  • Report:  #164193

Complaint Review: Kroger - Columbus Oklahoma

Reported By:
- Columbus, Ohio,

Kroger Store #818, 2090 Crown Plaza Dr. Columbus, 43235 Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Drug testing in the work place is a reality. Unfortunately, there are not many guidelines, and mistakes are made that change people's lives. Please read my story. I need a loud voice!

Kroger has greatly hurt my child with the very careless way they conduct their pre-employment drug testing. This event took place at Kroger store #818, 2090 Crown Plaza Dr. Columbus Ohio 43235, phone number 614-459-5645.

On October 22nd, 2005 my fourteen-year-old son's dreams were shattered. Ever since my son was 11 he talked of nothing but working at Kroger when he turned 14. On the 15th of October his dream came true.... Or so he thought.

My son, who I will call Freddy, interviewed with a young gal named Christine Faulk who is in charge of the hiring at Kroger store # 818. I asked Christine if I could be present during the interview. She told me that my

presence was not necessary being that the interview would only take about 10 minutes and would consist of her asking Freddy a couple of questions. At the end of the interview he was given an oral fluid drug test. I was not made aware of this before his interview. Freddy told me that he had gotten the job and was going to start orientation on the 24th, the day after his 14th

birthday, pending his work permit. It seemed that his little dreams were about to come true!!!!!

On the 22nd, our lives were forever changed when we were told that Freddy's drug test had FAILED !!! We immediately went back to Kroger and had Christine call "LabOne," the company that processed the test. They connected Freddy to a medical review officer who informed him that his test was positive for cocaine. Needless to say, we were shocked. Freddy with a tear-streaked face then took another oral fluid test in my presence. He was

given no instructions.

On returning home I looked over the donor copy of the chain of custody form which Christine had given us right before we left the store. I read the donor instructions and the collector instructions and realized that the test

I had just witnessed was not given following these instructions. I then called Christine and told her NOT to send in that test because the proper procedure had not been followed. She said she had not had a complaint about

the way she conducted the test since she started doing it in January, but she was willing to throw out the test if I felt uncomfortable about the way it was handled. I read Freddy the list of instructions, and asked him if

they had been followed during his first test at which I was not present. He told me they had not !!!

The instruction that I think is the most important is #4 which states that the DONOR is to place the specimen in vial, snap wand at scoring and recap, seal vial with specimen seal, initial and date the seal. This is an

important step because in ensures that the specimen in the vial does indeed belong to the donor!!! My son put his specimen in the vial and handed it to Christine. What happened to it after that no one knows.

The young man who was interviewed immediately after Freddy was the older brother of one of Freddy's friends and has a small reputation with the kids for drug abuse. Freddy said he felt sorry for this boy because of the drug test that this boy could not possibly pass. Maybe this boy's test got mixed up with Freddy's since Freddy NEVER closed, snapped, sealed, or initialed his own test.

To prove that a mistake was made, on October 26, 2005 Freddy had a five panel hair follicle drug test which gives an accurate, chronologicle, three month drug history . This test came back NEGATIVE!! I asked Kroger to erase Freddy's file since the mistake they had made caused the false positive result. They refused. They insisted that the fault was not theirs, and they

were unwilling to find out how this error occured.

To make a long story short, I was told that Freddy could not now or ever be employed by Kroger, and that this false positive result would remain in his file at Kroger and at LabOne. I suggested that since the first test was

administered improperly, and that this was proven by a more reliable subsequent test that was negitive, that the false positive test should be expunged. They stated "That is not part of our policy" Well, they either need to change their policy, or make sure that the test is properly administered in the first place.

I again pleaded with Kroger to remove all of Freddy's information from their records. They refused !!!!

How unfair that a person's future can be determined by a drug screen that was done in a flippant irresponsible manner !!!! Kroger is being highly irresponsible, and they don't seem to care about the lives of people who are

being affected by faulty testing procedures administered by untrained, irresponsible employees.

This should have been a positive experience for my child, yet no one I spoke with at Kroger seemed to care that this has devastated my son.

Of course, why should a big corporation like Kroger care about one little fourteen-year-old boy and his future? More than that; why is Kroger willing to let this happen again in the future to someone who has more to lose than

this fourteen year old boy does? How many people has Kroger already hurt because no one has challenged them in the past? How many more people will be hurt if somebody doesn't challenge them now?

Kroger has a responsibility to my son, their employees, and to the community to find out how this mistake was made so as to prevent another mistake from happening to someone who has more to lose than a fourteen year old boy.


Columbus, Ohio

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Krogers Grocery

48 Updates & Rebuttals


Give it a few months...

#2UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 17, 2006

In 6 months, Fred's "false" test will be erased from the computer... they dont keep records of everyone who has applied and failed a drug test for longer than that...


second hand crack

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, March 10, 2006

If Fred ever wanted to hang out with this boy that would be fine. If fred did have second hand crack in his system it would have shown up on the hair test. But even so, if he really had been exposed to second hand crack smoke, and didn't get the job because of it, then that's what he gets. He'll know not to be around drug users in the future. There comes a point where you have to trust your kids to make the right decisions on all kinds of issues. Better they get life lessons in small doses while they are still living at home, and have the support of their parents. When they are off at college they are going to be smacked in the face with lots of new freedoms so the training has to begin at home. Is Fred above trying drugs? No, and I don't put anything past anyone. The main reason I pursued the hair follicle test was because I saw that an important step in the testing procedure was not followed. It was not because I didn't think my son was capable of doing drugs. Gini


Huh? I still don't get it...

