  • Report:  #651369

Complaint Review: Kellys Alaskan Malamutes - Internet

Reported By:
KellysAlaskanMalamutesExposed - , Nationwide, United States of America

Kellys Alaskan Malamutes
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?



The Kelly's sell their puppies under numerous false claims:

They claim that their puppies have champion bloodlines, are champion sired, and are of show potential.

They indicate certain puppies as wooly coats when they are in fact clearly a standard coat.

They list the weights of their Dams and Sires as very clearly incredibly inflated.

They claim they breed only M'loot HUGE Alaskan Malamutes. How exactly can they claim to be a Premier M'loot Giant Alaskan Malamute breeder when the dogs they breed are mainly standard coat and small in terms of a giant malamute that produce offspring with standard coats which of course they label the pups as wooly coats when they are so obviously standard coats. How stupid do they think people are?

The above 5 items are just an example of the lies they tell. Don't believe us? Ask Kelly's Alaskan Malamutes for a copy of their pedigrees...will they supply you a copy? No, they wont. Ask Kelly's Alaskan Malamutes for proof of champion bloodlines and that the litter was champion sired? Will they supply you proof? No, they wont. Ask Kelly's Alaskan Malamutes for a copy of the Dam and Sires weights certified by a veterinarian? Will they supply you that? No, they wont. They wont supply you any documentation to back up their claims because their claims are all lies. The lies they tell are not even the most horrific aspect of Kelly's Alaskan Malamutes.

The most horrific thing is the treatment of their dogs and what they are doing to the poor females. Sadly, as many people know, the Kelly's suffered a horrible tragedy when their dogs were shot and killed. When this happened to the Kelly's they lost not only their dogs but they lost their livelihood. That's right the Kelly's are too lazy to hold real jobs so they live financially off of breeding their dogs. Selling puppies is their only source of income. When they lost their dogs in the shooting tragedy they had to immediately go out and buy several females so those females could hurry up and go into heat so they could have some puppies to sell to you (the potential puppy buyer they are lying to). Sadly, the Kelly's had to hurry up and breed those females to get some $$. The females were bred their very first heat cycle at under 1 year of age. Several have been bred at least twice already at only 1 1/2 years old. The poor girls', their uteruses are going to fall out before they are 4 years old and then the Kelly's will no longer have a use for them as they can no longer be bred. You'll see them up for sale as adults, because we all know the truth, the Kelly's dogs are not pets, they are just $$ to them and when they have served their purpose off they go because, hey an adult dog that can't pop out puppies to sell is an expense to the Kelly's. Their dogs are not members of their family. Their dogs will never know what it means to be truly loved inside a home by a person or family that offers unconditional love with no expectations. Unfortunately, the dogs owned by the Kelly's live outside in kennels until it's their turn AGAIN to be bred. But hey, according to the Kelly's on their website, their dogs live in a state of the art kennel system, with controlled environment, and several free time runs. What a joyful life these dogs must have - they get a state of the art kennel system rather then a regular 'ole chicken wire fence.

One might question why is it that Kelly's Alaskan Malamutes only offers you a 10 day health guarantee? Why even bother with one at all. An intelligent person would conclude this is because they know that their puppies most likely will develop health problems. A female dog or should we say puppy being bred as often as the Kelly's breed them is sure to deliver unhealthy puppies. The Kelly's want to be sure to wash their hands clean of that responsibility as they also clearly state on their website. After 10 days---honey you're on your own! The Kelly's aren't responsible because they don't even have the belief in their own breeding that the pups will be healthy because they know what they are doing and that the pups are going to have problems. You, the poor sucker who fell for the lies will be left with a sick dog you already love, vet bills if it manages to live, and a big F.U. from the Kelly's. Oh and maybe a thank you for paying my house payment this month with the insane amount of $$ you gave us for a puppy with credentials that are false and an expectation that doesn't exist.

The Kelly's like to claim they are very professional and not a puppy mill but the evidence proves otherwise. They breed their females WAY to early, they breed their females WAY too much, their dogs are purely kennel dogs for breeding purposes, they don't have an actual job they live off of the exploitation of their dogs and lies to puppy buyers... hmm, sounds like a puppy mill to us. There is so much more that can be written but the more that gets typed, the sicker we get. We think we've proved the point.

