  • Report:  #753654

Complaint Review: KFC - Walnut Creek California

Reported By:
Joseph Jr - Walnut Creek, California, U.S.A.

1275 S California Boulevard Walnut Creek, 94596 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well, it USED to be a pretty decent KFC with generally friendly, fast and efficient staff...until, that is, the rude and obnoxious biddy from hell, SUSY-Q, was mistakenly granted her learner's license to manage!


Now don't take me wrong, I've been a regular customer there for roughly TWO years(so this staff KNOWS me, often addressing me by FIRST NAME), spending in recent months around $125 mostly on coupon meals, sometimes saving my large cup for easy refills without wasted Styrofoam. By habit I'll buy a fresh meal, bring my cup, present it to the cashier for charge. MOST staff there freely CHOOSE either NOT to charge me at all or else charge me a TOKEN cost(like .25 cents)for such refills.


On my latest trip I paid for a $5 3-piece meal and an additional $2.99 for a Mega Jug, which I mistakenly ordered thinking it was the regular large plastic cup. When the girl handed me the mega jug bucket I told her I'd take it but really didn't want to drink that much soda, asking for the next smallest cup(the large)instead, which she gave me; I told her I'd RETURN sometime soon to fill the mega jug(which I did NOT ), taking out a large soda instead. I did this OUT OF CONSIDERATION FOR THE


So in a couple days I go back, finding a line of customers whilst I'm considering my next $10 7-piece coupon purchase, and started refilling my large plastic cup with soda, thinking I'll remind the cashier I'm actually owed a MEGA JUG refill.


When out of the blue the biddy from hell, SUSY-Q, accosts me from behind and starts Sir-ing me with her
uppity, accusatory tone, not even bothering to ask my true intent.


'Sir,' she cracks loudly for all to hear, 'you have to PAY for that soda!'


As if she's automatically assumed that I'm trying to steal it, implying I'm a soda thief by LIBELING ME IN PUBLIC. Watch it, KFC, you're itching for a nice neat little lawsuit.


'I know,' I say.

'Just so you know,' she cracks further in her typically smart-alecky tone. She THINKS she's real clever with the quick comeback. We'll see how clever she is when some regional manager shows up to give her a lesson in good manners or FIRE her smart-a*s from the job!


Promptly I explain the entire Mega Jug thing('Since we're splitting hairs here, I say), even pointing out the girl cashier who I bought and PAID FOR IT from; she was sweeping in front of SUSY-Q, biddy from hell.


'Bring in your mega jug then!' she cracks further still with her scoffing, smart-alecky tone.


Now THAT makes a whole lotta sense doesn't it? I'm already SHORT-CHANGING my refill by using a regular large
cup and SUSY-Q thinks I should run home and return with my mega jug! Rather RETARDED!


'You know,' I finally tell her, 'since I'm a regular customer here you could cut me a little slack on

Then SUSY-Q biddy launches into her public lecture series:

'If we did that for everybody we'd go out of business,' STILL in her curt, smart-alecky tone.

'You know what?' I tell her, 'KEEP your soda.'



You know what else? In hard economic times businesses go out of business by piss-poor hiring practices and managers making lame-a*s public remarks emphasizing what LOSERS they are for being ignorant punk-FLUNKYS trying to grand-stand and exhibit their non-existent intelligence.


To upper KFC management: It's the CUSTOMER SERVICE, stupid!


But this SUSY-Q biddy from hell picked the WRONG patron to libel and falsely accuse of soda-theft in public!
And I won't return to that outlet until she's either FIRED or QUITS.


Sooner or later she'll screw herself, I'm sure; after all, that's likely all she's ever really been qualified for from the start. 

In the meantime this review shall be reposted at RIPOFF REPORT dot com in case it's censored by Yelp

177 Updates & Rebuttals

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
Does that mean we are friends?

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

 Your just jealous no one cloned you

Report Attachments


That's rich

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

You actually want us to believe tehre's some sort of conspiracy to tarnish your name and pretend to be you?


That's amazing. Like someone would go through the trouble of imitating you. Get off our high horse, you aren't a special snowflake.

Also, I dont care if people are tired of me. I'll still posts every day on this site.

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
#154 & # 172 are not my post

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

 Again a great honor to know that team rebutt is getting sore at me. Must be hitting a spot they can't handle. The team can dish it out butt can't take the heat. HA HA HA Maybe the team ought to notice other getting tired of their useless rebutts.


You're losing it josey...

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

Talking to yourself now and claiming someone's cloning you?

I think Joe Jr has rubbed off on you. Don't be a troll tard turd like the rest of us.

Hi Joe! How's your dumba** movie going with the 12 copies of the book you sold?

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
All this trouble to copy me

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

 Must be hitting on someone's nerve, great honor to be cloned

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
kfc feeds crow to their customers

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

well ok that was me

i'm so confused. now i'm rebutting myself.

why does my finger stink when i pull it out of my butt?

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
Did not rebutt

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

 Again I got cloned, this is what is wrong with team rebutt. What is the original post??? Team always resorts to name calling when they can not get their way. This the real Josey Wales. Guess team rebut is too ashamed to use their real names. Again I did not respond to the above comment.


United States of America

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

Group hug?

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
Ashlee, your not a girl????

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, July 22, 2012

 Fool me completely

Report Attachments

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Team Rebuttal, Syncronized Toilets!! LMAO!!!!

#11Author of original report

Sat, July 21, 2012

Team Rebuttal, nice one, Charles!!

Play again??!!  Voice of Troll-Tard-Turd's elated, not because I've been back, but because he's never stopped playing, he's just been missing all this team-rebuttal playmates here.

Well, we've given them some fresh new toilet water to play in together, haven't we?!  Now it's flush-time again.  LMAO!!!!

Happy Anniversary for making the record of posting the most retarded rebuttals anyplace ever!


Report Attachments


United States,
Team rebuttal has run things into the ground as usually they must be unemployed because they have lots of time on their hands to do this all day

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, July 21, 2012

Team rebuttal has kepted this report alive all this time they must be unemployed,  because they have lots of during to spend on this site for 18 hours a day arguing back and fourth.  Its like comedy central on rip-off report.  I get a good laugh,  they claim to have high paying jobs.

You can't really believe what people say on the internet. But like i have always say the complaints i have posted are "LEGIT" complaints.


North Carolina,
United States of America
Belated 1 year anniversary

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, July 21, 2012

Dang, I forgot to celebrate this post's 1 year anniversary.
I'm elated though to see ole Joe is back.
This site was getting very boring; even Charles seems to hardly post anymore.
Now we can all play Turds and Tards again! Yippy!

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Shining Beacon of TURD! LMAO!!!!

#14Author of original report

Sat, July 21, 2012

At least you admit, my dear poor miserable pathetic Ashley-Troll-Tard-Turd, that my posts give some meaning to your otherwise worthless nothing of a nothing life.  I'll write for as long as it takes for you to become fully self-aware of how retarded you truly are.  I told you, I'm here for you.  I'm here to HELP!

I don't think you ever actually cared about anything.  How can you care about anything when you have nothing in life worth caring about and never will.  So likewise, I only care about making sure you keep responding and keep re-posting and displaying the same retardation over and over and time and time again until the whole world knows how retarded you are.  I'll keep posting giving you garbage for as long as you need since you eat it up like a glutton.  Everytime you post, I win, until the day you stop posting, and I'll still win.  Being the natural born life-loser you are, you've already lost from the start, many, many times over.  You just can't and don't see it yet but you will eventually.  I'll see to that.  I'm here for you.  I'm here to HELP!

What truth is that?  There's one and only one truth here, my dear poor miserable pathetic Ashley-Troll-Tard-Turd: of course mine is the a-hole that sheets.  But it doesn't sheet on.  It sheets OUT.  It sheets YOU out each and every time you post your retardation here.  It sheets DOWN too.  It sheets you down the toilet each and every time you're sheet out...another lumpen turd straight down my toilet! 

God, you're terrible at turd-ing!  But I'm here for you!  I'm here to HELP!  Here I shall be!  Here I shall remain.


Keep coming back, though, and I'll keep dumping and flushing you!  LMAO!!!! 

Report Attachments


Shining beacon of truth!

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, July 19, 2012

" Unlike you, my poor dear miserable pathetic Ashley Troll-Tard-Turd, I have a life, and spend more time writing and publishing books than reading outdated gibberish."

I know! I'm going to pre-order 65 copies of your book to give to all my friends! You are the shining beacon of truth in my life, I cannot live with your words. You bring meaning to my otherwise pathetic and miserable life. I haven't slept in a week, I've just sat refreshing my email program waiting for you to respond. I've been sobbing and wailing the last few days worried that you would never write me again.

"You know, my dear poor miserable Ashley Troll-Tard-Turd, million reasons, apologies and all excuses aside, there's one and only ONE FACT(not fantasy)that's really relevant in this particular case:


If you think I ever actually cared about the KFC or your security guard you clearly have never read anything I've written. I never cared about your KFC, and I never will. I only care about making sure you keep posting the same retarded bullshit over and over again on this website. I want to see how long you will keep reposting the same garbage! Its a game that I win everytime you post. I know I will eventually lose, some day you will stop posting.

" You're the one wallowing in a fantasy-world of your own making.  You're the one who can't accept and handle the truth.  You're the one still in denial."

What truth is that? The one where I realize that you are an incredibly huge a*****e that shits on everyone he meets? Or the one where you are a paranoid dumb-f**k who is scared of a security guard hired by his own apartment complex?

God you are terrible at trolling.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Ashley-Tard-Turd, Ashley-Tard-Turd, Ashley-Tard-Turd!!!

#16Author of original report

Thu, July 19, 2012

Unlike you, my poor dear miserable pathetic Ashley Troll-Tard-Turd, I have a life, and spend more time writing and publishing books than reading outdated gibberish.

You know, my dear poor miserable Ashley Troll-Tard-Turd, million reasons, apologies and all excuses aside, there's one and only ONE FACT(not fantasy)that's really relevant in this particular case:


The "reasons"--even if there were a ZILLION of them--are wholly IRRELEVANT.  And Susy-Q's no longer imposing and inflicting her brand of crappy customer service at THIS LOCATION, NOW OR EVER AGAIN!

And no matter what you say in the way of bitter sour grapes, that's all that really matters.  That's my REALITY world and there's absolutely nothing you can ever say or do to alter that REALITY.

And this community's a whole lot "safer" and far more pleasant and pleasing that Susy-Q's been bumped elsewhere to bother them there.  But once fact is sure and certain: she sure as heck ain't around here anymore to give anybody crappy customer service!  LMAO!!!

Look at the pictures once more and let it sink again!  IT'S THE CUSTOMER SERVICE STUPID!!

You're the one wallowing in a fantasy-world of your own making.  You're the one who can't accept and handle the truth.  You're the one still in denial.

But the fact and truth of the matter remain and I'll keep publishing these photos here until you do overcome your own self-inflicted retardation momentarily enough to get it: THIS KFC'S DONE! 

End of story, my poor dear miserable pathetic Ashley Troll-Tard-Turd!  View these pics and...ENJOY!  I know I enjoy them!  Daily!  And every day I pass by this DEFUNCT DUMP OF A KFC!!!  LMAO!!!!

Report Attachments


United States,
I'm tired of this crap nothing but jerks on rip-off report trying to mental abuse people

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, July 17, 2012

They are nothing but jerks on rip-off report.  Trying to mental abuse people.


New Hampshire,

#18General Comment

Tue, July 17, 2012

You know it's not liable if they are saying something about you that is in fact true, right?



United States,
Its like i'm not allowed to say anything but people can say hateful things toward me everyone forgets my rights

#19Consumer Comment

Fri, July 13, 2012

I have the right to make comments on this site like everyone else.  Team rebuttal doesn't own rip-off report.


United States,
Why don't team rebuttal give it up enough is enough everybody is tired of the bickering

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, July 13, 2012

Why don't team rebuttal stop & let this report die.  They defend rude customer service & bad business.  All this is a bunch of "CRAP".


Joe joe joe

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, July 13, 2012

Never read romeo and juliet? Thats what that gibberish is from.

Updated for our love of course.

You know, there's a million reasons that KFC could be shut down besides poor customer service. You can go on believing your fantasy though. Its probably safer for the rest of us that you continue to live in your fantasy world.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Oh Ash, So Easy To Troll Thy Retarded Turd-Self!! LMAO!!!!

#22Author of original report

Thu, July 12, 2012

I haven't the slightest clue what any of this gibberish is supposed to mean, but then, I can't and don't read RETARD, only YOU do, and how well, too!  LMAO!!!

But being that a picture speaks a proverbial thousand words--far more eloquently than I ever could--for now we'll just ponder my dear poor miserable pathetic Ashley Troll-Tard-Turd's retardation and consider: he/she posted this KFC was just "fine" and that Susy-Q was so "happy" in her wasted existence. 

This defunct dump's HISTORY!  Susy-Q's HISTORY!  They're not only OUT OF BUSINESS, they're out-DONE, just as you are!  Read, look and weep at the just and well-deserved price paid for crappy customer service!  Being GONE FOR GOOD!  LMAO!!!!

Report Attachments


Oh joe... so easy to troll

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, July 10, 2012

O Joe , Joe wherefore art thou Joe? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

Joe Jr:
[Aside] Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy: Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? It is nor hand nor foot, Nor arm nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet; So Joe would, were he not Joe call'd, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Joe, doff thy name, and for thy name, which is no part of thee, Take all myself.

Hugs and kisses sweetie!

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,

#24Author of original report

Tue, July 10, 2012

151)Oh, my poor dear Ashley-Tard!

Is there anything more sad and tragic than un-requited love?!  With regrets, we can't and shall never be together: I'm forbidden, you see, from fraternizing with fixated-obsessive mentally deficient brain-dead internet trolls!  It contradicts all California ethics laws...

You're so silly, my poor dear Ashley-Tard, being so self-inflicted, self-masochistic: the sole thing you've been successful at is trolling yourself, for so long as you troll me, you fritter away more and more of your own miserable and worthless nothing of an existence doing so.  So naturally, I'm compassionate and sympathetic enough of a humane human being to take pity on such a sad, miserable piece of work such as yourself...who's so dense in most mistakenly thinking he's trolling when in actual fact, he's the one getting trolled...

you started it, I'll finish it...for as long as it takes...you'll wake up and realize eventually--being the obvious life-LOSER you are--that you can't win with a self-inflicted inferiority complex as humongous as yours, my poor dear Ashley-Tard...Don't you realize how outright pathetic YOU are, returning time and time again to be put down in your proper inferior and mediocre place?!  So you've got to take the prize for being the wet dream of every retard, even though you remain unaware that it's your own retardation prompting the wet dream...My poor dear Ashley-Tard...so very sad...

But wait no more!  I'll still be here, always and ever, taking pity and expressing humane compassion and sympathy for helping heal all your self-inflicted misery and incapacity...I'm always and ever here to help the mentally incompetent such as yourself...it's perfectly clear you can't get "love" from anybody anyplace else, so naturally you come to me, someplace where you can receive your mightily coveted share of self-inflicted immolation and masochism...so if you've been repeatedly rejected by conventional therapy, and you're still ambivalent about availing yourself of that humane assisted-alternative for removing your self-inflicted misery permanently...bring it and come to me,...I'm here to help!  Always and Forever!!  You see, I do have meaning and purpose in my life, even if you don't...and what greater meaning or purpose can there be in life other than extending considerable CHARITY to a poor pathetic retard...Sweet dreams!

154)Okay, Outlaw!

I readily concede the number one butt-head position to you and shall duly settle for being and remaining number two!  At least you come with some semblance of a sense of humor, unlike most of the other poor pathetic retards posting at this site. 

Besides, it takes a big man(or outlaw)to readily recognize his puny place and position in life!

As the real Josey Wales put it, "A man's GOT to know his limitations."  And you clearly know and accept yours!  Yeah, it's still me LMAO!!!!

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
OK Joey

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, July 10, 2012

I tried to contribute less than anyone to this site but Joseph Jr is more whacked then me. Well Joseph Jr- I am the biggest butt head on this site so quit stepping on my toes. I'm number one-you are number two. Number two, get it? Now who's LMAO?


Thank you master joe!

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, July 09, 2012

I was so excited to see your email this morning my heart jumped. Oh how I love to get these love letters from you. I can't wait for our steamy love affair while I"m in california! You'll see we were always meant to be together.

"Naturally you care nothing about nothing.  What else has a nothing like yourself to care about except nothing?  And for a year now that's all you've "successfully" accomplished: nothing.  That is indeed "some sort of record": a nothing taking a year of his nothing life to accomplish nothing.  So you're indeed to be celebrated and congratulated for...nothing.  Pity there are no prizes awarded for nothing: you'd win supreme honors for being and doing nothing hands down every time!  At least you must feel exceptionally self-fulfilled and satisfied...yep, about absolutely nothing"

I care about something, I care about you my love! I have devoted my whole existence to trolling you on this website. I have been VERY successful at it! Day after day you keep coming back and allowing me to troll you more! You are the wet dream of every troll, someone so dense that they keep feeding the trolls! You do realize that *you* have spent a year of your life running to this website to allow us all to troll you, right? You really don't realize how pathetic that makes you.

I still love you though Joe. I've got three copies of your book, they are all I read. I have your picture all over my bedroom wall. Thank you for existing, and I can't wait for your next string of insults at me.


I'll be waiting for the next email!

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Poor Ashley-Tard, Now He Thinks He's A Kitchen Utensil!

#27Author of original report

Mon, July 09, 2012

151)Poor Ashley-Tard.

Naturally you don't speak the same language as me.  Your incoherent illiteracy and retardation prove you speak nobody's language as you're incapable anyhow.  So don't even pretend you own a dictionary; you wouldn't know how to use one even if you did.  And the only water out there where you live is toilet water.  If you keep on like this, somebody's bound to hit the handle and flush you straight down the bowl sooner or later.  But then, that's what happens to turds inevitably.

Naturally you're nobody's spokesgirl.  You're incapable of coherently speaking for yourself much less for anybody else.  Point taken.

Naturally you care nothing about nothing.  What else has a nothing like yourself to care about except nothing?  And for a year now that's all you've "successfully" accomplished: nothing.  That is indeed "some sort of record": a nothing taking a year of his nothing life to accomplish nothing.  So you're indeed to be celebrated and congratulated for...nothing.  Pity there are no prizes awarded for nothing: you'd win supreme honors for being and doing nothing hands down every time!  At least you must feel exceptionally self-fulfilled and satisfied...yep, about absolutely nothing.

Ah, excuse my use of any bigoted terms lacking their hypocrtically correct qualifiers: you're just a mentally-and-physically CHALLENGED deadbeat-cripple inept and impotent in the extreme.  So sorry.     

Now don't be too harsh on yourself, Mr. Nothing.  You're to be granted at least a smidgeon of credit: even a nothing as full of nothing as you has to possess at least a string of a noodle your fingertips can pinch to cream.  Even if you'll spend the better part of what's left of your worthless wasted nothing of a life trying to find it.  So keep the faith and keep refreshing, bub, I'll be here for you for as long as that takes.

I must decline, though, your kind and generous offer of a get-together to tour soda shops.  I'd be too apprehensive about taking a nothing out in public, even muzzled on a lead.  After finding nothing in your own pants to m********e with, you'd no doubt be crouched under the table trying to get into mine with your nothing of a mouth wide open but...still...as always...and ever...saying and doing...absolutely nothing.


Report Attachments


Pot, this is kettle.

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, July 08, 2012


At least Ashley-Tard now admits his incapacity: stupidity and re-turd-ation.  And now un-originality: he's too impotent to think of anything creative so he rips off my concept of his own rabidness.  LMAO!!!!"

I still don't speak the same language as you. I have looked through every dictionary I own and there's no entry for "re-turd-ation" It must be something in the water out there in california.

" Now he stupidly presumes he's the self-appointed spokesman for everybody else at site--none of who are exactly rushing in droves to support him in his self-imposed delirium. "

I'm no one's spokesman. Never claimed to be, if i did I retract the claim.

" For something you supposedly never cared about, you sure frittered away tons of your time and drivel spouting a score of dissertations about it!  Strange!  But then you're pretty peculiar and perverted, aren't you Ashley-Tard?  You post scores if not more of re-tard-ed dissertations about subjects you claim you care nothing about in your lame attempt simply to "aggravate" a single individual you don't even know. "

I don't care about this KFC AT ALL. All I've cared about is getting you to continue to post your mindless ranting here. I don't care about any of the companies I post rebuttals to. In this particular thread, the only thing I care about, is getting you worked up enough to keep posting. I have been sucessfully trolling you for a year now. That has to be some sort of record.

" That's not aggravation.  That's TRIUMPH!  My posts have succeeded in bringing out of the closet the most inept and impotent of deadbeats!  LMAO!!!! "

I'm a deadbeat now. Hmm. I don't remember ever discussing my finances with you. oh well, the great and powerful Joe Jr has decreed that I am an inept and impotent deadbeat! It is now so. I will live the rest of my live in shame and filth fearing for the day Joe Jr. hunts me down.

" You're a cripple, Ashley-Tard, for all the world to see here--impotent in body and well as mind--since clearly posting here is the sole medium you can employ for getting off!! "

And you're clearly a bigot for using the word cripple. They don't like that in california.

"Well, Ashley-Tard, I'm here for you to take pity: I'll keep posting for as long as it helps to keep you creaming.  Help is at HAND!!  YOUR hand!  Stroke away!!  Read on, and keep it pumping!  Come on, now, Ashley-Tard, you can do it--you know you can!  After all, you have absolutely nothing else to do with your worthess, wasted nothing of a life... "

I'll keep posting for your entertainment as long as you will buddy! WAIT! You said I was impotent? if I were how could I be jacking off to this thread. Hmm. I'm going to go back to my worthless wasted nothing of a life and wait for you next response. I will be sitting at my email refreshing it every 30 seconds until you respond. Even if it takes weeks, I will still be there for you bud.

Hey joe, let's get a soda together when I visit california! You can show me all the cool places to get free sodas, and I can mastrubate in your face when we're done.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Dictionary for Re-Turds, Not Dummies, For Ashley-Tard

#29Author of original report

Sun, July 08, 2012


At least Ashley-Tard now admits his incapacity: stupidity and re-turd-ation.  And now un-originality: he's too impotent to think of anything creative so he rips off my concept of his own rabidness.  LMAO!!!!

Now he stupidly presumes he's the self-appointed spokesman for everybody else at site--none of who are exactly rushing in droves to support him in his self-imposed delirium.

