  • Report:  #1192147

Complaint Review: Larry Miller / Andy - Internet

Reported By:
Anon123456323 - NYC, New York,

Larry Miller / Andy
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

"Larry Miller or Andy" is a longtime ring leader on The Erotic Review.  He changes his TER handle like he changes underwear and is very calculated and sneaky in the way he does it.  He sometimes terminates his aliases exactly a year - day by day - from the day he starts using them.  He will also open multiple TER accounts to have more than one alias at a time.  Fortunately, his writing style is very easily recognizable so anyone with a background in cybercrime and/or digital fingerprints can recognize this low life.

Larry/Andy manipulates escort reviews on TER. If an escort rejects his criminal demands for free or unreasonable sex, he downgrades the escorts' rating, writes fraudulent lies on boards (public and reviewers only board), or removes profiles on TER by creating lies and contacting moderators and other hobbyists and escorts to influence them to take his side. He enjoys exposing what he considers are "frauds" in the business.  Most often than not, the "fraudulent actions" he exposes are totally fabricated by him and he appears to believe his own lies.   He really should consult a therapist - borderline personality disorder sounds like the correct diagnosis.  It's a shame such a grown man has nothing better to do with his time but bother ladies.  He clearly doesn't have any real friends and his life revolves around Theeroticreview.  

Larry pretends to be friends with escorts, agencies or fellow hobbysts.  He will often call escorts and agencies on the phone and pretend to be friends with them only to get information that he can later utilize to ruin the same people he pretends to be friends with.  Someone with knowledge of the business has told me that he is an informant, which doesn't surprise me at all. 

His hatred for women is prevalent as he is well known on escort sites for talking badly about ladies - especially privately.  Girls I've spent time with have said that he is 1) overbearing, 2) gross and totally unattractive 3) falls asleep during sessions 4) very demanding and forceful in a very gross way 5) the WORST client they ever had.  It is unfortunate that anyone has to experience him. Hopefully others will be able to stay clear from this monster. 

"Larry Miller" works in NYC but lives in NJ.  We have his real name and we will not hesitate to go further with this if he doesn't disappear from the boards completely - He has been warned!   This will go very far and retribution will not go easy.

Larry Miller's TER handles/aliases:


Top Boss Man

GoINPeace3 (what he uses to review today)

FBSM (alias started April 7th)

anon90210 (replacement alias for TopBossMan). 52 horrible reviews under the TopBossMan handle. He was demoted by the moderators of TER back in 2012 because he was told he was "negative, trouble making, rude and slanderous".  And they were absolutely corrrect.

anon7747493 (alias from November 16th 2011 to November 15th 2012, very calculated!  Does he have an alarm on his phone telling him when to close an alias?? LOL)

SirRichard (used on boards like hobbyxxxchange)


SS344 ... and the list goes on ...

"Larry" used to be the moderator of the NYC TER board until TER took it over internally in February 2012. He only makes friends with escorts and other TER members to berate and betray them later. A "friend" of his who was also a TER moderator on 19 different boards over 12 years told me recently that all "Larry" does is betray whoever he pretends to be friends with. His TER "friends" are now turning on him and telling ladies and hobbyists a lot of personal details about him. I even have his address, wife's name and employment info. It`s only a matter of time before he gets down in the dirt

TopBossMan/Apollo-X/GoInpeace3/anon7747493 also pretends to be friends with another longtime ring leader of TER (James Patton) who has had over 200 handles on TER over the years.  TopBossMan/LarryMiller/Andy was telling three independent escorts I have spent time with that James Patton was "a major loser who lived in his ex-wife's basement and who only attemps to get freebees in exchange of writing fake reviews for escorts.  He told these ladies that James is a pimp who is promoting prostitution.   Jewels Star is a lady he actively promotes on TER and other websites - he is her pimp and writes fake reviews for her.  TopBossman has told someone I know that she is his girlfriend.   There is clearly a competition between TBM/Larry/Andy and James Patton/Fuzzy/anotherdonjohn/anon7658849

James Patton's TER aliases include:







Smelly Smegma (2004-2006 Boston admin moderator on TER)

Heinous Anys



tramp Stamp


James Patton is an active staff member of TER who investigates, threatens, attacks, and ruins escorts in hateful and illegal manners. He was previously the TER Boston board moderator under the user id Smelly Smegma.  He has well over 800 userids on TER to carry out his agenda of attacking and ruining escorts.  


Beware of these two idiots - they are psychopaths who will ruin your lives..

They say "you reap what you sow" and I think TBM is about to get what he sowed his entire life.  He was stupid enough to show up to an appointment with a lady who doesn't like him at all and who took his wallet when he was busy.  We have his address, name, everything.   Outing people goes both ways.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Andrew Blackman is "Goinpeace/SirRichard/Andy/Mark Toth/Mark Smith/listlord/2hard2handle"

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, December 15, 2014

It is correct that GoinPeace is a balding CPA. (((link redacted)))

He used to review under the handle "TurtleSoup1" but had all his reviews from that handle deleted and transfered to another new handle.  He is a disgusting pig who often shorts girls of money.

His former email used to be [email protected]

He has had many names and emails over the years

67fbird@, sdrr247plus@... markkroen@.  etc. etc

He constantly has to change his info because he has such a bad reputation. He threatens girls by pretending to be LE, meanwhile he is an informant working for LE. He also asks for favors and freebees in exchange of favorable reviews.

 "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption."



New York,
James Patton responds with more s*** and talks about himself in the third person LOL

#3Author of original report

Mon, December 01, 2014

James Patton / Fuzzy / Headcheese, FuzzyPhallus / Smelly Smegma / Heinous Anus / Youve_Got_Male / anal_creampie=dessert / Beaver_Damn (shilling alias) / Tramp Stamp / kosherseafood / AnotherDonJohn/ anon765884


has replied to the report above and here is what he wrote.  It's hilarious to see that he writes about himself in the third person!  Personality disorder, maybe?  


"Sir Richard is a 60 y.o.  balding Jewish CPA who lives in NJ. He's obnoxious, a bit of a  jerk,  but harmless. I know Patton and he's a friend, and he's not a pimp, never extorted anyone,  breaks no laws, doesn't do any of the dumb a** crap posted there, has no basement, and is a nice good guy. None of the BS about him is true either. I won't out his info. Who makes up this idiot lying crap?  It's ALL lies posted by losers with no info.  Like David West, Big Ducky!"


What a f****** moron.  Keep talking about yourself in the third person, little fuzzy furry. You're very entertaining.




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