Do your research folks. Don't let the Kelly's deceive you so they can sit at home all day and exploit their dogs. Make them get a real job like most of America and put an end to the Kelly's Alaskan Malamute Puppy Mill! Demand to see those pedigrees, demand to see those champion documents, demand to see those vet documents verifying weights. Demand they stand behind the puppies they claim are "the best in the world" with a real health guarantee. None of which the Kelly's will give you and when you find that out...shut them down and buy a pup from honest people, people who don't lie to sell you flawed pups from abused Dams, and people who stand by their litters!

UPDATE: Since getting this information out to prospective Alaskan Malamute adopting families we are so grateful for the wonderful feedback we have received. We have been able to save many families from disappointment in adopting a puppy they thought would be fluffy and wooly and of course huge. We also have received a lot of feedback from families who unfortunately fell prey to the Kelly's lies and have felt that disappointment. Of course the buyers who have a dog from Kelly's love their dog but they do feel disappointment over being deceived about fur coats and the size they were assured their new puppy would grow to. That is the families that have a dog that managed to stay healthy and alive. WE CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH....DO YOUR RESEARCH! Anyone interested in adopting a giant Alaskan Malamute should be knowledgeable about the breed. If you are knowledgeable about the breed then you know what a wooly coat is, you know what deceptive weights are, you know what upshot pictures are to make a dog look bigger then it actually is to lie about it's size.

ADDITIONAL UPDATE: We have received further information from very trustworthy sources that the Kelly's have not only ripped off and scammed puppy adopters but they have also ripped off and scammed other breeders by not paying for the pups they have gotten from other breeders. The Kelly's are complete scum.

Below we are pasting in some of the emails our website has received from the Kelly's.  We're sure you'll agree they truly show the type of people that the Kelly's are.  Not to mention they are attacking all Alaskan Malamute breeders to figure out who has come forward to expose them!

The below are the emails sent from the Kelly's:

1) Boy you must have alot of alot of spare time.. and no guts!! Love how you cant even put your name to your ignorant webpage.. we dont share any pedigree's with anyone that doesnt own our dogs period. I will be happy to share your name and your site with my group! I only have 150 members in my group who own our dogs, they might have something friendly to say to a loser like you! Grow up, find a job yourself,as I am the HR director of a Large Company, and I dont sit at home making bank off our dogs, secondly if you want to see our kennels come out and see them.

2) I have contacted my Attorney, for a defamation suit, slander and libel, the statements made are false, published to a 3rd party intentionally or negligently, and most importantly, understood by that third party for it to be actionable. This is deemed a valid defense to a defamation claim. however, from the facts you have further mentioned in your post , you may have standing for us to pursue a invasion of privacy claim in the alternative (i.e. public disclosure of private information). you may want to gear yourself up for a those lines, as we know who you are, your phone number, and it is now being turned over to our attorney and FBI Thanks for the ignorant comments about our dogs! Seems you have no idea what you are talking about. You would think chicken wire fencing? Now thats laughable considering the pictures of our kennels are on the web.. even video. Ignorant ?jealous? Wonder what your problem is ??? You will be laughed off the stage when we share with our group! By the way feel free to contact me at my work email!! Since I dont have a job!

3) Apparently he thinks we are someone named "Cat" here--Hi Cat, We're lookin at you!

