  • Report:  #876892

Complaint Review: LinkTech International - Internet

Reported By:
Dudee22 - , Oregon, United States of America

LinkTech International
6107 SW Murray Blvd. Suite 630 Beaverton, Oregon 9700 97006 Internet, United States of America
(800) 416-5603
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked at Linktech International for over a year. I was fresh out of college and looking for an opportunity in advertising. I ended up, not as a telemarketer, (unlike most of the employees at the company), but in the search engine optimization department, in charge of processing clients and placing their personal advertisements and landing pages on google/bing. When I started, the department was incredibly understaffed, which created a sweat shop like atmosphere, as my daily workload was completely unreasonable and mentally taxing. We had thousands of individual google Adwords placements to create, monitor and optimize, which meant that it was common for Individual clients ad campaigns to go unmonitored for weeks and months at a time simply due to the amount of client requests and lack of staffing to support the needs of each client. I continually asked upper management to expand the department, seeing how we were an online advertising firm and the department responsible for the actual online advertising was incredibly understaffed, which made absolutely no sense. It became clear that upper management was only interested in increasing sales numbers (and collecting credit card numbers) while promising a service and quality of product that we in the marketing department just couldn't live up to with the lack of personell in the department. This meant that I was told to work harder, which often resulted in working overtime. At a certain point, management told me that overtime would not be allowed, which meant the quality of our product would suffer as our clients would not be receiving the service that was initially pitched to them. Eventually, I convinced management to hire more people in the marketing department. Unfortunately, for our new employees, they were greeted with the same sweat shop like conditions I had been enduring considering our department was located in a glorified closet. Again, linktech solutions is an online ad firm that cared very little for the actual advertising department. Under these working conditions discontent grew among members of the ad department not only due to the working environment, but also to the lack of compensation for all of the backbreaking work we did. At one point, discontent had reached such a level In the department that upper management called me into the office because they finally noticed the atmosphere was toxic. Instead of consulting me on how we could change the culture in a constructive way, the president of the company told me that he had a notion just to fire everyone in the department (many of which had only worked their a few weeks) and hire a whole new staff. Upon hearing this I almost quit on the stop due to the unbelievable lack of respect the president of the company felt for his employees. Truly, from the sales floor, to the receptionists, and down to the advertising team all of the employees in these positions were viewed as entirely replacable and were treated as such on a daily basis. However, having said all of this, I wouldn't necessarily call Linktech international a scam business simply because I have seen the google analytics, which has shown how their service had provided leads and results to customers all over the country. However, what the real ripoff is involves the utter mistreatment of 99% of the employees for the gain of a select few: the president of the company and the CEO, who crazy enough, actually made employees take time away from their jobs and make them participate in listening sessions of his bands album to determine what songs his band should promote or use on their upcoming album. It was a surreal experience straight out of the movie Office Space that added to employee disgruntlement, as we all realized that our hard work (for miniscule compensation) was directly financing the CEOs dream of being a rock star. It was a completely ridiculous and unprofessional obligation that we all had to participate in (and almost torturous as the bands music was pretty muchunlistenable). Imagine Nicleback, Green Day and Linking Park had a baby and that was the CEOs band, "Abused Romance"...just embarrassing. Basically, working at Linktech was truly a bizarre, grueling, and often times an enraging experience. The only takeaway was that I was able to learn Google Adwords and apply that to my own personal business and other career opportunities. Overall, I would not recommend using this companies service simply because I know first hand who is in control of pulling the levers and what really matters to upper management, and it surely it isn't their employees or providing a quality product. It is gaining credit card numbers based off a faulty business model that promotes quantity of clients over providing a quality product. Looking back, coming right out of college, the experience gave me great insight into the harsh realities of the real world, especially the world of business, but this companies complete lack of employee consideration and respect is staggering....even for the "real world." Theres a thousand other ad companies who can provide the same service, but cheaper and with more experienced professionals who care about providing excellent service for their clients, while also cultivating an atmosphere of respect and dignity for their employees. Huh, imagine that? In conclusion, my recommendation is that when Linktech Solutions calls....hang up.

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