For something you supposedly never cared about, you sure frittered away tons of your time and drivel spouting a score of dissertations about it!  Strange!  But then you're pretty peculiar and perverted, aren't you Ashley-Tard?  You post scores if not more of re-tard-ed dissertations about subjects you claim you care nothing about in your lame attempt simply to "aggravate" a single individual you don't even know.

That's not aggravation.  That's TRIUMPH!  My posts have succeeded in bringing out of the closet the most inept and impotent of deadbeats!  LMAO!!!!

You're a cripple, Ashley-Tard, for all the world to see here--impotent in body and well as mind--since clearly posting here is the sole medium you can employ for getting off!!

Well, Ashley-Tard, I'm here for you to take pity: I'll keep posting for as long as it helps to keep you creaming.  Help is at HAND!!  YOUR hand!  Stroke away!!  Read on, and keep it pumping!  Come on, now, Ashley-Tard, you can do it--you know you can!  After all, you have absolutely nothing else to do with your worthess, wasted nothing of a life... 


Report Attachments



#30Consumer Comment

Sun, July 08, 2012

I should buy joe a dictionary and mail it to him. All these made up words make the rants difficult to decipher. I wonder if he's even speaking english sometimes with all the gnashing of teeth and frothing of the mouth. 

Guess what? No one still care about your KFC. No one on this site ever cared about your KFC. We just like to make fun of you because it aggravates you so. 

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,

#31Author of original report

Sun, July 08, 2012


Ashley-tard's posted nearly a SCORE of posts here in this thread, some of them as lengthy as rambling, incoherent dissertations, claiming one would be his last post--and he accuses me of being "crazy" and says nobody "cares" about this KFC, which is a duly DEFUNCT DUMP AND NO MORE.  And most recently, he was falsely claiming this KFC was "just fine" and how "happy" its obnoxious and rude shift supervisor, Susy-Q, was!  And I'm the one who's supposed to be "crazy."

That's right, I'm elated, I'm ecstatic that this DEFUNCT DUMP is rightly and deservedly gone, because they're no longer around to treat any other great, regular customer in such a discourteous and petty way.

SOUR GRAPES, Ashley-Tard!  Susy-Q's a LOSER!!  You're a LOSER!!  Worse, you're a re-turded LOSER!! You could both star on reality TV's BIGGEST LOSER for re-turds!!

But I'm still here.  All the other customer-SERVING establishments are still here.  And the unbegrudged free soda re-fills are STILL free-flowing.

Re-turd-ation in the extreme is the only conceivable reason you'd still be posting your re-turd-ed comments here.  Don't you really think it's high past time you checked yourself into that loony bin for loony-tune RE-TURDS??!! 

Dude, are you really THAT re-TURDED??!!

I don't claim anything except that this DEFUNCT DUMP of a KFC closed ITSELF for crappy customer service and it DID!  It's HISTORY!  Susy-Q's HISTORY!  The DEFUNCT DUMP'S OUT OF BUSINESS!  And rightly and deservedly so.

And I'm the total social misfit?!  Better that than the total social RE-TURD like you!  LMAO!!!!

What a 24 karat RE-TURD!!  LMAO!!!!

With all your brain-dead re-turd-ation, you cannot defend the indefensible: IT'S THE CUSTOMER SERVICE, RE-TURDED!!  LMAO!!!! 

Report Attachments


Joey (Jr) has a HUGE sense of self-importance...

#32Consumer Comment

Sat, July 07, 2012

He claims to have single-handedly, closed a KFC, got a security guard fired, got a new security gate installed, one other event, I've by now forgotten and I'm sure he's currently plotting his next attempt to make the world fit the needs/expectations of Joey (Jr).  Total social misfit.

What a 24 karat jackass!!

Report Attachments



#33Consumer Comment

Sat, July 07, 2012

Joe is still crazy and no one still cares about your KFC. The fact that you are happy about people being unemployed shows how petty an juvenile you really are. 

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,

#34Author of original report

Fri, July 06, 2012


Report Attachments

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,

#35Author of original report

Fri, July 06, 2012


"is that even with the loss of Junior here's buisness, this KFC is still in buisness and doing just fine!

I bet Suzi Q is thankful everyday of her life she doesn't have to see Joe Jr.'s smiling face."

Well, Ashley, who's so confused over he/she/its gender, you're either the world's biggest LIAR or else woefully MIS-informed! 

It took a little longer than predicted, but the TRUTH of the matter is: There's at least FIVE(5)signs plastered all over the front of this DEFUNCT KFC location announcing that the lame, lax franchise owners have LOST THEIR LEASE!  The interior's empty and the KFC logo and signs are REMOVED from the dilapidated property!


So for once, I quite AGREE: that's just GREAT!!!!  And I'm one THANKFUL resident who's been duly VINDICATED, despite all the brain-dead, comatose, re-turd LOSERS who woefully waste their space(not to mention their already miserable, meaningless, purposeless existence)trying in vain to defend the indefensible: POOR, BOORISH CUSTOMER SERVICE, RUDENESS AND PETTINESS.

If going OUT OF BUSINESS and joining the ranks of the unemployed is "doing just fine," then I'M ALL FOR IT IN THIS INSTANCE!

And my free soda re-fills everyplace else are still FREE-FLOWING AND UNBEGRUDGED!

But you just don't treat your best, best-paying, regular customers with regular boorish rudeness and discourtesy and expect to stay in business when competing establishments just steps away doing bustling business consistently offer superior customer service as well as FREE RE-FILLS anytime and every time my "smiling face" appears!  


So what else could ANY of you brain-dead re-turds possibly say on this subject, EXCEPT admit you were ALL wrong and accept it?!  You came to insult and call names, yet objected strenuously when you couldn't take what you dished out, like the crybaby LOSERS you ALL are!  And now you're ALL defeated, trapped and buried in the the dung-heap of your own universally consistent SELF-INFLICTED stupidity and re-turdation!  

Photos of the DEFUNCT DUMP shall be duly forthcoming!  In the meantime, this post is duly concluded, deal with it, get over it, then get a life!  LOSERS ALWAYS LOSE, IT'S YOUR INEVITABLE, INESCAPABLE, UNAVOIDABLE FATE!

For the last and final time: IT'S THE CUSTOMER SERVICE(not the re-fills), STUPID!!  LMAO!!!!



United States,
Up yours coost

#36Consumer Comment

Fri, May 11, 2012

You can take your words & shove them where the sun don't shine


Wrong again, Charles

#37Consumer Comment

Fri, May 11, 2012

"wanna be Hilter commie brats"

It's Hitler NOT Hilter. Open a history book Charles. Hitler opposed communism.


United States,
The people are wanna be Hilter they support consumer abuses and bad business practices the wing nuts love doing what Hilter did the commies

#38Consumer Comment

Thu, May 10, 2012

The people on this site who oppose, fairness, civil rights, treating people fairly, are wanna be Hilter commie brats.


What's great

#39Consumer Comment

Thu, May 10, 2012

is that even with the loss of Junior here's buisness, this KFC is still in buisness and doing just fine!

I bet Suzi Q is thankful everyday of her life she doesn't have to see Joe Jr.'s smiling face.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,

#40Author of original report

Sun, May 06, 2012


Three days after Christmas--the very day you pretend you weren't frittering away your wholly wasted time and existence reading this post--and it STILL eats at you?

YOU get over it, get off my post and get on with your NON-existence of a NON-life.  Fair enough?  Save your sorrow and sympathy for YOURSELF, you're in much more dire need of them.  You have nothing better to do on ANY day of the year, least of all Christmas?  Now that's not just sad, it's pretty freakin' pathetic.  But then, you're a pretty freakin' pathetic excuse of a person all told, otherwise why would you even bother responding to such a "sad" post.  To coin your title phrase: ???

138)Voice of Regurgitated Re-Turd-ation!

Yo, BLOW!  Which you do best better than anybody: BLOW the hardest but predictably the hollowest!

Your well wishes remain well-received: I couldn't be happier or healthier, so sorry to disappoint all self-disillusioned, minuscule minds here.  In fact, I rather think the re-turded posts in this thread actually boosted Kindle sales of my fitness title at Amazon this year!  Many, many thanks for that!  So keep those supremely re-turded comments coming, I'll continue putting them in their proper place: duly flushed with all the other re-turded comments right down the toilet!

Jingle Cups, Jingle Cups
Soda's all the way
Oh what fun, it is to quaff
Free refills at Habit all the day!  Ayy!
Jingle Cups, Jingle Cups
Free refills are here to stay
Oh what fun it is to see
The lobby-dead space that's always KFC!
Ha! Ha!  Hooray!!

Yes, the thread yet lives, even if the brains of the most eminent re-turd-ation are still dead!  Should it so continue, we just might title it: the Brain-Dead, Deader and Deader Still!  But you'll always and forever be easily outdone!  LMAO!!!!


North Carolina,
United States of America
Yo, Joe!

#41Consumer Comment

Wed, December 28, 2011

Hey, Joseph, my main man! Good to see y'all back after all these weeks. A belated, Blessed and Merrrrrrrry Christmas and happy healthy New Year to you!

Jingle Cups, Jingle Cups
Soda's on the way
Oh what fun it is to drink
At good ole KF Say (sic) ayyy

Jingle cups Jingle cups
Refills here today
Oh what fun it is to see
This thread still lives, HURRAY!

And a belated, Blessed and Merrrrrrrry Christmas and happy healthy New Year to EVERYONE who helped make this the best post thread of 2011!



#42Consumer Comment

Wed, December 28, 2011

Please get over it and get on with your life. I feel so sorry for you. You have nothing better to do on Christmas day. Now, that is sad.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,

#43Author of original report

Sun, December 25, 2011

#135)Center of Attention-DEFICIT, Mali-BOO-h*o!!

I'm 'over-reacting,' eh?!  Listen intently to yourself for just a mega-moment and then strain that die-hard brain of yours and THINK about this mis-contention of yours:

1)Susy-Q "had NO IDEA" I was owed a Mega-Jug.  If you have NO IDEA about something, well, then, you ASK, you do NOT ACCUSE!! by making an a*s-OUT-OF-YOU-AND-ME(a*s/U/ME)!

2)Susy-Q "just saw someone come in and start filling up an OLD cup."  

She didn't see just "someone" come in.  She saw a REGULAR CUSTOMER KNOWN BY NAME BY HER AND AT LEAST THREE OTHERS OF HER STAFF.  How did she know it was an "old" cup without ASKING TO FIND OUT FIRST?  Oh, excuse me, now you must be claiming Susy-Q is PSYCHIC as well as stupidly RUDE, OBNOXIOUS, CHEAP AND PETTY!!

3)You would've said the same thing to me, eh?  You would've received the very same 'over-reaction' then and LOST THE TRADE OF A REGULAR, WELL-PAYING CUSTOMER AS WELL AS YOUR JOB AS I'M SURE SHE'S DONE BY THIS TIME.

Quite the contrary, Susy-Q's the one who 'OVER-reacted': first by ACCUSING(and assuming)instead of ASKING first to FIND OUT.  Next by cheaply and pettily refusing to promptly forget and OVERLOOK the cheap and petty matter by simply permitting me to leave UN-begrudged with the refill AFTER HAVING THE MATTER DULY EXPLAINED TO HER.  Then, she should've REFRAINED from delivering to me in public her rude and condescending public lecture series about the threat to this outlet's "business" permitting one lousy measly refill would supposedly pose.

You'd say the same thing to me, eh?  Then you'd be promoting just as SHODDY CUSTOMER SERVICE AS SHE DID TO THE VERY DEFINITE DETRIMENT OF THIS OUTLET.

Update on the outlet status: just this past late Friday holiday night, a friend treated me to an 8-piece meal to share and reported the following: Susy-Q was no longer in attendance.  On what's supposed to be a busy weekend night for business, the outlet was lobby-DEAD, with only one supervisor and one staff flunky serving one customer.  Literally STEPS AWAY, the Habit burger grill did its usual bustling, thriving business.

For your edification: the floor supervisor at the nearby HABIT burger grill, after I playfully joked that I wished he hadn't discarded some stray fries that had fallen off the carton and onto my coming food tray, he once ordered from his nearest cook AN ADDITIONAL SECOND CARTON OF COMPLIMENTARY FRIES TO GO WITH THE ONE ALREADY BOUGHT AND PAID FOR!

TREAT THAT BRAIN-DEATH BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE, READ&COMPREHEND: You just don't outright accuse regular, well-paying customers of soda-pilfering, most ESPECIALLY...when you stupidly--in your OWN WORDS--HAVE NO IDEA about what you're talking about, and then to boot, proceed to publicly insult that customer once the full truth of the matter is duly explained to you.

That's how to LOSE customers and to LOSE business.  That's how to KILL your business.  That's how to SHUT DOWN your business, which this outlet is shortly due for: SHUTTING DOWN.


center of attention

You're overreacting.

#44Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2011

The manager had no idea that you were "owed" a Mega-Jug. She just saw someone come in and start filling up an old cup. I would've said the same thing to you.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,

#45Author of original report

Wed, October 05, 2011

#133)Ashley, dear.

ONE LAST COMMENT, eh?  You should've written One Next-to-the-Last Comment.  A woman--or is it, she-man--of your word, are you?  Or is is something else? Either way, you can't even stick to what you write, can you?  But then again, it's most infamously a whining woman's prerogative to change her mind constantly and most inconsistently.

So if you're not a woman, what are you then?  A He-She?!  

No matter.  It's quite irrelevant--as is most everything else you've responded with--to this post.

Whatever you are, get your terms straight, especially those you don't know the definitions of.  Like all of your hypo-critically correct ilk, you resort to terms you neither understand nor comprehend.

But FYI: sex-ism--like race-ism and a whole host of other similar isms--refers to people most mistakenly thinking their sex(or race or whatever)is SUPERIOR to others.  Simple PREJUDICE isn't equivalent and doesn't qualify as being sex-ist or for that matter racist, no matter how much or how frequently you may whine about your gender inequality.

And as far as how I express myself at this(my)post, I shall and continue to do so as I please; I needn't go elsewhere to do so.

You still bemoan the questionable claim that I've demeaned and/or insulted you, yet you neglect to bemoan the numerous other posters here who've demeaned and/or insulted me.  There's that feminine but indefensible DOUBLE-STANDARD again applied unequally to me but to nobody else.  My standard was, is and remains the same: don't demean/insult me, I won't demean/insult you. 

Now no matter what gender(or hybrid-gender)you happen to be, get this straight in your badly confused complex of a mind: this site is about FREE SPEECH AND FREE EXPRESSION.

In this country, at least, a constitutional amendment(the First, just in case you're unacquainted with it)justly protects same.  Despite what the oh-so-special-world-revolves-around-self-conscious-me hypo-critically correct most mistakenly think, THERE IS NO FREEDOM FROM BEING OFFENDED BY THE OFFENSIVE.  So refrain from resorting to terms you don't know the meaning of.  Got that now? Good.  

We'll await your next next-to-the-next-to-the-last comment!

In the meantime, it looks like this coming Friday shall indeed be my friend's next fun KFC-treat invite! And by the by, you've still got that win-win situation arse-backwards: I don't have to see HER and still get my nasty chicken!!

But FYI 2: I shall be dropping in...in person...sooner that you most mistakenly might not think..



#46Consumer Comment

Mon, September 26, 2011

You are quite sexist and demeaning also. Guess what? I'm not a woman, so you can just go be sexist elsewhere.

" Good God, though, gurl: No place did I say you had done the same to me by way of insults and name-calling; I simply stated that I would if you started, that's all.  You really do suffer from a severe reading impairment, and I urge you in all sincerity to promptly attend to it.


Hmm, well in your last response to me and in this response you have been insulting and have been calling me names. I didn't it, you did. I can read and comprehend just fine.

Have fun eating your KFC that your friend gets for you. That's a win-win situation for you both. The manger doesn't have to see you and you get to have your chicken.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Die-Hard but Tired BRAIN-DEAD Defenders of the In-defensible Dying Out, Poor Dears!!

#47Author of original report

Mon, September 26, 2011


Apologies quite unnecessary, sir.  It's likewise a wise man who recognizes his own fault as you have here at the outset--even if for all the wrong reasons.  

You came here laboring under the worst possible though incorrect presumption: that I'm here to fulfill any of your expectations; I'm not, you see.  You've just disappointed yourself, you see.  And self-disappointment invariably comes out of dashed expectations and false hopes.  As you readily admit, it's your own fault.

I couldn't have missed your point then--as you likewise came from the start having no real or valid point to make.  Which easily explains your mis-assessment of my supposed limitations.

Try a more thoughtful approach to making any presumed points the next time, and you just might successfully overcome a great deal of your own blatant limitations.

#129)Ashley, dear.

One last comment.  How many countless times have we heard THAT claim coming from a compulsive-obsessive personality such as yourself?!  Were it only the truth I suspect you'll be scarcely missed here.  Let's none of us though prematurely hold our breaths awaiting that Bring-Back-Ashley movement!

Good God, though, gurl: No place did I say you had done the same to me by way of insults and name-calling; I simply stated that I would if you started, that's all.  You really do suffer from a severe reading impairment, and I urge you in all sincerity to promptly attend to it.

So far as my "attitude towards everyone," to repeat: it's modeled solely after THEIR overtly expressed attitude towards me.  Just admit it and leave it at that: you've been struck by the blinding light of your own illogical, inconsistent and irrational DOUBLE STANDARD, which you'd apply solely and selectively to me but to no one else at this thread, including yourself, and now you're left to cope with its outright FAILURE.  

I wasn't unkind; the BIDDY was.  I haven't been unkind to anybody until you and others were--from the start.  You can't rationally expect to receive the kindness you preach when you believe yourself together with the rest of your illogical ilk to be above and beyond giving kindness.  Here endeth the lesson!!  

Thanks for the well-wish, though, my life's wonderful enough indeed.

But you're sounding even in parting supremely SILLY again:

No one believes anything I have to say?  My post about this KFC is irrelevant?  ANY-one coming to this site will read and quickly DISMISS my report as baseless ranting.  Then I strongly suggest that you scroll up to read, re-read and COMPREHEND Comment #47--the sole rational and reasonable rebuttal posted.  It serves as a quality object lesson in civility and courtesy for you and the rest of your illogical ilk.

Yet here we are--here YOU are--responding and posting at Comment # ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-NINE!  I'm afraid, little lady, that you're as deeply in-DENIAL about REALITY as you are about your own fallacious, faulty and failed rebuttals.

You've done well then to reconsider and think better of making any further self-embarrassing comments.  It takes a wise loser to ultimately admit defeat and preclude any further pointless battering.

What's been truly pointless has been the majority of your posted responses: as duly indicated and commonly understood(to everyone except by the die-hard brain-dead)I do indeed care everything for logic, civility and common sense--equally, not selectively applied, as you would dupe everybody to mis-believe is fair.  It's not.  That's why you've lost.  And shall continue to lose--so long as you lamely attempt to apply such inconsistent and selective(albeit typically feminine)ILLOGIC.  Your self-presumed superiority has proved to display only your supreme inferiority--hence your expressed complex.

It's one thing to enjoy a world full of lies.  It's quite another to even try and enjoy your-SELF when you entire being is comprised of lies.  You came to this thread to spread your lies; you leave this thread with your lies torn and strewn in tatters.  All is understood.  

In that respect, little lady, I suspect that I'll be enjoying myself a whole lot better than you ever will! Adieu, indeed!


All I've mostly done here is return in kind a barrage of insults and name-calling from a virtual mob of immature, insecure Stalker-Trolls-Without-Lives(including YOURSELF, bub)--all unanimously evading any real issues simply to get their virtual rocks off through making personal attacks they can't take getting back--and I'M supposed to be the one who's angry and aggressive!  You're funny, Coastal-Gone-Postal!

Recommendation noted though and well-wish accepted.

Now my parting suggestion to you: enrollment in a ladies' finishing school to learn some common courtesy, good manners and perhaps even some decent respect for expressed opinions other than exclusively your own.  I trust you to shop for a suitable dress.  Good luck, indeed!   

#131)After this, Mr Rik, I'll try indeed to patronize Popeye's a whole lot more--if only they'd publish more printed coupons!

You're absolutely right too: KFC's original recipe is nothing of what it used to be and has indeed gotten to be quite nasty--at this particular soon-to-be-doomed outlet!

So it's to the great advantage of all consumers that competitors like Popeye's supply such de-licious alternatives!!!! Cheers, mate, hope all's well back in my homestate!!  

mr rik


#48Consumer Comment

Sun, September 25, 2011

is STILL better!  I find KFC nasty.

Report Attachments


Joseph Jr

#49Consumer Comment

Sun, September 25, 2011

You may want to consider consulting a mental health care professional in an attempt to overcome your anger and aggression. Many insurance carriers will provide financial assistance. Good luck to you.


One last comment

#50Consumer Comment

Sun, September 25, 2011

You say that you are being insluting and calling names because I have done the same to you? Illustrate one example where I have been anything but civil towards you. You are the one that has an attitude towards everyone. Have a good life, no one on this site believes anything you have to say. Your post abuot the KFC is irrelevent, anyone coming to this site will read and quickly dismiss your report as baseless ranting.

I thought abuot making a rebuttal towards your comments, then realized that to do so would be pointless. You care nothing for logic, civility, or common sense. I would just be talking to a brick wall. Instead, I bid you adieu. Enjoy your world full of lies.



#51Consumer Comment

Sun, September 25, 2011

I expected so much more from a literary genius. I really did. It's my own fault though; I perhaps expected too much from someone who actually had books published. You have disappointed me, sir, disappointed me greatly. You missed my point entirely. But now that I know your limitations I shall no longer expend effort in my challenges - I shall take up your elementary school debating style of "I know you are but what am I?" so that you may more readily comprehend. My apologies to you, sir.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Welcome to new masochistic Stalker Troll of a Tarded-Turd-Without-A-Life on the Block!

#52Author of original report

Sun, September 25, 2011


Unsurprising, it is: this latest, self-flagellating, masochistic retard comes just to me for more well-deserved punishment: anything and everything in response to the post, after all, except addressing its main issues--and with a pubescent, brain-dead, practically illiterate and incoherent(to say nothing of uncreative and unoriginal)parody to boot! That much can readily be dismissed out of hand as the paltriest of twaddle, meaning worse than nothing--if that's possible.

Even with his false accusation of this account being made-up with just hints of truth, his response is altogether absent any truth, so it's hardly worth the bother of a rebuttal.

