  • Report:  #1237013

Complaint Review: LORI BRUNE / BUSYBEEES.COM ESTATE SALES - Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Reported By:
Kantrell Green - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
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The gross mis-conduct and unprofessionalism of Lori Brune (proprietor/owner of www.busybeees.com estate sales of Oklahoma City and surrounding area) at an estate sale that I attended recently (1713 Pembroke Dr. Norman, OK 73072 ) left myself & everyone else in the room putrefied, yes literally sick to our stomachs at her approach to an innocent older lady that fell victim to Lori Brune / Busy Bee garage/Estate/Liquidation Sales LLC. out of control enraged venomous angry outburst as she, Lori Brune physically attacked one of the purchasers at the estate sale in Norman, Ok. Lori Brune assaulted, insulted, humiliated, and publically embarrassed an innocent older lady when she, Lori Brune, in a raving frenzy grabbed an older woman’s articles out of her arms without identifying herself as the proprietor of BusyBeees.com Estate Sales or why she, Lori Brune felt the need to snatch, pull and violently remove the articles from the older lady’s arms. When the older lady responded gently, shocked and not understanding exactly what was happening, the older lady asked quizzical, obviously confused,  ‘What are you doing?” Lori Brune, still not identifying herself, raged in anger, screamed into the older lady’s face so that the crowded room could hear and witness the embarrassment, she, Lori Brune was inflecting upon the unsuspecting innocent older lady, “Someone is changing the price tags on articles and I WILL see your items” The older lady co-operating with the assailant, said, “Of course, you may see my items, but I can assure you I have not changed any of the items tags. Please stop pulling at the items and allow me to lay the items down on a table so that I may not break any of these items instead of snatching them from my arms.”  Lori Brune continued to snatch recklessly at the items without any care to the damage being done by her actions to the items or to the older lady. The older lady’s request fell onto Lori Brunes deaf ears as she, Lori Brune being too infuriated to listen to the older lady’s protest and promise, as the older lady did her best to cross the room to a table while dragging the fuming, seething, irate Lori Brune by the remaining articles left in the older lady’s arms. Lori Brune continued with her non-stop cataclysmic snatching as items fell to the floor. Once to the table the older lady sat what remained of her chosen items down,  completely unaware of the fact that everyone (approximately 15-25 people as we were lined up to check out)  in the room is now starring at the grotesque display of Lori Brune. Lori Brune sifted thru the items growing more angry and intent,  throwing things about in her fury to find something amiss, only to find that everything was as it should be.


Then as quickly as Lori Brune had swooped on the poor unsuspecting INNOCENT older lady, she, Lori Brune left without saying anything else to the older lady.  Leaving all of the spectators to draw their own conclusion as to what the older lady had done or had not done. Lori Brune rush off to find yet another innocent victim for her vigilant wrath outside in the back yard. Leaving the older lady dumb founded as to what had just happened, mortified with embarrassment of the outrageous display of Lori Brune and near tears as the older lady became very aware of everyone looking at her and whispering behind her back. The look on the older womans face as she look about the room broke my heart and I too felt her heart break of this attack. I too wanted to cry. Every one of us in that room looked down with shame, shaking our heads and fighting back the emotions of the over zealous hateful display of Lori Brunes outrageous attack on the older woman as we too stood petrified of her, Lori Brunes attack and our own inability - unable to step in to assist.

Lori Brunes assault was completely uncalled for and unfounded by her own admittance. Lori Brune actions is grotesquely inexcusable. This is not professional in any manner of conduct except maybe that of a strong armed thief or criminal. I felt ashamed and disgust for Lori Brune.


You would think that would be the end of this story, right? NO!

