted my story of how I was guided to Keen by my spirit guide Merlin and that is the truth. He wanted me to read on this site without a doubt. I reposted the whole story on a separate thread and it was not to drum up business as some people thought. I just wanted to start a dialogue about love and relationships and my expert opinion based on my experience at Keen however it went into an entirely different direction because of my nemesis Chip Coffey and I have to admit, I am glad it did. I was able to really clear my mind of that huge betrayal and now I am done with it. I also mentioned in an earlier post that I was guided to Keen because I was such an idiot when it came to love and did everything completely wrong by totally devoting myself to my lover and losing myself in the process so that when the relationship ended . . . it felt like my life was over. Working on Keen and tuning into one love relationship after another gave me priceless insight and I really learned alot and I have to say, I was also always right. If I saw it coming back, it came back. If I said it was over, it was over!!That is not coming from my ego either. It is because I am an excellent telepath and I can clearly hear my spirit guide Merlin and He never guided me incorrectly EVER! Anyone here posting about their obsession with calling Keen, I would bet money that the same obsession was layed on the 'beloved' and that is the primary mistake most women make. If you suffocate your man and you completely disrespect the love you have by spying on him using psychics, what do you expect? Think about it. How are you honoring yourself, your man or your relationship when you have to constantly spy on them. You are not and IT IS WRONG!!!!! I am telling you from experience that you are causing more harm than good by continuing to call one psychic after another to get answers. I was very different in my readings on Keen then what I have read about other Keen psychics here. I would answer the love question and then shift gears and focus on empowering the client with what I saw about them that they could control. You have control over your destiny but you do not have control over the destiny of another. All your wishing, praying, spell casting and any other invasion into the free will of another human being will backfire on you guaranteed!!!!!!! Just food for thought!! Love to all!


Los Angeles,
You have so much in common with Chip

#476UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 03, 2008

Taking things out of context, manipulative, mean, petty and just plain nasty!! Here is the entire post from Alex's thread! I don't understand why you all keep calling Keen. This is an excellent thread except for one thing. . . so many of you seem to keep calling Keen Psychics even after it is quite evident that most of these psychics seem to be fishing and just pulling out dates and hoping for the best. I sincerely hope you stop wasting your money on this service. I have said it before and I will say it again. You need to connect with your own intuition and your spirit guides. We all have them. Now, I originally posted my story of how I was guided to Keen by my spirit guide Merlin and that is the truth. He wanted me to read on this site without a doubt. I reposted the whole story on a separate thread and it was not to drum up business as some people thought. I just wanted to start a dialogue about love and relationships and my expert opinion based on my experience at Keen however it went into an entirely different direction because of my nemesis Chip Coffey and I have to admit, I am glad it did. I was able to really clear my mind of that huge betrayal and now I am done with it. I also mentioned in an earlier post that I was guided to Keen because I was such an idiot when it came to love and did everything completely wrong by totally devoting myself to my lover and losing myself in the process so that when the relationship ended . . . it felt like my life was over. Working on Keen and tuning into one love relationship after another gave me priceless insight and I really learned alot and I have to say, I was also always right. If I saw it coming back, it came back. If I said it was over, it was over!!That is not coming from my ego either. It is because I am an excellent telepath and I can clearly hear my spirit guide Merlin and He never guided me incorrectly EVER! Anyone here posting about their obsession with calling Keen, I would bet money that the same obsession was layed on the 'beloved' and that is the primary mistake most women make. If you suffocate your man and you completely disrespect the love you have by spying on him using psychics, what do you expect? Think about it. How are you honoring yourself, your man or your relationship when you have to constantly spy on them. You are not and IT IS WRONG!!!!! I am telling you from experience that you are causing more harm than good by continuing to call one psychic after another to get answers. I was very different in my readings on Keen then what I have read about other Keen psychics here. I would answer the love question and then shift gears and focus on empowering the client with what I saw about them that they could control. You have control over your destiny but you do not have control over the destiny of another. All your wishing, praying, spell casting and any other invasion into the free will of another human being will backfire on you guaranteed!!!!!!! Just food for thought!! Love to all!


Los Angeles,
You have so much in common with Chip

#477UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 03, 2008

Taking things out of context, manipulative, mean, petty and just plain nasty!! Here is the entire post from Alex's thread! I don't understand why you all keep calling Keen. This is an excellent thread except for one thing. . . so many of you seem to keep calling Keen Psychics even after it is quite evident that most of these psychics seem to be fishing and just pulling out dates and hoping for the best. I sincerely hope you stop wasting your money on this service. I have said it before and I will say it again. You need to connect with your own intuition and your spirit guides. We all have them. Now, I originally posted my story of how I was guided to Keen by my spirit guide Merlin and that is the truth. He wanted me to read on this site without a doubt. I reposted the whole story on a separate thread and it was not to drum up business as some people thought. I just wanted to start a dialogue about love and relationships and my expert opinion based on my experience at Keen however it went into an entirely different direction because of my nemesis Chip Coffey and I have to admit, I am glad it did. I was able to really clear my mind of that huge betrayal and now I am done with it. I also mentioned in an earlier post that I was guided to Keen because I was such an idiot when it came to love and did everything completely wrong by totally devoting myself to my lover and losing myself in the process so that when the relationship ended . . . it felt like my life was over. Working on Keen and tuning into one love relationship after another gave me priceless insight and I really learned alot and I have to say, I was also always right. If I saw it coming back, it came back. If I said it was over, it was over!!That is not coming from my ego either. It is because I am an excellent telepath and I can clearly hear my spirit guide Merlin and He never guided me incorrectly EVER! Anyone here posting about their obsession with calling Keen, I would bet money that the same obsession was layed on the 'beloved' and that is the primary mistake most women make. If you suffocate your man and you completely disrespect the love you have by spying on him using psychics, what do you expect? Think about it. How are you honoring yourself, your man or your relationship when you have to constantly spy on them. You are not and IT IS WRONG!!!!! I am telling you from experience that you are causing more harm than good by continuing to call one psychic after another to get answers. I was very different in my readings on Keen then what I have read about other Keen psychics here. I would answer the love question and then shift gears and focus on empowering the client with what I saw about them that they could control. You have control over your destiny but you do not have control over the destiny of another. All your wishing, praying, spell casting and any other invasion into the free will of another human being will backfire on you guaranteed!!!!!!! Just food for thought!! Love to all!


Los Angeles,
You have so much in common with Chip

#478UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 03, 2008

Taking things out of context, manipulative, mean, petty and just plain nasty!! Here is the entire post from Alex's thread! I don't understand why you all keep calling Keen. This is an excellent thread except for one thing. . . so many of you seem to keep calling Keen Psychics even after it is quite evident that most of these psychics seem to be fishing and just pulling out dates and hoping for the best. I sincerely hope you stop wasting your money on this service. I have said it before and I will say it again. You need to connect with your own intuition and your spirit guides. We all have them. Now, I originally posted my story of how I was guided to Keen by my spirit guide Merlin and that is the truth. He wanted me to read on this site without a doubt. I reposted the whole story on a separate thread and it was not to drum up business as some people thought. I just wanted to start a dialogue about love and relationships and my expert opinion based on my experience at Keen however it went into an entirely different direction because of my nemesis Chip Coffey and I have to admit, I am glad it did. I was able to really clear my mind of that huge betrayal and now I am done with it. I also mentioned in an earlier post that I was guided to Keen because I was such an idiot when it came to love and did everything completely wrong by totally devoting myself to my lover and losing myself in the process so that when the relationship ended . . . it felt like my life was over. Working on Keen and tuning into one love relationship after another gave me priceless insight and I really learned alot and I have to say, I was also always right. If I saw it coming back, it came back. If I said it was over, it was over!!That is not coming from my ego either. It is because I am an excellent telepath and I can clearly hear my spirit guide Merlin and He never guided me incorrectly EVER! Anyone here posting about their obsession with calling Keen, I would bet money that the same obsession was layed on the 'beloved' and that is the primary mistake most women make. If you suffocate your man and you completely disrespect the love you have by spying on him using psychics, what do you expect? Think about it. How are you honoring yourself, your man or your relationship when you have to constantly spy on them. You are not and IT IS WRONG!!!!! I am telling you from experience that you are causing more harm than good by continuing to call one psychic after another to get answers. I was very different in my readings on Keen then what I have read about other Keen psychics here. I would answer the love question and then shift gears and focus on empowering the client with what I saw about them that they could control. You have control over your destiny but you do not have control over the destiny of another. All your wishing, praying, spell casting and any other invasion into the free will of another human being will backfire on you guaranteed!!!!!!! Just food for thought!! Love to all!


Los Angeles,
The typical response

#479Author of original report

Thu, October 02, 2008

of the unenlightened, the unimaginative, the unoriginal and the . . . I just ain't got no game and no sense of humor! She's crazy! She's a lunatic! She needs a shrink! Can I have the number of yours please?


Beverly Hills,
By the way

#480Consumer Comment

Thu, October 02, 2008

No need to bring my personal life into this. I saw your posting in the other thread where you said "I also mentioned in an earlier post that I was guided to Keen because I was such an idiot when it came to love and did everything completely wrong by totally devoting myself to my lover and losing myself in the process so that when the relationship ended . . . it felt like my life was over." So I guess I'm not the only idiot when it comes to love. ;) My romantic life, however, has nothing to do with Chip Coffey and this thread. LOL I'm sure Chip would be glad to hear that.


Beverly Hills,
While you're at it Merlin and Jesus

#481Consumer Comment

Thu, October 02, 2008

Please send Beatrice a nice psychiatrist. Thanks!


Los Angeles,
God . . . that was quick

#482Author of original report

Thu, October 02, 2008

But then God is quick so it's all good when it's all God! Well, here he is . . . the perfect man for you fellforit. May the hot flame of love always have your back as you ride off into the sunset together. May every kiss be pure bliss and if you don't want him . . . he's mine. http://lc.fdots.com/cc/lc/04/045e55361ae5ed3745f88ca464752229.jpg


Los Angeles,
Merlin . . . please I need help

#483UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 02, 2008

Can you please get a wonderful new man to fall for fellforit? I'm just a straight magician Bea, ask the guy that performs miracles! OK . . . Jesus, please from the bottom of my heart, I ask you to guide a wonderful new man to fellforit. One that does not mind that she repeats herself constantly that she enjoys to belittle, accuse, make snide remarks, that she is slightly challenged in her comprehension skills and needs a lot of therapy to get over the one who was stupid enough to let her go. What a mistake that guy made. She is such a catch . . . I am sure this will be a cinch for you my sweet Lord. I thank you in advance. Love always, your devoted servant, Bea


Beverly Hills,
And furthermore...

#484Consumer Comment

Thu, October 02, 2008

... All I'm saying is that you should post your little inspirational stories about Elvis, Merlin and Jesus on your own website where they will be read and appreciated by people who seek you out. That's great that you see so much for your clients (although to meet it all seems coincidental, not real proof of psychic powers... but I digress). But this is ripoffreport.com. You originally posted about Chip betraying your friendship. Got it off your chest, great. The last several posts of yours though, the stories, have nothing to do with Chip Coffey at all - at best a vague reference to his name within them. And no one was even responding to them! Thus, they do not belong here. They belong on your promotional website. They have nothing to do with Keen or Chip Coffey. They have to do with your readings for other clients. That's all I'm saying. I posted about a couple of psychics who I felt ripped me off through Keen. But I don't turn around and promote my own business now that I have a forum. That's just silly.


Beverly Hills,
I see...

#485Consumer Comment

Thu, October 02, 2008

When I agreeable to you, I'm a good person and worthy of a free reading, but when I don't agree with you and just tell it like I see it, I'm an awful person who doesn't deserve a reading. ROFL I'm just giving my opinion as to what I read in this thread and what I read what you posted on other threads and websites. My opinion from what you have read is that you are unprofessional, self-important and slightly delusional. I don't know you and have not "betrayed" you like you said your friend Chip did. So stop acting like a spoiled child. You put your own words out on a public forum and might I remind you that the public can respond to them. That's all I've done. I'm not here to be your friend or to blow smoke up your you-know-what.


Los Angeles,
A very important truth fellforit

#486Author of original report

Wed, October 01, 2008

There is one thing that I have to admit. Even though I made alot of money on Keen, after two years, I really started to dread picking up the phone. I was so sick and tired of women calling asking the same question over and over about their love gone wrong and when is it coming back, I cannot even tell you. It only was rewarding when I was able to get a rare and I mean very rare human being who wanted more out of life then just to get back together with their boyfriend. That is the reason you called Keen fellforit. You, like most callers just wanted your Ex back. You stated as much on Alex's thread. I would have told you the truth and that is that he is never coming back and he's not so move on . . . just like you are telling me to move on. Read your own words and apply them to yourself. Even though, I have written on this thread that if it was not for Chip Coffey, I would still be putting smiles on people's faces on Keen, which is true, however it really was time for me to move on and I never would have done so on my own because of the convenience. I am such a hermit it's not even funny, which is why the psychological profile Karen conjured up and you agreed with is so absurd . . . however it does describe Chip Coffey to a tee. Now, when I started this thread, they omitted my name and I asked them to remove the entire thread not because I wanted to promote myself but because I am not going to accuse someone under the cloak of anonymity like you do. You say you are such a good person and have a good heart but the first thing you did was google me and then write a post that made it "seem" like I have all kinds of postings all over the internet dissing people when in fact there are only two. The altered myspace forum and the Fametastic thing about Billy Zane where I even apologized to Billy and Kelly on the actual thread for making a very bad judgement call. I was hurt and I was not thinking with my heart. Also, I have not gotten one single reading from this thread. I have gotten emails of love and support but no readings. That was not the purpose of this thread. I got three from Alex's thread before I ever put this up and they were all amazing powerful women. And lastly, no one and I mean no one gets a reading from me unless they are in fact a Healer, an Angel on Earth, a Messenger of Light and they feel they are here to raise the consciousness on the planet and be part of the Great Evolution . . . the lifting of the veil between worlds that is taking place. I even sincerely offered you a FREE reading and you declined. I would not even incarnate on this toxic wasteland war zone huimans have turned this glorious planet into for anything less then the purpose I have chosen for this life. And no one gets a reading from me unless Merlin, Jesus or one of my many wonderful spirit guides would like to help them manifest their dreams and those dreams have to be in alignment with bringing love, light and laughter into the world through storytelling dance and song.


Los Angeles,
Sorry fell for it

#487Author of original report

Wed, October 01, 2008

I offered you a free reading and I was being genuine and I would have been very happy to read for you . . . when your were being rational, non judgemental and intelligent in your statements and I treated you in kind. However, that has changed so nice try for a freebie, but no can do. Now, please try to find a new love in your life (not a psychic hit, I read your posts on Alex's thread) but . . . be genuine and kind "consistently" and maybe it will last. You are just kind when you're in the mood and you have a good heart when it suits you. You are right, I do not know you and you do not know me, however, I know this much . . . you act really nice and pious and well intentioned and then you turn on a dime. No wonder you like Chip so much . . . he is exactly the same way. Anyone with half a heart can see that.


Beverly Hills,

#488Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2008

I have a heart and am a good person. You don't know me from Adam. I'm just calling it as I see it. This is Ripoffreport, not "findagreatpsychic.com". Aside from your first post about Chip, the rest of your postings have just been self-promotion. And I guess it's working as people are gullible enough to contact you. I'm not sure if your offer of a free reading (as you've offered to me before) is directed at me or at others who are reading, but feel free to post what you read for me here. Readings can be done over email right, so why not here? That way, if you're right, it will be more promotion for you and people will see it. And if you're wrong? Well you are never wrong are you?