Yet he still makes an unbelievable fuss about this post's supposed lack of wit.  Inconceivably he reads and responds to a thread of this protracted length only to label it as untrue and unwitty. Makes one wonder what prompts the world's brain-dead to mis-spend their life-dead existences reading and responding to posts supposedly so superfluous and unimportant.  What with such dry, droll and smart wit, alluding to the poster as being less witty than a rock. 

And speaking of rocks...That the responder even listens to rocks is most telling: keeping pet rocks is clearly this responder's sole source of getting his rocks off!  That's to be pitied, Vimot-Tard, not condemned.  Thus you have our deepest sympathy.  And your agreement is wholeheartedly accepted.


OH, AND YES!  Regrettably your rank, name and status as just another retarded turd must-needs stay intact.  For it is indeed the wise man who knows himself and how he should be called--as you most demonstrably do!  So who am I to disabuse you much less call you by any other names than your own chosen ones?!

I bid you a well-wishing welcome, Vimot-Tard, all the same, and shall delightedly oblige in meting out the masochistic punishment you clearly seek--together with the rest of your brain-dead, die-hard Tards-in-Arms.  

For a less fortunate soul, though, you choose a powerfully peculiar place to go in pursuit of your much-needed therapy.  I can't help but suspect that staying closer to the nearest toilet would prove to be of profounder benefit to you.  Carry on, then: for you the flush-handle is just an arm's length away... 


Oh, and yes

#53Consumer Comment

Sat, September 24, 2011

I am retarded. Full blown mental retardation. So calling me a "tard" doesn't bother me because I know I'm retarded (unless insulting less-fortunate souls makes you happy). And ''turd'' wont work either as I am as full of crap as one can be and am quite happy about it. Hopefully this will force you to use different, more "bitingly sarcastic" descriptors befitting the literary genius that is "YOU" :)


I agree with the OP wholeheartedly!

#54Consumer Comment

Sat, September 24, 2011

I also too was disrespected at my local KFC. I am a frequent customer (2 or 3 times a day) as I am on a limited bugitt. Last Thursday at precicesly 3:17 pm I intered my local KFC and also too was a long line (not fair to me as my time is presious). Since I am a frequent customer and must spend OVER $50 a year in that store and was known by all the staff, I unthreatingly went behind the counter to make my own lunch (thus saving them money so the workers could serve the other customers) when this big threatining manager started yelling at me! He humiliated me in front of the whole resterant! Here I was trying to help and I'm treated like this! I told him ''how dare you sir! I am a customer and spend over $50 dollars a year in here and was just trying to help out and you have humiliated me!'. I told him that I would never eat in ANY KFC ever again, and walked out with my head held high. I came back that very day with a sign to picket the poor customer service treatment and do you know what? That cruel manager called the police on me! Well I don't have to tell you ......
Well, yes I do. I made it all up. Just like the OP. His was a relatively amusing story with hints of truth. Unfortunately, I expected better of him in his responses, being a published author and whatnot. But alas he has not delivered-it's as if the responses are templates with some words and names changed to suit the rebuttal. It would be truly unfortunate for the OP if he really feels his responses are witty, as I have heard rocks with more wit.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Self-inflicted RETARDATION is indeed Objectively Laughable, TOTALLY!!!

#55Author of original report

Sat, September 24, 2011


Any objective investigation of you would determine that you're a self-deluding, self-inflicting masochist of a site stalker troll-without-a-life and infantile dreamer who only fantasizes about being as special and as sexually active as this customer actually IS, has been and remains.  

Not that the customer's sex life is at all relevant to this thread, you needn't express your envious and jealous sour grapes because you're in denial about never getting any yourself, attempting lamely to project your own impotence upon others.  But do keep trying if it makes your impotence any less painful to bear for you.

If anything's negated it's your own lack of credibility: everybody has a favorite DIVE they like to frequent, that's no admission, that's a statement of factual FUN!  KFC's one of mine!  This DUMP of a DIVE's day though is all but done.  Accept it, then get over it.

Your right about one thing though: "videotaped surveillance" would indeed indicate the absolute, un-exaggerated and un-slanted truth of this account and the cheap and petty accosting endured at the hands of a rude, obnoxious and uppity biddy of a shift supervisor.  

Customers are no place expected to endure verbal abuse from an unruly manager--as the closed-circuit camera would duly prove!  I challenge, DARE and welcome you to acquire that videotape for publication here!  I DOUBLE dare you! 


If you think a dump of demolished KFC would make even local news then you must live in a backward, backwoods locale really hard-up for news--about as hard-up for sex as your fellow Tard-in-Arm, Coast-Tard!

And I hardly need to take credit for this dump of a KFC's un-doing by its own doing!

Basically, I made no "assertion" at all!  Learn like your fellow Tards-in-Arms to read, re-read and comprehend: The "claim" this dump of a KFC's justly due to be demolished came from a currently employed staff supervisor, not me.  I just reported(and repeated)what was said.

So if there's any "hot air" blowing here--it's his--and yours alone!  

And that, my dear Strider-Tard, is what is and continues to be...COMPLETELY LAUGHABLE--as you are!

And once you and Coast-Tard stop whacking each other off, just think about who's really laughing here last, loudest and best!  At the biddy.  At you.

Always and ever praying for the cure...to rampant, self-inflicted RETARDATION!  

Amen, and Amen!!

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Checking In With Die-Hard Stalker Tards-in-Arms-Without Lives!

#56Author of original report

Sat, September 24, 2011


Hilarious, yes you and your exceptional illiteracy are!  So I'll be delighted to set you straight for further purposes of remedial reading's sake: no, she didn't treat ME like anything, she made a scene and spectacle of herself by acting rude, obnoxious and uppity for no rational reason, just as you attempt to revise this post through your self-inflicted illiteracy for no rational reason(and dumb presumption).  

I NEVER promised not to patronize KFC, let alone 'her,' any longer.  Learn to read, little lady: ALL I told her was that she could keep her soda and left.  Nothing more, nothing less.  More dumb presumption: I gave NO MONEY to ANYBODY to visit this KFC to buy any food for me.  Fact is, a friend offered to TREAT me and I accepted.  

Whatever anything sounds like to you is utterly irrelevant to this post.  She gets to sell me NOTHING and hasn't.  And as with everything else, you've got the win all arse-backwards: she gets to sell me nothing and I never have to see HER face, not the other way round.  So not only did she not run me off--I can return at any time I please to feel like it--I can still get treated to a fast food meal there if I crave it.  

So what does she win?  Working at a dead-end, drudge of a job for penny-ante hourly wages?! Your brain-dead logic is as dead-end as her position in this overall scheme of things. Does she get the lion's share of any profits--much less any kind of commission--from any KFC sale I(or even a friend)might contribute to?!  Hardly.  She doesn't even rate a decent TIP in their glass jar.  Nope, as I see it, this situation is and continues to be all win-win for me, not her.  

I work quite comfortably from home with all the creature comforts; she's the one enduring the dead-end job in a soon-to-be dead-and-buried workplace.  Yes, little lady, your version of hilarity and winning truly are amazing, all right.  

LATEST FACTS ARE: My friend treating me did indeed confirm the biddy's still there, working a drudgery of a closing night shift ending at eleven o'clock at night, picking her out sight-unseen having never before met or dealt with the biddy.  

Here's the scene in this lobby-dead KFC as my friend described it: at best two customers were present whilst literally steps away The Habit burger grill thrived on that Saturday night with its regular, bustling business.  Three young girl employees--ALL looking shell-shocked from having to work with the biddy--were the sole employees busy actually working and doing their jobs: one did the register, another swept the floor, another wiped down the soda dispenser, near which our favorite biddy--whom my unprejudiced friend described as powerfully "bossy"--griped and bellyached about absent customers and her own job dissatisfaction.  

Another customer she'd accosted, apparently, had committed the dastardly crime of propping up his feet on a store seat. She went on at length to grumble and whine to some black dude that she couldn't wait for the store to close but that she couldn't yet clock out.  Mind you, this is a direct report from a wholly objective observer with no prior dealings with the biddy.  Yep, our favorite biddy sounds like a real "winner" here, all right.  But do keep posting your extreme inanity, little lady, and get yet more mud in your own face. So be amazed: you're the hilarious one now!

You must suffer a pretty empty and uneventful life to fritter away so much time browsing reports on subjects you're uninterested in and then actually respond to same at such great treatise length; that merits you much deep sympathy.  My deepest condolences to you, little lady.

Read, re-read and learn to comprehend, little lady.

Why must I "want" anything further to "happen" in this matter?!  First off, I owe you nor anyone else here any explanations about what I might want, which is precious little really.  Anything I might want is rather moot and superfluous since the dump's slated for just-due demolition.  And if anybody's "going on and on" over it, it's now you, not me.  I just repeat the fact of its impending demolition for you and your fellow brain-dead posters.  Being demolished and reduced to rubble pretty much shuts down the business rather effectively and permanently.  What anybody might "want" matters little.  Personally, I couldn't give a flying hang anymore, knowing it's justly due to be demolished is plenty enough GLEEFUL satisfaction.  I suppose you'll share my giddiness once I post the pics of the rubble--when you can post yet more extreme inanity about how the biddy in a dead-end job at a lobby-dead KFC is...the winner!  Hilarious!  Amazing!

Look, little lady, I can't do your remedial reading for you, all I can do is offer you continued recommendations to undertake your own remedial reading instruction; no one can compel you, you yourself must make the choice to seek help and then make the move!

As for being all over the board, that's you--and your own brain-dead mind--not me.  What's obvious to you is far from being fact or truth: the sole purpose of this post--to repeat ad nauseam, ad infinitum for the brain-dead illiterate and retarded--is simply to expose an incident of p*ss-poor customer service.  You're "confused" generally and greatly, but I can't help that--neither can you, evidently.  All I've ever said was that I'd return once the biddy was gone(whether quit or fired), never that I wished it closed or demolished.  That it's getting demolished is it's own UN-doing by its own doing, that much should be plenty plain to even a responder suffering from your drastic degree of reading disability.  You're not only all over the board, little lady, you're OFF the board altogether. But again, that's no one's correctable fault but your own.  I bid you many good lucks with remedying that.

Well, the self-inflicted ignorant and illiterate invariably feel justified with their own unjustifiability, but there again, that's your problem to deal with and hopefully rectify, not mine.

My attitude towards the responders on this website corresponds precisely--yes, indeed--with that expressed and reflected by them from day one, it's true.  If that's how you(and they)act in person then I'm more than justified in that attitude.  Their very first response was one of name-calling, character assassination and it's continued daily.  So I can only conclude likewise these responders are this vitriolic and confrontational in person.  What you and your illiterate ilk can't take or stand is that I give not only as good but better than I get.  That indeed shall continue to transpire until the insults and name-calling cease and desist on your side, not mine.

And nothing you can say, trying to distort and misrepresent the basic facts, cannot and will not change the truth of the matter as stated and re-stated: I wasn't confrontational, the BIDDY was.  I didn't initiate the rude and obnoxious contact, SHE did.  I sedately explained the situation; SHE turned it into a preachy, specious soapbox.  SHE acted CHEAP AND PETTY, I didn't.  I calmly left the soda and left myself.  Period.  Read, little lady, re-read and hopefully comprehend.  The truth shall finally set you--and perhaps your brain-dead mind--free.

Who's really relieved?!  I am--relieved the biddy will be permanently gone once the dump's gone and its day is done.    

Strange how your blatant double-standards about expressing any modicum of respect or civility are applied solely to me and to none of your fellow vulgar Tards-in-Arms!  Hilarious!  Amazing!  But I treat how I get treated.  That standard for this thread shall continue until the ill-treatment ends.

Then you ridiculously presume to preach about what managements you have absolutely no control or influence over should conduct "fair" customer service!  Hilarious!  Amazing!  Your remedial education's in dire need of furthering: it's not what I "perceive"--it's what I'm accustomed as a regular, paying customer to receiving--indeed--it's what in fact I actually DO receive on a daily, regular basis at EVERY OTHER local customer service outlet that I frequent.  So your personal job experience is as irrelevant as your rationales are.  I'm frequently and regularly treated with complimentary perks EVERYPLACE I patronize!  And that's seven days a week, 365 days a year!  So can you even conceive how ridiculously silly you sound?  If you only knew the daily complimentary perks I receive from the majority of the workers at one particular coffee shop that I regularly visit, you'd climb deep back into your illogical hole-in-the-ground and bury yourself in it!  COMICAL, you are, little lady!!  Your distorted standards simply don't apply at ANY of the places I frequent--except this dump of a KFC, which is just-due for demolition, it's un-doing its own doing!  That's what's fair! 

I'm exceptionally pleased that you've now put yourself out on your own sawed-off limb with your false claims that this KFC's still doing a brisk business and that its impending demise is wishful thinking on my part.  All I'll say is: remember that, little lady, it'll make a perfect epitaph--and caption--for my pic of the demolished rubble!  No amount of self-inflicted brain-death can alter this KFC's lobby-death!  Hilarious!  Amazing!

A dump of a KFC is NOT news, or even news-worthy, so its demolition isn't about to MAKE the news! Really!!

Stay tuned, then, little lady: this KFC's rubble, which you say you'd love to see, shall be happily posted once the greatly anticipated event actually occurs.  What you mis-label hearsay is from its own supervisory staff--like it or not, accept it or not. 

Now you're an out-and-out LIAR, but you won't be permitted to get away with it, not here, not now, not ever: and NEVER have I stated or even intimated that I personally would "make sure it got demolished."  And you can't prove you're not an outright LIAR by quoting or copying-and-pasting ANY direct quote from me at this thread even insinuating that.  My statements haven't drifted, only your brain-dead mind has--and continues to.  

The "other business" smartly moved, all right--right next to The Habit grill in a new building where it's doing a similarly bustling and thriving business literally steps away.  That was many months ago! If KFC were simply "moving" it would've already followed suit.  It hasn't: it's the last lobby-dead hold-out in a derelict building due for just-due demolition.  This is the fact and reality of the matter. Accept it and then get over it.  Silly speculation will do absolutely nothing to alter it--except in your own drifting brain-dead mind. 

Oh, I'll survive, little lady, no doubt about that.  It's not my survival, but the survival of this dump of a KFC that's in just-due doubt!  Can you just hear the sound of the wrecking bulldozers and tractors now?  I can! Hilarious!  Amazing!

You're quite IN-correct, as you most repeatedly prove!  But that's to be rightly expected at this point.  But, no, she's still there and "safe," all right, and has far from moved on: quite the contrary, she's still there, badgering her own employees and dreading every last minute she's compelled to spend on her dead-end job in her lobby-dead KFC.  Yep, she's a real "winner" all the way, I've got to admit!  Hilarious!  Amazing!

Yes, apparently I do indeed need to constantly repeat it's all about quality customer service--until it finally and irrevocably sinks in at last--which as even your own post proves it still hasn't!

I could care less what you or anybody else may be "alarmed" about and you can't(and won't)revise the facts and truth of the matter: I wasn't cheap and petty, SHE was--from the start to the finish! HER attitude in most magnanimously not granting a measly soda refill was the cheap and petty one, not mine.

Your illiterate inability to read, understand and comprehend the gist of this post--all other "real ripoffs" notwithstanding--is YOUR problem, not mine: the so-called "grave injustice"(YOUR mis-terminology, not mine!)was not my inability to get a soda refill.  It was this biddy's RUDE, OBNOXIOUS AND UPPITY MANNER IN REFUSING IT AND THE CHEAP AND PETTY ATTITUDE THAT PROMPTED SAID REFUSAL. And I couldn't give a flying hang who's convinced or unconvinced.

It's the CUSTOMER SERVICE, Stupid!!

For someone preaching so sanctimoniously about what's "sheer pettiness" you fritter away lots of your clearly mis-spent life writing at such dissertation length on what is supposedly superfluous and unimportant.  Well, here's a news flash for you: good customer service is EVERYTHING and makes the difference between staying in business or going OUT of business--as this incident justly demonstrates.  

So save your self-righteous, sanctimonious sermons about civility for the gullible(as well as your fellow vulgar Tards-in-Arms at this site), they won't wash here:  You didn't call me names as such, so you weren't called names as such.  That's how it is and how it shall be.  Start calling me names, though, and I'll gladly oblige and respond in kind.  And that's as it should be.  Treat me nice, I'll extend to you the very same courtesy.  That same principle applies equally so to this soon-to-be-unemployed biddy-at-large at this lobby-dead-soon-to-be-demolished KFC.  Got it, now?  Good.

Get that remedial reading instruction promptly, though, and there just might remain a smidgeon of hope for YOU, not me.  
And just remember, you can respond a tad bit more rationally(and perhaps even literately)without hypocritical canting and character-insults.

And just remember, you can even keep the quality trade of your best, regular, paying customers by granting them the exceptional customer service they're justly entitled to.  After all, their purchases are paying your wages in the end--even in your own dead-end job in your own lobby-dead and just-due-to-be demolished dump of a KFC!

YOU be civil, I'll be civil.  You start(and/or continue)the insults and name-calling, I'll finish it.  Got that?  Good.

Now one final friendly reminder, little lady: read, re-read and comprehend--it is indeed the CUSTOMER SERVICE, Stupid!!


South Carolina,
Completely laughable

#57General Comment

Wed, September 21, 2011

   If indeed this store was closing then it would make the local papers. And you won't have sent a letter to the editor claiming credit. Basically you made an assertion that you can't back up, even though the proof would be in the local papers. So this claim like the rest of your story is full of hot air.


An objective view

#58Consumer Comment

Sun, September 18, 2011

It is highly likely that the management and staff of the mentioned KFC are aware of this thread. The management of the KFC's response [to a complaint investigated by KFC corporate] should include a printout of this thread. The corporate investigator(s) would determine that this customer is a self-centered, self-righteous childish individual that considers himself to be special and believes he has had more sexual rendezvous than Wilt Chamberlin. His admission that he continues to patronize the establishment negates his claim that it is a dump. It is also likely that videotaped surveillance would indicate the customer has greatly exaggerated and slanted his version of the confrontation he had with the staff. The employees are not expected to endure verbal abuse from an unruly customer.



#59Consumer Comment

Sun, September 18, 2011

" You can quibble over semantics all you like until you're blue in your face but I wasn't run off; I left of my own accord to patronize more this KFC's nearby competitors just steps away, doing their daily, regular bustling business. If she won by losing my business to the competitors gaining it, then you have a peculiar viewpoint about winning.  Besides, I can still take out KFC from this outlet anytime I feel like it without appearing to patronize it: simply by sending somebody else to pick it up!  Occasionally I have and do!  If that's winning, I'll keep my perspective, thanks very much! "

Hilarious! So let me get this straight, she treats you like complete crap and makes a scene at her KFC and you leave promising not to patronize her any longer. However, you still give money to friends to go to this KFC and buy food for you? That sounds like she won to me! She gets to sell you KFC and she never has to see your face! So not only did she run you off, you still buy chicken from her! Amazing.

" For someone claiming not to patronize fast food outlets, you have a curious choice of sites to read and post at!  It's likely a healthier lifestyle, for sure; I patronize them sparingly at best. "

FYI: There's a button on the site labelled "Latest reports" I browse through any that look interesting. They aren't sorted by topic. Yours is one of the funnier ones.

" GOD, I wish people responding would learn how to read and comprehend though.  The sole purpose for complaining has been to expose a poor, cheap and petty customer service experience: IT'S THE CUSTOMER SERVICE, STUPID!!  Go back and read how many times that particular phrase appears and you just might finally get the gist! "

Okay, you made your point and several of us have agreed that she showed bad customer service. What do you WANT to happen though? You keep going on and on about how this place is going to be shut down and demolished over all of this. Do you want an apology? Do you want her fired? Do you want the buisness shutdown? What is it you want exactly?

" NEVER have I stated that I "want" this particular KFC outlet to go out of business.  Nor have I EVER stated that I "want" it demolished.  ALL I've ever stated and re-stated is that its poor customer service would kill its business and that it's been said that it's justly due to be demolished. Period.    
It's inevitable that it's losing patrons by driving them off to its competitors literally just steps away.

Well, the purpose of your tirades are obviously to put this particular KFC in bad light. If ranting on multiple websites about how poor the customer service is at this store doesn't mean you want it shut down I'm confused. So you don't want to see it demolished? You want to see it stay open and thrive just without you? You're all over the board.

 " Oh no, you've resorted to no petty insults: you just expressed the pompous and presumptuous (and incorrect)sentiment that it was my "daily attitude" was something this KFC outlet's employees had to "put up with"--without knowing the first true fact of the matter.  Perhaps to you that's a matter of semantics too.  To me, expressions of blatant ignorance are insults.  "

if your attitude towards the people on this website are any indication of how you act in person, then I feel justified by my statement. You have not treated anyone on this website, in either thread, with any modicum of respect or civility. Your very first response was one of anger lashing out and name calling and it has continued daily. I base my opinion of you solely on these comments. In the absense of any other evidence, I can only conclude that you are this vitriolic and confrontational in person. Thus, the manager was likely relieved when you stopped coming in, if the attitude you portray on this website is anything like what you do in person.

" Points of fact: two of the prettiest young girl customer servers there have taken my personal card; those same two girls typically would never charge me for refills when I presented my kept plastic cup to save the plastic; another Latino gent-in-charge there would charge me .25-cent token fees for refills.  "

Which I'm sure these girls would get fired for if upper management knew they were giving away free drinks. That is theft on the employee's part, not good customer service. What you percieve as good customer service (Ie: giving you free or reduced refills) is something that their employee manual is likely against. I know the customer service jobs I had, I could get fired for doing that. It doesn't matter if the customer comes in 33 times a day, they should pay the same price as everyone else. That's only fair.

"As for this KFC's imminent demise, I'll tell you what I told another responder(you must've missed it in all your re-reads): I've absolutely nothing to prove to you or anybody else here.  Want proof? Get your own.  Any proof's all on you, not me. "

Well, I called this KFC and its still in business and doing just fine. There's not indication on the corporate website that its closing, and I see nothing in your local news. In absence of any evidence, I can only conclude that this is wishful thinking on your part.

" Why would there be any "public" announcement though?!  That's rather silly if you ask me.  It scarcely rates in importance to merit any public announcement. "

I don't know about your neck of the woods, but buisness closings are routinely mentioned in the news around here. Especially with the way the economy is right now.

" But to repeat(again, and again)for your benefit: word of its impending demolition came from one of this KFC outlet's own managing supervisors.  From the proverbial horse's mouth, as it'were.  He said it's slated for demolition and to be replaced by a parking lot.  As stated(and re-stated)I'll post a photo of the rubble once the demolition's done within the next four months or so; since it's supposed to happen sometime by year's end. "

I'd love to see the picture of the rubble. Until then, I only have heresay to base an opinion on.