4) I thought you should know that the game your playing is to funny to me. I know from personal experience that those dogs are treated like kings and princesses. How do I know you may ask? My name is Jacque. Ive been staying with the kelly's. This family took me and my one year old in when I had hit rock bottom. After reading what I have to say Im sure you will call them saints. If there are fellow breeders reading this I am sure that they will agree with me it takes a lot of food to feed those dogs. (Umm, hello food cost money) Did you know that theses dogs eat at least 50 dollars a day in pedigree dog food. That isnt including puppy food. Did you know that all the retired dogs are still living with us? Did you know that the kellys rescue dogs from shelters? Can you imagine how much shots, De-wormer, flea meds, and heart worm meds cost? It takes time to clean up after them. And trust meFrom my 4 am bathroom runs they do it BIG! Taking care of pets is a 24-7 job. Ive lived with animals my entire life. I havent hesitated calling the proper pple when it comes to the mis treatment of animals..I am that person calling the police when an animal is being mis treated. I have no problem admitting that. Everyone of them needs love and affection. And thats just common sense. There isnt one abused dog that lives at that house. If anyone has any concern you are more than welcome to come over to that house & check out the property. I personally would love to show you around because I love to be with those dogs. None of these animals have ever had favorites played. Ive been taught not to judge someone until youve walked a mile in that persons shoes. So who ever wrote this and worked so hard to keep your identity a secret YOURE AN EDIOT! Now about the working thing. There are five adults living in that house. Four of us have full time jobs that we work 50 plus hours a week at. Not including drive time. Kirk stays at home during the day. He is the only one. Dogs are a 24-7 job like Ive said. & hello, if someone didnt stay at home who would feed these animals. It takes an hour to feed and water them all. (twice a day)Picture doing that plus poopy pick up. Ha! Is he supposed to do it in the middle of the night? If you want to get technicalI know in some peoples opinion taking care of dogs isnt considered a job. In mine its harder than most. If you could just see for yourself on a daily basis what he goes thru .Would you like to know about Kirk Kelly? I have never seen a man so gifted with an animal. Every dog gets run time. Every dog gets a chance to come in the house. Even if I b***h about the poo. He takes them to the creek every day. They get played with constantly until they say its enough and curl up like puppies and go to sleep. There have been nights he hasnt slept because he hasnt had a good feeling about something. Thank God we have coffee. Or he just wants to be out there. I had a dog named Brother. He is my world. Ive never loved an animal so dearly and I dont trust anyone with him. Not my sister or the rest of anyone I know. If you knew me personally you would understand better. Want to know a secret? I would leave him with Kirk if I ever needed to. Any one in that house to be honest with you. This man has seen smashed animals on the side of the street that anyone else would presume as dead and has stopped for them to make sure. He has found many just hanging on and nursed them back to health. He fixes them up. Supplies shots and adopts them out. Without expecting anything in return. Now Kirk doesnt talk about this because he isnt a person that gloats. (at least about good deeds) Now about his business yes. His favorite race car driver, yes. Its the pedigree man btw. I thought it was the funniest thing when I first got there and he yelled pack up next thing I knew I had a swarm of dogs running at me and they just sat down. Waiting for Kirk to throw the ball. All of us play our part in this business. And the point of kellys Alaskan mals is to provide every family with that one dog that fits for them. This family is dedicated. We break our pockets insuring our pack is happy. And if anyone ever has anything to say you can just come see if for yourself. We arent wealthy. We may be better off than some but thats because we work. And we dont stop. You know, in this article it says .. One might question why is it that Kelly's Alaskan Malamutes only offers you a 10 day health guarantee? Why even bother with one at all. An intelligent person would conclude this is because they know that their puppies most likely will develop health problems. A female dog or should we say puppy being bred as often as the Kelly's breed them is sure to deliver unhealthy puppies. The Kelly's want to be sure to wash their hands clean of that responsibility as they also clearly state on their website. After 10 days---honey you're on your own! Now if you sold someone a dog and sent it to a new family. Someone youve never met. We like to think that everyone loves animals like we do but that isnt always the case. The whole point to this is to provide either family or working dogs. How do we know they arent going to abuse that baby. Or put it in ridiculous living situations? If everyone they ever sold a dog to was major animal lovers like us then the 10 day thing probably wouldnt be in effect but you cant bend the rules for one person and not for all of them. Fellow breeders can understand this. Kirk and Sarah also offer a replacement pup if anything ever happens. If you can provide vet statements stating that something is wrong then they will replace your baby. I know if brother were to ever get sick I would be devastated. Its not for over breeding. You know if you look at reproducing in general. Who is to say every baby is going to be fine all the time. Complications happen. How are you to say a women who is 19 is going to have a healthier baby vs. a 30 yr old. You cant. We DO NOT send out sick dogs. I myself have never witnesses a sick dog in that house. Excluding poo bear who is 15 years old. (rescue dog from doggy death row) And in the article it says breeding these babies to young. There are two dogs that were breed to young. It wasnt done on purpose. If you look on the website you can see pictures of Alfred. He is the puppies daddy to both females that got pregnant. Omg let me tell youIf you have ever met him and Im sorry Im saying this bluntly but this dog is horny. Times its been his turn to be put in the kennels is when It happens. He isnt allowed in there any more. Ladies picture that one guy at the party you go to and he is just the most persistent a*****e youve ever dealt with. Its like not matter what you do if he wants those goods then he is going to take it. That my friends is, Alfred. And I apologize again for the way I put it but that is how it needs to be said. Now I dont know if who wrote this, but if it was your ploy to get our business knocked off the map. But its really sad. For you to take time out of your life and try to discredit us is ridiculous. You are a very sad individual, karma is going to come back and bite harder.

