  • Report:  #917051

Complaint Review: Mayo Clinic General Surgery - Rochester Minnesota

Reported By:
MD - Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

Mayo Clinic General Surgery
200 First Street SW Rochester, 55905 Minnesota, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Since 1990 there has been a new surgical closure in the literature - actually an old one that was thrown out in the 1980s = common mass fascial closure.  Common mass fascial deformity, or common mass mess in the OR jokes.  This is a supposedly 'new kid' on the block of surgical closures, to replace the traditional time-honored 'layered closure' - a closure that takes more time, thought, and surgical skill - which the Mayo Clinic has a surplus of (MDs with nothing other to do than perfect an obtuse skill). 

So the Mayo Clinic is trying to replace a surgical skill closure with a surgical assistant 'quickie' closure, and the result is a mess of excrescent tissue sewn with careless botching of any surgical principles of wound closure.  Something that would flunk a high school student in home economics, is now a surgical staple in the book of wound closure at the Mayo Clinic. 

With these with abdominal procedure closures, ALL the muscle fascial lawyers are cut and sewn together = MASS CLOSURE.  The current (last 20 years) surgical literature is full of the praises of this closure - for publications only - not by the patients.  But in reality it is a painful, disfiguring closure that no one follows - where the dehiscence can be catastrophic as all three layers of abdominal muscle will rupture.

It's like an ENGINE DISABLED PHENOMENON in a 2005 Chevy Cobalt - suddenly your abdominal muscles are FROZEN.  And this will send the patient into reparative surgeries for the rest of their earthly lives.  BUT the disfigurement is particularly bothersome to women patients - and the residents will botch this one suture pack quickie closure so that hours of plastic surgery will be required once you get off the plane just to correct that part.  And Dr. Sarr will say that he did the closure - in his dreams maybe.

It is a disfiguring closure - and the surgeons say NOTHING about that in all the literature = convenient omission.  DISFIGURING and Dr. Michael Sarr wouldn't do it on his wife, or daughter, but he does it to Dr. WARNER 'Andy' Oldenburg's former Medical School classmates - to get back or just hurt a woman MD where she can be hurt - disfiguring her for kicks and student amusements.  It's a public disfigurement, a public chastisement of everything that a woman MD has worked for - the aesthetics & sensitivity of surgery - the art of surgery being more than a Picasso abstraction.  And Picasso, at an earlier date, did kn how to draw in the classical NY Art Student League sense.

Mayo Clinic, under Dr. Sarr's GPS direction guidance, has been a full-service facility for the doing of this MASS procedure on women patients who say 'No.'  Just say 'No' and it will be done to you.

Women patients say 'No' because all three abdominal muscles are weakened in this closure (no more 6-packs), because it leads to an obvious deformity to sew the abdominal layers into ONE big muscle, and because the painful muscles spasms only get worse over time - causing falls & fractures. 

That this closure works is not proven - no pathology is ever demonstrated or shown with the ruptures.  No one has 'undone' several closures to get the pathology on what happens to 3 muscle fascias sewn together - where the 3 muscles contract in different directions and have different strengths.  The external oblique direction tends to win - causing unique muscle movements. 

This is a horrible monstrosity of a closure - a Mary Shelley Frankenstein closure for women.  The closure weakens over time - so it's a ticking time bomb of a closure - that will eventually require it to be undone as happened in the 1980s with this closure.  But to do it on 'Warner' Oldenburg's classmates?  And why doesn't he object to the mutilations?

Women MDs have requested that this procedure not be done to them.  And it's 'done' for no OTHER reason than Dr. Sarr wants his staff to have experience doing them.  Women MDs have requested that the closure be UNDONE if it was done without consent (Jill Beed-Smith says that the Mayo Clinic has no plan to do this), and that the doing of these closures to nonconsenting patients be STOPPED - especially when the patients say NO to touch the muscles without a complete workup = closure and re-operation after trials of non-surgical ways to treat abdominal nerve inflammations.  Closing a surgical incision and thinking is supposed to be on the new OR checklists.