" This KFC is the sole tenant left in a bleak, run-down looking building already vacated by a Baja Fresh that had the good sense to relocate into the newest nearby building, housing the competitors(like the Habit hamburger grill)that are killing its business.  The KFC remains mostly lobby-dead whilst its competitors bustle with daily regular business.  That's a statement of FACT, not "want."  I trust you're capable of making in future that delicate distinction.  "

Yes. you make it a statement of fact now, but earlier on in this thread you were going to make sure it got demolished. Your statements have drifted over the last two months on this thread. besides, if the other buisnesses moved, perhaps the KFC is simply moving also? or did your corporate insider not give you that information?

" I'll readily admit that I'll actually MISS this KFC though not its rude and obnoxious biddy of a supervisor. I mean, who knows how far I'll have to commute the next time a KFC craving strikes!

Looking at the map of california, there are several within 5-6 miles of that location. I think you'll survive having to go an extra 5 miles for your KFC :)

" Doubt as well all you like, do as many map surveys as you like.  KFCs are mostly franchises these days who in all likelihood won't take kindly to Susy-Q's style of poor customer service.  Transfer then is likely anything but automatic.  Besides, I could care less where she transfers just so long as she ships her uppity self right out of town!  And once the demolition's done(if not already)she un-doubtedly will...so do doubt away! "

You are correct, they are mostly franchises, but unless this particular KFC is the only one owned by that particular franchiser, I think she's safe. Hell, she may have moved on in the months since you came on this site.

" Once more and finally you presume far too much: there's no intent to affect anybody's employment as such--but rather to improve the customer service.  IT'S THE CUSTOMER SERVICE, STUPID!!

And thanks for the "logical" thought, but I already did indeed duly report the incident to the main KFC website's customer contact point. "

You don't need to constantly repeat "ITS THE CUSTOMER SERVICE, STUPID" in your posts. I'm fairly confident that the overwhelming majority of the peole here understand the importance of good customer service. People are alarmed by your attitude and the sheer pettyness of your complain over a soda refill. there are real rips offs on this site, of peole getting hurt and losing their lifesavings. You aren't convincing anyone of some grave injustice over your abilty to get a soda refill. However, that you for one of the most civil posts you have ever placed on this site, not once did you call me a "Tard" or a "turd" so perhaps there is some hope for you :) Just remember, you can convince more people with kind and civil words, than anger and name calling.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Attack of the Anal-Retentive!!!

#60Author of original report

Sun, September 18, 2011

#117)Fair enough, Ashley.

You can quibble over semantics all you like until you're blue in your face but I wasn't run off; I left of my own accord to patronize more this KFC's nearby competitors just steps away, doing their daily, regular bustling business. If she won by losing my business to the competitors gaining it, then you have a peculiar viewpoint about winning.  Besides, I can still take out KFC from this outlet anytime I feel like it without appearing to patronize it: simply by sending somebody else to pick it up!  Occasionally I have and do!  If that's winning, I'll keep my perspective, thanks very much!

For someone claiming not to patronize fast food outlets, you have a curious choice of sites to read and post at!  It's likely a healthier lifestyle, for sure; I patronize them sparingly at best.

GOD, I wish people responding would learn how to read and comprehend though.  The sole purpose for complaining has been to expose a poor, cheap and petty customer service experience: IT'S THE CUSTOMER SERVICE, STUPID!!  Go back and read how many times that particular phrase appears and you just might finally get the gist!

NEVER have I stated that I "want" this particular KFC outlet to go out of business.  Nor have I EVER stated that I "want" it demolished.  ALL I've ever stated and re-stated is that its poor customer service would kill its business and that it's been said that it's justly due to be demolished. Period.    
It's inevitable that it's losing patrons by driving them off to its competitors literally just steps away.

Oh no, you've resorted to no petty insults: you just expressed the pompous and presumptuous (and incorrect)sentiment that it was my "daily attitude" was something this KFC outlet's employees had to "put up with"--without knowing the first true fact of the matter.  Perhaps to you that's a matter of semantics too.  To me, expressions of blatant ignorance are insults.

Points of fact: two of the prettiest young girl customer servers there have taken my personal card; those same two girls typically would never charge me for refills when I presented my kept plastic cup to save the plastic; another Latino gent-in-charge there would charge me .25-cent token fees for refills. 

As for this KFC's imminent demise, I'll tell you what I told another responder(you must've missed it in all your re-reads): I've absolutely nothing to prove to you or anybody else here.  Want proof? Get your own.  Any proof's all on you, not me.

Why would there be any "public" announcement though?!  That's rather silly if you ask me.  It scarcely rates in importance to merit any public announcement.

But to repeat(again, and again)for your benefit: word of its impending demolition came from one of this KFC outlet's own managing supervisors.  From the proverbial horse's mouth, as it'were.  He said it's slated for demolition and to be replaced by a parking lot.  As stated(and re-stated)I'll post a photo of the rubble once the demolition's done within the next four months or so; since it's supposed to happen sometime by year's end.

This KFC is the sole tenant left in a bleak, run-down looking building already vacated by a Baja Fresh that had the good sense to relocate into the newest nearby building, housing the competitors(like the Habit hamburger grill)that are killing its business.  The KFC remains mostly lobby-dead whilst its competitors bustle with daily regular business.  That's a statement of FACT, not "want."  I trust you're capable of making in future that delicate distinction.  

I'll readily admit that I'll actually MISS this KFC though not its rude and obnoxious biddy of a supervisor. I mean, who knows how far I'll have to commute the next time a KFC craving strikes!

Doubt as well all you like, do as many map surveys as you like.  KFCs are mostly franchises these days who in all likelihood won't take kindly to Susy-Q's style of poor customer service.  Transfer then is likely anything but automatic.  Besides, I could care less where she transfers just so long as she ships her uppity self right out of town!  And once the demolition's done(if not already)she un-doubtedly will...so do doubt away!

Once more and finally you presume far too much: there's no intent to affect anybody's employment as such--but rather to improve the customer service.  IT'S THE CUSTOMER SERVICE, STUPID!!

And thanks for the "logical" thought, but I already did indeed duly report the incident to the main KFC website's customer contact point.


Well, it's like this, Kenny-Tard.  I'll stop the name-calling once you and your fellow Tards-in-Arms stop the name-calling.  It's just that simple, really.

Cute though those 6th-grade cracks to play in traffic or on tracks.  How about the one about taking a flying leap off a cliff or high rooftop?!  But then I suppose that's why you have little else to busy yourself with except juvenile antics such as these.

But as no one even misses you in the here and now, you surely needn't worry yourself unduly about who might or mightn't miss me after I've gone.


Joey (Jr.)

#61Consumer Comment

Fri, September 16, 2011

Why don't you stop all the name calling, take your mega-jug and go play on the train tracks or in rush hour traffic?

I doubt ANYONE will miss you.



#62Consumer Comment

Fri, September 16, 2011

" #112)...this post(and the likes of the witless Ashley-style rebuttals)makes me want to support remedial education more...

First off, the biddy didn't run off this customer; the customer left on his own accord--and can return like so at anytime...but do make the wasted commute and go try shaking the biddy's hand...chances are, she's been long since duly discharged...I'm going to find out...
You wouldn't have left if she treated you correctly, therefore she ran you off with her poor customer service skills. You let her win by leaving. Leaving of your own accord would be deciding to leave for any other reason at all. The fact that you had a confrontation and felt you were wronged, then left, means she ran you off.

"Heck, I bet her brow-beaten employees would be HAPPY she's quit or been fired...in fact, I bet I could produce at least three employees from that outlet(if she hasn't run THEM off)who'd much rather "put up" with my presence there over her daily imperious, high-handed "attitude"...

So HOW MUCH would you "put up" where your mealy-mouth is?!  For you see, if anything you're as WRONG as your superficial assessment of the situation: the post was never intended to discourage KFC patronage!  Quite the contrary, it's meant more to improve the patronage experience by making it more customer-service-conscious-and friendly!  "

How much would I put up with? None. I don't eat at KFC nor many other fast food resturaunts. They typically have poor food and even worse customer service. As for discouraging KFC patronage, It sure looks that way to me. What other purpose could you have to complain against this one location except to discourage people from going there? You claim to want it out of buisness and torn down, the only way that would happen is if people stopped eating there.

"Read, re-read, comprehend and LEARN: it was HER "daily attitude" that personified CHEAP AND PETTY, not mine.  It's the CUSTOMER SERVICE, STUPID!! "

I have read and read this thread for months now. Its the most hilarious thread on this entire website. Did I ever say that she had good customer service? Nope. Go back and re-read my statements. Nor have I resorted to petty insults in any of my posting.

"Even now this slated-for-demolition outlet has a temporary employment notice hanging on its lobby-dead front door: "PASSIONATE CUSTOMER SERVERS WANTED!"   "

I sure would like some proof of this claim. How do you know its slated for demolition? Was there a public announcement?

" So it's a cinch THAT means Susy-Q's already HISTORY!  Care to make any further uneducated, uninformed and unenlightened bets?!  C'mon, I DARE YOU!  Step up to the plate and take the challenge so you can really get some mucky mud on your face!  Or would that be KFC mashed potatoes and gravy?! "

I doubt she is. Looking at the map of california, there's plenty of other KFCs to transfer to. Complaints on websites like these do not have any effect on someone's employment. Did you lodge a complaint with KFC itself over the issue? I mean, that woudl be the logical thing to do.



#63Consumer Comment

Fri, September 16, 2011

I guess you told Me.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
If Anything...

#64Author of original report

Fri, September 16, 2011

#111)Mind you, Truth, you're at least partly right: we'd never let one rude, obnoxious, uppity biddy ever discourage us from eating fightin' KFC at the more customer-service-conscious-and-friendly franchises!  Though we're not quite sure that winding up in people's stomachs as digestion makes the fighting chicken any kind of winner in the end...we suppose then that's simply a matter of perspective...;)

#112)...this post(and the likes of the witless Ashley-style rebuttals)makes me want to support remedial education more...

First off, the biddy didn't run off this customer; the customer left on his own accord--and can return like so at anytime...but do make the wasted commute and go try shaking the biddy's hand...chances are, she's been long since duly discharged...I'm going to find out...

Heck, I bet her brow-beaten employees would be HAPPY she's quit or been fired...in fact, I bet I could produce at least three employees from that outlet(if she hasn't run THEM off)who'd much rather "put up" with my presence there over her daily imperious, high-handed "attitude"...

So HOW MUCH would you "put up" where your mealy-mouth is?!  For you see, if anything you're as WRONG as your superficial assessment of the situation: the post was never intended to discourage KFC patronage!  Quite the contrary, it's meant more to improve the patronage experience by making it more customer-service-conscious-and friendly!  

Read, re-read, comprehend and LEARN: it was HER "daily attitude" that personified CHEAP AND PETTY, not mine.  It's the CUSTOMER SERVICE, STUPID!!

Even now this slated-for-demolition outlet has a temporary employment notice hanging on its lobby-dead front door: "PASSIONATE CUSTOMER SERVERS WANTED!"  

So it's a cinch THAT means Susy-Q's already HISTORY!  Care to make any further uneducated, uninformed and unenlightened bets?!  C'mon, I DARE YOU!  Step up to the plate and take the challenge so you can really get some mucky mud on your face!  Or would that be KFC mashed potatoes and gravy?!

#113)Popeye's in San Francisco's MISSION district is the BOMB!  YAY!!

#114)Hey, KFC's coupon deals are great for carry-and-take-out anyplace as well!  Even HOME!  Or as we did most recently to celebrate this outlet's impending doom: to a quaint and cozy INN nearby for a KFC overnight fest!  The ice machine and soda vending machine just outside our door supplied plenty of refills!!...we brought our own DVDs for the room's player and--what with the KFC bucket coupon deal and all--we had a blast!  Now if only KFC delivered...   


North Carolina,
United States of America
Makes me want to eat HOME more

#65Consumer Comment

Fri, September 16, 2011

Cost less, tastes better, and I can always get a refill in the fridge

mr rik

If Any Thing

#66Consumer Comment

Fri, September 16, 2011

This post makes me want to eat Popeye's more.


Report Attachments


If anything

#67Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2011

... this post makes me want to eat at KFC more. if I lived near Walnut creek CA I would go shake that manager's hand for running off this customer.

Heck, I bet she's HAPPY he doesn't shop there anymore. I can only imagine the daily attitude the employees had to put up with from this man.

This Is The Truth

St Petersburg,
...And The Fighting Chicken Still Wins The Debate!

#68Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2011

...Regardless as to where one's fried, broiled, baked, stewed, spicy or barbecue chicken comes from...

...There is one point that must always be seen..

...Chicken won this debate and fight a long time ago...

...Because Last I checked....

...No one has stopped eating chicken because of this debate...

...And you Know What?

...No one ever will....

...And So...

...Because the Fighting Chicken still ends up being a winner in the end...

Report Attachments

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,

#69Author of original report

Thu, September 15, 2011

#108)Or is it Laurie-Turd of Brain-Toilet?!

It's funny and rich, isn't it, folks?!  Here's yet this other brain-dead, impotent, insecure retardate turd of a site stalker calling me cowardly, vulgar names from his private toilet someplace, pretending to be a mature grown-up adult.

Well, at least he(or is it she?)compliments me with being the 'most' with the most-est!!  Whilst he(or is it she?)is most likely the least with the least-est(not to mention the puniest)in all aspects of a worthless life.

You're just a whining weenie of a wus who sounds so shrimpy, Laurie-turd, but YOU speak for yourself and get a clue: my world most definitely revolves indeed all around me--like it or not, take it or not.

Now get back to your toilet, swish and swirl, and then go stalk somebody else before you get flushed! You've already clearly demonstrated you've got absolutely nothing constructive much less anything even remotely beyond comatose to contribute.

PS  Ah, Chic Fil A!!  Now THAT takes me back!  Sure wish we had one out-chere!!

mr rik


#70Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2011



Report Attachments



#71Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2011

You are, by far, the most condescending, conceited piece of crap I have ever seen on this site. You are very immature and think the world revolves around you. Let me give you a clue. It does not. Try and grow the h**l up already.


North Carolina,
United States of America
Chik Fil A too

#72Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2011

For chicken sandwiches anyway, Chik Fil A is pretty decent. Nice play areas for the kids. I like that they close on Sunday and give their workers at least 1 guaranteed day off.

I apologize to any sandwich haters for getting off track from the chicken piece stores. 
Chik Fil A's fries however are really poor compared to Bojangles.

How are the Popeye's fries? I imagine they're spiced up like Bojangles. Don't live by any now but I also remember their dirty rice.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
A Polite Respond To Straggler-Thinker!!

#73Author of original report

Wed, September 14, 2011


You call that sarcasm?!  With each new comeback you prove most refreshingly just how un-clever you really are.

Typical though, isn't it?  The most corrupt and dishonest are invariably the quickest to question the integrity and truthfulness of others.  You and your fellow(albeit inconsiderable)Tards-in-arms would undoubtedly have made admirable witch-hunters in times past--just as you make exemplary internet stalkers today.

First off, I have absolutely nothing to prove to either you or any of your fellow Tards-in-arms.  Quite the contrary, any burden of proof(or disproof)of my 'closure claim' is all on you.  Besides, the closure of this dump of a KFC isn't about to make earth-shattering local news headlines, now is it?  To even think it might is pretty far-fetched to say nothing of rather nonsensical--kinda like your posts in this thread.

Making allowances however for your remedial reading ability I shall obligingly re-state what's known: word from a manager and/or supervisor at this KFC outlet has it that it will indeed not simply be shut down but DEMOLISHED to be replaced by a parking lot to serve the nearby customer service-conscious fast food outlets(Baja Fresh, Habit)which are killing this KFC's business: for blatantly obvious reasons documented here.  Said pending demolition slated for sometime by this year's end.  If you're truly paying attention: that means sometime within roughly the next four months.  Equally obvious is the fact that it wouldn't be reported anyplace until it actually happens. No respectable media outlet's about to waste breath publicly announcing it beforehand. 

What I can suggest is that you track its review page at Yelp, where it currently just rates a stellar two stars!  Yelp marks companies and businesses as "Closed" once they've gone out of business--as this dump of a KFC is most surely destined to be.

Believing that pictures invariably speak louder than words I shall likewise repeat for the illiterate what's already been stated and re-stated: once this dump of a KFC has been duly reduced to rubble I shall post photographs taken of the just-due event.

If after that you're still in any doubt: call them up on the phone and confirm for yourself by the dead line you reach.  That'll prove to be the most amusing way for you, I'm sure, and give you something really relevant to be sarcastic about!  A dead phone line to a lobby-dead KFC!  

mr rik


#74Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2011

I had some Bojangles a few years back when traveling.  I remember them being better than KFC, but it's been too long for me to be able to compare them to Popeye's.


Church's is another good alternative to Kayeffcee.

Report Attachments


Highlands Ranch,

#75Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2011

is available at this website!

Just type in- PIZZA, and it appears as 'Consumer Comment #13' at Ripoff Report #702887.
(You can also type in 702887 at this site and that will take you there.)

Thank You

***CREDIT CARD ALERT: Don't forget to type in 271454 at this site and read Betty's Ripoff Report for valuable information if you have a credit card in the USA.


South Carolina,
A polite request for Joseph JR, the OP on this report

#76General Comment

Tue, September 13, 2011

Do you by chance have a link or other proof of the pending closure of this KFC? I'm just asking because apparently the internet here is missing those pages from the local newspapers and nothing else shows except your report. But since I know you're such a man of integrity, I know you are telling the truth in this whole thread and in your closure claim. Would you please share with us the reference?

(I really wish there was a sarcasm font for the computer)


Highlands Ranch,

#77Consumer Comment

Tue, September 13, 2011

is available at this website!

Just type in 668678 and it appears as 'Consumer Comment #39' at Ripoff Report #668678.

Thank You

***MORTGAGE/CD ALERT: Don't forget to type in 481508 at this site and read St. Clair's Ripoff Report for valuable information if you have a mortgage in the USA. Then type in 453956 and read Jim's Ripoff Report if you have a CD at any of the big banks in the USA, like Wells Fargo.


I agree

#78Consumer Comment

Tue, September 13, 2011

with Mr. Rick ( a first for me ), I think Popeyes is so much better than KFC. I don't think theres a Bojangles near me or I'd give them a try.


North Carolina,
United States of America
Rik, I agree. Popeyes is pretty good

#79Consumer Comment

Tue, September 13, 2011

But have you ever had Bojangles? Now that's good stuff.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Hypocritical, Puritanical, Sanctimonious, Self-Righteous, Retardate Stalkers Return For Further Beating!!

#80Author of original report

Tue, September 13, 2011


No, you were wrong trying to further inject your retardation into this.

You disavow your last post because it is as impotent as you are impotent.

You, sir, come off as a severely handicapped individual, emotionally, mentally, socially and every other way; thankfully you're likely incarcerated and so pose no problem to the world for the most part, except of course through retardate internet postings.

You needn't worry your little retardate-stalker self over the availability of unavailability of my books; you ought to worry more about your impotent inability ever to overcome your paralytic intellect long enough even to compose a book of your own.  But then even if you did manage to write a book it would never make it into print anyhow.  So it's yet just another moot point.

Speaking of the likes of Alec Baldwin or Charlie Sheen, whom you mention as celebrities, you're undoubtedly one of their retardate stalkers whom they take out restraining orders against.

Your compulsive, misplaced obsession with me is rather inexplicable, but at least your fanatical, freaky fixation is undoubtedly getting treated at the nut factory where you're safely confined.

We can only take pity on the severest of handicapped geeky freak stalkers!  Who knew VOR really stood for Voice of Retardation????!!!!


Relations?  Does Robert-Tard boast any relations in the loony-tune bin?  I seem to recall another who posted profuse pages of such s****.>

Come on folks, Ramrod-Tard's right: I suggest you let it go and join him in oblivion where he's long since been!


Kenny-Tard's an puerile retard with a fetish for parrots but who's extremely frustrated that he can't mate with them!

His thought processes are limited to turds and denying his own gender confusion.  I wonder why he's still so hung up on me, speculating perhaps that he's gay, but his fetish for parrots reveals a darker side: latent bestiality!!!!! 

Little Ken-Tard is of indeterminate species whom I would NOT have as a pet and would NOT want for a domesticated animal.

Somebody said it's simple to bait him into his sappy, self-indulgent, rabid ravings, and it is--as it is with all dumb animals.

Most businesses, contrary to what Ken-Tard thinks, would be ecstatic to NEVER LET HIM set foot in their establishment even as a service animal.  Sorry, Kenny, but you aren't nearly as important as I know I am.

You wouldn't(and won't)be missed by ANYBODY for as long as(like a plague)you waste a space on earth. 

Can't wait to read another of your wordless, meaningless ramblings on Ripoff Report!  ;) 


Your alternate lyrics:

Voice of Retard said, 'Give me a turd, or I'll poop on your floor.'

Voice of Retard said, 'Give me a turd, or I'll do my business here all the more.'

Voice of Retard said, 'I want my turd, or I'll dump on your posts.'

And the victim of his fixation said, '1 dollar more, for your next defecation.'

'Please, Mister-Sir, I can't trade barbs with you, I need easement right now! My bowel movement's so long overdue.'

'Please, Mister-Sir, how does nobody remember my last smelly stool?!  How?!'

Voice of Retardation said, 'Give me turd, and then I'll be on my way, I'm such a fool!'

Voice of Retardation said, 'Give me a turd, but kindly don't expect me to vacate.'

Voice of Retardation said, 'But thanks for bellyaching, cause now I can defecate!'

And his stalker-victim said, 'One...Quarter...More!  For the next toilet token!'

'Please, Mister-Sir, now I've filled my pants with so much stinky hokum!'

mr rik


#81Consumer Comment

Tue, September 13, 2011

is better.


Report Attachments


North Carolina,
United States of America
Wow, Karl!

#82Consumer Comment

Tue, September 13, 2011

I haven't been paTROLLing this site that long. I'm astounded at your repository of classic works you've stored on Report 529757. Publish a book, man! Ole Joseph Covino, Jr can connect you there. I believe he uses Epic. Is that report serving like your hall of fame? d**n, I got to hone up on my skills. Put me a rhyming frame of mind. This report's gonna be MY repository.

