  • Report:  #67167

Complaint Review: LOU LEASE - Vision Financial Services - New Orleans Louisiana

Reported By:
- Shreveport, Louisiana,

LOU LEASE - Vision Financial Services
650 Poydras Street #1400 New Orleans, 70130 Louisiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I feel I was not given all the details or adequate information from the Lou Lease Program staff. No two people associated with the program seemed to have had the same information. Whenever you were fortunate enough to speak with anyone, they all gave you different information or suggested you speak with another individual. It was as if everyone attended different training sessions (or no training at all).

My concern was that I previously filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Although I have re-established credit, at the present time, I have no bills that I need help in managing or that I need to pay off.

During the "so called" credit counseling sessions, I told this to the "Counselor", plus she also had my credit file which showed that all 3 scores from the 3 main reporting agencies, listsed my credit score at over 600. I asked if this program was the best way for me to go. She informed me that because of my bankruptcy that this would be the best way for me to purchase a home, but she continued to ask me about bills, loans, and credit. She seemed to find it hard to believe I had no bills or loans to pay off, but still insisted on me continuing with the program.

I then did some research on my own and discoverd that this program was not the ideal way for me. I contacted numerous montgage companies and was told that with a score of over 600 they saw no reason I should not be able to purchase a house with a conventional loan. Why couldnt the "Credit Counselor" from the Lou Lease Program see that? Why should I be obligated to pay $150 over what the actual lease payment through Lou Lease would be for 3 years when I could wait a few months and purchase a home on my own?

Seems they were only out to make money. No one I've spoken with has had anything good to say about the Lou Lease Program, considering everyone was so excited when they first heard about it. I've lost $95 in this rip-off.

To everyone considering the Lou Lease Program - BE CAREFUL AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK, it is not what it appears.

"Pissed On"

Shreveport, Louisiana

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