  • Report:  #1429182

Complaint Review: Kismet Kittens - Brandon Florida

Reported By:
Christie - Tampa, Florida, United States

Kismet Kittens
1024 Sonya Lane Brandon, 33511 Florida, United States
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This business put myself, my husband and my 7 year old daughter through pain and duress like we have never had before. They sold us a tiny 1.5 pound 3.5 month old persian kitten. They provided a health certificate that was obviously a lie. The kitten was not eating enough. After 4 trips and thousands of dollars spent at the vet - the ktiten was diagnosed with FIP. He died in my arms yesterday. My daughter and my husband and I are all devastated. We do not want this to happen to more kittens or families. I want this business shut down. Below is my email exchanges with this business:

[email protected] 7:18 PM (14 hours ago)   to me       Yes I have received them I do not look over these myself I allow my vet to do that and I come to conclusion with what he tells me is on this report per  your contractor you’re supposed to have a clear-cut case of testing done to prove diagnosis

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Get the new AOL app: mail.mobile.aol.com       Christie Tillmann <[email protected]> 7:22 PM (14 hours ago)   to persiankittyin.       What difference does the diagnosis even make when either way he had water around his lungs and died a month and a half after I got him? I’ve been through enough - 2 dead cats in 2 months. You do what you feel is right and I will do the same.        Christie Tillmann <[email protected]> 7:25 PM (14 hours ago)   to persiankittyin.       I’ve spent almost two thousand dollars in two months on supply’s and vet visits for this kitten. He was dying - I wasn’t going to have the vet draw more blood and torture him further.  It wasn’t possible for me to fulfill the contract when I got him right before Christmas and the weekend. If that’s all that matters to you then I’ve heard enough.       [email protected] 7:25 PM (14 hours ago)   to me       Like I stated in last email we have a process for this if I remember correctly last time we went ahead no questions asked and replaced, The whole reason we have a contract so that people cannot make a false claim we’re not saying that you are because I don’t believe that you are but I do have a process that I have to go through and not going to make an exception.       [email protected] 7:29 PM (14 hours ago)   to me      

You seem awfully defensive for someone that’s making a claim when we asked to have you respect our process that we go through when something like this happens the first time you said this happened we replace the kitten no questions asked even though you did not follow the contract which by the way when the contract is involved we are under no obligation to uphold the healthcare guarantee because anybody can say anything, we respect your right all I’m hearing  from you was how much money you’ve spent you’re not respecting that what we need to do to make sure that everything is as you say it is. You can be a irrational but it’s not going to make the result any different       Christie Tillmann <[email protected]> 7:45 PM (14 hours ago)   to persiankittyin.       I don’t want a replacement kitten. What made you think that I did? Why would I take the chance of going through this again? I’m not defensive - I’m offended by your remarks. We can agree to disagree and let a third party decide. I’m comfortable with that. I’m out thousands of dollars and pain and horrible suffering and you think the solution is another cat from you? That is irrational.       

[email protected] 7:46 PM (14 hours ago)   to me       Fine if that’s the route you want to take read your contract that’s what you need to go by legally       [email protected] 7:52 PM (14 hours ago)   to me       The mere fact that you feel you should be refunded money without any proof of what you’re saying to be fact is really irrational also we went above and beyond the last time that you said this happened which you didn’t follow the contract then either and was told about it second kitten we didn’t ask you any questions and we instantly replaced the kitten. The fact that you’re coming at us with the attitude of who cares what the doctor says about testing shows that you know that you did not follow the contract.  Further FIP is strictly stated in the contract as not being covered as all cats carry it, which if I remember correctly is what you claimed the first kitten died from and we still replace that kitten. Now that we’re actually asking for actual proof you’re threatening and making all kinds of accusations.      

Christie Tillmann <[email protected]> 7:58 PM (14 hours ago)   to persiankittyin.       Instantly replaced the kitten? I paid for both kittens. The first kitten died from choking - not FIP. I paid for both kittens separately. You should get your facts straight because all of my facts are on record at the vet. I paid full price and you gave me a mere hundred dollar discount on the second kitten that was sick and underweight. Look back through are text messages - that is legal documentation. There was nothing given to me for free. After reading your better business bureau reviews - I can understand why you are on the defense. I do not care about a ridiculous contract that will not hold up in a court of law. I care that I was sold a very sick kitten that died a month and a half after I got him. I care that I had to put my 7 year old daughter through this. You are creating some seriously bad karma to make money. I wish I would have researched more in advance. I feel sorry for all of your kittens.       

[email protected] 8:03 PM (13 hours ago)   to me       Do as you wish per your email you stated that this was a 2 nd replacement kitten. How ever I’m not going back and forth. Your contract is legally binding you want to sue let’s go, you don’t scare me I’m not afraid of your threats. It’s amazing that the kitten was healthy and thriving with me passed all of its health exams and testing but then you get it and it goes downhill so things could be said on the other side of the fence too. do not contact me again you want to sue let’s go for it you don’t have a case to stand on.       Christie Tillmann <[email protected]> 8:07 PM (13 hours ago)   to persiankittyin.       Consider it done. I’ll see you in court so that this doesn’t happen to anyone else. It’s not about the money for me - it’s the principle. 

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