5) Hi , Before I go into anything please go see this http://kellyslaskanmalamutesbeware.com Now I'm aware of all the finanigans by Kool, hudsons and yourself. Who ever put this website up certainly is a chicken sh&^. Our Lawyer is presenting the Arizona Courts with Federal violations and defamation so whoever put this website up using private registration will come out. I'm not accusing anybody until I know. I just want to tell all of you because I don't deal with any of you and never say good or bad about any of you. I just hope you have nothing to do with this. While your all fighting and picking on each other I'm selling pups. This page some idiot jealous jerk off put up is far past a slander suit trust me. I'm no Pat Kool or Jolene or whomever thinks their own crap doesn't stink. This is far past personal. I will take this to a whole nother ballgame if you all want to bring me into this crap. I'll be at all of your houses in minutes when I find out who is trying to harm my business. So regardless of you having anything a grudge or not against me. I didn't start it. I will finish it. So please if your working on a smear campaign against me. Do yourself a favor quit now. I've been through more than all of you in raising and breeding Malamutes. They are my family. My children. I take anything said about my kids personally. If I have to I will kill for my kids. Do you hear me. Leave us out of your smear campaigns. If you have nothing to do with this, I apologize, if you do. This is not a threat its a fact. God Bless Kirk Kelly.

6) You better run and hide their is FBI agents looking for you. LOL

7) Apparently he thinks the name "Sherri" applies to us as this email is directed to "Sherri"---Sherri You are the lowest form of human life forms possible. Your a hider, a chickenshit have no idea what an Alaskanm Malamute is and when the FBI and my attorneys come knockin down your door. Just know this. You don't f*** with mother nature nor Kirk Kelly. You don't even have the backbone to confront me on your suspicious lies. I knew you weren't buying a puppy from me. That's why I treated you like an ignorant piece of s**t. Because those that show Alaskan Malamutes are f***ing idiots. Those arn't Malamutes those are Husky crossed poodles. So when your doing your 10 years in a Federal Prison. You can think about that! Then when and if you get out if you have any finances left, I'll take those too. In this biz, if you have a problem with somebody tell them face to face or atleast on the telephone. Which is also why I know you weren't going to buy a puppy. Because usually people give me their phone contact when they want one of my pups. Your just a b***h.

So needless to say there is just a bit of the taste of who the Kellys are.  Beware of these psychos and their sham dogs/puppies.

Keep an eye on our website because there is a whole lot more about Mr Kirk Kelly that is soon to be revealed!


4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Letter to BOTH parties

#2General Comment

Mon, March 14, 2011

I have been looking for another malamute to add to my family for some time now. Kellys is one of the breeders I have looked into. I have stated this, simply to show how I have come to find this "disagreement"

I find inconsistanciese with BOTH parties stories, and think that before either side can have any merit to their claims, they should clairfy this information.

To the original accuser, and owner of kellysalaskanmalamutesBEWARE.com - You clearly state on your website that you have brought this information forward to help prospective buyers, and save them from the "lies and deceit of the Kellys" - YET, in my numerous attempts to contact you for advise, you have not been there to help me, the prospective puppy buyer. All of the emails sent your the email address you list on that warning website bounce back as undelieverable.

This tells me, that regardless of whether your claims are true or not, you are not doing this to protect buyers like myself. You have done this for your own personal gain, what ever that may be. Why have you lied about your intentions? You certainly have not been there to save me from any lies and deceit!

To the Kellys - At first, I was prepared to believe that this person making these accusations was full of it, until Sarah denied a fact, that I have come to know as true.

The point was brought up that you (the Kellys) have dogs other then what you show on your website. I know that you have bred, and sold pups from a female named Secret Snow, and a male named Kung Fu Panda. They are not to be found on your breeder pages. Whether there are more that are shown or not, I do not recall, but I believe that does prove the point. Sarah, you said you had no dogs to hide, so where are Secret and Panda?

I think both parties need to take a look at their own inconsistancies, before they try to point out those of another. I doubt eithe side will make any effort to reply to my concerns, but maybe those who read this will see, while these two sides are so busy fighting each other, they are both guilty of lies, until proven otherwise.