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, March 10, 2006

I am still trying to figure out what the heck you're talking about...I suppose what you mean is that if one were to hang out with someone who smokes dope, you might come up hot on a whiz quiz due to second-hand smoke. In this particular case, the boy came up hot for cocaine, not pot...I don't know enough about the ins and outs of drug testing to know if second hand smoke from a crack pipe will make you hot for cocaine specifically...there probably is a small chance...I guess. I really don't know. Again, though, I don't see the connection. Who says that the kid's friend has ANYTHING to do with his older brother besides live under the same roof (and who says that they even do that...)? I normally would not give this any more attention than I am giving it, but it really burns me up, this idea of guilt by association. My older brother and I are very close to the same age (3 years) and we had NOTHING to do with each other in our teenage years. We did not hang out together, we had none of the same friends (I thought his friends were scumbags), and we took far different paths upon graduation from high school (he went to junior college on a sports scholarship, I went into the Army). If someone were to judge my character or integrity based upon my association with him (i.e. we're realted by blood, and that's about it), I would probably stomp him into the pavement. Most of my friends didn't even know I had a brother...There would be a 0% chance that any of them could get 'drug cooties' by hanging out with me.


UPDATE Misunderstanding

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, March 10, 2006

I should clear something up here. This friend of Fred's is a classmate, not someone he actually hangs around with. I never gave the status of their relationship, so the inference that you made was incorrect. Gini


Robert. you took what I said the wrong way.

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, March 10, 2006

Mom implied her son hangs out with a kid whose brother does drugs. She knows it and allows it, and therefore shouldn't be surprised if her son tests positive whether or not her son personally partakes of the dope. If you hang out in a sty you'll eventually smell like a pig, and sooner or later you'll oink like a hog too. So as to your question, "What if my brother did drugs and I didn't?" I would say you'd test positive too. Furthermore, if her little Freddy in in that house when it gets raided, are the cops going to listen to the excuse that he isn't involved? She apparenently is only a concerned parent up to an extent. She was ok with the drugs being around her son right up until the problem rose up and bit her. Just today a woman b**ched at me over telling a potential employer about her two drug convictions,(my job.) She doesn't like that the info is on the internet and available to employers and CPS. She demands it removed. I told her tough s**t, and I'm the bad guy now?


UPDATE Thanx everyone !!!

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, March 10, 2006

Hi all, Well, sadly to say there is nothing more I can do. My laywer told me that as long as Kroger keeps that false record to themselves, we do not have a slander or lible case. As for damages, well again, how much did he really lose. Of course I say he lost the two years of wages he would have earned working there until age 16 (at 16 there are other places to work, so he may not have remained at Kroger)but who can say if he would have even stayed two years. Kroger quit taking my calls after the story was on the news. Fred's cool about the whole thing, he kinda jokes about it now. If anyone comes up with anything please let me know. Gini



#8Consumer Comment

Thu, March 09, 2006

Quote from earlier rebuttal: "being as he does hang out with a kid whose older brother does drugs and that's apparently ok with Mom." Again, folks seem to want to screw up the legitimacy of this woman's complaint by bringing up issues that have NOTHING to do with it. Folks, there are plenty of complaints on this site that are worthy of ridicule...this is simply not one of them. As a teenager, what if my older brother did drugs...and I didn't? We had nothing to do with each other, and I had plenty of friends who did not do drugs right along with me. If my friends, or the parents of my friends, judged me on the actions of my older brother who had nothing in common with me, I would have had a lonely time in high school. To bring that up is spurious argument.


Very Admirable Mom!!!

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 09, 2006

Wow. Obviously there are a lot of critical people who do not have kids. Or forgot what it was like to be one. Or forgot what it was like to be falsely accused on top of rejection. At this point, I wouldn't even WANT my kid working there. I've never heard of any employee handling a potential employee's specimen of ANYTHING, because I sure as heck would not. I don't think LabCorp keeps the test results "on file", because the potential employee is often given a number, not a name for the result, and I don't think those files are kept for future (or different) employers. Despite this failed test, this is likely something that will NOT haunt him. Let Kroger keep the coke-head. They know something is wrong, and since they won't fix it, they deserve it. That should be a satisfying justice in itself, not to mention a lesson in humbleness. Ignore the haters. They have tiny, tiny weiners.


How's this precedent?

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, March 09, 2006

Back in the eighties, approximately five thousand sailors were booted out of the Navy over drug tests that were later found to have been done wrong, resulting in positive results. I would think a second test would be called for, but maybe not, being as he does hang out with a kid whose older brother does drugs and that's apparently ok with Mom.


I admire you, Gini

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, March 08, 2006

Gini, I just finished reading your report and all of the responses to it, and my admiration for you grew with each patient, polite answer you wrote, even in the face of rudeness and flat-out cruelty. You don't need me to tell you that you are a good mom, the kind of mom to a young teen that I hope to be when my 10 year old son hits the teen years. What awes me is the absolute equanimity you've managed to maintain in response to those who wrote simply to degrade your actions in this situation. What a wonderful role model you are for your children! I hope that by now, things have worked out well for your son; please update us!


There is a problem here...

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, March 08, 2006

Hi. It really bothers me when someone has a legitimate complaint and then are bombarded with negative comments from those folks with nothing better to do than be critical of other people. It truly lowers the quality and reliability of this site. Anyway, I think you are doing the right thing. A 14 year old is not an adult, and at times need parental support, and I think this is a time. Those folks who are blasting your son for wanting to work at a grocery store are wrong, wrong, wrong. My best friend in high school started working for QFC (which is now owned by Kroger) when he was 15, bagging groceries. 18 years later, with no college degree, he is earning $75,000+ a year, sitting in a comfortable office at the company headquarters, working as a buyer. I am not a big fan of grocery store employment myself (I worked for Albertsons for awhile when I was in college and hated it) but for some folks, it is a good choice. As a member of the US Army and Army Reserve for the past 16 years, I have taken many drug tests, and have also helped administer them under careful supervision of those who are trained in their administration. There is a LOT to it, and if procedures are not followed, any number of things can happen. There is little doubt in my mind that Kroger is in the wrong on this one, so keep up the good fight. The two times that I had to take a drug test for civilian employment, it was administered at a local medical clinic, not in the place of business itself...that seems to be a better course of action.



