  • Report:  #1096074

Complaint Review: Luxembourg Online SA - Luxembourg Other

Reported By:
Rolando - Luxembourg, Other,

Luxembourg Online SA
14, Avenue du X Septembre Luxembourg, 2550 Other, Luxembourg
2799 0000 - 2
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Below, the emails exchanged with the internet provider Luxembourg Online SA are shown. By them self, they explain quite well the fraud. I haven't replied their last email because is their word against mine. Note that, some texts has been removed for anonymity reasons.

First email

To whom it may concern:

I, ***, write this letter looking for an explanation and rectification regarding an annoying situation I have just experienced with your company Luxembourg Online.

I signed a contract on **** with your company in order to be provided with internet signal by cable. The installation cost,

according to the contract, is 97.50 euros. For more details see an scanned copy of the contract in the attachments.

On ***, two technicians went to my place in order to proceed with such installation. As far as I understood, one of the technicians

is from Luxembourg online and the other one from another P&T company. The technician from Luxembourg online realized that there were some

problems. I couldn't understand what was exactly the problem because he doesn't speak English. Therefore, my simple answer was - I signed a

contract and I just want my internet working as established by the signed contract. After more than one hour they solved the problem, and

I signed the document he showed me saying technical stuffs and that internet was working. An scanned copy of this document can be found in

the attachments.

Up to here everything is normal. However, on *** I received the bill of something that, apparently, is related with the

installation of internet at my place. Again, in the attachments you can see an scanned copy of this bill. The total amount is 239.25,

where my contract clearly states that this amount should be 97.50.

This is not the kind of letter that a normal citizen who behaves according the law expect to receive. I have received, from Luxembourg

online,  a bill that is 141.75 euros above the contract. This has caused me anxiety, which decreases my work performance, and also makes

me to waste my time looking for a rectification.

I strongly request an explanation and rectification of this incident.

Best regards.

PS: I already went to the Luxembourg online office located at rue Philippe II. However, they told me they cannot do anything, that my

problem should be solved writing to this email address. I hope they are right.

Reply to first email

Madame, Monsieur,

Vous avez souscrit un abonnement LOL Komplett avec engagement 24 mois activé en date du ***.

Conformément au contrat que vous avez signé, l’installation est effectivement facturée à 97.50€ au total et comprend (cf. point 10 du contrat):

- Installation du modem ou routeur et du filtre ou splitter nécessaire

- Configuration de l'accès à Internet sur un ordinateur

- Configuration du service téléphonique avec un téléphone

- Mise en place d'une adresse email dans les programmes email "Microsoft Outlook"

L'installation à domicile ne comprend pas: pose de câbles (> 5 m), perçage de trous, déplacement des prises de téléphone et de la ISDN-box, configuration d'autres ordinateurs... Ces prestations peuvent être effectuées, mais ne sont pas comprises dans le prix de l'installation, et seront

facturées à 23€/quart d'heure (conformément à notre liste des prix).

Lors du RDV d’installation, le technicien a constaté que le câble entre le KA et votre appartement était

interrompu. Or, il est de la responsabilité du client de s’assurer du raccordement du KA jusqu’à son domicile (raccordement interne pouvant être effectué par un électricien).

Comme indiqué sur la fiche d’intervention, un de nos techniciens est venu réaliser cette opération

supplémentaire; la main d’œuvre correspondant à son intervention ainsi que le matériel fourni à cet effet ont donc été facturés en supplément (140.50€ en tout).

Au vu de ce qui précède, la facture *** du 12.09.2013 d'un montant de 239.25€ est justifiée et donc due dans son intégralité.

Nous restons à votre entière disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire et nous vous prions d’agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de nos

salutations distinguées.

Service Contentieux

Luxembourg Online SA

Tél: 27 99 00 00 1

Fax: 27 99 35 55


My second email

To whom it may concern,

First, I'd request a communication in English. Your company had no problem to sold me a contract by means of a fluently communication in

English. Therefore, I don't see why this cannot continue happening.

Second, in which part of the contract it is said that is the client who is responsible of this internal connection (KA). When I asked for

availability of the internet connection at your office. Your employee told me that there is no problem. No problem means that it is

straightforward, right?. So I signed the contract, otherwise I wouldn't. Your employees never inform me about this issue. In this

sense, your company has hidden information that potentially might prevent me to sign the contract. This is, at least, ethically and

morally incorrect.

Third, the technician never explained me all this that you have explained in your answer. Basically because he does not speak English

and I don't speak neither French nor Portuguese. Therefore, while I was thinking they were installing internet as stated in the contract,

they were doing something else that would cost me 140 euros more. Again, at least, ethically and morally incorrect.

I will be patient, I still wait for a rectification. Your company has not managed this issue correctly. Beyond ethic and morality, some sort

of right has been broken here and a fraud to a client has been committed.

Best regards.

Answer to my second mail

 Dear Sir,

During the signing of your contract, our commercial actually informed you about the availability of our subscriptions at your address.

As explained in our previous e-mail, your contract mentions at the 10th point basic services understood for the installation.

In your case, there was thus no error or of information hidden concerning the availability of your subscription; the connection of the KA to your residence belongs to you and would have to be already carried out in theory before carrying out an appointment with our technician.

Luxembourg Online cannot have access to the personal information of customer, and in particular concerning internal connections already existing or not to its residence. These elements don’t dependent of Luxembourg Online, they are not under our responsibility.

Lastly, this kind of intervention cannot be carried out without the assent of the customer and you could note that another technician moved especially to pass the cable in question.

Invoice *** remains justified and due in its entirety.

Best regards.

Service Contentieux

Luxembourg Online SA

Tél: 27 99 00 00 1

Fax: 27 99 35 55

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