United States of America
busy bodies with nothing to do

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 17, 2010

I am writing to clarify a few facts. One is that yes we still owe either a pup or money for one of two dogs obtained from a breeder. The true fact was he wasnt able to sell either of them and the female was about to go into heat and the breeder didnt have a place to keep her safe. 3 heats later she has been bred but not taken. So we are even until she produces, if we cant breed her she is a pet. Which is fine with us we adore her. The second one was traded for a pup from another breeder of his choosing, and that transaction did happen, and I have emails to confirm that. Also this breeder wasnt sure if he even wanted funds for the pup or cash when she had pups. To date she has not had pups.


The other breeder who is filling you with false information had better stop because I have emails from her also.  If she wants to control another breeders business then she better ask him if he cares about his name and emails being posted in a public setting.  


 Yes we did have two females that were bred before we wanted them to, mistakes happen, I was kind enough to inform the breeders of what happened, and yes we welcome the AKC to our home. Which is funny since you said we dont register our dogs? The AKC has been to our home before to do a DNA test last time you created chaos with another breeder. We have shared with our parents the pedigrees of our pups and dont feel the need to answer to you. You dont run our business we do.  


All of our dogs are healthy, loved pets! We cant be a puppy mill when we dont even have enough litters each year to make us a puppy mill, and making false claims that we have more dogs than we admit to, is not only ridiculous but asinine. Why would we hide dogs? Isnt the point of breeding to sell them to prospective homes? So how would harboring dogs help us with anything? We do however have a few rescued pets that are spayed and are not anyway involved with our breeding program.  Their sweet little faces show up in our pictures quite a lot because we have house pets that share our home with all the dogs.  Dont you think that we would have had trouble before if a client or a breeder came to our kennel and visited us and saw something wrong? 


This lady that is feeding you half truths and lies slams her own daughters kennel, and dogs, not the type of person I would call friend.  As far as Marlene, I wonder how she feels about you posting her in your drama. Im sure not very happy. Marlene and Kirk had a business transaction it was complete and paid in full Period. Anything more than that if she feels like sharing Im sure she will.


As far as this other breeder that she filling your head with lies, before you listen to anymore of them, be aware I have emails from her that clearly state she didnt want her females, she was moving to the city and city limits say she can have 3 total dogs, as of right now she is going against the city ordinances and is going to be lucky if the ASPCA doesnt come and take them all, she already has neighbors complaining about her and the dogs. I have emails to prove that before she moved she tried to return one of the females to the breeder she got the pup from. This breeder didnt want the pup back because it didnt fit in its breeding program. Two the other female was not socialized according to her, and her emails and she just didnt like her. Case in fact she hasnt liked any of the females she has gotten from anyone so far that she has liked. She has not bonded with any dogs except her original female, and male, and they arent giants or show dogs either. So again I am not sure why you are attacking us. Our reference to show coat is simple, many breeders say a standard coat is a show coat? Why because no woolies are allowed in AKC shows, or at least they wont place or win, and nor will Giants. So again why would you even bother? Anyone looking to buy a dog for show we refer to another breeder. So I would love for you to produce evidence of our unhappy customer. I know each and every owner of our dogs, we know where they are placed, and we get updates on the dogs all the time. We are a big happy family. Funny how easy it was to pinpoint the busy bodies that have nothing better to do with their time, because we have had a total of 4 clients in all our breeding that had issues, and we resolved them our own way. Not your way. You see you dont have any say in what, who, or when or where we do our business. So again go ahead and continue this. If you think its a joke that the FBI has been contacted, so have the state police in your state. Your domain server is getting lots of attention right now. After seeing who you use for a domain server it shows what type of person you are. It is a server that hosts porn sites, and scammers, hackers. All the people who try to hide who they are and where they are located. Lucky for you, we found you and now we will be happy to post updates on who is all involved, and release the names of the people who will be liable.

Anyone is welcome to our kennels at anytime to see and visit our family and pets. We are proud of our dogs. We dont really care what you think


Good luck with your quest. Sarah Kelly


United States of America
Kirk Kelly is a complete Liar

#4Author of original report

Sat, October 16, 2010

If anyone has any doubts as to the validity of this posting here's 1 thing you can do...

Why not contact Marlene Ross of Wakons (one of the most respected and long standing M'loot Alaskan Malamute Breeders) and ask her if Kirk Kelly ripped her off because he never paid for Max.  Guess what she'll tell you?  He gets puppies from breeders and then doesn't pay for them. Their dog Graystone was also never paid for.

The emails are completely legitimate as are all the statements made. Again, do your research folks! Kelly's is a rip off.

There are ALOT of legitimate breeders out there. You do not need to be scammed by the Kelly's and their lies.