#13Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2005



Drug Tests are not public record

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, November 18, 2005

Just so you know. Freddy can apply for a job somewhere else. I don't know what the big brew haha about Kroger is. Freddy's drug results are not public record and cannot be used by other companies as a means of drug testing. If there is any other business that will hire someone 14, then go find them. I'd even talk to your boss about seeing if there is some extra work to do around your office. Just let Freddy know this. He has his entire life to work. Let him enjoy his adolescence while he can. Once he's over 25, he'll have to spend 80% of his life chained behind a desk dealing with a miserable boss, just to earn his paycheck to pay his bills. Good luck to the both of you.


We need more Moms like YOU!

#15Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 18, 2005

Good for YOU, MOM!!!- is what I say. I wonder if any of the nasty critical responses to your original complaint even have children. Perhaps if they do, they are lousy parents feeling guilty about their own lack of participation in THEIR child's life! So they take it out on people like you! Your son is a minor, and situations like this are exactly why you should be present! You made wise choices. A 14-year-old is should NOT be left to their own devices and decisions amongst adults!!! I do think you lean toward the highly-protective side of parenting, but that is OKAY by me! I certainly hope that when my child is in school he befriends children of parents like YOU!! Not these monster children I seems to see and hear of more often than not! (Monster children is 97% due to BAD PARENTING, people!!- WAKE UP.) Best of luck to you and your son, kudos for getting the media involved! I am disappointed in Kroger! Sincerely,


My son just wanted a freakin job, and he got this mess instead ! Thanks Kroger !!

#16Author of original report

Fri, November 18, 2005

Hey everyone, thanx for the supportive comments. I was begining to feel like I was just a crazy mom, as someone had posted. I spoke with the a gal from the Department of Labor who said the reason I'm not able to get anywhere with this is because Ohio doesn't have any laws pertaining to drug testing. The Bible states that sin is not imputed when there is no law. So I guess Kroger could have sprayed Windex on the specimen swab and that would be ok since there is no law against it!!! As far as the original chain of custody form goes, LabOne said it is the property of Kroger and that Kroger would have to requset it. Of course Kroger said they couldn't obtain a copy because it is not in their policy to do that. Kroger has to admit they made a mistake and inform the lab of their mistake in order to have my son's record removed from the lab. Or prove that the lab made the mistake. They do have a responsibility to do this, but not legaly bound to! This sucks because all my son wanted was a freaking job, and because of a mistake Kroger so carelessly made, I've had to spend time, and a small amount of money (for the hair test) that I otherwise wouldn't of had to spend. Plus, my son has a positive drug test on his record at Kroger and at the lab for NOTHIN!!!! Just because he wanted a job. Man this makes me mad. I will never shop at Kroger again. WOOO, like they really care about losing a customer. Thanks for listening to me vent !!!


My son just wanted a freakin job, and he got this mess instead ! Thanks Kroger !!

#17Author of original report

Fri, November 18, 2005

Hey everyone, thanx for the supportive comments. I was begining to feel like I was just a crazy mom, as someone had posted. I spoke with the a gal from the Department of Labor who said the reason I'm not able to get anywhere with this is because Ohio doesn't have any laws pertaining to drug testing. The Bible states that sin is not imputed when there is no law. So I guess Kroger could have sprayed Windex on the specimen swab and that would be ok since there is no law against it!!! As far as the original chain of custody form goes, LabOne said it is the property of Kroger and that Kroger would have to requset it. Of course Kroger said they couldn't obtain a copy because it is not in their policy to do that. Kroger has to admit they made a mistake and inform the lab of their mistake in order to have my son's record removed from the lab. Or prove that the lab made the mistake. They do have a responsibility to do this, but not legaly bound to! This sucks because all my son wanted was a freaking job, and because of a mistake Kroger so carelessly made, I've had to spend time, and a small amount of money (for the hair test) that I otherwise wouldn't of had to spend. Plus, my son has a positive drug test on his record at Kroger and at the lab for NOTHIN!!!! Just because he wanted a job. Man this makes me mad. I will never shop at Kroger again. WOOO, like they really care about losing a customer. Thanks for listening to me vent !!!


My son just wanted a freakin job, and he got this mess instead ! Thanks Kroger !!

#18Author of original report

Fri, November 18, 2005

Hey everyone, thanx for the supportive comments. I was begining to feel like I was just a crazy mom, as someone had posted. I spoke with the a gal from the Department of Labor who said the reason I'm not able to get anywhere with this is because Ohio doesn't have any laws pertaining to drug testing. The Bible states that sin is not imputed when there is no law. So I guess Kroger could have sprayed Windex on the specimen swab and that would be ok since there is no law against it!!! As far as the original chain of custody form goes, LabOne said it is the property of Kroger and that Kroger would have to requset it. Of course Kroger said they couldn't obtain a copy because it is not in their policy to do that. Kroger has to admit they made a mistake and inform the lab of their mistake in order to have my son's record removed from the lab. Or prove that the lab made the mistake. They do have a responsibility to do this, but not legaly bound to! This sucks because all my son wanted was a freaking job, and because of a mistake Kroger so carelessly made, I've had to spend time, and a small amount of money (for the hair test) that I otherwise wouldn't of had to spend. Plus, my son has a positive drug test on his record at Kroger and at the lab for NOTHIN!!!! Just because he wanted a job. Man this makes me mad. I will never shop at Kroger again. WOOO, like they really care about losing a customer. Thanks for listening to me vent !!!


My son just wanted a freakin job, and he got this mess instead ! Thanks Kroger !!

