  • Report:  #1138631

Complaint Review: Lurong Living - Internet

Reported By:
JohnBoat - Alabama,

Lurong Living
Internet, USA
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My take on Lurong Living's Antler Velvet Product and Company Ethics…

Before I post my review and analysis of this company, I will first share the definition that appears in a google search of the word "LURONG"  LURONG MEANS MENTALLY DERANGED?? FIRE the marketing department!

I will now begin my final public analysis of Lurong Living… Lets start with the NAME of the company...

From a marketing standpoint, I was dumbfounded at how a company that boasts about its credentials would not do research on the NAME they put on their products before branding it that way.  That fact is an indicator to me and should be to  anyone investigating this company that their credibility may be in question.  This is sheer insanity in itself. This is like naming your child "UGLY".

A Practical & Logical Review Of Lurong Living

While I have seen some negative reviews regarding this company and its ethics on sites such as RipOffReport.Com, I am going to share this review from a non-emotional position. I have facts that I have found regarding this companies products and claims and I challenge anyone (including Lurong Living) to prove my thorough analysis wrong.

Consumers are not stupid in this age of Google searching.  Most consumers do their homework before buying a product and the old adage "if it is too good to be true, it probably is" holds true most of the time. In this case, I feel it hits home. 

Warm Fuzzy Stories and Propaganda to launch a company

A product that does what it says it does and has the ingredients that its labels claims it has does not need propaganda to market that product. To be clear, this is a new product to the market and mysteriously came about after all the NFL, MLB and PGA press hit the wires regarding Antler Velvet.  Do your research on how long this product has been around and you will find this to be fact.

 Adam Greenberg Strikes out…TWICE..

Yes, it is a TOUCHING Story but you MUST read on and see what was truly behind this "Come Back"….It’s like donating to a charity and finding out that charity spent your money on hookers and beer.


Propoganda comes to play when Adam Greenberg (the former MLB ball player who suffered a head injury) came back to play in one final MLB game. This game was a "feel good story" fed to the public but had deeper motives than anyone thought. After Adam Greenberg was given his last "At Bat" in the Major Leagues since his injury meant retirement, he struck out.  Striking out would have been admirable given the injury he sustained, however, Adam Greenberg truly struck out with the public when the motive behind this feel good story, quickly poked its ugly head out.  Adam Greenberg immediately began "Pitching" Lurong Living's Antler Velvet capsules and to make matters worse, the company began making claims about its product  and diminished products of other companies that were not powders but were extracts.

NOW..See how Greenberg is now pitching "Product" after the "feel good" story?

Lurong Living hopes the public is stupid -  GASTRIC Versus Sublingual..Sublingual wins.

Lurong Living has continually claimed that "EXTRACTS" are ineffective and their POWDERS are the only way antler velvet is effective.  Additionally, they have repeatedly slandered several companies who have been providing antler extract to the public for over a decade (remember, Lurong is the new kid on the block). Their product is a powder, therefore it is processed in the body the gastric way (through the stomach).  This along means that over a quarter of their products ingredients never hit the blood stream..But it gets worse.

Here are some facts regarding Lurong Livings Product, straight from a lab that tested a bottle of their product.


2 Capsules, which is one serving of their product ONLY contained 160 NG of IGF

LOW IGF-1 content in any Antler Velvet product =  Waste Of Money

IGF is the ingredient that makes antler velvet worth gold, yet their product only contains roughly 80 NG per capsule?  A simple search will show you several companies who have the SUBLINGUAL, LIPOSOME Antler extract that contain HUNDREDS, even THOUSANDS more NG's per serving of IGF in their products (several lab tested). Lurong Livings product is in a capsule as we stated before, so maybe 50% of the IGF will even reach the blood stream (160 NG is not enough IGF in any product to help a mouse). This is an actual LAB test of their product so facts are facts. What this company does not want the public to know is that extracts in liposome sprays reach the blood stream 100 times faster than their powder and contain THOUSANDS of nanograms of IGF-1 in each serving.

Lurong Living's NFL Propoganda Marketing Angle..

Lurong living has attempted to ride the wave, or rather, COAT TAILS of companies who's products contain thousands of NG's of IGF-1. These companies were the talk of the sport nation for the past 3 years due to the IGF-1 that their products actually contain. In fact, the NFL BANNED their products because of their IGF-1 content. Now, we have just shown how LITTLE IGF-1 their product has, but nonetheless, their product has a TRACE of IGF-1 in it. Is the NFL allowing "tiny" traces of IGF-1 to be used by the players? Thats like saying, Marijuana is illegal in the NFL but you can have ONE joint every once in a while?