Sung to the tune of Sylvia's Mother (Sorry you young'uns, but that's from 1972):

Joseph Covino said, "Give me a soda, Or I'll never come thru your door"


Joseph Covino said, "Give me a soda, or business I will do here no more."


Joseph Covino said, "I want my refill, Or I'll skewer your Yelp and RR score"

And the manager said, "1 dollar more, for the next...big...drink,"

"Puuuuuuuleaase, Miss Suzy Q, I can't trade quips with you, I need hydration right now!"

PLEASE Miss Suzy, doesn't anyone remember me, somehow, how, howwwwwww!"

Joseph Covino said, "Give me a soda, and then I will go on my way"


Joseph Covino said, "Give me a soda, and please don't expect me to pay"


Joseph Covino said, "And thanks for bitching, cause now there'll be hell to pay!"

And the manager said, "ONE...DOLLAR...MORE! for the next... thirty... two ounces"

Puuuuuulease, Miss Suzy, babababababa doodoodoodoodoodoo... (Music fades out)

Good night everyone.


Highlands Ranch,

#83Consumer Comment

Tue, September 13, 2011

is available at this website!

Just type in 529757 at this site and it appears as 'Consumer Comment #4' at Ripoff Report #529757.

Thank You

***MORTGAGE ALERT: Don't forget to type in 481508 at this site and read St. Clair's Ripoff Report for valuable information if you have a mortgage in the USA.


Joey Jr. is an infantile parrot who copies the essence of the rebuttals

#84Consumer Comment

Tue, September 13, 2011

and uses them like they're his own. 

His thought processes are limited to "tards" and accusing others of being a gender they are not or of indeterminate gender.  I wonder why he's so hung up on this?

Little Joey is a person I would NOT have as a friend and would NOT want for a neighbor.

Somebody said it's easy to bait him into his childish, self-centered rants, and it is.

Most businesses, contrary to what Joey thinks, would be happy to NEVER SEE HIM in their establishment.  Sorry, Joey, but you aren't nearly as important as you think.

You wouldn't be missed by ANYONE if you fell off the face of the earth.

Can't wait to read another of your wordsy, mindless epistles on Ripoff Report. :)


Come on folks

#85Consumer Comment

Tue, September 13, 2011

This guy is just playing you and he's loving it.  I'd suggest you let it go and let him fade into oblivion.


New York,

#86Consumer Comment

Mon, September 12, 2011

Does Joseph Jr. have any relatives in North Hollywood? I seem to remember another who posted multiple pages of such drivel.  Here we have Tarzan's retarded cousing, Joseph Jr., acting like Ronny G.


North Carolina,
United States of America
I was wrong trying to inject reason into this

#87Consumer Comment

Mon, September 12, 2011

So I do hereby with malice and forethought withdraw my reason and disavow my last post.

You, sir, come off as an extremely damaged individual, mentally, socially and emotionally. And thankfully you are California's problem for the most part.

I've stopped yawning and return fully to entertainment mode.

I was wondering why none of your book were available used for like pennies, since most used books are, except for very rare one. Now I imagine its because there ARE no used one in circulation, because maybe none were ever sold.  Of course I could be wrong and you could be an extremely sought after author whose books command premiums, even used.

Maybe, the used ones have all been dumped in the trash and nobody selling on Amazon who really had one want anyone to know they ever had it.

Actually, that you are indeed somewhat of a celebrity and public figure will make this back and forth even more fun going forward.  If you ever do write a book about this KFC business, I will expect royalties for any of my wonderful poetry, and with that agreed I tender to you permission to use said such in your work. I also hereby do officially copyright the terms voiceofreason and VOR, unless the term VOR is being used to signify an Armenian gang boss.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Geeky Freak Stalkers Reek of Ridiculousness!!!!!

#88Author of original report

Mon, September 12, 2011

Poor little things!  Why cant you just admit it?  I not only give as good as I get but give it better, and you crybabies just cant take what you dish out, can you?  Tuff Ti**y, little kittys!!  LOSERS-WITHOUT-LIVES should learn how to lose graciously eventually.


You had best take some remedial reading instruction and then go back to re-read the rebuttals.  The very first called me a difficult customer with a notably condescending, patronizing and pompous tone expressed throughout.  Your reading is quite SELECTIVE.  But dont come to this page to LIE because you wont be permitted to get away with it. 

Grow up and get a life: find something more beneficial to do with your life than stalk an adults pictures and then post silly comments.  At first I thought you were just a temper-tantrum throwing crybaby but your post demonstrates youre just a LIAR of any age.  Why dont you at least act like an HONEST and TRUTHFUL crybaby even if you arent one?  Besides, those first couple of rebuttals were posted by readers who at least commented and then gave it a rest. 

The handful of stalker clods(VOR, inspector, ramrod, straggler et al)who keep returning here to post and repost so redundantly are the ones who truly STARTED ALL the nasty name-calling and then threw prolonged crybaby temper-tantrums identical to yours once they received copious doses of their own bad medicine in returnwhence they then proceeded to preach ever so speciously how adult, grown-up and mature they all are as opposed to me.  Why arent you telling THEM to act their ages?

Because, like them, youre not even a decent hypocrite.  What difference does it make who name-called first?  Oh, but of course you doubtless believe that two wrongs(name-calling)make a right: their name-callings quite acceptable so theyre automatically right; my name-callings unacceptable so Im naturally wrong. 

Your blatant DOUBLE STANDARD sounds like mighty sissified logic to me.  Sure your names not Laurie?!

Youand theymost mistakenly THINK that Im just supposed to sit idly by and take all the infantile insults and name-calling hurled.  Well, it just aint gonna happennot now, not later.  The
sooner that sinks into your little crybabyish brain the better!


Soyou did have non-existent sexual development in spite of steroids?!

Yep, yet another one of those self-proclaimed adult, grown-up and mature posters posting infantile insults out of a dearth of rational thought.  Now the issue isnt KFC, but my non-use of steroids: libeling me no less than the rude, obnoxious and uppity supervisor biddy slandered me in public.  Yet another one who believes more wrongs makes right and vindicates boorish behavior.  Youre delusional, inspector, but youre only deluding yourselfnobody else.

#88)Ditto YAWN!

Insomnia shouldnt pose any problem for you, Mr VOR, your brain-dead minds asleep even during all your waking hours!  So what else is new?!  Keeping your own company is most decidedly the ultimate BOREDOM.  You neednt return here so redundantly to re-prove that over and over, time and time again, do you really?  

But as you indirectly indicate: youre just a profoundly and perpetually BORING individual whos profoundly and perpetually bored; and so you feel your obsessive-compulsion to post and display your monotonous tedium throughout the internetmost especially at pages belonging to your stalking targets.

Self-imposed boredom for a profoundly boring obsessive-compulsive stalker seems rather perverted in the extremebut thank you, Mr VOR, for re-proving my point so effectively.
And remember: good or badjust so long as they correctly spell my name!   

#89)Ashley, YOU are as WRONG as THEY are!

If youre literate enough to read UN-selectively then RE-read my response to #86.  Ditto to you too!  No, I didnt start the name-callingnot that it makes the least difference who didbut Im duty-bound to finish it. 

#90) As youre considering both sides so superficially then you should finally comprehend that any current enmity is all on YOUR side alone!  I for one am having a blast blasting long-winded blowhards like yourself!

Here youve really exceeded all irrational bounds of obsessive-compulsive stalker-hood!

Another self-styled adult, grown-up, mature responder who proclaims out of one side of his perverted mouth that hes so bored and then out of the other side returns to prove and re-prove how redundantly boring he really isadding insult to self-injury with a pretentious doctoral dissertation on amateur analysis!  Granting me complimentary publicity to boot! 

Just as perverted is your deliberate self-denial, which goes a long way towards accounting for how youve dealt with me and my most exceptionally simple post!  For a boring individual supposedly so bored with me and my work youve been curiously provoked to waste a ton of time and effort to search, discover and read more and more of it.  It most certainly begs the question: what kind of weirdo does that?

All your ridiculously absurd amateur analysis aside, the profoundly sad part of all this is your own deliberate self-denial: you had no worthwhile message to deliver in the first place so you substituted your infantile insultswhich we neednt rehash herein the place of any rational thought or debate.  You got deservedly tagged as a Tard or Turd once you acted and talked so expertly like one: like the in-denial hypocrite you are, you like calling names which you dislike being called. 

What you truly ought to feel obligated to do is some serious introspectionnot lame amateur analysis. 

Now youre even acting as my very own self-appointed literary publicity agent!  Over-the-top indeed!

Got to stop, VOR, hiding all your enormous frustrations and insecurities behind your anonymity!  Got to stop, VOR, stalking internet targets youre so obsessed with!  Got to stop, VOR, proving and reproving youre a compulsive internet weirdo!!

Published author is your own pompous terminology, not mine.  Do you honestly and truly think I give a flying hang what better the world or you for that matter expects of me?  You must be kidding meif not yourself!  Your sentiments are as inconsequential as you are ineffectual.  So stop pretending and attempting so lamely to come off as profound.  Youre making yourself look and sound sillier than silly could ever be!

Youre tolerant enough of all the insults you feel pleased to dish out; but you cant take what you dish out so youre extremely intolerant of the insults you get returned!  Mighty convenient for you, all that in-denial, selective thinking!  In amateur analysis terms, VOR, its called: the DOUBLED STANDARD!!

Now matter how hard or how long you try, you wont ever get away with your perverted insistence upon distorting the facts of this matter, so why even waste all that thesis-writing even bothering
to try?  Only a perverted weirdo would persist so ineptly?

In short:

1)I had no problem with a supervisor; she had a problem with me.

2)MAYBE she does this, MAYBE she thought or felt that?!  Whats all that mindless Bu**, VOR, your presumed mind-reading psycho(or it is psychotic?!)ability to channel the supervisors personality from afar?!  What I know about her private life is as irrelevant as your incompetent posts!

3)No, it wasnt a freaking soda!  It was her rude, obnoxious and uppity approach!  It was her uncalled-for public lecture!  It was her epitomizing cheap and petty.  Its the cra**y CUSTOMER SERVICE, STUPID!!

4)And if she or anybody else loses their little jobs over THAT, then being their OWN fault its their OWN un-doing!

5)And, a resounding yes: a BAD business going OUT of business is always and ever eminently worth it!  And EVERY-body(its quality employees most especially)can always and ever live without ANY bad lobby-dead business!  Treat customers rightwith the cheerful, friendly and helpful respect they each and all deservethats how to STAY in business!  And not LOSE your best repeat paying customers to competitors located literally steps away!

Their DYS-functional private lives are no more relevant to good business any more than privation is an excuse for bad behavior!  Dont blame the crime victims for rejoicing in the well-deserved JUSTICE they get when criminals rate their punishment.

6)Bottom-line point: supervisors must take personal RESPONSIBILITY for their bad conduct and ill-behavior on the job!  Otherwise, face the consequences: customer complaints and business LOST to the nearest competitors.

The point's as moot as you are: this KFC dump's slated for just-due demolition and is shortly to be HISTORY!  So what's left to rave and rant about!  They're due to be DONE!

7)Granted, KFCs neither a moving company nor a bank or even a car dealership of all perverted things!  Nobody ever said it was.

8)No, it wasnt me hulking or sulking: it was me calmly and casually refilling a soda cup.

9)No, it wasnt her backed into a corner(not even maybe!): it was her accosting me from behind my back!

10)No, it wasnt me squaring off with her: it was her accosting me, slandering meand once I ever so sedately explained the situation(across a partition)it was her delivering to me her carping, condescending public lecture seriesfrom her seated perch eating, mind you.

Who knows better than good ole, warped-speculating, revisionist-minded VOR?!

11)SHE couldnt handle that any better way?  To re-propose: simply saying refill this time but bring your megajug next time?

12)Now good ole VORs sad as well as bored with all this back-and-forth!

Well, all I can reiterate for you is this: nobodys forcing you to keep on displaying your boring sad self here except your own compulsive-obsessive, stalker-provoked self!

Quite the contrary, though, Im still eminently amused by it alland most especially by boring sad youreturning so redundantly to bore the rest of us(if not yourself)to tears?

After alls said and done you could make a most valiant attempt to comprehend and understand this once and for all: the last word shall be said and the thread shall end once you simply go away for goodand stay away.

Its really just that simple: but only a die-hard of a perverted weirdo would respond with yet more of the same tedious and tired weirdo perversions.

Perhaps stalking Dr Phil might work better for you: at least hes a true celebrity with better-selling books.  You just might garner more recognition for your perversions that way.  Just a passing thought.

Now why dont you just pass on by and return to the weirdo woodwork from which you came


North Carolina,
United States of America
Regardless of the current enmity I have to consider the other side

#89Consumer Comment

Fri, September 09, 2011

I've now read blogs, and whatnot written by Joseph, including snippets from a couple of his books. From is 2009 book, IMPOTENT COPS: AND THEIR WEE WILLY COMPLEX, it's clear he was abused pretty bad by a nut job stepfather. Yes, I know it could just be ole Joe spinning his own yarn, or whining like I'm sure many will say of so called abuse cases, but I'm going on the assumption his story is for real. For one thing, it would go some ways towards explaining the way he deals with many of us here.

I personally know real abuse victims, and I've first hand witnessed less than admirable police conduct quite a number of times, including 2 instances from years back where guns were drawn, creating, not reacting to, a very dangerous situation. From years where I knee-jerk tended to back cops in most news stories, I've become a lot more skeptical whenever they end up in controversial situations reported in the news.

And I've stated here before, notwithstanding Mr Covino's incessant insulting responses aimed at me, that he is probably justified in at least some of his complaints.

The sad part of all of this is that he probably has a useful perspective to share with society on these issues, but his lightning quick reflex to resort to Tard, Turd and other insults when opposed in any way, renders his message useless, because whatever legitimacy it may have is drowned by his over the top message delivery system.

I'm not going into his other books. Anybody here can look him or his pseudonym up on Amazon. I feel obligated though to say that cop book struck a chord with me.

One of his blogs expresses anger that Yelp, where he's posted scathing 1 star reviews of a number of businesses, balanced by only 1 positive one that I saw, censored at least one of his reviews. Again, in his blog, he's resorting to the use of "retardation" in his attack. Got to stop, Joseph. Don't you think the world expects better than that from a published author?

Maybe part of the problem is the way celebrities like Alec Baldwin and Charlie Sheen are tolerated for their very public insults, even of their own families.

In short, you had a problem with a store manager, who herself works for a large chain that probably doesn't give employees much leeway in bending rules. Maybe she had reason to think a regional manager was there watching her, especially if she was new, and felt she had to be as unbending as possible in a very public way, in order to avoid being blindsided by her superiors later.

Maybe she goes home every night to a miserable SOB like your stepfather. Do you know that not to be the case? It was a freaking soda. And over that you may well end up costing her, or others, what crappy little jobs they have.

In the end, was it worth it? You can live without the crappy KFC over there. How about those who can't live without it, at least not without a lot of additional hardship? How many of the youngsters working there hope to save enough cash to get away from their own version of your stepfather.

This business wasn't a crooked moving company that held up a family for thousands, and then finally giving them their belongings with tons of missing and damaged items. This wasn't a bank, rightly or wrongly, making some poor down on luck ill educated debtor jump through hoops of constantly resending documents over and over in vain to get a loan mod and avoid homelessness.
This wasn't a car dealer sneaking in all kinds of hidden crap in the sales contract that admittedly careless but still suckered consumers end up signing. This was you, a fairly hulking looking, swarthy guy, probably looking pretty angry, squaring off with a woman over a soda refill. Maybe she felt backed into a corner by you, and did whatever she did back for fear of losing face in front of her employees. Who knows, other than you? You couldn't handle this any better way?

For a while all this back and forth was kind of amusing, but I see the sadness in it now. It's human nature that we all feel compelled to keep responding in kind, back and forth, as we have, and I don't know that this thread will end here. You probably will have the last word when all is said and done. How about making it one that lets this whole sad affair die a natural death.


They are right

#90Consumer Comment

Fri, September 09, 2011

Post #1 and #2 do not call you any names Joseph, hoewver you open up with the name calling and vulgarity in post #3. You did start the name calling.


North Carolina,
United States of America

#91Consumer Comment

Fri, September 09, 2011

Aaaahhhh! Sleep at last. Anytime I get insomnia, I know whose Ripoff Report Retorts to read to make me drowsy. Thank you, Mr Covino.



#92Consumer Comment

Fri, September 09, 2011

you did have normal sexual development in spite of the steroids?



#93Consumer Comment

Fri, September 09, 2011

I just re-read the rebuttals and YOU are the first one to start witht he silly name calling. At first I thought you were just a childish teenager but your picture shows you are an adult. Why don't you act like one?

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
A Handful of CLODS Prove Post's Point!

#94Author of original report

Fri, September 09, 2011

#82)Coastal, you've really gone POSTAL with this one, so much so you're laughably ludicrous!

Fact and TRUTH of the matter is: Joseph RETORTED with "rude and vulgar insults" because YOU and your fellow unintellectual clods could not respond with rational and reasoned rebuttals to the "merits" of this matter.

YOU and your fellow adolescent clods started the "childish name-calling," I didn't; but it was inevitable that I'd finish it.  YOU and all your fellow adolescent clods keep throwing your infantile temper tantrums because I not only stood my ground but stood it better than you, beating you at your own childish game, and shall continue doing so until you ultimately give it up and the message finally sinks in: you're wrong and can't possibly prevail!  This is MY post and I'll have the last and best word, always, no matter what you failures and life-losers comment.

In #28, YOU told me to "stuff my FAT face."  Yep, that's REAL adult, grown-up, mature and most indicative of high self-esteem.  In #37 you returned to CALL me  "an undesirable offensive individual."  In #54 you returned to CALL me "lonely unhappy person"  supposedly disliked by my dog.  Yep, that's a real rational rebuttal focused sharply on the post's merits, all right.  Coastal, you're not even a decent hypocrite!

Not only that, you're a freakin' IGNORAMUS: I don't keep a dog, I keep a cat, an adoring, affectionate one at that.  And you're clearly the most miserable person for venting so much ill bile at somebody whom you don't really know in the least simply because you've gotten verbally butt-beat and can't take it.  Tough ti**y, little kitty!!   

So save your sappy speeches about babyish behavior because you're one of the most blatant cry-babies responding to this post.  

As for becoming "sexually active," you're powerfully funny, Postal-Coastal: were you ever to actually acquaint yourself with my surpassing experience in that particular area, it would boggle your minuscule mind so much you'd instantly stop trying to project your own puny shrimp of a sex-life onto me!  

But being like your fellow adolescent clods just another internet stalker, you're doubtless voyeuristic in nature--lacking any live warm-blooded sexual companions of your own--so I heartily recommend my own 'Sexcapades by the Decades' series of memoirs(since VOR has done me the favor of out-ing my publisher profile)so that you might at least find some vicarious release in reading some of my tantalizing but true published sexploits.

After that, you'll likely discover that I've been more "sexually active" during any one month than you'll ever be throughout your entire lifetime--giving you yet something else to bawl about!  No brag, just fact.

You're a wee willy wiener, Postal-Coastal, and that's exactly what all your postal-posts indicate!  So it's just too, too bad to be you, I'm afraid...


I bore you, sir?!  Then you must REALLY relish and enjoy boring your tedious and tiresome little self!

In #12 you CALLED me a "very sick individual" with absolutely NO discussion of the issues of this post.  Yet another adult, grown-up, mature rebuttal!  You returned not one but TWELVE more times in #16, #18, #51, #56, #61, #68, #70, #74, #77, #78, and finally #83, calling me a whole host of assorted "rude and vulgar"(in the words of your fellow postal-coastal clod)names, adding insult to your own injury with some exceptionally cra**p attempts at poetic satire.  All that after signing off with a "so long" after #16.  You're permeated with your own boredom!

So like your fellow postal-coastal Clod-in-Arms, you're not even a decent hypocrite either!

And don't even think about trying to abuse and mis-use words like "narcissistic" which you can't even comprehend the true meaning of; it's quite unbecoming.

My life's remarkably and abundantly wonderful as it is, but thanks for your sincere well wishes all the same; and by the way, carbonated water's plenty healthful, it's my admitted addiction to SO-DA that's not so...but that's another story...

But you flatter me by attributing far too much credit to this little report: this dump of a KFC destroys its own business by being a BAD business, so that's pretty much that.  As for the couple of consistently cheerful, friendly and helpful girl employees whom I really miss encountering there, I'm positive they'll find absolutely no difficulty in finding more fulfilling employment at a BETTER business more deserving of their exceptional talents.

Now let's take a little inventory: you've CALLED me a jerk, loon, lunatic, moron, nut, nutcase, vile. You're not even a decent hypocrite either!  Mister VOR, just consider this: if you hadn't acted and posted like a retarded turd, then you wouldn't have been branded one--or feeling so inadequate when I called a spade a spade!  My "online behavior?!"  Look to your own first, Mister VOR, you started the nastiness, I finish it.

So don't obsess over my profile photos, your petty physique envy's showing, and there's nothing worse than a jealous hypocrite.   
PS(A serious postscript totally unrelated to this post or its rebuttals to spare needless reading):

At last though you touch lightly on a crucial subject near and dear to my heart--as it was to the late great physique champion STEVE REEVES, whom I idolized and who mentored me at a distance: from him I picked up the torch of being one of those lone voices in the wilderness(as another poster here put it)speaking out adamantly against the use and abuse of steroids.  

You flatter me that I conceivably even look steroidal but, no, I disavow their use, or for that matter all other harmful synthetic sports supplement substances, including growth hormones(now being misguidedly promoted by Jeffry S Life).

In one of the bulkier looking pics of mine was a demonstration of the effects of ingesting whey protein, derived from the cheese-making process, and how it fattens as well as bulks you up; egg white protein's far superior and--with a more complete amino acid content--leaves your musculature looking a lot leaner.  Presently I'm undergoing a deliberately leaning-down process as that's the look I really prefer.  I'm into training for the health&fitness aspects, not the competitive; and sadly and most tragically all-natural practitioners can't effectively compete in a sport that's devolved so deeply into its contemporary state: overrun by steroidal users and abusers.   

Consult then my published fitness book if you're at all interested in training and nutrition adapted from the all-natural classical physique culture of icon, Steve Reeves.

#84)Doubting Inspector.

Doubt away all you like: you'll be as WRONG as most everyone else here has been about most matters.  Apropos my "sexcapades" books, you'll be more certain to suffer yet more bitter disappointment and frustration as you lamely attempt to project your own doubtful ill-wishful thinking onto me.