Los Angeles,
Enjoy my blatant self promotion . . . Get a free reading . . . today only

#489Author of original report

Wed, October 01, 2008

This is my blatant self promotion post. lol Call me today only and you will get the best reading of your life. I have gotten so many wonderful emails at home from people who understand and feel for me and the hell I went through and who also believe Chip is full of it and a big fake. You are not one of those people and since I have put this up, if I choose to entertain and amuse people while I'm at it, that is my business. Some people (with a heart) will get it and others won't such as yourself. I teach people how spirit guides work. These two latest examples are so perfect, it's beyond, sent from above. . . literally . . . and to me, it's Merlin and Jesus's way of telling me, "We love you Bea." Sorry, if you don't like it, but Hey h*o . . . get off of my thread! I am not calling you a h*o . . . that is to be sung to the tune of Hey h*o . . . get off of my cloud. lol By the way, I am up for yet another tv show iwth d**k Clark Productions on Tuesday. I will probably declne but it's always fun to audition. Wish me luck. lmao


Beverly Hills,
More shameless self-promotion

#490Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2008

None of this has to do with Chip Coffey or Keen. You're just telling your little stories to drum up business. Put it on your website - it does not belong here. Anyone with half a brain can see right through you.


Los Angeles,
Jesus did not want to be left out of this thread . . . lol

#491Author of original report

Wed, October 01, 2008

Here is how funny my guides are and how present they are in my life. Chip Coffey wrote the following : "Oh ... Beatrice Marot also claims that she channels Jesus Christ ... and that Merlin, the fictional magician from the legends of Camelot and King Arthur, is her main spirit guide." Within a couple of weeks . . . first on September 13th, the Merlin thing happened with Katharine and her online magazine "The Fabulous Woman!!" (Gee, I wonder if Merlin's talking about lil ol me) lol Then on Wednesday the 25th of September (December isn't here yet and this really couldn't wait) Jesus decided to pop by and show me some love and this is how he did it. "On Wednesday morning, I read for a woman and at one point I told her, "Listen Cindy, I'm getting that you should not expect stability in your life, your life is not meant to be about stability . . . it is meant to be about adaptability. You're not here to walk on Earth . . . you're here to walk on water." And then I got chills when she said to me, "I had a dream once where Jesus was teaching me how to walk on water. He filled up a parking lot with water and taught me how to walk on it." "Well, you're the first person I have ever said that to. I have never used that expression or made an analogy like that ever, so Jesus has obviously chosen you for something cool!!" THAT IS WHAT I LIVE FOR. AND EVERY SINGLE READING I HAVE EVER DONE HAS A MOMENT LIKE THAT WHICH JUST OPENS THE DOORS OF UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTANCE FROM WHICH YOU WILL GAIN EMPOWERMENT AS WELL AS INNER PEACE!! Thanks J.C. Youdaman! P.S. Jesus wanted me to tell y'all that anyone reading this particular post . . . the same message goes for you too! Amen, Hallelujah and All That Jazz!


Los Angeles,
Eternally Connected!

#492UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 24, 2008

I have not spoken to this young man in months, but when someone is thinking of me, I usually pop them an email . . . if I like them, that is. I just thought it was funny because he mentioned my nemesis Chip so I put it up here for a laugh . . . RE: I need your number! I knew you were going to say that! lol My number is 310-***-**** and yes I am telepathic . . . and then some. lol B ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: The Pony {t.s.} Date: Sep 23, 2008 4:28 PM What are you telepathic?? I was just talking about you last night to one of my friends for a while when we saw your best friend, Chip Coffey, on TV. It's weird that you wrote me a comment today of all days, cuz I was thinking about you again today. Well anyways.. I got a new phone and lost most everyone's number, so can u send it to me again? Talk to ya soon! Sean


Los Angeles,
Merlin the Matchmaker strikes again . . . lol

#493Author of original report

Fri, September 19, 2008

I wrote this post on Alex's thread and I am rewriting it here because Merlin asked me to. As most of you know, the people calling Keen are 90% of the time calling about love and so many people become obsessed with their issues . . . which is what Keen the Company of Cons relishes . . . and counts on to make millions of dollars a year. This is what I love about Merlin. The purveyors of judgment and name calling on this post such as Renegade have told me that this thread is career suicide. I beg to differ. Here is what happened with a man who called me for a reading because of this post and the one about Billy Zane on Fametastic. Here is my original post unedited . . . Someone here wrote she tried to call Queen of Cups just to make sure she was good or bad . . . I mean really. Why waste more money???? If you only understood how each and every one of you truly do have all the answers you seek within you. All you need is faith in yourself and THE REALIZATION that the universe knows exactly who you are . . . you would be able to guide yourself to the perfect seer/teacher/healer! I used to be a reader on Keen and I posted the thread about Chip Coffey. Now, I have gotten some flack about it but that is ok. I know the vicious posts are coming from his friends because normal people who are objective can see both sides. Now, I want to share some valuable advice to save you all both money and heartache and to encourage you to get your own answers. I am going to share a story of a client of mine I will call Sandra. She and I met on Myspace and she came to me for a reading and we became friends. Then she started doing what so many people do which is to call me about every little thing. She was always in fear, anxiety, frustration about love and vibrating at a very low frequency. I finally told her enough. YOU cause your own misery because you refuse to shift your energy and you keep calling me for the quick fix. DON'T CALL ME AGAIN UNTIL YOU ARE HAPPY! Well, I really care about Sandra and this is what happened . . . she finally understood and took responsibility for her life. I also taught her about the REALITY of spirit guides and encouraged her to speak directly to my guide Merlin. AND SHE LISTENED . . . There is a man she really liked so very much, but he is a wealthy playboy type and a very bad choice for a boyfriend and she finally told him to go away. Then a short time later . . . she missed him so much and I advised her to call him. I told her . . . if you really want to open that door, you have to take the initiative. You told him never to call you again and he is respecting your wishes. Now, Sandra is as stubborn as they come and she just did not want to call him, but she decided to ask my guide Merlin if he could make it so that she runs into him and two hours later, she ran into him. She called me elated but now she felt she wanted more than he could give her. So, I told her to make a list of the kind of man she really wants. And boy did she make a list, a very long list. He had to be handsome, wealthy, intelligent, perfect body and on and on and on the list went. She asked Merlin to please bring this man to her and she got him. Within a couple of days, she is contacted by one of the most famous male models in the world. The guy is drop dead gorgeous and perfectly fit "the list" and on top of everything, he is Italian from Italy and so is she however she lives in Orange County, CA. They have been getting to know each other over the phone and via email. He is by all accounts her perfect dream man! Finally, I was contacted by a man for a reading and he also lives in Orange County and after reading for him, I felt he was a beautiful soul and I told him I wanted to introduce him to my friend Sandra because she also lives in Orange County. In the two years I have known her, I have never set her up with anybody. I wanted her permission first so I called her and told her my plan and she said, "Oh my god Bea, I was asking Merlin yesterday to help me meet more guys to keep my options open and here you are calling me today to set me up with a guy and you've never done that before." The man called me and said, "Bea, you have never met me before and how do you know, I am not a dorky, ugly guy. "Because I know you're not, I feel you are very handsome." "But how do you know?" "Because I read for you and you have a beautiful soul." "Yea, but how do you know what I look like." And he just kept on asking me and I finally jokingly said, "Because I don't read for ugly people ok!!!" In turns out that he is very handsome . . . everything she wanted and closer to home. Now, all of you . . . please take your power back and learn to communicate with Spirit, God, Universe, whatever you want to call it. Start to remember what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God and never forget that you really can create just about anything from universal mind when you learn the art of manifesting. And have fun with it and instead of testing out more psychics, develop those skills yourself. You will be glad you did. May you all find what you are looking for and remember . . . YOU HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS! PS-I just got this email from the gentleman I read for! "I met with Sandra again last night and we had a fabulous time together... wow!!" This is the reason I do what I do and no other. I love to see people happy . . . and so does Merlin.


Los Angeles,
Merlin is the coolest!

#494Author of original report

Sun, September 14, 2008

After finishing my last post, I was contacted minutes later by a woman named Katherine who is starting an online magazine called "The Fabulous Woman" and after a couple of minutes chatting, I said to her, "You know, Merlin is always telling me that it is the women and the children that are going to heal the planet and the men who support that vision." And she said, "Did you say Merlin?" and I said "Yes, he is my main spirit guide?" Then she blew me away when she said the following, I even asked her to write it down for me in her own words because I know people reading this have a hard time understanding the REALITY of Merlin in my life. In her words she wrote, "Hi Bea, See...I'm writing it down now. You are an amazing woman. Thank you for talking to me... I went to a UK site and found a psychic named "Webby." I told her this was going to sound strange but I had this dream...yada yada. She was quiet and said "You are working on a web site right?" I was shocked and said, "well, yes." Then she said, "Let me know when Merlin contacts you." I was kind of surprised with her response and felt the woman was strange. I mean...who really has a guide named Merlin? I felt guided to you Beatrice and I don't really know why. I have to find the lady who goes by the name of "Webby" and tell her that Merlin has made himself known. lol!" Thanks Merlin . . . you are without a doubt the coolest spirit dude man! I love you baby! lmao


Los Angeles,
This is for you referee

#495Author of original report

Sun, September 14, 2008

Because you love Robert De Niro. Some people on this thread pass judgement and jump to conclusions based on limited knowledge. They assume that my book is about revealing personal details of my famous clients. In fact, as in the case of Robert De Niro, it is entirely about how his dead friends have been around me since I read for him, starting with John Belushi and Lenny Bruce and the fact that they gave me jokes all the time that I would leave on his voicemail with his permission of course. Or for example, once they told me to tell Bob to stop yelling at Mark Wahlberg so I did and a month later I met Mark (this was 10 years ago) and he asked me to join him outside for a cigarette and the first thing out of his mouth was, "You know I've been reading for Robert De Niro lately, and I don't know why but he's always yelling at me." lol I so wanted to tell him, "Yea, I told him a month ago to stop yelling at you" . . . but I didn't! I didn't want to scare him. But that is the absolute truth. Will you buy my book referee? lol . . . actually you can have one for free! Signed, sealed and delivered! Like I said before, nobody does what I do! Now, Merlin, what say you and I go spread a little magic around town! Love to all!


Los Angeles,
Actually as I said to Robert De Niro once

#496Author of original report

Sun, September 14, 2008

I am a UFO, I am the head of the CIA and I suffer from ODD which means I am an Unidentified French Object, I am the head of the Celestial Intelligence Angels and I suffer from Obsessive Devotion Disorder. And on that note, good-bye and good luck! Adieu et bonne chance!


Los Angeles,
As a reminder, I am not the first and I won't be the last!

#497Author of original report

Sun, September 14, 2008

The person who wrote this also has his own paranormal tv show. He initially, like some people here thought I was so wrong for exposing Chip on Myspace and wrote me as much to which I responded, "Maybe a ghost crawled up Chip's a*s and set up house. Why don't you investigate that?" which he thought was very funny and wrote back that I had a great sense of humor and we became internet buddies. And here again is an example of how Chip "smiles in your face . . . and stabs you in the back!" Beatrice, Guess what? More crap in coffee land! LOL! I'm told (on good authority by several people) our friend Chip has been black balling me for some time - all the while, sucking up to me in my midst. Hes *THE* reason GP Entertainment wouldn't take me on as a speaker for the last 2 years. Well... he burned bridges with THEM TOO, and they finally decided to take a chance on me. So how much does THAT suck? Its one thing to trash someone else among your friends, but when you're impacting mine and my family's livelihood? The gloves come off. My wife tried to introduce him to a family at OmegaCon this past spring. Their child was having visions and was very disturbed. Did Mr 'Psychic Kids' take him under his wing and console him? Hell no - gave him and his family the brush off. My wife lost all respect for him at that moment. So yea - you were right about the piece of sh*t. He's in it for himself and no one else. Sorry I believed him and doubted you. Well, all I can say is we've moved beyond him. Karma is not just a b***h, shes a b***h with PMS! He'll get his and when he does, he's gonna crash HARD!


Los Angeles,
Who are you to judge fellforit

#498Author of original report

Sun, September 14, 2008

I was betrayed and maligned and pathologically lied about by someone who claimed to be my friend. If I am more sensitive then you are, so be it. It is what makes me an excellent psychic. You have no right to judge me nor tell me what to do. As I said, this is it for me. I found a way to clear my name, get some satisfaction for the wrong that was done to me and expose Chip for the lying scumbag that he is underneath his smarmy southern charm. He is a fake, a phony friend and a pathetic excuse for a man. I have also made some wonderful friends off of this posting for whom I am very grateful. You are not one of them. I had some respect for you but you are just as biased as the other one. The voice of reason and compassion here has been referree! I knew when I wrote that that I would get this response because of course you have to measure pain. And just so you know, I was raped at 13 and I am not over that either. Now just leave it. If you guys want this thread to end, then quit posting. Have a good life.


Los Angeles,
Who are you to judge fellforit

#499Author of original report

Sun, September 14, 2008

I was betrayed and maligned and pathologically lied about by someone who claimed to be my friend. If I am more sensitive then you are, so be it. It is what makes me an excellent psychic. You have no right to judge me nor tell me what to do. As I said, this is it for me. I found a way to clear my name, get some satisfaction for the wrong that was done to me and expose Chip for the lying scumbag that he is underneath his smarmy southern charm. He is a fake, a phony friend and a pathetic excuse for a man. I have also made some wonderful friends off of this posting for whom I am very grateful. You are not one of them. I had some respect for you but you are just as biased as the other one. The voice of reason and compassion here has been referree! I knew when I wrote that that I would get this response because of course you have to measure pain. And just so you know, I was raped at 13 and I am not over that either. Now just leave it. If you guys want this thread to end, then quit posting. Have a good life.


Beverly Hills,
Oh Good Grief

#500Consumer Comment

Sun, September 14, 2008

Beatrice, you cannot tell me you're comparing your domain name experience with soldiers suffering PTSD, rape and abuse victims. Get over yourself, woman! I agree, Karen. Definitely NPD.


Los Angeles,
Karen, I think I got your point, in fact everyone has

#501Author of original report

Sun, September 14, 2008

now, please go away. I am not interested in anything you have to say and I doubt anyone else is either. Why don't you go tell a soldier suffering from post traumatc stress disorder to get over it, tell a rape victim to give it a rest or a victim of child abuse. You have no idea who I am and the extent of what occurred in ths ordeal. Like Chip, you have the compassion of a scorpion. It took AN ENTIRE YEAR for me to get my domain name back. Chip refused to transfer it over to me without payment and I had to wait a year for it to expire. Now, really Karen, just stop reading this thread and listen to your own advice. Move on from here. Thank you. I want to thank those of you wonderful people who have emailed me at home. Your kind words mean so much. I thank you with all of my heart.


Los Angeles,
Thank you once again Referee

#502Author of original report

Sun, September 14, 2008

You are very kind and I appreciate you! Thank you for your objective opinion. All the best, B


North Carolina,
Give it a rest

#503Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 14, 2008

Oh please! Venting the same stuff in the name of healing for four years displays a problem with one's psyche and has nothing to do with healing or warning. Mr. Coffey has moved on and so should eveyone else. Key words: F-O-U-R Y-E-A-R-S!!!!!!!

The Referee

Losangeles Hollywood,
your welcome

#504Consumer Comment

Sun, September 14, 2008

Yes thanks just stating my 2 cents worth .. and in response to karen of course hes at 'peace with himself ' people who ' DO OVER' other people claiming off them what is not rightfully theirs seem the type that can look in the mirror see golum looking back and have no problem with their own conscience . Im sure he desrves his fame and works hard but I feel B has the right to show the world what was done to her this helps her heal herself from the betrayal and i can tell u that if someone used my name in their domain and sent my clients over to them if i had any clients ... i would certainly see that as very underhanded.. Im sure she will continue carrying on untill she feels even retribution has been met.. as for you karen if you knew anything about states of neurosis at all u would know any symptoms showed by B seem to relate more to trust being betrayed by someone they trusted people who have been betrayed show signs of shock disbelief feeling they didnt deserve it and wanting to warn others about the betrayar these are normal .. thanks signed noone this is my last post.


Los Angeles,
You must know Chip very well

#505Author of original report

Sun, September 14, 2008

You described him perfectly. Thank you!