#19Author of original report

Fri, November 18, 2005

Hey everyone, thanx for the supportive comments. I was begining to feel like I was just a crazy mom, as someone had posted. I spoke with the a gal from the Department of Labor who said the reason I'm not able to get anywhere with this is because Ohio doesn't have any laws pertaining to drug testing. The Bible states that sin is not imputed when there is no law. So I guess Kroger could have sprayed Windex on the specimen swab and that would be ok since there is no law against it!!! As far as the original chain of custody form goes, LabOne said it is the property of Kroger and that Kroger would have to requset it. Of course Kroger said they couldn't obtain a copy because it is not in their policy to do that. Kroger has to admit they made a mistake and inform the lab of their mistake in order to have my son's record removed from the lab. Or prove that the lab made the mistake. They do have a responsibility to do this, but not legaly bound to! This sucks because all my son wanted was a freaking job, and because of a mistake Kroger so carelessly made, I've had to spend time, and a small amount of money (for the hair test) that I otherwise wouldn't of had to spend. Plus, my son has a positive drug test on his record at Kroger and at the lab for NOTHIN!!!! Just because he wanted a job. Man this makes me mad. I will never shop at Kroger again. WOOO, like they really care about losing a customer. Thanks for listening to me vent !!!


Nothing wrong with taking care of your children

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2005

Gini, There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking care of your children and looking out for their safety. In this day and age, kids need their parents around to let them know how things work. At 14, I am sure he has not or wouldn't have any idea how this could effect him in the future. That's where the parent steps in and says it's wrong. Now Gini is teaching her son how to stand up for himself later in life when he needs to and will be able determine himself when he is getting the short end of the stick... Kroger and the Lab one should be held accountable for not following the procedures. Of course I have yet to have a drug test at the place of employment. It's always been done at the independent lab. So where Kroger fits in I have no idea. Did you get the final copy of the chain of custody to see how many people actually handled the specimen? Peter, none of your comments where needed, you came up with nothing original...Personally, the way you talk about Gini leads me to believe you are the one with "mommy' issues. I suppose at 14 you where left to fend for yourself?? Or are you 14 now and wish your Mom had cared as much by showing how things are done in this day and age. Whatever the the problem is get over it and realize there are parents out their that actually care what their kids are doing.


Nothing wrong with taking care of your children

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2005

Gini, There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking care of your children and looking out for their safety. In this day and age, kids need their parents around to let them know how things work. At 14, I am sure he has not or wouldn't have any idea how this could effect him in the future. That's where the parent steps in and says it's wrong. Now Gini is teaching her son how to stand up for himself later in life when he needs to and will be able determine himself when he is getting the short end of the stick... Kroger and the Lab one should be held accountable for not following the procedures. Of course I have yet to have a drug test at the place of employment. It's always been done at the independent lab. So where Kroger fits in I have no idea. Did you get the final copy of the chain of custody to see how many people actually handled the specimen? Peter, none of your comments where needed, you came up with nothing original...Personally, the way you talk about Gini leads me to believe you are the one with "mommy' issues. I suppose at 14 you where left to fend for yourself?? Or are you 14 now and wish your Mom had cared as much by showing how things are done in this day and age. Whatever the the problem is get over it and realize there are parents out their that actually care what their kids are doing.


Nothing wrong with taking care of your children

#22Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2005

Gini, There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking care of your children and looking out for their safety. In this day and age, kids need their parents around to let them know how things work. At 14, I am sure he has not or wouldn't have any idea how this could effect him in the future. That's where the parent steps in and says it's wrong. Now Gini is teaching her son how to stand up for himself later in life when he needs to and will be able determine himself when he is getting the short end of the stick... Kroger and the Lab one should be held accountable for not following the procedures. Of course I have yet to have a drug test at the place of employment. It's always been done at the independent lab. So where Kroger fits in I have no idea. Did you get the final copy of the chain of custody to see how many people actually handled the specimen? Peter, none of your comments where needed, you came up with nothing original...Personally, the way you talk about Gini leads me to believe you are the one with "mommy' issues. I suppose at 14 you where left to fend for yourself?? Or are you 14 now and wish your Mom had cared as much by showing how things are done in this day and age. Whatever the the problem is get over it and realize there are parents out their that actually care what their kids are doing.


Nothing wrong with taking care of your children

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2005

Gini, There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking care of your children and looking out for their safety. In this day and age, kids need their parents around to let them know how things work. At 14, I am sure he has not or wouldn't have any idea how this could effect him in the future. That's where the parent steps in and says it's wrong. Now Gini is teaching her son how to stand up for himself later in life when he needs to and will be able determine himself when he is getting the short end of the stick... Kroger and the Lab one should be held accountable for not following the procedures. Of course I have yet to have a drug test at the place of employment. It's always been done at the independent lab. So where Kroger fits in I have no idea. Did you get the final copy of the chain of custody to see how many people actually handled the specimen? Peter, none of your comments where needed, you came up with nothing original...Personally, the way you talk about Gini leads me to believe you are the one with "mommy' issues. I suppose at 14 you where left to fend for yourself?? Or are you 14 now and wish your Mom had cared as much by showing how things are done in this day and age. Whatever the the problem is get over it and realize there are parents out their that actually care what their kids are doing.


Gini, you are doing what you should be doing

#24Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 17, 2005

I think you are doing what is right. If Krogers is not following their own procedure on administering drug tests then that needs to be brought to everyone's attention. You are being a good mom and only looking out for your son. There's nothing wrong with a 14 year old who wants to work at a certain place. Kids think that way and there's nothing wrong with that. When I was 15, I wanted to work at restaurant washing dishes....SO WHAT! What's wrong with some of you people thinking you can trash that boy or his mom? Last time I checked, this was rip-off report where people come here to file RIP-OFF REPORTS and get advice...not to listen to ADULTS ask her if her child is "retarded". There are some incredibly rude and immature people here....maybe you are the ones who are "retarded.".


