  • Report:  #1398493

Complaint Review: Lady Godiva Beauty - Nationwide

Reported By:
Sharon - Charlestown, Indiana, USA

Lady Godiva Beauty
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

On June 28th, I joined a new direct selling company called Lady Godiva Beauty. I've been in direct sales since 2007 and I was excited to hear about a new opportunity. I acheived rank of Elite Beauty within 30 days and Noble Beauty within 60 days. I was the #1 top seller in the company during the month of July 2017.

I recruited beauties and built my team to 35 women with the promise of no quotas (ever - as ALL of their posts on social media indicated) Without warning - in early September 2017 - all beauties were advised of a quota requirement. Though small, this was an issue with many on my team. In direct sales - to be sucessful you need to build relationships with others and this does not happen in a speedy manner.  Many people left the company because of this.

I was a director with this company until late August. I resigned my directorship due to a family illness matter and because I was told I was to remove all postings mentioning other makeup products I used. I often do Makeup Of The day posts to talk about products that work for me and give tips and tricks on application. Lady Godiva Beauty does not offer many of the products that I use to create makeup looks every day. As of 9/7/17 I was removed from all corporate groups on Facebook without warning or explanation. I have tried to call the toll free number also without sucess.

I have not posted anything untrue regarding Lady Godiva Beauty and I am dumbfounded as to why I was removed. I have a support ticket in, and that also has remained unanswered. Being removed from social media groups prevents me from knowing state of affairs, incentives, and sales. It has seriously hurt my ability to run my business.

I sincerely hope that anyone that consideres joining a new direct sales company do their research on the CEO, location, etc. Lady Godiva Beauty's 'corporate' address is actually a UPS store PO box.

There are many other issues with this company included extremely delayed shipping times for all products ordered. I ordered my business kit in July, and have been told numerous times the makeup trunks are on back order. In order to sign up new 'beauties' you are required to purchase a business kit (which includes a makeup trunk and some makeup to demo). How can I legitimately sign someone up knowing that they cannot effictively advertise their business and promote/demo the products when they are on constant back order?

I have requested my final commisions check to be loaded to my paycard, and makeup to be sent to me in leu of the makeup trunk since as of the date of this report - Lady Godiva still does not have an idea when the trunks will be in.

In my personal suspicion - the trunks/makeup are not on backorder - the company does not have the money to purchase these things.

I hope everyone that reads this is encouraged to do due dilgence in researching any sort of business venture. It is easy to get burned.



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