North Carolina,

#506Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 13, 2008

Perhaps its time that all this is let go into the wind. It's been years and you and "merln" are hanging on to this chip coffey thing. Four years? That's a long time to be holding on to anything. Especially negativity. You can place whatever spin on it that you wish to pretty up what you are doing out here. All it is is rants, raves, and anger. Mr. Coffey has moved on as he should have. Two wrongs do not make a right and there really is no point for you to be holding on to this for dear life. FOUR YEARS! Mr. Coffey is at peace with himself and there is nothing wrong with that. You do not seem to be at peace and really should try it. If "merlin" is partaking in your shenanigans then you need to rethink what you have talking to you in your head. You may be psychic you might not be but one thing is becoming clear and that is, you may be suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder and small bouts of schitzophrenia. react to criticism with feelings or rage, shame or humiliation take advantage of others to achieve own goals have a grandiose sense of self-importance hold a belief that his/her problems are unique and can only be understood by other special people have a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love have unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment require constant attention and admiration be unable to recognize and experience how others feel be preoccupied with feelings of envy Let it go Beatrice, Let it go and be at peace with self.


Los Angeles,
Thank you Referee

#507Author of original report

Sat, September 13, 2008

I appreciate your thoughts and . . . YES, Chip Coffey most certainly did purchase my names as domain names which would take you to his website and he wanted me to pay him $1500 each to get them transferred. And here in Chip's own words . . . "After enduring weeks of constant harassment from Beatrice Marot, I'd finally reached my breaking point. For no other reason than the fact that I wanted to piss her off, I did, indeed, purchase two web domain names: beatricemarot.com and beatricemarot.net." I do not think anyone here can even fathom the pain I felt over this betrayal of such magnitude and now, his lies are even bigger than his betrayal. What Chip Coffey did to me was devastating and I swear on my precious mother's life . . . I swear before God/Goddess and all the universe, my side of the story is the truth and his is a complete lie. I never in a million years harassed him . . . it bears repeating . . . he called me to congratulate me and he seemed completely sincere and then when I became number one . . . I saw a side of him that was shocking to say the least and he literally went on a rampage to ruin me and he succeeded. I fought the dark and the dark won . . . for a time anyway. Now I am bringing the light into the situation and exposing him in a way that is appropriate in my opinion. Here on Rip-off Report!! Now, please think about this . . . if I was so hell bent on revenge, I could go on all kinds of sites and expose him. I have all the direct email addresses of all his producers on A&E. I mean with all the connections I have, it would be a cinch for me to get on the air and tell my story, however that would be a waste of energy. As I said before, this is it, this is perfect and I am done. This is his karmic payback. This will be like the ghost of Christmas past that this ghost buster just cannot shake. CHIP CREATED THIS . . . I AM JUST ADDING THE FINISHING TOUCHES AND FINISHED IS THE KEY WORD HERE. I AM FINITO! And lastly, I am not the stereotypical idea that people have about being spiritual. I am not all fairy dust and forgiveness and blessed be. I am a very caring, honest and true friend, a gifted seer and healer, but I am also a warrior energy and if I have to kick some butt once in a while to protect myself or others . . . believe me, I will! Now, I can get back to doing what I do best and that is making people shine! Thank you referee for reading some of my stories; it makes me very happy that you enjoyed them. I am fascinating aren't I? lmao Now humor is my favorite weapon and last night, I was just sitting watching TV and all of a sudden, in my mind's eye, I saw Chip as a bobble head Pinocchio and I heard Merlin say, "Hey Bea this is what Chip should be for Halloween. He can just put a slinky around his turkey neck, get a Pinocchio outfit and just start talking and his nose will grow all by itself." And Merlin is Giuseppe baby!


Los Angeles,
A little mistake

#508Author of original report

Sat, September 13, 2008

"I will say this to you again Karen . . . the future is malleable and karma can shift at any time, in a split second, depending on choices and decisions being made in this moment." Sorry about that Karen, the Karma post was a reply to fellforit's comment.


Los Angeles,
A little mistake

#509Author of original report

Sat, September 13, 2008

"I will say this to you again Karen . . . the future is malleable and karma can shift at any time, in a split second, depending on choices and decisions being made in this moment." Sorry about that Karen, the Karma post was a reply to fellforit's comment.


Los Angeles,
A little mistake

#510Author of original report

Sat, September 13, 2008

"I will say this to you again Karen . . . the future is malleable and karma can shift at any time, in a split second, depending on choices and decisions being made in this moment." Sorry about that Karen, the Karma post was a reply to fellforit's comment.


Los Angeles,
A little mistake

#511Author of original report

Sat, September 13, 2008

"I will say this to you again Karen . . . the future is malleable and karma can shift at any time, in a split second, depending on choices and decisions being made in this moment." Sorry about that Karen, the Karma post was a reply to fellforit's comment.

The Referee

Losangeles Hollywood,
SEEING both sides

#512Consumer Comment

Sat, September 13, 2008

I just want to clarify here im noone just a bored onlooker who happens to be floating around and got hooked into reading this as it is interesting .. while i was at first thought oh what a load of BS i read a bit more here and there and im thinking did this guy really take this womans domain names for himself how low is that and even thou this woman seems set on revenge despite reeling off how spiritual she is i got interested enough to look at her page and his page for that matter off his page i saw some guy whos not great looking more a bit like golum really who appears to be riding on a wave of sub fame but it struck me while i could easily fall for the hype of his that he may have done these underhanded things to get there? these are qs im asking myself and then i read her page and I admit i was fascinated by her stories about all the stars and her realistic approach to daily life it spun my head almost i thought good lord how is this so busy and not famous herself but then reading the drama drama i thought maybe just a bit of energy in every direction and not channelled in one place . maybe her fame comes later. then im thinking well she is famous but hes somehow usurped this road along on the coattails and found fame himself no wonder she is annoyed.. so no im not taking sides as i could care less but im inspired to put out there my objectivity im a little star struck as i absolutely love robert deniro and i did see that movie where robin wright did play the psycho with sean penn but thought she prob of been better off without him..and the ending b had for the analyse 2 was much better than the actual film.. what weighed heavy on my mind here is the fact this man went and purchased unless im reading this wrong then i apologise but did he really purchase domain names of this womans ACTUAL name thats just terrible...truelly bad sport . what ever has been done to him since may be over the top but appears certaintly deserved.. however i always say this seeking revenge means walking bac wards as u have to look back to see the person turn around and look forwards to your bright future and forget about a Golum thanks sign nobody never famous never will be famous and never want to be famos


Los Angeles,
I understand Karma perfectly . . .

#513Author of original report

Fri, September 12, 2008

And I have even seen the Dalai Lama speak. It was great. You know Buddhists are meant to be vegetarian but the Dalai Lama who is (according to Buddhists) the reincarnation of the Buddha eats meat due to a protein deficiency. Should we think he is a fake because he is not a vegetarian? There are hundreds of similar experiences whose Karmic repercussions is completely different from one to the next. There are no set rules. Buddhists believe you reincarnate in 49 days and that is complete nonsense. Some people reincarnate instantly and others like me don't come back for hundreds of years. I will say this to you again Karen . . . the future is malleable and karma can shift at any time, in a split second, depending on choices and decisions being made in this moment. This is a perfect example of something that Chip Coffey created by ripping off my name and how it came back to bite him as you would say. You think I am still angry and I am not at all. I am quite amused as I said before. You don't think it's funny and I do. Who is right and who is wrong. Neither one of us. We're both right. I have my reasons for wanting to set the record straight. I also took advantage of an opportunity to teach people WHO RIP PEOPLE OFF FOR ANY REASON . . . that there are consequences that you cannot even think of when you are doing your misdeeds. If I was really angry, I would post on the IMDB under the Psychic Kids forum or on any number of sites, but I have not and I will not. This is it for me and this is perfect. There are people that are going to disagree and that is fine. I am getting all kinds of support via email and it has been great fun! And now, I think I am done. If I have thrown myself to the Lions . . . so be it. I have dealt with Romans before! As I said to their Emperor once . . . "You know Bob, you Romans may always get the last dime . . . but us Druids . . . we always get the last laugh!! And guess what years later the Lewis Black show on HBO he interviewed me for was called . . . The Last Laugh!!


Los Angeles,
We Love You fellforit!

#514Author of original report

Fri, September 12, 2008

Merlin wanted me to tell you this dear lady. You know, unlike humans on Earth, the Universe wastes no energy and in order to clarify certain things about me for all to see in one place which is here on rip-off report, Merlin needed someone to bring up certain things like the myspace forum and the Billy Zane mess and I guess he picked you . . . Basically Merlin said, "Well, Bea . . . she fell for it!" lmao! Thanks angel . . . you played your role to perfection! When you come to L.A. . . . lunch is on me!!!


Los Angeles,
Karen, relax sweetie

#515Author of original report

Fri, September 12, 2008

You are a funny one. I think it has been clearly established that I am crazy, deluded, insane and I have no problem with that whatsoever . . . however, I am not cruel, horrible, petty and mean and . . . I do not STEAL PEOPLE'S IDENTITY AND USE THEIR NAME TO DRIVE BUSINESS TO MY WEBSITE like Chip Coffey did to me. What would you call that my dear Karen? Now, if you have nothing remotely interesting to say, I think we got your message and I promise you that I will only share positive things . . . . like the sort of gifts and accomplishments that I see in someone etc and I will get their permission. I mean when I told Robin Wright that her chapter would be called, "The Princess Bride of Frankenstein" she laughed out loud. I am not here to hurt anyone, I am here to teach people about things they would find very interesting and that may help to elevate their consciousness and may even help the planet evolve to a higher state of consciousness. I would also share information like when comedian Lewis Black came to my home for an HBO special in November of '06 and I said to him. "Lewis, I know why you're here and that is because you want to make fun of psychics . . . but the real reason you're here that you don't know about is because there is someone in spirit that wants to say thank you for something you did for him a couple of months ago and that is Lenny Bruce." You see Karen, I don't talk to dead people, they talk to me . . . and when I got a call from Comedy Central, the second I heard the name Lewis Black . . . I heard Lenny Bruce say, "Bea, he just did something for me that I am very grateful for" so I googled Lewis Black and Lenny Bruce and sho nuff, Lewis Black hosted a tribute to Lenny Bruce for the 40th anniversary of his death in September of 06. Lewis Black is at my house two months later. Naturally, Lewis was a bit taken aback. He was supposed to be there for 10 minutes but he stayed over an hour. I said, "Now, Lenny wanted me to tell you that you are going to get your own TV show as a result and he even gave me a name for it but you don't have to use it. Lenny said you should call it "The Lewis Black Attack . . . The Truth Hurts!" Lewis Black did get his own show on HBO in 2007 and he called it "The Root of All Evil." He must know Chip Coffey as well! Lewis said to me before he left, "This is the most interesting morning I have ever had and you are the best interview I have ever done." Now, when it came time to see the piece, it was edited to make me look like a complete idiot and thankfully it was cut out and never aired. But the message was delivered!


Beverly Hills,

#516Consumer Comment

Fri, September 12, 2008

Beatrice, you really need to do some reading on Karma. Study some Buddhism. You've got it all wrong.


North Carolina,

#517Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 12, 2008

This person is actually telling clients that they will DEFINITLY disrespect their right to confidentiality. What client wants to come to a psychic and then have what they deem their personal business end up all over the internet and who knows where else. Sometimes when the mind is in overdrive its extremely necessary to take a rest. Well potential clients if you want your business all over town I suggest you seek elswhere. This is just insanity! Pure grade A insanity. Is it just me or is there something extremely wrong here?


Los Angeles,
The Karmic Circle is Complete

#518Author of original report

Thu, September 11, 2008

Merlin said I should write the following in order to teach anyone reading this lovely thread a great example of The Law of Action and it's . . . Equal and Opposite Reaction also known as Karma! Once upon a time, Chip Coffey decided to show me how clever he was and he purchased my name beatricemarot.com and beatricemarot.net which he then used to take people to HIS website Eternal Connections! Now, Merlin and I serve the light and the highest good of all, however we do have a wicked sense of humor! And this perfect opportunity came up to teach a great lesson, that will also . . . now and forever give Chip Coffey exactly what he wanted. So, four years later after making sure Chip became a teeny weeny bit famous, (yes, there is something else to be gleaned from teeny weeny) . . . I mean what would be the fun of this elaborate lesson be, if no one knew about it right? So now, when you google my name Beatrice Marot, this report comes up with his name Chip Coffey and when you google his name, my name comes up . . . and people will be guided to MY website (where they will definitely learn something) and Chip and I will have an ETERNAL CONNECTION just like he wanted! Yay! And lo and behold . . . the Karmic Circle is Complete! Blessings to all and to all a good life!


Los Angeles,
Swimgirl, thanks for your comment

#519Author of original report

Wed, September 10, 2008

but I most absolutely do believe in reincarnation however, I was not Cleopatra . . . I was Joan of Arc. And anybody reading this, just let it be known right now . . . if you get a reading from me, you may end up in my book. There will be no confidentiality if I think you are someone the world need so know about or you are doing something good for the planet! I only read for angels and goddesses . . . which is why Chip and I don't get along. Thank you very much!


New York,
New York,

#520Consumer Comment

Wed, September 10, 2008

I said it before, but it bears repeating. This woman is a lunatic! No, Beatrice, I am NOT Chip Coffey, but if I were, I'd hire a good attorney and sue your a** off! Not that it would be worth his time, because I'm sure you aren't making much money as a psychic since you got yourself kicked off Keen. This whole thread really proves that you cannot argue, debate or even talk to a crazy person and Beatrice Marot is about as crazy as they come!


Beverly Hills,
Enough! LOL

#521Consumer Comment

Wed, September 10, 2008

But you ARE famous in your own way, Beatrice! ;) I thank you for the offer of a free reading and suggestion that we meet for lunch. If I lived anywhere near you (I'm not actually in BHills), I'd take you up on lunch as I suspect that we'd have a very interesting conversation to say the least. While I don't agree with a lot of what you've said, you are an entertaining person, that's for sure. I'll let Chip defend himself from here or maybe Renegade can take over. I of course was not privy to what happened between the two of you so can't really comment further as I don't know the truth. Suffice it to say, I am still a fan of his shows whether or not they are real or fake. How he chooses to conduct his friendships is between him and his acquaintances and I don't believe a discussion of it belongs here on ROR. Just so I don't appear biased, I am also a huge fan of your friends Billy Z, Robin W, Sean P (he and I actually share the same birthday, albeit different years) and De Niro. And I don't care if their movies are real or fake either! LOL And how they choose to conduct their friendships are their own business too. I just hope that one day you can get past this and forgive and forget. I've found personally lately that prolonged anger and bitterness are not really productive emotions. Why waste precious energy one someone you don't like when you could use that energy for something positive?


New Haven,

#522Consumer Comment

Wed, September 10, 2008

I don't know anyone on here. I just stumbled upon this thread and read it out of curiosity. That being said, I have caught Chip Coffey on TV a few times. Myself? I've never been an actual believer in ghosts and spirts, that sort of thing, but I find the show interesting. It's not good to drop names of alleged clients. People consult psychics with the intention that they will remain anonymous and all discussions will remain confidential. I just sort of think that if you want credibility, don't post on the internet about communicating with Elvis Presley. That's kind of like telling people you believe in reincarnation and were Cleopatra in a past life.


New Haven,

#523Consumer Comment

Wed, September 10, 2008

I don't know anyone on here. I just stumbled upon this thread and read it out of curiosity. That being said, I have caught Chip Coffey on TV a few times. Myself? I've never been an actual believer in ghosts and spirts, that sort of thing, but I find the show interesting. It's not good to drop names of alleged clients. People consult psychics with the intention that they will remain anonymous and all discussions will remain confidential. I just sort of think that if you want credibility, don't post on the internet about communicating with Elvis Presley. That's kind of like telling people you believe in reincarnation and were Cleopatra in a past life.


New Haven,

#524Consumer Comment

Wed, September 10, 2008

I don't know anyone on here. I just stumbled upon this thread and read it out of curiosity. That being said, I have caught Chip Coffey on TV a few times. Myself? I've never been an actual believer in ghosts and spirts, that sort of thing, but I find the show interesting. It's not good to drop names of alleged clients. People consult psychics with the intention that they will remain anonymous and all discussions will remain confidential. I just sort of think that if you want credibility, don't post on the internet about communicating with Elvis Presley. That's kind of like telling people you believe in reincarnation and were Cleopatra in a past life.