Any City,
North Carolina,
Inappropriate comments

#25Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2005

Some of the comments here are way out of the line. The comments inferring or stating this woman shouldn't meddle so much is absurd. We are talking about an underage child. His mother is responsible for him until he is 18! She d**n well better be involved in his affairs. She'd be a moron not to. And the ridiculing of the child for wanting to work at Kroger is ignornace at its worst. He's 14! WTF else can he do? His employment choices are extrememly limited! At least he wants to work!!! At least he has some goals! I know a lot of teens who want handouts from their parents and/or want to turn to illegal activities in order to earn money. I hate people who ridicule others for working low-paying, no respect jobs like grocery-store clerks, baggers, fastfood workers, etc. SOMEONE has got to fill those positions! Thank God for those people. Its bad enough to ridicule a hardworking adult who is earning an honest day's pay but when you do it to a child, thats low...thats really really low.


Green Bay,
Really bizarre

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2005

An employer should not be handling any type of specimen for an employment candidate! This should be done by an independent third party to limit the chain of custody. In addition to this, most state laws require consent from a parent or guardian of the child before this test is administered. Kroger is a temporary job at best, so move on and keep the drama to a minimum.


Thanx Richard

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2005

Hi Richard, thanks for your support. It's nice to have people understand the situation before they comment, and not just blow off at the mouth. Thankfully the lawyer I have is going after Kroger pro-bono. The first lawyer I spoke with was more interested in going after the lab. He also wanted a few grand to get started. UGH !!! I just want my son's false positive record to disappear. I would not have done the hair test if I wasn't sure that a mistake had been made during the collection. I'm 99% sure that the mistake was made at the Kroger store. They say the mistake was not theirs. Fine, just have a dna test done on the specimen that is at the lab to prove just who's specimen is in my son's vial. I"LL PAY FOR IT. Kroger owns the specimen, so they are the ones who have to order it. They won't do it because they are not concerned about how the mistake was made because they don't care about people. Like I have said before; there will be more mistakes made in the future, and next time it could happen to someone who has alot more to lose than my son. Thanks again !!!!


Thanx Richard

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2005

Hi Richard, thanks for your support. It's nice to have people understand the situation before they comment, and not just blow off at the mouth. Thankfully the lawyer I have is going after Kroger pro-bono. The first lawyer I spoke with was more interested in going after the lab. He also wanted a few grand to get started. UGH !!! I just want my son's false positive record to disappear. I would not have done the hair test if I wasn't sure that a mistake had been made during the collection. I'm 99% sure that the mistake was made at the Kroger store. They say the mistake was not theirs. Fine, just have a dna test done on the specimen that is at the lab to prove just who's specimen is in my son's vial. I"LL PAY FOR IT. Kroger owns the specimen, so they are the ones who have to order it. They won't do it because they are not concerned about how the mistake was made because they don't care about people. Like I have said before; there will be more mistakes made in the future, and next time it could happen to someone who has alot more to lose than my son. Thanks again !!!!


Thanx Richard

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2005

Hi Richard, thanks for your support. It's nice to have people understand the situation before they comment, and not just blow off at the mouth. Thankfully the lawyer I have is going after Kroger pro-bono. The first lawyer I spoke with was more interested in going after the lab. He also wanted a few grand to get started. UGH !!! I just want my son's false positive record to disappear. I would not have done the hair test if I wasn't sure that a mistake had been made during the collection. I'm 99% sure that the mistake was made at the Kroger store. They say the mistake was not theirs. Fine, just have a dna test done on the specimen that is at the lab to prove just who's specimen is in my son's vial. I"LL PAY FOR IT. Kroger owns the specimen, so they are the ones who have to order it. They won't do it because they are not concerned about how the mistake was made because they don't care about people. Like I have said before; there will be more mistakes made in the future, and next time it could happen to someone who has alot more to lose than my son. Thanks again !!!!


Thanx Richard

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2005

Hi Richard, thanks for your support. It's nice to have people understand the situation before they comment, and not just blow off at the mouth. Thankfully the lawyer I have is going after Kroger pro-bono. The first lawyer I spoke with was more interested in going after the lab. He also wanted a few grand to get started. UGH !!! I just want my son's false positive record to disappear. I would not have done the hair test if I wasn't sure that a mistake had been made during the collection. I'm 99% sure that the mistake was made at the Kroger store. They say the mistake was not theirs. Fine, just have a dna test done on the specimen that is at the lab to prove just who's specimen is in my son's vial. I"LL PAY FOR IT. Kroger owns the specimen, so they are the ones who have to order it. They won't do it because they are not concerned about how the mistake was made because they don't care about people. Like I have said before; there will be more mistakes made in the future, and next time it could happen to someone who has alot more to lose than my son. Thanks again !!!!


