  • Report:  #68099

Complaint Review: McAfee Network Associates - Santa Clara California

Reported By:
- Laguna Woods, California,

McAfee Network Associates
3965 Freedom Circle Santa Clara, 95054 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Bought new McAfee Virus Scan, ver. 8.0. Destroyed computer functions jittery cursor, extreme wait times, also destroyed games (solitaire and freecell) and everytime I tried to disconnect from the McAfee web site it blew me off the internet.

Customer response time on the web was averageing 1hour, 15 minutes per call on those waiting ahead of me. Finally got thru, did learn how to uninstall product after their fixes failed. They were unable/unwilling to give me warranty information as indicated in the product literature.

I called AOL (my Internet provider) and they were surprised that their in house number was in the McAfee's published literature.

Horrible experience, have spent almost 3 days trying to get this resolved thru McAfee with no result.


Laguna Woods, California

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