  • Report:  #99628

Complaint Review: McKenzie Scott - Denver Colorado Colorado

Reported By:
- Gilroy, California,

McKenzie Scott
7979 E. Tufts Avenue Pkwy, Denver Colorado 80237 Denver Colorado, 80237 Colorado, U.S.A.
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I filled out a profile survey on the web, was flooded with information and then a call from the M/S sales representative. During the sales process I repeatedly asked for references and was told they do not give out references, they count on their satisfaction guarantee (First Red Flag). I bought into the story and paid $6500, but only after being very clear as to what I wanted A solid review of my skills, a resume to reflect my achievements (and would work with the web based employment tools, both recruiters and job boards) and most important a marketing report which was very detailed. I was very clear about this. The marketing report should contain the industries my skills fit, the latest employment data that points to where in the US (I was open to relocation because they said that would increase employability) industries are hiring, how to bets market myself into those industries including how to bridge the lack of experience I may have in that industry. I then filled out all the paperwork and met with my campaign manager as scheduled. The first this I noticed was a marketing report which look to be a standard template with my name inserted (Second Red Flag). I later validated this when I came in contact with another person using M/S and our marketing plans were exactly the same. I was then provided a pile of material which can be obtained from the library or a good book store. I was then given my resume. Initially I thought it was good, but after using it for 3-4 weeks, I became frustrated because it would not fit into the format of the recruiter applications and Job Board applications. The resume was not in a chronological format so I ended up going back to my original resume for 80% of my posting. The ability to obtain a resume that could easily post on the web was the second biggest selling point to their service. In the end, it proved to be another false promise even though to this day I am told that I am wrong. In addition, after 10 weeks of using it, I was still finding mistakes. I am glad I did not spend the additional $1500 to have them write a 2 page resume. After going over the material, I was asked to provide several Zip Codes and Area Codes for the Internet and Postal mailings. I found this to be very strange (Third Red Flag) because first I did not prepare for this and second I would have expected M/S to provide this data based upon the marketing report (the one I expected). In order to comply, on the fly I came up with the best guess list of Zip and Area Codes even thought I was extremely uncomfortable with this because I felt it was going to be a waste the mass mailing service. (Which provide to be so! I received only one call from a real recruiter with the remaining number of calls from services like M/S. Later the electronic mailings were repeated with the same results with exception of the recruiter call.) I was then walked through the web tool and the day came to an end. At this point I was ready to throw in the towel, especially after asking my campaign manger about references and she said when most people finish with M/S they do not want to be bothered. But I felt I had come this far and the sales person was so sure M/S could help I chose to stay with the program. The last thing I was asked to do was fill out the evaluation. As I did this, I felt it was wise to give high marks because I wanted to have a good relationship with my campaign manager. As it proved out, when she came back into the room, with me sitting there, that was the first thing she picked up and read. Since that day, my relationship with M/S has been one of deceptive promises, little to no follow thru, little useful expertise, excuse driven. First off, I repeatedly asked for the marketing report as promised by the sales representative. Every person I talked too, I clearly communicated what I expedited and was promised results and nothing happened. It was not until lately when I really pushed the issue with the sales person that I was told they do not provided marketing reports as I have requested. On that point along I will say that I was sold a false promise. Secondly, 90% of the material found on the web tool can be found for free and in the case of the Unpublished Job Market which is the big selling point for the company, you are sent to a portal of reference documents including Yahoo. I found this area to be so difficult that I communicated to both my campaign manager and sales person I was about to give up on the whole thing because the difficulty to target searches. Bottom line is I still have not figured out the Unpublished Job Market as they describe it and have found this to be the least useful part of their service. Upon your 3 month anniversary, they block you out of the web until you click OK to an understanding of your obligations to the company. It was at this point I made a real fuss about the web service, unreadable company research blobs which were not formatted and extremely difficult to use, and lack of follow through from my campaign manager. As a result I was moved to a new campaign manager. It was at this point when I truly realized M/S is an organization which lived behind it legal wording and continued messaging that they never have a dissatisfied customer but deliverers very little substance or expertise. Upon switching campaign managers, I was promised a renewed campaign (early May 2004). After meeting my new campaign manger, I felt there was promise and I was excited to move forward. We talked once and scheduled our next meeting. When I called, I found out he was in Jury duty which is a very noble duty, but I was hoping for at least an e-mail to reschedule our appointment. When I did not here from him after 2 weeks, I contacted my sales representative to complain. I thought I would receive action but instead, I received an e-mail from the new campaign manager that attempted to put me in my place by using words like (and these are direct quotes): 1. If you fail to follow your campaign as outlined you do so at your own peril 2. I have worked successfully with clients of much greater sophistication than yourself 3. Expecting me to be at your beck and call whatever minute you decide is not a reasonable expectation As a result of this very negative e-mail, I decided to stay low, do the best I can do with their service but so far I have yet to receive any results. In addition, after 10 weeks with my new campaign manager, I have received a total of 11 e-mails, he has been on vacation or gone for at least 4 of the 10 weeks and his only help is to say keep looking. As a result, I have had little or no movement in my campaign and I truly felt that I wasted my money ($6500), time and effort with my decision to work with M/S. Bottom line IN MY OPINION Please, do not even think of using this company. In this current employment market, the least needed resource is one that takes your money based upon false promises, provides little or no actionable advice, unleashes you on the web and if you fail it is your fault. I am expecting M/S to pull up their information on me in their CRM system (which is used to justify that they have a 100% satisfaction client list the people who are not satisfied obviously did not follow the program and therefore do not count) archive to prove I was a bad client and I did not follow their advise. Bradford Gilroy, California

U.S.A. Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on McKenzie Scott

1 Updates & Rebuttals


McKenzie Scott Partners Resolved All of My Concerns... Thank You, Rip-off Report!

#2Author of original report

Thu, August 12, 2004

I withdraw my negative comments due to many of the points I raised stem from a communications problem. I have re-contacted the company and we have agreed to an amicable resolution of all the elements in my complaint. All of my differences with McKenzie-Scott have been resolved to my satisfaction. As a result, I am hereby withdrawing my negative comments about McKenzie-Scott that were posted on this site. As a result of my concerns, I feel McKenzie Scott is a reputable organization. Our differences were resolved as a result of McKenzie-Scott's good faith efforts to address my concerns. McKenzie Scott and I have reached a mutually agreeable resolution to all of the issues noted in my prior report. My negative comments are withdrawn since, as a result of our mutual good faith efforts, they have all been discussed and resolved. McKenzie Scott is a reputable company.

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