New Haven,

#525Consumer Comment

Wed, September 10, 2008

I don't know anyone on here. I just stumbled upon this thread and read it out of curiosity. That being said, I have caught Chip Coffey on TV a few times. Myself? I've never been an actual believer in ghosts and spirts, that sort of thing, but I find the show interesting. It's not good to drop names of alleged clients. People consult psychics with the intention that they will remain anonymous and all discussions will remain confidential. I just sort of think that if you want credibility, don't post on the internet about communicating with Elvis Presley. That's kind of like telling people you believe in reincarnation and were Cleopatra in a past life.


Los Angeles,
A couple of things I did not address fellforit

#526Author of original report

Tue, September 09, 2008

I said I charged $1.00 per minute THE FIRST YEAR I worked on Keen. After that I charged $2.99. I am not going to discuss my current rates because I do not have set fees. It depends on different factors and who I am reading for and what they can afford and if they really even need a reading. I only read for about 5 or 6 people a week. Merlin is very picky. I speak to most people before I read for them. If someone goes to my site and orders through paypal, I have $100 and $175 rates. What it does not say is that with the higher rate, you get a free update in two weeks, but only if I think you need it. As far as the difference between what I say about my celebrity clients and what Chip says is night and day. In his words . . . With regard to Beatrice's comments about my sexual preference, I will not dignify her attempted 'outing' with a response. What I will say is this: what I do ... or what ANYONE does ... in privacy should remain just that ... PRIVATE! It is interesting, also, to note that Beatrice has, in the past, openly bragged (most notably, on The Howard Stern Show) about the fact that she slept with actor, Robert De Niro ... even recounting, at one time, on her personal website, details of their sexual antics. (She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing.) I never edited anything and the snake in the grass never suggested it was too graphic and revealing. Can you believe this guy? When he wrote, "She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing" he knew that was a lie and he wrote it anyway. That makes him evil in my book. The completely unedited story exactly how I wrote it in 1999 can be read on my Goddess Central site under the link, From Bea's book, "Moviestars, Mobsters, Merlin and Me!" As far as OUTING Chip, I mean he is kidding right? Anybody with a half a brain can tell he is gay. I mean the guy looks and acts like a cross between Charles Nelson Reilly and Jeanne Dixon. And the other thing he wrote that is false is "Beatrice Marot also, at one time, had a restraining order filed against her by actor Sean Penn. I know this information only because I heard it directly from Beatrice, herself." Another complete lie and he knew it when he wrote it. That is why he gets on with Demons so well. He is one. Here is the kind of thing I WOULD say about Robert De Niro and other celebrity clients for my book. Now, does it violate their personal details? You tell me and if it does, too bad. lol I was doing readings at the J Lo's restaurant The Conga Room and a beautiful 23 year old black girl named Minouchka sat down. I know, I know . . . how many beautiful black girls name Minouchka are there out there? If you find this one, you will know that as always, I am telling the truth. I was reading for her for five minutes and her cell phone rang. As she was getting up to answer it, I said to her out loud, "You know my favorite client is Robert De Niro, but I usually just leave him the hits I get for him on his voicemail." She looked shocked, did a 360 degree walk around my table, sat back down and handed me the phone. On the called ID was the name, "Robert De Niro!!" THOSE ARE THE KINDS OF STORIES I TELL ABOUT MY CELEBRITY CLIENTS! Here is another one! I was having a conversation with Kelly Brook and Billy Zane and I said to Kelly who is English, "You know Kelly, Merlin has a thing for New York mobsters, because they are reincarnated Romans and the Romans wiped us Druids off the face of the Earth during the time of NERO! Now, Merlin doesn't want to hurt them or anything, he just wants to turn them into comedians starting with the Emperor. lmao That same night Kelly went to dinner at Ago's which is owned by Robert De Niro and she calls me and says in the most excited tone imaginable with that lovely Queen's English accent of hers, "Beatrice YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS, but I ended up having dinner with these two mobsters from New York and one of them is a film producer and he is doing a film in Cornwall, England and I asked him, "What are you doing in Cornwall, England when you're from Brooklyn, New York? And he said wid dat heavy Brooklyn accent, "We're doin' a movie about Merlin!" Like I said Fellforit, nobody does what I do and I will never cry wolf but Chip will cry to his mama! And Renegade, you are not a friend of Chip, you are Chip! You sound just like him anyway and I have been dealing with his rants and raves for years and they are soooooo similar in tone. rotflmao


Los Angeles,
fell for it, you are right

#527Author of original report

Tue, September 09, 2008

Very well put fellforit. I like you and you are welcome to a free reading anytime. You see, you are a rational and intelligent person and therefor you do make very valid points. And it is true that I do not watch the shows, but I have been doing this for a very long time and I will tell you again, these shows are contrived and edited and producers are very good at creating whatever they want. It is not just this show, it is any and all reality shows. The reason I know is because I have read for many of the producers of reality shows. One time, I was channel surfing and there was Chip in a trance state talking to a ghost and then he slapped himself across the face. I laughed so hard when I saw that. You do not slap yourself across the face if you are in a trance state. lmao But it was funny to watch. In any case, I never said Chip did not have skills and if I did watch the show, I could tell you exactly what is real and what is not. Chip read for me once but nothng he said came to pass. He said, "You are going to be famous Beatrice, you mesmerize people!" lol Now, here's the thing. Because I am not famous, does that make Chip wrong? No it does not. The future is not set in stone. You create your future and if I really wanted to be famous I would be. But, it is a mixed bag. I like my solitude. I am not a medea w***e and Chip is. Chip is one of the mose insecure, pathetic men I have ever known. I mean really . . . think about it. A 50 year old man advising people, guiding children, casting out demons and talking to ghosts who gets so oooooo upset because Beatrice Marot got the top spot in a category of a stupid psychic line. I mean "Who does that?" And then he lies tooth and nail about every part of it. As I said before, how could he justify doing this to a woman who did him no wrong, never harrassed him, never did anything but support his dreams and appreciate his friendship. HE CAN'T . . . so he has to make me look like a crazy, disturbed, she had problems with everyone lunatic. But CHIP KNOWS I AM TELLING THE TRUTH! Until he admits it and I mean every part of it, then his apologies are as much a self serving lies and the rest of it. Now, here is what a fantastic psychic I am (That was for you Renegade) I know how massive Chip's ego is and that even with his busy schedule that he would do exactly what he did. lamo I found riipoffreport.com and I decided, "Gee, Chip ripped off my name. I think I will write a report about it and I know Chip will find out about it and have a cow . . . and he did. Now, he would love to sue me but he cannot because I am not slandering him and I am telling the truth. We have this lovely thing called The Constitution with it's provision for Freedom of Speech. Now, if I was LYING, then we would be in court right now. This is for me the biggest rip-off imaginable. You see, I am an ancient Druid and to the Druids, NAMES were of utmost importance and special naming ceremonies were created when a child was born based on the soul energy and what it was here to accomplish. Beatrice means "She brings happiness to others." and I do! So when he stole my name, he stole a part of me. He raped my spirit and he's gay so I did not enjoy it one bit and now he is paying the price of . . . what is that thing they say . . . . something about a woman scorned. Yes, that's it . . . hell hath no fury . . . and girlfriend, when I get pissed, I make the wrath of God look like Richard Simmons having a hissy fit. lmao Let's you and I do lunch sometime. Love, B


Los Angeles,
Renegade, you seem obsessed with me now

#528Author of original report

Tue, September 09, 2008

I have that effect on people . . . people like Chip in fact. Now, calm down and go have a latte or something. Maybe meditate and find your inner child and give it a big hug!! I am going to address fell for it because she is a rational, lovely woman. You are a woman aren't you fell for it? Take care Renegade and please, I appreciate your concerns about my reputation, however you don't have to worry. The kind of people I read for know that I am the best at what I do and adore my personality because I deliver the truth with levity and love and I am always right. In fact look at what I got this morning. Just and excerpt. I don't want to bore you singing my praises so I will let some one else do it for me. lol "And to be perfectly honest, you are the one I wanted to speak to from the start. I found your posts at some forums, yes, because of the "actor incident", lol, but, you are one of the very few that no one has EVER complained about the actual reading abilities. So I feel I am actually going to get a real reading." And you will, my dear, you will! Tata and be well. Maybe you and Chip can do lunch and if you are a man you might get lucky! You are a renegade, you must be very adventurous! Love and light and all good things to you.


Beverly Hills,
Proof please

#529Consumer Comment

Tue, September 09, 2008

Beatrice, I am not here to call you names or judge you as a person. I have no idea who you are or what you are like, other than what I read on the Internet. I am just questioning what you are posting, that is all. Perhaps I am just bored and I like a good debate. LOL You say you have never seen Paranormal State until now, but you said before that it is scripted, fake, etc. Unless you work on the show, I would assume that you know nothing about how it is made. Of course it is edited for dramatic effect, but unless you have concrete proof that it is totally fake, that is just your opinion. Especially since you don't even watch the show. You yourself may be a total fake for all I know. After all, don't people say that only nutjobs believe in psychics? That psychics don't exist and are only out to grab money from desperate people who will believe anything? I am not saying you are fake - I don't know you and have never had a reading from you. Thus, I'm not judging your abilities as I don't have any basis for those judgments. Accordingly, you don't seem to have any basis for your judgments about the shows Chip is on. I don't think I've ever seen a show that implies that demons are ousted within 30 mins. The shows take place over days and most of them don't even involve demons. Just misplaced spirits. Whether it's 100% real or 100% fake, I still enjoy the show for what it is. ;) You've also never said outright that Chip Coffey is a fake or fraudulent or has no psychic/medium abilities. If you have proof of this, please say so. Also, if you were a famous psychic/medium with your own show and had your own work to do, would you help everyone you ever talked to or who approached you for help? If you did that you'd be overwhelmed by people asking for free help 24/7. Do you just give free readings and help to people who approach you on the street all the time? I'm thinking not. How many calls does Chip get on a daily basis, I wonder? I think that the Psychic Kids show does have a responsibility to help the psychic kids on that show after production ceases. But does that sole responsibility fall on Chip? I'm sure he takes phone calls occasionally from them but does he have to be on call 24/7 for every psychic child in the US? I would think the producers give the children and their families local resources to contact given that Chip is likely very busy now. If one is to believe that psychics/mediums are real, they cannot be "on" all the time. I'm sure you find this in your life. Why would you expect Chip to be any different? Your comments are solely about Chip's personality and how he acted towards you as a friend. Your complaints here might have merit, sure. But haven't you said enough about it? Do you really expect that he's going to come back and beg your forgiveness and give all the details you want him to? Do you really think that your words here will ruin his career? You say he charges hundreds of dollars for readings, but don't you do the same? Maybe not as much as him, but you're charging $175-250 an hour which isn't even close to the $1 a minute rate you were bragging about. Before Chip posted here, you had posted on other sites about your other famous clients - don't blame him for bringing it up. I just think your postings are going to have the opposite effect than what you're thinking. Keep posting - it's up to you. But after a while it'll be like the boy who cried wolf.


New York,
New York,
Certifiably INSANE!

#530Consumer Comment

Tue, September 09, 2008

No one has launched a "venomous, toxic attack" against you, Beatrice, unlike you, who has raked Chip Coffey over the coals numerous times. Those of us who have commented have given our opinions based solely on what YOU have posted. You have used this website to unfairly attack Chip over incidents that happened years ago. He has apologized to you, yet you continue to hold a grudge. Give the guy a break! He has not returned here to further engage in any of this nonsense with you. To me, that says a lot about HIS character. You have also inappropriately used this forum to shamelessly promote yourself and tell us repeatedly how wonderful YOU think you are. Do you even begin to realize how ridiculous you've made yourself appear? Evidently not, because you obsessively continue to post even more drivel. You just can't stop yourself, can you? This thread truly isn't about Keen, Kasamba, other similar sites, Chip Coffey or anything else other than YOU, Beatrice. You have found a new place to spew your venom and post rambling, nonsensical tributes to yourself. Using your own words, you have painted a very disturbing and ugly picture of yourself for the entire world to see. Nothing that anyone could possibly say to you, however, will make a bit of difference. You've deluded yourself into believing that you are a victim and you play that role well, when, in fact, the majority of your problems stem from your own self-destructive actions. Sadly, in an effort to settle the score with others, you have, instead, successfully damaged yourself, your credibility and your own reputation. And now, you say that you will haunt Chip for the rest of his life. That, in and of itself, proves that you are an evil, vindictive, deranged woman.


Los Angeles,
In response to you fell for it. I do want to answer your queries.

#531Author of original report

Mon, September 08, 2008

Fell for it . . . If you think Paranormal State is real and not entirely contrived and edited, to make sure that any demon entity that is terrorizing a family is conveniently cast out in thirty minutes, well it is clear, you do not know much about reality shows. Gotta love those demons though. They do what they are told, especially if you invoke the name of Jesus. And Ryan, the head investigator on Paranormal State gee, you think he has some investment in this show and wants it to seem authentic. Could he be lying? hmmmm, I have never watched the show but I checked out one episode on Youtube just now from Paranormal State and clearly a lot of people are entertained by this program but the intelligent ones realize how fake it is. AND IT IS SOOOO FAKE! The episode is green in color if you want to check it out. The title is "Paranormal State Shape Shifter Part 3" Here is one comment. godfreyjones25 (1 month ago) Ha. The white person drove the native spirit off her land. Anyone else appreciate the historical irony of this situation? jthmluver (1 month ago) I do! XD greeneturtle77 (1 month ago) except it still went on and the family abandoned the house scared out of their minds. they're on Psychic Kids. I am so sorry to disappoint you fell for it but it seems you "fall for it" everytime. (Sorry, I couldn't help myself) And of course, now they can continue to exploit young children/teenagers for all to see. But hey, teenagers love this stuff and that is what the networks cater to, the audience not authenticity. I am sorry but Psychic Kids is truly a demonic show in every sense. You say I exploit my celebrity clientele. Exploiting children is much more serious in my opinion. I am told that when the show is over, so is Chip's connection with the children. He only helps them when he is on the air. ALL REALITY SHOWS ARE SCRIPTED AND PRODUCED FROM BEGINNING TO END. No exception. There is improvisation but it is coached beforehand. The real spirits of loved ones, do not line up to be on Montel Williams, or to come through John Edwards or James Van Praagh among a live audience paying $150 a head and real demons or entities do not just pack up and leave when a gay medium from Atlanta shows up and tell the owners to tell the demon to get out and "You gotta say it like you mean it." lmao Although, I have to admit, Chip is funny and very good at convincing people of just about anything. He had me convinced that he was sooooooo happy for me when I was about to take over the number one spot. I believed him and that is why it was so hurtful when he began to act like a demon! I did not "see" that coming, that is for sure. I even told him, if he had not been such a p***k and stolen my name. I would have been number one in his fan club. I am not in the least bit jealous of Chip's success. Not at all! If I wanted my own show, I would have it. I mentioned that I walked off a show based on my own idea because the producers were not doing it real! And yes, Chip was immature for competing for top spot on Keen and registering my domain name, but he has NOT apologized because he has not yet admitted the fabricated facts of his story. Until he does, then his apology is as empty as his words of friendship and congratulations. Chip will ruin his own career, he does not need my help, but I am going to haunt him for the rest of his life. lmao Oh the irony there! And if he thinks he is sorry now, wait until he crosses over! And again, with all due respect, you my dear have no clue about Karma. But I like you very much because you state your feelings and opinions in a calm and rational manner and as I said earlier, I respect everyone's opinion however, when people express the kind of rage that some of these comments do, those are in fact, exactly the kind of things that Chip's friends say! And I mean word for word. I have heard it all before. I cannot prove these are Chip's friends of course, but they sure sound like his friends. Have a lovely day!


Los Angeles,
This is great!