As I mentioned before, there was a long line of purchasers waiting to check out. The older lady had not moved from the table where she had perched most of her selected items during the attack as she, the older lady was still trying to recover, collect herself, wipe the tears from her face and re-gather her items when Lori Brune appeared again to swoop on the older lady for the second time. Lori Brune screamed (a usual tactic I see, of Lori Brunes, for attention) “What are you still doing here?” Everyone now including the older lady is looking about to see who Lori Brunes next victim is and to our surprise, Lori Brune is targeting the same older lady! The older lady, now better equipped to deal with the onset. Said “I don’t know who you are, but you are going to stop attacking me. You have proven yourself to be out of line!” Lori Brune, proudly boasts loudly into the room that she IS “THE PROPERITOR!” Then Lori Brune rushes the older lady, seizing the items from the older lady’s arms and ordered her to “SHUT UP AND GET OUT!!! I DON’T THINK YOU NEED TO BUY ANYTHING TODAY. LEEEEAVE”  The older lady replied “Are you serious? I have NOT done anything for you to continue to attack and berate me. You need to stop! I am not leaving, I am waiting on someone!” Lori Brune screaming at the top of her voice “YOU WILL LEAVE! NOW!!!” Tossing the older lady out into the July hot summers heat to wait. Where is the humanity in that. The older lady said “Fine.”  Everyone fell silent to scared to move in fear of Lori Brunes next attack. She, Lori Brune was running off more patrons than any that were actually purchasing.  Then a  gentleman in the crowd spoke up after the older lady left the house and said to Lori Brune. “You were wrong in what you just did. You are out of line by your own admittance.  Accosting purchasers is no way to do business or stay in business. This is a small town, ya know. You don’t know that old lady or who she might know or who she is kin to. She has enough witness to file a civil claim against you, if not a criminal claim due to the way you physically attacked her. You need to be glad someone did not call the police on YOU. You should be ashamed of your actions here today. I am embarrassed for you”.  

 Lori Brune then relieved this gentleman of his items and screamed into his face for him to “LEEEAVE!” as she pointed at the door. The gentleman left.

A young girl was actually at the check out counter. The cashier has set the girls purchase to the side of the small table/makeshift pay out counter so that the young girl could sit her purse down to retrieve her billfold and pay. When Lori Brune charged the counter, slaming her hand down on top of the intransit purchase,  demanding  “whos items are these and why are they not paid for!” The young girl replied “They are mine and they have been paid for.” Lori Bruns response was “They had better be!” (uhhh check out counter – chashier – cash exchanging hands = paid!) Tyrant much there, Lori Brune!

Lori Brune outrageously attacked at least 4 innocent purchasers while I stood in line. I could not get out of there fast enough. What kind of greed possess a person to act and react in such a disgusting way?

FOR THE RECORD: She, Lori Brune had an entourage of pricing workers that day, who was pricing items as the sale was going on. The pricing was being selected according to these individuals,  each with a different opinion regarding the value of the items. After all an Estate Sale is … is a glorified Garage Sale with over priced USED JUNK-ish (sometimes very nice junk-ish items). The point is most items at sales like these ARE USED at best, and do not have a standard pricing scale. It is up to the pricer to determine what a consumer will pay top dollar for and bottom dollar for, with the concept of top dollar being paid the first day, then slowly diminishing in price as the set amount of days for the sale depletes.

This particular sale began with the onset of disorganization. Items were being marked by several pricers during the process of the sale. Let me say that again! DURING THE PROCESS OF THE SALE!   How could Lori Brune possibly know when a tag was being removed (Or not priced yet) changed (OR due to the multiple people employed by her to make different opinion calls regarding values of unmarked items) when she had absolutely NO control over the environment BEFORE the sale insued.

 It looked to me like she is very disorganized and unprofessional from the very get go. Lori Brune was power drunk, lashing out at the patrons and holding innocent people responsible for her own BAD Character, disgusting disorganization, inability to work under pressure, and in way over her head with her business! Lori Brune needs to be locked up somewhere before she actually does hurt someone and medicated. She, Lori Brune does NOT need to be part of an estate sale. These types sales are very emotional for the family members, friends, relatives and community. Estate Sales should be conducted with the understanding of tender loving care and tact! After all these items reflect the moved on persons life. Most purchasers that attend are connected emotionally in some way. Something that was NOT displayed by Lori Brune.


 I can tell you, I for one will NOT attend another sale conducted by LORI BRUNE!


Phone numbers:  (405) 603-2423 | (913) 609-2107






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