Santa Ana,
Driving Test & Drugs Test as to Apples & Oranges

#31Consumer Comment

Wed, November 16, 2005

Failed the driver test, you can take it again; failed geometry, repeat the course and take the test again. Fail the drug test you are branded for life! I am not posting to encourage to sue for ever little thing. If I failed the test I will do everything in my power to clear my name. The teen was falsely BRANDED. Now, if I was drug addict that would be different story. But if you are drug free, then you have the right to clear your name. Mistakes do happen and those mistakes have ruined lives. I remember (back in the 80's) when some schools did drug testing on all students, some of them that where drug free failed. It causes such a big deal that it becomes a legal issue. Victims had to hire lawyers and research as to what caused the false reading. There are several other drug testing method that can be done to test for drugs now days. Just because one method causes a failed result does not mean it is final. The teen took a second test, which was a hair follicle and passed. Many courts prefer that method. Please note, I still favor drug testing for screening out applicants. I expect the result to be accurate. But some time false positive can result or sometime someone switched samples. It happens. Below is a list of those substances that cause false positive drug test results. THC - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives Dronabinol (Marinol) Ibuprofen; (Advil, Nuprin, Motrin, Excedrin IB etc) Ketoprofen (Orudis KT) Kidney infection (Kidney disease, diabetes) Liver Disease Naproxen (Aleve) Promethazine (Phenergan, Promethegan) Riboflavin (B2, Hempseed Oil) Amphetamines - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, propylephedrine, phenylephrine, or desoxyephedrine (Nyquil, Contact, Sudafed, Allerest, Tavist-D, Dimetapp, etc) Phenegan-D, Robitussin Cold and Flu, Vicks Nyquil Over-the-counter diet aids with phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim, Accutrim) Over-the-counter nasal sprays (Vicks inhaler, Afrin) Asthma medications (Marax, Bronkaid tablets, Primatine Tablets) Prescription medications (Amfepramone, Cathne, Etafediabe, Morazone,phendimetrazine, phenmetrazine, benzphetamine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine,dexdenfluramine,Redux, mephentermine, Mesocarb, methoxyphenamine, phentermine,amineptine, Pholedrine, hydroymethamphetamine, Dexedrine, amifepramone, clobenzorex,fenproyorex, mefenorex, fenelylline, Didrex, dextroamphetamine, methphenidate, Ritalin,pemoline, Cylert, selegiline, Deprenyl, Eldepryl, Famprofazone) Kidney infection, kidney disease, Liver disease, diabetes Opiates - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives Poppy Seeds Tylenol with codeine Most prescription pain medications Cough suppressants with Dextromethorphan (DXM) Nyquil Kidney infection, Kidney Disease Diabetes, Liver Disease Ecstacy - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, propylephedrine, phenylephrine, or desoxyephedrine (Nyquil, Contact, Sudafed, Allerest, Tavist-D, Dimetapp, etc) Phenegan-D, Robitussin Cold and Flu, Vicks Nyquil Over-the-counter diet aids with phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim, Accutrim) Over-the-counter nasal sprays (Vicks inhaler, Afrin) Asthma medications (Marax, Bronkaid tablets, Primatine Tablets) Prescription medications (Amfepramone, Cathne, Etafediabe, Morazone,phendimetrazine, phenmetrazine, benzphetamine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, dexdenfluramine,Redux, mephentermine, Mesocarb, methoxyphenamine, phentermine, amineptine, Pholedrine, hydroymethamphetamine, Dexedrine, amifepramone, clobenzorex, fenproyorex, mefenorex, fenelylline, Didrex, dextroamphetamine, methphenidate, Ritalin, pemoline, Cylert, selegiline, Deprenyl, Eldepryl, Famprofazone) Kidney infection, kidney disease Liver disease, diabetes Cocaine - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives Kidney infection (kidney disease) Liver infection (liver disease) Diabetes Amoxicillin, tonic water I think it is fair that when someone is posts seeking advice or venting, people would just go on and bash the original poster. The original poster did not come to the Rip-Off Report to ask if her son is a druggy.


Other options

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, November 13, 2005

Maybe if he fails his drivers license test you can sue the DMV. Or if he doesn't get that grade in geometry he was looking for, you can sue the school board and the teacher. You should find something better to do with your time and money. This poor kid's going to have some real problems later in life. Unfortunately, he's not going to be known as the kid who took on Kroger's and righted a wrong. He's going to be known as the kid with the crazy mother.


Some folks have the class of the Jerry Springer show!!!

#33Consumer Comment

Sun, November 13, 2005

Peter, Dude, we're not on Jerry Springer, so class up your act a bit !!! The rude comments and insults are not good forms of communication. I guess if your mother would have been more involved in YOUR life you would have learned that. As for other jobs,Fred and his younger brother have shoveled snow, raked leaves, sold on ebay, did some cleaning at our church, and so on, but it's not the same as "going to work" everyday. Thanks to others for the kind and supportive comments. They are so helpful. It is nice to know there are people out there who do care about giving constructive ideas and not just here on the boards to pick fights, and attempt to hurt people. Hey there R from Newport Michigan, good to see someone that understands HYPERBOLE!!!!! Peter, do you understand that big word? Anyway, because of the news broadcast, Freddie has been contacted about a job, but he has to be 15 . The store wasn't aware that he had just turned 14. They thought he was about to turn 15 I guess. I've done all I can do for now, so I'm goin chill for a while and let my lawyer do her work. Besides, travel ball has started and that's more fun to do anyway.


Some folks have the class of the Jerry Springer show!!!

#34Consumer Comment

Sun, November 13, 2005

Peter, Dude, we're not on Jerry Springer, so class up your act a bit !!! The rude comments and insults are not good forms of communication. I guess if your mother would have been more involved in YOUR life you would have learned that. As for other jobs,Fred and his younger brother have shoveled snow, raked leaves, sold on ebay, did some cleaning at our church, and so on, but it's not the same as "going to work" everyday. Thanks to others for the kind and supportive comments. They are so helpful. It is nice to know there are people out there who do care about giving constructive ideas and not just here on the boards to pick fights, and attempt to hurt people. Hey there R from Newport Michigan, good to see someone that understands HYPERBOLE!!!!! Peter, do you understand that big word? Anyway, because of the news broadcast, Freddie has been contacted about a job, but he has to be 15 . The store wasn't aware that he had just turned 14. They thought he was about to turn 15 I guess. I've done all I can do for now, so I'm goin chill for a while and let my lawyer do her work. Besides, travel ball has started and that's more fun to do anyway.


Some folks have the class of the Jerry Springer show!!!

#35Consumer Comment

Sun, November 13, 2005

Peter, Dude, we're not on Jerry Springer, so class up your act a bit !!! The rude comments and insults are not good forms of communication. I guess if your mother would have been more involved in YOUR life you would have learned that. As for other jobs,Fred and his younger brother have shoveled snow, raked leaves, sold on ebay, did some cleaning at our church, and so on, but it's not the same as "going to work" everyday. Thanks to others for the kind and supportive comments. They are so helpful. It is nice to know there are people out there who do care about giving constructive ideas and not just here on the boards to pick fights, and attempt to hurt people. Hey there R from Newport Michigan, good to see someone that understands HYPERBOLE!!!!! Peter, do you understand that big word? Anyway, because of the news broadcast, Freddie has been contacted about a job, but he has to be 15 . The store wasn't aware that he had just turned 14. They thought he was about to turn 15 I guess. I've done all I can do for now, so I'm goin chill for a while and let my lawyer do her work. Besides, travel ball has started and that's more fun to do anyway.