With #27 you entered the fray--yet another adult, grown-up, mature poster--CALLING me "disturbed" and "crazy" with of course absolutely no rational or reasoned discussion of any of its issues.  You returned in #43 to CALL me in effect a "panhandler."  In #45 a "princess."

NONE of you Clods-in-Arms LIKE being called names, but ALL of you surely get off on CALLING people with whom you happen to disagree NO END OF NAMES.  You call names and hurl insults but can't take what you dish out.  Tough, isn't it?  And just too bad for you all, I'm afraid.

For you see, when I stroll into a place of business I frequent, and where the great majority of the staff knows me and even addresses me by name...well, I quite dislike being accosted and slandered by being automatically accused(without the FIRST question)of stealing simply for re-filling a soda I was well due--and then lectured in public by some biddy of a counter punk-flunky even after calmly explaining the situation.

Well, I don't like being called a thief, even by inference.  Nor do any of you clods like being called names either, evidently; nor does anybody else; but absolutely none of you demonstrate any restraint whatever in calling names for absolutely no logical reason, except your own mutually shared insecurities, which are apparently as vast as the cosmos!

Now if nothing else simply consider this: had this rude, obnoxious and uppity biddy in question had simply met me halfway--in a reasonable rather than imperious and high-handed manner and tone--and had perhaps after my explanation had said something like: 'Fine...refill your cup this time but the next time you come back be sure to bring your megajug, okay?'...then there would've been no complaint, no report, no loss of business by a regular, paying customer, no GOING OUT OF BUSINESS whilst this dump of a lobby-DEAD KFC's competitors THRIVE WITH BUSTLING, DAILY, REGULAR BUSINESS...and THAT, my poor insecure dears, is really and truly WHY this little dump of a lobby-DEAD KFC's slated for irrevocable DEMOLITION!


And for now..., here endeth the LESSON!

Until that is the next clod of a commenter posts yet another retarded remark.  

But just remember: you reap what you sow.  And so long as any of you clods sow retardation at this post, you'll be answered IN KIND until you cease and desist.

IMPORTANT POSTSCRIPT: And speaking of YELP, Mister VOR, it's scarcely NO COINCIDENCE that this dump of a demolition-due KFC barely rates TWO STARS by reviewers at its Yelp page.  And that's hardly my doing alone, now is it?!

Here you are then defending the indefensible: cheap and petty customer service!  Whilst we locals, aware of the stark reality of the situation, know better.  So you clods can rant and rave until doomsday: you ALL WRONG and shall REMAIN WRONG.


Scoreboard: #10, #15-#34, #21, #35-#39-#41-#57, #47, #65, all heartily support this report.  

You three may be more vocal and remarkably more REDUNDANT, but thus far you're absolutely outnumbered!  Telling, isn't it?  Even if you add Ram-rod and Straggler to your ranks...You can't count Christiana, she's merely a whining wuss...;)


Just saw Joe's pic's

#95Consumer Comment

Thu, September 08, 2011

I doubt the part about becoming sexually active since steroids prevents this in many ways.


North Carolina,
United States of America
Mister Joseph Covino, Jr

#96Consumer Comment

Thu, September 08, 2011

You bore me, sir. Your narcissistic profile photos say it all. Go flex your carbonated muscles, write your scathing reports designed to throw people out of work and destroy businesses, think up more wonderful verses using Tard and Turd, and have a wonderful life.
Were you to test positive for steroids, I for one would not be surprised in the least, based on your online behavior.



#97Consumer Comment

Thu, September 08, 2011

Joseph resorted to rude and vulgar insults because he knows he does not have the intellect to stand his ground and argue his opinions based on the true merits of his case.

As adolescents we all went through the name calling stage. As we became young adults virtually all of us quit the childish name-calling. Some adults suffer from self-esteem issues and will continue to behave like Joseph. He will eventually discontinue that behavior due to maturity and possibly [someday] become sexually active.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
You're Truly A RETARDED Female!!

#98Author of original report

Thu, September 08, 2011

You're truly a retarded female.  Truth is: you dismiss my replies because you're too retarded to respond any better.  Retardation's the real you.  Even presuming you're nice would amount to nothing more but supreme self-indulgent, self-flattery.

You're likely as well one of those women who like getting into their father's underpants sniffing for the semen you'd wished he'd been giving you before disowning you.

Hey, honey, at least the bishop would desire to bang me; you're probably so bloody butt-ugly if you tried banging him he'd order an exorcism on you! 

So if I'm so pathetic what does that make you, returning so redundantly to read all my posts and so lamely to respond with your pitiful, sappy, sissy replies?!

So take and heed your own unsolicited advice which far more aptly applies to yourself: grow up and get a little life!  From this latest lame little girly post of yours it's so painfully clear your vibrating d*ldo is your sole interactive companion!

And I'm afraid you'll forever fail to come across to anyone as much of anything more than the whining wuss you are!

Even the dumbest of dumb-bunny retards would've comprehended by now that any mention of a lawsuit in the matter was figurative and purely satirical.  So you can stop running off at your diarrhetic motor mouth about that!

And again--for the benefit of your pygmy-sized, empty air-headed little girly brain--I shall indeed let you know how the just-due DEMOLITION of this little dump of a KFC franchise is going!

If you still haven't found some semblance of a grown-up litte life by that time, little girl...stay tuned!  
#78)VOR, thanks for the free publicty, it got my Yelp KFC post a compliment!

Nobody can get a look at good ole VOR
Now he's too afraid or ashamed to post a picture
To accompany every hypocritical stricture

His piddling distaste and disdain aside
He's too crippled in mind to comprehend:
There's nothing petty about customer service
That's so deserving to reprehend

Not into his body enough to resort to steroids
VOR's a closed book nobody even cares to read
He wonders is his claim
When obsession with the victor is his game

He fancies himself such a serious talker
When all he really and truly is
Just another seriously ill
Internet troll
Of a demoralized stalker!

Footnote: Yeah, right: one(1)"similar response" at Yelp out of some 15 reviews. 


You are truly an ignorant man

#99General Comment

Thu, September 08, 2011

You are truly an ignorant man and for that I will dismiss all of your childish replies because you don't know any better.  That's the nice me. 

You are most likely one of those men who like to get in their Mother's underwear drawers and wear them whilst banging the bishop and thinking of her.  That's the not so nice me. 

And to reply to another post, yes indeed I would rather be with Striderq than the likes of you since you are one of the most pathetic posters on this forum.  Grow up!!  It truly looks worse on a male  than a female.  We females are often labeled as whiners and thats true, a lot of women are, but on a male, (I refuse to call you or refer to you as a man) it just looks so much worse.  You really should start coming across in a better light because you sound like an inbred pansy. 

As far as your reference to KFC and the nice neat little lawsuit you plan to hit them with, make sure you know what libel is BEFORE you go running your mouth any further.  Again, let us know how thats going.


United States,
Karl nobody cares about your stupid poems you ruin everybody complaints

#100Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2011

Karl nobody cares about your stupid poems you ruin everybody complaints.


North Carolina,
United States of America
Well Ho DEE Doe!

#101Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2011

Everybody get a look at good ole Joseph Jr at:


Including this same KFC complaint.  Now we have a picture to go with the diatribes.

And frankly, despite my distate for this guy, he probably right and justified in some or all these complaints. What he doesn't understand, or care about, is that the way he complains, especially over petty matters, not to mention his vile diatribes against anyone disagreeing with him, earned him the disdain he's received here.

At least 1 of his yelp rants earned him a similar response from another poster there  http://www.yelp.com/biz/vitamin-adventure-walnut-creek (assuming url not redacted)

Links on his yelp profile to his myspace and Facebook, along with full name, which I don't need to post.  He's made himself an open public book.  Appears very into his body. According to his Amazon profile he's a Writer/Publisher/Fitness
Expert. Guess they've been spiking the chicken and soda with steroids.

I was wondering where he got the patience to scribe such serious poetry. I can't wait for him to publish the book about this KFC incident and postings. 


North Carolina,
United States of America
You wouldn't be a divorce lawyer would you?

#102Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2011

Located near Rossmoor by any chance? Just curious, in my own VORrish way.


Highlands Ranch,

#103Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2011

is available at this website!

Just type in 449235 and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #449235.

Thank You

***ALERT: Don't forget to type in the following at this site and read the Ripoff Reports for valuable information-


Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
There you Plop again!!

#104Author of original report

Wed, September 07, 2011

And here I flush again:

VOR(too afraid to reveal his name)is a Dud
A die-hard re-tard of a dud
No post can repair
For tons of cr*pOLA have made him duly despair

He pretends all the more that his is the voice of reason
And more and more and more and more
Yet all he ever proves it's the voice of supreme re-tardation

Would that he first learn to read and more astutely deduce
Perhaps he would not so repeatedly and publicly reduce
To so much bitter disappointment and frustration

Oh will he ever stoop to admit
His blatantly inferior intellect
So supremely deficient
That he seeks his undue redemption
Through which he's just perfectly proficient:
Displaying in public his voice of supreme re-tardation!

Tard is Turd
Turd is Tard
Everybody's heard
Neither's just a word
But synonymous with his true identity
As inadequate and mediocre
Even truer his truest mentality

Inept and impotent
Incapable of girding his loins
He's forced to accept public mortification
In life his sole gratification

Unendowed and disabled
He repeatedly fires just blanks
Those hallmarks of peerless cranks

Still he returns and reverts
Proving once and time again
His empty head turned to turd
He's merely one of this site's 
Most superlative perverts!

Yes, indeed!
VOR's a dud.
A die-hard
Retarded Turd
Of a dud!

Plop!  Plop!!  FLUSH!  Swish!!

There...DOWN he goes...AGAIN!!


North Carolina,
United States of America
"There you go again", to paraphrase Ronald Reagan

#105Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2011

And here I go again:

Joe is a Mess
No post can Redress
For gallons of soda has made him Regress
He demands that he get all his soda for Less
and less and less and less and less
Would that he gave the manager a sweet Caress
Perhaps he would not have left in Distress
Oh will he ever deign to Confess
His great misdeeds so the Lord may Bless

How old are you anyway, Joe-Tard, or Joe-Turd, whatever you prefer?
Is this your modus operandi at work and with all that must be in your presence at any given time?
To resort to Tard and Turd filled diatribes whenever you don't get your way?

Tard and Turd
Tard and Turd
Have you Heard?
Joe's favorite Word
Your loins then Gird
Because he Stirred
And the milk of his brain
Turned to Curd

Enough for this morning. I shall return, I'm sure.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
The Unrelenting but HILARIOUS Self-Flagellation of RETARDS!!

#106Author of original report

Wed, September 07, 2011

#68)Poor, pathetic VOR-tard.  The only thing you're capable of channeling is your own dung; but, admittedly, you do it quite expertly.  After you've tried your hand, we can only trust that you at least wiped it clean of excrement first.  In your desperation to look cute, you're so uncreative and unoriginal, that all you can do now is rip off my own words as your own.  Imitation is after all the sincerest form of flattery:

So imitates the VOR-Bard.
Turd, Turd, Turd.
VOR-tard eats chicken full of Poo.
And spills his soda in his Loo.
The manager lets him spew sappy rants.
Denied any soda, he poops his pants.
Now he's drenched by his own defecation.
Trying in vain with lame rebuttals.
Taking dump after dump
Piling his pants fuller and fuller with cr*p
Attempting to no purpose
To pile up even a passable reputation.

Plop Turd!  Plop!!


Not that your comment is the least bit rational, Drunken-Tard, your conduct is equivalent to nothing but that of just another illiterate RE-tard who can't even read.  But I take it allowances could be made for your admitted drunkenness.

I'm coming to this website frequented by troll-tards to tell you that I got accosted and slandered for no good reason out-of-the-blue by a rude, obnoxious and uppity supervisor expert in nothing but cra**y customer service; the cheap pettiness over the soda situation was hers, not mine; all I did was point out, quite sedately, what that situation was--giving the biddy no cause for any hostility, which in her sorry-a** case is likely just innate.  With the demolition of her dump of a  KFC directly due, her just-due comeuppance is directly at hand.

What's silly is retarded turkeys like you trying to distort and defend the indefensible: if anything you're making yourself look brain-dead to everybody else as well.  My suggestion to you would be just to get lost and forget any further retarded comments otherwise you'll get your drunken butt kicked more and more.

And based on your terrible inability even to ramble coherently, the only conclusion I can draw about you is that you're a dumb-f*k of a nincompoop in serious need of not only remedial reading but basic spelling instruction as well.

I'm sure if you don't have a problem s**+**ing in the pot with other retards at this site, you don't have a problem flushing and then plunging it when all the bull-cr*p you've spewed from your mouth overflows.  So I suggest further that you promptly do so before drowning yourself in it.

What do you know?  Not even your own funky butt-hole from the deepest hole in the ground... 

#70)Nah, not to worry: ole VOR-tard is just another whacked out, whacko loony tune of a Troll-Turd, who's a glutton for all the punishment I'm here to inflict.   

#72)Yay!! Popeye's is indeed on a par with KFC!!! ;)

mr rik


#107Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2011

is better.

Report Attachments

James MK

La Jolla,

#108Consumer Comment

Tue, September 06, 2011

This report is what I call quality entertainment!


North Carolina,
United States of America
Nah. Ole Joe has to be a white guy

#109Consumer Comment

Tue, September 06, 2011

No way ole Joe is a black guy. I'm betting white all the way. Blacks just don't tend to call everyone in sight a this-tard and a that-tard. That's white lunatic material. That said, for all the posting for and against the guy, I think race ought to be left out of it. But, I'm not here to lecture anybody. Proceed ye all as ye wisheth.


United States of America
Consumer suggestion

#110Consumer Comment

Tue, September 06, 2011

Honestly there are some parts of Joseph's arguement that is warranted. I agree the KFC manager should not have been obnoxious to the customer, if it was me and I was treated like that chances of me returning will be 1/1,000. However Joseph, your behavior is equalivient to that of a child. You are coming on a website which is frequented by trolls to tell us all that you got ripped off when you purchased a soda? How much did the megajug cost you man? Send me your address and I will give you the dollar you were owed. This is very silly Joseph, if anything you are making yourself look stupid to all of the KFC regional managers as well. My suggestion would be just to drop this riduculas arguement otherwise you will be trolled more and more.

Also based on your horrible, but unique writing style I have drawn few conclusions about you 1) you are a black man in his mid 30s, B) You are from the south, C)  You really like fried chicken! and finally you like to instigate things. I am sure if you don't have a problem stirring up the pot with other members of this site, you don't have a problrm telling the KFC manager off. Therefore she was hostile to you for a reason.

Hey what do I know? I am just the drunken consumer!


North Carolina,
United States of America
Channeling Karl

#111Consumer Comment

Tue, September 06, 2011

I'm going to try my own hand at poetry now.

So writes the Bard.
Tard, Tard, Tard.
Joe eats chicken full of Lard.
And spills his soda in his Yard.
The manager left him forever scarred.
Denied free soda, he hit back Hard.
And forever is on his Guard.
For rebuttals where his rep is Marred.

Anyone remember the 1970s KFC jingle?
Kentucky Fried Chicken!
Kentucky Fried Chicken!
If you want Kentucky Fried Chicken, you have to visit me!

Go colonel! Go colonel!

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
TRUTH is RIGHT! KFC's still the BOMB!

#112Author of original report

Tue, September 06, 2011

I'm with you Truth, KFC's still plenty de-licious!  And we haven't been dissuaded from patronizing the customer service-conscious outlets elsewhere at all!

Just the week before last at a local posh inn we relished an overnight KFC feast, celebrating the local, lame-a**, p*ss-poor franchise's most imminent DEMISE!  We still favor original recipe, but crispy was plenty scrumptious!  We hate seeing KFC reduced to rubble, but this one reaped what it deserved with s**+**y customer service, and no matter what these tedious trolls post, that's pretty much that!  And who can help but get a great BIG charge out of it! =)  The frustrated, bitterly defeated trolls are the sole ones not smiling great BIG grins!

You've got it absolutely right though: the redundant, trolls-without-lives posting here are indeed a great big, boring DRAG.  

But the more they're beaten back and down with supportive replies like yours they'll finally quietly disappear into the woodwork from which they came, duly embarrassed and defeated--the self-humiliated masochists they are--together with the rest of their fellow woodworms.  Until then though let's keep mashing the worms like KFC potatoes! We're only too HAPPY to accommodate them! ;)

PS  Hope life on the west coast sunshine state's bright and sunny!  I hail originally from northwest FL! 


Highlands Ranch,

#113Consumer Comment

Tue, September 06, 2011

was submitted at this website on September 6, 2011.

Just stay at this site and type in- LITTON LOAN, to see if it is available in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #496992.

Thank You

This Is The Truth

St Petersburg,
Boring Replies Over A Chicken Dinner: But KFC is Still Delicious!

#114Consumer Comment

Tue, September 06, 2011

If the author is KFC justified then the author is KFC justified!  These replies from these troll regulars are so boring.  Haven't you yet learned author who the trolls actually are?

If you have a KFC case then you have a KFC case and KFC should stand to bring restitution to the matter since these trolls who don't know much about two-piece chicken dinner can't.

Besides KFC is still delicious but I can't see how people can eat a bucket without any ketchup or mustard on their chicken dinner.  It's absolutely ridiculous and insane!  Plus everyone knows that spicy is the real deal and is better than original recipe but original recipe does have that original recipe smell to it and flavor.!

However we must put aside the deliciousness of KFC for the disappointment suffered by one person because disappointment should not be denied from being heard in its declaration!


KFC still is delicious!

Report Attachments

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Defeated RETARDS return for further BEATING!!

#115Author of original report

Tue, September 06, 2011

#61)VOR-tard, don't presume to warp the issue by deliberately distorting the facts: Not the first rebuttal has been "respectful."  From the git-go there's been nothing but name-calling, no reasoned replies.  Commenter #1 branded me "difficult" and like the rest of you retards wasn't even present to witness the event; yet all you retards pretend to know precisely what happened when you're ALL WRONG. VOR-tard in particular has been nothing but "nasty, abusive and insulting."  So that's right: keep up the name-calling, I'll keep on returning the favor until you find somebody else to pester with your infantile retardation.  So "figure" all you like.  What happened was precisely as described--with no insult to the rude and obnoxious biddy of a supervisor who was nothing but unreasonably uppity.  I'm as reasonable as reasonable can be.  Be rude to me, I'll be rude back. Keep posting your retarded comments, I'll keep kicking your retarded butt until you're gone.  You don't have to go out of your way to BE "ridiculous," VOR-tard.  No doubt you were born in that state; and now you mis-spend your entire wasted non-existence trying in vain to prove to the rest of the world you're anything but ridiculous.  Tragically for you, loser that you are, you're forever doomed to fail.

#62)Strider-tard.  Astonishing and astounding even, your supreme level of retardation!
I just love seeing a clueless, masochistic retard, who most mistakenly thinks their fantasy-world of wishful thinking should pass for reality, suffer a complete and utter melt-down when it FAILS.  In this thread we have a superb example.  Not only can Strider-tard not conceive that their retardation could be at least partly at fault, they fail to recognize their own MIS-perception: you're scarcely psychic--being just retarded--and therefore quite incapable of MIS-stating what I "think."

I needn't even try to sway public opinion: this KFC's slated for demolition(and replacement by a parking lot)due to its own UN-doing.  A BAD business goes OUT of business BECAUSE it's bad, as a rule.  And that's precisely what's happened here: this KFC's cr*ppy customer service simply played to the favor of the superior customer service of its nearest competitors--literally steps away.  If anything the building owner's evicted this KFC because the franchise can't pay the rent due to its lobby-DEAD business.  I don't have to try taking credit for that when the credit's ALL KFC's, where it right belongs in this case.  And that's as it should and shall be.  

As Commenter #10 rightly pointed out(interestingly enough), Strider-tard needs to learn at least how to COUNT whilst agreeing with this post, as did #34, rejoicing that it's getting shut down.

So get a clue, Strider-tard: the jury may still be out on who's really the most rude and obnoxious. But this customer's still receiving great customer service elsewhere along with the free, free-flowing soda refills by MY rules...whilst this shoddy KFC and its uppity supervisor are directly due to be HISTORY.  And I couldn't be more elated about it all.

#63)Retarded Replies!!

Christiana-tard, you ought to get together with Strider-tard as you both come off sounding like extremely frustrated spinsters.  Doubtless you post here to get the substitute gratifications you don't get in life.

Ask away all you like, I owe you no answers to anything.  You're ranting and raving like a retard. One of the things I find supremely unappealing is a chick who bellyaches and gripes over absolutely nothing.  You fit THAT bill to a T.  Your retardation displays loud and clear whenever you post another comment and there is absolutely no substance to anything you say because your empty airhead-brain is laughable at best:

There's no need for the overkill of a lawsuit when this KFC's slated for DEMOLITION.  All this commotion is over cra**y customer service and a rude, obnoxious, uppity supervisor most mistakenly thinking she could get off with it scot-free.  Sheesh?  She was as WRONG as YOU are: needing to get taught some manners is one thing; actually GETTING taught those manners is quite another.  Well, she's about to get taught HERS once she's on the streets looking for her next dead-end job in her doubtless dead-end life.

And judging by all your posts here, you'll most certainly benefit once you join her in getting some semblance of a life.

DEMOLITION...yes, THAT cracks ME up.  I'll do better than letting you know how it's going.  I'll post the pics of the KFC RUBBLE!!  That's ALL the gratification required.  Anything else?  


Ignorant Replies

#116General Comment

Tue, September 06, 2011

I'd like to ask the OP one question.  How old are you?  You are ranting and raving like a fool.  I think one of the things that I find very unappealing is a guy who whines and complains over the smallest of things.  You fit that bill to a T.  Your ignorance shows loud and clear whenever you make a new post and there is really no substance to what you say.  You claim that KFC may be in for a lawsuit from you is laughable at best.  All this commotion over your feeling you were treated bad over a pop.  Sheesh.  You also mentioned she needed to be taught some manners and judging by all of your posts you could benefit from that, too.

Lawsuit....that cracks me up.  Let us know how its going.


South Carolina,
Simply amazing

#117General Comment

Tue, September 06, 2011

   I just love to see people who have no clue but think that the world should cater to them and their wishes melt down completely. We have an excellent example in this thread. Not only can Joseph not conceive that their actions may have been at least partly at fault, they think they have something to do with the decision to put in a parking lot. Yes, Joe I'm sure your voice from the wilderness has been the one thing the building owner has been praying for to give them an excuse to close this KFC. And yet, Joseph still thinks they've swayed public opinion with their charming repetition of insults. Interestingly enough, only two posters agree with Joseph: Charles who will agree with anyone hoping they will return the favor and a customer service worker who thinks that rude, obnoxious customers get to disobey the rules. Oh well.  Here comes some more witty repartee from Joseph.