#532Author of original report

Mon, September 08, 2008

Listen, you guys need to really practice what you preach. Say what you want. I find this all so absolutely charming. You are so entitled to your opinion and I welcome it. I don't think you realize that every mention of a celebrity came from Chip first. Besides stealing my name, he betrayed my friendship after I told him very personal thngs about people that are not my clients first such as Robin and Billy but in fact friends as close as family for a very long time . . . I trusted Chip that much that I told him things as friends do. Chip is also the one that brought up my little fling with Robert De Niro who by the way has never once paid me for a reading. However, I have absolutely no qualms whatsoever about posting what I posted about Chip Coffey. I am glad he has supporters and now why don't you guys go get yourself a $500 reading from Chip where he will get in touch with your deceased loved ones. I do it for free. If a loved one comes through for a reading, it is part of the reading. I do not charge an extra outrageous amount of money like he does specifically for connecting with a loved one. And have you seen the amount of disclaimers on his site. It's like he knows he is full of it and does not want to get sued. And lastly, you do not know me. You base your judgements and they are very harsh ones on a couple of things I have posted about two friends that betrayed me in a way that cut me to the core! That really hurt me like nothing else. I have not said anything on this post that I regret or that I am ashamed of at all. I did not steal Chip Coffey's name. I did not betray a friend. I did not lie about the facts. My version is the 100% truth and Chip knows it. You have no clue how many lives I have saved, changed and/or completely transformed. You certainly have not read about those stories on my website have you? If you are not Chip's friend, then why the venomous toxic attitude towards someone you do not know at all. Are you showing me and others how to act online? I mean you are doing exactly what you are accusing me of but of course with you it is different right!? My days are filled with wonderful readings that I know are very unique and no one and I mean no one does what I do. That does not make me better then Chip or any other psychic, just different. And when every single client tells you that, there must be some truth to it. In fact, a woman I read for this morning and she is going to be famous soon, a truly talented incredible amazing artist . . . . peppered with such painful experiences that I saw quite clearly, wrote me the following after I asked her to read a story on my blog on myspace called, "The Joker" which I knew she would relate to and of course she did. She wrote me . . . "I just read The Joker. I feel just like he did, except I don't want to die. I want to live. I want it all. When he was speaking on his guided meditation, I felt someone put thier hands on me. and I felt this warmth...Thank you, I don't know what you did but thank you." I am a healer and that is also the real truth and the best part is, I don't even have to be there. Merlin and I wish you all very well!


New York,
New York,
Career Suicide

#533Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

We might as well save our breath (or keystrokes), Karen and fellforit, because Beatrice Marot just doesn't get it. Reality is a concept she obviously cannot grasp. In an effort to defame Chip Coffey, she has, instead, exposed HERSELF. She tried to use Chip's name and recent television appearances to draw attention to HERSELF, but it has backfired very badly on her. Here's my Rip-Off Report on Beatrice Marot: 1. She openly discusses her clients' private, personal matters in public forums. (Breach of confidentiality) 2. She has maligned others in her field in public forums. (Breach of professional etiquette) 3. She is frequently involved in Internet disputes with others. 4. Her account on Keen.com was disabled after she received repeated warnings to stop breaking the rules and guidelines of that service. 5. Her ramblings and rantings on this website give the clear and distinct impression that she is a deeply disturbed individual. In my opinion, what she has posted here is the equivalent of career suicide.


Beverly Hills,

#534Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

Nowhere have you ever stated that Chip Coffey's psychic abilities are fraudulent, Beatrice. You state that all reality shows are manipulated for entertainment because you read for "everyone" in the business (if that's the case, you must be very busy). Well, yeah, they're television shows which are edited for drama! The viewers expect that. That doesn't mean they're all fake. Have you ever been on set or behind-the-scenes at Paranomal State or Psychic Kids? If so, then please tell us specifically what goes on to prove the shows are fake. If not, then you have no basis for your implication that these shows are fraudulent. If you read Ryan Buell's blogs (the head investigator on Paranormal State), you'll see that he's skeptical when it comes to psychics but that he trusts Chip and he never gives Chip information about the case prior to Chip entering the situation. Could he be lying? I suppose, but I doubt it. Basically, your beef with Chip is purely personal and anyone who reads your rantings can tell this. At most, Chip may have been immature for competing for top spot on Keen and registering your domain name, but he's apologized and this needs to stop. What more are you looking for? Do you want him to beg your forgiveness? Do you want to ruin his career? That says more about you than it says about him, really. Lastly, you obviously don't know the concept of Karma. Karma states that anger turns back on the person who is angry and makes them ugly. All of this is negative Karma on *you*.


North Carolina,
I thought

#535Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 07, 2008

I thought you were psychic. If you were psychic you would know that I am not a friend of Chip Coffey. That I do not know him. I am a "fan" of Chip Coffey because of the job he does on paranormal state regardless of what spin you choose to put on it. Just leave the man alone. He has clearly moved on and you should really do the same. He addressed you in this thread. You responded and that really should of been the end of it. Really, what ethical psychic would discuss their clients all over the internet and air their dirty laundry? Why pick the scabs that are trying to heal?


North Carolina,
I thought

#536Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 07, 2008

I thought you were psychic. If you were psychic you would know that I am not a friend of Chip Coffey. That I do not know him. I am a "fan" of Chip Coffey because of the job he does on paranormal state regardless of what spin you choose to put on it. Just leave the man alone. He has clearly moved on and you should really do the same. He addressed you in this thread. You responded and that really should of been the end of it. Really, what ethical psychic would discuss their clients all over the internet and air their dirty laundry? Why pick the scabs that are trying to heal?


North Carolina,
I thought

#537Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 07, 2008

I thought you were psychic. If you were psychic you would know that I am not a friend of Chip Coffey. That I do not know him. I am a "fan" of Chip Coffey because of the job he does on paranormal state regardless of what spin you choose to put on it. Just leave the man alone. He has clearly moved on and you should really do the same. He addressed you in this thread. You responded and that really should of been the end of it. Really, what ethical psychic would discuss their clients all over the internet and air their dirty laundry? Why pick the scabs that are trying to heal?


New York,
New York,
Wrong answer, but thank you for playing

#538Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

Nice try, Beatrice, but I am not a friend of Chip Coffey and I am not coming to his rescue. I'm simply stating facts and opinions that I am sure most of the people who have read your delusional, self-focused, abusive rants agree with. You just don't know when to shut up. Anyone with common sense or decency would never post the things you've written on this and other websites for the entire world to read. Let me state this clearly so even your "celebrity clients" can understand. This woman is a vicious, vindictive, totally unprofessional screwball.


Los Angeles,

#539Author of original report

Sun, September 07, 2008

Well, you can always tell when Chip's friends come to his rescue. They are always as vicious as he is! Thanks for your comments Karen and Renegade. I am just surprised it took a week or so. Usually it is instantaneous! Reality television is edited. produced, scripted and contrived. You have no idea to what degree. Nothing about any reality show is real!! And since I do read for everyone in s****..


New York,
New York,
Beatrice Marot is obviously crazy

#540Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

It is clearly obvious that Beatrice Marot is a lunatic. Anyone who reads what she has written here cannot help but see that this is a bitter, angry, jealous, narcissistic woman who is hellbent on damaging Chip Coffey's reputation. This is not a rip off report. It's a character assassination against Chip Coffey, written by a woman who is desperately in need of years of psychological counseling. Chip Coffey does not owe her an apology. In fact, he states that he's repeatedly tried to end the upset between the two of them. It's time for Beatrice to move on and stop blaming others for her problems in life. She has already come across like a complete nut case. She is further damaging her reputation and credibility each time she posts something here and on other websites in an attempt to "settle the score" with Chip Coffey. Step away from your computer, Beatrice, and get some much needed therapy!


North Carolina,

#541Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 06, 2008

Fellforit, could this be a case of success jealousy? I have seen paranormal state that at times has Chip Coffey as a guest and from what I have seen of him he does a excellent job. Although I am not for talking to the dead I see that he is on top of his game. He knows what he is doing for if he did not he would not be collecting a paycheck to appear on that very popular show. From reading this thread I find it quite distrurbing that a "psychic" and i use that term loosely, would get on the internet and discuss the readings she has conducted with her clients. Celebrity ones too? To go on about Robert Dinero and Billy Zane is unethical at its worst. What client in their right mind would and can trust this woman now. This is NOT good for business at all. I know I wouldn't pay her one red cent to read me after reading all this stuff she has posted all over the internet. This tells me this person has a very unstable mind. I can't believe she put out the business of Dinero and Zane. Wow. Perhaps she is not getting as many clients as she wishes anymore. Maybe her big mouth and lack of ethics has something to do with it and not chip coffey at all. Then to talk about merlin and elvis, etc. woweewwooowww.


Los Angeles,
I have never deleted my myspace account

#542Author of original report

Sat, September 06, 2008

I just changed my profile name to Bea Magical. And the fact is, someone did manipulate the whole myspace forum and added things that I never said. My space does not post their forums on search engines. It was one of the horrible men that I was dealing with who were beyond nasty and I got nasty back. My bad. As far as Chip's skills verses mine . . . there is no comparison. We do not even vibrate at the same frequency or serve the same energy. I work with light, spirit guides and angels and he works with ghosts, demons and who knows what else. I am a true friend and he is a false one. I help people prosper from their natual talents and abilities . . . he scares little kids by telling them "Monsters are after them" or "You're haunted!" I have never watched his shows but I have read some terrible reviews that mentioned those two quotes. I know you like his shows and that's cool but you don't have to be a good psychic to be on TV . . . look at Silvia Brown. And please allow me tell you one more thing you may not know about reality shows. I was asked to be on America's Greatest Psychic and I declined but they kept calling me and saying that they really liked me and even sent over a contract for me to sign. The contract was 35 pages long. I told them that I doubt even Satan has a contract this long if you want to sell your soul to him. In the contract and I still have it . . . and this is a standard contract for reality shows. The contract basically forces ANYONE ON CAMERA to a confidentiality agreement that you cannot reveal the behnd the scenes b.s. of most reality shows. You cannot talk badly about the producers or the players or reveal anything whatsover to make people think it is not real. These shows are so over produced and scripted it is not even funny. I know because Allison Grodner Productions (Big Brother) was interested in producing an idea that I have but I had to walk away the second day of shooting because everything was contrived and set up and not at all what I wanted to do which was genuine and authentic. In other words, these reality shows, every one of them are about as real as Chip's friendship! He fits right in since he has no problem lying and I do not fit in at all since I prefer speaking the truth. And television does not care about the truth. And I would have gladly accepted Chip's apology if he had told the truth which would have been, "It is true that I simply became jealous of Beatrice when she took the top spot. She did nothing to me but be a loving, supportive friend. She was great with everyone on Keen. She did work very hard and I cannot explain why I lost it but I became overcome with jealousy and I did things that I deeply regret." That would have been a real apology, but Chip is incapable of speaking the truth on this matter and will continue to delude himself and anyone else into believing that I am this terrible person who harrassed him to no end. Well, he created that reality based on a lie and now it has become the truth. Now, I am happy to put this to rest and move on! Peace!


Beverly Hills,

#543Consumer Comment

Thu, September 04, 2008

No need to thank me, Beatrice. I just did a simple Google search, which is what you did and your future/current clients can do. In fairness, it looked like you participated in that Myspace thread and then deleted your account or something happened there, but where people had quoted you, your quotes remained. I guess it's just a reminder that what you say on the Internet (especially when you give your full name out) never tends to disappear and can be found by people you don't think will read it. Just take it as a lesson learned. As regards Chip, I looked up his Keen profile and it appears he hasn't done readings through that site for at least a year so no need to warn his Keen clients about him. And you've never said anything about his psychic ability, so I'm assuming that's not in question. So you've said your piece, Chip has responded, and now it's time to put it to bed as it doesn't sound that anything is likely to be resolved to your satisfaction. Like I said, it's time to move onto more positive things, forgive the past, and stop living in anger.


Los Angeles,
Many thanx to you Fell for it in Beverly Hills

#544UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 04, 2008

I googled my name and I found the MySpace forum you were talking about. If you notice, my picture never ever appears in any box throughout the forum. I did participate in this forum and it did get heated after very mean personal attacks were made against me . . . but this version was altered and maybe 25% of what is written is actually what I wrote and the other 75% is fabricated. I want to thank you for pointing this out and I am working with myspace to have it removed from the search engines. People can be so mean and I will never understand it. People like Chip Coffey are the worst though because he was nothing but sweet and super nice in his over the top flamboyant way until that fateful day when I became number one. What lies beneath is shocking sometimes. I am not perfect, but I am never one to betray a friend . . . EVER!! Thanks again . . . you should be a private investigator! lol


Los Angeles,
fellforit . . . about the myspace forum

#545Author of original report

Thu, August 28, 2008

Hi fellforit, how is everything at 90210? fellforit, I have yet another clarification to make regarding the "MySpace" Forum that you mentioned. I looked at it myself today and I realized something. If you will notice, my picture does not show up once throughout the entire forum. Now, I did participate in that forum however, what was posted on Google was completely edited and the things I wrote were cut and pasted and rearranged with things that I NEVER WROTE . . . so you do not get an accurate account of the actual forum. Someone painstakingly spent alot of time to make me look really bad. I found out the hard way when you go on a public forum and tell people you are a psychic . . . you get a lot of mean people saying all kinds of hurtful things. There are definitely some things that I did write that were not very nice, however 70% is totally contrived and made-up by whoever put it in the search engine. Thanks for letting me know about it! I will see what I can do to get it removed! Thanks again, all the best, B


Los Angeles,
The Law of Karma is Perfect!

#546Author of original report

Wed, August 27, 2008

Since this site is called Ripoff Report and there are no shortage of scumbags out there who have no problem ripping people off . . . let this story be a warning to all cons and rip-off artists. Sooner or later . . . whether in four years or forty . . . you will pay for your misdeeds and since everything on this earth is speeding up to make way for the new age of "conscious creating" . . . this means, the law of karma is speeding up as well. You will reap what you sow quicker than you know . . . and here you have a perfect example. Chip Coffey used my name to "drum up business" and to "piss me off." Well it worked. And now he is paying the Karmic price! Merlin and I just wantd to make sure he became a little famous first and got what he always wanted . . . his own tv show. We're cool like that! Otherwise, it would not be nearly as interesting for those reading this now would it! Here is the man who guides psychic children yet behaves like a child himself. Oh the irony! It's so perfect! The minute Chip saw me in the top spot of Voices From Beyond . . .he saw red, then became green with envy and went on a juvenile rampage that to this day he cannot admit to. Chip used my name to take people to his website, lied about the reasons why, lied about my reputation at Keen and now my name Beatrice Marot is forever linked with Chip Coffey's and I will use this story to teach a karmic lesson to everyone else. Something positive will come out of this. The lesson is . . .think twice before you rip someone off or betray a friend! If you do . . . in the end, you are only ripping yourself off whether it be money or dignity or reputation. You will pay back your debt whether in this life or the next! There is no question about it. So start planting the seeds of creativity right now and use your natural talents and abilities and prosper from that place. You will be alot happier when you do. And one more thing . . . do not mess with Master Magicians like myself and my main man Merlin!! Hey Merlin . . . I think Chip has learned his lesson, don't you? Let's give the guy a break. Peace!


Los Angeles,
fellforit . . . I get your point

#547Author of original report

Wed, August 27, 2008

However, you made a statement here that needs clarifcation . . . You said that I have posted my discontent with Chip. . . "in many other postings you've made on different Internet sites." I have only posted this grievance on Ripoffreport.com because he ripped off my name. I had a blog up on myspace and then he took it and posted it with a bunch of lies which I have reposted here. I took that down a long time ago. I have not posted anything else about Chip anywhere else. If I have please do let me know as I am not aware of it.


Beverley Hills,
Personal vs. business

#548Consumer Comment

Tue, August 26, 2008

Everyone has been hurt at some point by someone they care about, Beatrice. But we all don't post about our arguments on a consumer reports website. It just seems that you posted this because you're mad at Chip for his alleged actions towards you, not necessarily to protect the public at large because he's misrepresenting himself as a psychic or giving bad readings. I don't think you've ever commented on his skills, just his actions towards you as a former friend. Only you and Chip know what really happened. But it's over with and long in the past. Same with your differences with Billy Zane and whoever else. Why bring these up now? And it's not just here - it's in many other postings you've made on different Internet sites. If you're really who you say you are, if you truly have a gift and want to help people fulfil their potential, then concentrate on that and let go of the anger. Karma will take care of the rest and you're only hurting your professional reputation by making posts like this. You may have garnered a few clients, but you may have lost a few too. Just keep that in mind.