We also plan on filing reports with the AKC for DNA testing of the offspring because the Kelly's do not even know who the actual sire's are because their dogs keep getting out. Not to mention they "possess" more dogs then they have on their website.

We won't comment any further to Kirk Kelly's lies in his rebuttals, he can post as much lies as he chooses, it's you the puppy adopter that needs to use your judgement, just keep an eye on our website for much enlightening info. There is ALOT more to come.


United States of America
Kiskakon Alaskan Malamutes are slander driven

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, October 16, 2010

Kiskakon Alaskan Malamutes Civil trial
Relationship: *REBUTTAL Owner of company

Now since you are not using your name anywhere, how stupid is the reader going to be on this. When emails accuse you of other names that is probably because you are hiding

Yours. Because you are completely a habitual liar besides you made all of those emails up. Wow that must of took sometime. Since, you have a failure of a breeding biz. Why is that? Because you engage in these tactics and no breeders like you and most are suing you for these slander reports you put up which are total lies. Use your real name and come in here and do this. Youre not one of my customers. We have a 100% customer satisfaction history. Youre a want to be Breeder. Who has failed because you have slandered all of the other breeders. Whats the name of your breeding business? Kiss it Gone Alaskan Malamutes? Why do you ladies keep doing this to us and the other top breeders of Alaskan Malamutes. You have done this before and currently are being sued now. Do you just have to much time on your hands to criticize those that actually have a successful business? Not one of your comments on your stupid slander and defamation site Kellysalaskanmalamutesbeware.com has any evidence, nor proof in your claims.

We offer a lifetime guarantee against all congenital disease. We clearly state that

our dogs are mloot Giants and not standard malamutes. We wont stoop to as low as

you are, nor do we play games with those who have no backbone. You hide behind

your slander and defamation and dont have the understanding of what it takes to actually

build the Premiere Giant Alaskan Malamute Breeding facility. Call the ASPCA. Call the

Humane Society. Heck call our local police on us if you think we are doing anything wrong. We welcome you to actually visit us anytime. We know who you are. We just

wont publicly place your name up here until the FBI and our attorneys finish with you.

Did you actually make up all those emails you placed on here man. You are way out in left field. I guess $5k a day while you keep your slander page running is not expensive enough for you. Now excuse me my wife and I have to go to work. Oh and by the way, If youre looking for a real nice GIANT ALASKAN MALAMUTE. Check out the real Kellys Alaskan Malamutes at: http://kellysalaskanmalamutes.com


The Real

Kirk Kelly

Now since you are not using your name anywhere, how stupid is the reader going to be on this. When emails accuse you of other names that is probably because you are hiding

Yours. Because you are completely a habitual liar besides you made all of those emails up. Wow that must of took sometime. Since, you have a failure of a breeding biz. Why is that? Because you engage in these tactics and no breeders like you and most are suing you for these slander reports you put up which are total lies. Use your real name and come in here and do this. Youre not one of my customers. We have a 100% customer satisfaction history. Youre a want to be Breeder. Who has failed because you have slandered all of the other breeders. Whats the name of your breeding business? Kiss it Gone Alaskan Malamutes? Why do you ladies keep doing this to us and the other top breeders of Alaskan Malamutes. You have done this before and currently are being sued now. Do you just have to much time on your hands to criticize those that actually have a successful business? Not one of your comments on your stupid slander and defamation site Kellysalaskanmalamutesbeware.com has any evidence, nor proof in your claims.

We offer a lifetime guarantee against all congenital disease. We clearly state that

our dogs are mloot Giants and not standard malamutes. We wont stoop to as low as

you are, nor do we play games with those who have no backbone. You hide behind

your slander and defamation and dont have the understanding of what it takes to actually

build the Premiere Giant Alaskan Malamute Breeding facility. Call the ASPCA. Call the

Humane Society. Heck call our local police on us if you think we are doing anything wrong. We welcome you to actually visit us anytime. We know who you are. We just

wont publicly place your name up here until the FBI and our attorneys finish with you.

Did you actually make up all those emails you placed on here man. You are way out in left field. I guess $5k a day while you keep your slander page running is not expensive enough for you. Now excuse me my wife and I have to go to work. Oh and by the way, If youre looking for a real nice GIANT ALASKAN MALAMUTE. Check out the real Kellys Alaskan Malamutes at: http://kellysalaskanmalamutes.com


The Real

Kirk Kelly

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