Santa Ana,
Remember what your son ate before taking the drug test

#36Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 13, 2005

Your son has the right to question the company that failed his drug test. I suggest seeking legal help and get his name cleared. It will bite him in the future when he is going to take a drug test again. Chances are the new employer may use the same testing facility that has your son on file. Sue the store and the drug testing facility for damages. The goal is to have the file expunge. In the meantime have him look for a job somewhere else. Who knows, he might get a better job. I certainly would not want to work for a company that is disorganized anyways. Try to look back and remember what your son ate before taking the drug test. Believe it or not sometime food or medication can cause false reading. I remember that muffins with poppy seeds cause false reading for days and allergy medicine too. But, that was long time ago and it is not an urban legend either. Do a Google/Yahoo search about it or ask your doctor to recommend you someone that may know about this problem. I wish you and your son luck. As for your son, he now knows that sometime people can't be trusted at all. Oh, there is nothing to get involve in helping your son clearing his name. He is going to need all the help from trusted adults. Good Luck


To R in Michigan from R in Portland

#37Consumer Comment

Sun, November 13, 2005

C'mon Gini, you're not fooling anyone. It's time to move on, for the sake of your son.


Best Wishes

#38Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 13, 2005

Just a note to support this being resolved. It's unacceptable to be so careless with anyone's reputation, let alone a young man who is just getting his start. Involving the media and/or legal assistance seems the logical and reasonable avenue to provoke change, since all else has failed. A big deal doesn't need to be made over the mom's expression that it was his 'dream' - put it in perspective people. Seems it was more like a goal he had, but you can figure out what she meant. Sheesh. A first job means as much to anyone with a strong work ethic. My first experience, way (way, way) back when I was 15 was as a volunteer (candy striper)at an area nursing home. I looked for gainful employment but no one would hire at my age. I wanted to work so badly, I ultimately didn't care if I was getting paid or not, I just wanted to have a job. So I get what she's saying about how much it meant to him (but I also understand that he does want to get paid. lol., so I'm not suggesting he settle for volunteering) Whether or not this would potentially affect his future endeavors and no matter how small or how lofty they may be, it's a worthwhile pursuit to get this taken care of. It's also obviously something that others need to be aware of because since this shoddy practice is policy, it's highly likely this isn't an isolated incident. Best wishes


Kroger is NOT the "only place" a 14-year old can earn $$

#39Consumer Comment

Sat, November 12, 2005

It is a shame that little Freddy's "life long" dream was to be a Kroger bag-boy, supposedly to earn enough money for a car. Had he been taught to think for himself, he would have found many other options. How about ... 1- moving lawns? 2- shoveling snow? 3- babysitting? 4- newspaper route? 5- washing cars? 6- doing odd jobs? You see, there ARE other things little Freddy can do to earn money. The fact is either he hasn't been taught how to think for himself, or these types of jobs would make it difficult for nosy-mom to intrude upon and/or tag along.



#40Consumer Comment

Sat, November 12, 2005

You actually reported this to the media, and the local TV station did a report on it last week??? I hope you do realize that you just ruined little Freddy's chance of EVER getting a job ANYWHERE in your town, PERIOD. Drugs or no drugs, no one will want to hire him now because of your instigating and trouble-making. Everyone out there now knows that you and/or little Freddy will be the type to cause trouble by going to the media and/or anyone who will listen to talk badly about them and their company. Put simply, no one will want to deal with you stool pigeons. And in the world of minimum-wage employment, there are innumerable others who are interested in working a mindless job, so your son will never even be considered. GET OVER IT BEFORE YOU DO ANY MORE DAMAGE TO POOR LITTLE FREDDY!!!


Gini, look into something else for your son

#41Consumer Comment

Sat, November 12, 2005

I don't know if he has any interest in cars or trucks at all, but if he does, most shops are always willing to hire on a "shop-boy". This is a kid who keeps the shop clean and acts like a "gopher" for the mechanics. They also tend to do the oil changes and tire work. Mechanics hate that stuff. They also get the discounts the shop gets(good news for future repairs Mom). Columbus is filled with repair facilities for truck companies, and they also like helpers. It's just a thought. If he likes doing it, he may get to learn a real skill and make some fat money after school. There is nothing wrong with bagging groceries, but one Union store is the same as another. He may be on a list for the bad test. I am guessing Kroger is a union company. I wish him good luck. Too many kids today are just plain lazy. He seems to want something more out of life than the high score in a video game.


This goes beyond a 14 year old boy

#42Consumer Comment

Sat, November 12, 2005

Hey guys, Thanks for your comments. R, you are correct in saying that no one cares except for me. That's what is so frustrating. It goes beyond some 14year old kid. Drug testing should be taken seriously, innocent people working at Kroger could lose their jobs, and have a harder time finding another job because of a false positive. Kroger does have a responsibility to their employees. If they really cared about employing drug free people they would be doing things differently. Someone told me they get some break on insurance if they drug test,and that is really why they do it. I don't know if that is true, but it makes sense. I do have a down syndrome child, so I know what "retarded" is, and no, my son is an honor roll student with an above average IQ. I'm happy at age 11 my son aspired to have a job at all !!!!! Kroger is a realistic short-term aspiration for a child to have. So many kids expect things just to be handed to them, and when things are just handed to them, they grow up to be spoiled lazy adults. Is it "cool" to laugh at people, or call them losers because of a job in a grocery store or fast food chain? I hope you don't still do that now that you are grown. An honest buck is an honest buck !!! Not everyone can or wants to be a PHD. There is a place for everyone. You are correct in saying life is not fair, I guess I thought 14 was just a little to young to have this happen. I guess what doesn't kill ya will make you stronger! Thanks again for your comments.