New York,
New York,
To Beatrice and Chip: Let me help you settle this

#549Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 26, 2008

The best to end this ongoing and heated discussion is that you guys give me a reading. You get to pick the area you're most conformable with (work, family, relationship, finance etc...). The only requirement is that is a short term prediction and something that is not trite (like you will have breakfast tomorrow). That will be a great way to help people know who is the most accurate.


Los Angeles,
One more thing "fellforit"

#550Author of original report

Tue, August 26, 2008

I just want to clear something up. The best part of this thread for me is not doing readings or drumming up business. The best part is that more and more people are reading my website and sending me wonderful emails as to how much they enjoy my stories. It is giving me the courage to finish writing my book. I am here to show people exactly how spirit guides work and some of my guides happen to be beloved celebrities. There are certain living celebrities that are vital to my life and my mission. Since I was 16 years old, I told all my friends I was going to meet Robert De Niro at the age of 35 and I did. He asked me out and I read for him for four years and since then I have his dead friends around me all the time. We have a great time helping people together. I have known Robin Wright since she was 11 years old. I will only say this about the "restraining order" and I told this to Chip in confidence because as I said, we were good friends and of course, being he is the supreme hyprocrite, he brings it up totally out of context to the entire story so naturally it makes me look bad which was Chip's intention. I saw something regarding Robin that literally woke me up one night. I called her and left her a message. I will not say what it was but it turned out to be true and she let Sean Penn listen to the message and it freaked him out. It scared him and it resulted in one confrontation between he and I. Their nanny said to me, "Sean is thinking of filing a restraining order against you." He was upset but not because of any other reason other than I remote viewed a situation while asleep and it scared him. That is all. He never filed anything. Now, Billy Zane, that is a touchy one. He was my friend for 17 years and promised to collaborate with me on film projects and when the opportunity arose for this to finally happen, he ended our friendship with a phone call and lied about it, blaming his girlfriend instead of telling the truth. I was devastated. I am a very very loyal friend. When I would get upset with Billy because I felt he was just stringing me along, he would write me emails like this "I miss you girl. don't lose faith or drive. Your gift is like an element vital to the survival of the planet. You are a light of magnificent wattage, Bea. Sometimes you need to bask in the glow as well, and there is the rub. The sacrifice, isn't it. You will be an unsung hero no more, but that requires you going public. Write! Write! Write! Scripts Bea. I love your stories. You need no one to collaborate with until it's time to prep and shoot them. I will help you with rewrites.Now get to it. You need it. We all do. Love, always Billy My life in an open book. I have absolutely nothing to hide. I am here to show and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, what really happens when we die and how to become the magical beings we were designed to be. There is no hell . . . there is only light and when you die . . . you are and will continue to be yourself minus the hurt, anger and fear. I am not there yet and neither is anyone reading these words. I am still here in this world of duality, of dark and light and subject to both. It is a constant choice. I, like everyone reading this do not always make the light choice! I love deeply and I hurt deeply when those I love betray me. You cannot hurt me unless I love you and I loved Chip at one time and I loved Billy like a brother. It still hurts what Billy did to me after I was there for him time and time again through thick and thin. I will never ever understand betrayal but as Merlin has told me . . . I needed to experience it on many levels . . . because betrayal is at the core, the root of all anger, revenge, hatred, war etc. . . that permeates this planet.


Los Angeles,
One more thing "fellforit"

#551Author of original report

Tue, August 26, 2008

I just want to clear something up. The best part of this thread for me is not doing readings or drumming up business. The best part is that more and more people are reading my website and sending me wonderful emails as to how much they enjoy my stories. It is giving me the courage to finish writing my book. I am here to show people exactly how spirit guides work and some of my guides happen to be beloved celebrities. There are certain living celebrities that are vital to my life and my mission. Since I was 16 years old, I told all my friends I was going to meet Robert De Niro at the age of 35 and I did. He asked me out and I read for him for four years and since then I have his dead friends around me all the time. We have a great time helping people together. I have known Robin Wright since she was 11 years old. I will only say this about the "restraining order" and I told this to Chip in confidence because as I said, we were good friends and of course, being he is the supreme hyprocrite, he brings it up totally out of context to the entire story so naturally it makes me look bad which was Chip's intention. I saw something regarding Robin that literally woke me up one night. I called her and left her a message. I will not say what it was but it turned out to be true and she let Sean Penn listen to the message and it freaked him out. It scared him and it resulted in one confrontation between he and I. Their nanny said to me, "Sean is thinking of filing a restraining order against you." He was upset but not because of any other reason other than I remote viewed a situation while asleep and it scared him. That is all. He never filed anything. Now, Billy Zane, that is a touchy one. He was my friend for 17 years and promised to collaborate with me on film projects and when the opportunity arose for this to finally happen, he ended our friendship with a phone call and lied about it, blaming his girlfriend instead of telling the truth. I was devastated. I am a very very loyal friend. When I would get upset with Billy because I felt he was just stringing me along, he would write me emails like this "I miss you girl. don't lose faith or drive. Your gift is like an element vital to the survival of the planet. You are a light of magnificent wattage, Bea. Sometimes you need to bask in the glow as well, and there is the rub. The sacrifice, isn't it. You will be an unsung hero no more, but that requires you going public. Write! Write! Write! Scripts Bea. I love your stories. You need no one to collaborate with until it's time to prep and shoot them. I will help you with rewrites.Now get to it. You need it. We all do. Love, always Billy My life in an open book. I have absolutely nothing to hide. I am here to show and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, what really happens when we die and how to become the magical beings we were designed to be. There is no hell . . . there is only light and when you die . . . you are and will continue to be yourself minus the hurt, anger and fear. I am not there yet and neither is anyone reading these words. I am still here in this world of duality, of dark and light and subject to both. It is a constant choice. I, like everyone reading this do not always make the light choice! I love deeply and I hurt deeply when those I love betray me. You cannot hurt me unless I love you and I loved Chip at one time and I loved Billy like a brother. It still hurts what Billy did to me after I was there for him time and time again through thick and thin. I will never ever understand betrayal but as Merlin has told me . . . I needed to experience it on many levels . . . because betrayal is at the core, the root of all anger, revenge, hatred, war etc. . . that permeates this planet.


Los Angeles,
One more thing "fellforit"

#552Author of original report

Tue, August 26, 2008

I just want to clear something up. The best part of this thread for me is not doing readings or drumming up business. The best part is that more and more people are reading my website and sending me wonderful emails as to how much they enjoy my stories. It is giving me the courage to finish writing my book. I am here to show people exactly how spirit guides work and some of my guides happen to be beloved celebrities. There are certain living celebrities that are vital to my life and my mission. Since I was 16 years old, I told all my friends I was going to meet Robert De Niro at the age of 35 and I did. He asked me out and I read for him for four years and since then I have his dead friends around me all the time. We have a great time helping people together. I have known Robin Wright since she was 11 years old. I will only say this about the "restraining order" and I told this to Chip in confidence because as I said, we were good friends and of course, being he is the supreme hyprocrite, he brings it up totally out of context to the entire story so naturally it makes me look bad which was Chip's intention. I saw something regarding Robin that literally woke me up one night. I called her and left her a message. I will not say what it was but it turned out to be true and she let Sean Penn listen to the message and it freaked him out. It scared him and it resulted in one confrontation between he and I. Their nanny said to me, "Sean is thinking of filing a restraining order against you." He was upset but not because of any other reason other than I remote viewed a situation while asleep and it scared him. That is all. He never filed anything. Now, Billy Zane, that is a touchy one. He was my friend for 17 years and promised to collaborate with me on film projects and when the opportunity arose for this to finally happen, he ended our friendship with a phone call and lied about it, blaming his girlfriend instead of telling the truth. I was devastated. I am a very very loyal friend. When I would get upset with Billy because I felt he was just stringing me along, he would write me emails like this "I miss you girl. don't lose faith or drive. Your gift is like an element vital to the survival of the planet. You are a light of magnificent wattage, Bea. Sometimes you need to bask in the glow as well, and there is the rub. The sacrifice, isn't it. You will be an unsung hero no more, but that requires you going public. Write! Write! Write! Scripts Bea. I love your stories. You need no one to collaborate with until it's time to prep and shoot them. I will help you with rewrites.Now get to it. You need it. We all do. Love, always Billy My life in an open book. I have absolutely nothing to hide. I am here to show and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, what really happens when we die and how to become the magical beings we were designed to be. There is no hell . . . there is only light and when you die . . . you are and will continue to be yourself minus the hurt, anger and fear. I am not there yet and neither is anyone reading these words. I am still here in this world of duality, of dark and light and subject to both. It is a constant choice. I, like everyone reading this do not always make the light choice! I love deeply and I hurt deeply when those I love betray me. You cannot hurt me unless I love you and I loved Chip at one time and I loved Billy like a brother. It still hurts what Billy did to me after I was there for him time and time again through thick and thin. I will never ever understand betrayal but as Merlin has told me . . . I needed to experience it on many levels . . . because betrayal is at the core, the root of all anger, revenge, hatred, war etc. . . that permeates this planet.


Los Angeles,
Fellforit . . . I respect your thoughts

#553Author of original report

Tue, August 26, 2008

However, what I wrote here was a blog that Chip posted on myspace and I simply cut and paste it. He is the one that dropped the names of my celebrity clients etc. . . . and as usual lied about everything. Now I will respond to his statements here the way he likes to do it! I will address his statements in capitals! Beatrice has obsessively bashed me, not only here on the Internet, but to personal friends and professional contacts as well. I SENT TWO LETTERS IN FOUR YEARS . . . ONE TO HIS MANAGER AND ONE TO A TALK RADIO SHOW! Here is my side of the story: It is true that Beatrice and I both worked on Keen.com. It is also true that as she drew close to surpassing me in ratings points in one of Keen's categories, a conflict between us arose. In order to secure the 'top spot,' Beatrice began drastically undercutting my per-minute rate. For example, if I was charging $2.99 per minute, she would lower her rate to $1.00 per minute in order to lure clients into calling her. WHAT A JOKE. I CHARGED $1.00 PER MINUTE SINCE DAY ONE FOR THE ENTIRE FIRST YEAR I WORKED ON KEEN. I WANTED PEOPLE TO GET A REAL READING, NOT A SOUNDBITE. PEOPLE LOVED ME FOR IT TOO! In the spirit of fair play, I began matching her rate of $1.00 per minute and Beatrice became outraged. She telephoned me and verbally lambasted me for having the 'nerve' to compete with her lower per-minute rate. CHIP NEVER LOWERED HIS RATE EVER, NOT ONCE IN TWO YEARS UNTIL THE DAY I BECAME NUMBER ONE. I CALLED HIM AND SAID, "CHIP, IS EVERYTHING OK?" AND HE IS THE ONE THAT SCREAMED, "NO, EVERYTHING IS NOT OK, I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU TAKE THE NUMBER ONE SPOT. I HAVE BEEN NUMBER ONE ALL THESE YEARS AND I AM NOT GOING TO ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD. ARNOLD SHWARZENEGGER WOULDN'T ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD." THE WEEK PRIOR CHIP WAS CONGRATULATING ME, SAYING AND I QUOTE, "I AM SO HAPPY TO TURN OVER THE CROWN TO YOU! YOU DESERVE IT, YOU WORKED SO HARD." DO YOU NOTICE HOW CHIP NEVER ADMITS THAT WE WERE GOOD FRIENDS FOR TWO YEARS AND SPOKE ON THE PHONE ALL THE TIME OFF OF KEEN. I HAVE THE PHONE RECORDS TO PROVE IT! I CALLED HIM AND HE CALLED ME ALL THE TIME AND YET HE NEVER MENTIONS THAT PART OF IT. IT IS EASIER FOR HIM TO GLEAN SYMPATHY IF NO ONE KNOWS THAT HE DID WHAT HE DID TO A FRIEND OF HIS, NOT SOME CRAZED LUNATIC. In reality, Beatrice also had ongoing conflicts with numerous other advisers who worked with Keen. She sent many nasty messages to other Keen advisers, thus creating disharmony within the Keen community. She also wrote scathing E-mails to Keen clients who did not provide her with the glowing feedback she felt she deserved after providing psychic readings to those clients. SO UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY UNTRUE . . . I NEVER EVER HAD A SINGLE ISSUE WITH ANYONE UNTIL CHIP RECRUITED HIS FRIENDS TO HARRASS ME. ALL OF A SUDDEN, ALL OF CHIP'S FRIENDS AND PSYCHICS THAT WERE IN HIS "GROUP LISTINGS" BEGAN CALLING ME AND PURPOSELY LEAVING NEGATIVE FEEDBACK! HIS FRIEND GODDESS DAWN SANDUM WHO WAS DIRECTLY BELOW ME WOULD CHANGE HER NAME TO "BEATRICK MERLOT." IT WAS SHOCKING AND PAINFUL TO SAY THE LEAST. I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT BECOME NUMBER ONE IN THE CATEGORY "VOICES FROM BEYOND." CHIP ORCHESTRATED TH REST OF THE NIGHTMARE I WENT THROUGH AND THAT IS THE GOD'S TRUTH! I LOST SO MUCH BECAUSE OF HIS ENDLESS AND CONSTANT HARRASSMENT WHICH REALLY SENT ME OVER THE TOP WHEN HE PURCHASED MY LEGAL BIRTH NAME AND SENT PEOPLE TO HIS WEBSITE. HE CALLED ME GLOATING THAT HE HAD DONE THIS AND HE SAID TO ME, "YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY BEATRICE MAROT ON THE PLANET." AND I RESPONDED, "I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT IS A PSYCHIC THAT KNOWS YOU!!" THEN HE WANTED ME TO PAY HIM $1500 FOR MY OWN NAME! After repeatedly being warned to stop creating problems and conflicts with other Keen advisers and clients, Beatrice was finally 'booted' from Keen. I SENT A TOTAL OF THREE POLITE EMAILS TO OTHER PSYCHICS WHO PURPOSELY LEFT ME NEGATIVE FEEDBACK. I WAS KICKED OFF OF KEEN BECAUSE I GAVE PLAYFAIR A PLAY BY PLAY OF WHAT WAS HAPPENENING TO ME AND THEY CHOSE TO BOOT ME OFF BECAUSE I WAS THE VOCAL ONE! THEY ASKED ME NOT TO EMAIL ANYONE IF THEY LEFT A NEGATIVE FEEDBACK AND MUCH TO MY CHAGRIN, I DID NOT COMPLY SINCE THEY WERE OTHER PSYCHICS WHO HAPPENED TO BE CHIP'S FRIENDS!! NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED AND I WOULD STILL BE PUTTING SMILES ON PEOPLE'S FACES WITH MY DIVINATION SKILLS IF IT WAS NOT FOR A JEALOUS MAN NAMED CHIP COFFEY! These events happened almost four years ago, yet Beatrice has not been able to let go of the fury she directs at me. Despite the fact that I have, on several occasions, tried to 'make peace' with her - including a public apology, on a radio broadcast, for any wrongdoing she feels I may have directed at her - she simply will not let it go. HERE IS CHIP'S M.O. HE WILL PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE IN ORDER TO LOOK GOOD AND THEN RIGHT AFTER THE RADIO SHOW HE EMAILS ME THE FOLLOWING THREATS: Beatrice, I have received copies of the E-mails that you sent to Tuesday Miles at Portal Talk Radio. I was under the impression that you and I had agreed to put our past differences behind us. However, your recent actions indicate otherwise. Please know that I have spoken with the police in Los Angeles, as well as the court system here in Georgia. They have advised me that I am well within my rights to file a restraining order against you for harassment due to the fact that you are sending defamatory E-mails about me to both my business contacts and personal friends. It is certainly not my intention to perpetuate the discord between us. I will, however, file a restraining order against you if I discover that you have further tried to damage my reputation by sending E-mails to my business contacts or personal friends. I ask that you cease and desist this practice immediately in order to avoid legal action against you. Sincerely, Chip Coffey She has telephoned or e-mailed many of my personal and professional contacts, stating things that seriously border on slander/libel, even going so far as to call me vulgar names and making sexual slurs against me. HERE IS THE TRUTH. IN FOUR YEARS, I SENT ONE LETTER ON MYSPACE TO JANA AT MEGA MANAGEMENT AND WARNED HER ABOUT CHIP. I RECENTLY FOUND OUT THAT SHE KNOW LONGER REPRESENTS HIM! AND I SENT ONE EMAIL TO A RADIO SHOW. THAT'S IT! TWO LETTERS IN FOUR YEARS! I ALSO POSTED A BLOG ON MYSPACE AND THEN CHIP TOOK MY BLOG AND POSTED HIS OWN BLOG WITH A BUNCH OF B.S. AND FINALLY SINCE HE DID RIP OFF MY NAME AND IDENTITY AND DIRECTED TRAFFIC USING MY NAME TO HIS WEBSITE, I FILED A REPORT HERE SINCE THIS IS RIP-OFF REPORT.COM AND THERE IS NOTHING WORSE THAN HAVING YOUR INDENTITY RIPPED OFF! AS FAR AS SEXUAL SLURS! THE ONLY THING I EVER SAID, IS THE FIRST WORDS OUT OF CHIP'S MOUTH WHEN I JOINED KEEN AND HE CALLED ME AND SAID,"HI, MY NAME IS CHIP COFFEY AND I'M A GAY MAN LIVING IN ATLANTA AND I JUST WANTED TO WELCOME YOU TO KEEN." IF HE CONSIDERS HIS HOMOSEXUALITY A SEXUAL SLUR, THAT IS HIS PROBLEM! I DON'T PASS JUDGEMENT ON A PERSON'S SEXUAL ORIENTATION! I have repeatedly asked her to cease and desist, but she refuses to do so and continues to harass me. Honestly, I am sorry for her troubles, but enough is enough. Continuing to hold a major grudge after four years is psychologically unhealthy. She needs to move on and commit to her own success without blaming others for her lack thereof! Beatrice jumps at any and every opportunity to bash me, Keen and now Kasamba. I agree with another individual who posted a comment, stating that this is nothing more than an attempt at soliciting 'pity' and blatant self-promotion. CHIP IS A LIAR AND A MANIPULATOR OF THE FACTS!! AND HERE IS PROOF BEYOND A DOUBT OF WHAT KIND OF MAN HE REALLY IS! THE FOLLOWING IS AN EMAIL I RECEIVED FROM SOMEONE ON MYSPACE A FEW WEEKS AGO. THIS PERSON LIKE "FELL FOR IT" DEFENDED CHIP TOOTH AND NAIL AND SAID WHAT I WAS DOING WAS WRONG AND THEN HE FOUND OUT THE TRUTH FOR HIMSELF! HERE IS HOW I FOUND OUT ABOUT IT!!! AND IN MY LIFE THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES!! MY GUIDES WANT CHIP EXPOSED AND SO DO I!!!! Beatrice, You really ARE psychic! I've been thinkin 'bout you this week! I was gonna add you anyways, but couldn't find your profile. Figures though - you changed your display name and photo. And THEN you go and add me - after we hadn't talked in months! Coincidence? I think NOT! LOL By the way - the new hair style and color looks HOT!!! ;) Guess what? More crap in coffee land! LOL! I'm told (on good authority by several people) our friend Chip has been black balling me for some time - all the while, sucking up to me in my midst. Hes *THE* reason GP Entertainment wouldn't take me on as a speaker for the last 2 years. Well... he burned bridges with THEM TOO, and they finally decided to take a chance on me. So how much does THAT suck? Its one thing to trash someone else among your friends, but when you're impacting mine and my family's livelihood? The gloves come off. My wife tried to introduce him to a family at OmegaCon this past spring. Their child was having visions and was very disturbed. Did Mr "Psychic Kids" take him under his wing and console him? Hell no - gave him and his family the brush off. My wife lost all respect for him at that moment. So yea - you were right about the piece of s**t. He's in it for himself and no one else. Sorry I believed him and doubted you. Well, all I can say is we've moved beyond him. Karma is not just a b***h, shes a b***h with PMS! He'll get his and when he does, he's gonna crash HARD! OK - gotta run! I'm off to an event in Florida for the weekend! Talk soon! =) AND THAT FOLKS . . . IS THE REAL CHIP COFFEY!!