North Carolina,
United States of America
Response to "Let's not beat up on the author"

#118Consumer Comment

Mon, September 05, 2011

Let's look rationally for a moment at Eaton923's post on 8/31. It's a reasonable approach to the issue, save for one problem. From the get go, in responding to the 1st 2 or 3 rebuttals which respectfully disagreed with Joseph's assertions, ole Joe responded in a nasty, abusive and insulting way, and hasn't stopped doing so for one minute. Anything subsequent to that where any of us have returned the favor to him, has just been fighting fire with fire, or just plain entertainment. I put enough weight on Joe's initial reactions to disagreement here, to figure he was far more than just snarky with the manager. One can only imagine what he said to her at the time. Probably called her a manager-tard or some such other cute "tard" family nickname. One can tell pretty quickly from a poster's reaction to differences just how reasonable their original complaint might be. Ole Joe-tard doesn't come off as the reasonable type. And for just once, maybe, Charles, if you would kindly go back to the beginning of this whole thread and read from the first rebuttals, do you really think this OP has put forth a reasonable complaint? Some will feel I'm being ridiculous asking you anything of the sort, but I'm respectfully seeking your careful consideration of the facts before us.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
LOSER Re-Turds Choking the Commode with Toxic Waste!!

#119Author of original report

Mon, September 05, 2011

#54)Coast-tard is a lonely, miserable turd.  Even his own butt dislikes him/her.


The instability you repeatedly display here proves you're the product of artificial insemination and never even had a real mother; and when your host mother bore you she nearly flushed you down the toilet for looking like such a gnarly turd.  And your intended parents rejected you as way too re-tarded. Hence the result: a lifetime of spewing your retarded diahrrea of the motor mouth here! 


You're so easy to bait and beat up!

Plop, ole Turd, Plop ole Turd, you're the biggest turd in the toilet!  Whoa, Turd!  It's so damned easy to bait and beat your swirling diahrrea of the motor mouth posts.  Even your Rotor Rooter man gave up the ghost by now.  Your turds, by the way, are mostly cr*pOLA.  Who do we know drinks tons of cr*pOLA? Why, it's retarded VOR of the filthy Port-O-Let!  So we can assume you to be at most times, full of cruddy cr*pOLA.  Tee, Hee!!  You've never had any friends, that's why you continue laughing by yourself. But all the world knows your nickname on sight: TOXIC STOOL!  PLOP!  PLOP!!  
#59)Strider-tard.  YOU'RE proof of your own couple rules!

1)If you know you've LONG lost the debate just repeatedly post retarded comments.  The more retarded the more you know you've lost.  The more you display your retardation.

2)Don't fret about retardation.  Even if a post wasn't directed at/to you, proceed with rule #1.

3)You claim you want this thread to end and yet you keep posting your retardation.  Of course your retardation means nothing--except to a couple other fellow retards-in-arms--but it appears you can't give it up.  Appears you want things your way and that's what started your swift and certain reversion in life to retardation.


South Carolina,
Here's proof of a couple of rules:

#120General Comment

Mon, September 05, 2011

1) If you know you've lost the debate just call names. The more offensive the more you know you've lost.

2) Don't worry about reading comprehension. Even if a post wasn't directed at/to you, go ahead with rule #1.

3) You claim you want this thread to end and yet you keep posting to it. Of course you posts mean nothing but it seems you can't give it up. Seems you want things your way and that's what started the problem at KFC.



#121Consumer Comment

Mon, September 05, 2011

Charles is a psychic!! He knows that everyone is getting on someone's nerves.  No on asked you and nor one cares - grow up, get a job and stop playing the victim!


United States,
All you people who are posting comments are a bunch of stubborn retards why can't y'all let this go for christ sakes Its getting on everyones nerves but wait all do Is care about yourselfs

#122Consumer Comment

Sun, September 04, 2011

All you people who are posting comments are a bunch of stubborn retards.  Why can't y'all let this go for christ sakes.  Its getting on everyones nerves but wait all do Is care about yourselfs.


North Carolina,
United States of America
He's so easy to manipulate

#123Consumer Comment

Sun, September 04, 2011

Jump ole Joe, jump ole Joe, you're the best horse in the rodeo! Whoa, Joe! It's so damned easy to manipulate you into responding. Even the Buck Dollar Store lady gave up the ghost by now. Turds, by the way, are mostly carbon. Who do we know who drinks tons of CARBONated liquids? Why, it's Joltin Joe of Walnut Creek! So we can assume you to be at most times, very full of fizzy feces. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... Ever watch the movie Shane? Do your friends, heaven help them, ever nickname you SODEE-POP?


"Joseph is a lonely unhappy person. Even his own dog doesn't like him."

#124Consumer Comment

Sun, September 04, 2011

Even his mother says she doesn't know him and won't go to KFC with him anymore.  :)

Oh, wait, according to the OP, I'm too stupid to reply to him here.  ;)

His escalating rants do indeed display a bit of instability...his, not mine.



#125Consumer Comment

Sun, September 04, 2011

Joseph is a lonely unhappy person. Even his own dog doesn't like him.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Retarded Nation of 2 or 3!

#126Author of original report

Sun, September 04, 2011

#47)Quite a fair assessment, Eaton. The one young girl who knew me who was present was busy sweeping the floors, looking disconcerted by the encounter, by the time the rude manageress had returned to her perch in the front dining room where she was ingesting the ingredients of her plate after accosting me; as I promptly left she had little chance to say anything.  Not to worry though: the few retards posting here are doing a supreme job of beating up not me but themselves with each and every retarded comment.

#48)Ken-Tard.  Even claiming that you "think" is a rather extreme bit of self-flattery; so doubtless you're quite confused about your own gender as well as your mental ability.  Perhaps the gender-bending operations have contributed to this, q***r queen that you likely are.  And according to exalted me: you're quite unqualified to kiss my butt--you're so preoccupied with kissing your own. So I'd get over yourself if I were you: you're worth even less than most others and quite a lot less than even the minority.  Buying and selling yourself for what you're worth and what you even think you're worth would bankrupt you even before you got around to picking your own empty pockets. Or for that matter your evidently empty brain.  But do try, try again.

#51)Yo, VOR-Tard!
No, VOR-Tard, the sodas haven't been hot(ice-cold, actually)but they have indeed remained free and freely-flowing!
Welcome back to my RETARD-bashing party!  How's life in the toilet?  You're a FREAK who can't help but REEK!  Whatta TURD!  Flush toilet!  Flush toilet!  No, not everybody, just two or three here are Tards to me--including you, their prime spokes-tard.  But you're a Turd, at best, to the rest.  A fruitcake, freakass turd.  It's no accident of nature that to you re-tard is spelt re-turd!  Turd! Sounds like the workings of your bowels.  Plop!  Plop!  Plop!  DUNGheap!  
VOR-Turd's brain has finally overflowed!  Quick!  Apply the plunger!!  


todd walmart

#127Consumer Comment

Thu, September 01, 2011

It would have been around 2004 - 2006 - the search tools are not the greatest on here - I'm sure it's still on here if they truly don't remove reports.


North Carolina,
United States of America
Yo, Joe-Tard, the VOR is BACK!

#128Consumer Comment

Thu, September 01, 2011

Didn't want you to think I'd moved on and left the Joe-bashing party to others. Drank any hot sodas lately? How's life in good ole Walnut Creek? WalNUT cREEK! You are a NUT and you REEK! Whatta loon! Go colonel! Go colonel! Everybody here is a Tard to you. And you are a jerk, at best, to us. A nutcase, jackass jerk. It's no accident of God that soda is pronounced So-DUH. Duh? Sounds like the workings of your brain. DUH! DUHmb. DUHnce. DUHll.


to Tom

#129Consumer Comment

Thu, September 01, 2011

Where is this Walmart thread that you speak of?



#130Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2011

Well, this reminds me of the Todd and Walmart thread that went on several years ago. If you have to pay before you get your food or drink its just best to do it that way.


I think Inspector's comment...

#131Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2011

"proof you are a princess and worthy of their showering you with love and affection."

was meant to describe your actions and not your gender. ;)

You certainly are a drama queen and act like a little spoiled brat princess.

Everyone in your world is fated to kiss your butt....according to exalted you.

Get over yourself....you're worth no more than most others and quite a little less than the majority.

I'm going to make a couple of million dollars by buying you for what you're worth and selling you for what you think you're worth....wow, mega-millions for me. 


North Dakota,
United States of America
Let's not beat up on the author

#132Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2011

They do have a point. I worked in the service industry for years, and if they come in as much as they claim, everyone in the store should know who they are. Period. So I can understand the anger from the author if they frequent a certain store multiple times a week and then all of a sudden has this terrible confrontation with the manager, oh yes, I'd be mad too!

One thing does strike me as odd; why didn't the staff say anything? Probably didn't want to get in the middle of it, but still.

Another thing, as much as I believe you that the manager approached you with a rude and authoritative manner, I do believe you came back just as snarky. I think it escalated from there. As much as the manager should have tried to talk with you in a non-confrontational tone, you may have fueled it by letting your emotions get the best of you.

At this point the best you can do is write an account of what happened (leaving out all feelings, "just the facts") and send it to corporate. I would put the manager name, the store number, and let them know how much you come in and enjoy the restaurant.

No matter if the lady was doing her job or not, at the end of the day the service industry is all about customer service. And she did not display that at all. So there is a legitimate complaint here, and you should let the guys at the top know.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Of Course Indeed!!

#133Author of original report

Wed, August 31, 2011

#47)At last, Inspector-tard, you're finally comprehending AND accepting the true reality of the situation--even if you can't distinguish between prince and princess.  That's all right, though, those showering all their favors on me recognize it even if you can't.  Tough Ti**ie that rankles you so much and provokes you to keep on posting your retarded comments!  Perhaps if you were even a fraction as charming and eloquent then you might stand to get better treatment at all those public places where you're regularly ignored as bland and as nondescript as the mediocre mentality you demonstrate here.  But do try, try again.


Of course

#134Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2011

"Far from throwing me out, most other places I patronize not only shower me regularly with complimentary treats but regard me highly as one of their VIPs...their term, not mine."

Of course they would, how could they not? Your eloquent rhetoric and charming demeanor is proof you are a princess and worthy of their showering you with love and affection.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Confederacy of DUNCES Continue!!!

#135Author of original report

Wed, August 31, 2011

Or to be more precise the Confederacy of RETARDS!!
Yes, I couldn't be more elated!  But that KFC staff won't be so much unemployed as LIBERATED!  And rude and obnoxious Susy Q's discharge is most definitely worth cheering about, for sure!  Wherever I discover shysters I'll expose them!  For such a 'sad' person my smile couldn't be bigger or brighter!!  That must be a bitter disappointment for such a frustrated wishful thinker such as yourself...what's really 'sad' is the sour grapes you must mis-spend your already listless life sucking...

#32)Ram-rod-tard, the redundantly unoriginal, uncreative thinker:
Your silly tirades clearly prove my case that you are indeed merely a common, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill jerk-OFF.
Less than 120 days until Christmas!!  Jingle Bells!  Jingle Bells!  WHACKING ALL THE WAY!
Whack On, Ram-rod-tard!

#33)Retarded As Retarded Does!
Object all you like, Stacy-tard!
Only someone mentally challenged would keep returning to publicly denigrate and insult themselves by redundantly responding to somebody they mis-labeled a 'jerk.'  Grow up indeed!  Point is and remains: I don't need KFC--and the business they LOST is another outlet's GAIN.  Because of that this KFC's soon to be HISTORY!  Not me.

#34)Not just good but GREAT job shuttin' that b**** down!  STILL LMAO about it!

#35)No, I don't mind Stacy-tard any more than I mind most retards!  After all, they're can't really help themselves.  And having no clue about anything much less any life, what else have they to do but waste their non-existence posting retarded comments having absolutely nothing whatever to do with anything at sites they publicly act retarded at??!!

#37)Thank you, Coast-tard!
Any compliment coming from such a desirable, retarded individual is indeed most gratifying!

You keep redundantly responding to Charles whom you mis-label an 'idiot' and 'moron?'  Need anybody ask what that makes you?  Yep...just another RETARD!!  

#42)Answer your own one question by either consulting a legitimate dictionary or taking a qualified remedial reading course, all I can suggest...

By your pathetic wishful thinking you're as doomed to bitter disappointment as are the rest of your frustrated retards-in-arms!  Far from throwing me out, most other places I patronize not only shower me regularly with complimentary treats but regard me highly as one of their VIPs...their term, not mine.  So suck on your sour grapes, Inspector-tard, that's all that's left for you to do in this case!

Always and ever praying for a CURE for rampant RETARDATION!!!!  


The OP will soon wear out her welcome accross the street

#136Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2011

They will get tired of your panhandling eventually and throw you out or begin ignoring you and another vendetta will begin.


One question

#137General Comment

Tue, August 30, 2011

What exactly do you mean when you say "By habit I'll buy a fresh meal....." ?  A FRESH MEAL?? 


United States,
Yawn anything new you can come up with besides the lame come backs

#138Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2011

Yawn anything new you can come up with besides the lame come backs.



#139Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2011

You just opened up the flood gates! Moron.


United States,
I really don't care how much people dislike and how people shun me I will never go away so you can harass me all you feel like try to find somebody else to try to ruin

#140Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2011

I really don't care how much people dislike, and how people shun me.  I will never go away so you can harass me all you feel like try to find somebody else to try to ruin.


Marcia is right

#141Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2011

That would be Charles



#142Consumer Comment

Mon, August 29, 2011

You are an undesirable offensive individual.


to "J"

#143Consumer Comment

Mon, August 29, 2011

I bet your name is Charles :-)


United States,
Don't mind stacy she Is a cruel cold hearted person like most on this site she Is a pig

#144Consumer Comment

Mon, August 29, 2011

Don't mind stacy she Is a cruel cold hearted person like most on this site she Is a pig.

mr rik

Good Job!

#145Consumer Comment

Mon, August 29, 2011

Shuttin that b**ch down!


Stupid is as Stupid does

#146Consumer Comment

Mon, August 29, 2011

I object to the term "retard" because is is derogatory and insulting to those people who are mentally challanged.  The OP is just a jerk plan and simple - Grow up KFC does not need your business.


I rest my case

#147Consumer Comment

Sun, August 28, 2011

Your silly tirades clearly prove my case that you are indeed merely a common, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill jerk.


Well, at long last,

#148Consumer Comment

Sun, August 28, 2011

you should be happy.

All the KFC staff will be unemployed. You could stand outside and cheer on their last day of work.

Perhaps you'll have to go to work on another location to fulfill your "special" life....how sad.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Notice To All Retards!! It's Official: Dump's Due for Demolition as Predicted!!!

#149Author of original report

Sun, August 28, 2011

#27)You clearly are retarded, "Inspector."  Everybody back off quickly from the retarded person, make no sudden movements, speak in low, melodic tones the retard can potentially understand: It's the Customer Service, Stupid!!

#28)Coastal Retard: enroll in remedial reading and comprehend the facts: I did the cashier a FAVOR accepting a smaller cup for ordering a sizable drink(not the "wrong drink")I didn't necessarily need or want; I refused to follow no "policy," implied or stated; I did the dump a second FAVOR asking for a refill of a lesser drink; I never objected to waiting in line which I freely chose not to wait in.  Learn to READ, retard.

Yep, I AM special; every last PAYING customer is special and deserves the cheerful, friendly and helpful customer SERVICE they pay for but fail to receive at this particular dump.  Got that, Retard?  Good!

The $125 plus coupons cited were transacted over multiple months from the beginning of the year, not per month.  Learn to READ, retard.


So say what you will, retard, this DUMP--as predicted--shall be HISTORY.  As this development updates, I'll report it accordingly.  What will prove most interesting now is how many RETARDS shall still be posting their RETARDED comments in defense of its shitty customer service after it's duly DEFUNCT!  Who's laughing now the loudest and longest?!  I am!

As already indicated, I did indeed keep walking--directly across the parking lot to its nearest fast food competitor, The Habit(which gained the regular business the dump lost), where the free refills are free-flowing and the customer service sterling.  Just this past Saturday night I asked the supervisor on duty to toss into my bag some stray fries he was about to throw away.  Instead he volunteered to pack the bag with an entire SECOND FREE tray of fries!  So you're d**n right I'm special, evidently.

Stuff your retarded face then wherever you post your retarded comments.

#29)Your silly tirades clearly prove my case that you are indeed merely a common, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill jerk-OFF, Ram-rod.
Now only 121 days until Christmas!  Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Whacking-All-The-Way!

Your nonexistent case is directly due to be demolished to rubble--just as the dumps you take in the toilet are as monotonous and redundant as this unoriginal and retarded comment you keep posting can't make up for a lame brain incapable of thinking of anything constructive or creative to post!  

Proof you're pretty pathetic, Ram-rod.  The dump's due for demolition...so whack away!!

Praying as ever for a cure for ALL retards!    


I rest my case

#150Consumer Comment

Tue, August 23, 2011

Your silly tirades clearly prove my case that you are indeed merely a common, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill jerk.


keep walking

#151Consumer Comment

Tue, August 23, 2011

"this KFC dump"

It's a dump because you ordered the wrong size drink and later refused to follow the policy of bringing your mega mug to show you qualify for the free drink. You are expected to wait your turn in line...unless you're SPECIAL. Are you special?

It's not a dump when you spend $125 a month and use those coupons.


Keep walking. Stuff your fat face somewhere else.


To the OP....WOW!

#152Consumer Comment

Tue, August 23, 2011

You clearly are disturbed.  Everyone back slowly away from the crazy person, don't make any sudden moves.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Fine A Cure, FREAK!

#153Author of original report

Tue, August 23, 2011

Down to One Die-Hard Retardate:
Your silly tirades clearly prove my case that you are indeed merely a common, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill jerk-OFF.
Up-the-spout Ram-jet here can't even think of anything unique or original to compose so he keeps on posting his redundant, retarded Jabberwocky--or in his case--JabberWhacky!!  He keeps repeating he's proved his case when all he's really proved is mine.  Just 124 days until Christmas, Ram-jet!  Jingle Bells!  Jingle Bells!  WHACKING ALL THE WAY!  Don't whack it raw, Ram-jet, there'll be nothing left to unwrap by Christmastime!
Seriously, that's the point, Loony Luo, every customer's important!  And bogus businesses forgetting that essential fact LOSE customers and go OUT of business--as this KFC dump ultimately will!  And its loss of my regular business is losing it far more profit-wise than my scant coupon savings--business that's been gained by its nearest competitors, where my free refills are free-flowing and my attitude is not just accepted but appreciated.  And for that well-deserved customer appreciation all anybody ever needs to pay is $5(not $500).  It's the customer SERVICE, Stupid!!

And by the way, Loony Luo, the uppity biddy didn't let me get away or not get away with anything, so take that remedial reading course: I poured the re-fill but left it on the counter top on account of HER rude and obnoxious attitude.  Because I sit where I please and I refill as I please.  So be glad for me and for this KFC dump's nearest competitors, where I get great customer service, all the refills I care to drink(and deserve as a perk of my purchase), my continued business being their GAIN.

But valet parking in lieu of the drive-through window just might not be such a bad idea!  So you just might pass that on to the upper echelons of KFC management--but hurry, though, before the company goes bankrupt by alienating its best customers by its crappy customer service.

Incidentally, I've already got a life, Loony Luo.  You clearly haven't one, though, otherwise you wouldn't be wasting it by posting your retardate comments here.  But as I always say, I'm ever hopeful a CURE shall be found for retardation.  Someday.  In the meantime, go and try finding yours, Freak!


United States of America
get a life TROLL!

#154Consumer Comment

Tue, August 16, 2011

seriously, do you really think you are that important? you are the one of outta couple million KFC customers, all your coupon shopping probably cost KFC every week as far as profit wise, you sound like spoiled prat, Mommy the teacher won't let me sit at my favorite spot in the public school lunch room, fact is you get what you pay for, if you wanna get treat like king then pay 500 a plate dining place, I'm glad she didn't let you refill and get away with your attitude, cause otherwise you might wanna them do valet parking for you


I rest my case

#155Consumer Comment

Mon, August 15, 2011

Your silly tirades clearly prove my case that you are indeed merely a common, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill jerk.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Down To Two Die-Hard RETARDATES!!

#156Author of original report

Mon, August 15, 2011

Progress at last!  At least now you've finally admitted to being a retard as this latest psychotic post proves--as if it even needs proving by this time.  Notice how no one's here laughing at your non-existent wit except yourself.  It's all right though for a psychotic to keep on laughing at himself, so keep on, everybody sympathizes with your personal plight, I'm sure.  

At KFC's competitors I'm quite satisfied with my free, free-flowing refill status, no problem.  But you're just a REPEAT--and a redundant and monotonous one at that.  And a REPEAT keeps on laughing at himself because nobody else will.  Nothing could be more pathetic than that.  But before boring everybody further you should seriously reconsider and check yourself into the psycho ward first.  There you'll doubtless find real belonging.

Ram-rod or ram-jet, what's the difference?  Either way, you're just up the spout!

Your silly tirades clearly prove my case that you are indeed merely a common, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill jerk-OFF.  

Yes, you've really proved your non-existent case, all right: defending an uppity, self-important supervisor's boorish rudeness with your own boorish rudeness, incivility and vulgarity.

All you've really proved(and continue to prove)here is--like your fellow derelict die-hard--you're a wacko.  And come Christmas you'll no doubt still be posting here and singing, "Jingle Bells!  Jingle Bells!  WHACKING ALL THE WAY!"  Make sure you check with your fellow derelict die-hard into the same psycho ward, where you can whack each other to your heart's discontent!

Quite right, Casey!  But not to worry.  Before this particular concentration camp of a KFC ever becomes a "tourist attraction," it'll get slated for demolition as a local eyesore blighting the community.  And like the Berlin Wall it too shall be rightly demolished and forever forgotten, except perhaps by a couple of mutual willy-wankers, whom nobody could give a flying hang about anyhow.


To the previous commentor.

#157Consumer Comment

Wed, August 10, 2011

You know nobody cares what your name is, right?

Casey Mahoney

KFC Daytona Casey Mahoney

#158Consumer Comment

Tue, August 09, 2011

I have the same problem.I walk into a KFC and it is like I am in a prison camp.When they say "What do you want"  Not welcome to KFC, Are you ready to order.