Dr. Sarr ties these closures to 'neurectomies' of normal nerves - he has to have an excuse and so removes normal nerves cutting the transversus muscles completely for the kicks of doing so = some resident, student or visitor needs to get experience cutting abdominal muscle fascia.  The nerve he removes is above the transversus abdominis muscles - but no one at Mayo Clinic cares though Rosen in Cleveland lectures on this.

So far the undoing of these closures - even in Warner Andrew Oldenburg's women MD classmates - hasn't happened.  And that speaks volumes about him as well as Dr. Michael Sarr's thoughts about women MDs and patients.  And residents, students & visitors come into the procedure at Mayo Clinic and participate - when they wouldn't want this closure done to them without a GOOD reason, they have never seen or spoken ONE WORD to the patient, and they don't know the case.  It's completely ROBOT.

The Mayo Clinic Rochester commonly brings people into the OR suites that do not belong there - people that have been requested by the patient to NOT BE THERE or to NOT touch anything surgical.  Mayo residents are aggressive, brutal, insensitive, and out for the HONORS without caring who they disfigure, maim, or mutilate.  The clerkship Honors should be about getting the diagnosis of an inflamed normal nerve in an old incision - a diagnosis that needs only a nerve block.  But they all have a mental block as to anything that won't get Honors - and you get Honors for cutting at most Medical Schools.

So far Dr. Sarr will not undo those procedures that he forced on patients - under anesthesia that he ordered so that they would not object and be able get off the table.  Paralyze the victim is the mantra.  Sarr does a Mayo kind of 'date-rape' on these women patients - even MDs - just to get these procedures. 

Women MDs under anesthesia are a good joke.  Women MDs have requested that he take out of his publications any patient that he forced this on, as when you object, the follow-up is dropped (the patient requested the procedure undone).  So far it's all just a joke on women's bodies - see how much disfigurement and pain women can take - test the stress factor.  Keep the OR 'ovens of Auschwitz' at Mayo going night & day.   

Dr. Michael Sarr, and Mayo Clinic Rochester, need to make arrangements to undo this closure on any patient that they have forced it on.  ASAP before they rupture.  Their Chief Legal WOMAN Counsel, Jill Beed-Smith, needs to understand that this could be done to HER - and stop the pretenses of defending this nonconsenting surgery.  Surgery by definition has to be consented to - not for the surgical literature or the CV publication list. 

The closure was thrown out in the 1980s because of the painful disfigurements, because the ruptures occur AFTER 5 years with the weakened closure from the muscles pulling in different directions.  The pathology needs to be checked on the women patients where this closure is removed and replaced with the layered closures - at MAYO CLINIC EXPENSE.  OLDENBURG can do this - even a VASCULAR SURGEON can do this.  This fraud needs to be stopped.  Women MDs have requested that this be undone to them, with the pathology studied - DR. SARR has the patients to UNDO the closure and study the situation - as does University Hospitals & Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland.

Patients seeking consultations at Mayo Clinic need to have iron-clad surgical consent forms from lawyers - forbidding unnecessary personnel in the OR, unconsented closures, and that anything done without consent be undone at Mayo Clinic expense - starting with the COMMON MASS CLOSURE FARCE.  Publications about this need to mention the DISFIGUREMENT - that the Cleveland Clinic notes when they see these patients.

Dr. Jeffrey Ponsky, of University Hospitals Case Medical Center, needs to take a position on this closure.  Patients have requested that he, and his staff - Dr. Rosen, Dr. Stellato, and others - UNDO and document the pathology at the suture line - where after time, things will rupture catastrophically - as they did in the 1980s.  Dr. Grundfest at Cleveland Clinic has patients who have requested the undoing of common mass closure; she knows how to do this, but won't, because Dr. Sarr is a Jewish buddy.  And Jewish buddies are thicker than ethics. 

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

Your paranoia is really getting out of hand.  Now you want to accuse the doctors at the Mayo Clinic of obvious malpractice?  Why don't you just call a lawyer and file a malpractice suit?  I'm sure there are lawyers who will take your case on retainer.

Seirously, go back on your meds.

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