Just call me a doting mom

#43Author of original report

Sat, November 12, 2005

Yeah, my son wasn't too happy with the nickname "Freddy" or the "Life-long dream comment. You see Kroger is the only place a 14 year old can work around here, and my son wants to buy a car at 16. So I guess buying the car is the real dream !! As for the test, my lawyer had me get a hair follicle test which actually gives a three month history of drug use, it was negative. I did witness the second test, and Christine did admit that she did the steps on the test that my son was supposed to do. So we have the interviewer who admits that she didn't follow the instructions and a negative result on a more comprehensive test. That tells me a mistake has been made. Apperently, a local news station trusts the result of the hair test I had done because they did a piece on this situation last Wed. night. I would't call myself a doting mother. I think alot of problems that children have are because parents don't get involved in their lives enough. Would I let him push me through the parking lot in a cart? Hey, sounds fun to me, as long as the cart wouldn't tip over. As for going to work with him..... I used to shop there all of the time, so I wouldn't of had to. I do believe that children should be children, and as they mature, be given added responsibilities so they CAN grow up to be mature responsible adults. If that is doting then call me a doting mom with my blessing.


Try Safeway

#44Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 12, 2005

I always thought that most of the people that worked at supermarkets WERE on drugs. But anyway, can't poor little Freddy just get a job at Safeway. But anyway, is your son retarded, and I'm not trying to be insulting, but it just isn't normal for someone with average intelligence to aspire to bagging groceries in a supermarket with a bunch of potheads and crackheads. When I was 14, I laughed at all of the losers that worked at supermarkets and fast food joints. And lastly, Kroger doesn't have a responsibility to find out how this happened for the sake of little Freddy, it's employees and the community. The truth of the matter is no one cares except you. You have a responsibilty to little Freddy to help him move on from this traumatic event. There's going to be a lot more things in life that just aren't going to be fair as well.


Try Safeway

#45Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 12, 2005

I always thought that most of the people that worked at supermarkets WERE on drugs. But anyway, can't poor little Freddy just get a job at Safeway. But anyway, is your son retarded, and I'm not trying to be insulting, but it just isn't normal for someone with average intelligence to aspire to bagging groceries in a supermarket with a bunch of potheads and crackheads. When I was 14, I laughed at all of the losers that worked at supermarkets and fast food joints. And lastly, Kroger doesn't have a responsibility to find out how this happened for the sake of little Freddy, it's employees and the community. The truth of the matter is no one cares except you. You have a responsibilty to little Freddy to help him move on from this traumatic event. There's going to be a lot more things in life that just aren't going to be fair as well.


Try Safeway

#46Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 12, 2005

I always thought that most of the people that worked at supermarkets WERE on drugs. But anyway, can't poor little Freddy just get a job at Safeway. But anyway, is your son retarded, and I'm not trying to be insulting, but it just isn't normal for someone with average intelligence to aspire to bagging groceries in a supermarket with a bunch of potheads and crackheads. When I was 14, I laughed at all of the losers that worked at supermarkets and fast food joints. And lastly, Kroger doesn't have a responsibility to find out how this happened for the sake of little Freddy, it's employees and the community. The truth of the matter is no one cares except you. You have a responsibilty to little Freddy to help him move on from this traumatic event. There's going to be a lot more things in life that just aren't going to be fair as well.


Try Safeway

#47Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 12, 2005

I always thought that most of the people that worked at supermarkets WERE on drugs. But anyway, can't poor little Freddy just get a job at Safeway. But anyway, is your son retarded, and I'm not trying to be insulting, but it just isn't normal for someone with average intelligence to aspire to bagging groceries in a supermarket with a bunch of potheads and crackheads. When I was 14, I laughed at all of the losers that worked at supermarkets and fast food joints. And lastly, Kroger doesn't have a responsibility to find out how this happened for the sake of little Freddy, it's employees and the community. The truth of the matter is no one cares except you. You have a responsibilty to little Freddy to help him move on from this traumatic event. There's going to be a lot more things in life that just aren't going to be fair as well.


San Antonio,
I Suspect

#48Consumer Comment

Fri, November 11, 2005

I suspect your son's "clean" sample may have been used by another party. I would probably contact an attorney about the improper handling of his previous test. Armed with the more accurate test, I'd attemp to have ANY record of the previous test removed and destroyed. It's interesting how crap like that can show up later in life, for security clearances and such. Aside from that, I wonder about an 11 year old who's talked nothing but working at kroger when he turned 14. The reason I mention this is because a few posts back is a post by ex-kroger employees who are or have been fired. According to them, the working conditions are very bad, management is terrible and there is no future with that company.


Oh puhlease!!! Give me a break! You need to stop doting on your son and let him handle his own affairs.

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, November 11, 2005

Poor little "Freddy," his life-long dream of being a Kroger bag-boy is now shattered, due to a supposedly "false positive" drug test. Now he will never get promoted to cart-boy, or maybe head custodian. Give me a break! You need to stop doting on your son and let him handle his own affairs. You actually wanted to sit in on his interview??? Geez ... if he were hired, would you have come to work with him everyday too? Would you ride in the cart as he pushed it around the parking lot? Just because little "Freddy" says that the rules were not followed does not mean that is true. Perhaps he has a secret that he is trying to hide from you. Or perhaps they really did not follow the instructions for the drug test. You were not present, so you cannot say for sure. Kroger is not going to accept the results of your privately-administered drug test, as they have no proof that the results are true! So get over it! And let your son live his own life! If he is old enough to have a job, he should be old enough to take care of his own problems. And geez... if you are going to give your teenage son a nickname, can't you do a little better than "Freddy?"

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