Thanks Casey Mahoney


Highlands Ranch,
KIDNEY STONES POEM......just type in 736873 at this site.....

#159Consumer Comment

Tue, August 09, 2011

and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #736873.

Thank You

***BANK ALERT: Don't forget to type in the following and read the Ripoff Reports for valuable information if you have a bank account in the USA-



I rest my case

#160Consumer Comment

Tue, August 09, 2011

Your silly tirades clearly prove my case that you are indeed merely a common, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill jerk.

It's Ramjet by the way.


North Carolina,
United States of America
Kentucky Fried Nutcase Post of the DAy

#161Consumer Comment

Mon, August 08, 2011

(SOUND EFFECTS: Fart noise, raspberries, belching) In your general direction, sir. Whatta loon! Before you're done, you'll turn this particular KFC into a tourist attraction, full of visitors hoping to see you b***h about your sodas. What do you get when you cross the OP with a stitching device? A SEW-DA machine! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! SO'DERE! I'd rather be a retard than a REFILL!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! A retard merely takes more time to learn something. A REFILL, like a stupid moron, NEVER learns! YOU sir, are a REFILL! A giant mega-ounce refill full of soda. (SOUND EFFECTS: gagging, vomiting)

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Retardates Running Themselves Ragged!!

#162Author of original report

Mon, August 08, 2011

#10)Thanks for the earnest support!  Seriously and quite honestly, though, I've no idea how this post reproduced itself twice and I doubt that anything I did had that result: I returned once to post a rebuttal and discovered it duplicated.  So it wasn't that I thought it so important as to repost it; somehow it just happened and I have no explanation for it, except for some site snafu.  Thanks again all the same.

#12)You keep returning(after saying you were "done")to publicly embarrass yourself with self-inflicted self-humiliation, yet I'm the "very sick individual."  Just for your amusement, though, you can count on getting your butt kicked here until either you tire of your own retardation or ultimately gag yourself on it.  This is my post and I'll have the last word and--at your masochistic expense, I'm afraid--the last laugh as well.  

Oh, btw, fyi: I'm actually an in-shape, well-conditioned fitness practitioner with, incidentally, excellent or ideal blood lab stats.  I indulge in fast food once or twice a week at best on what's known in the fitness trade as "cheat days."  So posting witless comments all this time about a "very sick individual" whom you don't even know and have never even met displays, if anything, what a supremely stupid(if not "very sick")individual YOU actually are.  So I highly recommend that you heed your own advice, so freely given in abject ignorance to people you know absolutely nothing about, and seek your own "medical(if not mental)help."  I've a strong suspicion you need it a great deal more than anybody else here does.  

#13)You can't "rest" a "case" you never had to begin with.  And all your own "silly tirades" have proved, if anything, is that you're simply a "common, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill" simple-minded Jerk-Off.  Otherwise you wouldn't return here to repost repeatedly your own mindless, monotonous, namby-pamby put-downs of me in place of something sensible related to the post at hand, displaying if anything your own willy-wanking inferiority/insecurity complexes.  So don't rest now: keep that hand busy wanking away--in your case it's likely the best BRAIN exercise you could ever do!  Just don't wear it away, okay?!...

#14)All that "hysterical" tirade about the supposed "truth" and you haven't even the first CLUE about how or why a duplicate post even happened in the first place.  The truth may really be "out there," but I'm afraid that even a Straggler-Thinker such as yourself couldn't handle it even if you found it.

#15)FINALLY, somebody with enough wit to actually inject some genuine humor into this increasingly ridiculous "thread."  A trip to that bathroom to take the tissue roll could prove both beneficial and economical: trouble is, ram-rod, Straggler-Thinker and Voice of Retarded Reason all already got there before and ripped off all rolls!  d**n! ;)

#16)Forget KFC?!  Never!  I'll be BACK with my coupons in hand, re-filling my soda cup, celebrating at another once this uppity, self-important loser of a supervisor puts this outlet out of business(if she's not fired first)!  And she will, mark my words.

As for Voice-of-Retarded-Reason, everybody knew he had more than several screws loose, but this last post proves once and for all how flipped out he really is.  Everybody should show some him some humane compassion now however.  After all, there's doubtless any myriad number of reasons he's gone postal and returns here to reprove his retardation so redundantly.  I mean, living out of a public storage warehouse space and having little else to do but resort to the public library internet to publicly display your retardation THAT successfully can't be an easy existence to contend with on a daily basis.  

Now if only he'd hook up with Ram-Rod and took turns doing some of his willy-wanking for him, he just might find some real meaning and purpose in life--at long last.  Whaddya think, dear readers?


North Carolina,
United States of America
Forget KFC after this

#163Consumer Comment

Wed, August 03, 2011

I don't think I'll ever again be able to be inside a KFC, see the soda dispensers and the silly worker uniforms, and keep a straight face. This endless back and forth post will immediately take front and center stage in my mind. Better for my health I guess. This OP should move to someplace called South Davidson, so he can tell everyone he lives in...SO-DA! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
SO-DAtz the story! SO-DA and out! SO-DA long everyone.

mr rik

Too much to read

#164Consumer Comment

Wed, August 03, 2011

But if this happened to me, I would go back regularly to steal all the napkins and condiments.

I might even make a trip to their bathroom.


South Carolina,
For "Here Is The Truth"

#165General Comment

Tue, August 02, 2011

   So you feel that more important that a person feels an incident is, the more reports they should file. So if something really, really, really bad happens to me I should file 10 duplicate reports or even 20 duplicate reports just to show how serious I believe the situation to be?

   I can easily understand that when posting someone may hit the submit button twice or even accidentily double click submit. But to then keep up the posting on both reports is foolish. Since Joseph feels that he's been "ripped off" I support his right to post here. But he should have enough integrity to post only once. If there's an accidental or intentional double submission, he should post on one of them to see the other report and just continue his hysterical tirades on one thread.

   So tell me, do you own a business? If so let me know if a customer is upset over something would you rather have them come here and post 1 report, 2 reports or as many reports as they feel necessary? BTW, the correct answer per ROR is one report. If you can't grasp that then I guess you can't grasp the truth.


I rest my case

#166Consumer Comment

Mon, August 01, 2011

Your silly tirades clearly prove my case that you are indeed merely a common, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill jerk.


North Carolina,
United States of America

#167Consumer Comment

Mon, August 01, 2011

Lay off the giant high fructose corn syrup laden sodas, the deep fried chicken and get some medical help. You are a very sick individual. But please don't ever stop posting rebuttals. It amuses me.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Straggler-Thinker Can't Take the Heat...

#168Author of original report

Mon, August 01, 2011

...and ought to get out of the Free Speech and Expression Kitchen!  Or else re-read the Constitution's First Amendment and recall what country the poor dear resides in!

How laughably ludicrous you are, mate!  I'd invite any and all such lawsuits, Bring It On!--in the infamous last words of our last lamented self-appointed presidential dictator!  In fact, I DARE you to bring any such lawsuits!  Any takers?  You lame-arse, IDLE intimidators?!  If I've been "insulting, rude and arrogant" in my postings(giving no more than I've gotten from like-minded LOSERS attempting all to no avail to apologize, excuse and explain away rudeness and obnoxiousness with their own boorish rudeness and obnoxiousness)it's been solely in response to your own retardate "ramblings."  You just can't take it that mine are better and outdo yours every last step of the way. That's just tough tittie and too bad for you!  I'm a counter-puncher, so if you can't take getting your butt kicked, then stop being a self-humiliated, self-embarrassed LOSER and get and stay out of the ring and quit coming back just to get CLOBBERED!

Point of fact: at ALL times I was nothing but gracious and gentlemanly with ALL that outlet's employees who treated me rightly as an appreciated regular customer, so you're as "sure" as you are stupid.  

Point of fact: I've since "86'd" MYSELF--GLADLY--taken my welcome custom to other nearby fast food outlets where I AM AND REMAIN rightly appreciated, drinking ALL THE FREE, FREELY FLOWING SODA REFILLS my sugar-craving tummy can stand with all the GIDDY GLEE--and with-OUT, I must add, ANY boorish discourtesy from an uppity biddy of a frustrated "supervisor" clearly wallowing in her own self-inflicted misery--rightly granting those better businesses all the trade she alone LOST for KFC.  

Get real and face reality: you just can't stand the fact that I'm regularly getting MORE OF EVERYTHING the frustrated biddy most mistakenly THOUGHT she was denying me.  UNLIMITED FREE SODA REFILLS WITH CHEERFUL, COURTEOUS AND FRIENDLY CUSTOMER SERVICE BESIDES!  So get over it: you're WRONG, you know it, but just can't STAND IT!  Too BAD for YOU!  CHEAP&PETTY doesn't cut it!  So let it finally sink in and leave it alone: It's the CUSTOMER SERVICE, Stupid!

I'm powerfully HAPPY about having proved it, and your having RE-Proved it with these retardate posts of yours!  So why aren't YOU happy?  Why indeed?  End of story.    

Here is The Truth

I Support This Report 100%

#169Consumer Comment

Mon, August 01, 2011

I support this report 100% and Striderq - Columbia (U.S.A.) needs to learn about counting it seems.

If one wants to file another report about the same issue how then can that be a problem but it simply is showing that the issue is one of serious concern!

One should not care what others say because the person with the experience in the matter is the real one to take notice of and not outside opinions who have little experience in this matter!


South Carolina,
753653 & 753654

#170General Comment

Mon, August 01, 2011

   Same exact reports by same individual with chip on shoulder. Complains of posters assuming and not knowing situation but then does this exactly as he tries to ridicule posters. Gee, maybe since you're "used to dealing with the written word" all the people that you've written much worse things about than the manager said to you, should file lawsuits (maybe even one of the dreaded class action lawsuits) against you.    You've been nothing but insulting, rude and arrogant in your ramblings here and I'm sure you're that way in the store. The manager should 86 you.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,

#171Author of original report

Sun, July 17, 2011

"Stupid juvenile overreaction?"  "a*s?"  "Jerk?"

Well, ram-rod, those are perfectly reasonable and oh-so-superior, grown-up and well-reasoned if quite inarticulate rebuttals!  But as I always say, when the brain fails(or the mind's absent), vulgarity takes over.  A hallmark of the contemporary generation, to be sure.

Well, better to be a "jerk" than a jerk-OFF as this "responder" undoubtedly is with so little or nothing else to do than inject such blank, mindless banter into the conversation.  Get an education before presuming your ability to debate, DO!

They won't miss me?  Nor I them!  I'm devastated!

Point is: they'll be no need as I predict that particular dive-dump will close down and go out of business even before the biddy manager even has the chance to quit or get fired!


Because the other nearby fast food outlets(such as Chipotle and HABIT burger grill)do a BRISK AND BUSTLING DAILY BUSINESS NON-STOP and that routinely lobby-DEAD KFC doesn't! 

Why again?  It's the CUSTOMER SERVICE, Stupid!  It's the CUSTOMER SERVICE, Stupid!

At those OTHER outlets UNLIMITED FREE SODA REFILLS are an everyday perk of every customer purchase!  And managers at those places are busy with performing CUSTOMER SERVICE(Stupid!)than accosting regulars with slander over ONE MEASLY refill!

But forget the slander.  Forget the biddy manager's rude obnoxiousness.

For a manager to be hovering over the soda dispenser to accost customers for ONE MEASLY soda refill the bottom line is:


Perhaps even a jerk-OFF such as Ram-Rod here can grasp even those simplest of concepts!

The HABIT(since they're closest)is going to be the one to slap DOWN that KFC and put that biddy manager right out onto the street!  And I'll be LMAO all the way about it, stay tuned!  

In the meantime, Jerk-OFF, let it sink in:


It's the CUSTOMER SERVICE, Stupid!

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Broken-Down Brain!

#172Author of original report

Sun, July 17, 2011

No, you haven't got it right, but you will:

1)I don't "want" to sue KFC for slander and never wrote that I did, except that I could; quite honestly, I wouldn't waste the time or trouble.

2)I don't "consider" myself anything, I AM in actual fact a "regular," and "EVERYONE" does indeed "automatically" know me there, including the smart-alecky biddy manager, and INCLUDING in this instance the girl cashier who concluded the order and remembers it CLEARLY as even her pubescent brain isn't as broken-down as yours.

3)The "reason" to be "upset" was the rude and obnoxious biddy manager's rude and obnoxious APPROACH to the situation.  Perhaps that's broken down enough even for a broken-down brain.

4)Even a broken-down brain lamely attempting to act logical and rational shouldn't try characterizing people they've never met or known: I've never minded waiting in lines for "a few extra minutes," in fact I'm the one who routinely lets other impatient patrons step ahead; when I go I'm going to relax and enjoy it.

5)The biddy manager didn't "say" anything.  SHE "automatically" accosted me with curt, accusatory, smart-alecky, scoffing tones.  Good grief, broken-down brain, can't you get it?!  Some REMEDIAL READING is in order for a "serial"-stalker-of-the-internet-without-a-life!  Get one, DO!

6)No--to repeat ad nauseam, ad infinitim--I won't patronize that outlet until the biddy manager's fired or quits and I don't give a flying hang which.  Even if a broken-down brain still can't get it, the "indication" exists for drastically improved customer service skills(as in the case of addled brains for remedial reading skills).  It's the CUSTOMER SERVICE, Stupid!(like, 'It's the ECONOMY, Stupid!). 

7)Forget trying to play Perry Mason, broken-down brain, you're clearly unqualified: as there exist plenty of other "losses" in the legal arena other than strictly "monetary."  Such as defamation of character and reputation, which are likely way above any broken-down brain so let's just leave matters of legality at that.  And by the by, the unpaid "cost" of the drink left was theirs, not mine.

Oh, I'm sure that "minor incident" shall be remembered by all involved--what customers recall being irrelevant.

Where the most "embarrassment" ought to be felt most is by the broken-down brain commenting in ignorance and at such LENGTH on an "incident" that's supposedly so "minor."

Get that Life...and that remedial reading instruction.      


Your colors are showing

#173Consumer Comment

Sat, July 16, 2011

After seeing your stupid juvenile overreaction to the responders here, it's pretty easy to see that you made an a*s of yourself at the store. 

I'm sure they won't miss you.

what a jerk.


Breaking this down..

#174Consumer Comment

Sat, July 16, 2011

Just so I have this right.

You are basically wanting to sue KFC for slander over one comment that a manager made to you that you know you need to pay for that drink.  The reason you appear to be so upset at this is because you consider yourself a regular and feel that EVERYONE should automatically know who you are and remember every order you ever made.

So one day when you didn't want to wait a few extra minutes to place your order first and decided to get the refill that you were "owed" before you ordered.  You are then so upset that the manager instead of automatically knowing who you are said you need to pay for the soda.  This set you off down some path that you were slandered and everyone in the KFC is automatically equating you to some serial killer who thinks you should be on death row.

If you want to no longer patronize this location until she is fired that is your choice and in reality if you do spend as much as you do probably will get your point across.  However unless you have more this sounds like no more than a mis-understanding and over reaction.  Where there is no indication that this person should be fired.

But let's say you do sue, how exactly were you "injured" in this?  Unless it was something like your boss that was in line and fired you based on her statement I find it hard to believe that you suffered any monetary loss, well other than the cost of the drink you left.  Any embarassment is probably only in your head where I would bet that not a single customer in that line would even remember this incident.  I would even be surprised if any of the employees(other than perhaps the manager) that were present remember this minor incident.

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,

#175Author of original report

Sat, July 16, 2011

Yes, yes, the wanna-be/would-be Seattle attorney is absolutely correct, my titles's quite mistaken(but I can't fix it), just to save anybody else the wasted time and effort of pointing it out: SLANDER's what we're talking about, not libel, MY bad--I'm used to thinking in publishing terms!

That aside, nobody's asking blind commentators wearing blinders for brains to "see" anything: "Questioning" behavior's one thing; wrongly presuming, automatically and arrogantly accusing's quite another!  Get that delicate distinction?!  Or is it way too much over your head?!

Let me break it down even a little bit further for you so that you might "see" even a bit better and perhaps even more clearly: the managerial approach was accosting and accusatory right off the proverbial bat!  There was no "questioning."  A "question" evidently was a common courtesy and consideration way too much to hope for much less expect for this all-knowing, all-omniscient Seattle "seer."

Do try again though!

Joseph Jr

Walnut Creek,
Restrain ILLITERATE Rebuttals!

#176Author of original report

Sat, July 16, 2011

To the Illiterate Sacramento Sycophant:

1)As Dirty Harry once put it, "Opinions are like a** holes--everybody's got one!" And yours is, I'm afraid, as "sorry" as you say YOU are!

2)Exaggerated reaction?!  Manager doing her job?!  Oh, really?!  I'd really LOVE seeing that job description: accost KNOWN AND RECOGNIZED customer from behind, AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME they're stealing soda, and then as much as publicly ACCUSE them of such with an equally public announcement that they HAVE to pay for it!  Oh, and lest we forget: do that in the rudest and most obnoxious manner possible!  No greeting.  No, "Excuse me."  No manners.  No CIVILITY AT ALL!  It's the CUSTOMER SERVICE, STUPID!!  If public libel's ANY part of this punk flunky's description and you can DOCUMENT that then do get back to us with that proof straightaway.

2)Don't put nonexistent words into my report, sycophant flunky!  I didn't say I "expected" anybody to "remember" they "owed" me anything--though the young girl cashier, who knows me on sight, very well does and DID remember as the visits discussed were just a couple days apart, same time, same station, and she was QUITE familiar with the situation STILL.  So I didn't have to "expect" what was already a KNOWN GIVEN!

3)Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't have done, sycophant flunky, I decide those things, not YOU!  And in this instance, I sure as hell DID DO THE YOUNG GIRL CASHIER A BIG FAVOR, and her face and manner of expression at the time RIGHTFULLY displayed AMPLE APPRECIATION for it: that she didn't have to go through the NEEDLESSS RIGMAROLE of revising the order.  That's called COMMON COURTESY AND CONSIDERATION for somebody just in case the concept is foreign to your illiterate understanding and comprehension.

4)Nobody gives a flying HANG what you "suspect" as you're as STUPIDLY PRESUMPTUOUS AND INCORRECT as the rude and obnoxious manager biddy was and is!  In fact I was packing MULTIPLE DUPLICATE COUPONS FOR MULTIPLE MEAL DEALS--utterly IRRELEVANT anyhow as the coupon or use (or lack)thereof had absolutely NOTHING whatever to do with doing the cashier the obvious FAVOR of not voiding and re-ringing the transaction.  Second-guess yourself and your own ILL-intents and motivations, not mine, sycophant flunky.

5)The oldest and LAMEST EXCUSE in the world for blatant, deliberate and wrongful MIS-conduct: we're all human and we all make mistakes, blah, blah, blah, let's whine even more, sycophant flunky.  I ACKNOWLEDGED AND EXPLAINED my "mistake," I didn't even attempt to "justify" it; and even AFTER explaining it it was unduly RUDELY REJECTED.  This incident isn't about "mistakes."  It's about stupid PRESUMPTION, UN-necessarily RUDE AND OBNOXIOUS "HUMAN" BEHAVIOR AND CONDUCT ON THE JOB.

6)And you DO know of course right where you can stuff that pompous suggestion of yours--you know, that place where there's no sunshine?!  Quite the contrary, SHE needs to apologize to ME for acting not only that stupidly presumptuous but acting like such an ARSE-hole whilst doing it--if you get my drift there.  There's absolutely no need nor lame-a** excuse for that sort of curt, uppity, smart-alecky conduct by any LOSER of a counter punk flunky TRYING to display their NON-existent cleverness.  She was acting like a power-tripping, control-freak AUTHORITARIAN and anybody and everybody who was actually there to witness the event knows it.  But I'll wager you that I'll wait a LOT LESS time before I actually RECEIVE that overdue apology before she quits or gets fired, what do you want to bet, sycophant flunky?!

7)And finally, don't presume to lecture or preach to be about whom to compliment or why or under what circumstances or conditions, because frankly, as a sycophant flunky, you're unqualified!  I readily grant compliments to any and all those who DESERVE AND MERIT it.  MERIT--yet another concept you're likely way too illiterate to understand or comprehend.  You want compliments, sycophant flunky, then get out there and WORK HARD TO FUKIN' EARN THEM!  EARN, got that?!  Read my lips, sycophant flunky: EARN!  And a sure way of FAILING TO EARN compliments is offering SLIPSHOD SERVICE with arrogant and insolent presumption based on DELUSIONS OF YOUR OWN SELF-WORTH IN A COUNTER PUNK FLUNKY POSITION.

Here endeth the LESSON!!

PS  Me, a "difficult customer?"  Funny, over the past TWO(count that, 2)! years of patronage at that outlet, you're the single solitary questionably human(but humanly mistaken)"person" EVER to FALSELY ACCUSE me of THAT!  NONE of that store's STAFF has EVER done so; not even the punk flunky manager who once charged me $2.50 EXTRA for a stay chicken piece after I paid $21+ at CLOSING to buy out all the remaining STALE pieces of the day(in another episode)!  So, re-THINK that, sycophant flunky, tough as that might pan out to be for you.  And remember--for optimum patronage and performance--it's the CUSTOMER SERVICE, STUPID!!  If I were truly difficult, I'd be SUING KFC for libel.  Just don't tempt me, sycophant flunky!    


New York,
Not libel

#177Consumer Comment

Sat, July 16, 2011

I hate to "split hairs" as you say, but libel refers to written words. What you're accusing her of is slander.

I think the manager was right to question your behavior. Was she rude? Only the two of you know for sure, but I don't think I'm seeing a rip off here.


Discount service

#178Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 16, 2011

I'm sorry but I disagree with your exaggerated reaction to the manager doing her job.  It is unreasonable for you to expect them to remember that they "owe" you for a mega jug.  YOU made the mistake in your order.  If you did not want the mega jug at the time of your order you should've changed your order accordingly.  You didn't do anyone a favor.  I suspect you didn't request that the order be cancelled because you didn't have a coupon for any other meal.  You are able to justify the mistakes that you made, mistakes that led up to the confrontation with the manager.  Yet you fail to recognize the fact that the KFC's employees are human just like you.  Humans make mistakes. 

If you wait for the manager to be fired because of your complaint then you will be waiting a long time.  I suggest you go into the store and apologize for being so difficult.

And pay them a compliment once in a while.  Dealing with customers as difficult as you are, on a daily basis, can be quite stressful.

Reports & Rebuttal
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