Beverley Hills,
I don't think it's funny, Beatrice

#554Consumer Comment

Tue, August 26, 2008

From what I've read so far about this lady, she certainly does seem quite disturbed. Blatant namedropping and self-promotion, diatribes against Billy Zane and Chip Coffey, jabs at Robert DeNiro and publication of his private life, and restraining order threatened by Sean Penn. No problem at all there, right? All in good fun! Just stop before you embarrass yourself some more, Beatrice. I am surprised that you're not worried about slander/libel at all.


Stop the insanity, Beatrice!

#555REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 26, 2008

I would venture to guess that anyone reading what Beatrice has posted here on this site would have to agree that she is clearly in need of professional counseling to deal with her various issues, including the rage she directs at me.


Los Angeles,
Here is what Chip's next move will be without a doubt

#556UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 25, 2008

Chip will now go and frantically recruit his friends to come here on ripoff report to sing his praises and denounce my actions as one of a jealous woman with serious mental issues who wishes she could be as good and wonderful and fabulous as Chip who does nothing but help the little psychic children and fight off demons and ghosts like the Archangel Michael himself. lmao You lovely people reading this amusing thread, please lighten up . . . if anything, view all of this with a sense of humor. That's what I do. I say let's do a reality show called "Battle of the Psychics" and it goes something like this. "Hey Chip . . . I see you with a fat lip!" "Well, I see you in court!!" "Oh yea, well I see you taking a lie detector test and the lie detector blows up!"


Los Angeles,
Chip Coffey . . . you are and always will be a liar!

#557Author of original report

Mon, August 25, 2008

As usual Chip JUST LIES AND LIES AND LIES. I had my rate at $1.00 per minute from the beginning of working for Keen. Chip Coffey never ever once lowered his rate t $1.00 per minute until the day I became number one in the category Voices From Beyond. When I saw he lowered his rate, I called him and said, "Chip, is everything ok?" He screamed at me, "No, everything is not ok! I am not going to let you take the number one spot. I have been number one for all these years and I am not going to roll over and play dead. Arnold Shwarzinegger wouldn't roll over and play dead!!" Chip, how do you live with yourself? You know that is how it went down and you are still such a as one reviewer called you so aptly, "A litte pimple of a man!" Here is a blog straight from Chip's myspace page in which he lies and lies about what happened. Chip use to do this to me all the time when I would write to him regarding the theft of my identity. He would cut and paste what I wrote and then write some b.s. underneath. Nothing has changed. He did the same thing to a blog I posted on myspace. Here is my response. I will put my words in quotations because it can get confusing. "Now, my nemesis, Chip Coffey is taking the "high moral road" according to his new blog. That is like George Bush saying, "Well, now that I have started a war based on lies and destroyed thousands of lives . . . I think I'll become a peace advocate and a human rights activist."" In it he states: Taking the moral high road . . . I have removed the blog that I posted in rebuttal to recent cyber attacks that were launched against me, both personally and professionally. Rather than continuing to address the "issues" in a public forum, I have chosen, instead, to deal with this matter privately and legally. "Too bad Chip, that you did not choose the "moral high road" when I became number one in the category Voices From Beyond on Keen.com. But then that is typical of your type . . . righteous when it suits you . . . Instead of doing what was right, you went from Dr. Jekyll to Mr Hyde and turned on me for no reason. I never in a million years harassed you prior to this and you know it . . . and I have all the lies written in your original blog right here. YOU registered my name beatricemarot.com and beatricemarot.net which when put in the browser, sent people to your website eternalconnections. Oh what a "moral high road" you walk Chip. Gee, maybe a ghost or an entity took over your body . . . but no, it was just plain old male ego." "If only you had just told me how much it meant to you to be number one . . . I, as a true friend would have simply changed categories just like that and none of this ugliness would ever have happened. When you said, "Beatrice, (and I quote) I am so happy to hand over the crown to you, you deserve it. You've worked so hard." I thought you sincerely meant it. You lied to me then and you lie about everything that happened now and your friends support you in your lies. Anybody that reads through my Keen feedback blog will know that I did alot of good for alot of people and Chip not only robbed me of my name but Chip robbed many people of my healing gift. In fact, I invite all of Chip's friends to read my blog "The Tao of Elvis" and see how a 10 minute phone call on Keen.com changed a woman's life forever . . . with a little help from Elvis. In her book, "The Tao of Pug" she even writes in the acknowledgement page, "Thank you Beatrice Marot for your Keen insight!" Take legal action Chip . . . I look forward to it." "And here is a message from Merlin . . . My dear Merlin said I should preface this blog with the following statement. There are spiritual laws that are unchangeable, immutable and eternal. There are laws of Karma, laws of attraction and the following laws . . . in the physical world opposites attract but in the spiritual world like attracts like. How do I know that Chip Coffey is paying the price for stealing my domain name? I know Chip is paying the price because he is now working with ghosts, entities and demonic energies and that is the very lowest form of energy there is. A ghost by the way is simply an emotional imprint of a powerful energy usually one that was in pain or suffering in a certain place but is no longer there, just like a finger print indicates the presence of a physical being that was there but is no longer there either. B.F.D Now, Chip and all his friends think that I have anger issues and they are right. I have been screwed so many times by my so called spiritual friends, that in my next life, I'm gonna reincarnate as a light bulb! And as far as being jealous of his celebrity status. Please, don't make me laugh. I help people become famous, that is part of my service and as far as I am concerned . . . like I always say, "Down here, I'm nobody . . . but up there, I'm like Madonna!!!" In fact, Chip used to say to me and I quote, 'You're going to be famous. You mesmerize people." Indeed I do. My day will come and I will shine my light on my terms, when I am good and ready and when that day comes, make sure you have your sunglasses on!" "I had just been saying to Merlin . . . I bet Chip is going to do what he used to do whenever I wrote him an email denouncing his actions of stealing my domain name . . . he would copy it and then respond to each paragraph in a scathing manner and boom an hour later he does just that. Some people just never change!" Regretably, it is time to reply directly to a few of Beatrice Marot's accusations against me. The information below that appears in italics is taken straight from Beatrice's blog abot me ... and my rebuttals are written in bold. "He wrote a blog in response to mine which I have included here claiming that I am attacking his good name to which he has gleaned alot of sympathy from his buddy list . . . but please note how he conveniently leaves out the fact that he stole my identity and registered my name which would then forward to his website Eternal Connections. And I am the one with issues. Yea right!" After enduring weeks of constant harrassment from Beatrice Marot, I'd finally reached my breaking point. For no other reason than the fact that I wanted to piss her off, I did, indeed, purchase two web domain names: beatricemarot.com and beatricemarot.net. "Weeks of harassment??? . . . you were congratulating me one week and spewing hatred the next! Your breaking point occurred the minute you saw me as the top rated psychic in Voices From Beyond. You are such a morally superior man according to you and your friends and yet here is the truth in a nutshell. You are a small minded petty individual and a big liar. Remember we were friends for a couple of years and I certainly did not turn on you nor do anything that you accuse me of. It was the other way around." FYI: An individual can purchase ownership of ANY domain name and retain it until such time as a legitimate source steps forward, asking (with just cause), to purchase the domain name. The fact that I owned two domain names that contained the words "beatricemarot" certainly does NOT constitute identity theft! When Beatrice Marot discovered this, she went insane. I turned ownership of the domain names over to my webmasters and advised Beatrice Marot of this. She began calling my webmasters dozens of times each day, spouting profanity and threats, demanding that the domains be turned over to her. My webmasters offered to sell Beatrice Marot the domain names at what they determined was a fair and reasonable price. Her harrassment became so out of control that my webmasters at The Ott Group contacted the Los Angeles Police Department, asking them to stop Beatrice Marot from annoying them. Eventually, in order to get Beatrice off their backs, my webmasters gave the domain names to her ... NOT because of threatened legal action, since it is NOT against the law to own ANY domain name. "Thanks for telling the truth FINALLY Chip. I see you did alot of research before you stole my name and you the pious one who prays for me now . . . just wanted to piss me off. Shame on you! Gee, where was your "moral high road" then . . . Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right." (In case anyone would like to verify any of the facts that appear in this posting, I will be happy to provide you with the names of individuals who can corroborate these statements.) "My angel John Williams is the one who helped me get my names back. I am not even sure how he did it. I will have to ask him but it took almost a year to get my names back. "He also claimed I was suspended from the psychic site we both worked on which is an outright lie. I was never suspended ... I am the one that ended up getting permanently removed from Keen. The reason was because I sent polite, professional emails to each of the psychics giving me negative feedback and that is against Keen policy. They warned me twice and the third time I was booted off of Keen." In reality, Beatrice Marot was suspended several times from Keen. She had created numerous conflicts with other psychics (including me) who were working on Keen. She sent blistering E-mails (similar in tone to the ones she sent to my manager) to PAYING CUSTOMERS on Keen whenever they did not provide her with the glowing written feedback that she felt she deserved. Finally, after repeated warnings and several suspensions, Beatrice's listing disappeared from Keen. The only assumption that can be made is: Keen finally decided that Beatrice was more of a problem and a liability to them than she was an asset. Notice, also, the fact that Beatrice, herself, says she was warned twice by Keen to stop "breaking the rules" and the third time, she was booted off. DOES THIS WOMAN NOT SEE THAT SHE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HER OWN DISMISSAL FROM KEEN??? "Never happened Chip. I have NEVER been suspended from Keen that is for certain. In an earlier statement, Chip said it happened once and now he says it happened several times. Get your lies straight will you? It is true that playfair at Keen does not allow their psychics to respond to negative feedback but I took it upon myself to write to these people anyway because they were other psychics. After two warnings from the Keen play fair team . . . the email that got me thrown off went like this. The psychic "The Mathematician" called me and hung up on me and then wrote on my feedback that I hung up on her." I wrote to her and said, "I did not hang up on you. There may have been a technical difficulty but I assure you that I did not hang up on you. Sorry for the misunderstanding." That was the content of what my third strike consisted of. And they call themselves the play fair team. yea right! I do feel that Chip is right about one thing. Due to my giving playfair a play by play of all I was enduring on the site, they decided I was more of a liability than an asset. If I did what Chip accuses me of . . . they would have thrown me off a long time before. As you can see playing fair is not their game. " "I work with light beings and believe me there is a huge difference." Here is a partial list of the "light beings" that Beatrice claims to work with: John Belushi, Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Lenny Bruce and Tupac Shakur. Sorry, folks, but most of these men were drug addicted, troubled (albeit, brilliant) souls even when they were here living on the planet! Oh ... Beatrice Marot also claims that she channels Jesus Christ ... and that Merlin, the fictional magician from the legends of Camelot and King Arthur, is her main spirit guide. "All of these celebrated yet troubled souls are happily in the light! What they did on Earth has no bearing in spirit. My Merlin is an ancient Druid who walked the Earth 1000 years before the legend of Arthur's Merlin." "... it shocks me to this day how some people have no conscience and can just reek such havoc in other people's lives." Isn't that EXACTLY what Beatrice is attempting to do to ME?? "The wheel of Karma will turn . . and I just ran your a*s over with it! Now, how does it feel to have your actions come back to haunt you ghostbusta!" And if what I have listed above isn't enough, consider the following racially charged comment she wrote in response to another comment left on her blog: Girl, it's all good. I have enjoyed reading the people on his blog saying that I am so angry and immature but I would rather be that than blind as a bat! Well I always say, in fact I said it today, "You know, I'm an angry black man reincarnated as a sexy white woman . . . and that's a dangerous combination for da white man!" And he's from the South!! lmao "That's right! "And I've been arrested for things that no white woman would ever get arrested for . . . but the L.A.P.D. is trained to smell out a brotha . . .even if he's hidin inside a white woman!" John Belushi gave me that joke. It's one of my favorites." With regard to Beatrice's comments about my sexual preference, I will not dignify her attempted "outing" with a response. What I will say is this: what I do ... or what ANYONE does ... in privacy should remain just that ... PRIVATE! "Chip, the very first thing you said to me upon calling me to welcome me to Keen was and I will never forget it because you are just such a happy southern fella. . . "Hi, My name is Chip and I am a gay man living in Atlanta and I just wanted to welcome you to Keen." Now about keeping things private naturally in your beautifully perfect hypocritical way . . . in your very next sentence you tell people I slept with Bobby D. You just don't miss a beat do you?" It is interesting, also, to note that Beatrice has, in the past, openly bragged (most notably, on The Howard Stern Show) about the fact that she slept with actor, Robert De Niro ... even recounting, at one time, on her personal website, details of their sexual antics. (She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing.) "Please, I called it the best New York minute I ever had. You can read all about my connection with Robert De Niro on my website goddesscentral.com. Now, I have never altered, added or changed one word on that site since I put it up in 1999 and I met Chip in 2001 so you're lying again Chip! And as far as Bobby D . . . when people ask me "So what kind of healing do you do? I tell them, "Everything, but raise the dead, unless you want to count the time I slept with Robert De Niro!" In fact, he is the reason, I have all these celebrities around me . . . they are all his dead friends. I guess knowing Robert De Niro in the "Biblical sense" opens a portal to the other side." lol Beatrice Marot also, at one time, had a restraining order filed against her by actor Sean Penn. I know this information only because I heard it directly from Beatrice, herself. "Once again, you take things completely out of context. Sean threatened but he never filed anything. And I will not say anything more about that cuz . . . Robin Wright is very dear to me! I thank you kindly for being your other self and showing your friends just how mean you can be. I would never ever claim to be better than anyone . . . just cooler than most! And . . . I definitely get angry at injustice done to anyone, not just myself and this opportunity to get even came up and I took it. HEY MAYBE WE COULD BE LIKE ROSIE AND DONALD TRUMP AND GET OUR OWN REALITY SHOW. YOU CAN BE ROSIE AND I'LL BE DONALD."