Lurong Living is all about publicity..

Lurong Living yearns to be in the news for publicity and a spike in sales so they claim their product is the ONLY antler velvet product that is not banned by the NFL. Really?  The BAN on antler velvet products is in place due to IGF-1 content in the antler velvet products. This is the INGREDIENT (which Lurongs has only trace amounts of ) that even cause the NFL to give it the time of day in banning!  This is not only laughable but should cause anyone who is currently using their powder pills of 80 NG of IGF-1 to question their claims.  Without high IGF-1 content in their product, you are essentially swallowing capsules of nothing, yet spending your hard earned money to do that. I would not buy their product for that reason alone..Deceptive advertising.

IS CNN a PROP or were they SET-UP by Lurong (Mentally Insane)..

Dr. Sanjay Gupta may have been DUPED? Once he finds out they are selling powder in a capsule (may as well be flour in them!) I wonder what he will think? Lab results do not lie…

Ok..so another RAT found in the basement of this company. It is bad enough that this company uses propaganda to advance their cause, but now they are pushing it on CNN! Has CNN done their homework on this company and what their product does NOT have in it that they claim it HAS? Meanwhile, they TOUT, they are the ONLY product APPROVED by the NFL? Since when? The NFL has a BAN on ALL products that contain IGF-1.  Lurongs (MENTALL INSANE) product has ITTY BITTY amounts of IGF-1 in their product (not enough to help a mouse), but nonetheless it has SOME in it..I guess the NFL approves of a certain QUANTITY of IGF in a product? I think not. I think the NFL is smarter than that and these guys are skating on thin ice. By the way, I am submitting this to the NFL so they can see how LURONG (Mentally Insane) is using the NFL as a PROP…

OH, one more thing..Major League Baseball has a BAN on IGF-1 as well! I guess Mr. Greenberg broke the rules on his one day contract because he was taking this product then right?  This company will do anything to make a buck. My guess is Major League Baseball did not KNOW Mr. Greenberg was going to pull the BAIT and SWITCH when he was given his ONE day contract….That in itself smells of rotten FISH..Oh, it was the MARLINS that gave him that contract so maybe it was a rotten Marlin.

Lurong Living Using meaningless  "BADGES" as feathers in their caps..

There is nothing worse than a person posing as a war veteran when they never served a day in their life. I call people like this, "Posers" (we have all heard the term). Lurong Living, once again, wants the public to believe they are "righteous" and responsible by touting their company as a "BCSG Certified Company"..They are wearing this title like they fought in the war!

BCSG Certified is a title just about any company can get if they wish to pay for it. This is like joining the Better Business Bureau and getting their logo on your site. It looks good, but does NOT necessarily mean the company that bears the "LOGO" is worth its weight in gold. 

FINAL ANALYSIS and a CONCLUSION that ANY reasonable person would come to..

Lurong Living seems to lean heavily on Propaganda and attacks on other companies to prop themselves up as the best company to get your Antler Velvet formula from.

This type of strategy or "scheme" is the first sign of a skunk in the woods when it comes to how a company presents its product to the marketplace.  Lurong Living is new to this industry and they are merely trying to capture as much market share of the Antler Velvet sector by using every trick in the book to do such (former MLB players making last at-bats in the major leagues and becoming a carnival barker the next day for a product..etc).

While these "feel good" stories and badges may look good, it ALL comes down to this at the end of the day…What does the PRODUCT actually have in it. In this case, it has very little IGF-1  (160 NG per serving-Enough to do nothing for you).

Here is the lab result one more time to see..This was an analysis of LURONG LIVINGS product..

If you want to pay $31 for a $3 product be our guest.

Remember, one serving (2 capsules) is going to give you about 180 Nanograms of IGF-1 (the most IMPORTANT ingredient)..Out of that 180 NG (which is not enough to help a mouses FOOT!), your body will only absorb about 50% of that because it is going through your GASTRIC process. So you are basically spending money for nothing when there are dozens of LIPOSOME sprays on the market that have THOUSANDS of nanograms PER SPRAY and over 90% of that is absorbed because it is being ingested through your MUCOUS membranes. Your spraying the formula under the tongue and it is going to your blood stream and not through your stomach.  Again, why pay $31 or even $10 for something that does not have enough of the IGF-1 to do anything for you?

$31 FOR a bottle of NOTHING? (Fancy Bottle Though!)

I would demand a REFUND on this if I bought it….

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