  • Report:  #68634

Complaint Review: Luminary Online - Reston Virginia

Reported By:
- Ashburn, VA,

Luminary Online
11417 Sunset Hills Rd, #104 Reston, 20190-5233 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well, so far I have been shafted by Adelphia business-class (they refunded my $199) and their claims of giving out static IPs only to find out later youre not allowed to host anything and I was recently bent over with no vaseline by Luminary Corporation, LLC.

Let me say that they are VERY quick to get you to sign the dotted line and hand them $675 ($500 for equipment and $175 for setup) then they NEVER call or write to give you a status until YOU initiate contact.... I signed up on June 27, 2003 and after battling with them and their "installation/equipment issues" I FINALLY was able to schedule an installation for this past Monday (10/06/03).

Took a 1/2 day off from work only to be stood up by the installer. NO Call, No notification, no nothing (except tumbleweeds). I called to find out what happened and the CEO - bryan paulk, tried to locate another installer. Called me back and informed me that no one had a ladder tall enough to install the antenna. What the hell is that? Youre a Wireless ISP without the proper equipment to run your business?

That would be like Dell computer saying "well, we need to run out and buy some motherboards". But alas, i digress. I was then told that they would be out on Tuesday while I was at work to install the antenna and then pull the wires down the side of the house so they could finish when I return home that evening.

As you can imagine I returned home, house looks the same and guess what- no antenna! I call and speak to these monkeys for them to tell me that they don't think they can get me a good enough signal! Isn't that what a "site survey" is for!!! I was told they were banking on using the cell tower closeby and that it didnt work. Supposedly, their range is 18 miles with their antenna on Old Dominion University on Route 7.

I live less than half that and waited nearly four months while they cashed my check only to be told I couldn't get service!!! I also heard rumors they are having serious financial problems. Oh great, so in other words my deposit was part of someone's severence for leaving this company.

I knew things were REALLY bad when i tried to go to Luminary's website only to find it DOWN!! So far it has been down since Tuesday morning! I will be very lucky if I see a penny back from these crooks! Verizon at least was honest about not being able to provide broadband service and didn't take my money.

I found Verolan and called for more information. Not only will they be out in 2-3 days for an install, I don't have to pay them until everything is working!!!! Stay away from Luminary Corporation, LLC. The deposit is outrageous and level of customer service is as accomodating as a root canal!


Ashburn, Virginia

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