  • Report:  #68832

Complaint Review: Lexus Of Roseville Cal Auto Mall - Roseville California

Reported By:
- Roseville, California,

Lexus Of Roseville Cal Auto Mall
300 Automall Drive, Roseville, Ca 95661 Roseville, 95661 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We purchased a new 300 ES in June. This car has not been acceptable. We have had the car back for Re-checks 4 to times. They have attempted to correct the matter but are unable to..

They have said it is the character of the car. The transmission slips and every gear change is very noticeable. The stories that we have been told seem unbelievable. Henry Ford, although I am not old enough to know or certain must have built a better car. The 63 Manual Volkswagon that I had (I could shift smoother).. At least I would know when to expect the shifts...

The company has contacted us but has not been able to do anything more for us. They did offer us a trade-in, like we had driven it in off the street. This trade in was based on as if we had just driven in off the street (with great depreciation) and would apply it toward another new car. (with some Throw-in adjustments)....The car has just 2,900 miles on it. Which we have been trying to correct since the days following the purchase.

We feel we purchased this car in good faith and expect the same loyality that they say their name lives up to... We have had 5 Lexus cars now, we have always been happy that is why we have continued to always go back to Lexus...This happens to be another company (Dealership) The others were purchased in Marin County. Lexus of Marin. This is the only one that we have purchase from the Roseville, Lexus. We moved here just about a year and a half ago.

We have just not been satisfied in anyway with this service. It has been a waste of our time and so much frustration. What are we able to do......

We just received a call from the Corporate office Friday (late) saying sorry.....I tried to call back and everyone was off for the weekend.....Where does a consumer stand on this......


Roseville, California

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Finally Settled, high praise for the Company.

#2Author of original report

Thu, December 18, 2003

Everything has been handled professionally and our concerns have been cleared...We have high praise for the Company.


Happy Customers at Last

#3Author of original report

Sun, December 07, 2003

We just wanted to report that we are happy customers of Lexus of Roseville. We have been treated fairly and to the best of our knowledge all has been completed with generous consideration .


Retraction ..They have been very accomodating.

#4Author of original report

Wed, November 26, 2003

Lexus of Roseville in the past month has done everything possible to accomodate our situation. At this time we have no complaints with the the Corp or the Dealership. They have been very accomodating. We are certainly Thankful....We were feeling very lost. We now feel that everything will be corrected. We have been told that it will be. Again. Thank You and Thank you Lexus of Roseville. They have again lived up to their name and reputation.

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