North Carolina,
A Gift Perhaps

#558Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 25, 2008

You people may very well have a gift, chip and beatrice but it is not from the light. There are those who are gifted that are from the light. From the sound of the behavior of the two of you and those that you associate with, your actions seems to be grotescly focused on monetary gain. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for a service that you provide but when greed takes over then your gifts are no longer of the light. You also have to remember that the devil is a savvy trickster and there are FINE lines that you cross when your gifts no longer become the gift of light but very well indeed become crossed over into the gift of darkness. I know many will dispute this fact but it is true. From the sounds of this thread your gift is not of the light. Now this Elvis nonsense. Elvis coming to someone and telling them to pray to him. That is ridiculous and no one should listen to that nonsense. That in itself is solid proof that the dark side has been crossed over into. The dead don't talk and that is what GOD has told US all in the Holy Bible. People should be very leery of those who claim medium abilities. Greed is NEVER a gift of the light! Remember the devil and his minions can perform miracles and provide what appears to be light guided information. With that being said you have to really question those who say they have "spirit guides" and "talk to the dead." They may believe these are GOD sent entities when in actuality they very well may not be. Something for ALL to think about when they are consulting a "psychic" and I use that term loosely. Perhaps it's best if you just consult with someone who does not speak of spirit guides and talking to the dead.


North Carolina,
A Gift Perhaps

#559Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 25, 2008

You people may very well have a gift, chip and beatrice but it is not from the light. There are those who are gifted that are from the light. From the sound of the behavior of the two of you and those that you associate with, your actions seems to be grotescly focused on monetary gain. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for a service that you provide but when greed takes over then your gifts are no longer of the light. You also have to remember that the devil is a savvy trickster and there are FINE lines that you cross when your gifts no longer become the gift of light but very well indeed become crossed over into the gift of darkness. I know many will dispute this fact but it is true. From the sounds of this thread your gift is not of the light. Now this Elvis nonsense. Elvis coming to someone and telling them to pray to him. That is ridiculous and no one should listen to that nonsense. That in itself is solid proof that the dark side has been crossed over into. The dead don't talk and that is what GOD has told US all in the Holy Bible. People should be very leery of those who claim medium abilities. Greed is NEVER a gift of the light! Remember the devil and his minions can perform miracles and provide what appears to be light guided information. With that being said you have to really question those who say they have "spirit guides" and "talk to the dead." They may believe these are GOD sent entities when in actuality they very well may not be. Something for ALL to think about when they are consulting a "psychic" and I use that term loosely. Perhaps it's best if you just consult with someone who does not speak of spirit guides and talking to the dead.


North Carolina,
A Gift Perhaps

#560Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 25, 2008

You people may very well have a gift, chip and beatrice but it is not from the light. There are those who are gifted that are from the light. From the sound of the behavior of the two of you and those that you associate with, your actions seems to be grotescly focused on monetary gain. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for a service that you provide but when greed takes over then your gifts are no longer of the light. You also have to remember that the devil is a savvy trickster and there are FINE lines that you cross when your gifts no longer become the gift of light but very well indeed become crossed over into the gift of darkness. I know many will dispute this fact but it is true. From the sounds of this thread your gift is not of the light. Now this Elvis nonsense. Elvis coming to someone and telling them to pray to him. That is ridiculous and no one should listen to that nonsense. That in itself is solid proof that the dark side has been crossed over into. The dead don't talk and that is what GOD has told US all in the Holy Bible. People should be very leery of those who claim medium abilities. Greed is NEVER a gift of the light! Remember the devil and his minions can perform miracles and provide what appears to be light guided information. With that being said you have to really question those who say they have "spirit guides" and "talk to the dead." They may believe these are GOD sent entities when in actuality they very well may not be. Something for ALL to think about when they are consulting a "psychic" and I use that term loosely. Perhaps it's best if you just consult with someone who does not speak of spirit guides and talking to the dead.


North Carolina,
A Gift Perhaps

#561Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 25, 2008

You people may very well have a gift, chip and beatrice but it is not from the light. There are those who are gifted that are from the light. From the sound of the behavior of the two of you and those that you associate with, your actions seems to be grotescly focused on monetary gain. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for a service that you provide but when greed takes over then your gifts are no longer of the light. You also have to remember that the devil is a savvy trickster and there are FINE lines that you cross when your gifts no longer become the gift of light but very well indeed become crossed over into the gift of darkness. I know many will dispute this fact but it is true. From the sounds of this thread your gift is not of the light. Now this Elvis nonsense. Elvis coming to someone and telling them to pray to him. That is ridiculous and no one should listen to that nonsense. That in itself is solid proof that the dark side has been crossed over into. The dead don't talk and that is what GOD has told US all in the Holy Bible. People should be very leery of those who claim medium abilities. Greed is NEVER a gift of the light! Remember the devil and his minions can perform miracles and provide what appears to be light guided information. With that being said you have to really question those who say they have "spirit guides" and "talk to the dead." They may believe these are GOD sent entities when in actuality they very well may not be. Something for ALL to think about when they are consulting a "psychic" and I use that term loosely. Perhaps it's best if you just consult with someone who does not speak of spirit guides and talking to the dead.


Finally the other side

#562Consumer Comment

Sun, August 24, 2008

I am happy to be reading the other side of this story. What about the thing she says about you bought her legal birthname ??Is this the fact?


Beverley Hills,
I don't understand

#563Consumer Comment

Sun, August 24, 2008

I hate to question the motives of anyone I don't know but I've been reading these pages about Keen regularly and it just seems like Beatrice is only here to drum up business and people are falling for it and calling her. If you do any kind of Google search on her full name, you'll come up with diatribes such as this - personal vendettas. This one against Chip, many discussing her famous clients in public (which should be a total no no), one of whom she allegedly had an affair with, and one nasty myspace discussion thread about music where she acted like a 13 year old boy in a "yo' momma" competition. This woman seems highly unprofessional (and IMHO a bit disturbed) and I don't know why anyone can't see through this. She is not here to help Keen clients or discuss the site. She's here for her own benefit. This has nothing to do with Keen at all. I am glad Chip saw this and had a chance to respond. And before anyone accuses me of being a friend of Chip's or a personal acquaintance of Beatrice's - I am not. I do not know either one of them and am merely an observer on this website. (Except I am a fan of Chip's shows.... may be a little biased there. LOL)


My side of the story

#564REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 23, 2008

Beatrice has obsessively bashed me, not only here on the Internet, but to personal friends and professional contacts as well. Here is my side of the story: It is true that Beatrice and I both worked on Keen.com. It is also true that as she drew close to surpassing me in ratings points in one of Keen's categories, a conflict between us arose. In order to secure the "top spot," Beatrice began drastically undercutting my per-minute rate. For example, if I was charging $2.99 per minute, she would lower her rate to $1.00 per minute in order to lure clients into calling her. In the spirit of fair play, I began matching her rate of $1.00 per minute and Beatrice became outraged. She telephoned me and verbally lambasted me for having the "nerve" to compete with her lower per-minute rate. In reality, Beatrice also had ongoing conflicts with numerous other advisers who worked with Keen. She sent many nasty messages to other Keen advisers, thus creating disharmony within the Keen community. She also wrote scathing E-mails to Keen clients who did not provide her with the glowing feedback she felt she deserved after providing psychic readings to those clients. After repeatedly being warned to stop creating problems and conflicts with other Keen advisers and clients, Beatrice was finally "booted" from Keen. These events happened almost four years ago, yet Beatrice has not been able to let go of the fury she directs at me. Despite the fact that I have, on several occasions, tried to "make peace" with her - including a public apology, on a radio broadcast, for any wrongdoing she feels I may have directed at her - she simply will not let it go. She has telephoned or e-mailed many of my personal and professional contacts, stating things that seriously border on slander/libel, even going so far as to call me vulgar names and making sexual slurs against me. I have repeatedly asked her to cease and desist, but she refuses to do so and continues to harass me. Honestly, I am sorry for her troubles, but enough is enough. Continuing to hold a major grudge after four years is psychologically unhealthy. She needs to move on and commit to her own success without blaming others for her lack thereof! Beatrice jumps at any and every opportunity to bash me, Keen and now Kasamba. I agree with another individual who posted a comment, stating that this is nothing more than an attempt at soliciting "pity" and blatant self-promotion.


Los Angeles,
Thanx you Aware in Michigan

#565Author of original report

Tue, August 05, 2008

Thank you for thoughts. While I totally respect your point of view and do not disagree with what you say . . . I know my work and my skill and I would much rather have someone call me for a reading because I am confident I will give them clarity and excellent guidance and they won't waste thousands of dollars on Keen or Kasamba as so many people do. The other reason I posted this separately is because Chip Coffey is host of a show about Psychic Kids on A&E. The fact that he is working with children and giving them any kind of counseling when he is capable of such petty meaness is unreal to me however, he does have the maturity of a 10 year old so he can relate to psychically disturbed children as he is one, himself. I thought I knew Chip very well and he came across so deeply sincere so when he turned on me, it was beyond shocking and that kind of betrayal cuts deep to the core, at least for me it does. It's hard to completely forgive and I have tried, but not only did he rob me of security and a great opportunity to serve spirit, he robbed my clients of genuine and accurate guidance at a very reasonable rate. Keen is equally at fault for the way they handled the situation, but buying my legal birthname and using it to guide people to his website, I mean, what does that say about this man who is being entrusted with guiding children. As far as drumming up business, I have been asked to be on several psychic shows including "America's Psychic Challenge" and I have declined each time because it is all contrived nonsense that has nothing to do with being psychic. I recently did two days of production with Allison Grodner Productions of "Big Brother" and I had to walk away when it was clear that they were taking my idea and turning it into something else that was set up and contrived. If I wanted to drum up business, I think my own TV show would be the ticket don't you? I have a very high standards of ethics and I will never do a show just to be on TV. I do not read for many people at all, but the ones I do read for are very special indeed. I will include a story of a Keen client who is now doing very well . . . partly due tothe 15 minutes she spent with me on Keen. She is a successful woman now living her dream thanks to my guidance. Oh yes, and Elvis Presley's! This is why I loved working on Keen . . . and remember, I only charged $1.00 per minute for the first year because I wanted to delve deep and not just provide a soundbite to my callers. I teach people about the reality of spirit guides and how they influence our life . . . and the King himself Mr. Elvis Presley has been quite a fun guide to have. I hope you enjoy the read and know this . . . Beatrice means "She brings happiness to others" and I do . . . THE TAO OF ELVIS! By Beatrice Marot The first time Elvis Presley came to me was in 2001. I was reading for a young Singer/Songwriter named Brandon who was not even born when Elvis died and within five minutes of the reading I said to him, Whoa, I just got the clearest image of Elvis in my mind's eye. Brandon said, I was raised on Elvis and I was Elvis for Halloween. Well, Elvis is telling me that you have a very morbid and morose attitude about life and that you're a complete cynic. Yes, I am. Brandon replied matter of factly. And Elvis is telling me that you don't believe in God or religion or Jesus. No, I don't. Well, this sounds weird but Elvis is telling me that you should pray to Elvis. In fact, he is singing me the chorus of a song and he wants you to finish it. And I heard Elvis Presley literally sing the following, I used to pray to God Never got an answer Now I pray to Elvis And I get what I ask for I pray to Elvis I pray to Elvis When I'm feeling blue And I don't know What to do I pray to Elvis And the King Always comes through Elvis has been around me ever since. I got a call from Nancy in October of 2002 when I was working for a psychic line and she wanted to ask me about a job. She was worried about finances so I kept the call brief and to the point. "Nancy, I see you writing a book." "Yes, that's my dream, but right now I need to find a real job," "Well, in that case, look in the restaurant and hotel industry." "That's funny. My father was in the restaurant business and he always wanted to buy a hotel" She replied. "Is your father dead?" I asked. "Yes he is." "Well, now you know your father is definitely watching over you. That was his milieu and he still has connections. It's been my experience that people on the other side like to guide their loved ones in the activities that they enjoyed and the places they liked to hang out in while they were on Earth" Nancy said, "Yes, my father loved working with the public but that's not what I want to do though." "Yes I know, you want to write a book but you don't believe in yourself enough yet so in the meantime this would be perfect. It doesn't really matter because whatever job you get, you will only be there for a short time until you believe in yourself enough to write your book." Then Nancy asked, "Beatrice, what do you see in terms of my book?" "I just get that it's spiritual in nature and I see a lot of images." "Yes, I'm a photographer and I am getting my first dog. It's a Pug and I want to write a spiritual book about how everything I learned about life, I learned from my dog." "That is a great idea! Dog is God spelled backward." Then I said to her, "Look Nancy, I know this sounds completely crazy but I have a lot of dead celebrities around me all the time and Elvis has been around me for the last two years and I just heard him say, " Tell her to call it, The Tao of Pug."" Then Nancy surprised me by saying, "Oh my god Beatrice, my girlfriend just bought him a yin yang symbol for his collar just a few hours ago and we haven't even picked up the dog yet." "Well, that's the symbol of the Tao and there's your cover. How much cooler can you be than to have your book named by Elvis Presley." And just to prove to me and everybody else that it REALLY was Elvis, the following day I was driving around Hancock Park and I heard Elvis say, "Go over to Billy Zane's house. Go over to Billy Zane's house." So I went to Billy's house but he wasn't home. His roommate Matt answered the door and he said, "Bea, you know what . . . I just bought this book for Billy and I just got the hit that I'm supposed to give it to you." He hands me the book and it's called "The Tao of Elvis." The Tao of Pug was published two months later by Viking Press! Thank you very much!



#566Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2008

I'm sorry, but I find it interesting, and somewhat concerning, that you would come here to advertise your services and drum up some business. I saw your original post, and it struck me as self-promotion. The fact that you've chosen to repost it merely confirms that in my mind. I apologise for my bluntness, but if you've read enough of what goes on here, you'll know that, while there are MANY legitimate reports here, there are also many experts from these sites posing as clients - bashing one another, fabricating positive reports about themselves, etc... This is really the last place you should be promoting yourself if you actually want anyone to take you seriously.


Los Angeles,
I welcome you

#567Author of original report

Sun, August 03, 2008

Well, my report was altered and my name Beatrice Marot was listed and I received a total of three compassionate emails and yes, these sweet people also felt guided to me and wanted a reading. I do not think it is fair to Chip Coffey even though he definitely is an evil man for the course of action he took against me to have an anonymous report placed on him so I ask rip off report to please either take off the entire report or leave my name as I do welcome the thoughts of others and if they want to get a reading from a real psychic who is not going to take them to the cleaners . . . what is the harm in that. They won't be getting ripped off that is for sure. Thank you!!

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