  • Report:  #1305854

Complaint Review: Kroger Grocery Store - Nationwide

Reported By:
Kathy - Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Kroger Grocery Store
Nationwide, USA
(513) 762-4000
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On April 8, 2016 I was willingly going into to shop at my local Kroger store as I have for years.  This time my experience was extremely unpleasant.  

As I approached the store entrance I was met with Extremely Aggressive Solicitation.  I normally have NO problem with the Boy Scouts selling their products at Kroger which they do every year.  This time, it was very different.  A little boy, at his mother's approval, ran up to me, put his $5 Kroger Coupons in my face and asked me if I wanted to buy one.  I do NOT blame the child.  I blame the parent and the store for allowing such aggressive solicitation to go on. 

I have a sign on my front door that says "No Soliciting" for a reason.  ALL soliciting from ANY organization is something I personally cannot stand.  

Usually, the Boy Scouts sit at their table and ask people in general going in and out if they wish to purchase what they are offering.  This behavior is NOT a problem OF COURSE!  But running up to me and putting things in my face is 100% obnoxious behavior.

I am willingly coming to the store to SPEND my money and I should not have to deal with aggressive solicitation in my face when I do so.

I should be able to acknowledge solicitation or ignore it and not have it forced into my face.

I brought this situation to the attention of the store manager Adam Jenuwine the day this happened.  I made a suggestion that he have the Scouts sit at their tables rather than running up to customers going in and going out of the store doors.  I told him this would be an acceptable solution.  

Adam Jenuwine however decided to lecture me on the store's policy to support the Boy Scouts and proceeded to tell me what a great organization they were.  This has NOTHING to do with my complaint about being aggressively solicited.  I told him, "It doesn't matter what organization it is, I do not like to be aggressively solicited by anyone, especially when I am already coming her willingly to spend my money."  Adam Jenuwine then made an assumption that I didn't like the Boy Scouts personally!  He accused me of GAY BASHING!  He turned my valid complaint into a personal attack of ALL GAY PEOPLE!  

This is absolutely disgusting behavior on the part of Adam Jenuwine to accuse me of any such horrendous thing.  My complaint is about being forced to endure AGGRESSIVE SOLICITATION going in and going out of his stores.

Furthermore, it is NOT only the Boy Scouts that I have experience aggressive solicitation from at this store that Adam Jenuwine manages.  When the food drive is going on and paper bags filled with food for the needy are available for customers to purchase and donate, Adam has directed staff members to fill grocery carts and wheel around the store soliciting shoppers as they shop interrupting their shopping asking them directly if they wish to donate by buying a diner bag!  I have bought a paper bag many times but I do NOT wish to be Solicited directly when I am shopping!  This is ALL being done under the management of Adam Jenuwine and it is obnoxious practices that I, as a customer for years, am asking Corporate to address.

I am NOT guilty of GAY BASHING and this is NOT about the Boy Scouts no matter how much Adam Jenuwine wishes to assume that is what this is about.

He is supportive of aggressive solicitation and I am not and I think he should listen to his customers.  

Adam Jenuwine needs to be educated on proper etiquette and customer service.

As a customer, I should be able to walk into a store without being harrassed aggressively with someone running up to me and putting something into my face.

Boy Scouts.....You are cute kids and doing great things.....but sitting at your table will win a lot more business and support, allowing people to CHOOSE to support you, rather than being aggressive and forcing your merchendise in people's faces!

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